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Now or Never

ROBIN STEEDMAN-BRAUN Science and Environment Editor


“The time for action is now”, reads the headline of the IPCC’s website. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, commonly known as the IPCC, is the United Nations body that evaluates the science of climate change. Every six years, dozens of scientists from around the world publish a mass document which is essentially an analysis and summary of all major scientific studies that have taken place in those years. However, with the climate crisis becoming more and more dire, the reports have become more frequent as they try to keep up with our overheating planet. In 2913 pages of dense data, the IPCC has conveyed the immediate need for global greenhouse gas concentrations to lower, stressing the transition to green energy and the independence from fossil fuels.

Nonetheless, the most recent report is the most alarming yet. In a way, it’s a fire alarm for Earth, as we will most likely have burned through our carbon budget by the time the IPCC publishes its next report six years from now. This is precisely what the document is trying to tell us- we only have three years left to completely shift our way of life, in hopes of avoiding detrimental consequences to humanity.

The IPCC raises potential solutions to our climate crisis, but starts off its report with dire news: greenhouse gas emissions need to peak by 2025, only two and a half years away, to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius, as targeted by the Paris Agreement signed in 2015. However there are ways of avoiding further global temperature elevation. Indeed, according to the IPCC, “having the right policies, infrastructure and technology in place to enable changes to our lifestyles” can assure a reduction of 40 to 70% of greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.

For the first time ever, the report has gone beyond the realm of scientific facts and statistics to focus on humans themselves, including a chapter that explores the social aspects of “climate mitigation”. In simple terms, climate mitigation is reducing the emissions of heat-trapping greenhouse gases into the atmosphere to avoid global heating. In their report, the IPCC discusses examples of how we can reduce our society’s energy consumption and production of carbon emissions, such as developing public transport, building energy-efficient homes, switching to renewable energy sources, just to name a few. The report also explores the effect of climate action on human well-being and happiness. Indeed, the planet’s health and ours go hand in hand. For example, designing cities that are pedestrian and cyclist friendly encourage citizens to be more active, while also reducing their carbon footprint.

Within its pages, the report has also introduced the idea of a new type of energy, stemming from “clean” hydrogen (H2) gas. The element could provide long-term electricity storage and power vehicles, and even replace fossil fuels in the shipping and aviation industries, both heavy polluters. While alarm bells sound worldwide for the health of our planet, we can and must turn to solutions provided by the IPCC before it really is too late. Now or never is unfortunately not just a clever title. p p

The Grass Should be Greener

Preserving Montreal’s green spaces

LILY MASSÉ Contributor

Greenspace is a pillar of environmental wellbeing in Montreal while also being an essential part of mental and physical health for citizens. Parks are a tiny oasis amidst the chaos of our big city, a place where locals can exercise and get fresh air, sit in the grass, and read a good book or connect with friends and family.

The trouble is, these areas are limited and shrinking rapidly. A 2019 CBC article revealed that the 2.4 hectares of green space per 1000 Montrealers are inadequate and shockingly low compared to other cities in the country. The development and destruction of the island’s green spaces are pressing concerns.

Greenspace preservation is a passion for environment enthusiast Dan Boulerice, a proud team member at Les Amis du Parc Meadowbrook. The organization has been fighting against the development of the area since 1989, and Boulerice has been involved for over 20 years. He was drawn to the group when he attended a city meeting regarding the green space, which happened to be one of his favourite jogging and golfing spots.

Meadowbrook is a peaceful 57 hectare 18-hole golf course located on the border of Montreal West. The land originally belonged to Canadian Pacific Railway, which built the golf course for its workers in the 1930s. It later sold for $6 million, but the new (and current) owners found the golf course was not profitable enough to justify not developing the area.

That’s where Les Amis du Parc Meadowbrook comes in. The team consists of about 20 members with hundreds of dedicated supporters who appear at council meetings, make frequent visits to City Hall to protest, preserve briefs during rezoning, write for local newspapers, and more.

Though the members are somewhat divided, some wishing for the land to remain a golf course and others pushing for it to become a park, they all agree on one thing: Meadowbrook must be protected from development. “In the eyes of a lot of people, it [the green space] doesn’t do much,” says Boulerice. But many groups are devoted to proving that green spaces are way more important than people might think.

Lisa Mintz, bird specialist, award-winning environmental activist, and founding member of four preservation groups is co-director of Les Amis du Parc Meadowbrook. Since the 1970s, North America has lost 50% of migrating birds, explains Mintz. “Green spaces are fragmented, and we are losing species all the time,” she says, making it crucial for citizens to push for change. Having run politically twice, Mintz has seen it from both perspectives. “Politicians can’t make changes unless there is a public voice asking or demanding it,” she says. Mintz also shared a 10 point guide with ways for people to contribute! It includes writing a petition, attending city council meetings, and getting support from local groups such as her own. These are things we can all do as individuals, and she is adamant they can impact our city for the better.

“If no one says anything, then the developers win. We have way more power than we think!” says Mintz.

Another Meadowbrook partner, Nature Québec, has been dedicated to conserving natural ecosystems in our province since 1981. Like Mintz, they feel strongly about the necessity to protect the area. Marie-Audrey Nadeau Fortin, a member of the organization, says that saving urban green spaces is equally vital as preserving large-scale natural land. She explains that simply protecting them is a “natural climate solution” because natural environments trap CO 2 . This strategy could potentially represent up to 37% of global climate efforts by the end of the decade, but not without preserving our parks!

The fight for Meadowbrook has not been easy, explains Boulerice. One of Les Amis’ notable achievements was having the green space rezoned to recreation. However, this sparked a legal case. Calling it expropriation, the landowner sued the city. Today, the court cases continue and have slowed down the group’s efforts.

The ongoing process has taken a toll on Boulerice and the other members. “For the people who want to develop, it’s their job,” he says, “but the members of Les Amis du Parc Meadowbrook don’t get paid, we have other jobs and interests, we have limited time and energy.” Maintaining motivation has been a challenge for the group.

Most members have been contributing for decades. “It’s mostly boomers like me,” says Boulerice, laughing.“When it’s a long battle after a while people care less,” he says.

Now estimated at $60 million, Meadowbrook’s fate lies in the hands of the court hearing. Like many other beloved green spaces in Montreal, it faces the growing concern of development. So go out and get some signatures, talk to a local councilor, or simply spread the news on your platforms! Every little bit counts. p p

Interested in getting involved? Les Amis du Parc Meadowbrook: http://lesamisdemeadowbrook.org

Les Amis du Parc Meadowbrook - partners:

Mintz’s organization, Urbanature Éducation: https://www.urbanature.org/home-1

Nature Québec : https://naturequebec.org/en/

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