The Political Beat Christmas Issue

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The President

23 WikiLeaks Story Julian Assange Secretary Clinton on N. Korea Magazine Cover by Melissa Cook


2 The Political Beat 2010




CEO/EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Ron Wallace is an inspiring Editor-In-Chief for The Political Beat A Political Publication published digitally every two months.

R o n Wa l l a c e i s a n i n s p i r i n g E d i t o r- I n - C h i e f f o r T h e P o litical Beat. A Political Pub lication published digitally e v e r y t w o m o n t h s . Wa l l a c e is a detective with the Mobile Police Department, where he is assigned to the Criminal Investigation Division. He is a native of Mobile and a graduate of John L e F l o r e H i g h S c h o o l . Wa l lace served on active duty with the U. S. Marine Corps for eight years.

o u t s t a n d i n g w o r k w i t h t h e Wa l l a c e i s t h e s o n o f t h e M o b i l e P o l i c e D e p a r t m e n t . l a t e M r. & M r s . P e r r y Wa l H e ’s a c i v i c l e a d e r, m o t i v a - lace Jr. tional speaker and mentor to local youth. Wallace ran for Mobile City Council in 2009 but came in third in his race. After having a touch of the Political arena, Wallace had the idea of starting a Politi -

He has studied at the University of South Alabama and Bishop State University. H e ’s a l s o a c e r t i f i e d c o m puter network engineer, and a graduate of North Island Naval Base with a certificate as a computer systems administrator. I n a d d i t i o n , Wa l l a c e i s a g r a d u a t e o f Av i a t i o n M a i n tenance at Naval Base Meridian, Miss., with a cer tificate in aviation maintenance administration and aeronautical technical publication library management. He’s the previous owner and CEO of Netforce Computers and Allgravy Networks. Wallace has received several awards and citations for his 3 The Political Beat


cal Magazine. That is when the birth of The Political Beat came about. Through h i s m a g a z i n e , Wa l l a c e b e lieves that it will be a publication for getting political news to the people of this country.




The DREAM Act by Political Beat Staff

The DREAM Act would provide conditional nonimmigrant status to individuals who: (1) came to the United States before turning 16 years old; (2) have lived continuously in the United States for at least five years prior to the date of enactment; (3) were under the age of 30 on the date of enactment; (4) demonstrate good moral character; (5) are not inadmissible or deportable under a number of key grounds; and (6) have graduated from high school, have obtained a GED certificate, or have been admitted to an institution of

President on The DREAM ACT

higher education in the United States.

I congratulate the House of Represen-

United States of America. We are en-

expect their policymakers to do: work

tatives, Speaker Pelosi, Congressman

riched by their talents and the success

together to address the nation’s most

Berman, the Congressional Hispanic

of their efforts will contribute to our na-

pressing problems. The DREAM Act

Caucus and other congressional leaders

tion’s success and security. And as the

corrects one of the most egregious

for taking the historic step of passing

non-partisan Congressional Budget Of-

flaws of a badly broken immigration

the DREAM Act today with a bipartisan fice found, the DREAM Act would cut vote. This vote is not only the right

the deficit by $2.2 billion over the next

thing to do for a group of talented

10 years. I strongly urge the U.S. Sen-

young people who seek to serve a coun-

ate to also pass the DREAM Act so that

try they know as their own by continu-

I can sign it into law as soon as possi-

ing their education or serving in the

ble. This vote is a vitally important

military, but it is the right thing for the

step to doing what the American people


The Political Beat



THE PRESIDENT Lore IpLore Ipsum mod mod



A flaw that forces children who have grown up in America, who speak English, who have excelled in our communities as academics, athletes, or volunteers to put their lives and talent on hold at a great cost to themselves and our nation.

I also congratulate the House for moving past the tired sound bites and false debates that have pushed immigration rhetoric into the extremes for far too long. The DREAM Act is not amnesty; it’s about accountability, and about tapping into a pool of talent we’ve already invested in. The DREAM Act is a piece of a larger debate that is needed to restore responsibility and accountability to our broken immigration system broadly. My administration will continue to do everything we can to move forward on immigration reform; today’s House vote is an important step in this vital effort.

The Political Beat



Feature Story:

AUBURN QB Cam Newton

A u b u r n q u a r t e r b a c k C a m N e w t o n i s w i n n e r o f t h e 2 0 1 0 H e i s m a n T r o p h y. Cam Newton has rushed for over 2,000 yards passing and over 1,000 rushing yards this season. Now with only one game left, the BCS National Championship against Oregan. Cam Newton is posed and ready to play for t h e N a t i o n a l Ti t l e . Cam Newton is an amazing athlete and a complete player in the college football. Cam Newton has faught through adversity and continues to be a stella athlete on and off the field. I believe Cam Newton will continue to w o w t h e F o o t b a l l Wo r l d e v e n a t t h e N F L L e v e l .



Rep. Charles Rangel MY HEARTFELT APOLOGIES by Rep. Charles Rangel

I was gratified when I heard the Ethics Committee’s own counsel agree with me and say he found no evidence of corruption or personal gain in my investigation.

The Rangel Report Fighting for What's Right My Democratic Colleagues and I were busy fighting to extend unemployment benefits that are due to expire. The Republicans would let them expire. While there are some who would like to exchange the extension of the unemployment benefits in exchange for extending the Bush-era tax cuts for the wealthy, there are real questions as to whether this makes sense for the nation in both the short-term and the long term. One thing for certain, I will continue to stand up for the hard working families in America and do what's right for our country. Rangel Joins House in Supporting DREAM Act Congressman Charles B. Rangel was proud to join a majority of the House of Representatives Wednesday evening in passing legislation that could provide a path to citizenship to millions of undocumented young adults. The DREAM ACT, which passed the House by a bipartisan vote of 216 to 198, would allow those under the age of 29 who arrived in the U.S. illegally as minors a chance to earn legal status and contribute to the nation's well-being by serving in the U.S. Armed Forces or pursuing a college education. "At a time when we’re looking for scientists, researchers, teachers and people to allow this country to maintain its greatness, we find people that were raised in the United States, salute the flag, the Pledge of Allegiance, [sing] the Star Spangled banner, [participate in] the Boy Scouts, and these for all practical purposes [are Americans]," said Rangel on the House floor. "We’ve invested in them and now they want to pay us back by becoming professionals. Now is the time not to retreat, but to move forward and support the DREAM ACT." 9 The Political Beat 2010



Time is Running Out for Lame Duck Congress to Stop All the Tax Hikes From Hitting Americans on Jan. 1

We have learned that our national unemployment rate rose in November to 9.8 percent. This painfully high rate only confirms what economists and small business owners have been saying for months: the last thing our economy needs right now is a job-killing tax hike. There's no time to waste. This week Republicans are focused on keeping our Pledge to America to cut spending and permanently stop all the tax hikes. If the lame duck Congress doesn't do the right thing and act before the new year, the new House majority will in January.

The Political Beat 2010





THE DREAM ACT: GOOD FOR OUR ECONOMY, GOOD FOR OUR SECURITY, GOOD FOR OUR NATION The DREAM Act is common-sense legislation drafted by both Republicans and Democrats that would give students who grew up in the United States a chance to contribute to our country’s well-being by serving in the U.S. armed forces or pursuing a higher education. It’s good for our economy, our security, and our nation. That’s why the DREAM Act has long enjoyed bipartisan support. It’s limited, targeted legislation that will allow only the best and brightest young people to earn their legal status after a rigorous and lengthy process, and applies to those brought to the United States as minors through no fault of their own by their parents, and who know no other -The DREAM Act will contribute to our military’s recruitment efforts and readiness. Secretary of Defense Gates has written to DREAM Act sponsors citing the rich precedent of non-citizens serving in the U.S. military and stating that “the DREAM Act represents an opportunity to expand [the recruiting] pool, to the advantage of military recruiting and readiness.” The DREAM Act is also a part of the Department of Defense's 2010-2012 Strategic Plan to assist the military in its recruiting efforts. -The DREAM Act will make our country more competitive in the global economy. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan has stated that passing the DREAM Act will allow “these young people to live up to their fullest potential and contribute to the economic growth of our country.” In particular, the DREAM Act will play an important part in the nation’s efforts to have the highest proportion of college graduates in the world by 2020,” something vital for America to remain competitive in today’s global economy. 11

The Political Beat 2010

PB The DREAM Act will have important economic benefits. According to the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, the DREAM Act in its current form will cut the deficit by $1.4 billion and increase government revenues by $2.3 billion over the next 10 years. According to a recent UCLA study, students that would be impacted by the DREAM Act could add between $1.4 to $3.6 trillion in taxable income to our economy over the course of careers, depending on how many ultimately gain legal status. This income is substantially higher than the income they would earn if they were unable to attend and complete a college education. In fact, research indicates that the average college graduate earned nearly 60 percent more than a high-school graduate. We have much to gain from doing right by these young people. The DREAM Act will allow our immigration and border security experts to focus on those who pose a serious threat to our nation’s security. Secretary Napolitano believes this targeted legislation provides a firm but fair way to deal with innocent children brought to the U.S. at a young age so that the Department of Homeland Security can dedicate their enforcement resources to detaining and deporting criminals and those who pose a threat to our country.

The Dream Act requires responsibility and accountability of young people who apply to adjust their status under the DREAM Act, creating a lenghty and rigorous process.

Young people must meet several requirements in order to qualify for the conditional status it will provide them. These requirements include entering the country when they were under 16 years old, proving they have continuously lived in the U.S. for at least 5 years and graduated from a U.S. high school or obtained a GED; demonstrating their good moral character; proving they have not committed any crimes that would make them inadmissible to the country. Only then can they obtain a conditional status for a limited period of time.

The Political Beat



After their six year conditional status, these same individuals will need to meet additional requirements to move on to the next phase of this process. Specifically, they must have attended college or served in the U.S. military for at least 2 years, and once again, pass criminal background checks, and demonstrate good moral character. If young people are unable to fulfill these requirements, they will lose their legal status and be subject to deportation.

Only applies to individuals who entered the U.S. as children. According to DREAM Act’s provisions, beneficiaries must have entered the United States when they were under 16 years old.

DREAM Act applicants will be responsible for paying fees to cover the costs of USCIS processing their applications. According to Section 286(m) of Immigration and Nationality Act provisions, the cost of having U.S. Customs and Immigration Services process DREAM Act applications will be covered by the application fees.

DREAM Act applicants would be subject to rigorous criminal background checks and reviews. All criminal grounds of inadmissibility and removability that apply to other aliens seeking lawful permanent resident status would apply and bar criminal aliens from gaining conditional or unconditional LPR status under the DREAM Act. Additionally, decisions to grant status are discretionary, and any alien with a criminal record not automatically barred by these provisions would only be granted status when and if the Secretary exercises her discretion favorably.


The Political Beat



STATE Mobile Mayor Sam Jones Goes to Washington Working to get jobs for the Gulf Coast

Four members of the Gulf Coast Econ- ward. "In my home state of Alabama, we o m y : R e a d y 4 Ta k e o f f C o a l i t i o n t r a v e l e d h a v e s e v e r a l p r o j e c t s t h a t c o u l d t a k e o f f i f to the nation's capital today to meet with the federal government opts to make some U.S. Navy Secretary Ray Mabus, who has

much-needed investments," said Mobile

b e e n t a s k e d w i t h l e a d i n g t h e e f f o r t s t o e s - M a y o r S a m J o n e s . " C u r r e n t l y, w e h a v e tablish a plan of federal support for the pending federal contracts to build the KClong-term



e n v i r o n m e n t a l 4 5 Ta n k e r a n d t o c o n s t r u c t L i t t o r a l C o m bat Ships. If awarded the contract, these

restoration of the Gulf Coast region. Mobile




Pensacola projects could create tens of thousands of

Mayor-Elect Ashton Hayward, and Ewell jobs for our region. This is the type of Smith,




the one-two







Louisiana Seafood and Marketing Board economies in the Gulf moving again." met with Secretary Mabus in a one-on-one

This past fall, the group toured the Gulf

meeting at the Pentagon and provided an Coast through a series of regional town assessment of the Gulf Coast economy six hall meetings. From Bayou La Batre, Alamonths post the epic BP oil spill and rec- bama to Plaquemines Parish in Louisiana, ommended ways in which the federal gov- all the way down to the Florida Panhandle, e r n m e n t t o a c t t o b o o s t l o c a l e c o n o m i e s i n R e a d y 4 Ta k e o f f s p o k e t o f a m i l i e s , l e a r n e d the Gulf. Secretary Mabus made clear that their stories, and heard recommendations he is committed to creating a strong and on how to build a better future for the effective plan that will revitalize the Gulf Gulf Coast. Coast region, create good-paying jobs for our





Americans' confidence in the assets our great region has to provide," said Pensacola, Florida Mayor-elect Ashton Hay14

The Political Beat




"The message emerging from all of our town halls was unanimous: the federal government must make it a priority to invest in America's Gulf Coast and help foster new, good-paying job opportunities," said Ewell Smith, Executive Director of the Louisiana Seafood and Marketing Board. "Today's meeting with Secretary Mabus was a welcome opportunity that proved extremely productive. I am confident that if we unite forces, we can and we will turn the economic tide in the Gulf Coast and finally give workers peace of mind with a steady paycheck." The Gulf Coast Economy: Ready 4 Takeoff Coalition, has emerged as a leading advocate for the advancement of pro-growth initiatives that will expand local economies and help create and retain good paying jobs throughout the Gulf Coast. To learn more about the goals and efforts of the group

The Political Beat 2010




This Week in Washington By Congressman Jo Bonner

Speaker Pelosi’s “Christmas Tree” DREAM Act a “Dream Come True” for Amnesty Backers

Speaker Pelosi’s “Christmas Tree”

There were two official Christ-

the dead of night, as conservative

six votes and now heads to the

lawmakers slept all nestled in their Senate where lawmakers there are

mas tree lighting ceremonies in

beds, Speaker Pelosi and her min-

none too sure they will accept it.

Washington last week. The more

ions crafted a spectacle reminis-

If you will allow me to continue

popular was in front of the White

cent of the stimulus and cap and

the Christmas metaphor, as many

House with the president, first lady trade bills of last year. Hammered

Americans are looking ahead to

and their daughters flipping the

out behind closed doors and

servings of turkey and ham in a

light switch. The other was at the

whisked to the House floor just

few weeks, Congress is already

opposite end of Pennsylvania Av-

hours before a vote was a $1 tril-

feasting on lame duck; stuffed

enue in front of the U.S. Capitol.

lion stop gap budget bill crammed

from one end to the other with

Norman Rockwell himself could

with all the federal spending for

anything and everything the outgo-

not have painted a prettier scene

the entire government for the next

ing liberal House leadership can

than those two trees ablaze in

12 months. Dubbed Speaker

make fit before they are forced

lights. For all the festive

Pelosi’s “Christmas tree” by con-

from power in January. Boasting

pageantry, I could not help but

servatives for all the goodies

that their lame duck budget ban-

think about a third “Christmas

tacked onto this budget monstros-

quet did not increase federal

tree” that popped up on Capitol

ity, the Democrat leadership’s

spending in 2011, House liberals

Hill last Wednesday. However, un- Continuing Resolution was op-

failed to trumpet the fact that they

like the National and U.S. Capitol

posed by every single Republican

shifted funds around to bolster

Christmas trees, this display was

in the House, along with 35 De-

some of their pet big government

hardly worthy of holiday cheer. In mocrats. It still passed by a mere 16

The Political Beat 2010

programs that would not have been

COMENTARY programs that would not have been funded otherwise. One glaring example is a $1.4 bil-


“Dream Come True” for

country to illegal alien parents,

Amnesty Backers

the impact is, in fact, much

House Democrats made good

broader. Illegal aliens up to

lion federal regulatory expan-

on their pledge to pass an

age 29 would be eligible for

sion into America’s food

amnesty bill during the lame

amnesty, and more significant,

economy. The House-passed

duck session. The DREAM Act

once they achieve legal status

2011 appropriations measure

cleared the House by a 216 to

they can begin the process to

would also impose more regu-

198 margin on December 8. I

petition for other family mem-

lation on medium to small food

opposed this controversial leg-

bers – a right already afforded

producers and farmers while ig-

islation which opens the door

those who come here legally.

noring inefficiencies and fail-

to amnesty for illegal immi-

ures in the current food safety

grants, beginning with their

passed its version of the

monitoring system. More red

children. Our country cannot

DREAM Act, a similar bill in

tape and less streamlining will

afford to reward illegal behav-

the Senate is currently on hold.

do little but drive up food

ior no matter how expedient it

According to Senator Jeff Ses-

prices and frustrate already

might be to a particular politi-

sions, a leading opponent of

over-regulated businesses.

cal party. The DREAM Act is

this flawed bill, the DREAM

one such example. It has been

Act does not require illegal

voted against the Democrat

estimated that up to 1 million

alien children to have a high

stop-gap budget. I would have

illegal aliens would be in line

school diploma, a college de-

liked to have had the opportu-

for amnesty if the DREAM Act

gree or military service to re-

nity to vote on an alternative

becomes law – a goal of

ceive amnesty. All they need is

Republican-backed plan. Un-

Speaker Pelosi, Senate Majority

a GED and two years of college

fortunately, as she has done so

Leader Reid and President

or trade school. America is a

many times before, Speaker

Obama. While the DREAM

nation of laws and our govern-

Pelosi blocked all Republican

Act has been packaged by its

ment loses its authority when

amendments, denying conserva-

supporters as narrowly focused

our laws are disregarded and

tives a choice.DREAM Act a

on children who grew up in this

law-breaking is encouraged.

It goes without saying that I

Although the House has

The Political Beat 2010



N. Korea Dilemma In The Words of Secratary Hillary Clinton

I am delighted to have both Minister Maehara of Japan and Minister Kim of the Republic of Korea here for these consultations and this historic trilateral meeting that underscores the strength of our shared commitment to advancing regional peace, prosperity, and stability. These discussions illustrate the importance of the deep bilateral relationships that the United States has with Japan and South Korea, as well as the value of the partnership between Japan and South Korea. Such strong relationships are the foundation for the unified position that our countries are taking with respect to North Korea. We all agree that North Korea’s provocative and belligerent behavior jeopardizes peace and stability in Asia. We are deeply concerned by its unprovoked attack on the island of Yeonpyeong, resulting in the loss of South Korean lives. On behalf of the American people, I would like to convey our sympathies to the victims and their families. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. We want the people of South Korea to know that we are standing shoulder-to-shoulder with you, and we are deeply committed to your defense. The minister and I share the view that the attack by the North Koreans violates the Armistice Agreement of 1953; that North Korea’s provocative and belligerent behavior threatens us all, and that it will be met with solidarity from all three countries. The attack is the latest in a series of North Korean provocations. It has disclosed a uranium enrichment program that violates UN Security Council Resolutions 1718 and 1874, as well as North Korea’s commitments under the September 2005 Joint Statement of the Six-Party Talks. And the sinking of the Cheonan, killing 46 South Korean sailors, deepened North Korea’s international isolation. From day one of the Obama Administration, we have made clear that North Korea needs to change. The international community has repeatedly presented North Korean leadership with a path toward greater engagement and integration, but thus far they have chosen the path of confrontation and isolation. The path to a better relationship and a secure and prosperous future is still open to North Korea if it makes the right choices. We remain committed to seeking opportunities for dialogue. But we will not reward North Korea for shattering the peace or defying the international community. This trilateral meeting reaffirmed the steps that North Korea must take in order for a resumption of Six-Party Talks to produce results. North Korea must improve relations with the Republic of Korea and cease its provocative behavior. North Korea must also comply with its international obligations and take concrete steps to implement its denuclearization commitments under the September 2005 Joint Statement.


The Political Beat 2010

N. KOREA As part of our comprehensive strategy going forward, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Mullen will lead a delegation to South Korea tonight to enhance coordination on strategic deterrence. He will then visit Tokyo. Next week, I will be sending a high-level team to Asia to follow up on today’s meeting. The ministers and I are also in close consultation with China and Russia. I have emphasized to my Chinese colleagues that China, as a vital partner in maintaining regional stability, a country with unique and strong ties with North Korea, and chair of the Six-Party Talks, has a special role to play in helping to shape North Korea’s behavior. We will continue to work closely with Beijing, Moscow, and the rest of the international community to fully implement UN Security Council Resolutions 1718 and 1874. Last night, President Obama spoke with Chinese President Hu. They reaffirmed the importance of a denuclearized Korean Peninsula. And we appreciate Beijing’s initiative to propose an emergency Six-Party gathering. However, we first need an appropriate basis for the resumption of talks. Any effort, of course, must start with North Korea ceasing all provocative and belligerent behavior. The U.S. treaty alliances with Japan and the Republic of Korea have been the foundation for peace and stability in Asia for decades, and the Japan-South Korea partnership helps form a triangle of stability and cooperation. The ministers and I reaffirmed our steadfast commitments under our respective defense treaties. In addition, on Friday, the Republic of Korea and the United States, completed negotiations on a landmark Korea-U.S. Free Trade Agreement that will further strengthen the bonds between our two countries. These strong bilateral relationships are now enhancing our trilateral cooperation, as well as all of our countries’ relationships with China. The United States is encouraged by steps that China, Japan, and the Republic of Korea have taken to deepen their bilateral ties, because we believe that strong relationships among all four countries are an essential element of peace and stability in Asia. The ministers and I also released a joint trilateral statement that provides a framework to enhance regional cooperation and collaboration. It articulates key principles for expanding trilateral cooperation not only on the Korean Peninsula, but in the Lower Mekong, supporting Middle East – the Middle East peace process, enforcing UN sanctions to counter Iran’s nuclear ambitions. And most importantly, we are in agreement to continue working closely together and to hold additional regular trilateral interactions. There is a lot at stake and we are committed to working through all the challenges that we face together.

The Political Beat



WikiLeaks Timeline Julian Assange WikiLeaks is a non-profit media organization dedicated to bringing important news and information to the public. We provide an innovative, secure and anonymous way for independent sources around the world to leak information to our journalists. We publish material of ethical, political and historical significance while keeping the identity of our sources anonymous, thus providing a universal way for the revealing of suppressed and censored injustices.


Wikileaks Timeline - Jul 7, 2007- US Army intelligence analyst Spc. Bradley Manning, 22, uses clearance to access classified video and transfer it to a personal computer. - Apr. 5, 2010 - Classified military video is posted by Wikileaks. - Jun. 7, 2010 - Federal Officials arrest Manning for leaking classified material. - Jul 6, 2010 - Manning is charged with eight violations of the US Criminal Code. - Jul 25, 2010 - post 76,000 classified documents related to the Afganistan War in what has been called the biggest leak since the Pentagon Papers about the Vietnam War. - Oct 22, 2010 - Wikileaks publishes nearly 400,000 classified military documents from the Iraq War. Wikileaks Julian Assange refuses to identify the source of the information. - Nov. 28, 2010 - A self proclaimed hackavist calling himself “The Jester� carries out a web attack on Wikileaks web servers. Wikileaks publishes over 250,000 leaked US embassy cables dating back to 1966. - Nov. 30, 2010 -Wikileaks comes under another web attack. - Dec. 1, 2010 - Amzon stop hosting Wikileaks website. - Dec. 7, 2010 - Wikileaks founder Julian Assange was arrested on sex crimes in Sweden.

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