Cricket T
Under 14 Girls
Under 15 Girls
The Year 9 Girls Cricket squad embraced a new challenge in the form of hard ball cricket this Summer. Playing tough opposition including the likes of Seaford and Lord Wandsworth College, the team put up a valiant display of batting and bowling to keep the scores close. Fielding several teams each week, over 21 girls have represented the Year group this season and should be very proud of their efforts. Some honourable mentions must go to Eva Durrant for her 34 runs against a tough Seaford bowling attack and Amy Nightingale and Lissie Knox who shared a combined total of 18 wickets across all matches.
he girls have taken a while to warm up to this year's cricket season! Right from the beginning of term we started with the bare 11 and after much encouragement the girls have stuck with it and have come on leaps and bounds; resulting in them really enjoying themselves. Sophie Haworth has captained the team and has done a fantastic job encouraging players enthusiastically and positively throughout and her love and knowledge of the game made her the right fit for the job. We have had a mixture of softball and hardball fixtures and a few cancellations due to the weather, a range of scores but two solid wins under our belt against Ryde and St Johns College and a strong draw against PHS. I've enjoyed coaching the girls and hope they look forward to some cricket next year, before they get stuck into their GCSE's.
Every player made significant progress over the course of quite a short season and I am very excited to see them develop upon their skills and passion for the game in Year 10.