In Year 12 you will begin the compulsory component of ‘The World of the Hero’, studying key books from Homer’s ‘Odyssey’. In Year 13 you will conclude ‘The World of the Hero’ component by studying Virgil’s ‘Aeneid’, as well as gaining an overview of heroic epic. In addition, you will study two other modules that depend on the teacher’s specialism. These modules will be Greek Theatre, and Love and Relationships in the Ancient World. For Greek Theatre, you will read plays by Sophocles, Euripides and Aeschylus. For Love and Relationships, you will read the love poetry of Sappho, Ovid and Catullus, as well as the philosophy of Plato.
There are no special entry requirements for this subject but an interest in literature and history as well as the ability to write essays would be advantageous.
Classical subjects tend to be taught in relatively small sets. You will be expected to contribute actively to discussions and prepare thoroughly for lessons. Essays will play an increasingly important role in your work and there will be much seminar work on literary appreciation and essay technique. We try to generate a positive and cheerful atmosphere, but we also have high expectations. Those studying Classical subjects are generally very committed to their studies.
The Classics department organises study days, visits to Classical Plays and Museums, as well as a biennial trip to Greece or Italy.
Pupils may wish to continue the study of Classical Civilisation at university, or it may provide a useful context for the study of other subjects such as English, History or the History of Art.
Because of the multidisciplinary nature of the study of Classical Civilisation, particularly at university, the analytical and practical skills it develops are highly regarded by employers.
Contact our Head of Classics, Mr. M Murray: Telephone: 023 9268 1326
Email: M.Murray@pgs.org.uk
You can also find more information on the exam board's website: www.ocr.org.uk