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Senior School at 11

• Reading – your child may wish to bring a favourite book to discuss; we also have many books to explore and use • Writing numbers and exploring their understanding of place value • We will also discuss and explore other mathematical concepts that your child is familiar with • Your child is also encouraged to a bring a favourite toy or object that they are happy to talk about during the assessment. Please be reassured that this is an opportunity for us to get to know your child and all activities are age and stage appropriate for their current year group. Years 3 – 6

Children will be asked to come in to school to sit assessments in the Admissions Office. Parents will be greeted at the entrance to the school and the child then accompanied to the Admissions Office to do three online assessments in Maths, English and Non-Verbal Reasoning, followed by Creative Writing. Mrs Wilson-Smith will also speak with your child as part of the assessment and meet the whole family.

Entry in to the Senior School at 11+

We believe strongly in the importance of recognising each child’s academic potential and seek to gain as much insight as possible into their enthusiasm and curiosity, as well as their particular strengths and interests. To help us in this, we invite each child to an interview and encourage them to bring an item of special interest to talk about. You can find out more about the PGS Interview Experience by watching the video on the school website, in the admissions/entrance-assessments section.

Then on a Saturday morning early in the Spring Term we invite girls and boys to sit assessments in Non-Verbal Reasoning, Reading Comprehension, Mathematics and English. We also request a reference from the child’s current school. All candidates are automatically considered for scholarships and other academic awards. Means-tested financial support is also available, subject to application in advance of the 11+ Assessment. Applications for financial support made after the main assessment dates are unlikely to be successful as the majority of funds available for fee assistance will have already been allocated. Children may also apply for scholarships at 11+ in Art, Drama, Music and Sport (forms available on the website). Some means-tested financial assistance may also be available, subject to application in advance of assessment. Application forms are available from the Senior School Registrar or on the school website. The 11+ Assessments for September 2023 entry are on Saturday 14th January 2023; the 11+ entrance interviews are on Saturday 21st January 2023.

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