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DiVincenzo Announces Investors Bank Partnership
Essex County Executive DiVincenzo Announces Partnership with Investors Bank
Sponsorship Helps Make Improvements to Turtle Back Junction Train Station
Essex County Executive Joseph N. DiVincenzo, Jr. (in front, fifth from left) watches as Investors Bank Chairman and CEO Kevin Cummings cuts a ceremonial ribbon in front of the Turtle Back Junction train station sponsored by Investors Bank at Essex County Turtle Back Zoo on Wednesday, July 29th. With them are (in front from left) Turtle Back Zoo employee Jaime D’Onofrio, Chief of Staff Phil Alagia, Freeholder President Brendan Gill, Deputy Parks Director Kate Hartwyk, Mike Piga from French and Parello, and Harry Tsivicos from Tsivicos Enterprises.
Essex County Executive Joseph N. DiVincenzo, Jr. announced a long-term partnership agreement with Investors Bank to become the official sponsor of the miniature train ride at Essex County Turtle Back Zoo. In addition, the County Executive announced that improvements to make the Turtle Back Junction train station more handicap accessible have been completed.
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