21 minute read

The Gang of Four

The Famous Gang of Four

By Lloyd Williams, President The Greater Harlem Chamber of Commerce


For nearly two decades a few Black men--four friends to be exact, held power and influence in New York politics, particularly anything that had to do with Harlem. Such was their bond that in 1973, a disgruntled Herman Badillo, who they did not support on his second attempt to become Mayor of New York City, dubbed them the “Gang of Four.” Meant to be an insult, the moniker likened them to the infamous four radical political elites of the Chinese Communist Party. Instead, they

turned a negative into a positive and David Dinkins, Percy Sutton, Charles Rangel, and Basil Paterson went on to reign

as the Gang of Four in politics, community service, business, media, and civil rights—always remaining close friends.

Together and singularly, the legendary “Gang of Four” amassed a record of historic political success, boundless civ-

ic service, and achievements in business. They never forgot where they came from, and their deep love and concern

for their Black brothers and sisters propelled them to greatness.

DAVID N. DINKINS DAVID N. DINKINS DAVID N. DINKINS (July 10, 1927 – November 23, 2020) (July 10, 1927 – November 23, 2020) (July 10, 1927 – November 23, 2020)

Born in Trenton, New Jersey, Born in Trenton, New Jersey, Born in Trenton, New Jersey, David Dinkins enlisted in the David Dinkins enlisted in the David Dinkins enlisted in the US Marine Corps in 1945 US Marine Corps in 1945 US Marine Corps in 1945 and later attended Howard and later attended Howard and later attended Howard University on the GI Bill. University on the GI Bill. University on the GI Bill. At Howard, Dinkins studied At Howard, Dinkins studied At Howard, Dinkins studied Mathematics and graduated Mathematics and graduated Mathematics and graduated cum laude in 1950. It was at cum laude in 1950. It was at cum laude in 1950. It was at Howard that he met his fuHoward that he met his fu-Howard that he met his future wife, Joyce Burrows. ture wife, Joyce Burrows. ture wife, Joyce Burrows. After graduating from After graduating from After graduating from Brooklyn Law School, Dinkins became involved in New Brooklyn Law School, Dinkins became involved in New Brooklyn Law School, Dinkins became involved in New York politics. He was elected to the State Assembly in York politics. He was elected to the State Assembly in York politics. He was elected to the State Assembly in 1965; NY City Clerk in 1974; and Manhattan Borough 1965; NY City Clerk in 1974; and Manhattan Borough 1965; NY City Clerk in 1974; and Manhattan Borough President in 1985. In 1989 Dinkins won the democratPresident in 1985. In 1989 Dinkins won the democrat President in 1985. In 1989 Dinkins won the democrat- ic primary for NYC Mayor defeating Ed Koch’s bid for ic primary for NYC Mayor defeating Ed Koch’s bid for ic primary for NYC Mayor defeating Ed Koch’s bid for a fourth term. He then defeated Republican candidate a fourth term. He then defeated Republican candidate a fourth term. He then defeated Republican candidate former US Attorney General Rudy Giuliani, to become former US Attorney General Rudy Giuliani, to become former US Attorney General Rudy Giuliani, to become the first African American Mayor of the City of New York. the first African American Mayor of the City of New York. the first African American Mayor of the City of New York.

While Mayor, Dinkins designed key development While Mayor, Dinkins designed key development While Mayor, Dinkins designed key development deals to revitalize the city’s economy, and fostered the deals to revitalize the city’s economy, and fostered the deals to revitalize the city’s economy, and fostered the renovation of Times Square and the US Open in Queens renovation of Times Square and the US Open in Queens renovation of Times Square and the US Open in Queens with the United States Tennis Association. Dinkins with the United States Tennis Association. Dinkins with the United States Tennis Association. Dinkins also revitalized and reorganized the New York City Poalso revitalized and reorganized the New York City Po-also revitalized and reorganized the New York City Police Department and fostered increased community lice Department and fostered increased community lice Department and fostered increased community NYPD involvement. NYPD involvement. NYPD involvement.

After leaving City Hall, Dinkins hosted a radio proAfter leaving City Hall, Dinkins hosted a radio pro After leaving City Hall, Dinkins hosted a radio pro- gram on WBLS.FM/WLIB.AM called Dialogue with Din-gram on WBLS.FM/WLIB.AM called Dialogue with Din-gram on WBLS.FM/WLIB.AM called Dialogue with Dinkins. He joined the faculty of Columbia University School kins. He joined the faculty of Columbia University School kins. He joined the faculty of Columbia University School of International and Public Affairs and in 2012 received of International and Public Affairs and in 2012 received of International and Public Affairs and in 2012 received the Congressional Medal of Honor for his service with the Congressional Medal of Honor for his service with the Congressional Medal of Honor for his service with the Marines. The following year he published his memthe Marines. The following year he published his mem the Marines. The following year he published his mem- oir, A Mayor’s Life: Governing NY’s Gorgeous Mosaic. One oir, A Mayor’s Life: Governing NY’s Gorgeous Mosaic. One oir, A Mayor’s Life: Governing NY’s Gorgeous Mosaic. One of the highlights of his term occurred when, in June of of the highlights of his term occurred when, in June of of the highlights of his term occurred when, in June of 1990, Nelson Mandela, following his release from prison 1990, Nelson Mandela, following his release from prison 1990, Nelson Mandela, following his release from prison in then Apartheid South Africa, made New York City the in then Apartheid South Africa, made New York City the in then Apartheid South Africa, made New York City the first stop on his Freedom tour. Mayor Dinkins greeted and first stop on his Freedom tour. Mayor Dinkins greeted and first stop on his Freedom tour. Mayor Dinkins greeted and hosted the heroic freedom fighter at Gracie Mansion and hosted the heroic freedom fighter at Gracie Mansion and hosted the heroic freedom fighter at Gracie Mansion and throughout his visit in the city. Along with Congressman throughout his visit in the city. Along with Congressman throughout his visit in the city. Along with Congressman Rangel, Dinkins for many years had publicly opposed the Rangel, Dinkins for many years had publicly opposed the Rangel, Dinkins for many years had publicly opposed the inhuman apartheid system in South Africa. Mandela beinhuman apartheid system in South Africa. Mandela be-inhuman apartheid system in South Africa. Mandela became the first Black president of South Africa. came the first Black president of South Africa. came the first Black president of South Africa.

In 2015, Dinkins was honored for his decades of pubIn 2015, Dinkins was honored for his decades of pub In 2015, Dinkins was honored for his decades of pub- lic service. Mayor Bill de Blasio and the City of New York lic service. Mayor Bill de Blasio and the City of New York lic service. Mayor Bill de Blasio and the City of New York renamed the Manhattan architectural landmark, the renamed the Manhattan architectural landmark, the renamed the Manhattan architectural landmark, the Municipal Building, in honor of David N. Dinkins. Municipal Building, in honor of David N. Dinkins. Municipal Building, in honor of David N. Dinkins.

Dinkins was a co-founder of HARLEM WEEK; an execDinkins was a co-founder of HARLEM WEEK; an exec Dinkins was a co-founder of HARLEM WEEK; an exec- utive member of The Greater Harlem Chamber of Comutive member of The Greater Harlem Chamber of Com-utive member of The Greater Harlem Chamber of Commerce; a founding member of One Hundred Black Men merce; a founding member of One Hundred Black Men merce; a founding member of One Hundred Black Men of New York; a founding member of the New York State of New York; a founding member of the New York State of New York; a founding member of the New York State Black & Puerto Rican Legislative Caucus; and a senior Black & Puerto Rican Legislative Caucus; and a senior Black & Puerto Rican Legislative Caucus; and a senior executive of the NAACP, to name a few. Dinkins had two executive of the NAACP, to name a few. Dinkins had two executive of the NAACP, to name a few. Dinkins had two children David Dinkins, Jr. and Donna. children David Dinkins, Jr. and Donna. children David Dinkins, Jr. and Donna.

PERCY ELLIS SUTTON PERCY ELLIS SUTTON PERCY ELLIS SUTTON (November 24, 1920 – December 26, 2009) (November 24, 1920 – December 26, 2009) (November 24, 1920 – December 26, 2009) A prominent American poA prominent American po-A prominent American political and business leader, litical and business leader, litical and business leader, Percy Sutton was also an acPercy Sutton was also an ac-Percy Sutton was also an activist in the civil rights movetivist in the civil rights move-tivist in the civil rights movement, a lawyer, and a “Freement, a lawyer, and a “Free-ment, a lawyer, and a “Freedom Rider.” Sutton was born dom Rider.” Sutton was born dom Rider.” Sutton was born in San Antonio, Texas, the in San Antonio, Texas, the in San Antonio, Texas, the youngest of 15 children. His youngest of 15 children. His youngest of 15 children. His father, “S.J.” Sutton was a civfather, “S.J.” Sutton was a civ-father, “S.J.” Sutton was a civil rights advocate and one of il rights advocate and one of il rights advocate and one of the first Black civil servants, the first Black civil servants, the first Black civil servants, teachers, and civil administrators in Texas. His family was teachers, and civil administrators in Texas. His family was teachers, and civil administrators in Texas. His family was committed to civil rights. Sutton bristled at prejudice. committed to civil rights. Sutton bristled at prejudice. committed to civil rights. Sutton bristled at prejudice.

Percy Sutton and Leatrice O’Farrel married in New Percy Sutton and Leatrice O’Farrel married in New Percy Sutton and Leatrice O’Farrel married in New York City in 1943.They had two children, Pierre and York City in 1943.They had two children, Pierre and York City in 1943.They had two children, Pierre and Cheryl. During World War II, he served as an intelligence Cheryl. During World War II, he served as an intelligence Cheryl. During World War II, he served as an intelligence officer with the Tuskegee Airmen, the famous group of officer with the Tuskegee Airmen, the famous group of officer with the Tuskegee Airmen, the famous group of African American pilots who flew with great distinction African American pilots who flew with great distinction African American pilots who flew with great distinction during World War II. during World War II. during World War II.

In the 1950s and 60s, Sutton became one of AmeriIn the 1950s and 60s, Sutton became one of Ameri In the 1950s and 60s, Sutton became one of Ameri- ca’s best-known lawyers. He represented many importca’s best-known lawyers. He represented many import-ca’s best-known lawyers. He represented many important and controversial figures including Malcolm X. A ant and controversial figures including Malcolm X. A ant and controversial figures including Malcolm X. A longtime leader in Harlem politics, he was a principal of longtime leader in Harlem politics, he was a principal of longtime leader in Harlem politics, he was a principal of the Harlem Clubhouse—also known as “The House of the Harlem Clubhouse—also known as “The House of the Harlem Clubhouse—also known as “The House of the Gang of Four.” He was a member of the New York the Gang of Four.” He was a member of the New York the Gang of Four.” He was a member of the New York State Assembly in 1965 and 1966. In 1966, Sutton was State Assembly in 1965 and 1966. In 1966, Sutton was State Assembly in 1965 and 1966. In 1966, Sutton was elected Borough President of Manhattan. He served elected Borough President of Manhattan. He served elected Borough President of Manhattan. He served in that post until 1977 when he ran for the Democratin that post until 1977 when he ran for the Democrat in that post until 1977 when he ran for the Democrat- ic nomination for New York City Mayor against Belic nomination for New York City Mayor against Bel ic nomination for New York City Mayor against Bel- la Abzug, Herman Badillo, Mario Cuomo, Ed Koch, la Abzug, Herman Badillo, Mario Cuomo, Ed Koch, la Abzug, Herman Badillo, Mario Cuomo, Ed Koch, and incumbent Mayor Abraham Beame. Koch won the and incumbent Mayor Abraham Beame. Koch won the and incumbent Mayor Abraham Beame. Koch won the nomination and the general election. However, the nomination and the general election. However, the nomination and the general election. However, the favorable response to Sutton’s candidacy firmly demonfavorable response to Sutton’s candidacy firmly demon-favorable response to Sutton’s candidacy firmly demonstrated that New York City would soon be ready for strated that New York City would soon be ready for strated that New York City would soon be ready for a Black mayor, thereby paving the way for the future a Black mayor, thereby paving the way for the future a Black mayor, thereby paving the way for the future election of David Dinkins. Sutton later became an election of David Dinkins. Sutton later became an election of David Dinkins. Sutton later became an outstanding entrepreneur whose key investments inoutstanding entrepreneur whose key investments in-outstanding entrepreneur whose key investments included the NY Amsterdam News, and the world-famouscluded the NY Amsterdam News, and the world-famouscluded the NY Amsterdam News, and the world-famous Apollo Theater. Apollo Theater. Apollo Theater.


cont’d from previous page cont’d from previous page

Sutton co-founded Inner City Broadcasting Corpo- Sutton co-founded Inner City Broadcasting Corporation, and purchased New York City’s WLIB-AM, ra-ration, and purchased New York City’s WLIB-AM, radio station which became the city’s first African Amer-dio station which became the city’s first African American owned station. He also produced ican owned station. He also produced It’s Showtime at It’s Showtime at the Apollo, a syndicated music television show broadcast the Apollo, a syndicated music television show broadcast nationally. He also co-founded Blackfrica Promotions in nationally. He also co-founded Blackfrica Promotions in 1970; HARLEM WEEK in 1974; and served as chairman 1970; HARLEM WEEK in 1974; and served as chairman of The Greater Harlem Chamber of Commerce from of The Greater Harlem Chamber of Commerce from 2005 to 2009. 2005 to 2009.

CHARLES B. RANGEL CHARLES B. RANGEL June 11, 1930 –June 11, 1930 –

Chairman of the House Committee on Ways and Means, the most powerful committee in Congress. As one of Harlem’s “Gang of Four,” he became a groundbreaker in city, state, and national politics. He played the lead role in the 1995 creation of the Upper Manhattan Empowerment Zone Development Corporation and the National Empowerment Zone Act, which helped permanently change the economic face of Harlem and many other inner-city areas across the nation. Rangel has long been outspoken about his views and has been arrested several times as part of political, international, civil rights, and human rights demonstrations. Born in Harlem, Charles Born in Harlem, Charles During the 2012 and 2014 Congressional elections, he Rangel still makes his home Rangel still makes his home faced two strong primary challenges but prevailed. He there. His father, Ralph Ran-there. His father, Ralph Ran- chose not to run for reelection in 2016 and retired from gel, emigrated from Puerto gel, emigrated from Puerto Congress in January of 2017. Rico; his mother, Blanche Rico; his mother, Blanche Rangel, fondly known as the “Lion of Lenox Avenue,” Mary Wharton, was from Mary Wharton, was from is a co-founder of HARLEM WEEK, Harlem Urban DeNew York City. Rangel en-New York City. Rangel en- velopment Corporation, and The Apollo Theater Founlisted in the US Army and listed in the US Army and dation. He served as an executive in the NAACP, One served from 1948 to 1952, served from 1948 to 1952, Hundred Black Men of New York, and many other key where he was an artillery where he was an artillery organizations in New York, nationally, and internationaloperations specialist in the operations specialist in the ly. He is married to the love of his life, Alma. They have all Black 503 Field Artillery Battalion. Those in Rangel’s all Black 503 Field Artillery Battalion. Those in Rangel’s two children, Alicia and Steven. unit looked up to him as a natural leader and although unit looked up to him as a natural leader and although he was only a private first class, he gained the nickname he was only a private first class, he gained the nickname BASIL ALEXANDER “Sarge.” Rangel received a Purple Heart for his wounds “Sarge.” Rangel received a Purple Heart for his wounds PATERSON in Korea; the Bronze Star with Valor for his actions in in Korea; the Bronze Star with Valor for his actions in (April 27, 1926 – the face of death; as well as three battle stars. He left the the face of death; as well as three battle stars. He left the April 16, 2014) Army in 1952 with an honorary discharge and the rank of Army in 1952 with an honorary discharge and the rank of He was born in Harlem. staff sergeant. Taking advantage of the GI Bill, Rangel at-staff sergeant. Taking advantage of the GI Bill, Rangel at- His mother, Evangeline Rontended college and graduated from New York University tended college and graduated from New York University don, worked as a secretary to in 1957 and St. John’s University School of Law in 1960. in 1957 and St. John’s University School of Law in 1960. the activist Marcus Garvey.

Rangel worked as a private lawyer, Assistant US Attor-Rangel worked as a private lawyer, Assistant US Attor- After two years in the army, ney, and legal counsel during the early 1960s. He served ney, and legal counsel during the early 1960s. He served Paterson entered St. John’s two terms in the NY State Assembly from 1967 to 1971 two terms in the NY State Assembly from 1967 to 1971 Law School and received his and then defeated long-time incumbent Congressman and then defeated long-time incumbent Congressman degree in 1951. He then began his professional career as Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. in a tightly contested primary Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. in a tightly contested primary a lawyer in Harlem where he soon became law partners challenge on his way to the US House of Representatives. challenge on his way to the US House of Representatives. with David Dinkins. They formed the famous law firm, Once there, Rangel rose rapidly in the Democratic ranks Once there, Rangel rose rapidly in the Democratic ranks Paterson, Michael, Dinkins and Jones LLP. combining his solidly liberal views with a pragmatic ap-combining his solidly liberal views with a pragmatic ap- Paterson and Dinkins became heavily involved in Harproach toward finding political and legislative compro-proach toward finding political and legislative compro- lem politics along with Manhattan Borough President mises. He became chair of the House Committee on mises. He became chair of the House Committee on Percy Sutton and Congressman Charles Rangel—the Narcotics and helped define national policies on the is-Narcotics and helped define national policies on the is- “Gang of Four.” He was elected to the NY State Senate sues during the 1980s. Rangel rose to the historic rank of sues during the 1980s. Rangel rose to the historic rank of in 1965 where he remained until he won the primary

Chairman of the House Committee on Ways and Means, Chairman of the House Committee on Ways and Means, the most powerful committee in Congress. the most powerful committee in Congress.

As one of Harlem’s “Gang of Four,” he became a As one of Harlem’s “Gang of Four,” he became a groundbreaker in city, state, and national politics. He groundbreaker in city, state, and national politics. He played the lead role in the 1995 creation of the Upper played the lead role in the 1995 creation of the Upper Manhattan Empowerment Zone Development Corpora-Manhattan Empowerment Zone Development Corporation and the National Empowerment Zone Act, which tion and the National Empowerment Zone Act, which helped permanently change the economic face of Har-helped permanently change the economic face of Harlem and many other inner-city areas across the nation. lem and many other inner-city areas across the nation.

Rangel has long been outspoken about his views and Rangel has long been outspoken about his views and has been arrested several times as part of political, inter-has been arrested several times as part of political, international, civil rights, and human rights demonstrations. national, civil rights, and human rights demonstrations. During the 2012 and 2014 Congressional elections, he During the 2012 and 2014 Congressional elections, he faced two strong primary challenges but prevailed. He faced two strong primary challenges but prevailed. He chose not to run for reelection in 2016 and retired from chose not to run for reelection in 2016 and retired from Congress in January of 2017. Congress in January of 2017.

Rangel, fondly known as the “Lion of Lenox Avenue,” Rangel, fondly known as the “Lion of Lenox Avenue,” is a co-founder of HARLEM WEEK, Harlem Urban De-is a co-founder of HARLEM WEEK, Harlem Urban Development Corporation, and The Apollo Theater Foun-velopment Corporation, and The Apollo Theater Foundation. He served as an executive in the NAACP, One dation. He served as an executive in the NAACP, One Hundred Black Men of New York, and many other key Hundred Black Men of New York, and many other key organizations in New York, nationally, and international-organizations in New York, nationally, and internationally. He is married to the love of his life, Alma. They have ly. He is married to the love of his life, Alma. They have two children, Alicia and Steven. two children, Alicia and Steven.

BASIL ALEXANDER BASIL ALEXANDER PATERSON PATERSON (April 27, 1926 – (April 27, 1926 – April 16, 2014) April 16, 2014) He was born in Harlem. He was born in Harlem. His mother, Evangeline Ron-His mother, Evangeline Rondon, worked as a secretary to don, worked as a secretary to the activist Marcus Garvey. the activist Marcus Garvey. After two years in the army, After two years in the army, Paterson entered St. John’s Paterson entered St. John’s Law School and received his Law School and received his degree in 1951. He then began his professional career as degree in 1951. He then began his professional career as a lawyer in Harlem where he soon became law partners a lawyer in Harlem where he soon became law partners with David Dinkins. They formed the famous law firm, with David Dinkins. They formed the famous law firm, Paterson, Michael, Dinkins and Jones LLP. Paterson, Michael, Dinkins and Jones LLP.

Paterson and Dinkins became heavily involved in Har-Paterson and Dinkins became heavily involved in Harlem politics along with Manhattan Borough President lem politics along with Manhattan Borough President Percy Sutton and Congressman Charles Rangel—the Percy Sutton and Congressman Charles Rangel—the “Gang of Four.” He was elected to the NY State Senate “Gang of Four.” He was elected to the NY State Senate in 1965 where he remained until he won the primary in 1965 where he remained until he won the primary

and became the Democratic nominee for New York State Lieutenant Governor in 1970. The Democratic ticket, led by Arthur Goldberg, lost to incumbent Governor Nelson Rockefeller. Nevertheless, Basil immediately became a national political icon.

Paterson became president and CEO of the Institute for Mediation and Conflict Resolution in 1972. He was the first elected African American vice chairman of the Democratic National Committee in 1972. In 1978, Mayor Ed Koch appointed him Deputy Mayor and in 1979, Governor Hugh Carey appointed him NY State Secretary of State, making him the first African American to hold that most prestigious position. Paterson’s son, David Paterson, who also served as NY State Senator from Harlem, won the election for New York State Lieutenant Governor in 2006. In 2008, David became governor when Elliott Spitzer resigned.

After leaving public office, Paterson became a senior partner at the prestigious firm of Meyer, Suozzi, and English & Klein.

Basil and the love of his life, Portia, married in 1953. They had two sons, Daniel and David. Wherever he went, no matter how near or far, Basil was known as “Mr. Harlem.”

A brief accounting of some the high points of their accomplishments includes:

• NY City Clerk • NYC Mayor • Manhattan Borough President • Member of Congress • NY State Senator

• NY State Assembly Member • Vice Chairman of Democratic National


• Founding member of Congressional Black


• Senior Executive of the NAACP

• NY Amsterdam News Owner

• The Apollo Theater Foundation Founder

• HARLEM WEEK Co-Founders

• Founders of Upper Manhattan

Empowerment Zone • Founder of WBLS.FM and WLIB.AM, Inner

City Broadcasting Corporation • Co-Founder One Hundred Black Men of New York

• Graduate of Historically Black Colleges and Universities

• Chairman and executive member

The Greater Harlem Chamber of Commerce

• Tuskegee Airman. • Founders of NY State Black & Puerto Rican


• Responsible for Harlem’s revitalization

• Revitalization of US Tennis Center and the building of Arthur Ashe Stadium, • Hosting Hon. Nelson Mandela at Gracie

Mansion and in Harlem,

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