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changing the narrative
Bainbridge Public Safety Engineer Firefi ghter, Michael Jenkins never gives up. Even when faced with rejection, he fi nds a way to come back better than before.
Michael Jenkins, a Safety Engineer Firefi ghter with Bainbridge Public Safety, has been nominated for the Bainbridge Under 40 Young Professional of the Year twice now.
Michael, aff ectionately known as “Worm” by those that grew up with him, started out as a small, slim statured boy in Attapulgus. Later in life Michael’s family moved to Bainbridge, where he would decide to establish himself. Michael cut his teeth in the restaurant industry at the local Bainbridge Hardee’s. He eventually became the Assistant Manager and worked there for over ten years. While there, he began to yearn for more. By the encouragement of his wife, Michael applied to Bainbridge Public Safety in 2013. Th ough he was rejected at fi rst, he fell in love with the idea of the profession, and pursued it again. In December of 2014, Michael was accepted into the program.
Michael has been a BPS fi refi ghter for eight years now. Th ough one might think his only responsibilities are fi ghting fi res, he also functions as a mechanic of the fi re truck, cleaning and maintaining the engine aft er each call. He also responds to any major medical emergencies such as, vehicle accidents. For the majority of accidents, he is the fi rst person to off er prehospital care to the victims. One of his greatest achievements as a fi refi ghter is receiving the Life Safety Award. Th e long hours of training and dedication became a reality when he received a call to a fi re on Stewart Avenue. He was able to save two individuals and their pets that day. In return, he was awarded the Life Safety Award for his eff orts. “I will forever be grateful and honored that God placed me in a profession to serve and protect my community,” Michael commented.
Michael has gained the reputation of being one of the most hard-working and charitable employees at BPS. “Michael is always the fi rst person to pick-up extra shift s or volunteer his time for department eff orts,” Julie Harris commented. A facet of the job that Michael may not have anticipated, has since grown to be the most rewarding aspect next to saving lives; inspiring and educating youth.
Michael is aware of the media’s portrayal of policemen and fi remen today, and he is directly involved to help combat that narrative. He hopes to create a positive image of those in his profession by being involved in Kids N Kops, the Fire Prevention Program, as well as being Sparky the Dog at community events. “Seeing kids while I am on and off the job come up to me and tell me they want to be like me when they grow up makes me love my job even more,” Michael said.
Passionate about his career and readily serving his community, Michael is the epitome of the Young Professional that the Chamber wishes to celebrate.
Winter 2022 / BAINBRIDGE LIVING 27