The Powerful | May 2019 A

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Nothing is more Powerful than the Truth. That is the fundamental idea and basis of The Powerful. In today’s modern culture, media has become very one-sided, only wanting to discuss whatever side they are in support of. The Powerful is aimed towards giving you the power to make your own decision and formulate your own opinion and view. At The Powerful, we feel there is no right or wrong, only the power of information that you can arm yourself with. You can check out The Powerful online at There, you can find the stories that are featured here in the magazine and can comment and weigh in on what you think. Enjoy the May edition. Sincerely,

Francie Editor

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No longer do broadcasters, advertisers, and PR moguls control the news. In the digital age, you are the media. Social media groups connect people worldwide, increase the speed of innovation, expand loyal audiences, and provide new strategies that most businesses, organizations, celebrities, and charities can use to enhance, humanize, and monetize their brands.

Yet many traditional businesses fail to translate the success of their brick-andmortar stores to this virtual online community. They fail to build an online following, especially a following that buys. But you can have both. People behave and respond differently online than they do when they shop in a retail store. Knowing those differences in leadership and understanding the psychological drivers of web-based shopping allows you to construct online groups that fulfill your business needs and the needs of your followers.

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Did you know that most of the things people buy online don’t fulfill an actual need, they satisfy a desire or an impulse. People buy items that reinforce their self-image, make them feel good, or display their personality. Julia Mann, the author of “Building an Online Following Who Buy”, shares her secrets behind running a 6-figure business online using social media groups. In 24 months, she gathered over 20,000 followers, all actively engaged in her business, and buy. There is a science to online buying. As Julia mentions, before the ask, you must earn their trust. Create a group to showcase your knowledge and expertise for a particular niche. People use online sites and groups to gather information and to make quick transactions. Take advantage of the platform to give unlimited knowledge to your followers. Online retailers must become publishers of information. People only give you a few seconds online. If you cannot demonstrate clearly and quickly what it is you are offering them and who you are, they will leave because they do not want to waste their time.

People are no longer as trusting as they once were. The general public’s level of mistrust is actually at an all-time high. Savvy companies, though, can use the internet and social media to build trust. Online, you can connect and influence others through blogs, videos, podcasts, and other tools. The content you publish continues to reach new audiences long after you publish it. Building any kind of following online requires solid leadership skills, the ability to create a sense of belonging, a gracious attitude and transparency about who you are, and empowering the community to feel important. If people do not trust you online, no amount of clever marketing or sales talk will get them to buy from you. Build their trust with testimonials. Julia has this mastered. Her secret to success entails offering what you have at a discounted rate in the beginning. Allowing people to come and experience what you have to offer, have them give you amazing testimonials, and then use those testimonials on your site to gain trust and build a reputation. When you feel you have just the right amount of testimonials for people to want to get to know you and be a part of your group, increase your prices.

Everyone is not your customer, and everyone is not the audience you want to influence. On the internet, groups, not individuals, play a major role in establishing trust. Trust is linked to a “sense of belonging� and acceptance in a web community. To earn the confidence of online communities, you must be human in all your interactions. That means sharing your true opinions and speaking like a real live person, not an advertisement.


Your social media strategy should be interactive with your group; it requires real-time interaction.

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In contrast to common belief, price is only one factor in the purchasing decision and not always the most important. Be sure to collect testimonials that really show who you and your social media group is about. Many considerations influence the decision to buy. The overall feel of your site or group page affects what a person will think of your group or business. Millions of people share information via social media sites. More than 650 million people around the world use Facebook daily. Unique content that make people laugh or resonate emotionally inspire people to share and want to be a part of your group. Simply posting content on various sites is not enough.

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For as long as anyone can remember, human beings have sought out great leaders. People need leaders to inspire them. Just basic human survival throughout history has depended on having leaders who speak for the group and then follow it up with action. The popularity of social media has risen for this very basic survival instinct. People look to be led. Create a group that leads people to be better, informs them to be better, and gives them perspectives to becoming a better version of themselves. Remember that leading is a group activity; as you strive to become a leader using social media, seek help from people who are wise and have unusual insights, then share those with your followers.

People will follow a leader who lacks in certain areas if they sense they are working to develop that attribute, but they absolutely will not commit to a leader who they can’t trust. When your group trusts in you, they will also buy from you.

Creating and engaging with groups on social media will ignite the flame your business needs to increase profits and build sustainable growth. It all boils down to trust and great leadership. Social media is free, but it does require time and effort. Creating a following that buys is a science, and Julia Mann has redesigned the mindsets of business owners all over the world by sharing her secrets. Gaining trust and becoming an expert in your field is really the first step in becoming the best leader for any group, and social media is no different. If you haven’t started yet, take your leadership skills to cyberspace and see your business really take off!

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THEY CAN’T IGNORE YOU PHILIP SEMMELROTH’S SECRETS TO BECOMING A SALES AND LEADERSHIP EXPERT IN YOUR BUSINESS Regardless of size or industry, great leaders know the reasons that they do whatever they do. They follow their passion and have a vision they can articulate. The misconception about leadership is that leaders just lead; however, real leaders are the ones who motivate and inspire you. Sales executives and other business people understand that sales are the foundation of any business. They need assurance that the methods they are implementing will work, and they reach out to the best. One of the best in sales and leadership, is Philip Semmelroth. “All people need to be experts in sales, don’t just hire sales people, every person in the company needs to be an expert in sales and needs to be able to sell themselves.”

Philip educates and inspires people all over the world. Leading by example, Philip uses his own experience in sales and leadership to educate people on creating a personal brand, becoming a better sales professional, and helping teams achieve their sales goals faster and increasing overall profitability. Furthermore, this is how he turned a minimally grossing business into a million dollar business. By creating an environment that allows employees to work more independently thus giving himself more time to focus on the strategic side of things.

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Starting his first business when he was 18, Philip Semmelroth figured out fast that success depends on your ability to sell, and that includes yourself. “Most people are smarter than what they are valued at because they don’t know how to negotiate their worth,” says Philip. As a result, these people self-sabotage themselves and experience career setbacks and receive subpar paychecks. Don’t forget the value of self-promotion. Increase your visibility and remember to market yourself as if you are a product. To create a personal brand, it’s about aligning yourself to how one may sell a product. People decide to purchase a product or service based on “soft” input, such as how the brand makes them feel, rather than a “hard” input, such as a product’s features and benefits. The same process applies to people. Though you may have the right credentials, people will respond first to your image, reputation, and identity. Their perception of you will ultimately prevail, but you can influence the image they perceive by building a self-brand. Being good at something, doesn’t guarantee success. We all know talented people who are underemployed, underpaid, or even unemployed.


The best teams in any business are the ones who think like an entrepreneur. They think and work like it is their own business that they are running. This type of employee is the best any company could hire, and it’s called an “intrapreneur.” An “intrapreneur” is an employee who runs their division as if it was their own business. They hold themselves accountable, they work to be their best selves everyday so they can achieve goals and make new strategies. Philip teaches every team that each person on that team has to be the best at sales. Any person who has communication in any way with a customer needs to be great at sales. Every touch point with a customer ties into the customer’s experience with your company. You want the customer to always be in the best hands, and when everyone on your team knows how to sell, the environment becomes an optimistic, helpful, knowledgeable, and genuine experience. Without empowered entrepreneurs, companies do not innovate, they do not grow. What is great, most intrapreneurs work in intrapreneurial teams.

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Today’s executives need the adaptability of entrepreneurs. Their creative, adaptable innovative skill set that helps them discover opportunities and act on them quickly. The saying goes, “Those who figure out how to invest the future will ride the resource revolution to unprecedented success.” Like Philip, you want to make the best of every situation and capitalize on every experience in order to open more doors for yourself in the future. Philip took advantage of leadership trainings in the military, and became first lieutenant while achieving 2 business degrees. It is important to know how to create your own opportunities. Seeing the bigger picture, to make the right moves now that will advance you in the future. It’s very much like a good game of chess. You need to make every move count while also looking ahead to the future.

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The key thing to remember though, sustaining change takes more effort than initiating change. To create lasting change, you need to be a leader that is sustainable. Transformational leadership develops abilities in others and inspires them to commit to the success of the organization. It can transform a mindset to becoming the “intrapreneur” every business needs. Philip speaks all over the world teaching business leaders and their teams the importance of transformational and transactional leadership. A transactional leader is one who advises and tells someone what to do, while the transformational leader explains the “why.” The transformational leader explains why it is important and thus transforms the mindset of the person to think bigger and different. As leaders become clear about strategies and measures, they can craft their own strategies that change behavior and sustain the resulting patterns. Great sales leaders, like Philip, tie this strategy into sales as well. What are the differences of a sale when it’s done in a transformational way versus a transactional way? Studying these two concepts, you will see a vast difference in someone’s sales ability and their overall performance within the company.

In addition to this strategy, your work ethic is also something of great value. As Philip states, “You need to lead by example, never demanding something of others that you are not willing to do yourself.” Remove the uncertainty of yourself or the products you are conveying and everyone wins. Throughout his career, Philip has closed deals with international corporations, managed projects and people, and has built a record of getting things done. His leadership has transformed companies all over the world. Teaching people the importance of personal branding, the significance of being a great sales person, and helping teams achieve profitable results, Philip is a transformational leader for many to admire. Everyone can always be better; they can become the best by working with the best. To win the competitive landscape defined by creating one customer experience at a time, businesses need this change to their mindset. When this happens, their business will become a whole new, glorious game. Checkmate. You can reach Philip Semmelroth on Facebook, LinkedIn or at

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Successful people never quit. When they suffer a setback, they just pick themselves up and keep on going. If you are not experiencing failure, you’re not working hard enough. Whenever you talk to a person who has achieved any success in life, you’ll hear it didn’t come easy. As the saying goes, “A path with no obstacles probably doesn’t lead anywhere and isn’t worth having.” For Real Estate Investor Tie Lasater, his path of ups and downs has resulted in growing his Real Estate business into a multi-million dollar business and now runs more than 10 companies combined. Tie is considered one of the Top Real Estate Investors in the United States. It wasn’t overnight, and it was, and still is, a lot of hard work and determination. For Tie, it came down to mastering a few massive success strategies and helping others along the way.

There are different time criteria for measuring success. Some new companies may prefer to measure success on a day-today basis, while a larger corporation may use a quarterly or yearly measuring system. Success involves trying to improve whatever you are currently doing. It is about accepting bigger challenges and becoming a better version of yourself every day. Tie started his first company while in college. It was a lawn business, and though it was doing well, it eventually didn’t hold up to the expectations for a sustainable lifestyle. The ultimate goal in life isn’t to just succeed; it is to continue to succeed. Knowing this, Tie made a change into Real Estate Investing. He took what he knew about business and applied it to Real Estate Investing.

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To be excellent, you have to change, change continually and be able to change quickly. If you don’t change, you can endure life, but you won’t be great or your best. The thing is, most people and companies are not designed to change, so you’ll see some try to change and they fail. Or they change and they forget to keep changing and later are faced with failure. Life and business do not freeze, you must be always changing.

With his new business, Tie worked to acquire 35-40 properties a month. Change needs to be an identity that is reflected and mended into a company’s culture. A set of values and beliefs about how to see the world, where the world is going, how to solve problems, and succeed. It is an image that everyone in the company is a part of.

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With constant change and bettering the company in different ways, comes growth. Leaders usually want to expand as much and as fast as they can: more customers, more products, more markets. The right kind of growth often proves to be slower and more sustainable. Put your efforts where you have the best chance of winning big. Systematically analyze your business to separate the products and services that attract customers and revenue. Developing the discipline and skills to concentrate on the right products, services, and businesses takes time and repeatable processes. Like Tie, when you grow in a sustainable way, you can build multiple lasting businesses.

As you grow, in principle, you should delegate as much as possible. If you delegate often and well, you will build a strong and successful team for your businesses. Transfer to your staff any tasks that require frequent repetition. Delegation does not come naturally to many managers. Since delegation is a huge part of your ability to grow the business, practice by starting small. Assign one or more of your tasks every day for a certain number of days. Evaluate with your employee how the task was assigned. Was the communication clear? Was the project completed to how you wanted it? Take your feedback and grow from that to delegate more next time. Soon, it’ll become a habit you need to grow your business and expand.


Almost all good leaders are passionate about their work - to the point where it doesn’t feel like work. Skill, opportunity, experience, and expertise are not enough; unless you have passion, you will fall short of excellence. Success demands that you free yourself from self-imposed limitations. The opinions and attitudes of others often shape people’s behavior. Be like Tie and allow your voice to be heard and change the lives of others. Be the leader that not only changes your own life, but also the lives of people all over the world. There is a new generation of wealth and success, and it is changing how everyone does business. There is no “me” in team. To grow your business to a multi-million dollar business and to run multiple businesses, you don’t get there alone. You ride out the storms, you change your direction, and you help as many people as you can in the process. Sounds like a recipe for success.

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Leadership takes effort, dedication, and commitment to improve and learn. When some leaders get to a certain level, they decide to give back and help others. Leaders are not content with the status quo; they are driven to create meaningful change. And sometimes this means helping others to be their best as well. While others fixate on limitations, leaders perceive opportunities. Contrary to the popular saying, “It’s lonely at the top,” good leadership is not a solitary pursuit. Like Tie, they help educate and train people on how to be better using the skill set they have learned to master success. Tie is obsessed with speaking and sharing his secrets of success worldwide. Good leaders understand that people do not care how much you know until they know how much you care. People all over the world are listening to Tie because the passion for the investing industry runs as deep as his passion for helping people. What is success if you cannot share it with others? As the saying goes, “If you are leading others and you’re lonely, then you’re not doing it right.” True leadership helps people achieve their goals and dreams; it helps them recognize things inside of them they never knew they had. It inspires, it motivates.

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HIGH-LOW SUMMER TRAVEL GUIDE When it comes to traveling or planning vacations, there’s no universal way of doing it. What might be “a perfect vacation” to some, might actually be the complete opposite of what another person wishes for. Whether you have a little or a lot to spend on a vacation, there’s something out there for everyone. BY THE POWERFUL

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BUDGET TRAVEL If you’re on a budget but still want to celebrate the summer with an awesome vacation, you’re in luck! There are great places all around the world to visit that won’t completely wipe out your bank account. Check out some affordable vacation spots below:



Skip the dirty beaches and crowded cities in Bali, and opt for other parts of indonesia instead. Islands like Lombok and Java are great alternatives that offer just as much beauty that Bali would, but with far less crowds and much friendlier price tags.

To save money on a summer trip, head to Rio de Janeiro for a bit of a chillier vacation. While you might not be spending your entire vacation sunbathing on the beach, temperatures are still mild with little to no rain. And since this time of year is considered their winter, hotels and airfare will be considerably less.

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ARUBA After June, crowds and prices fall significantly in Aruba. Whether it’s the warm desert heat or the start of hurricane season, you’ll definitely get the most bang for your buck if you visit during this time. And don’t forget to add sunbathing, snorkeling, hiking and relaxing to your to-do list while you’re there.

BOLIVIA This might be one of South America’s cheapest can get by on just $20 USD a day! While it is more on the remote side of places to visit, there are quite some sights to see while you’re there like the world’s highest lake Titicaca or salt flats of Salar de Uyuni.

CHICAGO, IL Most people avoid the Windy City during the winter, so a trip to Chicago during the summer could definitely be a crowded one. But this isn’t always a bad thing… with all the sunshine and tourists, the city offers a ton of free activities. Hit up the zoo, take a walk in one of the many parks, check out a festival or relax on a lakeside beach. There’s an activity out there for every price point.


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Unbeknown to some, Fiji isn’t only filled with lavish resorts, expensive restaurants and shopping; it’s actually relatively cheap to visit. Of course, you can plan a high-end vacation and spend over $1,000 USD a night on a hotel, but there are also a ton of affordable options too. And since Fiji is a stopover on Fiji Airlines, there’s lots of great deals on flights.

INDIA India is known to be a cheap country, and lately it’s even more affordable to visit. By staying at cheaper guesthouses, eating foods that aren’t so weastern, and taking second-class trains, you could certainly get by on around $30 USD a day. And even if you did want to “splurge” a bit, your money will go a long way here.


Know Ahead of Time What You Want to Spend On What do you value when you travel? Maybe it’s the sleeping accommodations, maybe it’s the food or maybe it’s the activities...whatever it is, knowing ahead of time will allow you to budget accordingly

Be Realistic Of course you can dream about the perfect vacation and the things you wish you could do while you’re on it, but it’s important to be realistic with your financial situation. There are some things you just will not be able to afford to do, and that’s ok.

Research, Research, Research! After determining what you want to spend your money on, give yourself enough time to do some research beforehand. Look up the places you plan to visit, get an idea of the costs of hotels or hostels in that area, the types of activities there are to do, and the restaurants or cafes you’ll likely be dining in.

Track Your Expenses It can be easy to get swept away by the excitement of traveling and being in a new place, and that also means it can be just as easy to overspend quickly. Track your expenses from the day your vacation starts so you can actually know how much you are spending every day. Calculating numbers in your head might not always be accurate, and you could likely forget some things you bought here and there, so if you track them daily, you won’t be in for a rude awakening at the end of your trip.

Figure Out a Budget Once you’ve figured out what you want to spend your money on and you’ve done the proper amount of research, you will be ready to come up with a budget. Having a budget ahead of time will give you peace of mind while you’re traveling, and you’ll be far less likely to spend more money than you had planned.

If you’re on the other end of the spectrum and are looking for a lavish getaway, your opportunities are pretty much endless. Luckily for you, there are companies out there who do all the work for you. Leave the stress of planning every detail up to the experts...just be prepared to shell out the cash! Companies like Original Travel, a creative luxury travel company that takes a thoughtful approach to creating tailor-made vacations, can truly plan you an unforgettable vacation. They handle every single detail making you’re vacation planning truly a stress-free experience. They offer an endless amount of vacation packages, so if you can afford it, this is definitely worth considering. After reviewing their offerings, we just had to share some of our favorite itineraires. These itineraries came directly from their site, so go check it out yourself for additional information and other details.

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Starting at $5,725 USD per person

Sample Itinerary - Walk the path of the Gods for stunning views of the Amalfi Coast - Take a boat trip around the captivating island of Capri - Relive the ancient gladiator battles of the Colosseum with a private guided tour

Day 1 Arrival to Naples Upon arrival at Naples airport, meet your driver in arrivals to be chauffeured to your hotel on the beautiful Amalfi Coast. Day 2 Pompeii Recover from perhaps an overindulgence of lovely Italian wine last night with a leisurely breakfast and lots of coffee, polished off on your hotel’s terrace. By mid-morning and now feeling ready for the day, it’s time to hit the road with a private transfer one hour north to the ancient ruins of Pompeii and Herculaneum. Day 3 Path of the Gods Get up nice and early this morning as we’ve planned a spectacular walk for you, and you don’t want to be doing it in the midday heat! A hearty breakfast is also going to be key, so enjoy it in the sunshine as you slowly wake up. The walk we recommend is along the Sentiero degli Dei, or Path of the Gods. Day 4 Amalfi Coast – Capri After breakfast this morning, you will be collected from the hotel and driven to the port in Sorrento or Amalfi (depending on where you are staying) where you will board a fast ferry to Capri - which should take anywhere between 20 minutes and an hour, with an impressive arrival into the harbour in Capri. You will then be transferred to your hotel in Capri which should take around 15 minutes.

Day 5 The Isle of Capri You’ve only got one full day on Capri, so make the most of it. Spend the morning wandering around the town stocking up on classic Capri pants for the ladies and dapper trousers from Laboratorio for the chaps before descending the sinuous steps down a cliff face to the water’s edge for lunch at Caprese institution Fontelina restaurant overlooking the iconic limestone Faraglioni rocks that rise vertiginously from the sea just offshore. Day 6 Capri - Rome After an earlyish breakfast, you will be transferred back to the harbour in time for you to take the hydrofoil or fast catamaran ferry back to the mainland - this time into Naples - which will take around an hour. Day 7 When in Rome Feeling fully refuelled after a good night’s sleep, it’s time for a full day of exploration. Despite the wealth of things to do and sites to see, Rome is a surprisingly small city, and arguably best explored on foot. Day 8 Last Day in Rome It might be your final day, but the trip isn’t over yet. A visit to the effortlessly fashionable Italian capital wouldn’t be complete without a spot of shopping; so whether you treat yourself to a new Prada handbag, a classic Italian scarf, or just a great bottle of wine, make sure you do go home with some goodies.

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Explore Italy for 8 Days

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Spend 15 days in The Outback Starting at $9,300 USD per person

Sample Itinerary - Eat your way around Melbourne with a local foodie guide - Compare sunrise and sunset views of the magnificent Uluru - Journey overnight on the luxurious Ghan train - Wildlife watch in Kakadu National Park - Find the only spot in the world where two world heritage sites - The Daintree Rainforest and The Great Barrier Reef

Day 1: Arrive in Melbourne When you land in Melbourne today after your long flight, our driver will be waiting to meet you for the short transfer to your hotel and bed. Day 2: Melbourne Meanderings Enjoy a lie-in this morning and then head out into this most vibrant of cities for breakfast at one of the many coffee shops and cafes. Melbourne has earned itself the title of Australia’s ‘capital of cool’, in no small part due to the fantastic food and drink scene. After breakfast you might like to browse some of the vintage shops too. Day 3: Wild Wildlife Following your day in Melbourne yesterday, today see another side to the state of Victoria on a daytrip to the You Yangs Park, just 45 minutes from the city. Day 4: To The Outback Today you will head away from the city to the brilliantly barren Red Centre. You’ll be transferred to the airport for the three-hour flight to Ayers Rock airport, where you will be collected and transferred to your new lodge. Day 5: Sunrise & Sunset See some of the Red Centre’s (and in fact Australia’s) most iconic sights today. It’s an early start so that you can make it to Kata Tjuta in time for sunrise. When you arrive, head to the viewing platform to see the sun light up the sites 36 domes. You will then have a picnic breakfast nearby before starting to explore Walpa Gorge, famed for the wind (walpa) that whistles through it. Throughout the morning as you walk, your guide will offer up interesting facts about the spirituality and geology of the area. Day 6: Early Bird You saw Uluru yesterday afternoon, but there’s something even more special about seeing it in the morning light which makes getting up early for the second day in a row well worth it. As well as exploring the site and taking in its beauty, you will also stop for a picnic breakfast.

Day 7: To Darwin Wake up to a change of scene this morning as you find yourself heading towards the Top End of the country. After a fresh breakfast in the dining carriage, the train stops for a few hours to let you get off and explore the rugged terrain along the banks of the Katherine River. Take a boat cruise through the gorge, learning about the indigenous Jawoyn people as you drift. Day 8: To Kakadu Wake up and meet your driver in reception this morning to begin the journey to Kakadu National Park, which will take around two hours. Days 9-10: Kakadu Life Over the next two days enjoy time to unwind, relax and start to feel at one with nature. Day 11: To the Beach Today you’ll leave Kakadu behind and head to the beach for the final few days of your holiday. Day 12: Great Barrier Reef The Great Barrier Reef is one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World and the only living organism that can be seen from space, so it really should be on your bucket list. Day 13: Relax It’s been a busy holiday so far and you’ve had your fair share of early starts too, so today is all about relaxing. Start with a leisurely lie-in and breakfast and then head down to the beach. Day 14: Daintree & Cape Tribulation As today is your last day, we’ve organised a fun-packed full-day guided tour to Daintree Rainforest. You’ll be collected from your hotel to begin the day. Day 15: Home Time Sadly it’s time to head home today, so pack up your things and meet your driver in reception to begin the journey. You’ll be driven an hour back to Cairns airport to check in for your international flight home.

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Starting at $7,355 per person

Sample Itinerary - Explore Quito with an in-the-know guide - Experience contemporary cruising on a luxurious vessel - Snorkel, kayak and stand-up paddle board around the islands - Enjoy wildlife excursions with a team of naturalist guides

Day 1: Arrive Ecuador When you arrive into Quito airport, a private transfer will be waiting to whisk you to your hotel in the city centre.

Day 6: Punta Cormorant Today you’ll disembark on the island of Floreana. The island’s olivine beaches are alive with lava herons and squawking penguins.

Day 2: Quito Kicks Meet your local guide (and secret weapon) who will take you to Quito’s sweet spots.

Day 7: Puerto Ayora It’s time to explore Santa Cruz, the Galapagos’ second largest island. Disembark at Puerto Ayora and you will be taken into the highlands to spot giant tortoises roaming the undergrowth.

Day 3: Journey to the Galapagos In the early morning, a private driver will take you to the airport for your three-and-a-half-hour flight to the island of San Cristobal in the Galapagos. Day 4: Punta Pitt Cruise around the east side of San Cristobal before embarking at Punta Pitt. Day 5: Punta Suarez Wake up in the extreme south off Espanola, one of the oldest volcanic islands (approximately four million years old). It’s also one of the most attractive, with an idyllic-looking beach, Bahia Gardner.

Day 8: Sombrero Chino Step ashore at Sombrero Chino, just off the tip of Santiago Island, for a walk around its cracked lava formations and volcanic rubble. Day 9: South Plaza Stop off at South Plaza, teeming with wildlife from sea lion colonies and land iguanas to red-billed tropicbirds soaring in the skies overhead. Day 10-11: Goodbye Galapagos It’s time to say goodbye to the Galapagos. Your vessel will dock in the port where you can enjoy a last meander before your flight back to mainland Ecuador. After three-anda-half-hours in the air, land in Quito and connect to your international flight back home.

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Cruise the Galapagos for 11 Days

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Tour Antigua for 8 Days Starting at $2,400 per person

Sample Itinerary - Head to Shirley Heights for a party, Caribbean-style - Snorkel, kayak and sail the waters off Antigua’s beautiful beaches - Hike the Antiguan rainforest - Enjoy beachside afternoon tea from your sunlounger

Day 1: Arrive in Antigua Once your Caribbean getaway starts, you will be escorted through customs with a VIP Fast Track service and met by your driver for a private transfer to your luxury hotel on the island’s south coast. Check-in and spend the rest of the afternoon relaxing and exploring the hotel and private beach. Day 2: Up to Shirley Heights Ease yourself into island time with a lazy morning relaxing by the pool or on the beautiful white sand beach. Day 3: Rest and Rejuvenate Depending on your rum cocktail intake from the night before, you might want to attend sunrise Pilates or yoga on the jetty, led by a qualified instructor. Either way, today is your time to fully relax and enjoy all that the hotel has to offer. Day 4-5: Get Active Antigua is a dream destination for watersports, whether you’re a complete beginner or a seasoned diver. Take advantage of included activities such as stand up paddleboarding, snorkelling, kayaking, windsurfing and Hobie Cat sailing, with an experienced, knowledgeable and friendly team on hand to help you out.

Day 6-7: Exploring Further Afield Antigua is known for its beaches and boasts a total of 365 around the island, one for every day of the year. If you fancy a change of scenery from the sandy crescent beach of Carlisle Bay, the picturesque Ffryes Beach is a 15-minute drive away and Galleon Beach - famed for its snorkelling - is only a 30-minute journey in the car. Day 8: Antigua to Home You’ll be flying out of Antigua today, and depending on the time of your flight you should have some time to soak up the sunshine and enjoy the slow pace of island life. Make the most of the pool, beach and ocean, finish the final chapters of your book from a shady sunlounger and have one last glass of rum punch before you take your private transfer to Antigua Airport for your flight.

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Raphaël Muschalla is a global Partner of Premium Speakers and an International speaker agency for corporate & public-sector events. Mr. Muschalla says that people often are surprised about his vita as he started out as a coppersmith, but when he explains more about his life and career to them, they understand him more. Mr. Muschalla strongly believes that life is a big transformation process and that our success grows with every decision we make because everything is, in fact, a learning experience. “You will attract what needs to be attracted in order for you to grow” - Raphaël Muschalla.

What Sector are you involved in? Event Services, strategic solutions & Management Services. What was your reason for starting out in this field?

How is making connections important to you for the growth of your business? Once you start connecting to the right people, you quickly reach excellent networks.

After having worked in the hospitality industry, in extraordinary hotels in Paris and London, I moved to the financial sector for over 12 years. I then started looking for a new challenge and found the perfect combination, a high-level people business, top class service being able to bring in my sales and marketing skills. The funny thing is that I worked with some clients in all businesses.

Biggest accomplishment, personal and business-related:

How long have you been in this field?

I just started my own international business and am dedicating myself to my own company with great passion.

I have been working in this specific field for 6 years. What advice would you give someone starting out in this field? If you want to be successful in this business, you really should build great relationships and always try to make the difference.

For me, the biggest accomplishment in business is always when clients love to work with you. In personal life and besides spending amazing time with my family, I love adventures in the mountains. A recent goal you set for yourself:

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How is what you do important to you? I absolutely love what I do!

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Favorite thing about your business: I love being able to connect and move people in an extraordinary way. Least favorite thing about your business: When clients are very late paying the bills, but this only happens twice a year. Where did you grow up? I first grew up in the south of Germany and later grew up between Northern Germany and France. Where do you live now? After a few years in Paris and London, I settled down near the Lake Chiemsee in Bavaria between Munich and Salzburg.

If someone wants to get in contact with you, how do they do so? Most would probably ask someone in my network or get in touch with me via social media, LinkedIn. What is the most exciting thing you get to do with your work? For several years, I’ve been working with amazing personalities of all kind. There have been kings and queens, visionaries, superstars, but many of the hidden champions. This is very enriching to me because you never stop learning from them. If you weren’t in this field, what would you be doing? I will always work in the people business somehow offering a special added value.

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What is one of the biggest (if not the biggest) thing that can kill a business and its growth? Hands down, it’s customer service and experience...or lack thereof. You could have the best product, best service, and best marketing campaign ever, but if who you are “selling” to isn’t happy, then your business can and will die. So, how can you ensure that your customer service will actually grow your business? The Walt Disney Company has mastered this and is constantly growing and pushing the boundaries in their theme parks. When Walt Disney had the idea to create Disneyland, he was sitting on a park bench watching his daughters ride the attractions. As he sat there, he noticed that all of the other parents were doing the same thing; sitting and watching their children have fun. This led him to the idea of creating a place where parents and children could all have fun together. His wife Lillian questioned why he would ever want to do this, because at the time, amusement parks were thought of as dirty and unsafe. Walt simply replied, “That was just the point — mine wouldn’t be.”

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There are so many factors that sets Disney apart from their competition, and it’s simply referred to as the Disney Approach. In 2011, The Disney Institute with Theodore Kinni released Be Our Guest: Perfecting the Art of Customer Service. This book gives an inside and detailed look at exactly how Disney is delivering memorable quality service to their guests. The book touches on their approach, the outcomes of magical service towards guests, the importance of their cast members, their process in delivering and how to integrate everything. So what’s the difference between them and everyone else? It’s All in the Details If an experimental Audio-Animatronic Tiki Bird was breathing, and 99% of the audience would likely never notice, would it make a difference? It did to Walt Disney. Back when the Imagineers were working on the Enchanted Tiki Room for Disneyland, the birds in the attraction moved, blinked and sang. Walt wondered, though, why the birds didn’t breathe. The birds’ bodies were built with circuits, valves and wires that controlled everything else, and his staff said that nobody would notice them actually breathing; it was just too much perfection. Walt shared a very important lesson with his staff that carries through the parks today; “People can feel perfection.” This sort of “perfection” lets customers know they are important enough to deserve this sort of quality. In many businesses, these little details are often ignored or undermanaged which then affects the customer’s experience and interaction with your service or product.

Creating a Culture, not just a Company Over the years, Disney has created a “performance culture” within their company and uses their own vocabulary. Customers are referred to as “guests” and employees are referred to as “cast members”. These specific terms remind the entire Disney staff why they are there and the purpose of their jobs. Certain areas of the company have different “roles” which include their own set of values and goals, rather than an overall set for the entire park.

Creating this unique culture not only helps remind the cast members of their importance, but it truly plays into guest experience and service. So if a family is standing in line to meet Mickey Mouse and Mickey leaves to go on break, the cast member will not tell the family that Mickey went on break...that would ruin the magic. Instead, the cast member will give an answer like, “Mickey had to go walk his best pal Pluto, but don’t worry, he’ll be back in 10 minutes”. This keeps the magic alive for the children, informs the parents of what is going on and keeps all of the cast members in character.


Improve Your Process and Exceed Expectations Disney Parks are always looking for the next way to outdo themselves. When everybody else is tiers below you, you have to be your own competition. Especially with new technology constantly happening, they are always looking at an attraction, restaurant, show or resort and thinking, “is this the best we can do?” or, “what are guests looking for?”. Instead of putting their needs first and deciding what they want to do, they think about the guests’ experience and how they could get the most out of that asset.

Disney keeps exceeding expectations because they never believe they are done. They are always striving for perfection without actually believing they achieve it. You should always be your toughest critic, pushing your business and yourself to new heights.

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Communication and Training for It A lot of businesses have a tough time with this one, even though it’s easy to achieve if you train for it right from the start. Most are so concerned with “providing great customer experience or products” that people tend to forget that communication plays into that. Your staff doesn’t need to be trained in every department in your company, but they should be able to point to somebody in the correct direction if asked. You will never encounter a cast member who will reply with, “that’s not my job”, to a question they might not have the answer to. They are all trained to be able to answer common questions, and if they can’t, they know who has the answer and will direct you to that person.

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Walt Disney took his vision and built something completely unexpected and unique in the 1950s. He didn’t listen to the naysayers or the assumptions about him, they inspired him to “do the impossible.”

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From an idea in a dreamer’s mind, to a Hollywood joke, to now 60 years later, Walt Disney Parks and Resorts are continuing to do the impossible in the customer service department. True innovators, like Walt Disney, deliberately set out to completely rupture industry stereotypes.

But, thinking differently about what you do and how to provide a truly unique brand of customer service can be challenging. Walt Disney said, “There are whole new concepts of things, and we now have the tools to change these concepts into realities. We’re moving forward.” So, how will you think differently about the customer service experience you provide to keep your business growing?

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It’s no secret that women are becoming the lead entrepreneurs and business owners around the world, so with ambition burning like fire, Kati Israel is becoming one of those women who could rule the world. She is a Global Real Estate Authority, Serial Entrepreneur, International Speaker and Coach, Amazon Bestselling Author and a TV Personality with BossTalk. She’s expanding her empire, one sector at a time and has no plans on slowing down anytime soon!


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Empire 1: Real Estate Authority & International Speaker Since 2016, Kati had been working as a Regional Trainer for RE/MAX Estonia and was one of their top producing agents. Even in a market mostly dominated by females, Kati is finding a way to stand out. Some of the challenges that face women in the real estate market today have proved no match for her. Unfortunately, women are still facing pay inequity, limited leadership roles, career advancement, gender discrimination, and lack of mentorship. Empire 2: Inspiring Coach Her inspirational and informative training is in a world of its own. It’s no wonder the industry considers her one of the best trainers, and it’s for one simple reason: she loves what she does and loves passing that knowledge and passion on to others. In an overcrowded global real estate market, too many presumptions lead to poor results. Knowledge, passion, and understanding clients on a human level are what it takes to generate the profits needed to compete in today’s world. With all of that, she has now become a professional real estate coach to students in Germany, Finland, Estonia, and the Netherlands. With weekly coaching calls to her students, she is inspiring others to build their businesses and achieve their dreams. Empire 3: Serial Entrepreneur Before Kati Israel started her own business, she was already on her way to starting her own business and controlling her own life. By working her way up the RE/MAX ladder, becoming one of their best producing agents and a lead as one of their speakers and trainers, she already laid the groundwork for K. Israel Consulting. By taking everything she was already doing, she has created a business that she knew was already successful before it was launched.

It’s her unique style, fused with valuable business lessons, that produces astonishing results in the real estate space. Kati shows agents and brokers how to take full ownership of their brand and businesses, along with showing independent agents how to grow inside their organizations.

Empire 4: Bestselling Author With Kati’s expertise and success, she wanted to meet even more people and help them get motivated. Along with her co-authors, she released her first book, How to overcome FEAR and become a MASTER, in September 2018 and in no time at all it shot to the top of an Amazon bestseller list. This book explores key issues about facing and conquering your fears to communicate publicly. With the fear of public speaking being widespread among a lot of people, this book has a proven recipe to guide you into the art of public communication where you can hold your own and thus become a master. After such a successful result with the first book, Kati has gone off on her own and just published Hire Better Listings in early April 2019. In this book, Kati shares what she knows best and that’s real estate. She shares a lot of useful information on how to find leads and turn them into clients and retire the old ways. Both books are available for purchase on Amazon.

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Empire 5: TV Personality In September 2018, Kati joined The BossTalk as their new host and moderator. The show is dedicated to giving thriving entrepreneurs a platform to tell their stories using television, radio, and newspaper articles. She and The BossTalk team give people an opportunity to brand themselves and get real exposure for their business. Before she attended one of JT Foxx’s events in Munich, she had just moved from Estonia and was struggling. Feeling like she had lost everything after moving, she was battling depression. But soon after meeting JT, she was on her way to gaining more than she had ever had. Kati attended more events and started the coaching program, then within the next few years she has had more opportunities than ever before. Kati says this about JT Foxx and his organization, “Really working together with everyone in the organization has opened so many new doors and opportunities for me, new connections all around the world. I have grown as a business person and I, again, believe in myself, I know what I am worth. I am stronger, I am confident, I am committed, and I am focused and I know it won’t be easy, but I will make it there where I want to get.”

Her career will be something you’ll want to follow along with; she is a proven serial entrepreneur that is ready for her next challenge. When you have nowhere to go but up, you can only shatter the glass ceiling that’s above you. If you listen closely, you can hear glass starting to crack above Kati Israel.

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According to the CDC, 1 in 3 adults do not get enough sleep. If you fall into this category, you know how debilitating it can be on your everyday life. Sleep deprivation is a very serious issue that can affect all facets of your day, not to mention pose serious health concerns long-term. But did you know that there are certain things you may be doing during the day that can hinder your ability to fall asleep at night? These are things you might think are harmless, but are actually denying you that much needed sleep. A psychiatry instructor and member of the Behavioral Sleep Medicine Program at the University of Pennsylvania, Michael Gradner, PhD, said it best, “When people suffer from insomnia or other sleep issues, it’s often because of something they’re doing, probably unintentionally, when they should be preparing for rest.” So guess what, getting an adequate amount of sleep every night IS possible, and we’re here to tell you how.

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IF YOU’RE WONDERING WHY YOU CAN’T FALL ASLEEP AT NIGHT OR STAY ASLEEP AT NIGHT, IT MIGHT BE DUE TO ONE OF THESE THINGS: Snacking Late night snacking is something a lot of people struggle with. Whether you have just eaten dinner but aren’t quite satisfied or you ate hours ago and have suddenly gotten hungry again, your pre-sleep snacking habits aren’t doing you any favors. Trying to fall asleep on a full stomach makes is difficult and can actually lead to reflux and poor digestive issues. It can become especially problematic when you’re snacking on unhealthy or fatty/ salty foods right before bed. These types of food can actually stimulate brain waves and cause bad dreams... and not to mention unwanted weight gain! If you just have to have a little something before bed, make sure it’s a small amount of something healthy. Electronics Now, this can account for a number of things people do before bed. Watching TV, swiping through dating apps, checking your email, or even texting a friend are all getting in the way of your ability to fall asleep. The lights emitted from these everyday devices actually stimulate your brain, and that’s the opposite of what you want right before bed. Try stepping away from your electronics 30 minutes to an hour before bed, and practice non-stimulating activities like stretching, listening to calming music, or reading a book. Alcohol Though alcohol is considered a depressant that can slow you down and make you drowsy, that doesn’t always mean it will help you get to sleep. Sure, you might feel tired and ready for bed after a few cocktails, but the actual quality of sleep you’ll get won’t be great. Alcohol can disrupt your sleep throughout the night and makes it harder to achieve REM sleep. If you can’t abstain from drinking before bed, try to stop your alcoholic beverage intake a few hours before you’re ready to hit the hay. Baths It’s common to associate a warm bath with relaxation and calming, but doing it right before bed isn’t the best move. After you take a bath, your body temperature is much higher and it needs time to cool off before sleep. This certainly doesn’t mean you should refrain from bathing before bed, especially on those hectic and stressful days, but be sure to give yourself a cooling-down period before getting in bed. Exercise With busy schedules and long work days, it’s often that people choose to work out in the evening hours. While regular exercise is great for the body and mind, if you’re working out too late in the evening, it might be doing more harm than good. Registered dietitian and health coach at Parsley Health, Kelly Johnston, states “It’s best to avoid rigorous, high-intensity workouts that are stimulating at least three hours before bed, as this can counteract our natural circadian rhythm and stimulate the brain with higher levels of adrenaline and cortisol in the system, both of which can prevent the onset of sleep.” For those busy individuals, it might be beneficial to consider waking up a bit earlier to squeeze in a workout before the day begins instead of at the end of the day.

Caffeine We’re not talking about your morning cup of coffee! Most people need caffeine in their daily routines in order to, well, function. The problem arises when caffeine is consumed too late in the day. Since caffeine is a stimulant, its main effect is to keep you up and alert, but unfortunately, this effect can last for several hours. If you’re someone who enjoys an afternoon or evening cup of coffee, espresso, or even tea, you might want to reconsider if you’re experiencing trouble sleeping. And if you’re someone who might not have a hard time falling asleep but don’t feel very rested the next day, caffeine could also be contributing to that.

Pets It can be hard to say no, but inviting your pet to sleep with you during the night is not always the best choice. In fact, the majority of people who sleep with their pets experience poor sleep on a daily basis. And even if you don’t allow your pet to sleep with you, but they might lie in your bed during the day while you’re not home, the hair and dander from them can also contribute to allergies or difficulty with breathing at night.


Pills Most of us have taken a sleeping pill or sleeping medicine to help us get to bed, especially when we’re sick, but this isn’t something that should become a regular habit. Not only does your body get used to this overtime, which will cause the medication to become less effective or not effective at all, but also the side effects from these medications can creep into the next day. Feeling sluggish and lethargic after taking sleeping pills the night before is never fun and certainly won’t help your sleeping ability over time. Instead, if you’re truly having a hard time falling asleep or staying asleep on a regular basis, consult with your doctor before reaching for the Nyquil.

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Hydrating It’s essential to stay hydrated throughout your day, but it’s not the best idea to drink a ton of water right before bed. Instead of trying to make up for all the water you did not drink during the day by chugging a glass at night, make the effort to stay hydrated all day long. It goes without saying that drinking too many liquids right before bed will leave you with unwanted trips to the bathroom in the middle of the night.

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INTERVIEW WITH MITCHELL LEHOTSKY BY THE POWERFUL “What’s really impressed me about their operation is their devotion to educating their clients about the gold and silver coin market, as well as the interactions between monetary policy and the economy. SDL is one of the top businesses that I have worked with, and I believe there could be synergies between their no-nonsense approach and your reader base of entrepreneurs” – Tony Chiu

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What is your business: SDL Numismatic Properties Which sector does this fall into: Investments, Business and Finance, Alternative Investment Ideas, Numismatics, The Gold Asset Class Length in this particular field: About a decade Reason for starting out in this field: It was a family business Biggest accomplishment, personal and business related: Putting together a million dollar portfolio A recent goal(s) you set yourself: Work on my spirituality and build a sectional couch

How is what you do important to you: I believe in what I do. Helping and educating people on how to protect their wealth against inflation is something that I am proud of, and it’s something that I can do on a day-to-day basis that allows me to sleep sound at night. Favorite thing about your business: I have a lot of freedom that a normal 9-5 does not offer. Also, holding rare coins in my hand, one that could buy a house, is really cool. To have something so small yet so valuable in my hand is pretty neat. Least favorite thing about your business: Some people stick with what they know and aren’t open to new ideas. Even though investing in gold and silver coins is a very old ideal, some people just refuse to see logic.

Get to know more about Mitchell FAVORITE FOOD: Twice baked potatoes

BAD HABIT, IF ANY: Chocolate addict

IDEAL DAY: Depends on the season


IF YOU COULD HAVE LUNCH WITH ANYONE, DEAD OR ALIVE, WHO WOULD IT BE AND WHY? President Andrew Jackson because he successfully “killed the central banking system” during his presidency. That is something no modern president would dare attempt. I would love to see the type of man he was.

FAVORITE THING TO DO IN YOUR SPARE TIME: Play guitar WORST FEAR: Being in a position in life where I am unable to be useful to others

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Kenneth Karl Parkja is a forex trader who has successfully created a community of over 300 members where they guide people on their journey to becoming profitable traders and making money from the markets. From a young boy, Parkja has always had an entrepreneurial mindset. In high-school, he made the decision that he would never work for someone else, which prompted him to chase after his dream lifestyle. He started out in e-commerce and then transitioned to forex trading. Now, he has this huge community of traders that are achieving outstanding results and it is only going to get bigger from here. Parkja’s biggest achievement is that he is in Estonia’s top 1% income bracket at just 21 years old. He is proof that it doesn’t matter where you come from, if you have the drive and will to succeed, you can do it from anywhere in the world. We sat down with Parkja to get to know him and his business a little better.

WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE THING ABOUT YOUR BUSINESS? Seeing people win and receiving feedback that I have really helped someone get to a better position in life. 1) People make money and then can do what they have always dreamed to do, or quit the job they hate. 2) Hearing that through our community people have developed so much and they appreciate it. For example, we always share books on mindset, entrepreneurship, setting goals, etc. and also host weekly calls on all these topics. So, people come into our community and soon find themselves having bigger goals, operating differently, being more kind and open and ultimately achieving more in every field of their life.

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Since we offer education for people, people still have to put in the work and study themselves. My least favorite thing is that some people expect to get rich overnight and complain about not getting anywhere, when in reality they are the ones who are not willing to put in the work.



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HOW DID YOU GET INVOLVED IN TRADING? During high-school, I started reading personal development books and listening to successful people and learning from them. I knew that I didn’t want to end up like everyone around me, working a 9-5 job and just getting by. I wanted more from life, I wanted to travel and live a good life. Then I made the decision that I am going to be my own boss, work for myself and make money for myself. I knew that if I would just go out there and get a regular job, I wouldn’t be able to live my dreams. I started out in e-commerce because I knew a few young guys who were successful in it in the United States. I contacted a lot of people and found myself a few mentors who helped me get everything up and running. The only downside was that, because it was my first business venture, I didn’t do thorough market research and I didn’t take into account my location (Estonia). Even after negotiating, the shipping costs through Estonia were really high and my profit margins were quite low. I was working on everything myself and that meant I was behind the computer 12 hours a day. I was building my website, writing e-mail marketing, doing social media, running ads, managing inventory, working with suppliers, packing the packages and sending them out, being customer support, etc. I was a one-man army.

Even though I was working for myself, I was my own boss. I was 12 hours per day on the computer and felt really restricted. Scaling shops takes time, but I understood that the business model I had right then wasn’t going to work as well for my location. Then I started seeing people from social media posting different graphs and charts and money. The money didn’t even interest me as much because I already was around successful people, but what got my attention was the freedom. Yes, these people posted charts, but most of the day they were enjoying life and traveling around the world. Meanwhile, I was constantly on the computer. Then I started asking, “What do you guys do?” and I got multiple answers “Forex trading.” I googled the word and found out in my mind that it is similar to stocks. The only thing I knew about investing back then was that you could buy and sell a stock. That’s it. Nothing else. I started researching Forex Trading on the internet, watched a lot of videos, and bought multiple courses. For half a year, I was learning heavily but losing money. The free information on the internet is just pieces from more in-depth practices. That’s why 90% of the people in the markets lose money. They don’t have the necessary information AND education. I also lost my money at first. Then I remembered what I had read from books and what the successful people had always taught me: “Find a mentor.” I started reaching out to people and looking for a mentor to teach me Forex so I could finally become profitable. After networking for some time, I found my mentor, started learning under his hand, and that’s when everything changed.

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WHY SHOULD PEOPLE JOIN YOUR COMMUNITY? WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF TRADING AND WHY SHOULD SOMEONE GET INVOLVED? Trading is a skill set, like a lot of other things, but when done correctly, it is a really high-paying skill set. Right now, many famous entrepreneurs are suggesting people learn “high-income skills” so they could earn high income from their own input. Trading is also a high-income skill. Firstly, I think that investing is a skill set that every person should know to some degree. After all, we must know how money works and what to do with our money; how the economy works; etc. Learning how to trade takes time, but the amount of money you can make is really unlimited. Once you already have developed the skill set and can trade profitably, it doesn’t take that much time anymore. For example, many successful people trade for 1 hour per day, then let their trades run and do whatever they want with the rest of their day.

Trading allows you an extra income stream, which equals to more money. A lot of people start learning trading because they need that extra income stream or they want more money every month to provide for their family. Trading doesn’t require fixed work hours and place as stated earlier and that’s why a lot of people start doing it next to their job as an extra source of income. Everyone who wants more freedom or money into their life, or who just wants to learn how the markets work, should get involved in trading. It is not easy and the learning process takes time, but it is definitely worth it.

Trading is a skill set that takes time to develop. 90% of all people lose money in the markets and so did I when first starting out. Our goal is to give people the right education and guidance so they could become profitable traders as fast and efficiently as possible and that they wouldn’t lose their hard-earned money when starting out. Moreover, since they are learning from proven materials and are surrounded by a community of professionals, they can cut the long learning curve of trading and become profitable faster. A lot of people say on the internet that trading is extremely hard to learn by oneself, and to become a profitable trader, it takes years and years of hard work, dedication, and losing a lot of money in the process. I couldn’t agree more with that because I know a lot of people who have been trading long on their own. Even people with multiple years of experience join our community because they see the value and guidance they will be able to get. Most people think that instead of paying for education, they will learn online for free and get into the market and make money. My friends also thought that after seeing my success, but sadly, people with this kind of mentality always end up winning. If trading was so easy and you could learn it “free” on the internet, then everybody would be millionaires. I always suggest people learn first and only then try trading. Whether it is our community, some private mentor or some course, the necessary factor of becoming a successful trader is learning the skill set.

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WHAT ARE A FEW SETBACKS THAT SOMEONE STARTING OUT SHOULD PREPARE FOR? It isn’t as easy as everyone makes it look like. Profitable traders often analyze the market and it seems really easy, but in reality, they have developed a feeling for the market over time. That’s why I put such a strong emphasis on learning. I have lost without learning and a lot of people I know have lost without learning and proper guidance. Trading real money is a lot different than trading demo account. In trading, you can start learning risk-free when opening a “fake money” demo account to try your hand in the real markets. People often make good trades and win a lot with a demo account. This encourages them to open a real money account faster than they should and risk more than they should and that’s when they lose their money. This is one of the most common setbacks in trading. Real money gets your emotions and psychology into play and it will be a lot harder to trade it. That’s why there is a saying that trading is 90% mental and 10% skill set.

Jumping into a trade because everybody is talking about it. The best example of this was the Bitcoin price rise at the end of 2017. Everybody was talking about it and buying Bitcoin. But in reality, they were all already too late and a lot of people lost large amounts of money. When something gets overly popular and even your relatives who have never traded are talking about trading some currency/stock/crypto, then you have missed the wave.

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