3 minute read

Health,Wellness &FitnessGuide DR. KAPLAN: Simple things you can do to feel better

Americans are eating more food, drinking more alcohol, and exercising less, resulting in an increase in obesity. Due to so many being pushed into poverty and social isolation and being driven into a constant fear mode, we have never seen as many suicides in the world like we have seen in the past two years. We need to talk about ways to help people function better, feel better, and live a better life.

There are things you can do to help stay positive and reslient. Start first thing:jump out of bed in the morning and make your bed immediately. If you have trouble even getting out of bed to begin with, I recommend doing a countdown like you are launching a rocket ship. If you get up with an alarm clock, do not press snooze, but instead say five, four, three, two, one,” and off you go, out of bed. Then make your bed nice and neat to give yourself a victory first thing in the morning.

Then get moving. Do push-ups, go to the gym, go for a bike ride, stretch, dance, play a sport, take a walk, do sit ups, or go for a run. The brain loves movement!

During the day, do not sit for more than 20 minutes at a time. Get up for at least 20 seconds and give yourself a break three times an hour. Drink water, open a window, walk around your work station, stretch up to the ceiling, perform breathing exercises, do some mediation, or do shoulder roll exercises.

Increase your movements by parking far from your office, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, or walking to work or school.

Drink plenty of water. Just like a grape that is dehydrated shrivels to a raisin, your brain shrivels when you do not have enough water. Drink half of your body weight in ounces.

Almost all of the people suffering from depression have a vitamin D deficiency, which also results in a poor Covid-19 outcome. You must do bloodwork to discover the levels, but be aware that the ranges used in most labs are way too low for depressed patients. If you suffer from depression, it is better to have higher levels than the WebMD recommended levels of 20 ng/mL.

Every case is different so always check with your doctor first. And buy your vitamin D from a quality company such as Apex Energetics. We are offering a free vitamin D supplement to the first seven people that email info@kaplanbrainandbody or call (201) 261-2150 and mention this article.

Help others. When you help someone you see them smile, and this releases endorphins and other chemicals in your brain that make you feel good and boost your brain power.

The best test that measures your brain waves and can tell you what areas of the brain are not working well is a qEEG brain mapping. If you are interested in getting this complete neurological evaluation (valued at

$500) to find out how reduce depression and anxiety, while improving motivation, memory and focus using applied neuroscience, neuroplasticity, as well as hyperbaric chamber oxygen therapy, cold laser, and neurofeedback, sign up by calling or texting (646) 221-6738. The first seven people that respond can receive the brain mapping for only $21. You can also email info@kaplanbrainandbody.com

For more information about functional neurology and services, visit www.kaplandc.com. Follow my weekly articles for updates on upcoming lectures and follow our Instagram page @kaplanbrainbody or Facebook page Kaplan Brain and Body for lots of valuable health tips. Also, listen to my radio shows every Saturday at 8 a.m. on 970 AM and 2 p.m. on 710 AM.

My live Boost Your Brain Power

Seminar series starts Feb. 22 from 6:30 to 8 p.m. in River Edge. This first seminar is about holistic, natural ways to reverse, as well as prevent, depression and anxiety. Each seminar, which covers different topics, is $100, but if you call or text (646) 221-6738 before Feb. 17, you can go to all the live events, or participate on Zoom, or you can get all the recordings for a total of $49 (only $8 a module).


Promoting really cool theater

To the editor: IMAGINEMYSURPRISE when I pickedup my copy of the

Pascack Press yesterday and sa w our story on the front page. (“St. Joeʼs ʻInto the Woodsʼ: Kids snag Sondheim classic for January, February shows,” John Snyder, Jan. 23, 2023.)

Thank you again for making this happen for our program!

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St. Joseph Regional High School Performing Arts Program

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