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To the editor:

To the editor:

In addition to approving the minutes of the July 18 closed and public session minutes, the Aug. 9 special work and closed meeting minutes, and hearing various reports, the council passed a variety of ordinances:

• 23-23, providing for additional funding for the acquisition and installation of electric charging stations and related expenses and appropriating $3,500 therefor from Capital Surplus;

• 23-24, providing for rehabilitation of Berkeley Field and related expenses and appropriating $6,000 therefor from General Capital Fund Surplus and $8,000 From the Recreation Trust Fund;

• 23-25, supplementing Borough Code to add Chapter 306 “Small Wireless Facilities In The Right-Of-Way”; and

• 23-26, providing for acquisition of a generator for the Fire Department ladder truck and related expenses and appropriating $7,500 therefor from the General Capital Fund Surplus.

A number of resolutions were on the agenda as well. Some highlights:

•Chapter 159 – Clean Communities Grant;

• Chapter 159 – Spotted Lanternfly Chemical Control Grant (the state is providing local and county governments money to help them fight the spread of the invasive spotted lanternfly, up to $15,000 for municipalities subject to program availability, to cover costs of pesticides, equipment and labor used in abatement);

•Chapter 159 – National opioid settlement;

• Authorize hiring of solar consultant;

•Authorizing receipt of Bids for pistol range remediation Project;

• Authorizing hiring process for crossing guards;

• Authorizing borough administrator to sign lease agreement for police vehicle;

• Authorizing purchase of generator for Fire Department ladder truck;

•Fire Department matters of personnel;

•Approval of request to consume alcoholic beverages on public property for a birthday celebration.

• Authorizing repair and topdressing of Berkeley fields; and

•Authorizing annual contract for website services.

— Staff report

The price is $ 70 per person. The bus leaves the Senior Center at 9:15 a.m. Make checks out to the Emerson Seniors; no cash accepted. Questions? Call Jeanneann Scarano at (551) 404-7359 or Jo Monahan at (201) 265-1933.

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