Pascack Press 8.29.22

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The Township Council approved a new business administrator, the vote 3-2, on Aug. 15, at the end of a five-plus-hour regular meeting.

frommisconductsexualoverthreedecadesagohasbeenreassignedaschaplaintoaCatholicresourcefacilityinNewarkthatoffersservicestohelppregnant, post-abortion, and

Emerson • Hillsdale • Montvale • Park Ridge • River Vale • Township of Washington • Westwood • Woodcliff Lake P ASCACKVALLEY’S HOMETOWN NEWSPAPERVOLUME 26 ISSUE 24 AUGUST 29, 2022 The Lakeside Choraliers support Meals on Wheels North Jersey with a portion of ticket sales from the choir’s May concert. Both orgs celebrate 50th anniversaries this year. SEE PAGE 2 DONORS DELIVER Situated on Woodcliff Avenue in the midst of the modern Woodcliff Middle School campus, ththis little stone schoolhouse is a reminder of education in the old days. SEE PAGE 4 Bergen County Players’ ambitious “Ragtime:The Musical” includes local talent. SEE PAGE 23 B kintime... season90th

The statement says in part, “River Vale has developed a Roberge Elementary construction ʻwonʼt delayʼschool start



chief,shipMorris26lo,MarkaboardWelcomedwasC.DiCar-whoservedyearsasaTown-policelieutenant and patrol officer. His hiring was effective as of Aug. 15, said the township clerk. Mayor Peter Calamari requested the council vote on the administrator near the end of the long session. There was no public discussion of the candidate leading into the vote.Voting in favor were council president Desserie Morgan, vice president Stacey Feeney, and member Daisy Velez. Voting no were members Steven Cascio and Thomas Sears. Neither gave a public reason for See ADMIN on page 7

Mark DiCarlo, recently Morris Townshipʼs police chief, replaces Robert Tovo


C ONSTRUCTIONAND renovations at River Vale schools have been underway this summer, as the district modernizes facilities to improve comfort and efficiency and bolster educational opportunities for students in grades preK through eight. All projects stem from the 2021 bond referendum approved by River Vale Meanwhile,voters.thedistrict says it has faced supply chain delays similar to those affecting construction“Thesenationwide.issueshave had the most impact on Roberge Elementary, where extensive interior renovations are underway,” the district told Pascack Press through its strategic consultant, Laura Bishop Communications, on Aug.Despite22. the challenges, River Vale Public Schools says it expects Roberge to open along with the districtʼs other two schools on Sept. 12, the first day ofHowever,school. the district said it is “taking steps to prepare in the unlikely event that the building cannot open because of factors beyond its control.”


Despite construction challenges in the wake of Covid pandemic disruption worldwide, River Vale Public Schools says it expects Roberge Elementary School to open along with the district’s other two schools on Sept. 12, the first day of school. Roberge is renovating classrooms, among other projects voters approved in 2021.

A former pastor at St. Andrew Church in Westwood who resigned in 2018 amid allegations of sexual abuse


vicSee QUESTIONS on page 8 ASQUESTIONSACCUSEDFORMERPASTORRELOCATED ʻSex abuse victim,ʼSt. Andrew parishioners still looking for closure over Weiner decades on WEINER

guaranteed by the Freedom of Reproductive Choice Act, signed into law earlier this year. However, there are major barriers accessing care for Black, indigenous, people of color, our immigrant neighbors, and people struggling to make ends meet. Take action today by contacting your legislators and urging them to support strong and equitable access to reproductive healthcare for all.

Nike Bach President, The League of Women Voters of Bergen County

NOTE: Letter submission deadline is 11 a.m. Wednesday for the following Monday’s paper. Publication not guaranteed. Subject to editing. Email

For action on healthcarereproductive

To the editor: TH ENATIONCELEBRATES 26. Observed since 1971, the special day recognizes the accomplishments women have made and commemorates the passage of the 19th Amendment, which gave women the right to vote.This year, however, have been made less



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1978since have lost the right to decide whether or not to bear and raise a child; to choose what to do with bodies. As a result of the recent United States Supreme Court decision striking down the constitutional right to abortion, an important feature of our identity has been subverted, undermined, and diminished.TheLeague of Women Voters of Bergen County joins with groups around the state and calls on New Jersey lawmakers to pass the Reproductive Equity Act. This Act, A4350/S2918, will remove financial barriers blocking access to abortion. It mandates insurance plans in New Jersey to cover abortion and birth control with no cost sharing or out of pocket costs just as New York, Maine, Illinois, California, Oregon, and Washington have done; and ensures state funding for abortion for people who have no pathway to insurance.In New Jersey, the right to abortion and contraception is PASCACK


Womenʼs Equality Day on Aug.

equal. We 426 HILLSDALE AVE., HILLSDALE, NJ • (201) 497-3997 STOP IN AND SEE TIM & RALPH! TIM’S BARBER SHOPTIM’S BARBER SHOP NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY HOT SHAVESTOWEL MEN’S CUTS $16 SENIOR CUTS $14 COMPLETE LAWN MAINTENANCE DECORATIVE PAVERS • PATIOS WALKWAYS • RETAINING WALLS DESIGN & PLANTINGS MULCH • TOPSOIL • SOD • SEED All Phases Of Landscape Design 20 1-26 1-8284 ((AADDDDIITT IIOONNAALL $$110000 FFOORR EEVVEE RRYY 55 00 GGRRAAMMSS OOFF GGOOLLDD OORR PPLLAATTIINNUUMM •• WWIITTHH CCOOUUPPOONN)) 14 WESTWOOD AVE., WESTWOOD, NJ • 201.722.1550 WE BUY GOLD & DIAMONDS Get Additional $100 for your Gold & Unwanted Jewelry TOP CASH PAID BellagioJEWELERS AVAILABLE AT Sell Your Jewelry, Gold, Platinum, Silver With Or Without Stones In Any Condition Now Available...FINANCINGONYOURPURCHASE! John’s Famous Bagel & Deli • 201.930.4940 With this coupon. Not valid with other offers. Offer expires 9/30/22 John’s Famous Bagel & Deli • 201.930.4940 With this coupon. Not valid with other offers. Offer expires 9/30/22 John’s Famous Bagel & Deli • 201.930.4940 With this coupon. Not valid with other offers. Offer expires 9/30/22 ANYSANDWICHBREAKFAST CHOICE OF: Ham,Bacon,Taylor Ham or Sausage,Egg & Cheese On Bagel $449 PARK RIDGE 183 KINDERKAMACK RD • 201-930-4940 WOODCLIFF LAKE 94 BROADWAY • 201-746-6257John’s FAMOUSBAGELS&DELI BAGELS2FREE W/PURCHASE OF 6 BAGELS ANY SANDWICHLUNCH (ON ROLL) $ 799 SIGN UP NOW SCHOOL LUNCHES DELIVERED FREE! Monday-Friday $ 6 99ANYw/BOTTLESANDWICHOFWATER Contact Adam For More Info 201-220-7417Only Sounds like wonderful works COURTESY PHOTO WESTWOOD—Karen Bonnell,business manager of The Lakeside Choraliers,presents Jeanne Martin,executive director of Meals on Wheels North Jersey,with a check representing a portion of ticket sales from the choir’s May concert. Also pictured: Diane Dougherty, treasurer of The Lakeside Choraliers.Karen and Diane are also volunteers with MOWNJ,with Diane serving on the Board of Trustees.Both Meals on Wheels North Jersey and The Lakeside Choraliers are celebrating their 50th anniversaries in 2022.


Open Space requests likely on county Sept. MICHAEL OLOHAN OF PASCACK Vale Senior Club meetings resume Sept. 21 with an exciting interactive DOA murder-mystery show/hot buffet lunch. Reservations are required before or on Aug. 31 as a paid headcount is needed to order the food for the luncheon. Cost: $30 members, $40 others. For reservations and more information call Hilda at (201) 265-5257.

Mayor Peter Calamari said recently he had “positive” feedback on the townshipʼs proposed funding request but did not elaborate. Beylerian, also director of communications and policy, told Pascack Press that a total $4.3 million in Open Space funding was likely to be awarded later this year.The swim club property, marked by closed pools and structures, lies unused except as storage site for a dozen or so DPW vehicles that have nowhere else to park since the township ended its lease of 35 temporary parking spaces at Our Lady of Good Counsel Church for $2,500 monthly.Calamari said recently that the DPW vehicles and seasonal equipment (used for snow and leaf removal) stored at the swim club will remain “indefinitely” — until an alternate site can be found. At the Aug. 15 council meeting, Calamari told council members that a newly proposed $4.5 million DPW facility at town hall did not include enough parking space to store all seasonal equipment and vehicles currently stored at the swim club. No resolution on alternative parking spaces for the DPW was proposed at the meeting. We are rounding up information on other local townsʼ requests for county grant funding.


7 agenda BY



A U G U S T 2 9 , 2 0 2 2 • P A S C A C K V A L L E Y P R E S S 3 JOHN NEUBAUERJOHN NEUBAUERJOHN NEUBAUERJOHN NEUBAUERJOHN NEUBAUERJOHN NEUBAUER AIR CONDITIONING • Sales • Service • Replacement • Maintenance • Space Pak • Unico Systems • Mini-Splits HEATING • Hot Air Furnaces • Humidifiers • Hot Water & Steam Boilers • Service Repair Replacement • Oil Service • Cleaning • Oil Tank Sales & Service • Oil to Gas Conversions ELECTRONIC WATER SOFTENERS HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING,LLC RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL 201-573-0526 • CELL 551-427-8397201-573-0526 • CELL 551-427-8397201-573-0526 • CELL 551-427-8397201-573-0526 • CELL 551-427-8397201-573-0526 • CELL 551-427-8397201-573-0526 • CELL 551-427-8397 SINCE 1980 FULLY INSURED & BONDED EMERGENCYSERVICE NJ Lic# 13VH00248400 • 19HC00582300 ALL UNDER ONE ROOF 201.791.7844 WWW.MASTERKITCHENSANDBATHS.COM LICENSE # 13VH01904500 • ELECTRIC LIC.# 13805 • PLUMBING LIC.# NJ 6379 4-21 BANTA PLACE • FAIR LAWN, NJ L SALELABORSALEDAYABORDAY 84 estwood Diner & Pancake House W Family Friendly Dining 301 Old Hook Road Westwood, NJ • 201-664-7455 SUN-THURS7OPENDAYS7AM-4PMFRI&SAT7AM-8PM HappyLaborDay! PASCACKVALLEY Taxpayers from throughout Bergen County will likely know within weeks — by the County Commissioners Sept. 7 meeting — how much of more than $4 million in county 2022 Open Space funding may be recommended for specific local conservation projects for which they requested funding.At its Sept. 7 meeting, the county commissioners will receive recommendations for Open Space funding from its Open Space Trust Fund Advisory Committee, which considers annual funding requests, investigates the proposals, and makes funding recommendations to commissioners.Apublic hearing on grant awards is scheduled for Oct. 19, with a vote on final awards to be made at the commissionersʼ DecemberLucinemeeting.Beylerian, a county spokesperson, told Pascack Press that 45 days following the Oct. 19 hearing, the recommendations will return to the Board of Commissioners at the end of the year to be voted on as a whole. “This is a reimbursement grant, so approved applicants fill out an agreement, and will have two years to complete the requested project. Funds will be distributed after completion,” Beylerian said. Open Space funds for Township of Washingtonʼs former swim club site? One of the largest county Open Space awards in play may be the future funds recommended for the Township of Washington purchase of the former 6.1-acre swim and recreation club off of Ridgewood Boulevard North. The township purchased the shuttered swim club for $750,000, intending it mostly for recreation purposes, as of April 29, 2022. The township requested a $675,000 Open Space grant, or approximately 90% of its $750,000 purchase price for the property. In its county grant application, the township said it purchased the property for what it believed was below fair market value.(See “Sheriffʼs sale helped town net deal on swim club,” May 21, 2022, Pascack Press online) for more grant details.)


our circulation

Situated on Woodcliff Avenue in the midst of the modern Woodcliff Middle School campus, the little stone schoolhouse is a reminder of education in the old days. Itʼs the oldest continually operating school building in Bergen County, having opened on Sept. 9, After1895.the Borough of Woodcliff broke off from Washington Township to incorporate in 1894, the first local board of education meeting soon followed. There was an important matter at hand: securing a piece of land upon which to build the boroughʼs very own schoolhouse. Resident G.M. Fairchild came through with an offer to donate a parcel of land to the community. The buildingʼs design came courtesy of Samuel B. Reed, a nationally known architect who had just recently been elected the boroughʼs first mayor. Reedʼs own home served as the venue for the first borough meetings.With offices based in New York City, Reed was the architect behind prominent buildings in New Jersey, New York and Connecticut—including the Passaic County Courthouse, Middle Collegiate Church on Second Avenue in New York City, and more. Born in Meriden, Connecticut, in 1834 and trained as a carpenter in his teen years, Reed went to New York City at age 21 to take up the profession of architect. He had a successful career for more than 40 years. While Reedʼs office was in the city, his estate was in the quiet countryside at Woodcliff. His notable Pascack Valley works—the schoolhouse in Woodcliff and St. Paulʼs in neighboring Montvale, both date to 1895. At one time, Reed was also the president of the board of education in Woodcliff. The Woodcliff schoolhouse cost less than $2,500 to build. It had one classroom that contained 26 student desks, three chairs, and a desk for the teacher. Miss Fannie M. Casine was the first teacher, and she received an annual salary of $60. The school building was often rented out to local organizations in order to raise money for necessities. The schoolʼs second teacher, Mr. H. L. Terry, took over in 1897 and started a library fund. In the 1898–1899 school year, families raised $24.13 toward the fund, and this, coupled with a $20 grant from the state, enabled the purchase of a bookcase that became the schoolʼs library By 1900 there were 329 people living in Woodcliff. Of these, 83 were school-age children, 5–16. Still, only about 40 kids attended school on any given day. Those were days before compulsory attendance laws, when during certain seasons chores around the farm took precedence over the three Rs. For $2,500 the Woodcliff Lake community has certainly gotten their moneyʼs worth. The schoolhouse, like the Old Stone Church, has stood for nearly 130 years as the modern world developed around it. These structures exemplify the old adage: “They donʼt build them like that anymore!”

The building’s design came courtesy of Samuel B. Reed, a nationally known architect who had just recently been elected the borough’s first mayor.

The letter is signed by Reps. Josh Gottheimer (NJ-5), Donald Payne, Jr (NJ-10), Donald Norcross (NJ-1), Mikie Sherrill (NJ-11), and Tom Mali nowski (NJ-7). In an Aug. 22 press statement, members said they told the EPA they were “shocked to learn that the $15 billion in new investment Congress approved in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill last year to remove lead from drinking water systems nationwide is being allocated without adequate consideration for the quantity of lead service lines (LSL) in each state.”

Members of New Jerseyʼs congressional delegation are demanding that the EPA immediately reconsider allocations of federal investment to remove lead from our drinking water systems, “so that help can get to where it is most needed.”The members are also asking the EPA to explain how their decision was made and how the agency will avoid repeating this Accordingoutcome.toareport from the Natural Resources Defense Council, New Jersey will receive $138 per lead service line — the second lowest amount of investment in the entire nation — while other states are set to receive more than $6,000, $7,000, or even $10,000 per lead service line.

Krisin Beuscher, a former editor of Pascack Press, is president of Pascack His torical Society in Park Ridge and edits its quarterly membersʼ newsletter, Relics.


Beloved Woodcliff Schoolhouse still building on success P.O. BOX 335 Westwood, N.J. 07675 Hillsdale, Montvale, Park Ridge, River Township of Washington, Westwood and Woodcliff Lake

The articles and opinions printed in Pascack Press are not necessarily those of the publisher. Pascack Press is neither liable nor responsible for typo graphical errors. This material developed independently by Pascack Press. It may not be reproduced, in whole or in part. Pascack Press is published in Westwood and is distributed to every household in area. J. DeFina

4 A U G U S T 2 9 , 2 0 2 2 • P A S C A C K V A L L E Y P R E S S

publication contains

EDITORIAL & pascackpress@thepressgroup.netFAX201.664.2105ADVERTISING201.664.2109E-MAILUSAT HOMETOWNPASCACKVALLEY’SNEWSPAPER PublisherJohn

A lead pipe section, credit Michael Olohan/file.


Serving Emerson,

EditorJohn Snyder Staff Writer Michael Olohan Contributing Editor Kristin Beuscher Art Director Keith J. Harcher Director of AdvertisingGeorge F. Harcher Bckintime... Bckintime... TO SEE MORE BACK IN TIME FEATURES DINING OBITUARIESSERVICECLASSIFIEDREALHOMEONHEALTHGUIDE15&WELLNESS20THEROAD22IMPROVEMENT24ESTATE25ADS26DIRECTORY2730 inside Lawmakerssteamedonleadspend PARKRIDGE

Situated on Woodcliff Avenue in the midst of the modern Woodcliff Middle School campus,the little stone schoolhouse is a reminder of education in the old days It’s the oldest continually operating school building in Bergen County,having opened on Sept.9,1895.


ASTWEEKWE featured the old St. Paulʼs Episcopal Church in Montvale, sometimes called the Old Stone Church, designed in 1895 by Woodcliff architect Samuel Burrage Reed. With school fast approaching—sorry, kids!—this week we turn to Reedʼs other big Pascack Valley project, the Woodcliff schoolhouse. (See “Mayorʼs wife, town marshal square off at the church,”Back in Time, Pascack Press, Aug. 22, 2022.)

• In commencement exerc ises on May 18, Fairleigh Dickinson University conferred more than 2,400 degrees, ranging from associates to doctorates, on graduates at MetLife Stadium in East Rutherford. Among them: Caitlin Adair of Westwood, Melissa Rock of Emerson, Leanne Guarnieri of Emerson, Kassidy Montuoro-Germann of Emerson, and Kassidy OʼConnor of Hillsdale.• GandiagaValerie of Hillsdale, a student at Fairleigh Dickinson Universityʼs Metropolitan Campus in Teaneck, has been named to the deanʼs list for the spring 2022•Approximatelysemester. 3,275 students across all schools graduated from Tufts University on May 22 during

289 Pascack Rd. Washington Twp. • (201) 358-9660 (Washington Town Center) WE PAY CA$H ON THE SPOT For Gold,Diamonds,Silver Jewelry, Coins,Silverware & Watches Plus Receive $50CASH Over 50 Grams of Gold with this ad REPAIRS • RESIZING • WATCH BATTERIES GOLD IS OVER $1,800.00 oz. P ASCACK PR ESSSALUTES the Pascack Valleyʼs high-achieving alumni of our area high schools. Hereʼs what theyʼve been up to lately, according to their schools and families…

• Students at Fairleigh Dickinson Universityʼs Metropolitan Campus, in Teaneck, have been named to the honors lists for the spring 2022 semester. Among them: Danielle Strathman of Emerson, Erin Jackson of Township of Washi ngton, M ary Bisharah of Township of Washington, Jessica Strassberg of Woodcliff Lake, Trey Herenda of Hillsdale, and Sajin Philip of Emerson.•In degrees,thanconferredsonlMayexercisesmencementcom-on21,Fair-eighDickin-Universitymore2,400ranging from associates to doctorates, on graduates at MetLife Stadium in East Rutherford.

The following students from our area have been named to the deanʼs list for the s pring 2022 semester St.UWashingtonatniversityinLouis: Josh DeLuca of Hillsdale, Hallie Wikfors of Montvale, Kyrillos Ayoub of River Vale, and Ron Fishman of Westwood.

• Baylor University celebrated its spring 2022 graduates, with commencement ceremonies returned to the Ferrell Center for the first time in two years. Among them: Taylor Rene Tannariello of Westwood, earning a Bachelor of Business Administration, marketing, at the Hankamer School of Business.•Students at Fairleigh Dickinson Universityʼs Florham Campus, in Madison, N.J, have been named to the honors lists for the spring 2022 semester. They include Emma Smith of Emerson, Ryan Muska of R iver Vale, Matthew Gambert of Park Ridge, and Ryan Stewart of River Vale.

Among them: Danielle Strathman of Emerson, Nicole Dehn of River Vale, Sandra Hronopoulos of Westwood, Jamie Carenza of Westwood, Jessica Ramos of Township of Washington, Brittany Hudson of Montvale, Destiny Tamayo of Montvale, and Sharon Jackson of Township of Washington.•Students at Fairleigh Dickinson Universityʼs Florham Campus, in Madison, have been named to the deanʼs list for the spring 2022 semester. Among them are Sam Schatzberg of M ontvale and Kassandra Mulholland of River Vale.

DEAN’S LIST AND MORE: ALUMNI ACHIEVEMENT PASCACK VALLEY SCHATZBERG COHEN WIKFORS SMITH OPEN7 DAYS LUNCH & DINNER • 154 WASHINGTON STREET, TAPPAN, NY• 845-359- 3657• An ideal spot for private parties, anniversaries, holiday parties, birthdays, graduation and bridal parties! Giulio’s Restaurant Upscale Italian Cuisine At Affordable Prices! formerly Owner of Vicolo’s in Old Tappan BirPrivatePaAvailableForrties!7DAYSAWEEKthdays,Christenings&Anniversaries GRANDOPENING CONTINUED ON PAGE 15 AUGUST29,2022•PASCACKVALLEYPRESS 5

awardingfceremonymencementwideuniversity-acom-thateaturedtheof honorary degrees to a number of academic, business and civic leaders making a positive impact on the world. Lauren Cohen of River Vale graduated summa cum laude w ith a Bachelor of Science in biology and child study and human development.•TuftsUniversity recently announced the deanʼs list for t he spring 2022 semester.

The Second Annual Haydn S. Smith Memorial Basketball Tournament is set for Sept. 10 at Hegeman Park, Sand Road. The Fifth Annual Boots vs. Badges Softball Tournament, honoring the memory of Detective Tyron D. Franklin, is set for Sept. 24 at Westvale Park. Mayor Ray Arroyo tells Pascack Press both growing borough traditions are “hugely important community-unifying events representing the best of Westwood: fellowship, inclusion, and memory. They honor the indelible mark that Haydn and Tyron left upon us and our town.”

The Hillsborough Township School Board in Somerset County appointed former interim Pascack Valley Regional High School District superintendent Daniel Fishbein as its interim superintendent, effective Aug. 23 through June 2023 at an annual reported salary of $227,500. F ishbein, an alumnus of Pascack Valley High School, served as interim superintendent in the Pascack Valley District during 2021 and 2022 following the departure of P. Erik Gundersen, who served a decade as superintendent and nearly 30 years in the district. In March, the district approved Sarah Bilotti, a former superintendent in Warren County, as its new superintendent for an annual salary of $240,000. She took over for Fishbein on July 1. F ishbeinʼs agreement was approved by a unanimous ninemember board on Aug. 22. F ishbein, an educational leadership consultant with the South Bergen Jointure Commission February–June 2021, also served as superintendent in the Ridgewood School District for 12-plus years and for 13-plus years in the Glen Ridge School District.He began his career as a teacher in Vermont and New York before becoming an administrator in the Katonah-Lewisboro (N.Y.) school district in 2000.According to the school districtʼs website, Hillsborough Township is the largest municipality in Somerset County, covering 54 square miles with approximately 37,000 residents.


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Fishbein lands superintendent gig in Somerset County


Do you play basketball? Do you have a team you can assemble? Then youʼre ready to go! Thatʼs the start of the invitation to join the Second Annual Haydn S. Smith Memorial Basketball Tournament. Flyers are going up all over the Smithborough.wasa longtime Westwood resident and prominent community leader, instrumental in the revitalization of Hegeman Park and the development of members of the Westwood community. The tournament is free and open to the public. Register at 10 a.m. Tip off at noon. Visit on Facebook.

Admin: Council vote 3-2; Calamari welcomes DiCarlo FROM PAGE 1 Via Township

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DiCarlo retired from the Morris Township Police Department on July 1. He said at the time, “It has been a pleasure serving you since 1996. I am most thankful for how well the members of the Police Department are appreciated and treated by the community. It has been a pleasure working with the Township Committee and Township Administrator Tim Quinn, who have always supported the Morris Township Police Department.”DiCarloʼs resume cites initiatives/challenges and results in school safety and security, diversity and inclusion strategy, community engagement, body-worn and in-car cameras, risk management, employee relations, morale, health and wellness, and critical incidents.He has a masterʼs degree in administration and public service, College of St. Elizabeth, Florham Park, and a bachelorʼs degree in administration of justice, Thomas of Washington

on Facebook. CONTINUED ON PAGE 14

tims need a safe and supportJames Weiner was found to be working at The Mercy House, a “family-oriented resource and referral center in the heart of Newark with a focus on assisting pregnant and parenting women who need a safe and supportive environment.”

Weinerʼs reassignment to the Newark-based Mercy House was not announced by the archdiocese, neither were any details of its investigation into sexual abuse allegations provided by the church, or its spokesperson.Instead, Rossi found the priestʼs name on The Mercy House website several weeks ago and called the Bergen Record to report Weinerʼs new position. The newspaper revealed Weinerʼs new position after confirming it with an arch diocesanRossiʼsspokeswoman.accusation of sexual abuse, raised anew in 2018 after he found out a church investigative committee did not talk to a friend he had confided in about the abuse incident, was instrumental in pres suring Weinerʼs departure from St. Andrewʼs Church. Only after Rossi found Weinerʼs name on the Mercy House website did the archdiocese confirm the priestʼs new However,assignment.theydeclined to release any information on its investigation of Weiner or its outcome to Pascack Press

ive environment.”Formerpastor

The center also provides services and programs for post-abortion and sexual abuse healing. Following a sexual abuse allegation raised anew in 2018 by the Rev. Desmond Rossi, Weiner stepped down from his new position as pastor at St. Andrew voluntarily, eventually resigning before an interim and then a new pastor was appointed at the church. Rossiʼs charges against Weiner and another priest were first lodged in 1998, about a decade after the sexual abuse was alleged to have occurred.Throughout 2019 and into early 2020, dozens of parishioners regularly demonstrated and protested in front of the Washington Avenue church, calling for a new pastor to steer the church —and to restore a 40-year-old clothing donation ministry that they alleged had been taken over by archdiocesan officials.


Rossi is a priest in Glen Falls, New York. He has charged that Weiner and another man sexually assaulted him in 1988 when they were students at Immaculate Conception Seminary at Seton Hall University.Rossi alleged the abuse occurred while he was at St. Benedictʼs Academy in Newark. Pascack Press asked Margiotta if the archdiocese had notified St. Andrew parish about Weinerʼs new assignment, what Weiner was doing while the archdiocese was further investigating the sexual abuse allegation against him, and for the results of its Margiottainvestigation.answered no ques-

Questions: Archdiocese moves Weiner to Mercy House

Art at The Mercy House,a “family-oriented resource and referral center in the heart of Newark with a focus on assisting pregnant and parenting women who need a safe and supportive environment.”The center also says it provides services and programs for post-abortion and sexual-abuse healing.Former Westwood St.Andrew parish Pastor Jim Weiner, accused of sexual abuse,recently was found to be working here as chaplain.The Archdiocese of Newark will not comment on the allegations or its investigation.(@NewarkArchdiocese on Twitter.)

“The Archdiocese of Newark has returned Father James Weiner to ministry to serve the needs of the poor and vulnerable. A re-review of an allegation of misconduct with an adult originally reported almost 20 years ago has concluded and the matter regarding Father Weiner has been closed,” Maria Margiotta, a Newark Archdiocese spokesperson, told us Aug. 23.




NBC-NY reporter Jen Maxfield to speak MAXFIELD Marion Lorenzo, ACSW, 666-1241 Clinical

assisted living, nursing home and in-home care – with either personal funds, government programs or insurance. But if your mom is lacking in savings and has no LTC insurance to cover her costs, here are your best options to look for funding.Medicaid (not Medicare): The first thing you need to know is that Medicare (the government health insurance program for seniors 65 and older and those with disabilities) does not cover long-term care. It only provides limited short-term coverage, up to 100 days for skilled nursing or rehabilitation services after a three-day hospital stay. Medicaid, however, (the joint federal and state program that covers health care for the poor) does cover nursing home and in-home care. But to be eligible for coverage, your mother must be very lowincome. Her countable assets canʼt be more than around $2,000, including investments. (Note that most people who enter a nursing home donʼt qualify for Medicaid at first but pay for care out-of-pocket until they deplete their savings enough to qualify.)

(See carelookyou/finances/–whichencompasses

There are also many states that now have Medicaid waver programs that can help pay for assisted living. To get more information on Medicaid coverage and eligibility, call your state Medicaid office (see You can also check your momʼs Medicaid eligibility at benefits: If your mom is a wartime veteran, or a spouse or surviving spouse of a wartime veteran, thereis a benefit called Aid and Attendance that can help pay toward her long-term care.To be eligible, your mom must need assistance with daily living activities like bathing, dressing or going to the bathroom. And her yearly income must be under $15,816 as a surviving spouse, or $24,610 for a single veteran – after her medical and long-term care expenses. Her assets must also be less than $138,489 excluding her home and car. To learn more, see, or contact your regional VA office, or your local veterans service organization. Call 800827-1000 for contact information.

Life insurance: If your mom has a life insurance policy, find out if it offers an accelerated death benefit that would allow her to get a tax-free advance to help pay for her care.Orconsider selling her policy to a life settlement company. These are companies that buy life insurance policies for cash, continue to pay the premiums and collect the death benefit when she dies. Most sellers generally get four to eight times more than the policy cash surrender value. If she owns a policy with a face value of $100,000 or more and is interested in this option, get quotes from several brokers or life settlement providers. To locate some, use the Life Insurance Settlement Association member directory at To look for these and other programs in your area that can help pay your momʼs long-term care, go to and click on “Find Financial Assistance for Care.” Send your senior questions to Savvy Senior, P.O. Box 5443, Norman, OK 73070, or visit

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Social Worker Providing Counseling & Psychotherapy, Individuals, Couples & Families, Anxiety, Depression, Co-Dependency Relationships, Loss, Self Esteem “Be The Best You Can Be” THE SAVVY SENIOR: Long-term care with neither insurance nor savings

Jim Miller is a contributor to the NBC Today show and author of “The Savvy Senior” book. BY JIMMILLER 145 Kinderkamack Road • Park Ridge, NJ • 201-489-3984

9 A U G U S T 2 9 , 2 0 2 2 • P A S C A C K V A L L E Y P R E S S

PASCACK VALLEY Jen Maxfield, an Emmyaward winning reporter and anchor for NBC-4 New York, has met tens of thousands of people as sheʼs covered a wealth of stories, ranging from politics to education, criminal justice to health, business to weather, and human interest. You can see her live at Presby terian Church at Tenafly, 55 Magnolia Ave., in conversation with Jon Teall, a congregant and a former TV news reporter who worked in several local markets and CNBC. Teall will be asking Maxwell about her new book, “More After the Break: A Reporter Returns to Ten Unforget table News Stories” — in the main sanctuary at PCAT on Saturday, Sept. 24 at 4 p.m. The event — itʼs free and open to all — is promised as the first in a series PCAT says will “offer the chance for our local community to enjoy our beautiful buildings and to experience exciting, moving, fun, and inspirational events focused on ideas, music, and creativity of all kinds.”Maxfield will sign copies of her book after the event. Thanks to a generous community member, copies are free to all who attend and ask.Maxfield also is an adjunct professor at Columbia Universityʼs Graduate School of Journalism, teaching courses in broadcast journalism. She lives in Bergen County with her husband and three children.

assisted living facility or nursing home care in the near future, but she doesnʼt have long-term care insurance and her savings are minimal. Researching Daughter DearTheSearching,costof assisted living and nursing home care in the U.S is very expensive. According to the Genworth cost of care survey tool, the national median cost for an assisted living facility today is over $4,600 per month, while nursing home care runs more than $8,100 per month for a semi-private room.


10 A U G U S T 2 9 , 2 0 2 2 • P A S C A C K V A L L E Y P R E S S S Sc c h o o ol l N e e w s

The district has been working to counter delays by expediting shipping on equipment and coordinating with the construction site manager to arrange extra shifts for available workers.Signoreʼs letter noted that the district will closely monitor construction progress and update the school community through email on Sept.The1. district says on its projects web portal that it is grateful for the communityʼs support in the April 20, 2021 bond referendum. “The vote authorized major improvements for our buildings, including air conditioning, new roofs, classroom upgrades and an addition at Holdrum Middle School that will provide more instructional space, move lockers out of class rooms and into hallways, and add a Wellness Center.”

“Now, weʼre working on the projects that will enhance the daily school experience for students and staff. Check this website for updates on construction, which will take place in phases through 2024.” Contractor bids due by midJanuary 2022 were solicited for

FROM PAGE 1 thoughtful contingency plan that would ensure Roberge students and staff begin the school year in other district buildings. The shortterm alternative space, if needed, would provide students and staff with a secure, welcoming setting.”

Quoting superintendent Melissa Signore, the statement adds, “Supply chain issues have affected individuals, businesses and communities since we began to emerge from the pandemic last year. With that in mind, we proactively created a contingency plan that will not interrupt our studentsʼ education.”Signore added, “We want to assure every family that River Vale students will start school on schedule, in person, and with their teacher and classmates so they can immediately begin to build a classroom community in a safe, welcoming setting. All special services will be available as well.”

Most importantly, it says, the referendum process secured state aid that will cover a significant portion of the cost of improvements.

Signore sent a letter to staff and parents on Aug. 22 to inform the school community of the potential construction delays – especially those taking place inside Roberge Elementary School. Work at Holdrum Middle School is focused on a building addition, and Woodside Elementary School is receiving a new roof and rooftop equipment.

River Vale: District assures on Roberge opening major school construction projects included in River Valeʼs approved $42.5 million bond referendum, including an addition to the middle school, renovations and HVAC replacement at two elementary schools and entrance canopy upgrades at all three district Homeownersschools. will average an extra $123 annually in property taxes over the 25-year bond term.

—Staff report

Ahead of the curve: Workers finish concrete for the sixth-grade wing at Holdrum Middle School in this River Vale Public Schools archive photo St. Andrewʼs 50+ Club will hold a welcome-back social on Wednesday, Sept. 7 at 1 p.m. in the gym, 120 Washington Ave. Admission of $4 includes pizza, soda, cake, and coffee and one bingo card. Additional cards will be available for purchase. New members are always welcome. For more information call Elaine at (201) 6647037.



11 A U G U S T 2 9 , 2 0 2 2 • P A S C A C K V A L L E Y P R E S S


12 A U G U S T 2 9 , 2 0 2 2 • P A S C A C K V A L L E Y P R E S S

Setting the standard in dental therapy PASCACK VALLEY PRIYU GUPTA, DDS, PERIODONTICSWESTWOOD DR. PRIYU GUPTA BOARD CERTIFIED PERIODONTIST AND Qualifications)(HighestIMPLANTDENTALSURGEON Leave it to the Specialists for your dental implants! 354 OLD HOOK ROAD WESTWOOD,NJ We are the leading practice in Bergen County for dental implant therapy and treating all forms of Gum Disease. Everyone is vaccinated, patient safety first. 201-664-3023 8th Annual Charity Car Show Sun Sept 19Closter11am-4pm18thPlazaVervalenSt.Closter201481-5406Raindate:Sept25thProceeds will go to Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center Car Registration $20 Online Pre-Register or $25

Dental implants are not all the same and have varying success rates. The success is dependent on t he product and the recognizedOtist,Aspractitioner.aperiodon-whichistheNLYspecialtybythe American Dental Association as a “dental implant specialist,” I feel it is important to inform the community about how dental implant treatments have changed over the past 50 years causing a decline in success.Dental implants have been well researched and placed in patients by periodontist and oral surgeons since the 1970s. The published scientific literature in the ʼ70s and ʼ80s estimated 979 9% success rates when controlled for certain systemic diseases & smoking. More recently, the success rates have gone down while research and knowledge has increased.In2007,I graduated from a full-time three-year dental implant specialty training program from Rutgers Dental School called Periodontics. This was in addition to general dental school. At the time, only a handful of companies were fabricating dental implants. These companies were partnered with universities, periodontists and oral surgeons for decades to establish research to prove that their products met or exceeded the standard of care which was 97-99% success rate for 20-plusPeriodontistsyears. followed up on the implants for decades to see how the implants lasted in patientsʼmouths: to see if gum d isease developed or affected them, if loss of an adjacent tooth affected them, if the implant suffered consequences from smoking or if added to a denture. This is all the knowledge which is taught at a university level and takes years to learn. If implants are meant to last forever, it must be handled in such a manner and treatment planned accordingly anticipating changes to a patientʼs dentition and aging.Today many more companies are fabricating these implants and come from overseas with little to no research proving their product has the same level success. This is completely legal through the FDA 501(k) approval process which allows clearance to sell the product. But this should not preclude the company to perform some level of research to protect the public. These “knock-off” implants are much cheaper and have not taken initiative to prove also happening is that these implant companies and private companies are offering short term “training programs” to general dentists in attempts to sell more product so generalists can do these surgical services at their.In my opinion, as dental implants are meant to be a perm anent tooth replacement option, it is important to go to a trained specialist, who is a periodontist, who has the science and university-based training and the opportunity to practice t hese procedures hundreds of times on patients before a private practice setting. I am a solo, female, dental implant specialist, surgeon & periodontist. I am a lead to a team of four hygienists, each with over 25 years of experience. I place hundreds of dental implants a year and follow them in my highly trained hygiene practice. I partner with many general dentists throughout Bergen County to design, perform and maintain complex dental implant restorations. For more information, call (201) 664-3023 or visit us at 354 Old Hook Road #201 or Day

Westwood Senior Fellowship president Mary Cerrati writes, “Our Tuesday, Sept. 13 meeting, at 11:30 a.m. at the Westwood Community Center, 55 Jefferson Ave., will feature the Westwood fire marshal, who will speak about safety Refreshments will be served.” Cerrati says, “Just a friendly reminder: if you are coming to the Halloween hootenanny, Saturday, Oct. 29, your remittance is due by Sept. 13. The cost is $20, payable to Westwood Senior Fellowship. The party runs 5–8 p.m.; doors open at 4:30. See you at our next meeting.”

Senior Fellowship meets Sept. 13 WESTWOOD

A U G U S T 2 9 , 2 0 2 2 • P A S C A C K V A L L E Y P R E S S 13

• Serve as the purchasing agent, administer the centralized purchasing system as set forth in the code and supervise municipal purchasing in accordance with applicable •Superviselaw.the administration of the State Uniform Construction Code Enforcing Agency and the State Uniform Construction Code Board of Appeals as established by ordinance.Itʼs also a position under a microscope. DiCarlo steps into a town with big ambitions after, in Calamariʼs general view, previous administrations were less than aggressive about infrastructure and town property maintenance.Two large public land acquisitions and construction of a new firehouse/ambulance headquarters had been demanding the administratorʼs attention this year, and some questioned Tovo over concerns about due diligence studies on the swim club and the now-canceled acquisition of 95 Linwood Ave., the former Charlie Brownʼs restaurant property.Residents have raised concerns about needed traffic studies as part of due diligence to acquire the 95 Linwood Ave. site. No studies were undertaken prior to or after the townshipʼs $1.35 million offer on the property.

L. SCOTTBERKOBEN, P.A. AProfessional AttorneysCorporationatLaw 211 Center Ave., Westwood • (201)666-7770 Visit our website: Edison State College, Trenton. Additional education and training includes the FBI National Academy, Critical Incident Response Procedures for Schools, and New Jersey State Association of Chiefs of Police. DiCarloʼs résumé notes “20plus awards and letters of recognition” plus three Officer of the Year awards, and three exceptional-duty awards.

Admin: Calamari welcomes DiCarlo; council vote 3-2 CONTINUED FROM PAGE 7 Spread the word! Let us help announce your achievements. Send all news to

The business administrator is responsible for the day-to-day administration of the town. The positionʼs powers and duties, outlined in the Township of Washington Administrative Code,•Assistinclude:the mayor in the direction and supervision of the departments in such manner as the mayor may require. •Prepare and compile budget studies, analyses and schedules, and assist the mayor in such manner as required in the preparation of the annual municipal •Developbudget. and administer the municipality's personnel program and the complete system of personnel records of municipal officers and •Prescribeemployees.and enforce rules and regulations for the efficient management of the municipal government, not inconsistent with the charter and this code.•Coordinate the operation and administration of the various departments, offices, boards and agencies of the municipal government.•Maintain a continuing review and analysis of budget operations, work programs and costs of municipal services.

Some seasonal DPW equipment and vehicles are now stored there as the site awaits a more comprehensive engineering study to assess future uses. The township also saw county work begin this month on a much-anticipated overhaul of the Pascack Road–Washington Avenue intersection. The work was halted almost immediately over supply-chain issues. The police have said theyʼll update residents over social media. Tovo also took heat from some wondering why he was not at public budget hearings. — With some reporting by John Snyder

14 A U G U S T 2 9 , 2 0 2 2 • P A S C A C K V A L L E Y P R E S S MM oo rr ee SS pp oo nn ss oo rr ss hh ii pp OO pp pp oo rr tt uu nn ii tt ii ee ss AA vv aa ii ll aa bb ll ee For Questions & More Information Contact Patty Hughes - The Deadline Is September 15th, 2022. Make Checks Payable to: Hillsdale Recreation - 380 Hillsdale Avenue - Hillsdale, NJ 07642 Hillsdale Festival... A Day In The Park SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1st2022 (RAIN DATE – SUNDAY, OCTOBER 2) BEECHWOOD PARK/HILLSDALE AVENUE 12:00PM – 5:00 PM Major Community Event to Showcase Your Business Sometimes even good people get into bad trouble...a mistake in judgement...a careless act out of desperation, and before you know it you find yourself with serious legal problems. This can be frightening for most of us. One thing for sure...those problems won’t go away by themselves, and without proper legal representation they may even get worse. Our attorneys handle situations like yours on a daily basis and are prepared to help you get the best possible results whether you are faced with a civil matter, a criminal matter or whether you are trying to have an earlier charge, arrest or conviction expunged.

The 95 Linwood site, targeted for a new DPW and then a police department, was canceled due to discovery of underground piping from prior gas pumps used on site. The gas pumps were pointed out by a resident during a public hearing, but not identified by the environmental consultant, Lisko Environmental, that was hired to investigate the site. The township concluded its purchase of the former 6.1-acre swim club property on April 29, following identification of “historical fill” on the site, which was not considered significant. The property was purchased for $750,000, which required an $800,000 bond issue. (The town is waiting for word on its application for significant county conservation Open Space funds. See Page 3 for the story.)

Approximately 7,700 students received degrees from the University of Wisconsin-Madison on May 13 and 14, including River Valeʼs Dahlia Chocho, College of Letters and Science, Bachelor of Science, neurobiology; and Woodcliff Lakeʼs Perri Cochin, College of Letters and Science, Bachelor of Arts with Honors in communication sciences and disorders, graduated with distinction. —Compiled by John Snyder. Write pascackpress@

• More than 2,500 students were named to the spring 2022 deanʼs list at Kean University, including Jasmine Mosier of Emerson, a sophomore majoring in sciences;speech-language-hearing Cheyari Payne of Westwood, a senior majoring in psychology; and Jadyn Sullivan of Montvale, a junior majoring in psychology.

eats Dining & Cooking Guide A U G U S T 2 9 , 2 0 2 2 • P A S C A C K V A L L E Y P R E S S 15 Receive 10% Off your entire check with this coupon Limit one per table. May not be combined with any other offers. Dine in only. Not valid on catering or holidays The Cornerstone, Your Celebration Destination! Book your par t y with us! The Cornerstone, Your Celebration Destination! Book your par t y with us! The Cornerstone, Your Celebration Destination! Book your party with us! The Cornerstone, Your Celebration Destination! Book your party with us! The Cornerstone, Your Celebration Destination! Book your par t y with us! The Cornerstone, Your Celebration Destination! Book your par t y with us! The Cornerstone, Your Celebration Destination! Book your par t y with us! The Cornerstone, Your Celebration Destination! Book your par t y with us! The Cornerstone, Your Celebration Destination! Book your par ty with us! 84 BROADWAY HILLSDALE NJ 201.666.8688 • SELL NOW! Gold is$1,800 oz. ! WE BUY YOUR OLD & NEW: Platinum/Gold Jewelry 10K * 14K * 18K * 22K * 24K Rings, Bracelets, Earrings Diamonds * Watches * All Sterling Silver * Dental Gold * Broken Jewelry OK Silver Dimes $1.80 * Quarters $4.50 Half $9.50 * Dollars $23.00 ea. ORADELL COIN 340 Kinderkamack Road, Oradell, NJ 201-265-5310 • Open Mon thru Sat 9am to 12 Noon 44 yrs. at this location CertifiedStateScales 25% Bonus With This Ad* *Except silver coins • Coupon Must be Presented at Start of Transaction. WE ARE VERY THANKFUL FOR YOUR SUPPORT! Serving the community for over 45 years! Park Ridge, NJ • 201-391-4242 • Fax: 201-782-0396 • “Where friends meet morning, noon or night” Diner • RidgeTheRestaurant BREAKFAST • LUNCH • DINNER BAKERY • FREE DELIVERY • TAKEOUT Order our HOMEMADE cakes, pies and pastries (all baked on premises) for any occasion! Gluten Free ItemsAvailable! Everything Available For Takeout! Gift Cards Available! Voted One Of 201 Magazine’s Best Breakfast Places7 ConsecutiveYears! Voted 2017BMagazine’sestDinerConsecutiveYears! HAPPY LABOR DAYHAPPY LABOR DAY allbrightecowash.com201.284.9497 Gutter Installation & Repairs • Soft Washing Call Now For Your Free Estimate!Call Now For Your Free Estimate!Call Now For Your Free Estimate!Call Now For Your Free Estimate!Call Now For Your Free Estimate!Call Now For Your Free Estimate! RIVERVALE, NJ Lic# 13VH090443900 Power Washing & Gutter CleaningPower Washing & Gutter CleaningPower Washing & Gutter CleaningPower Washing & Gutter CleaningPower Washing & Gutter CleaningPower Washing & Gutter Cleaning ANY JOB ANY JOB ANY JOB ANY JOB ANY JOB ANY JOB10% OFF10% OFF10% OFF10% OFF10% 10% OFF PROFESSIONALS Among students earning deanʼs list honors are: Jack Berg of River Vale, class of 2025; Gillian Feder of River Vale, class of 2024; Janice Fineman of Park Ridge, class of 2024; Bella Hwang of Westwood, class of 2022; Danyoung Kim of Montvale, class of 2023; Tori Robinson of Emerson, class of 2023; Raymond Rosales of Montvale, class of 2025; and Geri Tabbachino of Emerson, class of 2025.• Montclair State University congratulates undergraduate students who completed their academic degrees in May, among them: Emersonʼs Erik Degelmann, Michelle Strathman, Beth Phipps, R Schiffinoicardo , Heather Reissner, A bbie Reissner, Ken Haight, and HartShannon ; Hillsdaleʼs Paxton Horvath, Kelly Smith, Lara Anac-Ayvazian, Samantha Atamian, and Brielle Padovan; Montvaleʼs Daniel Bestritsky, Michael Banovic, R oubina Bozoian, and Nicole Venditti; Park Ridgeʼs Katelyn Monaghan, O livia Gonzales, and Noah Santiago; River Valeʼs Devi Nassor, Victoria Lodato, Logan Giordano, and Luke Rowe; Township of Washingtonʼs Stephen Walsh, Caroline Frey, Brielle Beites, Alicia Di Tecco, Anton Kiryako, Jadyn Hermanns, and Emily Rice; Westwoodʼs Ally Ayers, Stephanie Bueno, Morgan Connon, David Grycan, N ikki Lombardi, Yeimi Morales Martinez, and Emily Ouellette; and Woodcliff Lakeʼs Christine Dattoli and Grady Johnson


Although Rossi said he was told that a church committee had found allegations against Weiner credible, Weiner was not listed on a list of 188 “credibly accused” priests released by Catholic archdioceses statewide in early 2019. In mid-February 2019, Pascack Press reported extensively on the statewide release of the list of 188 credibly accused priests, which named 10 former priests from Pascack and Northern Valley area congregations as credibly accused sexual abusers, and in some cases, multiple abusers. Of the 10 priests serving in local parishes, five were deceased and five were still living then, though no information was provided about residences, living arrangements, or monitoring of these former priests.Three of five living priests found guilty of abusing minors served at Church of the Assumption in Emerson, including James T. Benedetto, Michael Campanlonga, and Robert Stauffer. Campanlonga was found guilty of abusing “multiple” victims, which the list did not enumerate.Inaddition, Francis T. Malone served at St. Pius X Roman Catholic Church in Old Tappan and Michael M. Walters served at Sacred Heart in Haworth. Malone abused one victim and Walters abused “multiple” victims, with no specifics provided by the list. Deceased priests guilty of abusing minors included John Morel, who served at St. Andrew in Westwood; Eugene Heyndricks, who served at Our Lady of Mercy in Park Ridge; Charles Hudson at Our Lady of Mercy in Park Ridge; John Komar, who served as chaplain at Englewood Hospital; and Joseph DiPeri, who served at St. Cecilia School in Englewood. Morel, Heyndricks and Komar were found guilty of abusing multiple minors, and Komar was further found guilty of possessing and/or distributing child pornography. What the 2019 lists didnʼt provide The lists of credibly accused priests, published online, did not provide years the priests served in parishes listed, nor the year that each priest was permanently removed from ministry, laicized or in many cases, deceased. Statewide, the five Catholic archdioceses released the names of 188 priests who were found to be credibly accused of sexual abuse of a minor—79 were still living and 109 were deceased then. For more information, see “Credibly Accused Priests Named — Including from Emerson, Westwood, Park Ridge, Haworth, Old Tappan, Englewood,” Feb. 22, 2019, Archdiocese

16 A U G U S T 2 9 , 2 0 2 2 • P A S C A C K V A L L E Y P R E S S eats Dining & Cooking Guide OLD HOOK/SCHRAALENBURGH ROAD CLOSTER, NJ 07624 • 201-784-9618 TOFARMTABLE The Farm Café Right Across The Street WED-SAT 10AM-6PM SUN 10AM-5PM Abramdemareehomestead.orgHomeofthe8ozAngusFarmBurger!AbramDemaree Homestead&Farm VISIT THE VINTAGE GOODS CONSIGNMENT SHOP! Enjoy Summer On The Farm! AUTHENTIC GERMAN SPECIALS & BEER STARTING SEPTEMBER 1ST • Sauerbraten • Knockwurst • Bratwurst • Weisswurst • Wienerschnitzel • Roast Pork • Red Cabbage • Potato Pancakes • Apple Strudel • German Chocolate Cake Visit our website: 20 Washington Ave., Westwood (201) 666-9682 RESTAURANTCAFE GATHERING PLACE! BE KIND!BE KIND! tions and did not disclose when Weiner started at Mercy House. Pressed for details, Margiotta referenced her statement and added, “It is our single statement regarding Fr. Weiner. I thank you for your interest and understanding.” Parishioner Greg Ryan, who earlier criticized the churchʼs actions, said the revelation of Weinerʼs new assignment was disturbing. “He shouldnʼt be in the ministry; these [priests] should all be weeded out,” Ryan said when asked about Weinerʼs assignment to a Catholic social services agency that helps out sexual abuse victims and women dealing with pregnancy/abortion concerns. He added, “Itʼs amazing that the [Catholic] church does this now. Everybody just has questions about what happened. Why donʼt they just tell us what happened [with Weinerʼs investigation] and it will go away.”Ryan noted that “rotating” priests accused of inappropriate behavior and sexual abuse did not work well in the past. “Theyʼre bringing down the church by doing this. Itʼs a hard road for the church to recover from these bad [priests].”

The prior archdiocese spokesperson, James Goodness, told in 2018 that Weiner and the other priest alleged to have abused Rossi had repeatedly denied the abuse charges. Weiner was ordained in 1989 and served at St. Lukeʼs Roman Catholic Church in Ho-Ho-Kus and at St. Elizabeth of Hungary in WyckoffThe second priest, now deceased, who was charged with abuse also served at several church es around Bergen County Weiner was named pastor of St. Andrew in January 2018, and parishioners soon found out about accusations about Weiner. However, Weiner reportedly denied all sexual abuse allegations, some parishioners told Pascack Press in 2018. Not on ʻcredibly-accusedʼliststatewide

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Ask questions before taking distributions “Before taking a trust distribution, some beneficiaries find it useful to inquire about the potential tax consequences.Thatʼs where a tax advisor should provide guidance,” Esparza says. “Beneficiaries also may consid er consulting with the trustee and investment advisor about additional considerations or impacts a trust distribution may have.” In addition, beneficiaries should consult with their own legal counsel if they have specific questions regarding their rights with respect to a trust or the possible impact of a trust distribution. Esparza shares the story of a young beneficiary who wanted to use her trust fund to purchase a luxury car when she turned 16. “As trustee, I posed this question: ʻWould a less-expensive car meet your transportation goals and preserve trust assets for the long term?ʼ” he says. “It is important for beneficiaries to stay connected with the trustee and to ask clarifying questions so they understand the impact certain distributions may have to the trust. As a fiduciary, a trustee is there to educate and can help the trust sustain longer term financial well-being for the beneficiary.”Wells Fargo Private Bank offers products and services through Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., Member FDIC, and its various affiliates and subsidiaries. Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. is a bank affiliate of Wells Fargo & WellsCompany.FargoBank, N.A. offers various advisory and fiduciary products and services including discretionary portfolio management. Wells Fargo affiliates, including financial advisors of Wells Fargo Advisors, a separate non-bank affiliate, may be paid an ongoing or onetime referral fee in relation to clients referred to the bank. The bank is responsible for the day-to-day man agement of the account and for providing investment advice, invest ment management services, and wealth management services to clients. The role of the financial advisor with respect to the Bank products and services is limited to referral and relationship manage ment services. Some of The Private Bank experiences may be available to clients of Wells Fargo Advisors without a relationship with Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Wells Fargo & Company and its affiliates do not provide legal or tax advice. Wells Fargo Advisors is not a legal or tax advisor. Please consult your legal advisors to determine how this information may apply to your own situation. Whether any planned tax result is realized by you depends on the specific facts of your own situation at the time your taxes are prepared. Trust services available through banking and trust affiliates in addition to non-affiliated compa nies of Wells Fargo Advisors. Any estate plan should be reviewed by an attorney who specializes in estate planning and is licensed to practice law in your state. This article was written by Wells Fargo Advisors and provided courtesy of Eric Kohlmeier, Senior Financial Advisor, Managing Director - Investments in Park Ridge at 201-505-0472.

A good first step for the beneficiary is to meet with the trustee who is tasked with executing the terms of the trust. It may be an individual, such as a CPA or lawyer, family member, or a corporate trustee.

One of the first questions a beneficiary might have for the advisory team is, “What does the trust mean for me?”Esparza explains that a trust is a useful tool for holding, managing, and distributing property as outlined by the trustor(s) - the creator(s) of the trust - in the trust agreement, but each trust is unique in how assets can be distributed to beneficiaries. It is important to understand the terms of the trust. Some key trust aspects to discuss include:

Understand the terms of the trust

• Beneficiary or beneficiaries: Is there a sole or several beneficiaries of the trust? How do the terms address the rights different beneficiaries have to distributions from the trust?

• Age restrictions: Does the beneficiary have to reach a certain age before accessing some or all of the trust?


“There will be a lot of questions, INHERIT A TRUST

As Esparzaʼs clients found, stepping into the role of beneficiary can feel a bit like stepping into the unknown. Here, Esparza offers three suggestions to ease the process.

the beneficiaries of a sizable trust,” Esparza recalls, “they had no idea what to do next.” The brother and sister had many questions. Who handles the estate? What are the terms of the trust? And what should their next steps be? “Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., was the trustee, so we explained the timeline and process for settling the trust estate,” Esparza says. “It helped to ease their minds to know that professionals would be handling everything.”

Build an advisory team


so itʼs important to establish a communication plan and a general timeframe for how long it will take to settle the estate,” Esparza says. In some instances, once the estate is settled, a new trust is funded with the beneficiaryʼs share of the estate; in other cases, assets will be distributed outright to the beneficiary. If the assets will be retained in trust, the trustee typically collaborates with an investment advisor to help manage the assets according to the terms of the trust.“The trustee and investment advisor will create a plan that is based on the terms of the trust and considers the needs of the beneficiary,” Esparza says. “Beneficiaries also should consider seeking the guidance of a tax consultant regarding tax implications related to trust distribution.”

• Lifetime of the trust: Does the trust terminate once the beneficiary reaches a certain age, or is it meant to last the beneficiaryʼs lifetime? Is any portion of the trust designated for future generations? “Trusts are an opportunity to build generational wealth, not only for the trustor but also for the beneficiary,” Esparza says. “For that reason, the trustee should be thoughtful in administrating the trust to help the funds last not only through beneficia ryʼs lifetime but also potentially for future generations.”

David “Chico” Esparza, Senior Fiduciary Advisory Specialist with Wells Fargo Private Bank, remembers meeting two clients, a brother and sister whose parents had passed away. “Unfortunately, their parents had not discussed their estate plans with the adult children. When the siblings learned they were

18 A U G U S T 2 9 , 2 0 2 2 • P A S C A C K V A L L E Y P R E S S

• Distribution restrictions: Can beneficiaries access the principal or just the income from the trust? Does the beneficiary need to provide the trustee with proof of the beneficiaryʼs own income and expenses to receive distributions? What categories of expenses can the trust cover for the beneficiary? For what reasons may distributions be adjusted?

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If you have ever been hit on the head, had a car accident, or had a slip and fall, it is possible you had a brain injury. Symptoms of a brain injury or a concussion include h fog,dizziness,eadaches,braintrouble with focus, memory problems, blurry vision, anxiety, mood swings, or difficulty with sleep. These symptoms may appear immediately, or they may appear days, months, or even years later.

Although many people can get hit in the head and not have any symptoms, others can have some sort of underlying issue before the injury that prevents them from recovering properly. The most common underlying issue that I see at my office is dysautonomia, an imbalance of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. These people are in the “fight or flight” mode rather than the normal “rest and digest” state. They live in a fearful state even in sleep. They will be on edge, little things will become big deals in their lives, and anger management becomes very difficult. When someone is in the “fight or flight” mode, it will lead to anxiety, increased stress, increased heart rate, high blood pressure, difficulty sleeping, headaches, dizziness, digestive problems, brain fog, and difficulty with focus and concentration.Becausethe nervous system is overstimulated, eventually it may lead to a condition called adrenal fatigue where the body gets so tired from using up all of its energy. Because the brain is already so tired and weak from being in the “fight or flight” mode for so long, it cannot handle a brain impact and symptoms may ensue following a headSinceinjury.the problem is that the brain is weak, the solution is to make the brain stronger. Just like you should brush your teeth to keep your teeth healthy and you should exercise to keep your heart and muscles strong, I also recommend doing neurological exercises to make your brain strong so it can handle any physical, chemical, or emotional stress without creating any symptoms.Thereisa process called neuroplasticity which is a way to exercise the brain to make it stronger by creating more connections between the different brain cells. As neuroscience continues to contribute medical innovations and treatment options, we are able to use this research to help people improve their brain function and quality of life. To rewire the brain, a person must increase oxygen that is delivered to the brain, perform activities that they have never done before, challenge the brain, supply the brain with lots of water, and feed it healthy and colorful food.

For respite and fun

One example of a challenging brain exercise you can practice at home is to draw clockwise circles in the air using your left leg; and at the same exact time use your left arm to draw the number 6 in the air. Because one limb is going counterclockwise and the other is going clockwise, it becomes very difficult to Consequently,perform. it makes the brain work really hard and ends up making it stronger. Keep trying this everyday and eventually you will get the hang of it. This is just one example of thousands of exercises that you can perform to keep your brain strong and healthy as you get older and wiser.

Buy my book “Boost Your Brain Power: a guide to improving your memory and focus” on Amazon to learn more exercises to improve memory and focus. Each traumatic brain injury requires a different type of treatment depending on which area and which side of the brain is most affected. For example, if the injury affects equilibrium, gait or dizziness, that may require a vestibular rehabilitation program. Our office differs from most because our programs are based on the specific lobe of the brain and the specific side of the brain that is most damaged. For example, we might want to stimulate one side of the brain that is weak and underacother brain injuries in focus


DR. ERIC KAPLAN, KAPLAN BRAIN & BODY 20 A U G U S T 2 9 , 2 0 2 2 • P A S C A C K V A L L E Y P R E S S Health,Wellness &FitnessGuideADVERTISER CONTENT

PASCACKVALLEY Hackensack Meridian Hackensack University Medical Center Foundation and Pony Power Therapies recently came together for an eighth year to support pediatric patients through the magic of ponies, horses and nature. Young patients receiving care for serious and chronic illnesses at Hackensack Meridian Childrenʼs Health at Joseph M. Sanzariʼs Childrenʼs Hospital participated in therapeutic nature-based riding sessions funded in part by the Susan Zabransky Hughes Memorial Run.Inpartnership with Hackensack University Medical Center Foundation, patients from Joseph M. Sanzari Childrenʼs Hospital are able to visit Pony Powerʼs 13 acres in the foothills of the Ramapo Mountains every year. Patient visits to Pony Power Therapies are made possible by Hackensack University Medical Center Foundation and the Run for Sue Committee, which oversees the annual planning of the Susan Zabransky Hughes Memorial Run. To learn how you can support Childrenʼs Health at Hackensack Meridian Health, contact Amy Glazer, executive director, Childrenʼs Health, Hackensack Merid ian Health Foundation at or visit

Hackensack Meridian Health Foundation It’s magic: Hackensack Meridian Hackensack University Medical Center Foundation and Pony Power Therapies support pediatric patients.

Donatello teaches at Jessie F. George Elementary School in Township of Washington. He has been an elementary school teacher for the Westwood Regional District since February 2009. His resume lists 18 examples of “leadership experience” in curriculum, community and school involvement, and presentations and trainings.Selected experiences include revising and presenting elementary curricula across all subject areas; chief negotiator for the Westwood Education Association; and staff development presenter for K-5 teachers.Donatello has been a director with the Hillsdale/River Vale Day Camp, basketball director with Hillsdale Recreation, a supervisor with the Township Day camp in 2021, and division leader and counselor with Blue Rill Day Camp, Airmont,ON.Y.ther volunteer work included as coach for Hillsdale softball and T-ball. He holds certifications as principal, supervisor, social studies grades 5-8, and elementary school gradesHeK-6.holds a masterʼs degree in educational leadership from Ramapo University, a masterʼs degree in elementary education from William Paterson University, and a bachelorʼs degree in political science from East Stroudsburg University.Donatello was not at the Aug. 22 meeting. The next meeting is Sept. 12 at 6 p.m. at Ann Blanche Smith Elementary School. At the meeting, trustee Nicole Klas was elected school board president; trustee Sal Sileo was reelected as vice president, both by 4-0 votes.

The Park Ridge Fire Prevention Bureau is sponsoring its annual Babysitting Clinic this fall. There is no cost for this clinic. Participants must attend two sessions for certification:Session 1 is Monday, Oct. 3 from 7 to 9 p.m. Session 2 runs Monday, Oct. 10 from 7 to 9 p.m. CPR is not taught at this clinic. This clinic will be held in the Park Ridge Firehouse. It is open to area children who are in 5th grade and above, at least 10 years of age. Participants from the Fire Department, Police Department, Tri-Boro Ambulance Corps, and a local pediatrician will present information for safe babysitting. Pre-registration is required, and space is limited. To register your child or for more information, email Tammy at smileal Include your childʼs full name, age, parent name and telephone number, and the town you live in. You will receive a confirmation email that your child is enrolled in the clinic. 3, 10

21Health,Wellness &FitnessGuide A U G U S T 2 9 , 2 0 2 2 • P A S C A C K V A L L E Y P R E S S HILLSDALE

Unanimous BOE seats Donatello, names Klas president BY MICHAEL OLOHAN OF PASCACK PRESS

Resident Kevin G. Donatello, a Westwood Regional School District fifth-grade teacher, was selected Aug. 22 to serve on the local school board for the remainder of the 2022 calendar school year. The vote was 4-0 to approve Donatello. Donatello will temporarily fill the slot left open by Shane Svorecʼs recent resignation. The upcoming Nov. 8, 2022 election features two open board seats: a full three-year term and Svorecʼs twoyear unexpired term. In June, the school board unanimously approved moving forward with an $82.5 million school bond referendum - planned for March 2023 — to replace the century-old George G. White Middle School. The board has faced some criticism for approving the replacement referendum, although district officials insist that replacing the aged middle school would be best and the least disruptive to middle schoolersʼ education over a likely two-year construction schedule. The board hired a public relations firm in July for up to $55,000 to help produce district communications, a website and possible video overview to provide information on the proposed new middle school beginning this fall. (See “$82.5M middle school referendum approved for 2023,” June 17, 2022, Pascack Press Online.)


CREATING HAPPY SMILES FOR OVER 35 YEARS Golub Pediatric Dentistry proudly welcomes Dr. Zachary Golub to our practice! Local Pascack Valley Resident, Columbia University Trained Pediatric Dentist. PEDIATRIC DENTISTR Y 354 OLD HOOK ROAD WESTWOOD, NJ • (201)-722-0220 • 2185 LEMOINE AVENUE FORTLEE, NJ • (201) 944-7636 DR. ZACHARY GOLUB, D.M.D SPECIALIST IN PEDIATRIC DENTISTRY SPEC. PERMIT: 07114 DR. JAMIE DIAMENT GOLUB, D.M.D SPECIALIST IN PEDIATRIC DENTISTRY SPEC. PERMIT: 03667

• Look into subsidies. The Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy notes that allelectric and plug-in hybrid cars purchased new in or after 2010 may eligible for a federal income tax credit that could be as high as $7,500. State and/or local incentives also may apply. The Canadian Automobile Association reports that the Government of Canada offers point-of-sale incentives of as much as $5,000 for drivers who buy or lease an EV. These subsidies can help bring the cost of EV ownership down by a significant amount and are worth exploring as drivers decide which electric car or truck to buy.

Four basic vehicle maintenance jobs many DIY novices can perform at home

Vehicle ownersʼmanuals can indicate where the air filter is and how frequently it should be replaced.

Tips for first-time electric car buyers

22 A U G U S T 2 9 , 2 0 2 2 • P A S C A C K V A L L E Y P R E S S

Electric vehicles are widely touted as the vehicles of the future. Despite the growing availability of such cars in the present day, for many drivers EVs remain a novelty. That means buying an EV for the first time is a wholly new and unique experience.

Narrowing downa growing number of options might not come easily to first-time EV buyers. Keep these tips in mind as you begin this exciting journey.

• Get an idea of the accessibility of charging stations around your home. The number of public charging stations is on the rise, but thereʼs still a lot of work to be done in this area. In fact, research from McKinsey & Company indicates that nearly half of consumers in the United States indicate that battery or charging issues are their foremost concerns about buying EVs. The automotive resource Auto Trader notes that most EVs have enough battery range to cover more than the average daily commute in America. But drivers who hope to use their EVs as their everyday cars that take them to work and help them run errands and get around town should confirm there are enough public charging stations to make that possible.

These four basic vehicle maintenance tasks can be performed at home and save drivers money

• Consider your parking situation. Homeowners who own single-family homes with a garage that can accommodate at least one vehicle can easily charge their EVs so long as they clear space in the garage where the car can be parked. Auto Trader notes that some garages may need to be upgraded with a level two charger, and that can be expensive. Drivers who must park their EVs outdoors overnight should know that this, too, may require some additional funds for electric vehicle service equipment (EVSE). Local building codes may govern the installation of such equipment, which is best performed by an electrician.

These are some additional costs of EV ownership that firsttime buyers must consider and research before they switch to an electric car or truck. EVs may become the new normal over the next several decades. But before that day arrives, first-time EV buyers must consider a host of factors as they shop around for an electric car or truck. The cost of owning a vehicle has risen dramatically in recent years. Though prices at the gas pump have done much to stretch driversʼbudgets, supply shortages related to the COVID-19 pandemic hit motoristsʼ bottom lines even before the average gallon of gas reached unimaginable levels in Thoughmid-2022.itʼscertainly not an inexpensive time to own a vehicle, drivers can take solace knowing that these four basic vehicle maintenance tasks can be per formed at home and save them money

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3. Oil change: According to, the average cost of a top service oil change at six nationwide franchises exceeded $75 in May 2022. But this relative ly simple task can be performed at home rather easily. Drivers will need to invest in a ratchet, oil filter wrench, oil pan, and funnel, but thatʼs all they need to change their own vehicle oil. A jack will be necessary as well, but most new vehicles already come with a jack.

2. Change wiper blades: Changing wiper blades is another simple DIY task that doesnʼt require any special tools. Streak ing is a telltale sign blades should be replaced, and some blades even start to come apart after excessive wear and tear The time it takes to perform this task could depend on how long it takes to remove the old blades, which can take time until DIYers get a handle on how to quickly remove them.

Tesla EVs might be the most visible electric cars on the road today, but most major auto manufacturers, including Nissan and Chevrolet, produce EVs as well. That means auto buyers have more EV options now than ever before, which can make the process of buying such a car more exciting, but also more difficult. Narrowing down a growing number of options may not come easy to first-time EV buyers, who can keep these tips in mind as they begin this exciting journey.

4. Tire inflation: Drivers can save on that costly fuel by keeping their tires properly inflated at all times. Poorly inflated tires make the engine work harder to get the vehicle down the road, and that extra work wastes fuel. A portable tire inflator can read the pressure in each tire and drivers can then inflate the tires to the PSI recommended in their ownerʼs manual. A quality tire inflator can be purchased for less than No$100.vices may be overcome by nerves when attempting these jobs for the first time, but online tutorials can help them get a handle on any task that stretches their abilities to the limit. If the task seems too tall to tackle at home, take the car to a trusted mechanic or dealership.

1. Change air filter: Among the simplest DIY vehicle maintenance tasks, changing the air filter on a car or truck requires no special tools. Changing an air fil ter can be done in as little as 10 minutes, though novices might need more time until they get a feel for whatʼs under the hood.

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EFREEstimates PPASCACKPASCACKASCACKPASCACKPASCACK AUTO BODY Established in 1965 • Certified Collision Specialist • Complete Frame & Unibody Repair • Expert Refinishing FREE ESTIMATES! ALL REPAIRS FULLY GUARANTEED! WE HANDLE ALL INSURANCE CLAIMS! P: 201-664-2276 I F: 201-664-2277 E: 36 Orchard Street, Hillsdale, NJ 07642 LIC# 02821A • Certified Collision Specialist • Complete Frame & Unibody Repair • Expert Refinishing FREE ESTIMATES! ALL REPAIRS FULLY GUARANTEED! WE HANDLE ALL INSURANCE CLAIMS! P: 201-664-2276 I F: 201-664-2277 E: 36 Orchard Street, Hillsdale, NJ 07642 Certified Collision Specialist • Complete Frame & Unibody Repair • Expert Refinishing FREE ESTIMATES! ALL REPAIRS FULLY GUARANTEED! WE CLAIMS! P: 201-664-2276 I F: 201-664-2277 E: 36 Orchard Street, Hillsdale, NJ 07642 • Certified Collision Specialist • Complete Frame & Unibody Repair • Expert Refinishing FREE ESTIMATES! ALL REPAIRS FULLY GUARANTEED! WE HANDLE ALL INSURANCE CLAIMS! P: 201-664-2276 I F: 201-664-2277 E: 36 Orchard Street, Hillsdale, NJ 07642 Collision Specialist Complete Frame & Unibody Repair Expert Refinishing FREE ESTIMATES! ALL FULLY GUARANTEED! WE HANDLE CLAIMS! 201-664-2276 I F: 201-664-2277 E: 36 Orchard Street, Hillsdale, NJ 07642 Actively Purchasing & Paying Top Dollar • Fine Art Paintings • Jewelry, Diamonds • Rare Coins • Gold & Silver • Wrist Watches and Fine Time Pieces • Statues & Sculptures Marble and Bronze • Antique Lighting • Fine Porcelain • Military & MemorabiliaSports STERLING ASSOCIATES FINE ANTIQUE AND ART AUCTIONEERS & APPRAISERS THE ONLY COMPLETE FULL ESTATE SETTLEMENT SERVICE One Item To Entire Estates Purchase • TOP PRICES PAID • Consign We offer totally secure financial transactions and professional handling of your items. Visit Our Gallery at 537 Broadway • Norwood, NJ 07648 Call us 220011--776688--11114400FREEAntiqueAppraisals • HOUSECALLS AVAILABLE FNewServingJerseyor35Years Bergen County Players (BCP), one of Americaʼs longest-running little theater companies, will open its 90th season with one of the most ambitious productions ever mounted by BCP: “Ragtime: The Musical.” Performances begin Saturday, Sept. 17 and run through Saturday, Oct. 15 at the Little Firehouse Theatre, with shows on Friday and Saturdays at 8 p.m. and Sunday afternoons at Tickets2. are $29 and can be purchased at, by calling (201) 261-4200, or by visiting the box office at 298 Kinderkamack Road in Oradell during regular box office hours.Nominated for 13 Tony Awards, and winning for Best Original Score, Best Book of a Musical, and Best Orchestrations, “Ragtime: The Musical” is, says Time magazine, “A triumph for the stage.”The International Herald Tribune calls it “the best musical in twenty years.” Based on the best-selling novel by E.L. Doctorow, this acclaimed sweeping musical tapestry is filled with pageantry, emotion, and hope, bursting onto the stage like no other musical. “Ragtime: The Musical” tells the story of three families trying to find their way during the turn of the 20t century in New York City, each struggling with the changing cultural climate in America and each facing the promise of hope and new beginnings in the midst of prejudice and bigotry.A stifled upper-class wife, a determined Jewish immigrant and a daring young Harlem musician are each united by their courage, compas sion and belief in the promise of the future. Together, they confront historyʼs timeless contradictions of wealth and poverty, freedom and prejudice, hope and despair — and what it means to live in WrittenAmerica.bythe award-winning composer/lyricist team of Stephen Flaherty and Lynn Ahrens (“Once on This Island,” “Seussical” and “Anastasia”), noted playwright Terrence McNally (“The Full Monty,” “Kiss of the Spider Woman,” “Catch Me If You Can”), “Ragtime: The Musical” will bring together a multi-ethnic cast of characters, portrayed by both BCP veterans and newcomers alike who together will bring the show to life with enthusiasm and ardor. “Ragtime: The Musical” is directed by BCP life member Larry Landsman of Wyckoff, who says, “Weʼre thrilled to be producing one of the most ambitious projects in our history. This year marks the 25th anniversary of Ragtimeʼs Broadway premiere and yet, like all great masterpieces, it remains just as thrilling and moving as it did when it first opened.” He said, “While ʻRagtimeʼdeals with social inequality in the United States at the turn of the twentieth century, the show remains relevant today as we struggle to instill American ideals of fairness and justice in our society and institutions.”

The talented cast includes Ari Mack of New City, N.Y. as Coalhouse Walker Jr.; Rich Ardito of Ramsey as Tateh; Kay Koch of Haledon as Mother; Owen Sheridan of Leonia as Father; Peter Stoffan of Hoboken as Little Brother; Jacob Beser of Ridgewood; as Edgar/Little Boy, Josephine Martin of New York, N.Y. as Little Girl; Ethan Cherubin-Johnson of Midland Park as Coalhouse Walker III; Miranda Holliday of Columbus as Sarah; Nick Butler of Thompson Ridge, N.Y. as Booker T. Washington; Michael Serpe of Yonkers, N.Y. as Harry Houdini; Bill Cantor of Wood cliff Lake as Grandfather; Larry Wilbur of Mahwah as J.P. Morgan/Admi ral Peary; John Rathgeb of Verona as Henry Ford; Alyson Cohn of Wyckoff as Emma Goldman; Melissa Miller of River Vale as Evelyn Nesbit; Brendan Garnett of Maplewood as Matthew Henson; Robert G. Ouellette of Westwood as Stanford White/Charles S. Whitman; Dan Loverro of Paterson as Harry K. Thaw; Debbie Zika of Hillsdale as Kathleen; Chelsea-Ann Jones as Sarahʼs Friend; Daniel Giordano of Leonia as Willie Conklin; Janica Carpenter of Old Tappan as Brigit; and Ethan Cherubin-Johnson of Midland Park as Coalhouse Walker III. Rounding out the cast is Elisabeth Julia of Paterson; Angelina Aragona of Township of Washington; Yaritza Liz of New Milford; Lori FeilerFluger of River Edge; Eric Holzer of Bloomfield; Daisha Davis of Newark; Pauline Quinones of Elmsford, N.Y.; Reginald Bennett Jr. of Teaneck; Nasir Roper of Newark; and Duane Banks of Union.Bergen County Players strongly encourages its patrons to be vaccinated for Covid-19 but will not require proof of vaccination in order to enter the building. The use of face coverings/masks is also very strongly recommended. Reminders of that recom mendation will be visible throughout the facility and stated by our Front-ofHouse staff before each event. All performances are at The Little Firehouse Theatre at 298 Kinderkamack Road in Oradell, home to the Bergen County Players since 1949.BCPʼs popular Questions & Artists talkback session with cast and crew will be held following the per formance on Friday, Sept. 23, Saturday, Oct. 1, Sunday, Oct. 9 and Friday, Oct. 14.

Those interested in group sales or benefit theater parties can call (201) 261-4200, option 6. BCP offers seating to accommodate patrons who are mobility impaired and can transfer from a wheelchair. These seats can be purchased by calling the box office at (201) 261-4200 and will be released for public sale two weeks prior to performance.Advance discount tickets for students 25 and under with proper ID are available for $18 by phone or walk-up at every performance, pending seat availability. A student rush ticket priced at $5 can be purchased beginning 30 minutes before the start of the show (if available), payable by cash only. Student tickets are not available online, and there is a limit of one discount ticket per student ID. A new program is now available for qualified non-profit organizations to use one performance of each production as a fundraising event. The group will book all 200 seats at a deeply discounted price and then resell the tickets at a price of their choosing, with the difference in price kept by the group. The available date is the Thursday of each showʼs final weekend. Interested groups can email for moreParkinginformation.isfree for patrons at the Park Avenue municipal lot, across the street, one-half block north of the theater, as well as street parking on Kinderkamack Road and various side streets, all within easy walking distance. For more information visit

Bergen County Players open 90th season with ‘Ragtime’

Signs of potential scam activity

• Customers should also know what PSE&G will and wonʼt discuss over the phone. A genuine PSE&G representative will ask to speak to the customer of record. If that person is available, the representative will explain why they are calling and provide the account name, address and current balance. If the person on the phone does not provide the correct information, it is likely the customer is not speaking with a PSE&G representative.•Ifthe customer of record is not available, the PSE&G representative will not discuss the account at all, but rather ask that a message be left for the customer of record to call 1-800-357-2262.•Ifcustomers have doubts about the legitimacy of a call or an email — especially one in which payment is requested — they should call PSE&G directly at 1-800-436-PSEG (7734). For more information on scams, visit

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, scammers increased calls, texts, emails and in-person tactics, and they continue to contact utility customers asking for immediate payment to avoid service disconnection. PSE&G would not send just one notification to a customer within an hour of a service disconnection.Also,thecompany would not require payment with a prepaid debit card, gift card, any form of cryptocurrency or third-party digital payment via fund transfer applications. PSE&G offers a variety of payment options and would never require one specific type of payment.

• Threat to disconnect your service: Scammers may aggressively tell the customer their utility bill is past due and service will be disconnected if a payment is not made — usually within an hour

• Request for immediate payment: Scammers may instruct the customer to purchase a prepaid card, a gift card or even Bitcoin, and then to call them back to make a phone payment. They may request that the customer use a payment app to make an online payment, or even give instructions for an in-person meeting. Many times after the customer makes the first payment, the scammer will call back to ask for the payment to be resubmitted due to an error with the amount. The scammer refers to a new amount and claims that the original payment will be refunded.

• In-person demands: Scammers may arrive at a home or business, flash a fake ID and/or claim to be a utility collection representative. The impostors may wear “uniforms” or affix false company signs to t heir vehicles. The scammers generally ask for personal information or offer discounts, which a real PSE&G representative would not do.

• Request for card information: If a customer calls back with requested information, the scammer asks the customer for the prepaid cardʼs number or gift-card PIN, which grants the scammer instant access to the cardʼs funds, and the victimʼs money is gone. Protectagainstyourselfscams

24 A U G U S T 2 9 , 2 0 2 2 • P A S C A C K V A L L E Y P R E S S PASCACK VALLEY PRESS• AUGUST 29, 2022 AA&&II GGUUTTTTEERRSSLLLLCC SSeeaammlleessss GGuu tt tteerrss •• SSiiddiinngg •• AAllll RReeppaaiirrss FF LLAA TT RROO OO FF SS PP EE CCII AA LL II SS TT TT OO RR CC HH DD OO WW NN •• CC OO LL DD PP RR OO CC EE SSSS •• EE PP DD MM •• BB -- DD EE CC KKII NN GG RR EE PP AA II RR SS 220011.. 448811..1155 8822 NJ LIC.# VH04645800 CCoommmmeerrcciiaallRReessiiddeennttiiaall GGeenneerraall CCoonnttrraaccttiinngg RROOOOFFIINNGG && SSIIDDIINNGGOOWWNNEERROOPPEERRAATTEEDD&&SSUUPPEERRVVIISSEEDD45yrs.Exp. JJimmyimmytheJunkMantheJunkMan RESIDENTIAL &COMMERCIAL WE CLEAN OUT: Basements • Attics • Garages Fire Damage • Construction Debris • Hoarding Specialists 201-661-4940 WE DO NOT TRANSPORT SOLID OR HAZARDOUS WASTE. ESTIMATESFREE WE MONITOR OUR EMPLOYEES HEALTH DAILY! WE MONITOR OUR EMPLOYEES HEALTH DAILY! SSUU MM MM EERR II SS HH EE RR EE .... .. CALLFOR AFREE INSPECTION & ESTIMATE “You’ve Seen Our Yellow Trucks” TERMITE & PEST 201-666-5000CONTROL Installation • Service • Repair • Renovation 25+ YEARS EXPERIENCE • FULLY INSURED • FREE ESTIMATES ( 201) 666-8983One Call Brings The Owner! . MISHA IRRIGATIONJ UNDERGROUND LAWN SPRINKLERS OPENINGS ALL PHASES OF RENOVATIONS! IRRIGATION IS OUR ONLY BUSINESS! 5 YEAR WARRANTY ON INSTALLATIONS D&F LANDSCAPING LLC on’t Let Grass Grow Under Our Feet” WESTWOOD,201-664-3130NJ• We now offer ..Cleanouts Property • House • Attic DemolitionSheds • Above Ground PoolsDecks • Scrap Metal Removed We now offer...We now offer... offer... . & Much More Residential & Commercial • Pondless Water Features • Spring/Fall Clean-Ups •LawnWeekly&BiweeklyMaintenance • Mulching • Topsoil • Deco & Drainage Gravel • Core Aeration• Over Seeding• Planting NJ HIC # 13VH06673400 Now Available SSeasonedFirewoodCallForBestPrices!NowAvailableeasonedFirewoodCallForBestPrices! Just like the summer itself, scammers are turning up the heat, pretending to be PSE&G or impersonating prominent area utilities, and threatening to turn o ff service for nonpayment. PSE&G urges customers to understand scammersʼtactics and do the right thing if confronted with a demand for payment: Get the truth from the real PSE&G at 800-436-PSEG (7734). “Protecting our customers is a top priority. It is critically important we continue to raise awareness and educate customers about how to spot and stop potential scams,” said Jane Bergen, director of billing, customer care for PSE&G.Shesaid, “Scammers continue to adapt and develop increasingly sophisticated tactics to take advantage of our customers.”

• Never arrange payment or provide account or personal information, including Social Security numbers or debit/credit card information, over the phone unless you are certain you are speaking to a PSE&G rep.

•Be alert to the telltale sign of a scam:someone asking by telephone or email for payment in pre-paid debit cards or fund transfer app, or to send money to an out-of-state address.

‘Summer of scams’ – think twice, warns utility PASCACK VALLEY HOUSES • ROOFS • WINDOWS • CONCRETE • BUILDINGS • PAVERS RESIDENTIAL & ENVIROMENTLCOMMERCIALYFRIENDLY FREE ESTIMATES FULLY INSURED NJ LIC#13VH06676600 OWNER OPERATED CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED BEFOREAFTER BEFORE AFTER WE’RE HIRING! CALL FOR DETAILS! P ARK201-387-13201-387-1377FLOORING77Quality Workmanship at Reasonable Rates Floor Scraping • Refinishing • Staining Installation & Repairs FREE ESTIMATES40 Years Experience ADustlessSystemvailable Mitchell Park (201) 694-9011 Cellular • parkfloor@aol.comMitchell Park (201) 694-9011 Cellular • parkfloor@aol.comMitchell Park (201) 694-9011 Cellular • parkfloor@aol.comMitchell Park (201) 694-9011 Cellular • parkfloor@aol.comMitchell Park (201) 694-9011 • Floor Scraping • Refinishing • Staining Installation & Repairs FREE ESTIMATES Floor Scraping • Refinishing • Staining Installation & Repairs FREE ESTIMATES Floor Scraping • Refinishing • Staining Installation & Repairs FREE ESTIMATES Floor Scraping • Refinishing • Staining Installation & Repairs PARK FLOORINGP ARK FLOORINGPARK FLOORINGPARK FLOORING Quality Workmanship at Reasonable RatesQuality Workmanship at Reasonable RatesQuality Workmanship at Reasonable RatesQuality at Rates

The PascackSocietyHistorical •As a reminder, if you havenʼt done so yet, you can become a member of the Soci ety by visiting Memberships help support their important work preserving our shared history. COVID-19 Transmission and hospitalization information for the area can be found on the dashboard by visiting Free at home tests (four per residential address) are available at If you need a test or a vaccine the best resource is at newb Updated COVID-19 information can be found at


The St. Thomas More Council #2188 Westwood/Hillswill host a “Halfway to St. Patrickʼs Day Dinner” on Friday, Sept. 9 at 40 Crest St. in Westwood. The doors at 6 p.m. The menu is available. The cost is $19 per person. Monies raised provide the funds for the councilʼs many charitable activities and donations.Reservations are required and must be made by noon on Monday, Sept. 5. Payment may be mailed to the council address or deposited in the mailbox at the Council Hall entrance. For reservations, call Jay Rattino at (973) 760-3166. The council adds that all CDCguidelines will be strictly followed.

includes corned beef, cabbage, potato, salad, and coffee, tea, and soda. Bar service



Food Pantry

HALFWAY-TO-ST.-PAT’S-DAYDINNERSEPT.9Mayor Keith J. Misciagna shared the following borough updates with residents on Aug. 2 2. With expired items omitted: •I wanted to take a minute to let you know about a new addition to the many great restaurants in Park Ridge. Pop Empanada has started a popup fine dining supper club on Thursdays and Saturdays and it is really fantastic. Availability is very limited but give them a call at (201) 746-000 for all the details. Itʼs a really great way to experience a rotating luxury menu right here in Park Ridge. I have always said that Park Ridge has the best restaurants around which makes it easy to choose to support our local businesses and this addition to Pop Empanada just adds to the great choices we have as Park Ridge residents.

•The Recreation Department is sponsoring fireworks on Sept. 3 (rain date Sept. 4) at the PRHS football field. Music begins at 7 p.m., fireworks approximately 8 p.m. •The Recreation Department has announced the date for this yearʼs Oktoberfest hosted by the Park R idge Elks. Save the afternoon of Oct. 15 to join us at the Elks Lodge on Sulak for food and fun! Park Ridge Water Although our temporary treatment is working and we have been able to turn on the affected wells to ensure adequate water supply for all of our customers and most importantly for fire suppression in the event of an emergency, we thank everyone for their continued cooperation in only watering their lawns on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.Theentire state is now in a drought watch. Details of the guidance from the NJDEP can be found on our website.

25 A U G U S T 2 9 , 2 0 2 2 • P A S C A C K V A L L E Y P R E S S Don’t Wait Until It’s Too Late. Have Your A/C Checked Today! A-1 Comfort Controls Heating & Cooling 24 Hour Service PLUMBING • HEATING • COOLING Call David 201-952-1486 With$95.00thisCoupon (Valued at $175) Fully Insured - Specializing in H.V.A.C. • Heating & Air Conditioning Install & Service Maintenance And Startup Includes cleaning both indoor and outdoor unit coils and drains • Inspect operation • Check Ref. pressures and filters NJ Lic.# 13vh06200200 • NJ Lic.# 10995 ESTIMATESFREE & HASSLEPRICINGFREE ALL MAJOR CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED REAL ESTATE PASCACK VALLEY Call Karin “CORINNE” Low For All Your Real Estate Needs PHouses4SaleNJ.comPRROOPPEERRTTIIEESS 201-825-6600 corinnelow@yahoo.com201-819-6737x321EEaacchh OOffffiiccee nnddeeppeennddeennttllyy OOwwnneedd && OOppeerraatteedd RE/MAX "Platinum" RE/MAX "Hall of Fame" KK.. CCoorriinnnnee LLooww Broker Associate Thinking about Selling or Buying, Call CorinneBESTforCorinnetheRESULTS!201-819-6737

Just a reminder that the Tri-Boro Food Pantry continues to have a need for donations. If you are able to donate, please visit the pantry on Tuesday or Thursday from 9 to 11 a.m. You can also drop off donations at Borough Hall in the donation box located in the lobby during normal business hours.If you need to make special arrangements for a drop off time, call (201) 573-9083. more MISCIAGNA

Fireworks, water, and


Upcoming Events

Gottheimer here to trumpet police gear, resources ‘clawed back’

SUBJECT: Temporary Seasonal Laborer, DPW Applications can be picked up at 188 Pascack Road in Woodcliff Lake or down loaded from the website:


U.S. Congressman Josh Gottheimer (NJ-5) joined with the Washington Township Police Department to announce new equipment and resources he said in a press statement were “clawed back through federal grant programs in 2021 and 2022 to help local law enforcement keep themselves and their communities safe — clawing more federal tax dollars back from Washington and the Moocher States and helping lower property taxes in North Jersey.”Gottheimer said, “From trucks to front-end loaders, computers to monitors, and a Humvee — to help with rescues during extreme weather events — the WTPD has utilized the federal Law Enforcement Support Office (LESO) and GSA Federal Surplus Property programs to reduce the cost burden on the Townshipʼs budget and save hundreds of thousands of dollars of Township residents' hard-earned tax dollars.”

Make a difference in your community —volunteer to teach English as a Second Language! Since 1982, Literacy Volunteers of Pascack Valley has been training volunteers to teach English to adults in their community. This online workshop is run by certified trainers and the program is an accredited member of the national organization Proliteracy. Upon completion of the workshop, LVPV will match each volunteer with an appropriate student. The workshop is open to residents of Allendale, Cresskill, Dumont, Emerson, Franklin Lakes, Hillsdale, Montvale, Paramus, Park Ridge, Ramsey, River Vale, and Westwood. Tutoring may be remote or in person, depending on your preference. The workshop will cover the use of virtual technology for tutoring purposes.

LANDSCAPING - labor wanted, Immediate opening. Experience a plus but willing to train. Must have means of Call:transportation.201-664-3130.

Police director is James Giblin. Chief is Richard Skinner. Captain is John Calamari. Lieutenants are Arsenio Pecora and Roy Scherer. For more information visit

HHEELLPP WWAANNTTEEDD Ken’s Deli needs a sandwich maker. Morning hours, full-time. Must be personable and upbeat. Starting salary: $18/hour. Exp. nec. Alex at the store or text 646-541-4319.



HHEELLPP WWAANNTTEEDD JOURNALIST Freelance or P/T.Are you interested in public affairs? Are you passionate about objective journalism? Newspaper group seeks local reporters to cover area governmental bodies. Experience and knowl edge of APStyle preferred. forjobs@thepressgroup.netEmailmoreinformation.

The equipment — valued at more than $260,000 across the span of just over a year from the LESO program alone — “will support the departmentʼs ability to protect Washington Township families from crime, the growing threat of natural disasters, and more,” said a beaming Gottheimer.He said, “Before I was in office, the Fifth District only brought back $798,000 per year on average through the LESO program. Now, there are 30 new Fifth District towns since 2016 participating in the LESO program and millions of dollars clawed back every year — a huge increase for North Jersey — and a real savings to our taxpayers.”

Literacy Volunteers of Pascack Valley is pleased to announce the next online four-session Tutor Training Workshop on Sept. 13, 27, and 29 and Oct. 6 from 7:30 to 9 p.m. Volunteers must be at least 18 toToparticipate.register, write to Marilyn Katz or Cheryl Chang at or visit

P/TAssistant - needed for &math&preschool,teachingreading.MonThurs.3pm-7pm.Call201-391-0780.


HHEELLPP WWAANNTTEEDD TEMPORARYSEASONALLABORER – Woodcliff Lake DPW. Department of Public Works is seeking individuals to fill the seasonal Leaf Collector position beginning on or about Oct. 15.Experience a plus. Pays $15/hr Responsibilities include working with a vacuum leaf loader, performing manual labor by raking and other related duties as required.Applicants must fill out an application and send to: Woodcliff Lake DPW, 188 Pascack Road, Woodcliff Lake, NJ, 07677. Attn: Chris Behrens, DPW or e-mail it to:

26 A U G U S T 2 9 , 2 0 2 2 • P A S C A C K V A L L E Y P R E S S 201.664.2105CALL To Advertise Your Garage Sale! 201.664.2105CALL To Advertise Your Garage Sale! DIRECTORY Advertise Your Garage Sale!Advertise Your Garage Sale! Call 201.664.2105 Advertise Your Garage Sale!Advertise Your Garage Sale! Call 201.664.2105

HHEELLPP WWAANNTTEEDD Cresskill, 1BR, 1st floor, Victorian house, garage, porch, yard. No pets. Ref req. $1,700 plus utilities. Call 917-374-1033.

SALES ASSOCIATE Join our ever growing sales team as a Sales Associate for the Pascack Press, Northern Valley Press North and South and near future publications. Applicants should be self-starters with drive to succeed. In this position, you will sell advertising space to new and existing accounts into our weekly newspapers and various other publications as well as digital media. Responsibilities will also include cold calling, outside sales and excellent customer service. SEND RESUME TO:


Rep.Josh Gottheimer chats with Washington Township police and checks out newer department grant-funded gear,such as a Humvee. Courtesy photos. for busy restaurant in Park Ridge, NJ. F/T or P/T. Please call (201) 391-4242. L.W.K Landscaping (201) 697-3458

HHEELLPP WWAANNTTEEDD BUSINESS?WANTCall(201)664-2105 FRIDAYSTARTINGON’S,6-8HOURSWESTWOOD NewspaperNewspaperDeliveryBaggers Call 201.664.2105 BUSINESS?WANTCall(201)664-2105 ONE WEEK 5 LINES FOR ONLY $30.00 CLASSIFIED SPECIAL ADVERTISE 3 WEEKS GET THE 4TH FREEWEEKclassifieds ph 201.358.9500 • fax 201.664.2109 • Target Your Market! in the201.358.9500Call to placeyour classifiedad today! fax 201.664.2109 or pascackpress@thepressgroup.netemail Professional Offices180 Old Tappan Road, Old Tappan – For Rent, $450/month. Call 201768-0218. CCOOMMMMEERRCCIIAALL RREENNTT Professional Cleaning Service. Will clean house, office, or apartment. Free estimates. 201-681-6170. SSEERRVVIICCEESS CCLLEEAANNIINNGG TTEEAAMM PPLLAAYYEERR WWAANNTTEEDD Professional Junk Removal Company seeks an enthusiastic and energetic individual to help join their growing team. Drivers license & transporta tion required. Call (201) 661-4940 for more details. WANTCallBUSINESS?(201)664-2105 HHEELLPP WWAANNTTEEDD WANTED- P/T Landscape help wanted. Flexible hours, GOOD PAY for hard working indi viduals.

Male caregiver to take care of sick and elderly Specialize in Parkinson’s, dementia, and hospice care. Live in or out, overnight available. Refs available, fully vaccinated. Tel. (845) 664-1132. SSIITTUUAATTIIOONN WWAANNTTEEDD Caregivers seek position for evenings, overnight and live-in. Experienced, with references. Fully vaccinated. Call 201-8237923. SSIITTUUAATTIIOONN WWAANNTTEEDD

Gottheimer, a member of the bipartisan Law Enforcement Caucus, added, “I want to thank our districtʼs towns and first responders, like the Washington Township Police Department, for going above and beyond in fighting to save taxpayersʼhard-earned dollars while better equipping their departments and helping make their towns even safer places to live.”He added, “I was also proud to announce this month that we are now up 357 percent in our federal tax dollars that weʼve clawed back to Jersey from Washington, helping to lower our property taxes, to make life more affordable and safer, and to improve our Fifth District Gottheimercommunities.”said,“Infact, in 2021 alone, we clawed back more than $750 for every single North Jersey household — dollars going back into the pockets o f our hardworking families when they need them most.”

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doareastoinfo@kaplanbrainandbody.comemailreserveyourspotimmediatelyBesidesstimulatingtheweakofthebrainandcalmingwntheoveractivepartsofthebrain,itisalsoimportanttocreategoodbrainhabitstofunctionbet-ter,feelbetter,andlivebetterIwillreviewmanyofthesehabitsonmyweeklyradioshow“BoostYourBrainpowerwithDrEricKaplan”onAM970Saturdaymorningsfrom8to9.Forvideosonimprovingyourbrainfunction,subscribetomyYouTubechannel“KaplanBrainandBody”orfollowourFacebookpage“KaplanBrainandBody.” 30 A U G U S T 2 9 , 2 0 2 2 • P A S C A C K V A L L E Y P R E S S



Protect your family and gain peace of mind by pre-planning your cemetery arrangements. Select from Traditional Burial, Aboveground Mausoleum or Cremation Niches. Contact Nancy Fabricant NJ Licensed Cemetery Counselor at 201-214-1528 or to discuss your personal needs. extended family and dear friends. She retired as director of the Disability Resource Center at Montclair State University. She also served as president of the board of directors of the Holmstead School. Her passions included her beloved New York Mets, vacationing in Stone Harbor, and her three cats — which she considered members of her family. The family will receive guests for a memorial visitation at Becker Funeral Home, Westwood on Monday, Aug. 22 from 4 to 8 p.m. Memorial contributions can be made in Lindaʼs name to the Holmstead School at 14 Hope St., Ridgewood, NJ 07450,, tel. (201) 447-1696.

OBITUARIES Depression in Union City in a multi-unit coldwater flat apartment building owned by her grandfather, who also operated a grocery store downstairs. She moved to River Edge in third grade, graduating Hackensack High School at 15. She attended Katherine Gibbs Secretarial School before beginning her career at CBS Television Network in New York City, where she met the love of her life, George. Married in May 1956, they settled in River Vale to raise their family in the spring of 1960. Barbara raised Elizabeth, George (Lorrie Anderson, deceased), James, (Linda Catalano), Robert and Carol (John Kreusch). Barbara was a loving grandmother and meme to 11 grandchildren, and recently welcomed three great-grandchildren, Cooper, Bryson, and Kaia. As an only child and stay-athome mom, Barbara saw her large family bring her and George great pride, joy, and love. They decided to remain in New Jersey rather than retire, to Florida, and enjoyed many wonderful summers together with their children and grandchildren at the vacation home in Schroon Lake, New York. Barbara was always an enthusiastic supporting voice heard from the stands cheering on the many teams her children and grandchildren participated in over many years in the Pascack Valley.

Linda Anne Smith, 67, of Westwood, passed away on Friday, Aug. 19, 2022. Linda is survived by her dear husband, Gordon; her beloved son Alexander; her Mother Irma Miraglia. She is predeceased by her father, Leonard Miraglia Sr. She is also survived by her siblings Laura Green, Leonard Miraglia Jr. and his wife Jeanne, and Lisa Ranoff and her husband, Jay, as well as her niece, nephews, goddaughter, and her

The Scholarship Fund for Inner-City Children (SFIC), a partner of the Archdiocese of Newark, recently gave six high school sophomores and juniors from archdiocesan schools the summer vacation of their dreams by providing them with scholar ships to attend the prestigious Advanced Space Academy at the U.S. Space & Rocket Center in Huntsville, Ala. Each teen was selected through a highly competitive process in which applicants sub mitted their grades, a teacher recommendation, and two essays describing the significance of STEM in their lives and futures. Those chosen to attend the Space Academy enjoyed one week of high-level educational and teambuilding activities, which included building a rocket, flying jet aircraft simulators, and completing an extended-duration Mars mission simulation. They also got to experience a moonwalk using the 1/6th Gravity Chair and a spacecraft tumble in the Multi-Axis Trainer.

ZURICHBarbara Barbara Zurich, 90, longtime River Vale resident, passed away after a brief illness on Wednesday, Aug 17. eternaln2Zurich,bherwaspredeceasedShebybelovedhus-and,GeorgeinMay022:thetwoareowunitedintheirlove.Barbarawasan only child, born in Englewood Hospital in 1932 to parents A. Fred Runge and Annamae Uhde, whose parents emigrated from Germany. Barbara grew up during the

Colin Park, a student at St. Joseph Regional High School in Montvale, and Sidney Chung, a student from the Academy of the Holy Angels in Demarest, were among those recently receiving this once-in-a-lifetime opportuni ty to attend the U.S. Space Acad emy.“If you have an interest in STEM, this is the best experience you could ask for because you basically get to be an astronaut,” said Jasmin Roman, SFICʼs direc tor of scholarship programs. “You also learn how to work in teams and manage high-pressure situa tions, which are skills you can use beyond the program. Itʼs some thing that really builds character and confidence. Thatʼs why weʼve been sending students to the Space Academy for the past 26 years.”

tive, but we also might want to calm down the other side of the brain that is overactive. Whether it is balance exercises, walking exercises, eye exercises, ear or canal maneuvers, or sensory exercises with the eyes closed, it is necessary to work on the weaknesses and get to the root cause of the concussion if we want to help heal as quickly as possible. If the injury has affected the front part of the brain, it is possible the patient may have trouble with concentration, distraction, focus, organization, language, memory, conversation, and details. Fortunately, there are many easy ways to stimulate the front of the brain and find relief from these symptoms. One last, but very common part of the nervous system that gets affected in concussion is the vagus nerve. Iit may be appropriate to try to strengthen it by per forming exercises that have already been proven to activate the vagus nerve. Gargling intensely, performing the gag reflex, swallowing, singing, laughing, and screaming can create an increase in input to this weak area and create new stronger pathways that help the body function better. A dysfunctional vagus nerve can cause problems with breathing, diabetes, heart disease, digestion, urination, sexual function, thyroid function, liver function, and kidney function, so it is vital to make sure it is functioning at optimalThelevels.brain is very complicated and each brain injury needs the proper attention. One of the best neurology tools we have is a qEEG with neurofeedback, which measures brain waves. It is noninvasive, there is no radiation, no pain, and takes about 30 minutes to perform. It is normally $400, but we are giving a gift to our readers, where you can get the qEEG brain mapping with a review and consultation for $21. There are seven gifts left so call (201) 261-2150 or

SFICʼs Space Academy scholarships are made possible through funding from Mark and Kathy Walchak, former archdiocesan parishioners who wanted to give gifted Catholic school students the chance to benefit from the Space Academy like their own daughter had. The Walchaksʼ generosity has sent more than 150 teenagers to the U.S. Space & Rocket Center since 1996, with many going on to pursue careers in STEM fields afterward. Two alumni even joined NASAʼs Mars Exploration Program.

F or more information on the Scholarship Fund for Inner-City Children and its Space Academy scholarships, visit SFIC, founded in 1983 as the Fund for Educational Advancement, is a non-profit organization funded by corporations, founda tions, and individual donors who wish to invest in the future of eco nomically disadvantaged children living in neighboring communities. The fund has provided more than $54 million in partial-tuition assistance to students from eco nomically disadvantaged socioeconomic backgrounds within Bergen, Essex, Hudson, and Union counties.

Montvale student to Space Academy Wild blue yonder: Colin Park, first at left, a student at St. Joseph Regional High School in Montvale, was among those recently attending the U.S. Space Academy in Huntsville, Ala. Photo courtesy of the Scholarship Fund for Inner-City Children. Photo courtesy of the Scholarship Fund for Inner-City Children


“Celebrating all these years of hope is a milestone for the organization assisting hundreds of mothers and babies,” says New Hope executive director Marilyn Laquidara. “Today volunteers are committed to the principles established in 1985 in assisting clients with housing, day care, education, and counseling.”Thegalabegins with a cocktail hour, and includes music and dancing, a gourmet dinner, a raffle, tricky tray, and silent auction. For tickets, which are $100 per person if purchased by Sept. 10 and $125 thereafter, contact New Hope Gala Chair K. Turlick at (201) 5738697.For more information, visit and follow on Instagram and Facebook.

New Hope PRCgala set for Oct. 6 PASCACK VALLEY

Labor Day concert Sept. 4

“We are always looking for additional woodwind, brass and percussion players. This is a great opportunity for musicians to continue playing after high school or college, or to dust off their instruments after a few years of inactivity,” says Offerjost.Foremail reminders of concerts, send your email address to so youʼll be up to date on the bandʼs Labor Day weekend schedule, as well as future performanc es. For more information, visit The Westwood Community Band on Facebook.


It was 1985 when a handful of dedicated Pascack Valley residents, concerned about the needs of a growing area population, met in their homes and formed New Hope, the volunteer outreach organization that provides assistance for single first-time mothers and their Fast-forwardbabies. to now as the expanding group, based in Westwood and with offices in Pearl River, N.Y., celebrates two generations of service at its upcoming Gala. The festivities to be held at Seasons, 644 Pascack Road, Washington Township, on Thursday, Oct. 6, at 6:30 p.m., will be hosted by Emmy award-winning actress and Bergen County resident Martha Byrne.


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The Westwood Community Band performs July 4, 2021 at the bandstand at Veterans’ Memorial Park. The band plays its final concert of the summer on Sunday, Sept. 4 at 5 p.m. at the same venue.


Tough hombres all HILSDALE Aces were high for a group of residents as they took a lesson in Texas Hold ‘em poker at Hillsdale Library Led by Len Smith, a veteran player who has played in big tournaments, the rookies learned all about the big blind, when to hold ‘em and when to fold ‘em — without losing a dime as no money was Theinvolved.library will look to bring the program back soon more details will follow closer to the next event.


—By Adam Keeble, adult programming coordinator ADAM KEEBLE

Past gala photos via New Hope PRC’s website. This year’s festivities are at Seasons, 644 Pascack Road, Washington Township, Thursday, Oct. 6. Host is Emmy award-winning actress and Bergen County resident Martha Byrne. The Montvale Environmental Commission invites residents to attend an educational presentation and demonstration on Sunday, Sept. 18. Reports Borough of Montvale Environmental Commission chair Robert Hanrahan, “We have the distinct pleasure and privilege to welcome back our esteemed bat expert and New Jerseyʼs own resident ʻBATMAN,ʼJoaseph DʼAngeli, a NJ licensed chiroptologist and founder of the Wildlife Conservation and Education Center in Garfield.”Hanrahan saus DʼAngeli will lead participants “through the world of bats, past, present and future with a discussion about their fascinating biology and a demonstration of their amazing navigation system.” Afterward, DʼAngeli will lead an interactive “bat walk” utilizing echo locators to pinpoint the bats as they transmit their navigation signals. Says Hanrahan, “Observe the native bat species and discover the many benefits of their presence in our community. The program is from 6:30 to 9 p.m. and will begin at the Montvale Senior Community Center at 1 Memorial Drive and move right outside to Huff Park.” The event is rain or shine and moves indoors if the weather is inclement. For more info visit mental. in focus Sept. 18 as state leads‘Batman’demo

The Westwood Community Band will play its final concert of the summer on Sunday after noon, Sept. 4 at the Bandstand in Veteransʼ Memorial Park. This concert will feature the full Concert Band, playing light classics, show tunes, big band music, marches, and patriotic selections. This concert will start at 5 p.m. instead of the previously advertised 3 p.m. Conductor Tom Offerjost tells Pascack Press, “A few of the older trees in the park have been removed, so the later start time will allow the band and our audience to sit in the remaining shade. Please bring a lawn chair or Theblanket.”Community Band is a group of approxi mately 40 adult volunteer musicians of varying ages and experiences. In addition to the Concert Band, the Commu nity Band includes a Jazz Band, Brass Band, Brass Quintet, and several quartets.

32 A U G U S T 2 9 , 2 0 2 2 • P A S C A C K V A L L E Y P R E S S

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