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Written By: India K Easley

Do you know what makes a person’s day 10 times better? Showing them random acts of kindness Mother Teresa once said, “We cannot do great things on this earth, only small things with great love ”

When we practice random acts of kindness:

It releases positivity. We feel better, and the recipients of our acts feel better, making them more likely to be kind to others

It can release neurochemicals that result in the sense of well-being, the “helper’s high,” as Allan Luks and Peggy Payne describe the healing power of doing good. In fact, the neural circuits involved in chemical “highs” are the same ones activated by kindness and compassion.

It can reduce pain Dopamine, serotonin, and endogenous opioids are released by kind behavior

It enhances the release of oxytocin in interactions where two or more people are engaged in kind behavior. In turn, bonds between those who are kind to one another are strengthened.

It enhances both physical and mental health Many physical ailments are either precipitated by or aggravated by stress Kindness reduces stress (Ma, 2017)

Now let’s dive into 10 great, random acts of kindness;

Donating blood/plasm

Paying it forward

Donating to charity

Write a thank you note to someone who has inspired you to make a positive difference

Donate household items to your local refugee support organization

Pick up one piece of litter and throw it away.

Create care packages for your houseless neighbors.

Let someone go first in line.

Call a local homeless shelter to ask how you can best support them in the next month.

Pay off a student’s lunch debt via GoFundMe or by calling a local school

There are so many other random acts of kindness that individuals can participate in! These are only merely a few of the ones that could potentially make a huge impact on those in need. We all know that the world could improve if we were kind to one another.

I was always taught that it takes extra strength to be mean or hateful; being kind and gentle comes naturally. So why not practice those natural qualities and traits that have been given to us Let’s treat each other as we would want to be treated Let’s live as Jesus once lived Life is about more than getting something out of it for yourself; it is about giving back and being selfless Honestly and truly, that is what being kind is all about


Ma. (2017, November 16). Why random acts of kindness matter to your well-being. Psychology Today. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/emotionalnourishment/201711/why-random-acts-kindness-matter-your-well-being?amp


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