7 minute read
What makes me who I am is that I accept the totality of who I am This is something that I struggled to do before, which only allowed metobesomeofmypotentials
Introduce us to your business, what is self-discovery & empowermentcoaching?
As a Self-Discovery & Empowerment Coach, I help women gain total clarity in their pursuits so they can wake up to daily fulfillment and certainty Now, purpose is not to be confused nor limited to just a calling; this is because you can live your calling and still not live your most purposeful life If you neglect, say, for example, your health because you are so focused on your calling, how is that living your most purposeful life? All parts of you and yourlifematter.
Oftentimes, we are not more empowered because we don't know ourselves to the core We may not be aware of the different parts of us that are in the drivers seat, dictating the direction of our health, actions, decisions, what we allow in our life, etc, and without this deep level of awareness, we can find ourselves spinning and not know why And so, there is no empowerment withoutthisdeeplevelofself-discoveryonourpart
This is why I do the work that I do I started as a Wellness & Life Coach, helping women get out of the sugar roller coaster they would find themselves and lose weight, and what I realized throughmyclient'sandmyhealthjourneyisthatit'sther elationship that we have with ourselves, with food and our body that really affect our health choices I realized that if only we get to the core of who we are, we can literally and simultaneously change several areas of ourselves and our lives This is why I do the work that I do as a SelfDiscovery & Empowerment Coach We are the common denominator to everything in ourlife
What separates Aura Blueprint™ from other coachingpractices?
I don't know how other coaches work, but I use my methodology, Aura Blueprint™, to facilitate my client's transformation Each letter of my name represents each step of the method The "A" stands for assessing We'll assess where you are now, where you want to be, what is r equiredtoclosethatgap,andhowIcanguideyou through closing the gap During this first step, we will also ensure you are ready for the journey Just like the pilots, before every flight, they not only know the destination and the route they will take, they make sure that the plane is good for the journey, we will do the same to ensure that you are ready and aligned for what you say you want Sometimes, we may not realize that we are not fullyreadyforthejourneywewanttoembarkon
The "U" stands for understanding You will understand what has kept you parked at the gate all this time; this is where the real work starts It's not enough to know where you want to head in life You must understand yourself deeply enough to know what has kept you stuck all this time This is part of the process where we will peel those layers that don't allow you to see yourself or your life clearly This is where you gain awareness of the parts of you that have been in the drivers seat of yourlife
The "R" stands for realign This is where you will realign yourself with the version of you that your vision requires It's not enough to remove those layers It's essential that you align with who you really are and desire to be because otherwise, it will be easy to fall back to all the old ways of being
The last "A" stands for aliveness That's because you will feel alive seeing how your outer world matches your inner world This is where you start toseethingsmanifestinyourlife
You spent many years in the workforce as a flight attendant How did that career prepare you for whereyouarenowinentrepreneurship?
I know this is not obvious to those not in the airline industry, but the flight attendant job can sometimes be lonely I learned that pretty quickly; luckily for me, that is not a problem What I didn't expect was for the entrepreneurial journey to be a lonely journey as well. So, on some levels, being a flight attendant prepared me to be comfortable with that level of aloneness, for lack of a better word
Also, being a flight attendant is what helped me get started in this entrepreneurial journey in the sense that as a person who has traveled so much, I can tell you that the most beautiful place for each and every one of us to visit that is full of wonder and beauty isn't necessarily found in other lands it's within ourselves We are so quick to want to learn about other places and people that we forget that we are the most fascinating beings we can ever meet, which is the basis of us enjoying a more extraordinary life This propels me even more, to do my work as a Self-Discovery & Empowerment Coach We often try to escape our realitybyconstantlyneedingavacation,whichisa red flag indicating that something needs to changeandthatchangecanonlycomefromus
Withyouruniqueperspectiveandexperience,what canwomenexpectwhenworkingwithyou?
Because I've had the privilege to travel to different countries and because I speak almost 5 languages, one of the things that I take into consideration is their culture when it comes to any challenges that a woman may be going through Sometimes we don't realize the role that our culture plays in how we express ourselves, our limiting beliefs, and our choices in life When these things are not considered, this only delays our transformation, and I speak from personal experience of being a client myself who has been coachedon
I didn't realize before how much my cultural background was playing a role in some of the inner challenges I was facing that weren't allowing me to move forward in life, and some of the coaches I worked with before didnt investigate that So, that's an advantage that any woman that workswithmewillhave.
Also, because I speak both Spanish and English, I do this work in both languages Because I speak other languages besides Spanish, I have coached women in Italian I share all this because this is a great gift that my clients will get from me that will servethemingettingthetransformationtheyseek
Tellusaboutyourcompany,"LivetotheMax™/Viva almáximo™"
My company offers services and products I offer three different coaching packages- two 90-day packages and one 30-day package based on the person ' s needs I offer a book entitled Creating a Lifetime of Wellness: Start Having the Life You Deserve and a journal entitled Creating a Lifetime of Wellness Journal: Your Personal Coach to the Different Areas of Your Life The journal is based on the book that was published, and it's like having me coach you on all the different areas of your life that are covered in the book I also offer mugs with positive affirmations so as the person is drinking their coffee or tea, they can remind themselves of truths and lift their spirits up As the company grows,Idoplanonofferingmore
Live to the Max™/Viva al máximo™ is about empowering women to be their best and highest versions of themselves, be so deeply connected with themselves and lift their level of consciousness
What inspired you to package your life lessons into books?
I felt the calling to do so One specific thing didn't lead me to do this I can tell you that I always wanted to serve others in a more meaningful way At one point, I wanted to be either a psychologist or therapist before being a flight attendant, yet, because Im so passionate about many things, it was hard for me to decide then to go down that path
And I'm so glad my path has been the way it has been so far because I am pretty sure many women like me have many passions that pull them in different directions that they are not sure what to do with their life And sure enough, this is why I created a 90-day program called the Roadmap Program because those like me who have many passions can feel so confused about the direction of their life and need more clarity So everything inspires me to do what I do, and not one specific thing led me to what I do, but I always knew I was meanttoserveothersinaverymeaningfulway
What message do you hope women take away fromyourbooks?
I sincerely desire that women get more curious to know and understand themselves That they get they are the key to the life they so desire That every part of themselves and their lives matter Everythingtheyfeelmatters,andthisisinformation from their essence, which is their soul, and that they are meant to live a passionate and purposefullife
Where do you hope to see your platform in the next3-5years?
Well, if I were to be really honest with you, I deeply desire to be a household name in the next 3-5 years in the industry of self-discovery, empowerment, and well-being The reason for this is that I know that this message and work is meant to deeply touch and transform women ' s lives in such a way that they are amazed at how beautiful their life is They are amazed at how much they are deeply connected with themselves and how empoweredtheyare
What is your definition of a Pretty Woman Who Hustles?
To me, a Pretty Woman Who Hustles is a woman who knows how to hustle She hustles with her soul, she minds her journey, and if anything, other womens journeys, rather than intimidate her, it inspires her She goes to the beat of her inner being, knows when she is stepping into fear, and corrects that quickly to step into love And a Pretty Womanisn'tafraidtohustletherightwayforher
Sanjay Murray the CEO of A Queen's Lifestyleco wears many hats. She proudly wear the titles of a Teacher, Entrepreneur, Author, Life Coach and Mentor Growing up in the small Island of Jamaica she knew from an early age that she was destined for greatness In her pursuit of success she later migrated to the United States where she has now coached and mentored over 100 women around the world.
A Queen's Lifestyleco's Mission is to empower and encourage women to 'Unleash Their Inner Queen', to facilitate growth and development through planning and organizing every woman ' s ideal life. Their vision serves to lead in creating productivity and planning tools that will enhance the lives of as many women as possible
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Email: info@aqueenslifestyleco com http://www.aqueenslifestyleco.com
Your Battle is my Battle
Your Goals are my Goals
Your come up is my come up
Your tears i've Prayed over them
The Grind, We do it TOGETHER.