CongregationalPROCESSIONALSong Gerald Lawson (Hold to his hand) SCRIPTURE Old Testament Rev. Emmett Robert New Testament Rev Ruben Anderson PastorPRAYERRickyMcGeeSOLO JACKIE WILLIAMS (Precious Lord) RESOLUTIONS AND JesusOBITUARYVELESSAACKNOWLEDGEMENTSBUYCKS(READSILENT)SONGJackieWilliamsPromisedMeAHomeOverThereREMARKS(2min)VideoPresentationPARTINGVIEWRolfeFuneralHomeRECESSIONAL I will lift up my eyes to the hills from which comes my help. My help comes from the lord who made heaven and earth. Psalms 121:1-2