Kyren was born 12/15/2015 at 12:34p.m. Entering 1st grade this fall, He was compassionate toward others, competitive, outgoing, and super intelligent. Kyren was a natural protector aways looking after his sisters. He loved gaming and was becoming the ultimate gamer with s deep fondness for Fort Nite, A-pex, and Call of Duty. He was so impressive that adult men would be surprised at his abilities at 6years old. Kyren loved riding his bike, jumping on the trampoline, playing basketball, and singing and dancing. He taught himself to read and had daily questions about the use and mastery of the English language. Kyren’s favorite color was Blue, his favorite food was quesadillas and crablegs. You could find Ky enjoying the day on his game, playing basketball, or being a Boy because he did that very well too. He leaves to cherish and mourn his mother TaGayla Lee and Older sister Salaiyah Lee. (Paw Paw) Isaac Lee, jr. and (Me-Maw) Degayla Carter, Darissa Littlejohn (GiGi)and (Grandpa) Michael Littlejohn.

Aliyah had began to listen to her older sister more and had earned privileges to come in her room without breaking things. She loved being chased by Aunt Shinka, putting her hands on her hip and being a diva.
Aliyah’s favorite food was strawberries and she and Trin Trin could eat a pint in a day. She loved Pizza and Crab legs and was able to crack them on her own.
Aliyah was her mother’s necklace and could be seen with her fingers creating and playing in many heads. We knew she was going to be a hair dresser. Aliyah leaves behind her mother TaGayla Lee and Older sister Salaiyah Lee. Paw Paw Isaac Lee, jr. and Me Maw Degayla Carter, Darissa Littlejohn (GiGi)and Grandpa (Michael Littlejohn).
Aliyah was born 11/16/17 at 7:31 p.m. Entering pre-k this year Aliyah was smart, outgoing, photogenic. She loved singing and dancing to songs like “We don’t talk about Bruno.” Aliyah especially loved animals and could always be seen playing with the family kitten. Aliyah liked combing her dolls hair and getting them dressed.

Trinity was born October 19, 2018 on her maternal grandmother’s birthday at 2:37 a.m.
Trinity loved her “Baby Monkey” and would eat, sleep, and play with it. Trinity enjoyed the show Gabby’s dollhouse. Trin Trin was a mama’s baby and was just starting to warm up to everyone. She looked up to all her siblings and was shy and very observant. Trinity loved Mini Mouse. Sometimes her mom called her Mini Mouse. TaGayla Lee and Older sister Salaiyah Lee. Paw Paw Isaac Lee, jr. and Me Maw Degayla Carter, Darissa Littlejohn (GiGi)and (Grandpa) Michael Littlejohn.

My Leter to My Chil
To My Only Son Ky D: This was your first grade year and you were going to do magical work. You were so handsome and intelligent, Remarkably you lit up any room you walked into.
As I look for clarity and understanding my heart aches and fills with an unbearable, unimaginable pain.
To My Sleeping Babies: May your precious little souls rest peacefully, as our home will sit with a quiet that was not supposed to exist, because you all were to be here.
There are not enough words days, or ways to express the love a mother holds for her babies. It’s me that carried and cared for you before I ever knew or saw you. I was born so that you could be born, My Beautiful First born, I’m sorry life is not what it was to be for you. But I promise to protect, love, cherish you with all my heart. You’re my first and last breath. With time and healing only God knows what is in store for our future .
To My Mini Diva: this was your Very first year of school and the excitement of us all was just beautiful. You were definitely a force my smart, pretty girl. You were fearless and let no one or nothing stop you. (Especially doing hair).
To My baby of the bunch, my shy sweet, beautiful Trin Trin this school year was going to be me and you and home school. You would have been enjoying one on one, planning put weekly activities and dinner. You and Li Li were two peas in pod, and she looked out for you. You were always right there under mama, I’ll forever miss that, and the fact that I now use past tense when describing you three. I drown in pain with /an emptiness that may never be filled. I promise we will always celebrate and honor yall. love you all forever.

For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
16 Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.
Psalm 139:13-16
15 My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.
14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.