April/May 2012
Tel: 044 534 8285 Email:
70th Issue
PAASFEES KOM MAAK ‘N DRAAI IN KURLAND volwassenes te luister. Daarna het hulle aan al die verskillende speletjies en aktiwiteite deelgeneem. Daar was verskillende resies, “bean bag toss”, “fly, fly”, “ball fish” en vele meer. Daar was ook verskillende pryse om te wen en so te sê elke kind het ‘n prysie gewen.
Bo: Kinders sit geduldig en luister na die Paasboodskap wat deur Daniël gebring was. Masizakhe het op Saterdag 14 April 2012 by die Crags Primêr hul jaarlikse “Easter Egg Hunt” vir die kinders van Kurland gehou.
Net voor huis toe gaan tyd was dit tyd vir paaseiers uitdeel en elke kind is gelukkig en hoogs tevrede na hul tuistes. Masizakhe wil baie graag Makro bedank vir
Hoewel dit ‘n week later as die beplande tyd was kon dit steeds nie die groot groep uitbundige en opgewonde kinders keer wat nie kon wag dat die verrigtinge begin en hulle aan al die pret kon deelneem nie. Na hulle koekies en koeldrank gekry het, het hulle na die Paasboodskap wat deur Daniël voorgelees was, geluister. Hy het aan hulle die belangrikheid van Jesus se kruisdood verduidelik en hulle gemaan om na hul ouers, onderwysers en ander
Paaseiers word deur Masizakhe vrywilligers uitgedeel. hul getroue ondersteuning met hul jaarlikse skenking van paaseiers om hierdie projek elke jaar suksesvol te kan maak en die kinders van Kurland se harte kan verbly. Hulle wil ook vir Birds of Eden en Monkeyland bedank vir die donasie van paaseiers, Lee Dekker vir haar finansiële bydrae asook al die Masizakhe lede wat op die dag gehelp het, om die sukses van die projek te verseker. Masizakhe wil ook baie graag die Crags Primêr se beheerraad en personeel bedank vir die gebruik van die skoolterrein wat verseker dat die verrigtinge elke jaar in ’n veilige en geskikte plek plaasvind.
Inside this issue…
An unforgettable forest experience Spectacular venue to hire for Youth and adult camps or workshops. Various outdoor activities offered. Wooden cabins sleep up to 80. Fully equipped kitchen, & dining area. Contact Debbie Fermor 534 8218 or 083 442 6115.
Tenikwa’s A Team—Pg 2
Letters to the Editor—pg3
Children’s Health—Pg 6
Teenagers & drugs—pg7
Out and About - pg 8
And lots more! Crags Times Page 1
KURLANDBRIK EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH Teswill Crozier Age: 41 years old Marital Status: Single with one daughter and two sons Hobbies:Teswill likes to watch sport on television, going to church, reading and to dancing. Teswill was born on the 31st of July 1970 in Crags and went to school at the Knysna Secondary School and finished Grade 10 in Plettenberg Secondary School. He started working at Kurlandbrik in January 2010 at the Yard Department. He use to work at PNP Rigging as well as Working for Water and had training in Brass cutting, herbicide, health and safety as well as fire fighting. He’s a very friendly and enjoys working at Kurlandbrik and doesn’t have any problems with his supervisors and coworkers.
Mlandeli Tisani Age: 40years Marital status: Married with 2 sons
Mlandeli was born in Transkei and went to school till Grade 4. He came to Plettenberg looking for opportunities to enrich his lifestyle and started working at Kurlandbrik in 1992. He began at the Cutting Department and has been working there for the past twenty years. He enjoys working at the company and doesn’t have any problems with his fellow workers. He likes to spend quality times with his family on weekends.
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KOM ONS PRAAT SAAM Hoekom dink meisies om vir hul kêrels te wys hoe lief hulle vir hom is om hom ‘n kind te gee op 16 – 20. Eerlik gesproke het ek presies dit gedoen en ek’s regtig waar baie spyt, nie oor die kind nie, maar die feit dat ek haar toekoms, wat haar ouers en sy vir haarself gehad het, geruineer het. Ek was die een wat haar in ‘n manier gedwing het om met my seksueel te verkeer nadat ek geweet het sy sal te skaam wees om kliniek toe te gaan vir die pil of inspuiting. Tienerswangerskap is ons al lank al bewus van, tog lê die brief baie na aan my hart. Tiener meisies val eintlik maklik vir die “Trick”. Indien sy nie met jou seksueel wil verkeer nie, flankeer jy maar net met ‘n ander meisie en sy sal vinnig besef sy mag jou moontliik verloor en om haar liefde te betoon, sal sy gou met jou wil slaap. In 2011 het ons gevalle gehad waar matrikulante met vrystellings geslaag het, maar moet 2012 mammie en pappie swot. Dames as hy regtig lief vir jou is, sal hy wag. Ouens is slim hulle maak jou op 18 swanger, en as die baba sy kop uitsteek, is hy weg. Die wat ‘n bietjie langer bly is nog gelukkig, maar iewers terwyl jy die kind oppas gaan hy jou verneuk, so waar as wat die vader daar is!!! Wat laat die “Eva geslag” in elk geval dink die feit dat as jy hom ‘n kind gee, hy lojaal aan jou gaan wees. Meisies as hy nie kan wag nie, stuur hom in sy peetjie. Daar’s nog baie goeie ouens daar buite. Hy is
nog net jou 1ste liefde. Daar kan moontlik nog veel meer wees. Moet net nie dat jou 1ste kêrel jou swanger maak op 18 nie, hy sal jou toekoms omvêrwerp. Gemeenskap het julle gesien op hoeveel sommige rasse hul kinders kry… 30jaar of ouer, maar in ons gemeenskappe lag ons mekaar op 20 – 29 uit en sê nog die volgende “ jy’t geen kind of kraai nie wat gaan op jou grafsteen staan?” So asof ons net tot op 30 jaar leef. Ons gemeenskap se mentaliteit of beginsels is heel gedraai, hoekom? Dit sal net die Vader vir ons eendag kan beantwoord. As ek met dié net een tiener kan red van vroeë swangerskap, sal ek gelukkig wees maar dit sal ek ook nooit regtig weet nie. Ek pleit aan tieners “Laat hom wag”. Wel ek skryf dit en moontlik lees iemand dit en kan u u tienerdogter of die bure se dogter waarsku, want die jonges van vandag hou nie baie van lees nie. Die wat jy wel in die biblioteek kry is daar vir hul skooltake, en as hy klaar is met die skool, is dit tyd vir die “baby boom”. Laat ons van tieners en ouers oor hierdie saak hoor. Met “Kom ons praat saam” bring ons die feite na die gemeenskap. “ Pregnancy is a long term potential consequence we face, when we submit ourselves to the pleasures of sex but unfortunately, when were in the midst of an encounter leading up to intercourse, we rarely think of anything save the moments excitement” Tot weersiens Yankee
TIP OF THE MONTH— COPING WITH STRESS Naeltjies: Ontspan in ‘n bad met ‘n paar druppels naeltjie olie. Die olie is ‘n natuurlike pynstiller en sal die vel binnedring, die bloedsirkulasie verbeter en die spiere laat ontspan.
ARLENE’S Friendly and efficient POOL SERVICES Pool Maintenance Phone
082 927 9557
BRIEWE AAN DIE REDAKTEUR Ek sou graag wou weet wat deur die matriek meisies se koppe op die vooraand van hul matriekafskeid gaan wanneer hulle weet dat al die onkoste wat hul ouers aangegaan het om dit die onvergeetlikste aand van hul lewens te maak…. Dis die grootste hartseer wat julle aan jul ouers kan doen. Hulle het soveel drome vir julle gehad dat hul nie eers die onkoste daarvan ontsien het nie. Dit wil voorkom asof dit nou die nuwe modegier geword het. Daar moet elke jaar ten minste een of meer matrikulante ’n pappie of ’n mammie word…. Julle het deesdae so baie meer geleenthede as voorheen om werlik jul drome te verwesenlik. Soveel van ons kon daardie tyd nie die geleentheid kry nie as gevolg van finansiële tekortkominge, onderdrukking tydens die apartheidsjare en miskonsepsies oor veilige seks en voorbehoedmiddels. Deesdae kan jy nie vir ‘n oomblik dink aan onbeskermde seks nie, want die nagevolge is groot. Ongewenste swangerskap, seksueel oordraagbare siektes en die ergste HIV. Nie net alleenlik mors julle geld nie, maar julle stel julle gesondheid in gevaar, verwoes gesinslewens en drome lê aan skerwe. Asof dit nie genoeg is dat jul ouers al die uitgawes tydens jul matriekjaar moes aangaan nie, bring julle nog groter uitgawes na hulle toe. ‘n Baba kos jou baie duurder as ‘n pak kondome of die pil of die inspuiting… Boonop is laasgenoemdes gratis verkrygbaar by die kliniek en hoef jy glad nie bekommerd te wees wat mense van jou dink nie. Want die meeste jong meisies is skaam oor wat mense gaan sê as hulle voorbehoedmiddels gebruik. Maar wat dink mense as hulle sien jy loop met ‘n opgeswelde maag…””kon sy nie beter gedink het nie? En ongelukkig kry die meisie altyd die skuld of dit nou so is of nie. Hulle sal nooit sê: “daardie jong kon hom in toom gehou het.” nie, nee, dis altyd “sy moes van beter geweet het.” Daarom wil ek graag hierdie jaar se matrikulante vra om twee keer of selfs drie keer te dink voordat julle ’n besluit maak wat jul lewenslank kan knou. ‘n Baba is een van die mees kosbaarste geskenke in die lewe wat gekoester, lief gehê, vertroetel en versorg moet word. Wat die reg het op warm klere, voeding, aandag, ‘n bed, geleerdheid, ensovoorts...kan jy dit alles nou behartig? Het jy die geduld om ‘n skreeuende kleintjie te sus terwyl jou vriende hier rondom jou praat oor wat hulle alles vir hul toekoms beplan, terwyl jy alles wat jy wou doen opsy moet skuif want jy het ‘n baba om te versorg.? Nie almal het ouers wat kan help sorg en ondersteuning aan jou kan bied nie, so dink mooi wanneer jy in ‘n oomblik van hartstog so maklik jou sinne laat benewel….. Crags Times Page 3
NEWS FROM TENIKWA REHABILITATION CENTRE THE A TEAM OF KURLAND VILLAGE primarily responsible for looking after the cheetahs that were resident on the property when the property was purchased, as well as general maintenance. Llewellyn is a mamba painter who has a huge task in repainting the 8 thatched chalets, lodge and farm buildings and infrastructure. Hendrik has been busy erecting a new 4.5 hectares enclosure for some of the cheetahs, as well as maintaining 27km of gamefencing. Jannie Miggels and h i s t eam h a v e b een responsible for the building work and repairs as well as improvement of the camping site.
The A team from Kurland Village have temporarily relocated to Montagu to assist Tenikwa Wildlife Centre with their latest conservation project. African Game Lodge, just outside Montagu is a 4300ha conservation area which Len and Mandy have purchased in the rollout of their conservation objectives, nam ely Rehabilitation, Awareness and setting aside land for conservation purposes.
The team from Kurland Village relocated when the Freemans took over the reserve last November, and have been working feverishly under the karoo sun to refurbish, clean up and build much needed infrastructure. The team comprising Luvo Sibeko, Llewellyn, Hendrik, Jannie Miggels, James and Adam have various responsibilities on the project. Luvo is
BORN IN AFRICA The BIA Math Challenge hits Crags and Kranshoek again
Most of the team assisted in establishing Tenikwa over the past 7 years and so we were thrilled to be able to provide work for them on this major project. African Game Lodge will be used as a pre-release preparation site, as well as a release site for approved rehabilitated animals, and it forms an important part of a wilderness area which stretches from Montagu through to Sanbona. The first major release on the property is a troop of baboons which were rehabilitated at Cape Crow in Barrydale. This release takes place towards the end of March. The team from Kurland will be busy at African Game Lodge until Easter when they return to The Crags for a well deserved break.
It is not often you here children say: “We love Math’s so much, we want to learn more during the school holidays!” Well, this is exactly what 30 Crags Primary Gr 6 and 30 Gr 4 & 5 Kranshoek Primary pupils asked for and got it in the form of the BIA Math Challenge yet again. Last year’s challenge inspired BIA to host the holiday program and we had such a good response. It is so important to keep the learners occupied positively during the holidays and this is exactly what we did. Crags Times Page 4
Both events were held over a four day period and jam packed with a variety of mathematical hurdles to take on! Wesley Andrew and his team of motivated facilitators shared this knowledge with the youngsters by means of fun games and treasure hunts which seem to be the solution, after attending a rotating system of 30 minute classes. Well done to all who attended and assisted.
Every year we strive to equip our children with the necessary tools to assist them in achieving their very best at school. Once again we have managed to hand out a total of 435 uniforms in the Bitou region, 160 being in Kurland Village. The children in the Born in Africa program received a new school uniform which included stationary, and shoes. This is besides the standard grey trousers and white shirts which we proudly handed to them. We strive to offer these children the best educational support possible and in return they promise to do their very best at school, which includes impeccable behaviour.
‘n Brandwond so groot soos jou hand sal jou waarskynlik nie doodmaak nie, maar dit kan ‘n kind se dood veroorsaak Selfs ‘n klein bietjie paraffien kan ‘n kind se longetjies erg beskadig en kan ook die kind se dood veroorsaak. Kinders val makliker en hulle staan moeiliker op.
v v v
Kinders ondersoek graag. Hulle leer deur te kyk, te vat, te proe, te ruik en te luister. Hulle verstaan nie dat paraffien giftig is en dat dit hulle kan seermaak nie Hulle weet nie hoe om vinnig in ‘n
gevaarsituasie op te tree nie, bv. hoe om van ‘n verwoestende brand te ontsnap nie. Hulle leer deur nabootsing. As jy ‘n vuurhoutjie trek, sal hulle dit ook doen.
v v v
Maak seker dat kinders altyd onder toesig is – die meeste ongelukke gebeur wanneer hulle alleen gelaat word. Hou paraffien in ‘n spesiale, gem erkte bottel met ‘n veiligheidsprop. Moet dit nie in ‘n koeldrank bottel bêre nie. Die beste is om jou paraffien in geseelde bottels te koop. Hou ‘n noodplan in geval van ‘n brand bv. ‘n emmer sand. LET WEL: BÊR E : par af f i en, parafientoestelle. vuurhoutjies en enigiets wat kan brand, HOOG waar kinders dit nie kan bykom nie.
OLD NICK VILLAGE The creative shopping destination Open 9am-5pm Old Nick Village N2, Plettenberg Bay (@ 044 533 1395
Redford House 3 Individually decorated en –suite bedrooms and S/C cottage on offer at this historic country guest house. Enjoy guided walks, Victorian picnics, tennis and art courses or simply laze by the pool
Tel 044 534 8877
Vancare, Janneman & Mike Kemp for contributing to the printing of the Crags Times. To support our paper contact: Urs 083 308 4006 0r Office 044 534 8285
Thank You to
Kurland Hotel for contributing towards the printing of the Crags Times!
8 South Cape College Students from Bitou shines at TOP ACHIEVERS AWARD CEREMONY Bitou Municipality: Deputy Executive Mayor A Van Rhyner is proud to share that 8 students of Bitou received highly commended awards at the South Cape A Aggregate (85% A aggregate) Diploma Ceremony ranging from 4 – 6 distinctions per student respectively out of the 46 that were held at Wilderness Beach Hotel on Monday, 12 March 2012. In the same breath we also wish the students from George, Mosselbay and Oudsthoorn on this remarkable achievement, and wish all well in they respective industries. From left to right: Veronique Hermanus, Jaryd Williams, Mrs. Prudence Nwana (Campus Head), Dept Mayor, Adrian Hoffman, Mrs. R. Murray, Themba Mtimkhulu, Gwyn Lewis, Bianca Stander Release by: Office of Deputy Executive Mayor, Bitou Municipality
Crags Times Page 5
CLINIC NEWS — CHILDREN’S HEALTH BRAIN TUMOR Brain tumors are the most common solid tumors of childhood, as common as leukemia. There are tremendous differences among brain tumors in children; some have a very poor outlook while others can be cured with surgery alone. These differences can make understanding pediatric brain tumors, and finding the right treatment for each one, confusing. What Is a Brain Tumor? A tumor is any mass caused by abnormal or uncontrolled growth of cells. Tumors in the brain are categorized according to several factors, including where they're located, the type of cells involved, and how quickly they're growing. Medical terms doctors may use to describe brain tumors include: Low-grade vs. high-grade: Usually, lowgrade tumors are slow-growing, while highgrade tumors are fast-growing and aggressive. High-grade tumors can invade nearby tissue or spread elsewhere in the body, and are more likely to recur after treatment. They are generally associated with a worse outlook. Localized vs. invasive: A localized tumor is confined to one area and is generally easier to remove, as long as it's in an accessible part of the brain. An invasive tumor has spread to surrounding areas and is more difficult or impossible to remove completely. Primary vs. secondary: Primary brain tumors originate in the brain. Secondary brain tumors are made up of cells that have spread (metastasized) to the brain from somewhere else in the body. In children, most brain tumors are primary. What Causes a Brain Tumor? Like all tumors, brain tumors originate when a normal cell begins to grow abnormally and multiply too quickly. Eventually these cells develop into a mass called a tumor. The exact cause of this abnormal growth is unknown, though research continues on possible genetic and environmental causes. Some kids who have certain genetic conditions have a greater chance of developing brain tumors. Diseases such as neurofibromatosis, von Hippel-Lindau disease, and LiFraumeni syndrome are all associated with a higher risk of brain tumors. Signs and Symptoms A brain tumor can cause symptoms by directly pressing on the surrounding brain, or by causing a buildup of spinal fluid and pressure throughout the brain (a condition known as hydrocephalus). A range of symptoms can develop as a result. Signs or symptoms vary depending on a child's age and the location of the tumor, but may include: vomiting seizures weakness of the face, trunk, arms, or legs slurred speech difficulty standing or walking poor coordination headache in babies, a rapidly enlarging head
Crags Times Page 6
Because symptoms might develop gradually and can be like those of other common childhood conditions, brain tumors can be difficult to diagnose. So it's always wise to discuss any symptoms that concern you with your child's doctor.
Treatment Treatment for a brain tumor requires a team of medical specialists. Most pediatric brain tumor patients require some combination of surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy. Advancements in all three treatment areas in the last few decades have contributed to better outcomes. The care of a child with a brain tumor is very complicated and requires close coordination between members of the medical team, which typically will include: a pediatric neuro-oncologist (a doctor who specializes in treating cancers of the brain or spine) a pediatric neurologist (a doctor who specializes in disorders of the nervous system) a pediatric neurosurgeon (a surgeon who operates on the brain or spine) a pediatric radiation therapist (a specialist who administers radiation therapy) pediatric rehabilitation medicine specialists, including speech, physical, and occupational therapists pediatric psychologists and social workers These experts will choose a child's therapy very carefully. Finding a treatment that will be effective and cure the child but not cause unacceptable side effects is probably one of the most difficult aspects of treating brain tumors. Surgery Pediatric neurosurgeons are having more success than ever in helping to cure children with brain tumors, partly because of new technologies in the operating room and partly because it has been learned that an aggressive surgical approach at diagnosis can significantly increase the chance for cure. Neurosurgeons may use stereo tactic devices, which help target tumors by providing 3D images of the brain during surgery. Staged surgeries are also being used more frequently. This means that instead of trying to remove a large tumor all at once, surgeons will take out only part of the tumor at diagnosis. The patient will then get chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy to shrink the tumor and then return to the operating room a second or even a third time to try to remove the rest of the tumor. After surgery, some patients may not require any more treatment beyond observation (periodic checkups and imaging scans to watch for problems). Many, however, will require radiation therapy, chemotherapy, or a combination of both. Radiation Therapy Radiation therapy — the use of high-energy light to kill rapidly multiplying cells — is very effective in the treatment of many pediatric brain tumors. However, because the developing brain in children younger than 10 years old (and especially those younger than 5) is highly sensitive to its effects, ra-
diation therapy can have serious long-term consequences. These may include seizures, stroke, developmental delays, learning problems, growth problems, and hormone problems. The decision to use radiation therapy is, therefore, an especially challenging one regarding young children. The methods for giving radiation therapy have changed significantly over the last several decades. New computer-assisted technologies allow doctors to construct 3D radiation fields that accurately target tumor tissue while avoiding injury to important brain structures like the hearing centers. Chemotherapy Chemotherapy (chemo) is the use of drugs to kill cancer cells. It is often given through a special long-lasting intravenous (IV) catheter called a central line, and may require frequent hospital stays. Although chemotherapy has many short-term side effects (such as fatigue, nausea, vomiting, and hair loss), it has fewer long-term side effects than radiation therapy. Many children with brain tumors are treated with chemo in order to delay or avoid radiation treatment. Unlike brain tumors in adults, many pediatric brain tumors are highly sensitive to the effects of chemo, so it is routinely used for many kids with brain tumors. Caring for Your Child Parents often struggle with how much to tell a child who is diagnosed with a brain tumor. Though there's no one-size-fits-all answer for this, experts do agree that it's best to be honest — but to tailor the details to your child's degree of understanding and emotional maturity. Give as much information as your child requires, but not more. And when explaining treatment, try to break it down into steps. Addressing each part as it comes — visiting various doctors, having a special machine take pictures of the brain, needing an operation — can make the big picture less overwhelming. The members of the brain tumor care team are experts at helping families talk with the child and siblings if a family needs help with this. Kids should be reassured that the brain tumor is not the result of anything they did, and that it's OK to be angry or sad. Really listen to your child's fears, and when you feel alone, seek support. Your hospital's social workers can put you in touch with other families of children with brain tumors who've been there and may have insights to share. Also be aware that it's common for siblings to feel neglected, jealous, and angry when a child is seriously ill. Explain as much as they can understand, and enlist family members, teachers, and friends to help keep some sense of normalcy for them. And finally, as hard as it may be, try to take care of yourself. Parents who get the support they need are better able to support their child. Reviewed by: Andrew W. Walter, MD Date reviewed: September 2010
The information of this article was found on the internet at the Health and Safety for children link
KNYSNA ALKOHOL AND DRUG CENTRE Toon dat u, u tiener se welstand
As ouer het u u-self seker al afgevra of u tienerseun of dogter dalk dwelms gebruik? Het u al gewonder hoe u dit kan raaksien en wat u daaromtrent kan doen? Ons bly in ‘n samelewing waar beide wettige en onwettige dwelms maklik bekombaar is. Wettige dwelms soos alkohol, sigarette, en sekere medisynes kan skadelik wees, en die risiko tot latere eksperimentering met onwettige dwelms, verhoog. Tieners wat met onwettige dwelms begin eksperimenteer, sal vir hulself ‘n “shipment” wegesteek sal hou vir gereelde gebruik. Dit geld vir alle vorms van dwelmsmisbruik, maar spesifiek ten opsigte van alkohol. Dwelmgebruik, dwelmmisbruik dwelmafhanklikheid
Dwelmgebruik begin as ‘n bewuste keuse wat buite beheer kan raak. Dwelmmisbruik verwys na die vrywillige misbruik van dwelms, terwyl Dwelmafhanklikheid meer na ‘n gewoonte verwys. Dit is belangrik dat ouers ten opsigte van hierdie probleem ingelig is en weet hoe om op te tree indien hulle daarmee gekonfronteer word. Watter moontlike tekens moet ouers op die uitkyk voor wees? “Hoe sal ek weet of my seun of dogter dwelms gebruik?” Hierdie mag een van die meer ontstellende vrae wees wat ouers rakende hul kind mag stel. In die begin stadium vind dwelmgebruik buite die huisplaas, en ouers kom gewoonlik nie gou agter of hulle kind dwelms gebruik totdat dit ‘n ernstige probleem geword het nie. Wanneer die ouer hul kind sien het die effek van die dwelm waarskynlik al ver gevorder, en of die kind het geleer hoe om die effek weg te steek. In baie gevalle raak ouers agterdogtig wanneer hulle veranderinge in hulle kind se gedrag begin raaksien. U moet egter onthou dat nie alle vreemde gedrag noodwendig aan dwelm gebruik gekoppel kan word nie. Dit is belangrik dat u:
Soveel moontlik omtrent verskillende
dwelms uitvind sodat u die effekte daarvan sal kan herken Nie u tiener se kamer deursoek nie.
Indien u verkeerd is sal daar ‘n verlies aan vertroue tussen u en u kind wees.
Met u kind oor die kort- en langtermyn effekte van dwelm misbruik praat, en ook die impak wat dwelm gebruik op gesinsverhoudinge, skool, loopbaan, en selfs om later werk te kry.
Gedragsveranderinge wat egter wel met dwelmgebruik in verband gebring kan word, sluit die volgende in:
Ongewone of vreemde gedrag wat van die norm verskil. Om onder die invloed van alkohol by die huis aan te kom. Verlies aan belangstelling in alledaagse en skoolaktiwiteite. Verlaging in punte en stokkiesdraaiery. Toenemende probleme met ander kinders of onderwysers op skool. Woede en geïrriteerdheid teenoor ouers. ‘n Afname in verantwoordelike gedrag soos bv. afhandeling van huistake. ‘n Nuwe groep vriende. Om minder tyd by die huistespandeer. Staking van gereelde aktiwiteite. Veranderinge in fisiekevoorkomssoosbvrooioë Veranderinge in eet- en slaappatrone.
Tuberculosis and HIV / AIDS Association We as the Tuberculosis and HIV&AIDS Project of Plettenberg Bay are in need of the following for our Soup Kitchen that we are running on a 5 days per week. We are pleading to any Organisation, Institution, Churches and Local Government for donations in kind. We are currently running out of food to serve the community and sick people. We are in need of the following for our daily Soup Kitchen. Soup Mix Samp Bread Baked Beans Vegetable Pilchards Macaroni Toiletries
HIV & AIDS I am invisible I am incurable I uncontrollable I am ungovernable. I move from Cape to Cairo I move from Africa to America I move throughout the globe I move by trains, cars, buses and planes, but I like the trucks. I have taken the world by storm I have taken the government by surprise I am an international president I control you whether you like it or not ABC will never defeat me ABC will never protect you What I want is D&G Death is my destination and the grave is your resting place. If you don’t abstain If you are not faithful If you don’t condomise Death will strike and the death will be your home. I am not afraid of nurses and doctors I turn teachers into patients I turn doctors into patients I will put everybody on bed as I like I have boys working for me – I will sent them to kill when I like TB will do the job and pneumonia will give you the final kick. Doctors are afraid of me They will never blame me for your death They will always blame TB and pneumonia What you see is just the beginning You will never believe your eyes and ears Cause I will sweep families and friends like dust. I will keep hospitals full, I will keep mortuaries full, I will keep the graveyard full I am the champ of champs, I am the undefeated I am the undisputed World Champion Disease.
If there is anybody that can assist us nor in the mentioned items, but in any other way, please do so. We are also looking for clothes for our TB Patients. We will really Appreciate it. Please people from Plettenberg Bay, if you have anything, please contact me on the following information.
‘n Tyd kies wanneer u en u kind in ‘n bui is omredelik daaroor te praat.
Steeds wys dat u omgee vir u kind en vir hom of haar lief het, al keur u nie u kind se gedrag nie goed nie.
Shaun Terblanche Cell: 078 193 5659 Email: Crags Times Page 7
Out and About GELUKKIGE VERJAARSDAE Bettie Van Rooyen en Rosie Van Rooyen het op Saterdag 24ste Maart hul 50ste verjaarsdae met hul liefdevolle familie en ondersteunende vriende gevier. Die wonderlike en spesiale geleentheid was in die Community Church gehou.
Lulécia Thys het op Sondag 11 Maart 2012 haar 8ste verjaarsdag saam haar ouers, familie en vriende by haar ouerhuis gevier . Baie geluk, ons is baie lief vir jou!!
MONDIGWORDINGS Kelly-Ann een van Masizakhe se toegewyde lede het op Maa nda gaa nd 5de Maart 2012 haar 21st e verjaarsdag saam met haar moeder, familie en vriende tuis gevier.
Op 7 April het Katy Roman haar 70ste verjaarsdag saam met haar kinders, familie en vriende met ‘n spesiale geleentheid in die VGK saal gevier. Die saal was in skakering van cerise pienk en wit opgetooi. Die gaste het hulle agte uit geniet.
Wikus Mabie het sy 21ste verjaarsdag op Saterdag 7 April 2012 saam met sy ouers familie en vriende by sy ouerhuis gevier.
Die St Michaels and All Angels het op Saterdagaand 7 April tydens ‘n toegewyde seremonie die volgende kinders gedoop. Hulle was Lee-Noh Jacobs, Clénay Banardo, GranvilleCharles De Waal, Luigi Orlando Camphor en Nicole Powie.
HUWELIK Ronald Camphor het sy mondigwording met sy ouers, familie en vriende op Saterdag 31ste Maart in die Griekwa Kerksaal gevier
Luzaan Galant het op Saterdag 31ste Maart haar 21ste verjaarsdag saam met haar ouers, familie en vriende in die VGK Kerksaal gevier. Crags Times Page 8
Aubrey Krigga het sy 50ste verjaarsdag saam tydens ‘n gesellige partytjie in die Griekwa Kerksaal saam met sy vrou, familie en vriende gevier.
Bevin Windvogel en Johanna Plaatjies het op Saterdag 7 April in die huwelik getree. Die paartjie is deur Rev. Pam Berning tydens ‘n pragtige seremonie op Natures Valley Strand in die eg verbind. Daarna het hulle die heuglike gebeurtenis met hul families en vriende in ‘n gesellige en jollige onthaal by die Immanuel Saal gevier.
POETRY Begging teenager Dear Mother, please don't take away my baby. I'm young, alone, my boyfriend is in jail.
But there's a wonder in what fortune may be given us, though time its wisdom veil. Please help me be a mother much as you are by being but a mother once removed, as I become the daughter that I thus far have never been, by love and labor proved. And let me love as you did my own child, making the best of what I wrought in pain; For once fate leaves, one ought to think it smiled, rejoicing in what one would rue in vain. I would not give my child to another; I need you now, but only as my mother.
DANKIE VIR DIE ONDERSTEUNING Graag wil ons, die Griekwa Independente Kerk van SA, die Kurland gemeenskap hartlik te bedank vir u ondersteuning met die “Modelling show” wat op Saterdag 3 Maart 2012 in die Immanuel Saal gehou was. Ons wil graag die volgende plaaslike besighede vir hul donasies bedank : Mr Cassiem Dawood, Mnr John Solomons (Tok), Mnr. Graham Black (Kurlandbrik), Foschini Stores, Clicks, Link Apteek, Omega Apteek en Pippa’s Flower Shop. Ons wil ook BAIE dankie sê aan ons modelle vir hul uitstekende deelname en dat hulle ons so lekker kon vergas. Dankie ook aan ons beoordelaars en platejoggies vir hul rol wat hulle kon speel. Nogmaals ‘n GROOT dankie aan almal wat vir ons die aand moontlik kon maak. Dit word opreg waardeer. Ons wenners was: 2de Prinses : Simonay Kruger 1ste Prinses : Shoceesha Willemse Koningin : Shaneen Malatjie
By Theodore Laksman
MASIZAKHE PRESENTS: ‘MAKING YOUR 2012 WISH COME TRUE’ Write (or call) to us with your dream wish and tell us why you want it and feel you deserve to win the most. Each month a winning wish is selected to go into the end of year finals where one wish will be granted. Send your dream wish details to: The Crags Times P O Box 281 The Crags 6602
SOEK EN VIND / CLASSIFIEDS BIRTHDAYS Masizakhe would like to wish Theodore a very happy and wonderful birthday with the organization. May God bless you and grant all wishes true. Thanks you for your hard work and commitment towards Masizakhe. To Noeline, have a lovely, wonderful and exciting birthday girl!!. Love u, Urs To Gail lots of love on your birthday hope you had a fabulous one, love and kisses, Urs
SYMPATHY Masizakhe wil graag hul innige meegevoel met die Isaks en De Waal Families meedeel met die heengaan van Muriël. Mag die Here vertroosting in jul harte bring en wees verseker dat waar sy is, geen pyn en lyding meer is nie.
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LIEWE AGONY AUNTIE! Dear Agony Aunt, my husband gets quite angry and defensive with me sometimes when I try to talk to him. He just won’t offer to help me or listen to what I have to say. I find it very frustrating, and would just love for him to be more understanding. From Joan Communication is a difficult subject for a lot of people and is a leant behaviour which many of us are not even aware of, especially the way in which we speak to people, ourselves and the effect that it creates. It seems a shame that we have not generally been taught to communicate with compassion and understanding, if we had….the world might just be a happier and more compassionate place! There is a whole way of ‘compassionate communication’ or sometimes called ‘non-violent communication’ (for both relationships and work places) which allows for much more listening, understanding, respect and compassion. Choosing to communicate compassionately would involve giving ones attention FULLY, really listening carefully without judging someone when they are speaking, not making comparisons, condemning or trying ‘to fix’ the problem, there would be no guilt or blame and deep listening would take place without advising, educating or even sympathizing – we just give to others our time and space they need to express themselves fully and to feel understood. When someone is upset or acting defensively the most effective way to respond is firstly to OBSERVE what they might be FEELING (and why) and then asking them what they NEED in order to improve the situation by REQUESTING what they want from the other person which will enhance their lives. So for example if you tried saying to your husband ‘are you feeling angry because ….then guess at what might be wrong with him…i.e) you’re feeling tired and want to be left alone?...’ then let him answer in his own way/time. What you ideally want him to do is find within himself what emotion he is feeling and why. When he responds just allow him to speak without judging, condemning or making demands and allow your husband to say all that there is to say before you respond. Then you can also express yourself by saying ‘I’m feeling sad (or whatever emotion you feel) because I would like to talk with you about a few things, if you would be willing to listen for a while?….’. Expressing your own vulnerability is very effective with getting peoples support and compassion and here you made a request and not a demand.
Crags Times Page 10
So whenever you are expressing yourself or listening to another, these are the key guidelines to follow: * OBSERVE – what is actually happening in a situation – articulate this without any judgement or evaluation - simply say what people are doing that you like or don’t like * FEELINGS – state how we feel when we observe this action * NEEDS – say what our needs are related to the feeling * REQUEST – address what we want from the other person that would enrich our lives In addition, when people feel that we are making a ‘demand’ of them, when we ask for something or are complaining – they will tend to respond ‘defensively’, and how does someone know that you were making a demand of them? the reaction you give if they don’t do what you asked! If your response is to criticize, judge or lay on a guilt trip, then it was a demand! Sometimes we are not even aware that we had given a demand, we thought we had politely requested…ask yourself next time someone is defensive when you ask something of them – were you requesting or demanding?....
There are also certain words that when used as exaggerations, will often cause defensiveness rather than compassion. For example…always, never, ever, whenever, i.e) ‘you are always busy’ or ‘she is never there when I need her’ – instead, try to be more accurate, i.e) ‘twice this week you were busy when I needed to speak to you’ and ‘I came round once this week and you were not there’. ‘Through its emphasis on deep listening – to ourselves as well as others – Non Violent Communication fosters respect, attentiveness, and empathy and engenders a mutual desire to give from the heart’ - Marshall B. Rosenberg author of ‘Non Violent Communication – A language of life For advice from our Agony Auntie please send your letters to: PO Box 281, The Crags, 6602 or give them to: Urs Jacobs 083 308 4006’
When someone is angry at you with their words – rather than getting defensive yourself, try to listen to their words and see them not as attacks against you but gifts from a fellow human willing to share his soul and deep vulnerabilities with you. There are also types of language which contribute to behaving violently towards each other and traps us in a world of right and wrong, a world of judgements. For example if someone pulled in front of me in traffic, my reaction might be “You idiot!” however when we speak this language we think and communicate in terms of what’s wrong with the other person for behaving in a certain way. This is focusing our attention on analysing and determining levels of wrongness rather than on what we and others need and are not getting. Another way which contributes to violent communication is ‘denial of responsibility’ and putting the blame on others for your own thoughts and actions. A great way of overcoming this is to always put the word ‘CHOOSE’ in place of ‘I had to….’ For example instead of saying ‘I had to get the kids ready for school’ you say ‘I CHOOSE to get the kids ready for school…(because I want them to get an education)’, ‘I CHOOSE to cook the family dinner…(because I can express my love for them that way)…..try it out, I find that at the very least, it makes you feel better about things.
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1st Correct Entry drawn will receive a R50 cash prize sponsored by Van Care Submit your entries to Urs or any of the MASIZAKHE members. Contact us on (044) 534 8285 or Urs on 083 308 4006 Name:……………………………………………...………………………………………..……… Tel:………………………………..…………………………………………………………..… ….
Police were called to a day-care centre where a three year old was resisting a rest.
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The Print Shop At your service for:
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SPORT NUUS / NEWS DA STEEK ‘N HELPENDE HAND NA BITOU SE TOP ATLETE UIT!!! Op 08 Maat 2012 het die burgermeester, Alderman Memory Booysen, onderburgermeester Adam Van Rhyner en raadslid van Wyk 1, Nevelle De Waal SWD sport toerusting aan die drie atlete van Crags Primêr, wat so uitmuntend in die atletiek byeenkomste gevaar het, oorhandig. Die sporsklere en -toerusting was deur Bitou munisipaliteit geborg. Prinsipaal, Mnr Louw het die gebeure geopen, die raadslede verwelkom en aan al die atlete wat aan die atletiek seisoen deelgeneem het, voorgestel. Altesaam 5 atlete van die oorgrootte Bitou het hierdie groot prestasie in skool atletiek behaal. Twee van Kranshoek en drie van Crags Primêr, hulle was Liechen Roman, Cyrilene Solomons en Megan Van Tura. Van Tura het ook verlede jaar hierdie hoogtepunt in atletiek behaal. Die raadslede het hulle hoog geprys met hul prestasie en het hulle aangemoedig om beter en harder te probeer om die Weskaap-span te behaal. Me. Louw en Mnr Madat, die sport beamptes van die skool het die onderburgermeester bedank vir hul borgskap. Die onderburgemeester het daarna genoem dat hy baie bly was om te kan help met die opbou vqan die gemeenskappe . Die burgermeester het voorspoed aan al die atlete toegewens en ook genoem dat almal nie kan wen nie, maar dat hulle nie moed moet verloor nie. Die ouers wil ook baie graag die gemeenskap en Kurlandbrik bedank vir hul finansiële bydraes wat dit moontlik gemaak het dat die kinders hierdie mylpale in hul lewens kon behaal.
Dr Laura Snyman N2 The Crags 6602 Contact: 044 5348038 082 8055519 Crags Times Page 12