April 2011
Tel: 044 534 8285 Email:
59th Issue
THE CRAGS TIMES PROUDLY TURNS 5!!!! Crags Times , Kurland se plaaslike koerant en een van Masizakhe se talle suksesvolle projekte het 5jaar oud geword. Hierdie groot mylpaal is deur die getroue en hardwerkende lede van die publikasie span tydens ‘n gesellige en opgeruimde partytjie gevier. Crags Times is vir die afgelope 5jaar selfonderhoudend danksy ons getroue adverteerders, borge, rubriekskrywers asook die lesers. Ons wil almal hartlik bedank vir hul ondersteuning en samewerking wat hierdie wonderlike viering vir ons moontlik gemaak het. Ons het ook ‘n paar plaaslike lesers genader om uit te vind wat die Crags Times vir hulle beteken. Hier is van hul opinies: “Crags Times is baie opvoedkundig en insiggewend. Die Klinieknuus en Aunt ie Agony kolomme gee baie goeie raad en ek leer elke maand nuwe aspekte van menslike verhoudings, mediese kennis en baie meer. Ek wil ook graag almal bedank vir hulle bydrae deur die jare wat verseker dat ons ‘n publikasie elke maand kan uitgee en mense se lewens daardeur op ‘n goeie manier kan beïnvloed”: Urs Crags Times redaksie-span. Maureen: Ek sien uit na elke uitgawe en kan nie wagom dit te lees nie. Daar’s baie goeie rubrieke en dit sal baie baat as almal nuus vir die koerant kan gee. Veral dinge wat in woonbuurt gebeur sodat dit aan die gemeenskap bekend gemaak kan word.
Above: The Crags Times Team Daar gebeur baie dinge in die gemeenskap waarvan almal nie weet nie, en as dit in die Crags Times geplaas word, kan almal weet wat aangaan”. Graham BlackDis uiters belangrik dat die Crags Times voortgaan want dis ‘n uitstekende bon van kommunikasie. Dis meeste van tyd tweetalig en soms drietalig. Dis ook goeie advertensie vir besighede wat daarin adverteer veral vir mense wat werksgeleenthede skep en soek.”
Inside this issue … Elephant encounter in the forest — Pg 2 Letters to the Editor —Pg 5 Clinic News: Child Care—Pg 6 Out & About —Page 8 Junior Surfers get ready!— Back Page
And much more!
An unforgettable forest experience Spectacular venue to hire for Youth and adult camps or workshops. Various outdoor activities offered. Wooden cabins sleep up to 80. Fully equipped kitchen, & dining area. Contact Debbie Fermor 534 8218 or 083 442 6115.
MARK OOSTHUIZEN Crags Times Page 1
W. Plaatjies Setting
T. Toll - Cutting
POLISIE BESOEK ONS SKOOL DEUR M. H. Die SAPD het die afgelope naweek ‘n “road show” in die groter Plettenbergbaai area gehou en het The Crags Primêr op Vrydagoggend 11 Maart besoek. Graad 1-9 leerlinge het saam met hul opvoeders in die saal bymekaar gekom en is met musiek deur die Polisie Orkes vegas. Praat-jies was deur die Polisie asook Knysna Alkohol en Dwelm Setr, voorgehou. Die euwels van drank sowel en dwelmmisbruik in ons ge-meenskap was aan die leerders uitgewys en hulle was gewaarsku om daarvan weg te bly. Die orkesleier het die verskillende instrumente wat deur die orkeslede bespeel word, aan die leerders bekend gestel en die verrigtinge is met die Nasionale Volkslied van Suid-Afrika afgesluit. Dit was ’n baie interessante dag an leerders en opvoeders is weereens daarvan bewus gemaak dat die Polisie ’n gemeenskapdiens is en nie net daar is om mense in hegtenis te neem nie. Bravo SAPD
CRACK A JOKE EN LAG ‘N SLAG Gert se vrou sit hom een aand uit die huis, want hy kom elke aand dik gesuip by die huis en sy kan dit nie meer verduur nie. Gert besluit toe maar, al plek waar hy nou kan rus, is in die hond se hok. En so het Gert die heel week in die hond se hok geslaap oor sy gesuipery. By die werk vertel Gert vir Koos van sy probleem en Koos sê toe vir Gert hy sal ‘n bietjie moet nugter huis toe gaan en dalk laat die vrou hom in. Gert stem saam en gaan nugter huis toe. Tot sy verbasing laat die vrou hom in die huis, maak vir hom ‘n lekker bord kos en als is net lieflik daai aand. Die volgende dag se Gert vir koos wat gebeur het en Gert besluit dis iets om te “celebrate”, die dat hy weer in is by sy vrou. Daardie aand kom Gert weer dikdronk by die huis aan en sy vrou sit hom wee uit die huis. Al plek nou, dink Gert, is maar weer die hond se hok. Gekom by die hok, wil Gert gan lê, maar die hond blaf en byt hom. Geskok vra Gert: “Wat gaan nou aan?” En skielik vra die hond: “Waar was jy gisteraand?”
SPORTHELDE VAN CRAGS PRIMÊR SKOOL ATLETIEK Joshua Andrews en Megan Van Tura het die SWD-span tydens die Interstreek Skole Atletiek byeenkoms gehaal, waar hulle saam met altlete van ander provinsies aan die SWD-kampioenskappe by die UWK Sportstadion in Kaapstad, meegeding het . Die kompetisie was egter baie groot en ons helde kon nie na die volgende rondte deurdring nie. Die Skool spog egter met die twee atlete aangesien hulle die eerste twee atlete is wat die SWD-span in hierdie sportkode kon behaal. Welgedaan julle twee ons is baie trots op julle!!! Leoni Andrews, Jan en Sally Van Tura wil van die geleentheid gebruik maak om munisipaliteit en Mnr. Graham Black bedank vir hul ondersteuning wat dit moontlik gemaak het dat ons kinders aan die kompetisie kon gaan deelneem. 'n Spesiale dank aan Me I. Louw wat deur al die reelings bygestaan het. Ons waardeer dit asook aan ons familielede en Crags Primer se onderwysers.
Redford House
ThankYou! Vancare, Crags Conservancy & Mike Kemp for contributing to the printing of the Crags Times. To support our paper contact: Robyn 082 927 2996 or Urs 083 308 4006
Andre Knoesen Accounting Services •Accountants • Company Secretaries Phone: 044 533 1403 Fax: 044 533 1028 Cell - Andre: 073 177 0050 Email:SIBUSISU@MWEB.CO.ZA
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REDFORD CONCERVANCY ELEPHANT ENCOUNTER IN THE FOREST BY ROBYN EIDELMAN Krijan se Nek to Jubilee Creek when we noticed a few trees and branches lying in our path. The leaves were still green and we were mulling over this phenomenon… there hadn’t been any storm recently to have caused this. We began joking that elephants must be close not really believing that this could be true. It wasn’t long till we came across our package!!
Robyn Eidelman is a member of the Probus Ladies Club, as well as leader of the University of the Third Age hikes which take place every Thursday. When she set out with her group on Thursday 24th February, she had no idea that this was to be a hike like no other. This is what she has to say about their exciting encounter!
The dung was still warm and moist, meaning that the elephant had to be very close. We were all very excited as we have regularly seen dung samples in the forest, but never anything as fresh. One of our members took a sample for Debbie Young from the Elephant Park in Knysna and I took the photos. Unfortunately we never actually spotted the elephant. I’m sure he was spying on us the whole time. Debbie hasn’t analysed the sample yet, but just from viewing the photos she feels sure that the elephant was a teenager of about 16 years old.”
“We were following a hiking trail from
FYNBOS UNDER THREAT! Jean Prior (Crags resident) survive man, urban developement, agriculture, crops such as Rooibos tea and invasive alien vegetation.
Born in Africa— The Red Shed/Born in Africa Camp 18-20 March 2011 A total of 54 Gr 4 boys and girls from Crags, Wittedrift, Kransbos and Kranshoek all took part in a weekend filled with fun next to the Karatara River at the Red Shed. The aim of the Red Shed is to provide a safe and positive environment where the children are challenged both physically and mentally thorough a number of varied activities. Emphasis is placed on team work, over coming individual barriers and participation rather than on competition and winning. Jacqui Dodd (owner) and André Visser managed to put together a weekend program for the children which they will remember for a very long time! Canoeing, forest hiking, obstacle courses, mini Olympics (soccer, volleyball, dodge ball, ketty shooting ect), drumming circles are just a few of the activities which they took part in. Born in Africa would like to thank Jaqcui and André for their hospitality, lots of hard work and their enthusiastic approach. We would also like to thank our teams of motivated volunteers and staff for assisting during the camps. Well done to all!
According to the last survey 60% or almost 2/3 of our unique heritage 'fynbos' is already gone and the remainder under threat. Everyone can make a difference to the survival of this unique vegetation.
There is a move afoot to remove all fynbos from road verges in The Crags. What is Fynbos (or 'painbos' as I have heard it described)? As far back as 1772 botanical visitors from Europe where amazed at the rich biodiversity of the rarest and most beautiful plants in the world, our 'fynbos'. Fynbos is unique and the smallest of six floral kingdoms on earth. Home of the worlds richest floras, 2/3 of which are found no where else on the earth! The Cape floral region has been identified as one of the 30 most critical biological hot spots in terms of conservation on earth. How can we, fortunate owners of this rare gem 'fynbos', just condemn it "as useless for pasture, no good for cows, horses or human consumption" or "just mere bossies", a 'fire hazard'? Fynbos needs all the help it can get to Crags Times Page 4
Letters have appeared in the local newspaper urging people to drive through The Crags to see the fantastic road side fynbos vegetation. Preserving our magnificent fynbos along the road verges makes sense as it will encourage tourists wh o wi l l s p en d m o n ey and thereby support the local people. Also, Bees ar e in danger worldwide. Look at the price of honey! Fynbos honey is the best there is! I beg the people who propose to mow the verges to think again. At the very least we should keep a thin line of fynbos along the road verges, for the sake of beauty, as habitats for birds, small mammals, reptiles and insects. The invasive self-sown Pine trees that have sprung up in profusion across the hills above the Crags pose a much greater fire hazard to the Crags residence, yet they are left unchecked by the landowners?? One wonders why they are not tackled instead of the thin ribbon of fynbos we have left on some of the road verges? Every thing has its place in the ecology. Money is not the only thing in life!
Diere Kliniek Animal Care Clinic Tuesday, 5th April 2011 Community Hall 14:30 - 16:30 All dogs and cats will be treated for fleas and Dewormed. Please bring your pets on a lead to reduce the chance of fighting.
POETRY A Firefighter’s wish…. “ I Wish You Could “ I wish you could see… The sadness of a business man as his livelihood goes up in flames or that family returning home, only to find their house and belongings damaged or destroyed. I wish you could know… What it is to search a burning bedroom for trapped children, flames rolling above your head, your palms and knees burning as you crawl, the floor sagging under your weight as the kitchen beneath you burns. I wish you could comprehend… A wife’s horror at 3 A.M , as I check her husband of forty years for a pulse and find none. I start CPR anyway, hoping against the odds to bring him back, knowing intuitively it is too late. But wanting his wife and family to know everything possible was done. I wish you could know… The unique smell of burning insulation, the taste of soot-filled mucus, the feeling of intense heat through your turnout gear, the sound of flames crackling and the eeriness of being able to see absolutely nothing in dense smoke sensations that I have become too familiar with. I wish you could understand… How it feels to go to work in the morning after having spent most of the night, hot and soaking wet at a multiple alarm fire. I wish you could read… My mind as I respond to a building fire, ‘Is this a false alarm or a working, breathing fire? How is the building constructed? What hazards await me? Is anyone trapped or are they all out? Or to a EMS call, ‘what is wrong with the patient? Is it minor or lifethreatening? Is the caller really in distress or is he waiting for us with a 2x4 or a gun?. I wish you could be… In the emergency room as the doctor pronounces dead the beautiful little five-year old girl that I have been trying to save during the past twenty-five minutes, who will never go on her first date or say the words, “ I love you Mommy,” again. I wish you could know… The frustration I feel in the cab of the engine, the driver with his foot pressing hard on the pedal, my arm tugging again and again at the air horn chain, as you fail to yield right-of-way at an intersection or in traffic. When you need us, however, your first comment upon our arrival will be, “it took you forever to get here!” I wish you could read… My thoughts as I help extricate a girl of teenage years from the mangled remains of her automobile, ‘what if this were my sister, my girlfriend, or a friend? What were her parents reactions going to be as they open the door to find a police officer. I wish you could know… How it feels to walk in the back door and greet my parents and family, not having the
heart to tell them that I nearly did not come home from this last call. I wish you could feel… My hurt, as people verbally, and sometimes physically, abuse us or belittle what we do, or as they express their attitudes of, it will never happen to me. I wish you could realize… The physical, emotional, and mental drain of missed meals, lost sleep, and forgone social activities, in addition to all the tragedy my eyes have viewed. I wish you could know… The brotherhood and self-satisfaction of helping to save a life or preserving someone’s property, of being there in times of crisis, or creating order from total chaos. I wish you could understand… What it feels like to have a little boy tugging on your arm and asking, Is my Mommy O.K.? not even being able to look in his eyes without tears falling from your own and not knowing what to say. Or to have to hold back a long-time friend who watches his buddy having rescue breathing done on him as they take him away in the ambulance. You knowing all along he did not have his seatbelt on Unless you have lived… This kind of life, you will never truly understand or appreciate who I am, what we are, or what our job really means to us. I WISH YOU COULD
My Name: "Is TIK " I destroy homes, I tear families apart, Take your children, & that's just the start. I'm more costly than diamonds, more precious than gold, The sorrow I bring is a sight to behold. If you need me, remember! I'm easily found, I live all around you - in schools & in town. I live with the rich; I live with the poor, I live down the street, & maybe next door. I'm made in a lab, but not like you think, I can be made under the kitchen sink. In your child's closet, & even in the woods, If this scares you to death, well it certainly should. I have many names, but there's one you know best, I'm sure you've heard of me, my name is crystal meth. My power is awesome; try me you'll see, But if you do, you may never break free.
I'll be your conscience, I'll teach you my ways. I take kids from parents, and parents from kids, I turn people from God, & separate friends. I'll take everything from you, your looks and your pride, I'll be with you always -- right by your side. You'll give up everything - your family, your home, Your friends, your money, and then you'll be alone. I'll take and take, till you have nothing more to give, When I'm finished with you, you'll be lucky to live. If you try me be warned - this is no game, If given the chance, I'll drive you insane. I'll ravish your body, I'll control your mind, I'll own you completely, your soul will be mine. The nightmares I'll give you while lying in bed, The voices you'll hear, from inside your head. The sweats, the shakes, the visions you'll see, I want you to know, these are all gifts from me. But then it's too late, and you'll know in your heart, That you are mine, and we shall not part. You'll regret that you tried me, they always do, But you came to me, not I to you. You knew this would happen, many times you were told, But you challenged my power, and chose to be bold. You could have said no, & just walked away, If you could live that day over, now what would you say? I'll be your master, you will be my slave, I'll even go with you, when you go to your grave. Now that you have met me, what will you do? Will you try me or not? It's all up to you. I can bring you more misery than words can tell, Come take my hand, let me lead you to hell.
Just try me once and I might let you go, But try me twice, and I'll own your soul. When I possess you, you'll steal & you'll lie, You do what you have to -just to get high. The crimes you'll commit for my narcotic charms Will be worth the pleasure you'll feel in your arms, (your lungs, and your nose). You'll lie to your mother; you'll steal from your dad, When you see their tears, you should feel sad. But you'll forget your morals and how you were raised, Crags Times Page 5
CLINIC NEWS / KLINIEK NUUS — CHILD SAFETY POISONING Every year thousands of children swallow dangerous things at home. These include medicines and tablets, sedatives, household products, garden and garage preparations. Hundreds of children are admitted to hospitals for treatment after swalloing poisonous substances. Some die as a result. Others are left with permanent damage.
How to Avoid Disaster Storage of medicine The golden rule: Lock up all medicines and potentiallly dangerous household products. Even a high shelf is not safe. Don’t forget that children are curious and persistent. And they can climb! Children can’t be poisoned if they can’t get their hands on poison. Specially designed childproof boxes or cupboard catches are obtainable. Where possible, you should have two such childproof cupboards in the home—one for medicine and for other dangerous substances. Don’t carry medicines in your handbag if you have young children. Always make sure that you replace the cap after having given your a tablet or having taken one yourself. Put the container away immediately. Storing and tablets in bedside tables can be perilous! Never store potentially harmful products in soft drink bottles, containersor cups used for food or drink. Children get confused and might drink the contents by mistake. Keep medicines seperate from other products. Never store cleaning agents with food—keep them in a locked cupboard. How To Prevent Poisoning In The Home Know your child! The young child: Explores with his mouth Is unable to distinguish between odours. Will swallow even bad tasting sub stances. Children under four years of age are the ones most exposed to danger. Be Alert You must know which products in your home are poisonous or dangerous. Attractively packaged products that look harmless and are used in and around the home can be dangerous when swallowed by a child. Often such products are not labeled as poisonous and contain only the word “Caution” as warning. Remember, small children cannot read warnings Crags Times Page 6
Be especially careful when there is stress in the home. When normal routine is disrupted and when visiting other homes.
The Trouble Spots Kitchen The cupboard under the sink with its polishes, bleaching powder , detergents, ammonia, washing powder, insecticides and cleaning agents for drainpipes, ovens and windows. Bathroom cupboard Medicines and tablets, practically all prescribed medicines that can be bought “over the counter”, e.g. aspirin, Panado, tonics, iron tablets and home perm kits. Toilet Disinfectants, deodorant blocks and toilet cleaners Bedroom Perfumes, nail polish and nail polish remover, moth balls and insect repellents in strips, sticks, aerosol cans and fluids. All batteries. Be especially careful with button-size batteries used in calculators and digital watches. Garden and garage shed Petrol, paraffin, brake fluid, battery acid, anti-rust paint, paint thinners, swimmingpool chemicals, week killers, insecticides, pesticides, rodenticides and fertilizers. A small child may also accidentally spray products from aerosol cans into his eyes. Store poisons away safely, preferable in a locked cupboard. Poison out of doors Some plant, berries and mushrooms are poisonous. Children should be taught never to eat anything from the garden before asking an adult Preventive Hints Administering medicines First make sure you have the correct bottle before giving medicine to children. Don’t give medicine in the dark. Using the wrong bottle could have tragic results. Read the label. Measure the dose carefully with a medicine spoon and give only the prescribed for a child. Never talk your child into taking tablets by telling him that they are “sweets” or “lollies”. This makes them dangerously attractive at other times. “Deadly sweets”! Your medicines can be poison to a child! Tell your child the tablet he or she is taking is to make him or her better. Don’t allow a child to take his medicine. Teach older children to read and follow the directions and warnings on the label. Explain that more than the prescribed dose will make them ill.
Avoid taking medicines or tablets in a child’s presence. Children love imitating adults, especially their parents. Remember always to put containers away after use. Don’t be lazy.! How To Prevent Poisoning Dispose of unused medicines in this way: - Never throw bottles of medicines in the rubbish bin. - Dispose of unwanted, left-over medicines and pills by returning them to your local pharmacist. If this is not possible, flush them down the toilet or wash them down the drain. - Wash out the empty bottle before putting it in the rubbish bin. - Never allow children to play with medicine containers, empty or full. - Teach your children not to eat or drink from bottles or cans lying about. - Make your home a safe home. - Protect your children by making your home poison-proof. - Lock poisons away
Important!!! Contact your nearest Poison Information Centre immediately if you suspect that your child has accidentally swallowed some medicine or a poison. Treat all cases of poisoning as urgent. If you take the child to a doctor or a hospital, also take along the following: the container, label, prescription, remaining tablets, the substance swallowed, vomited matter or whatever might help the doctor to identify and estimate the amount of poison taken
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ALKOHOL Matige alkoholgebruik is toelaatbaar. Die Bybel eis nie geheelonthou-ding nie, maar waarsku wel teen die misbruik daarvan. Rom. 14:21 Matige alkoholgebruiker: Drink by geleenthede of maaltye. Drink sy drankie stadig. In 'n tydperk van 24 uur, word daar net een tot twee drankies gedrink. Drink nie elke dag nie. Alkohol word nie gebruik om 'n persoon op te kikker of te kalmeer nie. Maar wanneer word alkohol misbruik? Alkoholmisbruik kan nie gemeet word aan die hoeveelheid alkohol nie, maar aan die kwaliteit van die gebruiker se funksionering. Ons onderskei met 4 fases: Fase 1: Sosiale gebruike Die tiener besef geleidelik dat die gebruik van alko-hol 'n kalmerende uitwer-king het. Dit help om spanning en stres te verlig. As gevolg van 'n alko-holtoleransie wat ont staan, word die tiener ge-dwing om meer te drink ten einde dieselfde kalmerende uitwerking te ervaar. Fase 2: "Black outs" Hierdie fase is baie ge-vaarlik. Tieners kan wei-nig tot geen uiterlike tekens toon
dat hy onder die invloed van drank is. Hy kan selfs heel nugter optree. Die volgende dag kan hy egter niks onthou nie. In hierdie stadium begin die tiener skelm drink, hy word 'n gulsige drinker. Fase 3: Die kritieke fase: Nou begin die tiener beheer verloor. Die tiener begin nou drink totdat hy dronk is en nie meer kan drink nie.(of gewoonlik te siek is om verder te drink.) Hy oortuig hom egter dat hy in beheer is. In hierdie stadium begin hy verskonings uitdink. Hy het geenskuld aan sy probleem nie ander is die probleem. Die tiener sal alles in sy vermoë doen om drank in die hande te kry. Nou ervaar hy verwerping, onwaardigheid en natuurlik die valse versekering dat hy net 'n "regmaker" nodig het. Fase 4: Die finale fase Tydens hierdie fase is die tiener vir dae onder die invloed van drank. Indien drank nie beskikbaar is nie, sal hy hom wend tot brandspiritus, remvloei-stof, of selfs naskeermid-del. Weens moontlike lewerskade verminder die tiener se weerstand teen drank. Slegs 'n klein sopie kan tot dronkenskap lei. Op hierdie stadium sal hy erken dat hy 'n drankprobleem het en instem vir behandeling. Deesdae is daar ‘n fase 5 – dit is die dood Tekens van alkohol-misbruik:
Behep met alkohol. Ang-stig as alkohol nie beskik-baar is nie. Vertel gewoonteleuens. Spog oor die hoeveelheid wat hy drink. Asem ruik na drank. Drankies word vinnig ge- drink. Dink aan versko-nings om te drink en ont-ken drankprobleem. Skuldgevoelens oor drank. Eet baie pepper-minte en asemverfrissers. Lei aan naarheid, eet-verlies en vomering en oggendhoofpyne. Gevolge van alkoholmisbruik: Fisieke gevolge: Hoë bloeddruk • Maagsere • Nierversaking • Floutes • Swak gesondheid • Velswere • Slegte spysvertering • Algemene wanvoeding • Sirrose van die lewer • Verlies van breinweefsel • Vatbaarheid vir longsiektes • Hartspierdistrofie • Selfvergiftiging Psigiese gevolge: • Senuweesiektes • Ernstige afhanklikheid • Ondersprestasie • Aggressiewe gedrag • Depressie
PUBLIC PARTICIPATION PROCESS BASIC ASSESSMENT PROCEDURE DEA&DP REF NO: EG12/2/3/5-D1/14-1353/09 Notice is hereby given of a Public Participation Process in terms of the National Environmental Management Act (NEMA) [Act 107 of 1998]; the National Environmental Management Amended Act (NEMAA) [Act 62 of 2008], Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Regulations that came into effect on the 2nd of August 2010. As promulgated in the following Government Notices: Government Gazette No.9343 of the 30th of July 2010, GN No. R 664; R 661; R 662; R 663: Commencement of EIA Regulations 2010, published in Government Notice No R 543 on 18 June 2010, determine that the said regulations shall take effect on 2 August 2010. Listing Notice 1 (GN R 544) listing Notice 2 (GN R 545) and Listing Notice 3 (GN R 546) as published on 18 June 2010, determined that the said notices will take effect on 2 August 2010. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSED ACTIVITY: Relocation of Jukani Wildlife Ranch and Care Centre LOCATION: Portion 1 of the Farm Kirbywood No. 302 Plettenberg Bay. APPLICATION FOR ENVIRONMENTAL AUTHORIZATION TO UNDERTAKE THE FOLLOWING LISTED ACTIVITIES: GN R544 – Activity 23 (ii). GN R546 – Activities: 1 (d) (i)(aa); 4 (d) (ii); 13 (a), (c) (ii) (ff); 14 (a) (i) All interested and affected parties are invited to provide written comments, their names, contact details and an indication of any direct business, financial, personal or other interest which they have in the proposed development. ECO-ROUTE ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANCY Fax: 044-3810515 E-mail: ; Comments Period: Within 40 Days, from 2011-03-25 up and till 2011-05-09. A Draft Basic Assessment Report will be available at the Kurland Municipal Offices for perusal. Crags Times Page 7
Out and About
Hunk Of The Month
GELUKKIGE VERJAARSDAG! Oom Willem Van Tura en George van Tura het op Saterdag 12 Mei hul onderskeidelik 21ste en 70ste verjaarsdae gevier. Die spoggerige en fantastiese geleentheid was in die Immanuel Saal gehou en was in ‘n sprokieswêreld van turkoois, goud, wit en feeliggies deur sy dogter Maureen Gouws omskep. Sy eggenote auntie Dollie van Tura een van Kurland se bobaas baksters, het die pragtige koeke gebak. Die gastige het die hele aand in ‘n gesellige en gemoedelike luim verkeer danksy die mooi woorde, danking-betuigings wat aan die oupa en kleinseun toegewens was asook pittige sêgoed wat deur die sprekers en oom Willem self geuiter was. Almal het die heerlike geregte wat deur familie en vriende voorberei was, geniet en die partytjie het tot laat nag voortgeduur.
Shantei Barnardo het op Saterdag 12 Maart haar 2de verjaarsdag saam met haar ouers en maatjies by Spur gevier. Die uitbundige klomp kleintjies het hulle omtrent geniet en kon nie wag om aan al die lekkernye weg te lê nie. ’n Groep moeë dog baie gelukkig kleuters is daarna hoogs tevrede met hul pakkies huis toe.
Masizakhe Bied aan:
Mr & Mrs Cupid Masizakhe nooi alle getroude paartjies om deel te neem aan ons Mr and Mrs Cupid Kompetisie
Name: Neville Surname: Louw Date of Birth: 16-01-1983 Hobbies: Rugby and cricket Favourite drink: Hansa Pilsner Address: 4048 Geelhout Street The Crags Residental status: 2years in Kurland Marital status: Single and available. If you want to talk, you know where to find me.
Danino Roman het op Saterdag 05 Maart sy 7de verjaarsdag saam met sy familie en vriende by sy ouerhuis gevier.
Die kompetisie sal op Vrydagaand 29 April by Crags Primêr Skoolsaal gehou word. Inskrywings fooi is R30.00 per paartjie en die sluitingsdatum is: 31ste Maart 2011
Thank You to
Paartjies sal tydens die kompetisie 5vrae oor hulsef beantwoord en die paartjie wat die meeste antwoorde saam korrek, is die wenners
Kurland Hotel
Fantastiese pryse sal te wen wees Moenie hierdie fantastiese geleentheid om jou wederhelfte se aandag vas te vang nie, verby laat gaan nie!!! Sluit nou aan!!!! Kontak Desiree Primo 0793942399 vir meer besonderhede
Crags Times Page 8
for contributing towards the printing of the Crags Times!
Mirinda Camphor en Sirgen Guysman het op Saterdag 05 Maart 2011 in de huwelik getree. Die pragtige jong paartjie het daarna hierdie spesiale geleentheid met ‘n gesellige en intieme onthaal by Miguels gevier Hendrik Van Rooyen en Bettie Kok het op Saterdagaand 19 Februarie verloof geraak. Die gelukkige paartjie het hul verlowing saam met hul kinders en familie in ‘n gesellige en lieflike atmosfeer in Knysna gevier. Hulle word al mooiste en beste seëninge vir hul toekomstige huwelik toegewens.
SOEK EN VIND BIRTHDAY WISHES Masizakhe would like to wish Noeline all the best wishes on her birthday. May God bless you with all the most beautiful and precious yearsto come. Have a wonderful day!!! To Noeline, have a wonderful and blessed birthday !!! Love, hugs and kisses. Thanks for being such a wonderful and supportive friend from Urs Hiep Hiep Hooray Gail on your 21st birthday.!! May God bless you with many more precious and wonderful years to come.Place your faith in God and everything will be alright. We all love and will always be there for you. Enjoy the day . Love always from Urs and family THANKS Masizakhe would like to thank Katie from Dollars for change for her generous donation of cuddly animals for out babygroup. It’s been deeply appreciated! NOTICES BEYOND 5 HIP HOP DANCE CREW OFFERS A FREE DEMO CLASS Teaching all types of Hip Hop Dance Ages 7 - 11 years and ages 11 - 15 years WHERE: Kurland Community Hall WHEN: Saturday 12th March 10am 2pm DEEPEST SYMPATHIES Masizakhe wil graag hul innige meegevoel met die Mabie en Salmans – familie deel. Ons dink aan julle in jul tyd van smart en rou en bid dat God vertroosting aan julle sal bring
The Crags Fire Protection Association Notice of the Annual General Meeting of The Crags Fire Protection Association Notice is hereby given that the Would like to inform the community that the Knysna Alcohol and Drug Centre has a Satellite Office in Plett opposite the Post Office in the Dulux Building next FAMSA Operation of Office Hours: Monday to Friday 08h00—16h00 Tuesdays and Fridays Appointments 09h00—16h30 Services rendered:
Prevention Awareness Therapeutic intervention Statutory Work For any further information, please do not hesitate to contact the Social Worker Mr Mzwandle Phillip at: Tel: 044 533 4050 Cell: 083 239 6229 For Appointments AdministratorMr Shaun Tereblanche Cell: 078 193 5659
The Social worker will be at The Crags Clinic two times a month from 10h00 to 14h00 on Thursdays: 7th April 2011 21st April 2011
Annual General Meeting of The Crags Fire Protection Association will be held on
Thursday 14th April 2011 at 6pm at the CFPA Control Centre (Yellow Building with Red Roof off Redford Road) All members are requested to attend Non-members interested in joining the association are also welcome to attend ** PLEASE BRING OWN CHAIR **
For a personalised professional service Contact: Stuart Hiscox Tel: 044 534 8237 Fax: 044 534 8290 Email:
CX MOTORS N2 The Crags Next to BP Garage Spray painting 24hr breakdown + towing+ mechanical + tyres + Welding + tractors services + buy &sell cars + order parts
Tel. 044 534 8399 Cell. 082 429 4744
Dollars for Change Solar Water Heaters
ARLENE’S Friendly and efficient POOL SERVICES Pool Maintenance Phone
082 927 9557
If you are interested, please see article details and sign up at
Kurland Community Hall Crags Times Page 9
LIEWE AGONY AUNTIE! This month our Agony Aunt is addressing the ever increasing rise of TIK users in the area: DO NOT USE TIK! the most frightening side effect of TIK is the fact that the users can 'lose their soul' it is like they lose something of themselves this is because it affects many parts of the central nervous system. Its prolonged use not only changes behaviours, but literally changes the brain in long-lasting ways. Chronic abuse can lead to out-of-control rages, violence, anxiety, confusion, mood disturbances and insomnia. Users can become psychotic, experiencing symptoms such as paranoia and hallucinations. The paranoia can result in homicide or suicide. The drug causes increased heart rate and blood pressure, and can result in irreversible damage to blood vessels in the brain, producing strokes. Other effects include respiratory problems and irregular heartbeat. TIK users can also lose their teeth abnormally quickly , suffer from a dry mouth, anorexia, headaches, diarrhoea, constipation, blurred vision, dizziness, twitching, insomnia, tremors, itchy skin, acne and even convulsions, heart attacks and stokes and death can occur. The mental depression associated with withdrawal lasts longer and is more severe than that of cocaine withdrawal. A severe withdrawal syndrome lasting up to 10 days can occur, primarily consisting of depression, fatigue, excessive sleeping and an increased appetite. Following chronic abuse, symptoms can persist beyond the withdrawal period for months and even up to a year. Withdrawal symptoms may also include anxiety, agitation, excessive sleeping, and ideas of suicide. How does TIK work? TIK stimulates the central nervous system that effects the heart rate, body temperature, blood pressure, appetite, attention, mood and emotional responses associated with alertness or alarming conditions. The acute physical effects of the drug closely resemble the physiological and psychological effects of a fight or flight, including increased heart rate and blood pressure and users experience an increase in focus, increased mental alertness, and the elimination of fatigue, as well as a decrease in appetite. Why do people use it? Peer pressure certainly plays a major role in starting many on drugs. Teenagers take drugs just to avoid being rejected by other teenagers. There are a lot of other Crags Times Page 10
factors that can contribute to the increasing number of youngsters abusing drugs. Among these are disillusionment, depression, and a lack of purpose in life. Additional reasons are economic problems, unemployment, and poor parental examples or weight loss. Some people have difficulty coping with human relationships so they use drugs and TIK helps them cope at social events and in situations. TIK is known to boost confidence, making the user feel likable because it alters moods and mind set. Others simply find it easier to use TIK than to accept responsibility for taking control of their lives Boredom is another reason youths turn to drugs. Lack of parental supervision or knowledge is also a big concern where teenagers are able to do drugs because their parents are never around or don’t know enough about drugs to see a difference or the warning signs, basically in many cases it comes down to a lack of discipline. What needs to be done? In addition to having knowledge of the dangers and setting examples, explain to young teenagers the importance of finding their own self confidence and not feeling like they have to conform with others if they lose friends because they don't join them in taking drugs, explain they were not a good friend in the first place. They are not aware that the problem is that they don't truly accept themselves. Building self-esteem is incredibly important as with confidence one would not feel the need to use a drug that can give them that if they don't have it. Developing important life skills and having direction and life goals will certainly lessen the chance of TIK being taken. How to develop confidence and self esteem in children - once children know that they are amazing and loved - this is the first step to self love and self confidence. If one loves oneself there's no need for any enhancers like drugs. Encourage your children to be true to themselves, not having to feel that they have to be like anyone else and help them set small achievable goals which will help develop their own self confidence Direction and life goals - It is important for people to know how to dream. That its possible to dream in the first place. To imagine beautiful things in ones life, such as the possibility to have kind friends, a healthy body and mind and things to look forward too and having fun! a life goal should not just be about having a job and making money, it goes far beyond that. Have your children work towards
these things as well as any other dreams they might have, i.e) to be a great football player, netball player, dancer, teacher what ever it is...encourage them to aim towards achieving these things, as its having a goal and life direction which plays a massive part in keeping them off the road to drugs. You know, anything is possible, you just have to dream it first! encourage your children to visualise the future of their dreams, make sure its a wonderful one. For users addicted to TIK - it is really effective for users already addicted to a drug to visualise how good it would feel if they had not taken it for a year. Sit them down and get them to relax first, closing eyes actively get them to think about this and imagine what it would FEEL like to be drug free, its important that they really imagine the good feeling. Start from the very beginning of 'so what do you do first? Ah you go and buy it, then what?’ And keep pushing them through the taking of it, feeling how they feel. All the way through to when the drug wears off and how dreadful it is and the consequences. Run through this a few times. Then visualising that they have now stopped taking the drug and take them through how they are feeling to next week, next month, 6 months and eventually a years time. In a year they will be feeling good again. By bringing the feeling into their current consciousness and seeing just how good it is to be drug free again it gives inspiration to stop, it shifts something within
For advice from our Agony Auntie please send your letters to: PO Box 281, The Crags, 6602 or give them to: Urs Jacobs 083 308 4006
044 534 8841 082 783 6586 Email:
No Mean Feet! Wordsearch Arch Boots Corns Dance Flats Galoshes Heels Hose Jogging Mules Nails Pedicure
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1st Correct Entry drawn will receive a R50 cash prize sponsored by Van Care Submit your entries to Urs or any of the MASIZAKHE members. Contact us on (044) 534 8285 or Urs on 083 540 0213 Name:……………………………………………...………………………………………..……… Tel:………………………………..…………………………………………………………..… ….
Natures Way Farm Stall & Country Deli R 102 to Natures Valley, The Crags
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Crags Times Page 11
SportS NEWS South Africa’s Best Junior Surfers Ready For Quiksilver Pro Junior 2011. not have it all their own way should the likes of Brendon Gibbens (Cape Town), Dale Staples (St. Francis Bay), David van Zyl (Durban) and Nic Godfrey (Cape St. Francis) find their form.
North Beach, Durban – The Easter weekend (22-24 April) sees North Beach, Durban play host to the 2011 Quiksilver Pro Junior and King of the Groms. Over 80 of South Africa’s best junior surfers are expected to compete in the biggest and most prestigious junior surfing event on the calendar. North Beach is a very consistent beach break with multiple random peaks and is the perfect arena for spectators to get up close and personal when the action heats up in the water. Proceedings will get underway on Thursday 21 April with a Quiksilver Durban Surf Day. Surfers from all walks of life have been invited to participate in a fun tag team event whereby everimproving surfers from previously disadvantaged backgrounds will be teamed up with top juniors and other wellknown professional surfers as they compete for great prizes. Friday 22 April, to kick start the event, sees 8 Future Stars surfers take to the water to compete for a wildcard place in the main event. These surfers from all over the country have been selected from Surfing South Africa’s transformation program and will be flown to Durban and accommodated for the event as part of their experience. Last year Dominic Abersalie from Jeffrey’s Bay took out the Future Stars competition for the second time and progressed impressively into the seeded rounds of the main Pro Junior division. The Quiksilver Pro Junior is a 2 star rated ASP junior event and boasts a massive US$ 10, 000 (R75 000) prize purse with the winner claiming US$ 2, 500 (R18 750) of that total. The event also counts towards selecting the ASP Africa juniors that will compete in the Oakley ASP World Pro Junior in Bali in October and the Arnette ASP World Pro Junior in Brazil also in October. Last year’s winner Shaun Joubert (Mossel Bay) and runnerup Beyrick de Vries (Umhlanga) have been deemed the two favourites but will
“I am super amped for this years’ Quik Pro Junior, I have been competing quite a bit oversees recently and it has been tough so it would be good to get a big win under my belt to boost my confidence before traveling again. The Quik Pro is definitely one of the events on the calendar that you want to do well in,” said de Vries. Other threats to watch out for is Cape Town charger Matt Bromley, rising star Steven Sawyer (Jeffrey’s Bay) and current under 17 South African Champion Michael February (Cape Town). The King of the Groms is a PST (Pro Surf Tour) event that caters for the younger surfers, U16, U14 and U12 divisions will be jam packed with the hottest talent South Africa has to offer. The under 16 winner will receive R5 000 cash, some Skullcandy headphones and an all expenses paid trip to France for the Quiksilver King of the Groms International final which is held in conjunction with the Quiksilver Pro France WCT in October. Last year Slade Prestwich (Scottburgh) managed to secure himself a place on the prestigious king’s throne after some grueling competition in testing 2 foot surf. Prestwich jetted off to France and surfed exceptionally well to earn himself an equal 3rd place and some valuable experience. “Competing in France was unreal, the beach breaks there are amazing. I got to hang out with Travis Logie a lot and also met Dane Reynolds, Mick Fanning and a bunch of other top surfers. I am really looking forward to this year’s event,” said Prestwich. Other names to take note of are the in-form Dylan Lightfoot (Jeffrey’s Bay) who is the current U15 South African Champion as well as fellow SA team members Diran Zakarian (Cape Town) and Benjamin Brand (Cape Town). There will be some great Quiksilver and Skullcandy prizes on offer in the Expression Session before the finals, which should produce some mind-blowing surfing. The finals for all four divisions will be held on Sunday (24 April) afternoon with the prize giving and crowning immediately after at the event site. For more see the event’s website: as well as
SOCCER NEWS Kurland Soccer Clubs hosted a tournament on the 26th of February called the Union Tournament. This tournament will be held every fortnight since all the teams in Kurland will be participating. Teams were divided into two groups which in total made up six teams, three in each group. The joining fee was R 300.00 and the teams decided that each club will get a R 1000.00 once a month if they take part in all the tournaments. The winner of the tournament will get R 500.00 and the runner up will receive R 300.00. On Saturday Hot Spurs was the first team to be nominated for the R 1 000.00 and Yizo Yizo will be the next recipient of the R 1 000.00. Young Generations played the first match against Willow Tigers and were beaten 3-2 by Willow Tigers. Willow Tigers then played against K.K. Stars and beat them easily with 5-2. Young Generations then had to play against K.K. Stars and won with 6-2. In the second group Yizo Yizo won Black Stars with 3-2 . Black Stars then had to play their 2nd game against Hot Spurs and beat them 2-1. Yizo Yizo then beat Hot Spurs with 2-0. The top two teams of each group had to play against each other in the semi-finals. In the first match Black Stars played against Young Generations and beat them with 4-3goals. Young Generations was very disappointed since they’ve been scoring clear goals but the referee denied them their win In the second match outcome betwees Yizo Yizo and Willow Tiger was a draw and it came down to nerve wrecking penalties. Yizo Yizo was eventually the winner and went through to the finals where they beat Black Stars 2-1
OLD NICK VILLAGE The creative shopping destination Open 9am-5pm Old Nick Village N2, Plettenberg Bay Tel 044 433 1395 Crags Times Page 12