December 2011
Tel: 044 534 8285 Email:
67th Issue
Op Saterdag die 19de November 2011 het Masizakhe hul jaarlikse Kerspartytjie vir alle voorskoolse asook die skoolgaande Graad R tot Graad 2 kinders van Kurland woonbuurt, gehou. Die feestelikheid het om 10uur die oggend by die Crags Primêre Skool begin. Die kinders het al van vroegoggend by die hekke gestaan en kon nie hul beurt afwag om die terrain te betree nie. Die kleintjies het eers in lang rye ingestroom tot daar agterna net ‘n klompie ouer kinders baie teleurgesteld buite die hekke gewag het. Hulle is eers op koekies en koeldrank getrakteer waarna hulle die geleentheid gekry het om aan die verskillende aktiwiteite deel te neem. Daar was meer as drie honderd kinders wat opgewonde en vol blydskap aan
verskillende speletjies deel geneem het. Daar was ook fantastiese pryse wat hulle kon wen en hulle kon nie wag om op die springkasteel te spring nie. Die dae van die “face painting kon nie voorbly met die gesigverf nie want die lang ry wat geduldig hul beurt afgewag het, wou net die krimp nie. Teen huis toe gaan tyd wou die kleintjies nie ophou speel en baljaar nie, maar het tog tevrede met ‘n roomys die aftog geblaas. Baie dankie aan al die Masizakhe lede wat opgedaag het om seker te maak dat alles glad verloop het en die geleentheid ‘n sukses was. Masizakhe wil ook graag vir Katie Rutherford van Dollars for Change bedank vir haar donasie wat dit moontlik gemaak het dat die kinders van Kurland weereens hierdie jaar ‘n heerlike en fantastiese pretdag kon hê.
Bo links: Vader Kersfees deel uit koeldrank en koekies! Bo en onder: Speletjies vir die kinders te geniet!
Inside this issue … News from Born in Africa — Pg 2
An unforgettable forest experience Spectacular venue to hire for Youth and adult camps or workshops. Various outdoor activities offered. Wooden cabins sleep up to 80. Fully equipped kitchen, & dining area. Contact Debbie Fermor 534 8218 or 083 442 6115.
Tenikwa rehabilitation centre in action —Pg 3 Clinic news—Tobacco kills!— Pg 6 Graduation ceremony —Back
Page Sports news—Back Page
And much more! Crags Times Page 1
GARDEN ROUTE CONSERVANCIES FORUM Representatives from the Redford Conservancy and the Southern Crags Conservancy attended the 29th meeting of the Garden Route Conservancies Forum on Saturday 8th October 2011 in Knysna. The meeting was hosted by the Gouna Conservancy, and held in the historic San Ambrosio Church, which was built for the Roman Catholic Italian immigrants who came out in the 19th century to start a silkproduction enterprise in the area.
It is a huge pity that so many children do not complete their school careers due poor eye sight. Many children grow up with an obscure view of the world which they perceive as normal just because they are not afforded the opportunity to have their eyes tested. Isabelle De Smul Brink and her Born in Africa team, work in the Bitou schools on a regular basis, saw a huge need to have the children’s eye tested. Needless to say the “Sight for Life” project was born in partnership with Jan Le Roux of Plett Optical. A total of 435 children from Gr R - Gr 12 were tested at five primary and high schools initially. This test was conducted by the BIA team, who underwent previous training. Once children were identified as having sight problems they were escorted to the surgery of Jan Le Roux where advanced testing was conducted. A Total of 62 children visited Plett optical this year and glasses were prescribed to a total of 15 children. There were 15 serious cases which were referred to eye specialist Dr Harker. We are currently in this process with surgeries currently taking place. The difference we can see already is remarkable with those who have received glasses. It is as if a whole new world full of sights and colours have opened up for them!
ThankYou! Vancare, Crags Conservancy, Janneman & Mike Kemp for contributing to the printing of the Crags Times. To support our paper contact: Urs 083 308 4006 0r Office 044 534 8285 Crags Times Page 2
MG’s PROVIDING NEED SOME ESSENTIAL ACCESSORIES FOR YOUR CATERING FUNCTION ? Contact Maureen Gouws at Cell: 076 686 2790 or 044 501 2300 Fax: 044 501 2301 for:
Tablecloths, runners, jugs, cutlery, flower stands, chair covers, crockery and lots more!
The silk endeavour did not succeed as the mulberry trees in Knysna were not the right sort for the silkworms, but the Italians stayed on and contributed in a different way to the development of the community. The larger area is also wellknown as the setting for several of Dalene Matthee’s books about the forest and woodcutting people of Knysna. Each Conservancy attending the Forum did a short presentation on the work that they are doing in their area. We heard much good news of efforts that are in place all over for the clearing of alien vegetation – it seems to be the cornerstone of most Conservancies, together with the clearing of waterways and the re-establishment of indigenous vegetation: fynbos, forest and coastal thicket. There are also Conservancies involved in recycling initiatives, the tracking of animals by means of static cameras, the patrolling of beaches, the encouragement of small businesses in bee-keeping and honey production, and many other community and eco-friendly activities. We heard of support that is offered through SANParks for these efforts, and came away with a renewed energy to carry on with what we are doing. We encourage all of those who have an interest in the good health of our environm ent to join our local Conservancies – as well as the ongoing work that we doing in respect of removing alien vegetation from our forests, farms and home areas, we are involved in the establishment of animal corridors, ecoeducation, replanting, community cleanups, and recycling. These initiatives benefit the whole community. By working together we can achieve great things! Contacts: Redford Conservancy – Colleen Noble – 076-9071019 Southern Crags Conservancy – Janet Holding – 082-8561925
Diere Kliniek 7th December 2011 14:30-16:30 Tenikwa en hul veeartse sal op 3 August uitkom na Kurland Village om vir die Village se huisdiere te sorg. Ons sal by Kurland Village Gemeenskapsaal wees vanaf 14h30. Bring asseblief julle katte en honde wat inspuitings nodig het, ontwurm moet word of ondersoek moet word.
NEWS FROM TENIKWA ANIMAL REHABILITATION CENTRE! We had a very busy month at Tenikwa with regarding the releasing of the animals in rehab. Releasing of the Hermanus Caracal’s
and her wounds treated. Once they were able to swim and dive deep in our penguin pool, they were ready for release. Again we were assisted by Orca Foundation to release the turtles, back to Nature's Valley and the first turtle was released off-shore in the deeper current.
Op Vrydag 25 November het Masizakhe weereens ‘n kerspartytjie vir die moeder en baba ondersteuningsgroep by die Grace House in Kurland gehou.
Releasing of the Otter After 9 months of rehabilitation the Hermanus Caracal’s was ready to be released. Voëlklip Nature Reserve has prepared a Boma for them for a soft release. Voëlkilp Nature Reserve is the best possible place for a safe release, for the two young Caracal’s. There is not much farming near the reserve and they won’t be kicked out of their New to be Territory. They will stay in the Boma for about 4days before they will be released into the bigger area.
Another successful release occurred in October when Cape Nature took the endangered Cape Clawless otter back to Great Brak River for release. Initially it was thought that her injuries would present too much of an obstacle for her to survive in the wild, but after 2 months of rehabilitation, and general reconditioning, she was given a clean bill of health, and returned to where she belongs.
Die babas het net voor afsluittyd vir ‘n foto sessie in hul T-hempies gepronk en het elkeen ‘n geskenk wat of ‘n prenteboek of ‘n legkaart van diere ontvang. Hulle het ook elkeen ’n pragtige gebreide beertjie te danke aan die dames van die St Thomas Methodiste Kerk, ontvang. Masizakhe wil die kerk vir die geskenke sowel as vir die maandelikse donasies bedank wat die uitvoering en sukses van die projek moontlik maak, asook al die mammies wat die jaar die sessies bygewoon het en ‘n baie spesiale dankie aan Margie Rencken wat saam met Urs die groep fasiliteer.
Splish , Splash and off they go…..
We received two Cape Fur Seals a few days ago from Cape Nature. Since Plettenberg Bay had some rough weather, the sea wasn’t the best place to be in at that time. There was nothing wrong with the seal’s they were just exhausted from the rough currents. They we’re released 3 days after their arrival by Cape Nature, at Robberg Nature Reserve.
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Then there were two…. Just 3 days after receiving the big green Sea Turtle another one was brought to Tenikwa by Cape Nature. This one was smaller but no injury was found.The story ends well with both turtles recovering. The first turtle's barnacles were removed
Meer as 14 mammies en hul babas asook ‘n daddy het die feesviering bygewoon. Die saaltjie waar die byeenkomste gehou word, was in ‘n feestelike atmosfeer omskep tot groot vermaak van die babas wat hulle verkyk het aan die kersliggies en die kleurryke en glansende versierings. Die mammies het t-hempies vir hul babas gekry waarop hulle verfafdrukke van hul babas se hande gemaak het. Tussen deur het die babas lekker rondgekruip, geloop, met die verskillende speelgoed gespeel en ook ‘n purity happie geniet. Die mammies was daarna op heerlike soet en southappies asook koeldrank getrakteer.
Phone: 044 533 1403 Fax: 044 533 1028 Cell - Andre: 073 177 0050 Email:SIBUSISU@MWEB.CO.ZA Crags Times Page 3
KURLANDBRIK EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH Pangeni Matwa—Cutting Age: 48 years Marital Status: Married with 8 and 12 year old sons who are going to school in Transkei. Pangeni was born in Transkei and came to The Crags In 1989 where he started working at the Kurlandbrik. He started working at the Boiler and has been working for 22 years at the company. He enjoys working there and likes to learn as well as to pass on skills to his fellow workers. He loves to watch soccer on TV and to help his wife at home on weekends.
Nomsa Sethi—Sorting A-Team Age: 27 years Marital status: Single with a daughter of 4 years. Nomsa was born in Knysna and started working at Kurlandbrik since 2006. She started at the Sorting, A-team Department and enjoys working at Kurlandbrik
Khayathu Koliti—Driver’s Assistant Age: 29 years Marital status: Single Khayathu was born in Port Alfred and started working at Kurlandbrik in June 2010. He likes working at Kurlandbrik and enjoys playing and watching soccer. His favourite sport star is Kune, goalkeeper of Bafana
Tsoyana Boy Ruiters Age: 50 years Marital status: Single with one son. Boy was born in Steynsburg in The Karoo and came to work at Kurland in 2009. He started working for Christo Van Rensburg as a mechanic and is working in the Maintenance Department at Kurlandbrik. He enjoys working with his supervisor and co-workers. He used to play soccer in his prime years and nowadays likes to visit with friends on some weekends.
Zabedeck Peterson—Setting Department Age: 33 years Marital status: single with two children, a boy and a girl Zabedeck was born in Kurland and went to School at Mosselbaai Hoërskool till Grade 11. He started working at Kurlandbrik in 2004 at the Setting department and have been in the Maintenance Department for one year as well. He enjoys working at Kurlandbrik even though there’ve been good and bad times. He used to play soccer but nowadays likes to chill with his friends on weekends and to watch sport on television. Crags Times Page 4
HISTORY CORNER GERT PHILANDER 86 JAAR “HIER IS MY STORIE” dennebome wat deur die vorige mense gekweek was. Hierdie was na die Kurland saagmeule geneem, maar hulle het nie nuwe bome geplant nie. Hulle het vanself opgekom.
Ek was gebore in “Skollieshoek” op Die Crags. As jy die Engelse Kerk verbyloop na Monkeyland, kry jy “Skollieshoek” op die linkerkant. Hierdie land het aan die Kerk behoort. Naby was die Newdigate se land, en hulle mense het daar gebly. Vriende het mekaar daar gaan kuier. ‘n Hele klomp mense het vir die Newdigates gewerk. Die “ou mense”, die Oumas en die Oupas het op daardie land gebly totdat hulle gesterf het, maar die jong mense het weggetrek en het net teruggekom om hulle ouers en oumas en oupas te kuier. My familie het bestaan uit moeder, vader en nege kinders. Ek was die oudste. My suster Annie, het by Redford House gewerk. Ons het dit in daardie dae, die ‘Upstairs Huis’ genoem. Sy het vir Mnr. Ellis gewerk, wie daar gebly het op daardie tyd. Sy het by Mnr. Ellis gewerk vir 5-7 jaar. Ek het somtyds vir haar daar gaan kuier. Sy het by die ‘Upstairs Huis’ gebly. Haar huis was agter die groot huis. Die mure was van sooie gebou en die dak van ysterplate. Daar was drie kamers, en sy het die huis met ‘n vrou gedeel wat ook op die plaas gewerk het. Op daardie stadium het Annie geen kinders gehad, maar toe haar Ma siek geraak het, moes sy die werk los en haar ma gaan oppas. Toe het sy eers kêrels gekry, maar het nooit getrou nie. Sy het later twee seuns en twee dogters gehad. Hulle was Wilfred Philander, Bekers Philander, Lily Philander en Pienkie Philander. Vyf manne het op die plaas gewerk en het elke dag per fiets gery. Hulle was Oom James Roman, Kerneels Tol, Oom Dan Krige, Matthew Mangoeda… Hulle het in die tuin gewerk met blomme, bome en groente. Daar was ook
Die mense wat voor Mnr Ellis op Redfordplaas (Redford House) gebly het, het ‘n ‘scotch cart’ gehad met twee perde wat hulle ingespan het en hulle het orals gery. Hulle het Plett toe gery met die ‘Langshoogte Pad’ of die Ou Kaapse Weg wat ‘n gryspad was, wat met die hand uitgegrou was naby Thyme and Again. Ek het by die Kurland Saagmeule gewerk. Die naam was Kurland S. Timber. Ek het vir Nicky Behr se pa gewerk, Baron Peter Behr. Mnr. Ellis was die voorman en het in die kantoor gewerk. Ek self was n ‘handlanger’ en het met die masjiene gewerk. Ek het geen vrou of kinders gehad. By Dr. Goedhals se plaas onthou ek my Tante Christina en Oom Tom. Christina was my ma se stief-suster, en Tomas se broer was John Barnardo. Hulle was oorspronklik van Covie en het na Skollieshoek gekom bly. Tomas het op die groot teerpad (N2) gewerk. Hy het stene weggevat van die pad af wat die bobbejane afgegooi het. Sy broer John was ‘n onderwyser. Hy het skool gegee by die skool wat oorkant ‘Skollieshoek’ was en wat later ‘n fabriek geword het – Stuart Holdings, en Pru se kothuiswinkel. Sam en Amy van Rooyen ( Bern) het getrek van die ‘ Upstairs House ‘ na Dr. Goedhals’ se huis waar hulle geboer het, en Sam het die skoolbus bestuur. Hulle kinders was Corrie en Florence. Corrie het geboer en Florence het vir Mnr. Friedman gewerk wie die slaghuis gehad het (nou Bramon Wine Shop). Die Friedmans was ook die eienaars van die ‘klippe Winkel’ wat nou ons Vuurstasie is op die Redford Pad. How truly lucky we are to share in Gert’s story and listen to the stories of the area as he remembers them from so far back. Oral histories are rich and often lost … please commit stories like Gert’s to writing so that we never lose these treasures of our history!
TIP VAN DIE MAAND Kokker ott e i s ‘n al gem ene huishoudelike pes, wat van diere en mense se kos l eef en i s buitengewoon taai. Hier volg stappe wat jy volg om jou huis kokkerot-vry te kry. Omdat kokkerotte van klam, donker plekke hou, moet jy jou leefarea binne en buite skoonmaak. Maak seker jou vullisdrom is altyd toe en hou kos in toe bakke. Hou jou wasbakke droog en gooi bleikmiddel in die drein om kokkerotte weg te hou. Sit “bay leaves” in sakkies en bêre dit in kaste en laaie—kokkerotte kan die reuk nie verdra nie.
KOM ONS PRAAT SAAM Geagte Crags Hoeveel keer hoor mens dat die Crags Times elke maand dieselfde stories in het nie? Nou’t ek terug gegaan en begin dink. Hoe om meer bladsye in hom te kry en hoe om meer die gemeenskap te betrek. Ons is inderdaad die papier en die gemeenskap is die nuus. Laat ek net iets aan u verduidelik. Masizakhe is die naam van die organisasie wat ons almal aan behoort en Crags Times is die koerant onder Masizakhe waarvan net sekere lede behoort. Ek weet vir ‘n feit daar’s baie mense daar buite oud en jonk wat graag sekere dinge wat die gemeenskap raak in die koerant wil sit maar net nie weet hoe nie. Met dit gesê sal ek ons redakteur vra om ons kontak nommers onder aan te sit. As daar iemand ‘n artikel wil insit praat met hierdie lede indien u nie hou van skryf nie sal hy/sy dit vir u doen. Jong mense daar’s so baie van julle wat goeie artikels kan skryf oor gedigte, sportdag by die skool, skooltoere, nou die field band, aktiwiteite op skool ens. Laat die gemeenskap daarvan hoor mag moontlik op jou C.V. kom. Ouer mense jong mense se gedrag teenoor u nou en hoe was u hulle se gedrag daardie teenoor u hulle se ouers ens. Daar is so baie dinge om die koerant interessant te maak maar ons het tog u hulp nodig. Niemand wil tog die koerant sien ondergaan of hoe? Ons waardeer regtig ouens wat maand vir maand advertensies in ons koerant plaas. Met Kom Ons Praat saam bring ons net die feite na die gemeenskap Groete Yankee Naam en nommers Asb Crags Times Page 5
CLINIC NEWS —DID YOU KNOW TOBACCO KILLS / HET JY GEWEET TABAK KAN JOU DOODMAAK? Die Feite Alle vorms van tabak hou 'n gesondheidsrisiko in! Tabakgebruik is verantwoordelik vir 1 uit elke 10 sterftes wêreldwyd. Tabakgebruik bly die grootste oorsaak van voortydige, vermybare sterftes in Suid-Afrika met meer as 44,000 sterftes jaarliks. Behalwe vir die nikotienhoudende tabakblare - word tot soveel as 1400 chemikalieë by sigarette gevoeg! Deur te rook of blootselling aan tweedehandse rook tydens swangerskap, word beide aan miskrame, lae geboortegewig en doodgebore babas gekoppel Babas wat aan tweedehandse rook blootgestel word het 'n hoër risiko aan die skielike babadood-sindroom (SIDS). Kinders wat aan tweedehandse rook blootgestel word het 'n groter kans op verkoue, asma, allergieë en middeloorinfeksies ('glue ear') wat die mees algemene oorsaak van doofheid by kinders is 'Lae teer', 'sagte' en 'ligte' sigarette is nieminder skadelik vir gesondheid nie. Onthou, daar is nie iets soos 'n veilige nikotienproduk nie. Om 'hubbly bubbly', 'hookah' of 'n waterpyp te rook is nie 'n veiliger alternatief vir tabakgebruik nie. Die rook wat in 'n tipiese 'hookah'-sessie (45min) vrygestel word, bevat 36 keer meer teer en 8 keer meer koolstofmonoksied as om een sigaret te rook Tabakgebruik is die enkele mees voorkombare oorsaak van baie siektes, soos: Hartaanvalle Beroertes Bloedvatsiektes Emfiseem Chroniese brongitis Peptiese ulkusse (maagsere) Impotensie Boonste lugwegsiektes Verskeie kankers (long, keel, mond, tong, pankreas, blaas, serviks, niere enmaag) Kies die Lewe! Wees slim, moenie begin - jy kan al vanaf die eerste trek verslaaf raak! Moenie toelaat dat rokers om jou of jou kinders of in jou huis rook nie Moedig rokers aan om op te hou - skakel KANSA vir ondersteuning en inligting oor ons e-rookstakingsprogram tolvry by 0800 22 66 22 of besoek Crags Times Page 6
Wat sê die Wet op Tabakgebruik? Volwassens mag nie in 'n voertuig rook wanneer kinders onder 12 by is nie. Rook word nie toegelaat op persele (soos skole, creches of privaat woonhuise) wat vir kommersiële kinderversorgingsaktiwiteite soos kinderbewaring, skoling of onderrig gebruikword nie. Geen persoon onder 18 word toegelaat in 'n aangewese rookarea nie. Daar mag nie in 'gedeeltelik toegemaakte' openbare plekke soos balkonne, onderdak patios, stoepe, wandelgange, parkeerterreine, ens. gerook word nie Die eienaar van 'n eetplek, kroeg of werkplek wat hierdie anti- rookregulasies verbreek, kan met 'n maksimum van R50,000 beboet word, terwyl die spesifieke roker met R500 beboet kanword Die tabakindustrie mag nie meer jong mense teiken deur doelbewuste ‘virale’ bemarking nie Die verkoop van tabakprodukte aan of deur persone onder die ouderdom van 18 is verbode Muntoutomate wat sigarette en tabakprodukte verkoop mag nie enige ander produkte soos skyfies en sjokolade verkoop nie Enige vorm van tabakproduk-advertering word verbied Vir meer inligting skakel KANSA tolvry By 0800 22 66 22 The Facts All forms of tobacco is dangerous to health. Tobacco use is responsible for 1 in 10 deaths worldwide. Tobacco use remains the leading cause of premature, preventable death in South Africa with over 44,000 deaths annually. Apart from the nicotine containing leaf up to 1400 chemicals are added to Cigarettes. Smoking and exposure to second-hand smoke during pregnancy are both linked to miscarriage, low birth weight and stillbirths. Babies who breathe in second-hand smoke have a higher risk of sudden death infant syndrome (SIDS). Children exposed to second-hand smoke have a high risk of colds, asthma, allergies and middle ear infections (‘glue ear’) which is the most common cause of deafness in children. ‘Low tar’, ‘mild’, and ‘light’ cigarettes are not less harmful to health. Remember, there is no such thing as a safe nicotine product.
Smoking hubbly bubbly, hookah or waterpipe is not a safer alternative to tobacco use. Smoke produced in a typical hookah session (45 min) contains 36 times more tar and 8 times more carbon monoxide than smoking one cigarette. Tobacco use is the single most preventable cause of many diseases: Heart attacks Strokes Blood vessel disease Emphysema Chronic bronchitis Peptic ulcers Impotence Airways obstructive disease Many cancers (lung, throat, mouth, tongue, pancreas, bladder, cervix, kidney and stomach) Choose Life! Be smart, don't start - one can get hooked from the first puff! Do not allow smokers to smoke around you, your children or in your home Encourage smokers to quit - call CANSA for support and info on our Kick-Butt programme: toll-free 0800 22 66 22 or visit What does the Anti-Tobacco Law say? Adults may not smoke in a car when accompanied by children under 12. Smoking is not allowed on premises (crèches, schools, private homes) used for commercial childcare activities, like child care, schooling and tutoring. No person under 18 is allowed into a designated smoking area. No smoking in ‘partially enclosed’ public places such as balconies, covered patios, verandas, walkways, parking areas, etc. The fine for the owner of a restaurant, pub, bar and workplace that breaks the smoking law is a maximum of R50,000 and the individual smoker R500. The tobacco industry can no longer use ‘viral’ marketing to target young people. The sale of tobacco products to and by persons under the age of 18 years is prohibited. Cigarette vending machines that sell tobacco products cannot be used to sell other products like crisps, chocolates etc. All forms of advertising of tobacco products is prohibited.
Clinic Number / Kontak die kliniek: 044 534 8737
RECIPE OF THE MONTH Gammon with pineapple and carrots
Serves : 8 Preperation time: 45 minutes Cooking Time: 1 ½ hours Oven temperature: 200ºC
Method: 1. Place gammon in a large saucepan. Cover with cold water and add the carrots, onion, celery, bay leaves, peppercorns, cloves and star anise. Add the pineapple juice and the stock. Bring to the boil, then reduce the heat, cover and simmer gently for 1— 1 ½ hours. Drain and discard the vegetables and spices, reserving 300ml of the liquid. 2. Glaze: Mix the sugar, honey, mustard powder and 50ml of the pineapple juice. 3. Cut the skin off the gammon, leaving a layer of fat on the meat. Score the fat with a sharp knife, then stud the fat with cloves. Place the gammon in a roasting tin and brush with the glaze. Reserve the remaining glaze for basting. Place the pineapple slices and carrot wedges around the gammon and pour in the reserved stock and the remaining 200ml pineapple juice. Roast in a preheated oven for 40 minutes, basting three or four times during cooking. 4. Remove the gammon and vegetables from the oven and place onto a serving platter. Skim the fat off the liquid in the roasting tin. Mix the cornflour with a little water, then add to the liquid in the roasting tin, stirring over the heat for a few minutes until it starts to thicken. Serve with the gammon, carrots and pineapple.
The Dangers of Smoking Fires Smoking Fires Are the Most Deadly Of All Fires More people die in smoking fires than in any other type of fire. Smoking fires – which are most often cigarette fires – usually happen when a lit tobacco product is improperly discarded or abandoned, igniting a mattress, bedding, upholstered furniture, trash, or other combustible item.
Ingredients: 1,8—2kg cured gammon joint 2 carrots. Quartered 1 onion, halved 2 celery sticks, chopped 2 bay leaves 10 peppercorns 4 cloves 1 star anise 250ml pineapple juice 250ml chicken stock Glaze 60ml treacle sugar 60ml honey 30ml mustard powder 250ml pineapple juice 20 cloves 1 pineapple, peeled and sliced 6 carrots, peeled and cut into wedges 15ml cornflour
Masizakhe het op Sondag 06 November 2011, ‘n sangmiddag in die Kurland Gemeenskapsaal gehou. “Singing Voices”, ‘n mannekoor van Kranshoek, het as die gaskunstenaars opgetree. Die opkoms van die middag was nie so goed nie, as gevolg van kore wat nie opgedaag het nie. Kurland kore wat ook die dag teenwoordig was, was onder andere, V.G. K. Vrouekoor, Griekwa Indepedende Koor, Heavenly Voices asook individue soos Andrew Isaks en Jolene Martins. Die kore het die gehoor met hul verskillende sangstukke en melodieë weggevoer en het vir ‘n lieflike en ontspannende namiddag gesorg. Masizakhe wil graag die volgende bedankings doen: “Singing Voices” die gaskoor van Kranshoek, vir hul optrede, al die plaaslike kore wat ‘n sang item g el ewer h et, Rol and wat as seremoniemeester opgetree het, asook die gehoor wat die namiddag opgedaag het om die organisasie te ondersteun. Masizakhe bedank ook al die lede wat gehelp tydens die dag gehelp het. God seën u almal.
Smoking Fires are Hard to Escape Many victims of smoking fires have trouble escaping because at the onset of the fire, they are often either asleep, slowed by alcohol or medication, or challenged by physical, sensory or cognitive problems. In addition, the materials most commonly ignited in smoking fires are mattresses, bedding, upholstered furniture, and clothing. In these cases, the close proximity of the person to the fire reduces his or her ability to extinguish or escape before being overcome by the smoke and flames. Matches, Lighters and Children While it may seem like common sense to keep children away from fire-starting materials, it is important to keep in mind that matches and lighters are particularly attractive to children – which presents a unique fire risk. Most fire deaths in children under age 5 are attributed to children playing with matches or lighters – usually alone in their bedrooms. Be sure to keep matches and lighters well out of the reach of children and teach kids about fire safety from an early age. Check out our Junior Fire Marshal program for fun, interactive ways to teach kids about fire dangers and prevention. Prevent Cigarette Fires in Your Home Smoking in bed, or anywhere at home, puts everyone at risk. Adopt these fire sense behaviors to minimize the risk of smoking fires: If you smoke, consider quitting smoking or refraining from smoking in your home, and do not allow others to smoke in your home. Avoid smoking in bed, particularly when sleepy or when you have used medications or alcohol that could make you drowsy. Use large, heavy, non-tip ashtrays. Extinguish cigarettes and other smoking materials thoroughly to prevent butts and ashes from igniting other materials. Douse matches under water before disposing to insure they won’t cause anything to ignite. Use child-resistant lighters and keep matches and lighters out of the reach of children. Crags Times Page 7
John Solomons beter bekend as Tok se personeel en vriendin het op Saterdag 19 November 2011, ‘n verrassingspartytjie vir sy 50ste verjaarsdag gehou. Sy familie en vriende het die gesellige en ontspanne geleentheid saam met hom by die Griekwa Kerksaal gevier.
HUNK OF THE MONTH Kevin Mswati Kevin is a quiet person who likes spending his time with family and friends. He's been living a while in Kurland and really likes the place. His hobbies are traveling, reading and playing chess. Kevin doesn't drink or smoke 'cause as you can see, loves his body. Kevin doesn't think anyone can match his six pack
LIEFDEVOLLE HUWELIKE GEVIER Masizakhe het op Vrydag 28ste November hul Little Miss Masizakhe in die gemeenskap saal aangebied. Die deelnemers was opgewonde en kon nie wag om te begin nie. Hulle het in swemdrag, slenterdrag en Informele drag opgetree. Die gehoor was verras deur verskillende dansgroepe wat hulle goed van hulle taak gekwyt het. Iyaya die groep wat deur Ziyanda afgerig word, het hul lyfies omtrent geswaai en almal se voete laat jeuk. Masizakhe Angels het die “Bok Jive” gedoen terwyl die gehoor geesdriftig saam gesing het. Futronics, Crags se nuwe jong dansgroep het die gehoor heeltemal op hul tone gehad om hulself te verseker dat die danspassies ’n werlikheid is en nie ’n oëverblindery was nie. Die finaliste het self die aand volmaak gemaak, toe hulle met hul eiesoortige en unieke styl, die beoordelaars en die gehoor betower het. Die keuse was baie moeilik omdat hulle almal so pragtig en oulik gelyk het!!! Tog moes daar net drie wenners gekies word en hulle was as volg: Tweede Prinses: Liechen Roman Eerste Prinses: Liyabona Bani Little Miss Masizakhe: Ebrisha Salmans Masizakhe wil die ouers van hierdie modelle bedank vir hul samewerking en ondersteuning asook die beoordelaars, die gehoor en die Masizakhe lede wat tydens die funksie gehelp het. Crags Times Page 8
Frank Kamfer en Jeanette De Waal is op Saterdag 19 November deur Dominee Knoetze tydens ‘n seremonie in die VGK in die huwelik bevestig. Die paartjie het daarna vir ‘n fotosessie saam met familie en vriende gegaan. Daarna het hulle die spesiale geleentheid met ‘n fantastiese onthaal in die Immanuel Saal gevier waar hulle op die heerlikste disse voorberei deur Essie en Elmarie van Hog Hollow. Na die onthaal het die partytjie tot laat vootgeduur. Regs: Carli Van Rheenen en Urwin Botha is op Saterdag 5 November deur Pastoor Lewendal by David Barnardo se huis in die huwelik bevestig. Die jong paartjie het daarna hul fantastiese onthaal in die Griekwa Kerksaal met familie en vriende gevier.
Cedric Sauls en Lorraine Cloete het op Saterdag, 12 November 2011in die Emmanuel Saal in die huwelik getree. Die paartjie en hul gevolg het daarna ‘n intieme en gesellige onthaal tuis saam met familie en vriende gevier.
SOEK EN VIND / CLASSIFIEDS BIRTHDAYS To our wonderful, caring pa and oupa, Hekkie may God grant you with the most beautiful and precious birthday. Thank you for the special person that you are, have been and always will be. We love you and hope that God will keep you forever by our sides, from all your children and grandchildren. Aan Magda, Chanel en Elviera, mag julle verjaarsdae gevul wees met die mooiste seëninge en God jul wense bewaarheid. Geniet dit, van Urs
CONGRATULATIONS Baie geluk aan Rochelle Thys wat Crags trots gemaak het. Sy was die enigste matrikulant van Kurland wat 5 diplomas ontvang het vir haar harde werk. Ons is baie trots op jou prestasie en wens jou alle sterkte vir die toekoms vorentoe.
MERRY CHRISTMAS Masizakhe would like wish everyone who have been supporting the organisation through the year, a Merry Christmas and a Wonderful and Prosperous New Year. Thank you for your support, it’s been deeply appreciated.
POETRY “BREAK OF DAWN” As the morning light catches the fear in my sight Eyes still sore of an unwanted dream This brings back a reality of what might have been The calmness of the early morning overwhelmed me With such new expectations And believing in what's right With time slowly passing My fellow citizens are fussing About a new day-break That seems to them like a repeating pattern Unappreciative the mumble and swear So unthankfully they are when someone tries to mention As I breathe the heavenly fragrance That is not yet polluted by fellowhumans I send my thanks in a prayer To my Father above And revaluating my heart With all that troubles me I share with Him... Trustfully out of Love By: Theodore Laksman
To Robyn and family, may you have a blessed Xmas and happy New Year. Enjoy the season!!! Love from Urs & Masizakhe
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THANKS Die Van Rooyen-familie wil graag die Kurland Gemeenskap bedank vir hul gebede en belangstelling tydens Lokkie se siekte. Ons waardeer dit en besef weereens hoe groot God se genade en krag elke dag in ons lewens beteken. Mag Hy elkeen van julle seën en geniet die Kersgety.
WITH SYMPATHY Masizakhe wil graag hul meegevoel aan die Titus familie meedeel. Mag God u vetroosting bied en berusting bring.
Friendly and efficient POOL SERVICES Pool Maintenance
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To all my family and friends, merry Christmas and a wonderful , happy New Year. May God bless you. Lots of love from Urs & Blommie To all Masizakhe members the couple of months with you have been an eye opener and I have gained a lot of experience from it. May you all have an awesome Christmas and a refreshing New Year, from Theodore
Kurland Hotel for contributing towards the printing of the Crags Times! Crags Times Page 9
LIEWE AGONY AUNTIE! Dear Agony Aunt, my husband has an absolute obsession with winning the lottery and spends far too much money on it, and never even wins. Should he continue and what advise can you please give, thanks Fran As many as 82% of South African adults spend literally billions of rand a year with an average of five million transactions per week on the lottery. There is only a 1 in 13,983,816 chance of your husband winning (according to a study by the national centre for the study of gambling). With such tiny odds, I personally decided to direct my energy and focus on winning ‘life’s lottery’ and I use it for all I can get. I started by writing a list of all the things I would have when I win the lottery – in addition to a nice home and a car, I also thought about things that would make me happy for a life time, as I realised that a car and home couldn’t make me deeply happy for ever. I wrote that I wanted a life time full of love, health, peace and to be truly happy. These were the things I knew to be truly important and long lasting. But how could winning life’s lottery give me these things?...I investigated and found out: LOVE – In order to be able to find love, it has to start with yourself. The easiest way to find out how much respect and love you have for yourself, just notice the kind of things you say to yourself (in your thoughts) on a day to day basis. For example ‘I can’t do that’, ‘I’m an idiot’, ‘I’m too fat’, ‘I’m ugly’, ‘I don’t deserve it’, ‘nobody is ever going to love me’ and so on. This is the first thing that needs to change, so every time you notice and catch yourself saying something negative about yourself, just turn it around and say the opposite instead, ‘I do deserve it’,’ I’m perfect’, ‘I’m beautiful’, ‘I am loved’ and say them out loud to yourself! Starting to have respect for yourself is key to finding love….give it a go…. HEALTH – To have good health and live a long happy life is most peoples ultimate goal. You really don’t need to win the lottery for this one – just start respecting your body by cutting out sugar, caffeine, refined and processed foods and start eating more fresh vegetables and fruit (for all your vitamins), nuts, seeds and oily fish (for all your essential oils)and drink plenty of water each day. Exercise regularly and even a fifteen minute walk which raises your heart rate is good enough three times a week. PEACE – To find peace in your heart starts with your mind. The mind fills itself up with ideas and concepts, fears, concerns and guilt – it worries about yesterCrags Times Page 10
day and what might be tomorrow. So the only true way to find peace is to settle your mind, even if it’s only for five minutes a day – give it a break and sit quietly and relax and switch off all thoughts. Any thoughts that do come up, just notice them and let them go, meaning don’t hold onto them. It’s difficult at first but once you practise, after a few times the peace in your heart will start to come. HAPPINESS – There are some key things that ‘happy’ people do which actually has nothing to do with money. For example evidence has shown that by adding the following into your life, you will naturally feel happier.
Being part of something bigger than yourself (i.e) helping others in your community where you enjoy and feel you’re making a valuable contribution Doing things for others –connects you to others and helps build a happier society Taking care of your body and mind Noticing the world around you Keep learning new things Having goals to look forward too Find ways to bounce back Take a positive approach to life* Be comfortable with who you are – meaning self-love, acceptance and accepting that pain and failure is unavoidable and so don’t give yourself a hard time for it Facing your emotions without drama and self-pity.
Once I had figured out how to get these most important things in my life, I focused my attention on receiving them. As I grew in love and my health got better, I became happy and at peace. I even found that my desire to win the lottery started to go away because these are the things that make you happier for longer – they are winning the ‘lottery of life’.
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‘May the knowledge that you are loved sharpen interest in your work and bring you rich reward at the end of the year’ – Nelson Mandela For advice from our Agony Auntie please send your letters to:
Come To Learn Home Base
PO Box 281, The Crags, 6602 or give them to: Urs Jacobs 083 308 4006
Venue: 24 Bloekom street, The Crags Time: 7 am – 17hoo
Thank you to our Agony Aunty for sharing her wisdom & answering the letters received with such compassion!
Age: six months to six years
Contact: Patricia (0732431013)
BIRDS EYE Wordsearch
Auk Avocet Crane Crow Cuckoo Curlew Duck Erne Falcon Finch Gannet Goose Grebe Gull Harrier Hawk Heron Jacdaw Jay Kestrel Kite Latk
Loon Magpie Martin Ousel Owl Partridge Pheasant Pigeon Plover Puffin Quail Robin Rook Snipe Sparrow Swan Swift Tern Thrush Wagtail Wren
1st Correct Entry drawn will receive a R50 cash prize sponsored by Van Care Submit your entries to Urs or any of the MASIZAKHE members. Contact us on (044) 534 8285 or Urs on 083 308 4006 Name:……………………………………………...………………………………………..……… Tel:………………………………..…………………………………………………………..… ….
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The Print Shop At your service for:
Photocopies Rubber Stamps Business Cards Invoice Books Quotation Books Compliment Slips Letterheads Digital Printing T Shirt Printing Advertising Talk to us … we’d love to be of service to you! Lookout Centre –Church Street Plettenberg Bay. Tel. 044 533 2530 Crags Times Page 11
SPORT NUUS / NEWS SOKKER NUUS—YOUNG GENERATIONS TAKE BLACK BAFANA OP HUL TUISVELD!!!! Op die 23ste Oktober het Young Generations gespeel teen een van Knysna se beste spanne Black Bafana. Young Generations het maar wankelrig begin en Black Bafana het vinnig twee doele verdoel, in die eerste helfte. Enige ander span sou seker al tou opgegooi het maar, nie Young Generations nie. Wat ook al deur die bestuurspan tydens die pouse gesê was, het duidelik vrugte afgewerp. Tydens die tweede helfte was ’n heel ander Young Generations te sien. Clifton Oelf was in die kol met twee doele en sy ander twee span lede; Ashley Salmans en Bradley Smith het elk met een doel geslaag. Soos oudergewoonte was daar ’n “Man of the Match” toekenning en is dit toe aan Manrico Booysen gegee, alhoewel Wenzell Kam ook ’n sterk aanspraak maker was. Young Generationshet as oorwinnaars uit die wedstryd getree met ’n puntetelling van 4—2.
CRAGS PRIMêR DIPLOMA PLEGTIGHEID Op Dinsdagaand 25Oktober 2011 het The Crags Primêr hul tweede diplomaplegtigheid vir die Graad R tot Graad 3 leerlinge van die skool gehou. Die seremonie was in die Skoolsaal gehou waar Mnr. Louw die verrigtinge geopen het en almal verwelkom het. Die Graad 1-3 leerlinge is vir hul harde werk en toewyding deur die jaar vereër. Die vier kategorieë waarin hulle vereer was was: Leerders wat baie goed met lees gevorder het, goeie vordering in gesyferheid en geletterheid getoon het, en leerders wat regdeur die jaar goed in geletterdheid en gesyferheid gevaar het. Hulle het diplomas daarvoor van hul onderskeie onderwysers ontvang. Die gasspreker van die aand, Vader Mario van die St. Mary’s Kerk in New Horizon het ‘n baie positiewe boodskap aan die gehoor uitgespreek. Hy het die leerlinge geprys en aangemoedig om vorentoe beter te doen. Hy het hulle ook gemaan om seker te maak dat hulle die regte vriende kies wat hulle sal aanmoedig en nie afbreuk nie. Hy het hulle herinner dat hulle baie dankbaar vir hul ouers en onderwysers moet wees vir die opvoeding wat hulle tuis en by die skool kry. Hy het hulle ook aangemoedig om die skool se leuse ” Studie bring lig” uit te leef. Hy het ook die ouers vir hul ondersteuning aan hul kinders bedank en ander ouers gevra om hul gewig in te gooi deur die kinders te help met hul tuiswerk en sodoende die onderwysers se taak ligter te maak. Die Graad R leerlinge is daarna deur hul klasonderwyser na die verhoog geroep om hul diplomas te kom ontvang. Hierdie opgewonde en blinkoog leerlinge het baie skattig in hul monderings gelyk. Hulle het die gehoor aan die lag gehad toe hulle, hulself moes voorstel. Daar was toekomstige Springbokke, All Blacks, polisiemanne, dokters, onderwysers, netbalspelers brandweermanne en een ambulans. Sommige het skoon van opgewondenheid ’n paar oordromme beskadig toe hulle die mrikrofoon in die hande gekry het. Die aand is op ‘n opgeruimde toon afgesluit met die leerlinge wat “Heal the World “ gesing het en Mnr. Andrews wat die bedankings gedoen het.!!! Crags Times Page 12