July 2011
Tel: 044 534 8285 Email:
62nd Issue
UITEINDELIK!! - DIE LANGVERWAGTE INHULDIGING VAN DIE BITOU MUNISPIPALE VERKIESING Die nuwe verkose burgemeester het in sy kort dog kragtige toespraak genoem dat alles voortaan deursigtig sal wees. Hy het ook genoem dat hoewel al die wyke nie DA is nie, daar geen voortrekkery sal wees nie. Almal sal gelyk en regverdig behandel word. Alles het daarna onder die wakenede oë van lede van die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisie teenwoordig, verloop. Party gemeenskapslede was hoogs tevrede, ander nie, maar uiteindelik weet almal nou wie die septer vir die volgende vyf jaar in Bitou gaan swaai. Op Maandag 6 Junie het die Piesang Vallei Gemeenskapsaal uit sy nate gebars van lede uit die verskillende Bitou gemeenskappe wat die langverwagte inhuldiging van die nuwe raad, wou aanskou het. Dit was ‘n baie interessante en lewende byeeenkoms. Ondersteuners van die verskillende partye het met hul t-hemde en ander bykomstighede gewys wie hulle ondersteuning het. Die munisipale bestuurder wat as voorsitter opgetree het, moes ‘n paar keer ‘n ferm woord gee sodat die okkasie nie handuit ruk nie. Alles was egter volgens die boek tydens ‘n regverdige en demokraties verkiesing gedoen en al die lede rondom die tafel, moes ‘n eed afsweer. Die Raad is van bo verkies en hulle is:
Bo: Nevelle De Waal DA wyksraadslid van Bitou Wyk 1.
Mnr. die Spreker—Johan Brummer
Burgemeester— memory Booysen
Onderburgemeester—Adam Rijner
Aangestelde lede van die Burgemeestersraad deur die burgemeester—Elaine Paulse en Charles Dreyer
Distrik Raadslede—Analize Olivier en Lulama Mvimbi
Bo: Adam Van Rijner –Onderburgemeester, Lonwabo Nqogo— Munisipale bestuurder en Memory Booysen Burgemeester van Bitou Munisipaliteit
Inside this issue … Environmental Education
An unforgettable forest experience Spectacular venue to hire for Youth and adult camps or workshops. Various outdoor activities offered. Wooden cabins sleep up to 80. Fully equipped kitchen, & dining area. Contact Debbie Fermor 534 8218 or 083 442 6115.
Forum launched — Pg 2 News from Tenikwa —Pg 3 Clinic News—Male Circumcision —Page 6 Ladies Rugby! - Page 9 Sports galore—Back Page
And much more! Crags Times Page 1
KURLANDBRIK WINNER OF EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH Emily Zono—Sorting A-Team Age: 52 years Marital Status: Divorced with three children, two sons and one daughter who’s at Plett Secondary School Hobbies: Likes to bake cakes and to cook. Emily was born in Spitskop and has been living in The Crags since then. She has been working for ten years at Kurlandbrik where she started at Sorting and was promoted to a supervisor. She left the company for a couple of years and came back to work in the Sorting Department again. Emily is a very quiet and hardworking lady who enjoys what she does.
Newellyn Kriga—Sorting B-Team Age: 30 years Marital Status: Unmarried with a girlfriend, has one son aged 6six years who’s staying with his mom in P.E.. Hobbies: Like to watch a variety of sport on television Newellyn was born in Knysna and have been living in Kurland his whole life. He finished matric in 1999 and has been working at Kurlandbrik for 7years. He enjoys meeting with his friends and like to debate about different issues. His first 5years at Kurlandbrik was very fantastic and he couldn’t wait to get to work. Unfortunately, it became a bit stressful. He’s done Basic Computer Skills with ABET and used to be one of the founder members of Masizakhe.
Denwell Martin Age: 26 years Marital Status: Has a girlfriend and a 4year old daughter. Hobbies: Likes to sing at Church and watch rugby and soccer on television and is a big Blue Bull and Manchester fan. Danwill was born in Knysna and lived for seven years in Cold Stream. He used to work for 7years at Kurlandbrik where he started in the Cutting Department. He left the company after that and after four years came back to work in the Yard Department. He did several training courses while working for Working For Water such as Fire Protection, First Aid and Herbicide. He also have some painting and carpentry skills which he got, while working for Henry De Freitas. He’s a very friendly guy and likes to work at Kurlandbrik.
Crags Times Page 2
BRIEF AAN REDAKTEUR Moedeloos en ontevrede Ons was belowe om ons sertifikate al die 28ste Februarie te kom afhaal by die skool saal om 18h00 om presies te wees. Toe baie van ons daardie aand daar kom, het ‘n koue, toe hek ons begroet (met die woorde bedoel ons daar was nie eers ‘n nota om vir ons in te lig dat die funksie uigestel is nie).
On the morning of the 12th of January, we received a call to say that someone had found a little grysbok that looked like it had been hit by a car. Once admitted to our Tenikwa Rehabilitation Centre, he was examined and found to be blind in both eyes, possibly from concussion, and he had a open wound on his body. He was cleaned up, put on a course of medication and fed a healthy diet of Cabbage, carrots and beans. The little fellow made a quick and full recovery from all of his injuries and thankfully regained his sight. He was transferred from the hospital to a rehab enclosure on the 7th of February where he was able to build up his strength by walking around and he could graze on the fynbos vegetation at will which he really enjoyed.
Niemand het dit die moeite geag om vir ons te laat weet dat dit uitgestel is nie, ons moes maar self tot die gevolgtrekking gekom het. Eers die volgende dag is ons in kennis gestel dat die verrigting uitgestel was daardie aand. Maar nou blyk dit vir ons dis nie meer uitgestel nie maar afgestel, want ons is nou al in Junie maand en ons het nog niks van ons mentor gehoor nie, nou wil ons maar net graag weet…”Is dit regverdig teenoor diegene wat wel hulle gelde betaal het? Gaan hulle nog hulle sertifikate kry, of word hulle maar net aan ‘n lyntjie gehou? En wat gan nou verder gebeur?
We, at Tenikwa would like to encourage people that come across an injured wild animal or bird to contact us immediately if could mean the difference between life or death! Tenikwa W ildlife Awareness & Rehabilitation Centre PO Box 202, The Crags, 6602 Forest Hall Road, The Crags Tel / Fax : 044-5348170
Vancare, Crags Conservancy, Tok Solomons & Mike Kemp for contributing to the printing of the Crags Times. To support our paper contact:
We kept human interaction to a minimum as our main goal at Tenikwa is to release rehabilitated animals back into the wild where they belong!. Soon enough preparations where being made for him to be released! The 3rd May was a beautiful day and our little grysbok that we had looked after and nursed back to health w a s loaded into a crate and taken off to Forest H a l l w h e r e with a few q u i c k bounds he was gone into the vegetation.
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in the Bitou region was drawn up and a workshop was held in preparation for the launch of the Bitou Environmental Education Forum.
On the day of the 08th of June the BITOU E N V I RO N M E NT A L E D U C AT I O N FORUM was launched by the NVTrust and various local organisations as well as teachers and learners from our schools. The Field Band Foundation created a joyous atmosphere and we were in for a real treat with inspiring and motivational Environmental Education presentations from guest speakers from our area as well as KwaZulu Natal.
The NVTrust has actively been involved with Environmental Education in mostly the Nature’s Valley and surrounding areas for the past 10 years. After doing some research, the NVTrust realised that they and other local Environmental Education organisations have a body of expertise, experience, resources and locations available to them but that the full potential of most of these organisations are not fully utilized due to the fact that they predominantly operate in isolation. The result of this is the duplication of res ourc es and effort, m ultiple uncoordinated approaches to the same schools and a limited sharing of ideas and knowledge. For these reasons, a collaborative, integrated approach to environmental education in the schools of our area is needed and it is as a result of this that the NVTrust starting looking into a process to establish a Bitou Environmental Education Forum.
To assist them in bringing it about the NVTrust successfully applied for funding for this purpose from the National Lotteries Distribution Trust Fund. A stakeholder engagement process was undertaken and many of the various local and regional organisations involved with En v i r o nm en t a l Ed u c a ti o n wer e interviewed to get their ideas and suggestions for the establishment and function of such a Forum. Following this stakeholder engagement process, a Status Report of environmental education Crags Times Page 4
The launch of this Bitou Environmental Education Forum will go a long way towards creating better oppor t uni t i es for learners from all schools in the Bitou region to be taught about their wonderful environment, how to protect it and the benefits that nature has to offer them. The Forum will actively strive towards the building of active and environmentally aware communities that love the environment they live in and that can sustainably use and manage the natural resources they have access to.
This is a Forum for all…so get ready to be challenged, excited and motivated by the en vir onm ent!! Fr om th e Bit ou Environmental Education Forum, have a great Enviro month of June!
Diere Kliniek KURLAND VILLAGE ANIMAL CARE CLINIC 6th July 2011 14:30-16:30 Tenikwa en hul veeartse sal op Woedensdag 6de Julie uitkom na Kurland Village Gemeenskapsaal om vir die Village se huisdiere te sorg.
Die keur bring spesifiek jou katte wat inspuitings nodig het !! Bring asseblief julle katte en honde wat inspuitings nodig het, ontwurm moet word of ondersoek moet word.
Icy cold temperatures could not scare the 25 brave Born in Africa eco warriors during the weekend of 20-22 May 2011. The girls from Crags, Kranshoek, Wittedrift and Harkerville took part in a most exiting camp thanks to Richmond of SANPARKS held at the Natures Valley rest camp. Thanks to the expertise of Cindy-Lee Coetzee of the Nature’s Valley Trust, a jam packed program was put into place to teach the youngsters about the delicate eco system of rivers, lagoons and the importance of our indigenous forests. 2011 is the International year of forests and to celebrate this Debbie Fermor and Rikke Dammann of the Green ticket arranged a tree planting ceremony where six indigenous trees were planted. The girls also enjoyed delicious South African braai who better prepared than by Mac of Rocky Road/WWISA. BIA would like to thank the folk above as well as Pete Wilson for the donation of milk and the BIA staff and volunteers for putting together a superb program and for furthering the importance of ecological education in the BITOU district. After the success of this camp, the BIA Gr8 ,9 and 10 boys showed the girls what a great camp can be like! Yes, our 28 boys followed the same program as our brave eco warrior girls and proved to have just as much fun! Well done guys, you make us proud and thanks to our above mentioned sponsors once again for making it a weekend to remember!
FIRE DEPARTMENT FIRE SAFETY TIPS BASIC FIRE SAFETY TIPS Everyone should know basic fire safety tips. You should teach your children basic fire safety in case of an emergency. You should also teach basic fire prevention tips for safety. Most school age children learn stop, drop and roll if your clothes are on fire. If your children know stop, drop, and roll now is a good time to talk to them about fire safety and prevention.
Never hang cloth or paper near a heater. Put space heaters in the middle of the room and give them space. Always be in a room if you have a candle burning. Never leave a candle burning if you are not in the room. Leave your stove free of "catch all". Be sure to keep everything including dish towels and oven mitts away from the stove. If grease catches fire on your stove slide a lid over it. Always turn pot handles inward.
Fire Safety Prevention and Tips: Make sure every room has an exit. Most rooms have doorways. What if the hall ways are on fire? Make sure there is an accessible window. Maintain doorways and windows. Make sure windows open and close easily and there is enough room for a body to fit through. Do not block fire exits. Discuss a safe meeting place outside of the house and make sure everyone knows where to meet. Have smoke detectors labeled by the Underwriters Laboratories (UL) or Factory Mutual (FM) placed in the home and change the batteries regularly. Test the smoke detectors once a month. Keep flashlights handy in every room in case there is a fire or other emergency. Sleep with bedroom doors closed. If there is a fire this keeps smoke and heat out of the other rooms. Make sure everyone knows in a fire to just get out. Don't look for clothes, valuables or even pets. Get out! Get out of bed by rolling onto the floor and stay low. Smoke and gases can kill. Chances are good it will be difficult or impossible to see so know your escape route ahead of time and practice it. Practice it blind folded. Practice staying low to the ground when escaping. Feel all doors before opening them. If a door is hot, get out another way. Learn to stop, drop to the ground, and roll if clothes catch fire Keep emergency numbers by the phone. This isn't for you in case of a fire. This is in case a neighbor has a fire. Be sure to use your neighbor's phone if you have a fire. Get out of your house!
If you have a fireplace be extra careful of shooting flames. Keep a fire rug around the fireplace. Don't smoke inside. A butt of a cigarette can cause a fire so be sure to extinguish your cigarette completely. Put butts in ashtrays or water. Never leave them on the ground. Never smoke in beds or smoke lying down. Keep matches and lighters out of the reach of children. Never store gasoline where a child can reach it. Replace frayed or cracked electrical cords. Never overload an outlet with extension cords. Never run electrical wires under rugs. If you change your fuses never use improper fuse sizes. If someone is burned cool the burn with cold water. If a burn blisters or chars see a doctor immediately. Unplug unused appliances. Be careful of halogen lights. Turn them off and keep cloth, fabric and paper away from them.
Come To Learn Home Base Age: six months to six years Venue: 24 Bloekom street, The Crags Time: 7 am – 17hoo Contact: Patricia (0732431013)
POETRY Born of a new age I struggled to walk Till my days of falling have stopped Every Birthday year I would overcome different fear. As I grow older My feelings become bolder And those close to me I close with trust and care. As I rise beauty expand And puberty got me prepared Thinking of old age makes me scared So I am angry at the world for being unfair. Sometimes I am unappreciative Towards what I have Wasting my time on desire for no-reason why Till my steps reduce as I make ready to die. By Theodore Laksman
EASY WINTER WARMER RECIPES Microwave cook book Macaroni and cheese Ingredients 1 ½ cups macaroni, cooked 2 table spoons plain flour ¼ tea spoon salt ½ tea spoon Worcestershire sauce. ½ tea spoon prepared mustard Freshly ground pepper to taste 1 cup milk 2 cups shredded slap cheddar cheese, divided ¼ cup cracker crumbs Tomato slices (optional) Method Melt butter in a medium casserole on power 9 for ½ to 1 minute stir in flour salt, Worcestershire, mustard and pepper. Cook on power 9 for ½ to 1 minute. Gradually stir in milk cook on power 9 for 2 to 3 minutes, stirring occasionally during last half of cooking time. Stir in 1 ½ cups shredded cheese and continue string until cheese is melted. If cheese is not melted cook for 30 seconds, or just until cheese is melted. Stir cooked macaroni into sauce. Top with remaining cheese and cracker crumbs, and with tomato slices if desired. Cook on power 9 for 3 to 5 minutes, or until cheese is melted and macaroni is piping hot. Let stand about 3 minutes before serving. Crags Times Page 5
CLINIC NEWS — MALE CIRCUMCISION WHAT IS THE MALE CIRCUMCITION PROCESS? You have the right to safe medical circumcision in a hygienic and clean medical facility. Medical circumcision is the most hygienic, safest way to be circumcised, and the only way to ensure that you get the full sexual and health benefits. Medical circumcisions are performed at health facilities throughout South Africa, such as community health centres and district hospitals. You have the right to counselling and HIV testing before undergoing circumcision. When you arrive at the clinic or hospital, you will receive group counselling and you can voluntarily undergo counselling and testing for HIV, before undergoing circumcision. You will also be examined for sexually transmitted infection and foreskin abnormalities. Your circumcision will be performed by a trained health provider and it’s painless and quick. The circumcision will be done by a trained health care provider (doctor or nurse) who is specially trained to perform this kind of procedure. it is done under local anaesthetic, so besides a small injection, there is no pain and it takes only about 30 minutes. The wound is than stitched and dressed, and you are given painkillers to help manage any mild pain or discomfort you may have when the anaesthetic wears off. You are also given instructions on how to keep the wound clean while it heals as well as a medical certificate should you require time off from work or studies while recover. And then you can go home. You must not have sex until the wound has fully healed The healing process takes up to six weeks, during which time you may not have sex or masturbate. If you do, the wound will take longer to heal completely and you run a higher risk of HIV transmission. For the first few days, you must keep the dressing on and dry. You will then return to the health care provider for a follow-up visit and to have the dressing removed. After this, you should gently wash your penis with soap and water, using a soft cloth. The stitches will also fall out after 10 to 14 days. If you have concerns speak to your clinic or doctor Like with any surgical procedure, there can be problems after a circumcision but in most cases these are slight, such as reaction to the pain injection, minor bleeding, or some swelling and pain. With Crags Times Page 6
proper care, these issues are easily treated. Should you have any concerns, go to your clinic or doctor. BENEFITS Medical circumcision is the full removal of the foreskin, fully exposing the head of the penis. Getting circumcised is the right thing to do for your health as it: Improves your hygiene as it is easier to keep the head of the penis clean. Reduces your risk of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) such as chancroid, syphilis, genital warts and herpes. Reduces your risks of HIV infection as it decreases the risk of tearing and bruising that can be an entry point for HIV. Removes certain cells within the foreskin that act as an entry point for HIV Lower the risk of penile cancer Reduces our partner’s risk of cervical cancer All men have the right to safe and hygienic medical male circumcision service. In South Africa these are available at community health centres and district hospitals all over the country. In some cases, you may have been circumcised for religious or cultural reasons. Certain religions circumcise their boys soon after birth. Some cultures circumcise their young men as part of an initiation process that marks the passage from boyhood to manhood. Men who are circumcised for religious or cultural reasons need to make sure that they are fully circumcised if they are to take advantage of the health benefits. If you are to get the full health benefits of male circumcision it is important for you to know whether you are: Uncircumcised. Partially circumcised - where only a part of the foreskin has removed or a slit has been cut in the foreskin has been removed. Fully circumcised - where the entire foreskin. Circumcised Penis Full health benefits: The foreskin has been completely removed, under medical conditions, from the head of the penis It is easier to keep clean Eliminates bruising and tearing during sex Cells that attract HIV have been removed Reduces the risk of HIV infection by eliminating tearing and bruising Lower risk of STI’s and diseases Reduces your partner’s risk of cervical cancer
Uncircumcised or Partially Circumcised Penis No health benefits: The foreskin covers the head of the penis and it’s more difficult to keep clean The skin inside the foreskin is soft, and prone to bruising and tearing during sex that allows an entry point for HIV and can cause discomfort during sex. The foreskin contains cells that act as an entry point for HIV There is a higher risk of HIV infection Higher risk of STIs and diseases that affect uncircumcised men Men are more likely to get the human Papilloma Virus which they transmit to their partner, which increases their partner’s risk of cervical cancer WHAT MALE CIRCUMCISION DOES NOT DO Male circumcision: Does not prevent pregnancy Confers only partial protection against HIV infection Does not benefit the partner of an HIV-positive man Does not reduce the risk of HIV infection during anal sex. Getting circumcised does not prevent pregnancy and ONLY REDUCES the risk of HIV infection. This means that you cannot let your guard down. If you are circumcised, you should still use a condom every time you have sex, keep to one sexual partner and test for HIV to know your status so that you can make the best decision for your health. If you are HIV-positive, you may also be circumcised, but this does not protect your partner from HIV. If you test positive for HIV you should have your DC-4 cell count taken to determine the strength of your immune system and you will be services. HIV-positive men who choose to be circumcised should continue to use condoms at all times to protect you’re their partners from HIV and themselves and their partners from re-infection if both are HIV-positive. Circumcision does not reduce your risk of HIV infection if you have anal sex. Medical male circumcision is the best option for your sexual and reproductive health. Circumcision offers a lifetime of benefits including better hygiene, reduced risk of sexually transmitted infections and HIV. It reduces your risk of penile cancer and your partner’s risk of cervical cancer. Quite simply, getting a medical circumcision is the right thing to do. For more information please visit your nearest clinic / Vir meer inligting kom na die kliniek.
Kliniek nommer: 044 534 8737
Mamma! Het jy geweet dat wanneer jy ’n d o p wegslaan, jou ongebore babba ook e e n wegsl aan? Dit kan jou baba se groei benadeel en tot l ewenslange liggaam likeen gedragsprobleme lei. Die gebruik van alkohol kan lei tot Fetale Alkohol Sindroom (FAS).
100% voorkombaar deur nie alkohol tydens swangerskap in te neem nie. Die skade aan die ongebore baba (fetus) is permanent en onomkeerbaar.
FAS is ’n groot probleem Fas kom wêreld wyd voor en dit is wêreldwyd ’n groot probleem alhoewel daar nog net amptelike voorkomssyfers vir Suid-Afrika (8 – 12%) beskikbaar is. S u i d - Af r i k a het di e hoogste voorkomssyfer ter wêreld. In ons land kom die probleem 30 tot 50 keer meer algemeen as Down sindroom voor. In Suid-Afrika is net 4 FAS voorkomsstudies gedoen. Die studies is deur die Stigting vir Alkoholverwante Navorsing (‘Foundation for Alcohol Related Research’ of FARR) gedoen:
Vroue word meer aangetas nadat hulle dieselfde hoeveelheid drank as mans gedrink het. Die verskil kan in hul liggaamsgewig aan gemerk word. Vroue se liggame bevat minder water as dié van mans.
ENIGE KIND IS TASBAAR VIR FAS Ongeag van jou kleur, ras of geloof. As ’n vrou wyn tydens swangerskap drink loop sy die risiko om geboorte te gee aan ’n baba wat FAS het. Baie kinders word nooit gediagnoseer nie en kry baie swaar as gevolg van hul belemmerende simptome en word dus nie ’n behoorlike kans op behandeling gegee nie. TIPES SKADES Baie vroue vind op ongeveer 3 tot 4 maande uit dat hulle swanger is. Hulle gaan voort om alkohol soos gewoonlik te gebruik. Hul bereken dus so onbewustelik skade aan hul ongebore babas. Skade kan die volgende behels :
Groeivertraging (kinders is klein van postuur); Enige orgaan kan beskadig word, veral die brein, hart, oë, ore, en dies meer Die vorming van die kind se gesig kan geaffekteer word;
Breinskade het lewenslange verhoudings en leerprobleme tot gevolg, bv. Klein motoriese ontwikkelingsproblem e, probleme met rekenkundige vaardighede, abstrakte denke, oorsaak en gevolgbegrip en dies meer. FAS is ‘n ongeneesbare sindroom .Dit is
Spesiale skooldienste kan beskikbaar wees om die kind met leerprobleme te help. Voorkoming is beter as niegenesing. Vroue wat swanger is moet altyd bewus wees op die gevaar wat alkoholgebruik vir hul ongebore babas en hul eie gesondheid het. Vroue word anders aangetas as mans
Alkohol word met die liggaamswater gemeng, ‘n spesifieke hoeveelheid alkohol word meer gekonsentreerd in ’n vrou se liggaam as in die van ‘n man. As gevolg hiervan is die aanbevole dranklimiet vir vroue laer is as vir mans. Chroniese alkoholmisbruik eis ’n hoër liggaamlike tol by vroue as by mans. Alkoholafhanklikheid en verwante probleme, soos brein-, hart- en lewerskade, ontwikkel vinniger by vroue.
CRACK A JOKE EN LAG ‘N SLAG The teenage granddaughter comes downstairs for her date with this see-through blouse on and no bra. Her grandmother just has a fit, telling her not to dare go out like that. The teenager tells her "Loosen up Grams. These are modern times. You gotta let your rosebuds show!" and out she goes. The next day the teenager comes downstairs, and the grandmother is sitting there with no top on. The teenager wants to die. She explains to her grandmother that she has friends coming over and that it is just not appropriate. "Loosen up, sweetie. If you can show off your rosebuds, then I can display my hanging baskets."
Plett Alcohol And Drug Centre are offering the following assistance For assistance in Therapeutic session visit the following sites: Every 2nd Wednesday in New Horizon @ the Plett Child Welfare Office (10h00—14h00) Every 3rd Thursday in Kranshoek @ the Red Cross Centre, behind the Clinic(10h00—14h00) Every 2nd Thursday in Crags @ The Crags Clinic(10h00—14h00) Every 2nd Tuesday in Kwanokuthula @ Kwanokuthula Library (10h00—14h00) Our services that we are rendering is cost free and it will help those in need, all we ask is to come via our office in Plett, opposite the Post Office next to West Holmes in the Dulux Building. Come and receive the help that you need indeed. For any inquiries, please don’t hesitate to contact the Office: Tel: 044 533 4050—For Appointments Fax 2 email: 086 610 7732
Miss Back to school 2011 Masizakhe is looking for young girls from 14-18 years to take part in our very first Miss Back to School beauty Pageant!!!! Date: Saturday 30th August 2011 Venue: Kurland Community Hall Time: 7h00 Entrance fee: R10.00 adults R5.00 children Entrance fee for finalists R10.00 Please contact: Rozanne @ 071 984 9452 Or Urs @ 083 308 4006 Or Masizakhe office: 044 534 8285
Crags Times Page 7
Die VGK van Plettenbergbaai het op Sondag tydens die nagmaaldiens twee babas van die Kurland Tak in die Verenigde Gereformeerde Kerk in New Horizon gedoop. Hulle was Kira Mabie dogtertjie van Noeline Mabie en T.J. Roman seuntjie van Ellouise Roman. Die moeders asook die peetouers het voor God en die gemeente beloof dat hulle hul kinders in die weë van Hom sal grootmaak.
Thelma Norris, die sekretarese van die Sonop Bejaarde Klub in Crags het op die 11 Junie 2011 aan Knit- A- Thon-projek in Pinelands, Kaapstad deelgeneem, waar serpe vir ‘n ‘n multi-rasse skool in Mitchell’s Plain gebrei is. Sy het gevoel dis ‘n “good deed for the day” om ‘n deelname te hê aan die brei van die serpe vir elke student op die skool. Die hele projek was deur die polisie gereël om die gemeenskap bewus te maak dat die polisie nie net daar vir arrestasie maar ook vir verskillende hoedanighede, in die gemeenskap is. Die hele verrigtinge het om 10 uur die oggend ontspannings saal van die Pinelands Polisie Sportterrein begin en vanaf daardie tyd tot 2 uur het al die bywonende lede altesaam1000 serpe gebrei. Daarna was dit die toesprake en oorhandiging van die tjeks asook bedankings aan alle polisie amptenare wat elk ‘n lid uit hul familie gebring het om tot die sukses van die dag te kon bydra. Daar was verskillende projekte soos Shave- A- Thon waar hare geskeer sowel as gekleur was. Hierdie aktiwiteite het op die Pinelands Polisie Sportterrein waar ook worsrolle verkoop was, plaasgevind. Die dag het op ‘n vredevolle en gelukkige noot om 16:15 geëindig. Crags Times Page 8
Op Saterdag 11 Junie is die volgende agt persone; Gerswin Kriga, Andre Van Rooyen, Kellie Jansen, J. Johny , Marlene Davids, Rochell Grifforts, Benjamin Davids en Eva Magalies deur Pastoor Neels Krigga in die Life Dale Ministries gedoop.
Op Sondag 12 Junie is die volgende persone; Roland Damons as Senior Ouderling en Hilton Kam as Diaken in die gemeente van Life Dale Ministries geordein. Alistair Stander is as proef evangelis en Johannes Van Rooyen as proefouderling aangestel
HIGH TEA Die susters van die Deo-Gloria Gemeente het op Sondagmiddag 12 Junie , ‘n “High Tea” partytjie gehou waar hulle gassprekers, Urs Jacobs, van Masizakhe en Aubrey Andrews, vise-prinsipaal van Crags Primêr uitgenooi het, om die gaste teenwoordig, oor hul verskillende aktiwiteite in die gemeenskap, in te lig. Kim wat as seremoniemeesteres opgetree het, het met haar pittige sêgoed en grappe gesorg dat die gaste deurentyd in ‘n gesellige en ontspanne luim verkeer het. Hulle is daarna op die heerlikste soet en southappies getrakteer en het die middag met staaltjies uit die goeie ou dae en goeie geselskap onverwyl.
Kurland Hotel Saterdag 18 Junie het Crags hul eerste vroue-rugby wedstryd op Jaguars Rugbyveld aanskou. Die SWD vrouespan het teen die Oostelike Provinsie se vroue meegeding.
Name: George Surname: Van Tura Date of Birth: 06.03.1990 Hobbies: Play and watch rugby Favorite drink: Hunters dry Address: 4017 Stinkhoutstreet TO ALL THE SINGLE LADIES YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT YOU ARE MISSING!!!
SOEK EN VIND / CLASSIFIEDS BIRTHDAYS Masizakhe would like to wish Desiree a wonderful happy birthday. May God bless you with many blessings and may all your wishes and dreams come true. Thanks for your commitment and support towards the organization. Enjoy the day!!
SYMPATHY Masizakhe would like to give their deepest sympathy and condolences to the families of John Barnado, John Cloete and Willie Camphor. When God takes something from your grasp. He’s not punishing you, but He’s merely opening your hands to receive something better. “The Will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will Not Protect You”. These courageous, admirable and honorary men will forever be remembered in the community of Kurland. May their souls rest in peace.
Thank You to
Hierdie vroue het weereens gewys dat die Eva-geslag geen tree vir die Adam-geslag agtertoe hoef te staan nie. Die toeskouers het die kragspel met oop monde en ongelooflike uitdrukkings op hul gesigte aangestaar, toe hulle sien hoe daar geskrum, losgemaal, drieë gedruk en oorgeskop was. Die OP het vanuit die staanspoor die voortou geneem en het die SWD lelik op hul neus laat kyk. Shané Jordaan wat deur hul afrigter as die speller van die wedstryd uitgewys was, het al haar vernuf, kennis en passie in die wedstryd gesit. Zasa Njonga heelagter het gesorg dat die bal los oor die pale seil wat verseker het dat OP met ‘n onoorwonne 35-7 die wedstryd gewen het. ‘n Groep moeë dog gelukkige daarna rondom ‘n heerlike verskaf deur Jaguars Rugby spel ontleed en mekaar se geniet !!
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LIEWE AGONY AUNTIE! Liewe Agony Aunt, Ek kan nie my sesjarige seun sover kry om na my te luister nie. Ek gee hom pak maar hy reageer nie daarop nie en dit lyk nie asof dit werk nie. Hy is nogsteeds stout en vertel soms leuens. Anoniem Die problem met straf en reëls is dat die kind slegs daardeer leer dat hulle jou nie kan vertrou nie. So ver dit hulle raak kan jy enige tyd omdraai en hulle seermaak. So daarom begin hulle hulself beskerm deur leuens te vertel om hulself te veilig te laat voel en straf af te keer. Wanneer ‘n kind gevra word om iets om te doen wat andere van hom/haar verwag, in plaas van “Dis myself en wat ek wil doen”, kan dit baie nadelig vir hul opvoeding is. Die gesondste manier om beter gedrag by kinders te kry, is nie om hulle te straf nie maar eerder om hulle te laat weet dat jy teleurgesteld, kwaad en seergemaak voel as gevolg van hulle gedrag. Kinders leer meestal deur wie jy is en nie wat jy sê. Daarom het jou eie positiewe gedrag die grootste invloed. Wees die persoon wat jy graag wil hê jou kind moet wees. Voor die ouderdom van ses het ‘n kind se ego reeds begin ontwikkel – die wete van ‘ek’ en ‘ek is’ en dit groei ongedissiplineerd met die illusie van mag voort. Dis egter normal en natuurlik en MAG nie op hierdie stadium gekeer of onderdruk word nie. Dit is belangrik dat hulle leer om bekwaam te voel en vir enige uitdaging kans sien. Dis goed om uitdagings vir hulle te stel wat jy weet hulle kan bereik en hulle met positiwiteit en aanmoediging te beloon. Dis ook baie gesond vir ‘n kind om aangemoedig te word om vir die ‘oomblik te leef’ en uiting te gee, aan watter emosie hulle ookal op die oomblik ervaar. Vreugde en gelag, kwaad, hartseer – moenie probeer om dit te onderdruk of keer om hierdie gevoelens te hê nie - as hulle TEN VOLLE aangemoedig word om dit te ervaar duur dit gewoonlik net ‘n paar minute en hulle beweeg aan asof niks gebeur het nie ( as ons volwassenes net dit ook meer kan doen!) Vertel kinders dat ‘Jy om ‘n rede hier is’ en dat hulle hier is om spesiaal te wees, vir ons om hulle lief te hê en dat hulle hier is om allerhande nuwe dinge uit te vind. Die enigste doel is vir hulle om gelukkig te wees, prêt moet hê en speel. Leer hulle terselfdertyd om oop en eerlik te wees en die belangrikheid van uiting aan gevoelens oombliklik te gee.
Crags Times Page 10
Dear Agony Aunt, I cannot get my six year old son to listen to me. I spank him but he does not respond to me and it does not seem to work, he is still naughty and often tells lies. Anonymous The problem with punishment and rules is that the child is only learning that they cannot trust you. As far as they see it, at any time you can turn around and hurt them. So they start protecting themselves by telling lies in order to feel safe and avert punishment. If a child is told to act out what others demand of them rather than feeling inside of them “this is myself what I want to do” it can be very damaging during the child’s upbringing. The most healthiest way to get better behaviour from children long term is not by punishing them but rather let them know you are disappointed, angry or hurt by their behaviour teaching by reflection not rules. Children mainly learn from what you are, not what you say. Therefore your own positive behaviour has the greatest influence. Be the person you want your child to be. Before the age of six the ego has been developing – the sense of ‘me’ and ‘I am’ and it surges undisciplined with an illusion of power. However this is normal and natural and it is NOT to be shut down or repressed at this stage. It is important that they learn to feel capable and up to any challenge. It is good to set them challenges that you know they can achieve and reward them with positivity and encouragement. It is also very healthy for children to be encouraged to ‘live in the moment’ and express whatever emotion they have at the time. Joy and laughter, anger, sadness – do not try to supress or stop them having these feelings – if they are encouraged to FULLY feel it, it really only lasts a few minutes then they just let go and move on (if only us adults could do that more too!) Tell children that ‘You are here for a reason’ that they are here to be special, for us to love them and that they are here to find out all kinds of things. The only goal is for them to be happy, have fun and play! At the same time teach them to be open and honest and the importance of expressing feelings in the moment. ‘You can guide children but never control them by being open to the person within every child. Don’t make kids conform to your own preconceived ideas and notions and look at the child as an individual soul on its journey of soul making – you are only there to keep them safe and guide them’ - Ex-
tracts from Deepak Chopra’s book ‘Seven Spiritual Laws for Parents’ Last month we started a series of ‘How to be Happy’ with the knowledge that scientific research has proven that happiness levels are not fixed. Neurological activity in our brains can be shifted by repeatedly using techniques which make us feel happier. We started with the Mind/Body Connector – The silver thread keeping your spine straight and upright…This month we are looking up, literally! There is a hard-wire connector between eye movements and our patterns of thoughts and feelings. There is a change in brain activity when we look upwards which is associated with the visual cortex making the brain generate alpha waves developing feelings of peace, comfort and well-being. Moving the eyes from side to side breaks associations with feelings of unhappiness. When you are feeling down you can do the following eye exercises to make you feel happier: Look upwards to the ceiling for 30 seconds then move your eyes from side to side 20 times. Look up and down 20 times then move your eyes around in a figure of eight - 20 times and then another 20 in the opposite direction. Of course it might feel silly in the beginning but stick with it as it is PROVEN to work. ‘Start looking up! As much as possible as it triggers the brain to reinforce good feelings’ Paul Mckenna from the ‘I can make you happy’ book. For advice from our Agony Auntie please send your letters to: PO Box 281, The Crags, 6602 or give them to: Urs Jacobs 083 308 4006
What a Blow Wordsearch
1st Correct Entry drawn will receive a R50 cash prize sponsored by Van Care
Assail Batter Blow Bludgeon Bombard Bruise Buffet Butt Clobber Clout Cuff Flail Hammer Hide Lambaste Left hook Lick Paddle Paste Pelt
Pepper Pistolwhip Pound Pulverize Pummel Scourge Smack Smash Smite Spank Swat Tamp Thrash Thump Uppercut Wallop Whack Whomp
Submit your entries to Urs or any of the MASIZAKHE members. Contact us on (044) 534 8285 or Urs on 083 308 4006 Name:……………………………………………...………………………………………..……… Tel:………………………………..…………………………………………………………..… ….
A father was approached by his small son who told him proudly, "I know what the Bible means!" His father smiled and replied, "What do you mean, you 'know' what the Bible means? The son replied, "I do know!" "Okay," said his father. "What does the Bible mean?" "That's easy, Daddy..." the young boy replied excitedly," It stands for 'Basic Information Before Leaving Earth.'
Congratulations to last month’s winner: Keanan Solomons
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SPORT NUUS / NEWS LOCAL BAUM VICTORIOUS AT 12TH ANNUAL ROXY WAHINE CUP! Rautenbach (Melkbosstrand) and Tasha Mentasti (Cape Town) finished 3rd and 4th respectively in the same final.
New Pier, Durban: Sarah Baum (Amanzimtoti) emerged victorious today in the open women's division at South Africa’s biggest stand alone women’s surfing event, the Roxy Wahine Cup. 17 year old Baum scored an impressive heat total of 16.50 out of a possible 20 points to earn herself the winner’s cheque of R10 000. Baum surfed fast and radically in the 3-4 feet solid waves to claim first place. Bianca Buitendag (George) who had just beaten Baum in the U20 Pro Junior division was convincingly beaten by an on -form Baum to finish second in the open women’s division. “I am very happy with winning the event, I would have been stoked to win both divisions but couldn’t seem to find my rhythm in the previous final. This win definitely gives me a lot of confidence going into my next few competitions,” said an elated Baum who spends most of her time surfing at the competition venue, New Pier. Chantelle
In the U20 ASP Pro Junior division final it was Buitendag who got the better of fierce rival Baum by posting two high scores in the 8 point region. Buitendag won herself R7 000 in prize money and an automatic slot into the ASP World Pro Junior Series to be held later on in the year. Baum managed to place second with a heat total score of 13.25 points, Heidi Palmboom (Bluff) and Faye Zoetmulder (Cape St. Francis) placed 3rd and 4th respectively. In the girls U16 division final Gina Smith of Jeffreys Bay clinched the title ahead of Nicole Pallet (Cape Town), Inge McLaren (East London) and Courtney Ellish (Amanzimtoti). The U14 girls final was tightly contested and the girls did extremely well in the testing conditions. Chanelle Botha (Amanzimtoti) claimed first place ahead of Mahe Javengny (Reunion Island), Teal Hogg (Durban) and Kelly Simkiss (Durban). A new addition to Roxy Wahine Cup was the girls Iron Nippers division. Alice Edward from Pirates Surf Lifesaving Club won the U12 division while Michaela Ferreira from Umhlanga Rocks Surf Lifesaving Club emerged the winner of the U14 division.
Op Saterdag die 18 Junie het Jaguars, Knysna United se doppie op hul tuisveld, in Kurland geklink. Die wedstryd tussen die B-spanne van die twee teenstaanders was maar taamlik flouerig. Of dit vanweë die ongewone hitte of die groot opwinding van die vrouewedstryd was, sal ek nie kon sê nie. Gelukkig vir Jaguars kon hulle daaarin slaag om die wedstryd met 10-8 te wen.
Die A-spanne het egter na die vrouewedstryd, die toeskouers gillend en singend gehad. Jaguars het sommer gou gou in die eerste helfte se 10 minute twee drieë agter die pale gedruk. Knysna het omtrent bont gestaan soos hulle vir ‘n vale weerstand moes bied. Die humeure het kort kort opgevlam en met die toeskouers se ondersteuning en aansporing wou Jaguars net meer punte aanteken. Die wedstryd het naderhand in ‘n kat en muis speletjie ontaard, want een oomblik loop Jaguars voor , dan is Knysna kort op hul hakke. ‘n Hoogs onstelde groep Knysna ondersteuners en spelers moes later maar die aftog blaas en het Jaguars met 17-15 geseëvier.
All I can say is what a beautiful paddle we had. The route took us from Witterdrift along the Bitou River through " A couple of interesting tree blocks" into the flow of the Keurbooms river. The start was slightly delayed because of the level of river level. I must confess and say that it was the first time I had paddled this route and not the last time. It so beautiful and it is on our back garden. Back to the race. The front bunch of Wojtek, Stef, Stuart and Gabriel raced hard and even took at little portage which was out of bounds. However due to the nature of the rules these guys had to down a HANSA for the sins. Staurt Hyde eventually won with a boat length over Wojtek followed by Gabriel and Stef. The doubles was won By Alexis and Dave followed by Owen and Rob. Our kids of the future were there in full force and thank you Knysna Canoe Club for bringing them through. The guppies race was done on the keurbooms and was 3 km lap course won by Daniel van Wyk. The short course was won by the New wonder paddler Michaela Beers (trained by Michelle Eray). I was really impressed by her paddle and one for the future for sure. Everyone enjoyed a Burger from offthehook and a nice cold Hansa. The kiddies were treated to nice goodie bag. Thanks must go to the following: Offthehook Seafood café, Hansa and the Angling Club. Our helpers on the day; Louise, Bura, Malcolm, Heather, Neal (course director) and Darron for helping with lifts. Crags Times Page 12