June 2011
Tel: 044 534 8285 Email:
61st Issue
18 MEI MUNISIPALE VERKIESING: IS JOU STEM DAAR?! gestremde persone gemaak. Vir die IEC personeel en party agente was dit ‘n uitputtende dog suksesvolle dag.
Op Woensdag 18 Mei het die munisipale verkiessing wat elke Suid Afrikaanse burger die reg gegee het om sy stem te laat hoor, by die party waarin hy/sy die meeste vertroue in het, ondersteun, plaasgevind. In die verskillende gemeenskappe waar die verkiessings stasies was, het die verskillende partye vroegoggend ‘n verwelkomings of beter genoem; ‘n opgewondenheid aan die dag getoon. Daar het die verskillende partye, hul party agente begelei tot by die hekke waar hulle ingelaat was om hulle deel te lewer deur saam die IEC te werk om seker te maak dat die verkiesings proses eerlik en aanvaarbaar verloop. Die verskillende partye het met opgewekte musiek talle mense die gevoel van opgewondenheid gegee. Hulle het met hul verskillende party drag , vlaggies en plakkate gewys wie hul
keuses was. Die atmosfeer en toestand in die stemlokale was heeltyd onder beheer van die bekwame IEC personeel en was deur amptenare van die Suid – Afrikaanse polisie gepatrolleer. Die personeel wat deur die IEC aangestel was om die dag se stemproses te beheer, het die proses vir die gemeenskappe baie aangenaam gemaak in die sin dat hulle vriendelik was en hul volle samewerking gegee het. Hulle het ook die reëls van die IEC toegepas deur te verseker dat die atmosfeer sowel as die verhouding tussen die agente van die verskeie partye deurentyd vredevol was. Vroegoggend het die stemme ingewemel wat die dag baie besig gemaak het. Lang rye mense het geduldig hul beurt afgewag om hul kruisies te gaan maak. Sommige het egter so nou en dan ‘n draai gaan loop toe die natuur begin roep maar andersins het niemand ongeduldig geraak nie. Voorsiening is vir die bejaarde en
Tot en met 7uur het alles vredevol verloop tot waar die hekke van die stemlokale gesluit was. Daarna het die telling en sortering van stemme begin om dan ten einde die uitslae te kry. Die IEC personeel het die stemme getel in die teenwoordigheid van die party agente asook die polisie amptenare. Alles was daarna geseёl en na die munisipaliteits kantoor geneem onder die toesig van die Suid – Afrikaanse polisie.
Inside this issue … Crags Fynbos threatened —
Pg 2 Political dignitaries visit the Crags —Pg 2 & 3 Kitchen Fire Safety tips—Pg 5 Clinic News—Testicular Cancer —Page 6
And much more!
An unforgettable forest experience Spectacular venue to hire for Youth and adult camps or workshops. Various outdoor activities offered. Wooden cabins sleep up to 80. Fully equipped kitchen, & dining area. Contact Debbie Fermor 534 8218 or 083 442 6115.
MARK OOSTHUIZEN PHONE: 044 5348397 CELL: 072 2313374 Crags Times Page 1
The Crags is one of the loveliest places in South Africa, situated between the Tsitsikamma mountains to the north and the stunning beaches of the Indian ocean to the south. We also have a very special position between two Nature Reserves – Whiskey Creek Nature Reserve to the West and the Vasselot Nature Reserve to the East. The Crags is a very important connecting corridor between the forest and mountain wilderness, and the fynbos and forest reserves. Most of the indigenous forest north of the N2 was harvested decades ago, and now the fynbos at The Crags is under pressure too - from farming, and forestry (plantations) and other human activities. Fynbos is also threatened by invader plants such as pine trees, gums, black wattle and kikuyu grass. The Redford Conservancy has been working to weed out the alien trees all along the Redford Road and its side roads, SO THAT as much fynbos as possible could be preserved. Every little patch of fynbos helps biodiversity, and all landowners and residents can help to conserve the fynbos heritage. WHY IS BIODIVERSITY IMPORTANT? Hundreds of plant species including proteas, ericas and restios, as well as many animals, birds, insects such as butterflies and bees, live in and on the fynbos, forming an ecosystem of world famous and unique biodiversity. It is the fynbos that makes The Garden Route into a natural garden paradise and attracts so many tourists! “The conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, for the benefit of current and future generations, is a fundamental democratic right in the South African Constitution. It is also an internationally recognised principle of sustainable development” (Quote from “Biodiversity Toolkit” put out by Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning and The South African National Biodiversity Institute) Redford Conservancy Crags Times Page 2
Op Woensdag 10 Mei 2011 het die Sekretaris Generaal van die ANC, Gwede Mantashe, The Crags met sy teenwoordigheid verras. Die rede vir sy besoek was om stemme vir ANC te werf deur sommige inwoners van huis tot huis te besoek. Hy het ook aan die inwoners genoem dat die ANC geen beloftes maak nie, maar net om dienslewering te verbeter en om meer huise te bou. Hy het ook belowe dat korrupte amptenare aan die pen sal ry. Gwede het genoem dat ‘n stem vir die kleiner artye ‘n vermorsing van ‘n waardevole stem is en dat die gemeenskap ANC vir ‘n beter Bitou munisipaliteit, moet stem .
Ready Mix Concrete ٠ Stone Building Sand ٠ Aggregate Road Materials ٠ Top Soil Filling ٠ Earthwork Plant Hire ٠ Truck Hire
Tel: 044 - 5331282
"Catherine Schoeman of Crags has recently joined the Born in Africa team as a mentor and we would like to congratulate her with her appointment. She is also currently assisting at the BIA homework centre which runs on a Monday to Thursday after school at the Crags Primary school. Her passion to work with children has led her to join this motivated team in the effort to uplift our students on an academic, but also social level. This is a challenge as you can imagine, but Catherine, who has a long history in the community, loves challenges!"
ANC AMPTENARE BESOEK KURLAND regering sy beste vir die gemeenskap sal lewer. Daarna het hy ook die proses van die ANC se kandidaat verkiesing verduidelik, waarin hulle hom gekies het. Hy het ook bygevoeg het dat hulle nie ‘n fout gemaak het om hom te kies nie vanweë die feit dat hy met sy tipe persoonlikheid, ‘n positiewe bydrae tot die gemeenskap is. Hy het ook genoem dat hy die ANC vanaf 1993 tot hede dien. Ten slotte het hy aan die gehoor gevra om vir ANC te stem. Die reaksie van die ouer persone was positief en hul het beloof om die 18de Mei hulle stem by die beste kandidaat te plaas.
Mnr. Wildeman het in sy toespraak wat hy gelewer het, melding gemaak van wat hy vir Kurland se gemeenskap tydens sy plig as raadslid gedoen het. Hy het ook die huidige ANC kandidaat vir Wyk 1, Simon Jacobs aan die gehoor voorgestel en het hulle ook in dieselfde asem gemotiveer om vir die ANC te stem en dan ook die redes daarvoor genoem. Hy het terselfdertyd ook die voorverkiesings proses sowel as die stemproses soos byvoorbeeld die stembrief aan diegene teenwoordig, verduidelik. Daarna het hy ook verduidelik hoekom die verkose kandidaat uit die ander ANC kandidate wat vir Wyk 1 voorgestel was, gekies is. Alderman Mvimbi het in sy toespraak wat hy gelewer het, melding gemaak van die vooruitsigte wat die munisipaliteit onder die ANC-bewind vir die bejaardes sowel as gestremde persone, het. Die gehoor het ook die geleentheid gekry om vrae te vra wat deur die sprekers beantwoord was. Een van hul grooste bekommernisse was oor die grond beskikbaar vir die twee NGO’s, Sonop Bejaarde Klub en Group of Hope wat teenwoordig was, waar hulle die versekering gekry het dat hulle goedkeuring gekry het om die spesifieke grond te deel maar met inagneming dat die munisipaliteit besig is met die logistieke daarvoor. Simon het homself aan die gehoor voorgestel en het ‘n kort oorsig van sy politieke agtergrond asook sy planne wat hy vir The Crags onder die bewind van die ANC het, gegee. Hy het ook genoem dat hy met die hulp van die plaaslike
3 Individually decorated en –suite bedrooms and S/C cottage on offer at this historic country guest house. Enjoy guided walks, Victorian picnics, tennis and art courses or simply laze by the pool
Tel 044 534 8877
Op 12 Mei 2011 het die burgemeester van Bitou, Alderman Lulama Mvimbi, ANC wyk 1 se gewese raadslid, Euan Wildeman en die nuwe ANC kandidaat van wyk 1, Simon Jacobs die senior burgers sowel as die gestremde persone van Kurland, by die Anglikaanse Kerksaal kom toespreek.
Redford House
KURLAND VILLAGE ANIMAL CARE CLINIC Please note that the day for the monthly Animal Care Clinic will be moved to the first WEDNESDAY of every month. The dates for the next few clinics are: Wed, 1st June 2011 Wed, 6th July 2011 Wed, 3rd August 2011 The following is a guideline of the activities that happen during the clinic: 14h30 – 16h30 - Treatment of dogs and cats for Ticks and Fleas, Deworming, advice for caring for your pet, cleaning of minor wounds and injuries. 16h00 – 16h30 – Dr Mark Shortreed will be available for vaccinations, and serious injuries and ill health problems. The free clinic is available to residents of Kurland Village.
Contact Maureen Gouws at Cell: 076 686 2790 or 044 501 2300 Fax: 044 501 2301 for:
Tablecloths, runners, jugs, cutlery, flower stands, chair covers, crockery and lots more!
Dollars for Change Solar Water Heaters If you are interested, please see article details and sign up at
Zabedeck Petersen—Setting Full name: Zabedeck Recardo Petersen. Age: 32 years Marital Status: Has a steady girlfriend as well as two kids; a boy of 9years and a baby girl of 14months Hobbies: Use to play soccer for Liverpool , love to watch soccer and rugby Zabedeck was born in Kurland and has been working for more than 7 years at Kurlandbrik He started working at the Setting Department but has also worked for one year in Maintenance Section. He’s a friendly guy who likes to chat with his coworkers as well as friends and family and enjoys working at Kurlandbrik.
ThankYou! Vancare, Crags Conservancy, Winston Esau & Mike Kemp for contributing to the printing of the Crags Times. To support our paper contact: Robyn 082 927 2996 or Urs 083 308 4006 Crags Times Page 4
FIRE DEPARTMENT KITCHEN FIRE SAFETY TIPS Why is cooking fire safety so important? Isn't it pretty much a matter of common sense? Cooking fire safety is very important because cookingrelated fires continue to be a leading cause of fires in people's homes. In most cases, kitchen fires involve stoves, ovens, appliances, or electrical malfunctions and hazards. Also, the kitchen is the location where most scald burns occur. While it's true that a great many fires, burns, and other cooking accidents are prevented by using plain old common sense, awareness of the common causes of cooking fires is the first step toward establishing fire safe habits in the kitchen and prevention of costly fires and burn injuries. Additionally, sometimes even the most careful people get distracted or become careless due to stress, fatigue, alcohol consumption, the influence of drugs that cause drowsiness, and other factors, which, unfortunately, is when fires and accidents most often occur. What are the most common types of fires that firefighters see involving stoves and ovens? Despite some more obvious causes, placement of combustibles on or next to the stove area is a leading cause of these fires. Another tragic cause of stove and oven fire incidents involves flammable liquids such as cleaners and solvents used for various repairs and remodeling jobs. Pilot lights and burners on gas stoves and these types of flammables are a volatile combination! One of the more obvious causes is overheated fats and cooking oils, often resulting from the cook's becoming distracted and leaving the kitchen for a period of time. Finally, another frequent cause of cooking fires involves people leaving food cooking on the stove and then retiring, taking a nap or a phone call, or simply leaving the premises altogether. What is the best way to extinguish a fire on the stove or in an oven? The best way to put out a fire in a pan on the stove is to simply turn off the heat and clap a lid on it. Then, leave it in place for at least one-half hour. If you don't have a lid handy, a larger pan will do just as well. In the event that you do not have ready access to a lid or a larger pan, turn off the heat and use a multipurpose portable fire extinguisher or baking soda (nothing else). Remember do not move the pan for at least one-half hour! Oven or broiler fires call for similar extinguishing measures. First, DO NOT open the oven or broiler door! If you see
flames lapping out the top, sides, or bottom, turn off the heat and use a portable multipurpose fire extinguisher or baking soda to extinguish them. When the fire has been extinguished, leave the door closed for at least one-half hour.
Don't leave burners on under empty pots or pans.
When cooking on gas stoves, use the lowest flame possible to get the job done.
Some people seem to think its okay to put flour or salt on a grease or fat fire in a pan on the stove. Is this extinguishing method acceptable to the Fire Department? No! The only acceptable extinguishing agents for these types of fires (flammable liquids) are either a dry chemical fire extinguisher or baking soda (NOT baking powder!). The finer the particles the more explosive the reaction when they combine with fire. Water is not effective on this type of fire because when it hits the flaming liquid it generates little explosions of steam and hot liquid and then floats on top of the oil or grease. On these types of fires, the dry chemicals in the fire extinguisher or baking soda will act on the flaming liquid to "starve" the fire of the air it needs to continue burning. Water acts as a cooling agent to remove the heat that fires involving ordinary combustibles (i.e., wood, paper, cloth, plastic, cardboard, etc.) need to burn; however, it will not extinguish flammable liquid fires). SPECIAL CAUTION: Never turn on an overhead fan during a grease fire! The fire and smoke would be carried through the vent and set the whole building on fire! What other safe cooking tips can the Fire Department offer us besides those already given?
Keep the cooking area free of things that will burn such as pot holders, towels, plastic utensils and other items, paper napkins and towels, match boxes, styrofoam cups, plates, etc.
Don't allow deposits of grease, dust, and other grime to accumulate in the cooking area. Keep it clean at all times.
Avoid the use of extension cords and overloading of electrical outlets.
Don't cook while wearing loose, flowing clothing that could "drag" through the cooking area.
Call the Gas Company immediately whenever you smell a gas leak.
Remember that burners and/or pilot lights should be extinguished before performing kitchen repairs and renovations that involve the use of paints, thinners, contact cement, spot removers, de-greasers, spray paints, and all other flammable or combustible liquids.
Don't use aerosol cans and sprays in the vicinity of the cooking area. Don't permit little children to play in the kitchen while cooking is being done.
POETRY Powerful Father
Don't leave coffee makers on if leaving the house for work, shopping, etc.
Don't store food in the oven for any reason.
Don't attempt to dry combustibles in the oven or use it for heating rather than cooking purposes.
Don't store cookbooks and other combustibles at the top, sides, or rear of a microwave oven. They may obstruct proper ventilation of the appliance and cause a fire.
Do turn pot and pan handles inward towards the center of the stove, to avoid accidentally bumping them, causing hot liquids to spill. This also will help prevent children from grabbing the pots and pulling them down on themselves, resulting in serious burns.
With every creation You show Your perfection Through-out humanity A design so incredible That drives humans to their own inventions Each one out of every million so unique What is the secret to something so impossible? That makes different believers seeks And let others wonder We differ through out your power That evens the smallest flower Cry out for surviving To our mighty-full Father
How far it may seem you’re away I gave you a will with faith But like the prophecy say Salvation lays in a prayer with non hate
By: Theodore Laksman
Don't use dish towels to remove food from the oven. Do use only pot holders or oven mitts for this purpose. Don't leave food cooking on the stove if leaving the premises.
Crags Times Page 5
CLINIC NEWS — TESTIKULêRE KANKER WAT IS KANKER VAN DIE TESTIS? Dit is ‘n kanker wat seldsaam by mans voorkom. Hoewel dit op enige ouderdom kan voorkom, kom dit meer algemeen voor by jong mans tussen 20 en 40 jaar. Dikwels word net een testis aangetas. Die oorsaak van testikulêre kanker is onbekend. Dit raak mans op ‘n leeftyd waar hulle veral besorgd is oor hulle vrugbaarheid en om met ‘n gesin te begin. Gedurende 2000 en 2001 was tussen 0.54% en 0,47% van alle kankers wat by mans gediagnoseer en wat in die Kankerregister aangeteken is, testikulêre kanker. WIE IS DIE RISIKO GROEPE? Mans met ‘n geskiedenis van testikels wat nie afgesak het nie (al is dit herstel). Die risiko verhoog tot 11 keer in sulkegevalle. ( Alle baba seuntjies moet by geboorte geondersoek word vir testikels wat nie afgesak het nie.) Mans met ’n familie-geskiedenis van testikulêre kanker. Mans met ‘n vrugbaarheids probleem.
versamel en vervoer. Raak vertroud met hierdie struktuur en moet dit nie vir ‘n kwaadaardige knop aansien nie. Let op die volgende tekens: ‘n Klein (ertjiegrootte), pynlose knoppie in ‘n testikel. Nie alle knoppe is kankeragtig nie. ‘n Vergrote testikel. ‘n Swaar gevoel in die testikel of lies. ‘n Testikel wat anders voel. Vergrote borste en tepels. Vloeistof wat skielik in die skrotum ophoop. ‘n Pynlike testikel WAT OM TE DOEN: As jy hewige pyn in ‘n testikel ondervind—kry noodsorg. As enige knoppe, vergroting, swelling of verandering in tekstuur in die skrotum ondervind word—spreek ‘n dokter. As ‘n testikel enigsins swaar voel of pyn— spreek ‘n dokter.
As daar ‘n vergroting van die borste en tepels is en/of die skrotum skielik geswolle voel—spreek ‘n dokter.
Meeste abnormaliteite die testis kan deur die individu self ontdek word. Die beste manier om abnormaliteite vind is om die testis self te ondersoek.
As daar geen abnormaliteite gevind word nie—hou aan met die TSO tot die ouderdom van 40 tot 45 jaar.
Testikulêre Self-Ondersoek (TSO) Die beste tyd om ‘n TSO uit te voer is nadat met warm water gewas is, na ‘n warm bad of stort. Hitte laat die skrotum ontspan, wat dit makliker maak om enige abnormaliteite op te spoor. Volg hierdie stappe maandliks as jy 18 jaar of ouer is: Kyk of daar enige swelsel op die skrotum is. ‘n Spieël kan help om beter te sien. Ondersoek elke testikels met albei hande deur die indeks en middel vinger onder die testikel te plaas en die duime bo-op. Rol nou die testikel saggies tussen die duim en vingers. Moenie bekommerd wees as een testikel effens groter as die ander een lyk nie want dis normal. Hoewel kankeragtige knoppe gewoonlik aan die kant van die testikel voorkom, kan dit ook soms in die middel of die voorkant van die testis voorkom. Soek die sagte, buisvormige struktuur agter die testikels. Dit word die epididimis genoem wat sperm Crags Times Page 6
ONTHOU: 1. Kanker van die testikels kan in baie gevalle genees word, veral wanneer dit vroeg opgespoor word en behandel word. 2. Verwydering vaeen testikel benadeel nie vrugbaarheid of seksuele funksionaliteit. Vir meer inligting kom na die kliniek.
Kliniek nommer: 044 534 8737
CRACK A JOKE EN LAG ‘N SLAG A blonde calls her boyfriend and says, “Please come over, I need help urgently! I bought a jigsaw puzzle, and I can’t even start it. Her boyfriend asks, “What is it supposed to be when it’s finished?” The blonde replies, “According to the picture on the box, it’s a big chicken.” Her boyfriend hurries over to find the puzzle spread over the table. He studies the pieces for a moment, and then looks at the box. Turning to his girlfriend he says, “First of all, no matter what we do, we’re not going to be able to assemble these pieces into anything resembling a chicken” He takes her hand and says, “Secondly, I’d advise you to relax. Let’s have a cup of coffee, and then…” he sighs, “let’s put all these Corn Flakes back in the box…” -A blonde asked someone what time it was, and they told her it was 4:45. The blonde, with a puzzled look on her face replied: “You know, it’s the weirdest thing, I have been asking that question all day, and each time I get a different answer.” -How can you tell when a woman is about to say something smart? When she starts a sentence with: “a man once told me”. -A man had six children and was very proud of his achievement. He was so proud of himself that he started calling his wife, ‘Mother of Six’, in spite of her objections. One night they went to a party. He decided that it was time to go home, and wanted to find out if his wife is ready to leave as well. He shouted at the top of his voice, ”Shall we go home, Mother of Six?” His wife, irritated by her husband’s lack of discretion shouted back, “Anytime you’re ready, Father of Four!”
ALKOHOL MISBRUIK “Die oomblik waneer Mamma gedrink was, is ons uitgeskel as “rubbish”. Ons kon dit nie meer hanteer nie. Ons was nou en dan sommer uitgesmyt, om skuiling in waterpype en onder brûe te gaan soek, want niemand wil “..daai dronk meid” se kinders in hul huise hê nie. Te bang ons omstandighede smeer aan hul families af. Toe begin sy by die buurman kuier en die twee skel toe saam op ons. Ons was so skaam want dit het gevoel asof daar iets vuils aan ons kleef. Ek en my sussie het toe besluit om dan maar eenmaal pad te gee en ons eie heil uit te werk.” ….STRAATKIND. ALKOHOL MISBRUIK. – Die lank en kort daarvan. Alkohol misbruik is so algemeen soos visvang. Die verskil is net dat jy nie huistoe kom met ‘n sak lekker vars vis wat deur jou familie en vriende geniet kan word nie. Inteendeel die sak wat by die huis aankom is vol hartseer, pyn en probleme vir jouself en jou geliefdes. 1, 2, 3, ……. Is ek een of is ek nie? *Drink jy alleen? *Gebruik jy enige verskoning of rede om te drink? *Móét jy ‘n doppie neem om te kan “function” *Word jy “violent” nadat jy gedrink het? *Drink jy in die geheim? *Word jy kwaad as jy oor jou drink gewoontes gekfronteer word? *Is jy nalatig op jou voorkoms? *Het jy swak aptyt? *Bewe jy in die oggend? NEWS FLASH!!! As jy op drie of meer van bogenoemde vrae “JA” geantwoord het, is jy heel waarskynlik alkohol verslaaf. Jy het dan wat genoem word, “‘n drank probleem”, want dit is die drank wat vir jou die probleme bring. Die enigste manier om bogenoemde simptome en effekte te “jippo”, is om so gou moontlik jou drink gewoontes te verander. Dit is ongelukkig nie ‘n probleem wat oornag sal verdwyn nie, maar gelukkig is hulp geredelik beskikbaar. Indien jy besluit om hulp te kry, staan dit jou vry om KADC, (Knysna Alcohol en Drug Centre) Tel. No. 044-
3825260 te kontak. Hierdie lyn is 24 uur per dag oop. Ons het ook kantore in Plettenberg Baai en kontak persone in Kranshoek en die Craggs. KORT- EN LANG TERMYN EFFEKTE VAN ALKOHOL MISBRUIK OP DIE LIGGAAM Alkohol konsentrasie vlakke in bloed en die effekte daarvan
LANG TERMYN Alkohol misbruik sal jou ook op die langeduur inhaal. Ons moet onthou dat ons liggame verderflik is, en daarom is dit belangrik om dit soos goud op te pas. EFFEKTE Fisies: Lewer skade, hart en bloed defekte, breinskade, inflamasie van die maag (maag swere), en skade aan die voortplantingstelsel (onvrugbaarheid). Emosioneel: Depressie, familie probleme en probleme in jou menseverhoudinge. Sosiaal: Presteer nie by die werk nie en ondervind later finansiële en geregtelike probleme. Alkohol inname tydens swangerskap kan miskrame, ‘n lae geboorte gewig, voortydige geboortes (premature babies), en dood gebore babas (still births). Oormatige drinkery kan ook tot verhoogde bloedruk lei, wat op sy beurt tot beroerte aanvalle tot gevolg kan hê. Dit verhoog ook jou risiko vir verskillende tipes kanker. So die keuse is joune. Kies wys. CHOOSE LIFE & NOT JUST LIFE, BUT THE GOOD LIFE.
Andre Knoesen Accounting Services •Accountants • Company Secretaries Phone: 044 533 1403 Fax: 044 533 1028 Cell - Andre: 073 177 0050 Email:SIBUSISU@MWEB.CO.ZA
KNYSNA ALCOHOL & DRUG CENTRE Plett Alcohol And Drug Centre are offering the following assistance For assistance in Therapeutic session visit the following sites: Every 2nd Wednesday in New Horizon @ the Plett Child Welfare Office (10h00—14h00) Every 3rd Thursday in Kranshoek @ the Red Cross Centre, behind the Clinic(10h00—14h00) Every 2nd Thursday in Crags @ The Crags Clinic(10h00—14h00) Every 2nd Tuesday in Kwanokuthula @ Kwanokuthula Library (10h00— 14h00) Our services that we are rendering is cost free and it will help those in need, all we ask is to come via our office in Plett, opposite the Post Office next to West Holmes in the Dulux Building. Come and receive the help that you need indeed. For any inquiries, please don’t hesitate to contact the Office: Tel: 044 533 4050—For Appointments Fax 2 email: 086 610 7732
LETTER TO THE EDITOR To fellow residents of Plettenberg Bay We were shocked and dismayed to hear that one of our former employees had been arrested for his role in illegal dog fighting and betting in Pettenberg Bay over the past week-end. We speak for all at Kitchen Café in that we are totally against this barbaric cruelty to animals and flagrant disregard for the law. We would like to clarify that he had not been in our employment for over three weeks prior to this incident and would like to distance ourselves completely from him and this unfortunate incident. Having been involved in our own local animal charity we feel extremely let down by this former employee for his despicable act of cruelty. We remain committed to delivering impeccable quality food and service, while providing employment for dozens of local people and striving to make Plett one of the top tourist destinations in the country. Yours sincerely Kitchen Cafe Crags Times Page 7
Out and
Thembelane Smoki & his smoking hot six pack!
Name: Thembelane Surname: Smoki D.O.B : 27-04-1988 Address: Bloekom Street Status: Single Nick name: Drogba
Hendrik van Rooyen en Bettie Kok het op Saterdag 14 Mei in die AGS Kerk te Knysna in die huwelik getree. Die pragtige seremonie was deur Pastoor Martin Croutz waargeneem.
Message: If you wanna see me, come watch me play soccer for Black Stars!
Die paartjie het daarna met hul familie en vriende vir ‘n foto sessie na plekke in Knysna gegaan. Daarna het die bruidspaar saam met familie en vriende ‘n gesellige en ontspanne onthaal in die Hornlee Sekondêre Skoolsaal geniet.
GELUKKIGE 60STE VERJAARSDAG! Onder: Isabelle Heyns het Saterdag 14 Mei haar 60ste verjaarsdag in The Crags Primere Skoolsaal gehou. Sy het die fantastiese geleentheid saam met haar kinders, familie en vriende gevier en die partytjie het het tot laat aangehou.
Frank Plaatjies se kinders en familielede het op Saterdag 7 Mei vir hom ‘n verassingspartytjie vir sy sestigste verjaarsdag gehou. Die fantastiese geleentheid was in die Kurland Gemeenskapsaal gehou en die saal was in ‘n sprokieswêreld van turkoois, silwer en wit omskep. Die gaste het heerlik partytjie gehou en daarna saam tot laat gekuier en gedans. Crags Times Page 8
Bo: Priscilla Barnado het op Vrydag 13 Mei haar 60ste verjaarsdag saam met haar kinders, familie en vriende in die Kurland Gemeenskapsaal gevier.
Friendly and efficient POOL SERVICES Pool Maintenance
BIRTHDAYS Masizakhe would like to wish Rozanne, Rodney all the best and wonderful wishes on ttheir birthdays. May God bless you and grant you many more years with your loved ones. Thanks for all your hard work and commitment to the organization and may all your wishes come true.!!!! Enjoy your days and don’t overdo it. Aan Clé-Vorn, veels geluk met jou 8ste verjaarsdag. Mag ons nog vele jare saam geniet, van Essie & Nella. Happy 1st birthday to Faithlin. May God bless you with all the most beautiful and precious wishes on your birthday. Love you from Liezel, Wesey and Auriël
WITH THANKS We would like to extend our thanks to the following people of the Crags Community. Callen Koopman – Bitou CLO for giving us the Multi Purpose Centre of Crags. Aunt Bes – For leading us into a prayer for the evening. The children that came and support us at the function and the parents who came and took their children home safely. For any help, please contact our office on:
Miss Back to school 2011
Date: Friday 29th July 2011 Venue: Kurland Community Hall Time: 7nm Pictures of finalist s will be advertised in the Crags Times. Entrance fee for finalists R10.00 Please contact: Rozanne @ 071 984 9452 Or Urs @ 083 308 4006 Or Masizakhe office: 044 534 8285
Should you have any queries, please contact Urs Jacobs on: Office: 044 534 8285 Cell: 083 308 4006
For a personalised professional service Contact: Stuart Hiscox Tel: 044 534 8237 Fax: 044 534 8290
CX MOTORS N2 The Crags Next to BP Garage Spray painting 24hr breakdown + towing+ mechanical + tyres + Welding + tractors services + buy &sell cars + order parts
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Masizakhe would like to show their deepest sympathy to the families of Maureen Hashi and Eva Roman. May God be with you in this sorrowful time and guide you with His love.
Masizakhe is urgently looking for secondhand clothing, bedding, home ware etc. for their secondhand clothing store. The funds raised from this are used for their many different projects. They are also looking for secondhand furniture for an elderly lady called Elise as well as four orphans.
082 927 9557
Masizakhe is looking for young girls from 14-18 years to take part in our very first Miss Back to School beauty Pageant!!!!
Tel: 0445334050
Kurland Hotel for contributing towards the printing of the Crags Times! Crags Times Page 9
LIEWE AGONY AUNTIE! Dear Agony Aunt, I really need a job and would like to go for interviews but I am nervous. I feel that I do not come across like how I really am and with what I can really offer. Can you please offer any advice? Sid Dear Sid, this is very true for many people and it comes down to being prepared. The more prepared you are, the less nervous you will feel. Confidence when applying for a job will start with yourself, your CV and how you come across in the interview. Let’s have a look at what needs to be done: Writing a GREAT CV: NEVER ever write a boring CV, no matter who you are, you do not deserve to come across as 'boring' as NO BODY living in the Crags and Kurland Village is boring! Your CV really needs to stand out from the crowd in the first place SO always put a really nice picture of you on the front cover - smiling!, preferably with a plain background. In addition to your basic info i.e) name, age, education, work experience etc also write about 'YOU' - What kind of person are you....what ambitions and skills have you got? Not just work skills but personality skills...are you good with people, animals and children? Are you shy, are you outgoing and confident, are you a careful driver, do you enjoy attention to detail? - make your CV about you, not boring and not standard AT ALL, this means you have a much better chance of getting an interview in the first place as they will see that you stand out in the crowd. The great news is that Masizakhe can help you with this, just write down the details about yourself and take them with you to their office at Kurland Brick (office hours 9am- 4pm Monday – Tuesday, 9am-1pm Wednesday - Friday- call 0445348285) and they will take your picture, type up your CV and print it for you for a small contribution of R10. Remember to dress nice and smart and be cheerful for your photograph! Preparing for an interview: You need to feel as confident about yourself as possible. To help you feel good about yourself make a special effort to have your hair done, your nails clean, your shoes clean, your outfit suitable. Also if you can, find out as much about the company who are interviewing you as possible along with what the job role will involve. Before the interview: At home sit somewhere quiet, close you eyes, take a deep breath and, imagine yourself Crags Times Page 10
on the day of the interview. Picture yourself feeling and looking happy and smart, confident and a winner - you know you will get this job! picture yourself arriving at the interview sitting down and confidently telling them about yourself and why you think you are the right person for the job if you still feel nervous put a mentor in place (someone whom you have respect for and admire, it could be someone you know or even a sports or film star!), imagine them feeling super confident and performing well and then step into their body and feel how it feels like to be as confident as them. Practise with friends and family, pretend you are at the interview and have them ask you some questions so that you can practise answering confidently, in a relaxed manner and with a smile on your face!...Try not to let your nerves bother you - they are just a sign that tells you that you are ready for action and prepared....just feel them, be aware of them and just go for it! At the interview: If you are still nervous at the interview you can always inform the interviewer so that they understand why you might not be acting like your true self. After all, the interviewer is human too and should understand. Tell them you are prepared to learn and why you need the job, tell them why you feel you are good for the job (you have researched this) most importantly smile, try to be relaxed and just have fun with them, after all even if you don't get this job, its all good practise for the next interview, so try to enjoy it for what it is. GOOD LUCK! 'I’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed'. Michael Jordan 'Desire! That’s the one secret of every man’s career. Not education. Not being born with hidden talents. Desire' Bobby Unser This month the Agony Aunt is dressing the feedback received many people feeling unhappy and be giving monthly techniques to prove happiness states:
adon will im-
Scientific research shows that happiness levels are not fixed. Depressed people can shift their neurological activity in their brains by repeatedly using certain techniques which will make them happier. Replace unhelpful ways of thinking, with habits that create happiness. Money and fame ultimately makes no difference at all, and in terms of learning how to be happy, we are all equal. We each have levels of serotonin and happiness neuro-
transmitters in the brain which at times can fall very low, particularly in the night, say at 3am if you wake up and feel unhappy, this is because at night we stop producing nurpinephrine and sertonin in order for us to dream and then when we wake up in the morning the levels are back up to normal. They can also be depleted during the day with overwork, excessive drug use and a poor diet. Each month I will be giving various proven techniques which makes physical changes in the brain chemistry to produce more 'happy chemicals'. This month we start with the 'Mind/Body Connector' - The mind and body are linked, for example when your mind is tense your body feels tense and when your body is relaxed your mind feels relaxed too. Typically when we are not happy we tend to slouch, let our head hang down and shoulders come forward this posture is universally linked to low spirits. When you get into an upright, relaxed, balanced posture your body will make you feel better. Therefore having a 'Happy Posture' it really does help put you in happier mood - when standing or sitting imagine that you have a silver tread coming down from the sky that is gently pulling you up from the top of your head, imagine letting that thread hold your head upright. Let your shoulders drop down and back, your back straighten and your head balanced floating on top of your shoulders. With each deep breathe let the tread support your whole body upright and relax a bit more - stay like this for at least one minute a day - and within a few days it will start to become a habit that you will not even have to think about anymore. 'You don't need faith in this system. Happiness is not a matter of luck or belief. It is created by particular ways of thinking and acting. Take control of your life and increase your happiness today!' Extracts from Paul McKennas best selling book 'I can make you happy'.
For advice from our Agony Auntie please send your letters to: PO Box 281, The Crags, 6602 or give them to: Urs Jacobs 083 308 4006
Be Honest Wordsearch Blunt Candid Clear Curt Definite Downright Explicit Frank Honest Open Outright Plain Pointed Sincere
Square Straight To the point Truthful Unequivocal Unmistakable Unreserved
1st Correct Entry drawn will receive a R50 cash prize sponsored by Van Care Submit your entries to Urs or any of the MASIZAKHE members. Contact us on (044) 534 8285 or Urs on 083 540 0213 Name:……………………………………………...………………………………………..……… Tel:………………………………..…………………………………………………………..… ….
CURCH CHUCKLES! "Somebody has said there are only two kinds of people in the world. There are those who wake up in the morning and say, "Good morning, Lord," and there are those who wake up in the morning and say, "Good Lord, it's morning."
Congratulations to last month’s winner: JAY-R BARNARDO
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Talk to us … we’d love to be of service to you!
Lookout Centre –Church Street Plettenberg Bay. Tel. 044 533 2530 Crags Times Page 11
SPORT NUUS / NEWS RUGBY NUUS COLLEGIANS BRING JAGUARS HARD TERUG AARDE TOE!!! Op Saterdag 30 April het Jaguars teen Collegians, een van verlede jaar se swakste spanne, te staan gekom. Collegians het egter een van die mees verassensde spanne in hul liga geword. Hulle was voor die wedstryd met Jaguars onoorwonne. Die dag het sommer van die staanspoor baie sleg vir Jaguars begin omdat hulle baie laat tuis vertrek het. Toe hulle daar arriveer het Collegians se B-span reeds die punte ingeoes en moes Jaguars B-span maar met ‘n vriendskaplike wedstryd tevrede wees. Hulle het egter die wedstryd gewen. Die A-span van Jaguars was net so ongelukkig want Collegians het vir Jaguars uit die staanspoor gewys dat hulle hierdie jaar baie ernstig vir die liga is en met daardie wen het hulle onder die eerste drie top spanne geëindig. In die eerste 10 minute was Collegians sommer baie gou agter Jaguars se doellyn en daarna was hulle gretig om daar te bly. Hulle moes egter vir die tweede helfte wag om meer drieë in te oes en daarmee het hulle ook ‘n bonuspunt gekry. Na die wedstryd het Jaguars se afrigter Pieter met sy spelers gesels en genoem dat hulle teen hulself verloor het. Hy het hulle gemaan om terug na die oefenveld te gaan om te sien waar die foute ingekom het. Ons wil net vir die toeskouers sê dat hulle ons nie moet afskryf nie, omdat dit baie moeilik is om weg van die tuisveld teen korrupte skeidsregters te wen.
SOKKER NUUS— CRAGS PRIMêR SKOP STOF IN FORMOSA LAER SE Oë!!!! Crags Primêr het op Dinsdag 4 Mei teen Formosa Laerskool in Kurland sokker, rugby en netbal gespeel. Die onder 9, 11 en 13 jaar rugby spanne van Crags Primêr het hul teenstaanders lelik op hul neuse laat kyk en het al hul wedstryde, onder luide toejuiging van die toeskouers op Jaguars Rugbyveld, gewen. In die sokker wedstryde wat op Kurland sokkerveld gespeel was, het dit egter nie so goed met Crags Primêr se onder 13 meisiespan gegaan nie en moes hulle die stof byt. Die onder 11 en 13 seunsspanne het as wenners uit die stryd getree Die onder 9, 10, 11 en 13 jarige meisies van die tuisspan het behoorlik hul staal en vernuf gedurende die netbalwedstryde wat op die skool se netbalveld gespeel was, gewys.
Daar was geen keer aan hulle nie en hulle het elke doel van die teenstaanders na die beste van hul vermoë verdedig. Baie moeg en hoogs tevrede het hulle die aftog met drie oorwinnings en een gelykop geblaas.
The creative shopping destination
Die onderwysers van beide skole wil graag die leerders baie geluk toewens met hul geesdriftigheid. Ons is baie trots op julle samewerking en spangees. Baie geluk Crags, julle verdien dit
Open 9am-5pm Old Nick Village N2, Plettenberg Bay (@ 044 433 1395 Crags Times Page 12