Voice 0418

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Chesterfield-Colonial Heights Healthy Families collects close to 9,000 diapers in its first ‘Diaper Drive’. 3


VOICE The hometown newspaper of the Colonial Heights area

Vol. 11 No. 32 FEBRUARY 28, 2009 THURSDAY,

IN THE COMMUNITY After dark Easter egg hunt at Life Church COLONIAL HEIGHTS — The KidLife Children’s Ministry of Life Church, located at 16801 Harrowgate Road, will host a hunt for eggs after dark beginning at 7:30 p.m. on Saturday. The Veggie Tale Movie “Veggies in Space” will be shown with free popcorn and drinks provided for those attending. Then as darkness descends, children 012 will be divided into three age groups (0-4, 5-8 and 9-12) to go after the tons of candy-filled eggs and glow-in-the-dark items waiting to be discovered. Parents are invited to bring chairs or blankets, along with flashlights and baskets for their little egg-grabbers. For more information, call Tiffany Cummings, children’s pastor, at 721-4996 or visit www.facebook.com/KidLife.LifeChurch or www.VisitLifeChurch.org .


Members of Colonial Heights Senior Golf Association tee off the 2014 season on a new course. 6


FRIDAY, APRIL 18, 2014

Pitch, Hit and Run

Skills competition

Easter egg hunting at St. Michael’s COLONIAL HEIGHTS — St. Michael’s Episcopal Church is having a community Easter egg hunt at 2 p.m. Saturday. Toddlers to sixth-graders are invited to participate. St. Michael’s is located on the corner of Ellerslie Avenue and Old Town Drive. PATRICK KANE/PROGRESS-INDEX PHOTOS

City Council public hearing on proposed budget

Competitors get ready to dash during the Pitch, Hit and Run competition hosted Wednesday, April 9 at Colonial Heights Middle School.

COLONIAL HEIGHTS — City Manager Tom Mattis presented the “Proposed FY14-15 Annual Operating Budget” to City Council at its regular meeting on April 8. City Council has a public hearing scheduled on the proposed budget, 7 p.m., April 29, in the Council Chambers of City Hall. To view the city manager’s proposed budget, visit www.colonialheightsva.gov .

Adopt-A-Roadway Spring Cleanup Day



bout a dozen kids gathered at Colonial Heights Middle School for the local Pitch, Hit and Run competition Wednesday, April 9. PHR is the official skills competition of Major League Baseball. Boys and girls compete, separately, on the fundamentals of baseball on the local level. After several rounds of competition, the national finalists will receive a trip to the All-Star Game in Minneapolis, Minn.

COLONIAL HEIGHTS — The city’s annual Adopt-A-Roadway Spring Cleanup Day will be held from 8 a.m. to noon on April 26. Participants will meet briefly in the multi-purpose room at the Community Center, 157 Roanoke Ave., where the mayor will provide the kick-off speech for the day’s activities. Refreshments and T-shirts are provided for participants. For more information, call the Public Works Department 804-5209372, Monday through Friday between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 3 p.m. or send an email to dixonp@colonialheightsva.gov .

Above: Kaitlyn Gwaltney keeps her eye on the ball as she swings her bat during the Pitch, Hit and Run competition hosted Wednesday, April 9, at Colonial Heights Middle School. Left: T.J. Bandy dashes during the Pitch, Hit and Run competition.

-GeorgeSchanzenbacher,director,DepartmentofPlanning&CommunityDevelopmentDescribe your job as the director for the Colonial Heights Department of Planning and Community Development.



As the director, I am responsible for long-term and short- term planning in the city.


How long have you been director with the department?


I have been director since December 2003.


What is your favorite/least favorite part of the job?


Right now, my favorite part would be working on the Appomattox River Greenway Trail project and my least favorite part is the detail enforcement of all the codes in the city.


What do you see for the future of Colonial Heights?

I think the Comprehensive Plan identifies the number of opportunities for continued growth and areas of redevelopment.



What projects are you currently working on?


The department is working on updat-

ing the city’s Comprehensive Plan. It’s [the Comprehensive Plan] an intensive project that we’ve been working on for three years now.

Pictured right: George Schanzenbacher, AICP, has been director of the Department of Planning and Community Development in Colonial Heights since 2003.





FRIDAY, APRIL 18, 2014


Local man gets law passed that has bird owners flying high


ot only can citizens fight city hall and win, one Colonial Heights man has shown you can change a state law if you put your mind to it. Colonial Heights resident Lewis “Buddy” Waskey is a member of the East Wings Freeflight Club, which gathers to let exotic birds stretch their wings. Waskey realized that according to existing law, members of the club could not legally own their blue-throated macaws because the birds were listed as endangered. State law prohibits Virginia residents from owning non-native domestic pets listed on the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service endangered species list. U.S. law doesn’t prohibit all ownership of animals on the list, but prohibits participating in the transport of endangered species for interstate or international purchase or sale. A person registered with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service may get a permit to buy and sell, within the U.S., non-native endangered animals born in captivity. The purpose must be to increase population growth of the species. Blue-throated macaws were added to the endangered species list Nov. 4, 2013. Waskey said a main reason for adding animals to the endangered species list is smuggling, which isn’t an issue for the blue-throated macaw. “The smuggling in developed countries is like zero. It just doesn’t happen,” he said. “People in the United States don’t want wild-caught birds.” Waskey said the blue-throated macaw hasn’t been imported since 1992. Waskey approached state Sen. Steve Martin, R-Chesterfield, about proposing legislation to change the law. After researching the cause, Martin patroned Senate Bill 50, which passed both the Senate and House of Delegates and has been approved by Gov. Terry McAuliffe. The new law allows people to possess, breed, sell, and transport any non-native wildlife included on any federal list of endangered or threatened species when the federal designation, under the Federal Endangered Species Act, does not specifically prohibit such possession, breeding, selling or transporting. In other words, the new law — which takes effect on July 1 — makes it legal to own the blue-throated macaw. Thanks to a Colonial Heights man, when the members of the East Wings gather to let their birds fly, those macaws can fly freely and legally.

Petersburg seeks to sell a lot of property


fter years of buying properties to keep them from becoming dilapidated or worse, Petersburg is changing course. During the worst of the housing crash and recession, Petersburg bought properties that were in distress. But with the housing market and economy recovery, city officials have decided to put up a massive FOR SALE sign. During an open house recently, about 100 people came to learn about more than 200 city-owned properties — ranging from massive commercial properties like the former Roper Brothers Lumber site to single-family residential lots — for sale by the city. The event highlights a shift in policy by the city, which had purchased 115 properties between 2003 and 2008. Vandy Jones, director of economic development, said developers have seen a bright light in recent years. “In the worst of the downturn, that’s when they really started to come in strong,” he said. “I think it was a combination of things.” The Base Realignment and Closure process helped outsiders to see that the city is worth investing in. Developers also realized that “Petersburg is not 1,000 miles away from Richmond.” Many participants at the open house boarded a PAT bus for a tour of the city. They planned to criss-cross Petersburg to highlight major parcels for sale, neighborhoods and recent redevelopment projects. Let’s hope many of the city-owned properties can be sold in the coming months. It would be a win-win for the city — it would put properties back on the tax rolls while spurring economic development in Petersburg.


BRIAN J. COUTURIER Managing Editor


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City Editor

Circulation Director



Pressroom Manager

Business Manager

TRAVIS WOLFREY Prepress Manager

The Progress-Index 15 Franklin St. • Petersburg, VA 23804 (804) 732-3456 • www.progress-index.com


Plan raises questions on Horuda Farm property To the Editor:

As a lifelong resident of Colonial Heights, I would like to take this opportunity to address the Comprehensive Plan Memorandum that was prepared and made public by the city manager of Colonial Heights. I have been a key participant and supporter of the petitions that have been circulating around Colonial Heights opposing the suggestion of using the Horuda Farm property for anything other than single family residential use. City Manager Thomas Mattis clearly states that, “It would only seem logical that a discussion of the future of the only remaining properties would include the possibility of considering it for a different kind of development.” One of the only remaining properties he references at the beginning of the memorandum is the Horuda Farm property. Therefore, it is not “erroneous” to be concerned and state that this land could be rezoned. From a finalized comprehensive plan comes ordinances, and at some point what is a plan could become law. Second, our city government, as well as government at all levels, has forgotten that we are a democracy. A democracy is a government by the people, for the people, and of the people. Well, the people have spoken, and this is exactly how our government is supposed to work. It concerns me and should concern all citizens that this memorandum goes on to state that “From this point forward, the process for consideration and adoption of the Comprehensive Plan will be totally driven by the Planning Commission and City Council …”. One may interpret this as saying that what the citizens want will not ultimately play a factor in the final decision. Is this how our government is supposed to function, or is this more of an example of how a dictatorship operates? The citizens of Colonial Heights will not let this go and we will continue to pursue our wants for this city as taxpaying residents and the OWNER of our government. We have done nothing wrong by peacefully circulating a petition stating the facts and making our voices heard. We will not be silenced by an intimidating memorandum. Lori Callis Colonial Heights

Our eroding freedoms include a free press To the Editor: While the nation seems focused on a missing plane I see our country’s freedoms eroding. One of these is our freedom of speech and free press, pointed out by conservatives for some time now but it’s so obvious that liberals have joined the fray. New York Times reporter James Risen said the Obama administration wants to “narrow the field” of national security reporting and then said “create a path for accepted reporting.” I will repeat his point; create a path for accepted reporting. You must be wondering as I was accepted by whom? Well, it’s not the American people but the U.S. Department of Justice, headed by Eric Holder. They just set new guidelines for accessing journalists’ records.

We invite your commentary The Colonial Voice publishes a wide variety of opinions. Send letters to People’s Forum. P.O. Box 71, Petersburg, VA 23804, or e-mail them to lettertoeditor@progressindex.com. Letters should be no longer than 400 words. Letters that are sent via email will receive priority over those sent by mail. We reserve the right to edit for length, clarity, brevity, accuracy, legality, spelling and grammar. Please include your name, address and a daytime phone number. Anonymous letters will not be considered for publication.

A few years ago the Department of Justice went after FOX News reporter James Rosen and he was accused of being an “aider & abettor” and co-conspirator of leaked classified information. In a break with the way the government traditionally deals with media outlets the DOJ did not contact FOX or the AP for two months while gathering phone records. Eric Holder has had more than his share of scandals including being held in contempt of Congress over the Fast & Furious scandal. No wonder they don’t want anyone reporting on what they are doing. While steadily taking away our rights the current administration claims the United States is the greatest country in the world. Here are a few statistics we should all know before making such statements: the US is ranked 17th out of 34 in education in industrialized countries, 39th in global birth deaths putting us behind some developing countries. The 2006 State of the World Liberty Index ranked the U.S. at number 8. In 2013 we did not make the top 10. This ranking uses three areas to obtain scores, economic freedom, government size and taxation. In 2013 the United States was ranked 32nd in the Reporters Without Borders Press Freedom Index. This is a measure of freedom available to the press, including areas such as government censorship, and not a measure of the quality of journalism. The U.S. fell from 20th in 2010 to 42nd in 2012, which was attributed to arrests of journalists covering the Occupy movement. In 2012, Finland and Norway tied for 1st worldwide. Canada ranked 10th, Germany and Jamaica tied for 17th, and Japan tied 22nd with Suriname. The United Kingdom placed 28th, Australia 30th, and France 38th. William Duncan Carmichael Colonial Heights

The facts about tithing

called them hypocrites for having done so while ignoring more important matters. Those scribes and Pharisees were under law which never applies to gentiles under grace. His exact words are recorded as follows in Matthew 23:23: “Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin, and have omitted the weightier matters of the law, judgment, mercy, and faith: these ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other undone.” Another fact Ms. Martin needs to be aware of, from Baker’s Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology, reads as follows: “Nowhere does the New Testament require Christians to tithe in the sense of giving 10 percent ...” Bill Cromer Colonial Heights

For Alcohol Awareness Month, small talks make big impact To the Editor: It’s Alcohol Awareness Month and a good time to begin talking with kids about the dangers of alcohol use. Small talks can make a big impact. As a parent and a doctor, I know the importance of talking with kids early and often about alcohol. Small talks can occur at the dinner table, in the family room or even in the car ride to school or practice. While you may think your kids are not listening, research shows parents have the greatest influence over a youth’s decision not to drink. Make clear your views and expectations about alcohol and always be a responsible role model. As your child matures, so should these discussions. Be mindful that most teens who drink get alcohol from their homes, at parties or from other adults. Keep track of the alcohol products in your home and be aware of your teen’s friends and activities. Importantly, youth are more likely to avoid alcohol when they have a strong bond with their parents based on trust and open communication. So keep talking. As a nation, we are making progress. Underage drinking rates are at an all-time low. By continuing these conversations we can continue this positive trend. For more tips go to www.dontserveteens.gov Farzanna S. Haffizulla, MD FACP President, American Medical Women’s Association http://www.amwa-doc.org/

Herring’s gay marriage decision will be overturned

To the Editor: In a recent column Tom Lovorn answers Tonya Martin who asked, “Does God require the tithe through our local assembly or may we use it to help people in need? To support tithing at local assemblies — like God’s Storehouse Baptist Church in Richmond — Mr. Lovorn said, “Jesus told the Jews in Matthew 23:23 not to neglect the tithe.” Fact is, Jesus was addressing scribes and Pharisees who paid this nearly irrelevant tithe of spices. He

To the Editor: Attorney General Mark Herring took the unprecedented step of siding with the plaintiffs in this case against the Virginia Constitution he took an oath to uphold. Very disappointing. I expect this decision to be overturned. June Lynn Thomas Midlothian



The Colonial Voice, Friday, April 18, 2014


Inaugural diaper drive deemed ‘great success’ Nearly 9,000 diapers were donated CHESTERFIELD — More than 8,800 diapers were donated to assist families in need during the Chesterfield-Colonial Heights Families First, March Diaper Drive. Andelicia Neville, Families First program coordinator, said she is thankful for the countless individuals and organizations that made donations. Collection sites included

any branch of the Chesterfield County Public Library, Colonial Heights Public Library, county WIC sites, Chesterfield County Department of Mental Health Support Services, Chester Presbyterian Church, New Covenant Church, Chesterfield Seventh-Day Adventist Church or Matoaca United Methodist Church. “We are truly delighted and grateful for the generosity of the Chesterfield County and Colonial Heights communities for making this diaper drive a tremendous success,” said Neville. “Now, we will be

able to assist 65 families with diapering their babies.” Families First, a program of Chesterfield County Department of Mental Health Support Services, is a nationally accredited program of Healthy Families Virginia that provides family support services to first-time parents to ensure their children become healthy, well-adjusted individuals who are ready to start school by age 5.



COLONIAL HEIGHTS — American Legion

Post 284, 505 Springdale Road, holds bingo every Friday. Doors open at 5 p.m., and games start at 7. Food is available for a nominal fee. For directions, or information about membership requirements or activities of the American Legion, visit the Post 284 website, http://mysite. verizon. net/legion284 or call 526-5656. COLONIAL HEIGHTS — The National Alliance on Mental Illness Connection Recovery Support program meets each Friday from 1-2:30 p.m. in the conference room at the Colonial Heights Library, 1000 Yacht Basin Drive. Groups meet for 90 minutes and offer a structured group process designed to encourage, support and empower. All diagnosis welcome. For more information, contact Gina at 804-605-5010 or towritegina@yahoo.com. COLONIAL HEIGHTS — The 50 and Better Group of Colonial Heights Presbyterian Church, located at 211 Lynchburg Ave., will meet for their monthly luncheon. Entertainment will be provided by Gill Edwards, a jazz vocalist. Reservations are required by Wednesday before the Friday luncheon. For more information about this group, which is open to anyone 50 and older, call 804526-8010.



COLONIAL HEIGHTS — Stress and Anger Management by Yoga and Meditation is being held 5-6 p.m. each Saturday at 914-A Hardy Ave. For more information, call Dr. J. Upadhyay at 5240589 or 943-8688. COLONIAL HEIGHTS — Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 2239, 14705 Jefferson Davis Highway, holds bingo every Saturday. Doors open at 5 p.m. and games begin at 7. There are six to eight chances to win $500 or more. Food is available. For directions or questions about this event, call 748-4896 and ask for Tom Gore. For information about VFW membership or other activities, call Tom Ferguson, 748-4896. CHESTER — The Southern Knights Cruisers Inc. car club holds a weekly cruise-in from 5 to 9:30 p.m., weather permitting, at Hardees off Old Stage Road in Chester. Over 150 antique cars, street rods, classics, muscle cars, and custom cars and trucks can be seen. Music from the 1950s and ‘60s from Wolfman John can be heard. Event is free to the public. For more information, call Ricky Williams at 804-526-8865 or visit www.southernknightscruisers.com. COLONIAL HEIGHTS — Oldies But Goodies Classic Cruizers Inc., based in Chester, holds a weekly cruise-in in Colonial Heights from 5 to 9 p.m. each Saturday at the parking lot in front of Ashley’s Furniture and Books-A-Million next to Southpark Mall. This is open to all car and truck enthusiasts that enjoy reminiscing about their antiques, muscle and custom cars, classics, and hot rods. For more information visit the website at www.obgcc.com, or call Bill or Jane Bennett at 307-3425. PETERSBURG — The city’s Museum and Visitor Services division is sponsoring the 23rd

annual Revolutionary War Re-enactment of the 1781 Battle of Petersburg at historic Battersea, located at 1289 Upper Appomattox Street and Battersea Lane. This event will take place from 10 a.m. until 6 p.m. Saturday. Tickets are $10 for adults; active military - $5; Children 12 and younger are admitted free. In addition to regimental drills, training exercises, skirmishes, and battle demonstrations, activities will include period music performances, dancing, woodcarving, children’s games, horse demonstrations, an herbalist and much more. PETERSBURG — The Petersburg Chapter of Saint Paul’s College National Alumni Association will meet at 11 a.m. at Saint Stephen’s Episcopal Church, 228 Halifax St. Meetings are open to area alumni and friends of the college. COLONIAL HEIGHTS — Side Street Gallery, located at 127-129 Pickwick Ave., is having its monthly third Saturday Art opening from 5-9 p.m. on Saturday. There will be 58 artists featured for their paintings, jewelry, pottery, wood workings, stained glass, and other art forms. Music and refreshments will be included. This event is free to the public.



COLONIAL HEIGHTS — Colonial Heights

Moose Lodge 1783, 170 Moose Ave., holds bingo every Sunday. Doors open at 4 p.m. each day. Bingo starts at 6 p.m. Sunday and 7 p.m. Thursday. Food is available for a nominal fee. For directions, visit the website at www.chmoose. com or call 526-1537. COLONIAL HEIGHTS — The Society for Creative Anachronism meets every first and third Sunday at the Colonial Heights Public Library meeting room, located at 1000 Yacht Basin Drive. Activities run from 3:30 until 6 p.m. This is a historical living history group. Calligraphy and illuminations, apothecary, dancing, armoury, cooking, and many other subjects are studied and re-created. All are welcome. For more information, contact Cynthia Cole at Cyndyanne00@aol. com or visit www.SCA.Atlantia.Org PETERSBURG — The city’s Museum and Visitor Services division is sponsoring the 23rd annual Revolutionary War Re-enactment of the 1781 Battle of Petersburg at historic Battersea, located at 1289 Upper Appomattox Street and Battersea Lane. This event will take place from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. on Sunday. Tickets are $10 for adults; active military - $5; Children 12 and younger are admitted free. In addition to regimental drills, training exercises, skirmishes, and battle demonstrations, activities will include period music performances, dancing, woodcarving, children’s games, horse demonstrations, an herbalist and much more.



COLONIAL HEIGHTS — American Legion Post 284, 505 Springdale Road, holds bingo every Monday. Doors open at 5 p.m., and games start at 7. Food is available for a nominal fee. For directions, or information about membership


Andelicia Neville, program coordinator, standing center left, and Kimberly Smith, program supervisor, standing center right, with Chesterfield-Colonial Heights Families First, received more than 3,000 diapers from the Ettrick Neighborhood and Business Foundation. Representatives of the Foundation, Nancy Ross, far left, and Sterling Hawkins, president, far right, are pictured with Neville and Smith at the Chesterfield County Public Library EttrickMatoaca branch during the inaugural Families First March Diaper Drive. requirements or activities of the American Legion, visit the Post 284 Web site, http://mysite. verizon.net/legion284 or call 526-5656. COLONIAL HEIGHTS — Triad (senior citizens and public safety agencies) will meet from 1-2 p.m. Monday in the Colonial Heights Community Building as an ongoing monthly session to address concerns and issues to optimize safety and wellness and improve the quality of life for senior residents. The community building is located at 157 Roanoke Ave. All interested citizens are invited to attend. For more information, call 804-520-9220.



COLONIAL HEIGHTS — Quilter’s group

program meets every Tuesday, 6-8 p.m. at the Senior Center, 157 Roanoke Avenue. We have tables for your workspace. Bring with you your fabric and sewing notions, sewing machine, extension cord and work in progress. For more information call 804-520-9220. COLONIAL HEIGHTS — The Colonial Heights Public Library is offering its winter/spring story time sessions on Tuesdays at 11 a.m. through May 14. Each session includes stories, music, lots of movement and a craft. This is a family story hour, and all ages are welcome. No registration is necessary. A parent or caregiver must attend with the child. For more information, call Chantal Emerson at 804-520-9384. COLONIAL HEIGHTS — The Alzheimer’s Association will sponsor a support group meeting at 11 a.m. Tuesday, at Care Advantage, 3509 Boulevard.



COLONIAL HEIGHTS — DivorceCare divorce recovery seminar and support meets at Colonial Heights Baptist Church in Colonial Heights at 6:45 p.m. each Wednesday. The group is designed to be “open” so that a person can begin coming any week. Childcare is provided. The church is located at 17201 Jeff Davis Hwy. DivorceCare features nationally recognized experts on divorce and recovery topics. For information, call 526-0424. COLONIAL HEIGHTS — TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) No. 485 meets each Wednesday morning at Colonial Heights Library, 1000 Yacht Basin Drive. Weigh-ins begin at 8:15 a.m. and the meetings start at 9. For information, call Evelyn at 748-2607. COLONIAL HEIGHTS — The Optimist Club of Colonial Heights, 916 Meridan Ave., holds bingo every Wednesday evening. Doors open at 5 p.m. and early bird games start at 6:45 and regular games start at 7. Food is available for a nominal fee. For directions, or details call 5260689. Monies raised support youth projects in the community. CHESTERFIELD — Chesterfield County Domestic and Sexual Violence Resource Center hosts a free, ongoing support group for survivors of domestic and sexual violence from 1-2:30 p.m. Wednesdays. New members are welcome to join at any time. For information or to enroll, call 706-1281. COLONIAL HEIGHTS — The Colonial Heights Public Library is offering its winter/spring story time sessions on Wednesdays at 11 a.m. through May 14. Each session includes stories, music, lots of movement and a craft. This is a family story hour, and all ages are welcome. No registration is necessary. A parent or caregiver must attend with the child. For more information, call Chantal Emerson at 804-520-9384. COLONIAL HEIGHTS — The 12th Virginia,

Co. C, Petersburg New Grays will meet at 7 p.m. at the Colonial Heights Public Library, 1000 Yacht Basin Drive. For more information, contact C.L. Helmer at 526-0724. PETERSBURG — The American Lung Association Better Breathers Club meets the fourth Wednesday of each month at 6 p.m. at HealthSouth Rehabilitation Hospital of Petersburg, 95 Medical Park Blvd. All patients with chronic lung conditions, as well as their families/friends are invited to attend. For more information, contact Kim Brandveen at 504-8100 or kim.brandveenAhealthsouth.com.



COLONIAL HEIGHTS — Colonial Heights Moose Lodge 1783, 170 Moose Ave., holds bingo every Thursday. Doors open at 4 p.m. each day. Bingo starts at 6 p.m. Sunday and 7 p.m. Thursday. Food is available for a nominal fee. For directions, visit the website at www.chmoose. com or call 526-1537. CHESTER — The Chester Village Sunshine Club meets at 9:30 a.m. every Thursday at Chester Village Clubhouse, 11701 Chester Village Drive. This is for seniors 62 and older. Coffee and refreshments are provided. CHESTER — Commonwealth Power Sports presents every type of Bike Night 6-8 p.m. each Thursday at Steel Horse Bar & Grill, 1920 W. Hundred Road. COLONIAL HEIGHTS — The Rotary Club of Colonial Heights meets at the Hilton Garden Inn, Southpark Boulevard, each Thursday at 7 a.m. HOPEWELL — St. Joseph Catholic School holds bingo every Thursday at AHEPA Hall, 810 W. Poythress St. Doors open at 5 p.m. Games start at 7 p.m. Food is available for nominal fee. For more information, call St. Joseph School at 732-3931. COLONIAL HEIGHTS — Southside Regional Medical Center sponsors a free bereavement support group at 7 p.m. Thursday at Southside Rehabilitation Services, 430 Clairmont Court, Suite 120. For information, call Chaplain Don Phelps at 765-5593. COLONIAL HEIGHTS — The Colonial Heights Lions Club meets at 6:30 p.m. Thursday at Dante’s Pizzeria. For more information, call Ralph Dunn, secretary, at 748-4810. COLONIAL HEIGHTS — The Colonial Heights Senior Citizens Club will meet at 11:30 a.m. for a luncheon buffet at Vincenzo’s by reservation with Joan Light at 526-5884. Any resident of Colonial Heights, age 50 and older, are invited to join this club, which meets each Thursday. For more information, call 526-3497. PETERSBURG — The regular monthly meeting of the Tri-City Association of Educational Office Professionals will be at 5:30 p.m., Thursday, in Room 110 Owens Hall on the campus of Virginia State University. All interested educational office professionals are invited to attend. For more information, call 733-1772 or 862- 1192.

Calendar listings

The Colonial Voice will publish a listing of events in the community each week. The goal is to highlight the nonprofit, social, fraternal or self-help groups in the region. The deadline for submitting items is at noon Monday for the Friday newspaper. Submit calendar items to newsroom@progressindex. com or to The Progress-Index, 15 Franklin St., Petersburg, VA 23803.

Survival Skills for Healthy Aging Assisted Living and Specialized Alzheimer’s Care

804-520-0050 235 Dunlop Farms Blvd. Colonial Heights www.DunlopHouse.com Coordinated Services Management, Inc. Professional Management of Retirement Communities Since 1981

Senior Resources Tuesday, May 13 3 pm - 5 pm at Dunlop House Learn about helpful area resources and services available for seniors and their caregivers. Presented by Bonnie Scimone with Senior Navigator. Box dinner provided. Space is very limited!

Please RSVP to 804-520-0050 by May 9




The Colonial Voice, Friday, April 18, 2014

In Memory




Colonial Heights Kiwanis Club members and Colonial Heights students stand together following the “One Day of Service” event where they collected peanut butter and jelly for the Colonial Heights Food Pantry.

Kiwanis Club sponsors ‘Peanut Butter and Jelly Day’ COLONIAL HEIGHTS — On Saturday, April 5, the Colonial Heights Kiwanis Club held its fifth annual “Peanut Butter and Jelly Day’ to benefit the Colonial Heights Food Pantry. Kiwanis International encourages all clubs worldwide to participate in a “Kiwanis One Day of Service” on the first Saturday in April. Each Kiwanis Club chooses a service project that will have a positive impact on their community, says Martha Gunter, Colonial Heights Kiwanis One Day Event chairperson. Colonial Heights Kiwanis members set up several collection sites for donations of peanut butter and jelly. This year the sites were at the city’s Chamber of Commerce office, Dunlop House Assisted Living, Sherwood Title, Crater Community Hospice,


Colonial Heights Middle School

COLONIAL HEIGHTS — The following students were named to the A honor roll at the Colonial Heights Middle School for the second nine weeks grading period of the 2013-2014 school year. Sixth Grade: Akande, Oluwaferanmi; Alderson, Spencer; Anderson, Emma; Bracewell, Sarah; Carsley, Anna; Corrigan, Lyndsay ; Drumright, Zachary; Dube, Jordan; Fisher, Eric; Fitch, Summer; Foster, Cole; Harris, Savannah; Johnson, Wilson; Martinez, Emily; Martino, Mary; McLaurin, Ian; O’Connor, Aiden; O’Neal, Channelle; Qazi, Yusef; Rhodes, Xyra; Sullivan, Jacob; Tarantino, Nicholas; Trull, Preston; Turner, Desirae; Wears, Cori; and Young, Ashlynne. Seventh Grade: Anderson, Jordyn; Andrews, Grayson; Barnes, Caleb; Bass, Lance; Boyd, Lauren; Bride, Carson; Burchard, Benjamin; Clarke, Hunter; Cox, Sophie; Dew, Adrienne; Dobrick, Hannah; Dong, Brandon; Dubberly,

Brass Monkey Restaurant and Sports Bar, the Colonial Heights Public Safety Building (with the help of the city’s police department and the city’s fire department), City Hall, Sam’s Club and the Colonial Heights Wal-Mart. The Colonial Heights High School Key Club, North Elementary students along with the North K-Kids, Lakeview Elementary students and Tussing Elementary students also contributed peanut butter and jelly. Gunter said the total donated exceeded 4,500 pounds. That makes 5 tons of peanut butter and jelly donated to the Colonial Heights Food Pantry since 2010. “The CH Kiwanis appreciates the generosity of our schools and community in helping to make this annual project a success,” Gunter said.

Faith; Fox, Kendel; Gabbert, Emily; George, Charlotte; Gunder, Justin; Gunn, Summer; Harris, Kanasia; Hill, Claire; Jenkins, Taylor; Keckler, Kaiya; Kirchoff, Karly; Kline, Kelsey; Knight, Stephen; Kolev, Victoria; Lambert, Sydney; Lin, Ling; Madren, Hannah; McCoy, Margaret; Mendoza, Hector; Metcalf, Lauren; Mills, Nicole; Munoz, Savana; Petrone, Gabrielle; Proffitt, Abigail; Rowland-Paz, Karlee; Ruxer, Calista; Sampson, Susan; Sawyer, Noah; Scofield, Daniel; Selfe, Noah; Smith, Barrett; Sumblin, Alexis; Townsley, Alysia; Tyler, Lillian; Upadhyay, Joseph; and Watson, Gabrielle. Eighth Grade: Berkovich, Joshua; Bishop, Emily; Chavis, Hailey; Kim, Grace; Lucas, Dakota; Malone, Keanna; Moore, Landon; Sampson, Lilian; Sawyer, Caleb; Sustarsic, Jordan; Tomlinson, Kendall; and Venkani, Zorin. The following students were named to the A-B honor roll for the second nine weeks grading period of the 2013-2014 school year. Sixth Grade: Abraham, Rona; Ajala, Celine; Allen, Carter; Ansari, Mina; Apodaca, Johnathan; Barlow,

Kayla; Basham, Skylar; Bean, Alexander; Bean, Kiersten; Biermann, Ian; Blanks, Devin; Bolling, Kyra; Bonev, Nicole; Brandt, Alexis; Breeden, Jordan; Bridges, Joshua; Broyles, Edlexaria; Carlile, Michaela; Carr, Austin; Clay, Kya; Daisey, Victoria; Davenport, Andrea; Davis, Rylee; Denson, Deamoni; Dye, Bryan; Early, Jason; Ezell, Aaron; Foederer, Rebekah; Freeman, Victoria; Gore, Cassandra; Gray, Tyler; Guest, Maddison; Haas, Jada; Harter, Bradley; Hinchey, Kiersten; Hood, Neontae; Humphries, Ashleigh; Hunt, Aaliyah; Jennings, Jacob; Johnson, Kyla; Joiner, Emilea; Jones, Nicholas; Joo, Min Young; Kennedy, Robert Kolev, Madison; Lopez, Karen; Marchant, Austin; Miles, Claudia; Miles, Dillon; Motrynczuk, Haley; Musso, Dante; Narrow, Jeremy; Neece, Bryanna; Nelan, Malia; Niner, Caitlin; Norment, Taylor; Oldmixon, Please see SCHOOL, Page 5

Mattie P. Brockwell, 77, of Colonial Heights, passed away Tuesday, April 8, 2014, at her residence. She was born Sept. 24, 1936, in Blackstone, Va., to the late Jordan M. and Lelia Phillips. Mrs. Brockwell was preceded in death by her husband, Raymond N. Brockwell; one brother; and four sisters. She was a very active member of Woodlawn Baptist Church in Colonial Heights. She is survived by her daughter, Cynthia A. Birdsong of Colonial Heights; three brothers; two sisters; numerous nieces and nephews. A funeral service was held at 11 a.m. Saturday, April 12, 2014, in the Colonial Heights Chapel of the E. Alvin Small Funeral Homes and Crematory, 2033 Boulevard, with the Rev. Terri Mason officiating. Interment followed in Blandford Cemetery, Petersburg. The family received friends from 10 to 11 a.m. Saturday at the funeral home. Memorial contributions may be made to Woodlawn Baptist Church Bible School Fund, 3120 Woodlawn Ave., Colonial Heights, VA 23834, or to the Colonial Heights Fire and EMS, P.O. Box 3401, Colonial Heights, VA 23834. Condolences may be registered at www.ealvinsmall. com.


Percy Ronald ‘Ronnie’ Hall, 71, died April 7, 2014. Ronnie was bor n and raised in Disputanta, and then resided in Colonial Heights until 2010 before retiring to Outer Banks, N.C. Having attained the title of master electrician, he retired from Fort Lee, as an electrical planner estimator. Ronnie was well known for his musical ability and played in a variety of bands in Virginia for over 50 years, including Wayne and the Aggressors, Southland, Border Crossing and others. He is preceded in death by his parents, William C. Hall Sr. and Rosa Lee Slagle Hall; brother, William C. Hall Jr.; and a much-loved Uncle Billy. He is survived by his wife of 48 years, Barbara Anne Jenkins Hall; his daughters, Lori Diggs and husband, George, of Charlotte, N.C., and Debbie King and husband, Tim, of Powhatan, Va.; grandchildren, Zachary King, Courtney King and Kayla Diggs; Aunt Genny; sister-inlaw, Rose Hall; and numerous nieces and nephews. A celebration of his life was held at the residence in

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Jack Clifton Malone, 81, of Colonial Heights, passed away on Thursday, April 10, 2014. He was born in Jackson County, Texas, in 1932, the son of the late Oliver R. and Dora D. Malone. He was the youngest of four siblings, and was raised in the farming community of Vanderbilt, Texas. He served in the U.S. Navy from 1951 to 1954 and graduated from Texas A&M in 1958 with a Bachelor of Science degree in industrial engineering.


Harry Owen Turner Sr., 71, of Colonial Heights, passed away Friday, April 11, 2014. He was born Aug. 18, 1943, to the late Howard and Annie Little Turner. Mr. Turner was the owner and operator of Turner and Son Lawn Care in Colonial Heights for 37 years and was a member of the Colonial H e i g h t s P r e s by t e r i a n Church. Please see IN MEMORY, Page 5



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Doris H. Kuehn, 87, of Colonial Heights, passed away on Sunday, April 13, 2014, at John Randolph Medical Center. Born in South Bridge, Mass., she was the daughter of the late Paul H. and Minna Ebing Kuehn, and was preceded in death a sister, Margot K. Crabtree; a brother, Gerhard P. Kuehn; a sister-in-law, Lena M. Kuehn; and a nephew, Paul G. Kuehn. Miss Kuehn was an active member of Highland United Methodist Church, and voter registration. She is survived by loving nieces, Ann K. Gee and Courtney R. Kuehn; four nephews, Paul G. Kuehn III, Paul S. Crabtree, Stephen G. Crabtree and David K. Crabtree; numerous great-nieces and great-nephews. A graveside service was held at 11 a.m. Thursday, April 17, 2014, at Southlawn Memorial Park, Prince George, with the Rev. Dorothy O’Quinn officiating. Arrangements were provided by the Colonial Heights Chapel of the E. Alvin Small Funeral Homes & Crematory, 2033 Boulevard. Memorial contributions may be made to Highland United Methodist Church, 125 E. Westover Ave., Colonial Heights, VA 23834. Condolences may be registered at www.ealvinsmall. com.


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After partnering in an engineering consulting business in the San Antonio area, he went to work for the Corp of Engineers at Kelly Air Force Base. His civil service career took him to Fort Sam Houston and then Fort Monroe in Hampton to finally, Fort Lee, where he retired in 1990. In retirement, Jack and Betty were active in the Airstream Travel Association and travelled the U.S. extensively in their Airstream motor home. He was active in the Texas Aggie Alumni Association and was a member of the Colonial Heights American Legion Post 284. He was an active member of the Colonial Heights Presbyterian Church and later, the Second Presbyterian Church in Petersburg. He is survived by: his wife of 57 years, Elizabeth (Betty) L. Malone; his sister-in-law, Mickey Malone of New Braunfels, Texas; his sons, Timothy Malone of Hammond, La., Mark Malone and wife, Allison of Sulphur, La., and Richard Malone and wife, Marie of Chesterfield; his daughter-in-law, Marlian Seiler Malone of Hammond, La.; his grandchildren, Michael Malone, Brandon Malone, Rachel Malone Webb, Megan Malone Bertone, Sarah Malone, Travis Malone and Rebecca Malone; and his great-grandchildren, Maddox Malone and Bennett Bertone; numerous nieces; and nephews in Texas. A memorial service was held at 2 p.m. Thursday, April 17, 2014, at the Colonial Heights Chapel of the E. Alvin Small Funeral Homes and Crematory, 2033 Boulevard. Memorial donations may be made to the wounded warrior project at www.woundedwarriorproject.org. This is a cause that was very close to Jack’s heart. Condolences may be registered at www.ealvinsmall. com.


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Outer Banks, N.C,. 47 Juniper Trail, from 1 to 4 p.m. Sunday, April 13. A memorial service was held at Newville Methodist Church in Newville, Va., at 1 p.m. Tuesday, April 15. Memorial donations may be made to Dare County Hospice or Muddy Creek Baptist Church Youth in Powhatan, Va. Condolences to the family may be shared via the online register at www.gallopfuneralservices.com.

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The Colonial Voice, Friday, April 18, 2014

CCHASM names new volunteer manager for Women’s Career Clothes Closet CHESTERFIELD — The Chesterfield-Colonial Heights Alliance for Social Ministry (CCHASM) recently announced that Tamara R. Piguet has accepted the position of manager for the CCHASM Women’s Career Clothes Closet. This position was previously filled by Brenda Croxton who gave over a decade of volunteer service to the Clothes Closet as its manager. Croxton retired from her position as manager of the Clothes Closet in November 2013. Piguet retired in August 2013 PIGUET from the Chesterfield County Government Accounting Department. She has 36 years of experience in federal, state, and local government accounting with a Bachelor of Science in accounting from Strayer University. Piguet is a member of St. Matthews Episcopal Church Outreach Committee, and has served as chairperson of the St. Matthew’s Food Pantry, which is a CCHASM Alliance member. CCHASM is a non-profit organization whose mission is: To provide food, financial assistance, and career clothing to area residents who have experienced or are experiencing an emergency situation which threatens their survival needs. CCHASM has been serving area residents for over 25 years. CCHASM currently serves area residents in need through 24 Alliance food pantries, Career Clothes Closet for Women, and with utility, rent, and other financial assistance as funds are available. CCHASM works with residents in Chesterfield County, Colonial Heights, Dinwiddie County, Hopewell, and Prince George County.

BRIEFLY Rookie of the Year COLONIAL HEIGHTS — Long & Foster Real Estate, the largest independent residential real estate company in the United States, announced that real estate agent Jessica Lindsay of its Tri-Cities Southpark Office received the Fred C. Morene Rookie LINDSAY


Continued from Page 4

Destiny; Oldmixon, Joshua; Pellerito, Kirsten; Peterson, Annabelle; Placanica, Gianna; Pully, Laura; Rubio, Krystal; Sanders, Tori; Sandry, Hailey; Sanford, Skylar; Schurr, Nathan; Scott, Darryn; Sierra, Quinten; Sumblin, Trey; Taylor, Kameron; Thomas, Julius; Trent, Summer; Trull, Peyton; Waldrop, Emilee; Walker, Emily; Washington, Cameron; White, Miranda; Whiteheart, Kalyn; and Williams, Amya. Seventh Grade: Adenauer, Riley; Allen, Keeley; Bitner, Sophia; Bradford, Keri; Bradley, Zion; Branch, Adejah; Broga, Caleb; Bynum, Shanyelle; Cawthon, Lauren; Chernault, Kyle Coleman, Tamyah; Collins, Linda; Cox, Carson; Daniel, Richard; Dinoia, Carson; Eaton, Jacob; Fonseca, Destiny; Gecsey, Jacob; Grubb,

Madison; Harman, Holly; Hatton, Raquel; Hicks, Avery; Hise, Brenden; Ivey, Madlina; Jefferson, Destiny; Jones, Kamari; Kaseloo, Kira; Kollman, Katherine; Kunde, Samuel; Leach, Caroline; Moore, Luke; Ojeriakhi, Benita; Powell-Tereschenko, Haley; Pryor, Trai; Reevey, Kyree; Reid, Haleigh; Reighard, Taylor; Roddy, Jessica; Rowe, Aubrey; Rusnak, Elzie; Singh, Pritesh; Spaine, Jacob; Stoupa, Trevor; Temu, John; Vogel, Lauren; Wells, Madison; White, Brianna; White, Gabriel; Wilkinson, Brianna; Winnie, Alicia; Wray, Kayla; and Zheng, Anson. Eighth Grade: Aldridge, Dale; Bailey, Chyna; Barnes, Kate; Benedict, Tayler Bennett, Chase; Bradley, Jasmine; Brekke, Dillon; Bridgers, Samantha; Camp, Tiffany; Carr, Ethan; Carter, Kristin; Chellino, Madaline; Chevere, Arianna; Cole, Cody; Colletti, Thomas; Cowart, Corey; Daisey, Andrew; Davis, Faith; Fitzke, Betha-



Continued from Page 4

He is survived by: his loving wife of 53 years, Helen Turner; son, Harry O. Turner Jr. and wife, Nancy of Colonial Heights; daughters, Dawn Marie Turner and fiancé, Max Peirce, Vera Mitchell and husband, Levi of Petersburg; 12 grandchildren; two great-grandchildren; brother, Howard Lee Turner and wife, Elsie of Petersburg; sisters, Barbara Mitchell and husband, Albert Sr. of New York, Linda Wingrove and husband, Larry of Sutherland; and numerous nieces; and nephews. A memorial service was held at 2 p.m. Monday, April 14, 2014, in the Colonial H e i g h t s P r e s by t e r i a n Church, 211 Lynchburg Ave., Colonial Heights, with the Rev. Dr. Glenda Hollingshead officiating. Interment was private. The family received friends Monday, one hour prior to the service from 1 to 2 p.m. at the church. Memorial contributions may be made to the American Heart Association, P.O. Box 5216, Glen Allen, VA 23058. Funeral arrangements are being handled by the Colonial Heights Chapel of E. Alvin Small Funeral Homes and Crematory, 2033 Boulevard. Condolences may be registered at www.ealvinsmall.com.


Top: Two members of the Colonial Heights Senior Citizens Club recently received their one-year membership pins. Pictured left to right are Mary Luck and Esther Conant. Right: Mary Lou Anderson, far left, is seen celebrating her April birthday during the April 10 club meeting.

of the Year Award from the Southside Virginia Association of Realtors. This award is given to a new member of the Realtor organization who has been a full-time real estate licensee for 18 months or less. Sales volume, mandatory association participation and civic activities are considered. “I am very honored and grateful to have received the Fred C. Morene Rookie of the Year award,” Lindsay said. “This is such a meaningful award and I look forward to upholding the standards of which this award was founded. I feel blessed to be a

part of the Long & Foster family.” “We are always proud when our agents are recognized within their own communities, and we congratulate Jessica,” said Gary A. Scott, president of Long & Foster Real Estate. “Jessica is one of many examples of Long & Foster’s highly-trained professionals who go to great lengths to best serve clients seeking the total homeownership experience.” Lindsay graduated from Radford University with a degree in interior design. Before her career in real estate, she worked as a residential interior designer for clients throughout the Tri-Cities and

ny; Galanopoulos, Zoe; Gayle, Chloe; Greenwald, Amanda; Guitas, Joshua; Halcomb, Courtney; Hersee, Megan; Hicks-Holmes, Preston; Hodge, Morgan; Holmes, Shaylie; Horner, Kaitlyn; Hutson, Zachery; Jackson, Savannah; Jackson, Trenton; Jennsch, Matthew; Kaseloo, Christian; Lantau, Wesley; Leite, Trevor; Mauro, Jillian; Medina, Paul; Mendoza, Jonathan; Mitchell, Jaden; Mohammed, Sofia; Moran, Mallory; Moring, Kaley; Moussa, Safaa; Nielsen, Elijah; Oldmixon, Colleen; Orange, Tanner; Parker, Jordan; Peterson, Katie; Pisio, Sabrina; Restom, Alyssa; Ridpath, Camryn; Roche, Scott; Rogers, Erickah; Sarinana, Alexandra; Stratton, Alana Suthar, Pal; Tucker, Allison; Tudor, Barry; Turner, Breanne; Whitley, Allison; Wolcott, Danielle; Worrell, Logan; Worrell, Parker; and Yanes, Gino.

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Richmond areas. Her love of homes and working with people lead her to her current career at Long & Foster Real Estate. She joined Long & Foster in August 2012 after passing her real estate exam. She was honored with the L&F Executive’s Club award as well as “Rookie of the Office” for the Tri-Cities/Southpark office for 2013. For more information, visit LongandFoster.com.

Career fair CHESTER — John Tyler Community College and Old Dominion University (ODU) will host a career fair from 4– 7:30 p.m. on April 30, in


the Nicholas Center at John Tyler Community College’s Chester Campus, located at 13101 Jefferson Davis Highway. More than 40 employers will be present, including Dominion; Martin’s; Colonial Heights, Henrico, and Chesterfield County police departments; Virginia Department of Transportation; FedEx Freight; YMCA; and Rolls-Royce. The career fair is free and open to the community. For more information, contact Blair Stilwell from John Tyler at 804-594-1562 or bstilwell@jtcc.edu or Dr. Ann Sorensen from ODU at 804-796-4463 or asorensen@odu.edu.

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The Colonial Voice, Friday, April 18, 2014


Address: Meets at Lakeview Elementary School, 401 Taswell Ave. For more information or directions, call 520-6200, or www.christcommunitychurchva. org.



Address: 16801 Harrowgate Road. For info on Sunday services and other Life changing ministries and activities go to www.visitlifechurch.org, or e-mail wanda@visitlifechurch.org or call 526-7000.


Services are held at Salem Church Elementary School, Address: 601 Cameron Avenue. For more informa- 9600 Salem Church Road, in Chesterfield. For more infortion, call 526-5286. mation, call 804-839-3136.



Celebration of Life Address: 516 Lyons AveChurch of God meets at 123 Pickwick Ave. in Colonial nue. For more information, Heights. For more informa- call 520-7813. tion please call 221-2915.


Address: Meets at Greenwood Presbyterian Church, 7110 Woodpecker Road. For more information, call 7961040 or visitccc4jc2007@aol. com.



Address: 1769 S. Sycamore St., Petersburg. For more information, call 7328567 between 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Monday-Friday.


Address: 19600 Halloway Address: 295 Dunlop Avenue, Matoaca. For more Far ms Blvd. For more information, call 590-2094. information, call 520-4988 or visit www.colonialchrisMOUNT tianchurch.com.


Address: 17201 Jeff Davis Highway. For more information, call 526-0424 or visit www.chbaptist.com.


Address: 601 East Ellerslie Avenue. For more information, call 526-6920.


Address: 211 Lynchburg Avenue. For more information, call 526-0929 or visit http://www.colonialheightspres.org.



Address: 3110 Greenwood Avenue. For more information, call 526-0816.


Address: 7925 Hickory Road, Chesterfield. For more information, call 804526-5649.


The Tri-Cities Prayer Vigil Ministry has a prayer l i n e o p e n fo r p r aye r requests seven days a week including holidays from 7 p.m. to midnight. Local number is 804-425-6370, 804-861-2609 and toll-free long distance 1-800-4433155. Someone is always available to take calls.


Address: Meets at Matoaca Middle School, West campus. For more informaAddress: 107 Pickwick tion, call 526-8260 or visit Avenue. For more informawww.ccfnet1.org. tion or transportation, call Overseer Walter J. Mason COVENANT at 834-2356.


Address: 542 South Park Blvd. For more information, call 526-0634.



Address: 17111 Jefferson Address: 1226 W. Roslyn Davis Highway. For more Road. For more informa- information, call 526-2548. tion call 526-8189 or visit mysite.verizon.net/ ST. MICHAEL’S FBC316/.



Address: The corner of Ellerslie Avenue and Old Address: 101 Highland Town Drive. For more inforAvenue. For more informa- mation, call 526-1790. tion, call 526-3667.







Address: 21000 ChesterAddress: 18510 Branders field Avenue, Ettrick. For Bridge Road. For more more information call 526information, call 520-1211. 6184 or 590-2277.

Address: 14001 Woods Address: 125 E. Westover Edge Road. For more inforAvenue. For more informamation, call 530-8011. tion, call 526-3870.

Address: 3701 Conduit Address: 620 Lafayette Avenue. For more informa- Road. For more information, call 526-3276 or www. tion, call 526-3700 or visit www.wesley.col-hts.org. ibc4family.com.


Address: 3116 Woodlawn Address: 17120 Jefferson Davis Highway. For more Avenue. For more information, call 526-2179 or 541-3514. information, call 526-1350.


From left to right, Chuck Fleming, Wincel Brooks and Bob Fedon, members of the Colonial Heights Senior Golf Association, are shown at the Fort Lee Cardinal Golf Course getting ready for the 2014 golf season.

Senior golfers tee off at new home F O RT L E E — O n Ap r i l 1 , seniors with the Colonial Heights Senior Golf Association (CHSGA) came out of a long, cold, winter hibernation to test their skills at the For t Lee, Cardinal Golf Course. The leadership of the association under the direction of Dwight Reagan worked hard to make the transition as easy as possible from the Prince George Country Club to this new location for the 2014 Golf year. And so far, everyone seems to be happy, except for the rainy weather, says Ted Swearingen, 2014 publicity chairman for the association in an emailed statement. Swearingen says, the association is thriving with a full complement of 128 members, all over 60 years of age with about 50 percent over 75 years “young” and more than 20 seniors on the waiting list. Swearingen adds, “On opening day a large turnout of 115 members showed up to test the course and their stamina, being a bit outof-shape after a long winter’s nap. Of course, the new course was challenging, especially after a long layoff, but scores should improve as the players dust off their rusty putters and tune-in their game.”

From left to right, Tom Green, a pro golfer at Fort Lee, speaks with members of the Colonial Heights Senior Golf Association: Dwight Reagan, association president; Ed Tatum, association director; and Jerry Radcliff, association vice president. But more importantly, he said, the joy of starting the new season and seeing old friends was the highlight of opening day. The CHSGA schedules play every Tuesday from April through October each year and even some extended play dates in the fall. Several tournaments and special games are part of the sea-

son. Swearingen said “anyone can enjoy play in this association as handicaps are determined to even out the competition and tee boxes are senior friendly; but the success of this association is measured by the humor, friendly fun, exercise and great social interaction among the group.”

New motorcycle ministry forms to serve Tri-City community Ministry officially dedicated on March 9 DINWIDDIE — There is a brand new ministry within the Tri-City area serving from two wheels. It’s the Cross Bearers Motorcycle Ministry and it all began from the spiritual vision of Joseph T. Parham, the ministry founder, as a direct result of a motorcycle accident that occurred on Sept. 4, 2013. There was a collision with a 6-point buck and the founder when he was out riding which resulted in the bike being totaled, the deer being killed and the rider sustaining only very minor injuries. “This was truly a wakeup call for me,” Parham said. “I have been riding motorcycles all my life and have never been as humble about the fact of how close to death or severe injury one can become in an instant while on two wheels, he said. “God really could have called me home, but he didn’t, and I feel that he must have plans for me to fulfill.”


The new Cross Bearers Motorcycle Ministry is based at Olive Branch Baptist Church in Dinwiddie, but members come from a variety of churches. For information on how to join the group, call the ministry founder, Joseph T. Parham at 804-732-1502. Along with the realization of what the outcome could have been came the vision of what could be done to exemplify gratitude to the Creator. Hence, the Cross Bearers Motorcycle Ministry was born. The idea was presented to the pastor of Olive Branch Baptist Church, the Rev. Kevin M. Northam, who embraced the idea of another Christ based ministry. After an extensive meeting with Pastor Northam on Jan. 27, 2014, and after his aggressive

scrutiny, he agreed to be the spiritual advisor and to allow Olive Branch Baptist Church in Dinwiddie County be the Cross Bearers home base. The first official meeting was held on Feb. 1, and the ministry was officially dedicated on March 9, during the morning worship service at Olive Branch Baptist Church, located at 11119 Boydton Plank Road. According to a statement released by the Ministry, the Cross Bearers Motorcycle Ministry is a Christ-directed, interdenominational, nonprof-

it, motorcycle ministry. “We believe that God’s direction for this ministry is to endeavor to work diligently to promote the word and the goodness of God within our communities or throughout the world, thereby being ‘Messengers for Christ’”. The group’s motto that was formatted by their president, Minister Larry Watson, and adopted by the ministry is, “For God We Ride, With His Son by Our Side and the Holy Spirit as Our Guide.” Currently, the ministry is excepting individuals who desire to help others and to spread the good news of Christ and the joy of salvation. A person does not have to be a member of Olive Branch Baptist Church to join the ministry. Current members are from various churches in the community. Anyone who is interested in joining the ministry is asked to contact the founder, CB Joseph T. Parham at 804-732-1502, the president, CB Larry Watson at 804-712-0772 or any Cross Bearer member. You may also inquire by email at crossbearersmm@yahoo. com or at P.O. Box 803, Dinwiddie, VA 23841-9998.



The Colonial Voice, Friday, April 18, 2014


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Call the automated phone profiling system or use our convenient Online form today so our professionals can get started matching you with employers that are hiring - NOW!

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Sat. April 26 10:00 a.m.

1-888-231-5655 or Jobs.progress-index.com/

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Have something to sell? CALL US TODAY 804-490-0044



Operates large capacity, passenger carrying automotive equipment for the Parks & Leisure Services summer program. Any combination of education and experience equivalent to graduation from high school and some experience operating large automotive equipment on the open highway and city streets. Valid VA CDL w/passenger endorsement, DMV driving record, background check and drug screen required. Must work weekends and holidays. $8.00/HR. Submit application to: City of Petersburg, HR Dept., 103 W. Tabb St., Petersburg, VA 23803. EOE.


Be a Progress-Index Carrier and earn up to $1,000/month! •Short, early morning hours •Finish early and enjoy the rest of the day •Increase your profits by building your customer base •No Collections •Receive a check every other week •Unlimited customer tips

Call Today!

Colonial Heights, Chester, Hopewell 804-722-5106 Petersburg, Dinwiddie, Sussex 804-722-5118 or apply online at

http://progress-index.com/ contact/become-a-newspaper-carrier

The Progress-Index

*Carriers must have valid driver's license, a reliable insured vehicle, and a dependable substitute

Route Manager

The Progress-Index newspaper, located in Petersburg, VA is seeking a highly ambitious and organized individual to provide outstanding delivery service to our subscribers by developing and managing the day-to day relationships with 20-25 independently contracted newspaper carriers. This position works from 1:00a.m. - 10:00a.m. and rotating weekends. Persons applying must have excellent communication skills, the ability to multi-task, and working knowledge of Microsoft Office. A reliable vehicle, valid driver's license, proof of automobile insurance, and good DMV record are required. Applicant must also be able to lift newspaper bundles weighing up to 25 lbs. A High School diploma or equivalent is required. Some college is preferred. Compensation includes salary, mileage reimbursement, and a full benefits package. Apply in person at 15 Franklin St., Petersburg, VA. Or email Mike Robbins at mrobbins@progress-index.com No phone calls please.



The City of Emporia is accepting applications for Police Officer positions. Starting salary for entry level (non-certified) Police Officers is $38,709. Starting salary for DCJS certified Police Officers is $40,471. Excellent benefits: Take-home car program (must live within a 20 mile radius of City), paid training, paid law enforcement retirement (age 50 with 25 years), overtime pay, medical insurance, and sick and annual leave. Qualifications: At least 21 years of age, U.S. citizen, acceptable driving record, high school diploma or GED, no felonies or serious misdemeanors, 20/20 vision or correctable to 20/20. Not color blind. Hiring Process: A complete medical physical, physical ability test, background investigation, psychological evaluation, drug screen, and panel interview. Must apply on a City application, which may be obtained from: The City of Emporia Website: www.ci.emporia.va.us Email: lori.jarratt@ci.emporia.va.us Or via USPS City of Emporia City Manager's Office 201 S. Main Street P.O. Box 511 Emporia, VA 23847 Phone: (434) 634-3332 (Fax) 1-888-390-4964 Applications should be submitted to the City Managers Office no later than Friday, May 2, 2014 at 4:00PM. The City of Emporia is an Equal Opportunity Employer/EOE

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No Resume Needed! Call the automated phone profiling system or use our convenient Online form today so our professionals can get started matching you with employers that are hiring - NOW! Choose from one of the following main job codes to enter your information: * Dental - #55 * Health Care Assistants - #57 * Medical Records - #58 * Medical Technicians - #56 * Medical Therapists - #53 * Nursing - #52 * Pharmacy - #54

* Customer Service Representative * Help Desk Representative DRIVER / TRANSPORTATION JOBS!

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MEDICAL ASSISTANT (Colonial Heights, VA)

This is a FREE service! Simply create your profile by phone or online and, for the next 90-days, our professionals will match your profile to employers who are hiring right now!

Full Time Medical Assistant is needed to assist in a busy Orthopaedic/Podiatry Clinic

Call Today Sunday, or any day!! Use Job Code 45!

Podiatry X-ray experience needed. Medical Terminology a MUST. EHR knowledge helpful. Allscripts knowledge a plus. Offers Great Benefits.

1-888-231-5655 or Jobs.progress-index.com/

Email Resume (employment@colortho.net) or Fax Resume to 804-526-5401 Attn: Clinical Staff Manager

No Resume Needed!



Call the automated phone profiling system or use our convenient Online form today so our professionals can get started matching you with employers that are hiring - NOW! Choose from one of the following positions to enter your information: * Shuttle Bus Driver * Delivery Driver * Messenger * Taxicab Driver * Limousine Driver * School Bus Driver * Transit Bus Driver * Auto Transporter * Valet & Parking Attendant

No Resume? No Problem!

Monster Match assigns a professional to hand-match each job seeker with each employer! This is a FREE service! Simply create your profile by phone or online and, for the next 90-days, our professionals will match your profile to employers who are hiring right now! CREATE YOUR PROFILE NOW BY PHONE OR WEB FREE! 1-888-231-5655 or Jobs.progress-index.com/

No Resume Needed!

Drivers DistTech, a highway subsidiary of the Kenan Advantage Group, is seeking Class A CDL Drivers out of Petersburg, VA and Ashland, VA. $2,000 SIGN ON BONUS (paid out over 1 year) DRIVER DRIVER OPEN OPEN HOUSE HOUSE April April 22nd 22nd & & April April 23rd 23rd 6:00pm 9:00am 9:00am 6:00pm Holiday Inn Express 491 International Center Drive Sandston, VA 23150 Company Drivers & Owner-Operators • Local & Regional positions • Dedicated account • Competitive pay • Paid orientation and training • Driver referral incentive pay (*Some restrictions apply)

And So Much More! We require Class A CDL, 18 months recent, verifiable tractor-trailer experience, Tank & Hazmat endorsements, TWIC, passport and a safe driving record. 800-871-4581


We hope your driving career contincontinues to be a long and a safe one. As you make decisions about your driving career, consider professionprofessional driving that fits your life with DistTech. Kenan Advantage Group is an Equal Opportunity Employer. General


The Petersburg Farmers Market Manager is responsible for daily operations of the Spring/Summer Market from early May through late October and the Fall/Winter Market from late October to early May. The Market Manager will be required to spend one full day at the office each week leading up to the opening of the market. The position requires the ability to work independently. Full description at www.petersburgva.gov. HOURLY RATE: $16.97. Submit application to: City of Petersburg, HR Dept., 103 W. Tabb St., Petersburg, VA 23803. EOE. General


Supervises City owned swimming pools to assure health, safety and enjoyment of the swimmer. Any combination of education and experience equivalent to graduation from high school and some experience as a lifeguard. American Red Cross lifeguard certification, background check and drug screen required. Must work weekends and holidays. $11.00/$10.00 HR. Submit application to: City of Petersburg, HR Dept., 103 W. Tabb St., Petersburg, VA 23803. EOE. Professional Movers/Drivers MUST have prior MOVING COMPANY experience Apply: Quality Moving Services 33 N. Crater Road, Petersburg.

Call the automated phone profiling system or use our convenient Online form today so our professionals can get started matching you with employers that are hiring - NOW! Choose from one of the following main job codes to enter your information: #10: #11: #12: #13: #14: #15: #16: #17: #55: #45: #18: #19: #20: #24: #57: #44: #23: #21: #25: #26: #27: #28: #29: #30: #58: #56: #53: #52: #31: #32: #33: #54: #46: #34: #35: #48: #36: #37: #38: #39: #51: #47: #40: #41: #50: #42: #49: #43:

Accounting / Finance Airline/Airport Arts Banking Call Center/Customer Service Childcare Computers / IT Counseling & Social Services Dental Drivers/Transportation Education Engineering Environmental Factory & Warehouse Health Care Assistants Hotel & Hospitality Human Resources Insurance/Financial Services Janitorial & Grounds Maintenance Legal Management Materials & Logistics Mechanics Media & Advertising Medical Records Medical Technicians Medical Therapists Nursing Office Administration Operations Personal Care Pharmacy Printing Protective Services Quality Control Real Estate Research & Development Restaurant Retail Sales Skilled Trades: Building General Skilled Trades: Construction Skilled Trades: Building Prof. Skilled Trades: Manufacturing Specialty Services Telephone/Cable Travel and Recreation Trucking



Assists in supervising and directing programs of the City community centers/playgrounds. Any combination of education and experience equivalent to completion of the ninth grade, and must be 14 years of age or older. Must have previous work experience or volunteer/community service experience. Background check required. Must work weekends and holidays. $7.25/HR. Submit application by 4/18/14 to: City of Petersburg, HR Dept., 103 W. Tabb St., Petersburg, VA 23803. EOE. General


Organizes and directs the overall activities of the City playgrounds/community centers. Any combination of education and experience equivalent to graduation from high school supplemented by college course work in physical education, recreation or related field and some experience in organizing recreation programs. Must have previous supervisory experience. Valid VA drivers license, DMV driving record, background check and drug screen required. Must work weekends and holidays. $8.00/HR. Submit application by 4/18/14 to: City of Petersburg, HR Dept., 103 W. Tabb St., Petersburg, VA 23803. EOE.

* Administrative Assistant * Receptionist * Clerical & General Office * Data Entry * Word Processing * Transcription * Mail / Copy Room Clerk * Office Manager


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* Cooks, Chefs & Bakers * Sandwich-Salad-Coffee Prep. * Waitstaff * Cashier * Management * Bus Person & Bar Back * Dishwasher * Host-Hostess / Maitre De * Bartender

Classifieds Work!

EQUAL HOUSING NOTICE We are pledged to the letter and spirit of Virginia's policy for achieving equal housing opportunity throughout the Commonwealth. We encourage and support advertising and marketing programs in which there are no barriers to obtaining housing be-cause of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, elderliness, familial status or handicap. All real estate advertised herein is subject to Virginia's fair housing laws which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination because of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, elderliness, familial status or handicap, or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. This newspaper will not knowingly accept advertising for real estate that violated fair housing law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. For more information or to file a housing complaint, call the Virginia Fair Housing Office at (804) 367-8530; toll free call (888)551-3247. For the hearing impaired, call (804) 367-9753. E-mail fairhousing@dpor.virginia.gov Website: www.fairhousing.vipnet.org

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The Progress-Index

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SERVICE SER VICE GUIDE Call C all 732-3456 to advertise adver tise your business

www.progress-index.com www .progress- index.com Mister Bill's Carpet Dry Foam Cleaning 804-458-7314 For Free Estimates


Weekly~Bi-Weekly~Monthly Contracts Available Commercial & Residential Weed Control, Seeding, Aerate & Fertilization. Create & Maintain Flower Bed (Mulch or Rock). Gravel Driveways and landscaping block retaining walls. Power washing and gutter cleaning services

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Land Care Pro's Inc James River Contractor Inc. Builder Homes, Additions, Garages, Renovations, Plumbing, Kitchen & Bath Remodeling, Roll Off Containers www.jamesrivercontractor.com

Office 804-452-1139

Bishop's Drywall Hang & Finish Houses, Garages, Room Addition & Patchwork. Plaster Repair. Sprayed and Textured Ceilings.

We offer grass cutting, pruning, leaf removal, planting and pruning shrubbery, aerating, pressure washing, dump truck services available. Mulch Yard now open for sale to the Public


SCOTT'S GUM REMOVAL & POWER WASHING SERVICES Homes & Businesses Starting at $100 804-512-8054

Have something to sell? CALL US TODAY

Eagle Landscaping Lawn Service Weekly/Bi Weekly Lawn Cutting, Aeration, Plug Seeding Thatching, Bush Hog, Planting/ Shrub Care, Pruning/Trimming, Mulching/Top Soil,

Spring/Fall Clean Up!

Call Mark 804-894-2952

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Kegley's Tree Service Specializing in Large Tree Removal. Crane Service Available. Licensed and Insured. Free Estimates

804-720-8321 804-720-8207


T.L. Wilkins Tree Service

Junk, Furniture, Limbs, Deliveries. "No Chemicals"




We do Light Hauling

Give Varner Hauling a call

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The Colonial Voice, Friday, April 18, 2014

DINWIDDIE 15736 Allen Drive. ½ acre sub division lot. Approved foundation and working septic & water hookup. All inquiries 804-605-4965

UNFURNISHED PETERSBURG 1 Bedroom Senior $395, 2 Bedroom, 1 Bath $695, 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath $895, 4 Bedroom 2 Bath $995, COLONIAL HEIGHTS 4 Bedroom, 1 Bath $995, 4 Bedroom 2 Bath $1500 CHESTER 3 Bedroom 2 Bath $995 LANDMARK, 526-0870


County Drive. Near Ft. Lee.

1,600 sq. ft. B-2 Office bldg. $900/mo. 804-720-3872 or 804-732-8615

3 bedroom, $800+ utilities. Refrigerator, stove included. Laundry room, storage shed, central heat/air, ceiling fans. 804-943-4618.


3 bedroom 2 bath brick rancher newly updated kitchen new cabinets, granite, stainless steel appliances fenced in yard, central air. $1,150/ month.

Colonial Realty 804-526-5454 COLONIAL HEIGHTS

Large bedroom for 1 person. All utilities furnished. References required. $250/month. Call 804-720-2170 between 10am & 10pm.

Petersburg - ROOM FOR RENT $125/WEEK Furnished. Utilities/Cable Incl. 804-895-2898



2 Bedroom Mobile Homes from $450. month rent includes water, sewer, trash & lot rent. 1 month security. Call Crews 804-478-4821


ALL NEW MATTRESS SETS Twin size: $85 Full size $95 Queen size $125 King size $189 Military Discount Free Layaway Can Deliver 804-253-5154

MOVING MUST SELL: Sunquest 24rf tanning bed, 3 years old $750 or best offer. Wine Barrel table with 3 chairs & bench. $350 or best offer. Call 804-7321896 between 10am.-5pm.

Two & Three Bedroom mobile homes. Monthly rentals 804-541-7386

Dunn Right Properties LLC

WATERFRONT REAL-ESTATE AUCTION Deltaville, VA 2-acre complex w/ 3-dwellings, pier and boat lift. Open house April 19 9am3pm, Auction May 3, 10:00am. Info: HYPERLINK “http://www.isgettauction. com” www.isgettauction.com HYPERLINK “tel:804-338-3458” 804338-3458 W.O. Isgett,Jr. VAAL 2426 EBIDLOCAL.com AUCTION ONLINE: Virginia Treasury Unclaimed Property Preview: THURSDAY 4/24, 9am-5pm. Diamonds, Gold, Silver, Jewelry, Watches, Coins, Currency, More. Selling “As Is/Where Is”, No Warranty, vaf#777. 804-358-0500, HYPERLINK “http://www.EBIDLOCAL.com” www. EBIDLOCAL.com Absolute Estate Auction Sat. May 3, 2014 10:30am-3pm Commercial Real Estate. Edwin Wagoner & Assoc. VAAR#3035 For more info visit us online @ HYPERLINK “http:// www.wagonerauctions.com” www. wagonerauctions.com EDUCATION / TRAINING Healthcare Careers – Get training in months, not years with small classes, financial aid for qualified students. Call Centura College 877-575-5627. WELDING CAREERS – Hands on training for career opportunities in shipbuilding, automotive, manufacturing and more. Financial aid for qualified students. Job

UNFURNISHED Colonial Heights Affordable Apartments & houses. Colonial Heights, 1, 2 & 3 Bedroom, newly renovated, best value. Convenient locations. SHANEL Properties 804-520-4628 EHO

Auction Saturday, April 19- 10 a.m.4500 Old Buckingham Road, Powhatan, Va. 23139 Architectural, country store, tractors, toys, agricultural, signs, gas station Tilman’s Auctions, HYPERLINK “http://www.tilmansauction.com” www.tilmansauction.com for details/ other auctions VAL #348, HYPERLINK “tel:%28804%29%20347-4963” (804) 347-4963

placement assistance. CALL Tidewater Tech 888-205-1735. Medical Office Trainees Needed! Train to become a Medical Office Assistant. No Experience Needed! Training & Job Placement available at CTI! HS Diploma/GED & computer needed. 1-888-424-9419. FARM/LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Live Fish for Ponds-Lakes. Plants, Lilies, 32 Species Available. Free Catalog. Delivery or Pick-Up. Zetts Fish Hatchery, 878 Hatchery Road, Inwood, WV 25428 (304) 229-3654 HELP WANTED / TRUCK DRIVERS DRIVERS-CDL TRAINING $38,000$45,000 1st Year! Roanoke 540-8576188 or Spotsylvania 540-582-8200. 4 Weeks or 10 Weekends. Guaranteed Financing and Job Placement Assistance Available. 1-800-646-2374. 57 Driver Trainees needed! No experience needed! Learn to drive a truck at Shippers Choice! Job ready in 4 weeks! Good pay & benefits! 1-800874-7131 AVERITT EXPRESS New Pay Increase For Regional Drivers! 40-46 CPM + Fuel Bonus! Also, Post-Training Pay Increase for Students! (Depending on Domicile) Get Home EVERY Week + Excellent Benefits. CDL-A req. 888362-8608 Apply @ AverittCareers.com Equal Opportunity Employer – Females, minorities, protected veterans, and individuals with disabilities are encouraged to apply. Hiring One Ton and ¾ Ton Pickup trucks to deliver RV’s. $750 Sign-on Bonus, 4 Terminals & 8 Backhaul Locations. Call 866-764-1601 or HYPERLINK “http:// www.foremosttransport.com” www.

foremosttransport.com HELP WANTED / SALES EARN $500 A-DAY: Insurance Agents Needed; Leads, No Cold Calls; Commissions Paid Daily; Lifetime Renewals; Complete Training; Health/ Dental Insurance; Life License Required. Call 1-888-713-6020 LOTS AND ACREAGE 40,000 SF Warehouse near Natural Bridge. Two dock doors, two drivein doors, 24’ ceilings, dust collection system, 5000SF office space. Financial incentives for customization. 540-4870480.

AIRLINE CAREERS begin here – Get FAA approved Aviation Maintenance Technician training. Housing and Financial Aid for qualified students. Job placement assistance. CALL Aviation Institution of Maintenance 888-2459553. SAWMILLS from only $4897.00 MAKE & SAVE MONEY with your own bandmill Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. FREE Info/DVD: HYPERLINK “http:// www.NorwoodSawmills.com” www. NorwoodSawmills.com 1-800-5781363 Ext.300N PERSONALS

UNRESTRICTED – acre homesite in Franklin County with great view of the mountains. Just off Rte. 40 near Union Hall. $31,900. I’ll finance! 540-2943826.

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ALBEMARLE COUNTY – 21 wooded acres, stream at rear. $149,900 and owner will finance. 540-487-0480

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FRANKLIN COUNTY– ready to build. This 1.3-acre parcel on paved road includes well and 3-BR septic! No restrictions! Owner will finance. $32,900. 540-294-3826. The Best Big Acreage Bargain Near DC! 10 AC only $49,900. Breathtaking Views. Public water. One of a kind mountain parcel. Park like hardwoods, 50 mile valley/ mountain views & access to recreational river. Close to everything: boating, fishing, skiing, shopping, medical & more. Driveway in! The perfect place to retire or vacation. Low down payment financing. Hurry before interest rates climb. Call owner 800 888 1262

REAL ESTATE NEAR BOONE, NC 2+/-ac. tract 350ft of rushing streams 3000ft elevation private and secluded underground utilities and paved roads from only $9900. Call 1-877-717-5263 ext94 SERVICES DIVORCE – Uncontested, $350 + $88 court cost. No court appearance required. Estimated completion time twenty-one days. All telephone inquiries welcome with no obligation. Hilton Oliver, Attorney. 757-490-0126.



on 16117 Jefferson Davis Hwy. Open for business on Thursday April 24 th Potted bedding plants, local salad greens, assorted vegetables, local strawberries while in season and local honey. Open Mon.-Sat. – 9am to 6pm, Sun. 10-5. 804-526-2836 'YOU ALL COME, JANE'

COLONIAL HEIGHTS 1 bedroom efficiencies starting at $125/week. Utilities included + Direct TV. 804-526-1214 E.H.O.

Ettrick/Colonial Heights/ Petersburg 1, 2, 3 bedroom apartments for rent. $550 & up. Water, sewer, stove, and refrigerator included. 804-520-4667 or 804-524-0589


2014 Toyota Tundra All New Design

Colonial Heights Remodeled 2 bedroom. Total remodel, one block from Temple Ave and 3 blocks from the boulevard$750. Prince George Executive home. convenient to Fort Lee & South Side Regional Medical Center. 5+ acres, a two car attached garage and a detached garage, private setting. $1,900. 804-733-5945

Heavily Discounted! Special Dealer Price!

Loaded With Free 10 Year

300,000 Mile Warranty! UNFURNISHED

Dunn Right Properties LLC

Bones Toyota


Newly built, 3 bedroom, 2 full bath, kitchen, living room, utility room, all electric. $1,150. COLONIAL HEIGHTS 3 bedroom, 1 bath, kitchen, living room, dining area, utility room. $750 COLONIAL HIEIGHTS Rent to Own 3 bedroom, 1.5 bath. Kitchen, living room, dining area, utility room. Large rooms thru-out. $1,100 804-526-1214 E.H.O.


Petersburg/Hopewell 2 Properties (Rented) Single Family Homes asking $89,800. Rental income is $1,445. Motivated seller. 804-519-4722 McKenney

Bonestoyota.com 1615 East 10th Street Roanoke Rapids, NC 252-537-6161 CONTACT US Phone 804-490-0044 Fax 804-861-9452 To place your ad

Get Better Results

3 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom House Available now $700.00 security deposit, $700.00 monthly rent. Call (804) 861-4227, M – F 8:30 – 5 and Saturday 8:00 – 12:00


1200 Grant Ct., 2 bedrooms, renovated bathroom, washer/dryer hookup, central air, off-street parking. $850/month+ deposit. Section 8 approved. 804-731-1215

When you place your ad with a photo. Call today for pricing!



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