Voice 060614

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The Colonial Heights Senior Citizens Club meets each Thursday at the Community Building. 4



Father’s Day feast and car show

One man, one woman left standing at end of hot dog eating contest qualifying round at Fort Lee. 5

The hometown newspaper of the Colonial Heights area

Vol. 11 No. 39 FEBRUARY 28, 2009 THURSDAY,




FRIDAY, JUNE 6, 2014

Road to success Colonial Heights Tech Center’s automobile program prepares students for life after high school

COLONIAL HEIGHTS — Dunlop House Assisted Living & Dementia Care will host a Father’s Day feast and car show beginning at 3:30 p.m. Friday, June 13, at the facility, located at 235 Dunlop House Blvd. This event is free and open to the public. There will be “fresh from the grill” barbecue, live music and antique cars provided by the Crater Antique Car Club. For more information, call 5200050.

PAAL hosting ‘Members’ Show’ for Friday for the Arts! PETERSBURG — Opening on Friday, June 13, for Friday for the Arts!, the Petersburg Area Art League will feature its popular, annual Members’ Show. The Main Gallery and the Virginia Linen Service’s Members’ Gallery will display a wide variety of works of art by local artists. In the upstairs Education Gallery, the Southside Virginia Council of the Arts will hold a juried art show. More than 30 artists will be showing their works in this year’s show. Each artist can choose however he or she would like to fill the space. Art pieces range from paintings, watercolors and sketches to metalworking and fabrics. The Members’ Show will run through July 5. Friday for the Arts! gallery shows will start at 6 p.m. June 13 with light refreshments. For more information, call 861-4611 or visit www. paalart.org. The Petersburg Area Art League is located at 7 East Old St. in Old Towne.

Grant applications available COLONIAL HEIGHTS — Applications for the City of Colonial Heights 2014-2015 CDBG Emergency Home Repair Grant is available now and will be accepted through Monday, June 30. A grant of up to $8,000 is available for owner-occupied households to assist with specific home repairs or activities that eliminate conditions detrimental to the safety and health of the residents. The program is available citywide; however, priority will be given to households in the Violet Bank-Flora Hill and Shepherd Stadium districts. Priority will also be given to lowincome households, persons who are elderly or disabled, first-time applicants and those that need repairs that constitute an emergency. Applications are available at the Welcome Desk and the Planning Department on the first floor of City Hall, 201 James Ave. Applications are also available by calling 5209382.


Roy Parham, automotive technology instructor, stands with his winning students from Colonial Heights Tech Center.



fter spending 17 years in the field as a master technician, Roy Parham decided to share his skills and knowledge in the classroom. Since starting at the Colonial Heights Tech Center in 2005, Parham has certified the auto program through Auto Service Excellence and passed on knowledge that led to several of his students placing in state competitions. Parham, who teaches his students everything from the basics, like changing tires, to computer diagnostics and training them to become certified state inspectors, said he enjoys seeing his students progress through the two-year program. “I always like to call it a technical class, because our cars used to be where you become a mechanic. Mechanics are in the ‘70s. Now our cars are computers going down the road. You have to be a technician, because you have to know mechanical, you gotta know electrical ... you gotta know computers,” Parham said. Parham’s students get traditional book training in the classroom, then apply that knowledge in a hands-on lab where they work on donated cars. “I break the car in reference to what we’ve learned in class so that they can come out and diagnose what’s wrong with the car as if it was a customer coming in with a broken part,” he said.

“It opens the road up for them to travel in any direction they want to go in and make money right out of the door.” — Roy Parham, program instructor

The automotive technology students come over to the center from class at Colonial Heights High School. Parham said the program benefits students because they’re prepared for multiple options, like attending college, going straight into a job in the field or even opening their own shop. “It opens the road up for them to travel in any direction they want to go in and make money right out of the door,” he said. The students recently competed in two statewide competitions in May, including the General Motors Certified Challenge competition and the Ford/AAA Student Auto Skills competition. The Ford/AAA competition tested the skills of students from more than 130 tech centers in Virginia, Parham said. His students finished ninth overall in the state. The seniors swept first, second and third places at the General Motors technician competition, along with a junior placing third. Grayson Shinault, a senior at Colo-

nial Heights High School, placed first this year at the General Motors competition. Last year, he took first place for juniors. The competition was held at Strosnider Chevrolet in Hopewell, and after taking first place, Shinault was offered a job upon graduation. Shinault said he feels good knowing that he has a job lined up after graduation. “It’s pretty nice to come out of high school and know that you already have a job that’s going to turn into a career. So it’s a pretty secure feeling, not like worried or scared or anything. I know what’s going to happen,” he said. Shinault had a basic knowledge of cars before beginning the program two years ago, where he learned about cars more in-depth. “I’ve always been interested in cars ... I just felt the way they worked was pretty amazing,” he said. Second place senior winner, Zahari Zaimov, said he thinks the tech center prepares students well for jobs after Please see AUTOMOTIVE, Page 3

- Kristin Janssen, principal, Colonial Heights High School Q

How long have you been principal at Colonial Heights High School and what’s your previous experience?


I have been a principal of Colonial Heights High School for four years. Prior to that, I was an English teacher, gifted teacher, CTE director, and assistant principal. I have been in the division for the past 19.5 years.


What led you to Colonial Heights High?


At Longwood University, I completed both my practicum and my student teaching at CHHS. Mr. Lloyd Pugh was my Longwood University supervisor. He was a former Colonial Heights administrator and he made me believe there was not another division I wanted to work for. He was a true and continues to be a great ambassador of our city.


What do you enjoy about your job? What about the challenges of the job?


Do you have any wishes for upcoming graduates? Any advice for them? Remember to be open to change, respectful of others, resilient when you are down, and humble enough to ask for help when you need it.


The best part of my job is working with the students, my colleagues, and the community. There are challenges to any position. However, surrounding yourself with positive people is key. They make difficult situations bearable.


What are your future goals for Colonial Heights High?

My goal is for every student who walks through the doors of CHHS to earn a high school diploma.

— Colonial Heights High School will hold its 2014 commencement ceremony at 8 p.m. Friday, May 13, at the high school football field.

Kristin Janssen has been the principal at Colonial Heights High School for the past four years. She has been with the Colonial Heights school division for nearly 20 years.





FRIDAY, JUNE 6, 2014


Hunger still plagues our communities


unger remains a serious problem in the region. A new study finds that 205,000 people in Central Virginia, including 51,440 children, do not always know where they will find their next meal. In the Tri-Cities, along with Prince George and Dinwiddie counties, more than 22,000 people are at risk of hunger, according to research recently released by Feeding America, the nation’s network of food banks. In all, over 13 percent of Central Virginians struggle with hunger, the study said. Map the Meal Gap 2014 is a detailed analysis of food insecurity done by Feeding America and the only study available that provides county– level estimates of food insecurity in the United — Jeff Baldwin, FeedMore States. Food insecurity is defined by the U.S. Department of Agriculture as a socioeconomic condition of limited or uncertain access to enough food to support a healthy life. Additional data available in the Map the Meal Gap study include weekly food-budget shortfalls, demographics and poverty levels. The highest area of food insecurity is in Petersburg, where 25.4 percent of the population and 21.2 percent of children are at risk of hunger, or 8,180 individuals and 1,450 children, according to the study. “The research data shows that hunger continues to be a reality for thousands of our neighbors.” Jeff Baldwin, media and public relations manager for FeedMore, said. FeedMore serves neighbors in need across Central Virginia’s 31 counties and five cities. The study is not just meant to highlight the issue of food insecurity, but to battle the problem of people at risk of hunger. The study will allow FeedMore to continue to evaluate and adjust to the needs in our area, Baldwin said. The study also reveals that 46 percent of the food-insecure population in FeedMore’s service area lives below the SNAP threshold of 130 percent poverty and 61 percent of children are eligible for federal nutrition programs, such as free or reduced-price school lunch or breakfast. “No one should have to worry about where they will find their next meal,” Baldwin added. “We are confident Central Virginia will continue to rally together and help us ensure that no child, family or senior goes hungry in our region.” We hope that sentiment is correct. We all need to work together to defeat hunger in the region.

“No one should have to worry about where they will find their next meal.”

Community rallies around Hopewell family


t is any parent’s worst nightmare. Brooke Hamlett, 7, passed away on May 23 after Hopewell Police responded to an “assist rescue call” for an accidental injury. Deputy Chief Robert Skowron said it was a “very sad tragedy” and that no charges will be filed regarding her accidental death. Brooke is survived by her mother Shannon Hamlett, stepfather Christopher Sprague and father Curt Hamlett. Brooke also leaves behind seven brothers and sisters and The fundraiser for many other loving family the Hamlett fammembers and friends. ily can be found at Brooke was a first-grade stuhttp://www.gofunddent at Patrick Copeland Eleme.com/9i0c40 mentary School. Following the tragedy, Mike Dawson of Hopewell created a gofundme fundraiser called “For Brooke’s Sake” for the family. Dawson wrote on the site that the “family needs your support physically, emotionally and financially.” In addition to funeral expenses, Dawson wrote that the family will also have moving expenses reportedly because Brooke’s mother no longer wants to live in the family house. Dawson set the fundraising goal at $10,000. As of last week, close to $4,000 has been raised by 86 people. A Hopewell family is coping with an unimaginable ordeal. As a community we should do what we can to help the family in their time of need.


BRIAN J. COUTURIER Managing Editor


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The Progress-Index 15 Franklin St. • Petersburg, VA 23804 (804) 732-3456 • www.progress-index.com


A time out to make sure all surgeries are correct

[Editor’s note: The original letter to the editor had the incorrect date for National Time Out Day. Below is the corrected letter in its entirety.] To the Editor: On June 11, 2014, National Time Out Day will be practiced in hospitals and ambulatory surgery centers around the country. Taking a “time out” to confirm correct patient, correct procedure, correct surgical site and other important information before every operative and other invasive procedure is a requirement of The Joint Commission Universal Protocol. Despite the requirement, 40-60 wrong site surgeries likely occur in the U.S. each week. Time Out Day was created by the Association of periOperative Registered Nurses (AORN) in 2004 as a way to raise awareness about the importance of requiring the entire surgical team to pause before all invasive procedures to communicate as a group and confirm key information about the patient and procedure to help prevent errors from occurring. Wrong patient, wrong site, wrong procedures are sentinel events described by The Joint Commission as “an unexpected occurrence involving death or serious physical or psychological injury, or the risk thereof.” To perioperative nurses, they are tragedies. That is why as a perioperative nurse and AORN member, I commemorate National Time Out Day with this public commitment to my patients, their loved ones and the entire surgical community that I will always take time out for every patient, every time. Bonnie P. Vencill, RN, CNOR Colonial Heights

Focus should be on creating jobs with health care coverage To the Editor: President Barack Obama and his congressional allies, particularly in the Senate, and Gov. Terry McAuliffe in Virginia have pushed “feel good” proposals that pull at your heart strings but the results of these proposals tell a different story. Obama made the false claims, “If you like your health plan you can keep it, period” and, “You can keep your doctor” to get Congress to pass ObamaCare. Three years later, results from ObamaCare show his claims were false. Now Obama, and his congressional allies, are in campaign mode to raise the minimum wage. They are accusing Republicans, who raise questions on the probable adverse impacts, of standing in the way of middle class prosperity. Fortunately, the Labor Department’s efforts to force minimum wage increases on defense contractors give early evidence of bad results from this campaign slogan “feel good” proposal. A recent Army Times article gives a glimpse of what to expect from major minimum wage increases. The article states “The Labor Department has pulled back … from new minimum wage rules that had led several fastfood restaurants on military installations to end their contracts and shut down.” The article details some statistics noting “increases in the new hourly wages would have ranged from 72 percent to 76 percent.” In just the Navy and Marine Corps exchanges alone,

We invite your commentary The Colonial Voice publishes a wide variety of opinions. Send letters to People’s Forum. P.O. Box 71, Petersburg, VA 23804, or e-mail them to lettertoeditor@progressindex.com. Letters should be no longer than 400 words. Letters that are sent via email will receive priority over those sent by mail. We reserve the right to edit for length, clarity, brevity, accuracy, legality, spelling and grammar. Please include your name, address and a daytime phone number. Anonymous letters will not be considered for publication.

officials estimated “up to 390 fast food concession operations would close on installations across the US and its territories, with a loss of nearly 5,750 jobs, many held by military family members and veterans.” We need more jobs, not fewer jobs and jobs that come with medical benefits. Here in Virginia, the governor and his Senate allies are holding the state budget hostage to force passage of Medicaid expansion so “400,000 Virginians could gain access to health care coverage.” Never mind that even before expansion, those on Medicaid don’t get good medical care and a third of the doctors in Virginia don’t take Medicaid patients. Like ObamaCare and the minimum wage increase – there are lots of claims why Medicaid expansion is good for Virginia; but many claims don’t pass the truth test. The Times Dispatch’s Truth-O-Meter recently found McAuliffe’s claim that refusal to expand Medicaid will send Virginia taxpayer money to other states as “Mostly False” and his claim that Medicaid expansion will save $1 billion as “Half True” at best. Hopefully, Virginia House Republicans won’t give in to Virginia Democrats’ feel good Medicaid proposal so the Commonwealth won’t suffer from policies that will not yield the results supporters claim. Virginia’s focus should be on job creation — jobs with good health care benefits. Bill Flanagan Colonial Heights

Our federal system and go-along politicians To the Editor: On Memorial Day as we remembered the ultimate price paid by our veterans for our freedoms, it saddened me to think of the fraud, waste and abuse in our federal system which appears largely out of anyone’s control. When is anyone in Washington going to take bold action, put their seat at risk to right the Federal ship and keep her from sinking? The Veterans Administration (VA), just like the federal government is too large for anyone to manage effectively. It just consumes resources, our tax dollars, and provides minimal value, to the vets and the taxpayers except for specialty centers like burn units. Senators, like Mark Warner, need to follow the House example and call for a look into the federal systems like the VA to see how our tax dollars are being wasted. It they did, maybe we the voters could have faith in the system. But, Warner, like others, spends our contributions to get in office, then ignores the people who elected him as

he follows the party line 97 percent of the time. Like the VA, he has no skin in the game. He just rides the coat tails of the administration and tries to appear successful below the radar. The VA budget is one-third the size of the defense budget and growing. As a taxpayer, I thought Warner and his congressional colleagues were supposed to be our board of directors and the president was supposed to be our CEO. But, not so; the bureaucracy is growing out of control. Price per unit of federal service or product is astronomical. It’s time to fire those who just go along. Warner needs to go! No goalong politician should be playing with our tax dollars! This isn’t a game. Gary Metzinger USAF, retired Chester

New book details Edward Snowden case and mass surveillance To the Editor: “We all instinctively understand that the private realm is where we can act, think, speak, write, experiment, and choose how to be, away from the judgmental eyes of others . . . People radically change their behavior when they know they are being watched. They will strive to do that which is expected of them . . . If you believe you are always being watched and judged, you are not really a free individual . . . Mass surveillance by the state is therefore inherently repressive, even in the unlikely case that it is not abused …” That’s from Glenn Greenwald, in his important new book, “No Place to Hide: Edward Snowden, the NSA, and the US Surveillance State.” Greenwald is the journalist that received and published the secret NSA mass surveillance documents from whistleblower Edward Snowden. Chapter four, “The Harm of Surveillance,” goes on to explain the many other grave dangers of mass surveillance. The book is worth getting for these 40 pages alone. The first two chapters tell the story of how the revelations came about, from Snowden’s first failed attempts to contact Greenwald, to their meeting in Hong Kong and the first publications. As with chapter four, this part of the book stands alone. It’s a gripping read even if you’re not interested in the broader issues. Chapter three goes over all the leaked documents. For anyone that’s been following this story, there isn’t much new here. But having it all together in a single narrative is very helpful for making sense of it all. For anyone that hasn’t been following, this chapter will quickly catch you up. The final chapter looks at the establishment media’s handling of the Snowden revelations and shows its tendency to put serving power ahead of telling truth. (The establishment response to the book is further evidence of this subservient pathology. See “A Response to Michael Kinsley” at firstlook.org/theintercept.) As Greenwald states in the introduction, “opposition to government invasion of privacy was a major factor in the establishment of the United States itself, as American colonists protested laws that let British officials ransack at will any home they wished.” I hope this great legacy of independence still means something to us and that we’ll put a stop to mass government surveillance. Stephen Warren Waverly. Va.



The Colonial Voice, Friday, June 6, 2014


Continued from Page 1

high school. However, Zaimov would like to continue his education at Virginia Commonwealth University where he’d pursue an engineering degree. Steven Plucinik, a senior who placed third, originally wanted to do body work when he came to the tech center. Because a class like that wasn’t offered, he stuck with the automotive technology program. “Once I started learning about ... how much technology they had and how much they can do on their own, I got pretty interested,” he said.

Plucinik, whose uncle was a mechanic, said he worked on basic jobs with his uncle. From seeing cars in games and on the road, Plucinik decided he wanted to know how to make them. He said the win was a “pretty big deal” and that he’s tried to learn as much as he could during his time at the tech center. “Where I’m at now, I’m pretty satisfied with.” Sarah Erickson also took third place for juniors in the General Motors competition, as well as first place in the interview and test categories. • Katherine Johnson can be reached at 804-722-5154 or kjohnson@progressindex.com

Vitamin Shoppe opens store in Colonial Heights Invites public to attend ‘Share the Health’ event on Saturday COLONIAL HEIGHTS — The Vitamin Shoppe opened a new location at 551 Southpark Blvd. on Saturday, May 24. The Vitamin Shoppe is a leading multichannel specialty retailer of nutritional products, from vitamins and minerals to supplements, sports nutrition, beauty aids and more. The Colonial Heights store’s hours are 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Saturday and 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday.

The Vitamin Shoppe will host the national “Share the Health” event this weekend and local residents are invited to participate. The national “Share the Health” event will be held from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday. During the event, customers will be invited to speak with wellness partners about their health and wellness needs. The first 100 visitors will walk away with a free goody bag of samples, magazines and health tips.



Del. Kirk Cox, R-66th, accepts the Military & Veterans Affairs Advocate Award during the Virginia Chamber of Commerce’s 90th anniversary and legislative awards dinner in May.

Local delegate receives ‘Military & Veterans Affairs Advocate Award’ Kirk Cox also recognized as ‘Champion of Free Enterprise COLONIAL HEIGHTS — Delegate Kirk Cox, R-66th, received two awards from the Virginia Chamber of Commerce during the Chamber’s 90th anniversary and legislative awards dinner held May 15 in Pentagon City. According to information sub-



COLONIAL HEIGHTS — American Legion Post 284, 505 Springdale Road, holds bingo every Friday. Doors open at 5 p.m., and games start at 7. Food is available for a nominal fee. For directions, or information about membership requirements or activities of the American Legion, visit the Post 284 website, http://mysite. verizon. net/legion284 or call 526-5656. COLONIAL HEIGHTS — The National Alliance on Mental Illness Connection Recovery Support program meets each Friday from 1-2:30 p.m. in the conference room at the Colonial Heights Library, 1000 Yacht Basin Drive. Groups meet for 90 minutes and offer a structured group process designed to encourage, support and empower. All diagnosis welcome. For more information, contact Gina at 804-605-5010 or towritegina@yahoo.com.



COLONIAL HEIGHTS — Stress and Anger Management by Yoga and Meditation is being held 5-6 p.m. each Saturday at 914-A Hardy Ave. For more information, call Dr. J. Upadhyay at 5240589 or 943-8688. COLONIAL HEIGHTS — Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 2239, 14705 Jefferson Davis Highway, holds bingo every Saturday. Doors open at 5 p.m. and games begin at 7. There are six to eight chances to win $500 or more. Food is available. For directions or questions about this event, call 748-4896 and ask for Tom Gore. For information about VFW membership or other activities, call Tom Ferguson, 748-4896. CHESTER — The Southern Knights Cruisers Inc. car club holds a weekly cruise-in from 5 to 9:30 p.m., weather permitting, at Hardees off Old Stage Road in Chester. Over 150 antique cars, street rods, classics, muscle cars, and custom cars and trucks can be seen. Music from the 1950s and ‘60s from Wolfman John can be heard. Event is free to the public. For more information, call Ricky Williams at 804-526-8865 or visit www.southernknightscruisers.com. COLONIAL HEIGHTS — Oldies But Goodies Classic Cruizers Inc., based in Chester, holds a weekly cruise-in in Colonial Heights from 5 to 9 p.m. each Saturday at the parking lot in front of Ashley’s Furniture and Books-A-Million next to Southpark Mall. This is open to all car and truck enthusiasts that enjoy reminiscing about their antiques, muscle and custom cars, classics, and hot rods. For more information visit the website at www.obgcc.com, or call Bill or Jane Bennett at 307-3425. COLONIAL HEIGHTS — The Colonial Heights Optimist Club will host its Optimist Fun Fishing Day from 9-11 a.m. Saturday at Lakeview Park. This event is designed for all kids up to the

mitted by the Virginia Chamber of Commerce, the ‘Military & Veterans Affairs Advocate Award’ is awarded to General Assembly members “who have gone above and beyond to advocate for our veterans and military families.” The Virginia Chamber states that Cox has been a tireless advocate introducing 110 pieces of legislation in support of the military, veterans and their families. In the 2014 session he focused on increasing jobs for veterans, supporting programs that enhance veterans’ job skills and sponsoring legislation to give


age of 14 accompanied by an adult. Registration begins at 8:30 a.m. Hotdogs, chips, and drinks will be served after the fishing tournament. The Optimist Club will furnish cane poles and worms. No license is required due to Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries’ free fishing day. For more information, contact the Colonial Heights Optimist Club at 526-0689. COLONIAL HEIGHTS — The Colonial Heights Animal Shelter will hold a rabies clinic from 1-2 p.m. Saturday at the shelter, located at 301 Charles Dimmock Parkway. The cost is $10 per animal (cash only). Animals must be at least 4 months old to receive a rabies vaccination Dogs must be on a leash. Cats must be in carriers. For more information, call 520-9397.



COLONIAL HEIGHTS — Colonial Heights Moose Lodge 1783, 170 Moose Ave., holds bingo every Sunday. Doors open at 4 p.m. each day. Bingo starts at 6 p.m. Sunday and 7 p.m. Thursday. Food is available for a nominal fee. For directions, visit the website at www.chmoose. com or call 526-1537.


COLONIAL HEIGHTS — American Legion Post 284, 505 Springdale Road, holds bingo every Monday. Doors open at 5 p.m., and games start at 7. Food is available for a nominal fee. For directions, or information about membership requirements or activities of the American Legion, visit the Post 284 Web site, http://mysite. verizon.net/legion284 or call 526-5656. COLONIAL HEIGHTS — The Transatlantic Brides and Parents Association, a British Heritage Society, will meet at 2 p.m. Monday at the Colonial Heights Public Library, 1000 Yacht Basin Drive. For information, call Valerie Jones at 804-526-1731. MATOACA — The Retired Teachers Club of Petersburg and Vicinity will meet at 1 p.m. Monday at the Baptist Children’s Home, Ritchie Multi-Purpose Building and Learning Center, 6900 Hickory Road. For information, call Filmore Martin, Membership chairman, at 804-7323048. COLONIAL HEIGHTS — The Tri-City Coin Club meets at 5:30 p.m. Monday at the Colonial Heights Public Library, 1000 Yacht Basin Drive. For information, call George Minson at 804-5262939.


COLONIAL HEIGHTS — Quilter’s group program meets every Tuesday, 6-8 p.m. at the Senior Center, 157 Roanoke Avenue. We have tables for your workspace. Bring with you your fabric and sewing notions, sewing machine, extension cord and work in progress. For more information call 804-520-9220. COLONIAL HEIGHTS — Dunlop House Assisted Living and Dementia Care will present another Survival Skills for Healthy Aging educational event entitled “Caregiver Burnout” from 3 to 5 p.m. Tuesday at the facility, located at 235 Dunlop Farms Boulevard. The event is free and open to the public. Pamela Waitkus, Ed.S. with the Waitkus Counseling Group, will provide tips for the caregiver and how to avoid burnout.A box dinner will be provided to those who registered. Reservations were required by June 5. HOPEWELL — The Brain Injury Association of Virginia facilitates a free monthly support group for adults living with brain injury, as well as family, friends and other concerned people in the lives of those living with injury. This group meets from 6:15-7:45 p.m. Tuesday at the Hopewell branch of the Appomattox Regional Library System, 209 E. Cawson St. For more information about this group, contact Mary Wallace at 3555748 or email mary@biav.net. COLONIAL HEIGHTS — The Tri-Cities Hokie Club and Alumni Association meets at 7 p.m. Tuesday at the Colonial Heights Vocational School on Conduit Road. COLONIAL HEIGHTS — The Colonial Heights City Council will meet at 7 p.m. Tuesday in City Council Chambers, which is located on the first floor of City Hall, 201 James Ave. For more information, call 520-9360.




COLONIAL HEIGHTS — DivorceCare divorce recovery seminar and support meets at Colonial Heights Baptist Church in Colonial Heights at 6:45 p.m. each Wednesday. The group is designed to be “open” so that a person can begin coming any week. Childcare is provided. The church is located at 17201 Jeff Davis Hwy. DivorceCare features nationally recognized experts on divorce and recovery topics. For information, call 526-0424. COLONIAL HEIGHTS — TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) No. 485 meets each Wednesday morning at Colonial Heights Library, 1000 Yacht Basin Drive. Weigh-ins begin at 8:15 a.m. and the meetings start at 9. For information, call Evelyn at 748-2607. COLONIAL HEIGHTS — The Optimist Club of Colonial Heights, 916 Meridan Ave., holds bingo every Wednesday evening. Doors open at 5 p.m. and early bird games start at 6:45 and regular games start at 7. Food is available for a nominal fee. For directions, or details call 5260689. Monies raised support youth projects in the community. CHESTERFIELD — Chesterfield County Domestic and Sexual Violence Resource Center hosts a free, ongoing support group for survivors of domestic and sexual violence from 1-2:30 p.m. Wednesdays. New members are welcome to join at any time. For information or to enroll, call 706-1281. COLONIAL HEIGHTS — Colonial Heights

veterans greater access to their General Assembly members. The Chamber also presented similar awards to two Virginia senators. The event program stated, “The Virginia Chamber would like to acknowledge Del. Kirk Cox, and Senators Mamie Locke, D-2nd, and Frank Wagner, R-7th, for their professional and personal dedication toward strengthening the ties between the business community and the military and for promoting job opportunities for veterans.” Please see DELEGATE, Page 5

Post 284 Auxiliary meets Wednesday at the Post Home, 505 Springdale Ave. The Executive Committee meets at 6 p.m., followed by a social at 7. The general meeting begins at 7:30. For membership information, contact Betty Medeiros at 896-1482.



COLONIAL HEIGHTS — Colonial Heights Moose Lodge 1783, 170 Moose Ave., holds bingo every Thursday. Doors open at 4 p.m. each day. Bingo starts at 6 p.m. Sunday and 7 p.m. Thursday. Food is available for a nominal fee. For directions, visit the website at www.chmoose. com or call 526-1537. CHESTER — The Chester Village Sunshine Club meets at 9:30 a.m. every Thursday at Chester Village Clubhouse, 11701 Chester Village Drive. This is for seniors 62 and older. Coffee and refreshments are provided. CHESTER — Commonwealth Power Sports presents every type of Bike Night 6-8 p.m. each Thursday at Steel Horse Bar & Grill, 1920 W. Hundred Road. COLONIAL HEIGHTS — The Rotary Club of Colonial Heights meets at the Hilton Garden Inn, Southpark Boulevard, each Thursday at 7 a.m. HOPEWELL — St. Joseph Catholic School holds bingo every Thursday at AHEPA Hall, 810 W. Poythress St. Doors open at 5 p.m. Games start at 7 p.m. Food is available for nominal fee. For more information, call St. Joseph School at 732-3931. COLONIAL HEIGHTS — The Colonial Heights Senior Citizens Club will meet at 1:15 p.m. on Thursday at the Senior Center, located at the Community Building, 157 Roanoke Ave. Entertainment will be provided by singing duo 10 & 11 (Daryl Pecht and Randy Rainey) playing the keyboard and singing. Any resident of Colonial Heights, age 50 and older, are invited to join this club, which meets each Thursday. For more information, call 526-3497. FORT LEE — The Tri-City Toastmasters Club meets the second Thursday of each month from 11:45 a.m.-12:45 p.m. at the Defense Commissary Agency in Multipurpose Room 6. The club is open to the public. For more information, visit the website at 8662.toastmastersclub.org. COLONIAL HEIGHTS — The Colonial Heights Lions Club meets at 6:30 p.m. Thursday at Dante’s Pizzeria. For more information, call Ralph Dunn, secretary, at 748-4810. COLONIAL HEIGHTS — Southside Regional Medical Center sponsors a free bereavement support group at 7 p.m. Thursday at Southside Rehabilitation Services, 430 Clairmont Court, Suite 120. For information, call Chaplain Don Phelps at 765-5593.

Calendar listings

The Colonial Voice will publish a listing of events in the community each week. The goal is to highlight the nonprofit, social, fraternal or self-help groups in the region. The deadline for submitting items is at noon Monday for the Friday newspaper. Submit calendar items to newsroom@progressindex. com or to The Progress-Index, 15 Franklin St., Petersburg, VA 23803.




The Colonial Voice, Friday, June 6, 2014



The Colonial Heights Senior Citizens Club meets weekly at the Senior Center, which is located inside the Colonial Heights Community Building, 157 Roanoke Ave. Pictures shown were taken at recent meetings. Above: Julia Buren receives her new membership papers on May 8. Left top: Guest speaker Ivan Perkinson, pastor and artist, entertained club members at the May 1 meeting. Left bottom: Club members celebrate May birthdays during the May 8 meeting. Pictured from left to right are: birthday honorees Alice Burnett, Mildred Morrison and Rusty Sirles. Absent member celebrating a May birthday was Don Lawson.

CRIME The following information was provided by the Colonial Heights Police Department. • Butler, Aaron Joseph, 23, of the 100 block of Crater Woods Court, Petersburg, was charged with probation violation on May 16. • Frazier, Jason Christopher, 32, of the 9600 block of Hickory Road, South Chesterfield, was charged with driving under the influence on May 16 in the 1100 block of W. Roslyn at I95. • Hawkins, Nicholas D., 35, of the 500 block of Lyons Ave., Colonial Heights, was charged with driving under the influence on May 16 at Boulevard and Westover. • Lewis, Pamela S., 51, of the 2300 block of Dublin St., Hopewell, was charged with larceny: petit on May 16 in the 600 block of Southpark Blvd. • Loving, Dorian Allan Jr., 18, of the 500 block of Moorman Ave., Colonial Heights, was charged with burglary: felony intent on May 16. • Reyes, Melissa Anne, 40, of the 500 block of E. Washington St., Petersburg, was charged with violate conditions of release on May 16. • Tatum, Michael Maurice, 34, of the 7500 block of Rolling Hill Road, Hopewell, was charged with fraud: false pretense on May 16. • White, Kevin Lamont, 42, of the 3300 block of Yerger Road, Richmond, was charged with probation violation on May 16. • Winfield, Terrell L., 23, of the 100 block of Walkover St., Petersburg, was charged with concealed weapon on May 16 in the 3200 block of Boulevard. • Taylor, Amanda Dawn, 32, of the 11500 block of Quaker Road, Dinwiddie, was charged with larceny: petit and child neglect/contributing to delinquency of minor on May 17.

• Cochran, Regina Leigh, 37, of the 900 block of Hardy Ave., Colonial Heights, was charged with driving under the influence on May 18 at Conduit and Westover. • Joyner, Montrell L., 22, of the 300 block of Crestfall Court, Petersburg, was charged with fail to appear on May 18. • Day, James David, 46, of the 200 block of Highland Ave., Colonial Heights, was charged with fraud: false pretense on May 19. • Fender, Timothy Charles, 42, of the 13500 block of Queen St., Disputanta, was charged with fail to appear on May 19. • Gudger, Deonte Joseph, 28, was charged with fail to appear on May 19. • Hobgood, Richard Kenneth, 42, of the 100 block of Brooklawn Ave., Hopewell, was charged with probation violation on May 19. • Loving, Dorian Allan Jr., 18, of the 500 block of Moorman Ave., Colonial Heights, was charged with burglary: felony intent on May 19. • McKee, Brandy, 36, of the 2000 block of Boulevard, Colonial Heights, was charged with fail to appear on May 19. • Milot, Stephanie L., 36, of the 700 block of Old Town Drive, Colonial Heights, was charged with fail to provide necessary care for pet on May 19. • Perry, Yvonne Delois, 57, of the 700 block of Plum St., Petersburg, was charged with assault: simple on May 19. • Smith, Samuel Lamont, 18, of the 400 block of Gould Ave., Colonial Heights, was charged with trespass: w/ intent to do damage on May 19. • Stevens, Christopher Allen, 33, of West Broad St., Richmond, was charged with violation of court order on May 19. • Wilson, Steven Shelton, 56, of the 200 block of Lee Ave., Colonial Heights, was charged with assault & battery:

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family member on May 19. • Bland, Cordell Lamar, 26, of the 21500 block of Warren Ave., South Chesterfield, was charged with contempt of court on May 20. • Bowles, Jeremy Ross, 24, of the 200 block of Woodbridge Road, Colonial Heights, was charged with probation violation on May 20. • Davis, Robert Leroy, 41, of the 1900 block of Oakland St., Petersburg, was charged with habitual offender on May 20. • Jones, Daniel Heath, 25, of the 4100 block of Hickory Road, South Chesterfield, was charged with drunk in public on May 20 at Valley and Boulevard. • Nelsen, John Stephen, 40, of the 5200 block of Shady Lane, Richmond, was charged with driving under the influence and larceny: grand on May 20 in the 700 block of Southpark Blvd. • Patton, Allen L., 23, of the 4800 block of Charles City Road, Richmond, was charged with driving under the influence on May 20 at Boulevard and Brame. • Procise, Tynesha Livarda, 24, of the 400 block of Mars St., Petersburg, was charged with fail to appear on May 20. • Bonilla, Nastassia Alyssa, 25, of the 3800 block of Orkney Road, Colonial Heights, was charged with fail to appear on May 21. • Herrera, Ana, 34, of the 2300 block of Sula Drive, Chester, was charged with trespass: general on May 21 in the 100 block of Archer St. • Loftus, Kevin James, 18, of the 100 block of Hanover Ave., Colonial Heights, was charged with illegally possess alcohol on May 21 in the 2000 block of Conduit Road. • Information is provided by police and sheriff’s departments. This information may or may not be all inclusive. Arrests include summons. Arrests do not imply guilt.

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COLONIAL HEIGHTS — Wayne McGlone, owner of Carlton’s Auto Service, said it’s not unusual for him to spend the night in his shop after a long day of work, and that’s exactly what he did on May 27. McGlone folded out the couch in the break room that Tuesday night like so many other nights and went to bed around 11 p.m., but awoke when he heard “noise in the shop” around 2:15 a.m. He thought it was an animal and “figured that’s what I had” until he walked out of the break room and was 5 feet away from the man who had broken into his shop. McGlone said the burglar seemed just as surprised to see him and he confronted the suspect who was trying to get into the register. “Honestly, I guess I was in a state of shock or disbelief. We were both surprised to see each other I guess is the best way to put it.” McGlone told the man to

leave and the man said he wasn’t leaving. That’s when the attack started, he said. “He took a step towards me and evidently ... I didn’t realize I’d gotten nicked [by the crowbar] in the chest,” McGlone said of the man who was armed with a crowbar. “I heard him distinctly say he was gonna kill me ... he was gonna [sic] hit me in the side of the head.” McGlone feared for his life during the attack. “He meant it,” McGlone said of the burglar’s death threat. “He wasn’t telling a lie. He was gonna [sic] try his best.” He said the man also caught him in the shoulder with the crowbar. Then suddenly the man’s demeanor changed and it seemed like he wanted to g e t o u t o f t h e s h o p, McGlone said. The suspect left and McGlone followed him out to see which way he went before calling the police who arrived within minutes. The suspect got away Please see ATTACK, Page 5

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The Colonial Voice, Friday, June 6, 2014


Beverly Lewis Cogle, 85, born Nov. 28, 1928, died peacefully at her home on May 30, 2014. She was predeceased by her parents, Guy G. and Daisy Smith Lewis; and her sister, Alice Lewis Lee. She is survived by: her husband of 63 years, R. Jack Cogle; a sister-in-law, Peggy Cogle Quay; three daughters, Nancy Cogle Calhoun, Sandra Cogle Bondurant and husband, Fil, and Lynnette Cogle Swoope and husband, Michael; three grandchildren, Scott Bondurant and wife, Abby, Jennifer Bondurant Styles and husband, Doug, and Erin Journell Moock and husband, Brad; and seven great-grandchildren. Beverly graduated from Madison College in 1949 with a degree in mathematics and later earned her master’s in education. She had the joy of teaching for nearly 25 years in the Colonial Heights school system, where she taught elementary, middle, and high school students. She also served as chairman of the high school mathematics department and as a class sponsor for many of the classes. She considered her service there a privilege, as well as a blessing. Beverly was a devout Christian and a member of the Mount Pleasant Baptist Church in Colonial Heights. The family would like to thank Dr. Brian S. Neely for the love and compassion shown to Mrs. Cogle and to Hospice Community Care for the care and dedication shown to Mrs. Cogle during her long illness. A funeral service was held

In Memory at 1:30 p.m. Tuesday, June 3, 2014, in the Colonial Heights Chapel of the E. Alvin Small Funeral Homes & Crematory, 2033 Boulevard, with the Rev. Dr. Andy Brockelman and Chaplin Joseph R. Seawell officiating. Interment was private. The family received friends one hour prior to the service Tuesday from 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the funeral home. Memorial contributions may be made to Hospice Community Care, 10128 W. Broad, Suite J, Glen Allen, VA 23060. Condolences may be registered at www.ealvinsmall.com.


Robert S. “Bobby” Emory, 67, of Colonial Heights passed away on Friday, May 23, 2014. Born in Petersburg, he was the son of the late Walter S. and Marguerite Holzner Emory. He was a United States Navy veteran, and a retired chief AC and R Tech with Honeywell, after 31 years of service. He was a longtime member of the Eagles No. 882 and past president of the Local Union No. 851. Bobby was a diehard Indianapolis Colts fan. He was passionate about gardening, reading the newspaper, and a patriotic man who was proud to be an American who loved his country. He is survived by his wife, Sandra A. Emory of Colonial Heights; his children, Heather Emory Glomb and hus-

ter, Petersburg. They were married for 57 years, the last four of which he visited with her practically every day at Golden Living Center. The couple has four sons and daughters-in-law, all surviving: David McPeak (Mary) of Christiansburg, Randy McPeak (Betty) of Kissimmee, Fla., Guy M. Laine (Bonnie) of Chester, and Jamie Laine (Kathy) of Scottsburg. In addition to many grandchildren, survivors also include: a dear cousin, Dottie Williams; and her children, Teresa Barfield, Nancy Murphy and Rhonda Mitchell, whose families performed countless deeds of kindness during the last several years. These kind acts helped Guy to continue to live independently on his own. Mr. Laine was predeceased by: his parents, Guy Carlton Laine and Irene Doss Laine; as well as his brother, Bobby Laine; and his sister, Alice Frederick. Mr. Laine retired from Kroger and IGA as a longtime meat cutter. After honorably serving four years in the U.S. Navy during the Korean War, his early career included 10 years as an insurance agent for The Home Beneficial Life Insurance Company. A graveside service was held at 11 a.m. Monday, June 2, 2014, at Southlawn Memorial Park. The family received friends from 5 to 7 p.m. Sunday, June 1, at the Petersburg Chapel of J.T. Morriss & Son Funeral Home. Memorial donations may be made to a charity of your choice. Condolences may be registered at www.jtmorriss. com.

band, Andrew of Colonial Heights, Shannon Emory Bright and husband, Jason of Chesterfield, and Robert Stewart Emory II and wife, Michelle of Chester; grandchildren, Edward Andrew Glomb Jr., Taylor Renee Glomb, Austin Stewart-Wade Emory, Abigail Claire Emory, Mattie Elizabeth Emory, and Emma Grace Jarratt; a brother, Johnny Emory and wife, Linda of Prince George; an aunt, Dorothy Bryant of Colonial Heights; an uncle, Robbie Holzner of Colonial Heights; and a niece, Julia Emory Hudson. A funeral service was held at 11 a.m. Saturday, May 31, 2014, at the Colonial Heights chapel of the E. Alvin Small Funeral Homes & Crematory, 2033 Boulevard. Burial followed in Blandford Cemetery, Petersburg. The family received friends from 10 to 11 a.m. Saturday prior to the service at the funeral home. Memorial contributions may be made to the Wounded Warrior Project, P.O. Box 758517, Topeka, KS 66675. Condolences may be registered at www.ealvinsmall. com.


Guy Lewis Laine of Colonial Heights died at the age of 79 on Thursday, May 29, 2014, at Virginia Commonwealth University Medical Center after a brief illness. He was born Jan. 21, 1935, in Petersburg. Mr. Laine is survived by: his dear wife, Mildred Q. Laine of Golden Living Cen-

Winners in hot dog eating contest are heading to Coney Island in July BY KATHERINE JOHNSON STAFF WRITER

FORT LEE — Eight men and women gave their all on the front lines of Nathan’s Famous Hot Dog Eating Contest qualifying round Thursday evening, May 29. All were new to competitive eating, but tried out tricks from the pros such as dipping the bun in water, two hot dogs in each hand and gulping water between bites. Only one man and one woman were left standing at the end of the competition though, and they’ll be on their way to Coney Island in July. Richard Shea, president of Major League Eating, explained the rules before


Continued from Page 4

empty handed, but McGlone said he was left “black and blue all the way down to my elbow.” Although McGlone was attacked in his own shop, he said the burglar’s actions will not change his routine and he’s not afraid to continue spending the night. He said the burglar’s “not gonna [sic] run me out of my business.” Because of the timing of the break-in, however, McGlone does think the man was watching the shop prior to the incident. McGlone said the shop is usually empty around 1 a.m.

the competition began. Each competitor starts out with five hot dogs and buns and must finish those before they’re given another plate, Shea said. Contestants can also dunk the bun in water, but for less than five seconds. Each man and woman competing just had to out-eat their Fort Lee competitors to win a spot to compete at Coney Island. “The champion [in 2013 at Coney Island] has eaten 69 in 10 minutes ... Typically in a regional contest you see around 20, this may be a little fewer just because they’re all rookies,” he said. Five men and three womPlease see HOT DOGS, Page 6

after his son and friends work on cars and he starts work at 4:30 a.m. Sgt. Robert Ruxer with the Colonial Heights Police Department said the suspect is a black male, but that there were no other leads. So far this year, there have been 48 breaking and entering cases, which includes businesses and residences. Last year, there were a total of 54. “It’s definitely increased,” Ruxer said, as the city is only six away from last year’s total. The burglaries have occurred all over the city and it’s possible that some of them are connected, Ruxer said. However, this particular burglary was “obviously different because


Command Sgt. Maj. Sheila Nelson holds her trophy for being the women’s champion in the 2014 Nathan’s Famous Hot Dog Eating Contest qualifying round held May 29 at Fort Lee. The top male and female finishers earned a spot to compete in the finals on July 4 in Brooklyn, N.Y.

somebody saw the suspect.” He said the police department is investigating all of the incidents, following up l e a d s a n d i n c re a s i n g patrols. To help prevent a breakin, Ruxer said it’s important to lock doors and keep valuables out of sight. Businesses should not leave money in the register after closing up. Instead, it should be kept in a safe. Security systems and camera systems are especially helpful for police, because it can help them identify a suspect, Ruxer said. • Katherine Johnson can be reached at 804-722-5154 or kjohnson@progress-index. com.


ber chairman, I was pleased to introduce Kirk for his keynote remarks and to be a part Continued from Page 3 of the awards program. In my prepared remarks I com“I am honored to be pre- mended Kirk for his service sented with the business as a champion for education, community’s Military & Vet- an advocate for veterans, and erans Affairs Advocate a strong supporter of proAward” Cox said. “I have business policies that allows worked very closely with vet- Virginia to remain as the top erans groups, particularly state for business. I especially the Military Officers Associa- enjoyed this opportunity as tion of America (MOAA) and Kirk is my delegate. I apprethe American Legion, for the ciate the outstanding job he last 20 years. With their help does every day in representand assistance, we have ing the people of Colonial increased veterans claims Heights and Chesterfield in officers, developed programs the General Assembly.” to support our Wounded WarIn his remarks, Cox drew riors, obtained approval for on his extensive educational Veterans Care Centers to background to give a quick tend to our senior veterans, review of the General Assemexpanded the VA War Memo- bly’s focus on K-12 and higher rial, and more. education noting the House “During the last few years proposed budget provides we have worked with busi- funding for investment in an ness groups to expand Advanced Manufacturing employment for our transi- Apprenticeship Academy tioning military. I plan to con- located in Prince George tinue this productive rela- County. With the approval of the Commonwealth’s budget, the Academy would begin preparing Virginias for good paying jobs in the advanced manufacturing field. In his prepared remarks, he made a strong case for passing a budget now, emphasizing, “We [the General Assembly] have an obligation to the 8.2 million citizens of the commonwealth, city and county governments, state agen— Del. Kirk Cox, R-66th cies and many other entities around the state to pass a budget tionship with our veterans at the earliest possible date.” groups and Virginia business The budget would normally leaders as we meet the chal- be passed by March 8. lenges ahead,” he said. “We need to ensure we proCox also received the vide the funding guidance Champion of Free Enter- required for the sound fiscal prise Award for his 100 per- management of the commoncent pro-business voting wealth,” Cox said. “For many record as reflected in the years we have set the stanChamber’s “Report Card.” dard for sound management “The Legislative Report in the nation as evidenced by Card allows us to recognize our prestigious AAA bond and honor legislators who rating from all three rating support the free market sys- agencies. We should continue tem and the interests of the to lead.” business community,” said • Delegate Kirk Cox repreBarry DuVal, president and sents the 66th House of DeleCEO of the Virginia Cham- gates District, which includes ber. The Virginia Chamber all of Colonial Heights and 12 of Commerce is the state’s precincts in southern/western largest business advocacy Chesterfield County. He is the organization with more than House Majority Leader and 16,000 members. chairs the House of AppropriCox was at the Chamber’s ations Higher Education Subawards ceremony not only to committee and is a member be recognized as an outstand- of two other Appropriation ing legislator but to make Subcommittees – Secondary principal remarks at the and Elementary Education event. He was introduced by and Agriculture, Commerce, the chairman of the Virginia Technology and Natural Chamber, Gary Thomson. Resources. He is also a memThomson is a Chesterfield ber of the House Rules ComCounty resident and is the mittee serving as vice chair, regional managing partner member of Joint Rules Comfor Dixon Hughes Goodman, mittee and a member of the a leading accounting and Joint Legislative Audit and management consulting Review Commission. To learn firm. more, visit www.KirkCox. Thomson said, “As Cham- com.

“I plan to continue this productive relationship with our veterans groups and Virginia business leaders as we meet the challenges ahead.”

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The Colonial Voice, Friday, June 6, 2014


Address: Meets at Lakeview Elementary School, 401 Taswell Ave. For more information or directions, call 520-6200, or www.christcommunitychurchva. org.



Address: 16801 Harrowgate Road. For info on Sunday services and other Life changing ministries and activities go to www.visitlifechurch.org, or e-mail wanda@visitlifechurch.org or call 526-7000.


Services are held at Salem Address: 601 Cameron Church Elementary School, Avenue. For more informa- 9600 Salem Church Road, in Chesterfield. For more infortion, call 526-5286. mation, call 804-839-3136.



Celebration of Life Address: 516 Lyons AveChurch of God meets at 123 Pickwick Ave. in Colonial nue. For more information, Heights. For more informa- call 520-7813. tion please call 221-2915.


Address: Meets at Greenwood Presbyterian Church, 7110 Woodpecker Road. For more information, call 7961040 or visitccc4jc2007@aol. com.



Address: 1769 S. Sycamore St., Petersburg. For more information, call 7328567 between 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Monday-Thursday.


Address: 19600 Halloway Address: 295 Dunlop Avenue, Matoaca. For more Far ms Blvd. For more information, call 590-2094. information, call 520-4988 or visit www.colonialchrisMOUNT tianchurch.com.


Address: 17201 Jeff Davis Highway. For more information, call 526-0424 or visit www.chbaptist.com.


Address: 601 East Ellerslie Avenue. For more information, call 526-6920.


Address: 211 Lynchburg Avenue. For more information, call 526-0929 or visit http://www.colonialheightspres.org.



Address: 3110 Greenwood Avenue. For more information, call 526-0816.


Address: 7925 Hickory Road, Chesterfield. For more information, call 804526-5649.


The Tri-Cities Prayer Vigil Ministry has a prayer l i n e o p e n fo r p r aye r requests seven days a week including holidays from 7 p.m. to midnight. Local number is 804-425-6370, 804-861-2609 and toll-free long distance 1-800-4433155. Someone is always available to take calls.


Address: Meets at Matoaca Middle School, West campus. For more informaAddress: 107 Pickwick tion, call 526-8260 or visit Avenue. For more informawww.ccfnet1.org. tion or transportation, call Overseer Walter J. Mason COVENANT at 834-2356.


Address: 542 South Park Blvd. For more information, call 526-0634.



Address: 17111 Jefferson Address: 1226 W. Roslyn Davis Highway. For more Road. For more informa- information, call 526-2548. tion call 526-8189 or visit mysite.verizon.net/ ST. MICHAEL’S FBC316/.



Address: The corner of Ellerslie Avenue and Old Address: 101 Highland Town Drive. For more inforAvenue. For more informa- mation, call 526-1790. tion, call 526-3667.







Address: 21000 ChesterAddress: 18510 Branders field Avenue, Ettrick. For more information call 526- Bridge Road. For more information, call 520-1211. 6184 or 590-2277.

Address: 14001 Woods Address: 125 E. Westover Avenue. For more informa- Edge Road. For more information, call 530-8011. tion, call 526-3870.

Address: 3701 Conduit Address: 620 Lafayette Road. For more informaAvenue. For more information, call 526-3276 or www. tion, call 526-3700 or visit www.wesley.col-hts.org. ibc4family.com.


Address: 3116 Woodlawn Address: 17120 Jefferson Avenue. For more informaDavis Highway. For more tion, call 526-2179 or 541-3514. information, call 526-1350.

Artist establishes deep emotional connection with subjects she portrays BY BOB PARLIER

Elderly man shot in city; 2 suspects arrested




rtist Peggy Moore states, it’s not so much “an interest in painting” that creates her inspiration, “it’s more evoking an emotion and essence that turns up the flame in the works I so love to do.” The subject(s) Moore portrays in her graphite portraits are “so much more than people or animals, cats, dogs.” She says her inspiration comes from a soulful essence in the subject(s) that she portrays, laying each pencil line, bringing to life that special “something” that is not always in a photograph. Moore relates the most supportive encouragement and inspiration from individuals has come from two men at just the right time — Dr. Durwood Dommissee, one of her professors at VCU School of the Arts, and her husband, Bob. Her husband has had faith in the work she produced and helped to fulfill a dream she really didn’t know she had. She was 35 when Bob made it financially possible for her to study under “such a wonderful, kind man as Dr. Dommissee”. This was no small feat during the difficult economic period while raising two small children. Peggy states, “Even though we could barely afford two semesters at VCU, I will be forever grateful for the opportunity. Now, even years later, [Bob] is by my side helping me to hang works in preparation for an opening reception or show. His support inspires me; calming my stage fright and making me smile.” Dr. Dommissee lifted her skills and technical ability from the elementary to a much higher level of precision and detail. He gave her the confidence to step outside herself tapping into emotional connections with subjects she may be depicting, be it landscapes, still life or portraits. She says he gave so much of himself to his students during his tenure at VCU School the Arts. Moore feels honored to have had the opportunity to study under him. His influence and knowledge shared has carried her much further than she could have ever imagined, she says. Moore is not one to create for accolades or awards. She has won awards, but really has never kept score. She declares, “Heck, my high school art teacher and classmates didn’t know I could draw ... anything! I held art to myself. My works were more of an intense release of emotions and meditation. My artwork was very personal, very private.” In the late 1970s Moore says she entered a few pieces in ‘Arts in the Park’ in Richmond “at the insistence of my husband and friends.” A couple of her pieces won second place

HOT DOGS Continued from Page 5

en competed in the 10-minute long contest. Chan Yau was the top dog in the contest and winner for the men, eating 12 hot dogs. Command Sgt. Maj. Sheila Nelson was the top female eater with 5 hot dogs. Yau, who has been training at Fort Lee for the last month, said he had previously watched the competition on TV, which is why he dunked the buns in water. He said that it made the buns “easier to swallow.” “I’m full. I’m pretty sure I’m good for tonight and tomorrow,” Yau said. Nelson said she didn’t feel too bad after finishing five hot dogs. “I think it was the bread as well as the water that kind of blew me up,” she said.



This graphite pencil portrait by artist Peggy Moore is one of many she has created. Her work can be seen at the Side Street Gallery in Colonial Heights and Crossroads Art Center in Richmond. and one, first place. “I didn’t think I had a chance of placing, so my husband and I left to run errands,” she recalls. “A friend was staying until the announcement of winners and she accepted the ribbons for me. There have been others, but again, that is not why I create.” Working in color is not her forte even though she works in a variety of mediums. Watercolor, pen and ink, acrylics are more to her liking for still life and landscapes. Shimmering light through trees or bouncing off water is exciting but not what she loves to do. Moore’s love, her passion, is graphite pencil portraits. She iterates, “There’s something about the velvet quality of pencils as I lay line to paper that is so relaxing and exciting at same time, almost hypnotic. Each subject is so very unique with individual quirks of a raised eyebrow, a smile or that pesky lock of hair that tends to fall all over one’s eye that mothers want to tuck behind an ear. Something that is indicative to that person’s personality and character.” Moore works hard to put love into her portraits. “When I receive a commission, I say a little prayer over each piece asking for guidance over my hands and to help me see to create what it is that my higher power wants others to see in the portrait I am depicting,” she explains. “When clients receive their portrait, and they tear with delight and intense emotion, I tear as well. I feel blessed to have touched hearts in such a way. There is no juried show award or contest accolade that could compare. This is why I love what I love to do.” When asked about her plan, she has to chuckle. ”I’ve tried taking hold with running this whirlwind ride of what the powers-that-be have in store for my creative endeavors these last few years. It

doesn’t work,” she says. “‘Crash and burn’ comes to mind. When I first opened up to show my graphite portraits publicly four years ago, a friend put it to me aptly, ‘Goodness knows, girl, God is all up in your business’. Well, yes He is. There is no doubt or question.” Good luck doesn’t just come out of nowhere, you have to put yourself in a position to receive it, Moore adds. “There is a plan; I try to position myself to be open enough to receive. It’s exciting to have my work at the new Side Street Gallery in Colonial Heights and Crossroads Art Center in Richmond. Slowly, like wet on wet watercolors, the general public is beginning to know and recognize the work I do and be recognized for my ‘style’”. When depicting portraits in graphite, Moore works from photographs that her clients provide or that she provides. “I ask clients to tell me the life story of the subject they want depicted. That emotional verbal connection to the client is crucial to the process of my being able to depict what is unseen but felt,” she says. “Nystagmus” or what some call ‘dancing eyes’ is a birth defect that Peggy has been blessed with. Yes, she said she is blessed. Her eyes move constantly making it difficult to focus, especially on a small object. Moore says, “The old adage ‘so mad that I can’t see straight’ is one I can totally relate to. I must rely on my ‘gut’ to go past what I may not be able to actually see to depict with a deeper inner emotional connection. “As a result,” she says, “this birth defect has become an asset to my artwork and catalyst to the development to my style. This “disability” has turned into ‘ability’ ... a gift. Go figure.” • For more information about Peggy Moore’s work, visit her website: http//peggymoore3.wix.com/peggymoore-cvm

COLONIAL HEIGHTS – Two suspects arrested by Colonial Heights Police in the shooting and armed robbery of a 62year-old man during an apparent robbery attempt JACKSON Monday evening have been linked to an earlier robbery of a 93year-old woman. Police COLBURNEsaid they GARRETT believe Derek Alphonso Jackson Jr. and Nicholas Colburne-Garrett, approached the man in his driveway in the 100 block of Biltmore Drive, took personal belongings and shot the man once in the torso. The shooting took place shortly before 7 p.m. The victim was taken to VCU Medical Center and went in for surgery last night, Police Sgt. Robert Ruxer said. He’s now recovering. Jackson, 20, of Dinwiddie County, was charged with two counts of robbery, conspiracy and the use of a firearm in the commission of a felony, according to a press release from the police department. Colburne-Garrett, 18, of Petersburg, was charged with two counts of robbery, malicious wounding, conspiracy and use of a firearm in the commission of a felony. Both are being held at Riverside Regional Jail without bond. The two men were also linked to the robbery of a 93year-old woman that took place on May 1. “Charges in this case are forthcoming,” according to a statement from Colonial Heights Police. Shortly after the robbery, an officer attempted to stop a black Sedan that Jackson and Colburne-Garrett were driving for speeding at Forestview Drive. The car was pulled over several minutes later at the Rite-Aid located at Ellerslie and the Boulevard, Ruxer said. Based on witness descriptions, police were able to determine that Jackson and Colburne-Garrett were suspects in the attempted robbery. In the robbery of the woman, her purse was stolen after two suspects followed her home to the 400 block of Norwood Street from Virginia Commonwealth Bank. The woman was driving home from the bank at around noon on May 1 when two men in a black, four-door car followed her from the bank. One of the men got out of the car and snatched the woman’s purse as she was entering her home, police said. There wasn’t any evidence that a weapon was displayed and the woman wasn’t hurt, police said.

She didn’t go into the competition with a strategy, but figured it out quickly after she started eating. “The water did help the bread digest a little bit easier.” Nelson said she’d love to go to Coney Island after winning the competition, but is unsure of how many she’d be able to eat there. “I’m sure the competition will be very stiff,” she said. Nelson doesn’t plan on practicing and thinks she has an advantage already because she’s used to eating hot dogs plain, as most do in the competition. Nathan’s has been hosting the eating contest for 98 years. Shea said it was Nathan’s first stop at Fort Lee and that it’s the only military base stop on the qualifying rounds tour. RACHAEL QUICK/PROGRESS-INDEX PHOTO • Katherine Johnson can be Chan Yau holds his trophy for being the men’s chamreached at 804-722-5154 or pion in the 2014 Nathan’s Famous Hot Dog Eating kjohnson@progress-index. Contest qualifying round held May 29 at Fort Lee. com.



The Colonial Voice, Friday, June 6, 2014



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