The Kawartha Promoter - December 18, 2020 - Volume 30 Issue 25

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Promoter The Kawartha

Locally Owned and Operated

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Friday, December 18, 2020 Volume 30, Issue 25

Your Source for Community News

2021 Horoscopes • Crossword • Holiday Messages

Comfort & Joy


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December 18, 2020 - The Kawartha Promoter

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76 King St West., P.O. Box 535 Bobcaygeon, ON K0M 1A0 TEL.: 705-738-6188 FAX: 705-738-4187 Covering the Kawartha Lakes Area Publisher/Director/Manager Max Miller Editor Deb Crossen Art Director Max Miller Advertising Representatives Beryl Apelbaum The Promoter is a local, independently owned and operated newspaper. The opinions and views expressed are those of the contributors and do not necessarily reflect those of The Promoter. Liability for incorrectly displayed or placed advertisements is limited to publishing corrections or providing advertising credit to be applied on subsequent advertisements at the advertiser’s discretion. All text, photos, graphics, artwork and other material published in The Kawartha Promoter or on its website are copyrighted and may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission. Publisher reserves the right to reject, revise, cancel, omit, discontinue, decline to publish or suspend any advertisement for any reason in its sole discretion, without liability or penalty to Publisher, and without notice to the Advertiser. The Publisher of The Kawartha Promoter has made every effort to ensure that the information in this publication was correct at press time. The Publisher does not assume and hereby disclaims any liability to any party for any loss, damage, or disruption caused by errors or omissions, whether such errors or omissions result from negligence, accident, or any other cause.


pg. 20


pg. 22 & 24

Trades & Services

pg. 22


pg. 26 Cover: Promoter files


It’s been one heck of a year, and as we see it setting like the sun at the end of a beautiful Kawarthas day, we can look back and marvel at what we’ve accomplished! We’ve made it through 10 months of a global pandemic including weeks of lockdown, teaching kids at home, physical distancing, mask-wearing and hand washing! Businesses had to reconfigure how they work, retailers had to put protections in place and our not-for-profit organizations had to get creative about their fundraising programs. Not to mention the dedication and selflessness of our frontline and essential workers! What the past year has taught us is that we are resilient and can adapt. We can find the good in ourselves and others, live with fewer material things and enjoy the small miracles around us. I think we all can now appreciate what we have and how much our


family and friends mean to us. Heading into the holiday season, our gatherings will look different. We’ll have to think up some new traditions to make sure we’re all safe and stay healthy, but that gives us the opportunity to get creative about our connections and how to make the most of the time we do have. My heart goes out to those who have lost someone this year, to COVID-19 or other tragedies. Holidays are difficult and grief can be overwhelming. Please reach out for help if you need to and try to focus on the good memories. Know that your loved ones would want you to smile through your tears. Resolutions for 2021 will be different, too. For me, shedding my own “COVID-20” pounds is top of the list, along with finding ways to stay engaged with my family and community. I want to thank all our loyal readers and advertisers who have helped us keep going throughout 2020. I wish you all a happy and healthy holiday season and let’s look forward to a better 2021! Be safe out there ... and remember to be kind!

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HOLIDAY MESSAGES The Honourable Elizabeth Dowdeswell, Lieutenant Governor

This holiday season brings with it mixed and complicated emotions. It has been a year of challenges for all Ontarians. My thoughts turn to those who have lost loved ones, those who will be disappointed because they cannot celebrate with extended family members in person, those who will miss out on cherished traditions and those who remain anxious and uncertain about what the near future will hold. And yet, out of these unprecedented circumstances we have also seen the very best of humanity. Together, with creativity, courage and compassion we have supported each other – our families, neighbours and communities. We have much to be thankful for this holiday season. I am so grateful to all those who serve. You who respond when we need you the most. Our doctors, nurses, and personal support workers. Our first responders, teachers, scientists and countless others. Those who never tire or fail to answer the call. Equally, I appreciate those who take risks, sometimes at great personal cost, so that the rest of us can work from home. Those who keep us fed, deliver goods we need, and clean our public spaces, doing work that we take for granted. Those who put others before themselves, like our small business owners and frontline workers. Throughout this pandemic, Ontarians have demonstrated that where the health and wellbeing of our fellow citizens is concerned, every act and sacrifice counts. I am inspired by those who never give up hope. Those who are thinking boldly about a more just and sustainable future, where everyone finds acceptance, and every voice is heard. One with inclusive economic prosperity, dignity for all, and a new and better normal.

Wishing you a joyous holiday season and a New Year filled with peace.


December 18, 2020 - The Kawartha Promoter

One that respects Indigenous communities who have stewarded and shaped this land from time immemorial. The COVID-19 pandemic has tested the character and resolve of the people of this province. So this year, whatever your faith or tradition, I encourage you to celebrate with purpose and a renewed optimism. Let us rejoice in all that we have overcome with warmth and generosity of spirit but let us also consider how we will remain energized for all we must yet accomplish. We are all in this together. Be kind to one another. As The Queen’s representative in Ontario, I wish you good health and happiness. Quite simply, may you find peace.

MP Jamie Schmale Haliburton-Kawartha Lakes-Brock

While this year has been a challenge for many of us, this Christmas season is more important than ever to remember, appreciate and be grateful for the people in our lives. We know this past year has been difficult for many and this holiday season will hopefully provide some much-needed respite. To me and many, this is the most cherished time of the year. It is an opportunity to support our local businesses, reconnect with friends and enjoy time with loved ones. It is also a time to reflect. When I look back on what we have endured over the past several months what stands out for me is, despite our struggles, the care and compassion the constituents of Haliburton-Kawartha Lakes-Brock displayed in supporting one another. Those who could, supported local. Business owners showed resiliency and innovation. Our front-line health care workers and essential services gave everything they had to ensure health care was available, store shelves were stocked, and our streets were safe. To all those who keep us safe, those who treat the sick, to our local business owners and their employees, to our farmers who keep us fed, to the organizations and volunteers who support the vulnerable, and to everyone who selflessly contributes to see us through these challenging times, thank you. At this time of year mental health is always top of mind and this year it is even more so. In the dark days of winter, we are dealing with incredible challenges. If you know someone who needs help, please reach out to them and ensure they can access the resources available to them. Let them know they are not alone. For many 2020 has been like no other and by celebrating Christmas it will help end the present year on a more cheerful note and make way for a fresh and bright new year. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

MP Maryam Monsef Peterborough-Kawartha

In difficult times we look to one another, to our friends, neighbours, and community, to pull each other up and ensure that everything is going to be okay. We needed each other more than ever in 2020, and this community responded with the kind of resiliency and compassion that makes me so proud to call Peterborough-Kawartha home. As we work towards rebuilding, we know that some things cannot go back to business as usual. The pandemic has given us the unique opportunity to fix the vulnerabilities in our societies that have been exposed. Seniors living in long-term care homes have been immensely affected during this pandemic, and we will work to ensure that something like this never happens again. We’ll work with the provinces and territories to set new, national standards for long-term care, so seniors get the best care possible. While our robust health care system has managed the pandemic well, it has made the need for things like access to a primary care physician, mental health services, virtual healthcare services, and universal pharmacare more obvious. We look forward to working with the provinces and territories to achieve these goals and strengthen our healthcare system. Working from home has been a possibility for many sectors of the economy, thanks to a worldclass internet infrastructure. Unfortunately, some rural Canadians haven’t been able to fully participate in this evolution in the same way. That’s why we’re accelerating timelines and ambitions of the Universal Broadband Fund, so every Canadian, no matter where they live, can have access to reliable high-speed internet services.

The future is green. Long-term competitiveness will be achieved through clean growth while fighting climate change. The time is now to transition away from fossil fuels and invest in clean energy, increased energy efficiency, and reliable public transportation options. Despite the challenges put in front of us this year, we continue to move forward with our vision for Peterborough-Kawartha. Today, more affordable housing is being built, major infrastructure projects like the Causeway and EORN Cell Gap Project are progressing, Peterborough is getting an upgraded bus fleet and composting centre, Curve Lake is closer to clean water than it has been in 50 years, and we now have two federally-funded teams of frontline workers on the streets fighting the opioid crisis 24/7. There is much more work to do, but know that as we move forward, we move forward together — as fellow Canadians, neighbours, and as a community. Wishing you and yours all the best in 2021 and beyond!

MPP Laurie Scott, HaliburtonKawartha LakesBrock

I’m sure everyone can agree that 2020 has been a year like no other. January seemed to begin as usual with many of us cheering Team Canada to a win at the World Junior Hockey Championships. Unfortunately, almost at the very same time a new mysterious infectious disease was discovered. The new virus now known as

December 18, 2020 - The Kawartha Promoter


COVID-19 changed how we and people around the world live our daily lives. Two short months later, countries in every corner of the globe were taking extraordinary and unprecedented measures to slow and stop the spread of this new and deadly disease. The global community rose to the challenge, and in a remarkable example of international collaboration scientists worked tirelessly to find the key for defeating the pandemic. Here at home in Haliburton-Kawartha LakesBrock, our spirit of community and coming together to support one another was immediate and quite extraordinary. Manufacturers pivoted to making critically needed medical supplies, retailers extended their hours to accommodate social distancing, offered home delivery and donated PPE to those in need. We checked in on our neighbours, made and shared messages of hope and supported our front-line workers any way we could. While we as individuals were doing simple things like practicing social distancing, frequently washing our hands and wearing masks to stop the spread, scientists were working around the clock to research, develop and test vaccines. So here we are, its December. A time when we usually gather with friends and family to celebrate the holiday season and the end of the year. In a year that’s been often frustrating, sometimes frightening, and yet occasionally hopeful, we find ourselves on the cusp of a return to normal. While gathering together still poses a real threat to spreading the virus, the arrival of one or

more vaccines provides the light at the end of a long journey in the shadows of the pandemic. We’re not quite at the end of this journey, but we’re certainly on track to turning the corner and beating the pandemic. 2020 has been a year like no other, but if we remain vigilant and do the things, to help keep one another safe, we can share in the hope that on a day in the year ahead, we can return to our daily lives before COVID-19.

Mayor Andy Letham, City of Kawartha Lakes

This year has been one of the most difficult for all of us. The pandemic brought on a lot of challenges that no one was prepared for. At the same time, we saw more community strength, outreach and innovation than we have ever seen before. The pandemic reminded us the world is fast-paced, ever-changing and there are many variables beyond our control. This reminder has reaffirmed our need to invest in our priorities, to better prepare ourselves for life’s uncertainties and that by working together we can adapt and persevere. We’ve become accustomed to

Wishing our Customers a Very Merry Christmas

4 Harvest Street Lindsay 705-324-1111 6

December 18, 2020 - The Kawartha Promoter

new communications tools and technologies, shifted the ways we do business and provide services and found ways to still come together while staying safely apart. Most importantly, we’ve remained committed to the wellbeing of our community. This would not have been possible without the incredible level of dedication seen from all of our front line healthcare and essential workers and our first responders. I also want to thank our provincial partners for their support in providing resources and guidance to help shape the road to recovery. Lastly, I want to thank all of you for continuing to do your part by following protocols, being charitable to neighbours and sacrificing many family traditions and occasions throughout the year to help keep all of us safe. Everyone’s support and combined resources have helped prepare Kawartha Lakes going into the New Year. Starting 2021, we are optimistic about our future and positioned to build off the momentum we’ve created despite this past year’s obstacles. Wishing everyone a safe and happy holiday season.

Mayor Janet Clarkson, Municipality of Trent Lakes

I feel very privileged to have been able to serve as your Mayor especially in these trying times. I can’t caution people enough to continue to follow all health guidelines and feel free to go above and beyond. We must not get careless with all the talk of vaccines. This is very premature as we have a very long way to go yet, and I would not want people to think the vaccines will solve all our problems. The truth is, it is months away from being administered to the general public and at this time we are really out of control. Let’s not be one of the statistics that at this time could be avoided with stringent health guidelines. By nature I am a positive person, and this is no different. I have every confidence that we will survive stronger than ever and with a stronger sense of community than ever before. We must not forget all the people who have been affected by this pandemic and who have lost loved ones. Many are being left with a greater need for a helping hand than ever before. I suggest as a Christmas gift, or any other holiday you embrace, we dig as deep as possible, and do all can to alleviate the suffering of those in unfortunate circumstances this year more than ever. Have a safe and loving Christmas. Reach out to all you can and touch with a kind word. We live in a diverse community of men and women, young and old, and from all over the world. Be kind to one another.

Dr. Lynn Noseworthy, Medical Officer of Health, HKPR District Health Unit

Unprecedented… unrivalled... unreal. The year 2020 is certainly one like no other. COVID-19 has turned life upside down, forcing us to adapt to new norms such as physical distancing, face coverings, and self-isolating. Even the upcoming holiday season is different, as the usual large, in-person holiday meals and family gatherings are curtailed due to COVID-19. Instead, we will connect via phone, Zoom or Facebook. I realize the many difficulties that people, businesses and organizations in the City of Kawartha Lakes have faced during the pandemic. While your individual sacrifices are not easy, they are appreciated for making a difference in the collective health of our community. Thank you for your ongoing efforts to prevent COVID-19. As a medical doctor, I also urge you to take care of yourself and others. Eat well. Be active. Stay tobaccofree. Get enough sleep. Look after your mental health. Be kind to others. These actions are just as important during the pandemic! At this time, I also want to wish you a very safe, healthy and happy holiday season. Let’s have hope that as we see a COVID-19 vaccine on the horizon, a slow return to normalcy may be our gift in 2021.

Season’s Greetings


Merry Christmas!

Do You Hear What I Hear? LINDSAY EAR CLINIC 65 Angeline St. N., Suite 10, Lindsay (705)


BOBCAYGEON HEARING SERVICE 90 Bolton St, Bobcaygeon (705)

738-1752 December 18, 2020 - The Kawartha Promoter


This is my final communication with you as the local Medical Officer of Health. It has been a pleasure serving you, but I am retiring this December – my departure postponed six months by the pandemic. My interim replacement is Dr. Ian Gemmill, former Medical Officer of Health for the Kingston, Frontenac, Lennox and Addington Health Unit. As I take my leave, rest assured you are in good hands as the Health Unit transitions to new leadership and continues to keep the community informed, prepared, and protected from COVID-19. My permanent replacement is Dr. Natalie Bocking who will be joining the Health Unit on April 5, 2021. In closing, please continue to check out our Health Unit’s website at for current COVID-19 data and resources.

Dr. Rosana Salvaterra, Medical Officer of Health, Peterborough Public Health

This holiday season will be a time for many to reflect on the challenges of the past year while kindling hope for the good things yet to come. I couldn’t be more grateful for the efforts of our community to prevent the spread of COVID-19, and know this year hasn’t been easy for many of you. We still need to remain steadfast and continue following public health measures until enough of us are protected from the new vaccines. To help us persevere, I offer some helpful tips to stay resilient and healthy as we enter 2021. A daily dose of nature, of fresh outdoor air, shared at a safe distance with others, or perhaps all on your own as a break from a busy household or workplace, may be the best antidote to life in a pandemic. The Peterborough area

James Goodliff C a n a d i a n a rt i s t


December 18, 2020 - The Kawartha Promoter

is blessed with lots of beautiful spaces to decompress and recharge. For some, it may mean rescheduling our other responsibilities to build in time to be outdoors, but let’s all agree it’s a worthy investment of both time and energy at a time when our choices have radically diminished. Families, place of worship, and communities of interest are all parts of the social fabric that can help us get through these next few months until we can regain our bearings. Helping everyone connect and engage virtually might mean assisting with the technology or providing the tools so that no one is left behind. Scheduling these opportunities so that they become regular events will help get through the next few winter months. Reviving older technologies like letter writing and telephone calls can help build relationships and rekindle some of those overlooked ways to have a presence in the lives of loved ones outside of our immediate households. It’s important to focus on the positive aspects of your life and the things you can control. Let’s all promise to be kind and compassionate to ourselves and others and not only will we get through these next few months, we’ll feel stronger and better for it. My sincerest best wishes to you all over the holidays, and let’s keep taking good care of each other.


The 2021 Municipal Calendars are currently being delivered across the municipality and are now available to pick up for free. Stay up to date on curbside collection schedules, tips and tricks to help manage

December 18, 2020 - The Kawartha Promoter


your waste and did you know facts about waste and recycling in Kawartha Lakes. Inside the calendar, you will find a helpful handout that you can remove and place near your waste and recycling bins. It has pictures to help show where to properly dispose of items as well as further information on curbside collection for both residential and commercial buildings. The 2021 calendars are currently being delivered across the municipality and can be expected to be available in all locations by the end of next week. Due

Season’s Greetings

Bobcaygeon Lions Club


to COVID-19, calendars will only be available at open municipal service centre locations, as well as open libraries. All other locations will receive shipments once they re-open. The calendar is also available at select retail locations across Kawartha Lakes.


By Deb Crossen

My late husband John was an avid astronomer. From meteor showers to eclipses, we spent many nights looking up at our wondrous universe. On December 21, there’s a once-in-a-lifetime (for most of us) phenomenon known as the Great Conjunction of 2020 – the close alignment of the two largest planets in our solar system, Jupiter and Saturn. Just after sundown, they will be just 0.1 degrees apart. With the naked eye, they will look as one bright object in the southwestern sky. The last time they were this close together was almost 400 years ago in 1623 and the next time it happens will be 2080. They won’t be close to one another, though. Saturn will be about twice as far from Earth as Jupiter will be, and Saturn takes nearly 30 years to go around the sun full circle whereas Jupiter takes nearly 12 years. Jupiter is brighter than any star and, while Saturn is not as bright as Jupiter, it is one of the brightest objects in the night sky and it shines with a golden colour. Fun fact, unlike twinkling stars, Jupiter and Saturn shine steadily (that’s how you know it’s a planet).

From our Staff to you

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year OPEN


New Year’s Day

Boxing Day 9am - 6pm

9am - 5pm

Holiday Hours

Christmas Eve open 7am to 6pm Christmas Day • Closed

62 Bolton St. Bobcaygeon 10

December 18, 2020 - The Kawartha Promoter

On December 21, which is also the Winter Solstice, try to get a clear view of the southwestern horizon near sunset, as the two planets will be low in the sky. It will be a spectacular sight in binoculars, too and if you have a telescope, both planets will be visible in the same field of view. I know that John will have a front-row seat for this one. I’ll be looking up as well, so we can share it.


Submitted by Amanda Carvello, RMH

Stay healthy this holiday season by following all public health guidance for our region, getting your flu shot and ensuring all of your prescriptions are up to date. If you do need to seek care, there are many options available to you. Start by contacting your primary care provider. Many primary care providers are offering telephone, virtual and in-person visits, depending on the nature of your health concern. If you are unable to get an appointment at your primary care provider or after hours clinic, you can also access telephone and virtual care options for nonurgent health concerns: Ontario Virtual Care Clinic For non-urgent health concerns related to cold, cough or flu; allergies; women’s health; chronic disease management; pain; rash; or medication questions, connect virtually to an on-call doctor by visiting www. Telehealth Ontario Telehealth Ontario is a free, confidential service you can call to get health advice or information. A Registered Nurse will take your call 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Call toll-free 1-866-797-0000.

DR. MARK BLACK - DENTIST Merry Christmas to all of our patients and friends and all the best in the New Year from Mark, Bobbi, and Linda. 129 Main St. Bobcaygeon 705-738-1464

When to Seek Emergency Care Don’t wait to seek care. Visit the Emergency Department if you are experiencing any of the following symptoms: • Seizure or convulsions • A broken bone or wound requiring stitches • Chest pain or tightness in the chest • Difficulty breathing • Abdominal pain • Confusion and disorientation • Stiff neck and sensitivity to light • Continuous vomiting or severe diarrhea with signs of dehydration • Sudden severe headache, weakness, vision problems, numbness/tingling, trouble speaking, dizziness And, any infant under 3 months old with fever over 38.5C/101F or has a fever and is difficult to wake should be seen at the Emergency Department. If you are visiting the Emergency Department: • Come alone unless a support person is required • Wear a mask at all times and do not bring food or drink • Bring your health card and all of your current medications COVID-19 Assessment Centre at Ross Memorial Hospital The Ross Memorial Hospital COVID-19 Assessment Centre continues to provide testing by appointment only. To request an appointment, leave a message at 705-328-6217 or submit a form online


it is simply a


doing business with you. Seasons greetings from our family to yours.

Local. Family. Quality. December 18, 2020 - The Kawartha Promoter


at The centre is closed from December 25 to 27 and January 1 to 3. Holiday Schedule for Primary Care Providers & After Hours Clinics City of Kawartha Lakes Family Health Organization After Hours Clinic – 55 Angeline St. N., Lindsay December 24 – 6pm to 9pm December 25 – closed December 26, 27 – 9am to noon January 1 – closed January 2 – 9am to noon January 4 to 8 – 6pm to 9pm Bobcaygeon After Hours Clinic – 85 Bolton St., December 29, 30 – 1pm to 4pm Call 705-738-6136 ext. 1 starting at 9am to book a same-day appointment Kawartha North Family Health Team Fenelon Falls After Hours Clinic – 53 Colborne St. at the Pharamsave December 25 and January 1 – closed Resuming 9:30am to 12:30pm Fridays as of January 8. Call 705-887-3535 from 8am to 10am to book a same-day appointment. Bobcaygeon After Hours Clinic – 100 East Street Open December 29 – 4pm to 7pm Please call 705-738-5575 to book an appointment. In January, will resume Tuesdays from 4 to 7pm. Community Care City of Kawartha Lakes – Community Health Centre - 152 Angeline St. N., Lindsay Please call to book an appointment 705-879-4100 Option 1 or toll free 1-800-461-0327. Registered clients will be seen: December 23 – 8:30am to 4:30pm December 24 – 8:30am to 2pm December 25 to 28 – closed December 31 – 8:30am to 2pm January 1 to 4 – closed January 5 – 8:30am to 4:30pm

Season's Greetings From our Family to Yours

50 Anne St. Bobcaygeon “Corner of Highway 36 & Anne” 705-738-5477


December 18, 2020 - The Kawartha Promoter


The Bobcaygeon Legacy C.H.E.S.T. (Community Hydro Electric Systems Transfers) Fund Grant Committee has selected the 2021 grant recipients. Just over $65,000 is being awarded. The 2021 Bobcaygeon Legacy C.H.E.S.T. Fund Grant recipients include: • Bobcaygeon Canada Day Committee - $829.75 • Globus Theater - $8,000.00 • Impact 32 – Beautify Our Bobcaygeon $10,708.00 • Bobcaygeon Lawn Bowling Club - $1,476.75 • Bobcaygeon District Lions Club - $10,206.00 • Environmental Action Bobcaygeon - $5,000.00 • Kawartha Region Arts & Heritage Society $9,975.00 • Royal Canadian Legion Branch 239 - $19,460.00 “We are pleased to announce this year’s grant recipients for Bobcaygeon,” said Gregg Mercer, Chair of the Bobcaygeon Legacy C.H.E.S.T. Fund Grant Committee. “This year in particular has been tough for our community and we can’t thank enough those who help make Bobcaygeon a great place to live. We’re proud to support them and look forward to their work in the year to come.” Annually the Bobcaygeon Legacy C.H.E.S.T. Fund provides financial assistance to non-profit, communitybased organizations for programs, projects, services or activities that enhance the quality of life for Bobcaygeon residents in the areas of health, arts, culture, leisure, heritage, education and the environment.


Submitted by Dr. Rosana Salveterra

Feeling anxious or depressed? You are not alone! COVID-19 is taking a toll on both our physical and mental wellbeing, and we are still months away from a vaccine roll-out. A survey of Canadians aged 15 years and older done during the first wave of COVID-19 found that just over half, or 54 percent, reported their mental health as “excellent or very good”. Younger individuals and women were less likely to report better than worse mental health. Many factors contributed to the stress reported by respondents: concerns about health, about family members, and about the imposed confinement topped the list, but authors noted that mental health was worse in respondents who also faced financial insecurity as a result of the pandemic. Ten months into this pandemic, winter weather and shorter days make getting outdoors more of a challenge but this year, more than ever, daily physical activity outdoors may be just what the doctor ordered. A daily dose of nature, of fresh outdoor air, shared at a safe distance with others, or perhaps all on your own as a break from a busy household or workplace, may be the best antidote to life in a pandemic. Consistent practice, with the right apparel and footwear to guard against inclement weather and icy walkways, will help keep adults and children alike more resilient. Let’s all agree it’s a worthy investment of both time and energy

at a time when our choices have radically diminished. If you need someone to talk to about mental health concerns, you can start with your Family Doctor or Nurse Practitioner, or the Four County Crisis Line (24 hours a day/7 days a week) at 705-745-6484 or toll-free at 1-866-996-0991. For those with internet access, the Government of Canada has recently funded a website called Wellness Together Canada. By setting up a confidential account, the site allows you to create your own mental wellness program and includes links to mental health and substance use supports, resources, and counselling with a mental health professional. It’s important to focus on the positive aspects of your life and the things you can control. Let’s all promise to be kind and compassionate to ourselves and others and not only will we get through these next few months, we’ll feel stronger and better for it. Dr. Salvaterra is the Medical Officer of Health for Peterborough Public Health


The Ontario government is creating a working group to help implement changes to conservation authorities. Hassaan Basit, President and CEO of Conservation Halton will chair the new group which will provide input on the development of proposed regulations under the Conservation Authorities Act, and on how conservation authorities are governed. “As we move forward together, we want to build stronger relationships with conservation authorities so we can work together to ensure consistent best practices, good governance and appropriate accountability to best serve the people of Ontario,” said Jeff Yurek, Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks. “I’d like to thank Hassaan Basit for the discussions over the last few weeks which helped inform some recent amendments to the legislative changes to ensure conservation authorities have the tools they need to protect their communities. I look forward to continuing our positive and constructive dialogue towards our shared goals.” As part of the government’s commitment to ensuring conservation authorities focus and deliver on their core mandate of protecting people and property from flooding and other natural hazards and conserving natural resources, the province introduced legislative changes through Bill 229, Protect, Support and Recover from COVID-19 Act, 2020, which received Royal Assent on December 8, 2020. Amendments were made to the Bill based on valuable feedback from stakeholder groups, including conservation authorities. This new group will include representatives from conservation

It's OKAY to Say

Merry Christmas

Kent Place Mall Lindsay (705) 324-6491 December 18, 2020 - The Kawartha Promoter


authorities and other experts. Representatives of the working group will be announced in the coming weeks. Once they begin work in January, the working group will provide input to help the province develop regulations that will focus on: • The mandatory core programs and services conservation authorities would be required to provide; • The agreements between municipalities and conservation authorities and the transition period associated with non-mandatory programs and services; and • How local members of the community can participate in their conservation authorities through community advisory boards. In addition to the input provided by Hassaan Basit and the working group, Ontario will also be seeking the public’s feedback on regulatory and governance proposals through the Environmental Registry. Public consultation on these proposals is also expected to begin early in the new year.


Due to new health and safety restrictions, some Fleming College students -- especially those in healthcare -- are experiencing significant financial strain as a result of the current situation. When the pandemic began, many held part-time jobs on the frontlines, while also completing clinical placements. they are no longer permitted to work in one health care setting and complete their clinical in another without quarantining for two weeks in between. These students faced a difficult decision: abandon their studies or leave their jobs. To support students in completing their studies and achieving their goal of helping our communities, Fleming has launched the Healthcare Heroes Campaign to provide bursaries to those in financial need. Fleming Student Administrative Council (SAC) has stepped forth with a lead donation of $20,000 in

TRINITY UNITED CHURCH For all ages on Christmas interview about Santa’s faith. On our YouTube: Trinity United Church Bobcaygeon.

We are holding each of you in our hearts Trinity’s heart will always be open.

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Cambridge Street United Church

Dec. 13 - Advent 3 Joy -Our Worship Band adds to the joy In-person and Live Streamed at 10:40 a.m. Dec. 20 - Advent 4 Love -Our handbell choir plays for part of the service In-person and Live Streamed at 10:40 a.m. Dec. 24 - Christmas Eve - A livestreaming service ONLY will be broadcast at 7:00 p.m. celebrating the spirit of the season in story and song as we hear again of Jesus’ birth

61 Cambridge St. N., Lindsay 705-324-3547 14

December 18, 2020 - The Kawartha Promoter

support of the campaign. With additional donations from the community Fleming has raised nearly half of its target. “Now more than ever, healthcare students need our help. No student should have to choose between paying school tuition or being able to pay for basic living expenses,” said Zoe King, Fleming SAC President. “It’s our hope that this donation will inspire others to come together and make a gift to the Student Assistance Fund for Healthcare Heroes in this time of need.” Student financial need is urgent and ongoing, and Fleming will continue to fundraise to meet the increasing need. Earlier this year, the College provided $415,000 in financial aid to 1,200 domestic and international students through its COVID-19 Student Emergency Fund. If you are able, please make a donation to the Student Assistance Fund for Healthcare Heroes today. Visit for more information.


The Ontario government is allocating an additional $695 million to provide financial relief for municipalities and help ensure they do not carry operating deficits into 2021. This investment builds upon the first phase of the federal-provincial Safe Restart Agreement announced this summer and will help municipal partners deliver critical services during COVID-19. “This joint funding will help Ontario’s municipalities recover from the impacts of COVID-19 faster, by helping them to enter into 2021 without operating deficits from this year,” said Steve Clark, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing. “By ensuring our municipal partners are in a sound financial position to begin the new year, they can focus on keeping their capital projects on track while continuing to provide the critical services their residents rely on.” Of this $695 million, $299 million is being allocated across all 444 municipalities to help provide more financial relief, as 2021 operating budgets are finalized. An additional $396 million is also being allocated to 48 municipalities that have been hardest hit by COVID-19 and have demonstrated a need for additional assistance in covering their 2020 operating deficits. More than $1.7 million dollars in additional provincial assistance for municipalities in HaliburtonKawartha Lakes-Brock, MPP Laurie Scott announced. Almost $1 million will be provided to the City of

Christmas Dinner with all the Trimmings! $15 take out or dine in December 25 Dine in at 130 covid rules adheerd to Rsvp very limited seating Turkey Dinner, Trimmings with Pie, and Party! Donations Welcome Celebrate Christmas with us at

Cameron Community Church

4075 Hwy 35 N, Cameron 705-879-4276 Call in advance for pick ups at 11am to 12:30pm

Best of the holidays to one and all! We continue to offer free delivery to any homes in the city of KaWartha laKes

As the only Compounding Pharmacy in the City of Kawartha Lakes, we meet your unique medical needs by creating customized medications. Locally owned and operated

Helping you feel better all over

CallDowntown Us atLindsay 705-324-0500 - 108 Kent St. W. Specializing in medications to fit your personal needs December 18, 2020 - The Kawartha Promoter


Kawartha Lakes. “This new funding will help municipalities in HKLB develop a 2021 budget that reflects the challenges of COVID-19,” said Laurie Scott, MPP for Haliburton-Kawartha Lakes-Brock. “As we continue on the path of renewal, growth and economic recovery, our government is supporting municipalities so they are able to provide the critical services community members rely on.”


Submitted by Hayley Phoenix-Winterburn

You may remember that the Rec Centre had some renovations done not too long ago. Because of these renovations, the arena was insulated which now prevents ice from being held indoors. Seeing the need

Wishing Everyone a Very Merry Christmas

and benefit for a skating rink to come back to Norland, the Norland Rec Centre Volunteer Management Board has been working hard to bring an outdoor 30x50 skating rink back to our communities. The project is well underway, but the Volunteer Board needs your help to make sure it is a success. See below for the donation wish list! Any donation is greatly appreciated. If you wish to donate, email, or send a private message to their Facebook page. Wish List • Lumber (2x6x10 foot boards) • A large white tarp or vapour barrier for ground coverage • Hockey nets • Snow shovels • Garden hose • Cash donations Thank you to the Norland Rec Centre Volunteer Management Board for taking on this project so that our communities can have a little fun during the Winter months!


Melissa Cave 20 Pigeon Lake Rd, Lindsay 705.324.0340

The Ontario government has developed a threephase implementation plan to receive, store and administer COVID-19 vaccines to Ontarians as soon as they are received. Phase One started on December 15 with a pilot project in Toronto and Ottawa which will include the vaccination of over 2,500 health care workers with the Health Canada approved PfizerBioNTech vaccine. Premier Doug Ford said, “We have one of the most robust and comprehensive plans in the country and I am confident that all the necessary security measures and the advanced logistics systems are in place. The progress we are making is a welcome sign, but we must continue to be vigilant and follow the public health guidelines until vaccines are widely available.” As part of Phase One, Ontario will be participating in a COVID-19 vaccine readiness pilot in collaboration with the Public Health Agency of Canada and PfizerBioNTech. Two pilot sites at University Health Network in Toronto and The Ottawa Hospital will receive doses of the Pfizer vaccine to be administered to health care


P O RT R A I T S b y M A X M I L L E R from life or photograph from $350 705-731-7181


December 18, 2020 - The Kawartha Promoter

TAkEOuT Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 36 King Street East Across from the LCBO





Mike Dee

December 18, 2020 - The Kawartha Promoter


workers who are providing care in hospitals and longterm care homes. This pilot will help inform the province’s preparedness plan to receive larger vaccine quantities as it moves forward in Phase One, providing the opportunity to test the logistics of delivery, reconstitution of the vaccine, clinic management, and post-vaccine surveillance. The pilot also affords the opportunity to learn from the experiences of those being immunized so lessons learned can be shared with sites that will receive the vaccine in the coming weeks and months. The two locations were selected for the pilot because this will test the travel logistics in two different regions of the province. In addition, these sites already have the equipment necessary to safely store the Pfizer vaccine at -70 degrees and the trained staff to handle the vaccine. Since this vaccine cannot be transferred beyond the initial delivery location at this time, vaccinations will be administered to health care workers in high-risk areas such as long-term care and critical care units in the Toronto and Ottawa regions. When an increased stockpile of vaccines becomes available to Ontario, the province will shift to Phase Two of its vaccination implementation plan, which is expected to begin later in the winter of 2021. During Phase Two, vaccinations will be administered to health care workers, as well as to residents in long-term care homes and retirement homes, to home care patients with chronic conditions and to additional First Nation communities and urban Indigenous populations,

including Métis and Inuit adults. Ontario will enter Phase Three when vaccines are available for every Ontarian who wishes to be immunized. While vaccines will not be mandated, during Phase Three, people will be strongly encouraged to get vaccinated.


Submitted by The Land Between Charity

2020 has been an unprecedented year for the world - with many people feeling anxious about the future and vulnerable in the present. More than ever we understand the values of relationships and human kindness, and the peace, comfort and wellbeing that nature delivers us. This year we, at the Land Between charity, have worked tirelessly to develop meaningful programs where individuals, kids and communities can participate, learn, gain new skills and experiences and support conservation. We have created online Community Science programs, school curricula, educational resources, and new apps and technologies to help us care for the Land and Wildlife. We have also trained volunteers, collaborated with partner groups, and brought on young vibrant staff. Together we rescued hundreds of turtles, incubated over 14000 turtle eggs, researched rare bird and reptile habitats, met with harvesters to advance our collective knowledge about the state of our forest ecosystems, shared

We’ve got your favourites and more! • Gift Cards • Custom ice cream cakes • Gourmet food products • Special BONUS offers! • And, of course, butter, local cheese, eggs, cream, & milk To our valued clients & friends, we wish you peace and warmth this holiday season and our hope for a better 2021 for all

Staples & Swain Professional Corporation

10 William St. S., Lindsay • 705-324-6222 18

December 18, 2020 - The Kawartha Promoter

Merry Christmas ES


T. 1 9 37


Bobcaygeon Lindsay Peterborough

Traditional teachings with children in schools and explored new solutions, and we restored significant areas and acres including shorelands. In 2021 we are preparing to install turtle underpasses, bird monitoring stations, and manage invasive species. We are cataloguing agricultural innovations towards local food security, advancing the capacity for the green building sector, and supporting the creation of an Indigenous Land Conservancy. This year the challenges facing charities in Ontario, especially those focused on environmental conservation, have been extreme. Despite these obstacles, we have remained committed to Nature protection -- to be an aid and a voice for those that cannot speak- the wildlife, wild spaces and next generations. We continue to strive to be part of the solution. We expect that the difficulties in areas of capacity, funding, and legislative supports will only increaseunless we can show Ontario that nature holds value and that our health and wellbeing are tied to it’s vitality. Part of that demonstration must involve having living areas and wildlife to connect to. Therefore we are asking you to consider us in your year-end giving. Consider becoming a monthly donor, or making a gift in 2020 to The Land Between. We wish you peace, love, and health for 2021.

The Kawartha Promoter

Supported entirely by our advertisers. We encourage you to choose the businesses that you see in these pages.

Are you eligible for pension $plitting? Split your income and save even more on your taxes. Working by drop off only. E signatures available Did you know that transferring your pension income to a spouse or common-law partner can increase your tax savings? For more information, speak to an H&R Block Tax Professional today. 116 Main St Bobcaygeon 705-738-1216 21C Francis St W Fenelon Falls 705-887-0228 © H&R Block Canada, Inc.

We would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas. To all of our clients, we hope that you had a good year and look forward to serving you in the New Year! Thank you for your continued support. We enjoy working with you and value the relationships that we have formed with each one of you. We hope you have a wonderful Christmas and are able to enjoy some time with family and friends. Once again, Merry Christmas and God bless!

Leonard & Mary, Margaret, Brandon,Lynda and Liana

TurnerMoore LLP Certified General Accountants 3401 County Rd 36, Bobcaygeon 705-738-1581 Fax 705-738-0031 December 18, 2020 - The Kawartha Promoter


The Promoter Crossword # 286 – By Charon

Across 1 Twelve who decide (4) 3 Crooner star in "White Christmas" (4,6) 10 Holiday hearth item (4,3) 11 Ship's rigging supporter (7) 12 Outlandish number (7) 13 Having existed from the beginning (6) 15 Can't do without (5) 16 Yellow pigment (5) 18 British brew (3)


19 21 22 24 26

31 Elementary particle (4) Down 1 "Merry Christmas" in Quebec (10) 2 Backslide, medically (7) 4 Skilfully contrived (9) 5 Rise and shine! (3,2) 6 Snake or alligator (7) 7 Leakage preventer (7) 8 Legendary Himalayan (4) 9 They help you get a grip (6) 14 Yule tree for Germans (10) 17 Non-stop accident (3-3-3) 20 Laborious effort (7) 21 Conceited person (slang) (7) 22 Waste at a treatment plant (6) 23 Like romantic nights (7) 25 Impudent use of the ketchup (5) 27 Large, brightly coloured deep-sea fish (4)

"Dig in!" (3) Harass (5) Playwright Neil (5) Flat-bottomed boats (6) "Glory to the __King" (carol line) (7) 28 Area of level high ground (7) 29 Royal insignia (7) 30 1942 film which introduced 3 Across singer's Christmas hit song (10)


Solution to Crossword # 285

For a printable PDF version email us at

Water Conditioning Limited 1-800-721-4921 • 705-439-2589

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December 18, 2020 - The Kawartha Promoter

Stay with us this winter!

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60 West Street Bobcaygeon, ON K0M 1A0

December 18, 2020 - The Kawartha Promoter



December 18 to 31 By Melodie McCullough

amusing and pleasant, Cancer. There are many little things to do be done -- embrace a new indoor hobby, read a novel, immerse yourself in learning new ideas. And be patient.

Aquarius (Jan. 21 to Feb. 10) Soothe your soul, Aquarius. Do things that create calm for you. The holidays can be exceedingly stressful! Find peace amongst the hustle and bustle.

Leo (July 24 to Aug. 23) Make the most of the holidays, dear Leo. There will, no doubt, be challenges this year. Try to find some cheer in your own heart to help spread it to others. Prepare and stay safe!

Pisces (Feb. 11 to March 20) Keep the curiosity in your romantic relationship, Pisces. It’s always nice when our loved one shows interest in even the mundane things in everyday living -- and you will continue to learn new things about each other.

Virgo (Aug. 24 to Sept. 23) “Do not let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace.”: Dalai Lama. Remember to follow this sage advice, Virgo. Don’t give others the power or control to make YOUR life miserable!

Aries (March 21 to April 20) It’s okay to feel sad and disappointed this holiday season, Aries. Everything feels different because everything IS different. Don’t place too many expectations on yourself or others. It’s okay to let traditions fall aside for one year -- enjoy the new ones that are sure to happen. Taurus (April 21 to May 21) Unplug! The holidays are a great time to ‘unplug’ yourself from the technology that normally runs our lives, Taurus. So, this season, make things simpler. Go for a walk. Enjoy a hot bath. Listen to music. You can do it! Gemini (May 22 to June 22) Be gentle with yourself, dear Gemini. Life is short and time is precious -- and that sums up everything! Cancer (June 23 to July 23) You don’t have to wait for the ‘virus to be over’ to do some living! Find ways to make life

Libra (Sept. 24 to Oct. 24) Leave your worries on the doorstep, Libra, in the next few weeks -- especially anything connected with your job! Don’t let it get in the way of relaxing and embracing the spirit of the season. Scorpio (Oct. 25 to Nov. 22) On Dec. 21, the great conjunction will occur when Jupiter and Saturn join side by side. What does this mean to you and other humans, Scorpio? It could signal a magnificent meeting of the minds. If you are separated from someone by choice, now would be a wonderful time to realign! Sagittarius (Nov. 23 to Dec. 21) Your kindness and goodness during the past year has not gone un-noticed, dear Sag. You deserve the best there is, and it will come your way this holiday season. Capricorn (Dec. 22 to Jan. 20) Repeat: Everything will work out fine! Why? Because it always does, that’s why. So, no worries, Capricorn. Relax and enjoy the season.


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December 18, 2020 - The Kawartha Promoter

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December 18, 2020 - The Kawartha Promoter




Aquarius (Jan. 21 to Feb. 10) Your career may take a different trajectory in the coming year, Aquarius. Make sure you are in control of it, and don’t let others influence your decisions. Pisces (Feb. 11 to March 20) While travel has been limited during 2020, the coming year promises a chance to renew your love of discovery. Just don’t be too quick, Pisces. Make sure all is safe before any new journeys. Aries (March 21 to April 20) There are better days ahead, Aries. The dark days of 2020 will pass and, while there will still be hardship for many, life will improve for you and many more. Be patient. Taurus (April 21 to May 21) “People are hard to hate up close. Move in.”: Brene Brown. This your challenge for 2021, Taurus: Go beyond shallow appearances and find the ‘real’ person inside someone you may find unlikeable at your first impression. You never know what may transpire. Gemini (May 22 to June 22) The next 12 months for you, Gemini, will be filled with volunteer opportunities that will add excitement and meaning to your life. You will give -- but you will also receive in return! Cancer (June 23 to July 23) We see the great outdoors in your future, dear Cancer. You will enjoy many hours either in your backyard gardening, or far out in the wilderness. It will be good for your bones -- and your emotions. Leo (July 24 to Aug. 23) A year from now, Leo, you could be madly in love and feel it reciprocated. But -and there’s usually a ‘but’ -- you may have to work for it. This means: Get out of your comfort zone and reach

Seasonʼs Greetings

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December 18, 2020 - The Kawartha Promoter

By Melodie McCullough

out to that special someone who means something to you. Good luck! Virgo (Aug. 24 to Sept. 23) An intention is idea that you plan (or intend) to carry out. What are yours, Virgo? Set aside some meaningful time now to realize your intentions for the coming year. By next December, you may not have met them all, but that is not the point. They will act as guideposts throughout the year to keep you focused. Libra (Sept. 24 to Oct. 24) Why not make “giving” your mantra for 2021, Libra? If you have the means -- and we know not all do -- to provide some simple expressions of love, then do it. Lift someone up. There will be no regrets, only gladness in someone’s heart, and yours, too. Scorpio (Oct. 25 to Nov. 22) Scorpio, get to know YOU in 2021. Find what inspires you, what motivates you, what your strengths are, and what makes you happy. Take the time to do this and you may discover a whole new outlook on life. We hope so! Sagittarius (Nov. 23 to Dec. 21) “It’s okay to be a little tilted, said the Christmas tree.” Yes, Sag, it is indeed. And don’t worry that your year ahead may be filled with tilts, twists and turns. They will take you to new and exciting places! Capricorn (Dec. 22 to Jan. 20) 2021 is YOUR year, Capricorn. It’s now or never -- you MUST learn to let yourself be #1, at least for most of the time. Why not start now by practising saying ‘no’ to others and ‘yes’ to yourself. Let your true self shine through and see where it takes you.

The Kawartha Promoter

Supported entirely by our advertisers. We encourage you to choose the businesses that you see in these pages.


The COVID-19 travel restrictions in place at the Canada-U.S. land border are being extended another month, and will now remain in effect until Jan. 21, 2021. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said that this decision was taken to protect citizens on both sides of the border, because COVID-19 cases keep climbing in both Canada and the United States. The current agreement on the U.S.-Canada border closure to non-essential travel was first imposed in March, to limit the spread of the virus. The restrictions have been renewed every month since. Tourists and cross-border visits remain prohibited, although trade and commerce are exempted as are certain family members and loved ones who can make a case on compassionate grounds to be allowed into Canada from the U.S. and other countries, contingent on conditions including mandatory quarantine upon arrival.


Looking for some fun activities for the kids over the holidays? The Boys & Girls Clubs of Kawartha Lakes (Club) is offering a special virtual program before Christmas to entertain and educate the children. Participants will require a computer and internet connection to participant. A Zoom link will be sent prior to program, and all materials will be available for pick up prior to the program The program runs daily from 1 to 3pm and it’s great for children aged 7 to 12. The cost is only $10. • December 21 - Holiday Kid Food Nation • December 22 - Holiday Discovery Lab Experiments • December 23 - Holiday Kid Food Nation Please call the office at 705-324-4493 to register and they require a three-day registration. Payment must be completed for the camp before completing the registration. The Boys & Girls Clubs of Kawartha Lakes (Club) is a registered non-profit charitable organization devoted to serving and strengthening children, youth and families throughout the City of Kawartha Lakes and Peterborough.

Seasons Greetings and a Happy New Year from all of us at

Representing Workers at the City of Kawartha Lakes and A Place Called Home


As this year comes to a close and we look forward to 2021; with a new year comes new opportunities. Winter is the perfect time to try a new class, learn a new skill or consider becoming a Membership holder. The line up of programs from the City of Kawartha Lakes has something for everyone to get resolution ready and keep you active throughout the winter months. The winter 2021 session begins in January and will welcome the return of a variety of aquatic and fitness programs to the Lindsay Recreation Complex. The Forbert Memorial Pool and Workout Centre is scheduled to re-open in January and will host an array of aquatic programs operating under strict new COVID-19 safety protocols. Winter program registration is now open through the Online Program Registration website. View the Winter Fitness and Aquatics Guide to discover the exciting line up of programs taking place in the new year; there is plenty to see and do this winter, the adventure is up to you! On behalf of the Parks, Recreation and Culture Division, we wish to extended our best wishes to you, your family and loved ones for a safe and happy holiday season and all the best in 2021!


The holidays are a great time for humans to indulge and enjoy seasonal decorations. But some of these enjoyable items could be hazardous to your pets. The Kawartha Veterinary Emergency Clinic posted these hazards to watch for over the holidays. • Decorations: Ornaments, ribbon, wrapping paper, scented decor, holiday lights and wires and small toys and batteries. • Food and Drink: Bones, chocolate, nuts, candy and alcohol • Holiday Plants: Holly, mistletoe, poinsettia, tree pine needles, tree sap and real garland. • Holiday Guests: Keep pets away from open doors and to avoid stress, leave your pets in a quiet area until your guests are gone.

The Kawartha Promoter

Supported entirely by our advertisers. We encourage you to choose the businesses that you see in these pages.

NEXT ISSUE January 22, 2021 Book your ad before Tuesday January 19

December 18, 2020 - The Kawartha Promoter


Classifieds SERVICES

ORIGINAL MAN WITH TRUCK 15 yrs experience Lowest prices. Grass cutting, Painting, Garbage removal, property maintenance, long or short distance moves. No job too small! Bruce 705-738-6321 ____________________ GOPHER Dump runs Eavestrough cleaning Private security Monica Stanley 705-738-6364 ____________________ YOLANDA’S CUSTOM DESIGNS, ALTERATIONS & DECOR 705-324-7363 Services offer = Alterations to all bridal and evening wear. Custom made fashions, drapery and cushions, restyle and reline dresses and coats. ____________________ WINDOWS FOGGING UP OR CRACKED You may only need the glass replaced. Call Harold 705-887-6608 ____________________


Canada & USA coins Coin collections Silver dollar coins 1967 and earlier Silver & gold jewelry broken or not Sterling items eg. Birks Sterling flatware Jurgen 705-340-1504 ____________________

Deadline for next issue Tuesday Jan 19, 2021 Call 705-738-6188 20 words or less for $5 + H.S.T. Online Only

VINTAGE COLLECTABLES We buy vinyl records and comic book collections, toys and sports items. Also gold, silver and costume jewelry, advertising and all types of retro, pop culture and mid-century items. We make house calls. We do safe distancing. Robert or Penny 705-324-2699 ____________________ BUYING BUYING LP RECORDS Rock Jazz Blues Funk Punk Metal AUDIO EQUIPMENT Turntables, Receivers Speakers, Guitars, Amplifiers Comics, Sports Cards Teak Furniture, Artwork Respecting social distancing, housecalls can be made. Curbside pickup can also be arranged. please contact Kyle at: twenty3okey@gmail Call or text (705) 341-6950 ____________________ Community Christmas Dinner, Friday December 25 at Knox Presbyterian Church Bobcaygeon. “Pick-up or Delivery Only”. To order, call Sigrid at 705-731-0844 before December 20.

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You could see your image on our cover or in the pages of The Promoter. E-mail (only) your images along with name, address and phone number to

Reach the people who visit The Kawartha Promoter online! As we continue to navigate through the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, we are proud to support our local businesses and community organizations. The online version of The Kawartha Promoter allows us to provide you, our loyal readers, with news from around the region. Please support local businesses however possible. And give thanks to all the volunteers, medical professionals, and necessary services. Stay safe and please, practice social distancing!

ADVERTISING PRIcING Full Page - $90 per 2 weeks Half Page - $70 per 2 weeks 1/3 - $65 per 2 weeks 1/4 - $55 per 2 weeks 1/6 - $45 per 2 weeks 1/8 - $40 per 2 weeks 1/12 - $27 per 2 weeks Trades and Service Page $10 per 2 weeks Classifieds $7 per 20 words per 2 weeks

STAy COnneCTeD wITh yOur POTenTIAl CuSTOmerS

Promoter The Kawartha

Locally Owned and Operated

NATHAN’S HANDYMAN SERVICES Carpentry, flooring, drywall, painting, eavestrough clearing, dump runs, and demolition. Now booking winter projects. 705-731-9373 26

December 18, 2020 - The Kawartha Promoter

76 King St. West St. Bobcaygeon 705.738.6188


Submit your images and help showcase our beautiful region.

Winning entries will be published in either Explore Bobcaygeon, Explore Buckhorn, Explore Coboconk, Norland & Area or Explore Fenelon Falls 2021 with photo credit (each publication has a distribution of 15,000 copies). All entries have the opportunity to win prizes from local sponsors.

Stay tuned for prize details! To submit images for the contest - please email to Please include full name and contact information. No limit on image quantity, the larger the image size the better. Contest submission closes Dec 31, 2020.

December 18, 2020 - The Kawartha Promoter


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