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City Hall
Ckl Council Highlights
The following are highlights of the Regular Council Meeting on January 31, 2023.
Tribute to Hazel
Mayor Doug Elmslie opened the meeting by paying his respects to the former Mayor of Mississauga, Hazel McCallion, saying, “She was a giant in Canadian politics. Known as Hurricane Hazel, over 36 years as Mayor, she took Mississauga from the small town it was to the metropolis it is today. She was a force to be reckoned with. She was one of a kind.”
Committee of the Whole Recommendations
All recommendations from the January 10 meeting were adopted as printed in the minutes, with the exception of the extracted items below which were discussed and adopted:
Energy Storage Project - BluEarth Renewables
Council acknowledged that green energy is important for the municipality’s future. A friendly amendment was put forth, and passed, requiring BluEarth Renewables to go through the proper planning process prior to receiving support from Council on their application.
Geranium Homes – King’s Bay
Correspondence was received regarding concerns with the proposed Geranium Homes development at King’s Bay. Members of Council have arranged a meeting to visit the community and listen to their concerns. Richard Holy, Director of Development Services, confirmed that the planning department is working with the developers on their proposal with the goal of ensuring that what is being proposed is compatible with the existing development, which is a low density retirement community.
Zoning Order Request
There was a deputation, correspondence and a report on the agenda for the Minister’s Zoning Order Request for Lands Known as 405 St. David Street, Lindsay(Riverwalk).
The Mayor’s motion passed that Council defer the request for a Ministerial Zoning Order (MZO) until statutory processes are completed. Development Services staff will work with the developer to include their lands in the Growth Management Strategy (GMS) as the process unfolds. Once completed, the developer may return to Council to apply for an MZO for the total 1800 units. In the interim, 100 units are included in the GMS and can proceed through the planning approvals