The Kawartha Promoter - July 11, 2019

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Promoter The Kawartha

Locally Owned and Operated

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Thursday, July 11, 2019 Volume 29, Issue 13

Your Source for Community News

Fiddle & Step • Fenelon Fair • Minaajim

Delivered through Canada Post to homes in the City of Kawartha Lakes. Also available in stores throughout Trent Lakes and Curve Lake.

Thousands of visitors enjoyed Canada Day celebrations in the Kawarthas

July 17-27 Presents


Great Kooshog Lake Hollis McCauley Fishing Derby By Norm Foster

There’s nothing like a good fishing story…and this is a great one from audience favourite Norm Foster! Ambitious investment banker James Bell is on his way to an important conference but instead finds himself stuck in the sleepy town of Kooshog Lake on the weekend of their annual fishing derby. The warm and welcoming locals invite him to join them in hooking the big prize …and a few of them see him as quite the catch! A fish-out-of-water comedy complete with romance, broken hearts and small town hospitality. starring

James Barrett

Tara Koehler

Sarah Quick

Anna Silvija-Broks

Connor Thompson

Come for dinner before hand or just for the show! Theatre only tickets $35.50 Dinner & Theatre $72.00 All prices subject to HST and a $2.00 per ticket fee

1-800-304-7897 • 705-738-2037

Buy your tickets today by calling the box office or ordering online (New!!) 2300 Pigeon Lake Road, Bobcaygeon


Children's Series Coming The Dog Pound - Kids' Style! Soon July 11, 2019 - The Kawartha Promoter

Presented by Bad Dog Theatre

July 20th 11:00am

Promoter The Kawartha

Locally Owned and Operated

48 Main St., P.O. Box 535 Bobcaygeon, ON K0M 1A0 TEL.: 705-738-6188 FAX: 705-738-4187 Circulation 25,000 Distributed throughout the Kawartha Lakes Area

City Hall Crossword Horoscope Trades & Services Health & Wellness Classified

pg. 5 pg. 14 pg. 15 pg. 16 pg. 18 pg. 20

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Cover photo: 2019 Bobcaygeon Canada Day parade Photo credit: Kawartha Promoter files


Yellow Ribbon Campaign, a cause near and dear to my heart. Not only did they donate tubs of snacks for the next shipment to our troops, they presented Darlene Loucks of the Yellow Ribbon Aside from the usual Campaign with a cheque to purchase ribbons in school for even more goodies. In the past few the annual track and months, the Branch has donated more field competition, I have never received than 40 boxes of freezies to be sent to an award. Until now, that is. the troops in Mali, where the average A few weeks ago, I was invited daily temperature is 45C. Darlene to the Royal Canadian Legion, said, “We can’t do what we do without The Promoter is a local, independently owned Bobcaygeon Branch 239, to receive a and operated newspaper. The opinions and views the support of the community and recognition award, along with other expressed are those of the contributors and do not organizations like the Legion.” To date, necessarily reflect those of The Promoter. Liability community partners. It is truly an for incorrectly displayed or placed advertisements the Yellow Ribbon Campaign has sent honour to be recognized, especially by is limited to publishing corrections or providing more than 1,800 boxes to men and advertising credit to be applied on subsequent an organization like the Royal Canadian women serving around the world. advertisements at the advertiser’s discretion. Legion. All text, photos, graphics, artwork and other material Haliburton-Kawartha Lakes-Brock published in The Kawartha Promoter or on its website The Legion branches throughout MP, Jamie Schmale, was also at the are copyrighted and may not be published, broadcast, our region do tremendous work. It is rewritten or redistributed without permission. recognition event and presented the not difficult to find something positive Publisher reserves the right to reject, revise, cancel, community partners, including me, omit, discontinue, decline to publish or suspend any to say about each of them, especially advertisement for any reason in its sole discretion, with a certificate of appreciation. when it comes to working with without liability or penalty to Publisher, and without Another first for this over-60 gal. notice to the Advertiser. veterans and their families, but also a mug in my office that reads The Publisher of The Kawartha Promoter has made their contributions to the community. Why place the inI haveWhat’s every effort to ensure that the information in thiscomfort of your home and family “I Write. Your Superpower?” I From the volunteers behind the scenes publication was correct at press time. The Publisher am more than proud when I can use my our hands? We know that building your trust doesn’t does not assume and hereby disclaims any liability to the executive members, everyone to any party for any loss, damage, or disruption powers for good. who identifies as a Legion member (be flashy caused by errors or omissions, whether such ering errors come from off bargain basement prices, or omissions result from negligence, accident, or any they veterans or “ordinary citizens”), other cause. promotions, or other fun and games.proudly. It comes from represent the organization At this recognition event, Branch being there for you, friendly and professional, every day. 239 made several donations to the Publisher/Director/Manager: Max Miller Editor: Deb Crossen Advertising Sales Manager: Laura Williams Art Director: James Goodliff Production/Office Manager Melissa Goodliff


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. 11, 2019 - The Kawartha Promoter July


Village Voice The Promoter reserves the right to edit Letters to the Editor for length and clarity. Please include your email or mailing address and daytime phone number (not for publication). All opinions expressed are those of the writer.


I would like to clarify claims made by G.Falconer in letter to Village Voice June 27 edition. First, I am looking out my window on Riverside Drive as I write this and, contrary to Mr. Falconer’s claim of hundreds of squirrels on Riverside Drive, there is not a single squirrel to be seen. The majority of residents in this complex where Mr. Falconer lives feed the squirrels and birds. In fact he has been seen throwing out food. The cat lady he is referring to is my wife. She has assisted in removing several stray cats to farms. Presently, there are only one or two stray cats in this complex and she is working on having them removed to homes. She does not feed all the stray cats in the neighbourhood as he claims. In regards to attracting foxes and raccoons, the apartment complex is next to a bush and these animals

Jessica Lee Jessica Lee Photography Photography

lifestyle portrait sessions at the cottage lifestyle portrait sessions at or on location! lifestyle portrait sessions at the cottage

the cottage on location! or on or location!

live there. I suggest Mr. Falconer should not live next to a bush if he is bothered by nature. Mr. Falconer wants to know why Kawartha Lakes Bylaw department does nothing. The bylaw officer did come to see us and said there is nothing to see and would not be coming back. The bylaw officer also stated that stray and feral cats are exempt from the bylaw against feeding wild animals. Does this answer your question, Mr. Falconer? G. Jones, Bobcaygeon


On May 25, the Bobcaygeon Lions Club held its Annual Pet Valu Walk For Dog Guides. While the weather didn’t cooperate, the Walk still managed to raise over $11,000 for the Lions Foundation Of Canada Dog Guides. Not quite matching the almost $13,000 it raised last year, but very successful nevertheless. The success of the Walk is in part due to the sponsorship and support of Pet Valu on a national basis, as well as the dedication of the members of Bobcaygeon Lions, who worked for several months to organize, fundraise and coordinate the event. But what really stands out is the incredible support and generosity of Bobcaygeon’s businesses and residents. It never ceases to amaze the Club and its members, how generous and supportive the Bobcaygeon Community can be, when asked to donate to and/or support the fundraising and service efforts of the various service clubs and other charities in our area. From a personal point of view, what really amazes me is that our local businesses in particular, are always willing to donate, despite the fact that they are asked repeatedly to support the numerous fundraising efforts that happen in Bobcaygeon. It really is a testament to their commitment to our community, and their recognition of the importance of being seen to invest in the community that supports them. We are truly blessed to be living in such a caring and generous town...”Bobcaygeon The Generous”. Thank you all. David Savournin, President, Bobcaygeon & District Lions Club


Residential 705-657-7772 4



July 11, 2019 - The Kawartha Promoter


City Hall

Join us on July 13th Free Samples of Local Strawberries and Kawartha Dairy Ice Cream

There’s more news from City Hall than there was space in the printed version of The Kawartha Promoter. Additional articles can be found on our website:



y and Swee c i u


Hot on the heels of the resignation of Clerk Kari Stephenson, the Municipality of Trent Lakes has Bobcaygeon been dealt another blow. CAO Peter Avgoustis, who Fairgrounds was hired only last August, has resigned Mayor Janet Clarkson released this statement, “Mr. Peter Avgoustis, Chief Administrative Officer for the Municipality of Trent Lakes has tendered his resignation effective July 2, 2019 to pursue his personal and career goals elsewhere.” The statement went on to say, “On behalf of Council, the Mayor thanked Mr. Avgoustis for his service to the municipality and advised that Council is unanimous in wishing Mr. Avgoustis best wishes in his future endeavours.” When Avgoustis was hired in August, 2018, then Mayor Bev Matthews said, “Peter is an excellent choice as the CAO. He has the unique experience of working in large cities and a rural municipality. We look forward to utilizing his strong leadership and management skills along with his experience, knowledge and energy.” Avgoustis said, “I am honoured for the opportunity and look forward to working with all township employees and Council for the residents of Trent Lakes.” The official statement from the municipality indicates that “in the interim, Council intends to appoint an acting Chief Administrative Officer.” We have asked Mayor Clarkson when she expects to have an acting CAO in place. Taxpayers should be asking what’s going on at Trent Lakes Council. And, if this is just another in the line of resignations, who’s next to abandon ship?



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Good Stories from Curve Lake First Nation


As told by Doug Williams to Julie Kapyrka

You may have wondered about when the peopling of the Fenelon Falls area, the Bobcaygeon area, and the Lindsay area occurred and so on. This area is considered by the Michi Saagiig (Mississauga) as our traditional territory. We figure somewhere around 8001000 A.D., the Huron-Wendat, which are the people of the south who lived below the great lakes somewhere, migrated from persecution because the Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) were acting up – for some reason or another they became very war-like. And hence much of the way they built their villages was around a central palisaded area that contained a number of longhouses. Outside the periphery of this compound they grew corn. They moved into our area around that time and said to us that they wanted to grow corn, they wanted to continue this good life and they were friends of ours. And they made a pact with us, which in the old traditional way is called a wampum -- a shell beaded belt that honours words and it’s like a contract. Today, you would know it as a contract but in those days it was symbolized in these finely woven beaded belts. It took a lot of work and effort to make these belts. Anyways, we had a meeting symbolized by a wampum which makes it an agreement that you don’t break words with. That they would come into our area that is southern Ontario and grow corn here, and we agreed. And basically we agreed to continue our lifeways and they continue their lifeways – and the two were compatible. By that I mean they would grow corn on the fields, which we didn’t use that much. They would have a slash and burn method of clearing land, and they cleared a lot of land and we would continue to live on the riverbanks, the lakes – we were the more on the land, wildlife, plant gathering people. We fished, we gathered food like berries and roots and wild rice which became a staple. It could keep in birch bark containers

James Goodliff Exhibition on now at Colborne Street Gallery Fenelon Falls until July 30

44 Colborne Street 705 887 0997 6

July 11, 2019 - The Kawartha Promoter

forever. And also sugar, maple sugar we could keep in those containers as a sustaining part of our diet. So, anyways, they came up here. They did so well. They built these palisaded villages throughout southern Ontario and one area they concentrated on for a while was the area around Balsam Lake, south and towards Cameron, and south towards Lindsay and so on. The land east of Sturgeon Lake and west of Pigeon Lake contained huge growing areas and these sustained a lot of people. The villages grew in population and created these huge villages. Yet the understanding was that they were on our land. So we would meet annually and go over these treaties, go over the wampum, go over these understandings, go over these contracts, smoke the pipe of peace and all was good. But something happened, and it was catastrophic. Samuel de Champlain arrived in 1615. He brought with him a whole number of sicknesses including viruses like diphtheria, cholera, influenza, and smallpox which the Huron-Wendat and our people had no immunity to. And at the same time then, as the Huron-Wendat weakened in health because of these diseases, we weren’t as affected because we didn’t live in large villages. These villages were open to viral pandemics because of the closeness in which they lived and they had no option. Not like us, we could paddle away. We were a very mobile people. We could build a shelter using material from the bush pretty quickly – within hours. So we’d paddle away from these things. This is a period of time that some writers have called “The Great Dying.” Tthroughout North America we lost 95 percent of our population. The population of Europe and North American First Nations was about the same. They also practiced agriculture about the same – about 75 percent of their food was created through the use of agricultural methods. The rest, the 25 percent, were the people who lived off the land. We combined the two. Since the Huron-Wendat came, we took on having our own cornfields. We also

had some squash growing. So, anyways, there was this great dying and then at the same time the Haudenosaunee acted up again and were coming onto this area with these groups that were warring and killing people like they tried to do before but this time the Huron-Wendat, the Neutrals, the Erie people, and the Petun people had weakened considerably. So it was not much of anything to come kill them off, or as the Haudenosaunee people did, take them as slaves and incorporate them into their population. My own speculation is that most of the Seneca population are Neutral people. These were really tough times and one day the Haudenosaunee did realize what terrible things they were doing and they have been in what they call a “condolence” stretch of time for a few hundred years now. So the villages that were around this area died off. We didn’t. We were away for a little bit. Not much, 10 years I suspect, and then we came back and found all kinds of bodies that had died. We tried to bury some but it was overwhelming. There were a lot of bones that lay out in the open. Then settlement started to occur 200 years later. And they cleared land, and they put the plow in, and uncovered a lot of bones. I don’t know what they ever did with these – we have to wonder. I mean, it just makes me cry, it makes me sad that this has happened. That’s our history, that’s our legacy that we have to come to grips with and come to deal with somehow on a long term basis - this great dying, this catastrophic event we see as not having been talked about in the history books – it has not been fairly taught in school… Cordick’s but that is another story.

The Lisa/Zach/Ian


In our next issue 705.887.5965 Bobcaygeon Midnight Madness The Kawartha

Locally Owned and Operated

Call Laura at 705-738-6188 to book your ad space in our next issue. Ăůů ƚŽĚĂLJ ĨŽƌ Ă ĨƌĞĞ ĐŽŶƐƵůƚĂƟŽŶ͊ Deadline is Wednesday, July 17, 2019.

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When Kimberley Dawn opened Kicking Cowgirl Designs (KCD) in Bobcaygeon five years ago, the young woman was on a mission. She wanted to raise money for programs she runs every year in Africa and to provide funds for local causes as well. Recently, through online voting, KCD was named the 2019 Best Western Boutique in North America from RockN W Report Magazine’s Girl Boss Awards. “We came out on top of stores from all over the US and Canada,” says Kimberley. “Thanks to the support and encouragement of my great customers, family and friends, winning this award gives us the opportunity to reach others who might not have known about us.” KCD is a company that certainly gives back. Every year, in addition to the work Kimberley does in Africa, she also donates to a camp in Gravenhurst, paying for more than 75 children so they can enjoy

the outdoor experience. Every weekend, Kimberley and her staff take trailers and tents to events throughout Ontario, Quebec and the US promoting Kicking Cowgirl Designs and her hometown of Bobcaygeon. More and more shoppers are coming to Bobcaygeon to check out this very cool store. Kimberley says, “It doesn’t matter if you’re into Western gear, we urge you to drop in. Here, it’s all about the bling!” Kicking Cowgirl Designs is located at 7 King Street in Bobcaygeon.


Submitted by Jen Jones

With a history as colourful as any frontier area of the New World, Victoria County has seen its share of tragedies and triumphs. Life for the early settlers here could be harsh, but hard work and endurance produced flourishing farms, towns, and industries. On July 16, R.B. (Rae) Fleming, a well-known historian and biographer, will tell the stories of these early settlers in 19th century Victoria County at the third talk in the Kawartha Speaker Series. He will describe who they were, where they came from, and the way of life they created here in this new land. The aim of the Kawartha Speaker Series is to help keep Dunsford—and its library— on the map by highlighting the area’s rich heritage, both natural and historical. All are invited to attend this talk on this area’s pioneers to be held at Dunsford Branch, located in the Dunsford Community Centre, from 7 to 9 pm on July 16. Admission is by donation to the Friends of the Dunsford Library. Pre-registration is encouraged at 705-793-3037.


Submitted by Monique Renaud

P O R T byR A I T S MAX MILLER from life or photograph STARTING FROM $350

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July 11, 2019 - The Kawartha Promoter

There’s nothing like a good fishing story…and this is a great play from audience favourite Norm Foster. The Great Kooshog Lake Hollis McCauley Fishing Derby is a fish-out-of-water comedy complete with romance, broken hearts and small town hospitality will resonate with both local residents and summer visitors. The show runs at the Lakeview Arts Barn in Bobcaygeon from July 17 to July 27. Ambitious investment banker James Bell is on his way to an important conference but instead finds himself stuck in the sleepy town of Kooshog Lake on the weekend of their annual fishing derby. The warm and welcoming locals invite him to join them in hooking the big prize and a few of them see him as quite the catch! Tickets can now be booked online at www. or by calling the box office at 1-800-304-7897. Theatre Only Tickets are $35.50 (plus HST + $2.00 per ticket fee) or you can enjoy the show and dinner for $72.00 (plus HST + $2.00 per ticket fee).

has yarn plus a whole lot more...

Acrylic, oil and watercolour paint • Sketching pencils and pads • Embroidery floss Cross stitch and crewel kits • Quilted wall hanging kits • Macrame kits All natural goat milk soap • Shampoo bars and laundry soap • Fibre wash • Paint brushes Plastic loom sets • Beads • Hemp cord • Paint-by-number sets • Plastic canvas • Stuffing • Buttons

Upcoming Events at the Store Trunk Show: Christa Wales is the owner/artist behind Lake Knit Yarns. Lake Knit Yarns offers hand dyed yarns, fibre, knitwear patterns, knitting tools, that are created here in Ontario, using carefully sourced products. Lake Knit Yarns draws colour inspiration for the yarn colours from the wonderful wilderness we still have in Canada. All the fibre lines for the yarns are traceable back to their country of origin. Christa is a knitter, crocheter, and spinner. Fibre arts have always brought mindfulness and balance to her. Christa seeks a connection with our history, in the traditional way things were made, and creates them in a modern, digital world, being conscious of the environmental impact. Saturday, July 27 – 9:30am to 2pm. Come meet self-published Toronto author Robbie Laughlin and see his first book Architexture: Shape and Surface. This collection of 12 knitting patterns was designed for and inspired by the community of Canadian dyers, farmers, and shops he’s grown to love over the years, and features a collection of interesting textures and shapes. Each pattern is crafted to showcase the beauty of the yarn, while providing an exploration into texture and creative shaping. Meet Robbie, hear about his inspiration, and get your book signed and try on some of his samples as part of what’s sure to be an amazing and fun morning. Robbie Laughlin is a knitwear designer living in Toronto, Ontario. He has designed patterns for Estelle Yarns, Eweknit, Rib Magazine, and many other sources. Book signing Saturday, August 24 – 10am to noon. (Robbie is originally from Bobcaygeon)

8A Water St (Directly across from Lock 34 under the awning) Fenelon Falls ON K0M 1N0 705-887-7667

July 11, 2019 - The Kawartha Promoter



By Kirk Winter

One of the sure signs of summer in the Kawarthas is the return of fair season. Beginning in July and ending in early October, these community spectaculars give many of the local agricultural societies a chance to put on an event that will entertain people of all ages, and provide funding for agricultural Society priorities for the following 12 months. The first of the season in our immediate area is the Fenelon Fair, sponsored by the Fenelon Agricultural Society. The Fair runs from July 19 to July 21 at the Fenelon Falls Fairgrounds located at 27 Veteran’s Way. There will be a midway provided by Homeniuk Rides Inc., children’s events, live music, agricultural competitions, truck and tractor pulls, a demolition derby and more. Another returning new feature will be the “3 Man 2 Gate Sorting Competition” which will be part

of “Horse Day” on Sunday. This is a relatively new equestrian sport, and involves teams of cowboys on horseback sorting cattle. The event was new last year, and even more people are talking about wanting to see it. It is fast paced, and really shows off the extreme skill of both the riders and their horses. Other popular features will include the Truck and Tractor pull on Friday night. “Canada’s #1 Demolition Derby” produced by Thrill Show Productions takes place on Saturday night, as well as a dance at the Community Centre with the Harry Peterson Band. Please note that the dance is an age of majority event, and will require a separate admission from what you paid to enter the grounds for all other activities. Entertainment on the outdoor stage is being coordinated for the first time by “Fenelon Falls Live” and will feature a wide variety of music. The Fair opens at 8am all three days, with the Midway not closing until midnight on Friday and Saturday, and 6pm on Sunday. Admission to the grounds is $7 for adults, $5 for teens, and $3 for children over the age of four, with children under 4 admitted free. There is parking available at a cost of $3. For further information about the fair go to their website at, or you can phone the Fenelon Agricultural Society at 705-887-9403.


This year’s Fenelon Fair will feature an inaugural Beer Garden, with craft beer from Fenelon Falls Brewing Co. The Beer Garden is designed as an extension of the Fair to provide a licensed area for visitors to enjoy local premium craft beer. “Our goal for the Beer Garden is to offer visitors a complete Fenelon Falls experience, and develop Fenelon as a significant tourism site by highlighting March 8th & 9th, 2017 - Lindsay Fair Grounds Ontario craft beer,” says Mathew Renda, General Are you8th considering A chAnge? i would happy to March & 9th, 2017 - Lindsay FairbeGrounds Manager of Fenelon Falls Brewing Co. “It’s our intention sit down and discuss your real estate needs with you. to continue supporting local businesses along the way Enjoy the Fair! whenever we can, and this is a strategic partnership 43 Colborne St., with the Fenelon Agricultural Society to support the Fenelon Falls, ON K0M 1N0 community.” Cell: 705-879-9986 The Beer Garden will be open from 4pm to 10pm on July 19, 11am to 10pm on July 20 and 11am to 4pm March 8th & 9th, 2017 - Lindsay Grounds on July 21.

March 8th & 9th, 2017 - Lindsay Fair Grounds


July 11, 2019 - The Kawartha Promoter

2017 - Lindsay Fair


The Original and The Best! NOW OPEN

Submitted by Lynda Darling

The Bobcaygeon & District Lions would like to thank everyone who purchased tickets for our Canada Day Duck Race. We really appreciate your support. We raised approximately $2,500 for our children’s charities and other charities. 1st Prize #110 - Debbie Lindgren won $500 2nd Prize #210 - Dana McLean won $200 3rd Prize #660 - Graham Jones won $100 Last Duck #43 - Lily Weisflock won $50


The Buckhorn Community Centre presents An Evening with Elvis and Friends on Saturday, July 20. Tickets are $25 and include a light lunch buffet. Doors open at 7pm. Call the BCC at 705-647-8833 to book your tickets.

Bobcaygeon Horticultural Society

Annual Garden Tour & Tea July 13, 2019

SEVEN UNIQUE PRIVATE GARDENS Tour Passes $15 each Includes Admission to Boyd Museum & Kawartha Settlers’ Village

Tour Highlights

Master Gardeners • Heritage Herbs & Seeds Beekeepers • Garden Art • Music At the Boyd Museum Exhibits: Heritage Gardens Market: • Baked Goods • Seeds • Plants • Crafts

Ask the Experts • Photography • Invasive Plants • Garden Birds At KSV Pioneer Gardens: • Composting • Daylily Collection • Children’s Garden • Enviromental • Murray Garden • Heirloom Garden Landscaping • Tea & Dessert • Music by John Max • Bee Keeping • Pollinators

Tickets available throughout the area see:

BUILD YOUR TRUST AROUND US.village beautification All proceeds of the tour are used to fund Why place the comfort of your home Special Thanks to:and family in our hands? We know that building your trust doesn’t come from offering bargain basement prices, flashy promotions, or other fun and games. It comes from being there for you, friendly and professional, every day. ES


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(Formerly Aunt Molly's) Appetizers Mozzarella Sticks (6) Jalapeno Peppers (5) Onion Rings Breaded Clam Strips Shrimp Only (8) Scallops Only (8) Breaded Mushroom Caps Breaded Pickle Spears (5)

$8.99 $9.99 $6.50 $11.99 $14.50 $14.50 $9.99 $10.99

side Orders Bread and Butter Sweet Potato Fries French Fries Poutine Gravy Small Large

$2.25 $8.99 $4.99 $8.99 $1.50 $2.50

sAlAds Greek Salad Small Large Caesar Salad Small Large Homemade Coleslaw Small Large Garden Salad Small Large

$6.99 $9.99 $6.99 $9.99 $1.95 $3.95 $5.99 $8.99

FrOm the Grill Hamburger (6oz) $7.50 Hamburger & Chips $10.99 Cheeseburger (6oz) $8.50 Cheeseburger & Chips $11.99 Chicken Souvlaki Dinner $16.95 With Chips, Greek Salad & Tzatziki Sauce Chicken Souvlaki & Greek or Caesar Salad $16.95 ChiCken FinGers Chicken Fingers & Chips Chicken Finger Dinner Chicken Fingers & Garden Salad Chicken Fingers & Greek or Caesar Salad Chicken Fingers Only seAFOOd Shrimp & Chips (8) Shrimp Dinner Shrimp & Garden Salad Shrimp & Greek or Caesar Salad Scallop & Chips (8) Scallop Dinner Scallop & Garden Salad Scallop & Greek or Caesar Salad

$14.99 $16.50 $16.50 $17.50 $12.99 $16.99 $18.50 $18.50 $19.50 $16.99 $18.50 $19.50

hAlibut Fish & Chips $16.95 2 Fish & 1 Chips $29.95 Fish Dinner $18.50 Fish, Chips & Garden Salad Fish & Garden Salad $18.50 Fish & Greek or Caesar Salad $19.50 Corner Platter $29.99 Fish, Shrimp, Scallops, Chips, Onion Rings, Coleslaw or Garden Salad Fish on a Bun $14.95 Halibut only $14.50 seniOrs pOrtiOns Halibut, Chips & Coleslaw $13.99 Halibut, Chips & Garden Salad $15.50 Halibut & Garden Salad $15.50 Halibut & Greek or Caesar Salad $16.50 Children’s items 12 & under Halibut & Chips $8.79 Chicken Fingers & Chips $7.99 hAddOCk ½ lb Haddock & Chips $13.95 2 Fish & 1 Chips $24.95 Haddock Dinner $15.50 Fish, Chips & Garden Salad Haddock & Garden Salad $15.50 Haddock & Greek or Caesar Salad $16.50 Haddock & Platter $26.99 Fish, Shrimp, Scallops, Chips, Onion Rings, Coleslaw or Garden Salad Haddock on a Bun $11.95 Haddock only $11.50 drinks Can Pop Hot Chocolate Coffee or Tea Bottled Water

$1.99 $2.50 $2.50 $1.99

All Dinners include Garden Salad and Fries. To substitute with Greek, Caesar Salad or Onion Rings for Fries, add $2.00. Prices do not include HST


July 11, 2019 - The Kawartha Promoter


By Kirk Winter

The Ontario Open Fiddle and Step Dance Competition

on July 26 and 27, is when Bobcaygeon becomes the centre of the Ontario fiddle and step dancing world.

This is a special anniversary as the Bobcaygeon event will be celebrating its 50th birthday. Fiddlers and step dancers have been making the pilgrimage to Bobcaygeon since 1969, and the competition only



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grows larger with every passing year. Organizers say the purpose of the event is “to foster and keep the history and tradition of old time fiddling and step dance alive and increase interest in the community.” For those of you unfamiliar with step dancing, it has been described as “a fast paced, rugged and energetic style of dance usually performed to traditional fiddle music and requiring limited surface movement. The dance is concentrated on foot work involving limited hand and arm motions. Step dancing requires a board with a hard, smooth surface, character shoes with special clickers attached to the toe and heel, and music.” Step dancing is unique to Canada, and depending upon where you live there are slight differences in how the dance is presented. Canadian step dancing takes its roots from Irish, Scottish and French dancers from a bygone day, and out of it something uniquely Canadian has manifested itself. The hotbeds of step dancing are found in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, Quebec and the Ottawa Valley and environs. The Bobcaygeon competition is one of many summer step dance and fiddling competitions found in this part of Ontario. Generally, a dance routine cannot go longer than four minutes and is judged in four equal parts with the judges awarding marks for timing, variety of steps, execution of the steps and showmanship/presentation. A surprising number of younger players and


Ontario Open Location: Bobcaygeon Arena Date: July 26th and 27th , 2019 Time: 6:30 p.m. Friday - $12 10:30 a.m. Saturday - $12 Finals and Trophy Performances 6:30 p.m. Saturday - $15 12

July 11, 2019 - The Kawartha Promoter

Fiddle and Step Dance Contest

Enterta i The Wir nment by ed Woo dshed Sat. 6:3 0 pm

dancers are getting involved, and continuing a history of step dance that began in Canada in the early 1700s. The event will begin on Friday, July 26 at 6:30pm and will continue Saturday, July 27 at 10:30am. On Saturday evening at 6:30pm, all winners will perform and the finale is the Ontario Open Championship performances and presentations. The competition will be held at the Bobcaygeon Community Centre, and is open to the public. Tickets are $12 for the Friday performances, $12 for the Saturday morning showings and $15 for the windup competition on Saturday night. There is a $30 weekend pass available for those wanting to take in all the fiddle and step dance magic in Bobcaygeon over those two days in July. To register, visit www.ontarioopenfiddlecontest. com, read about the event, review the contest rules and read the camping information. NOTE: THE BOBCAYGEON FARMERS’ MARKET WILL MOVE TO KAWARTHA SETTLERS’ VILLAGE ON SATURDAY, JULY 27 FROM 8AM TO 1PM.


Submitted by Judy Kennedy

There was a time when fashionable Victorian women accepted their duty to announce their families’ wealth and status by dressing in excessive amounts of material made up into gowns displaying extreme embellishment. Maryboro Lodge Fenelon Falls Museum presents a history of fashion at their Victorian Tea and Fashion Show on Saturday, July 20 from 1:30 to 4pm. You are invited to enjoy a fashion parade that will take you from the time that the Maryboro Lodge was built, through the decades from 1837 of the Victorian era to the early 1920’s of the Edwardian era, describing how industrialization and machine production brought in fashion changes. Tickets are $10 and are available at the following locations: • Fenelon Falls - Maryboro Lodge Fenelon Falls Museum and The Lil’ Wee Quilt Shop • Coboconk - The Coboconk Public Library • Bobcaygeon - Paradiso Fashion • Lindsay – Appleseed Quilt Shop

Have you heard BOB lately? BOB listened to you!

lets talk about your insurance sponsored by Stewart Morrison Insurance

PlannIng a SuMMer Party?

We are in the middle of event season here in the Kawartha’s. Our scenic landscape provides the perfect backdrop for weddings, cottage parties, concerts, family reunions and barnyard shindigs. And part of your planning process should include a quick chat with your insurance broker (or us!) as there are a myriad of insurance options available to the Host of the event. Special events liability This policy will cover you in the event damages to the property occur, or heaven forbid, bodily injury results from your event. This type of policy will also cover you for some medical payments, non-owned auto, food and beverage product coverage, and this policy will cover your employees (or volunteers) as additional insured. Party alcohol liability This policy provides protection should a lawsuit be brought against an individual, organization or company who hosts single, or multi day functions where alcohol is served. Coverage on a Party Alcohol Liability policy also includes Commercial, Host Liquor and Tenant’s Liability insurance, as well as non-owned auto. Wedding Insurance Packages These packages are the creme de la creme of event insurance. This policy includes aspect of both the Special Events Liability and Party Alcohol Liability insurance, and so much more. Depending on the level of coverage you choose, you could have everything from your dress (or suit) to your honeymoon covered! With this package, you can literally have your cake and insure you eat it too. Whatever event you are planning call us here at Stewart Morrison Insurance for advice on how to keep yourself and guests safe! SMI We’ll Make You SMILE

July 11, 2019 - The Kawartha Promoter


The Promoter Crossword # 252-by Charon 28 Fiendishly wicked (7) Down 1 Like a smart suit (7) 2 Martini extra (5) 3 Evening viewing hours (5,4) 4 Like a fire or a lion perhaps (7) 5 Goes with food and clothing (7) 6 Filled with a great quantity (5) 7 Many legged crawler (9) 8 Storm in a teacup? (7) 14 John Hancock (9) 16 Rigidly enforced (9) 17 Responds to questions (7) 18 Upper House member in Ottawa (7) 19 To exceed or excel (7) 20 Ship sunk by iceberg (7) 22 Tiny in Toulouse (5) 24 Pertaining to people (5)

Across 1 Flourish, do well (7) 5 Formally request (7) 9 Do away with (9) 10 Jeans fabric (5) 11 Part of an act (5) 12 Type of care in a hospital sometimes (9) 13 Handsome and in a hurry (7)

Solution to Crossword # 251

15 17 19 21 23 25 26

Have high regard for (7) Fishermen (7) Large snake (7) Cutting edge device (9) Pitchers dream game (2-3) What volcanoes do (5) Electrician or carpenter e.g (9) 27 Knitted garment (7)

Wanted Gold & Silver



Cash paid for Jewelry • Coins • Sterling Watches • Medals • Antiques etc. R. Carruth 705-887-1672

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July 11, 2019 - The Kawartha Promoter


July 11 to 24

Melodie McCullough

Aquarius (Jan. 21 to Feb. 19) Is there a summer vacation in the stars for you, Aquarius? You bet! Make the most it. Big or small, far away or close to home – start planning now. Pisces (Feb. 20 to March 20) Love hurts, Pisces. We all know that. Will time heal? Yes, but, no doubt, there will always be lingering regrets. Don’t let them be enough to ruin the rest of your life – and loves. Aries (March 21 to April 20) It’s summer time, Aries – time to relax and enjoy the little things that make life worthwhile. So, get the work done that needs doing, and then take it easy! Taurus (April 21 to May 21) Life comes in cycles. And sometimes we have to wait for the new cycle to begin and the old one to end – and it can be frustrating because we want to rush ahead. Tiny steps, Taurus, tiny steps. Gemini (May 22 to June 22) Be happy, Gemini. Happiness is a choice. Don’t fear change. Laugh with all your might. Run like the wind. Be child-like and free.

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Cancer (June 23 to July 23) Dear Cancer – realize that things are never quite what they seem to be on the surface. Many people, including yourself, have hidden stories that no one else knows about. They can make you vulnerable, but also so special.


Leo (July 24 to Aug. 23) They say smiles are contagious, Leo, and we know you have a beautiful smile. Why not share it as often as you can? Virgo (Aug. 24 to Sept. 23) Usually, the older we get, Virgo, the wiser we become. It is important to remember that our elders still count. They still have dreams, they still want to participate in life, they have knowledge and opinions worth hearing, and memories to share! Libra (Sept. 24 to Oct. 23) “Opinions don’t define your reality.” Hmm. Keep this in mind, Libra, the next time someone has a different opinion than you, it’s not necessarily factual and should have no impact on how you feel. Scorpio (Oct. 24 to Nov. 22) “The most beautiful discovery true friends make is that they can grow separately without growing apart.”: Elizabeth Foley. Find “true friends”, Scorpio, and let them go where they will, knowing they will always be there for you. Sagittarius (Nov. to Dec. 21) Through all the struggles and burdens you carry, dear Sag, know there are many people who love you with all their hearts. Keep yourself warm with this knowledge. Capricorn (Dec. 22 to Jan. 20) On July 16 there will be a Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn. This a period of change – a good thing -- leaving behind something from your past to make room for something new. Change can be scary, but, in the end, all will be well. Trust this.

Singing Lessons



GPS: use Catchacoma


Classical Voice / RCM Exam Prep Musical Theatre ee ee Acting / Audition Coaching Roz McArthur Keyes, B.A. (Hon), ATCL Enniskillen 416-919-2669

July 11, 2019 - The Kawartha Promoter



Each year, The Canadian Wildlife Federation selects individuals who have shown remarkable achievements in their work in wildlife research, conservation and education. This year, Leora Berman, of Haliburton, Ontario, was selected to be one of those awarded. Leora was the recipient of the Roland Michener Conservation Award, along with the co-honouree, MARS (the Marine Animal Rescue Service), a charity established to rescue beached marine mammals on the east coast. The Roland Michener Conservation Award was established in 1978 by the Canadian Wildlife Federation as a tribute to the former governor general of Canada, the Right Honourable Roland Michener. Leora is the co-founder and current Chief Operating Officer of The Land Between, a grassroots environmental non-government charity focused on a 12,000-square-kilometre bioregion in central Ontario from the Frontenac Arch (around Brockville) in the east to Georgian Bay and southern Parry Sound. She has been developing small- and large-scale ecological projects for non-profit groups and governments for over 20 years. The Land Between, like Berman herself, builds relationships with all people and groups, as it works

to advance cooperative solutions for conserving biodiversity, sustaining healthy water and fisheries, fostering sustainable economic development and engaging youth. Congratulations, Leora!


By Deb Crossen

On Facebook last week, I saw the following post by Bonnie Jean Harris to the Bobcaygeon group: “The Hands Up Bobcaygeon Habitat for Humanity build volunteers need your help. Please save the date for Thursday, July 18. The Bobcaygeon build has been delayed because of two objections made by local residents, and we are now aiming to begin in the fall. We’ve just heard back from the Committee of Adjustments that the Habitat for Humanity application to build two homes on the Habitat property will be reviewed on Thursday, July 18 between 1pm and 4pm at the Council Chambers in Lindsay. We need to have as many supporters for this project as possible. We also need people to speak on the need in the community. If you have any further questions, please let me know and Hands Up Bobcaygeon will make sure you have answers.”

Local Trades & Services

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July 11, 2019 - The Kawartha Promoter


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July 11, 2019 - The Kawartha Promoter



The City of Kawartha Lakes Family Health Team has welcomed a new Nurse Practitioner to its team in Fenelon Falls. Cherisse Young, RN(EC), will begin collaborating with Dr. Bruce Allin, Dr. Kesang Pema, and the team’s family health nurse, Kylie Pankhurst, RN, at the Fenelon Medical Centre on Francis Street East as of July 2. A long-time resident of Fenelon Falls, Ms. Young comes to the team with almost a decade of experience as a registered nurse in the emergency department at the Ross Memorial Hospital in Lindsay. She holds a Masters of Nursing in Primary Care degree from Athabasca University, having completed her training placements here locally. “I love caring for people; it’s my passion,” said Ms. Young. “I am really looking forward to helping people here locally where I live and having an impact in this community. I’m thrilled to be starting my practice and working with this team here in Fenelon.” Nurse practitioners are highly trained health care professionals who combine their advanced nursing knowledge with an in-depth understanding of health care, disease prevention and treatment, and health education. Nurse practitioners can prescribe drugs, order tests and communicate a diagnosis. Ms. Young replaces Patti Thompson as the team’s nurse practitioner onsite. Ms. Thompson moved on from the family health team last month. Patients will automatically continue on with Ms. Young as their nurse practitioner if they were seeing Patti Thompson for their care previously. Under the City of Kawartha Lakes Family Health Team’s model of care, patients who see a nurse practitioner are also officially rostered to a family physician.


Shopping at a farmers’ market or a farm stand is a great way to get fresh, local foods. Health Canada has some guidelines to help keep you and your family safe while supporting your local farmers and producers. Produce: Fresh produce can become contaminated through contact with soil, contaminated water, wild or domestic animals, or improperly composted manure.


The benefits of Indian Head Massage are many. It relieves symptoms of anxiety and depression and is an effective treatment of tension and migraine headaches, insomnia and sleep disorders. Indian Head massage detoxifies the body by stimulating lymphatic drainage and enhances memory and concentration 30 MINUTE HEAD MASSAGE $40 by encouraging the supply of 45 MINUTE REFLEXIOLOGY $60 oxygen to the brain. HEAD TO TOE SESSION $75


July 11, 2019 - The Kawartha Promoter

• Fresh produce that requires refrigeration should always be stored in the fridge as soon as you get home. • Before eating fruits and vegetables, wash them thoroughly under fresh, cool, running water, even if you plan to peel them. Milk and cheeses: Consuming raw or unpasteurized milk and cheese products comes with an increased risk of foodborne illness, as the products have not been processed to eliminate harmful bacteria. • Ask the vendor, or read the label, to find out if the milk or cheese has been pasteurized. • Avoid eating cheese made from raw or unpasteurized milk, especially soft and semi-soft varieties (such as Brie, Camembert, and blue-veined cheeses) if you are pregnant, if you are an older adult or if you have a weakened immune system because you are at a higher risk for illness. Eggs: Those sold at farmers’ markets and farm stalls are not subject to the same food safety standards as graded eggs sold in grocery stores. You can reduce your risk of contracting Salmonella from eggs by following a few simple tips. • Purchase eggs at the end of your shopping trip. • Inspect eggs to make sure they aren’t cracked. Dangerous bacteria can enter a cracked egg. • Eggs stored at room temperature spoil more quickly than refrigerated ones. Eggs should be refrigerated as soon as possible and stored in the coolest section of the refrigerator. Meat and poultry: Raw meat and poultry may contain harmful bacteria, so it is important to keep it separate from other items to avoid cross-contamination. • Choose properly chilled meat at the market. • Place packages of raw meat in separate shopping bags to keep meat juices from leaking onto other foods. • Store raw meat in the refrigerator immediately after you return home. • Freeze raw poultry or ground beef that won’t be used within one to two days. • Freeze other raw meats if they won’t be used within four to five days. Bags and Bins: Your reusable baskets, bins and bags can also spread foodborne illnesses, so it’s important to wash and care for them properly. • Machine-wash your cloth bags frequently, especially after using them to carry fresh produce, meat, poultry or seafood. • Plastic baskets, plastic bins and reusable grocery bags that aren’t machine-washable should be washed using hot soapy water or sanitized with a mild bleach solution on a regular basis. • Dry your grocery baskets, bags and bins after washing.

New Patients Welcome Emergency Care- Root Canals Implants - Wisdom Teeth Extractions


Submitted by Kim Coulter

Members of the Kawartha ATV Association (KATVA) are dedicated advocates for the safe use of all terrain vehicles and local trails. They’re also committed supporters of patient care at Ross Memorial Hospital. The Ross Memorial Hospital Foundation is honoured, once again, to be chosen to receive the charitable funds raised through KATVA’s annual poker run. This year, the event was held on June 1 and welcomed 150 registered bikes and riders. On June 28, KATVA members Carolyn LaPorte, James LaPorte, James McArthur, Dwayne Kish, Marge Kish and Walt Verleysen presented a cheque for $11,728 to Erin Coons, RMH Foundation CEO. “We’re blown away by the incredible support of the Kawartha ATV Association,” said Erin Coons. “Their gift will support the purchase of life-saving medical equipment throughout the Hospital through the Here to Help Spring Appeal.”

By Kirk Winter

seniors are at the greatest risk for becoming a victim of drowning.” The Society suggests the following important water safety tips for everyone to observe when they are around water and they include: • Learn to swim • Always swim with a buddy • Children and non-swimmers should always be supervised around water • Wear a lifejacket whenever you are in a boat, on a jet ski or on any recreational device being pulled by a boat • Alcohol and water don’t mix: don’t drink and swim, and drive your boat There are few better places to spend a lazy summer day than on or near water. With the appropriate amount of foresight, the only memories you will have of these days on or by the water will be pleasant and fun-filled. Editor’s Note: Kirk has written more about water safety on our website at


As a non-swimmer, I have always had a healthy respect for the water. I love to sit in it, dangle my feet into it, and boat on it. When I am in my boat, I am easy to spot as I always wear my lifejacket, regardless of the temperature or how much I sweat wearing it. The Life Saving Society of Ontario, who trains all the newly certified lifeguards in Ontario, says, “basic water safety skills are essential. Swimming pools, lakes and rivers offer year-round fun if they are enjoyed safely. But every year about 160 people drown in Ontario. Drowning is the second leading cause of accidental death for children under five years of age, and statistics show that children under 12, boaters, young men and

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Getting a hearing test is probably not high on most peoples’ to-do list, but having a baseline test done before any hearing issues arise can make all the difference when problems do occur. In light of this, adults should get their hearing tested at least once after the age of twenty-one and before the age of sixty to establish a reference point for future examinations. Additionally, baseline tests can also benefit children, especially when they are prone to ear infections, or if there is a family history of hearing loss. People over sixty should have their hearing tested at least once every two years even if no loss is detected in previous tests. There are two types of hearing loss. Sensorineural hearing loss occurs when there is damage to the inner ear or to the nerve pathways from the inner ear to the brain. This type of hearing loss cannot be medically or surgically corrected, but it can improve with a hearing instrument. Conductive hearing loss can often be corrected medically or surgically. Come see us at LINDSAY EAR CLINIC and have your hearing tested by a Doctor of Audiology. It’s painless, doesn’t take very long, and can help you more than you know. P.S. Many adults have not had their hearing tested since grade school.

Bobcaygeon, ON 103 Main Bobcaygeon 705-738-5177 • 888-322-3032 • Same repairs and relines 705-738-5177 • plans accepted 888-322-3032 • No referrels required

July 11, 2019 - The Kawartha Promoter


Classifieds SERVICES

ORIGINAL MAN WITH TRUCK 15 yrs experience Lowest prices. Grass cutting, Painting, Garbage removal, property maintenance, long or short distance moves. No job too small! Bruce 705-738-6321 ____________________ GOPHER Dump runs Eavestrough cleaning Private security Monica Stanley 705-738-6364 ____________________ RETIRED ELECTRICIAN Service Panels Trouble shooting New Builds, under ground, all electrical work. 705-957-8617 ____________________ DOUGLAS CANOES Recanvassing, fibreglass repair Original canoe bookcases Restored canoes for sale Interested in old wooden canoes. PH - 1-705-738-5648 Email -


Deadline for next issue Wednesday, July 17 Call 705-738-6188 20 words or less for $30 + H.S.T.

NATHAN’S HANDYMAN SERVICES Carpentry, flooring, drywall, painting, eavestrough clearing, dump runs, demolition and snow removal off roofs. 705-731-9373 ____________________ GLASS & METAL REPAIR Windows and doors You may need only the glass replaced. Call Harold 705-887-6608 ____________________ GREGG MACNEIL LANDSCAPING 705-340-7734 Interlocking brick, armour stone, retaining walls, decks, driveways, walkways, patios, stairs & repairs to all. www.greggmacneil ____________________ TLC GARDEN DESIGN/ LANDSCAPING INC. Lindsay, On 21 years in business. Spring/Fall Clean up, garden reno, planting, maintenance programs, container gardens. Contact Kay @ C 416-568-1228 NO JOB TOO BIG NONE TOO SMALL

2009 Chevy Impala LS

Smoke free Mechanic says it needs a fuel pump and emergency brake. Included: set of winter (1 season) and all season tires, both sets on rims. $1000 OBO as is Text 705.879.8599

YOLANDA’S CUSTOM DESIGNS, ALTERATIONS & DECOR 705-324-7363 Lindsay Services offer = Alterations to all bridal and evening wear. Custom made fashions, drapery and cushions, restyle and reline dresses and coats. ____________________ CERAMIC TILE Quality installations. Very reliable. Call Ted for an estimate. 705-454-9826


OFFICE SPACE 2 rooms, private entrance and washroom. 400 sq ft. $850 per month Central Bobcaygeon 705-738-6188 ____________________ PROFESSIONAL OFFICE/ RETAIL SPACE AVAILABLE 79 Bolton Street. Apprx. 400 sq ft, possible to share with sub-tenant in place. Available immediately. On-site parking, perfect for spa, salon. Call 647-519-4658 ____________________ HOUSE FOR RENT Suitable for seniors. 2 bedroom, open concept, large deck on Nogies Creek. Couple $1200/ Single $850 per month. Utilities included. 1st & last. No pets/no smoking/ references. 705-738-1910


Furniture,Glass, China, Military Medals etc. Duck Decoys, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver Dollars, Gold, Coins, Pocket Watches etc. Anything old. R. Carruth. 705-887-1672.


Gold & Silver Buyers James Gold & Silver Buyers “The People You Can Trust” Professional, Respectful, Confidential Buying: Coins, Sterling silver tableware, gold jewellery, gold watches, coin collections, old Canadian Paper money, and Militaria. Estates are welcome. Peterborough Square Mall 360 George St N. Peterborough (705) 874 3800 We are local and support your community.


VINTAGE COLLECTABLES We buy vinyl records and comic book collections, toys and sports items. Also gold, silver and costume jewelry, advertising and all types of retro, pop culture and mid-century items. We make house calls. Robert or Penny 705-324-2699 ____________________ WANTED Canada & USA coins Coin collections Silver dollar coins 1967 and earlier Silver & gold jewellery broken or not Sterling items eg. Birks Sterling flatware Jurgen 705-340-1504 ____________________ RENT A HOIST Fix it yourself, Little Britain $15/hr Tire machine, towing & storage available. We buy good or scrap vehicles. \A1 used tires, rubbish removal available. 905-424-1232


GRANITE MONUMENT SERVICES Uprights, Markers, Inscriptions, Etching, Restoration Cliff Clark (705)768-0154 Email: 20

July 11, 2019 - The Kawartha Promoter

Heron’s Landing community yard sale. Sat., July 13th 8-2 Creekside Circle, Dunsford. Take Cedar Glen Rd. south off Hwy 36


EXPERIENCED VINYL SIDING INSTALLER Wanted. With own truck, tools, ladder and brake. Call 705-341-8866 ____________________ WILLING TO EDUCATE Highly motivated individual for rewarding career in financial services. Call Nancy Hendsbee 705-731-7173.


PIRATES GLEN/ ALPINE VILLAGE COMMUNITIES Annual street sale. Sat. July 13/19 8am - 2pm Bobcaygeon Hwy 36 to Tates Bay Rd (right) follow the signs to go left or right. BBQ in park.

MOVING SALE July 13 30 Fire Route 115 Bass Lake Rd., Bobcaygeon. 705-738-5843 TVs, leather loveseats, rattan chair & side tables. Great condition Inquiries welcome.


SIETZE WATERCOLOURS At the Boyd Art Gallery/ Library in Bobcaygeon Friday August 2nd to Friday August 29 CLASSIFIEDS IN THE KAWARTHA PROMOTER WORK! Call 705-738-6188 or email classifieds@

Local Events This section is only for Local Charitable Events. We do provide Not-for-profit rates for more in-depth advertising Adult Day Programs - Bobcaygeon, Fenelon Falls , Little Britain, Lindsay & Omemee. Community Care - Call 705324-7323 JUL 14 - Kirkfield Museum guest speaker on “Historical Buildings in Victoria County pre WW1”, 2:30 p.m. By donation 705-438-5454 or wwwkirkfieldhistoricalsociety. JUL 15-19 - Summer Camp, St. Andrew’s Church, Bolsover Ages 5 - 13 $125. or 705-426-9382 or JUL 26-27 - 50th anniversary of the Ontario Open Fiddle & Step Dance Contest, Bobcaygeon Arena. Fri @ 6:60, Sat @10am. JUL 28 - Kirkfield Museum Boots of Hazard Concert, 7pm. By donation 705-438-5454 or wwwkirkfieldhistoricalsociety. JUL 31 - Grannies for Grannies, Treasures Sale, Maryboro Lodge, Fenelon Falls 1:30 - 4:30. Info: fenelonfallsgrannies@ or 705-934-0358 Rain date: AUG 14. 2nd MON - Lindsay Creative Quilters’ Guild Meetings 35 Lindsay Street N, Lindsay 1–3:30pm MON - Bobcaygeon Senior Centre Mahjong 1 p.m. $3 MON - Euchre, Bolsover Community Centre,1:15p.m. $2 For more info call Lorraine 705-426-9053. MON - Bid Euchre, Carden Recreation Centre, 1 p.m.705484-5712 1st TUES - Dunsford Seniors Club Pot Luck, noon; 1:30 pm for Euchre. 1st TUES- Free clinics are now at the Bobcaygeon Seniors Centre, 10:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. No appointments are needed. TUES - Amateur photography club that meets alternate Tuesdays, 10 am, Bobcaygeon Library. $2 each for the use of the room. 2nd TUES - The Kawartha Settlers’ Village Quilters meet at Trinity Church, Bobcaygeon. New members & guests welcomed. Contact:

Visit our website for ongoing local events and community happenings


Legion News “At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them.” For hall rentals or more information about ongoing activities, please call the individual Legion Branch. We welcome submissions to Next deadline: Wednesday, July 17

Branch 67 Lindsay (705) 324-2613 • Pub Fare Lunch – Tuesdays, Thursdays, noon to 2 pm • Full Dinners – Fridays, 11:30am to 1:30pm • Meat Roll – Saturdays, 2 pm • Live Entertainment – Saturdays, 7:30 to 11:30 pm, free • Sir Sam Seniors progressive euchre every Tuesday - 1pm • Big Buck Bid euchre 4th Wednesday of every month -11am

Branch 184 Woodville & District (705) 439-2397 • 3rd Sunday of the month - Country Music Jam

Branch 238 Fenelon Falls (705) 887-3041 • Tuesday - Drop in Horseshoes - 6pm/ Mixed Darts - 7:30pm • Wednesday - Bingo - 6:30pm/Men’s Snooker - 7pm • Thursday - Drop-in Shuffleboard - 4pm • Thursday & Friday - Hot Lunch -

11:30 to 1pm • First Friday of the Month - English Pub Night - 5 to 7pm • Sunday - Euchre - 1pm

Branch 239 Bobcaygeon (705) 738-2710 • July 27 - Cyber Zone Oldies Video Dance Party - 8:30pm to 1am $25pp • July 29 - Big Bucks Euchre - 10:30am - $10pp includes lunch • Tuesday - Snooker - 1pm • Wednesday - Jam Session 2-5pm • Wednesday - Summer Darts - 7pm • Thursday – Hamburgers 4-7pm

• Friday - Karaoke with Merle – 8pm • Saturday - Meat Roll - 2pm • Saturdays - Boot Sale - 1am to 1pm - $10 per spot • Sunday - Shuffleboard & BBQ • Sundays - Car Boot Sale - 10am to 2pm - $10 per spot. Call to reserve. • Ladies’ Auxiliary does catering for events. Call Anna at 705-731-2244

Branch 441 Kinmount (705) 488-3462 • Bingo – Fridays, 6:45 pm • Meat Draw – Saturdays, 5 pm • Seniors Cards – Mondays, 1 pm • Mixed darts – Wednesday, 7:30 pm

• B ig Buck Bid Euchre - Third Wednesday of month, 11 am • Third Sunday - 8am to noon - Ladies Auxiliary breakfast

Branch 497 Omemee (705) 799-5095 • July 13 - Fishing Derby at Mill Pond - Registration 8am • July 13 - Allan Jackson Tribute - 7pm - Kitchen open @5pm • For Hall rentals, call 705-934-5095

Branch 519 Coboconk (705) 454-8127 • July 14 - Country Music Jamboree with the Country Hot Flashes - 1pm to 5pm - $8pp • Tuesday – Euchre - 1pm • Wednesday – Darts - 7:30pm • Saturday – Meat Roll - 3pm • First Wednesday – Big Buck Bid Euchre - 11am

• Last Friday of the month - Lunch & Music - 11:30am • Call 705-454-8127 for more info

July 11, 2019 - The Kawartha Promoter



Ontario’s first Seniors’ Play Park is about to be built in Fenelon Falls. Thanks to the City of Kawartha Lakes Family Health Team receiving a $121,600 Capital grant from the Ontario Trillium Foundation earlier this year, the park is on its way to becoming a reality. The creation of a Seniors’ Play Park for Fenelon Falls is the initiative of local resident Penni Holdham. The basic idea behind designing outdoor gyms and play areas for older adults or those

with mobility challenges is to help improve people’s overall health and fitness and reduce isolation. The park, located at the Lloyd Kelly Parkette behind the Red Apple, will provide 24/7 outdoor space with activity stations that have no barriers to access. It’s expected that the park will be an outdoor recreational space where seniors can engage in a range of stretching and balancing activities using the onsite, fun and easy-to-use activity stations. There will be no fees or set hours to use the park and all activities are selfguided. The City of Kawartha Lakes


�ishes to thank �eritage Canada� CityLegacy o� �awartha �akes�for�uni�i�ality o� support, Trent �akes� Wishes to thank the Bobcaygeon Chest Fund its continued Heritage Canada, City�ran�h of Kawartha Lakes, of Trent Lakes, our s�onsor �oyal Canadian �egion ���� and theMunicipality �ollowing businesses� ser�i�e �lubs and our sponsor Royal Legion Branch #239 and the following businesses, service clubs indi�iduals �orCanadian �ery generously donating to �elebrate Canada �ay in �ob�aygeon� and individuals for very generously donating to celebrate Canada Day in Bobcaygeon! �ank o� �ontreal

��� �e�itt �er�i�es

�ome �ardware Crayola Canada �ermyn �umber Bank�ob�aygeon of Montreal Nortech Windows �ob�aygeon �gri�ultural �o�iety �ust �or the �alibut Bobcaygeon Home Hardware Crazy Monkey Tree Service New Rockland Motel �ob�aygeon �inette Club �awartha �airy �ob�aygeon �ions Club �awartha �akes �ro�essional �ire�ighters �sso�iation Bobcaygeon Agricultural Egan Marine Port 32 Ladies Night Out �ob�aygeon �eniors Centre �orma �ong Society Foodland - �orte�h Bobcaygeon Princess Motel �ir�h �oint �arina �indows �ritish �m�ire �uelsClub �o�kland �otel Bobcaygeon Kinette Happy Days�ew Houseboats RJ Brown Insurance �u�keye �arine �ort �� �adies �ight �ut Bobcaygeon Lions Club J&K Devitt �rin�ess Services�otel Shore Spa �u�keye ��orts Caygeon Co�e �esort �� �rown �nsuran�e Bobcaygeon Seniors Centre Jermyn Lumber Strang's Valu Mart C��C �hore ��a BirchCrayola Point Marina Canada Just for the�trang�s HalibutValu �art Tim Hortons Bobcaygeon Crazy �onkey Tree �er�i�e Tim �ortons �ob�aygeon British Empire Fuels Kawartha Dairy �gan �arine Three �sland Veterinerary Three Clini� Island Veterinerary Buckeye Marine Clinic �oodland � �ob�aygeon Town �Professional Country �e�orating Kawartha Lakes �a��y �ays �ouseboats �utomoti�e � �indsay Buckeye Sports FirefightersVi�toria Association Town & Country Decorating Caygeon Cove Resort Norma Long Victoria Automotive - Lindsay CIBC tĞ ǁŽƵůĚ ĂůƐŽ ůŝŬĞ ƚŽ ƚŚĂŶŬ ƚŚĞ ďƵƐŝŶĞƐƐĞƐ ǁŚŽ ĂůůŽǁĞĚ ƵƐ ƚŽ ƉůĂĐĞ Ă ĚŽŶĂƚŝŽŶ ďŽdž

municipality approved the park to be used for this purpose and will be taking care of its maintenance for the coming years. The park is scheduled to open this fall.


MPP Laurie Scott visited the Bobcaygeon Lawn Bowling Club recently to speak about the longterm impact that a $47,800 Capital grant from the Ontario Trillium Foundation will have for the community. The grant, awarded in January, gives the Club the green light to buy needed equipment and upgrade the sprinkler system. Buying a new automatic external defibrillator and new lawn maintenance equipment was a priority for the Club to provide a safe and fun environment. The popular club has been operating in the community for 84 years and welcomes people of all ages who wish to learn how to lawn bowl, or who are re-discovering the sport. For more information, visit the Club’s website at www. bobcaygeonlawnbowling.weebly. com. The Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF) is an agency of the Government of Ontario, and one of Canada’s leading granting foundations. OTF awarded more than $120 million to some 700 projects last year to build healthy and vibrant communities. For more information, please visit:

We would alsoŝŶ ƚŚĞŝƌ ƐƚŽƌĞ ĂƐ ǁĞůů ĂƐ ŽƵƌ ĂĚǀĞƌƚŝƐŝŶŐ ƉŽƐƚĞƌƐ like to thank the businesses who allowed us to place a donation box in their store as well as our advertising posters

Without the community's support this day would not be possible! The Committee would also like to extend a big thankyou to all the amazing Volunteers…… Committee likethe to extend a big thankyou to all the amazing -The to those who would helpedalso with Children's races, carnival games andVolunteers…… serving hotdogs � those to those hel�edserving with thebirthday Children�scake ra�esand and ice ser�ing hotdogs - to whowho assisted cream � the tofirework those whocrew assisted �ake and i�e �ream - to whoser�ing put onbirthday an amazing show year after year � to those who de�orated the �ommunity �entre and mo�ed the �arking barriers - to Dave Adams who acted as Parade Marshall � to �a�e �dams who a�ted as �arade �arshall - to closure andand parking � our toroad our road �losure �arkingsign sign team team - to and Parade! � the toindividuals the indi�iduals andbusinesses businesses who who participated �arti�i�ated in in thethe �arade� � the toOntario the �ntario Clean �ater �gen�yfor �ordonating donating their re�illrefill station - to Clean Water Agency theirhydration hydration station � our �amilies and �riends who hel�ed where�er it was needed - to ourtofamilies and friends who helped wherever it was needed

Thank you everyone for an incredible day that ended with the most spectacular firework display in the Kawarthas !


July 11, 2019 - The Kawartha Promoter

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Send us pictures of area events and happenings. You could see your image on our cover or in the pages of the paper. E-mail (only) your images along with name, address and phone number to


Fun for kids ages 7 and up, learning rules, etiquette and technique.


Weekly sessions starting July 1.

With Class “A” PGA of Canada Professional



We invite you to a


about the proposed

Coboconk Wellness Centre To encourage more inpuT, we have scheduled 2 daTes: saturday, July 13 at 10:00 - 11:30 am or Tuesday, July 16 at 6:30 - 8:00 pm location: Coboconk Train Station, across from Coboconk Foodland Topics oF discussion Provide a project update to the community Receive input from the community on the project Join in and give your input…we hope to see you there!

July 11, 2019 - The Kawartha Promoter




beach tim




July 11, 2019 - The 39Kawartha BoltonPromoter Street

Bobcaygeon 705.738.2522

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