Promoter The Kawartha
Locally Owned and Operated
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Thursday, May 2, 2019 Volume 29, Issue 8
Your Source for Community News
Mothers Day • Horoscopes • City Hall
Delivered through Canada Post to homes in the City of Kawartha Lakes. Also available in stores throughout Trent Lakes and Curve Lake.
The Lindsay Boys and Girls Club recently held a 100 Kids Who Care meeting. The kids raised $430, and selected the St Johns Ambulance Therapy Dog program as the recipient from the three charities that were presented. More info is available at
Auxiliary Board of Directors Opportunities iliary Board of Directors Opportunities
The Ross Memorial Hospital Auxiliary supports patient care and fundRoss Memorial Hospital supports patient care and fund raising for our 170-bed Auxiliary community hospital which serves the area’s 80,000 residents. community hospital which serves the area’s ng for our 170-bed Our volunteer Board oversees and supports over 200 volunteers 00 residents. (adults and teens) who give their time and skills for Auxiliary operations. ur volunteer Board oversees and supports over 200 volunteers The Auxiliary’s activities include: ults and teens) who their time and skills for Auxiliary • working with give hospital staff in various departments as ‘Part of the opera Team’. s. The Auxiliary’s activities include: • helping patients and family in the Emergency and Admitting workingDepartments (under hospital staff supervision). with hospital staff in various departments as ‘Part o Team’. • fundraising, through sales in our Cafe, Gift Shop and our HELPP helpingLottery booth patients and family in the Emergency and Admitting • PLUS many other rewarding ways which include reception of visitors partments (under hospital staff supervision). coming to the hospital as well as other important fund- raising fundraising, through sales in our Café, Gift Shop and our HE activities. Lottery booth Additional information on the operations of the auxiliary can be found at PLUS many other rewarding ways which include reception of are currently seeking persons who are interested in supporting our visitorsWecoming to the hospital as well as other important fun purpose of ‘giving back to the community by supporting the provision raising activities. of quality health care that reflects the needs of the patients, family and friends that comeon through doors’. tional information the the operations of the auxiliary can be fou If you are interested in this rewarding voluntary service role, you are ttps:// invited to contact board secretary Nancy Skopyk at e are currently seeking persons who are interested supportin for more specific information on what portfolios are available. in Please a letter back of intent your contact information) by May the pro porposeforward of ‘giving to(including the community by supporting 15, 2019 to: care that reflects the needs of the patients, fa of quality health
friends Ward Levine, President that come through the doors’. you areRoss interested in this rewarding voluntary service role, you Memorial Hospital Auxiliary 10 Angeline St. N., ed to contact board secretary Nancy Skopyk at Lindsay, ON., K9V 4M8 for more specific information on what portfo or by email to: available. Please forward a letter of intent (including your cont mation) by you May 2019this to: Thank for15, considering chance to serve our community.
d Levine, President s Memorial Hospital Auxiliary 2 May 2, 2019 - The Kawartha Promoter Angeline St. N.,
Promoter The Kawartha
Locally Owned and Operated
48 Main St., P.O. Box 535 Bobcaygeon, ON K0M 1A0 TEL.: 705-738-6188 FAX: 705-738-4187 Circulation 25,000 Distributed throughout the Kawartha Lakes Area Publisher/Director/Manager: Max Miller Editor: Deb Crossen Advertising Sales Manager: Laura Williams Art Director: James Goodliff Production/Office Manager Melissa Goodliff
City Hall Trades & Services Crossword Classified Horoscope
pg. 5 pg. 12 pg. 15 pg. 16 pg. 18
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Cover photo provided by: Christina Charpentier
Another day, another announcement of budget cuts from the Ontario government. Since we last spoke, the provincial Conservatives have slashed the inter-library loan program, announced the reduction of paramedic services in the province from 40 to 10, cut millions of dollars from public health agencies and muchneeded social programs. At the same time, Ford’s government is promising dental care for low-income seniors, an influx of millions of dollars in transit for the GTA, a push for liquor sales in corner stores and, oh yeah, a new logo and slogan for our licence plates. I think there are many who have taken a sip of Mr. Ford’s koolaid. I understand there has been overspending in a lot of departments and programs over the years and that it is incumbent on the sitting government to try to balance the budget. And not everyone will be happy about where the cuts are coming from. But I don’t feel there’s a master plan that will bring
it all together in four years. Being a media relations professional for many years, I can read between the key messages and party lines. I somehow don’t feel like our voice is being represented -- those of us who live in rural Ontario and rely on many of the services that have come under the budget knife. Isn’t this why we have elected officials? It’s all well and good to rant about this, according to one of The Kawartha Promoter’s readers, but we must do something. Write your MPP today!
The Promoter is a local, independently owned and operated newspaper. The opinions and views expressed are those of the contributors and do not necessarily reflect those of The Promoter. Liability for incorrectly displayed or placed advertisements is limited to publishing corrections or providing advertising credit to be applied on subsequent advertisements at the advertiser’s discretion. All text, photos, graphics, artwork and other material published in The Kawartha Promoter or on its website are copyrighted and may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission. Publisher reserves the right to reject, revise, cancel, omit, discontinue, decline to publish or suspend any advertisement for any reason in its sole discretion, without liability or penalty to Publisher, and without notice to the Advertiser. The Publisher of The Kawartha Promoter has made every effort to ensure that the information in this publication was correct at press time. The Publisher does not assume and hereby disclaims any liability to any party for any loss, damage, or disruption caused by errors or omissions, whether such errors or omissions result from negligence, accident, or any other cause.
Why place the comfort of your home andromoter family in In Our Next Issue our hands? We know that building yourVictoria trust doesn’t Day Weekend come from offering bargain basement prices, flashy Call Laura at 705-738-6188 to book your ad space today. Deadline is Wednesday, May 8, 2019. promotions, or other fun and games. It comes from There’s always more news than we have space for inevery print. Local news and events being there for you, friendly and professional, day. The Kawartha
Locally Owned and Operated
are updated regularly online. We’re British Empire Fuels. We’re here to help.
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Village Voice The Promoter reserves the right to edit Letters to the Editor for length and clarity. Please include your email or mailing address and daytime phone number (not for publication). All opinions expressed are those of the writer.
When it comes to the environment, it seems no one wants to spend money or come up with realistic initiatives to ensure our children and grandchildren have a healthy place to live. For instance, the Federal Carbon Tax, which is actually not a tax but an incentive program, has made people angry but what is the alternative? The Ford government says it has an Environment Plan that meets the Paris agreement on greenhouse gas reduction but sadly the plan is short on details. As an example, their big ‘stick’ is their threat to come down hard on large emitters calling it “tough but fair” when in reality they will have the prerogative “to grant across-the-board exemptions for industries of particular concern, like the auto sector”. So any sector, large emitter or not, can be exempt from pollution regulations. It seems people want to focus on themselves and not on the bigger picture. Do we have to choose the economy over our environment? Yes, initiatives to curb CO2 emissions will cost money. Companies will not convert to a low carbon footprint just because it is a good thing to do, they will respond however when
The misinformation presented in this letter (Village Voice, April 18) really did need a response. First of all, the Carbon Tax is the best approach to fighting climate change according to a research paper review done by the United Nations (and look at the success BC has had). Climate change must be dealt with now - just ask the insurance companies. The Carbon Tax is truly not a “Tax” as the Federal Government provides compensatory funding that exceeds the cost most people will spend to support this program. Rebate cheques are forthcoming this year, even if it doesn’t show up on gas pump stickers. The Tire Tax mentioned is a provincial issue, not a Federal program (speak to Mr. Ford). The Carbon Tax is very transparent -- no surprises with the costing or the usage -- it is not a “tax grab”. Canadians are not at the top of any taxation list. I believe that the independent Conference Board of Canada recently reviewed this matter and determined that Canadians were in the lower ranks of taxation when it was examined on a world wide scale. Further, one doesn’t have to travel very far in the world to realize how fortunate Canadians are. We have a great country in part because of excellent services generated by a relatively fair taxation system. This sustains Canadian democracy in a world where such rights are under attack. Winston Churchill indicated that Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others. It works in a large part because of our system of taxation. I hope J. R. Baldwin of Omemee spends his Carbon Tax rebate on improving the environment. S. Kemp, Trent Lakes
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T. Barnett, Lindsay
offered programs. Loblaws applied for the grant and got it. Others can too, but it is a cost sharing program and some are not willing to spend the money to help reduce their carbon footprint.
May 2, 2019 - The Kawartha Promoter
Fresh veggies of various kinds, baking, maple syrup, honey, plants, preserves, soaps, lotions, smoked meats, frozen meats, hot coffee, crafts. Opening May 2nd 2019 3 Food Vendors... Come for Lunch Wilson Fields - Colborne St. W. - Thursday 10am - 3pm Opening Sat. May 4th - Free Coffee 7am - 12noon Thanks to our Customers at our Christmas Markets You gave over $6,000 in cash and food for Food Banks in Lindsay
Victoria Ave. & Kent St., Saturday 7am to 1pm.
City Hall
By Kirk Winter
There’s more news from City Hall than there was space in the printed version of The Kawartha Promoter. Additional articles can be found on our website:
The Council Meeting of April 23, 2019 that ran almost three hours featured two very special visitors. The meeting also featured some very important decisions made about road maintenance and the purchase of new equipment. Thurstonia docking public meeting Councillor Ashmore shared that there would be a public meeting at the Dunsford Community Center on May 3 from 1 to 4pm to discuss docking policies in Thurstonia Park. Frank Hill Road Public Boat Access Councillors Richardson and Veale visited the site to see if a recommendation that the site be recognized as an official City Boat Launch was a good choice. Both returned recommending a variation on that possibility. They believe that the Frank Hill site lacks proper parking and will create dangerous road congestion if approved. Most neighbors agreed, and Councillors Richardson and Veale recommended that around the corner from the Frank Hill site was a better site on Bertha Drive where road congestion would likely not occur. Council asked staff to look into the Bertha Road site and bring back a report sometime in Quarter 3, 2019.
• A broadband announcement will be coming soon from the province • The provincial government is fighting the carbon tax in court believing it limits the industrial competitiveness of Ontario and Canada to attract investment • The province is hoping to put policies into place quickly that will encourage the exploration and development of the “Ring of Fire” north of Thunder Bay which will provide “jobs, jobs, jobs” in Ontario • The province is soon to make a billion dollar commitment to repair and maintain geared to income housing that has been a municipal responsibility since 2001 • Changes are coming to Conservation Authorities all across Ontario regarding their role in future development and construction A Report From Jamie Schmale Jamie Schmale, the federal MP for HaliburtonKawartha Lakes-Brock was also invited to provide Council with an update of what was going on in Ottawa. Schmale shared the following: • Federal money will likely be available for the high speed Internet/broadband/cellular services gap project that Scott spoke about • Was very pleased to see the federal Liberals make the decision to return with no strings attached the surplus from the Federal Gas Tax fund. Locally that almost $5 million can be used for anything the City deems to be a priority. Schmale believes that municipalities know best how that money should be spent.
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A Report From Laurie Scott Laurie Scott, the provincial member representing Haliburton-Kawartha Lakes-Brock, provided for Council an update on what was happening at Queen’s Park in Toronto that might impact CKL. Scott shared the following:
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May 2, 2019 - The Kawartha Promoter
• Is involved with the Trent-Severn Waterway and other key stakeholders in a “Save the Walleye” initiative to protect the future of this popular game fish that generates millions of dollars in tourism as anglers from across North America come to Bobcaygeon and area to fish • No new money for a separate VIA Rail passenger line that might include Pontypool and Peterborough was announced in the federal budget. Schmale believes that the Liberals are about to announce a separate pre-election infrastructure program and VIA may get its opportunity to build a dedicated passenger line with that funding. • Made it very clear that opening up the “Ring of Fire” in northern Ontario was a major push for the federal Conservatives • Promised that “oil, natural gas, mining and farming would find a far more competitive regulatory environment” under a Conservative government • Concluded by sharing that in his conversations with the Trent-Severn about other issues that the “navigational hazard caused by wild rice” had been discussed and he hoped “something would be forthcoming soon.” New equipment/vehicles ordered Council approved the ordering of the following equipment /vehicles for City use: • A new Valve Exercise trailer -- $112,790. • A new Forestry Aerial truck -- $232,420. • A new ambulance -- $149,134.
Have you been interested in birding? Or wondered what types of birds make their permanent and temporary home in the Kawartha Region? Join Kawartha Conservation’s Rob Stavinga for an educational and fun Introduction to Birding on Saturday, May 4 at Ken Reid Conservation Area. Introduction to Birding will run from 9am to 11:30am and participants are encouraged to dress for the weather as the event will be held rain or shine. Cost for the event is $10 plus HST for adults. Children 12 and under are free. Adding to the day’s events, May 4 is also Global Big Day. Last May, more than 30,000 people took to fields and forests around the world, noting more than 7,000 species in a single day. Participants are encouraged to bring a pair of binoculars if they have them, as well as wearinggood footwear and appropriate clothing.
Fenelon Falls United Church Women are holding a unique fundraiser on Tuesday, May 14. They’ll be remembering the Canadian National Exhibition at the church at 2pm. Admission is $10 with $2 off if you bring memorabilia of your own. There will be door prizes, book sales and signing as well as some special CNE snacks.
The Kawartha Promoter May 2 edition Municipal Bulletin Submission Municipal 705-324-9411 888-822-2225 Bulletin Spring Watermain Flushing Schedule Municipality of Kawartha Lakes
Watermain Flushing Schedule Kawartha Spring Lakes wishes to inform the residents that Water and Wastewater Division Distribution Staff will Municipality be flushing watermains starting late April 2019 and will continu of Kawartha Lakes until June 2019. Kawartha Lakes wishes to inform the your water lines, simply let your cold
residents that Water and Wastewater water tap run until the water flows clear. The flushing of watermains is flushing necessary to remove sediment that gradually Please check your drinking, cooking and deposit Division Distribution Staff will be the pipes. There may brief periods your water becomes or discolou laundry water before using. cloudy There may watermains starting latebe April 2019 and when To clear your water lines, simply let your cold water tap run until the water also be temporary pressure fluctuationsflows clea will continue until June 2019. Please yourofdrinking, cookingisand laundry water before using. There may als during flushing. The check flushing watermains temporary pressure fluctuations during flushing. Visit our website www.kawarthalakes. necessary to remove sediment that gradually deposit in the pipes. There ca or follow us on Twitter @kawarthalakes Visit website or follow on Twitter most us recent updates.@kawarthalakes For more may our be brief periods when your water for the the most recent updates. For more information please call 705-324-9411. information please call 705-324-9411. becomes cloudy or discoloured. To clear
Drinking Water System Southview Estates Norland Woodville Kinmount Western Trent Omemee (Victoria Glen) * Canadiana Shores Lindsay, Oakwood Bobcaygeon Woodfield Manorview Fenelon Falls Pinewood Victoria Place Manilla (Woods of Manilla) Birch Point Sonya Mariposa Estates Kings Bay Pleasant Point Janetville **
Flushing Dates April 22 to 25, 2019 April 24, 2019 April 29, May 6 and May 13 May 7, 2019 May 8, 2019 May 15 to 17, 2019 May 16, 2019 May 21, 2019 (flushing to begin) May 21, 2019 (flushing to begin) May 22, 2019 May 23, 2019 May 27, 2019 (flushing to begin) May 28, 2019 May 29, 2019 May 30, 2019 June 4, 2019 June 5, 2019 June 5, 2019 June 6, 2019 June 12, 2019 June 13, 2019
*Start onon thethe completion of current maintenance *Startdate datewill willbegin begin completion of current maintenance **Starting date tentative due to planned maintenance. Date be determined. **Starting date tentative due to planned maintenance. to Date to be determined.
May 2, 2019 - The Kawartha Promoter
Submitted by Wendy Kimmett
rson CRUISE HOLIDAYS OF LINDSAY Ocean & River Cruises | All-Inclusive Resorts Escorted Motor Coach Tours | Travel Insurance and more
The Bobcaygeon Kinettes would like to say thank you for all those who supported our Easter Egg sales. Our Spring Fling fashion show is Sunday, May 5 at the Bobcaygeon Legion. At noon there will be a light lunch, a fashion show by Paradiso, a loonie auction, country auction, and door prizes. Tickets are $25 and are available at Paradiso or from Shirley at 705-7932837. May is Cystic Fibrosis month and clubs across Canada will be hosting The Walk to Make Cystic Fibrosis History. There will be a walk in Peterborough at Nicol’s Oval on Sunday, May 26. Look for the Kinette Club Yard Sale on June 1 and 2 from 8am to 1pm at 3036 Pigeon Lake Rd. If you are interested in coming out to a meeting contact Marion at 705-738-3219 or email Our next meeting is on Tuesday, May 7 at the Lion’s Hall.
INSIGHTVACATIONS.COM It’s that time of year -- flu season -- and recently the Retirement Suites has been quarantined. The #INSIGHTMOMENTS Choristers had a night off from practice and time was By April Scott
TUESDAY, MAY 14th - 3pm HOLLAND AMERICA featuring South America & Antarctica
Join us and a Holland America guest speaker to learn about the cruising options along the coast of South America and to Antarctica where the scenery is spectacular and ever changing. Holland America offers a range of itineraries ranging from 14 to 33 days. Explore Iguazu Falls in a jungle tucked between Brazil and Argentina; Machu Picchu, obscured for centuries in the Andean heights; marvel at towering icebergs, seals and penguins in Antarctica.
used to go over music at home. Bob, our director has devised a new seating arrangement for practices and it is proving to be well worth it as the different sections can now hear each other. A name and date of our Spring concert has not been determined yet but be assured we will broadcast the news along with when tickets will be on sale. It is still early days but June will be here before we know it -- you remember the song -- June is busting out all over. We will more than likely be visiting nursing homes in the area to bring some joy to the residents and staff. It is always nice to see some of the residents responding to the music -- toe tapping, hand clapping and singing along with us. Hopefully we will be back to regular practice by the time you read this and have more news to broadcast. Until then visit us on Facebook and enjoy the weather bringing new flowers, green grass and leaves on the trees.
VE A SHORT PRESENTATION TO EXPLAIN THE INSIGHT WER YOUR QUESTIONS. Join us and a guest speaker from AMA Waterways. A cruise critic award winner in 2018, AMA Waterways was founded in 2002 and offers a variety of cruise options in Europe, Vietnam & Cambodia and Africa. Their goal was to create a river cruise company with an exceptional crew and unparalleled service offering excellent food and wine, comfortable and tasteful décor, ample space in which to relax, and staterooms with maximum views to enjoy the ever-changing countryside.
TUESDAY, JUNE 11th – 3pm & 6:30 pm GOWAY TRAVEL featuring Africa
Join us for a presentation by an Africa specialist, who has just returned from yet another of her frequent trips to Africa. Goway is privately owned and operated and is well-respected for their real destination experts helping you properly explore, experience and enjoy this vast, complicated and magnificent continent. 3pm: South Africa (including Zimbabwe, Zambia, Botswana, Victoria Falls, Malawi & Mozambique) 6:30pm: East Africa (including Tanzania, Kenya, Ethiopia, Uganda & Rwanda) ALL SESSIONS ARE COMPLIMENTARY SEATING IS LIMITED TO 24 PEOPLE PER SESSION SO PLEASE RESERVE YOUR SEATS ASAP. * NOTE THAT IF THERE AREN’T ENOUGH PEOPLE REGISTERED, THESE PRESENTATIONS MAY BE COMBINED.
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May 2, 2019 - The Kawartha Promoter
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Send us pictures of area events and happenings. E-mail (only) your images along with name, address and phone number to
Mother’s Day History
According to the History Channel, celebrations of mothers and motherhood can be traced back to the ancient Greeks and Romans, who held festivals in honour of the mother goddesses Rhea and Cybele. Once a Christian Festival known as Mothering Sunday in the UK and parts of Europe, it fell on the fourth Sunday and Lent. It was originally a time when the faithful would return to their “mother church” for a special service. FUN FACT: More phone calls are made on Mother’s Day than any other day of the year. These holiday chats with Mom often cause phone traffic to spike by as much as 37 percent. The origins of Mother’s Day as celebrated in the United States date back to the 19th century. In the years before the Civil War, Ann Reeves Jarvis of West Virginia helped start “Mothers’ Day Work Clubs” to teach local women how to properly care for their children. Her version of the day involved wearing a white carnation as a badge and visiting one’s mother or attending church services. But once Mother’s Day became a national holiday, it was not long
before florists, card companies and other merchants capitalized on its popularity. While Jarvis had initially worked with the floral industry to help raise Mother’s Day’s profile, by 1920 she had become disgusted with how the holiday had been commercialized. She outwardly denounced the transformation and urged people to stop buying Mother’s Day flowers, cards and candies. While versions of Mother’s Day are celebrated worldwide, traditions vary depending on the country. In Thailand, for example, Mother’s Day is always celebrated in August on the birthday of the current queen, Sirikit. Another alternate observance of Mother’s Day can be found in Ethiopia, where families gather each fall to sing songs and eat a large feast as part of Antrosht, a multi-day celebration honouring motherhood.
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May 2, 2019 - The Kawartha Promoter
Mother’s Day on May 12 is a time to celebrate Moms of every shape and size. It’s easy to hit the store and pick up a piece of jewellery or some flowers, but here are some other ideas that could help you show your Mom how much she means to you. Let her sleep: While many Moms are multitaskers, there’s nothing better than an hour or so of extra shut-eye on her special day. Keep the kids occupied in quiet pursuits while Mom has a lie in. Plan ahead: Put together a day of fun for Mom, including activities that she loves. Whether it’s a hike through the forest, a drive in the country or a day of pampering for her, bring the family together for a day she’ll never forget. Feed her: Mom is usually the one who comes up with the meal ideas, cooks and cleans up. Give her the day off on Mother’s Day with breakfast in bed, lunch at a nice restaurant or a barbeque family dinner. And make sure she doesn’t have to clean up! Say no to housework: Give Mom the day off when it comes to any type of housework – vaccuuming, emptying the dishwasher or doing laundry. It’s a nice thing to do. Show her some love: No matter what else you do, show your Mom some love on Mother’s Day. Give her hugs and kisses and tell her how much you love her and appreciate all she does.
1 2 3 4 5
God could not be everywhere and therefore he made mothers. ~ Jewish Proverb “There is no way to be a perfect mother, and a million ways to be a good one” ~ Jill Churchill If evolution really works, how come mothers only have two hands? ~ Milton Berle When your mother asks, “Do you want a piece of advice?” it’s a mere formality. It doesn’t matter if you answer yes or no. You’re going to get it anyway. ~ Erma Bombeck My mother told me to be a lady. And for her, that meant be your own person, be independent. ~ Ruth Bader Ginsburg I think my mother... made it clear that you have to live life by your own terms and you have to not worry about what other people think and you have to have the courage to do the unexpected. ~ Caroline Kennedy
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Trivia Night & Trivia, Music, & Dancing Join us for a fun trivia night with an all-request cheesy disco to follow. Come in costume from the decade you had your sweet 16! Trivia with Dance Breaks: 7pm-9pm Cheesy Disco with Spot Prizes: 9pm-Midnight
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May 2, 2019 - The Kawartha Promoter
By Patty Carlson
The sights and sounds and smells of spring are all around us now. I always get excited to see the first crocus, snow drop or tulip poke its way out of the ground as well as the arrival of the first robin. The migrating ducks stop over in our lakes for a few weeks before flying farther north. These are all things that make my heart beat a little faster as I make lists of all the things to do in the garden and decide what vegetable seeds to plant this year. I check my garden plan from last year to make sure I rotate the plants around in my raised vegetable beds as I plan this year’s garden. I explore the garden and yard on the nice days between spring showers to check what survived the winter and what may need to be replaced. It never fails to amaze me that no matter how well I cleaned up in the fall, there is still much more to do in the spring. I
like to leave a lot of my garden plants standing in the garden for winter interest. I have to be careful not to clean the plant remains too soon as some insects and pollinators may still be sheltering there. It’s also a great time to go walking on nice days and to check out all the nature coming to life around us. I’m sure this sounds familiar to many of you as it seems to be an Ontario ritual for all gardeners, bird lovers or nature lovers. Holly Shipclark of Kawartha Conservation is our speaker for the next Bobcaygeon Horticultural Society meeting, May 16. Creating a rain garden, that is a special garden designed to convert a poorly drained run off area into a ornamental bed is her topic. Held at Knox Street Presbyterian Church, meetings begin with a social gathering at 6:30 followed by the presentation at 7pm. Visitors are welcome. Happy Spring Everyone!
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May 2, 2019 - The Kawartha Promoter
The local Health Unit’s investigation into the potential exposure of patients of a Lindsay dental clinic to bloodborne viruses has concluded. The investigation of the Lakeland Clinic in Lindsay started in May 2018 after the Health Unit was notified of a dental clinic patient who had been recently diagnosed with hepatitis C, with a strain or genotype not commonly seen in Canada. In its investigation, the Health Unit found a second patient who had previously been diagnosed with hepatitis C with the same uncommon genotype who had received treatment at the same dental clinic on the same day, just prior to the newly-diagnosed case.
Of the 257 patient notification letters sent out by the Health Unit, 223 (87 percent) had their blood tested. As there is a long incubation period for hepatitis C, the Health Unit sent out 167 additional letters urging patients to have follow-up blood testing done. Of those 167 patients, 92 (55 percent) had tests completed. There were no additional newly-positive cases of hepatitis C, hepatitis B or HIV identified as a result of this testing. In this investigation, Dr. Lynn Noseworthy, Medical Officer of Health for the HKPR District Health Unit says she has nothing but praise for the co-operation provided by the Lakeland Clinic. The owner and staff worked with the Health Unit to quickly correct any infection prevention and control lapses identified and provided all the information required to contact the patients treated in the identified time period.
New Patients Welcome Emergency Care- Root Canals Implants - Wisdom Teeth Extractions
“Invisible-In-The-Canal” (IIC) hearing instruments fit further down the ear canal than any other type of hearing instrument, making them the first choice among those wanting the most discreet aesthetic. They are invisible to onlookers and they are able to take advantage of the natural cues that come from sound interacting with the natural shape of the ear. In addition to their more natural sound quality, IICs can improve how wearers hear their own voices by avoiding the “occlusion effect” that makes their voices seem too loud or hollow. Because they fit so closely to the eardrum, IICs prevent low-pitched sounds from getting “trapped” in the ear canal between the hearing instrument and the eardrum, which leads to sound distortion. If you or someone close to you are considering wearing a hearing aid, your timing couldn’t be better. The digital revolution has vastly improved hearing aid features and sound quality without increasing their size. This combination of technology and cosmetic appeal opens up a whole new world of hearing possibilities. You can always rely on LINDSAY EAR CLINIC to address your needs on a one-to-one basis. Our goal is to find the most appropriate solution to each individual’s particular hearing concerns. P.S.“Invisible-In-The-Canal” (IIC) hearing instruments may not be suitable for those with severe hearing loss.
May 2, 2019 - The Kawartha Promoter
Caygeon De ture ture Caygeon De Fernando Paiz, Denturist
Fernando Paiz, Denturist
Building Brighter and Younger Smiles!
Building BrighterBrighter and&Younger Smiles! Building and Your first choice in Complete Partial Dentures.
Younger Smiles!
Serving the Kawarthas & Haliburton Highlands for over 25 years.
Your first choice in Complete & Partial Dentures. • the Precision dentures ServingYour Kawarthas for over 25 years. 103 MainDentures. Street first choice&inHaliburton CompleteHighlands & Partial • Implant secured dentures
Bobcaygeon, ON • Same dentures day and relines • Precision Serving therepairs Kawarthas & Haliburton Highlands 705-738-5177 103 Main Street • Dental plans accepted for over 25 years. • Implant secured dentures 888-322-3032 • No referrels required Bobcaygeon, ON • Same day repairs and relines Now offering Complete 705-738-5177 • Dental plans Full accepted Lower Suction 888-322-3032 Dentures • No referrels required Precision dentures • Implant retained dentures Same day repairs and relines • No referrels required Dental plans accepted
103 Main St. Bobcaygeon 705-738-5177 • 888-322-3032
The Promoter Crossword #247– By Charon 30 By virtue of one's position (Latin) (2,7) 31 Having three dimensions (5) 32 Window framework (4) 33 ___ of Capri (4) Down 1 Stubbornly persistent (9) 2 Conductor's wand (5) 4 Moves between bank accounts (9) 5 Trump communication? (5) 6 Assumed to be true (8) 7 Registering for membership (9) 8 Smart-mouthed (5) 9 Wading bird (5) 15 Lamp socket insert (5,4) 17 Puzzle answers (9) 19 High wire (9) 20 Spectacular on stage (8) 24 Ready in a ___ (blink of an eye) (5) 25 Relating to the eye (5) 26 Can't do without (5) 28 Shoe parts (5)
Across 1 London's subway (4) 3 Ballpark figure (4) 6 Eyeglasses needed for blueprints? (5) 10 Recent hotspot in the French capital (5,4) 11 Location of 10 across (5) 12 Soloists in the synagogue (7) 13 San Francisco transportation (7)
14 16 18 21 22 23 25 27 29
Solution to Crossword # 246 Nothing more than (4) Tenant (6) Chow down (3) Droop (3) Many a home transaction (6) Adult male deer (4) Upholstered footstool (7) One of three siblings (7) Type of fund you can believe in (5)
Wanted Gold & Silver
Cash paid for Jewelry • Coins • Sterling Watches • Medals • Antiques etc. R. Carruth 705-887-1672
Water Conditioning Limited 1-800-721-4921 • 705-439-2589
Sales * Service * Rentals * Residential * Agricultural * Cottage * Commercial * Industrial
* Ultraviolet Sterilizers * Softeners * Chlorination * Reverse Osmosis * Drinking Water Systems * Iron & Sulphur Filters * Salt Delivery * Replacement Filters & Ultraviolet Lamps Free Service To All Makes Water Certified in Backflow Prevention And Cross Connection Licensed by Testing the MOE May 2, 2019 - The Kawartha Promoter
Classifieds SERVICES
ORIGINAL MAN WITH TRUCK 15 yrs experience Lowest prices. Grass cutting, Painting, Garbage removal, property maintenance, long or short distance moves. No job too small! Bruce 705-738-6321 ____________________ GOPHER CONSTRUCTION SERVICES Dump runs Eavestrough cleaning Moving assistance Private security Monica Stanley 705-738-6364 ____________________ RETIRED ELECTRICIAN Service Panels Trouble shooting New Builds, under ground, all electrical work. 705-957-8617 ____________________ NATHAN’S HANDYMAN SERVICES Carpentry, flooring, drywall, painting, eavestrough clearing, dump runs, demolition and snow removal off roofs. 705-731-9373 ____________________ ROUND 2 CONTRACTING Lawn care - weekly or biweekly, spring clean-ups Fully insured Fast, friendly, reliable service. 705-305-7143
Deadline for next issue Wednesday, May 8 Call 705-738-6188 20 words or less for $29 + H.S.T.
PEACE of Mind House Cleaning Residential, Cottages, Professional, Meticulous. References available. Servicing the Kawartha Lakes Call Shell 905-716-5141 ____________________ GLASS & METAL REPAIR Windows and doors You may need only the glass replaced. Call Harold 705-887-6608 ____________________ DOUGLAS CANOES Recanvassing, fibreglass repair Original canoe bookcases Restored canoes for sale Interested in old wooden canoes. PH - 1-705-738-5648 Email - farrdj@nexicom. net ____________________ JC LANDSCAPING (Small operation) Brick/patio/walkway installation & repair, retaining walls, privacy fences, small deck/porch construction, garden installation & much more. 905-914-3319 ____________________ CERAMIC TILE Quality installations. Very reliable. Call Ted for an estimate. 705-454-9826 ____________________ MOM’S CLEANING SERVICE Trusted and reliable. 15yrs experience. Reasonable rates. Call Beth 705-731-0567
Greg Bertalan
July 9, 1963 – May 12, 2018 My mind still talks to you and my heart still looks for you. But my Soul knows you’re at peace. I miss you each day, every day, all the time, in every way, in everything I do. I Miss You! With All My Love Always, Lori 16
May 2, 2019 - The Kawartha Promoter
GREGG MACNEIL LANDSCAPING 705-340-7734 Interlocking brick, armour stone, retaining walls, decks, driveways, walkways, patios, stairs & repairs to all. www.greggmacneil ____________________ TLC GARDEN DESIGN/ LANDSCAPING INC. Lindsay, On 20 years in business. Spring/Fall Clean up, garden reno, planting, maintenance programs, container gardens. Contact Kay @ 416-568-1228 NO JOB TOO BIG NONE TOO SMALL ____________________ WOODWORKING Regluing & repairing for “Sick Wooden Furniture” also small custom jobs. Keith 705-324-2200 or ____________________ YOLANDA’S CUSTOM DESIGNS, ALTERATIONS & DECOR 705-324-7363 Services offer = Alterations to all bridal and evening wear. Custom made fashions, drapery and cushions, restyle and reline dresses and coats.
Gold & Silver Buyers James Gold & Silver Buyers “The People You Can Trust” Professional, Respectful, Confidential Buying: Coins, Sterling silver tableware, gold jewellery, gold watches, coin collections, old Canadian Paper money, and Militaria. Estates are welcome. Peterborough Square Mall 360 George St N. Peterborough (705) 874 3800 We are local and support your community.
HONEY Unpasturized, clover, goldenrod, comb, beeswax and our award winning honey butter available now. Pure honey helps with allergies. Call Tom 705-286-3626 ____________________ MEN’S BROWN LEATHER JACKET Sz XL Premium lambskin with popular moto style. Very new, excellent condition. $125 Call 705738-1788 If no answer please leave a message.
OFFICE SPACE 2 rooms, private entrance and washroom. 400 sq ft. $850 per month Central Bobcaygeon 705-738-6188 ____________________ WATERFRONT COTTAGE FOR RENT Close to Fenelon Falls. 2 bedrooms. Sleeps 5. AC. $1000/week. Steve 5192214442
Furniture,Glass, China, Military Medals etc. Duck Decoys, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver Dollars, Gold, Coins, Pocket Watches etc. Anything old. R. Carruth. 705-887-1672.
VINTAGE COLLECTABLES We buy vinyl records and comic book collections, toys and sports items. Also gold, silver and costume jewelry, advertising and all types of retro, pop culture and mid-century items. We make house calls. Robert or Penny 705-324-2699
WANTED Canada & USA coins Coin collections Silver dollar coins 1967 and earlier Silver & gold jewellery broken or not Sterling items eg. Birks Sterling flatware Jurgen 705-340-1504 ____________________ RENT A HOIST Fix it yourself, Little Britain $15/hr Tire machine, towing & storage available. We buy good or scrap vehicles. A1 used tires, rubbish removal available. 905-424-1232
We build high-quality, custom Decks & Gazebos. We’re looking for another quality team member. Willing to train the right individual. Please respond by email with qualifications and contact details... info@ ____________________ BABYSITTER WANTED We are looking for a responsible student to look after a kind, considerate and fun seven-year-old after school and/or weekends Bobcaygeon area - flexible hours - call 705.340.1124
VICTORIAL PLACE COMMUNITY Annual All-Streets Yard Sales Sat., May 11th, 18th & 25th 8:00am - 12:30 pm (South Pigeon Lake Rd.) ____________________ Yard Sale May 18 (rain date May 19) Country collectables, clocks, jewellery, lights, good stuff. 67 Kennedy Dr. off Cty Rd 36 between Bobcaygeon & Buckhorn ____________________ YARD & BAKE SALE Perennials Sat. May 4 8am - 12:30 Rain or Shine! Dunsford United Church, 1981 Sturgeon Rd.
Thank you to everyone on the morning of April 4th my little dog came in bleeding from the head and weak and we needed help to get to the vets as I do not drive. My granddaughter Jen reached out on Facebook and help immediately poured in. Thank you to all of the kind people. We got to the vet and staples are out and wounds are healing. Thanks, Sugar and Barb Andrews
Local Events This section is only for Local Charitable Events. We do provide Not-for-profit rates for more in-depth advertising
Adult Day Programs - Bobcaygeon, Fenelon Falls , Little Britain, Lindsay & Omemee. Community Care - Call 705324-7323 MAY 7 - Fundraiser for St. Andrews Church, Bolsover ham & scalloped potatoes dinner, 6pm. $20. Advance tickets: Jean 705-426-1382 or at the church on Fridays 10:30-2pm MAY 10 & 11 - Spring Book Sale 9am - 2pm at the Library and Boyd Gallery, Bobcaygeon. MAY 11 - St. Andrews Church Bolsover Treats & Treasures, Bake Sale, Garden Art & Unique Gifts. $5 includes refreshments & snack. 11am-2pm 705-426-1382 for info.
Visit our website for ongoing local events and community happenings.
Legion News “At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them.” For hall rentals or more information about ongoing activities, please call the individual Legion Branch. We welcome submissions to Next deadline: Wednesday, May 8
Branch 67 Lindsay (705) 324-2613 • Pub Fare Lunch – Tuesdays, Thursdays, noon to 2 pm • Full Dinners – Fridays, 11:30am to 1:30pm • Meat Roll – Saturdays, 2 pm • Live Entertainment – Saturdays, 7:30 to 11:30 pm, free • Sir Sam Seniors progressive euchre every Tuesday - 1pm • Big Buck Bid euchre 4th Wednesday of every month -11am
Branch 184 Woodville & District (705) 439-2397 • The Country Music Jam usually held on the third Sunday of each month will be held on the second Sunday for April only. Next Jam will be April 14 - $15pp
Branch 238 Fenelon Falls (705) 887-3041 • Tuesday - Mixed Darts - 7:30pm • Wednesday - Bingo - 6:30pm/Men’s Snooker - 7pm • Thursday - Drop-in Shuffleboard - 4pm • Thursday & Friday - Hot Lunch 11:30 to 1pm
• Last Thursday of the Month - Turkey Dinner - 11:30 to 1pm • First Friday of the Month - English Pub Night - 5 to 7pm • Sunday - Drop-in Shuffleboard 1:30pm/Euchre - 1pm
Branch 239 Bobcaygeon (705) 738-2710 • Mondays - Darts or Big Bucks Euchre ONLY • Last Monday of the month - Big Bucks Euchre - Doors open at 10:30am - $10pp - Lunch included • Tuesday - Snooker League - 1pm • Wednesday - Jam Session 2-5pm
• Thursday – Hamburgers 4-7pm • F riday - Karaoke with Merle – 8pm Wings served from 7-10pm • S aturday - Meat Roll - 2pm • Sunday - Drop in Shuffleboard - Noon • L adies’ Auxiliary does catering for events. Call Anna at 705-731-2244
Branch 441 Kinmount (705) 488-3462 • Bingo – Fridays, 6:45 pm • Meat Draw – Saturdays, 5 pm • Seniors Cards – Mondays, 1 pm • Mixed darts – Wednesday, 7:30 pm
• B ig Buck Bid Euchre - Third Wednesday of month, 11 am • Third Sunday - 8am to noon - Ladies Auxiliary breakfast
Branch 497 Omemee (705) 799-5095 • May 4 - Meat Roll - 1pm to 4pm • For Hall rentals, call 705-934-5095
Branch 519 Coboconk (705) 454-8127 • May 5 - Country Music Jamboree 1pm to 5pm - $8pp • May 11 - Spring Dance W/DJ Millsy - 8pm • May 12 - Family Game Day - 10am • May 18 - Elimination Draw - 2pm BBQ & Karaoke
• Tuesday – Euchre - 1pm • Wednesday – Darts - 7:30pm • Saturday – Meat Roll - 3pm • First Wednesday – Big Buck Bid Euchre - 11am • Last Friday of the month - Lunch & Music - 11:30am
May 2, 2019 - The Kawartha Promoter
May 2 to May 15
Melodie McCullough
Aquarius (Jan. 21 to Feb. 19) Hold your tongue, Aquarius. At least, know when to speak and when not to. Words are powerful. Give them thought before you say them. Pisces (Feb. 20 to March 20) Dream beautiful dreams, dear Pisces – and believe that you can make them come true. Never give up! Aries (March 21 to April 20) Aries, spend time with supportive, loving people. You cannot go wrong. You know who they are, so make use of their kindness in time of need. Taurus (April 21 to May 21) Taurus, you may be faced with a separation of sorts in the coming days. We are not sure what form this may take. It could involve family. But, remember, distance cannot separate you from the love you feel for each other. Gemini (May 22 to June 22) It’s that time again, Gemini – time to take time out for yourself! Don’t get bogged down in your work commitments and other responsibilities. You are only valuable to others if you value yourself.
The Kawartha Promoter
Supported entirely by our advertisers. We encourage you to choose the businesses that you see in these pages.
! g n i r i H e r ' e W advertising sales representatives full/part time, creative, fun, exciting, problem solving, flexible hours, computer literate, print & online. Send resumes to
Cancer (June 23 to July 23) Learn to check your impulses at the door, Cancer. They will lead nowhere. Think things through – thoroughly before you act. Leo (July 24 to Aug. 23) You are entering yet another new phase of your life, Leo, one that will encompass new learning and new friends – and one that will bring you great satisfaction. Virgo (Aug. 24 to Sept. 23) Beware of people who seem innocent and naïve during this phase, Virgo. They may, in fact, be a lot more aware than you realise – and could also be dangerous in your career. Libra (Sept. 24 to Oct. 23) We foresee a Spring love ahead for you, dear Libra. Let it envelope you with joy and caring. Lucky you! Scorpio (Oct. 24 to Nov. 22) “The ancient symbol of the Tree has been found to represent physical and spiritual nourishment, transformation and liberation, union and fertility.” What do trees represent to you, Scorpio? Do you stand tall and fierce in the winds that blow your way? You’ve got this! Sagittarius (Nov. 23 to Dec. 21) The future is looking up, Sagittarius. Remain calm in the face of tribulation, and realise it will pass. Your time WILL come! Capricorn (Dec. 22 to Jan. 20) “If you are always trying to be normal, you will never know how amazing you can be.”: Maya Angelou. Oh, dear Capricorn, so true! You have so much “individuality” to share with the world. Never be afraid to show it!
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May 2, 2019 - The Kawartha Promoter
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Your Windows Free Cordless Lift on Roller & Cellar blinds 50 Anne St. Bobcaygeon “Corner of Highway 36 & Anne” 705-738-5477
Flooring - Paint - Windowcoverings -Tile - Wallpaper Make It Your Own May Pricing in effect until May 31, 2019 May 2, 2019 - The Kawartha Promoter
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May 2, Blundstones, 2019 - The Kawartha Glerups Promoter and new arrivals not on sale. Other exclusions may apply.