Promoter The Kawartha
Locally Owned and Operated
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Friday, November 13, 2020 Volume 30, Issue 22
Your Source for Community News
Festival of Trees • Horoscopes • Crossword
GUTTERMESH.CA 1 888 652 0202 ABOUT US We Are On A miSSiOn TO prOTecT every eAveSTrOUgh, On every hOme in cAnAdA, frOm cOAST TO cOAST. LeAfBLASTerprO.Tm iS TrUSTed By ThOUSAndS Of cUSTOmerS nATiOnWide. iT'S mOre effecTive And OUT perfOrmS OTherS prO-inSTALLed prOdUcTS AS rATed By cOnSUmer repOrTS. OUr prOdUcTS prO grAde STAinLeSS STeeL keepS OUT LeAveS, pine needLeS, rOOf griT, fire emBerS, And peSTS. mAny gUTTer gUArd prOdUcTS USe pLASTic Or pvc Which Are hArmfUL TO The envirOnmenT. LeAfBLASTerprO.Tm iS mAde frOm STAinLeSS STeeL And ALUminiUm, BOTh Of Which Are 100% recycLABLe. gUTTermeSh.cA gUTTermeShinfO@gmAiL.cOm
November 13, 2020 - The Kawartha Promoter
Promoter The Kawartha
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Locally Owned and Operated
76 King St West., P.O. Box 535 Bobcaygeon, ON K0M 1A0 TEL.: 705-738-6188 FAX: 705-738-4187 Covering the Kawartha Lakes Area
Village Voice City Hall Crossword Horoscope Trades & Services Classifieds
pg. 4 pg. 4 pg. 17 pg. 18 pg. 15 pg. 21
Front cover: Bruce Hobley
really matter, as the simple fact was that I was now one of the thousands Publisher/Director/Manager who was at risk of infection. Max Miller Editor Since the pandemic Friday morning, I drove into the test Deb Crossen started in March, I centre at Northcrest Arena, armed with Art Director have been very careful my health card and driver’s license. Max Miller about going out into the world. When I Putting on my “big girl” face, I sat down Advertising Representatives venture to the grocery store, community at my assigned spot and had a pleasant Beryl Apelbaum centre or for an appointment, I wear a conversation with the paramedic and The Promoter is a local, independently owned mask, physically distance and sanitize nurse who would administer the test. and operated newspaper. The opinions and views my hands before, during and after. Mask down, the cotton swab on a stick expressed are those of the contributors and do not Since I live alone, I don’t have to be went into my nose and down to my necessarily reflect those of The Promoter. Liability quite so obsessive about sanitizing throat. It was an uncomfortable feeling, for incorrectly displayed or placed advertisements is limited to publishing corrections or providing my home, but I do keep surfaces but it was only 10 seconds. I made sure advertising credit to be applied on subsequent to thank the men and women working disinfected. advertisements at the advertiser’s discretion. So imagine my surprise when I got in the clinic for their hard work to keep All text, photos, graphics, artwork and other material published in The Kawartha Promoter or a notification on the COVID-19 app us all safe. on its website are copyrighted and may not be on my phone that I had been “near” Three days later, I checked for my published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed someone who tested positive for more results online and found out I was without permission. than 15 minutes. After a few minutes of negative for the coronavirus. A wave of Publisher reserves the right to reject, revise, cancel, omit, discontinue, decline to publish or suspend panic, I made an appointment for a test relief passed over me, but for the next any advertisement for any reason in its sole two weeks, I am to monitor my health the next day in Peterborough. discretion, without liability or penalty to Publisher, To say I slept fitfully is an and, if there are any symptoms, go for and withoutplace notice to the Advertiser. Why the comfort of your home and family in understatement. Where was I? Who another test. The Publisher of The Kawartha Promoter has made every efforthands? to ensure that the information this our We inknow thatinfected? building was Whoyour else trust had I doesn’t seen Even though I have done everything publication was correct at press time. The Publisher within those 14 days? The app doesn’t in my power to be safe from the virus, come from offanyering does not assume and hereby disclaims liability bargain basement prices, flashy give any identifying information, so it I felt vulnerable and that’s not a to any party for any loss, damage, or disruption promotions, orsuchother fun and games. comes could have been at the Itclinic wherefrom I comfortable place for me. Please be caused by errors or omissions, whether errors safe out there, folks. This is real. or omissions result from negligence, accident, or have myand INR checked, or at a restaurant being there for you, friendly professional, every day. any other cause. where I had breakfast once with an outof-town friend. But the details didn’t
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November 13, 2020 - The Kawartha Promoter
Village Voice The Promoter reserves the right to edit Letters to the Editor for length and clarity. Please include your email or mailing address and daytime phone number (not for publication). All opinions expressed are those of the writer.
Bobcaygeon Ice Rink
Plans are underway again to prepare the surface for the Ice Rink at Tommy Anderson Park. The donation boxes that were in several businesses have been collected and we are grateful to those who contributed. We are still in need of additional money in order to purchase more materials. The donation boxes are not available due to Covid so we ask that donations be made to the Community Ice Rink bank account at the Bank of Montreal. Your ongoing support is greatly appreciated. As always, thank you to all those help to make this happen every year. We couldn’t do it without you. S. Blodgett, Bobcaygeon
At the Committee of the Whole meeting on November 3, the Community Pandemic Recovery Task Force presented its recommendations to Council. The Task Force was created on May 26 to provide advice and recommendations to Council and Staff on resources and support to assist with community recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. The Task Force established working groups to better understand local challenges and concerns and to identify potential opportunities. After gathering information from local partners, exploring all the options and weighing the priorities, the Task Force brought forward four key recommendations: • Establish a new Kawartha Lakes Community Recovery Fund for 2021 and 2022, to encourage collaboration, foster innovation and build strength and capacity to move forward in the midst of the
November 13, 2020 - The Kawartha Promoter
COVID-19 pandemic. Allocate funds from the Lindsay Legacy C.H.E.S.T. Fund Committee in 2021 to the Kawartha Lakes Community Recovery Fund, as the C.H.E.S.T. Fund Committee has decided to suspend their normal programing for 2021 to support COVID-19 recovery. • Waive the requirement for a matching contribution from applicants to the 50/50 Community Project Capital Funding Program for 2021 and 2022, so staff can proceed with the application process and release the City’s contribution of up to 50% toward projects aimed at improving facilities and parks. • Leverage internal resources and external support to offer a series of workshops to develop and promote safety protocols for operations, planning events, strategic planning, innovation and technical training during COVID-19. “The pandemic has caused transformational change. It is essential for the long-term growth of our community that we bolster our service providers so they can survive, thrive and continue to serve,” commented Heather Kirby of Kawartha Lakes Food Source and Amy Terrill of Boys and Girls Club of Kawartha Lakes, Co-chairs of the Community Pandemic Recovery Task Force. Council will consider the recommendations during the next Regular Council Meeting on November 17, 2020. •
At the November 3 Committee of the Whole meeting, Dillion Consulting Ltd. provided an update to Council on the Fenelon Falls Second Crossing capital project. The purpose of the presentation was to showcase the current work completed on the project and collect feedback from Council so that a finalized report on recommended solutions can be brought forward for approval. The project is currently in the Environmental Assessment phase, which includes an evaluation of the existing area, such as circumstances related to transportation, the waterway and surrounding landscapes, as well as technical and community studies conducted to identify optimal solutions to address the needs of the project. The purpose of the Fenelon Falls Second Crossing is to address the traffic concerns surrounding the existing bridge located on Colborne Street in Fenelon Falls. Roughly 12,000 vehicles travel through Fenelon Falls in the summer months and often, long vehicle delays occur during peak traffic hours along the bridge and at the intersection of Helen Street and Lindsay Street. During the presentation, Dillon provided data related to traffic conditions and congestion issues and findings from the multiple stakeholder and public meetings held over the course of the past year. They also presented current possible solutions and the impacts each option would have should Council
decide to move forward. Two preferred solutions were presented to Council: • Traffic improvements can be made to Helen Street, Lindsay Street and Elliot Street to address the current delays experienced, such as an addition of a new traffic light and restrictions on turning options in and out of the commercial plaza located on the Northeast corner. • Build a bypass bridge connecting Concession 3 across the Burnt River to relieve traffic passing through Fenelon Falls. After a discussion regarding the project, Council requested an additional public meeting be scheduled to inform seasonal and full time residents within the impacted areas of the study findings and recommendations. A finalized report is expected to be brought forward to Council by the end of June or early July 2021. For details on the Fenelon Falls Second Crossing capital project, please visit the project’s website at
The City of Kawartha Lakes is undertaking one of the largest construction projects of its’ recent history. This project intends to upgrade and expand the existing Lindsay Water Pollution Control Plant (WPCP) by providing additional wastewater treatment capacity for its largest urban centre. The project also aims at improving the current treatment process to ensure the plant can be in compliant with the regulatory requirements by the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP). The major work components include: • Construction of cast-in-place concrete aeration tanks with in-tank air diffusion systems to replace the existing aerated lagoon; • Construction of a new aeration process blower building with high capacity aeration blowers; • Upgrades to the headworks process and provision of flow monitoring to improve the influent flow control; • Upgrades to the existing secondary clarification process for enhanced control of sludge removal from the existing clarifiers; • Miscellaneous site works including construction of large underground pipes. The City has awarded the construction of the project to Bennett Mechanical Installations (2001) Ltd. CIMA Canada Inc. has been retained to provide the construction management services on behalf of the City. The project will officially commence in November 2020 and is expected to be completed by the end of 2022. The existing wastewater treatment plant will remain in operation during construction and commissioning of the planned upgrades. All temporary shutdowns of major and minor process subsystems will take place in a sequence with minimum disruption to the operation of the plant. Given the location of the project site, no impact to the public is anticipated by the construction activities.
City of Kawartha Lakes Council got an earful of new ideas for the local economy at its meeting on November 3. Local residents Dennis Geelen and Mike Perry presented a shortlist of economic measures that had been complied through a People’s Economy campaign that, since the summer, had been soliciting new economic ideas focused on the people and the environment. The People’s Economy campaign is also being led by local residents Laraine Hale and Joli-ScheidlerBenns of Lindsay, and Helen Scott of Downeyville. “We had been hearing from all kinds of people that the post-Covid ‘new normal’ needs to include a new economic normal,” Perry told Council. “We have the opportunity now to put in place measures that reflect our values and make our rural area into a place of abundance for everyone within the means of the planet. We have in the past been told there are no alternatives, but that’s nonsense.” The People’s Economy campaign held an online summit in June co-hosted by the School for the Study of Canada at Trent University which attracted some 80 participants. Since then, the local leadership team has been compiling – and consulting, including using a telephone hotline for people without internet – a list of new ideas that put people and the environment first. Among the measures presented by Geelen that specifically had a role of the municipality included: providing incentives for co-ops and social, not-forprofit, enterprises equal to incentives to developers; implementing a home retrofit program to reduce homeowners’ and landlords’ reliance on the fluctuating energy market, based on examples in Guelph, Hamilton, Newmarket examples; and obtaining the Fleetwood plant to supply the production of green energy technology and electric cars as a loc site of Green Jobs Oshawa. “These measures are needed, smart, and most importantly doable,” Mr. Geelen noted, whose local firm focuses on new strategies for businesses. “There are also revenue opportunities here for the City beyond just always raising taxes and/or cutting service. We can really make our area a model hub”, Perry added. Councillor Doug Elmslie requested that the People’s Economy ideas be forwarded to the City’s Economic Recovery Task Force to be included for consideration. “These are unprecedented times. We have been enjoying an unparalleled sense of openness, interconnectedness and goodwill toward one another and concern for each other’s well-being and our communities,” noted Ms. Hale a co-leader of the campaign. The group plans to continue consulting local residents on new economic ideas for the area and working with partners to help implement them including as a showcase to be replicated by other communities in Ontario and across Canada. To provide input or join the campaign, email or call 705-7022860. November 13, 2020 - The Kawartha Promoter
During Committee of the Whole meeting at City of Kawartha Lakes Council on November 3, Bee City was pleased to recognize the Bee Hero Garden Challenge winners. New this year, the challenge was a socially distanced opportunity across Kawartha Lakes to help improve the quality and abundance of habitat for native pollinators. The event received a variety of participants and was open to anyone creating a pollinator friendly garden space, including farms, home gardens, schools or businesses. Participants captured their progress throughout the summer and submitted before and after pictures of their gardens. The first year was a success, thanks to the work of several Bee Heroes: • Marylee Boston – There are many gardens and flowerbeds on Marylee’s farm and she has taken on the challenge of working with the plants that already exist and updating the gardens with pollinator friendly plants. She has made great progress and continues to create a space that is welcoming and relaxing for family and friends. • Glenna Burns – Glenna used a wooden container built by her husband, Chuck, to house zinnias on their deck. She loves zinnias because of their colours and how many species they attract. This year there were many bees, as well as monarchs and other flyers. • Betty Jewell – Betty’s garden has been on the family farm for over 30 years and over the years they have experimented with many perennials that promote bees, butterflies and hummingbirds. Flowers are interspersed with vegetables for beauty and as companion plants for pollinators and to minimize pests. • Jennifer Morris – Every year, Jennifer and her
At The Kawartha Promoter, we’re proud of our commitment to community organizations and their events. During these unprecedented times, we’ve seen organizers taking a new approach to presenting their events to maintain physical distancing and keeping their audiences safe. This holiday season, that will continue to be the case. But we want to make sure people know what you’re doing to raise funds to keep your organizations alive. So please send information to us at so we can help! We’ve got three issues dedicated to the holidays this year – November 27, December 11 and December 18. Your local business can help us by advertising to let your customers and potential customers know you’re open ... and community organizations can take advantage of these special issues to let people know how they can help you finish strong in 2020.
November 13, 2020 - The Kawartha Promoter
husband try to enhance their small garden in front of their house. This year they decided to plant Ruby Slipper Oakleaf Hydrangeas that turned to a beautiful dusty rose colour. • Catherine Pentiricci – During the pandemic, Catherine’s gardens became her happy place. She worked on taking better care of her established shrub gardens this summer and brought back to life a new “secret garden” that’s a sanctuary for bees and butterflies. • Brynley and Bryce Ridgway – This was Brynley and Bryce’s second year gardening. Last year they used a mix of annuals and three perennials, including delphinium, hostas and double cross. This year, they received a Canadian Wildlife Federation Pollinator Kit and added blanket flowers, asters, bee balm and yarrow to attract bees and butterflies. • Lindsay Community Garden (Bonnie O’Neill and Jamie Morris) – Bonnie and Jamie are among the gardeners at the Lindsay Community Garden, located on Fleming College’s Frost Campus, and submitted photos on behalf of the Community Garden. The garden includes 85 individual plots and many of the gardeners incorporate flowers to attract pollinators into their own plots. Bonnie and Jamie took primary responsibility for a space shared by all the gardeners, a communal pollinator patch/herb garden. “Scientists are ringing the alarm bells that our native pollinators are disappearing at an unprecedented rate,” said Pat Warren, Chair of Bee City Kawartha Lakes. The winners received certificates on behalf of Council, the Environmental Advisory Committee and Pollinator Action Committee, as well as gift cards to local native plant nurseries to congratulate them on their efforts. For more information on the challenge and to see photos of the participating gardens, please visit the Bee City website. The website is also a great resource for news and best practices on ways to get involved in supporting pollinators.
Submitted by Community Care
We are thrilled to announce that we have completed a series of moves into new spaces in Lindsay to better serve our community. We have moved completely out of the prior location of our Community Health Centre and Dental Clinic at 108 Angeline St. S., and have relocated to new offices in town. Below is a list of our Lindsay locations to help you find the service you need: • 152 Angeline St. N.: Community Health Centre (entrance on Angeline St. N.), Foundation (entrance at back of building on Elgin St.) • Kent Place Mall, 189 Kent St. W. Unit 206: Dental Services, Director of Clinical Services, Director of Human Resources
• • • •
34 Cambridge St. S.: Home Support Services, Meals on Wheels, Transportation, Finance, Communications 2 Kent St. W.: Hospice Services 33 Lindsay St. S.: GAIN Community Support Team, Personal Support Services 55 Mary St. W., Suite 101: Adult Day Program, CEO’s Office, I.T.
Another great fundraising idea from the Buckhorn Community Centre. It’s Takeaway Tuesday! On the second and fourth Tuesday of the month (until further notice), they’re offering up a full dinner for you to take home and enjoy. Keep your eye on their website (www. for the menu, then order online or call 705-657-8833.
Submitted by the Coboconk/Norland Chamber of Commerce
Due to COVID-19 restrictions and safety concerns, the Santa Claus Parade Volunteer Committee has decided to alter the parade for 2020. Unfortunately, we will not be able to carry on our tradition of a typical parade and kids after-party. However, we are still planning to have some Holiday fun! We are pleased to announce that this year we will be having a Reverse Parade. It’s where the floats are stationary, and the spectators drive through in their cars. Located in Legion Park in Coboconk, floats will be on display on Sunday, December 6, from 1pm to 3pm. Families will be able to drive through and see some of our favourite floats that we look forward to every year, including Santa and Mrs. Claus. We know that traditionally lots of parade participants like to give out candy or little bags of treats to the kids during the parade. That isn’t possible this year, but if you would like to give a hand-out to the kids this year, the Organizing Committee will receive your giveaways by November 22, and assemble a goodie bag for each child with all of the treats you would like to give, and Santa’s elves will put that goodie bag in their trunk. Please let the Chamber know by November 22 that you intend to have a float or a seasonal display so we can plan out the space in Legion Park. We hope you have fun with this new take on a classic event, and we are excited to celebrate the Holiday season with you.
Mark your calendars for the weekend of November 19 to 22 this year. If you haven’t started your holiday shopping yet, this “Eat, Shop & Be Merry” event to support local businesses in Fenelon Falls is the perfect opportunity to kick things off. This Holiday Local Love Weekend features some of your favourite stores staying open late on Friday, November 20, double stamps for your Passport to Christmas contest card, and a special early bird draw
for passports completed and submitted during the weekend. Visit for more news from your local shops and restaurants about their sales and promotions for the Eat, Shop, & Be Merry event, which is being thoughtfully organized by Natasha at the Butterfly Boutique. Come on out to show your favourite local spots some love this holiday season!
If you buy groceries, gas, household items, shop at department or renovation stores, eat in restaurants, go to the movies or need gifts for the holidays, the Buckhorn Community Centre’s got you covered! The BCC is taking orders for various gift cards. The unique thing about this is, you buy the cards and the BCC earns a commission from the supplier! How cool is that? Participating retailers include grocery stores, gas stations, clothing stores, hotels, restaurants and malls. Visit, check out the list of participating retailers, make your choices and denominations. Download and print the order form. Fill it out and drop it into the BCC with a cheque/cash or debit by November 26. Your cards will be available for pickup after December 7. If you cannot make it in person, you may call in your order with your payment to the BCC – 705-6578833. Please note, though, payment made by credit card reduces their commission.
Just a reminder about the Municipality of Trent Lakes Christmas Hamper Program now underway. Applications are now available at the Municipal office and must be returned by Friday, December 4. Applicants must be a resident of the Municipality. It is important that those in need of a hamper fill out and return their application by the deadline, so that the volunteers who shop for the hampers need this time to get the shopping done. If you’d like to donate financially to the cause, you can do so by delivering or mailing a cheque or taking cash to the Municipality of Trent Lakes Office, 701 County Road 36N, R.R. # 3 Bobcaygeon Ont. K0M 2A0, with clear indication that it is for the Christmas Hamper Fund. An income tax receipt will be issued for donations over $10. Also look for the decorated collection boxes and jars at local businesses for donations of toys, nonperishable food items, and loose change. Drop-off boxes and /or jars are located at the Municipality of Trent Lakes Office, Cavendish Community Centre, Buckhorn Foodland, Buckhorn Public School, Pirates’ Cove, Buckhorn Community Centre, Flynn’s Store, Buckhorn General Store, Buckhorn Pharmacy, Buckhorn Home Hardware, Country Market, Buckhorn LCBO and the Lakehurst Hall. Please do what you can to help make the holiday season a little brighter for many families in our area. November 13, 2020 - The Kawartha Promoter
By Robyn Barton The 23rd Annual Kawartha Lakes Festival
of Trees at Kawartha Settlers’ Village is a tradition many families look forward to each year. Due to COVID-19, organizers have come up with a safe version of the annual event. Drive Through Tour Kawartha Settlers’ Village will be transformed with beautiful lights, decorated Christmas trees and gorgeous holiday displays and you can safely drive through and take in the splendour in this unique old-fashioned setting. Drive-through dates are November 12 to 15 and 19 through 21 each night from 6 to 9pm. Tickets for the drive-through event are $20 per car and must be purchased in advance at There will be plenty of other treats to enjoy during your drive-through tour: • The Shriners Train will be at the Festival of Trees drive through on November 20. Sponsored by the Bobcaygeon Kinettes. Tickets are limited for that evening, so don’t hesitate to reserve. • We are handing out a package for all kids who attend the Festival that will include a take home craft, colouring contest
Enjoy the Festival
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November 13, 2020 - The Kawartha Promoter 15A Main Street
sheet and other fun surprises • Each car will be given a scavenger hunt and pencil so you can search as you tour through the village. • See Santa each night on the Henderson House porch! Wave hello from your car as your drive past. We are accepting children’s letters to Santa at the event, in a very special mailbox. Visit www. to find out how to address the letters to make sure they get to the North Pole.
Enjoy the Festival Weekend! Caygeon Take-ouT Across from the LCBO
36 king St. e. 705-738-1288
We will be handing out colouring sheets at the event! Finished colouring sheets can be emailed, posted to our social media, mailed or dropped off during office hours at KSV, 85 Dunn Street, PO Box 755, Bobcaygeon, Ontario K0M 1A0 Phone & Fax: 705-738-6163 or email to There are three prize categories: 2 to 4 years old; 5 to 7 years old and 8 to 10 years old. Online Auction The online auction, held through McLean’s Auctions, is a perfect way to shop for the decorated items you see while you driving through the Village. There is also other great gift ideas, antiques and more! The Online Auction started Thursday, November 12 and will run 24 hours a day until Sunday, November 22 at 3:30pm. Auctioned items include decorated trees, wreaths, garlands and Christmas items and gift baskets. The link for the Online Auction is www. Community Contest Continue your drive-through experience by visiting a number of locations to see their beautiful holiday decor (see map). There are three prize categories for entrants – Old Fashioned, Anything Goes and Business. Our panel of judges for the contest are Pamela Vanmeer from Kawartha411; Bruce
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Hobley, FOT Alumni; and Denise BenningReid, Manager of the Bobcaygeon Chamber of Commerce. Let’s come together and turn Bobcaygeon into a winter wonderland for all to enjoy safely and socially distanced in their cars!
Crazy Monkey Tree Service
85 Bolton St, Bobcaygeon, Phone: 705-738-4433 Fax: 705-738-5692
You Call - We Make it Fall 705-344-4459 Aaron Shaw Fully Insured & Licenced November 13, 2020 - The Kawartha Promoter
Community Decorating Contest
Prize Categories
1. Old Fashioned 2. Anything Goes 3. Business Judges Pamela VanMeer, Kawartha 411 Bruce Hobley, FOT Alumni Denise Benning-Reid, Manager, Bobcaygeon Chamber of Commerce
November 13, 2020 - The Kawartha Promoter
Community Decorating Contest
Continue your tour of beautiful lights and decor at the following locations: B Dan & Joy Jackson 9 Snake Point Road, Bobcaygeon C Nortech 3300 County Rd 36, Bobcaygeon D Al & Diane Ingram 3393 County Rd 36, Bobcaygeon E Buckeye Marine 3396 County Rd 36 S, Bobcaygeon F Restore Balance Psychological and Counselling Services 100 East Street South, Bobcaygeon G Kawartha North Family Health Team 100 East Street South, Bobcaygeon H Bobcaygeon Family Dentistry 100 East Street South, Bobcaygeon I Kawartha Total Foot Care Centre 100 East Street South, Bobcaygeon J Harry and Marlene White 72 Navigators Trail, Bobcaygeon K Town and Country Decorating Centre 50 Anne St, Bobcaygeon L Kawartha Lakes Retirement Residence 60 West Street, Bobcaygeon, Ontario M Livewell Centre 58 Duke Street, Bobcaygeon N Angels on County Road 8 10 Head Street, Bobcaygeon O Cheryl Henderson 39 Front St. West, Bobcaygeon
P Cosmopolitan Salon and Spa 51 Front Street West, Bobcaygeon Q Knox Presbyterian 6 Joseph Street, Bobcaygeon R Bigley Shoes & Clothing 35-45 Bolton St, Bobcaygeon S Kawartha Lifestyle 54 Bolton Street, Bobcaygeon T Paradiso Boutique 51 Bolton St, Bobcaygeon U Purdy Jewlery 61 Bolton St, Bobcaygeon V Kicking Cowgirl Designs 73 Bolton St, Bobcaygeon W Friend & Dobson 21 King St W, Bobcaygeon, X IG Wealth Management 21 King St W, Bobcaygeon Y Granny Bird’s Wool Shoppe 5 King Street East, Bobcaygeon Z United Church 44 William Street, Bobcaygeon 8 Michelle McGuire RMT 783 County Rd 49, Bobcaygeon 9 Bruce & Linda Clark 96 William Street, Bobcaygeon : Stan & Kelly Dunstan 19 Snake Point Road, Bobcaygeon November 13, 2020 - The Kawartha Promoter
Members of the Peterborough County Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) are warning area residents of an extortion scam that has surfaced in the area. The most recent case was reported to police last week. The suspect(s), utilizing fake profiles on social media and dating sites, will invite the victim(s) to participate in casual online conversations. The chat then becomes sexual and the victim is asked to send sexually explicit photographs of themselves. Once the photos are received, the suspect will demand a sum of
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money or they will expose the explicit photos to the victim’s friends and co-workers online. The Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre and police are reporting an increase in the number of cases of, what they are calling, “sextortion”. Police encourage victims of this type of exploitation or similar crimes to report the incident. More information on internet safety can be found online by visiting: • • • If you have information about suspected unlawful activity, please visit Crime Stoppers at stopcrimehere. ca or call 1-800-222-TIPS (8477).
The Ontario government is making a historic investment of nearly $1 billion over six years to improve and expand broadband and cellular access across the province. The $680 million recently announced is on top of the $315 million to support Up to Speed: Ontario’s Broadband and Cellular Action Plan. “By providing high-speed broadband to unserved and underserved communities like Minden Hills, we will create good jobs, unlock new opportunities for businesses and people, and improve the quality of life for individuals and families,” said Premier Doug Ford. “With the world online these days, if we are going to attract more investment to Ontario and compete in this highly competitive global marketplace, we need every part of our province connected with high-speed Internet.” The investment doubles funding for the Improving Connectivity in Ontario (ICON) program, bringing the new total to $300 million. This program now has the potential to leverage more than $900 million in total partner funding to improve connectivity in areas of need across Ontario. As part of Ontario’s broadband and cellular action plan, ICON is one of several
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November 13, 2020 - The Kawartha Promoter
provincial initiatives underway to improve connectivity across Northern, Eastern and Southwestern Ontario. More than 1.4 million people in Ontario do not have broadband or cellular access, and as many as 12 percent of households in Ontario, mostly in rural, remote or Northern areas, are underserved or unserved from the perspective of broadband, according to Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) data. “This investment will connect even more residents in communities across Ontario to faster, more reliable Internet and cell service,” said Infrastructure Minister and local MPP Laurie Scott. “This commitment to connect more people to reliable broadband and cellular service ― along with many others we’ve made ― will make it easier for more people to work and learn from home, run their businesses and connect with others.”
The Ontario government is providing $116.5 million to create up to 766 more beds at 32 hospitals and alternate health facilities across the province to help reduce surgical backlogs and improve access to care during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Ross Memorial Hospital in Lindsay will be receiving more than $1.1 million in funding to help alleviate hospital capacity pressures and reduce wait times. Over $900,000 of this investment will be used to fund a new 12-bed Geriatric Behaviour Reactivation Unit providing a local solution to stabilize patients while they wait to be transferred to long-term care. The remainder of the funding will used towards an additional bed in the Intensive Care Unit. “I am thrilled to announce this funding for our local hospital,” said Laurie Scott, MPP for HaliburtonKawartha Lakes- Brock. “COVID-19 has presented new challenges for our hospitals and this investment will help people in our community receive the care they deserve right here in Lindsay.” The new beds are in addition to the previously announced investment included in Ontario’s fall preparedness plan. “Our government is making the necessary investments to quickly and effectively increase hospital capacity and reduce wait times for patients and families,” said Health Minister Christine Elliott. “This additional investment will ensure our health care system is able to respond to future waves of COVID-19 and help patients waiting for surgeries and other procedures get the care they need, faster.” The government is providing $2.8 billion for the COVID-19 fall preparedness plan. It focuses on
addressing surges in COVID-19 cases and reducing health service backlogs by: • Extending hours for additional priority surgeries and diagnostic imaging; • Helping up to 850 alternate level of care patients access proper care in a home or community setting to help free up hospital capacity; • Expanding digital health and virtual services, which provide alternatives to in-person care that limit the transmission of COVID-19, while maintaining access to care; • Improving access to mental health and addictions services and supports; and • Increasing home and community care service by adding 484,000 nursing and therapy visits and 1.4 million personal support worker hours. The province continues to work with its health sector partners and Ontario Health to develop an integrated health system capacity plan in response to COVID-19 that will help ensure hospitals can continue to provide care for COVID-19 patients and treat patients who have been waiting for surgeries and tests. The province will continue to monitor and assess the health system’s needs and address any challenges hospitals may face. “This funding will support us in providing safe and highly specialized care for geriatric patients with dementia and related responsive behaviours; and allow us to expand our critical care capacity to 9 ICU beds,” says Kelly Isfan, President and CEO, Ross Memorial Hospital, “We are grateful for this investment in our community.”
Submitted by Robyn James
This holiday season, 100 Kids Who Care is rallying all children in the City of Kawartha Lakes to join them in making cards for seniors to remind them they are not alone. 100 Kids Who Care has chosen to work with the Community Care Foundation in support of Community Care City of Kawartha Lakes’ Meals on Wheels program for this campaign with the goal to raise funds for the charity organization. Meals on Wheels ensures the nutritional needs of seniors living alone are met, while also providing social interaction and a safety check from the volunteers who make the deliveries. “With vulnerable seniors being impacted hard by
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the COVID-19 pandemic, many senior citizens living at home have been isolated and missing daily social connectedness,” says Christina Charpentier, one of the parent organizers of 100 Kids Who Care Kawartha Lakes. “The Kindness Cards campaign is a great way for kids to do something kind for our community’s elders at a time when they need it most. This campaign also allows us to raise both money and awareness for Meals on Wheels, an important local program that is run by Community Care City of Kawartha Lakes.” The premise of the Kindness Card campaign is simple: Kids make holiday cards for seniors in exchange for community donations to Meals on Wheels. There will also be a draw where kids can win prizes for their cards. Kindness Cards Until December 15, any child that wants to participate is encouraged to make Kindness Cards for seniors during the holidays. Cards can take any shape or form, and can include season’s greetings and well wishes to seniors. The cards do not need to include the name of a senior, they can be generic, and children can opt to sign their first name on the card if they
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November 13, 2020 - The Kawartha Promoter
choose. Kids are being asked to make a minimum of 2 cards each. For smaller children or kids who prefer not to make their own cards, colouring pages will be available to download at www.100kidskawarthalakes. com. Cards can be dropped off at participating locations any time before December 15. At the drop off location, large envelopes will be provided for each child to place their Kindness Cards, and contact information forms will be available so that kids can be entered into the draw to win prizes. All Kindness Cards will be delivered safely to seniors through the Meals on Wheels program before December 25. Participating locations are Fresh Fuell at 146 Kent Street West in Lindsay from Monday to Friday 8am to 4pm and Saturday 9am to 2pm and Tradewind Toys at 110 Kent Street West in Lindsay from Monday to Friday 10am to 4pm and Saturday 10am to 2pm. Fundraiser for Meals on Wheels The public can donate to Meals on Wheels campaign to support the Kindness Cards campaign online at community-care-foundation-kawartha-lakes/p2p/ TheKindnessCard/. Donation forms will also be available at participating locations (see below) for any cash or cheque donations. You can also drop off donations at the Community Care Foundation (152 Angeline St. North, Lindsay) or call the Foundation at 705-324-7323 ext. 164 to make a donation over the telephone. 100 Kids Who Care is hoping to raise as much money as possible to bring awareness to this important cause. Charitable tax receipts will be available and all proceeds will go to the Meals on Wheels program for seniors. Participation Draw for Kids Every child who submits a Kindness Card and has filled in a contact information form (which can be found at participating locations) will be entered into a draw for the chance to win a number of different prizes. The draw will close on December 15. The parent/guardian of the child/children who have won a prize will be contacted. “We are so excited to partner with 100 Kids Who Care during this difficult period for so many of our clients, many of whom are unable to see their families due to the high risk nature of COVID-19,” says Ryan Alexander, Director of Community Support Services, Community Care City of Kawartha Lakes. “These Kindness Cards from children are a small but powerful way to brighten a senior’s day and hopefully make them feel less lonely during the holidays.” 100 Kids Who Care Kawartha Lakes is a local organization that gives children the opportunity to learn about their community, empowers them to become advocates for organizations and issues that matter to them, learn the importance of giving back and how they can use their time, treasure and talent to make a difference, and see the impact they can have right here at home in the City of Kawartha Lakes. To learn more about the 100 Kids Who Care Kawartha Lakes and the Kindness Card Campaign, please visit
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The Promoter Crossword # 283 – By Charon “Biden his time”
Across 1 Of the Vatican (5) 4 Donald Trump's arch enemies? (9) 9 Charm with flattery (7) 10 Jesus' grew up there (7) 11 Where to find your e-mails (5) 13 Faint with ecstasy (5) 15 Acronym for Republican Party (3) 16 Make it while the sun shines (3) 17 Change for the better (5) 19 Put one's foot down? (5)
21 23 24 25 26 28 29 31 33 34
Down 1 What Max Miller is for The Kawartha Promoter (9) 2 Shoulder-length hairstyle (7) 3 Neckwear for the luau (3) 4 Wine sediments (5) 5 Coffee holder for a gullible person? (3) 6 Two-dot punctuation (5) 7 Fast tempo in music (7) 8 Brew tea (5) 12 Revealing medical pictures (1-4) 14 Frequently (5) 18 First word for a popular funeral hymn (5) 19 Threaded fastener (5) 20 Submarine's viewer (9) 22 Defeat by getting more ballots (7) 24 Cuts in two (7) 25 Another word for 24 down (5) 26 Map within a map (5) 27 Of ebb and flow (5) 30 Make a mistake (it’s human they say) (3) 32 The __four (Beatles) (3)
Alex Haley classic (5) Of the mind (5) Drinks counter (3) Chart topper or (3) Lacking skill or incompetent (5) Protestant stingers? (5) Quick visual check (4-3) Real, but not necessarily legal (2,5) The college that controls the Presidential election (9) Moisten while cooking (5)
Solution to Crossword # 281
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November 13 to 26 By Melodie McCullough
Leo (July 24 to Aug. 23) Have you ever been called a daydreamer, Leo? Some people might think this word is a critique. Don’t believe it! The dreamers of this world are the people that make things happen!
Aquarius (Jan. 21 to Feb. 19) Don’t overburden yourself with unachievable goals that only leave you disappointed with yourself, Aquarius. Set some small, simple tasks -- maybe even just one -- each day. You will feel better when you are able to accomplish them.
Virgo (Aug. 24 to Sept. 23) During this phase, Virgo, you may struggle with questions -- questions for which you need answers. And you may be faced with decisions, big and small. Take heart knowing you can turn to others for help.
Pisces (Feb. 20 to March 20) “Love must be as much a light as a flame.”: Henry David Thoreau. Yes, remember, Pisces, that love usually starts with a burst of flame. But the true test of love is if, as the flame fades, the light still burns brightly.
Libra (Sept. 24 to Oct. 23) Going with the crowd gets you nowhere, Libra, except in the same direction as everyone else. And who wants that? Step aside and decide for yourself the path you take. It’s less noisy, and less thorny -- and it will take you places no one else has ever been!
Aries (March to April 20) Success is loving your work!! It’s not money, three cars in the driveway, or a grand, expensive holiday. These things may be enjoyable, but if you don’t love your job, it’s an empty livelihood. Taurus (April 21 to May 21) Don’t be afraid to be alone, Taurus. Sometimes it helps to take a break from the constant chaos of our lives and sit quietly alone with just our own thoughts and feelings -- and nothing more! Gemini (May 22 to June 22) Surround yourself with the kind of love YOU want. As a Gemini, you look for thrills and adventure in a relationship, but also crave security and stability -- this makes you VERY interesting! Cancer (June 23 to July 23) Unconditional love is a rare and beautiful thing, Gemini -- and sometimes very complicated. It’s described as being infinite, without measure or boundaries. Can you offer this to someone?
Scorpio (Oct. 24 to Nov. 22) You don’t have to prove yourself, Scorpio, to you, your family, friends or co-workers. They know you are a good person, and, if they don’t, they should! So, stop pushing yourself to be better -- you already are! Sagittarius (Nov. 23 to Dec. 21) Your health is your main concern, Sag. The pandemic has taken its toll on most people, emotionally and physically. So, rest and do what is necessary to stave off even more illness. Capricorn (Dec. 22 to Jan. 20) We sense a surge of energy coming your way, dear Cap. Whether it is an outside source that somehow will envelop you, or whether it comes from deep inside you, don’t hesitate to make the best of it while you can.
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Classifieds SERVICES
ORIGINAL MAN WITH TRUCK 15 yrs experience Lowest prices. Grass cutting, Painting, Garbage removal, property maintenance, long or short distance moves. No job too small! Bruce 705-738-6321 ____________________ GOPHER Dump runs Eavestrough cleaning Private security Monica Stanley 705-738-6364 ____________________ YOLANDA’S CUSTOM DESIGNS, ALTERATIONS & DECOR 705-324-7363 Services offer = Alterations to all bridal and evening wear. Custom made fashions, drapery and cushions, restyle and reline dresses and coats. ____________________ WINDOWS FOGGING UP OR CRACKED You may only need the glass replaced. Call Harold 705-887-6608 ____________________
Canada & USA coins Coin collections Silver dollar coins 1967 and earlier Silver & gold jewelry broken or not Sterling items eg. Birks Sterling flatware Jurgen 705-340-1504 ____________________
Deadline for next issue Tuesday Nov 24, 2020 Call 705-738-6188 20 words or less for $5 + H.S.T. Online Only
VINTAGE COLLECTABLES We buy vinyl records and comic book collections, toys and sports items. Also gold, silver and costume jewelry, advertising and all types of retro, pop culture and mid-century items. We make house calls. We do safe distancing. Robert or Penny 705-324-2699 ____________________ BUYING BUYING LP RECORDS Rock Jazz Blues Funk Punk Metal AUDIO EQUIPMENT Turntables, Receivers Speakers, Guitars, Amplifiers Comics, Sports Cards Teak Furniture, Artwork Respecting social distancing, housecalls can be made. Curbside pickup can also be arranged. please contact Kyle at: twenty3okey@gmail Call or text (705) 341-6950 ____________________
WINTER ACCOMMODATIONS Mid Oct. to May. Full Kitchen and bath. Walk to downtown Bobcaygeon. 2BDRM $1100/month including utilities. 705-931-1102 ____________________
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NATHAN’S HANDYMAN SERVICES Carpentry, flooring, drywall, painting, eavestrough clearing, dump runs, and demolition. Now booking winter projects. 705-731-9373 20
November 13, 2020 - The Kawartha Promoter
Bernard Mullen
Passed away suddenly at Toronto General Hospital on October 30, 2020. Bernie was well known and highly respected in the field of Dental Technology, having owned the Nova Dental Lab, and as a professor of Dental Technology at George Brown College. He had retired a few years ago and loved to travel and work tirelessly in his gardens, beautifying his home. He is survived by his wife, Maureen, two sons Daniel and David and daughter in law Cathleena, his grandchildren Cooper and Zoe, his brother Gary, and sisters Cathy, Pat, Janice, and Francine. He was very well loved and will be sorely missed by his family and friends. Cremation has taken place. Arrangements entrusted to THE HENDREN FUNERAL HOMES, MONK CHAPEL, 6 Helen Street, Bobcaygeon, Ontario. Due to the pandemic a celebration of Bernie’s life will be held at a later date. In lieu of flowers, the family asks to consider making a donation to The Toronto General Hospital: Cardiovascular Unit or The Heart and Stroke Foundation. Condolences may be shared and donations made by visiting www. or by calling 705.738.3222.
Reach the people who visit The Kawartha Promoter online! To protect the health and safety of our staff, clients and the public we are temporarily suspending the Kawartha Promoter in print. On our website we will continue to post official press releases of current events as they unfold. We will also share volunteerism and local business and government announcements. Please support local businesses however possible. And give thanks to all the volunteers, medical professionals, and necessary services.
Full Page - $85 per 2 weeks Half Page - $65 per 2 weeks 1/4 - $50 per 2 weeks 1/6 - $40 per 2 weeks 1/8 - $35 per 2 weeks 1/12 - $25 per 2 weeks Trades and Service Page $8 per 2 weeks Classifieds $5 per 20 words per 2 weeks
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Promoter The Kawartha
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76 King St. West St. Bobcaygeon 705.738.6188
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Submit your images and help showcase our beautiful region.
Winning entries will be published in either Explore Bobcaygeon, Explore Buckhorn, Explore Coboconk, Norland & Area or Explore Fenelon Falls 2021 with photo credit (each publication has a distribution of 15,000 copies). All entries have the opportunity to win prizes from local sponsors.
Stay tuned for prize details! To submit images for the contest - please email to Please include full name and contact information. No limit on image quantity, the larger the image size the better. Contest submission closes Nov. 30, 2020.
November 13, 2020 - The Kawartha Promoter