Promoter The Kawartha
Locally Owned and Operated
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Thursday, November 1, 2018 Volume 28, Issue 21
Your Source for Community News
Remembrance Day • Festival of Trees • Village Voice
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Promoter The Kawartha
Locally Owned and Operated
48 Main St., P.O. Box 535 Bobcaygeon, ON K0M 1A0 TEL.: 705-738-6188 FAX: 705-738-4187 Circulation 40,000 Distributed throughout the Kawartha Lakes Area Publisher/Director/Manager: Max Miller Editor: Deb Crossen Advertising Sales Manager: Laura Williams Art Director: James Goodliff Production/Office Manager Melissa Goodliff The Promoter is a local, independently owned and operated newspaper. The opinions and views expressed are those of the contributors and do not necessarily reflect those of The Promoter. Liability for incorrectly displayed or placed advertisements is limited to publishing corrections or providing advertising credit to be applied on subsequent advertisements at the advertiser’s discretion. All text, photos, graphics, artwork and other material published in The Kawartha Promoter or on its website are copyrighted and may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission. Publisher reserves the right to reject, revise, cancel, omit, discontinue, decline to publish or suspend any advertisement for any reason in its sole discretion, without liability or penalty to Publisher, and without notice to the Advertiser. The Publisher of The Kawartha Promoter has made every effort to ensure that the information in this publication was correct at press time. The Publisher does not assume and hereby disclaims any liability to any party for any loss, damage, or disruption caused by errors or omissions, whether such errors or omissions result from negligence, accident, or any other cause.
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Now that the municipal elections are over and done, we can put the negativity to rest. The people have spoken (or at least some of them did) and our Mayors and Councillors elected can get on with the task at hand. In this issue, we focus on Remembrance Day, a time to reflect on sacrifices made by the men and women who gallantly served our country in every war and conflict around the world. We honour those who lost their lives, families who lost loved ones and those brave soldiers who continue to risk their lives to fight for freedom. For many of us, war is a remote situation. We can watch it on television or online. But we can’t feel the heat or the ever-present sense of danger in any of the areas our men and women are serving. We talk about the bravery of someone battling a life-threatening disease or physical challenge, but we really have no idea of the bravery it takes to walk into a war zone where you can’t identify who your enemy is. We cannot fathom the feelings of the men
On the Cover. Remembrance Day ceremony in Bobcaygen Photo Credit: Kawartha Promoter files.
who stormed beaches in Normandy or Vimy Ridge. What we can do is honour the fallen by wearing a poppy, standing in silence on November 11 or paying respect at a memorial. Through the Yellow Ribbon Campaign, we can say thanks to our servicemen and servicewomen who are active now by sending goodies from home so they know they are in our thoughts. We’ve got some “thanks from Mali” letters received by Darlene Loucks, letting us all know how much those efforts are appreciated. Our Remembrance Day section in this paper has a list of services you can attend, and our Legion listings of events every issue gives you a chance to support those who help veterans and their families year round.
Promoter The Kawartha
Locally Owned and Operated
In Our Next Issue
Fenelon Falls Santa Day Call Laura at 705-738-6188 to book your ad space today. Deadline is Wednesday, November 7, 2018.
November 1, 2018 - The Kawartha Promoter
Village Voice The Promoter reserves the right to edit Letters to the Editor for length and clarity. Please include your email or mailing address and daytime phone number (not for publication). All opinions expressed are those of the writer.
The Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Rovers and Leaders of Scouts Canada 1st Lindsay held their annual Apple Day recently and it was a tremendous success. We wish to thank all of the businesses that let us use their storefronts and all of the generous people in The City of Kawartha Lakes who gave us donations. We use this money to buy camping supplies and to pay for our many camps and outings. As well, this money, along with the support from our two sponsors, Cambridge Street United Church and the Kinsmen Club of Lindsay and Scouts Canada’s No One Left Norma Long - Manager/Broker
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November 1, 2018 - The Kawartha Promoter
Behind program, provide subsidies and discounts as well as free uniforms and other supplies for children whose families cannot afford the program. We have room for more children in all of our sections. Please contact me at or 705-324-1767 for more information. Bruce Atchison, Group Commissioner Scouts Canada 1st Lindsay
I have recently retired and moved to Bobcaygeon and I would like to share something which sparked an enthusiastic conversation -- the topic that age is the last prejudice. Society is fighting/re-educating for blacks, women, LGBTQ+, immigrants, physical and mental disability, culture, etc. (I am sure I missed someone). But older people of our society are still stigmatized, tagged with negative labels and seen as less than worthwhile. I find that I am talking a lot more about growing old, the attitudes and new physical restrictions as well as the not-so-complimentary labels and condescending looks. The initial opinion is that I should move aside for the younger generation. We have all had our time and it is their turn. The only real use left is being available to watch the grandkids. If we aren’t available for that, there is the fear we won’t see our kids at all. I think what I missed in all of our conversations was not only that we are living longer (and for the most part healthier) but our children will be, too. So it should still be our job to show them that age is not a disability and it can be the time of your life where you can excel because you have the time to spend on yourself and reap the benefits of years of learning and experience. Without us leading the way to change the prejudice and stigma of maturity, we doom the younger generations to the same doubts and fears and uncertainty we fight. Just because we have more physical challenges only means that we have to approach them the same as any other life challenge that came our way. We have to figure out how to make the best of it and adapt. We have to stop thinking we are finished. We can lead by example, and continue to teach those younger that life is full, worthwhile and great, right up to the end and something to look forward to and value. So let’s go back to school and perhaps get a degree, learn how to blog (a great way to pass along knowledge), make your passion for photography an income maker. I wrote a book. Whatever you always wanted to do…. Now is the time! Susan Rasksen, Bobcaygeon
Response to letter from Don Guillod in the October 18, 2018 issue I always look forward to opening a new issue of The Promoter to read about topics and events that happen in our area and to learn more about opinions
that people in Kawartha Lakes have with respect to current affairs. When I opened the October 18, 2018 edition, I was surprised, dismayed, and then angry that such a letter was published that contained so many unsubstantiated accusations, innuendo, and outright falsehoods. I would like to attribute this to confusion on the part of the author, but I am not so sure that this is the case. I will deal with each point in his letter as follows: First, the author states that “it is patently obvious to me that the only reason to expand the Coboconk Train Station building is to fill the Coboconk Chamber’s coffers with Provincial & Federal health dollars.” I find it very insulting to our volunteer Chamber Board Members that they could be accused of trying to rip off the Government. The attitude expressed by the author is one of the reasons that people don’t want to get involved and volunteer, as there seems to always be the do-nothings that like to throw out unsubstantiated accusations to attack good people who are just trying to make a difference. If the author has evidence that this is the reason that the Chamber is pursuing this Project, then please enlighten us; otherwise an apology for his unthoughtful accusations might be the right thing to do. Next, the author states that “a new facility was erected on the east end of the property. It is larger than the former health site, with more parking spots, more space for patient care, offices and records storage. The builders even added a second rest room”. First, nothing was built. The ‘new facility’ is comprised of temporary trailers on wheels that you would find on many construction sites, rented by the City as a temporary stop-gap measure to be renewed by Council each year should they wish to do so. We do agree that there is plenty of parking because the facility was set up in the middle of the Community Centre parking lot, which is great until there is an event in the Community Centre and there isn’t enough parking for the event. If the City wants to serve its population, provide an environment to recruit and retain doctors, and
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Legion News “At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them.” For hall rentals or more information about ongoing activities, please call the individual Legion Branch. We welcome submissions to Next deadline: Wednesday, November 7
Branch 67 Lindsay (705) 324-2613 • Pub Fare Lunch – Tuesdays, Thursdays, noon to 2 pm • Full Dinners – Fridays, 11:30am to 1:30pm • Meat Roll – Saturdays, 2 pm • Live Entertainment – Saturdays, 7:30 to 11:30 pm, free • Sir Sam Seniors progressive euchre every Tuesday - 1pm • Big Buck Bid euchre 4th Wednesday of every month -11am
Branch 184 Woodville & District (705) 439-2397 • The Country Music Jam is back the third Sunday of each month from 1-4 pm. • Dances the last Saturday of each month - 8pm to 11pm featuring The Gary Peters Band. $10 per person – light lunch at 11pm.
Branch 238 Fenelon Falls (705) 887-3041 • Every Thursday and Friday - Meals - 11:30 to 1pm • Horse Shoes –Tuesdays - 6pm • Drop In Men’s Snooker – Wednesdays - 7pm • Tai Chi – Thursdays - 10am • Drop-in Shuffleboard – Thursdays - 4pm • English Pub Night - First Friday of each month - 5pm to 7pm • Meat Roll – Third Saturday of each month – 2:30pm •Turkey Dinner last Thursday of each month 11:30 to 1pm • Drop-in Shuffleboard – Sundays – 1:30pm
Branch 239 Bobcaygeon (705) 738-2710 • Nov. 8 - Elvis Tribute - 7pm - Ticket at the Bar - $20pp - Grab a burger before the show! • Nov. 24 - Traditional Greek Dinner 6pm - $20pp - Tickets at the bar • Nov 26 - Big Bucks Euchre - Doors open at 10:30am • Monday & Wednesday - Dart Leagues - 7pm
• Tuesday - Snooker at noon • Wednesday - Jam Session 2-5pm • Thursday – Hamburgers 4-7pm • Friday - Karaoke with Merle – 8pm - Wings served from 7-10pm • Saturday - Meat Roll - 2-5pm • Sunday - Shuffleboard Drop-in Noon to 5pm
Branch 441 Kinmount (705) 488-3462 • Bingo – Fridays, 6:45 pm • Meat Draw – Saturdays, 5 pm • Seniors Cards – Mondays, 1 pm • Mixed darts – Wednesday, 7:30 pm
• Big Buck Bid Euchre - Third Wednesday of month, 11 am • Third Sunday - 8am to noon Ladies Auxiliary breakfast
Branch 497 Omemee (705) 799-5095 • Nov. 9 - Remembrance Day Dinner - 6pm • Nov. 10 - Jim and the Hammers - 1pm • Nov.11 - Remembrance Day Parade and Service - 10:30am • Nov. 17 - Giant Loonie Auction - 5pm • For Hall rentals, call 705-934-5095
Branch 519 Coboconk (705) 454-8127 • Nov. 10 - Karaoke with John & Gayle - 5:30pm - Chili on a bun $5 • Tuesday – 1pm - Euchre • Wednesday – 7:30pm - Darts • Saturday – 3pm – Meat Roll
• Last Friday of the Month – 11:30am – Lunch & Music • First Wednesday of the Month – 11am – Big Buck Bid Euchre
November 1, 2018 - The Kawartha Promoter
demonstrate an attractive community to new businesses and residents, then having your local Medical Facility housed in a temporary trailer in a parking lot is not the way to go. Finally, the author states that “According to the article, the rationale for another move of Dr. Shabaz Warsi’s and his staff’s practise is to accommodate two or three doctors, a dentist and other complementary practitioners such as senior’s foot care, massage, physio and chiropractic care. That is a flawed rationale: just consult the fine folks in Kinmount who have been advertising for a second doctor for years.” I guess I had better tell my doctor that she doesn’t exist as there have been two doctors in Kinmount for quite a while now and they are not housed in a trailer. If it is a flawed
rationale to want to provide good medical care to our residents then why do we have local doctors at all? We might as well all wait until we are really sick and go to the Emergency Ward, as we know that you never have to wait in line there. I am not sure where the author goes to get his health care, but all of the services that he described are needed now by our residents - and will be needed even more so in the future - in the north end of the City and we need a place to provide these services that doesn’t entail a trip to Lindsay. We are very fortunate to have Dr Warsi in our community, but he cannot be expected to serve the entire area on his own. Also, we are exploring the model of several doctors for the new facility because we have been advised that the only way we will be able to recruit any health care professionals is to provide them with an acceptable place to work (this does not include a temporary trailer) in which they can work with other colleagues. In conclusion, the Chamber welcomes any constructive input from any member of our community, and if anyone has any questions or concerns about any of the activities that we support or undertake, please contact us. We invite you to contact us to talk about the concept and how the plan is proceeding. We really welcome you to offer a helping hand as this is a huge project for a small group of volunteers to undertake with long-term positive benefits for so many in the northern end of the City. However - spreading misrepresentations only serves to besmirch the reputations and intents of our hard working volunteers that are just trying to make our little piece of paradise even better. Ian Forster, P.Eng., Chairman, Coboconk, Norland & Area Chamber of Commerce
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November 1, 2018 - The Kawartha Promoter
If you've got the urge, or the need, to give yourIfbathroom a total or just an update, you've got the makeover urge, or the need, to give the experts at Crystal Bath should be your first call. your bathroom a total makeover or just an update, The Scala family Bath have should broughtbetheir the experts at Crystal yourbathroom first call. renovation business out of Toronto andbathroom Durham The Scala family have brought their into the City of Kawartha Lakes. Ann is a design renovation business out of Toronto and Durham expert, while her husband, Mario is a master tiler into the City of Kawartha Lakes. Ann is a design and their son,herChris is a master expert, while husband, Mario isplumber. a masterThey tiler were long-time seasonal residents who grew to and their son, Chris is a master plumber. They love the area, and are now building a home here. were long-time seasonal residents who grew to Bath's turnkey service for bathroom loveCrystal the area, and are now building a home here. renovation starts turnkey with a service free estimate. Ann Crystal Bath's for bathroom specializes in meeting her client's needs, whether renovation starts with a free estimate. Ann it's a full upgrade to her a first home or changing specializes in meeting client's needs, whether things up for seniors and those with disabilities. it's a full upgrade to a first home or changing With 25 seniors years ofand experience, can walk things up for those withAnn disabilities. you With through the process and understands that 25 years of experience, Ann can walk renovations can be stressful. “We take the worry you through the process and understands that out of your can renovation and “We we'll take dealthe with the renovations be stressful. worry contractors get the joband done,” shedeal says.with the out of yourtorenovation we'll Part of the reason for their success contractors to get the job done,” she Ann's Part of the reason for their success is Ann's
understanding of trends and design and her relationships wide range manufacturers. understandingwith of atrends and of design and her From safety products like grab bars and walk-in relationships with a wide range of manufacturers. tubs the latest tile trends, Crystal experts Fromtosafety products like grab barsBath's and walk-in can bring you fresh ideas that inspire you. tubs to the latest tile trends, Crystal Bath's experts opened can Ann bringand youMario fresh ideas thatCrystal inspireBath 1995. At the time, she was a sales person andinhe1995. was Ann and Mario opened Crystal Bath aAttiler. Chris became master plumber, he the When time, she was a salesa person and he was joined the business. a tiler. When Chris became a master plumber, he You have to be doing a full joined the don't business. renovation, either. it'sbe a plumbing job You don't haveIf to doing a full like replacing a toilet or locating a pesky renovation, either. If it's a plumbing job leak, help is only a phone call away. like replacing a toilet or locating a pesky Athelp Crystal Bath,ayou don'tcall have to take just leak, is only phone away. theirAtword for it. They can provide Crystal Bath, you don't have to you take with just customer testimonials andcan references. their word for it. They provide you with No matter what your needs, Crystal Bath's customer testimonials and references. professionals will make it as easy as possible. So No matter what your needs, Crystal Bath's stop putting off the dream or finding a solution for professionals will make it as easy as possible. So your plumbing them aa solution call at 705stop putting off problems, the dream give or finding for 787-0374or visit your plumbing problems, give them a call at 705787-0374or visit
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November 1, 2018 - The Kawartha Promoter
By Kirk Winter
After a 24-hour extension in voting caused by software and server problems, the new City of Kawartha Lakes Council was finally announced. Andy Letham will be returning for a second term as Mayor after beating off a strong challenge for Councillor Gord James. Letham finished first with 11,435 votes, while James finished second with 9,878 votes. Councillor Brian Junkin and Peter Weygang, from Bobcaygeon, rounded out the field receiving 2,724 votes and 1,007 votes respectively. Ward One: Emmett Yeo will be representing Ward One after claiming a convincing victory. Yeo’s vote total of 1,213 was almost the equal of the combined votes for his three competitors. Ward Two: Kathleen Seymour-Fagan emerged victorious from a very crowded field in Ward Two. Stephen Slack finished a distant second almost 300 votes behind Seymour-Fagan’s total of 1,112 votes. Ward Three: In Ward Three, Doug Elmslie won the most comfortable victory of the evening rolling over his two opponents, with 2,047 votes to 810 for Roger McInnis and 382 for Stephen Clarke. Ward Four: Andrew Veale showed surprising electoral strength in Ward Four registering a comfortable victory over his three opponents George Davidson, Ian Nicholson and John Pollard. Veale received 1,195 votes, followed by Nicholson with 763, Pollard with 365 and Davidson with 188.
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November 1, 2018 - The Kawartha Promoter
Ward Five: Ward Five was a hard fought battle as well, with Pat Dunn returning to Council with 1,403 votes. Duncan Gallacher finished second with 1,049 votes, John Haggerty finished third with 919 votes, and Derrick Camphorst finished fourth with 646 votes. Ward Six: Ward Six was the scene of some of the worst mudslinging in this entire election. In a bruising sevenperson race, where each candidate received at least 289 votes, Ron Ashmore will be the new Councillor with a narrow victory, garnering 666 votes. Two candidates, Pat Warren and Gerard Jilesen, finished close behind with 571 votes and 527 votes respectively. Ward Seven: In Ward Seven, Pat O’Reilly defeated newcomer Charlie Clarke 2,832 votes to 1,086 votes in a competition that set the standard for good sportsmanship between the two competitors. Many wish all the Ward competitions could have been fought with the civility shown by Clarke and O’Reilly. Ward Eight: In probably the biggest upset of the evening, Tracy Richardson won Ward Eight with 815 votes, defeating incumbent Heather Stauble who finished with 670 votes. The other four candidates in the ward shared the remaining 757 votes between them. The real disappointment for many in the room was the depressingly low turnout with a little more than 25,000 votes cast, fewer than the last election. Total turnout is expected to be below 40 percent, and many are blaming the computerized voting system that many seniors in the CKL found difficult, or even impossible to use.
By Deb Crossen
In the municipal election of 2014, Janet Clarkson, then Mayor of Trent Lakes, ran a race for Mayor and was defeated by Bev Matthews. Sitting in the Deputy Mayor Chair at the time was Ron Windover, who retained his seat beside Bev. The 2018 municipal election results in the Municipality of Trent Lakes have Clarkson and Windover side by side again for the next four years. Clarkson, elected Mayor, defeated Peter Raymond in a hard-fought battle, coming out with just under 54 percent of the votes to Raymond’s 46 percent. For the Deputy Mayor’s chair, newcomer Adri Eastman received 44 percent of the votes to Windover’s almost 56 percent. Kim Letto defeated Peter Franzen and Ed Dewhurst to take the position of Councillor for Harvey Ward with 52 percent of the votes. Don Lacombe, a former Councillor for GalwayCavendish was defeated by Carol Armstrong who received almost 72 percent of votes. Terry Lambshead returns to Council as Councillor at Large, defeating Greg Jackson with 65 percent of the votes. The discouraging news in all of this is that only 35 percent of the eligible voters exercised their right. I know the voting system was plagued with issues and can only hope that those with the power to make changes to the process take a good hard look for 2022.
When a child in our community becomes gravely ill, friends and family pull together to help. There’s a 12-year-old girl in Fenelon Falls, Harmony Hutchings, who’s been diagnosed with Burkitt Lymphoma, a very aggressive form of Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma and is fighting for her life. Lu Hensman, Harmony’s Mom, is very well known at the local Tim Hortons. Her dad, Rob Hutchings, is best known around Fenelon Falls for helping save a local man from a burning house back in April. Since her diagnosis, Harmony has been in Sick Kids Hospital in Toronto, receiving treatment. Her mom spends most of her time in Toronto with the little girl, while her Dad holds down the fort at home, caring for their other daughter, Jordan.
Friends of the family, Chris and Sherry Thompson are organizing an event on Saturday, December 15, to help raise much-needed money for the Hutchings family. Without a reliable vehicle, they rely on transit to get to and from Toronto. As well, making ends meet with medical and living expenses is a challenge for them. Chris and Sherry are planning a dinner and dance, with an auction prior to the dance. They are looking for items for the auction – gift certificates, items or even vouchers from local businesses. Sherry is also asking for financial or other donations to help cover the costs of the event – food, DJ/band, venue, tickets, decorations, etc. -- and volunteers to help with the event. If you can help in any way, please email love4harmonyhutchings@ or by message on their facebook page
Municipal Bulletin Canada Post Rotating Strike
Canada Post has advised that rotating legal strikes may be isolated to one or two specific locations at a time, affecting those areas for a period of 24 hours. In that situation, Canada Post advises it will continue to accept, process and deliver mail and parcels in all other areas. City of Kawartha Lakes residents who use the postal system are advised to consider in-person or online methods to pay their bills to ensure that payments are received by the due dates and avoid late payment charges. (705) 324-9411 (888) 822-2225
• drop box at any Municipal Service Centre or City Hall • online by credit card (there is a 2.75% charge for this service) • over the phone by credit card at 1-866-961-2313 (there is a 2.75% charge for this service) Additionally, residents are encouraged to register for epost, a safe, secure and free online tool that allows you to receive your bills online.
Provincial Offences: To determine the status of a requested trial date (excluding appeals), please visit page/check-status-traffic-tickets-and-fines-onlineSocial Services: The first of the month cheques for clients, for the or-request-meeting-resolve-your-case. You can pay month of November, were available for pick up at local a fine online at, in person at Social Services offices. For more information, contact the Lindsay Provincial Offences Office, in person at the Lindsay Social Services office at 705-324-9870 or any Provincial Offences Office in Ontario or over the the Haliburton Social Services office at 705-457-4571. phone by calling 705-324-3962 extension 0. For Parks, Recreation and Culture payments: Call to make arrangements for payment at 705-324- For more information, please contact City of Kawartha Lakes Customer Service by phone at 705-324-9411 9411 ext. 1226. City of Kawartha Lakes property tax and utility during regular business hours (Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm). payments can be made using the following options: • by pre-authorized debit, online or telephone banking, • in person at any Municipal Service Centre or City Hall (Please note: credit cards are not accepted)
Did You Know ?
Ad design is complimentary with ad placement in The Kawartha Promoter. Some restrictions may apply. November 1, 2018 - The Kawartha Promoter
CRAFT SHOW Nov. 9, 10 & 11
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Watch our Facebook page for a chance to win one of 3 $50.00 “Treasures” Certificates that can be used at this years show. AutumnTreasuresFineArtisanShow 10
November 1, 2018 - The Kawartha Promoter
By Shelley Bertram Fallis
With the leaves changing colour and dropping rapidly, our thoughts may be turning towards heading off to a warm winter-sun destination. Hurricane season can be a wild card that changes your plans in a second. It raises a lot of questions for Canadians travelling to the most threatened spots like the Caribbean, Mexico, Central America and the east and Gulf coasts of the United States -- specifically, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas. The Government of Canada issues travel advisories on situations that may affect the safety and well-being of Canadians while travelling abroad. Depending on the risk level it may have implications to your travel insurance coverage. Consult travelling/advisories for up to date information on your destination. Registration of Canadians Abroad is a free service that allows the Government of Canada to notify you in case of an emergency abroad or a personal emergency at home. The service also enables you to receive important information before or during a natural disaster or civil unrest. You can visit their website at Q. If a hurricane watch or warning is issued that may impact my travel plans, up to what point can I still purchase travel insurance? A. Insurance must be purchased 24 hours prior to when the hurricane has been named. Once the hurricane has been named losses occurring from the hurricane are excluded from coverage. Q. What if I’m on vacation and a hurricane starts? A. If you’re already at your destination when the hurricane hits, contact your travel insurance provider and the Canadians Abroad Office or local embassy, for information and assistance. Most insurance policies will cover you for mandatory evacuations due to ‘unforeseeable’ events. The strength and path can change quickly so it’s important to monitor local weather reports closely. You may have lots of other questions regarding damage to your resort; cancelling a trip if a storm is tracking too close to your destination; or what to do about airport closures. Contact a local travel insurance provider for answers to these questions. Stay safe this hurricane season and make informed decisions. Purchasing emergency medical, trip cancellation and interruption insurance as early as possible is always your safest bet.
Share your photos
Send us pictures of area events and happenings. You could see your image on our cover or in the pages of the paper. E-mail (only) your images along with name, address and phone number to editor@thepromoterca
Misty’s Mistletoe Misfortune A Festive Murder Mystery
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By Kirk Winter
As Remembrance Day approaches, it is important that we recognize the value of providing services for returning veterans of Canada’s many conflicts. The Royal Canadian Legion, first formed in 1925, plays a vital role in offering assistance and support to veterans and retired RCMP personnel coast to coast. With 1,400 branches and 275,000 members, the Legion is the largest and most influential veteran’s organization in Canada. Their mandate is very simple: “Improve the lives of those who served, support our communities, remember the Fallen.” With a Legion presence in most communities in Canada, they are often the first place a veteran turns for assistance. Legion representatives take great pride in their advocacy for all veterans regardless of conflict, and they are reasonably successful in improving the care and benefits available for veterans and their families. Services available through the Legion include: assistance in dealing with Veterans Affairs, assistance and support as a service member makes the transition to civilian life, financial assistance to veterans and their families, and mental health support and advocacy for those suffering with PTSD. The Legion is particularly proud of their “Leave The Streets Behind” initiative that is making inroads into dealing with the very important issue of veterans’ homelessness. The Legion also has a working arrangement with
the Royal Commonwealth Ex-Services League to assist Allied veterans and their widows or widowers obtain financial assistance and support after they have moved to Canada. Many Canadians would be surprised by the number of former British service personnel who populate Legion membership rolls at their local Legion branch. Legion services and programming are largely offset by membership dues, and the money raised by the Poppy Trust Fund. There are very few Canadians who have not worn a poppy at some time in their lives and proceeds from those poppy sales are placed in trust to be used for the care and benevolent support of veterans and their dependants. As the Legion looks to the future, they are hoping to make stronger connections with the IraqAfghanistan war veterans who are often cool to Legion involvement. As many Legion members age, and branches are forced to rely upon associate members who are often the children or relatives of former service personnel, this group of 30-something veterans could be the foundation for the organization, allowing Legions to continue to provide their vital services and keep their doors open for the foreseeable future.
Last month, the Yellow Ribbon Campaign shipped 43 boxes of goodies from home to our troops in Mali. Darlene Loucks, the organizer has started receiving letters from soldiers. In addition to Darlene posting them on facebook (The Yellow Ribbon Campaign), we are proud to print a few of them here.
Lest we Forget...
November 1, 2018 - The Kawartha Promoter
“I work with Jason here in Mali and I just wanted to say thank you very much for all the items that you are sending on behalf of the Yellow Ribbon Campaign. The generosity and thoughtfulness is what makes Canadians stand apart from all other countries in the world! We were able to share some of the packages with our German counterparts and they were very surprised and grateful as they said nothing like that exists in Germany. As on any deployment, there are some folks here who have no family or their circumstances dictate that they do not receive mail so the packages you send help to lift spirits! Know that everything you send is being shared with all of the folks here and that you are providing a piece of Canada here in Mali which is very much appreciated by everyone deployed! Thank you,” Sergeant (OR-6) Brian Kelley
“I would like to say thank you to you and also all the people implicated, directly or indirectly, with your campaign. It is quite pleasing to receive a care package personally intended by people I don’t even know. I’m sure I am not the first one to tell you that it feels comforting to receive attention and support from people of our country, thousands of kilometers away. It makes me even prouder to represent Canada abroad knowing that people like you are standing behind us. I’ve seen, first line, the goodness of what you were doing in the Afghanistan era but I can reassure you that it still has the same result years later, here in Mali. From all of us deployed here at Camp Castor, Mali, Thank you.” Sgt Martin Lapalme-Laviolette, CD
The Kawartha Promoter Supported entirely by our advertisers. We encourage you to choose the businesses that you see in these pages. Donna M. Wood Licensed Paralegal Commissioner For Taking Affidavits
Cpl J.R. Birch
Laurie Scott, M.P.P.
Haliburton—Kawartha Lakes—Brock
Lest We Forget. Constituency Office: 14 Lindsay St. North, Lindsay ON. K9V 1T4 | Tele: 705-324-6654 | Fax: 705-324-6938 |
Small Claims Personal Injury
T: 705.738.9841
Royel Paving a division of CRH
Lest we forget Hwy. 35 Lindsay
“I hope this message finds you well. It is just after 2am over here but wanted to send a message that all the mail was delivered yesterday afternoon and we had extra hands helping this time. A small update most of the soldiers have hit their 2 months away from home day mark now. Morale is still high, which is good to keep up with the high temperatures. We are back to the norm being warm 40s out. I try and check the forecast regularly to see if we start getting close to 45-50 I will fill the freezers during the night so it’s a surprise the next day for everyone to find freezies waiting for them. I have found the perfect spot to hang the Canadian flag that was in one of the boxes. We are making a small hang out area for everyone to have a spot to go and relax. The area is called Coaches Corner and the shelter that will hold the fridge and freezer is made to look like a log cabin. Your flag will be hanging there for everyone to see. As soon as a picture get taking on Combat camera I will send you it. We donated some of the freezies to the camp activity planner to survive running the army half marathon last weekend. My team of 2 to 3 people is growing to help distribute all the boxes and we are still in the process of writing a small article about the Yellow Ribbon Campaign in our small camp weekly newsletter. I am heading off to bed now. Thank you and your hard working team for everything!”
Lest we forget
Suite Suite Bethune Street, Peterborough Suite 44 - 417 Bethune 705-745-2108• • 705-745-2018 November 1, 2018 - The Kawartha Promoter
Legion branches across Canada will honour and remember the fallen heroes with services and parades. BOBCAYGEON November 11 - Parade from Bobcaygeon Legion branch at 10:30am to the Cenotaph beside Lock 32. Ceremony at 11am. BUCKHORN November 6 – The Lakefield Legion branch hosts this Remembrance Day Service at 1pm at the Buckhorn Community Centre. The Legion attends along with the OPP, firefighters and other first responders. A light lunch is provided after the service. COBOCONK November 11 - Remembrance Day Ceremony at the Cenotaph at 11am. Luncheon at Legion branch to follow. FENELON FALLS November 10 – Candlelight Parade – 7:30pm leaving the Locks to the Cenotaph. Candles available for $6 each at the Legion until November 9 and at Sobeys November 2 and 3. Limited number available at Locks before the event.
Lest we Forget Kathleen KathleenSeymour-Fagan Seymour-Fagan Councillor, Ward Councillor, Ward13 2
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old. Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning, We Will Remember Them
November 11 * Remembrance Ceremony at the Cenotaph at 11am. *Remembrance Day Service at the Fenelon Falls United Church at 2pm. Lest We Forget Program on the 100th Anniversary of the end of World War I. * Dinner at Branch 238 at 7pm. Cocktails at 5pm, dinner at 6pm. Tickets available at Branch for $12 each. Kinmount November 11 - Remembrance Day Service at the Kinmount Cenotaph 11 am. Lunch follows at the Legion. KIRKFIELD November 9 - Ceremony at Cenotaph at 11am. Lindsay November 11 – Remembrance Parade steps off at 10am; Ceremony to follow at Cenotaph. Veterans and marchers are invited back to the Legion branch for lunch. Norland November 10 – Norland’s Remembrance Day Service takes place at the Old School Hall, Community Centre, 3448 Monck Road on Friday, November 10 at 10:45. The public is welcome to attend the service. This year The Norland Horticulture Society will be honouring The Canadian Heroes Foundation, represented by Anna Loveman will be attendance with her CH14 Car in memory of her son Kyle Sinclair. Light refreshments will be served after service at the Pioneer Baptist Church. Omemee November 9 - The Omemee Legion Remembrance Day dinner is at 7pm. November 11 - Remembrance Day Parade - Step off is 10:30am at the Legion.
Shelley Bertram Fallis
WOODVILLE November 11 - Woodville United Church Service at 9:30am - Parade from church to Cenotaph for service at approximately 10:55am
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Lest we forget
Mayor Andy Letham and City of Kawartha Lakes Council
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November 1, 2018 - The Kawartha Promoter
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The Old Schoolhouse
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Promoter The Kawartha
Locally Owned and Operated
November 1, 2018 - The Kawartha Promoter
Submitted by Katie Hartai
After almost three decades as a clothing sales associate for Thompson’s Ladies’ Wear in Bobcaygeon, Beverley Wesselink is ready to start a new wardrobe for retirement. Wesselink says she will miss the friendships she has established with shoppers. “There have been people who used to come in and buy clothes for their kids. Now those kids are coming in and buying clothes for their moms. There are also a lot of people you only see at certain times of the year and it’s always nice to see them again.” Wesselink left her job at Nuts and Bolts Hardware in 1991 to begin a new career at Thompson’s Ladies Wear. “It was quite a transition,” she says. “I went from running shoes and jeans into heels and a skirt.” Thompson’s Ready To Wear was founded in 1950 by Ruth Thompson. It’s original name implied the product was sold in finished condition compared to clothing tailored to a particular person. To this day, the store is the second oldest independent clothing store in Ontario.
Wesselink says even after all these years she still gets excited to see new product. “It’s like Christmas all year around,” she says about opening boxes of new clothes. Wesselink, who is now 72, says she hasn’t walked out of Thompson’s for the last time. “I am close enough I can peek in the window and if they are not busy I can come in. In a small town you always connect with the people you’ve worked with.” Nancy Hartai, owner of Thompson’s Ladies Wear says Wesselink’s hard work and sense of humour will be missed around the store. “She certainly deserves to retire,” says Hartai. “I think it’s time she took some time out for Bev.” Wesselink has no definite retirement plans yet, but she says they will come in the new year. “I just have to get my bearings because I’ve been getting up every morning and going to work for a long time. It will be nice to go when I want and see people who haven’t seen for awhile.” You can wish Bev a happy retirement during business hours on November 29, 30 and December 1.
Submitted by Wendy Kimmett
Our October meeting had a visit from our Zone Deputy Governor Rob. While visiting us, Deputy Governor Rob installed our newest Kinette. The Kinettes are very busy preparing for our three Christmas projects; • December 4, 2018, is our Friendship Dinner, a very popular evening. • Breakfast with Santa is on December 8, 2018, 8:30am at the Lion’s Hall • The Bobcaygeon Santa Claus Parade is on December 8, 2018. It will again be an evening parade. Our next meeting is on Tuesday, November 6 at the Lion’s Hall at 6pm. If you would like more information on our Christmas projects or are interested in attending a meeting, call Marion at 705-738-3219.
Let us work some magic for you. Bookkeeping, Tax Returns, Corporate Year-ends, Tax Planning
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November 1, 2018 - The Kawartha Promoter
Choristers’ Corner
By April Scott
The weather has certainly gotten nippy and singing Christmas music doesn’t seem to be quite so silly. There is a great variety to look forward to at our next concert in December. After the first round of practices with all four parts, we are now having Sectional practices, Sopranos and Altos, then Basses and Tenors. These are mainly for correcting any bad notations and practicing difficult parts in any section. We already have one booking to perform our Christmas offering. Ross Memorial Hospital would like us to give patients, staff and visitors a miniChristmas concert on Monday, December 10 at 2pm. This will be after our concert on December 7. Plans are already in motion for us to sell Christmas Shortbread again this year. We ran out so quickly last year that I think the pressure will be on us to spend more time in the kitchen! A little bird told me that the Church would like the audience not to sample them in the Sanctuary - I guess it was a bit messy after the concert last year. We must be doing something right as a number of new people have joined our choir. The only section that is lacking is the Tenor section. With only three of them sometimes they can’t be heard! The fall colours have almost disappeared, very soon we will be changing the clocks and we all know what is just around the corner. Stay warm and we will talk to you next time.
By April Scott
Bobcaygeon Music Council enjoyed a very good year with Concerts in the Park. The Summer Camp program at Kawartha Settlers’ Village exceeded the expected number of students and the final total was 72. Both of these programs are run annually in the summer months. A great deal of work goes into these programs the Artistic Director oversees the hiring of musicians and our Sponsors and Advertising Directors spend a great deal of their time looking after this. The Summer Camp is also a very time-consuming project for the Camp Director. Needless to say the results can always be seen.
Have you heard BOB lately? BOB listened to you!
During the winter months, the Council brings some top notch musicians in various forms to Bobcaygeon -- instrumentalists, soloists and, sometimes, choirs. That said, there is a concert on November 17 at Trinity United Church. There will be two more concerts in 2019. This is a very brief look into the Council’s work in Bobcaygeon and I hope to continue to provide you updates as they happen. Please note that we do have a Facebook page – The Bobcaygeon Music Council - and also a web site
The Ontario Ministry of Education is reaching out to communities throughout the province to get feedback about the education system in Ontario. Through telephone town halls, online surveys and email feedback, the goal of the consultation is to develop a system that will help prepare Ontario students for success, improve their academic achievement and equip them with the tools needed to enter the working world. For Theallclosing date is December your bereavement needs –15, so you have plenty of time to provide your input. You can find out celebrations of life, memorial services more at and traditional funerals.
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Lakeland offers a fully accessible, flexible modern facility, with personalized For all your bereavement needs – offerings to meet all budgets. celebrations of life, memorial services and traditional funerals. Excellent Value. Professional. Non-Commissioned Staff. Lakeland offers a fully accessible, flexible modern facility, with personalized offerings meet all budgets.
Just One Call
Just One Call
Excellent Value. Professional. For all your bereavement needs – celebrations of life, memorial services and traditional funerals. Non-Commissioned Staff. For all your bereavement needs – celebrations of life, memorialflexible servicesmodern Lakeland offers a fully accessible, traditional funerals. facility, with personalized offerings to meet For and all your bereavement needs – all budgets.
Just One Call
celebrations of life, memorial services Excellent Value.offers Professional. Non-Commissioned Staff. Lakeland a fully accessible, andflexible traditional funerals. modern facility, with personalized offerings to meet all budgets. Lakeland offers a fully accessible, Excellent Value.facility, Professional. flexible modern with personalized Non-Commissioned Staff. offerings to meet all budgets. 19 Moose Rd., Lindsay ON K9V 0A2 Tel: 705Value. 1988 Toll Free: 1 888 299 9058 Excellent Professional. Non-Commissioned Staff. Owned and Operated by Little Lake Cemetery Co. Not-For-Profit Public Trust since 1850. 19 Moose Road, ON Lindsay 19 Moose Rd., Lindsay K9V 0A2 Tel: 705 324 1988 Toll Free: 1 888 299 9058 Tel: 705 324 1988 Toll Free: 1 888 299 9058 Owned and Operated by Little Lake Cemetery Co. Not-For-Profit Public Trust since 1850.
Owned and Operated by Little Lake Cemetery Co. Not-For-Profit Public Trust since 1850.
19 Moose Rd., Lindsay ON K9V 0A2 Tel: 705 324 1988 Toll Free: 1 888 299 9058
November 1, 2018 - The Kawartha Promoter Owned and Operated by Little Lake Cemetery Co. Not-For-Profit Public Trust since 1850.
e g a l l i V ’ s r e l t t Kawartha Se
Festival of
Family Fun At The Festival Of Trees Submitted by Robyn Barton
The Festival of Trees or F.O.T., is a four-day event where visitors stroll through Kawartha Settlers’ Village and see (and potentially win) the many trees, wreaths, garlands, and items that have been generously sponsored by businesses in the City of Kawartha Lakes (and some from even further afield). The Festival of Trees goes Thursday, November 15 from 5pm to 9pm; Friday, November 16 from 5pm to 9pm; Saturday, November 17 from 10am to 9pm; and Sunday, November 18 from 11am to 3:30pm. Admission is $10 for an adult weekend pass while children aged 12 and under are admitted free. Tickets can be purchased online at https://www.ticketscene. ca/events/22032/ or at Kawartha Settlers’ Village. The Kawartha Lakes Festival of Trees wouldn’t be as successful as it is without the help of more than 300 volunteers. Jobs include tree decorating, raffle ticket sales, operating the admission booths, and manning the different houses (just to name a few.) This is a great opportunity for high school students to obtain their community service hours. The Kawartha Lakes Festival of Trees is organized by Kawartha Settlers’ Village.
Crazy Monkey Tree Service
You Call - We Make it Fall 705-344-4459 Aaron Shaw Fully Insured & Licenced
Save the Date
Dec. 1 10am - 2pm
For our 3rd annual Festive Food Drive & Photos with Santa
Caygeon De ture ture Caygeon De Fernando Paiz, Denturist
Everyone Welcome! Pet Friendly Event.
103 Main St. Bobcaygeon 705-738-5177 • 888-322-3032
Fernando Denturist November 1, Paiz, 2018 - The Kawartha Promoter
Building Brighter and Younger Smiles!
All donations to the Bobcaygeon Helps Foodbank
Enjoy the Festival Weekend! CAYGEON TAKE-OUT 36 King St. E. 705-738-1288
Across from the LCBO
A four day event where visitors stroll amongst Kawartha Settlers’ Village and see (and potentially win) the many trees, wreaths, garlands, and items that have been generously sponsored by businesses within the City of Kawartha Lakes and afar. FESTIVAL ATTRACTIONS
Enjoy the Festival
Children’s Workshop, Wagon Rides, Live Reindeer, Santa’s Secret Shoppe, A Visit With Santa, Town Trolley, Toyland Showcase, Christmas Cafe & More! FESTIVAL ROAST BEEF DINNER Friday, November 16th at the Lawn Bowling Club 2 Sittings at 5pm & 7pm • $20 per person Tickets Available at the K.S.V. Office
TWILIGHT AUCTION Village Gate Shopping Centre, Hwy #36 Bobcaygeon
Saturday, November 17th at 7:30pm Sharp Pre-Registration is at 7pm in the Murphy Barn
Thursday: 5pm - 9pm Friday: 5pm - 9 pm Saturday: 10pm - 9pm Sunday: 11am - 3:30pm $10 Per Adult for Unlimited Weekend Access
NOVEMBER 15TH - 18TH, 2018 Wendy Hunt Sales representative
Tom Hunt Broker of record PROUD SPONSOR
Official Sponsor
Media Sponsors
Please bring a new, unwrapped toy to fill the sleigh for our
Children’s Toy Drive!
Hunt4Dreams Realty Inc. Brokerage
Home Office 16 Fire Route 122, Trent Lakes
(just 3 kms east on 36-Beside Caygeon Cove Resort)
Not intended to solicit properties already listed for sale.
Promoter The Kawartha
Locally Owned and Operated
85 Dunn Street, Bobcaygeon November 1, 2018 - The Kawartha Promoter
Visitors can also experience the different activities that are happening in different buildings. The familyfriendly activities include:
• Santa’s Secret Shoppe: Children can purchase gifts for family members with the help of an elf. Gifts are $2 to $6, wrapped and ready for under the tree • Children’s Workshop: Children can make a variety of crafts • A Visit with Santa: Friday 6 to 8pm, Saturday 10 to 8pm, Sunday 12pm to 2pm • Roast Beef Dinner: Tickets on sale at the KSV Office, 5pm & 7pm Sittings on November 16 at the Lawn Bowling Club • Wagon Rides: Take a stroll around the village • Toyland Showcase: Visit Santa’s North Pole workshop • Live Reindeer Display: Visit with Santa’s Reindeer on Saturday from 10am to 4pm • The Town Trolley: Catch a ride on the Town Trolley to and from the Village from various locations in Bobcaygeon on Saturday from 10am to 4pm • Christmas Cafe: Delicious hand-baked treats and warm meals • Snack Shack: Grab a hot dog, grilled cheese or peameal on the go as your tou the Village • Twilight Auction: November 17 - 7pm registration and 7:30pm start
Christmas Open House
Bring a donation for the foodbank and get entered for your chance to win.
Granny Birds Wool Shoppe
November 1, 2018 - The Kawartha Promoter
Saturday, November 17th 10:00am to 6:00pm
LADIES’ NIGHT Fenelon Falls Home Hardware
Tues. Nov. 13, 2018
7-9pm (Come Early) Gift Bags (1st 100 Ladies!), Draw Prizes, Entertainment, Food, Fantastic Sales Always a Few Surprises!
Beautiful homes decorated for the holidays lend themselves as inspiration for those of us creatively challenged. Rather than just cruising neighbourhoods and looking in windows, several organizations gather together to offer home tours.
Christmas House Tour
Organized by Lindsay’s St. Paul’s Anglican Church and the Victoria County Historical Society, the Christmas House Tour has become an annual tradition. For more than 25 years, hospitable homeowners have been inviting the public into their charming homes to admire their clever handiwork in making comfortable and attractive living spaces. There are six homes as well as St. Mary’s Catholic Church and the Olde Gaol Museum on the tour, which takes place on Saturday, December 1 from 1 to 6pm. Tickets are $20 and available at a number of locations in Lindsay, Bobcaygeon and Fenelon Falls. You can also stop in at Celebrations in Lindsay for some refreshments at any time during the afternoon!
Holiday Home Tour
This annual tradition continues in the Buckhorn area with five homes decked out for the holiday season. It’s the 8th Annual Buckhorn Holiday Home Tour on Sunday, November 25 from 11am to 4pm. Tickets are $20 per person and include tea and sweets at the BCC. You can enjoy the Festival of Trees at the BCC and a few vendors during the day at the BCC for your shopping pleasure. Tickets can be reserved by calling 705-657-8833 or picked up at Griffin’s Greenhouses in Lakefield (cash only).
140 Lindsay St, Fenelon Falls The 2018 Bobcaygeon Minor Ball Volunteer Committee would like to sincerely thank our Volunteer Coaches and the following businesses and organizations for their support! Due to our fantastic Sponsors we were able to acquire new hats, uniforms, and baseball equipment. This allowed us to create a safer, and more enjoyable, year while keeping the cost affordable for all kids to participate! Thank you so much for your part in making Bobcaygeon Minor Ball 2018 such a successful season, -Beth Gilroy - Royal LePage -Birch Point Marina -Bobcaygeon & District Lion’s Club -Bobcaygeon Home Hardware -Buckeye Marine -Douglas & Son -Economy Wheels Nissan -Foodland (Bobcaygeon) -Godfather’s Pizza (Bobcaygeon) -Jermyn Lumber
-Just for the Halibut -Kawartha Dairy -Kinette Club of Bobcaygeon -KMH Studios -LMB Home Improvements -Strang’s Valu Mart -Tim Hortons (Bobcaygeon and Corporate) -Town & Country Decorating Centre -Walsten Marine
*Please note: for the 2019 season we are in dire need for adult (18+) umpires. This is a paid casual position. Training can be provided! For questions regarding this opportunity or if you wish to Sponsor Minor Ball, please e-mail caygeoncomets@
Lindsay’s Christmas House Tour 2018 DEC. 1ST 1-6PM TICKETS $20 AVAILABLE AT DEC hristmas LINDSAY BOBCAYGEON2018 House Tour Twine x Twig: 2 Kent St. W. (705) 878-1276 My Favourite Things: 10 King St. E. (705) 738-9090
C •
LINDSAY Twine x Twig: 2 Kent St. W. (705) 878-1276 Classic Flowers: 95 Kent St. W. (705) 328-0688 Kent Florist: 92 Kent St. W. (705) 324-7314 Kate & Co. Home Accents: 100 Kent St. W. (705) 880 - 5283 Garry’s Garden Centre: 5 Commerce Rd. (705) 324-9574 Hill’s Florist & Greenhouses: 182 Lindsay St. S. (705) 324-2412
BOBCAYGEON My Favourite Things: 10 King St. E. (705) 738-9090 FENELON FALLS
The Kawartha Classic Flowers: 95 Kent St. W. (705) 328-0688 FENELON FALLS Store: 30 Colborne St. (705) 887-9888 Kent Florist: 92 Kent St. W. (705) 324-7314 The Kawartha Store:GO30TOColborne (705) 887-9888 ALL PROCEEDS ST. PAUL’S St. ANGLICAN CHURCH AND VICTORIA COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY Kate & Co. Home Accents: 100 Kent St. W. (705) 880 - 5283 All proceeds go1to- 6 PM Garry’s Garden Centre: 5 Commerce Rd. (705) 324-9574 St. Paul’s Anglican Church and Hill’s Florist & Greenhouses: 182 Lindsay St. S. (705) 324-2412 VictoriaBOBCAYGEON County Historical Society
Lindsay’s Christmas House Tour 2018
Twine x Twig: 2 Kent St W (705) 878-1276
Kent Florist: 92 Kent St W (705) 324-7314
My Favourite Things: 10 King St E (705) 738-9090
NovemberKate1,& Co.2018 - The Kawartha Promoter Home Accents: 100 Kent St W FENELON FALLS
Classic Flowers: 95 Kent St W (705) 328-0688
St. Paul’s Anglican Church: 45 Russel St. W
(705) 880 - 5283 Garry’s Garden Centre: 5 Commerce Rd
The Kawartha Store: 30 Colborne St (705) 887-9888
Leo (July 24 to Aug. 23) Crunch time, Leo! We sense some anxiety in your life, whether with school or work deadlines, or the pressure to make decisions. Take a deep breath and know that all will go well and it will be over soon.
November 1 to 14
Melodie McCullough
Aquarius (Jan. 21 to Feb. 19) Take responsibility for your own thoughts and feelings – and mistakes – dear Aquarius. No one can make you feel a certain way or do something except you and you alone, so do not put the blame on anyone else.
Virgo (Aug. 24 to Sept. 23) Share your life with someone today, Virgo. Just a tiny bit of who you are and what makes you special. It will enlighten the person with whom you share, so that they will know and understand you better, and it may result in reciprocal sharing, too.
Pisces (Feb. 20 to March 20) Be humble. Be teachable. This is the best way to learn about life. Put your ego aside, Pisces, and accept the lessons of others.
Libra (Sept. 24 to Oct. 23) Please pay special attention to your health in the coming weeks, dear Libra. Without good health, nothing else matters. Find ways to self-care, and then make sure you follow through.
Aries (March 21 to April 20) “Love makes your soul crawl out from its hiding place.”: Zora Neale Hurston. Yes, indeed, Aries, love is very powerful and, if it is real and “meant to be”, it will make you a better person, and open your heart. So, look out for this love! Taurus (April 21 to May 21) Call your friends, Taurus! Don’t let the days slip by without making contact – with old friends and new. You will be happy and pleased with the results. Gemini (May 22 to June 22) November can be a very dull and gloomy month, Gemini, and it can affect one’s mood. So please find time to brighten up your world. Add some colour to your attire, surround yourself with little things that you find beautiful, and enjoy the natural wonders around you. Cancer (June 23 to July 23) Everyone has their own unique strengths and weaknesses, Cancer, as we are sure you are aware. But it is part of the great adventure of life to discover your own gifts and use them to your advantage and for the best of society.
Scorpio (Oct. 24 to Nov. 22) It is the simple things in life that bring us most joy, Scorpio. Don’t worry about attaining unatttainable things. Focus on the little things. They add up to the best things! Sagittarius (Nov. 23 to Dec. 21) “To avoid criticism say nothing, do nothing, and be nothing.”: Elbert Hubbard (often mis-attributed to Aristotle). That’s right, Sag, the only way to avoid criticism is to disappear. Someone will always have something negative to say. There is no escaping that. So welcome criticism. It shows that people are noticing you! Capricorn (Dec. 22 to Jan. 20) You need to stay motivated, Capricorn. There will be many days when things are not looking the best. Please remember that brighter days are ahead.
The Kawartha Promoter
Supported entirely by our advertisers. We encourage you to choose the businesses that you see in these pages.
My Favourite Things
Join us for our Annual
Christmas Open House
Saturday November 3 from 10 - 5pm & Sunday November 4 from 10 - 5pm Closed Thursday November 1 & Friday November 2 for set up.
10 King St. E. Bobcaygeon located just east of King & Bolton Streets
November 1, 2018 - The Kawartha Promoter
1st Anniversary
extRAvAgAnzA november 1-4, 10-5pm
15% OFF
Selected Regular Priced Items
Classic Duffle Coat
Irish Sweaters
Barmah Australian Hats
Cadbury’s British Choc’s
3 King Street, Bobcaygeon
705 738-1956 • November 1, 2018 - The Kawartha Promoter
The Promoter Crossword # 236 -by Charon
Down 1 Science of morals (6) 2 Pub (6) 3 Sealed tightly (4) 4 African expedition (6) 5 Toothpaste ingredient (8) 6 Caribbean ensemble (5,5) 7 Short speech at the end of the play (8) 8 Useful desktop gadgets (8) 14 Openly hostile (10) 16 Annoying mike effect (8) 17 Future frogs (8) 18 From here to eternity (8) 22 Mist or steam (6) 23 Come back to be a member (6) 24 Inventor's protection (6) 27 Clarinet's cousin (4) Solution to Crossword # 235
Across 9 Windpipe (7) 10 Free Wi-Fi locale (3,4) 11 Tendency to remain unchanged (7) 12 Neckwear accessory (3,4) 13 Physical feeling (9) 15 Military brass (5) 16 Weariness (7)
19 Texas baseballers (7) 20 Endow, as with a gift (5) 21 Listen in surreptitiously (9) 25 Flowers on a tree (7) 26 Turbine engine plane (7) 28 Butcher's knife (7) 29 Like a perfect place (7)
Wanted Gold & Silver
Cash paid for Jewelry • Coins • Sterling Watches • Medals • Antiques etc. R. Carruth 705-887-1672
Water Conditioning Limited 1-800-721-4921 • 705-439-2589
Sales * Service * Rentals * Residential * Agricultural * Cottage * Commercial * Industrial
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November 1, 2018 - The Kawartha Promoter
Local Trades & Services Support our local small businesses! To advertise here please call 705.738.6188
ELECTRIC Owner: Kirk Kimble ECRA/ESA Lic. 7009784
For all your electrical needs
HugHes Home Improvements
Serving Orillia, Lindsay & Kawartha Lakes
Specializing in Decks, Fences and Interior Painting 905-716-5605
Call: 705-928-0724
95 MAIN ST BOBCAYGEON ON 705 738 9779
253 KENT ST W LINDSAY ON 705 878 4074
6666 HWY 35 COBOCONK ON 705 454 2014
Saville Computers Certified On-Site Services
Full Service Professional Computer Repair Specializing in HP Quality Laptops and Towers
72 Queen Street, Fenelon Falls (705) 887-1077
(705) 738-4446
November 1, 2018 - The Kawartha Promoter
well as agencies involved in the programming. Community gardens yield more than food; they also provide many teaching opportunities and will draw people together socially and help strengthen our neighbourhoods.
Submitted by Elly Millington
United Way for the City of Kawartha Lakes is embarking on a very exciting new Community Garden project in partnership with Crayola Canada, Fleming College Frost Campus, and Bob Mark New Holland. The garden will take up 30,000 sq. ft. of unused land at Crayola Canada that will enhance the availability of fresh produce for programs such as the Good Food Box, collective kitchens, Meals on Wheels, cooking classes, food banks, and food cupboards. Fleming College will provide expertise, while also offering students unique learning opportunities through school projects and volunteering. Bob Mark New Holland will be providing equipment and expertise as they volunteered to do our first ground breaking in October of 2018. The community garden will be a closed space, fenced in and locked, with access limited to staff and volunteers from United Way and Fleming College, as
Submitted by Rebekah Willis
Calling all volunteers with ambition and drive who would like to support change in the City of Kawartha Lakes! How do you do this? By committing your time and energy to Kawartha Lakes Food Source, located in Lindsay. As a not-for-profit organization that is expanding and doing more in the community, this continued growth will require more hands on deck to make an even bigger, positive impact. We are driven by the volunteers who step up to support the many ongoing initiatives, events and day-to-day procedures within the distribution centre. Kawartha Lakes Food Source is the distribution centre for 30 member agencies that include schools, and food banks. For anyone interested in more information or a volunteer application, please contact the Kawartha Lakes Food Source by calling 705-324-0707 or emailing If you would like to visit us in person, our address is 41 George Street West, Lindsay.
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November 1, 2018 - The Kawartha Promoter
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November 1, 2018 - The Kawartha Promoter
Health & Wellness HOW SWEET IT IS
By Deb Crossen
November is Diabetes Awareness Month and on November 14 is World Diabetes Day. So we should talk about it. According to Diabetes Canada, 11 million Canadians are living with diabetes or prediabetes. Every three minutes, another Canadian is diagnosed. Chances are, you know someone affected by the disease. Our bodies need energy and we get that energy from sugar. We get sugar into our bodies from foods like bread, potatoes, rice, pasta, milk and fruit. To use this sugar, the body needs insulin, a hormone that helps control the level of sugar in your blood. Diabetes is a chronic disease in which the body either cannot produce insulin or cannot properly use the insulin it produces. Diabetes leads to high blood sugar levels, which can damage organs, blood vessels and nerves. About 90 percent of people with Diabetes have type 2 Diabetes. Type 2 Diabetes more often develops in adults, but children can be affected. Depending on the severity of Type 2 Diabetes, it may be managed through physical activity and meal planning, or may also require medications and/or insulin to control blood sugar more effectively. In 1921, luckily for those suffering from Type 2 Diabetes, Canadian Dr. Frederick Banting discovered insulin. Over the years, researchers have honed his discovery into a user-friendly form, making it easier for people to give themselves the medication they need to control their blood sugar levels. You can live a long and healthy life with or without diabetes by keeping your blood sugar levels in the target range set by you and your healthcare provider. You can do this by: • Eating healthy meals and snacks
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Is This You? 28
• Enjoying regular physical activity • Monitoring your blood sugar using a home blood glucose meter • Aiming for and staying at a healthy body weight • Taking diabetes medications including insulin and other medications, if prescribed by your doctor • Managing stress effectively Always ask your healthcare provider to help you understand your disease. There are some great sources and information online at
Movember is the month formerly known as November, where men and women join together to raise awareness and funds for men’s health, specifically prostate cancer, testicular cancer and men’s mental health. Starting clean-shaven on November 1, men can sign up at to donate their face for 30 days by growing and grooming the best moustache they can muster. These “Mo Bros” effectively become walking, talking billboards for men’s health raising funds and awareness along the way. Women (also known as Mo Sistas) play a key supporting role by signing up as team captains, recruiting Mo Bros, helping to raise funds, and encouraging the men in their life to take action when it comes to their health. Prostate Cancer According to the Canadian Cancer Society, prostate cancer is the second most common cancer in men worldwide. Men who are of African or Caribbean descent, and men who have a family history (a brother or father with prostate cancer), are 2.5 times more likely to get prostate cancer. If you’re 50 years of age, you should be talking to your doctor about PSA testing. If you’re of African or Caribbean descent, you need to start that conversation at 45. If you have a brother or father
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with prostate cancer in their history, you should also have a test at age 45. The PSA test is a simple routine blood test. It’s used to determine the measurement of Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) concentration in the blood. You should be talking to your doctor about whether testing is right for you. Currently, 1 in 7 men will develop prostate cancer during their lifetime, and 1 in 27 will die of it, a ratio of 1 death per 4 diagnosed, which is very similar to the ratio observed for breast cancer in women. Testicular Cancer Testicular cancer is the most common cancer in young Canadian men aged 15 to 29 years of age. For the majority of men who are diagnosed, the prognosis is good. An estimated 1,100 Canadian men were diagnosed with testicular cancer in 2017 and an estimated 45 died from the disease. Mental Health Issues According to the Canadian Mental Health Association, around the world there have been studies, surveys, web networks, journals and newspaper articles that are just now shedding light on a shadowy subject: men’s mental health. Among the findings is the revelation that new fathers are also vulnerable to postpartum depression. In Canada, young and middle-aged men are being hospitalized for schizophrenia in increasing numbers. The gender gap among people with mental illness is much narrower than might be suspected. The StatsCan Canadian Community Health Survey on mental health and well-being found that 10 percent of men experienced symptoms of the surveyed mental health disorders and substance dependencies, compared to 11 percent of women. The greatest evidence of male vulnerability is in suicide statistics. Among Canadians of all ages, four of every five suicide victims are male. The largest barriers to men’s mental health is male and societal attitudes, according to the Toronto Men’s Health Network. In our culture and society men are expected to be strong and are punished if they deviate from this norm. Weakness and emotional vulnerability is not considered to be ‘masculine’. It tends to be easier for men to talk about physical ailments in comparison to emotional ones. This is likely why mental health concerns tend to go undiagnosed. We have to start paying attention to men’s
health issues and put more money toward research and awareness. You can find out more information at
By Deb Crossen
October 18 was a day of celebration for many people across Canada – the day the Federal government made marijuana legal. I personally have some reservations (you knew I would!) about handing out a known narcotic to whoever wants to use it. Don’t get me wrong, I know there are substantial medical benefits to the “devil weed.” Doctors have prescribed the medical marijuana as a pain reliever for people suffering chronic pain for years. For many people it works just fine. But that marijuana, according to my pharmacist, does not contain THC, the ingredient known for its hallucinogenic properties. The use of medical marijuana is monitored by your doctor and regulated to ensure good drugs are not mixed with bad. I believe there should be higher (pardon the pun) penalties for those who are caught driving while high, especially if there are young people involved. I believe someone should be watching out for our children, because many parents aren’t doing it even now. I believe the door should be shut tight on this whole legalization if there’s an increase in death due to the use or misuse of the drug. I don’t want to see this next generation become dependent on the drug (and that includes alcohol, too) to help them avoid emotional pain and stress. I know it sounds cliche, but we grow stronger by feeling pain and working through it. With the opioid crisis, higher than acceptable suicide rates among young people, the number of people killed by impaired drivers, I think it’s important to realize that we cannot hide our heads in the sand when it comes to dealing with this. We can’t just say, “hey, it’s okay ... here’s a doobie.” Let’s hope that our government officials on every level think this one through.
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November 1, 2018 - The Kawartha Promoter
Classifieds SERVICES
ORIGINAL MAN WITH TRUCK 15 yrs experience Lowest prices. Grass cutting, Painting, Garbage removal, property maintenance, long or short distance moves. No job too small! Bruce 705-738-6321 ____________________ GOPHER CONSTRUCTION SERVICES Dump runs Eavestrough cleaning Moving assistance Private security Monica Stanley 705-738-6364 ____________________ GREGG MACNEIL LANDSCAPING 705-340-7734 Interlocking brick, armour stone, retaining walls, decks, driveways, walkways, patios, stairs & repairs to all. www.greggmacneil ____________________ GENERAL CONTRACTING Decks, fences, interion painting, drywall repair and factory direct kitchens. Free 3D kitchen design. Servicing Kawartha Lakes & Trent Lakes. 905-424-0138
Deadline for next issue Wednesday, November 7 Call 705-738-6188 20 words or less for $29 + H.S.T.
NATHAN’S HANDYMAN SERVICES Carpentry, flooring, drywall, painting, eavestrough clearing, dump runs, demolition and snow removal off roofs. 705-731-9373 ____________________ RETIRED ELECTRICIAN Service Panels Trouble shooting New Builds, under ground, all electrical work. 705-957-8617 ____________________ Gold & Silver Buyers James Gold & Silver Buyers “The People You Can Trust” Professional, Respectful, Confidential Buying: Coins, Sterling silver tableware, gold jewellery, gold watches, coin collections, old Canadian Paper money, and Militaria. Estates are welcome. Peterborough Square Mall 360 George St N. Peterborough (705) 874 3800 We are local and support your community.
PEACE of Mind House Cleaning Residential, Cottages, Professional, Meticulous. References available. Servicing the Kawartha Lakes Call Shell 905-716-5141 ____________________ SEWING AT HOME Small odd jobs. All kinds of hems. Alterations. Fenelon area 705-887-1106
____________________ BRIGHTSIDE HOME SUPPORT Light housekeeping/ cleaning Shopping/errands Laundry services Meal preperation Odd jobs (inside & out) Contact Sandra @ 705-957-8898
The Kawartha Promoter Supported entirely by our advertisers. We encourage you to choose the businesses that you see in these pages
DRY CLEAN KINDLING Hand Packed Approx. 35lbs Free Local Delivery 705-738-3214 Leave Message ____________________ 48” Kimpex ATV snowplough blade
$250. Frank Whitaker 705-738-4436
HEATED STORAGE Ideal for car or boat. Fenelon Falls 705-887-4697
WANTED: POP CULTURE ITEMS Vinyl records (rock, jazz, blues), rock memorabilia, pre-1990 comic books, toys, vintage costume jewelry, sterling & gold jewelry. All types of retro / mid-century items. House calls made at your convenience. Robert or Penny 705-324-2699
WANTED Canada & USA coins Coin collections Silver dollar coins 1967 and earlier Silver & gold jewellery broken or not Sterling items eg. Birks Sterling flatware Jurgen 705-340-1504 ____________________ A1 JOHNNY JUNKERS Top cash paid for good used or scrap vehicles. Green disposal. Storage available. Used tires for sale. Free pickup 905-424-1232
Furniture,Glass, China, Military Medals etc. Duck Decoys, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver Dollars, Gold, Coins, Pocket Watches etc. Anything old. R. Carruth. 705-887-1672
ADVERTISING SALES REPRESENTATIVES Orillia • Port Perry • Oshawa • Peterborough areas. Resumes only kawarthasalesmanager@
MOLKENTIN; Bernd Walter ~Retired from Gerdau Ameristeel after 25 years of service~ Passed away peacefully at home on Saturday, October 13, 2018 at the age of 72. Beloved husband of Judy Dillon and fondly remembered by his shipmate Juergen “Tom” Thomas, Judy’s family and his loyal dog Jessie. Family and friends will be warmly welcomed at the home of Judy’s brother, Alan Dick, 221 Pirates Glen Dr., Trent Lakes on Saturday, November 10th from 1 – 4 p.m. We will be Ringing the Bell and toasting Bernd for a send off German Seaman Style at 2 p.m. and again at 4 p.m. In memory of Bernd, a memorial donation can be made to the PRHC Foundation (memo line: Palliative Care Team) with special thanks to Doctor Jonathan Mallory. Online condolences and donations may be made at 30
November 1, 2018 - The Kawartha Promoter
DO YOU HAVE STAMPS TO SELL? FENELON STAMP CLUB AUCTION Sunday, Nov. 4/18 12:00pm - 4:00 om Seniors Hall 58 Murry St. For info call Fraser 705-454-9196 ____________________ CHRISTMAS BAZAAR TRINITY UNIITED CHURCH 42 William St. Bobcaygeon Sat. November 24th, 2018 10:30 am-1 pm Luncheon - $10.00 Served Continuously 11am - 1 pm Celiac Friendly For Tickets contact: Church Office 705-738-5135 Mon. - Fri., From 10am - 1pm. ____________________ TURKEY SUPPER Saturday, November 3 4:30 to 7:00pm At Galway Hall Tickets $17/adults Children 6-12 $7 Children 5 and under are free Tickets available at the door 705-488-2625
ANNOUNCEMENT COBOCONK and DISTRICT LIONS CLUB announces the winners of the Carved Bear Lottery 1ST Yvette Nicholson 2ND Linda Wilson 3rd Frank Nurse Thanks to everyone for supporting the Lions!
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Local Events
This section is only for Local Charitable Events. We do provide Not-for-profit rates for more in-depth advertising
Adult Day Programs - Bobcaygeon, Fenelon Falls , Little Britain, Lindsay & Omemee. Community Care - Call 705-324-7323 NOV 11 - Remembrance Day dinner, Fenelon Township Community Centre, Cambray, 4:30. Adults $15, Students $5, Family $35. Please reserve tickets. 374-4020 374-4852 359-1274 NOV 13 - Victoria County Genealogy Group, Lindsay Library, 7-9 pm. 705-878-1669 NOV 15 - Christmas Bazaar, Trinity United Church, Bobcaygeon. 10:30am-1pm. Luncheon $10. Celiac Friendly. Tickets: Church office 705-738-5135 NOV 17 - Fenelon Falls Legion Christmas Craft Sale. 10am-2pm. Light lunch available. VENDORS WANTED call Joanne 705-8874792 3rd SUN - Ladies auxiliary for Kinmount RCL BR.441 breakfast 8am -noon. 2nd MON - Lindsay Creative Quilters’ Guild Meetings 35 Lindsay Street N, Lindsay 1–3:30pm MON - Bobcaygeon Senior Centre Mahjong 1 p.m. $3 MON - Euchre, Bolsover Community Centre, 1:15p.m. $2 Info:705-426-9053. MON - Bid Euchre, Carden Recreation Centre, 1 p.m.705-484-5712 MON - Indoor Drop-In Pickleball, Fleming College (at the Field House) 2pm – 4pm. All experience levels welcome. 1st TUES - Dunsford Seniors Club Pot Luck, noon; 1:30 pm for Euchre. 1st TUES- Free clinics, Bobcaygeon Seniors Centre, 10:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. No appointments are needed. TUES - Amateur photography club that meets alternate Tuesdays, 10 am, Bobcaygeon Library. $2 each for the use of the room. 2nd TUES - The Kawartha Settlers’ Village Quilters meet at Trinity Church, Bobcaygeon. New members & guests welcomed. Contact: TUES - Are you Having Trouble Controlling The Way You Eat? You Are Not Alone. There Is A Solution. It’s a free 12-step program at Omemee Baptist Church in the Boardroom. Starts Nov. 6 from 6:30 to 8pm. Contact Noeleen at 705-738-7237 if you have questions. TUES - Omemee Legion Doubles darts, 8pm. TUES - Bobcaygeon Pickelball at Bobcaygeon Curling Club 7-9 pm Drop-in fee $3 TUES - Coffee Talk. 10:30 a.m. Fellowship Room, Trinity United Church, Bobcaygeon. All welcome. TUES - Queer Youth Kawartha Lakes Group, for queer youth in Kawartha Lakes meets every Tuesday (unless otherwise indicated). For info, call the Health Unit at 1-866-8884577, ext. 2228, or text (705) 878-2723. TUES - Darts, Bolsover Community Centre,1:30p.m. $2 For more info call Lorraine 705-426-9053.
TUES - Indoor Drop-in Tennis, Fleming College (at the Field House) 2pm – 4pm. All experience levels welcome. LAST TUES - Victoria Haliburton Amatuer Radio Association, monthly meeting, Police Department Building, Community Services Room, Lindsay., 7:30 pm. 705879-4159 for info. 1st WED - Crime Fiction Book Club in the Carnegie Room, Lindsay Library. 6:30 pm 7:45 pm. Call the Library for more info. 1st WED - Lindsay Bassmasters 7:30pm, Christian Fellowship Church. 59 Mary St. W., Lindsay. WED- Scrapbooking and paper crafters meet 9:30- noon, Salvation Army Church, Fenelon Falls. Beginners welcome. WED - Bobcaygeon Senior Centre Carpet Bowling $3 7 p.m. Call: Al 705-738-1749 WED - Dunsford Seniors Club 1pm for BidEuchre. WED - Darts, Bolsover Community Centre, 1:30 p.m. WED - Carden Carvers, Carden Recreation Centre, 7p.m. 705-833-2046 WED - Indoor Drop-In Pickleball, Fleming College (at the Field House) 2pm – 4pm. All experience levels welcome. WED - Indoor Drop-in Tennis, Fleming College (at the Field House) 4pm – 6pm. $4All experience levels are welcome. THURS-TOPS-Take off pounds sensibly, Bobcaygeon Legion 6:30 p.m. All welcome. THURS - Omemee Legion mixed darts @ 8pm. THURS - Bobcaygeon Seniors Centre Cribbage 1pm $3 THURS - Bridge & Cribbage Bolsover Community Centre, 1p.m. $2 weekly per event. THURS - Remote Controlled Aircraft Club, Carden Recreation Centre, 7p.m. 705-833-2046 THURS - Sages Community Exercises, Kirkfield Lion’s Hall 9:30am, $2/ week. Call 705-438-1439 for info. THURS - Indoor Drop-In Pickleball, Fleming College (at the Field House) 10am – noon. All experience levels welcome. FRI - TOPS 8: 30am, Kirkfield Lions Hall. Call Gail 705-426-1976 for info. FRI - Darts, Carden Recreation Centre, 7:30p.m. 705-833-2294. FRI - Indoor Drop-in Tennis, Fleming College (at the Field House) noon – 6pm. $4 All experience levels welcome. 3 rd FRI - Lindsay East and District Lions spaghetti dinner. More info: Lion Art 705-878-5503. SAT- Food Addicts in Recovery fellowship program, Omemee Baptist Church, 10:30am - noon. Info: Noeleen 705-738-7237 2nd SAT - Bobcaygeon Seniors’ Centre Mini Bucks Bid Euchre 7pm. $5 For info call Carol 705-793-1096
November 1, 2018 - The Kawartha Promoter
Even though the snow is looming, it’s always a good idea to think back to what a great summer we had. Two local girls had a fantastic summer, and brought home gold from the beach! Riley Galla and Julia Cossarin, both avid volleyball players at their schools, got interested in beach volleyball and started training by Soul BeachV in Peterborough on June 11. The pair went on to their first tournament at Ashbridge’s Bay in Toronto at the end of June, winning Gold in the U14 Female Trillium Division D. On July 8, they placed second in Cobourg in the U14 Female Challenger Division and took first place in Cobourg on July 15 in the U14 Female Challenger Division. August 11 and 12, the team went back to Ashbridge’s Bay for the Ontario Volleyball Association Beach Provincial championships coming home with the gold medal. Their summer of success is a remarkable achievement, considering they played together on the sand for only two months. Congratulations!
Submitted by Leah Anderson
Kawartha Lakes Food Source (KLFS) has been granted $97,000 to fight poverty in the City of Kawartha Lakes. “We were one of 3 nominated in Ontario and are honored to be chosen to represent our Province,” said Heather Kirby, General Manager. Kirby added, “We demonstrated our ability to find new and creative ways to get food to people. We are in a position to create lasting change in our community.” “We are tremendously grateful to The Enterprise Holdings Foundation and Food Banks Canada for supporting KLFS in creating new and innovative programs that will allow us to better meet the changing needs of our community,” stated KLFS Board Chair Dennis Geelan. This funding will be used for a feasibility study to determine the needs of our community and how KLFS can best meet those needs; a partnership program with local restaurants and caterers to package viable food at the end of service into individual freezer meals for clients will be especially beneficial for those with limited cooking facilities (e.g. limited to a microwave) and for singles who may have difficulty cooking
November 1, 2018 - The Kawartha Promoter
nutritious meals for one; and the opening of two new food banks in City of Kawartha Lakes. Community consultations have taken place to discuss the pilot of a shopping style food bank in Lindsay at the KLFS distribution center. The plan will also include a food bank in Kinmount to serve the needs of residents in the northern City of Kawartha Lakes communities. Traditionally, the role of the food bank was to bridge the gap in life events such as job loss or economic emergencies. However, food insecurity and not having enough is a reality now for many Canadians, due to a variety of economic and social issues. This grant will increase what KLFS can do within our community by increasing food security and access to healthy food. KLFS can work to alleviate poverty in our community by empowering and educating clients to stretch their food when needed.
Submitted by Kim Coulter
Pillow fights are not what one would expect to hear about in a hospital finance department. But over 25 years as Vice President of Resources at Ross Memorial Hospital, Leo Boyle was well aware of their impact: how pillows migrated through the hospital, how some units were in constant need of them, and how they were worn and regularly needed replacing. Thanks to those who made donations to the Ross Memorial Hospital Foundation in Leo’s memory last October, the Boyle family is helping solve the problem. Early in October, in a delivery that resembled a billowy cloud, 490 new pillows arrived at the Ross Memorial Hospital. Next year, another 490 pillows will be delivered, ensuring every patient is as comfortable as possible. Erin Coons, RMH Foundation Executive Director, says, “Something as small as a comfortable pillow can make a big difference in a patient’s stay. We’re happy to be able to match this memorial gift with a need that’s so meaningful to Leo’s family. It’s a gift that comforts everyone involved. And knowing what a warm and caring person Leo was, we know he’d love this.”
KNITTER'S PARADISE Browsing through holiday craft shows, you gaze longingly at that beautiful cable stitch cardigan that looks so cozy and warm. The work is intricate and you know it's made with love. And do you think to yourself, I could never do this? Well, Sandi Stewart of Between 2 Lakes Yarn & Craft says you can! This past April, Sandi opened her store in Fenelon Falls to offer a place where knitters and crocheters could not only find their materials, but also get together to enjoy the hobby and camaraderie. There are yarns for all budgets and uses, including Alpaca, Merino blends and t-shirt tape yarn. They also carry fabric dye, cross-stitch kits, embroidery floss, hoops and needles. For the youngsters, Between 2 Lakes carries selected
8A Water St., Fenelon Falls
crafts, beads, hemp cord and ribbon. If you're looking for material for other types of craft projects, Sandi may have the acrylic paints, brushes, watercolour paper, sketching pencils and pads that you need. If you've got a knitter in the family, Between 2 Lakes has a special section in the store dedicated to “Wacky Woolies” sheep mugs, travel mugs, keychains and other items that would make great stocking stuffers or holiday gifts. For those who want to learn how to knit or crochet, Sandi offers classes throughout the year and an ongoing individual “learn to knit socks” class. There's even a Thursday night knitting group from 7 to 9pm. You can find out more information by stopping in at the store at 8A Water Street in Fenelon Falls across from the locks call, 705-887-7667 or visit Your next creation awaits.
(705) 887-7667
November 1, 2018 - The Kawartha Promoter
Local MP Jamie Schmale wrapped up three days of meetings with area secondary school students as part of the third annual Capital Experience program. The two students from each of the riding’s seven secondary schools were given a first-hand look at possible post-secondary career opportunities through a series of visits and interactions with individuals, groups and organizations in Ottawa from October 21 to 23. “This is really a wonderful opportunity for me to work directly with some of our youth,” said Schmale. “The program provides them with potential career opportunities they may not have previously considered or been aware of.” The students were able to attend meetings with the Ambassador of the United Arab Emirates, the Chief Herald of Canada, the Registrar of the Supreme Court of Canada, Andrew Scheer the Leader of the Official Opposition, as well as Tim Powers and Katlyn Harrison (a graduate of I.E. Weldon) from SUMMA, a government relations firm. “The Capital Experience was an amazing opportunity,” said Sam Collins of Lindsay Collegiate and Vocational Institute. “It showed me the many different career paths available to me.” “This has been a life changing experience,” added Shaun Soutar of Fenelon Falls Secondary School. “It inspires student leaders to pursue their future aspirations.” “We’ve learned so much the past few days,” said Crestwood Secondary student Fernanda Haro. “I found
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a pathway to follow for my future.” “A number of sponsors stepped forward to support a student from their community,” said Schmale. “I want to thank them for helping me to make these young people more aware of the career options available to them.”
Submitted by Patricia Sheppard
With shrieks that could be heard from the parking lot, more than 3,000 people attended this year’s Haunted Village at Kawartha Settlers’ Village. The Haunted Village has come a long way from its humble beginnings as a suggestion by a visiting historical reenactment group. Bruce Hobley, one of the founders of the Haunted Village says it’s the people who make the event successful. “People get really creative. Those who started this with me, they were all around my age, now we all have canes”. “Obviously it was an idea whose time had come,” says Hobley. “We didn’t know if anyone would come, that year we had 600 people”. Behind the scenes, the enthusiasm of the volunteers is the real heart of the night. At the Kimble House, it’s a family affair. Liana Oliver started bringing her kids, now she and her family run the apple bobbing activities. A former teacher, she loves the event because she gets to help out and enjoys the spirit of community while visiting with former students. The feelings of excitement bubble over at the haunted maze, a project by local Grade 7 and 8 students. The students spent the week leading up to the night of the Haunted Village preparing the maze. Aiden Fagan said, “We won’t scare the little kids, but anyone from grade three and up, we’re going to scare them good.” The section of the maze designed by Aiden and his friends was called Hall of Horrors and featured 80’s classic horror characters like Michael Myers, Pennywise, Chucky, Jason and The Nun. At The Henderson House, Marie Stokx told the story of the Wickerman. Visitors were encouraged to write wishes and place them inside the wicker casing. The event includes local businesses as well. The Muir House played host to Kawartha Mediums. Debra-Claire Kemp and Emalee Kidman are a motherdaughter duo who co-own the Zen Den in downtown Bobcaygeon. “We were thrilled when we were approached to participate in this event,” Debra said. The Haunted Village takes place every October. Visit for more information.
Submit your images and help showcase our beautiful region.
Winning entries will be published in either Explore Bobcaygeon, Explore Buckhorn, Explore Coboconk, Norland & Area or Explore Fenelon Falls 2019 with photo credit (each publication has a distribution of 20,000 copies). All entries have the opportunity to win prizes from local sponsors.
- prizes Globus Theatre - 2 Tickets for 2019 Season Bigley Shoes and Clothing- $50 Gift Certificate Bobcaygeon Electronics - $50 Gift Certificate Fenelon Falls Canadian Tire - $25 Gift Certificate Pizza Alloro - $25 Gift Certificate Coboconk Go-Karts & Mini-putt - $25 Gift Certificate The Kawartha Promoter - 1/4 Page Ad Certificate The Full Cup Cafe - Breakfast for 2 Gift Certificate
To submit images for the contest - please email to Please include full name and contact information. No limit on image quantity, the larger the image size the better. Contest submission closes Nov. 16, 2018.
November 1, 2018 - The Kawartha Promoter
COZY FALL COMFORT OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK: Mon-Sat 9am-6pm, Sun 10am-5pm 39 Bolton St., Bobcaygeon 705-738-2522
November 1, 2018 - The Kawartha Promoter