Friday, November 28, 2014
Your Community News Magazine
OP ERAT E D Volume 24, Issue 23
Christmas: The anticipation builds
Santas all around • Shovel with care • Music council’s boost Delivered through Canada Post to homes in Bobcaygeon, Dunsford, Fenelon Falls & selected homes in Lindsay. Look for our newsstands throughout the City of Kawartha Lakes.
cable taxes
plus applicable taxes
LIMITED EDITION COFFEE MUGS At participating restaurants while quantities last. Š Tim Hortons, 2014
November 28, 2014 - The Kawartha Promoter
Contents The Promoter:
48 Main St., P.O. Box 535 Bobcaygeon, ON K0M 1A0 TEL.: 705-738-6188 FAX: 705-738-4187 Circulation 15,000 Distributed throughout the Kawartha Lakes Area Publisher/Director/Manager: Max Miller Editor: John Bird Advertising Sales Manager: Pat Thurston Sales Representatives: Deb Mahoney Art Director: James Goodliff Production/Office Manager Melissa Goodliff Bobcaygeon Online: Deb Mahoney The Promoter is a local, independently owned and operated news magazine. The opinions and views expressed are those of the contributors and do not necessarily reflect those of The Promoter. Liability for incorrectly displayed or placed advertisements is limited to publishing corrections or providing advertising credit to be applied on subsequent advertisements at the advertiser’s discretion.
Village Voice
pg. 4
City Hall
pg. 5
pg. 14
pg. 27
Trades & Services
pg. 27
pg. 33
Local Events
pg. 35
Health & Wellness
pg. 36
Let’s be friends. Like The Promoter and on Facebook for current local news and events!
From My Perch
I had lunch at the Full Cup Cafe the other day with a friend who’s a bit whoo-whoo, if you know what I mean. He told me those who know say the world is in the midst of a shift from levelfour consciousness to level five. That means we’re beginning to recognize we’re all in this together. We’re beginning to understand that we can’t harm even one other person—or one small part of creation—without harming ourselves. “People”—whoever they are— date the beginning of the shift to 1986, but say it’s now gathering momentum, and may be about to reach a tipping point. He cited the example of climate change. The evidence seems incontrovertible that our actions are affecting the whole global climate. Our “addiction” to fossil fuels—and I’m a number one addict, myself—is raising ocean levels, causing increased
Cover: John Bird
storms and flooding, and melting the Arctic ice. To some, this talk about numbered levels of consciousness may seem a bit “New Age-y.” On the other hand, the idea that we’re all connected exists in every religious tradition I know. It’s sometimes called the Golden Rule: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” First Nations here use the phrase: “All My Relations” to signify our interconnection with all peoples, animals, plants—and even the earth and the waters. And in the Bible, Paul says we are all part of the one body—and if any part hurts, the whole body hurts. Maybe my friend is right. Look at the growing opposition to pipelines, to fracking, and to no-holds-barred expansion of the Alberta oil sands. And growing support for dignity and justice for Indigenous peoples. Maybe we are starting to take “All My Relations” seriously. It’s not about ME, it’s about US—ALL OF US.
November 28, 2014 - The Kawartha Promoter
Village Voice The Promoter reserves the right to edit Letters to the Editor for length and clarity. Please include your email or mailing address and daytime phone number (not for publication). All opinions expressed are those of the writer.
Show-stopper funeral not exactly as recalled
It was great to see the piece in the Oct. 31 Promoter about my father, Geoff O’Brian’s showstopper of a funeral in 1956 in Bobcaygeon. Understandably, after all those years there were a few errors in the story. There were no black horses, or drums and bagpipers, but there was a sizable smartlooking escort of airmen (not soldiers), and a coffincarrying gun carriage. Geoff’s old 400 squadron jets did come, perfectly timed, from Toronto to fly over to honour him. The escort fired a gun salute over the grave. Geoff’s wife, Kate St. George was an American, although her Irish grandmother built a big house on Front Street East, her parents lived for some years at 100 Front St. E., and Geoff and Kate retired in 1952 to a house up Balaclava Street. Geoff was in the trenches, and then the Royal Flying Corps in 1914-18. He flew enthusiastically for many years afterwards (but not in the Royal Canadian Air Force). He was a director of de Haviland Aircraft,
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No-talk policy unacceptable
I read the article in the Nov. 14 issue of the Kawartha Promoter (p. 6) in reference to Scott Robertson, a City of Kawartha Lakes employee being transferred as a result of breaking the city’s code in speaking with the public. Is the CKL not a corporation, built and run on the relationships it has established with its clients/ customers? This is an appalling, unacceptable code of behaviour. I have been a resident in this area for many years prior to amalgamation. I was a proud and active member of my community, and a business owner in four different local towns. Since amalgamation, I have witnessed: communities being discriminated against or forgotten; maintenance on city-owned buildings and properties become almost non-existent; community spirit lost; frustration levels of taxpayers rise; decline of common sense/intelligence within the CKL, and the list goes on. How does the CKL expect to gain the respect of communities as a whole, when the city workers
and in 1932 was asked to form and command an auxiliary City of Toronto Squadron, which became 400 Squadron RCAF, now Canada’s senior squadron. He was called up in September 1939, and did prodigious work in the organization and operation of the Commonwealth Air Training Plan, ending up as an Air Commodore, CBE (Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire), AFC (Air Force Cross). Sons Peter and Jim were in the “39-45” war. A third son, Liam, was still a school boy at the time. Peter, permanent Royal Air Force, survived the Battle of Britain flying Gladiators, Hurricanes and Spitfires, and was awarded two Distinguished Flying Crosses (DFC) and was made an Officer of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (OBE). Jim flew Hurricanes and Spitfires in Africa, Sicily, Italy and Germany.
November 28, 2014 - The Kawartha Promoter
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are not even allowed to speak to the public on an individual basis? It is my understanding that Andy Letham has run a successful business operation prior to being elected mayor, so is aware of what it takes to be a profitable business owner. I hope Mr. Letham remembers that his business was built on relationships and trust, and you only get this with communication with the public. Perhaps time could be managed more efficiently by letting people like Scott Robertson do their job, with the proper equipment and respect they deserve. Pat him on the back for a job well done, instead of stabbing him in the back and transferring him elsewhere. I do not personally know Scott Robertson, however I believe he has gained the respect of his community. I applaud you, Scott Robertson, and it appears that even though you are not able to speak with the general public, the general public is going to step up and speak for you. It is evident that the residents of the CKL can govern their own communities with common sense alone, as each community works together, plays together, builds together, sticks together, and last but not least, speaks publicly together. I no longer admit to anybody that I am a resident of the city of Kawartha Lakes. I simply say that I live in Kirkfield. I hope, as a resident of the CKL, that Mr. Letham and the new council members hear this voice and have the confidence and common sense tools to push forward, united, in a positive direction. You were all voted in by the public. Now you need to be the voice for the public, and govern the CKL for the public. So let’s pick up a broom and sweep out the old— and soar into the future as a whole, being proud of our city, as opposed to the embarrassment we have become today. Tracy Griffith Kirkfield
City Hall Trent Lakes initiative
By Glenna Burns
With the Peterborough area sporting the highest proportion of senior citizens of any region in Canada, the final meeting of the current Trent Lakes municipal council considered a proposal Nov. 18 to make the county age friendly. Peterborough County’s Community Social Plan Coordinator Chris Kawalec and Age-Friendly Coordinator Sarah Cullingham presented a summary of the Age-Friendly Peterborough Initiative to a council chaired by Deputy Mayor, Ron Windover— in the absence of outgoing mayor Janet Clarkson. This type of planning is recognized as essential by the World Health Organization and is being implemented in many communities globally. The Peterborough plan, they said, is on the cutting edge of the issue. It has a budget of more than $250,000 over three years from Peterborough city and county, and an Ontario Trillium Foundation grant, which the township played a lead role in pursuing. Council also approved replacing derelict oil furnaces and duct work at the Galway Public Works Depot and Fire Hall with new propane models for a cost of approximately $16,000. Fire Chief, Don Mitchell informed council that emergency services had a meeting to discuss Ebola protocol and procedures. Treasurer Donna Teggart reported the good news that $151,641 in tax arrears had been received in November. Council also received reports from public works, fire and emergency services and building and planning. Lois O’Neill-Jackson, CAO, introduced the
November 28, 2014 - The Kawartha Promoter
issue of Heritage (Family)Day 2015 to council, who agreed to support the Buckhorn Community Centre with a one time $3,000 start-up donation, should the centre agree to take over the event from the municipality. Councillor Matthews said it’s a great event that deserves the support of council if the BCC’s new committee agrees, in January, to take it on. Council then went into a closed session in reference to the Ontario Municipal Act, S.239 to discuss a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board. Swearing in of the new municipal council for Trent Lakes is scheduled for Tuesday, Dec. 2 at 7 pm.
Citizens take another Trent Lakes quarry to the OMB By Glenna Burns
Here we go again. Another Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) hearing is under way to stop a quarry in Trent Lakes. The proposed quarry is a 21 hectare (52 acre) section fronting on Bass Lane which runs east off county road 49, south of Little Silver Lake in the municipality of Trent Lakes. This time the appellants, Brent and Tim Dixon, are appealing both the license granted by the Ministry of Natural Resources and the zoning—although not the official plan amendment that changed the property designation from rural to aggregate. The Dixons bought recreational property there in 1989 before the Bass Lane quarries existed.
Now they say their land, which was to house their retirement home, is basically worthless and surrounded by quarries. The area in question is already pretty bleak, after years of digging and blasting. To the casual observer, the environmental impact seems obvious. The appellants say it is also affecting residents on Little Silver Lake. Under the Aggregate Resources Act, the proposal is for a Category 8, Class B, licensed quarry operation of 20,000 tonnes, mining dimensional stone. The quarry is expected to run eight more flatbed, tractor-trailer trucks a day. It was not clear where these trucks would travel but it seems likely they will need to use City of Kawartha Lakes roads. The proponent and property owner, Merv Johnston, wants to expand an existing quarry operation located on Crown land. Galway Ridge Resources is also cited in the documents. Because Johnston’s proposal is on crown land, the public cannot challenge it. Buckhorn Sand and Gravel, and Earth Resources are also operating quarries on crown land in the area. To the south is the CDR Young quarry on land that was also purchased from Johnston. Initially the MNR objected to the project but after Environmental Impact Studies were conducted by the proponent the MNR issued the license. The OMB hearing, held at the Trent Lakes municipal office on Monday, Nov. 10, appeared stacked against the appellants, who represented
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November 28, 2014 - The Kawartha Promoter
themselves with no legal counsel. Trent Lakes was represented by its lawyer John Ewart and planner Peter Joseph. The proponent’s lawyer, Jim Webster, had an entourage of experts and agents with him. OMB chair, Sylvia Sutherland is well known in the area as a former Peterborough mayor. Because the appellants had not received all the up to date information from the proponents and were not well prepared to bring their evidence forward, the hearing was put off until Feb. 23, 2015—unless the parties can settle before that date.
Finding assisted housing in CKL just got easier
If you need financially assisted housing in the City of Kawartha Lakes or Haliburton County, the city promises the process has just gotten simpler. A new three-page application, or easy online application, replaces the previous 18-page application and guide. “We really wanted to look at how we can improve the application process for individuals applying to the Centralized Waiting List as well as streamlining the administration staff processes,” explained Manager of Housing Hope Lee. Staff gathered approximately 80 different applications and determined which ones could be completed on-line. They analyzed them for clarity, ease of completion and basic design—and selected the best approaches for a new design. Applicants will be placed on a waiting list and contacted approximately six months prior to a potential offer. That’s when staff will collect current financial information, proof of citizenship, and carefully review with the applicant their selected housing choice to make sure it meets their needs. You can find and submit applications online at, or call the City of Kawartha Lakes Housing Department at 705-324-6401.
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Legion News “At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them.” Branch 67 Lindsay (705) 324-2613 • Tuesdays and Thursdays - pub fare lunches - noon to 2pm • Fridays - full dinners from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm - roast beef, liver and onions, and always a special • Saturdays - meat roll, 2 pm • Saturdays - live entertainment from 7:30 to 11:30 pm, free, open to the public • Third Sunday of the month (except December) from 1 to 5 pm, admission $10 • Sunday, Dec. 7, Ladies Auxiliary White Christmas Tea and Bazaar – 1 to 4 pm. Admission $2, or $5 with a light lunch
Branch 238 Fenelon Falls (705) 887-3041 • Monday - shuffleboard 6:30 p.m. and ladies pool 7 p.m. • Tuesday – mixed darts 7:30 p.m. • Wednesday – BINGO $500 must go 6:45 p.m. • Sunday – drop-in shuffleboard 1:30 p.m. • Thursday and Friday – lunch 11:30 a.m. $8 • Last Thursday of the month - turkey day at 11:30 a.m. $9 • First Friday/month English pub night 5-7 p.m. • Last Saturday of the month – euchre – 12:30 p.m. - $5.
Branch 239 Bobcaygeon (705) 738-2710 • Open Shuffle Board - Sundays - 12:30 pm • Legion Darts - Wednesday -7:30 pm. Everyone welcome. • Hamburger Thursdays - 4-7 p.m.; Fun Euchre- 7-9:30 pm • Karaoke with Merle - Friday 8 pm. to midnight, “Wings” • Every Saturday – meat roll - 2:30 pm
Branch 441 Kinmount (705) 488-3462 • Bingo Fridays at 6:45 p.m. and weekly meat draws Saturdays at 5 p.m. • Big Buck Bid Euchre the third Wednesday of the month at 11 a.m. • Seniors cards - Monday afternoons at 1 p.m. • Drop-in cards -Tuesday evenings at 7p.m. • Lunch the last Tuesday of each month from April to October. $7
Branch 497 Omemee (705) 799-5095 • Men’s darts Tuesdays, at 7:30 pm • Mixed darts every Thursday starting Oct. 16 at 8 pm • Country music jams every 2nd Saturday at 1 pm • Progressive euchre every 2nd Saturday at 12:30 pm Branch 519 Coboconk (705) 454-8127 • Friday, Nov. 28, 11:30 am to 1 pm - Chicken or Liver & Onions lunch. $8, includes tea or coffee & dessert • Wednesday, Dec. 3 - Big Buck Bid Euchre - 11 am. $10 per person. Light lunch • Friday, Dec. 12 - Wings & Karaoke featuring John & Gail Goode. Wings served from 5:30 pm, $8.00 • Sunday, Dec. 14 - Country Jamboree. 1-5 pm, $7. • Saturday, Dec. 20 - Meat Roll, Turkeys & Hams. 3 pm • Wednesday, Dec. 31 - New Years Eve Dance featuring Dave Barber, 8 pm, $10. Tickets at the Legion
Our Local Royal Canadian Legion News is a free service offered by The Kawartha Promoter. E-mail to Next deadline: Friday, December 5. November 28, 2014 - The Kawartha Promoter
I’m walking the halls over you
The popular Get W.I.T.H. It! (Walk in the Halls) indoor walking program has returned for the cold weather months. Walk in the Halls offers folks a chance to get some exercise in a warm, safe environment during the winter. The indoor walking program presented by Community Care City of Kawartha Lakes and the CKL Family Health Team is offered free of charge on Thursday evenings from 6:30 to 7:30 pm at Lindsay Collegiate, 260 Kent St. W. For information, contact CCCKL Health Promotion Co-ordinator Ryan Alexander at 705324-7323 ext 301, or just show up at LCVI on a Thursday evening.
Grants for some young entrepreneurs, training for all
The Kawartha Lakes Small Business and Entrepreneurship Centre (KLSBEC) has 18 grants of $5,000 each available to help young entrepreneurs with their new businesses. The city’s first Starter Company program, funded by the Ontario government, will support entrepreneurs, aged 18 to 29, who are launching or
expanding a small business. It offers training, advice and mentorship from local professionals, as well as the opportunity to apply for a grant of $5,000 allocated by a Regional Granting Committee. “The mentors gave me very valuable advice that helped my idea evolve and eventually take shape,” said one participant. The mentors helped “to not only focus and define my idea but to bring it to life. The funding provided allowed me to invest in necessary equipment I would otherwise never be able to afford, and the mentorship gave me the business acumen to make sure it was spent wisely.” All eligible applicants—there are already 25— can benefit from the training and mentorship, but only 18 grants are available. For more information, visit or contact Karyn Dowdall at 705-324-9411, ext. 1383.
Did you know that legally...
If you hit, injure or kill an animal while driving a vehicle, and there is damage to your vehicle, or an injury to a person, then you must immediately report the collision to the police. If there is NO damage to your vehicle, and no injuries to yourself or your passengers, then there is no need to report the collision to the police, but, since the chances are that the animal was seriously hurt you must report it to your local wildlife agency. The Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources estimates that there is one motor vehicle-wild life collision every 38 minutes. If you have been charged with failing to report this type of incident you should contact a licensed paralegal for some assistance. As we all must know by now, not knowing the law is not an excuse. Donna M. Wood, Licensed Paralegal Wood Paralegal Law Office, Bobcaygeon. (705) 738-9841
Municipal Council is receiving applications from citizens of the The Municipality of Trent Lakes for appointment to the following Boards and Committees: Buckhorn Sports Pad Committee – 5 appointments Economic Development Committee – 5 appointments Parks and Recreation Committee – 2 appointments Police Services Board – 1 appointment Public Library Board – 6 appointments The appointment period will cover the term of Council and expire on November 30, 2018. Cover Letters and Resumes should be submitted no later than 12:00 noon on Friday, December 12, 2014 to: Robert V. Angione, M.P.A., B.Admin. Municipal Clerk Box 820, 701 County Rd. #36 Bobcaygeon ON K0M 1A0 Telephone: 705-738-3800 ext. 240 / 1-800-374-4009 Fax: 705-738-3801 Email:
November 28, 2014 - The Kawartha Promoter
The Kawartha Promoter is supported entirely by our advertisers. We encourage you to choose the businesses that you see in these pages. We do.
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November 28, 2014 - The Kawartha Promoter
Executive director Penny Barton Dyke (left) and campaign co-chair Robin Nisbet (right) accept a cheque for the United Way from LCVI students Jordan Alldred, Shannon Lynde and Blake Abbott (team captain).
Students lead the way for United Way
Students and staff from Lindsay Collegiate Vocational Institute presented a cheque for $2,500 to the local United Way Campaign at a hockey game
against IE Weldon Secondary School on Thursday, Nov. 20. Executive Director Penny Barton Dyke and campaign cochair Robin Nisbet were on hand to receive the donation, in a special ceremony at centre ice. The cheque represented money that LCVI’s staff and
students had contributed to the 2014 campaign, with the students raising $1,000 of the total. The local United Way Campaign is in full swing and area students are supporting it wholeheartedly. Scholars at Fenelon Falls Secondary School had already collected $1,000 for the UW during fundraising at their annual autumn UW football game. And at the hockey game, LCVI students challenged I.E. Weldon to match their $2,500 contribution. The six-decade-old United Way works to encourage a caring, responsive community by helping 14 agencies and 40 programs to help one out of three people in the community, and to fund bursaries for local students to pursue postsecondary education. For further information please contact the United Way office at 705-878-5081. You can designate your contributions either to the general campaign or to a specific agency program.
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Diane Tingle shows off her serving form at Bobcaygeon Pickleball
Bobcaygeon savours pickleball
The Bobcaygeon Pickleball program launched in the fall by
Community Care and a group of interested local volunteers is averaging close to 30 participants each week. And in case you’re wondering what pickleball is, one enthusiast at the Bobcaygeon get together
described it as like table-tennis where you actually stand on the table. Another way to describe it is as a scaled-down, simplified and less competitive form of indoor tennis. At Bobcaygeon Public School, it’s played on courts drawn onto the gym floor (three courts fill the gym), with nets like tennis nets, rackets that look like ping-pong paddles on steroids, and a wiffle ball, which is a perforated, light-weight, rubbery plastic ball, as the object of your attentions. Perhaps most important, as this elderly, sedentary editor can attest after a 15-minute tryout, it is both fun and good exercise— without being too demanding. Highly recommended. Pickleball takes place at Bobcaygeon Public School from 7 to 9 pm each Wednesday, and costs just $3/person (free for those attending for the first time). The Pickleball program has been supported by the New Horizons for Seniors federal government program.
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12 November 28, 2014 - The Kawartha Promoter
Food bank holds meet and greet
The new Executive of the Bobcaygeon Helps Food Bank is holding an informal meet and greet appreciation evening at the Full Cup Cafe in Bobcaygeon, Thursday, Dec. 4 from 5 to 7 pm. “We would love to meet the people who make our food bank operate and serve those in need in our community so successfully,” said Crystal Longo, the food bank’s new president. “We look forward to meeting you in person for some social time together, hearing your ideas and chatting about the food bank and our local area,” she adds. “Coffee and sweets are on the house.” If you’d like to attend—even if you’re a “potential volunteer”—please let Mike Perry know at or 705-934-2704.
Choristers Corner
Tim “E” Hendry, the reigning “King of the World” world champion Elvis Presley tribute artist. The Yes Men show band will be backing “Elvis” up, and oldies historian Nevin Grant will act at emcee for the evening. It was 1957, when RCA Victor released its “Elvis’ Christmas Album,” which has gone on to become the best-selling Christmas album of all time in the United States, and Elvis’ best-selling album ever, world-wide, according to Billboard Magazine, selling 14.5 million copies. Peace in the Valley, and Blue Christmas, were the two singles released from the album. And interestingly, Irving Berlin, called for a boycott of Elvis’ treatment of his own holiday classic, White Christmas (kind of makes you want to go look it up on Youtube, doesn’t it). The concert will also be accepting cash donations at the door in support of the Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Kawartha Lakes and Haliburton.
Academy Brass joins forces with Bobcaygeon Choristers for Christmas concert
The Choristers are looking forward to their presentation “Voice and Brass” on Dec. 6 at 7.30 pm at Bobcaygeon’s Trinity United Church. The choir will be introducing a Brass Ensemble of five Lindsay musicians. Academy Brass will be perform at points throughout the concert as well as joining the choir in a carol medley. Until next time, keep warm, keep singing and hopefully we will see you on Dec. 6. Keep up to date by visiting us on Facebook.
Elvis and Christmas— What a package
If you’re old enough to remember Elvis Presley singing Blue Christmas—or at least “cool” enough to appreciate Elvis’ finer works, including his very soulful gospel albums—you’ll probably be excited by the prospect of spending “Christmas with the King.” Christmas with the King is a full concert coming to Lindsay’s Academy Theatre Dec. 6, and featuring
The Bobcaygeon Choristers Present their Christmas production
Voice and Brass December 6 at 7:30 pm Trinity United Church William Street Bobcaygeon
with special guests Academy Brass $15 my be purchased from any member of the Choristers and at the door
A BIG thank you from the
Farmers’ Market The 5th year of the Bobcaygeon Farmers’ Market was a big success. The weather was mostly on our side and attendance was up again this year. Thanks once again to the folks who let us put signs on their lawn, and the following, who contributed to the market in one way or another.
The Bobcaygeon Agricultural Society Kawartha Settlers’ Village • Kawartha Dairy Bobcaygeon Chamber of Commerce Bobcaygeon Shell and Variety • Cable Cable Aprons and More • Kelly Burrows Bobcaygeon Service Centre Lakes Community Church • Pick N Save Thanks also to the many people who worked behind the scenes, and to our vendors who contributed to our baskets for the Festival Of Trees. A special thanks to our loyal customers. Sincerely The Bobcaygeon Farmers’ Market Committee November 28, 2014 - The Kawartha Promoter 13
The Promoter Crossword # 142 – By Charon 5 6 7 8 Down 1 Clothed (4) 2 It's within your range (4) 3 Yellow flowered shrub (8) 4 Aphrodite's love (6) 12 5 Fortified military post (8) 6 Sudden terror (6) 14 7 Utility gauge (3,5) 8 Intervening period (8) 11 Rust, for example (5) 17 18 19 20 15 News flash (8) 16 Having one's nose in the air (8) 23 24 17 Like Woody Allen (8) 19 Young person approaching adulthood (8) 26 27 28 20 Early anesthetic (5) 22 In a scary way (6) 24 Calm and collected (6) 27 Another word for panache (4) 28 Do this and you will find (4) 4
Across 9 They go together like a horse and carriage, so the song says (4,3,8) 10 Legendary lover (3,4) 12 Regulated diet (7) 13 Doctor's determination (9) 14 Cosi fan ___ (5) 15 Groom's choice (4,3) 18 Cashew or walnut (3,4)
21 Sometimes goes with fast (5) 23 Take a sword out (9) 25 Economic sanction, sometimes (7) 26 Chest parts (7) 29 Victor's song to losers (1958 Tommy Edwards hit ) (3,3,2,3,4)
Solution to Crossword #141 1 9
R 10
I 11
I 29
C 14
E 18
E 12
L 16
E 25
I 21
O 15
E 13
Wanted Gold & Silver
Cash paid for Jewelry • Coins • Sterling Watches • Medals • Antiques etc. R. Carruth 705-887-1672
Water Conditioning Limited 1-800-721-4921 • 705-439-2589
Sales * Service * Rentals * Residential * Agricultural * Cottage * Commercial * Industrial
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Bobcaygeon’s Traditional British Christmas ‘Panto’ features local talent A comic version of the classic tale of Aladdin, done in the traditional British style of Christmas pantomime—or “panto”—is coming to Bobcaygeon’s Globus Theatre this December. British panto is a tradition dating back as far as the 15th century, and usually tells fairy tales or children’s stories—in this case, Aladdin—with a British music hall or vaudeville sensibility with laughter, songs and audience participation. Despite the name, it has nothing to do with silent miming, but is a very raucous, noisy entertainment that’s fun for all ages. This family adventure takes us to the Middle East where we meet many comic characters, from the evil Abanazar to Aladdin’s mother, Widow Twanky, his brother, Wishee Washee, and of course the beautiful Princess So Shy. Also part of the tradition is inclusion of lots of
enthusiastic local talent. See if you recognize any neighbours. The theatre is offering evening performances, afternoon matinees and morning shows on a variety of dates from Dec. 9 to 21. Check with the theatre for specifics. Globus has also released its summer lineup for 2015. Here it is: • The Foursome by Norm Foster: June 10 to 27 • Three Men in a Boat by Mark Brownell: June 30 to July 11 • End of the Rainbow by Peter Quilter: July 15 to August 1 • No Tell Motel by Michael G. Wilmot: Aug. 5 to Aug. 15 • Making a Move by Sarah Quick: August 19 to Sept. 5
November 28, 2014 - The Kawartha Promoter 15
Trinity Christmas preparations include hope, joy, peace and love Trinity Christmas preparations include hope, joy, peace and love The folks at Bobcaygeon’s Trinity United Church invite you to take some time in this busy consumer season to focus on the spiritual side of Christmas and participate in preparations in a more reflective way. They are hosting public conversations on contemporary issues in their church hall through the traditional Christmas themes of hope, joy, peace, and love. “We had a ‘hope’-filled conversation about sustainability, how we can reduce our ecological footprint at our first get together,” says Rev. Rodney Smith-Merkley. “We’d love to have more community members join us for conversation and cookies these next three Tuesday nights.” On Dec. 2, spiritual teacher and author Alex Jones will lead a discussion on Joy. On Dec. 9, John Patterson will lead a conversation on Peace, with particular focus on Canada’s Foreign Policy. And not to be missed, on Dec. 16, Dorothy Taylor from Curve Lake will share First Nations teachings and lead a discussion on Love. All conversations run from 7 to 8:30 pm at Trinity United Church, 44 William Street. Trinity also invites the community to a “Soup and Sing” at noon on Sunday, Dec. 7. Lunch is $5 in the church hall (proceeds going to Bobcaygeon Helps Food Bank), followed by a Carol Sing in the church, and then carolling around the town. Dress for the great outdoors. And last but not least, Trinity is offering a Family-Friendly Christmas Dance on Saturday, Dec. 13, from 6 to 8 pm. Come and warm up with some dancing and a bowl of chili after enjoying the Bobcaygeon parade.
King St. East The Old Schoolhouse Shoppes
d d GOOD PICKINS Saturday Dec. 6th 10am - 5pm
Christmas Open House One of a kind vintage unique re-purposed furniture, New Home decor just arrived. Loads of man cave items and tons of stocking stuffers. 705.738.9595
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Donation to the Foodbank would be appreciated
Bolton Street, Bobcaygeon705-879-4495 705-879-4495 71 Bolton71Street, Bobcaygeon 16 November 28, 2014 - The Kawartha Promoter
Have we mentioned the Bobcaygeon Santa Claus Parade? Since Santa does his best work at night—when all good children around the world are asleep in their beds—it’s only fitting that nighttime Santa Claus parades have become the thing. Bobcaygeon has a great one, beginning after sundown, at 5 pm on Saturday, Dec. 13. We don’t know, if there’ll be snow—but there’ll be Christmas cheer. And if you and your little ones want to get a jump on parade day, the Bobcaygeon Kinettes, who also sponsor the parade, are offering a Pancake Breakfast with Santa, beginning at 8:30 am. Free for kids, 10 and under.
GOLDIES NUTS & MORE Gift Baskets, Candles, Oils and Vinegars
42b Bolton St.,
( Across from Bigleys )
Season’s Greetings from Robin, Joe, and Angus at Gilstorf & Gray! Come see us for a wonderful selection of interesting gifts and stocking stuffers. Also, our Floor Model Sale is on now! We’re clearing items out to make room for new Spring arrivals. We will be open through Christmas, Boxing Week and into early January. Visit for holiday hours. Find us on Facebook and Instagram. Thank you for a wonderful 1st season!!
Live Well Sleep Well Give Well Home and cottage decor, quilts and bedding, lighting, gifts and more! 59 William St., Bobcaygeon 705-731-1030 (Across from The Beer Store)
November 28, 2014 - The Kawartha Promoter 17
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18 November 28, 2014 - The Kawartha Promoter
leading up to the evening parade and an amazing finale of fireworks. Build up your anticipation for the parade and fireworks with pony rides, a petting zoo, chainsaw carving, face painting, holiday storytime, wagon rides, clowns and other costumed characters, rabbit petting and a hand-bell choir. And of course, there’s Santa himself—available for the kiddies to meet—and the Gingerbread House competition. Can’t get a much cozier Christmas buildup than that.
See Santa by starlight to cap Fenelon Falls’ Santa Day
An evening parade caps off the day’s events on Nov. 29 to give Fenelon Falls “one of the best community Santa Day’s in Ontario.” Organizers have planned a full day—10 am to 9 pm—with lots of fun for the whole family, all
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20 November 28, 2014 - The Kawartha Promoter
Laurie Scott, M.P.P.
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Enjoy the many fun festivities of Fenelon Falls Santa Day! 14 Lindsay St., N. Lindsay, ON. K9V 1T4
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November 28, 2014 - The Kawartha Promoter 21
Meet St. Nick at St. James
Sydney Szabunio (left) and Aidan Smith check out St. Nicholas’ beard as he prepares to greet visitors at St. James Anglican Church, Fenelon Falls.
Santa Claus’s alter ego, kindly old St Nicholas himself, will be making an appearance at St. James Anglican Church in Fenelon Falls. The legendary third-century bishop of Smyrna, Turkey, is the guy on whom today’s Santa is based. He was known to have a deep love and care for those who could not fend for themselves, and is still revered in Christian tradition. You can learn more of the fascinating history of St. Nicholas by stopping by the Bond Street East church on Fenelon’s Santa Day, Nov. 29. Get warm, enjoy free hot chocolate, and meet the legendary saint of old. Children can make a “Sinterklaas hat” (a Dutch custom) and there will be traditional treats. In fact, the Dutch word, Sinterklaas, may sound a bit familiar as that’s where we get our name for
SEASON’S GREETINGS 705.887.1670 or 800.810.9289
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the world’s favourite spirit, Santa Claus. It’s a contraction of the Dutch phrase for Saint Nicholas or Sint Nicolaas. St. James also has washrooms and diaper changing facilities.
Lots of Fun(e) at Olde Towne Christmas
Fenelon Falls will be turning on the Christmas charm on the evening of Thursday, Dec. 11, when the whole village is filled with the whimsy and spirit of the holiday season at its Olde Towne Christmas festivities. Not to mention memorable holiday music. Everyone is invited to come out and enjoy horse drawn carriage rides, hot chocolate and gingerbread—and of course, holiday shopping in the local stores. There will even be a station set up where you can make your own s’mores. Finish those last minute parcels with a by donation gift wrap service. It all takes place from 5 to 10 pm, throughout downtown Fenelon Falls. Olde Towne Christmas is organized by the Chamber’s Special Events Committee and supported by dozens of local businesses.
Dec. 11th, 12th, 13th Saturday 10:00am - 2:00pm
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PLUS special bonus offer on appliances. Visit store for details. * Visit our 10,000 sq. ft. showroom showcasing quality furnishings from Brentwood, Best Chair, Campio, and Stylus. * Our bedding gallery in the upper level features the latest models from Stearns & Foster, Sealy & Strata Bedding * We also stock a wide range of appliances from Frigidaire, GE & Moffat.
5 Star Signs & Graphics Anytime Fitness Lindsay Apples of Gold by the Livery Stable B. Armstrong Contracting Inc. Barbara Hnatiak of Freedom 55 Financial & London Life Bert's Appliances Big Event Floral & Decorating Blue Oak Bed & Breakfast Bob Burns Books Bodiworx by Stacie Carson's Country Cupboard CKLR-City of Kawartha Lakes Radio Cornerstone Furnishings Limited Corrie St. Croix State Farm, Rob Beamer Curious? Dockside Grill Double R Plumbing Dr. Robyn Somerville Fenelon Discount Fenelon Falls & District Lions Club Fenelon Falls Curling Club Fenelon Falls Fishing & Hunting Fenelon Falls Marina Fenelon Falls Pharmasave Fetch Pet Supply (Kathy’s Pet Foods) G. Hart & Sons Well Drilling Ltd. George Wilson Motors Grr8 Finds Market Handley Lumber Ltd. Highlands Propane
Inspired 2 Dance Jardine Funeral Home JDS Automotive Training & Autosports Kawartha Blinds Leung's Chinese Restaurant Lindsay Buick GMC/Lindsay KIA Mike and Jocelyne Barkwell, Re/max All Stars MR Flooring Northwood Propane Ltd. Oak Street Pilates Reeds Insurance Royal Canadian Legion Br. 238 RWH Construction Salon 31 Saw Horse Carpentry Slices N'Scoops Sobeys Fenelon Falls Stokes on Trent Subway The Butterfly Boutique The Crafty Ewe The Corral The Kawartha Store The little Pie Shack The Way We Were Tim Horton's Fenelon Falls Trish's Hair Design Watson's Village Shop W.G. Jackett & Sons Const. Ltd.
73 Colborne St. Fenelon Falls 705.887.2521 November 28, 2014 - The Kawartha Promoter 23
Santa Claus is coming to town—Coby, that is The Coboconk Santa Claus parade is just around the corner—and you can catch it on Sunday, Dec. 7 at 1 pm. Get there early for a good spot on the main street to enjoy some terrific bands, fun floats, and of course, Santa. Even better, Mrs. Claus will be there too. Santa’s elves on the parade committee have been busy as those at the north pole, making sure
See you at the Coboconk Parade and Community Sing Along December 7th
Merry Christmas from Emmett Yeo Ward 2 Councillor
this year’s event is a sensation. The parade will start at the south end of Coboconk at the Civitan Club parking lot (Northline Road) and will follow Hwy 35 through Coboconk before turning into the Legion parking lot. All floats welcome. Just come to the Civitan Club parking lot at noon. After the parade, you can gather at the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 519 for a light snack for the kids, carols, gifts, and a photo with the one and only Santa Claus. No charge, of course, but donations will be accepted at the door to help cover the cost of next year’s parade, which is also supported by the local Legion, Civitan and Lions clubs, the Chamber of Commerce and local businesses. Bring non-perishable food items, as there will be a collection along the parade route for the Coboconk Food Bank.
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24 November 28, 2014 - The Kawartha Promoter
Hearts of Coby and Norland to get facelifts The Coboconk Norland and Area Chamber of Commerce has some questions for you as they launch into a four-stage revitalization process for the two communities’ downtowns. Community advocates have already been collecting data and assessing community strengths. Now they want to present two more-detailed surveys—one for
It’s a new and exciting council, says Ward 2 rep
Ward 2 councillor Emmett Yeo says he’s looking forward to working with the new City of Kawartha Lakes council over the next term. “With over half of council turning over it will be new and exciting,” he says. “We have some challenging times ahead and these last four years have helped to light the way.” Yeo praises what he describes as “the new and recycled council” for having the “courage and determination to be a part of your city’s future.” But he also feels his fellow councillors, who will not be returning when the new council is sworn in Dec. 1, deserve thanks. It takes “courage and caring,” he adds, just to put your name forward “in a very public election process. All who did so deserve a thank you too.” Yeo feels it is an “honour and privilege to serve.” But without the support of the area citizens, and especially his family—“they are my strength and my compass”— he wouldn’t be able to do it.
business owners and one for residents. The surveys are everyone’s opportunity to voice their opinions and share their visions for the strategic action plan regarding the downtowns. It’s all because the City of Kawartha Lakes and Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs have recognized Coboconk and Norland as viable communities for Downtown Revitalization projects. The right combination of
social use, public space and commercial activity assists in creating a vibrant and healthy downtown. The four-stage process for these projects includes: organizing the community to action, assessing the strengths and opportunities, prioritizing ideas for a strategic action plan and finally implementing those action plans. For more information, contact Jennifer Wilson at the Chamber Office: 705-454-1110.
Santa’s Coming to Coboconk! *************************************
Sunday Dec 7th, 2014 Parade starts at 1:00 pm (Floats meet at noon) *************************************
Join Santa & Mrs Claus at the Legion after the parade for a kids party! **Donations of food will be collected for the Coboconk Food Bank at the parade**
November 28, 2014 - The Kawartha Promoter 25
Lions’ festive barrels back for toy drive
The Fenelon Falls Lions club has started this year’s toy drive with assistance of local merchants. Volunteers have installed barrels in Canadian Tire, The Bargain Shop, Fenelon Home Hardware and Video Image to receive donations of unwrapped toys and items for children and teens. Distribution of the gifts will be handled through the Salvation Army.
Sweet Christmas treats in Fenelon
One of the most popular annual fundraising events in support of Community Care City of Kawartha Lakes programs in the Fenelon Falls area returns on Friday, Dec. 5. The annual bake sale presented by volunteers with the CCCKL advisory council in Fenelon Falls will be held at the Bank of Montreal branch at 39 Colborne St. The sale begins when the bank opens at 9:30 am on Dec. 5. The selection of baked goods, sweets and Christmas treats is usually sold out well before noon. Funds raised by the annual bake sale support programs and services of Community Care, including Adult Day programs, Meals on Wheels and transportation for local residents.
Gotta sing? Take the ‘Christmas in Kawartha Lakes Carol Challenge’
To help bring Christmas cheer to Kawartha Lakes and raise some much-needed donations for the Kawartha Lakes Food Source, the City’s Economic Development department is launching the Kawartha Lakes Caroling Challenge. Anyone (with a minimum of technological savvy) can join in the fun and festivities. Here’s what you do: 1. Take a video of yourself or a group of your friends, classmates, or co-workers singing a Christmas carol. 2. Post your video on your Facebook page and use the hashtags #KLCarolChallenge and #ChristmasInKawarthaLakes so we can see them and share. 3. Make a donation to the Kawartha Lakes Food Source. 4. Challenge three friends to do the same. You might want to check out the Economic Development department’s challenge video first, at You can challenge individuals, departments, organizations, classmates or businesses. Your donation to the Kawartha Lakes Food Source can be monetary or non-perishable food items. Donations can be dropped off at the Kawartha Lakes Food Source, 41 George St. W., Lindsay or at the city’s Economic Development office, 180 Kent Street West. You don’t have to be a pro to participate, just enthusiastic.
Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries 10 William St. S., Lindsay
Enjoy the festivities! Merry Christmas!
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Contemporary Canadian artist 26 November 28, 2014 - The Kawartha Promoter
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Nov. 28 – Dec. 14, 2014 Melodie McCullough
Sagittarius (Nov. 23 to Dec. 21) According to American Aboriginal teachings, the twelfth moon of Creation is the Little Spirit Moon, a time of healing. It’s also a time to share all your positive energy with families and friends, Sagittarius. So let your bright light shine for all to see and appreciate! Capricorn (Dec. 22 to Jan. 20) You need to stand up for yourself, dear Capricorn. But do not get caught in the trap of defending yourself and your actions, when no defense is necessary. You know you are right. You know you are capable. Express yourself clearly and strongly, and don’t back down. Aquarius (Jan. 21 to Feb. 19) Travel plans are taking up a lot of your thoughts, Aquarius. Don’t let pressing issues at home and on the job spoil your grand schemes. Make sure you prioritize and take care of the big and little things that need to be done. Then—enjoy that holiday! Pisces (Feb. 20 to March 20) Pisces is obviously a water sign, but it is the most watery sign of the zodiac. Sometimes it seems that the symbols, the two fish, are moving in opposite directions at the same time—and having a great time swimming gaily around. But, you, dear Pisces, know it’s not always fun to be torn in two directions. Try to stabilize your feelings and actions, and steady your thoughts. Aries (March 21 to April 20) The holiday season is upon us! Aries, we urge you to go slowly. You must take care of yourself and let everything else fall into place, as you know it will. The season will come and go, so please ease up and enjoy it.
Gemini (May 22 to June 22) With all the good cheer and merriment at this time of year, can romance be far away? We’re getting some good vibes, Gemini, and you’re at the centre of attention! Cancer (June 23 to July 23) To many, the month of December seems like an ending. But, in reality, it is, like every other month and season—part of an unbroken whole. The cycles and rhythms of nature continue, although they may appear hidden as we cocoon indoors. So do the rhythms of your life, Cancer. They are incessantly moving you forward, whether you know it or not. Leo (July 24 to Aug. 23) Wow! Talk about fresh beginnings, Leo—just like the new-fallen snow. Life is taking many new twists and turns for you right now, so simply enjoy this time. Spread your wings and make some beautiful snow angels! Virgo (Aug. 24 to Sept. 23) “For lack of attention, a thousand forms of loveliness elude us every day”—Evelyn Underhill. Dear Virgo, now that the loveliness of December is almost upon us, we urge you to pay attention to the natural beauty and splendor of its days and nights. Don’t let it slip by without appreciating it! Libra (Sept. 24 to Oct. 23) Dear Libra, we know that each year you promise yourself you won’t get caught up in the holiday hurlyburly. This is your year to make it happen! Smile, breath and stay calm. Only do what you want to do and what has real meaning for you. Make this one special! Scorpio (Oct. 24 to Nov. 22) At this time of year, it’s natural to “let things go” a little, Scorpio. But regular sleep patterns, balanced meals, fresh air and exercise are vital to your health, even more so during the stressful holidays. Take care of yourself. Please!
Taurus (April 21 to May 21) You need to devote some genuine energy towards your work during this zodiac phase, Taurus. Make it a priority, as much as you can. You will reap the benefits.
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November 28, 2014 - The Kawartha Promoter 27
Local Trades & Services JERMYN LUMBER
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28 November 28, 2014 - The Kawartha Promoter
Music Council’s $30,000 grant strikes the right note
The Bobcaygeon Music Council members are singing with joy over a $30,000 grant, to run over two years, from the Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF). The grant marks a new chapter for the council, which is focused on making music more accessible for people of all ages. It will use the funds to hire a manager. The council’s priorities will be to create more awareness about the amazing performances happening in the community, to build partnerships, and to put the spotlight on music education initiatives—all while working towards greater longterm sustainability. The Bobcaygeon Music Council has been an active part of the local arts scene, entertaining audiences with its popular summer Concerts in the Park and its wintertime Music Alive series. The Council is also involved with area school programs, summer music camps and providing bursaries for young musicians. The council’s next event is a Music Alive concert Jan. 23, 2015 featuring violinist Jasper Wood and guitarist Daniel Bolshoy as Duo Rendevous. Wood is a sought-after soloist with major orchestras like the Toronto and Montreal symphonies. Bolshoy is head of the guitar division at the University of British Columbia and the guitar department with the Vancouver symphony. “This grant will provide the Music Council with the opportunity to continue supporting our music education programs for the children in our community as well as continued great entertainment for our adult audiences” said council chair Andy Harris. The Ontario Trillium Foundation ( is an agency of the provincial government. Its mandate is to strengthen the capacity of the voluntary sector through investments in community-based initiatives, all with the aim of building healthy and vibrant communities. “The Bobcaygeon Music Council works hard
Have you heard BOB lately? BOB listened to you!
to promote music arts through education and performance in our community,” said Laurie Scott, MPP for Haliburton-Kawartha Lakes-Brock. “This Ontario Trillium Foundation grant will help to continue the great work and services offered by the council, including their winter and summer concert series.” For more information about the Bobcaygeon Music Council, including the upcoming Music Alive concert on Jan. 23, 2015, or how you can become involved, please visit
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New Life for ‘Old Soles’
Chiropodists Nadine Webster and David Murphy show off a sample of the shoes collected.
Some children—even in Canada—go to school with shoes that are full of holes and too small, says Nadine Webster, owner and chief chiropodist at Kawartha Total Foot Care Centre. “Worse, now imagine it in the cold of winter.” Yet, decent footwear can make a real difference in a child’s ability to participate in sport and play. It can affect an adult’s ability to work or find work, a senior trying to maintain mobility,
Order your
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HOME-MADE BAKING AVAILABLE Open seven days a week 50 Main st., Bobcaygeon
or the family who has lost everything in a house fire. That’s why Webster’s clinic has been collecting gently used shoes for the past few months—so these “old soles” can be reincarnated to help others. “I’ve been incredibly impressed and touched by the generosity of those who’ve donated,” she says, noting that both the quantity and condition of the donated shoes has been well beyond what she expected. “I remember one person, in particular, whose spouse had just passed away. She donated several pairs of his shoes, all in beautiful condition. It made her feel good for something of his to carry on and make a difference. It was so heartwarming.” Initially, Kawartha Total Foot Care planned to collect shoes for a limited time, but given the level of support and the positive impact it makes they’re now making the collection permanent—and year round. The clinic will direct the collected footwear to local agencies like Women’s Resources and A Place Called Home as well as internationally through Soles4Soles Canada, a charitable organization that distributes footwear free of charge to those in need in North America and around the globe. Footwear is an essential part of everyday life, whether for work, recreation, or basic mobility. It’s also a health issue. Good footwear supports important physical activity. In Canada, we all need winter footwear to protect our feet. There are also those with issues like diabetes, injuries or deformities, and other health concerns where proper footwear is vital to preventing pain and potentially serious complications. Anyone wishing to make a donation of gentlyused shoes can drop them off at the clinic at 100 East St. S. in Bobcaygeon.
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Widow Twankey
Fun for adults and children alike A great family tradition
This laughter packed family adventure takes us to the Far East where we meet many wonderful characters from the evil Abanazar to Aladdin’s Mother Widow Twanky, his brother Wishee Washee and of course the beautiful Princess So Shy. Ca ll for tickets tick ets Call
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November 28, 2014 - The Kawartha Promoter 31
Tattoos—Probe before you let them poke
Anyone who wants to get a piercing, tattoo or similar service should ask the people doing the procedure for a copy of their latest Health Unit Planning on getting a tattoo or body piercing for inspection report, says Carol Chan, a public health Christmas? Or even a manicure or pedicure. Make inspector with the Haliburton, Kawartha, Pine Ridge sure the person providing the service also checks District Health Unit. out when it comes to safety and cleanliness. The Health Unit inspects establishments that offer personal services, including: tattooing, body piercing, hairdressing, barbering, waxing, electrolysis, manicures and pedicures. The inspectors Book Your Next Team Building Event ensure the business doing the work follow proper infection prevention and control measures. “This is critical for reducing the risk of bloodborne infections like Hepatitis C, Hepatitis B and HIV,” Locally, there are many reputable operators offering piercings and tattoos that are only too happy to share their Health Unit inspection reports and answer questions about how the procedure is done. “The real concern lies with people who are not inspected by the Health Unit, and who may be doing piercings, tattoos and other procedures on the side or out of their home.” If they cannot provide a Full Bar, Table Hockey, Shuffle Board, Billards, Xbox 360 Private Parties, health inspection Team Building Events, Corporate Functions or Birthday Parties report, maybe the person has not been inspected. You can report the operator to the Health Golf, Basketball, Hockey, Football, Baseball, Soccer, Hunting & Target Shooting Unit. You can get information about Do inspection You Livereports In Peterborough County? and safety tips fromServices the Health You Live In Peterborough County? We Are Here to Help 63 Kent Street West, in the Basement, Lindsay Free Unit. Call (705)760-4854 We can assist you with things l
The Ultimate Sports Playground
705 341-7034
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Monday • Buckhorn Public Library Do YouyouLive Peterborough County? We can assist with In things like:
• Community Referrals & Suppo SocialServicesDivision 9:00am – 12:00 pm People Serving People eterborough County? Are Here toInHelp Free Services Monday SocialServicesDivision • Community ReferralsWe &Do Supports • Employment Do You Live You Live Peterborough County? • Trent Lakes Municipal Office • Buckhorn Public Library We Are to Help We can assist youpm with Here things like: Free Services 1:00 pm – 4:00 9:00am – People 12:00 pm Serving People Call (705)760-4854 SocialServicesDivision We can assist you with things like: In Peterborough We Are Here toMonday Help • Employment Thursday • Community Referrals & Supports • Childcare • Trent Lakes Municipal Office Do You Live In Public Peterborough County? We Are Here to Help Free Services • Buckhorn Library Serving • Apsley Library with things like: People People 1:00 pm –We 4:00can pm assist you9:00am Supports – 12:00Monday pm SocialServicesDivision 9:15 am – 3:00 pm• Community Referrals We can&assist you with things l County? • Buckhorn Public Library n Peterborough County? Call (705)760-4854
Call (705)760-4854
Call (705)760-4854
People Serving People
Thursday • Community Referrals & • Employment • Supports Childcare • Ontario Works Benefits 9:00am – 12:00 Trent Lakes Municipal Office Friday We ArepmHere Free •Services Mondayto Help ibrary • Community Referrals & Suppo • Apsley Library 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm • Trent Lakes Municipal Office Buckhorn Public Library • Employment 9:15 am – 3:00 pm Call (705)760-4854 can assist you with pm things like: • Trent LakesWe Municipal Office 9:00 am – 12:00 1:00pm 9:00am – We• Are HereThursday to Help es pmBenefits – 4:00 pm • Childcare Employment • Ontario1:00 Works • Food & Shelter al Office Friday Monday • you Apsley Library • Employment • .Community Referrals & Supports We can assist with things like: • Trent Lakes Municipal Office • Trent Lakes Municipal Office • Buckhorn Library Thursday 9:15Public am – 3:00 pm • Childcare Main Office 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm 9:00 am –Free 1:00pmServices Are Here to Help 9:00am – 12:00 pm We • Apsley Library 178 Charlotte St., Peterborough • Childcare • Ontario Works Benefits • Food & Shelter • Community Referrals & Supports • Transportation 9:15 3:00• pm Call (705)760-4854 Friday We am can– assist you with(855) things like: ic Library Thursday • Childcare Employment Toll Free: 738-3755 . • Trent• Lakes Municipal Office Trent Lakes Municipal Office pm • Apsley Library Main Office • Ontario Works Benefits 1:00 pm – 4:00 9:00 am –pm 1:00pm Friday • Community Monday 9:15 am – 3:00 pm Referrals & Supports WWW.PETERBOROUGH.CA/SOCIALSERVICES City of 178 Charlotte St., Peterborough Cou Ontario Works •Office Food & Shelter • Transportation • Employment • Trent Lakes Municipal • •Buckhorn PublicBenefits Library cipal Office Monday • Buckhorn Public Library 9:00 am - 12:00 pm Peterborough Pete Thursday • Ontario Works Benefits • Childcare Toll Free: (855) 738-3755 . 9:00 am – 1:00pm 9:00am •– 12:00 pm Friday alpm Office Apsley Main Library Office • Trent Lakes Municipal Office 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm • Food & Shelter Trent Lakes Municipal Office 9:15 – 3:00 pm Call (705)760-4854 We can•County assist with things like: WWW.PETERBOROUGH.CA/SOCIALSERVICES • ofEmployment City 178am Charlotte of am you – 1:00pm • •Trent Municipal OfficeSt., . Peterborough Food & Shelter • 9:00 Transportation • Lakes Childcare Peterborough Peterborough Thursday • Apsley Library 9:00 am - 3:00 pm • Food & Shelter • Ontario Works Benefits 1:00 pmFriday – 4:00 Toll pm Free: (855) 738-3755 Main Office pm . Monday 178 Charlotte St., Peterborough • Trent Lakes Municipal Office • Transportation • Community Referrals & Supports Friday • Trent Lakes Municipal Office 9:00 am - 1:00 pm Main Office City of Thursday WWW.PETERBOROUGH.CA/SOCIALSERVICES Childcare borough County of 9:00 am – Benefits 1:00pm • Buckhorn Transportation • Ontario Works Toll Free:•(855) 738-3755 Public Library •• Apsley Library 178 Charlotte Peterborough Peterborough • Transportation 5 • Food & ShelterSt.,Peterborough 9:00am – 12:00 pm cipal Office 9:15 .am – 3:00 pm TollFree: Free: (855) Main Office: 178 Charlotte St.,WWW.PETERBOROUGH.CA/SOCIALSERVICES Peterborough Toll (855)738-3755 738-3755 City of County of pm Main &Office ALSERVICES City of • Ontario Works Benefits Peterborough County of Peterborough • Food Shelter Friday • Employment www.Peterborough.Ca/SoCialServiCeS Peterborough WWW.PETERBOROUGH.CA/SOCIALSERVICES Peterborough •• Trent TrentLakes Lakes Municipal Office City of Cou 178 Charlotte St., Peterborough • Transportation Municipal Office Peterborough Pete Toll (855)pm 738-3755 1:00am pm – 4:00 9:00 –Free: 1:00pm • Food & Shelter eterborough • WWW.PETERBOROUGH.CA/SOCIALSERVICES Transportation of County of 3755 Thursday • ChildcareCity 32 . November Peterborough 28, 2014 - The Kawartha Promoter
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• Transportation County of
Classifieds SERVICES ORIGINAL MAN WITH TRUCK 15 yrs experience Lowest prices. Grass cutting, Painting, Garbage removal, property maintenance, long or short distance moves. No job too small! Bruce 705-738-6321 ____________________ GOPHER CONSTRUCTION SERVICES Roofing shovelling Ice dams Dump runs Eavestrough cleaning Private security Monica Stanley 705-738-6364 ____________________ FLAGLER PAINTING Full service interior & exterior repairs. All types to home & cottages, drywall to trim work. Serving the Kawarthas for 21 years. Call Gord Flagler 705-731-0714 ____________________ CERAMIC TILE Quality installations. Very reliable. Call Ted for an estimate. 705-454-9826 ____________________ DRY CLEAN KINDLING Hand packed. Approx 40lbs. $10 per box Free local delivery. 705-738-3214 Leave message.
Deadline for next issue: Wednesday Devember 3, 2014. 20 words or less for $25 + H.S.T. E-Mail: DOORS & GLASS Repaired or replacements. You may need only glass units or caulking. Small metal work too. Call Harr: 705-887-6608 or cell: 705-341-1617 ____________________ FENELON COMPUTERS Mobile service, repairs, upgrades, virus removal, Wifi, network installations, iPad, data security. Training available. Flexible hours. Seniors 10% off. 705-879-4356 ____________________ LONG TERM CARE INSURANCE Pays unexpected costs when you are unable to care for yourself. For info call Dale Adamson 705-879-4356 ____________________ PHOTO RESTORATION In time for Christmas Ron 705-656-1612 ____________________ A DUTCH TOUCH Residential house cleaning at its finest. Roelie Koster 705-738-0080 Promoter Classifieds Work
Circulation 15,000 Reach over 36,000 readers Call 705-738-6188 or classifieds@
Commercial or residential in Bobcaygeon area. Seasonal or per time. Fully insured. Call 705-738-7947
GREAT XMAS GIFT My hockey card collection. Never been seen, straight from our basement. Over 1000 old cards from 60s-80s (Mostly ‘70, ‘71, ‘72) Boston, Toronto, Montreal. Best offer! Spencer 705-731-7644
FENELON FALLS Short or long term 1 & 2 bedroom bungalowstyle efficiency units, completely redecorated, new paint, carpet, hard surface, drapes, tub surrounds, light fixtures, includes stove & fridge, block to downtown, beach & park on 1/2 acre property. *All Inclusive* No smoking/pets. Ref. 905-435-7303. ____________________ 2 Bedroom Bungalow for rent in central Bobcaygeon. No smoking, no pets, references 1st & last. $950 per month plus water, heat and hydro. Laundry facilities, winter plowing and lawn care included. 705-738-6188 ____________________ 2 bedroom apt for rent in central Bobcaygeon. Open concept living, dining and kitchen. Includes laundry. Water view. $875. plus hydro. No smoking, no pets, references 1st & last. 705-738-6188
2 Bdrm house for rent in Kinmount: Close to 850 sf of space with fitted wood burning fireplace, open concept kitchen, garage, pond +. This top of the hill beauty sits on over 15 acres of land with total privacy harmony. $850+ utilities. Call/text 416450-6367
Huge Indoor Yard Sale Saturday, December 6th, 8am-4pm Office desks, chairs, filing cabinets, bookshelves, pantries, televisions, stereos, computers, plotter, electronics, exercise equipment, baby/ childrens toys & clothes, kitchen items, dishes, email for complete list: #7 – 90 King St. E. (beside the Legion) 705-738-1313
Furniture, glass, China, military medals etc. duck decoys, clocks, jewelry, silver dollars, gold, 50 cent pieces, pocket watches etc. Anything old. R. Carruth. 705-887-1672.
Septic & Holding Tank Pumping
#1 IN THE #2 BUSINESS Portable Toilets Available Theo Finley • 738-3424 • Bobcaygeon November 28, 2014 - The Kawartha Promoter 33
Moving or Downsizing? We buy antiques and collectibles. Vintage costume jewellery, sports memorabilia, small furnishings, decorative arts, vintage toys, collectible glass & china, local interest books, etc. Special interest in pre-1970s comic books and rock, soul & blues records (LPs and 45s). Small collections or entire estates! Robert or Penny 705-324-2699
Appliances, batteries, electronics, steel, copper, aluminum, cars. Anything metal. FREE pick-up. Call Andy 705-793-2145
IN LOVING MEMORY of Paul Millward Aug 8, 1943 Dec 2, 2010 Death leaves a heartache no one can heal. Love leaves a memory no one can steal. Love Jestine & Parker
GROENENDYK: Niesje It is with heavy hearts that we announce that Niesje passed away peacefully at the Ross Memorial Hospital, Lindsay, on Tuesday, November 25, 2014, in her 85th year after a courageous battle with cancer. Niesje was born on July 18, 1930 in Streefkerk, Holland, and came to Canada in 1952. Niesje worked hand-in-hand with her husband in the marina business. After retirement, she enjoyed volunteering at Meals on Wheels and through Trinity United Church, Bobcaygeon, where she was also a member. Joe and Niesje enjoyed spending their winters in Florida. Loved and missed by her husband of almost 63 years, Joe, son Leo (Lori) and their children Jennifer, Thomas (Alana), Jordan (Emma), Victoria (Drew) and Kathryn, daughter Linda Pawlus (Frank) and her children Andrew and Michael, great grandchildren Colby, Charlotte and Rosalind, brother Jaap van Vliet in Holland, brother-in-law Bas Groenendyk in Holland, and sister-in-law Henny Groenendyk in South Africa. A funeral service will be held at Trinity United Church, 42 William Street, Bobcaygeon on Saturday, November 29, 2014 at 3:00 PM with visiting one hour prior to service time. A private family interment will follow in Riverside Cemetery. Memorial donations may be made to Canadian Cancer Society. Arrangements entrusted to THE HENDREN FUNERAL HOMES, MONK CHAPEL, 6 Helen Street, Bobcaygeon. Friends may send condolences by contacting the funeral home at or by calling 705-738-3222. 34 November 28, 2014 - The Kawartha Promoter
KEITH RASMUSSEN The family of Keith Rasmussen of the Bobcaygeon Inn sadly announces his passing November 17 after a long illness. A memorial service will be held at a date to be announced.
EWELL: Albert “Bert” David
It is with heavy hearts that we announce that Bert passed away peacefully at the Ross Memorial Hospital, Lindsay, on Saturday, November 22, 2014, in his 92nd year. Bert was born on February 14, 1923 in Toronto, Ontario. He served in Europe from 1944 to 1946 with the Queen’s Own Cameron Highlanders of Winnipeg and was a Life Member and Past President of the Royal Canadian Legion, Bobcaygeon Br# 239. He was a Bobcaygeon Village Councillor and a Hydro Commissioner. Bert was the founder of British Empire Fuels Ltd. and moved it to Bobcaygeon in 1964, so as to engage his lifelong passion for hunting and fishing. Living on the water gave Bert and Ruth the joy of entertaining and educating their grandchildren about the great outdoors. Bert loved to be in his boat, enjoying the company of his family. He was also an avid bowler, curler and golfer, a warden at Christ Church Anglican, a Member of the Masonic Lodge #268, and a minor hockey coach. Loved and missed by his wife of 70 years, Ruth (nee Finley), daughters Wendy (Jerry) Hall of Bobcaygeon and Cathy (Bruce) Atchison of Lindsay, grandchildren Sarah (Jason) Dove, Alex (Nicole) Hall, Graeme (Natasha) Hall, Susan Schonemann (Dan), Elizabeth Schonemann, and Dustin Doner, great grandchildren Ben and Grace Dove, Tristan Hall, Noah, River and Wyatt Schonemann and Eva Schonemann, and his sister Grace (Don) Ferris of Toronto. Predeceased by his son Dwayne Doner. Family and friends are invited to call at THE HENDREN FUNERAL HOMES – MONK CHAPEL, 6 Helen Street, Bobcaygeon, on Friday, December 5, 2014 from 12:00 until 3:00 PM with a Royal Canadian Legion Bobcaygeon Branch #239 Service being held at 11:45 AM. A funeral service will be held at Christ Church Anglican, 43 Sherwood Street, Bobcaygeon on Saturday, December 6, 2014 at 2:00 PM. Private family interment will follow at a later date. Memorial donations may be made to Christ Church Anglican or to the Sturgeon Lake Minor Hockey Association. Friends may send condolences by contacting the funeral home at or by calling 705-738-3222.
Local Events PHILLIP SHIER January 24, 1989 - November 24, 2012 Missed and loved every moment of every day Never to be forgotten. The Shier family
BRYAN GRAY MARCH 19, 1946 – OCTOBER 11, 2014 It is with a heavy heart, I regret to inform you of the passing of my precious husband on October 11, 2014 at Ross Memorial Hospital in Lindsay. Condolences can be left at the Parker Funeral Home of Lindsay, under past notices.
In Loving Memory Of My Dad WILLIaM RIchaRD MeRceR July 5, 1897 - Dec. 3, 1976 NeVeR TO Be FORGOTTeN “Dad” Thirty eight years have passed now Since you were called away, And my memories of you Dad Are with me every day. You served in “World War One” At the young age of seventeen And then returned to marry “mom” Your childhood “Sweetheart Queen” You served again in the “reserve” During “World War Two” While working at your full time job And why I am so proud of you You were a great young soldier And a real great father too, And I thank dear “God above” Having parents like “Mom and you” Old soldiers never die And my memory of you dad will “Never” fade away. Always in my thoughts and forever in my heart. Bill Jr.
NOV 28 - Adult Day program offered at Trinity United Church, Bobcaygoen 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Call 705324-7323 for details or to book a spot. NOV 28 - Adult Day program Fenelon Falls United Church 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Call 705-324-7323 for details or to book a spot. NOV 29 - Lindsay Jolly Jog 10am-1pm. 5km fun walk/ run. Proceeds support Kawartha Lakes Food Source and CKL Santa Claus Stocking Fund. Registration: www. NOV 29 - The Norland United Church Christmas Bazaar 10am - 2pm. Lunch $8 at 11. Norland United Church hall. NOV 29 - We regret to say that Lakes Community Church has had to cancel Messy Church 705-731-0247 NOV 29 - Christmas Bazaar 9 am- 2 pm at Christ Church Anglican, Bobcaygeon. Tea, coffee and muffins in the morning; meat pie lunch at noon ($8). NOV 30 - Buckhorn Holiday Home Tour. Noon - 4 pm. Info and tickets at 1-877-300-9767 or 705-657-8833. NOV 29 - St. James Anglican church, Fenelon Falls welcome all to come enjoy a hot drink and a traditional dutch treat. Meet St. Nicholas, do a craft, learn about the tradition. NOV 30 - Benefit Christmas concert in support of Bobcaygeon Helps Food Bank 2 pm. Free will offering. Christ Anglican Church, Bobcaygeon. 705-738-2415 DEC 5- Blood donor clinic at the Royal Canadian Legion #239, Bobcaygeon 3-7 p.m. Please call 1 888 2DONATE or visit DEC 6 - Christmas Craft sale. Royal Canadian Legion Br. 238. Fenelon Falls 10am-3pm. For vendor info call Mayr 705-454-9375 DEC 6 - Craft show at the Fenelon Falls Legion DEC 6- Bobcaygeon music night at Senior Citiznes Hall. 7:30. DEC 6 - St. John’s Ambulance Christmas craft sale. 10am-4pm Victoria Park Armoury, Lindsay. $2, children under 12 free. Call 705-324-9894 or email sjalindsay@ DEC 12 - Falls United Church free Christmas dinner for those who may not have a place or family or the resources to prepare and enjoy a full meal with friendly companionship. 6pm Call 705-887-3040 or Judy 705879-3778 by December 5th to reserve. DEC 14 - Rejoice Christmas Cantata featuring the North Country Gospel Choir, Christ Church Anglican, 2 p.m.. Freewill offering and refreshments. DEC 13 & 16- Book Sales for the Friends of the Lindsay Library Sat 10:30- 4. Tues 10-6 DEC 16 - Kawartha Lakes Autism Support 7- 9pm. Loblaws, Lindsay, upstairs in the Community Room. Confirm attendance at A donation of $1 helps offset expenses if at all possible. DEC 16 - Quiet Christmas Service of Hope for those who want to quietly remember and celebrate the Christian meaning of Christmas 7pm Fenelon Falls United Church. For more info call 705.887-3040 MON - Bobcaygeon Senior Centre Mahjong 1 p.m. $3
November 28, 2014 - The Kawartha Promoter 35
Health & Wellness Lung disease on the upswing—get this simple test
With new Ontario health statistics showing another big jump in the number of people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), the Ontario Lung Association is pushing a simple test that detects lung disease before many people even realize they have a problem.
A recent study conducted at Niigata
University in Japan found that diabetics are twice as likely to experience hearing loss than non-diabetics. While that may not come as totally surprising news, researchers also found that younger diabetics (those under the age of 60) were more at risk for hearing loss than older diabetics. This latter finding should help dispel the notion that hearing loss is more of a problem for older individuals, whether diabetic or not, than it is for their younger counterparts. In any case, people with diabetes may want to make hearing screenings a regular part of their health regimens. In the meantime, paying close attention to maintaining proper blood glucose levels helps avert many diabetes-related complications. If you’re a diabetic and suspect you have a hearing loss, talk to your Audiologist. After undergoing a full hearing exam, you’ll learn more about the kind of hearing loss you may have. You’ll also be advised how to treat it. For more information, or to schedule an exam, please call us. We carry the latest in Bluetooth, T.V., and cell phone technologies for hearing aids. P.S. Diabetes seems to compromise hearing ability by adversely affecting nerve and blood flow to the inner ear.
36 November 28, 2014 - The Kawartha Promoter
It’s called spirometry, and “the earlier the test is performed, the earlier lung disease can be detected and treated,” said Dr. Anna Day, a respirologist at Women’s College Hospital in Toronto and an authority on the diagnosis and treatment of COPD. An Ontario Lung Association report shows that making spirometry more readily available to high-risk individuals would significantly reduce the human suffering and economic impact of COPD in Ontario. Spirometry is an effective, non-invasive test that measures lung function and helps diagnose respiratory diseases like asthma and COPD. It measures how much air you can blow out of your lungs and how fast you can blow it out. The patient takes a big breath and then blows as hard and long as he or she can into a machine that measures lung function. “Spirometry is particularly important in diagnosing COPD in the early, mild stage when many people may not even be aware their airflow is reduced,” said Day. COPD is a serious and progressive respiratory disease that causes lung damage and blocks the airways. It is sometimes referred to as emphysema or chronic bronchitis and is primarily caused by smoking; however, up to 20 per cent of COPD cases are caused by other factors such as air pollution, lung infections or a genetic disorder. The main symptoms are shortness of breath, persistent cough and difficulty performing daily tasks. “Spirometry is underused in Ontario, mainly because health-care professionals require training and resources to administer the test and interpret the results,” said George Habib, president and CEO of the Ontario Lung Association. “Too many people have lung disease and don’t know it. Those people will endure needless suffering because they did not receive treatment early enough.” COPD numbers continue to rise. In 2012, 869,645 Ontarians had been diagnosed with COPD—more than one in 10 people over the age of 35. That’s a 3.3 per cent increase over the 2011 figure (842,163) and a 15 per cent jump form 2008, when 756,822 people were diagnosed with COPD
in the province. The test is recommended for people over 40 who smoke or used to smoke, those who cough regularly, experience shortness of breath or wheezing during mild exertion, or get frequent colds that last longer than other people’s. The earlier spirometry is performed, the earlier lung disease can be detected and treated, improving quality of life and potentially slowing down the progression of the disease.
Death by waiting—for a donor organ
Right now in Ontario more than 1,500 people are waiting for an organ transplant—and “locally, there are 19 people on the transplant list who need a new kidney, pancreas, liver or lung,” says Anne Overhoff, Director of Critical Care at Ross Memorial Hospital. Every three days someone in Ontario will die waiting because a transplant match wasn’t available in time. So RMH is joining the Trillium Gift of Life Network (TGLN), with the aim of saving some of those lives through improved organ and tissue donation. “We hope our participation in the Routine Notification program will improve their chances of receiving a life-saving transplant,” Overhoff says. RMH will report every patient death (aged 79 and younger on inpatient units, and every death in the Emergency and Intensive Care) to TGLN so their specially-trained staff can identify potential donors and approach families to seek consent. While everyone has the potential to be an organ or tissue donor, you are five times more likely to need an organ transplant during your lifetime than you are to donate one. On average, only two to three percent of hospital deaths occur in circumstances that will permit a person to become an organ donor, so it’s crucial that hospital staff know the criteria, and when to call TGLN. “One organ and tissue donor can save up to eight lives and transform as many as 75 others,” says TGLN. “Our goal is to ensure that at end-of-life,
all opportunities for organ and tissue donation are identified and pursued.” To register to be a donor, or to check whether you have already registered, visit, or register in person at a Service Ontario centre. For more information visit
Where there’s no smoking, there’s no e-smoking either
Peterborough County-City Health Unit applauds the recenty Ontario government announcement that it plans to prohibit e-cigarettes use wherever smoking is not permitted, and ban sales to minors, as well as displays and promotion. “This helps reduce the confusion when it comes to enforcing smoke-free places, and also upholds the cultural value that smoking in any form is socially unacceptable,” said Donna Churipuy, Manager of Environmental Health Programs with the Health Unit. “We’re pleased to see this latest provincial effort to protect the health of all residents.” While the new legislation makes it easier to enforce smoke-free places, the Health Unit says further regulation is still needed to control the
Pre-Christmas Special
On Every Pair of VARILUX Lenses With Any Crizal Coating
1 Day Only December 4, 2014 SAL
Dr. Faye Crerar Dr. Robert Anderson 45 William Street, Bobcaygeon 705-738-5173 not to be combined with any other offer November 28, 2014 - The Kawartha Promoter 37
safety of e-cigarette products. Currently there is no oversight governing how much nicotine or other chemicals are loaded into e-cigarette vials, which has actually led to poisoning of children in other parts of North America. Health units across the province have called for more legislation to address the growing concern of exposure to e-cigarette vapours containing nicotine and other chemicals. In addition to its plans to restrict the use of e-cigarettes, the Ontario government also announced proposed changes to make tobacco products less tempting by banning flavoured tobacco, including menthol. These changes are part of the province’s efforts to have the lowest smoking rate in Canada.
Get a handle on snow shoveling
Winter arrived with a vengeance in the Kawartha Lakes last week, so this is a good time to review snow-shoveling dangers. While it can be good exercise, shoveling snow can also be hazardous if you take on too much. Kawartha Lakes Paramedic Service responds to several calls each year for snow shoveling/blowing related incidents. “Shoveling snow, particularly as it gets more wet or compacted, can require a tremendous amount of exertion and can easily lead to fatigue and other issues,” says Paramedic Chief Keith Kirkpatrick. The safest choice for those with age or health risks is to hire a snow removal professional—or give a few bucks to a neighbourhood youth to help you out. But for those who insist on doing it themselves, the paramedics offer this advice:
38 November 28, 2014 - The Kawartha Promoter
• If possible, shovel when the snow is still fresh and fluffy light. • Take it easy. Snow shoveling is a weight-lifting exercise that raises heart rate and blood pressure. Warm up, and stretch before and after. • Push the snow forward instead of lifting it. Pick up only small amounts if you have to. • As with any lifting activity, bend your legs and keep your back straight. • Dress for the weather; layers are best—and be sure to keep hands and feet warm. • Shovel for five minutes or so, and rest for three. • Let someone know you’re outdoors in case there’s a problem. • Using a snow blower can also be dangerous for many reasons (noise, moving parts etc.). Watch for children, pets and motorists. • If your chest feels tight, stop immediately. If you have a history of heart trouble, check with your doctor first.
Lindsay, Bethany, Janetville now get suppers on wheels
One of Community Care’s most popular and well-known programs is expanding to give clients in three communities more options for healthy eating. Meals on Wheels is offering late afternoon delivery in Lindsay, Bethany and Janetville. The hot, healthy meals are delivered between 3:30 and 4 pm on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, excluding holidays. “We are thrilled to add the afternoon delivery in Lindsay and to expand to Bethany and Janetville with this initiative,” said Joan Skelton, Director of Community Support Services with Community Care. This is in addition to the traditional noon-hour delivery that has been available throughout the City of Kawartha Lakes for many years. Cost for the late afternoon meals is the same as the regular noon orders: $6 (includes soup, entree and dessert), and delivery is free. Frozen meals can also be delivered anywhere throughout the city, or purchased at Community Care offices. Online ordering of frozen meals is also available through the agency’s website. For further information, or to register for the service, call 705-324-7323, ext. 654.
Not Not Everyone Everyone is is Welcome Welcome at at Home Home over over the the Holidays Holidays That That is is why why we we are are here. here. 24 Hour Emergency Shelter -- Homeless Support Services 24 Hour Emergency Shelter Homeless Support 24 Hour Emergency Shelter - Homeless Support Services Services City of Kawartha Lakes & The County of Haliburton City of Kawartha Lakes & The County of City of Kawartha Lakes & The County of Haliburton Haliburton
Your donation directly impacts homeless Your donation directly impacts Your donation directly impacts homeless homeless men, women and families in your community! men, men, women women and and families families in in your your community! community! 705-328-0905 November 28, 2014 - The Kawartha Promoter 39
40 November 28, 2014 - The Kawartha Promoter