The Kawartha Promoter, September 5 2014

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Friday, September 5, 2014






Your Community News Magazine

OP ERAT E D Volume 24, Issue 16

The wonders from down ‘Yunder’

‘Urbanizing’ our streets • Cruise into Cruisefest • Fall for Caygeon Fair Delivered through Canada Post to homes in Bobcaygeon, Dunsford, Fenelon Falls & selected homes in Lindsay. Look for our newsstands throughout the City of Kawartha Lakes.

Tim Hortons Smile Cookies are coming September 15 - 21, 2014. Tim Hortons Smile Cookies are coming September 15 - 21, 2014. Help support our local community by buying a $1.00 Smile Help The support our local community buying achocolate $1.00 Smile Cookie. entire proceeds from eachbydelicious Cookie. entirewill proceeds fromtoeach delicious Public chocolate chunk SmileThe Cookie be donated Bobcaygeon To find out more visit chunkand Smile Cookie will be donated to Bobcaygeon Public School Langton Public School - Breakfast Programs. School and Langton Public School - Breakfast Programs.

To find out more visit To find outTomore find visit out more visit

© Tim Hortons, 2010

© Tim Hortons, 2010 © Tim Hortons, 2010


September 5, 2014 - The Kawartha Promoter

© Tim Hortons, 2010


Village Voice

pg. 4


pg. 14

Trades & Services

pg. 27


pg. 32


pg. 33

Local Events

pg. 34

Health & Wellness

pg. 35

The Promoter:

48 Main St., P.O. Box 535 Bobcaygeon, ON K0M 1A0 Circulation 15,000 Distributed throughout the Kawartha Lakes Area Publisher/Director/Manager: Max Miller Editor: John Bird Advertising Sales Manager: Pat Thurston Sales Representatives: Deb Mahoney Art Director: James Goodliff Production/Office Manager Melissa Goodliff Bobcaygeon Online: Deb Mahoney TEL.: 705-738-6188 FAX: 705-738-4187 The Promoter is a local, independently owned and operated news magazine. The opinions and views expressed are those of the contributors and do not necessarily reflect those of The Promoter. Liability for incorrectly displayed or placed advertisements is limited to publishing corrections or providing advertising credit to be applied on subsequent advertisements at the advertiser’s discretion.

Let’s be friends. Like The Promoter and on Facebook for current local news and events!

From My Perch

It happens every election time. Candidates find some of their signs and posters defaced or stolen. Sometimes it’s just “teenagers on a joyride straight to hell,” as my brother used to say about himself, and me. But often it’s a deliberate subversion of the electoral process, somebody trying to give their candidate a leg-up by ruining or removing a rival’s signs. It may seem innocent enough, just a little electoral gamesmanship. Politics is a dirty business, we say. But even the smallest attack on our fragile democracy is a step in the wrong direction. Steve Clarke, Andy Letham and Donna Villemaire have all reported signs stolen or defaced in this municipal election. “I had one sign on Main Street cut into several pieces and left at the corner of Main and Duke Streets,” Clarke, a CKL Ward 7 candidate, told us. “And

Australians Kathie Schmah and Anne Hansom have spent the summer travelling the waterway on their houseboat, “Down Yunder.”

about 10 have been stolen.” CKL mayoral candidate Letham says he had “a bunch of signs cut up with a knife” south of Lindsay. And Donna Villemaire, also running for mayor, says she has lost 25 to 30 signs. “They’re not even left in the ditch, so we could reuse them.” If we had time to contact every candidate, we’d likely find others have had similar experiences. Of course there are bigger and badder fish to fry out there. Think of the 2008 robocall scandal in at least six federal ridings, and allegations of campaign overspending in neighbouring Peterborough (still before the courts). Prime Minister Stephen Harper is systematically attacking democracy with cuts to information sources like the census and research, and the recent “Fair Elections Act,” which will discourage voting among youth, the elderly, Indigenous and low-income people. Let’s support democracy—not subvert it. We need it—badly.

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September 5, 2014 - The Kawartha Promoter


Village Voice The Promoter reserves the right to edit Letters to the Editor for length and clarity. Please include your email or mailing address and daytime phone number (not for publication). All opinions expressed are those of the writer.

Top of Main Street wants fair play

We attended the display presentation regarding the reconstruction of Main Street in Bobcaygeon (see Rebuilding North Caygeon Streets A Major Disruption on pg. 6), and submit the following for your consideration. Whoever drafted the proposal has obviously NEVER walked the streets of Bobcaygeon. This conclusion on our part has been reached on the following basis: • Main Street does not end at Duke Street even though council in Lindsay thinks it does. • This portion (Duke Street to East Street) of Main has the most dangerous sidewalk and unsafe road conditions. • There are 14 single-family, property-tax-paying residences on this portion of Main Street. • The tax paying residents of this portion of Main Street also deserve a safe sidewalk and road. In fact, we DEMAND it. James & Patricia Hardy Bobcaygeon

Firefighters in osprey rescue business

I felt it would be of interest to you that this past Sunday morning, two firefighters rescued another osprey, this time in Tommy Anderson Park. It was a young one whose nest is in the park and somehow it got into the small wire fenced-in enclosure containing some equipment and could not fly up and out. Thankfully, we have firefighters who will respond—and quickly—to save wildlife. One of the firefighters was involved in the rescue of another

Friday Night Pickerel Dinner starts

Friday July 4


Elizabeth Bray Bobcaygeon

We need the food bank

It is outrageous that our Bobcaygeon Food Bank may be closing its doors, when there are so many of us in need of the food bank to survive. Many of us are on a pension, and by the time we pay our rent, hydro, water bills, we have very little money left to buy our food at the outrageous prices in the grocery stores. There are many young people with children (babies). They need to buy diapers, formula and food for their children and themselves. How will they do it now? The food bank helped us all. We people who are on a pension or limited income walk around the grocery stores looking at everything to see what we can buy and if we have enough money in our pockets to pay for our food. We do the best we can to survive for the month— and this is every month. And now what about our Christmas hamper? We hope it has not been taken away from us, and from the children, or it won’t be a very good Christmas for many of us. We are people too. We do have our rights. Just because we live below the poverty line, doesn’t mean we all have to suffer. I sincerely hope something can be done to keep our food bank open. Barbara Smith Bobcaygeon

Thanks for covering the north

I would like to commend you for working with our new Chamber of Commerce to include more stories and items from the northern part of the City. I have always enjoyed reading your paper and now even more so. Thank you very much. Pamela Brohm Norland

Please call to reserve

HOME-MADE BAKING AVAILABLE Open seven days a week 50 Main st., Bobcaygeon

osprey last week. They cut the wire, lifted the osprey out, set it on the ground. It eventually flew up to the top of a light pole, exhausted and stressed out, then eventually to another pole, then finally to its nest. Its sibling had been flying around, and its parents were watching from a tree. Once the young one was safe, the parents swooped over the firefighters, as though in thanks. A big thank you to them from me too.


September 5, 2014 - The Kawartha Promoter

Love My Town

Over the last six months I have been dealing with a medical situation that has limited my ability to get around. Luckily for me I live in a town where neighbours’ and friends’ willingness to help is not an exception. It is the NORM. Thankfully my situation has been rectified and my life can return to normal. I would like to thank all my friends and family that have helped me out during this time. Special thanks go to my loving wife, Jo-Anne McEachran, my daughter, Samantha Magliaro, the best Father-in-law anyone could have, Ken Cowell, along with Bill Riddell, Jim Douglas, Bruce Ferguson, Bill and Sheri MacArthur, Jim Hardiman, Olive Collins, Bob and Barb Hetherington, Brian Dalzell and Jodi Jokinen. People like this make our community the best place in the world to live and I am truly indebted to all. Graham McEachran Bobcaygeon

Bobcaygeon rules for helping Sophie

On Aug. 17, the Lakes Community Church in Bobcaygeon decided to hold an outdoor concert to raise money for Sophie Dinsdale, a little girl not yet two who is fighting cancer with everything she has. We had a great variety of music from Lindsay and Bobcaygeon and each one gave their time to

help this little princess and to raise as much money as we could. Thanks go to Foodland for all the food and beverages, to Valumart for all those extra items needed and Kawartha Dairy for the wonderful Ice Cream. Our community is one of the best, and they all came together to give this little girl a hug and to support her family. Sophie was there to enjoy some fun and also one of our mayoral candidates, Brenda Lee Karagiannis, came along to support the efforts of this group of people. It was a wonderful evening and so far we have raised $3,400. We have not closed the donations so if you would like to give, please call the church 705-731-0247 or Pastor Yvonne Kendrick at 705-738-5524 for more details. Once again, thank you Bobcaygeon. Yvonne Kendrik Bobcaygeon

Sept. 14th at 11am Please join us with your families for “Start Up Sunday”. We will be blessing school back packs and bicycles. Visit our “Ministry Information Fair” and enjoy an informal picnic meal, kids’ games in the garden and a model Sunday School lesson. Fun and entertaining for the whole family. All welcome! For more information visit our website or email or call 705-887-2537

St. James Anglican Church 7 Bond Street East Fenelon Falls

September 5, 2014 - The Kawartha Promoter


Rebuilding North Caygeon streets a major disruption

There are 14 homes in the last block of Main Street between Duke and East streets, and residents there want to know why they’re being left out of a planned rebuilding of six roads in the north end of Bobcaygeon. Those who consider north Caygeon home, and those who run businesses there, came out in force— and with lots of questions and concerns—when the City of Kawartha Lakes unveiled a proposal to rebuild Anne, Front, Helen, Main, Prince and Duke Streets at an Aug. 28 information session in the Bobcaygeon Council Chambers. Among their concerns: • Why will Main Street only be reconstructed to Duke and not as far as East Street?

• There is no need for a bicycle lane on the east side of Main Street. • The work must be done in the off-season so as not to disrupt business along Main and Front Streets during the all-important summer months. • Parking is vitally important to businesses, who say they need it on both sides of Main Street—plus a parking lot in the road allowance at the end of Prince Street. A drive along Main will show that all of it badly needs resurfacing, not just below Duke Street. (See Top of Main Street wants fair play, in Village Voice.) CKL’s manager of engineering Juan Rojas said the purpose of the information session is to collect feedback from those affected, which will be considered as plans are revised. But the final decision will be council’s. Business owners in particular pleaded that construction avoid the crucial summer months to avoid debilitating loss of income. “We do all our business in July and August,” said a representative of Southwinds Resort and Marina on Front Street. But all the work has to take place during the limited construction season between May and October, said Rojas. “You can’t put asphalt down when it’s cold.” He did say the city would schedule work around the Front Street boat launch for the off season. There also seemed agreement that extra parking is preferable to the suggested bicycle lane on the east side of Main Street. At least one village cyclist suggested there is not enough traffic on Bobcaygeon streets to require bike lanes. CKL plans to rebuild the six Rokeby streets “to an


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September 5, 2014 - The Kawartha Promoter

urban city standard,” adding curbs and gutters as well as storm sewers and a sidewalk on at least one side of each street. That will mean major jack-hammering. Workers will start construction next spring and continue over three seasons, ending in 2017. Front and Anne Streets will be done during 2015, as you have to have the storm sewer outlet in place before you begin constructing the upstream sewers, said Rojas. Prince and Helen streets are scheduled for 2016, and Main and Duke streets will be done in 2017. It’s part of a five-year roads plan ratified by Council in 2012, said Rojas. He explained the city’s annual roads budget is approximately $16 million a year, and $1.5 million a year is expected to go to the Bobcaygeon project. The city has engaged D.M. Wills Associates Ltd. to do a Class Environmental Study, and to prepare the detailed design of the proposed reconstruction. Anyone with further questions or comments can contact city project manager Corby Purdy at (705) 324-9411, ext. 1155, or cpurdy@city.kawarthalakes. Or Laurie Wills of D.M. Wills at (705) 7422297, ext. 242, or

songwriter Sue Smith and spoken word artist Jonathan Lynn combined their talents to entertain a sell-out audience of CFRAD supporters. CFRAD mounted the concert in the Murphy Barn at Kawartha Settlers Village. The money will help offset legal costs of challenging zoning issues at the Ontario Municipal Board for the Dewdney Mountain Farms quarry proposal in the Municipality of Trent Lakes. The largeby-local-standards quarry is slated for development on Ledge Road about 10 km northeast of the village of Bobcaygeon.

CFRAD fundraiser shows community support

Citizens for Responsible Aggregate Development (CFRAD) showed the depth and breadth of the community support for its position when the group’s musical fundraiser, Limestone Blues, raised over $9,000 on Saturday, Aug. 23. “Good things happen when a community comes together for a place we love—the Kawarthas,” said Janet Klein, one of the appellants opposing the bylaw change that would allow the quarry. “The music and silent auction was over the top and your support for us will never be forgotten,” she said in an email on behalf of appellants, the Kleins, Pillsworths, Eastmans, Jorys and Johnsons. Host and musician George Hewison, singer/


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September 5, 2014 - The Kawartha Promoter


Some Ledge and Quarry Roads residents have been opposing the quarry, specifically based on the anticipated truck traffic, noise and dust on their until-now quiet back road, and environmental considerations. Significant public opinion has coalesced to support them in the formation of CFRAD, with other objections, including increased truck traffic through Bobcaygeon itself, environmental damage, including affects on endangered species (blandings turtles and whippoorwills), and negative impact on winter deer yards, First Nations harvesting rights, and local water quality.


OMB hearings have run over the summer, ending Aug. 19. A decision is expected soon from hearing chair Colin Hefferon. “CFRAD will continue to fight to protect our unique, beautiful and fragile environment, to maintain road safety, and ensure a secure community, and to protect and grow our tourismand retirement-based economy,” said organizer Elaine Bird. “These critical factors make living in the Kawarthas, and around Bobcaygeon in particular, such a wonderful experience.” The organization is also preparing guides— available soon—to inform voters in the next municipal election, about candidates’ positions around responsible aggregate development.

Legion News “At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them.” Branch 67 Lindsay (705) 324-2613 • Tuesday and Thursday - pub fare lunches noon to 2 p.m. • Friday - full dinners ll:30 a.m. to l:30 p.m., liver/ roast beef, always a special item too. • Saturday - live entertainment 7:30 to ll:30 p.m. free, open to the public.

Branch 238 Fenelon Falls (705) 887-3041 • Monday - shuffleboard 6:30 p.m. and ladies pool 7 p.m. • Tuesday – mixed darts 7:30 p.m. • Wednesday – BINGO $500 must go 6:45 p.m. • Sunday – drop-in shuffleboard 1:30 p.m. • Thursday and Friday – lunch 11:30 a.m. $8 • Last Thursday of the month - turkey day at 11:30 a.m. $9 • First Friday/month English pub night 5-7 p.m. featuring live entertainment • Last Saturday of the month – euchre – 12:30 p.m. - $5.

Branch 239 Bobcaygeon (705) 738-2710

George Hewison (left), Sue Smith and Jonathan Lynn entertain at the Limestone Blues fundraiser.

Twin Mountains Snow Club Annul AGM & BBQ

Saturday Sept., 6th at Clubhouse BBQ at 12:00p.m. • Annual meeting at 1:00 p.m. Everyone welcome , come and meet your executive to hear all the latest info from O.F.S.C. and your local club.

2600 Bass Lake Rd. Bobcaygeon

• Hamburger Thursday 4-7 p.m., fun euchre – 7-9:30 p.m. • Karaoke with Merle – Friday 8 p.m to midnight, featuring wings. • Every Saturday – meat roll - 2:30 p.m. • Saturday, August 6th - Corn Roast & Beef on a Bun after meat roll • Legion Week - 3rd week in September • Friday, Sept. 19th - Fish Fry -with “Friends” entertaining

Branch 441 Kinmount (705) 488-3462 • Weekly bingo Fridays at 6:45 p.m. and weekly meat draws Saturdays at 5 p.m. • big buck bid euchre the third Wednesday of the month at 11 a.m. • Seniors cards - Monday afternoons at 1 p.m. • Drop-in cards -Tuesday evenings at 7p.m. • Lunch the last Tuesday of each month from April to October. $7

Branch 497 Omemee (705) 799-5095 • The Legion will be closed for extensive renovation to Oct. 6

Our Local Royal Canadian Legion News is a free service offered by The Kawartha Promoter. If you would like to make a submission, please send a 50-word or less e-mail to Next deadline: Friday, September 5.


September 5, 2014 - The Kawartha Promoter

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Northern Leisure Marine is Garry Clark’s dream

Garry Clark is living the dream. After years of working in the highstress corporate world of Toronto-based telecommunications, he has finally been able to leave the city for the cottage. “I’ve been a local cottager here all my life,” says Garry, who is the new owner-operator of Northern Leisure Marine at Taylor Street and County Road 36 on the northern edge of Bobcaygeon. “It’s been a passion of mine to own and run a marina, and now I have the chance to do it.” Garry is gearing up for the hectic boat-storage season. “We’re offering fall pick-up and spring delivery, and all boats are stored on our premises, on a fullyfenced and serviced lot, complete with security cameras, he explains. Boaters have the option of either covered, or outside, shrink-wrapped storage. As an avid and long-time boater and cottager on Big Bald Lake Garry believes he knows just what cottagers need in terms of boats, motors, docks, storage, servicing—and even furniture. Garry bought the marina at 21 Taylor Street, which locals

will know as the earlier home of Corky’s Marine and Small Engine Service, and launched Northern Leisure Marine last May. He is determined—as both owner and operator—to bring back the quality of service the late, and sorely missed Corky was once well-known for. Northern Leisure Marine is a full-service operation, Garry emphasizes. It’s the exclusive Kawartha Lakes dealer for aluminum, Canadian-made Legend Boats (everything from fishing boats to pontoon boats), as well as for the user friendly, do-it-yourself Dock-in-a-Box docks and boat lifts. Theshowroomalsofeatureshighend rattan furniture, hammocks and, of course, a multitude of the most-needed boating accessories. “We have a licensed Mercury mechanic who can fix all makes of engines on duty,” he says, and it’s a family affair too. “My two sons, Mack, 18, and Mitchell, 15, have both been helping out for the summer. “We have a lot family living in the area now, so Bobcaygeon has become our second home,” he adds with a smile.


• All storage on our owned premises • Fully fenced, camera surveillance, insured • Pick-up and spring delivery available • Covered storage and shrink wrap • Full service marine, licensed mechanic • All storage includes light spring clean-up

21 Taylor Street Bobcaygeon • 705-731-1097 • • open 7 days a week September 5, 2014 - The Kawartha Promoter


Bobcaygeon Fair is more than a spectator sport

If you’re interested in participating in this year’s Demolition Derby, Ambassador Competition, parade or any other competitions at the Bobcaygeon Fall Fair, now’s the time to act. This year’s Bobcaygeon Fair—the 156th—will take place on the weekend of Sept. 25-27. As usual the Demolition Derby

will kick off the fair with a roar on Thursday, Sept. 25, starting at 7:30 pm. A Full-Size Pro-Modified, fourCylinder Figure-eight race, a FullSize Straight Stock race (1980 or newer), and a Minismash will all be featured. Participate in the show or cheer on your favourite car. Thursday is also “Toonie Night” on the midway, which opens at 4 pm. Friday, Sept. 26 features a number of horse shows. The Fair Ambassador Competition starts at 7 pm in the arena, with the Black Family returning

10 September 5, 2014 - The Kawartha Promoter

with entertainment. Contestants must be between 18 and 23 by next year’s CNE to qualify for the 2015 Ambassador of the Fairs Competition. The Bobcaygeon Fair has also been running a Junior Ambassador Competition for the last two years, and will again be looking for participants aged 12 to 15. The Ambassador participates in many activities throughout the year, including parades, town events, banquets, a convention at the Royal York in February 2015 and the CNE Ambassador of the Fairs Competition 2015. The Junior Ambassador gets involved with the fair, plus parades, town events and banquets. The Tractor & Truck Pull competition will start at 6 pm at the Grandstand with a showing of Prostock Tractors, Hot Stock Trucks and Modified Farm Tractors as well as local tractors and trucks. The parade kicks off at 11 am— sharp—on Saturday, Sept. 27 from the Fountain Square across from the Bobcaygeon Home Hardware. Fair organizers are looking for young and old alike to participate by either decorating your bike, putting on a costume and riding in the parade, by polishing up your antique car or truck or tractor, or by decorating a float for your business or service club. Several different bands will entertain along the parade route. Bobcaygeon Fall Fair books have been mailed to past exhibitors, but if you haven’t received one or if you’re a first time exhibitor, drop by the local Bobcaygeon chamber office or British Empire Fuels to pick one up. Visit the website at www. to find the complete prize list. Or get in touch with Lisa Humphries at or 705-887-2075. Fax (705-8873626) or email (bobcaygeonfair@ your entry form ahead of time to speed up the process. The Bobcaygeon Fall Fair is known as the Daddy of ‘Em All. It’s one evening and two days of all kinds of exhibits, competitions, entertainment, midway rides and great food. See you there.

September 5, 2014 - The Kawartha Promoter 11

The wonders from ‘Down Yunder’

Who knew that the middle of a life-long Australian dream would be in Bobcaygeon? That’s where retirees, Kathie Schmah and Anne Hanson, have found themselves at the end of this summer of 2014, as they complete the first half of a twoyear project to boat the length of the Trent-Severn Waterway together.

G if t Ce r t i fi c ate s Availab l e 12 September 5, 2014 - The Kawartha Promoter

Kathie Schmah was a valley girl (the Ottawa valley, that is), and Anne Hanson was born and raised in northeast England. But as young adults, they both ended up in western Australia, near Perth—South Yunderup, to be exact. “We’re Australians now,” they assert happily, even though their accents still bear more than a trace of their homelands. They met one another there, and eventually went into business, putting their heads together—and even their names—to create Kannie Properties, buying, selling, renovating and managing properties. Along the way, they’ve returned often to Canada, where Kathie still has lots of family, and even kept a trailer on the Rideau Canal system, with a small pontoon boat. A casual discussion about “what’s next” after life on the Rideau, led the two friends to sell their trailer and pontoon boat, and look for a houseboat. We finally found one we could afford in Honey Harbour, says Anne, and we bought it last fall. We came back this May, and began getting it modified to suit our needs.” They named their boat the “Down Yunder,” after their home town—and of course a play on the reference to Australia as “the land down under.” Modifications included adding: a power-lift system for the anchor, a tent-like enclosure to the upper deck to accommodate more guests, and a ramp at the back for loading and unloading the electric scooter that carries the two of them around the towns they visit. From Honey Harbour on Georgian Bay, they’ve made it to Bobcaygeon this year—they’re in no rush—and will be back next year to finish the journey. Their boat will spend the winter at Happy Days. Both Kathie and Anne are enthusiastic about the wonderful community of boating people they’ve become part of along the way, where people are always willing to help one another out. Then there was the lockmaster at

an isolated lock who lent them his own car so they could drive to the nearest store to get teabags. They’ve also entertained friends and family from Canada, England and Australia, who have joined them on their boat from time to time. Altogether, with repeats, they will have had about 25 guests on board at one time or another. In total, they have managed about three weeks alone together. But they are happy with the balance. Watch for Anne and Kathie in the Bobcaygeon area during the next couple of weeks, either on the Down Yunder or riding tandem around town on their little electric scooter. And be sure to say hello.

admitted free. For more information, e-mail onasfi@sympatico. ca or call 705-875-2121.

Variety is the spice at wood carvers competition

Up to 75 wood carvers from around southern Ontario are expected at the 37th annual Kawartha Carving Competition at the Bobcaygeon Curling Club (Fair Grounds) on Saturday, Sept. 12 (8:30 am to 4 pm). Altogether, they will enter up to 200 carvings for adjudication, including: water wildfowl, birds of prey, fish and amphibians to caricatures, human figures, wood burning and wild and domestic animals. There are four categories: Beginner, Novice, Intermediate and Open. There is a small admission cost for adults ($3) and children under 12 accompanied by an adult are

Lakes Community Church 269 Main St. Bobcaygeon


starting September 14th at 5.30pm Come and join us for a meal and ask the questions you have always wanted to ask about Faith , Life and God!!! The Rotary Club of Fenelon Falls has hired the bonded company


to come and dispose of your legal documents, bills and files that you have hidden away in your homes and businesses

SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 13, 2014 9 John St Fenelon Falls behind the Fire Hall

$5.00 per bankers box 8:30 am - 12:30 pm

A group of happy carvers from last year’s competition

Do you have a news tip or idea? We would like to hear from you

BOBCAYGEON LEGACY C.H.E.S.T. FUND The Bobcaygeon Legacy C.H.E.S.T. (Community Hydro-Electric Systems Transfers) Fund provides financial assistance to non-profit, community-based organizations that provide programs, projects, services, or activities that enhance the quality of life for Bobcaygeon residents in the areas of health, arts, culture, leisure, heritage, education and the environment.

The submission deadlines are the last Friday in October annually no later than 4:30 p.m. The deadline for 2014 is Friday, October 31st. Full application guidelines are available online at under City Hall – Agendas and Minutes – Bobcaygeon Legacy C.H.E.S.T. Fund, or can be picked up at the Bobcaygeon Service Centre during business hours Monday - Friday 8:30am – 4:30pm. An application information session will be held at the Service Centre at 7:00 pm on Wednesday, September 17th, 2014

September 5, 2014 - The Kawartha Promoter 13

















Across 9 What the Dickens is a common acquaintance? (3,6,6) 10 They may be current or foreign (7) 12 Slangy sleuth (7) 13 Mexican dish (9) 14 What push comes to (5) 15 It's enough to make you cry (4,3)

The Promoter Crossword # 136 – By Charon 5 6 7 8 Down 1 Roman robe (4) 2 Univ. instructor (4) 3 Sitting in on a class (8) 4 Where Peter was great (6) 12 5 Ancient beefeater? (3,5) 6 Penalty for eating in bed (6) 14 7 Remove a monarch (8) 8 A true supporter of the cause (8) 18 19 20 11 Don't sit on it if you want things to happen (5) 15 Barrier to the turnpike (8) 24 16 A natural attraction to someone (8) 17 Rapid-fire, musically (8) 26 27 28 19 Ancestor (8) 20 Uneasy lies the head that wears this (5) 22 Not very often (6) 24 Cheap and shoddy (6) 27 Wading bird (4) 28 Ready for anything (4) 18 Push aside (7) 21 Permanent prisoner (5) Solution to Crossword #135 23 Lingering luminescence at sunset (9) 25 No-name brand (7) 26 Strong fabric woven in strips (7) 29 It dictates how to control the population (15) 1 9













































































































































































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1. 2. 3. 4.

Information Centre Post Office Beach/Park Boyd Heritage Museum

5. 6. 7. 8.

Fairgrounds / Bobcaygeon Farmers Market Forbert Memorial Pool Kawartha Lakes Service Centre Kawartha Settlers’ Village

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7 King St E, Bobcaygeon 705-341-4198 or 705-731-9315

9. Provincial Police 10. Public Library 11. Royal Canadian Legion 12. TSW Lock 32




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Kim’s Salon Open: Tuesday - Saturday Mens Haircut $13 Walk in Tuesdays 79 Bolton St. 705-738-3223 Behind Stewart Morrison Insurance

September 5, 2014 - The Kawartha Promoter 15


Hi-Tech is tops at high school

New technology rather than new clothes tops the list of purchases that has students revved up this year as they gear up for back to school. Just 11 percent of students surveyed said they look forward to showing off their new fashion choices, while 53 percent said they’re excited about using and sharing technology with friends when they head back to school this fall. “What surprised us most was, that along with laptops and smartphones, which have been hot items for several years now, a full third of students see headphones as a back- to-school essential. “And a quarter said they plan to use tech to help them stay fit,” said Melanie Raposo, tech expert at The Source, the Canadian electronics retailer that commissioned the survey. Three-quarters of the students polled ranked laptops as a must-have this school year. Seventy per cent said a smartphone was a back-to-school essential, while 30 percent identified headphones as must-have gear.

“Fashion has traditionally been considered a backto-school essential but the students we surveyed said they were more excited about technology,” said Raposo. “They told us they want technology for traditional tasks like researching and completing assignments but they’re also looking to stay connected and entertained.”

Help cops name their newest officer

City of Kawartha Lakes Police wants help naming its newest rookie officer. He’s a
16-month old dog with bloodlines from the Czech Republic, and if he passes his medical exams and the training program, he will replace Rock as the city’s new police services dog. 
 But you’ve just got until Sept. 6 to submit a name—and the reasoning behind your choice. Police intend to announce the new dog’s new name on Monday, Sept. 8. You can meet both Rock and the new addition—accompanied by Constable Watson—atVictoria Feeds All-Stars Realty Inc., Brokerage Horse and Hound on Saturday Sept. Independently Owned and Operated 6, from 11 am to 4 pm. It’s customer (705) 738-2378 appreciation day. That may help you Rock MLS come up with a name. Let us help you Hunt 4 Dreams in the Kawarthas Like Rock, the new dog will serve as a general purpose police Tom Hunt services dog in tracking, article Broker searches, criminal apprehension, Wendy Hunt handler protection, drug detection, Sales Representative and area searches. Do YouYou Live Peterborough canIn submit a potential County? name and it’s significance 705-731-7716 1-800-461-0353 via You Live In Peterborough County? We Are Here to Help Free Services 73 Bolton St. Bobcaygeon kawarthalakespolice. Call (705)760-4854 We can assist you with things l


People Serving People



People Serving People SocialServicesDivision SocialServicesDivision People Serving People People Serving People SocialServicesDivision SocialServicesDivis People Serving People People Serving People Do You Live In Peterborough County?

Free Services

New Police Dog

We Are Here to Help

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SocialServicesDivision 9:00am – 12:00 pm

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People Serving People eterborough County? Are Here toInHelp Free Services Monday SocialServicesDivision • Community ReferralsWe &Do Supports • Employment Do You Live Live Peterborough County? • You Trent Lakes Municipal Office • Buckhorn Public Library Call (705)760-4854Free Services We Are to Help We can assist youpm with Here things like: 1:00 pm – 4:00 9:00am – People 12:00 pm Serving People

SocialServicesDivision We can assist you with things like: In Peterborough SocialServicesDivision County?

We Are Here toMonday Help • Employment Thursday • Community Referrals & Supports • Childcare • Trent Lakes Municipal Office • Buckhorn We Are Here to Help Free Services Public Library • Apsley Library with things like: 1:00 pm –We 4:00can pm assist you9:00am • Community Referrals Supports – 12:00Monday pm 9:15 am – 3:00 pm Call (705)760-4854 We can&assist you with things l • Buckhorn Public Library Thursday • Community Referrals & Supports • Employment • Childcare • Ontario Works Benefits 9:00am – 12:00 pm •Services Trent Lakes Municipal Office Friday We Are Here to Help Free Monday ibrary • Community Referrals & Suppo • Apsley Library 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm Trent LakesPublic Municipal Office Buckhorn •Library Employment 9:15 am – 3:00 pm Call (705)760-4854 can• assist you with things like: • Trent LakesWe Municipal Office 9:00 am – 12:00 1:00pm 9:00am – pm We• Are HereThursday to Help es pmBenefits – 4:00 pm • Childcare Employment • Ontario1:00 Works • Food & Shelter al Office Friday Monday • you Apsley Library • Employment • .Community Referrals & Supports We can assist with things like: • Trent Lakes Municipal Office • Trent Lakes Municipal Office • Buckhorn Library Thursday 9:15Public am – 3:00 pm • Childcare Main Office 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm 9:00 am –Free 1:00pmServices Are Here to Help 9:00am – 12:00 pm We • Apsley Library 178 Charlotte St., Peterborough • Childcare • Ontario Works Benefits • Food & Shelter • Community Referrals & Supports • Transportation 9:15 3:00• pm Call (705)760-4854 Friday We am can– assist you with(855) things like: ic Library Thursday • Childcare Employment Toll Free: 738-3755 . • Trent• Lakes Municipal Office Trent Lakes Municipal Office pm • Apsley Library Main Office • Ontario Works Benefits 1:00 pm – 4:00 9:00 am –pm 1:00pm Friday • Community Monday 9:15 am – 3:00 pm Referrals & Supports WWW.PETERBOROUGH.CA/SOCIALSERVICES City of 178 Charlotte St., Peterborough Cou Ontario Works •Office Food & Shelter • Transportation • Employment • Trent Lakes Municipal • •Buckhorn PublicBenefits Library cipal Office Monday • Buckhorn Public Library 9:00 am - 12:00 pm Peterborough Pete Thursday • Ontario Works Benefits • Childcare Toll Free: (855) 738-3755 . 9:00 am – 1:00pm 9:00am •– 12:00 pm Friday alpm Office Apsley Main Library Office • Trent Lakes Municipal Office 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm • Food & Shelter Trent Lakes Municipal Office 9:15 – 3:00 pm Call (705)760-4854 We can•County assist with things like: WWW.PETERBOROUGH.CA/SOCIALSERVICES • ofEmployment City 178am Charlotte of am you – 1:00pm • •Trent Municipal OfficeSt., . Peterborough Food & Shelter • 9:00 Transportation • Lakes Childcare Peterborough Peterborough Thursday • Apsley Library 9:00 am - 3:00 pm • Food & Shelter • Ontario Works Benefits 1:00 pmFriday – 4:00 Toll pm Free: (855) 738-3755 Main Office pm . Monday 178 Charlotte St., Peterborough • Trent Lakes Municipal Office • Transportation • Community Referrals & Supports Friday • Trent Lakes Municipal Office 9:00 am - 1:00 pm Main Office City of Thursday WWW.PETERBOROUGH.CA/SOCIALSERVICES Childcare borough County of 9:00 am – Benefits 1:00pm • Buckhorn Transportation • Ontario Works Toll Free:•(855) 738-3755 Public Library •• Apsley Library 178 Charlotte Peterborough Peterborough • Transportation 5 • Food & ShelterSt.,Peterborough 9:00am – 12:00 pm cipal Office 9:15 .am – 3:00 pm TollFree: Free: (855) Main Office: 178 Charlotte St.,WWW.PETERBOROUGH.CA/SOCIALSERVICES Peterborough Toll (855)738-3755 738-3755 City of County of pm Main &Office ALSERVICES City of • Ontario Works Benefits Peterborough County of Peterborough • Food Shelter Friday • Employment www.Peterborough.Ca/SoCialServiCeS Peterborough WWW.PETERBOROUGH.CA/SOCIALSERVICES Peterborough •• Trent TrentLakes Lakes Municipal Office City of Cou 178 Charlotte St., Peterborough • Transportation Municipal Office Peterborough Pete Toll (855)pm 738-3755 1:00am pm – 4:00 9:00 –Free: 1:00pm • Food & Shelter eterborough • WWW.PETERBOROUGH.CA/SOCIALSERVICES Transportation of County of 3755 Thursday • ChildcareCity 16 . September Peterborough 5, 2014 - The Kawartha Promoter Call (705)760-4854

Do You Live In Peterborough County? People Serving People n Peterborough County?

People Serving People

Do You Live In Peterborough County?

Do You Live In Peterborough County?


Free Services

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We Are Here to Help


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Bobcaygeon Cruisefest Offers Bells And Whistles For All Ages

19th Annual Car Show Sunday, September 14, 2014 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

RODS, CUSTOMS, ANTIQUES, EUROPEAN, CLASSICS & TRACTORS Spectators Admission By Donation Participating Cars $10.00 per Vehicle


705-738-2202 • 800-318-6173 Presented by: Bobcaygeon and Area Chamber of Commerce

Bobcaygeon Cruisefest will once again be offering a three-dimensional history of the automobile on Sept. 14 with up to 250 vehicles on display—all ages, from the early 1900s up to a 2002 Corvette. Cruisefest offers 25 trophies to the entrants, with prizes for things like: the oldest car, the car from farthest away, people’s choice, the best of a certain make or model, the best half-ton, the fanciest hotrod, etc. “It gives people a chance to see how cars have evolved over the years,” says organizer Joe Pollard. “And the people who bring their vehicles almost always have something very interesting to show off.” He adds that folks will often spend up to five years restoring their vehicles, and some will bring theirs back year after year so viewers can follow the car’s (and owner’s) progress. “People can invest up to $60,000 or $70,000 in restoring their old cars.” Joe expects 500 or more people will come through the gates at the Bobcaygeon fairgrounds during the course of the day to admire the cars on display. The show is open to the public from 9 am to 3 pm. Admission is by donation, with a specific $10 fee for anyone who wants to show off their vehicle. But Joe says they’ll make that back in the gift bag that every exhibitor gets, courtesy of the show’s many sponsors.

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“It wouldn’t be a car show without our sponsors. It takes a lot of money to put on a show like this, and we get a lot donated by the people in town. So thanks to them.” Besides the cars themselves, Cruisefest will also have over a dozen vendors offering everything from food (sausages, hamburgers, pulled pork), to car parts, dog food, and even high-quality, custom photographs of the cars on display. The fire department will also be on hand with displays and demonstrations. “We’re hoping we can get more young people interested in this fascinating history,” says Joe.

Bobcaygeon Choristers PRESENT

A Stroll Down Broadway 3:00 PM Sunday, September 14, 2014 Trinity United Church 40 William Street, Bobcaygeon $15.00 • Open Seating TICKETS AT THE DOOR

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Commerce hosted the event,” she said, “to bring the community together, highlight local issues, and give a voice to the business owners, residents, and cottagers of Coboconk, Norland and surrounding areas.”

CKL election candidates faced an overflow crowd at the Coby Lions Hall Aug. 25

SRO at Coby’s allcandidates meeting

Aggregate mining, attracting small business, tourism, water quality, and property taxes seemed to be the main questions on people’s minds when a full house turned out for an all-candidates meeting at the Coboconk Lions Hall on Monday, Aug. 25. All five Mayoral candidates and four Ward 2 Council candidates showed up and responded to questions from concerned local residents and cottagers. The Lions Hall was overflowing into the foyer and out the doors with people wanting to participate. The community sent a clear message that this election is important to them—both through their attendance and their questions, said Jennifer Wilson, General Manager of the Chamber of Commerce. “The Coboconk, Norland & Area Chamber of

Norland church celebrates police/fire/ ems

Norland United Church is holding its third annual “Celebrate Their Service” service for police, fire, and emergency medical service personnel on Sunday, Sept. 14, beginning at 11:15 am. “As a small community church in Norland, we had for some time wanted to have a special service to celebrate and show our appreciation for the dedication of these service personnel,” says church secretary Pamela Brohm. Church members initiated the service in 2011 and “it was such a success that we decided to make it an annual event,” she explains. Representatives from the three services (police, fire, ems) attend and visitors are warmly welcomed as well. As is tradition with most church functions, members will provide luncheon afterward for all who attend, with a special cake decorated to honour the three services. Norland United Church is at #7521, Hwy 35, in Norland.


FOR THE AGGREGATE SECONDARY PLAN Thursday September 18th 7-9 PM BOBCAYGEON COMMUNITY CENTRE 51 Mansfield Road, Bobcaygeon

Saturday September 20th 10-12 AM COBOCONK SERVICE CENTRE 9 Grandy Road, Coboconk

The City of Kawartha Lakes invites residents to review the final draft version of its plans for the long term protection and management of sand, gravel and bedrock (aggregate) resources within the municipality. The purpose of the Secondary Plan is to protect and manage the City’s aggregate resources while still ensuring that environmental and social values are recognized and protected throughout the aggregate extraction and transportation process. The secondary plan focuses on policies and mapping that identifies and manages aggregate resource areas, haul routes and environmental and social features. The purpose of the Open House is to provide members of the public with an informal opportunity to review the draft Secondary Plan documents and mapping, and ask questions of the planning team. A brief presentation on the Secondary Plan is scheduled for 7:15 p.m in Bobcaygeon and 10:15 a.m. in Coboconk. Copies of the Secondary Plan and related documents will be available at the Open House and on the City’s website. For more information, please visit our website: or contact Michael Benner at, phone 1.888.822.2225 ext. 1330. 20 September 5, 2014 - The Kawartha Promoter

Volunteer leader Rebecca Janes (top right) and visitor Adelaide Campbell (top left), pose July 31 with Lakes Community Church day campers: Natalie Lemesurier (top row from left), Jeremy Dinsdale, Colton Crowe, Gavin Jones, Keeley Lynch, Joshua Wilson, Gracie Kidman, Alyssa Pinnay, Ashlynne McQuigan, and Peyton Norris (bottom row from left), Katie Quibell, Elaina Kidman, Harley Dawe, Drake Syvret, Lillian Sangster and Mya Wilson at Bobcaygeon’s Wilderness Park. The church ran two week-long day camps for children aged 3-7, at the church and adjacent park.

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September 5, 2014 - The Kawartha Promoter 21

Some closures in final beach testing

Asphalt Driveway Sealing 705-738-9462


Three beaches are posted as unsafe for swimming in the City of Kawartha Lakes after the final beach testing of the season. Coboconk Lions Park Beach, Bond Street Beach in Fenelon Falls, and Norland Bathing Area were all posted as of Aug. 28, reports the Haliburton, Kawartha, Pine Ridge District Health Unit. Data was not available for Foxe’s Beach (Carden), Dalton Township Beach, Killarney Bay (Fenelon Falls), Sandbar Beach (Mariposa), and Centennial Beach and Recreational Park (Verulam). All other CKL beaches are open. For more information, visit the health unit website:

GO connector

GO Transit has indicated that it will not be coming to Lindsay anytime soon, so local citizens AFTER 4PM 2 C A N are considering organizing a shuttle service to DINE access the GO service. $ FOR 10 If you are interested in supporting this Your One Source for..Source Breakfast,for... Lunch or Dinner! project, come to the Tuesday, Sept. 16 meeting at Y our One S Your One Breakfast, L 7:30 pm in the dining room of Village Housing, back! are Rolls Deli Ex te and s Wrap Breakfast, Lunch or Dinner! T o S 65 Melbourne St. W. (corner of Victoria Street).

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Scugog Memorial Public Library 22 September 5, 2014 - The Kawartha Promoter

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September 5, 2014 - The Kawartha Promoter 23

Student entrepreneurs test their chops

Lindsay Collegiate student Taylor King took home $500 for his business plan to set up an electrical contracting service that he called, appropriately enough, King Electric. Taylor is one of eight city high school students who were honoured Aug. 19 for business plans they submitted in a local competition sponsored by The Kawartha Lakes Small Business & Entrepreneurship Centre (KLSBEC). Other winning business plans included web design, entertainer, bakery, dance instruction/studio. KLSBEC invites all four local high schools to compete every year, and this year’s winners included: • Taylor King of Lindsay Collegiate Vocational Institute (LCVI) won top honours and $500. • The First Runner-Up was Matthew Hutchinson of IE Weldon Secondary School. • Second Runner-Up was a team effort from IE Weldon, including Saffiya Kherraji, Carter Gooch, Eldin Atkin and Michelle Evans.

• Honourable Mention Awards were presented to Leah Wilson of Fenelon Falls Secondary School and Sydney Murchison of LCVI. LCVI also received a plaque recognizing the most student submissions in this year’s competition. “We’ve been running this annual competition since 2003 and have had students show off their talent for developing business ideas and expressing them by writing a very comprehensive business plan,” said Diane Steven, Manager of KLSBEC. “It is so satisfying to see the enthusiasm coming from the students and the possible beginnings of a young entrepreneur.” Each year KLSBEC visits all the high schools in the City of Kawartha Lakes to encourage students to test their skills in research and planning in business development. The competition is open to high school students from Grades 9 to 12, and the potential prizes are an added incentive. KLSBEC is an arm of the Economic Development Department of the City of Kawartha Lakes that provides information and tools to help entrepreneurs start and grow their businesses. For more information, contact: Diane Steven,

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Not even safe on the street anymore

A busker playing his guitar on Lindsay’s Kent Street between William and Cambridge streets was robbed on Saturday afternoon, Aug. 23. To add insult to injury, say Lindsay Police, the victim was performing to collect money for the Humane Society. While the busker was busy playing his guitar, a passerby kneeled over the guitar case as if to deposit money, but instead scooped out a large quantity of the coins and bills already donated by others, and fled on foot. The incident took place around 1 pm, and police are asking anyone who may have witnessed the robbery to contact them, or Crime Stoppers.

Kent Street parking lot goes pay and display

The off-street parking lot located behind Lindsay’s CIBC on Kent Street West will be closed from Tuesday, Sept. 2 until Wednesday, Sept. 17 for resurfacing. During the closure all of the parking meters will be removed and replaced with a Pay-&-Display machine.

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September 5, 2014 - The Kawartha Promoter 25

Gearing up for the September concert

Summer seems to be jogging along too fast and the choristers are now in full gear, practicing under the direction of Bob Plummer for their upcoming

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concert at 3 pm on Sept. 14 at Trinity United Church. Bob has a strong Salvation Army background, and his music career flourished over the years with the organization. When he retired to Bobcaygeon we considered ourselves very lucky that he found us. He endured ill health for a few months, and the choristers took a reprieve, but he’s back, full of vim and vigour. Here are a few more interesting facts about some of our choristers which we would like to share with you: Ron King is a very familiar face around the village. He taught elementary school for 35 years, 25 of them as a principal, in Bobcaygeon, Omemee and Fenelon Falls. He is a lay minister and leads church services at Pinecrest, Case Manor and Kawartha Suites. Ron and his wife, MaryAnn, are volunteers with Sleeping Children Around the World, a Canadian charity, and have travelled with the organization to Uganda, Calcutta, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. He hails from the tenor section of the choir and also sings in the Anglican Church choir. Bob Bettson is a relative newcomer to the Choristers, as he is to Bobcaygeon, where he is the Minister at Christ Anglican church on Sherwood Street. He comes latterly from Toronto, and before that from Sarnia. He has sung as a tenor in many church choirs, large choirs like the Calgary Philharmonic Chorus and also the Amadeus choir. To add to all this, he is a journalist into the bargain. He and his wife have four children and four grandchildren to keep them busy. Doreen Crozier is a staunch member of the Choristers, and also belongs to the Anglican church, where she sings alto. Doreen loves crafts and knits prayer shawls and other useful objects. She volunteers at the Outreach Breakfasts where the profits are used to send underprivileged youth in other countries to school. Although not an original member I would think she is the oldest in the Bobcaygeon Choristers and loves every minute of it. There seems to be an Anglican church theme here so I just had to add one more person: Debbi Risebrough from the alto section has

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26 September 5, 2014 - The Kawartha Promoter

worked as office manager with the Investors Group for 23 years. Relaxation Kneaded, which offers mobile chair massage, is her business and she also teaches and coaches semantic movement exercises. Debbi is one busy lady and has two children and three grandchildren, with another on the way, to keep her busy. A few years ago, Debbi directed the bell choir at the Anglican church.

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September 5, 2014 - The Kawartha Promoter 27

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Meet the candidates

Here are the opportunities to meet your candidates that we are currently aware of: Saturday, Sept. 6, at 4 pm: Dianne Lister is hosting a meet-the-candidates session at her home in Bobcaygeon’s Edgewater Condominiums. Ward 7 candidate Steve Clarke and Ward 13 candidate Pat Warren will both be there to take people’s questions and state their positions on current municipal issues. If you are interested, email Dianne at www. Saturday, Sept. 13 from 10 am—All-candidates meeting at the Galway Hall, 579 Galway Road. Hosted by the Galway Area Ratepayers’ Association Inc. Monday, Sept. 22, from 7 pm—All-candidates meeting for Municipality of Trent Lakes at the Buckhorn Community Centre. Wednesday, Sept. 24, from 7:30 pm—Meet the mayoral and local council candidates for the Fenelon Falls area at the Fenelon Falls Community Centre. Sponsored by the Fenelon Falls and Area Chamber of Commerce and The Promoter. Wednesday, Oct. 8, from 7:30 pm—Meet the mayoral and local council candidates for the Bobcaygeon area at the Bobcaygeon-Verulam Community Centre. Sponsored by the Bobcaygeon and Area Chamber of Commerce and The Promoter.

For MAYOR of Trent Lakes

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September 5, 2014 - The Kawartha Promoter 29

How to work the 2014 Municipal Election

The City of Kawartha Lakes is now accepting applications from people seeking temporary work around the 2014 Municipal Election. You can submit application forms online by filling out the form at: ElectionJobs. Once the application has been completed a short examination will follow. If you don’t have access to a computer, you can get an application form from any of the Municipal Service Centres, City Hall, or the Clerk’s Office. Positions Available: • Scanning of Declaration Forms at City Hall:
Oct. 16, 17, 20, 21, from 9 am to 3:30 pm, and
Oct. 22, 23, 24 from 10 am to completion of daily mail • Central Count Location at City Hall:
Oct. 27. Opening and processing of secrecy envelopes. Individuals must be available from 12 noon until completion of the count. This location will be considered a locked-down area and persons entering this area will not be permitted to leave until the results are announced. • Election Day at Victoria Park Armoury, 210 Kent Street West, Lindsay and Fenelon Falls Community Centre, 27 Veterans Way, Fenelon Falls:
Oct. 27 – Individuals must be available from 9 am until approximately 8:30 pm. 
Various roles include greeters, processing of declaration forms, supervising hand delivery location. • Election Day – Institutions – Various Locations:
Oct. 27. Individuals are required to attend at institutions, nursing homes and retirement homes to receive completed ballot packages from 1 pm to 5 pm.
You will have to supply your own transportation to deliver completed Ballot Packages to City Hall. Applications will be received until September 19, 2014. Successful applications will be required to attend a training session with the date to be confirmed with employment acceptance. For more information, contact: Judy Currins
City Clerk & Returning Officer
at 705-324-9411, ext. 1262

John Snider Councillor Ward 7




30 September 5, 2014 - The Kawartha Promoter

Candidates for CKL and Trent Lakes

If you want to throw your hat into the ring for municipal election—or if your name is already on the list and you’re getting cold feet—you still have a chance to act. Friday, September 12 at 2 pm is the deadline for filing a nomination—or for withdrawing your nomination. Here is your list of nominees for municipal election in the City of Kawartha Lakes and in the Municipality of Trent Lakes as we were going to press—with contact information as supplied by the municipalities: CITY OF KAWARTHA LAKES Mayor Bill Denby, 705-340-5309 H 705-359-1602 B Andy Letham, 705-928-4898 John Macklem, 705-454-3043 H 705-879-3317 C Donna Villemaire, 705-928-1179 C 705-786-1370 H Brenda Lee Karagiannis, 705-341-2612 Council Ward 1 Rob Macklem 705-878-2031 Leslie Mieszkowski, 705-454-3084 Sandra Southwell, 705-426-4524 Ward 2 Alison Bowins 705-344-7018 B 705-454-1696 H Larry Hickman, 705-454-0718 Steven Katsikaris, 705-308-1142 Emmett Yeo, 705-454-9531 H Ward 3 Jim Greensides, 705-928-1510 Hafiz Makani, 705-731-7865 Gord Miller, 705-454-0964 Ward 4 Andrew Veale, 705-439-2434 Ward 5 Stephen Strangway, 705-887-6699 Ward 6 Doug Elmslie 705-887-9281 Cody Lawrence, Ward 7 Stephen Clarke, Brian Junkin, 705-887-5529 John Snider, 705-738-5253 Ward 8 Mark Edwards, Jay Muchmaker, Michelle Murphy-Ward, 705-786-2226 John Pollard, 800-618-1614 B 416-254-5151 C Jennifer Reynolds, 705-928-1868 Ward 9 Isaac Breadner, 705-341-2426 Russell Moore, 705-324-1745 Ward 10 Pat Dunn, 705-324-7218 Chris Morasse, 705-879-7445 Ward 11 Marcel Loignon, 705-344-7997 B 705-878-3495 H Patrick J. O’Reilly

Ward 12 Duncan Gallacher, 705-928-9101 Gord James 705-324-3985 H Ward 13 Pat Warren 705-738-4763 Ward 14 Ron Ashmore, 888-934-2521 Eddie Burton, Gail Coplen, 705-793-2405 Gerard Jilesen, 705-344-0670 Ward 15 Mary Ann Martin, 705-799-1617 H Janice Salsbury, 905-626-4460 C Karl Seidel, 705-875-3776 Ward 16 Cosmo Carchidi, 705-324-5160 Heather Stauble, English Public School Board Trustee Wards 1, 4, 8 Frank Arnold, 705-439-3299 Don Alton 705-438-3656 Wards 2, 3, 6, 7 John Byrne, 705-454-2579 Heather Osborne, 705-344-3546 Don Farrow, 705-454-0494 Wards 5, 9, 11 Angela Field, 705-799-7172 David Morrison, 705-878-0722 H 705-928-6756 C Anna Sproule, Wards 10, 12, 16 Karen Round, 705-878-5730 English Separate School Board Trustee Michelle Griepsma, French Public School Board Trustee Michael Ross, 905-683-9907 Claude Mbuyi, 905-683-6320 H 416-419-9407 B French Separate School Board Trustee Chanel Tarala-Chahine, 647-880-7667 Roger Brideau, 905-668-1732 905-242-0373


Enjoy LOCAL Farm Fresh Veggies! Saturdays 8am - 1pm

Sept 6 Bobcaygeon Fairgrounds Join us for The Harvest Festival Sept 13 at Kawartha Settlers’ Village


MUNICIPALITY OF TRENT LAKES Mayor Janet Clarkson, 705-657-3315 Bev Matthews, 705-731-0200 Deputy Mayor Ronald Windover, 705-657-8121 Peter Franzen, 705-738-1486 Councillor At Large Dick Persson, 705-657-7098 Councillor Galway-Cavendish Ward Richard Wackernagel, 705-886-0051 Madeline Pearson, 705-488-2217 Councillor Harvey Ward Peter Raymond, 705-657-1618 peterraymondforcouncil. Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board Trustee Diane Lloyd, 705-652-3677 Trustee French Language School Board Michael Ross, see for information Trustee French Language Catholic School Board Chanel Tarala-Chahine, 647-880-7667 Roger Brideau, 905-668-1732 905-242-0373

FREE Registration Sept. 2nd

Looking for youths aged 12 - 18 years old - Lindsay Armoury 2817 Lindsay Cadet Corps - Tuesday Nights @ 6:30 pm

Meet friends for life • Learn first aid • Camping and survival Summer camps • Marksmanship • Leadership training For more information call the cadet office at (705) 324-0114 or contact Patty Grieves - Support Committee Chair at

September 5, 2014 - The Kawartha Promoter 31


Sept. 5 - Sept. 19, 2014 Melodie McCullough

Aries (March 21 to April 20) Each zodiac sign has a quality assigned to it–cardinal, fixed and mutable. You, Aries, are a cardinal sign and this means you have lots of initiative, movement and vitality. So don’t just sit there. Get up and go. Use some of that liveliness and do something positive this very day. Taurus (April 21 to May 21) Did you know you share your zodiac sign with Catherine the Great of Russia and Queen Elizabeth II of England, both of whom are significant figures in world history? Perhaps, you, too, Taurus, are destined for greatness. Imagine yourself walking throughout the day with a crown on your head. You’ll be amazed at yourself.

Gemini (May 22 to June 22) If things are not going well with a love interest, Geminis have been known to become bored and impatient and end the relationship. Don’t let this happen now. Take the time, initiative and energy to revitalize the partnership yourself, Gemini. You will not regret it. Cancer (June 23 to July 23) Many things are appearing vague to you right now, Cancer, and you need to clear these uncertainties up before you can move ahead with important tasks that require your full concentration, especially at work. Don’t delay.

For the THRILL of the hunt....

Antiques ● Repurposed ● Collectables ● Original Oils and Watercolours ● Sports Memorabilia Now with an additional 2,000 sq.ft. of treasures in the barn. Open Year Round.●

Leo (July 24 to Aug. 23) You are so very special, Leo. Your calmness, your integrity, your generosity of spirit endears you to all good people. You deserve the best life has to offer. Our advice? Please realize how dear you are. Virgo (Aug. 24 to Sept. 23) Encouraging self-talk can be one of the best stress-reducing techniques and resources of inner strength. You don’t need to always be recognized by others and dependent on them for praise. Try to have a daily conversation with yourself. Trust your own voice, Virgo. Libra (Sept. 24 to Oct. 23) We sense an obsession has taken hold of you, dear Libra. You must learn to let this go, or at least find other interests to quell some of this unhealthy preoccupation. Move on, while you still can. Scorpio (Oct. 24 to Nov. 22) “I always try to balance the light with the heavy—a few tears of human spirit in with the sequins and the fringes”—Bette Midler. Wise words from a classy lady, Scorpio; maintain the equilibrium. Sagittarius (Nov. 23 to Dec. 21) An old flame is about to re-enter your life, Sag. Be careful where this may lead. Take tiny steps. Remember, you cannot always recreate the past—but it might be worth a try. Capricorn (Dec. 22 to Jan. 20) The asters and goldenrods are turning the fields around us into panoramas of yellow, white and purple; the Virginia Creepers and Sumacs give us glorious reds and purples. It’s the season of mellowing, of unwinding and lessening. Appreciate this beautiful time, dear Capricorn, and follow its example. Aquarius (Jan. 21 to Feb. 19) The Great Square of Pegasus rules the September sky, as one of the largest constellations. In Greek mythology, Pegasus, the winged horse flew to Mount Helicon and created a spring named Hippocrene—“the horse’s fountain”—by striking the ground with his hoof. It was said that those who drank from the spring were blessed with the gift to write poetry. So how about it, Aquarius? Time to put those lovely thoughts of yours into poetry and share them with the world.

Watch website for next Auction Bobcaygeon

ca Antiques l Exclusives l Repurposed Treasures

54 Anne St., (Hwy 36 just north of theTrent Canal) Bobcaygeon 705 300 2196 32 September 5, 2014 - The Kawartha Promoter

Pisces (Feb. 20 to March 20) The full moon on Sept. 8 represents the cycle of life to the indigenous people of this land. It is known as the Harvest Moon and Corn Moon. Each cob has 13 rows of seeds which represent the spirits waiting to begin their Earth Walk. These are the future generations for whom we must prepare. Pisces, are you thinking of your children and grand-children to come? Are you guarding the environment for them? This is something to think about.

Classifieds SERVICES ORIGINAL MAN WITH TRUCK 15 yrs experience Lowest prices. Grass cutting, Painting, Garbage removal, property maintenance, long or short distance moves. No job too small! Bruce 705-738-6321 ____________________ GOPHER CONSTRUCTION SERVICES Dump runs Property clean ups Eavestrough cleaning Roofing & repair Private security Monica Stanley 705-738-6364 ____________________ FLAGLER PAINTING Full service interior & exterior repairs. All types to home & cottages, drywall to trim work. Serving the Kawarthas for 21 years. Call Gord Flagler 705-731-0714 ____________________ CERAMIC TILE Quality installations. Very reliable. Call Ted for an estimate. 705-454-9826 ____________________ GREGG MACNEIL LANDSCAPING 705-793-9437 Interlocking brick, armour stone, retaining walls, decks, driveways, walkways, patios, stairs & repairs to all.

Deadline for next issue: Wednesday September 10, 2014. 20 words or less for $25 + H.S.T. E-Mail: DOUGLAS CANOES Recanvasing, repairs, restorations. Fibreglass work available for canoes and small boats. Custom made canoe book cases. Restored canoes for sale. 25 years experience. 705-738-5648 ____________________ EXPERIENCED SEAMSTRESS Custom-fit clothing alterations. Call April. 705-738-2396 ____________________ CLEANING SERVICE 10 yrs experience Cottage rental cleaning Weekly, bi-weekly, monthly Move-in/ Move-out cleaning Bondable, reasonable rates, flexible scheduling. References. Michelle 705-772-1804 macleaning11@gmail. com


FENELON FALLS Short or long term 1 & 2 bedroom bungalowstyle efficiency units, completely redecorated, new paint, carpet, hard surface, drapes, tub surrounds, light fixtures, includes stove & fridge, block to downtown, beach & park on 1/2 acre property. *All Inclusive* No smoking/pets. Ref. 905-435-7303. ____________________ www.greggmacneil HOUSE FOR RENT ____________________ Conveniently located in RELIABLE MAN WITH village of Bobcaygeon. TRUCK/TRAILER Large kitchen/family Dump runs, room, 2 bedroom plus chain saw log splitting, den $900.month. Heat brush removal, & hydro not included. small moving jobs. Lawn maintenance/ Call John snow removal included. 705-738-3214 Suitable for newly retired Leave message. couple. 705-738-6363

RESTAURANT FOR RENT Bolton St. location, incls. patio, has parking, building 5yrs old, available September. Call 416-920-3382 ____________________ BOBCAYGEON Bright 1 bedroom renovated apt on the canal ,walk to town private entrance,pkg. single responsible adult,no smoking no pets, 1st & last $800. inclusive October 1st 705 731-0729 ____________________ LOVELY COUNTRY HOME FOR RENT Private Riverside 3BRM/2Bath ( Bobcaygeon/ Buckhorn) Suit Prof/Single/Couple/ Retirees/ Non-smoker/ Ref/Credit/Deposit Furnished or Unfurnished/NEG CALL 416-844-7522 ____________________ 1 bedroom Apartment to rent Second floor ; close to downtown and locks; No pets, no smoking. $750 all inclusive. Call 705 341 3738 ____________________ 2 Bedroom Bungalow for rent in central Bobcaygeon. No smoking, no pets, references 1st & last. $950 per month plus water, heat and hydro. Laundry facilities, winter plowing and lawn care included. 705-738-6188

2 bedroom apt for rent in central Bobcaygeon. Open concept living, dining and kitchen. Includes laundry. Water view. $875. plus hydro. No smoking, no pets, references 1st & last. 705-738-6188


2 salon chairs, 1 portable dryer (on wheels), 1 black salon sink wth wsher, control,hose,vaccum breaker, 1 wash chair, 1 waiting chair, 1 office chair. $500 OBO 705-793-1958 HOUSE & CONTENTS FOR SALE BY OWNER *Visit 1488 Edwina Drive 105’ Riverfront FABulous Home/ALL-Season Cottage 4+Bedrooms/3Baths *Call 705-341-8426 Agents Welcome!


GARAGE SALE/ MOVING SALE Sep. 6/7 - Sat & Sun. 8 a.m. - 1 p.m. Garden tools, patio items, household items, sports equipment, furniture, collectibles. Port 32 - 11 Patricia PL


Appliances, batteries, electronics, steel, copper, aluminum, cars. Anything metal. FREE pick-up. Call Andy 705-793-2145


Septic & Holding Tank Pumping

#1 IN THE #2 BUSINESS Portable Toilets Available Theo Finley • 738-3424 • Bobcaygeon September 5, 2014 - The Kawartha Promoter 33


Spaghetti dinner Saturday September 20, 2014 at Fenelon Falls United Church at 5:30 p.m. &12 p.p (12 and under $6, pre-schoolers free) Tickets available at Church office Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Phone 705-887-3040


2 positions available immediately for Personal Support Workers at an expanding Seniors Residence in Bobcaygeon to assist in day-to-day operations of active seniors’ residence. Up to 67 hours including midnights and weekends. Experience in retirement homes an asset. Vulnerable sector police check required. Please email resume to or call 705-464-2060 and leave a brief message. Starting rate at $13/hr.


Furniture, glass, China, military medals etc. duck decoys, clocks, jewelry, silver dollars, gold, 50 cent pieces, pocket watches etc. Anything old. R. Carruth. 705-887-1672. ____________________ Moving or Downsizing? We buy antiques and collectibles. Vintage costume jewellery, sports memorabilia, small furnishings, decorative arts, vintage toys, collectible glass & china, local interest books, etc. Special interest in pre-1970s comic books and rock, soul & blues records (LPs and 45s). Small collections or entire estates! Robert or Penny 705-324-2699

THANKS FROM THE BULMER FAMILY On October 5 , 2013 our lives were changed forever...... Derek and his family would like to thank everyone for their overwhelming support we have received over the past 11 months. Family, friends and our communities have pitched in from the very beginning. The support, love and prayers have been so incredible. A benefit was given and was a tremendous success. Special thanks to Judy Johnson for all her hard work. We send out our sincerest gratitude to each and everyone who has helped make this past year as easy as possible. All of you have touched our hearts....thank you ever so much.

Local Events SEPT 4, 8, 18 & 22 - Sexual Health Clinic providing cervical screening, low-cost birth control, pregnancy testing, sexual health teaching, testing and treatments. For more info or appointments, call the Health Unit at 1-866-888-4577, ext. 1205. SEPT 4,11,18 & 25 - Thursday night dinner for seniors presented by Community Care at 70 Murray St., Fenelon Falls 5:30 p.m. Call 705-324-7323 to reserve. SEPT 4,11,18,Oct 2 & 9- Healthy Beginnings - Prenatal Class 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. HKPR District Health Unit 34 September 5, 2014 - The Kawartha Promoter

office, 108 Angeline St. S., Lindsay. Pre-register by calling (705) 324-3569 or toll-free at 1-866-888-4577. SEPT 5 - Mini bucks euchre Bobcaygeon Seniors Centre 7 p.m. Contact: Roger 705-738-6627 SEPT 6 - Kawartha Lakes Food Source yard sale, rain or Shine 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. at KLFS head office/warehouse location: 41 George St. W, Lindsay. Find a treasure and help support the cause of feeding the hungry. SEPT 6- An evening of music and dance at Bobcaygeon Senior Citized Centre 7:30 p.m. $3 SEPT 9- Victoria County Genealogy Group meeting 7 - 9 p.m., Caressant Care, Lindsay. For info call 705-8781669 or SEPT 9 - Seniors luncheon presented by Community Care at 70 Murray St., Fenelon Falls, noon. Call 705324-7323 to reserve. SEPT 10, 17 & 24 - Greet & eat luncheon for seniors held by Community Care at Village Housing in Lindsay, noon. Call 705-324-7323 to reserve. SEPT 11 - Preparation for Breastfeeding Class 6:30-8:30 p.m. , HKPR District Health Unit 108 Angeline St. S., Lindsay. To register, call the Health Unit at (705) 3243569 or toll-free 1-866-888-4577. SEPT 13 - Kawartha Lakes Food Source Video Dance Party – Country 105, Victoria Park Armoury. $12 in advance/ $15 at the door. Age of majority event. SEPT 15 - Big bucks bridge, Bobcaygeon Seniors Citizens Centre 11 a.m. $10, includes lunch Contact: Don 705-738-5511 SEPT 15 - Monthly luncheon for seniors presented by Community Care at Lions Hall, Kirkfield, noon. Call 705-324-7323 to reserve. SEPT 16 - Monthly luncheon for seniors presented by Community Care at the Woodville-Eldon Community Centre, noon. Call 705-324-7323 to reserve. SEPT 16 - No-Family Doctor Clinic Health Unit office 108 Angeline St. S., Lindsay. For appointments, call 1-866-888-4577, ext. 1507.

Health & Wellness Don’t be queen of the Nile Virus

West Nile virus has been detected for the first time in the area this summer, and the local health unit is urging residents to “fight the bite” of mosquitoes that can spread the disease. Lab results received by the Haliburton, Kawartha, Pine Ridge District Health Unit on Monday, Aug. 25, confirm that a batch of mosquitoes collected in Lindsay the previous week tested positive for West Nile Virus. “West Nile virus is officially here, so it’s important that everyone take precautions and fight the bite of mosquitoes that can spread the virus to people,” says Christopher Beveridge, Director of Environmental Health with the HKPR District Health Unit. It’s the first trace of West Nile virus detected this year in the Health Unit’s region, which includes the City of Kawartha Lakes, Northumberland County and Haliburton County. As of August 16, across Ontario, 11 batches of mosquitoes had tested positive for West Nile virus this year. Across the province, one probable human case of West Nile virus had also been reported—in the Simcoe-Muskoka region. “There is never a good time or reason to be bitten by mosquitoes, and that’s especially true as we enter the peak season of West Nile Virus activity in late August and September.” The Health Unit reminds people to reduce their risk of West Nile Virus. They suggest that you:

• Cover up when outside by wearing light-coloured clothing such as long-sleeved shirts, jackets, long pants, hats and socks, especially between dusk and dawn when mosquitoes are most active; • Apply federally-registered insect repellent on exposed skin (such as products containing DEET) to limit exposure to mosquitoes; • Clean up and remove any standing water around homes, cottages or campsites. Mosquitoes need stagnant water to lay their eggs, and even small amounts will do, such as that found in bird baths, old tires and unused containers of any size; • Keep bushes and shrubs clear of overgrowth and debris, as adult mosquitoes like to rest in dense shrubbery; • Turn your compost piles regularly; and • Make sure homes and businesses are “bug tight,” with windows and door screens that fit well and do not have holes. While most people who get West Nile Virus do not experience any symptoms, a small number of individuals may develop flu-like symptoms such as high fever, severe headache, muscle weakness and stiff neck. In a few cases, people may develop more severe symptoms, including confusion, tremors and sudden sensitivity to light. People who suspect they have West Nile Virus should seek immediate medical attention. For more information, call the Health Unit at 1-866-888-4577 or visit

Mark Your Calendars Customer Appreciation Day September 11, 2014

Drop in and SAVE up to $100 on every pair of Varilux lenses with any Crizal coating Dr. Faye Crerar Dr. Robert Anderson 45 William Street, Bobcaygeon 705-738-5173

September 5, 2014 - The Kawartha Promoter 35

Community Care Helping folks get ‘home at last’

At some point, almost all of us have used the phrase: “Ah, home at last!” A free program provided by Community Care is designed to ensure that local residents enjoy the comfort of being home at last. For more than five years, Community Care’s Home At Last (HAL) program has helped people get settled following a hospital stay. Usually clients are frail or elderly and have been hospitalized for a significant health reason, and are now ready to go back home. However, that process can be challenging, especially if people do not have family or caregivers readily available. If the hospital stay has been a long one, coming home to an empty house may not

be so easy, either. Community Care works with local health partners such as Ross Memorial Hospital and the Central East Access Centre to help discharged patients who are ready to leave the hospital, but who might face barriers to a smooth transition. HAL’s services can start with driving or accompanying the patient home through our volunteer transportation program or wheelchair accessible services. Once home, an agency personal support worker (PSW) can pick up medications and groceries, provide a light meal or some meal preparation, as well as perform some light homemaking services—all with the goal of making the settlement comfortable and easy. HAL can also include follow-up with clients to check on their wellbeing, and provide referrals to other support services available in the community.

36 September 5, 2014 - The Kawartha Promoter

Not only does the HAL program ensure comfort, reassurance and safety for the client who has been through a significant experience, but it provides peace of mind for family members who may not be nearby at the time of discharge. For further information about Home At Last or any programs that Community Care provides to help people live comfortably at home, visit, or call 705-324-7323.

Mike Puffer is Director of Marketing & Development for Community Care City of Kawartha Lakes Health and Support Services. E-mail: mpuffer@community-care.

Caregivers the backbone of the health care system

Caregivers—the people who help a family member or friend with needs related to aging, a disability or a long-term condition—are “the invisible backbone of the health care system.” One way that we at Community Care City of Kawartha Lakes (CCCKL) like to recognize and support caregivers is by giving them the opportunity to tell their own stories, in their own words— so others can know they are not alone in their challenges. Many people in our community have amazing stories and experiences to pass along. If you’re a caregiver—or you know one—who’d like to participate in the story telling project, CCCKL provides a template for written submissions of up to 500 words. The Promoter and other local media have agreed to assist in selecting and publicizing some stories. Stories will also be published in the agency newsletter and on its website. Telling your story will be good for you and for others. CCCKL has developed an extensive caregiver support system. Twice a month we offer Caregiver Support Groups. These sessions are free for any caregiver to attend and provide the opportunity to

September 5, 2014 - The Kawartha Promoter 37

connect with others who share similar experiences, to explore the challenges of care giving, and to get advice on looking after yourself as well as a loved one. On the first Wednesday of the month, we offer the “Take Care” session in Fenelon Falls. This session is an open group for people caring for someone, regardless of the specific health condition or stage of illness. On the second Wednesday, we run the “Caring With Confidence” session in Lindsay, for people caring for someone with a terminal or lifethreatening illness. For further information on Community Care’s Caregiver Support program, contact 705-324-7323, or . Mike Puffer is Director of Marketing & Development for Community Care City of Kawartha Lakes Health and Support Services. E-mail:

They’re not weeds; they’re food and medicine

John Bick, Bobcaygeon & District Horticultural Society

With this summer’s rains and moderate temperatures, local gardens have been doing well. So are the weeds – those unwanted plants that seem to defy all our efforts to eradicate them. But are they really all that bad ?

For centuries, Indigenous peoples have known that what we call weeds are a rich source of food and medicine. Here are a few examples. Dandelion - The most hated plant in North American suburbia was actually one of the most revered in medieval Europe and Asia as a fresh salad ingredient. Herbalists claim that the root juice can alleviate diabetes and liver diseases. Lamb’s Quarters - Grown as a commercial food crop in Central America, it can be steamed as a tasty green. Valued as a nutritional potherb across Europe, it is used as animal fodder in parts of Asia. Pineapple Weed - Used traditionally by Native North Americans to relieve stomach ailments and heal sores, it was also an insect repellent, perfume, and preservative. Plantain - High in Vitamin A, its edible leaves are used in Europe as a cough, cold, bronchitis remedy. Shepherd’s Purse - Cultivated and eaten in Japan, China, and Korea, it is used in traditional Austrian medicine to treat skin disorders and cardiovascular problems. Stinging Nettle - Eaten like spinach, the leaves must be blanched to remove the sting. It is used to treat arthritis, as a blood purifier and an ingredient in anti-dandruff products. White Clover – Add the young leaves to a soup to make a healthy tonic. So, instead of getting stressed out about the weed patch in your yard, learn to appreciate that you are just providing a haven for some of the oldest sources of medicine and food in the world.


FULLPACKAGE PACKAGE INCLUDES: FULL PA FULL INCLUDES: Consultation * Con * *Consultation * Consul Co-ordinate change addre * *Co-ordinate change of address * ofCo-o * Co-ord office and utilities office and utilities office a * *Arrange booking dayday for moving office Arrange booking for mo CommunitySupport Support Services Services Community * *Organize and sortsort personal belo Organize and personal * Arrange 705-340-3258 705-749-4940 * Arra 705-340-3258Community 705-749-4940 Support Services according to Inc. your wishes Community Support Services according to your * wishes Organiz * *De-clutter professionally * packed Orga 705-340-3258 705-749-4940 De-clutter professionally pac 705-340-3258 705-749-4940 belongings accord belongings acco * Arrange for removal or sale of u EXPANDING TO INCLUDE A * De-clut *items Arrange for removal or sale EXPANDING TO INCLUDE A * De-c SENIOR’ RE-LOCATION SERVICE items belongi SENIOR’ RE-LOCATION SERVICE * Set up & supervise moving day belon * Set up & supervise moving Our goal is to ensure peace of mind * Arrange belongings*inArrange new locatd TO INCLUDE A Ourand goal is to ensure peace of mind toEXPANDING make your move as smooth * Arrange belongings in new * Clean up and hand in keys for al * Arra items and to possible make your move as from startas to smooth finish. SENIOR’S RE-LOCATION SERVICE Clean up and hand in keystof * *Arrange for repair or painting items as possible from start to finish. house sale * orSet up *forArrange for repair painting Our caring team of workers are Fully insured * Assist withyour finding formake house sale real *estate Setagu Our goal toare ensure of mind goal toisensure peace ofpeace mind and to * Arrange Our caringOur team of is workers Fully insured *of up in new location *Follow Assist with finding real estat Our goal is to your ensure peace mind and to make move as smooth



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38 September 5, 2014 - The Kawartha Promoter

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Small Business Innovation Award 2013


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September 5, 2014 - The Kawartha Promoter 39

40 September 5, 2014 - The Kawartha Promoter

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