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World Meeting of Families 2018 Souvenir Issue



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... to sing for Pope Francis at the Papal Mass in the Phoenix Park and the World Festival of Families in Croke Park. This very talented all female group from Kilkenny, under the direction of their choral director Veronica McCarron are really looking forward to doing what they do best... singing for joy!

August 25+26 2018 ď • 3

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Souvenir Issue


Ireland prepares for families to come together, to share experiences, to dialogue, to pray and work together to grow as individuals and family units.


On March 13, 2013, Jorge Bergoglio the first citizen from the Americas, the first non-European and first Jesuit priest became the 266th pope of the Roman Catholic Church.


Timetable for the Apostolic journey of His Holiness Pope Francis to Ireland on the occasion of the World Meeting of Families, 25-26 August 2018.


A three-day Pastoral Programme at the RDS gives families the opportunity to deepen their reflection and their sharing of the content of The Joy of Love (Amoris Laetitia).


For many the World Meeting of Families will serve as the first step in a pilgrimage deep into Ireland.


In Ireland there are many sites famous for being spiritually linked; mystical places that provide solace for the spirit and the soul.


Ireland’s voluntary and charitable organisations carry out invaluable work, providing essential services to those most in need and those who have been neglected by society.

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AD COPY: Lauren


John McElroy | Irish Catholic Bishops | Stefan Schnebelt Trish Phelan, PRODUCTION MANAGER: Joanne Punch,


Gillen, Linda Hickey | Paul Halley | Eamon McGabhann | Maria Smyth DESIGN:

August 25+26 2018  5

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6  August 25+26 2018


WORLD MEETING OF FAMILIES ‘Family’ is a single word, with a multitude of

across the world to celebrate, pray and

World Meeting of Families 2018 will be held

meanings. It is many things to many people,

reflect upon the central importance of

in Dublin but events will also take place in

but it is always about love.

marriage and the family as the cornerstone

other centres around Ireland.

of our lives, of society and of the Church.  The actual Meeting will begin with a major

Pope John Paul II never tired of affirming the dignity of every human person; that

During a World Meeting, families come

Conference which will last for three days at

everyone is created by God to love and be

together to share experiences, to dialogue,

which international speakers will address

loved. In 1994, Pope John Paul II asked the

to pray and work together to grow as

the challenges of the family. Married

Pontifical Council for the Family (now part

individuals and as family units. Delegates

couples will witness to the contribution

of the Dicastery for Laity, the Family and

participate in discussion groups on the role

of the family to the Church and to society.

Life) to establish an international event

of the Christian family in the Church and

Each day will open with a major talk

of prayer, catechesis and celebration that

society and are addressed by distinguished

followed by break-out groups on a wide

would draw participants from around the


range of theological, spiritual, social and scientific questions on the place of the

globe and that would help to strengthen the bonds between families and bear witness to

The World Meeting of Families was first

family in today’s world, and will conclude

the crucial importance of marriage and the

celebrated in Rome in 1994. Since then

with Mass. On the evening of Saturday, 25

family to all of society.

Meetings have been hosted in Rio de Janeiro

August a larger function of testimonies will

(1997); Rome (2000); Manila (2003);

be held to celebrate the place of the family

Held every three years, the World Meeting of

Valencia (2006); Mexico City (2009);

in the Church. A final Mass will conclude

Families is a major international celebration

Milan (2012); Philadelphia (2015); and now

the Meeting on the early afternoon of

of faith bringing together families from

Dublin (2018). The principal events of the

Sunday 26 August.

August 25+26 2018  7


8  August 25+26 2018



On the 22nd October, 2016, a special conference marking the Catholic Church’s celebration of family and family life took place in DCU Saint Patrick’s Drumcondra Campus in Dublin. Guest speakers included the co-chairs of the Council for Marriage and the Family of the Irish Bishops’ Conference, Archbishop Eamon Martin of Armagh and Archbishop Diarmuid Martin of Dublin who, along with over 600 delegates, participated in a special event to formally launch preparations for the World Meeting of Families 2018. The conference was entitled “The Joy of Love, Amoris Laetitia and the World Meeting of Families in Ireland” and included over 600 representatives from Irish dioceses and parishes and from abroad, as well as more than twenty organisations whose mission is to support the sacrament of marriage and offer pastoral outreach to families. Drawing on key themes from Amoris Laetitia, the apostolic exhortation of Pope Francis, the conference offered strong personal reflections on the joys and challenges of family life today, including on the experience of being a refugee family from Syria, of homelessness in Ireland and of the impact on families of various forms

August 25+26 2018  9


of addiction. The event also included prayer,

“What can the World Meeting of Families do to

within a process: a process which should

audience interaction, video testimony,

help us in our path? It depends on how we

help us dispassionately to look to at the

drama, music and singing.

wish to look on the Meeting. It could be a

inadequacies of our pastoral work for

seven-day wonder, a week of buzz and glitter

families. You will remember that phrase:

In his address Archbishop Diarmuid Martin,

and possibly even the joy of meeting with

“We cannot enlighten reality without first

Archbishop of Dublin and President and

the Pope. But the World Meeting of the Families

having listened to it”. But we cannot be

host of the World Meeting of Families 2018

is not a sort of spiritual travelling circus

satisfied with simply listening: we have to

said, “My first hope for this event is that you,

which moves around from city to city simply

enlighten also. Our listening should not be

who represent families from across Ireland,

repeating the same performances.”

just at the negative.

structures to take Amoris Laetitia seriously

Archbishop Martin said, “Pope Francis

“Let me say something about which I feel

and to come up with concrete ideas for the

spoke to me about the World Meeting of

strongly: do not allow ourselves to be

renewal of marriage and family in our Irish

Families as a gift to the Irish Church. It

become entangled in trying to produce

Church and society.

should be a high point but a high point

definitions of the family. Family is such a

will challenge the Church leadership and

10  August 25+26 2018


Archbishop Martin concluded by saying, “When I think of the organizational challenges which the Word Meeting of Families places at my doorstep I shiver. But when I find myself at a gathering like this – yes I still shiver – but I realise also that together we will accept this gift and challenge of Pope Francis in such a way that he will be proud of us.” Speaking about his hopes for the World Meeting of Families, Archbishop Eamon Martin, Archbishop of Armagh and Primate of All Ireland said, “One of my hopes is that we will develop Catholic family support groups at diocesan and parish level which might not only assist with marriage preparation, but also with supporting couples in the years immediately following marriage”. Archbishop Eamon went on to say that, “In choosing Ireland to host World Meeting of the Families, Pope Francis has given a gift to our Church and our country which we have accepted with humility and openness to the graces that it can bring. My hopes for the World Meeting keep coming back to that word ‘connection’. “Family is all about ‘connection’. Family connects us to a home, to ‘ar muintir fein’, the people who are our flesh and blood. It links us to a community, a parish, a county and an ever-expanding network of people and places. Family also connects us to a history and culture, a language and tradition, to our ‘DNA’, our roots, to our past, present and future. Family connects us to faith and values, to baptism and the community of believers. I pray that Ireland’s hosting of the World Meeting of Families transcultural value that it cannot be defined

do their best. Where would any of us be

will enable families to ‘connect’ and ‘re-

simply. We may find it hard to define, but

without the love and generosity we received

connect’ at a whole variety of levels, both

we all recognise what is family. We should

from our parents? That is not something old

with each other and with the wider ‘family of

not be rushing in telling people what to do,

fashioned: it is something more necessary

families’ that is their Church.”

without first of all recognising what is great

than ever. As we begin to get ready for the

and beautiful and courageous in so many

World Meeting of Families we should above all

The conference marked the start of the

Irish families.

recognise what we ourselves and society

formal preparations for the 9th World

owes to our families.

Meeting of Families in Ireland, an international pastoral event which will take

“Family is about love, no matter how imperfect and failing: it is about a love which

“Pope Francis’ idea is not that we will

place in Dublin from 22 to 26 August 2018.

enriches lives. I am thinking about the love

receive a gift to be placed in a glass-case for

Pope Francis has asked for the 2018 World

of spouses, the love of parents for children.

ourselves. He looks on the World Meeting of

Meeting of Families to take place in Dublin

We have great families who would never

Families as a gift which the Irish Church can

with the theme “The Gospel of the Family: Joy for

think of themselves as great: they simply

then share with others.”

the World”.

August 25+26 2018  11


A Year of Preparations On Sunday 21 August, 2017 the one-year

Also joining in the celebrations were

Families 2018. Petition boxes were also carried

countdown to World Meeting of Families 2018

Cardinal Seán Brady, Most Rev Eamon

in from each diocese which will accompany

began, marked by a mass at Knock Shrine.

Martin, Archbishop of Armagh, Most Rev

the Icon as it travels around the country.

Kieran O’Reilly, Archbishop of Cashel and To celebrate the launch, families

Emly and Archbishop of Tuam, Most Rev

The Icon will travel to the Irish Church’s

representing each diocese of Ireland were

Michael Neary.

26 dioceses as part of the preparation and awareness-raising ahead of the international

invited to participate in the 3pm Novena ceremony. The Mass began with a special

The newly commissioned Icon of the Holy

gathering of the World Meeting of Families from

procession, where each family carried a

Family was unveiled and anointed by the

21–26 August 2018. It will be accompanied by

banner to represent their diocese.

Archbishop during the Mass and there was

petition boxes and contemplative communities

much anticipation to see the stunning artwork,

around Ireland have agreed to take petitions

Most Rev Diarmuid Martin, Archbishop of

which is a triptych style representing the Holy

collected from families and to pray for them

Dublin was the main celebrant for ceremony,

Family in the centre. The icon was written

during the coming year.

which also marked a very special day at Knock,

by Mihai Cucu with the assistance of the

the 21st August which is the anniversary of

Redemptoristine Contemplative Community

When the icon is closed, its two doors show

the Apparition and the Feast of Our Lady of

in Drumcondra as part of their ongoing prayer

the two archangels, Michael and Gabriel,

Knock. The choir present on the day were The

for families. The icon is meant to encourage

communicating the protection of God.

Lords Choir, led by Sharon Lyons.

both reflection and prayer as part of the

When open, the centrepiece shows the Holy

journey of preparations to World Meeting of

Family who are sitting at a table inviting

12  August 25+26 2018


us to come to their table and share the Passover meal. Two other scenes from the Gospel which both relate to marriage and family life are also depicted – the wedding feast at Cana and the curing of Jairus’ daughter. The Archbishop delivered his homily ‘When Plates Fly! Pope Francis on the joys and challenges of family life’. During his homily, he said “There is no family that is ideal, plates fly in every family. There are, however, great families who struggle, at times heroically.” He underlined that the celebration of the World Meeting of Families would be hypocritical were it to be a celebration that ignored this struggle. “A civilisation of love must involve the search for a new politics for families, a politics of care for the marginalised and those who struggle.” In his homily Archbishop Martin talked of love and renewal in family and in the church: “Today we begin a programme of catechesis that will lead us to the World Meeting of Families to be held in Dublin beginning of this day next year. However, what we begin today must really be something more. It is not a twelve-month programme, which will end in twelve month’s time. It is a call to renew the Church so that it can enter into a new future: a future in which our Church will attract more and more people to Jesus through the way in which try – however imperfectly – to realize that love of God in the way we live. “God’s love reaches out to all. We have an obligation to preach the Gospel of love to all. There is no family that is ideal. Plates fly in every family. There are however great families who struggle, at times heroically. The celebration of a World Meeting of Families

witnesses to the “God [who] gives hope to

“The message of Knock is itself an Icon,

would be hypocritical were it to be a

his people in time of distress”. We come

an Icon of the Church. The Saints, led by

celebration that ignored this struggle. A

now to anoint this Icon that will be a central

Mary, the model of discipleship, with John

civilization of love must involve the search for

inspiration in all our preparations for the

the evangelist and teacher and Joseph

a new politics for families, a politics of care

World Meeting of Families as we set out on a

the protector of the Church indicate the

for the marginalised and those who struggle.

journey of ecclesial renewal to rediscover

sacrificial Table of the Lord, the great

that Joy of Love, Amoris Laetitia, which is

moment of salvation when in his total self-

“We are called, as the prayer of the Mass

God’s great gift to us and which we are

giving love, Jesus reveals the true nature of

of Our Lady of Knock reminded us, to be

called to share with all these around us.

our God.

August 25+26 2018  13


14  August 25+26 2018



Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on December 17, 1936, Jorge Mario Bergoglio became Pope Francis on March 13, 2013, when he was named the 266th pope of the Roman Catholic Church. Pope Francis took his papal title after St. Francis of Assisi of Italy. Explaining his choice to waiting media after his election, he said that “as things got dangerous” in the conclave voting, he was sitting next to his “great friend,” Brazilian Cardinal Claudio Hummes “who comforted me.” When the former Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio went over the 77 votes needed to become Pope, he said, Cardinal Hummes “hugged me, kissed me and said, ‘Don’t forget the poor.’” Pope Francis took to heart the words of his friend and chose to be called after St. Francis of Assisi, “the man of poverty, the man of peace, the man who loves and protects creation,” the same created world “with which we don’t have such a good relationship. How I would like a church that is poor and that is for the poor,” he said.

August 25+26 2018  15



she was a devout Catholic. By the time he

the second-most votes in the 2005 papal

Jorge Mario Bergoglio was born in Buenos

was ordained, however, she accepted his

conclave after Pope Benedict XVI (Joseph

Aires, Argentina, on December 17, 1936, to

calling and asked for his blessing at the

Ratzinger) who was chosen as Pope John

Italian immigrants. He graduated from a

end of his ordination ceremony. He later

Paul’s successor.

technical school as a chemical technician

returned to his alma mater, the Colegio of

before beginning training at the Diocesan

San José, where he served as rector (1980-


Seminary of Villa Devoto. In March 1958, he

86) as well as a Professor of Theology.

On March 13, 2013, at the age of 76, Jorge Bergoglio was named the 266th pope of

entered the novitiate of the Society of Jesus. On May 20, 1992, Bergoglio was named

the Roman Catholic Church—becoming

Bergoglio taught literature and psychology at

Titular Bishop of Auca and Auxiliary of

the first citizen from the Americas, the first

Immaculate Conception College in Santa Fé in

Buenos Aires; he was ordained into that post

non-European and first Jesuit priest to be

1964 and 1965 and also taught the same subjects

a week later. In February 1998, he became

named pope and adopting the name Pope

at the Colegio del Salvatore in Buenos Aires in

Archbishop of Buenos Aires, succeeding

Francis. Prior to the 2013 papal conclave,

1966. He studied theology and received a degree

Antonio Quarracino. Three years later, in

Pope Francis had served as both Archbishop

from the Colegio of San José from 1967 to 1970,

February 2001, he was elevated to Cardinal

and Cardinal for more than 12 years.

and finished his doctoral thesis in theology in

by Pope John Paul II, named the cardinal-

Freiburg, Germany in 1986.

priest of Saint Robert Bellarmino. In 2005,

The tone of his papacy, which has become

he was named President of the Bishops’

admired globally, was established long

Ordained as a priest in December 1969,

Conference of Argentina, serving in that

before his elevation to the church’s highest

he began serving as Jesuit provincial of

position until 2011.

position; however, when he was named to that post, the media quickly picked up

Argentina in 1973. He has said that initially his mother did not support his decision to

After Pope John Paul II’s death in April

on stories of his humility. News circulated

enter the priesthood despite the fact that

2005, Jorge Bergoglio reportedly received

about the fact that he returned to the

16  August 25+26 2018


boarding house where he had been staying to pay his bill personally rather than send an assistant, and that he would choose to live in a simple two-room apartment rather than the luxurious papal accommodations in the Vatican’s Apostolic Palace. Even outside the church he is hugely popular as a figure of almost ostentatious modesty and humility. From the moment that Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio became pope in 2013, his gestures caught the world’s imagination: the new pope drove a Fiat, carried his own bags and settled his own bills in hotels; he asked of gay people, “Who am I to judge?” and washed the feet of Muslim women refugees. Addressing a crowd of tens of thousands in St. Peter’s Square, in the Vatican City in Rome, Italy, after his selection by the conclave, Pope Francis stated, “As you know, the duty of the conclave was to appoint a bishop of Rome. It seems to me that my brother cardinals have chosen one

caused him to receive death threats.

One line in the prayer had been recited for generations in English as “lead us not into

who is from far away. Here I am. I would like The Pope tackled other political blockades

temptation,” but the Pope said that was

too, bringing together Presidents Castro of

“not a good translation,” pointing out the


Cuba, and President Obama of the United

French Catholic translation, “do not let us

Pope Francis has shown himself to be

States in a historic meeting that precipitated

fall into temptation” as a more appropriate

progressive on several scientific issues. He

significant foreign policy changes.


of Sciences in 2014 that he supported the

In September 2015, Pope Francis announced

After expressing support of breastfeeding

Big Bang theory and evolution. According to

that priests around the world will be allowed

in public during the annual Holy Mass on

The Independent newspaper, Pope Francis

to forgive the “sin of abortion” during a

the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord in 2017,

said that “The Big Bang, which today we

“year of mercy,” which started in December

the Pope made similar comments during

hold to be the origin of the world, does not

2015 and ended in November 20, 2016.

the 2018 ceremony. Noting how one baby

to thank you for your embrace.”

told the members of the Pontifical Academy

crying would spark others to follow suit, he

contradict the intervention of the divine creator but, rather, requires it.” He also said

In November 2017, Pope Francis visited

said that if the babies in attendance were

that evolution “is not inconsistent with the

Myanmar amid a humanitarian crisis that had

“starting a concert” of crying because they

notion of creation.”

sparked the exodus of more than 600,000

were hungry, then mothers should feel

Rohingya Muslims from the country. The Pope

free to feed them right there as part of the

Throughout late 2014 and into 2015,

first met with powerful military General Min

“language of love.”

Pope Francis continued his pattern of

Aung Hlaing, who refuted reports of ethnic

deep engagement with both political

cleansing by claiming there was “no religious

In June 2015, Pope Francis spoke out about

and environmental conflicts around the

discrimination in Myanmar.” He then made a

the environment. He released a 184-page

world. He spoke out against global abuses

joint appearance with State Counsellor Aung

encyclical warning of the dangers of climate

and the misuse of political and economic

San Suu Kyi to deliver a highly anticipated

change. In this letter, entitled “Laudato

power, lamenting the disappearances and

speech in which he called for tolerance. The

Si,” Pope Francis wrote: “If present trends

suspected murders of 43 students in Mexico;

Pope also met with other religious leaders,

continue, this century may well witness

the dangers and losses of life caused by

after which he headed to Bangladesh to show

extraordinary climate change and an

immigration; financial mismanagement

support for Rohingya refugees.

unprecedented destruction of ecosystems, with serious consequences for all of us.”

within the church and sexual abuse. His decision to crack down on church

During a television interview in early

corruption and excommunicate members

December, Pope Francis suggested a small

Pope Francis chided world leaders for failing

of the Mafia were hailed by Catholics and

but meaningful change to “Our Father,”

to “reach truly meaningful and effective

non-Catholics alike, though they also

commonly known as The Lord’s Prayer.

global agreements on the environment.” He

August 25+26 2018  17


“Human beings, while capable of the worst, are also capable of rising above themselves, choosing again what is good, and making a new start.”

also called for “highly polluting fossil fuels”

without making distinctions based on faith

to be “progressively replaced without delay.”

or lack of faith.

And while improving and protecting the environment will be difficult, the situation is

“It is useless to ask a seriously injured

not hopeless, according to Pope Francis.

person if he has high cholesterol, or about the level of his blood sugars. You have to

“Human beings, while capable of the worst,

heal his wounds. Then we can talk about

are also capable of rising above themselves,

everything else.” In the same moment, he

choosing again what is good, and making a

set out another crucial idea. The church,

new start.” The encyclical was considered

he said, “needs to warm the hearts of the

significant by environmentalists and church

faithful; it needs nearness, proximity.”

observers alike because it was not directed exclusively to Catholics, but to everyone in

The Church, especially the clergy, should

the world.

be among the people—most importantly the poor—seeing their lives and challenges

18  August 25+26 2018


near at hand. Friends and family should

In his five years as Pope, Pope Francis has

be in proximity to each other, through

made certain ideas the basis for his work.

time spent together: meals, conversations,

The best known is mercy. The church,

affection, tenderness. All this is framed by

he said (in a definitive September, 2013,

the conviction that the central Christian

interview with the Jesuit priest Antonio

mystery—God becoming man, the father

Spadaro), should be like “a field hospital

sending his son—is about the divine effort

after battle,” a place to care for others

to draw nearer to humanity, and vice versa.

THE APOSTOLATE OF EUCHARISTIC ADORATION “COME LET US ADORE HIM” MATTHEW 2:1-6 The Apostolate of Eucharistic Adoration is an Association of Adorers of the Blessed Sacrament, embracing God’s call to weekly Eucharistic Adoration, striving to be a people of prayer, vision and mission, and accepting the challenge to live the Good News of Jesus Christ. This Apostolate is organised, maintained and developed by lay people. The Apostolate set up Centres of Weekly Adoration for parishes. THE MOTTO OF THE APOSTOLATE IS: “TO JESUS THROUGH MARY” CHARISM “Could you not keep watch one hour with Me?” Matthew 26:40 The Apostolate seeks to carry this invitation to each individual, in every parish

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MISSION The mission of the Apostolate of Eucharistic Adoration is to assist parishes and dioceses to establish, maintain and develop viable weekly Eucharistic Adoration, in conformity with the teaching of the Church and in full obedience to the bishops and priests, for the upbuilding and renewal of parish.

VISION That there be a nucleus of people, in every Parish of the Diocese, formed by sitting at the feet of Jesus Christ, truly present in the Blessed Sacrament.

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13/07/2018 09:43


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Papal Itinerary Pope Francis’ attendance at the World

Provincial. “He came to learn English but also

Saint Barnabas) in Saint Patrick’s College,

Meeting of Families in August will be the

I suspect to get a break and a rest. He and lots

Maynooth, details of the Programme of the

second visit of a pope to Ireland. This will not

of people in Argentina had been through a very

Pastoral Congress for the World Meeting

be Pope Francis’s first time in Ireland. In 1980

tough time,” Fr Neary said.

of Families 2018 and the itinerary of Pope

he spent a few months with fellow Jesuits at

Francis, were announced by Archbishop

Milltown Park in Dublin learning English. Fr

Pope Francis chose the Archdiocese of

Diarmuid Martin, President and host of

Donal Neary, editor of The Messenger magazine,

Dublin to be the host diocese for the 2018

WMOF2018; Archbishop Eamon Martin,

remembers him from those days and how

event guided by the theme “The Gospel of

President of the Irish Catholic Bishops’

people were concerned for him, aware that he

the Family: Joy for the World”.

Conference; Father Timothy Bartlett,

had come from Argentina which was under military dictatorship at the time when he was

Secretary General of WMOF2018; and On Monday 11th June (on the Feast of

WMOF2018 volunteers.

August 25+26 2018  21


Saturday 25 August 2018 08:15

Departure by plane from Rome/Fiumicino for Dublin


Arrival at Dublin International Airport OFFICIAL WELCOME


Transfer to Áras an Uachtaráin


Arrival at the Presidential Residence


WELCOME CEREMONY in front of the main entrance to Áras an Uachtaráin


Courtesy visit to the President in the Presidential Residence


Transfer to Dublin Castle


Arrival at Dublin Castle Meeting with authorities, Civil society & diplomatic corps in Dublin Castle



Transfer to the Day Centre of the Capuchin Fathers


Private visit to the Day Centre for Homeless Families of the Capuchin Fathers


Arrival at Croke Park Stadium



FESTIVAL OF FAMILIES in Croke Park Stadium

in today’s culture. • Speech of the Holy Father

Departure by plane for Knock


Arrival at the Airport in Knock. Immediate transfer to the Shrine



Transfer to the airport in Knock


Arrival at the airport in Knock


Departure by plane for Dublin


Arrival at Dublin International Airport

Arrival at Phoenix Park


HOLY MASS in Phoenix Park Meeting with the Bishops in the Convent of the Dominican Sisters


Exploring the key role of the family in caring for ‘our common home’, the earth.

Speech of the Holy Father

Looking at the relationship between business and the family.

Exploring the relationship between sport and the family.

What does Pope Francis mean by the ‘Throwaway Culture?’ (Address by Cardinal Tagle).

The link between the family and the forthcoming Synod on Vocational Discernment.

• Angelus of the Holy Father

Looking at key challenges faced by many families today, including: • Homelessness • Addiction • Domestic Violence • Displacement as Migrants and Refugees. • Disability. • Separation and Divorce.

Exploring how Parishes can support those families with members who identify as LGBTI+ (presentation by

Homily of the Holy Father Speech of the Holy Father

James Martin SJ) •

The joy of belonging to a family reflect in contemporary interest in our genealogies.


22  August 25+26 2018

Exploring the impact of technology on the family.

Arrival at Dublin International Airport

Departure by plane for Roma/Ciampino

The importance of solidarity between the generations in family.

Lunch with the Papal Delegation 14:30

Finding new language to affirm the joy, within marriage.

Greeting of the Holy Father

Visit to the Chapel of Knock Shrine


home today. •

Arrival at Knock Shrine

ANGELUS on the square in front of the Shrine

The challenges of handing on faith in the

beauty and goodness of sexual love

Sunday 26 August 2018 08:40

Finding new ways of the joy of commitment and sacramental marriage

Arrival at St Mary’s Pro-Cathedral Visit to St Mary’s Pro-Cathedral

The future of marriage preparation in

The vocation of fatherhood in today’s world. There will be fun cookery demonstrations with faith and family themes.



Registrations to the event is the largest of any World Meeting of Families.

Of those registered to attend almost 6,000 are 18 years old and under. This is the largest of any World Meeting of Families and the reason for an enhanced Teen & Children’s programme.

More than a quarter are couples aged from 29-40. Young families are clearly registering for the event.

Over 11,000 of those registered are international. The largest of any World Meeting of Families. 103 countries are represented.

Of the 200 announced speakers, 91 are lay women, 65 are lay men and 44 are Clergy/Religious.

The largest group are couples. This a lay-led, couples-led programme.

It is an international programme, with speakers from all five main continents of the world.

Amoris Laetitia is the guiding

“My hope is that now the World Meeting

that we will receive a gift to be placed in a

theme of all three days of the

of Families – the pastoral preparation, the

glass-case for ourselves. He looks on the

Pastoral Congress and of all the

Pastoral Congress in the RDS and the visit

World Meeting of Families as a gift that the Irish

topics chosen.

of Pope Francis – will open out for families

Church can then share with others.

This is the first World Meeting

renewed inspiration, hope and healing.

of Families to have a specific workshop on Safeguarding.

“Family is about love, no matter how “The visit of Pope Francis to the World

imperfect and failing: it is about a love that

Meeting of Families in Dublin must not be

enriches lives. I am thinking about the love

just a once off event. It comes as the Church

of spouses, the love of parents for children,


in Ireland struggles to find a new place in

the goodness with which families enrich

Welcoming the launch of the programme

Irish society and culture – a very different one

communities. We have great families who

and the upcoming visit of Pope Francis to

from the dominant one it held in the past.

would never think of themselves as great: they simply do their best. Where would any

Ireland Archbishop Diarmuid Martin said: “Pope Francis is above all a free man. He

of us be without the love and generosity we

“We are here to officially announce the

shows us we can live in a world where faith

received from our parents?”

programme of the visit of Pope Francis to

seems marginal and yet manage to touch

Ireland on the occasion of the World Meeting

hearts and challenge them to reflect on

Closing he said: “I encourage families to

of Families together with the details of the

and discern those fundamental values

take part in the global event that is World

programme for the Family Pastoral Congress

vital for society. What he does is to find

Meeting of Families. I encourage families

that will be held at the RDS in Dublin on the

ways in which he can win hearts for what

to take this unique opportunity to see Pope

days before the visit of the Pope.

the teaching of Jesus involves, not through

Francis where they can. All are welcome.”

imposing and judging, but through winning “Today we launch the programme of the final

and attracting.

Archbishop Michael Neary also welcomed the upcoming event and he was particularly

stage of a process that has been underway for over two years here in Ireland and has reached

“Pope Francis said to me that he considers

happy that His Holiness, Pope Francis will

out to parishes throughout the country

the World Meeting of Families as a gift to the

visit the Shrine of Our Lady of Knock during

through the Amoris pastoral programmes.

Irish Church. His idea, however, is not

the World Meeting of Families 2018.

August 25+26 2018  23


“Pope Francis has gifted the World Meeting

Archdiocese of Tuam.

and his visits to the Basilica of Saint Mary Major before and after his various apostolic

of Families 2018 to Dublin. From the moment of the announcement of the Holy Father’s

“I warmly welcome the announcement

journeys are powerfully inspirational.

decision, the work of preparation began, and,

of a papal visit to Knock which is a very

It seems to me that an opportunity to

thank God, it continues to gain momentum

appropriate link with the World Meeting of

visit Knock is something the Holy Father

day by day, not only in Dublin but in every

Families which takes place in Dublin on 25

personally desires. It will be the second time

part of Ireland, and I welcome the official

and 26 August.”

a Pope visits Knock Shrine following the historic visit of Saint Pope John Paul II on

announcement from the Holy See this morning. The Church in Ireland is delighted

Pope Francis will arrive at Knock Shrine

30 September 1979 to mark centenary of the

and honoured that Pope Francis will attend

at 9.45am on Sunday, August 26 where he


the World Meeting of Families in person.

will circuit in the Pope mobile and pray the

As Archbishop of Tuam and the custodian

Angelus at the Apparition Chapel before

Knock was considered to be a most

departing from Knock Shrine at 11.15am.

suitable venue for the official launch, on 21 August 2017, of the unveiling of the World

of the Marian Shrine at Knock, Archbishop Neary invited the Pope to Knock should the

Archbishop Neary said: “One of the most

Meeting of Families icon, and the one-year

opportunity arise.

beautiful sights at Knock is to see families,

countdown to the beginning of the World

sometimes the three generations praying

Meeting in Dublin in August 2018.

“When accompanying the Irish Bishops in

and enjoying the peace and tranquillity of

their visit to the Holy Father in January 2017,

the Shrine. The Apparition at Knock was a

Archbishop Neary said that Knock Shrine

I availed of the opportunity to invite the

family apparition incorporating Our Lady,

has the capacity to continue the momentum

Pope, in the event of his being able to visit

Saint Joseph, Jesus as the Lamb of God, and

generated by the World Meeting of Families,

Ireland for the World Meeting of Families,

John as representing the extended family.

“and it is a place where the fruits of the World Meeting will be nourished and

to also make a pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady of Knock, Queen of Ireland

“The Holy Father’s personal devotion to

blossom long after the World Meeting has

which is located within the territory of the

Mary, the Mother of God, is well known,


24  August 25+26 2018


An opportunity to visit Knock is something the Holy Father personally desires. It will be the second time a Pope visits Knock Shrine following the historic visit of Saint Pope John Paul II on 30 September 1979 to mark centenary of the Apparition

August 25+26 2018 ď • 25

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Pastoral Congress Programme the economy, work and the environment

In his letter for World Meeting of Families

as well as fun and prayerful activities for

2018, Pope Francis asked that the event

individuals and families, including a tailored

Faith and the family

and its preparation would give families the

programme for children (4-12 yrs) and

Women’s leadership roles, globally and

opportunity to have a way of deepening

young people (13-17 yrs).

locally •

their reflection and their sharing of the

The role of education in raising families out of poverty

content of The Joy of Love (Amoris

The event will focus on key issues related to

Laetitia)’. The programme of the three-day

family drawn from Pope Francis’ teachings

Pastoral Congress from 22nd to 24th August,

in The Joy of Love (Amoris Laetitia). These

The highlight of each day will be the

takes up this call.


celebration of the Eucharist in the main

The role of technology in the Family

arena. Fun activities for all the family will

The impact of conflict on families and

run throughout the day in the Conference


venue, except during the celebration of

Building a more sustainable approach to

Mass in the Main Arena.

The Congress takes place in the Royal Dublin Society (RDS) offering a daily programme of workshops, discussions

August 25+26 2018  27


Wednesday 22nd August


Sacramental Marriage as a Path to Joy.


Supporting Families Coping with Addiction.

Choose life: Pope Francis on the ‘throw-away’

An interactive seminar which will include


personal testimonies from families, drama,

Speaker: H.E. Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle,

and inputs from experts working with families


Archbishop of Manila, Philippines.

and individuals affected by addiction.

In Light of the Word: Celebrating Family in the Judeo-

The History of Religious Art in the Family Home.

The Family of Families: The Experience of

Christian Tradition.

Speaker: Prof. Salvador Ryan, Professor of

Catholic Families in Russia.

Looking to Jesus: Presenting Commitment to

Ecclesiastical History, Faculty of Theology,

Pope Francis, in Amoris Laetitia, describes the

Marriage as a Path to Joy Today.

St. Patrick’s College, Maynooth.

Church as the ‘Family of Families’. In this


interactive workshop we listen to the stories

And the Greatest is Love: Pope Francis on 1 Cor 13 AFTERNOON PROGRAMME

of faith and family from Catholics in Russia,


Main Area, Keynote Speaker - H.E. Cardinal

through the initiatives supported by the

Real Reading for Real Families; Lectio Divina in

Donald Wuerl, Archbishop of Washington,

Pontifical Foundation, Aid to the Church in

Home and Parish.

United States of America

Need International.

Handing on the Faith in the Home Today.

The Welfare of the Family is Decisive for the

Keepings your W.I.T.S in Marriage and Family

The Logic of Complementarity: Why Mothers and

Future of the World.

Life Today.

Fathers Matter in Amoris Laetitia.

Followed by 30 minutes of testimony: Young

An interactive workshop on interpersonal

No Room at the Inn: A Christian Response to

People on their Hopes and Dreams for Marriage & the

skills that can help navigate the challenges


Family in the Third Millennium.

of contemporary marriage and family life.

Migrants and Refugees.



Dignity and Safety in a Digital Age: Facing a New

Main Celebrant & Homilist


Challenge for Families.

H.E. Cardinal Oswald Gracias, Archbishop

Le Chéile, Le Críost: The Missionary Family of

The Family: A Resource for Society.

of Bombay, India.

Irish Saints.

The Importance of Belonging; Exploring

Theme: The Church as a Family of Families.

Celebrating the lives of Holy women and

Nowhere to Lay his Head: A Christian Response to

men of Ireland through the lens of faith,

Contemporary Interest in Genealogy. Families and Parish; Supporting Families with Special


hope and love.


The Vocation of the Business Leader: A Family

The History of Religious Art in the Family Home.

Ministering to Families in the Diocese of Toledo in

Business Perspective.

Light of Amoris Laetitia.

Why Get Married in Church? Presenting

28  August 25+26 2018



When Plates Fly: Pope Francis on the Reality of Love in Family Life. The Dignity and Beauty of Sexual Love: Finding New Language for Ancient Truths. Love made Fruitful: Amoris Laetitia on Cherishing the Gift of New Life. Handing on the Faith between the Generations: The Role of Grandparents. Who is Doing the Dishes: Pope Francis on the Little Things that Matter in Family Life. Pope Francis on the Vocation of Fatherhood. The Joys and Challenges of Parenting Today. Supporting Newly Married Couples in the Parish. A workshop facilitated by ACCORD Catholic Marriage Care Service, Ireland who provide marriage preparation courses for couples choosing to get married in the Catholic Church in Ireland. Human Trafficking: “An open wound on the body of contemporary society’”(Pope Francis). A look at how human trafficking pervades contemporary society: global and family responses required for healing. Vocational Discernment and the Family: Preparing for the Youth Synod, 2018. A facilitated discussion on youth ministry

around the world have a voice in decisions

of Saint John Paul II.

amongst individuals who took part in

that affect their lives, within their homes,

Speaker: Rocco Buttiglione, John Paul

the pre-synod consultation. A particular

communities, and beyond, and that they are

II Professor of Philosphy and History of

focus on how the family plays a central

free from violence.

European Institutions, Pontifical Lateran

role in supporting vocations of all varieties

University, Rome, Italy.

amongst youth and enabling young people

Marriage Preparation and the Parish in the

to live their lives to the fullest of their

Light of Amoris Laetitia.

Showing Welcome and Respect in our Parishes


An interactive workshop by the Marriage

for ‘LGBT’ People and their Families.

and Family Life Office, Bishops Conference

Presenter: Fr James Martin S.J., Editor-at-

of England & Wales.

large, Jesuit Magazine America

Panel of experts and partners of Trócaire


Spicing Up Our Married Life: Satisfying

(Caritas Ireland) will speak to the theme

Pope Francis on the Revolution of Tenderness.

Couples Hunger for True Love

of how women are the key to unlocking

Presenter: H.E. Cardinal Oscar Andres

Speaker: Fr Leo Patalinghug. US Priest, Chef

the potential of developing countries

Rodriquez Maradiaga, Archbishop of

& Author. Cooking Demonstration and talk

around the world. Trócaire’s Women’s


with Faith & Family theme.

Faith, Family and Development: The Witness of Women in Leadership.

Empowerment programme strives to ensure that the women and girls they work with

A Hidden Treasure: The Theology of the Body

August 25+26 2018  29



urgency of our environmental challenges

An interactive workshop on supporting

and joining Pope Francis in calling for a new

teenagers in their journey through


dialogue and vision for the environment and

relationships and sexuality in a digital age.

H.E. Cardinal Vincent Nichols, Archbishop

the future of our planet.

of Westminster, England.

The Family of Families: The Experience of

Theme: Support and preparation for

Turning Technology to the Greater Good:

Catholic Families in Africa.

marriage in the light of Amoris Laetitia.

Faith, Family & Technology.

Pope Francis, in Amoris Laetitia, describes

Followed by 30 minutes of testimony:

An interactive presentation on turning

the Church as the ‘Family of Families’. In

Couples celebrating 25, 50, 60 years of

technology to the good in our world and in

this interactive workshop we listen to the


our homes.

stories of faith and family from Catholics in


Grace Before Meals: Recipes to Strengthen

the Pontifical Foundation, Aid to the Church

Main Celebrant & Homilist

Family Life.

in Need International.

Theme: Love endures all things: why strong

Cooking Demonstration with Faith & Family

marriages make stronger societies.


Africa, through the initiatives supported by


Coping with Crises and Hurt in Marriage.

Care for our Common Home: Why the Family

Communication through Conflict: Skills to

Matters to the Future of our Planet.

Help your Marriage Flourish.

An interactive seminar based upon the

Description: An interactive workshop on

themes in Laudato Si’ hosted by Trócaire

conflict resolution skills in marriage and

(CARITAS Ireland). This seminar will

family life.

comprise of stories, music, national and international speakers acknowledging the

30  August 25+26 2018


Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults Supporting our Teenagers in a Digital World.

Glued to our Phones: Can Technology Become More


Family Friendly?

and divorce. Pope Francis recently met with

Speaker: Fr Leo Patalinghug, Priest, Chef

Dancing to the Future with Hope: Strengthening

representatives of the project and families

and Author, USA

Marriage & the Family today.

who have been involved.

Description: Cooking Demonstration and talk with Faith and Family theme.

Celebrating the Lord’s Day as Family. Relationship and Sexuality Education in the Light of

Homecoming Reading; Unlocking the Hope

Amoris Laetitia.

and Healing of the Scriptures.

Ministering to Families with Members in Prison.

An interactive workshop on using the

Breaking the Silence: Dealing with Domestic Violence.

Scriptures, through Lectio Divina, to


Celebrating Family and Sport

support hope and healing in our lives,

H.E. Cardinal Mario Zenari, Apostolic

The Family that Prays Together: Finding Time for

particularly in our families.

Nuncio to Syria.


Theme: The family as a key to peace in a

Prayer in a Digital Age. Promoting the Gospel of the Family: The Role of


turbulent world.

Family Associations Today.


Followed by 30 minutes of testimony:

The Family as an Agent of Peace in a Turbulent World.

Accompanying, Discerning and Integrating:

‘Christian Families from Troubled Parts of

Marriage, the Family and the Search for Christian

Human Fragility and Amoris Laetitia.

Our World’


Moderator: H. E. Cardinal Gualtiero Bassetti,

Supporting Families Through the Heartbreak

Archbishop of Perugia-Citta della Pieve,


President of the Italian Bishops’ Conference.

Mail Celebrant & Homilist H.E. Cardinal Kevin Farrell

of Divorce: A Diocese Accompanying Families Through Difficult Times.

Pope Francis on the Gospel of the Family:

Prefect of the Dicastery for Laity, Family

This interactive workshop will share the

What is Jesus Calling our Families to be?

and Life.

experiences of those involved in the Santa

Speaker: Bishop Robert E. Barron, Auxiliary

Theme: The Family: Hope for the Church and

Teresa project of the Archdiocese of Toledo

Bishop, Archdiocese of Los Angeles, USA

for the world.

which offers accompaniment to families experiencing the upheaval of separation

The Pastoral Congress closes after Mass. How to Get your Family to Heaven!

August 25+26 2018  31


32  August 25+26 2018



The World Meeting of Families concludes with a Solemn Eucharistic Celebration that will gather individuals and families from all around the world in thanksgiving and communion. The Mass will mark the conclusion of the World Meeting of Families 2018 in Dublin and the next diocese to host the event in conjunction with the Dicastery for the Laity, Family and Life will be announced. The main celebrant for the Final Mass at Dublin’s Phoenix Park will be Pope Francis. In the shadow of the iconic Papal Cross, many will remember back to September 1979 when Pope Saint John Paul II arrived in Ireland for a three-day visit. He was the first pontiff to visit Ireland, and it was one of John Paul’s first foreign visits as Pope having been elected in October 1978. Times were hard in the Ireland of September 1979, the economy was a mess and the Troubles cast a long shadow, but for three magical days, the Papal visit lifted the spirits of the entire country. An estimated 2.7 million people turned out to welcome Pope John Paul II - over half the island’s population - believed to be the largest gathering of Irish people in history. The Papal Cross was constructed for the event and is to this day a permanent memorial to the first ever visit by a Pope to Ireland. Weighing in at 31 tons and standing at 116 feet high, this strong yet simple structure in many ways was the main symbol of the papal visit. Now we are again blessed with the upcoming visit of Pope Francis who will say mass at this very spot. Describing Pope John Paul II as “the pope of the family” at his canonisation in April 2014, it is particularly poignant that Pope Francis visits us to celebrate family, so dear to Saint Pope John Paul II.

August 25+26 2018  33



days a week, all year round.

At the very heart of Dublin, the Phoenix

It will attempt to demonstrate how the combined skills and dedication of a wide

Park is the largest enclosed public park in

To coincide with the Papal visit of 2018, the

range of people, came together, to design,

any capital city in Europe. It was originally

Office of Public Works (OPW) will present

make and supply the staging of the Papal

formed as a royal hunting Park in the 1660s

an exhibition of the Papal Visit to the

Mass and how they collaborated to deal with

and opened to the public in 1747. A large

Phoenix Park in September 1979.

the practicalities related to the production

herd of fallow deer still remain to this day.

of this extraordinary event. This exhibition will illustrate the remarkable

The park is only a mile and a half from

shared sense of purpose that enabled this

This exhibition will run from 1st August to 30th

O’Connell Street. It is open 24 hours a day, 7

event to be organised within two months.

September 2018.

Tasty Treats Dublin is blessed with many great restaurants but for something a little different that will delight the taste-buds without breaking the bank, head for one of the two Zaytoon locations, winners of Best International Food Ireland 2016. With locations at Camden Street and Parliament street, this is a casual diner offering delicious grilled kebabs served with freshly made Naan bread and cooked in a traditional Persian clay oven. But these are no ordinary kebabs – cooked and presented in the traditional way, Zaytoon has a reputation for having the best kebabs in Ireland. There are no freezers at Zaytoon, so everything is freshly made and only the finest quality ingredients hit the plates. All meat, poultry & fish are Irish and fully traceable. Food is freshly and lovingly prepared daily with no added artificial colorings, flavorings or preservatives. For those who don’t eat meat, there are vegetarian options. Great food at greet prices can be had at 14/15 Parliament Street or 44/45 Camden Street.

34  August 25+26 2018


Apostolate of Eucharistic Adoration “The zeal to carry evangelization to

spend at least one committed hour of

the ends of the earth comes from

weekly Eucharistic Adoration, thus strive

contemplation and adoration of the Lord

to be a people of prayer, vision and mission,

Jesus Christ.” Pope Francis

embracing God’s call to weekly adoration.

The Apostolate of Eucharistic Adoration

The mission of the Apostolate of Eucharistic

is an association of adorers of the Blessed

Adoration is to assist parishes and dioceses

Sacrament, embracing God’s call to

to establish, maintain and develop viable

weekly Eucharistic Adoration, a devotion

weekly Eucharistic Adoration in conformity

whereby members of a parish unite in

with the teaching of the Church and in full

making continuous adoration before Jesus

obedience to the bishops and priests, for the

in the Blessed Sacrament for as many hours

upbuilding and renewal of parish.

as may be possible, based on the number of people who pledge to do a weekly Holy

Striving to be a people of prayer, vision

Hour, when the programme is presented at

and mission, and accepting the challenge

Masses of the parish over a weekend.

to live the Good News of Jesus Christ, this Apostolate is organised, maintained and

Members, in accepting the challenge to

developed by lay people.


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10/04/2018 18:47 August 25+26 2018  35

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Pilgrimage has been defined as “a meaningful journey to a place of spiritual significance” and the practice is almost as old as recorded history. The land of saints and scholars has strong historical importance as a place of pilgrimage for early Christian scholars. They link back to St Patrick, who brought Christianity to the country during the 5th century and continue right through to modern times and the strong influence of the Catholic Church. Christian pilgrims journeyed to Clonmacnoise in Co Offaly; while Lough Derg in Co Donegal, and Glendalough in Co Wicklow, were destinations for the medieval order of penitents. Monks and other religious orders sought spirituality by visiting Skellig Michael in Co Kerry or in climbing Croagh Patrick in Co Mayo, which continues to draw thousands of pilgrims on the last Sunday of July of each year.

August 25+26 2018  37


The later definition of pilgrimage – that of a journey to a place connected with people and places that you admire – might well be the reason many journey to Ireland itself. Ireland’s wondrous landscape, with its raw ability to magic up moments of solitude and stunning beauty has a powerful effect. They say that if you lose yourself in Ireland, you’ll find yourself in Ireland; and that to find the real Ireland you must journey outside of its busy, modern cosmopolis. Yet it is the thriving capital of Dublin that will serve as the jumping off point to the worldwide pilgrimage in August when people from all over the world descend on the city for the World Meeting of Families. The last two meetings, in 2015 and 2012, attracted attendances of more than 1,000,000 people. For many of those who journey to Ireland for the event, the World Meeting of Families will serve as a first step in a pilgrimage deep into Ireland. Many will seek out religious pilgrimage. Others seeking a place of peace, spirituality or refuge, will also find it in Ireland. Those of all beliefs – or none – can be embraced by a multitude of places of retreat where they can go to recharge their batteries and spend some soulful time. There are thousands of wild and lonely spots where visitors can go and get a sense of self in Ireland. QUIET PARADISE OUT WEST Those who venture farthest west will hit Ireland’s Atlantic coast. The route, from Donegal in the north to Cork in the south, is broken into six parts that include itinerates such as The Surf Coast or the Southern Peninsulas. Although drawing thousands of tourists each year, each offer their own mix of solitude, adventure, scenic beauty and vibrant social life. There are quiet paradises to be found on each route. Those seeking a more spiritual or meditative break can also partake in yoga and meditation retreats on Achill Island ( or a bioenergy healing session (, which is described as being a hands-on cure for stress through energy healing. Those after something more connected to the landscape can spend an hour in a seaweed bath (, where they can reconnect with nature. Seaweed

38  August 25+26 2018


Baths are said to be known for their healing,

castle at Kylemore Abbey, and the scenic

limestone. You won’t find bogs here and

moisturizing and detoxification qualities,

fishing village of Cleggan, which serves as a

there are very few pastures. Instead there are

with seaweed harvesting in Ireland going

departure point for the islands of Inishturk

huge pavements of limestone called ‘clints’

back to ancient times.

and Inishbofin.

with vertical fissures in the called ‘grikes’. The landscape may appear bleak, but man

Further south on this part of the Wild

Journeying further south will bring you

has settled here since the Stone Age and this

Atlantic Way will take you to Connemara

upon The Burren, which is mostly located

is partly what draws pilgrims and visitors.

in Co Galway, long a place of rest and

in Co Clare but also covers some parts

Right across The Burren there is evidence of

reflection for the Irish and others. For those

of Co Galway. The region is particularly

habitations and tombs. Massive dolmens,

seeking a longer pilgrim’s path to venture

notable for its geology, natural history

wedge tombs and stone forts called cahers,

on, then the 104km Connemara loop offers

and archaeology. It was under a tropical

point to early settlers, while churches and

plenty of variety, from colorful Clifden

ocean for more than 360 million years ago,

castles indicate later periods of settlement.

through to the dramatic, gothic lakeside

the result being the area is covered with

The remnants of early settlers through

August 25+26 2018  39

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Two families of MMM Associates in Kenya pray and celebrate together.

The Medical Missionaries of Mary welcome Pope Francis to Ireland for the World Meeting of Families (WMOF) in 2018. As part of our healing mission, Medical Missionaries of Mary have a special concern for the fostering of family life. We appreciate that ‘as the first school of faith and love, the Christian family is often where we ourselves first come to know Jesus and his love’ (WMOF website).

7 nights B&B

Rooted and founded in love

We welcome the families that have come for the meeting from around the world. It is an opportunity to ‘explore how families ... can help us to care for our common home, with which we share our life’ (WMOF website). We especially welcome the message of Pope Francis to young people that ‘a better world can be built also as a result of your efforts, your desire to change and your generosity’ (Synod of Bishops 13 Jan 2017). A special concern for MMMs is the care of mother and child.

A family in Honduras works together to grow local medicinal plants.

Families of MMMs, MMM Associates, and friends: All part of the extended MMM family To find out more about the work of MMM visit us at:


tombs and churches also mean The Burren


Embarking on a pilgrimage to follow in St

has a number of religious pilgrimage paths.

Ireland’s churches, abbeys and relics tell

Patrick’s footsteps will take you to the four

the story of the island’s history. The myriad

provinces of Ireland. His association with

Those seeking something spiritual or

of churches and monasteries welcome

Ireland began at Slemish Mountain in Co

meditative might do well to seek out a

visitors each year, and each hold their own

Antrim, which is in Northern Ireland. It was

walking tour across a section of The Burren

unique story. Some have been attracting

here where Patrick the boy was brought

called the Coisceim Anama (coisceimanama.

pilgrims going back thousands of years.

to work as a slave after being captured in

com), which is Irish for ‘footstep of the soul’.

In Co. Tipperary, the Holy Cross Abbey by

Wales. On Slemish Mountain, Patrick was

The guides promise an inspirational walk

the River Suir was a great place of medieval

said to have spent six years herding sheep

to tackle the stresses and strains of modern

pilgrimage for more than 1,000 years

and it was here where he was believed to

life, promising that each participant will

because it contained a relic of the True

have found consolation in God. Today, you

be given “the opportunity to slow things

Cross. Most of the country’s best-known

can walk the 2km trail up to the summit of

down, take things one step at a time and

religious pilgrimages are linked to St Patrick,

Slemish, and look out on to the landscapes

awaken the senses.” Celtic Spirituality is also

patron saint to Ireland and whose death is

that inspired the saint himself.

incorporated into the guided walk with the

commemorated throughout the world on

walks concluding with a sacred circle dance.

March 17th of each year as part of Ireland’s

After escaping slavery and fleeing Ireland,

national day of celebration.

Patrick was called back in a dream to

August 25+26 2018  41


convert pagans by the thousands. Tradition

The Hill of Slane in Co Meath; the Rock of

of Munster. His baptism marked the end

holds that he landed at the mouth of the

Cashel in Co Tipperary and Croagh Patrick

of paganism and ushered in a new era of

River Slaney in 432AD and was given a barn

in Co Mayo are three further pilgrimage

Christianity in Ireland. For centuries since,

for shelter, which later became Saul Church

destinations associated with St Patrick. The

pilgrims have flocked to The Rock of Cashel

in Co Down. It was here where he lived up

Hill of Slane towers 158 meters above the

in search of salvation, as well as to nearby

to his death on 17th March 461 and the site

landscape and has breathtaking views of

St Patrick’s Well, which is said to have

is known as the Cradle of Christianity in

the countryside. In Christian history, it was

many curative properties in local belief and

Ireland and a place of pilgrimage. Nearby

here where St Patrick lit the first paschal

folklore. It is said that by drinking the water

Down Cathedral, in Downpatrick, Co Down,

fire in defiance of the pagan high kings in

from the well or even washing in the well,

also draws religious pilgrims as it is the

nearby Tara. It is for this reason that it has

ailments like sore lips, sore eyes and many

reputed burial site of St Patrick himself.

become a place of pilgrimage, with Slane

other chronic diseases can be cured.

also the home of numerous other sacred The third destination of pilgrimage related

sites, including Newgrange a 5,200-year-old

In truth, Ireland offers whatever one might

to St Patrick is of course Lough Derg in Co

passage tomb that was built by Stone Age

seek. From religious pilgrimages aimed

Donegal. Patrick is said to have hunted the

farmers. Newgrange is best known for the

at testing and strengthening one’s faith,

last snake out of Ireland at Lough Derg,

illumination of its passage and chamber by

to spiritual breaks aimed at giving you the

while another tale has Christ dramatically

the winter solstice sun.

space to think, to retreats aimed at relaxing and recuperation. Stick a pin into a map

revealing the entrance to Hell to Patrick inside a cave by the lough. It’s little wonder

The Rock of Cashel, in Co Tipperary, is

and you’ll find a part of Ireland that offers

then that this beautiful, isolated spot has

home to the ruins of a great Christian

solitude, beauty and soulfulness, should

been a spiritual destination ever since.

cathedral. Legend has it that it was here

you seek it.

where St Patrick baptized Aenghus, the King

42  August 25+26 2018


Many say that nothing illustrates the enormity of St Patrick’s impact on Ireland better than the annual pilgrimage to the top of Croagh Patrick barefoot.

August 25+26 2018  43

THE RADHARC FILM ARCHIVE The Radharc film archive contains 425 films made in 75 countries between 1961 and 1996 The films cover a wide variety of stories about life and times in Ireland and around the world. Subjects such as the practise of religion, social justice, and human rights abuse were recorded in true documentary filmmaking style. The films are interesting and informative. They challenge the moral conscience. The Radharc archive is a priceless record of life in the second half of the twentieth century. It has much to offer present day audiences and it deserves to be cherished and preserved for future generations. The Trust continues the work of preserving the archive and celebrating the legacy of the Radharc films. Details of all the films may be found on the Radharc website The majority of the films are available on DVD and they can be purchased on the website.




The Radharc Trust. 18 Newbridge Avenue Sandymount Dublin D04 W6V6

LOUGH DERG - Island of Quiet Miracles For centuries hundreds of thousands of people have come to this place apart to take up the challenge of the penitential pilgrimage. In more recent times the addition of various one day experiences has opened up further opportunities for people to come to the Island.

A place of living pilgrimage for more than 1500 years

Today, increasingly frenetic lifestyles leave little room for a slower pace of life. Lough Derg offers a place which challenges the way technology can invade our lives – our personal space – a place where we can get in touch with our deeper selves in these times.

Patrick the Pilgrim – standing 8ft tall on the lakeshore of Lough Derg, is a magnificent statue of a young Patrick, sculpted by Ken Thompson, 2002. A unique depiction of Ireland’s Patron saint in an ancient yet living place of pilgrimage – Patrick the Pilgrim stretches out his hand of welcome to all who come as pilgrims.

At Lough Derg many of our pilgrims feel a connection with the generations before them as they walk the same ground where their parents, grandparents and forebears walked and prayed. This is a place where miracles do occur, not the ones to capture the headlines but the much quieter sort that can take place here almost any day: healing of the mind, the heart and the spirit, in a place where God’s grace is revealed in a personal way. The flame of faith, hope and love lit in Ireland by St Patrick is rekindled year after year in the lives of the many thousands who come to make the pilgrimage.

Lough Derg, Pettigo, Co. Donegal | T. 0(0353) 71 9861518 E. |


Knock Shrine

A Unique Destination Countless pilgrims have shared their amazing,

brought on by an unknown motivation.

Our Lady, St. Joseph, St. John the Evangelist

humbling and inspiring stories of faith and

The journey in faith can also prove to be

and the powerful image of the Eucharist as

hope at Knock over the years. There are many

difficult, fraught with pain and a desire

described by the Knock witnesses, some

things that inspire people to make the journey,

for self-healing and reconciliation. For

of whom were on their own humble and

and for many seasoned pilgrims, it forms a part

those making a return to Knock and to the

unassuming journey through the village of

of an annual spiritual ritual, continued since

church, the journey requires healing and the

Knock when they were drawn to the light

childhood in a circle of tradition and prayer,

assurance of a listening ear.

and the scene.

The uniqueness of the Apparition at Knock

In August this year thousands of pilgrims

is the silence that was witnessed here on

will be drawn to the light of Knock for the

For others, it may be a journey of

the 21st August 1879, which creates a unique

visit of Pope Francis. Pope Francis has

happenstance, curiosity or simply a desire

and profound sense of peace. The Silence of

prayed at a number of Marian shrines while

passed from parent to child as part of a sacred and practiced tradition.

August 25+26 2018 ď • 45


on tours to other countries, including Fátima where he honoured two children who saw Mary in the Portuguese town. The planned visit to Knock is believed to be at Pope Francis’s instigation. He has a particular devotion to Mary and he recently instituted a new feast in her honour as Mother of the Church to be celebrated on the first Monday after Pentecost every year, May 21st this year. Pope Francis’ visit to the Marian shrine at Knock will also see him say mass at the Knock Basilica. BEACON OF LIGHT AND HOPE Knock Basilica stands majestically to the east of the Parish Church and Apparition Chapel with its main entrances either side of the central tower from which the iconic spire rises. Inside, the Basilica is circular in shape with five chapels radiating outwards from a central sanctuary which is the focus of the church. The Blessed Sacrament Chapel of the Basilica is uniquely located for its purpose of private prayer before the Blessed Sacrament. The Basilica was originally called the ‘Church of Our Lady, Queen of Ireland’, however it was raised to the status of Basilica during the Papal visit of 1979, an honor which can only be bestowed by a Pope. “It gives me great pleasure to announce that in honor of Our Blessed Lady, on this Centenary Year at Knock, the new Church recently built in her honor will from this day forward be known under the title of the Basilica of Our Lady Queen of Ireland” Saint John Paul II, 30th September, 1979. The artistic highlight of the Basilica interior is the exquisite mosaic of the Apparition scene of 1879. This mosaic, the largest of its kind in Europe, contains over 1.5 million individual pieces. Crafted in Spilimbergo, Italy by Travisanutto Mosaics, working from an artistic representation by renowned Irish artist, PJ Lynch.

46  August 25+26 2018


Croagh Patrick The tradition of pilgrimage to this holy mountain stretches back over 5,000 years from the Stone Age to the present day. Its religious significance dates back to the time of the pagans, when people are thought to have gathered here to celebrate the beginning of harvest season. Croagh Patrick is renowned for its Patrician Pilgrimage in honour of Saint Patrick, Ireland’s patron saint. It was on the summit of the mountain that Saint Patrick fasted for forty days in 441 AD and the custom has been faithfully handed down from generation to generation ever since through the Advent of Lent. Each year, The Reek, as it is colloquially known, attracts about 1 million pilgrims. On ‘Reek Sunday’, the last Sunday in July, over 25,000 pilgrims visit the Reek. Some people even climb the mountain barefoot as an act of penance. At the top, there is a chapel that was built in 1905 by local men who brought all materials up the side of the mountain using donkeys. Here mass is celebrated and confessions are heard. Individuals and groups come from all over the world and include pilgrims, hill climbers, historians, archaeologists and nature lovers. The other traditional Pilgrimage days are the last Friday of July which is known locally as Garland Friday and August 15th, the Feast of the Assumption of Our Lady into Heaven. The climb of Croagh Patrick can be broken roughly into three sections. Section one leads from the car park to the shoulder of the mountain. This section starts off gradually but gets very steep in places. Next the shortest and easiest of the climb

which forms a ‘station’ where prayers are

or the bare dust-covered ground provides

provides some pleasant walking along the

said by pilgrims. As walkers move along the

the best foothold, but whatever the path,

shoulder of the mountain. At this point,

shoulder, the final part of the climb comes

the going is tough on this final section and

views open up to the south across to the

into view with the massive pyramid of grey

the gable-end of the Church marking the

Sheefry Mountains and the rugged Mweelrea

rock looking impossibly, yet impressively

summit of the mountain forms a welcome

uprising. The track passes a stone cairn,

steep. It is hard to know if the loose scree

sight as weary walkers approach the top.

August 25+26 2018  47


At the National Centre for Liturgy students are given the opportunity to study liturgy under its theological, historical, spiritual and pastoral aspects. COURSES INCLUDE: Master’s in Liturgy

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The National Centre for Liturgy is a place of prayer, reflection, study, relaxation, hospitality and welcome. Daily worship is central to the life of the Centre. NATIONAL CENTRE FOR LITURGY

St Patrick’s College, Maynooth, Co. Kildare, Ireland Call: 708 3478 Email: National Centre for Liturgy 1/2.indd 1

12/07/2018 10:11


Lough Derg

Island of Quiet Miracles Four miles north of the village of Pettigo

The traditional Lough Derg retreat season

In May, August and September, visitors can

in county Donegal, Lough Derg is

runs from 1 June to 15 August. Pilgrims

also participate in one-day retreats and

undoubtedly Ireland’s most challenging

on three-day retreats held in June, July

new for 2011 are spiritually-themed artists’

place of pilgrimage. An ancient sanctuary

and August are asked to “pray with their

days and a three-day youth pilgrimage with

of St Patrick, it is a deeply spiritual place

whole body” and embark on a punishing,

a ‘pure oxygen’ music event. Special group

that offers renewal and growth without

centuries-old routine of fasting and walking

retreats can also be organised.

distraction or artifice. Many describe it as a

barefoot as they pray in a sequence of

place of penance and purgatory.

nine ‘stations’ over the three days. They’re

This is no easy-going retreat. It’s described

allowed one meal of dry toast or oatcakes

as mentally and physically harsh by some

In earlier times, the area around ‘Station Island’

and black tea each day, until the third day

pilgrims. And yet, people return year after

was a place of protection for anyone in trouble,

when they’re allowed to make themselves

year in search of that space for the mind

its monastery offering hospitality to all. Today,

a sparse Lough Derg-style meal. A central

and soul.

it’s a place of rest for the soul and the mind and

exercise of the retreat is the vigil, where

is a living remnant of the early Irish church,

participants stay awake for 24 hours from

retaining vestiges of our Celtic heritage.

10pm on the first night.

August 25+26 2018  49


50  August 25+26 2018


ABBEYS, CHURCHES & MONASTIC SITES There are a great many monastic sites throughout Ireland. Following these routes will give the traveller not only first-hand knowledge of a great past but also a sense of the spirituality that belongs to a bygone era. The first monasteries in the British Isles were in Ireland, where St. Patrick was sent to spread the Christian gospel around 433 AD. After the seeds of Christianity were planted in the fifth century, the sixth and seventh centuries saw monks setting up monasteries all over the country. In the absence of a centralized authority, monasteries became powerful urban centers of population, learning, trade and craftsmanship, as well as of religion. Clonmacnoise is one of the best-preserved monasteries in Ireland. Founded by Saint Ciaran in the sixth century, the monastery holds a prominent position on the banks of the River Shannon. It includes cathedral ruins, eight churches, two round towers and high crosses. As the burial place of the High Kings of Tara, it’s a must-see.

August 25+26 2018 ď • 51

Legion of Mary Founded Dublin 7th September 1921 in every diocese in Ireland and in over 170 countries worldwide Participates in the life of the Parish at home and Overseas Apostolate in the summer months Works of Service Hostels for Homeless Discussion Groups or email

Founded by Venerable Catherine McAuley in 1831

Ireland / USA / Kenya / South Africa Mercy enables us through the power of the Spirit and in the name of the church to reach out with courage and compassion to Christ’s suffering members and to witness to the constancy of God’s loving kindness in every age. (Constitutions of the Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy) Mercy takes many forms for us, among them praying with and among people; caring for the earth our common home; raising awareness of injustices; engaging in advocacy and support for homeless people, migrants and those trafficked; lobbying for justice and peace; involvement in healthcare and education and caring for one another in communities especially for those frail and vulnerable among us. If you would like to join the Mercy Family; as a Religious Sister, a Mercy Associate, a Circle of Mercy or Together in Mercy member, please contact us for further information.

+353 1 467 37 37

Sisters of Mercy 1/2.indd 1

13/14 Moyle Park, Clondalkin, Dublin 22

congregation of the sisters of mercy

12/07/2018 11:06


monastery in 1161.

The Rock of Cashel in Tipperary with its well preserved ecclesiastical remains is one of Ireland’s most spectacular landmarks.

Jerpoint Abbey is a Cistercian Abbey that

Also known as Cashel of the Kings, the rock

was founded in the 12th Century. The abbey

contains a spectacular group of medieval

is home to chapels, tomb sculptures, a tower

buildings set on an outcrop of limestone

and cloister, with Jerpoint Abbey Visitor

including the twelfth century round tower,

Centre providing some great insights into the

high crosses & Romanesque chapel, the

history of the abbey. Jerpoint Abbey is one of

thirteenth century Gothic cathedral, a

the most popular Kilkenny attractions with

fifteenth century castle and the restored

guided tours available for visitors.

Hall of Vicars Choral. Founded by St Senan in the 6th Century, Also in Tipperary is Holy Cross Abbey,

Scattery Island is home to an ancient

one of the first relics of the True Cross.

monastic settlement with a collection of

Holycross is said to contain physical

ruins including one of Ireland’s highest

remains traditionally believed to be from

round towers. Today, the guided tours of

the cross upon which Jesus was crucified.

Scattery Island help tell the chequered story

These were presented to the abbey in the

of this monastic site with boats to the island

twelfth century.

departing from Kilrush Marina.

Seen recently on the Star Wars movie, Skellig

Closer to the capital and in a county known

Michael is a steep rocky island west of the

as the garden of Ireland, Wicklow houses

coast of County Kerry. For 600 years the

the seven churches of Glendalough - a

island was an important center of monastic

point of pilgrimage down through the years

life for Irish Christian monks. An Irish

and still a place of solace to this day. It is

Celtic monastery, which is situated almost

acknowledged as the burial ground for the

at the summit of the 230-metre-high rock,

Kings of Leinster. St. Kevin lived there as a

was built in 588, and became a UNESCO

hermit in isolation. However, his fame and

World Heritage Site in 1996. It is one of

holiness attracted so many followers that it

Europe’s better known but least accessible

was necessary to construct a monastic city

monasteries. The very sparse conditions

to house them. Much of this still remains

inside the monastery illustrate the ascetic

ancient ruins including a church ruin, round

including the cathedral, the round tower

lifestyle practiced by early Irish Christians.

tower and sundial. Nendrum Monastic Site

and a church which became known as St.

is located on a small island in Strangford

Kevin’s Kitchen.

Cathedral Hill in County Down has long

Lough, an area of outstanding natural beauty. Back in the capital the iconic Christ Church

been a focus of Christian worship for almost as long as Christianity has been in

In the magical county of Mayo, Ballintubber

Cathedral in Dublin is at the spiritual heart

Ireland. The Church of Ireland’s Down

Abbey is an important sacred Irish historical

of the city. With over 1000 years of history

Cathedral, the Cathedral Church of the Holy

site. Built in 1216 by Cathal Crovdearg

it is Dublin’s oldest working structure. The

and Undivided Trinity, stands on the site

O’Conor, it’s a sacred space lying in the

Cathedral Crypt is one of the largest in the

of a Benedictine Monastery built in 1183.

shadow of Croagh Patrick. The visitor center

UK and Ireland, dating back to the 12th

Saint Patrick visited the area many times,

traces Ireland’s cultural and spiritual roots

century. Music forms a very important part of

preaching at Saul, taking the waters at the

over 5,000 years.

cathedral life and the church choir traces its origins back to 1493 with the founding of the

baths at Struell Wells and, as the story has it, dying and receiving the last rites from Saint

About an hour inland, Roscommon’s

choir school. The cathedral choir has always

Tassach in Raholp. Now, ever increasing

Boyle Abbey is regarded as the finest

been highly regarded in Dublin’s musical

numbers of pilgrims visit Downpatrick

Cistercian church to survive in Ireland.

life and took part in the first performance of

to view the massive granite stone that

It was used as a military garrison in the

Handel’s Messiah in Dublin in 1742.

reputedly marks Saint Patrick’s grave.

17th and 18th centuries and was besieged by Cromwellians in 1645 but still retains

Ireland’s historic monastic sites have had

Located in the town of Newtownards in

important examples of medieval art. The

a huge impact on generations of Irish men

County Down, Nendrum Monastic Site is

town of Boyle is a small, pleasant, hilly

and women for hundreds of years. There

one of the oldest in Ireland dating back to

country town full of old fashioned country

are over 100 ancient monastic sites in ruins

the 5th Century. It consists of three walled

shops and pubs with a history that goes

today, many with a story just waiting to be

enclosures within one another, with several

back to the foundation of the Cistercian


August 25+26 2018  53

This is the story of The Skellig Gift Store, Waterville, Co. Kerry

It is often said that “we are where we come from…” and this is definitely true for the Skellig Gift Store. Our families love of fine arts and crafts dates back 100 years to my grandmother who, as a young woman worked for a prestigious gift store in Limerick, where she later opened her own store. 50 Years ago, with the adrenalin pumping, my parents, proud owners of a tired, old fishing trawler, arrived at this awesome pinnacle of rock. They arrived at the Skellig islands in County Kerry. They worked and explored not only the dizzy heights of these amazing islands, but also scuba dived to their very base on the ocean floor. To quote Alf “I took one look at this magnificent rock, dived through the crystal depths of the underwater Skellig’s which has a colour and magic unsurpassed by any sea in the world. It was love at first sight” In the 6th century, the first monks set up home on Skellig Michael. They thought this was heaven on earth, so do my parents, and so do the Jedi of Star Wars fame who landed 50 years after my parents.


Our first store - 50 years ago my parents opened their first retail outlet which consisted of a large lobster storage box just sitting on a pier on the mainland where they sold their handcrafted souvenirs made from polished stones and shell craft. When my parents departed on a fishing trip the stall would be left unattended, the cash register which consisted of an open container or box would display a notice to this effect, “Please leave cash for purchases in container – Thanks Very Much.” On returning from their days work at the Skellig’s they were seldom disappointed. A great testament to the honesty of the times. We have come a long way since then, but our values remain the same. This was the foundation stone or birth place for The Skellig Gift Store. What else could we call it! We invite you to visit the Skellig Gift Store where a warm welcome awaits you, come and browse in spacious, friendly and beautiful surroundings. Skellig Gift Store is a unique and extensive visitor attraction showcasing Irish heritage, craft and design located on the Skellig Coast on the main Ring of Kerry road (N70), just 500 m North of the village of Waterville, on the Wild Atlantic Way. If you can’t get here in person, please visit our website, where you will get the same personal attention at

Get to Know Kerry; its heritage and mythology. You’ll love her!

As part of your experience we invite you to visit, Free of charge, our Heritage Gallery at Waterville. This unique outdoor Gallery in the grounds of Skellig Gift Store is where you will learn about South Kerry heritage, culture, archaeology – stone forts and circles, geology, birds, flora and fauna, local folklore and mythology. It provides a great introduction to the wonderful array of local heritage sites and stories, not only in Waterville but the Skellig Coast on the Ring of Kerry Wild Atlantic Way. There is a dedicated section of the Skellig Rocks, after which our gift store in named. The Skellig islands are UNESCO World Heritage Sites, which in recent times was the location for two Star Wars films, ( episode 7 The Force Awakens) and (episode 8 The Last Jedi). We also have a Star Wars Cave for free dress up and selfie photos . Check out our certificate of excellence and reviews on TripAdvisor, and Google. Visit our website, where you will find our unique selection of Irish Craft products, and benefit from genuine FREE WORLDWIDE SHIPPING on all orders.


Skellig Gift Store Waterville, Co Kerry Email: Website:

“Skellig Michael illustrates, as no other site can, the extremes of a Christian monasticism characterizing much of North Africa, the Near East and Europe.�


-- UNESCO World Heritage


Older Person’s Fund for Ireland Where there’s a will there’s an … opportunity - to do something amazing! The Community Foundation for Ireland stands for a fair, caring and vibrant Ireland for now and the future and has been supporting projects for older people and much more in Ireland since 2001.

Will you consider including the Older Person’s Fund at The Community Foundation for Ireland in your will? To find out more, call Niall on 01 874 7354 or go to Other funds supported by wills include the Arts, Environment, Women’s and Children and Young People Funds. 56  August 25+26 2018



Most people who care for others in a selfless manner do so because of a genuine desire to help and improve the world around them. Nonetheless, modern psychological research has shown that caring has benefits for all involved; people who volunteer or care for others on a consistent basis tend to have better psychological well-being, including fewer depressive symptoms and higher life-satisfaction. People have a basic choice in the way they live explains Pope Francis, either striving to build up treasures on earth or giving to others in order to gain heaven. “What we invest in love remains, the rest vanishes,” the Pope said in his homily on the first World Day of the Poor.

August 25+26 2018  57


Speaking in a simple, inviting way to the

The pope in his teaching, entitled “The Joy of

charities benefit from this generosity.

hearts of people, Pope Francis urges us time

the Gospel,” says that we Christians, moved

According to Trócaire’s Executive Director

and again to overcome any indifference and

by the example of Jesus, “want to enter fully

Éamonn Meehan, Irish people have a

care for one another, especially the least

into the fabric of society, sharing the lives of

reputation for being very generous when it

among us. Each and all of us must “hear the

all, listening to their concerns, helping them

comes to supporting charities. He believes

cry of the poor,” and embrace the challenge

materially and spiritually in their needs,

this attitude is partially down to the Great

of feeding the hungry and giving drink to the

rejoicing with those who rejoice, weeping

Famine of the 1840s and ’50s; Irish people

thirsty, of clothing the naked and welcoming

with those who weep; arm in arm with others,

understand sacrifice, desperation and need.

the homeless.

we are committed to building a new world.”

In a particular way, at a time when our

“Be giving of yourself to others,” he says

throughout his lifetime so as Christians it

society seems to be beset with division,

because “if you withdraw into yourself, you

is a natural thing for us to do. The work that

questioning the rightful place of faith, this

run the risk of becoming egocentric and

Ireland’s charitable organisations carry out

visit from Pope Francis presents us with

stagnant water becomes putrid.”

is invaluable, providing essential services to

Jesus performed many good works

those most in need or those who have been

a much-needed occasion to examine our inner conscience and ask not what can be

Fortunately, Irish people are far from

done for me but what can I do for others?

stagnant when it comes to giving and many

58  August 25+26 2018

neglected in some way by society.


CORK PENNY DINNERS IS ONE OF CORK’S O L D E S T C A R I N G C H A R I TA B L E O R G A N I S AT I O N S . Currently serving up to 2000 freshly made meals per week are being served at our premises compared to approx. 150 or less per week prior to the recession.

Our aims are simple - to help all who struggle and those in need. Cork Penny Dinners provide a hot nourishing meal of soup, main course, dessert and tea/coffee daily.

Donations of warm clothes and bedding such as sleeping bags and duvets are also provided to people in need.

There is always an open door and a warm welcome. Cork Penny Dinners are open 7 days a week all year round including Christmas Day.

Classes on 4 nights a week:

Monday: Music Tuesday: High Hopes Choir Wednesday: Food for Thought Thursday: Mindfulness and Well-being


4, Little Hanover Street, Cork • 021 4275604 • Cork Penny Dinners are a Registered Charity – CHY 4971

August 25+26 2018  59


Please remember BĂłthar when you are writing your Will and leave a legacy for lifetimes to come.

If you would like to talk to someone about it in confidence, please contact David Moloney on +353 61 41 41 42 email or please speak to your solicitor.

60 ď • August 25+26 2018



Saving lives with livestock We live in a beautiful world but unfortunately

the poverty line. Livestock gifts include Irish

of people less fortunate after you are gone,

it is a world filled with inequality. The

dairy cows, Irish dairy goats, Irish pigs, Irish

then including Bóthar in your will gives you

problems faced by the poor in many

chickens, bees, fish, trees to name a few.

the opportunity to do something today that

countries act as huge barriers to getting

will bring lasting hope and human dignity to

above the poverty line. Bóthar is working to

So why does Bóthar give the gift of livestock?

solve these problems for the poor around the

Because produce such as milk, eggs or

world. It is making a difference to many but

honey improves family nutrition. Infant

Making a will is a simple procedure and is

help is needed to reach many more families

mortality decreases and overall health

a way of clearly informing your family and

who ask for assistance.

improves. Sale of surplus produce affords

friends what you would like done with your

others in the future.

the family an income to buy additional food

estate. It also ensures that your wishes are

“People often ask me the difference their

items, clothing, medicine, paying school

carried out exactly as you intended. Your

gift will make. If you are making your will

fees or improving the family dwelling and

solicitor will draw up your will and advise

and if you have an opportunity to leave a gift

access to education provides a chance to

on the best way for you to divide your estate.

for someone you have never met, I want you

break the cycle of poverty. The gift of an

They will be able to advise you on making a

to know that, whatever gift you can make,

Irish Dairy Cow can give all this and more to

legacy to a charity and what is the best way

you will change the lives of families in many

a struggling family in Rwanda.

for you to do that, as there are numerous

ways,” Dave Moloney CEO, Bóthar.

ways to bequeath money. With help, Bóthar will continue to make the

Bóthar provides the gift of livestock along

lives of families in desperate need better, for

To learn more about the work Bóthar does - at no

with the necessary training and veterinary

generations to come. If you wish to leave

further obligation - FREEPHONE 1800 268 463

support to families who are living well below

a lasting legacy and help improve the lives

or visit

August 25+26 2018  61



Parenting in the Community 62  August 25+26 2018


We are a voluntary charity and we do not receive any government grants at all, so all monies we receive are from fundraisers. People in Mayo are just so giving and generous and if not for them we would not survive. As we have a small committee we find it very hard to give our spare time to fundraise, so it is the public really that help us out, from mini marathons, donations and any other means of fundraisers that would go on throughout the year. We have 1 main fundraiser a year in which we organise ourselves and it is called the Festive Feast. This year it is in Breaffy Hotel, Castlebar on Saturday 8th of December. Here you will be greeted with champagne reception, 5 course dinner, band, DJ and plenty more surprises throughout the night. You can find out more on our website and Facebook page. Monies that are raised on the night help us throughout the year in giving what our children deserve, a social life.

Are you a parent of a child with any sort of

Áirc run all sorts of activities from sensory

disability? If so, take a look at the work of

cinema, summer camps, parties throughout

ÁIRC who comprise of parents just like you.

the year in various locations, provide grants for respite and equipment, and to advocate to

“We started out wanting to know how we

those who do not have a voice, the children.

could make life easier and more fun for our children,” explains Kathryn Connor,

Áirc meet on the first Monday of every

Chairperson. “Áirc was originally set up in

month at 8pm in Le Cheile in Castlebar.

2009, as the parent group of Mayo Early

Kathryn says to keep an eye on the Facebook

Intervention Services in response to the fact

page and website for updates of meeting,

that parents and children had nowhere to

parties etc. “It is here we can get together

go, nowhere to feel included in our society.

and give each other support and feel part of

With all appointments that the children

an amazing team with all the same goals. It is

had to work at, they never had the social

all about our children.

and fun side to life. Áirc was set up to help in this situation. We slowly came away from

“Please find our contact details above and

the early intervention service and became

if you have a child in a service you are a part

our own charity and extended the age from

of ÁIRC. Just text us your details and we will

0 to school age leave which can be 18 or 19

include you in our events, parties etc.”

years old.”

August 25+26 2018  63



A mission to end homelessness Ireland is experiencing a homelessness crisis.

nowhere to sleep each night. Homelessness

no-one is left without homeless services

Over the course of two years the number of

is a crisis that impacts all of society and it is

when they are in a vulnerable position.

people in homelessness has increased by

a moral and humanitarian imperative that

Today, Depaul provides 450 beds to those

approximately 62%. There are now just under

people are given the same opportunities for

experiencing homelessness across Dublin

10,000 homeless men, women and children

support and services despite any issues they

alone, many of whom are in emergency

in the Republic of Ireland and it is a crisis

may have. Homelessness charity Depaul

hostels. Other services set up in response

being felt across the board by families, young

does just that.

to the crisis include outreach to families staying in hotels, support for migrants and

people and single adults. Depaul has been providing vital services

accommodation for mothers and children.

A lack of social and affordable housing

to those experiencing homelessness since

coupled with ever increasing rent has

2002 in the Republic of Ireland and since

As a part of the Vincentian family of

meant that there are now people entering

2005 in Northern Ireland. Before Depaul

charities, Depaul keeps the values of St.

homelessness who never before would have

came to Ireland, homeless services in

Vincent de Paul at its core. The charity puts

struggled in this way. There are more than

Dublin had developed a practice of not

its values of celebrating the potential of

1,700 homeless families in the Republic of

admitting those that had consumed drugs

people, taking a wider role in civil society,

Ireland, many of whom are in B&Bs and hotels.

or alcohol, leaving those most in need

and belief in rights and responsibilities

with nowhere to go. Depaul was already

into action through its 25 outreach and

Meanwhile, there is a continued need to

established in the UK and was invited with

accommodation services for the most

provide services to that large group of

the support of the Vincentian Fathers,

vulnerable in society across Dublin, Derry,

the homeless population struggling with

Daughters of Charity and The Society of

Belfast and Dungannon.

complex alcohol and drug use, this is the

St Vincent de Paul to come to Ireland and

cohort that many would traditionally

provide much needed, low threshold,

In-keeping with the values of St Vincent de

consider to make up the homeless

services to this group.

Paul and his life’s work, Depaul exists to serve homeless men, women and children.

population. Many within this group rely on emergency hostels with a low threshold

Depaul believes in the potential in all

Depaul is committed to its mission of

to accept people that have used drugs or

people. The organisations low threshold

ending homelessness despite facing a crisis

alcohol. Without this they would have

approach and policy of inclusion means that

worsening month by month.

64 ď • August 25+26 2018


August 25+26 2018  65



First for Dementia Care Quality of life is important to everybody

first of the two sister homes in Glasnevin,

eating habits, new friendships, increased levels

irrespective of age or ability. Putting people

Mountpleasant Lodge in Kilcock and the

of physical activity and rekindled interest in

first and taking care of vulnerability is the

second Glasnevin Home, Beneavin House

former activities and hobbies.

mantra of FirstCare, an Irish based centre

followed soon thereafter. Achieving excellence in Dementia Care was

of excellence for dementia and elderly care. We encourage our resident’s lives to be

Dementia care was not a common theme in the

therefore a priority for FirstCare, and the

celebrated, with emphasis on providing an

early 2000’s as little was known about it and

management team decided early in 2010

environment that inspires engagement. Each

a taboo remained in place relating to its care.

that dementia care would be their focus.

person who enters residential care comes

In fact, it would be safe to say that individuals

They embarked on an extensive journey to

with a story, and we at FirstCare feel this story

living with dementia were considered as

make their homes ‘dementia ready’. They

should be acknowledged and acclaimed.

requiring care under the umbrella of psychiatric

evaluated the various approaches to care

services. Thankfully much has changed since

that had been tried and tested in the USA,

FirstCare was established in 1994 by Mervyn

then however there still remains a general

Canada, Australia and in the UK. They

Smith with the purchase of his first home,

ignorance when it comes to what exactly

visited sites across Europe to understand

Earlsbrook House in Bray, Co Wicklow.

dementia is and how it affects sufferers.

these approaches and to meet with experts in the field to determine how best to provide

A second home in Wicklow followed when Blainroe Lodge was purchased and

The benefit of specialist care is derived not

a unique, tailored care service to individuals

renovated to accommodate 71 residents.

only by catering for the physical needs of

who were living with a dementia.

Three purpose-built homes followed in

individuals, it also delivers psychological

quick succession, Beneavin Lodge being the

benefits which include improved mood, better

66  August 25+26 2018

They established very early on that good


dementia care means making sure people have a choice and control over their lives, that they have good relationships with families, friends and staff, and that they are able to spend their time purposefully and enjoyably. Training was then a priority and to this end FirstCare engaged the services of Dementia Care Matters UK and David Sheard to train all staff across all departments in their homes in relation to identifying, understanding and meeting the needs of residents on a dementia journey. They then reshaped and redefined the layout of their homes by moving away from large communal areas, creating more open and homely homesteads that emulated the feel of a traditional Irish home. They examined how they decorated areas within the homes and began to see things through the eyes of someone living with dementia. So, they injected colour, introduced ‘front doors’ and resident memory boxes. They created interactive reminiscence areas throughout the corridors of the homes, supported by evolving Homesteads, to invoke memories and meaningful engagement and interaction for residents living with a dementia. For FirstCare, high quality care depends on creative, empathetic staff who know each person individually, their history, their values, beliefs, likes and dislikes. They can therefore be responsive to the things that are important to each individual, day or night. Care for FirstCare residents not only revolves around the individual but, is directed and instigated by them, and residents are treated with the utmost respect at all times. Teepa Snow from AlzheimersCareegiver. com saying that ‘Dementia does not rob someone of their dignity, it’s our reaction to them that does’. The nurturing environment at FirstCare homes is clear in the staff and setting of each home. If home is where the heart is, there is much to love about the nurturing environment of a FirstCare home, all state of the art while embodying a meaningful and purposeful environment to nurture those living within on their dementia journey.

August 25+26 2018  67


PLEASE SUPPORT OUR WORK Become a Member - Volunteer - Donate Visit Our Stores in Dublin, Cork, Galway and Monaghan For More Information Visit Call us68at (01) August4756989 25+26 2018 Email


Age Action

Many hands make light work

Bank of Ireland volunteers tidying gardens with Age Action’s Care & Repair service.

“I got a request to change a light bulb for

and ensure they can reach as many older

on the doors. They also fitted a draught

Sheila,” said Tómas from Age Action.

people as possible.

proof letter box, which really helped. Little

“Changing a light bulb is the easiest thing in

All of the volunteers are Garda-vetted and

the world, but when I spoke to Sheila she told

many live in the towns and villages where

me she hadn’t been able to have a cup of tea

they are working which is important in

While Care & Repair is one of Age Action’s

or make anything to eat after 5pm for three

ensuring people feel secure using the service.

most popular services it is also one that has

jobs like this made a big difference to me

days because the kitchen was in the dark.

this last winter.”

sometimes struggled to survive. CARE & REPAIR

“It really brought home to me how the

“I really think Care & Repair is one of the

“We get no State funding for it at all,”

simplest thing can become a big problem if

best kept secrets in Ireland,” said Age

explained John. “To be honest, we can only

you don’t have the ability to do it yourself.

Action’s CEO John Church.

keep it going year to year because of the generosity of our members and supporters.

“I’ve called to Sheila many times since that

“These days many older people can be living

visit. She’s a lovely lady and that incident

alone and their families in other parts of the

“We have to raise tens of thousands of euro

with the light bulb was a reminder of what

country or even abroad. The small, simple,

just to maintain the service when we’d

Age Action is all about; just being a good

tasks around the house they would have

actually like to be investing in it so we can

neighbour and doing a little job for an older

been able to do themselves a few years back

expand Care & Repair and make it truly

person when they need it.”

can get more difficult as time goes on.”


Over the last ten years volunteers like John,

And, as Eilis explained, those small tasks

“There are so many older people out there,

working with Age Action’s Care & Repair

can make a big difference.

particularly those who live alone in isolated

Service, have carried out hundreds of

areas, that we know need our help but we

thousands of minor repairs and DIY jobs for

“It’s getting tougher to stay warm at home,”

older people in many parts of Ireland.

she told us. “One winter I couldn’t afford

simply can’t get to them.

to keep the heating on all evening so I went

“That’s what drives us to try and grow the

The organisation, which is Ireland’s leading

to bed by half seven to stay warm. My old

service, when we see the difference it makes

advocate on behalf of older people, provides

house is so draughty it was impossible to

in the lives of tens of thousands of older

the service directly, and free of charge, in

keep it heated.

people in Ireland every year - we want to

Dublin, Cork and Galway.

reach out to all those who need us.” “During the summer I heard about Age

Outside the big cities more than two dozen

Action. Two volunteers called down and

community partners work together to try

spent the morning fitting draught excluders

August 25+26 2018  69


SOSAD IRELAND (Save Our Sons And Daughters) • A Safe & Comfortable place to talk and be listened to • Emergency Drop-in service Monday to Friday • Personal Evaluation • Professional Counselling - Appointment within 1 week of initial contact • Bereavement Support • Follow-up Support

To find out more visit

PHONE 041 98 48 754 Registered Charity CHY 17866 70  August 25+26 2018

Our service is completely free and our organisation is funded by public donations only.



Save our Sons and Daughters When a person is hurting, confused,

According to SOSAD, more resources are

“We need to encourage a culture whereby

troubled, anxious, alienated, terrified; or

vital to support those with addiction issues.

getting help is celebrated as a sign of

when he or she is doubtful of self-worth,

“Additional residential treatment centres

strength not weakness. Fighting stigma is

uncertain as to identity, then understanding

for those without private health insurance

about creating awareness, encouraging

is called for.

and more drop-in centres where specialist

acceptance, and challenging the myths

counselling and support workers are

surrounding mental health. It begins with

Save Our Sons and Daughters (SOSAD)

available are desperately needed,” she says,

breaking the silence around mental illness

Ireland is a charity whose mission is to

as well as outreach services outside of the

and educating ourselves about things

help reduce the numbers of suicides in

main cities.

like using the right language when talking about mental illness and seeing the whole

Ireland through awareness, helping those at risk and providing supports for families

“We need to support the Government’s

person, not just their condition and being

of those already bereaved. SOSAD aims to

response ‘Reducing Harm, Supporting

supportive and inclusive.”

help break the taboo surrounding suicide,

Recovery A health-led response to drug

to provide support and direction to those

and alcohol use in Ireland 2017-2025,” she

The strong message from SOSAD is - don’t

feeling suicidal or to those approached by

says, the pillars of which are to promote

Be afraid to Say no; get educated about

someone feeling suicidal and laterally, to

and protect health and wellbeing; promote

alcohol and drugs and ask for help. “It can

provide support and direction for those

healthier lifestyles; prevent use of drugs and

be a difficult conversation to start. We need

bereaved by suicide.

alcohol at a young age and develop harm

to take that step – silence is too costly…”

reduction interventions for risk groups.

August 25+26 2018  71


You can help create a brighter future for Ireland’s sickest children.

By leaving a gift in your will to CMRF Crumlin. By leaving a legacy in your will to CMRF Crumlin you can help ensure sick children receive the best care, and access to the latest treatments and potential cures. You will be supporting Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital, Crumlin and the National Children’s Research Centre. More importantly you will be helping to save and improve the lives of children for generations to come.

Every sick child deserves every chance. 72  August 25+26 2018

When writing your will, your family and loved ones come first. Perhaps you would also consider leaving a lasting legacy to CMRF Crumlin that will provide life-saving treatment to children in the future.

For further information call us on 01 709 1700 or email

Charity Number: CHY4483A


CMRF Crumlin

Caring for Sick Children Have you ever thought of leaving a gift to a

Long-term donor Brendan McGonnell

late Brendan McGonnell. Where donors

charity in your Will? Once you’ve looked

was born in 1944 in Dublin and was a pupil

place no restriction on how CMRF Crumlin

after your family and loved ones you may

of CBS Synge Street. He had an inventive

allocates funds, gifts can be put to use quickly

think about leaving a gift to a worthy cause.

mind and was renowned for his sense of

in the areas of greatest need with the greatest

What better way to add to your legacy than

humour and his most excellent imitation of

promise of impact for sick children.

by supporting sick children all over Ireland.

Elvis songs will fondly be remembered by his siblings and many friends. His kindness

CMFR Crumlin believe that every sick

CMRF Crumlin (the Children’s Medical

and thoughtfulness for sick children and

child deserves every chance. “We want

Research Foundation) was established in

the disadvantaged of our society perhaps

little patients to have the best possible

1965 and is the principal fundraising body

characterised him most throughout his life.

outcomes through access to world class

for Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital, Crumlin

At 69 years he left this world, however, he

research, equipment and treatments when

and The National Children’s Research

also left a very significant gift to help those

they become ill. We can only do this with

Centre. CMRF drive fundraising to allow

sick children and the disadvantaged that

your help,” explains Siobhan Broughan,

for research into the cause, treatment, care

were always on his mind.

Head of Philanthropy.

disease and actively support excellence in

Child and young adolescent haematological

“You can help change, and even save the

the care and treatment of sick children by

cancers account for approximately 40% of

future for children who face serious illness,

providing additional equipment, facilities

all cancers in children up to the age of 16.

by leaving a gift in your Will to CMRF

and assistance to patients and their families

The CMRF in partnership with the National

Crumlin. After you’ve looked after your

within Children’s Hospital at Crumlin.

Children’s Research Centre and University

family, you may consider remembering

College Dublin have appointed a Professor

CMRF Crumlin with a lasting gift.”

and prevention of children’s illness and

At CMRF Crumlin the priority is to give sick

of Paediatric Molecular Haemato-Oncology,

children the best possible care and the best

with the ultimate goal of improving the

Please call Mary on 01-7091740 or email

possible outcomes. Through supporting

survival rates of children and adolescents to talk about how a gift

vital research and championing patient

with a blood cancer and allowing them to lead

in your Will can help a sick child in the future.

experience, CMRF are making this a reality,

happy, productive lives. This is an innovative

but with support they can do so much more.

partnership, made possible by a wonderful

So why not consider leaving a lasting legacy?

and lasting legacy for sick children from the

August 25+26 2018  73


The Community Foundation for Ireland

Peace of Mind for Your Will The Community Foundation for Ireland

led to real progress on challenging issues


is an Irish philanthropy organisation with

including domestic violence, penal reform


donors of both major and minor means.

and progressing LGBT+ rights. With the

• Inclusion of older people in active

Philanthropy translates giving in the

generosity and solidarity of committed

moment to giving that is strategic and long-

donors, they are not afraid of tackling

term. Strategic giving tackles causes that are

challenging issues at their core.

citizenship roles • Supporting older peoples’ voices at local & national level • Grants of up to €7,500 are typically

complex and leaves results that are lasting. They were established in 2000 to promote


philanthropy in Ireland and to facilitate

The organisation gives money to charities

As the population ages, it is becoming

those who want to give strategically and

strategically. It set up the Older Persons’

ever more important to build this fund…

create meaningful impact both in Ireland

Fund in 2012 on foot of significant demand

hence the call to the people of Ireland to

and abroad. To date they have given over

for grant aid. Atlantic Philanthropies

support Ireland and its people – via The

€40m to charities and community groups

provided the seed funding for what is now

Older Persons’ Fund at The Community

throughout Ireland and beyond.

a €2million+ endowment (permanent fund

Foundation for Ireland .

awarded to groups working in this space

from which grants are made from earnings). The Community Foundation for Ireland

The fund gives out about €200,000

Some grants that have been supported

are for lots of causes not just one. They

annually but the demand from charities

through the Older Persons’ Fund include:

fund hundreds of innovative projects

and community groups is a multiple of this.

• Active Senior IT Society, Dublin 6:

addressing education, children and

This fund recently allocated over €100k to

Support for the “If I knew then...” project

youth, older people, homelessness and so

a variety of great projects across Ireland.

which included a calendar project and

much more. Their current position as one

Perhaps some readers are involved in groups

a short documentary. Amount funded

of the largest grant givers in Ireland has

who have applied.


74  August 25+26 2018


• An Cosán, Dublin 24: Support for project

charitable fund from which to make grants)

and the future.

to enable active citizenship amongst

under the umbrella of The Community

older people through a paired reading

Foundation for Ireland. Others may choose

Government bears the main responsibility

scheme in local early years’ services &

to leave something in their will, e.g. for a

but no government can meet every social

national schools. Amount funded €7,500

county fund.

need or has the flexibility to adapt to every

• Barnardos, Co Dublin: Support for

issue. No government is effective without

Wizards of Words (WoW), a paired

For many the inclusion of a charity in one’s

the participation of people. There is more

literacy improvement programme for

will might be done later in life when a will

to be done and philanthropy has a crucial

primary school children, involving older

is amended or a new will prepared. Making

role to play. No one knows what the future

volunteers in 15 Dublin schools. Amount

a will is something that people can put off

holds but whatever future they face The

funded €7,500

doing, but it is a hugely important document.

Community Foundation for Ireland will

• Clare Older People’s Council, Co

be here to support an equitable, thriving,

Clare: To engage with over 55s in rurally

Benefits include:

deprived areas by holding a series of

• Ensuring loved ones are looked after

roadshows to inform people about the

• Providing peace of mind and certainty –

Older People’s Forum & the Age Friendly Strategy. Amount funded €4,000 • CRAOL: Nationwide Network-wide

for you – and your loved ones • Providing your legacy through charitable bequests.

radio training & programme making

If you would like to include a charity in your

initiative to support older people’s

will, it is great to support one you already

voices at a local & national level & their

know well. Some people find it difficult to

capacity to engage. Amount funded

decide who to support. Where do you start,


the choice is endless?

• Galway Simon Community: Co Galway Project engaging older clients in the

Seán Mac Gráinne contacted The

maintenance and upkeep of the Simon

Community Foundation some years back.

Community Client Graves in Galway.

A single man, he had retired from teaching

Amount funded €2,600

and was putting his affairs in order. This

• IRD Duhallow, Co Cork: Delivery of

included updating his will. He has included

an 8 week course to older people in

The Community Foundation for Ireland

the community with the skills to use

in his will. “Donating to The Community

facebook and social media and to create

Foundation for Ireland after my death will

a ‘Duhallow Seniors Group’ through

allow me to provide long-term support for

Facebook. Amount funded €1,000

tackling pressing social issues throughout

• National Women’s Council of Ireland,

Ireland - issues such as mental health,

Co Dublin: To actively engage older

youth unemployment and building a sense

women to ensure their experiences are

of community within neighbourhoods.

an integral part of future NWCI lobbying

With its total commitment to

for equality for older women, e.g. in the

accountability, transparency and strong

area of pensions. Amount funded €5,000

governance, I know that I can rely on The Community Foundation to never waver

There are many other areas The Community

from its policies of prudent investing and

Foundation for Ireland would like to

effective spending.”

support with more funding. Other funds that people may choose to support in

If you would like to do something special in

their will include the Arts, Environment,

your will, and have peace of mind in doing

Womens’ and LGBT+ Funds.

so; the Older Person’s Fund can be a great option for people to consider. It can lead to


such a wonderful variety of impacts.


caring society.

“Great governance and knowing that an organisation will be in place for the long term are increasingly important issues when deciding what charity to support in your will. I am the legal counsel / adviser for The Community Foundation for Ireland. As a result, I know the organisation well and have seen over the years how it makes exceptional use of all funding received. The Community Foundation is a very real philanthropic option for people who have a definite idea about what they would like to achieve through their will. The Community Foundation for Ireland can help implement their charitable wishes. Equally, for those who want to do something charitable, but aren’t sure what, it can offer a number of interesting options to ensure that, no matter what, monies will be well used to address the key future issues in society– whatever they may be.” Susan O’Connell, Founder, and Partner, O’Connell Brennan Solicitors

The Community Foundation for Ireland

The Community Foundation for Ireland

is a vehicle for people who want to

believe in an Ireland where everyone feels

To find out more, call Niall on 01 874 7354 / 086

donate to help make a difference in their

they belong. An Ireland where people are

048 8726, E:@ or go to

communities and beyond. Some do so

equal and communities thrive. They stand

by setting up a Donor Advised Fund (a

for a fair, caring and vibrant Ireland for now


August 25+26 2018  75


Working to improve quality of life for people affected by Homelessness, women & children experiencing Domestic Violence and Older People in need

Homeless Services

Domestic Violence Services

• 24hour Refuge Accommodation • Outreach Service • Information & Support • Court Accompaniment • Play Therapy • Helpline

Older People’s Services

• Emergency Hostel Accommodation • Day Centre • Family Support Service • Cold Weather Response • Transitional Housing • Resettlement & Tenancy Support

• Meals on Wheels • Lunch Clubs • Day Centre • Food Cloud • Community Support • Food Rescue

We need your help Volunteer: Fundraise: Donate: 76  August 25+26 2018

Phone: 091 778750 /



COPE Galway COPE Galway has been providing Social Services in Galway since the 1970’s. Originally established by the Galway Diocese, COPE Galway’s vision is for an improved quality of life in a home of their own for people affected by homelessness; women and children experiencing domestic violence and services for older people. A committed team of 120 staff & 200 volunteers are dedicated to achieving the organisation’s mission to contribute to a quality of life in a home of one’s own by

COPE Galway Community Catering volunteers prepare meals for delivery to Older People across Galway - just one of the services offered by the charity for people experiencing homelessness, domestic violence and older people at risk of isolation

supporting home, promoting community and reducing isolation for clients.

tourist accommodation such as hotels or

ageing at home, COPE Galway operates a day

B&Bs, and for extended periods of time

centre, it hosts and promotes lunch clubs

Jacquie Horan, CEO, offers a flavour of how

further compounds the trauma for children.

and produces and delivers nutritious meals

COPE Galway works with families across

“Together with our statutory and voluntary

through their meals on wheels service – the

all three of its service areas. “The homeless

partners we are fully committed to creating

only one in Ireland that has a ‘Q’ quality mark.

crisis hit us in an unprecedented way in the

a better living environment for our most

They also offer community support and are

aftermath of the recession. Last year, COPE

vulnerable children, by seeking vacant

part of the Fund for European Aid to the Most

Galway worked with 576 children (242

accommodation available to rent to families

Deprived (FEAD) programme, distributing

families) who were homeless or at risk of

in crisis who are in need of a home.”

basic staples to families at risk of food poverty and homelessness in the community.

homelessness. We supported a further 339 women with 214 children who sought our

Domestic violence is another area where

domestic violence services.”

COPE Galway provide a real life-line. “We

“We couldn’t do any of the work we do

run the only 24h Refuge in the Western

without our huge Galway tribe of dedicated,

Despite best efforts Jacquie sees the numbers

Region here at COPE Galway,” Jacquie

local volunteers and fundraisers,” Jacquie

continue to rise, particularly where many

explains. “While space is tight, we never turn

enthuses. “We hold family fundraising

ordinary families are falling into homelessness

away a woman in immediate danger seeking

events throughout the year and receive

because of a shortage of housing. She explains

help, and we will offer alternative refuge,

fantastic support from schools and

that COPE Galway receive daily calls from

continuous guidance and advice around

community groups. We are particularly busy

people holding down stable accommodation

the family’s own safety and accessing

at Christmas time, relying on help to sort &

in the private rental sector for years, who

the supports available to them.” One of

deliver hundreds of food hampers and over

suddenly receive notice to quit from their

these supports is ‘Parenting in the context

1,000 gifts to families.

landlord and have to move out. With dramatic

of Domestic Violence’ a useful booklet

increases in rents and long queues for rental

launched this year for mothers trying to

“But it’s the Community of Galway as

houses in Galway, many families are finding

raise their children within the context of

a whole that makes our work possible.

themselves in real difficulty.

domestic abuse. “A huge upcoming project

Whether through volunteering, fundraising,

is to deliver a new domestic violence refuge

helping us locate rough sleepers, making

This is where COPE Galway can really

next year offering increased capacity and

vacant properties available to us to rent

make a difference. “Our dedicated Family

enhanced childcare facility & outreach

on behalf of clients, donating time, funds,

Service and Domestic Violence teams

work,” explains Jacquie.

expertise and even houses – I can’t overstate the incredible generosity of the public

at COPE Galway work hard to minimise the impact of homelessness on children

COPE Galway also support older people in

towards our organisation. On behalf of our

as much as possible.” She says that living

the community at risk of isolation. With a

clients, I would like to thank everyone who

in emergency accommodation, often in

mission to support healthy, independent

is a part of COPE Galway.”

August 25+26 2018  77


LITTLE FLOWER PENNY DINNERS Reg. Charity No. 6179 Little Flower Penny Dinners have been providing meals and services to the homeless and the elderly for over 100 years. Please help us continue and donate what you can on our website

or by phoning us with your Credit/Debit Card details on

01 4536621 or 01 4546795 or by post to

Little Flower Penny Dinners, 11 Meath Street, Dublin 8. 78 ď • August 25+26 2018


Little Flower Penny Dinners

Serving the Community The Little Flower Centre, home of the

John Walsh, a long-term client says, “the

on Tuesdays, and Film Club on Wednesdays.

Little Flower Penny Dinners, is located on

Little Flower Penny Dinners has been a

They liaise with local groups to provide and

Meath Street, in the heart of the Liberties,

lifeline to me, it’s like coming home when I

support specific children’s activities at Easter,

Dublin 8. Named in honour of St. Theresa

call in for my dinner.”

Summer, Halloween and Christmas. Groups

of Lisieux, “The Little Flower”, the service

using the centre to provide essential support

was established in 1912, by the local parish, to

Woven into the service are the day to day

services include A.A. and Al Anon. They also

meet the needs of those most marginalised

formal and informal supports offered by

provide space for group and community

and in need. It was supported by the local

Staff and Volunteers to the clients, which

meetings when requested.

community who donated a penny a week to

include furniture supply/removals, clothing

ensure their friends and neighbours received

supply, information/referrals, hospital and

Little Flower Penny Dinners are not in

a hot meal daily, hence the name Little

care home visits and just as important, a

receipt of State Funding. They receive a

Flower Penny Dinners.

chat, a smile and the reassurance that they

specific allocation of approximately €16K

are all part of the greater family. The Centre

from the HSE to subsidise the cost of their

The Little Flower Penny Dinners offers a

operates with a small Staff to cater for

Meals on Wheels service.

breakfast and dinner service for homeless

meal preparation, laundry service, general

clients, an in-house dinner service for

cleaning and maintenance. The work is

They rely on your donations to ensure

seniors from the area and an outreach

subsidised by a loyal team of Volunteers,

continuance of their unique and invaluable

‘Meals on Wheels’ service for those who

many of whom have served the Little Flower


are housebound in the greater Liberties

Penny Dinners for years.

area. The service operates throughout the

Your support is greatly appreciated by all at

year and currently provides in the region of

They support and provide activities for

70,000 meals yearly. There is also a laundry

seniors including Bingo on Thursdays and

service for all clients.

Fridays, Ladies Club on Mondays, Social Club

Little Flower Penny Dinners. Reg Charity No 6179

August 25+26 2018  79


Our Lady’s Hospice & Care Services

A Holistic Approach Since its establishment in 1879 by the

care) enables patients to live longer and

Our Lady’s Hospice & Care Services

Congregation of the Religious Sisters of

more independently at home. Day hospice

recently opened its most ambitious

Charity, Our Lady’s Hospice & Care Services

is a weekly programme, where patients can

project to date, a €15 million

(OLH & CS) has taken a holistic approach to

avail of clinical or social care or physical

redevelopment of its 36 single-bed

end-of-life care. The focus is on the person

therapies while in-patient care is for

specialist palliative care unit in Harold’s

and not the condition, with patients treated

symptom control, respite and for those with

Cross. Proudly describing the new

like family and the hospice as their home.

complex symptoms.

facility, Director of Nursing, Quality and Clinical services, Mary Flanagan

Just over 600 staff, 330 volunteers and one therapy dog provide loving care in Harold’s

The Harold’s Cross campus is also home

explained the building was designed with

Cross and Blackrock Hospices and in homes

to a Care of the Older Person service and

patients’ needs in mind. “The spacious

across south Dublin and north Wicklow.

Rheumatic and Musculoskeletal Disease

rooms are comfortable for visitors and

Unit. The Care of the Older Person

family members are easily able to stay

During 2017, OLH & CS cared for almost

Unit is made up of Anna Gaynor House

overnight. Each patient room opens on

4,300 people and made over 10,700 visits

and the Community Reablement Unit

to a courtyard and there is a wonderful

to homes in the area. With the generous

(CRU). The former is a long-stay facility

glass garden pod where families can sit

support of local communities and business

with gerontological expertise, which

in heated-comfort outside.” One of the

sponsors, over €6 million was raised to fund

also supports younger residents with

most popular features are the wonderful

its services.

neurological conditions. CRU supports

jacuzzi baths with aromatherapy and

those aged over 65 living independently

music, enjoyed by both male and female

Specialist palliative care comprises

at home, using programmes designed to

patients. Many people say it’s like a five-

physical, psychological, social and

suit each individual. The Rheumatic and

star hotel.” she said.

spiritual supports and includes families

Musculoskeletal Disease Unit supports

and caregivers. Palliative care is provided

those living with arthritis, rheumatic

To find out more: visit,

in three interlinked ways. A dedicated

disease, fibromyalgia and other bone and

Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube or Twitter.

community palliative care team (home

muscle diseases.

80  August 25+26 2018



To find out more about becoming a Samaritans volunteer call 01 671 0071* A registered charity. *Please see our website for latest call charges.

Trocaire ADNI.pdf




Fear is the all consuming hunger

Love is providing food that nourishes.

4 year old Nunu in Nawng Pong refugee camp. Photo Caritas Charity Regulation Authority No: 20009601 CHY 5883

BE ON THE SIDE OF LOVE. Please Donate Now. Together we can be there to bring hope. And stay until love conquers fear

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