A16 - The Punjab Guardian *Apr. 17 - Apr. 23, 2020
ivswKI Aqy bwby nwnk dw jnm purb Asl imqI ƒ mnwaux vwilAW ƒ vDweIAW!
swry pwTkW ƒ ivswKI dIAW ArbW-KrbW vDweIAW[ l~KW qoN ArbW-KrbW ies kr ky ik A~j bwby nwnk dy jnm dI Asl qrIk vI hY qy is~KI dy sw& suQry pwxIAW ivc JUT, AMDivSvws, kQw khwxIAW Awid ƒ imlw ky ijvyN ies ƒ pRdUSq kIqw igAw hY, aus ƒ TIk krn leI vI A~j qoN iek v~fw kdm cu~kx dw &Yslw kIqw igAw sI jo koronw dy hmly kr ky ku~J A~gy qW pY igAw hY pr ierwdy mzbUq r~Kx dI pRiqigAw vI A~j bwby nwnk dw hr is~K zrUr lvygw[ dUjw, nw isr& ivswKI vwly idn ^wlsy dI swjnw dy smwgmW auqy hI rok l~g geI hY sgoN DnI rwm cwqirk dw ikswn/j~t vI dmwmy mwrdw myly vI nhIN jw skygw[ bVI AOKI ivswKI hY jo eykWqvws ivc rih ky srb~q nwl juVn vwsqy AwKdI hY[ ikswn myly jwx bwry soc hI nhIN irhw, aus dw mn qW ApxI b~icAW vWg pwlI &sl dy bcwA ivc fuibAw hoieAw hY[ BwvyN A~j pRSwsn vloN prvwsI mzdUrW, kMbweInW, mMfIAW Awid dI shUlq dI iqAwrI kIqI geI hY pr vwFI Aqy &sl dI cukweI ƒ lY ky ikswn dw idl Aw^rI smyN qk firAw hI rhygw[ keIAW dI &sl shI smyN 'qy v~FI vI nhIN jw skygI Aqy ku~J nukswn vI Swied sihxw pvygw[ pr ijQy A~j swrI dunIAW dw kMm T~p hoieAw ipAw hY, ikswnW dw ies vyly ^ws i^Awl riKAw jw irhw hY[ jdoN b~icAW vWg pwlI &sl dw nukswn ho irhw hovy, bVw muSkl hY ik aus smyN ies qrHW dI skwrwqmk soc r~KI jwvy pr A~j srb~q dy Bly vwsqy ikswn ƒ sbr dw Gut vI Brnw hI pvygw[ ^wlsw pMQ dI swjnw ivswKI dI ^uSI vyly, smyN dI vMgwr dw twkrw krn vwsqy hoeI sI[ Dwrmk Aqy zmInI lVweIAW dy swhmxy ^wlsy dI qwkq KVI kr ky iek dUr-AMdySI soc nwl aus smyN dI sm~isAw dw hl kiFAw igAw sI[ aus soc dI s&lqw Bwrq dIAW srh~dW dI rKvwlI, Bwrq dI AwzwdI dI lVweI qy ivSv jMgW ivc hr smyN JlkI pr aus qoN bwAd jdoN SWqI dw dOr AwieAw qW ^wlsy ƒ Apxy Awp ƒ vkq Anuswr Fwlx dw rsqw nhIN liBAw[ ApxI Swn ƒ drswaux vwsqy ijhVw ^wlsw ij~q dy JMfy gfdw sI, aus ny inSwn swihb ƒ ApxI pCwx bxw ilAw Aqy aus inSwn swihb ivc bwby nwnk dI swdgI vI sI Aqy gurU goibMd isMG dI loV Anuswr jMg smyN AgvweI krn dI qwkq vI[ pr iPr lMgr dI pRQw, sMgmrmr dIAW iemwrqW, sony dy cubwry Aqy cWdI dy cMdoey qy rySmI rumwilAW ivc aulJ ky ^wlsw ApxI Asl qwkq Bulw bYTw[ Swied ieh golk ivc is~KW dI SrDw dw lwB lYx dw lwlc sI jW iksy dw eyjMfw sI, pr AslIAq ieh hY ik ieh swrIAW 'AmIrIAW' ^wlsy ƒ nvyN Xug dIAW cunOqIAW ƒ kbUl krn dy kwbl nw bxw skIAW[ A~j jdoN koronw dy rUp ivc kudrq ny swrI dunIAW ƒ A~j dI AslIAq nwl vwk& krvwieAw hY, kI Gr bYTw ^wlsw A~j dI jMg ƒ pCwxn ivc kwmXwb ho skygw? A~j jy gurU goibMd isMSpecial G quhwfy swhmxy Aw KVy huMdy Rahi qW auh correspondents Rajinder ^wlsy ƒ iks nwl lVn vwsqy AwKdy? kI auh quhwƒ nw AwKdy ik qusIN A~j Apxy smwj ƒ jwq-pwq, lwlc, iBRStwcwr, n&rq qoN bcwau[ jdoN auh vyKdy ik A~j aunHW dw ^wlsw hI ienHW ibmwrIAW ivc gRisAw hoieAw hY[ iksy lwlc ivc P~s ky auh Apxy hI gurU dI golk dI lu~t kr irhw hY, qW auh kI AwKdy? kI A~j auh pMj ipAwry A~gy Aw skdy jo ienHW duSmxW nwl jUJx vwsqy gurU dy ^wlsy bxy sn? A~j jy Gr bYT ky ivswKI mnwaux dw mOkw iml irhw hY qW eykWq ivc bYT ky A~j dI jMg ƒ pCwxn Aqy Apxy Awp ƒ ^wlsw &Oj bxn leI iqAwr kIqw jw skdw hY[ ijQy koronw eykWqvws dI szw lY ky AwieAw hY, aus ƒ kudrqI sb~b smJ ky ies ipCy dw Asl mksd smJx dI koiSS kIqI jwxI cwhIdI hY[
cYnlW rwhIN n&rq dIAW ipckwrIAW mwrdI koronw p~qrkwrI
hr swl Bwrq dy v~K-v~K Drm ku~J ivSyS smwgm rKdy hn ijnHW ivc dUr dUr qoN SrDwlU qy pRcwrk Aw juVdy hn[ ijnHW idnW ivc swfy pMjwb dy AnMdpur swihb ivc holw mh~lw mnwieAw igAw, aunHW idnW ivc hI id~lI qy muMbeI ivc qblIZI jmwq dw swlwnw pRogrwm inzwmudIn mrkz 'qy qYA sI[ mhwrwStr dy mu~K mMqrI aUDv Twkry Aqy gRih mMqrI ny ies smwgm auqy rok lw idqI[ mhwrwStr ivc aus vyly qk 11 koronw pIVq kys Aw cu~ky sn Aqy pihlw kys 9 qrIk ƒ AwieAw sI[ so aunHW ƒ pqw sI ik ies nwl ^qrw v~D skdw hY[ qblIZI jmwq vloN vI koeI ros nw pRgtwieAw igAw[ id~lI ivc 3 mwrc qoN koronw dy kys Awauxy SurU ho
jdoN BweI knHhIey bwry gurU swihb ƒ pqw l~gw ik auh ibnw iksy ivqkry qoN hr zKmI &OjI ƒ pwxI ipAw irhw hY qW gurU swihb ny aus ƒ AglI syvw sONpI ik iek~lw pwxI hI nhIN ipAwauxw, jy ho sky qW zKmIAW dI mrhm-p~tI vI kIqI jwvy[ gurU swihb jwxdy sn ik zKmIAW ƒ bcwaux leI iek~lw pwxI ipAw dyxw hI kwPI nhIN[ AsIN vI A~j ausy QW au~qy Aw ky KVHy ho gey hW ij~Qy hux socx dI loV hY ik A~j dy idn lokweI ƒ ikhVw lMgr vrqwaux dI v~D loV hY. AsIN pMjwbI lok rotI-pwxI dy lMgr vrqwaux iv~c Swied swrI dunIAw qoN A~gy hovWgy[ kRonw vwiers kwrn kri&aU iv~c GrW iv~c bYTy lokW ƒ qW A~j AsIN BWq-BWq dy Kwxy phuMcw rhy hW. pr hwlwq ieh hn ik swfy Awpxy pMjwb iv~c hI kRonw vwiers nwl lVn vwly swfy mYfIkl stw& kol zrUrI sur~iKAw aupkrn hI nhIN hn. ieh qW auh g~l hoeI ik swfI &Oj mYdwny-jMg iv~c phuMc qW geI hY pr aus kol hiQAwr hI nhIN hn. hux ijhVI &Oj kol hiQAwr hI nw hoey qW auh AwpxI jW hornW dyS vwsIAW dI r~iKAw ikvyN krygI ? NOTE ijhVy fwktrW, nrsW Aqy hor ishq mulwzmWTHE kol VIEWS dsqwny,EXPRESSED mwsk, sYnytweIzr Aqy pI.pI.eI. IN THE ik~tW hI nhIN hoxgIAW qW auh kRonw vwiersARTICLES dy i^lwP ikvy N AwpxI ifaU t I kr skxgy PUBLISHED IN THE PUNJAB? AsIN Awm lok qW Awpxy AWF-guAWF iv~c hI hr iksy qo N dU r ho-ARE ho ky SOLELY lMGdy hW THE ik ikqy auh kRonw GUARDIAN dw mrIz hI nw hovy[ iksy vI EprI cIz ƒ PERSONAL h~Q lwaux vyl y qR B k jWdy hW ik ikqyTHE iehdy iv~c VIEWS / OPINON OF vwiers nw viVAw bYTw hovy[ pr fwktrI WRITERS stw& ƒ qWAND sw&THE pqw EDITOR huMdw hY ik swhmxy bY~f au~qy OR PUNJAB KMG irhw mrIz kRonw-pOzyitv hY. iPr auh ikhVy hONsly nwl aus ƒ h~Q lgwauNdy hoxgy ? auhnW GUARDIAN IS IN NO WAY RELATED , ny aus mrIz dI jwn hI nhIN bcwauxI, blik ^ud ƒ vI ibmwrI qoN bcwauxw hY. auhnW dy vI Gr RESPONSIBLE OR HAS GRANTED ANY iv~c BYx-Brw, mW-bwp Aqy b~cy aufIk rhy huMdy hn. iksy dw pqI fwktr hY Aqy iksy dI pqnI CONSENT TO THEM WHAT SO EVER. nrs hY. kI auhnW dI jwn dI koeI kImq nhIN hY ? hwlwq ieh hn ik keI ishq mulwzm iesy du~KoN nOkrIAW C~fx bwry vI soc rhy hn. Aw^r, ibnw hiQAwrW qoN &Oj ikhVy hONsly nwl lVy ? iPr kI kIqw jwvy ?pihlW qW kuJ smyN leI bwkI lMgrW v~loN iDAwn Gtw ky Awpxy dyS dy fwktrI Amly ƒ zrUrI shUlqW dy lMgr vrqwauxy SurU krIey[ auhnW ƒ hr qrHW dw zrUrI smwn muh~eIAw krvweIey ijs nwl auh ^ud sur~iKAq rihMdy hoey swƒ sB ƒ sur~iKAw pRdwn kr skx. srkwr ƒ cwhIdw hY ik ies dy vwsqy spYSl PMf kwiem kry Aqy AsIN swry aus ƒ ‘gurU kw lMgr’ smJ ky aus iv~c v~D qoN v~D ih~sw pweIey[ srkwr ƒ cwhIdw hY ik auh A~j dy smyN kRonw nwl lVn vwly hr qrHW dy ishq mulwzmW ƒ spYSl B~qy dyvy[ ijMny vI ishq mulwzm
Consulting Editor D.S. Gill Advocate, Ludhiana
Editor: Harkirat Singh Phone: 604-834-1017 Email: hskular@hotmail.com
lMgr bQyry vrqwA ley, hux AglI g~l krIey[
* * * * * * *
cu~ky sn Aqy swry skUl vI mwrc dy pihly h&qy 'c bMd ho cu~ky sn[pr ies dy bwvjUd inzwmUdIn mrkz ivc qblIZI jmwq dy smwgm ƒ roikAw nw igAw[ 13 mwrc ƒ ieh smwgm SurU ho cukw sI[ 16 ƒ mu~K mMqrI ArivMd kyjrIvwl vloN Dwrmk iek~TW auqy pwbMdI lw idqI geI pr iksy ny mrkz ivruD kwrvweI nw kIqI[ 22 mwrc dy jnqw kr&IaU qoN bwAd, jmwq dy lokW ny 23 mwrc ƒ Gr prqxw SurU kr idqw[ pr b~sW Aqy ryl g~fIAW dy c~lx auqy pwbMdI qoN bwAd ku~J lok P~s gey[ AYs.fI.AYm. dI mdd nwl swirAW ƒ Apxy Apxy sUby 'c Byj idqw igAw[ pr aus vyly qk bhuq dyr ho cu~kI sI[ pMjwb ivc holw mh~lw vI aunHW qrIkW ivc sI, 10-12 mwrc qk[ pMjwb ivc iek vI koronw vwiers dw kys nhIN sI[iPr vI puils Aqy ishq ivBwg qYnwq sI Aqy pMjwb dw pihlw kys Aqy bImwrI dw PYlxw vI auQoN hI SurU hoieAw sI[ pr pMjwb srkwr ƒ hr Awaux-jwx vwly dI pUrI jwxkwrI sI[ ies ƒ PYlx qoN rok ilAw igAw[ jy iksy ny ivdyS qoN prqy XwqrIAW jW bldyv isMG dI inMdw kIqI, aus ƒ vI rok idqw igAw[ pr id~lI dy mu~K mMqrI ny kih idqw ik ivdyS qoN Awey qblIZI jmwq dy lokW ƒ kwlI sUcI ivc pw idqw jwvy[ ieQoN SurU hoeI ies vrg dI inMdw Aqy i&rkU n&rq PYlwaux vwly cYnlW ƒ iek mu~dw iml igAw ik auh iksy iek i&rky ƒ lY ky ApxI n&rq nwl BrI gMdI p~qrkwrI kr skx[ aus dw nqIjw kI hoieAw? A~j muslmwnW ƒ smwj dy duSmxW vjoN pyS kIqw jw irhw hY[ ienHW ƒ koronw dy PYlx dw kwrn disAw jw irhw hY[ 30% koronw vwiers dy mrIz ies smwgm ivc Swml hoey muslmwn dsy jw rhy hn[ ienHW dI jWc ho rhI hY[ ivdySW qoN hvweI aufwxW lgwqwr Aw rhIAW sn[ hvweI A~fy 'qy koeI jWc nhIN sI kIqI jw rhI, nw eykWqvws 'c hI ilAw jw irhw sI[ pr swrI ZlqI isr& ies vrg auqy pweI jw rhI hY[ nqIjw ihmwcl pRdyS dy iek nOjuAwn ƒ Bugqxw ipAw[auh ies smwgm 'c igAw, pr tYst ny is~D kr idqw ik aus ƒ koronw vwiers dI lwg nhIN l~gI sI[ pr ipMf ny aus nwl eynw burw slUk kIqw ik aus ny ApxI jwn hI lY leI[ s~q BYxW dy iek Brw ny ^udkuSI kr leI[ hux ZlqI iks dI AwKI jweygI? aus smwgm ƒ krn vwly dI jW aus smwgm ƒ iejwzq dyx vwly mu~K mMqrI kyjrIvwl dI jo kdy id~lI puils dy nW 'qy gurdvwry ivruD AY&.AweI.Awr. krvw dyNdy hn qy kdy dMigAW dOrwn smwDI lw ky bYT jWdy hn? ies nOjuAwn dI mOq leI jvwb vI aunHW vloN hI dyxw bxdw hY[ -inmrq kOr
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pMjwb gwrfIAn ipCly 25 swl qoN quhwfI syvw ivc hwjr hY[Awpxy vfmu`ly ivcwr pwTkW nwl sWJy krn leI 'pMjwb gwrfIAn' nUM jrUr Byjo[quhwfy v`loN AweI ilKq dw svwgq hY, prMqU pMjwb gwrfIAn ivc CpIAW rcnwvW lyKkW dI in`jI rwey au~pr ADwrq hn Aqy auhnW nwl sMpwdk jW Adwrw pMjwb gwrfIAn dw sihmq hoxw jrUrI nhIN[ ieSiqhwrW iv`c kIqI geI dwAvydwrI nwl pMjwb gwrfIAn dw koeI sbMD nhIN[ iksy vI KrId jW pymYNt qoN pihlW gwhk AwpxI qs`lI dw Kud izmyvwr hY[ Adwrw pMjwb gwrfIAn ieSiqhwr ivcly iksy vI AwPr/dwAvydwrI nwl hoey iksy nukswn dw izmyvwr nhIN hovygw[ The publisher does not endorse or evaluate the advertise product, service, or company, nor any of the claims made by advertisement. Advertisers making claims are expected to have a research data that substantiates these claims and the research or citation is to be made available on the vendors website or where proprietary interests exist, be made available upon request. The publisher confirms the research is relevant to the claim but does not verify the validity of the research. The publisher does not make any representation as to the accuracy or suitability of any of the information contained in advertisements and does not accept any responsibility or liability for the conduct of the content of advertisements and the offering made by advertisers. The publisher takes no responsibility for the content of the ads, promises made, or the quality/reliability of the products or services offered in all the advertisements. The Punjab Guardian WILL NOT be responsible for any loss on the basis of any claim made in any advertisement. Advertising does not influence editorial decisions or content. The publisher reserves the right to refuse, reject or cancel any ad for any reason at any time without liability.
knyfw Aqy AmrIkw dw sB qoN v~D piVAw jwx vwlw hrmn ipAwrw pMjwbI hPqwvwrI AKbwr
*Apr.17 - Apr. 23, 2020 The Punjab Guardian - A17 Ajy q~k p~ky nhIN kIqy, auhnW dIAW syvwvW A~j hI rYgUlr kry. AsIN vI swry pRx krIey ik Agly kuJ swl AsIN Drm sQwnW dIAW sMgmrmrI iemwrqW dI QW hspqwlW dIAW iemwrqW bxwaux v~l iDAwn dyeIey[ Awpxy ipMf, muh~ly jW Sihr dI Swn ies g~l iv~c smJIey ik swfy kol is~iKAw Aqy ishq shUlqW ikMny au~cy p~Dr dIAW hn. ikauNik kRonw vwiers ny AmIr-ZrIb dw Byd imtw id~qw hY. ieh qW SurUAwq hI AmIrW qoN krdw hY Aqy iPr iksy vI AmIr-ZrIb ƒ nhIN b^Sdw[ nw hI ies qoN bc ky koeI AmrIkwkYnyfw v~l B~j skdw hY. ies leI cMgI g~l iehI hY ik Awpxy Awly-duAwly hI auh sur~iKAw Gyrw bxwaux dI koiSS krIey ik Awpo-AwpxI DrqI au~qy bYTy hI ies qoN bc skIey[ ieh vI Xwd r~KIey ik kudrq nwl ieMnw iKlvwV ikMnw mihMgw pY skdw hY. pvxu gurU, pwxI ipqw dy isDWq ƒ ApxweIey[
koronw dy iPrkU BweIbMd vwiers nwloN vI izAwdw ^qrnwk
: dyS dy l~gB~g 3500 kwƒndwnW, is~iKAw SwsqrIAW, AiBnyqwvW, klwkwrW qy lyKkW dy nwl-nwl hornW KyqrW dy lokW ny 'dI vwier' dy bwnI sMpwdk isDwrQ vrdwrwjn dy iKlwP AY~P AweI Awr drj krn 'qy XU pI srkwr qy puls dI inMdw kridAW AY~P AweI Awr qurMq vwps lYx dI mMg kIqI hY[ ienHW lokW ny iek sWJy ibAwn ivc ies ƒ mIfIAw dI AwzwdI 'qy hmlw krwr id~qw hY[ienHW lokW ny kyNdr qy swrIAW rwj srkwrW ƒ ieh vI ikhw hY ik auh mIfIAw dI AwzwdI ƒ kuclx leI koronw mhWmwrI dw shwrw nw lYx[ibAwn ivc ikhw igAw hY ik iek mYfIkl AYmrjYNsI ƒ isAwsI AYmrjYNsI lwaux dy bhwny dy rUp ivc iesqymwl nhIN kIqw jwxw cwhIdw[ ibAwn 'qy dsqKq krn vwilAW ivc suprIm kort dy swbkw j~j mdn bI lokur, mdrws hweI kort dy swbkw j~j ky cMdrU qy ptnw hweI kort dy swbkw j~j AMjnw pRkwS, nyvI dy do swbkw AYfimrl rwmdws qy ivSxU Bwgvq, swbkw kyNdrI iv~q mMqrI XSvMq isnhw, swbkw kOmI sur~iKAw slwhkwr iSv SMkr mYnn, swbkw ivdyS sk~qr sujwqw isMG, lyKk ivkrm syT, nXnqwrw sihgl, AruMDqI rwie, AnIqw dysweI, ky sicdwnMd, ikrn dysweI, pMjwb dy swbkw fI jI pI jUlIE irbYro, swbkw kyNdrI mMqrI AY~m AY~s ig~l smyq keI swbkw nOkrSwh vI Swml hn[ ibAwn dI au~Gy PotogRwPr dXwinqw isMG, klwkwr Amol pwlykr, nsIrUdIn Swh, nMidqw dws, Prhwn AKqr qy milkw swrwBweI, joieAw AKqr, ikrn rwE qy AwnMd ptvrDn vrgy iPlm inrmwqwvW ny vI hmwieq kIqI hY[ ibAwn 'qy keI sInIAr p~qrkwrW Aqy dunIAw-Br dIAW XUnIvristIAW dy iek hzwr qoN v~D pRoPYsrW dy dsqKq vI hn[ ibAwn ivc koronw Aqy Dwrmk pRogrwm bwry pUrI qrHW nwl q~QW 'qy ADwrq Kbr leI 'dI vwier' Aqy aus dy bwnI sMpwdkW ivcoN iek ivru~D XogI AwidiqAw nwQ dI AgvweI vwlI XU pI srkwr dy kdm Aqy puls v~loN POjdwrI prcw drj krn 'qy hYrwnI jqweI geI hY[ ibAwn ivc ikhw igAw hY ik mIfIAw dI AwzwdI 'qy ieh hmlw, Kwskr koronw sMkt dOrwn, nw isrP pRgtwvy dI AwzwdI, sgoN lokW dy sUcnw dy AiDkwr ƒ Kqry ivc pwauNdw hY[ ibAwn ivc mIfIAw ƒ vI ApIl kIqI geI hY ik auh ies mhWmwrI ƒ iPrkU rMg nw dyvy[ XU pI puls ny iesy mhIny vrdwrwjn iKlwP tivtr 'qy ies it~pxI leI mwmlw drj kIqw sI, ijs idn qblIgI jmwq ny id~lI ivc Awpxw pRogrwm kIqw sI, ausy idn mu~K mMqrI Awid~iqAw nwQ ny zor dy ky ikhw sI ik rwmnOmI dw mylw hmySw dI qrHW hI l~gygw[ prcy ivc vrdwrwjn dI aus it~pxI dw vI izkr kIqw igAw hY, ijs ivc aunHw lwkfwaUn dOrwn XogI dy AXu~iDAw ivc rwm jnm BUmI sQ~l 'qy iek pRogrwm ivc ih~sw lYx 'qy svwl auTwieAw sI[ iek prcw iek ApRYl ƒ AXu~iDAw dy iek nwgirk dI iSkwieq Aqy dUjw prcw koqvwlI ngr puls Qwxw PYzwbwd dy AY~s AY~c E dI iSkwieq 'qy drj kIqw igAw[
modI dy eyjMfy ‘c ZrIb Swml nhIN
Bwrq iv~c koronw vwiers dy PYlwA qy aus dI rokQwm leI cu~ky kdmW ny swfy smwj dy ie~k ih~sy qy swfy hwkmW dw krUp ichrw bynkwb kr id~qw hY[ swfy dyS iv~c koronw hvweI jhwzW ‘qy s&r krn vwlI jmwq dy lok lY ky Awey sn[ ieh mhWmwrI irkSy vwly qoN hvweI jhwz vwilAW q~k nhIN, sgoN hvweI jhwz vwilAW qoN irkSy vwilAW q~k phuMcI hY[ jykr AsIN ghu nwl dyKIey qW koronw dw sB qoN v~D PYlwA aunHW SihrW iv~c hoieAw hY, ij~Qy kOmWqrI aufwnW vwly hvweI A~fy hn[ muMbeI, id~lI, pUny, cyn~eI, koieMbtUr, Awgrw, Aihmdwbwd, hYdrwbwd, Bopwl
s. mYihMgw isMG srw& mu`lWpur vwly
qy swfy pMjwb dw mohwlI ies dIAW pRq~K imswlW hn[ pr ies qrwsdI dw KimAwzw sB qoN v~D ipMfW qy SihrI mlIn bsqIAW iv~c rihMdy lokW ƒ Bugqxw pY irhw hY[ Asl iv~c ieh ZrIb lok nw swfy smwj dy KuShwl ih~sy qy nw hI swfI srkwr dy kdy eyjMfy au~qy rhy hn[ KuShwl smwj leI qW ienHW ZrIb lokW dI loV GrylU nOkr, d&qrW, dukwnW qy PYktrIAW leI ie~k ssqI mzdUrI q~k sImq huMdI hY[ ieh irSqw kMm kro, pYsy lE, d&w hovo qy b~s ^qm[ KuShwl vrg dy GrW iv~c kMm krdI nOkrwxI kdy aus mKmlI soPy au~qy bYTx dI ihMmq nhIN kr skdI, ijs au~qy aunHW dw pwlqU ku~qw ibnW iJjk Arwm nwl bYTw huMdw hY[ ieh KuShwl vrg kdy ieh jwnx dI koiSS nhIN krdw ik aunHW dI syvw krdI nOkrwxI dw prvwr iks hwlq iv~c rihMdw hY[ Asl iv~c ies vrg dw jykr v~s c~ly qW auh ienHW ZrIbW dI Skl dyKxI vI psMd nw kry[ swfy hwkmW, jo ies KuShwl vrg dI pRqIinDqw krdy hn, dw grIb vrg pRqI rv~eIAw vI au~c vrg qoN v~Krw nhIN[ pwTkW ƒ Xwd hovygw ik AmrIkw dy rwStrpqI fonwlf trMp dI bytI ievWkw trMp, jdoN ie~k globl sim~t iv~c Bwg lYx leI hYdrwbwd AweI sI qW pRSwsn ny Sihr dI sw&-s&weI qy rMg-rogn dy nwl swry ZrIb iBKwrIAW ƒ cu~k ky cMclguVw jylH iv~c bMd kr id~qw sI[ iesy swl &rvrI iv~c jdoN Kud fonwlf trMp Aihmdwbwd pDwry sn qW ZrIbW dIAW JONpVIAW lukox leI aunHW A~gy ie~k dIvwr KVHI kr id~qI geI sI[ hrS mMdr ny AwpxI ikqwb, ‘’luikMg AvyA: ienkuvYiltI, pRYjUifs AYNf ienifPrYNs ien inaU ieMfIAw’’ iv~c iliKAw hY ik AsIN ZrIbW ƒ AwpxI AMqr Awqmw Aqy cyqnw dohW iv~coN Kwrj kr id~qw hY[ KuShwl vrg dy s~qw au~qy ibrwjmwn hwkm jdoN ZrIb vrg ƒ sMboDq huMdy hn qW auh isr& hukm suxwauNdy hn, aus au~qy Aml ikvyN hovygw, aus nwl aunHW dw koeI vwsqw nhIN huMdw[ ies leI pRDwn mMqrI nirMdr modI v~loN jdoN 25 mwrc qoN SurU hox vwly 21 idnW lwkfwaUn dw AYlwn kIqw igAw audoN v~K-v~K SihrW iv~c kMm krdy pRvwsI mzdUr aunHw dy eyjMfy iv~c hI Swml nhIN sn[ ies qoN bwAd ijs qrHW id~lI iv~c l~KW mzdUr GrW iv~coN inkl ky sVkW au~qy Aw gey qy bhuq swry Awpxy gRih rwjW ƒ pYdl hI c~l pey, ieh bhuq hI duKdweI nzwrw sI[ ies hzwrW mIl lMmI Xwqrw dOrwn ikMny lokW ny AwpxI jwn guAw id~qI, ies dI iksy ƒ koeI icMqw nhIN[ iqMn KojwrQIAW qyjyS, koinkw Srmw qy Amn ny A^bwrW iv~c CpIAW ^brW dy ADwr au~qy d~isAw hY ik ies lMmI Xwqrw dy is~ty vjoN 195 ZrIbW ƒ AwpxI jwn qoN h~Q Doxy pey[ ienHW iv~coN 53 mOqW Qkwvt, Bu~K qy fwktrI shwieqw nw imlx kwrn hoeIAW sn[ lwkfwaUn qoVn kwrn hoey hmilAW iv~c 7 lok mwry gey[ qyz r&qwr vwhnW dI lpyt iv~c Aw ky 35 mOqW hoeIAW[ ies qoN ibnW lMmI dUrI, Bu~K qoN qMg Aw ky qy hor kwrnW krky 40 ivAkqI KudkuSI kr gey sn[ lwkfwaUn qoN Gbrw ky qy koronw qoN pIVq hox dy fr kwrn vI 39 ivAkqI KudkuSI kr gey[ aukq AMkVy aunHW mOqW dy hn, ijnHW dIAW ^brW swhmxy Aw cu~kIAW hn[ bhuq swry kys auh vI hoxgy, ijhVy lwkfwaUn kwrn swhmxy nhIN Aw sky[ lwkfwaUn qW ies leI kIqw igAw sI ik izMdgIAW bcwauxIAW hn, pr ie~Qy qW lwkfwaUn hI izMdgIAW ^qm krn dw kwrn bx igAw[ Asl iv~c izMdgIAW bcwaux vwly Kwny iv~c ieh ZrIb imhnqI lok Swml nhIN sn[ pihly sMboDn qoN bwAd pRDwn mMqrI ny iqMn vwr iPr dyS dy lokW ƒ sMboDn kIqw, pr do vwr qW aunHw smwj dy ies ih~sy dw izkr hI nhIN kIqw qy Aw^rI vwr jdoN lwkfwaUn iqMn meI q~k vDwieAw qW lokW ƒ s~dw id~qw ik qusIN ienHW ZrIbW dw vI i^Awl r~Ko[ aunHw dy AYlwn qoN bwAd muMbeI qy sUrq iv~c hwlq iPr id~lI vwly bx gey[ ieh lok mMg kr rhy sn ik swƒ swfy Awpxy sUibAW iv~c ByijAw jwvy, pr imlIAW aunHW ƒ lwTIAW, pr ieh ivhwr au~c vrg dy lokW qoN v~Krw hY[ hrduAwr iv~c 1800 gujrwqI Ps gey sn, aunHW ƒ srkwrI b~sW rwhIN Gro-GrI pucwieAw igAw, shwrnpur iv~c rwDw svwmI fyry iv~c Psy 800 SrDwlUAW ƒ GrW q~k C~fx dw pRbMD kIqw igAw[ svwl pYdw huMdw hY ik iPr ienHW mzdUrW ƒ Gro-GrI pucwaux dw pRbMD ikauN nhIN kIqw jw skdw[ ieh ikhw jw irhw hY ik ienHW dI Kurwk dw pRbMD kIqw jw irhw hY[ kI ieh lok rotI Kwx leI GrW qoN hzwrW mIl dUr Awey sn[ ieh lok ip~Cy rih gey Awpxy prvwrW dw pyt pwlx leI kmweI krn Awey sn[ hux jdoN kmweI ^qm ho geI qW ieh Awpxy prvwrW pws vwps jwxw cwhuMdy hn, qW jo Awpxy ipMfW iv~c jw ky do-fMg dI rotI dw jugwV kr skx, pr ieh ZrIb lok qW hwkmW dy eyjMfy iv~c hI Swml nhIN hn[
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A18 - The Punjab Guardian *Apr. 17 - Apr. 23, 2020
Bwrq iv~c lwkfwaUn 3 meI qk vDw id~qw igAw
koronw vwiers dI mwr ƒ rokx leI Bwrq iv~c lwieAw igAw lwkfwaUn 3 meI q~k vDw id~qw igAw hY, pr pRDwn mMqrI ny 20 AprYl qoN kuJ KyqrW ƒ ies dOrwn kuJ CotW dyx dw sMkyq vI ies dy nwl hI dy id~qw hY[ pR D wn mM q rI nirM d r modI ny mMglvwr svyry dyS vwsIAW dy nW Awpxy sMboDn dOrwn 3 meI qk Bwrq iv~c lwkfwaUn jwrI r~Kx dw AYlwn kr ky ikhw ik mhwmwrI ƒ kwbU krn iv~c Bwrq s&l irhw hY[ aunHW ikhw ik ies dOrwn iksy ƒ Kwxy dI Aqy iksy ƒ Awaux-jwx dI qMgI, koeI Gr-pirvwr qoN dUr irhw, pr BwrqI lok iek AnuSwisq ispwhI vWg Prz inBw rhy hn[ bwbw swihb AMbyfkr ƒ Xwd kr ky pRDwn mMqrI ny ikhw ik aunHw dw jIvn hr cuxOqI ƒ sMklp SkqI Aqy imhnq nwl pwr krn dI pRyrnw idMdw hY[ aunHw ikhw ik A~j dyS ivc koronw dI siQqI qoN qy Bwrq v~loN ies ƒ rokx dy XqnW qoN dunIAw Br dy lok jwxU hn[ jdoN eyQy iek vI kys nhIN sI, aus qoN pihlW koronw pRBwvq dySW qoN Awaux vwly lokW dI Bwrq iv~c skRIinMg zrUrI kr id~qI geI sI qy mwl, isnymw bMd kr id~qy sn[ jdoN eyQy isr& pMj kys sn, Bwrq ny 21 idnW dw lwkfwaUn kr id~qw sI[ pRDwn mMqrI ny ikhw ik ienHW kdmW dw Asr vyKdy hoey Bwrq iv~c lwkfwaUn 3 meI 2020 qk vDw id~qw igAw hY[ aunHW ikhw ik Agly h&qy iv~c koronw i^lw& lVweI iv~c s^qI hor vDweI jwvygI qy 20 ApRYl qk hr ksby, hr izlHy, hr sUby ƒ priKAw jwvygw ik EQy lwkfwaUn dI ikMnI pwlxw ho rhI hY[ modI ny ikhw ik lwkfwaUn dOrwn ijhVy ielwky ies pRIiKAw iv~c s&l hoey, ijhVy hwt spwt nhIN bxngy Aqy ijnHW dy hwt spwt bxn dw fr G~t hovygw, EQy 20 ApRYl qoN kuJ zrUrI kMmW leI AwigAw id~qI jw skdI hY[ aunHW ikhw ik iek vI mrIz dy vDx dI icMqw hoxI cwhIdI hY[ ies dOrwn A~j ryl g~fIAW c~lx dI APvwh kwrn muMbeI dy bWdrw stySn au~qy sYNkVy mzdUr iek~Ty ho gey Aqy pRdrSn krn l~gy[ ieMny lokW dy sVkW au~qy Awaux nwl ibmwrI PYlx dw ^qrw vD igAw vyK ky srkwr hrkq ivc AweI[ ieh lok Kwx dI sm~isAw d~s ky Gr ƒ Byjx dI mMg kr rhy hn[ mzdUrW dI ies BIV ƒ htwaux leI puils ƒ lwTIcwrj krnw ipAw[
koronw vwiers dI mhwmwrI nwl nukswny AmrIkI ArQcwry ƒ sMjIvnI dyxgy ieh mhwrQI
koronw vwiers dI mhwmwrI ny dunIAw dy sB qoN v~fy AmrIkI ArQcwry ƒ vI burI qrHW pRBwivq kIqw hY[ ies qoN icMqq rwStrpqI fonwlf trMp ny sMjIvnI dI Bwl SurU kr id~qI hY[ vwiSMgtn (pItIAweI) : korn o w vwiers dI mhwmwrI ny dunIAw dy sB qoN v~fy AmrIkI ArQcwry ƒ vI burI qrHW pRBwivq kIqw hY[ ies qoN icMqq rwStrpqI fonwlf trMp ny sMjIvnI dI Bwl SurU kr id~qI hY[ ArQcwry ƒ ptVI ‘qy ilAwaux leI aunHW ny v~K-v~K KyqrW nwl juVy gru~pW dw gTn kIqw hY, ijnHW ivcoN gUgl dy suMdr ipcweI, mweIkRoswPt dy s~iqAw nfylw, AweIbIAY~m dy ArivMd ikRSn, mweIkRon dy sMjy myhroqrw, pyrnof irkwrf dI AY~n muKrjI qy mwstrkwrf dy Ajy bMgw Swml kIqy gey hn[ hor muK lokW ‘c AYpl dy itm ku~k, ErYkl dy lYrI AYlIsn qy Pysbu~k dy mwrk zukrbrg Swml hn[ AmrIkw ienHIN idnIN vwiers dy pRkop nwl burI qrHW pRBwivq hY[ dyS dI 33 kroV AwbwdI ‘coN 95 &IsdI lok GrW ‘c bMd hn[ hwlIAw AiDkwrq AMkiVAW muqwbk koronw mhwmwrI kwrn hux qk 1.6 kroV lok nOkrI guAw cu~ky hn[ iesy lVI ‘c ArQcwry ‘c muV jwn PUkx leI rwStrpqI trMp ny gRyt AmrIkn iekonwimk irvweIvl ieMfstrI gru~pz dw gTn kIqw hY[ ienHW gru~pW ‘c AmrIkw dy audXog jgq qy dUjy vrg ‘c 200 cotI dy lokW ƒ Swml kIqw igAw hY[ ieh lok AmrIkI ArQcwry ƒ ptVI ‘qy ilAwaux leI rwStrpqI ƒ AwpxIAW isPwrSW dyxgy[ rwStrpqI trMp ny vHweIt hwaUs ‘c koronw vwiers ‘qy Xojnw dI pRrY~s kwnPrMs dOrwn ikhw, ‘AsIN ijnHW lokW ƒ gru~pW ‘c nwmzd kIqw hY auh byimswl qy huiSAwr hn[ auh Awpxy ivcwr r~Kxgy[‘ ieh gru~p KyqI, bYNikMg, Bvn inrmwx, mzdUr, kwrjbl, r~iKAw, aUrjw, Kwx-pIx, ishq hwsptYiltI, ivinrmwx, irAl Astyt, irtyl, qknIk, tYlIkimaUinkySn, trWsporySn qy KyfW Awid nwl sbMDq hn[ vHweIt hwaUs ny ikhw, ‘AmrIkw AwgUAW dy ieh duv~ly gru~p vHweIt hwaUs nwl rl ky kMm krngy qy AmrIkw dI KuShwlI dw rwh l~Bxgy’[
fblXUAY~cE dI shwieqw rokx dw ieh shI smW nhIN : sMXukq rwStr
vwiSMgtn (AweIeyAY~nAY~s) : sMXukq rwStr dy jnrl sk~qr AYNtonIE guqrs ny Awpxy ADIn Awaux vwlI ivSv p~DrI sMsQw dw bcwA krky AmrIkw dy &Ysly 'qy pRqIikirAw pRgt krdy hoey ikhw ik ivSv ishq sMgTn dI AwriQk shwieqw rokx dw ieh shI smW nhIN hY[ aunHW ikhw ik koronw ienPYkSn dI ivSv p~DrI mhwmwrI qoN au~Brn qoN bwAd ip~Cy muV ky ieh dyKx dI zrUrq hovygI ik ieh ikMnI PYlI Aqy Acwnk ikvyN pUrI dunIAw ivc ivnwS lY ky AweI[ audoN swƒ ieh vI dyKxw hovygw ik sMktkwl ivc iks ny ikho ijhw vrqwE kIqw[ XUrpI sMG ny vI ies &Ysly dI Awlocnw kIqI hY[ auQy, cIn ny vI AmrIkw qoN fblXUAY~cE dI AwriQk shwieqw nw rokx dI ApIl kIqI hY[guqrs ny mMglvwr ƒ AmrIkw dy PMifMg rokx dy &Ysly 'qy iek ibAwn jwrI krky ikhw ik Aijhy &Ysly lYx dw hwly smW nhIN AwieAw hY[ ies vwiers i^lw& lVweI dOrwn ivSv ishq sMgTn jW hor iksy mnu~KI jwqI dI shwieqw ivc l~gy sMgTn dI AwriQk mdd rokxw auicq nhIN hY[ ies nwl aunHW dIAW shwieqw muihMmW 'qy Asr pvygw[ ieh aunHW dIAW muihMmW dy vsIly G~t krn dw smW nhIN hY[ sMXukq rwStr jnrl sk~qr ny ikhw, 'myrw mMnxw hY ik ivSv ishq sMgTn dw smrQn kIqw jwxw cwhIdw hY[ ikauNik ieh koivf-19 i^lw& jMg ivc ij~qx dIAW koiSSW ivc Aihm BUimkw inBwauNdw hY[' jdik XUrpI sMG dI ivdyS nIqI dy muKI josP boryl ny 27 dySW dy smUh v~loN ikhw ik AmrIkI rwStr kol ivSv ishq sMgTn dI PMifMg rokx dw koeI kwrn nhIN hY[ aunHW ikhw ik ies ivSv p~DrI mhwmwrI nwl nij~Tx ivc fblXUAY~cE dI zrUrq ijMnI hwly hn, EnI pihlW kdy nhIN sI[ kI isr& &Oj dy bl 'qy AsIN ies sMkt nwl nij~T skdy hW ijs leI dyS dIAW srh~dW dy koeI mwAny nhIN hn[dUjy pwsy, cIn dy ivdyS mMqrwly dy bulwry JwE iljIAwn ny ikhw ik auh fblXUAY~cE dI AwriQk shwieqw mulqvI krn dy AmrIkw dy &Ysly qoN icMqq hn[ nwl hI cIn ny AmrIkw qoN koronw vwiers sMkt dy kwrn ies ivSv p~DrI sMsQw dI AwriQk shwieqw bhwl krn dI ApIl kIqI hY[ aunHW ikhw ik ies smyN ivSv p~DrI mhwmwrI dI siQqI byh~d gMBIr hY[ AmrIkw dw ieh &Yslw fblXUAY~cE dIAW qwkqW ƒ G~t krygw[ ies nwl kOmWqrI sihXog ivc vI rukwvt AwvygI[ auQy, briln 'c jrmnI dy ivdyS mMqrI hIko mws ny fblXUAY~cE dI AwriQk shwieqw rokx dy AmrIkw dy &Ysly dw ivroD kIqw hY[ aunHW ikhw ik koronw sMkt leI aunHW ƒ dUijAW ƒ doS dyxw bMd krnw cwhIdw hY[ aunHW ikhw ik dUijAW ƒ doS dy ky ies gMBIr sMkt ivc koeI mdd nhIN hovygI[ quhwfw ibhqrIn invyS iehI hovygw ik qusIN sMXukq rwStr ƒ mzbUq kro[ fblXUAY~cE ivc iv~qI sMkt hox 'qy pRrIKxW Aqy vYksInW ƒ ivksq krn Aqy aunHW dI vMf ivc sm~isAw AwvygI[
*vrkrW dI loV*
nrsrI, kYnrI Aqy Pwrm iv`c kMm krn leI lVkIAW, AMtIAW Aqy AMklW dI loV hY[ klws 4 Aqy klws 5 frweIvrW dI loV hY[ cY~k qy kMm krn vwly hI sMprk krn[
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*Apr.17 - Apr. 23, 2020 The Punjab Guardian - A19
ieMfIAw vIjw AYplIkySn
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A20 - The Punjab Guardian *Apr. 17 - Apr. 23, 2020
AwstrylIAw ivc cInIAW nwl ho irhw ivqkrw
AwstryilAweI mnu~KI AiDkwr kimSn ny ikhw hY ik ipCly do mhIinAW ivc nslI ivqkry dIAW iSkwieqW drj krn vwly cwr lokW iv~coN ie~k dw kihxw hY ik aunHW ƒ koivf-19 kwrn inSwnw bxwieAw igAw sI[ kimSn ny kronwvwiers ƒ lY ik cIn Aqy hor eyiSAweI ipCokV dy lokW nwl ho rhy nslI ivqkry bwry icMqw pRgtweI hY[ kimSn ny ikhw ik koivf dw nsl jW kOmIAq nwl kuJ vI lYxw-dyxw nhIN hY Aqy nw hI iksy ie~k iPrky qoN vwiers dw fr hY[ ieh jwq Aqy kOmI dy AwDwr ’qy lokW nwl durivvhwr krn dy bhwny hn[ ies swl ipCly do mhIinAW ivc nslI ivqkry dIAW iSkwieqW ivc BwrI vwDw hoieAw hY[ kimSnr icn tYn ny ikhw ik nslvwd ivru~D KVHy hox dI loV hY[
jpwn dy hspqwlW ivc sYnItweIzr dI QW Srwb dI vrqoN ƒ mnzUrI
koronwvwiers jwpwn iv~c vI qyzI nwl PYl irhw hY Aqy hux q~k ies dy 8,100 kys swhmxy Awey hn jdoN ik 147 lokW dI mOq ho cu~kI hY[ jpwn ivc PPE, mwsk, dsqwny Aqy sYnItweIzr dI vI v~fI Gwt hY, ie~QoN q~k ik hspqwlW ivc, sYnItweIzr vI hux Kqm ho gey hn[ hux jwpwn dI srkwr ny AYmrjYNsI dy m~dynzr hspqwlW iv~c sYnItweIzr dI bjwey Srwb dI vrqoN krn dI AwigAw dy id~qI hY[ jwrI kIqy gey AwdyS iv~c ikhw igAw hY ik koronw dw ielwj krn vwly mYfIkl stwP ƒ sYnItweIzr dI QW aunHW swrIAW SrwbW dI vrqoN krn dI AwigAw hY ijs iv~c Alkohl dI pœISqqw 70 qoN 83 q~k huMdI hY[ fwktr ieh vI mMndy hn ik Alkohl dI pRqISq 70% qoN v~D vwlI Srwb nwl sYnItweIz kIqw jw skdw hY[ hwlWik, jpwn iv~c vofkw dy kuJ bRWf hn ijnHW iv~c Alkohl dI pœISqqw hY[ jwpwn iv~c Awm Srwb iv~c isrP 22 qoN 45% Alkohl hI huMdI hY[kuJ vweIn kMpnIAW mdd leI A~gy AweIAW - jwpwnI mIfIAw dy Anuswr sYnytweIzr dI Gwt qoN bwAd kuJ Srwb kMpnIAW ny AijhI Srwb bxwauxw SurU kr id~qw hY, jo hspqwlW iv~c sYnItweIzr dw kMm vI kr skdI hY[ d~s deIey ik kuJ jpwnI kMpnIAW Ajy vI sYnytweIzr ƒ AmrIkw iv~c inrXwq kr rhIAW hn[ ieh mMinAw jWdw hY ik jy kmI rihMdI hY qW ies auqy pwbMdI lgweI jw skdI hY[
koronw qoN b`cx dw isrP ie~k hI qrIkw, fblXUAYcE ny id~qI slwh
koronwvwiers nwl hux q~k pUrI dunIAw iv~c 1.20 l~K qoN v~D lokW dI mOq ho cu~kI hY[ 20 l~K qoN v~D lok sMkrimq hn[ sIfIsI (sYNtr Pwr rog inXMqrx) qy fblXUAYcE (ivSv ishq sMgTn) mhWmwrI nwl sMkrmx qoN bcx leI lokW ƒ hr do GMitAW bwAd Awpxy h~Q Dox qy byloVI aunHW dy n~k, A~KW qy kMnW ƒ CUhx qoN ienkwr kr rhy hn[ cMfIgVH: koronwvwiers nwl hux q~k pUrI dunIAw iv~c 1.20 l~K qoN v~D lokW dI mOq ho cu~kI hY[ 20 l~K qoN v~D lok sMkrimq hn[ sIfIsI (sYNtr Pwr rog inXMqrx) qy fblXUAYcE (ivSv ishq sMgTn) mhWmwrI nwl sMkrmx qoN bcx leI lokW ƒ hr do GMitAW bwAd Awpxy h~Q Dox qy byloVI aunHW dy n~k, A~KW qy kMnW ƒ CUhx qoN ienkwr kr rhy hn[ hYrwnI dI g~l hY ik lok Ajy vI Awdq Anuswr Awpxy ichry dy AMgW (A~KW, kMn, n~k, glH, m~Qy, TofI) ƒ hr GMty iv~c 23 vwr CUh rhy hn[ ies g~l dw Kulwsw sMXukq rwj dI fw. nYnsI sI. AYlfr, ivlIAm pI. svweIAr qy AwstrylIAw dy fw. mYklovs ny kIqw jo ichry ƒ CUhx dI pVHweI kr rhy hn[ inaUXwrk tweImz nwl ivSyS g~lbwq kridAW aunHW d~isAw ik jy lok koronw qoN bcxw cwhuMdy fw. nYnsI sI. AYlfr dw kihxw hY ik A~KW, kMn qy n~k ƒ CUhxw lokW dI gMdI Awdq hY[ A~KW ƒ rgVnw, n~k ƒ, glW qy TofI 'qy auNglIAW Pyrnw Awm hY[ fw. nYnsI ny Awpxy klIink stwP dy 79 lokW ƒ ieh kMm id~qw qy aus ƒ do GMty leI ie~k kmry iv~c C~f id~qw[ingrwnI dOrwn ieh pwieAw igAw ik aunHW swirAW ny 1 GMty dy AMdr ichry dy 19 v~K v~K ih~isAW ƒ CUihAw[ nYnsI Anuswr koronwvwiers A~KW, kMn Aqy n~k rwhIN swfI swh pRxwlI ‘c dwKl huMdw hY, ies leI lokW ƒ ichry ƒ CUhx dI Awdq C~fxI peygI[
ipCly 20 swlW qoN quhwfI syvw ivc
vrmwLAWYERS hoimEpYiQk klIink IMMIGRATION & PLACEMENT SwdI qoN pihlW jW SwdI qoN bwAd 2022 q~k krnI pvygI soSl ifstYNisMg dI pwlxw, mOsmI ibmwrI bx jwvygw koronwvwiers: st~fI
kmzor mrIz imlx
koronwvwiers dI lwg Aqy mOqW dI igxqI ivc hoey vwDy dy ivckwr hoey AiDAYn ivc ikhw igAw hY ik swl 2022 q~k, pUrI dunIAW ƒ soSl ifstYNisMg (smwjk dUrIAW) dw pwlx krnw hI peygw[ hwrvrf dy ivigAwnIAW ny mMglvwr ƒ ikhw ik iek smyN dI qwlwbMdI koronw vwiers ƒ kwbU nhIN kr skdI[ hwrvrf dw AiDAYn Aijhy smyN hoieAw hY jdoN AmrIkw kovIf -19 kysW dy au~c p~Dr 'qy phuMc igAw hY Aqy lOkfwaUn ivc nrmI 'qy ivcwr kr irhw hY[ swieMs jrnl ivc p@kwSq iek irport ivc, hwrvrf tIm dy kMipaUtr ismUlySn ny ieh mMn ilAw hY ik koronwvwiers mOsmI ho jwvygw[ ieh ausy qrHW hovygw ijvyN lok srdIAW dy mOsm dOrwn vwierl huMdy hn[ pr ies vwiers bwry iPlhwl bhuq swrIAW cIzW rh~smeI hn, ijs iv~c ipClI lwg qoN bwAd iemIaUintI dw p~Dr Aqy ies dy srIr iv~c mOjUd hox dw smyN Swml hn[ ieh vwiers lMby smyN q~k dunIAW ivc rhygw - AiDAYn dy p@mu~K lyKk stIPn ikstlr ny p~qrkwrW ƒ d~isAw ik 'swƒ pqw l~igAw hY ik smwjk dUrI bxweI r~Kxw iek FMg hY', Aqy ieh vI ikhw ik 'vwiers dy hor ielwjW dI AxhoNd ivc ijs cIz dI zrUrq hY, auh hY smwjk dUrI'[ AiDAYn dy iek hor lyKk, mwrk ilpsc ny ikhw, "ieko smyN vDyry lokW dI mOjUdgI dy dOrwn, vwiers dy PYlx dI vDyry sMBwvnw hY[" lyKkW ny ikhw ik ies vwiers dw mukwblw krn leI tYsitMg dI vI loV hY[ ielwj Aqy tIky dI auplbDqw qoN bwAd, qwlwbMdI dI imAwd Aqy gMBIrqw ƒ GtwieAw jw skdw hY, pr jdoN q~k Aijhw nhIN huMdw, smwjk dUrIAW hspqwlW ƒ AwpxI smr~Qw vDwaux leI smW dyvygI[ lyKk mMndy hn ik aunHW dy nmUny dI iek v~fI kmzorI ieh hY ik ies vyly AsIN nhIN jwxdy ik pihlW hI sMkrimq ivAkqI dI iemaUintI ikMnI ku mzbUq hY Aqy ieh ikMnI dyr cldI hY[
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kronw: pRSwsink ihMsw Aqy pMjwb dy lokW dw pRqIau~qr
kronw dI mhWmwrI dy clidAW pMjwb ivc buinAwdI kImqW ivc Aw rhI qbdIlI bwhr inkl rhI hY[ kronw dI mOq dy froN pMjwb ivc srkwrI qwkq Aqy ihMsw ƒ jwiej mMinAw jwx l~g ipAw[ pMjwb dy ieiqhws ivc srkwrI qwkq dI numwieS ƒ dmn jW brbrqw hI ikhw jWdw irhw hY[ lokW ƒ ieh pqw huMdw sI ik aunHW ‘qy rwj krn vwly AiDkwrI iksy hor hwkm dy sUbydwr-muk~dm hn, lokW ‘qy auh prwey hwkm dw hukm lwgU kr rhy hn[ auh hwkm, sUbydwr-muk~dm Aqy Awpxy ivc Prk swP kr lYNdy sn[ K~by-g~By-s~jy p~KI swry ivdvwn Aqy ieiqhwskwr pMjwb dy ikrdwr ƒ ‘nwbr’ kihMdy rhy hn[ bySk swry pMjwbI kdy vI srkwr dy nwbr nhIN rhy[ bhuq swry cwkrI krn vwly ckrYl Aqy Awm ijMdgI ijaux vwly dunIAwdwr vI huMdy sn pr aunHW ny Awpxy AMdroN srkwr dy dmn qy ihMsw ƒ kdy TIk nhIN ikhw sI[ jo srkwr nwl suAwrQ r~K ky kihMdw sI aus ƒ ieiqhws ivc g~dwr dw lkb imilAw[ pr hux ieiqhws nwloN ivAwkrx bdl geI hY[ smwj vMifAw igAw hY, aus dw iek ih~sw pRSwSink qwkq Aqy ihMsw ƒ sur~iKAw qy bcwA kih irhw hY Aqy iek ih~sw ies ƒ dmn kih irhw hY[ sur~iKAw kihx vwilAW dw qrk hY ik ies nwmurwd mhWmwrI ivc lok itkdy nhIN Aqy nw hI kriPaU dy srkwrI nymW muqwbk prhyj kr rhy hn[ aunHW dw qrk hY pRSwsn ƒ A~k ky sKqI krnI pY rhI hY[ pRSwsn lokW dw Blw hI kr irhw hY[ lwg dI ibmwrI qoN bcwA leI pRSwsn dy jqnW nwl lgBg sB hI sihmq hn[ rOlw mulwjmW dy fMfy vrHn dw hY[ dmn kihx vwlw ih~sw kihMdw srkwr ny ibnHw AgwaUN jwxkwrI dy q~qBV~qI kriPaU lw id~qw Aqy pRSwsn ny pihly idn hI sKqI kr id~qI sI[ sKqI vI eynI ik Axmnu~KI p~Dr ‘qy lokW nwl durivhwr kIqw jw irhw hY[ pRSwsn dy eys durivhwr dw keI QweIN pRqIkrm vI hoieAwihMsk pRqIkrm vI hoieAw[ lokW vloN pRSwsink mulwjmW dy ihMsk rv~eIey dy jvwb ‘qy sur~iKAw Aqy dmn kihx vwly dovW ih~isAW dIAW rwieAW v~Ko-v~K blik ivroDI hn[ hux ieQy do-do ivroDI iDrW hn[ iek fMfy vrHwaux vwlw pRSwsn Aqy lok, dUjI pRSwsn dy ihMsk rv~eIey dy p~KI Aqy Awlock[ pihlw ju~t ihMsw dw krn-krm hY Aqy dUjw ihMsw dI ikirAw au~pr crcw krn vwlw[ dUjw ju~t vI iek ihMsw kr irhw hY, ies ƒ jubwnI ihMsw kihMdy hn[ ieh ihMsw krn nwl kwƒn h~Q ivc nhIN AwauNdw blik kwƒn hryk ƒ AwpxI g~l r~Kx dw buinAwdI AiDkwr idMdw hY[ ieQy crcw vwly ju~t ƒ smJx dw vDyry jqn hY[ ihMsw bhuq mwVI hY, ieh mnu~K ƒ mnu~Kqw qoN hyTW fygdI hY[ ihMsw AijhI BYVI A~g hY jo iek vwrI l~g jwvy qW rokxI AOKI ho jWdI hY Aqy rukdI-rukdI hI bhuq nukswn kr jWdI hY[ sdw qoN hI isAwxy bMdy ihMsw ƒ G~t krn dy jqn ivc rhy hn[ ihMsw ƒ smJx ivc do g~lW Aihm mMnIAW jWdIAW hn, iek, ieh SurU ikQoN hoeI Aqy iks ny krI; dUjI, v~D iks ny kIqI Aqy G~t iks ny[ kronw dOrwn ihMsk GtnwvW dy AMkiVAW dy Anupwq ivc lokW duAwrw kIqy mwVy vrqwE dIAW GtnwvW dI igxqI pRSwsn dy inrdeI vrqwE dIAW GtnwvW swhmxy ingUxI hY[ ies
dy bwvjUd vI Avwm dw v~fw ih~sw pRSwsn dI inrdeI ihMsw ƒ jwiej krwr dyeI jw irhw hY! isqm dI g~l ieh hY ik ies ivcoN vDyry cMgw piVHAw-iliKAw qbkw hY jo ieh jwxdy hn ik pRSwsn ivDIvq qrIky nwl isiKAq huMdw hY Aqy Avwm ny jo kuJ cMgw-mwVw isiKAw huMdw auh smwjk mwhOl ivcoN hI isiKAw huMdw[ auh ieh vI jwxdy hn ik Avwm ny kronw kriPaU dOrwn pRSwsn ijMnI inrdeI ihMsw nhIN kIqI[ ieh jwxdy hoey vI aunHW dw ijhVw pRqIau~qr au~Br ky Aw irhw hY auh iek lMby smyN dy gulwm smwj vrgw jwpdw hY[ blik ibmwrI dy p~kI hwlq ivc phuMc jwx vwly mrIj vwlw vI ikhw jw skdw hY? pVHy ilKy isAwxy lokW dw ieh pYNqVw ieh socx leI mjbUr krdw hY ik Awm smJ bxwaux dy vsIly ividAk sMsQwvW, KbrKwnw Aqy iPlmW Awid sB TIk inB rhIAW hn? iek socx vwlI g~l ieh hY ik pRSwsn dI isKlweI Aqy vrqwE dy mukMml nymW ivc gwlWdu~pVW dI qW koeI QW hI nhIN[ Aqy mulwjmW ƒ ibnHw jwn dy KO dy hiQAwr vrqx dI vI AwigAw nhIN[ hiQAwr kdoN Aqy ikvyN, ikhVy nymW qihq vrqxw aunHW ƒ pUrw isKwieAw jWdw hY qW vI mulwjm Awm lokW ƒ gwlW-du~pVW k~F rhy Aqy hiQAwr (bySk fMfy hI) vrqw rhy hn[ ieh sB kuJ auh srkwr vloN muh~eIAw krvweI geI ivDIvq isKlweI dy bwvjUd vI kr rhy hn[ pr svwl ieh hY ik gwlW-du~pVW Aqy byloVI krUrqw auh ikQoN is~K gey? ies dw iek mqlb qW ieh hY ik auh ijs smwj ivc jMmy, ply Aqy kMm kr rhy hn auQoN is~K gey hoxgy[ iPr auh smwj bhuq bycYn hoaU ijQy aunHW ƒ ieh vI pqw hY ik auh inSkwm syvw nhIN kwƒn dI nOkrI kr rhy hn, jy gwlW-du~pVW Aqy byloVI krUrqw vrgw gYr-kwƒnI kMm kr ky kwƒn h~QW ivc lYxgy qW aunHW dw rujgwr Ku~s skdw hY pr auh qW vI kr rhy hn[ Swied aunHW ƒ kwƒn qoN Kqrw nhIN jwpdw[ crcw ivc ies bwry ikhw jw irhw hY ik srkwrI mulwjm vI qW bMdy hI hn[ aunHW ƒ cOvI GMty ifautI krnI pYNdI hY[ auh Q~kdy-A~kdy vI hn[ aunHW dy vI Gr bwr hn[ ibmwrI dw fr aunHW ƒ vI hY[ mUrKW vrgy nw itkx vwly lokW nwl joKm ivc lu~Jdy-lu~Jdy aunHW ‘qy dbwA bxdw hY[ ies dbwA-qxwA ivcoN aunHW dw rv~eIAw bdl jWdw hY[ ieh g~l bhuq mh~qvpUrn hY ik qxwA Aqy kMm dw AiqAMq Bwr mnu~K dy rv~eIey ‘qy Asr pwauNdw hY[ ies kwrporyt jmwny ivc hor vI AnykW krmcwrIAW Aqy lokW au~pr qxwA hY[ ijhVy lok kwrporyt jgq ƒ jwxdy hn aunHW ƒ pqw hY pr ij~Qy ‘qy rv~eIAw bdlx nwl rujgwr dy Ku~s jwx dw Kqrw hovy au~Qy ikMnw vI qxwA hovy bMdw Awpxy rv~eIey ƒ TIk r~Kx dI vwh lwauNdw hI lwauNdw hY, Awpxy rujgwr dy Prj ƒ pwlx dw hr jqn krdw, msln koeI irsYpSinst ikMny hI qxwA ivc hovy auh h~s ky jI AwieAW hI khygw ikauNik aus ƒ pqw hY aus dy kMm dw Prj h~s ky jI AwieAW AwKxw hI hY[ jy auh ies qoN KuMJU qW rujgwr Ku~s skdw hY[ ies leI pRSwsink mulwjmW ‘qy cwhy l~K qxwA hovy, jy rujgwr Ku~s jwx dw BY hovy qW eyny v~fy p~Dr ‘qy fWgW leI h~Q nhIN au~Txgy Aqy nw hI gwlW leI mUMh Ku~lHxgy[ ies leI Awpxy Prj qoN bhuq ault
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ieQy pRSwsn dw rv~eIAw ihMsk Aqy gwlI-gloc vwlw hox ip~Cy kyvl qxwA nhIN mwlkW vloN Ku~lHIAW forW vI hn[ ihMsw Aqy gwlI-gloc byS~k auh smwj ivcoN hI is~Ky hn pr Ku~lHw vrqwaux ivc smwj dw h~Q nhIN[ jy qxwA kr ky rv~eIAw bdlx dI g~l hovy qW ies vyly sB qoN v~D joKm qy qxwA ishq mihkmw J~l irhw hY[ kI ishq krmcwrIAW qoN ies qrHW ho irhw jW Aijhw hox qy kI pRqIkrm hoaU? ijs qrHW pRSwsn vloN ihMsk rv~eIey Aqy gwlI-gloc dI pihl kIqI geI hY ies ƒ jnm dyx vwly lok jW qxwA nhIN koeI hor hY[ ieh p~K vI hY ik ausy smwj ivc rih rhy lokW ivcoN iksy iek ny vI pRSwsink AiDkwrI ƒ gwl-du~pV k~Fx Aqy koeI ihMsk gqIivDI krn dI pihl nhIN kIqI, AiDkwrIAW dy pihl krn ‘qy kuJ ny jvwb jrUr id~qw hY Aqy bhuiqAW ny auh vI nhIN id~qw, auh cu~p kr ky ku~t KweI gey, bcx leI B~jI gey, jW ijvyN krI gey auvyN shI gey[ qrly krI gey jW ijvyN AiDkwrIAW ny ikhw smwj dy duSmx hox dIAW qKqIAW nwl qsvIrW krweI gey jW murgy Awid pSU-pMCI bxI gey[ iPr ies dw iek mqlb ieh hY ik pRSwsink mulwjmW kol lokW ƒ mMdw bolx Aqy ku~tx dw sroq smwj nhIN koeI hor hY[ bsqIvwdI jmwny ivc qW ieh sroq bsqIkwr hkUmq huMdI sI[ hux qW bsqIkwr hkUmq nhIN sgoN ku~t Kwx vwly lokW dI AwpxIAW votW nwl
cuxI srkwr hY! ies dw rv~eIAw bsqIkwr vrgw nhIN hoxw cwhIdw pr hYrwnI g~l hY ies srkwr dy pRSwsn dw rv~eIAw bsqIvwdI hkUmq nwl imldw juldw hY!qrly kridAW, smwj ivroDI hox dIAW qKqIAW, qsIihAW Aqy jlIl krn dIAW qsvIrW jW ijs AxK jW Swn ƒ r~Kx leI bMdw ijauNdw hY aus ƒ qoV dyx dIAw qsvIrW lokW dy iBAwnk mhWmwrI ƒ nw smJx dw is~tw nhIN hn Aqy nw hI ieh mulwjmW dy A~k-Q~k jwx dw is~tw hn[ jy iksy leI kys gurU dI mohr hn jW sylI topI iksy dI prMprw hY qW iKlry kysW Aqy ruldIAW topIAW nwl bMnHy h~QW dIAW qsvIrW horW ƒ d~sdIAW hn ik kwƒn dI qwkq kI hY, kwƒn ƒ h~Q ivc lYx dw hSr kI hovygw[ bsqIvwd vyly bsqIkwr eydW krdw sI, auh qsIihAW Aqy jbr nwl lokW ƒ gulwm bxwauNdw sI[ hux BwrqI lok Ajwd hn[ kronw qoN bcwA leI pRSwsn dy krm ƒ TIk kihx vwlw ih~sw smJdw AjwdI dw mqlb ieh nhIN ik lok kwƒn h~Q ivc lY lYx! bySk iksy dy puriKAW ny sMivDwn dy KrVy ‘qy dsqKq kIqy hn cwhy nhIN, kwƒn mMnxw aunHW leI jrUrI hY[ lokW dI cuxI hoeI srkwr leI ieh kMm sOKw ho igAw hY ikauNik pMjwb dy lokW dw iek ‘isAwxw, s~iBAk qy piVHAw iliKAw’ ih~sw aunHW dI lok syvw ivc pRSwsn dy nwl hY[ auh kih irhw hY ik mUrK lok ‘fMfy nwl hI TIk AwauNdy ny’, srkwr dI dUr dUr bwkI sPw ey 22 qy
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A22 - The Punjab Guardian *Apr. 17 - Apr. 23, 2020
koronw dw sunyhw : r~b dI hoNd ƒ nw mMnx vwilau!
mYN iek AmrIkI swieMsdwn dw ibAwn keI swl pihlW piVHAw sI ijs ivc aus ny dwAvw kIqw sI ik 'mYN qW Swied mr jwvWgw pr myrI bytI sdw leI jIvq rih skygI ikauNik AsI auh q~q l~B ilAw hY ijs dI mOq kdy nhIN ho skdI[ aus q~q ƒ mnu~KI sRIr dw Bwg bxw dyx dI dyr hY ik mnu~K kdy vI nhIN mr skygw[ aus mgroN r~b qoN frn dI vI loV nhIN rhygI ikauNik mnu~K ApxI izMdgI dw mwlk Awp bx cu~kw hovygw jdik ies vyly mnu~K iek i^AwlI r~b qoN ies leI frdw hY ikauNik auh smJdw hY ik r~b aus ƒ iksy vyly vI mwr skdw hY qy auhI aus ƒ jIvq r~K irhw hY[ myrI bytI dy jIvq rihMidAW, r~b Aqy mOq qoN frn dI loV ^qm ho jwvygI['' aus mgroN swieMsdwnW dw Apxy auqy ivSvws vDdw hI igAw qy AsI vyiKAw aunHW ny DrqI auqy auh Dmwkw rcx leI bVI fUMGI surMg ivCw ky qy aus ivc Dmwkw kr ky ieh d~sx dI koiSS kIqI ik ijs qrHW 'ibg bYNg' isDWq Anuswr v~fy Dmwky nwl DrqI hoNd ivc AweI sI (swieMsdwnW dy iek vrg dI soc Anuswr), ausy qrHW dw ibg bYNg Dmwkw kr ky, auh kudrq dy swry rwz jwx lYxgy[ byAMq dOlq PUk ky Dmwkw qW kIqw igAw pr inkilAw ku~J vI nw[ swieMs vwly ApxI h~d qoN bwhr jw ky ijMny vI dwAvy krdy Aw rhy hn, aunHW swirAW ivc aunHW ƒ mUMh dI KwxI pY rhI hY[ ibg bYNg jW 'birgz isDWq' vwlw Dmwkw vI ies qrHW hI inkilAw ijvyN AYtm dy mukwbly iek b~cw, dIvwlI dw ptwkw C~f ky AYlwn kr dyvy ik aus ny AYtm dw rwz ptwky dy Dmwky ivcoN l~B ilAw hY[ kudrq Awm qOr auqy mnu~KW dy hr dwAvy qy qwkq dy hMkwr ƒ vyK ky aus qrHW hI cu~p rihMdI hY ijvyN iksy Blvwn dy swhmxy jw ky koeI FweI &u~tw mwVcU ijhw b~cw fOly Pulwxy SurU kr dyvy qW Blvwn h~s Cfdw hY jW aus ƒ nzrAMdwz kr ky cu~p bYTw rihMdw hY[ kudrq vI swfy hMkwr ƒ qy qwkq dy ivKwivAW ƒ vyK ky Aksr cu~p hI rihMdI hY ikauNik aus ƒ pqw hY, ies AKOqI 'qwkqvr' bMdy ƒ pqw vI nhIN lgxw qy aus (kudrq) ny ies dw Gogw ic~q vI kr dyxw hY, ies leI ies ƒ AwkV lYx idau, A^Ir ƒ clxI qW myrI (kudrq dI) hI hY[ pr hMkwry hoey bMdy r~b dI hoNd ƒ vI mMnx qoN ienkwrI hoey rihMdy hn[ kudrq qW r~b dI dwsI mwqr hY[ r~b Awp Apxy kMm ivc msq rihMdw hY qy kudrq ƒ isRStI dI syvw auqy l~gy rihx dI
AwigAw kIqI hoeI hY[ pr kdy-kdy jd AwkVy hoey bMdy dy hMkwr qoN kudrq rwxI izAwdw pRySwn ho jWdI hY qW mnu~K ƒ aus dI AOkwq ivKwx leI mwVI jhI sUeI coB dyNdI hY qwik mnu~K smJ jwey ik swrI isRStI dy mwlk dI hoNd ƒ nw mMnx vwlw mnu~K smJ qW lvy ik swrI dunIAW dy 'SkqISwlI' mnu~KW dI qwkq rl ky vI A~KW ƒ nzr nw Aw skx vwly iek Coty jhy kItwxU jW ivSwxU dy mukwbly ivc ku~J vI nhIN[ mnu~K dI qwkq ies g~l ivc hY ik auh r~b dI qwkq ƒ Apxy h~k ivc iesqymwl krn dI jwc isKy qy hMkwr v~s, kudrq nwl CyVCwV krnoN vI pRhyz kirAw kry[ mnu~K jdoN smUhk qOr qy ieh do g~lW Bu~l jWdw hY qW kudrq ƒ gu~sw Aw hI jWdw hY[ koronw inrI iek bImwrI nhIN[ ies dw ielwj qW mnu~K l~B lvygw (kudrq dI bu~kl ivcoN) ikauNik hr bImwrI dw ielwj kudrq dI bu~kl ivc CuipAw huMdw hY[ pr AwrQk ZrIbI, mMdhwlI qy lMmy sMGrS dI ijhVI nINh ieh A~KW ƒ nzr nw Awaux vwlw kIVw r~K igAw hY, ieh bhuq dyr qk swfIAW kmrW is~DIAW nhIN hox dyvygI[ rUsI lyKk solzyinqisn ny Apxy kwmryf SwskW swhmxy iehI svwl riKAw sI ik ''jy kudrq jW aus dw mwlk swrI kwienwq dI hr cIz ivc iek imMt leI ibjlI dw krMt Br dyvy qW kI iek vI mnu~K bicAw rih skygw? ikhVw mwrkiszm bcw lvygw aus vyl kudrq dy ies iek Coty jhy kdm qoN?'' bwby nwnk ny vI 'keI bwr psirau pswrw' kih ky iehI cyqwvnI idqI hY ik kudrq ny ieh isRStI keI vwr smytI qy iPr dubwrw isrj leI[ smytdI audoN hI hY jdoN pRwxI aus kwdr qy aus dI kudrq qoN nwbr ho jWdw hY qy Apxy Awp ƒ hI s~B qoN qwkqvr smJx l~g pYNdw hY[ r~b qy kudrq ƒ 'AsI nhIN mMndy' kihx vwilau, aus r~b ƒ kI &rk pYNdw hY, qusI aus ƒ mMndy ho jW nhIN? quhwƒ jnm vI ausy dy rcy pRbMD ivcoN imilAw sI qy mOq qW auh jd cwhy, swrI dunIAW dI kr skdw hY[auhƒ kI loV hY quhwfw koeI dwAvw sux ky gu~sy hox dI? auh qW gu~sw nhIN krdw pr aus dI kudrq ƒ vI ^whm^wh nrwz nw kirAw kro, auh swrI mnu~Kqw ƒ in~ky jhy kIVy ƒ A~gy kr ky vI, nwnI cyqy krvw skdI hY[ kdoN smJyNgw AwkVy hoey mnu~K qy BUqry hoey ivigAwnI? jW kI qUM vI BUqry hoey rwijAW qy cWBly hoey DrmI AwgUAW vWg hI ApxI qwkq dw nwjwiez ivKwvw hI krdw rhyNgw?
sPw ey 21 dw bwkI rihx, mUMh Fkx dI Aqy
Gry bYTx dI g~l nhIN mMn rhy[ fMfy nwl TIk krnw bIqy ivc brbr rwjW dw kMm sI, hux qW lokrwj hY[ jy lok fMfy nwl hI TIk Awaux vwly hn ArQwq auh mUrK hn, ijnHW ƒ Awpxy bcwA dI soJI nhIN[ aunHW ƒ ieh vI nhIN pqw l~gdw ik pRSwsn aunHW dy Bly leI hI rokW lw irhw hY! auh Kud ƒ joKm ivc pw rhy hn Aqy dUijAW leI vI Kqrw bx rhy hn! ies dw mqlb lok As~iBAk hn jW mUrK hn[ iPr svwl ieh hY ik ienHW hI lokW ƒ srkwr cuxn dw AiDkwr ikauN hY? aunHW ƒ vot pwaux dw h~k ikauN hY? ijs ƒ ieh vI nhIN pqw Kud dw bcwA ikvyN krnw hY ijs dw ik pSUAW pMCIAW Aqy jMgl ƒ vI pqw hY[ iPr ieh jMgl qoN vI pCVy hoey lok srkwr ikvyN cux skdy hn? kI srkwr glq cuxI hoeI hY? iek g~l ies qoN iblkul ault hY, smwj ivksq ho ky hI smwj bixAw hY qwkqW aus ƒ As~iBAk bxwauNdIAW hn[ lok As~iBAk Aqy mUrK bxwey gey hn[ hux dI srkwr dw rv~eIAw bsqIkwr nwl imldw juldw hY[ pRis~D PrWsIsI dwnSvr jW pw~l swrqr kihMdw ik bsqIAW ivc kIqI jwx vwlI ihMsw kyvl aunHW ƒ gulwm bxwaux leI hI nhIN huMdI sgoN ieh aunHW ƒ As~iBAk bxwaux dI kvwied huMdI hY[ sB kuJ aunHW dIAW ivrwsqW ƒ qihs nihs krn leI Aqy aunHW dy siBAwcwr ƒ Kqm krn leI huMdw hY[ bsqIkwr mUl smwj dI mOq, siBAwcwrk nysqI Aqy aus dy lokW dy pQrwA jwx ‘qy eykqw KVHI krdw hY[ sjw nwl lokW ƒ kwbU krnw Aqy aunHW ƒ dihlwA ky r~Kxw qwkq dw kMm huMdw hY[ bsqIvwd dIAW jVHW nMgIAW krn vwlw PrWsIsI icMqk PrWj PYnn kihMdw hY ik smwjk Swsn dy icMnH- puls, bYrkW ivc ibgl, POjI qwkq dy ivKwvy, lihrwauNdy JMfy ieko vyly rokx vwly Aqy aukswaux vwly (same itmei nihibtory and sitmulaitng) huMdy hn[ auh ieh nhIN kihMdy ik‘ih~lx dI jurAq nw kro’ sgoN ieh kihMdy ny ‘hmly leI iqAwr hovo’[ ies leI lokW ƒ mhWmwrI qoN bcwaux leI vrHwieAw jwx vwlw fMfw aunHW ƒ pRSwsn nwl t~kr lYx leI auksw irhw hY[ ijQoN q~k lokW dy mhWmwrI qoN bcwA nw krn dI g~l hY ieh Awm lokW ‘qy hI lwgU nhIN huMdI, v~fy v~fy APsr, pRSwsink AiDkwrI, p~qrkwr Aid sB aulMGxw kr rhy hn[ sB qoN isAwxI qy pVHI-ilKI XUnIvristI pRoPYsrW jmwq dy vI srkwr dy dUr-dUr rihx dy hukmW qoN bwAd vI iek~iTAW bYTkW krn dy hvwly hn[ pRSwsink AiDkwrIAW, p~qrkwrW Awid dIAW qW qsvIrW vI Awm imldIAW hn[ ies leI bcwA, kwƒn
dI pwlxw Awid msly nhIN hn, kuJ hor vI hY! pR S wsink AiDkwrIAW dIAW ihM s k kwrvweIAW ƒ jwiej mMnx vwly s~jx ihMsw dw jvwb dyx vwilAW ƒ qW burw Blw kihMdy hI hn, auh mUk rih ky brbrqw J~lx vwilAW ƒ vI mMdw-cMgw AwKI jw rhy hn[ jdik jvwb dyx vwilAW Aqy mUk J~lx vwilAW ny ikqy vI pihl nhIN kIqI[ ihMsw dy isDWq ivc pihl iks vloN hoeI hY ies ƒ mukMml vrqwry dI smJ leI bhuq Aihm mMinAw jWdw hY[ brwjIlI ivdvwn Aqy drSnvyqw pwAlo PryrI AwpxI mkbUl pusqk ‘pyfwgogI AwP d AOprYsf’ ivc kihMdw hY ik jdoN iek dUjy ƒ soSq krdw hY Aqy aus dy bMdy hox ‘qy muSklW KVHIAW krdw hY qW auh dmn huMdw hY[ dmn nwl ihMsw pihlW hI SurU ho geI huMdI hY[ auh kihMdw ik ieiqhws ivc kdy vI dimqW-dilqW vloN ihMsw SurU nhIN kIqI geI[ ihMsw sQwpqI qy pRSwsn vloN lokW dy dmn ivcoN AwrMB huMdI hY pr idKwieAw iehI jWdw hY ik lokW ny ihMsw kIqI jdik auh ihMsw AiDkwrIAW dy bolW jW fMfy nwl pihlW hI SurU ho geI huMdI hY[ iek hor hvwlw 06 jUn, 1972 ƒ imaUinK aulMipk vyly PlsqInIAW duAwrw iejrweIl dy iKfwrIAW au~pr kIqy hmly dw hY[ mIfIAw Aqy qwkq ny rOlw pwieAw ik ieh bhuq Kqrnwk ihMsw hY jo PlsqInIAW ny kIqI hY[ jW pw~l swrqr ny ies Gtnw au~pr kyvl fyF pMny dI ilKq nwl d~isAw ik ihMsw dI mW iejrweIl hY jo PlsqIn svwl ƒ h~l nhIN hox dy irhw[ ijs vjHw kr ky dovW ivc lVweI hY[ PlsqIn kol ieko rwh ihMsw dw hY jo Kqrnwk jrUr hY pr dimq kmjor kol ihMsw qoN ibnHW koeI hor h~l hI nhIN hY[ swrqr ie~Qy ihMsw dI mUl jVH iejrweIl ƒ mMndw hY pr bdnwm PlsqIn vwly kIqy jw rhy sn[ jsvMq isMG kMvl ny iekyrW 1986 ivc suSIl munI ƒ ikhw sI ‘A~g bMd kr dyvo, du~D au~blnw Awpy bMd ho jwvygw[’ pr pMjwb dw ‘isAwxw qbkw’kronw qoN ieMnw BYABIq ho igAw ik auh ihMsw dI pihl ƒ nhIN vyK irhw[ jy ihMsw dI SurUAwq ƒ nhIN smiJAw jwvygw qW ieh kdy vI Kqm nhIN hovygI[ A~g buJwieAW qW hI buJ skdI hY jy nvIN l~gx qoN roikAw jwvy[ iek vwrI iek ikSqI ivc muMfIhr, bWdr Aqy hwQI nwl kuJ lok dirAw pwr kr rhy sn[ muMfIhr ny bWdr CyV id~qw, bWdr ny hwQI ‘qy Cwl mwrI, hwQI ih~l igAw qy ikSqI sxy sB fu~b gey[ dUrNo vyKx vwilAW leI hwQI ny ikSqI fube o I sI[ jdik jVH bWdr vI nhIN sI[ lyKk -iskMdr isMG gurU gRMQ swihb vrlf XUnIvristI, PqihgVH swihb
ieMfIE~ v`sqy itkt~ dy spYSl ryt pR`pq krn leI k`l kro|
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SIlwjIq kYpsUl
Awr AYNf flʤ Awr hrbl Awiel •ã�
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purSW, isqrIAW Aqy b`icAW leI AlPAlPw ilkivf tOink
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AYsIiftI, AYisf rIPlks, gYs Aqy blOitMg dw AwXUrvYidk ielwj
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Su`D ivtgrws pwaUfr Su`D AYlovIrw pRfYkts
ieh hrbl hyAr qyl vwlW nMU JVn qoN rokx, vwl JVn qoN rokx Aqy isk~rI dUr iskrI dUr krn Aqy vwlW nUM ishqmMd Aqy krn leI do hPqy dw p~kw ielwj cmkIlw bxwaUNdw hY[
SrIrk mzbuqI leI Aqy rogW nwl lVx dI SkqI vDwau x leI SIlwjIq kYpsUl bhuq PwiedymMd hY[
nonI jUs
ishq dIAW sm`isAwvW leI Su`D nonI jUs[ fwiebitz, ifpRYSn, klystrol, hweI bl`f pRYSr Aqy hor keI
kwmw sUqr bUstr
ihaU hyAr Syrmnkwmw AYkstYNSn
kwmw sUqr bUstr knYfw dy ishq ivBwg vloN mnzUr kIqw igAw hY[ ieh AwdmIAW dy sprm nMU vDwauNdw hY[ ieh sYks dI SkqI nMU vDwauNdw hY Aqy cMgI ishq pRdwn krdw hY[
Syr 20kwmw ieMc knY ihaUfmw n dyhyAishq r ivBwg vlov`N K-v` mnzU AY kstYNSn Kr rMgWkIqw ivc qu sIN ieh AwpxyivAwgrw vwlW nUM Bwry igAw hY Aqy dw krn skdy , AwXu rvYleI idk vrq ivklp hY[ hoieh jW Awpxw sYlM km sy kr dI skdy aUrjwho Aqy sYks stweIl bdl skdy ho[ krn dy smyN nU M vDwau Ndw hY
Srwb pIxI C~fx leI hrbl dvweI - jo ik Bu~K vDwauNdI hY, ies dw ilvr qy koeI nukswn nhIN hY
ivtgrws pwaUfr iek suprPuf AYNtIAwksweIfYNt hY ijhVw ik gTIey, cmVI dIAW sm`isAwvW, fwiebItIz, pwcn nwl sbMDq sm`isAwvW , ikfnI dy p`QrIAW, kYlostrl, kYNsr
Bwr Gtwaux, ikfnI/ilvr PMkSn, srIr dI fItoksIiPkYSn, kbz Aqy pyt dIAW ibmwrIAW
Aqy Alsr nwl lVdw hY[
eynrYks ivtwimn pls
mltI-ivtwimn Awm ishq leI, kmzorI leI qy AweIrn Aqy aUrjw SkqI
pRostyt dw ielwz: vDy hoey pRostyt, Gty hoey sprm, ip~T drd dy ielwz Aqy ipSwb dy Plo leI dvweIAW au~plbD hn swry AslI sYxI hrbl pRofkts isrP AwXUrhIilMg qoN hI imldy hn[ qusIN isrP ryKw Aqy rItw qoN hI KrId skdy ho[
A24 - The Punjab Guardian *Apr. 17 - Apr. 23, 2020
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J ÕÆ å¹ÃÄ D@ ÃÅñ» 寺 òÆ ò¾è ç¶ Ú¿×¶
*Apr.17 - Apr. 23, 2020 The Punjab Guardian - A25
koronwvwiers: ‘bwby nwnk qoN imlI syvw kr rhI hW’ 98 swlw byby Awp isauN ky vMf rhI mwsk gurdyv kOr dI ie~k A~K dI ingwh hI shI hY pr iPr vI auh syvw smJ ky 8 GMty mwsk isauNdy hn ,’’mYN 100 swlW dI hox vwlI hW[ soicAw, jWdI aumry kuJ cMgw kr jwvW[ nYx-prwx c~ldy hn qy mYN islweI in~kI huMdI qoN hI krdI Aw rhI hW[ lokW ƒ koronwvwiers dy kihr qoN bcwaux leI mYN ipCly idnW qoN mwsk bxw rhI hW qy glI-sVk qoN lMGdy lokW ƒ vMf rhI hW[ mwqw jI dy ies au~dm dI swry pwisEN SlwGw ho rhI hY[ Xwd rhy XU. AYn. E. dy sYktrI jnrl ny is~K kOm dI ies koronw sMkt ivclI syvw Bwvnw Aqy kIqI shwieqw dw izkr ipCly idnW ivc keI vwr Awpxy BwSxW ivc kIqw hY[
AYn Awr AweI BYxo-Brwvo! ieMfIAw dy byloVy c`kr Gtwvo!!! pMjwb dI quhwfI iksy qrHW dI sm`isAw hovy jW
zmIn jwiedwd nwl juiVAw koeI kMm ijvyN
* Prd jmHWbMdI/igrdwvrI * iksy vI qrHW dw ieMqkwl * qksIm jW qbdIl mlkIAq mwl mwmilAW dy mwhr, qjrbykwr Aqy pMjwb srkwr dy swbkw sInIAr AiDkwrI
s. hrcrn isMG sMDU pI sI AY~s (irtw:) dy pMjwb dy 35 swlW dy qjrby dw lwhw lYx leI 604-518-3637 qy Pon kro[
pI sI AY~s lYNf silXUSnj ieMk:
A26 - The Punjab Guardian *Apr. 17 - Apr. 23, 2020
koronw vwiers krky stor bMd hn[ ikrpw krky Awpxy Awrfr Pon qy not krvwau[ PrI hom iflvrI (Min. Order $60)
*Apr.17 - Apr. 23, 2020 The Punjab Guardian - A27
smwl klym kysW vwsqy ieMtrpRytr
lrinMg lwiesYNs, istIjniSp • kwr, tYksI, b`s, tr`k jW motrsweIkl dy lrinMg lwiesYNs dI iqAwrI krvwauNdy hW • istIjniSp ieMtrivaU Aqy tYst dI iqAwrI • irAl AYstyt dIAW syvwvW pRdwn krdy hW
sMprk kro iekbwl isMG brwV
604-596-9600 (sYl), 604-591-1239
Workers Wanted
0961857 BC Ltd., 5688-168St Surrey BC V3S 3X4 requires Full time seasonal farm workers to work on their vegetable farms. Wages offered are $13.85 per hour Opportunity to earn incremental pay raises, performance pay and bonuses (not guaranteed) upon performance evaluation at the discretion of the employer and duties include planting, harvesting, washing and grading vegetables. This positions requires no education, formal training or work experience. Accommodation is available if required. Interested candidates should be available to work anytime in different weather conditions and must be able to lift up to 55 lbs of vegetable boxes. Please, Call at 604-760-9563, fax resume to 604- 575-7819.
Workers Wanted
Canadian Farms Produce requires Full time seasonal farm workers to work on their vegetable farms. Wages offered are $13.85 per hour Opportunity to earn incremental pay raises, performance pay and bonuses (not guaranteed) upon performance evaluation at the discretion of the employer and duties include planting, harvesting, washing and grading vegetables. This positions requires no education, formal training or work experience. Accommodation is available if required. Interested candidates should be available to work anytime in different weather conditions and must be able to lift up to 55 lbs of vegetable boxes. Please, fax resume to 604- 5745773.
mIt pYkrW dI loV ircmMf mIt kMpnI nUM ickn pYkrW dI loV hY[kMm P/T vI iml skdw hY[ Pu`l tweIm svyry 8 vjy qoN Swm 4.30 vjy q`k hovygw Aqy qnKwh $15/GMtw hovygI[pwrt tweIm kMm vI auplbD hY[ikRpw kr ky Awp Aw ky AplweI kro: 11951 Forge Place, Richmond, BC V7A 4V9 jW Pon kor: 604-278-4450
March 13
lyfIz tylr dI loV
sYktr 17 vwilAW nUM lyfIz tylr dI loV hY[ qnKwh qjrby Anuswr id`qI jwvygI[ kMm Pul tweIm #186-8138 128 St, Surrey, BC G240420
Canadian Farms Produce Inc. has 2 vacancies for the position of a Farm Supervisor at a fast-paced environment located at 16185 48th Ave Surrey BC V3Z 1E8. Terms of Employment are permanent, full time willing to work overtime, weekend, day, night or evening shifts. The company offers a wage rate of $17/hour with an opportunity to earn incremental pay raises, performance pay and bonuses (not guaranteed) upon performance evaluation at the discretion of the employer. High School Education is an asset.Basic English is preferred but not required. 2 years of experience in the supervision role is required. Job duties include Co-ordinate and supervise the work of general farm workers and harvesting labourers, Supervise harvest operations, Perform general farm duties, Supervise farm operations, Develop work schedules and establish procedures, Maintain quality control and production records, and Train workers. Candidate must be legally entitled to work in Canada and must be willing to work on all shifts. Please apply by email at info@canfarms.ca or mail your resume at 16185 48 Ave Surrey BC V3Z1E8 or fax to 604 574 5773
778-855-1106 /
jy ky AYs ivMfo skrIn
pYtIE Aqy slwiefMg forW dI vI skrInW lwieAW jWdIAW hn[
AsIN nvyN jW purwxy GrW dIAW jwlIAW (skrInW) bxwauNdy hW[ vDIAw jOb dI grMtI G`t ryt, PrI AYstImyt
604-614-6467, 604-607-5832
express vu rk kro:
vrkrW dI loV
• Glass Railing • Aluminum Railing • Window Security Bars • Sliding Automatic Gates • Motor Gates • Automation Work • All Kinds of Steel • Fabrication Work • Patio Cover • Glass Patio • Flat Roof • Fence
GURPREET: 778.319.4683 SUKHI: 604.780.4312
# 8-12331- 84th Ave., Surrey
V3W 3G8
swnUM ryilNg dy kMm leI vrkrW dI loV hY[ A~j hI sMprk kro:
vrkrW dI loV
srI ivc rweItvyA tYNt vwilAW nUM srI ivc PyrimMg kMpnI vwilAW nUM PryimMg dy vrkrW dI loV hY[kMm Pu`l tweIm kMm leI vrkrW dI loV hY[nvyN vrkrW nUM tryNf hY[frweIivMg lwiesYNs hoxw jrUrI hY[ kIqw jwvygw[qnKwh qjrby dy AwDwr qy vDIAw
hor jwxkwrI leI sMprk kro 604-537-6024
id`qI jwvygI[srI/fYltw qoN rweIf dw pRbMD hovygw[sM 2702 prk kro:778-881-7795
8 meI
A28 - The Punjab Guardian *Apr. 17 - Apr. 23, 2020
klwsIPweIf CLASSIFIEDS General Contractor, Licensed, Insured and Bonded #GREWCI992DK
* Commercial Buildings * Project Management * Quality Custom Homes * New addition to home & Commercial Buildings * Licensed & Bonded
v`fy, Coty tYNt, myz, kursIAW, pqIly, stov Aqy tYNt, lweItW dw pUrw pUrw pRbMD hY[
quhwfI mnpsMd dw Gr bxw ky idMdy hW[
quhwfy purwxy Gr nUM rImOfl jW AYkstYNSn krvwaux leI A`j hI swfy nwl sMprk kro[
GURINDER GREWAL 206-941-5454
v`fI, CotI pwrtI, ivAwh, mMgxw, Gr dI pwrtI jW brQfy pwrtI dy iksy vI pRogrwm vwsqy sMprk kro
Realtor looking for female irAYltI dy kMm vwsqy vIk fyz real estate assistant part Aqy vIkAYNf dI pwrt tweIm t i m e d a y s a n d s o m e iSPt leI iek kMipaUtr Aqy weekends must have car AMgRyzI dI cMgI jwxkwrI and good command of hY English and computer skills. r~Kx vwlI lVkI dI jrUrq dIAW
CAR REQUIRED!!! Call RajLANDSCAPING 604-808-3888 sp A-1 ROCKY SEATTLE WA kIrqn Aqy qblw KARNAIL S. VIRK 206-799-5341 GrW, kmrSIAl iblifMg jW rYstorYNt Awid leI iksy iksm dI vI ielYk-
ibjlI dw kMm
tRIkl muSkl nUM AsIN h`l krdy hW[nvyN GrW, dPqrW leI vwieirMg dw kMm krdy hW[ hor jwxkwrI leI Pon kro gurpRIq isMG 604-763 1625
pMmw tYNt hwaUs High Peak & Low Peak Tent Availble Here Gr iv`c iksy vI pRogRwm leI tYNt, tybl, kursIAW, gYs vwly cu`lyH, spIkr, BWfy Aqy hor jrUrI smwn ikrwey ‘qy lYx leI A`j hI gurdIp kOr m`lHI nUM Pon kro (604)596-3365 jW (604)762-5554
pMjwbI homvrk hYlp
srI ivc Akwl AkYfmI v`loN kIrqn, qblw,
pihlw hPqw PrI
pMjwbI Aqy hom vrk hYlp leI klwsW AwrMB kr id`qIAW geIAW hn[15 idnW ivc ilKxI, pVHnI, bolxI is`Ko[pRoivMSIAl
nvyN syYSn dI rijstrySn SurU hY
iemiqhwnW dI iqAwrI vI krvweI jWdI hY[rijstr hox leI A`j hI sMprk kro
Bharti Art Jewellers ipCly 40 swlW qoN ibjns ivc
kstmrz leI spYSl ryt
Two Locations: 6612 Main St.Vancouver BC
Unit 346 8140 128th St Surrey BC (Payal Business. Centre)
*Apr.17 - Apr. 23, 2020 The Punjab Guardian - A29
lVkI dI loV knyfIAn istIjn j`t is`K lVkw, aumr 30 swl, vDIAw sYYtlf, k`d 6 Pu`t, bYNk ‘c jOb kr irhw hY, vwsqy knyfIAn jW AmrIkn istIjn/ieMmIgrWt lVkI dI loV hY[Pon kro:250-701-1025
lVky dI loV j`t is`K knyfIAn istIjn gryvwl qlwkSudw lVkI aumr 29 swl, k`d 5 Pu`t 4 ieMc, LPN nrisMg p`kI jOb kr rhI, leI pVHy ilKy knyfIAn istIjn jW ieMmIgrWt, vY~l sYtlf, cMgI jOb kr rhy lVky dI loV hY[ivjtr jW stUfYNt sMprk nw krn[vYnkUvr Aqy mwlvy nUM pihl[lVkI dw swrw pirvwr knyfw ivc sYytlf hY[sMprk kcon kro:604-889-1434
-------------------------Seeking a suitable match for Canadian born punjabi tonk kshatriya girl, 36 yrs old, 5’3’’, educated in accounting. Boy should be vegetarian and educated. No caste bar. Please send complete biodata and pictures at: canadian. alliance@yahoo.ca 20 march
lVkI dI loV Awstry l IAn istIjn j` t is`K lVkw aumr 31 swl, k`d 5 Pu`t 5 ieMc, knyfw ivc vrk primt qy AwieAw, cMgI jOb kr irhw, leI knyfIAn pI Awr jW istIjn lVkI dI loV hY[stUfYNt jW vrk primt vwlI lVkI qy vIcwr kIqw jw skdw hY[lVky dw swrw pirvwr kny f w ivc, pirvwr to h wxw (hirAwxw) nwl sbMDq[sMprk kro:778240-9165 jW 250-55220 mwrc 8985
lVkI dI loV ieMfIAw rih irhw j`t is`K ieklOqw lVkw aumr 29 swl, k`d 6 Pu`t, vwsqy knyfIAn ieMmIgrWt jW istIjn lVkI dI loV hY[qlwkSudw, stUfYNt jW vrk primt qy AweI lVkI qy vIcwr kIqw jw skdw hY[ieMfIAw ivc IELTS ivc 6.5 bYNf vwlI jW srkwrI nOkrI krdI lVkI qy vIcwr kIqw jwvy g w[swrw Krcw muMfy vwly pirvwr v`loN kIqw jwvygw[sMprk kro:604-4186571 jW 0091-84271-09171 27 mwrc
lVkI dI loV j`t is`K knyfIAn pI Awr holfr aumr 45 swl, k`d 6 Pu`t, cMgI jOb kr irhw su h xw su n ` K w lVkw, vwsqy Xog lVkI dI loV hY[ivjtr, vrk primt jW stUfYNt AweI lVkI qy vIcwr kIqw jw skdw hY[kpUrQly izlHy nwl sbMDq[jwq pwq dw koeI bMDn nhIN[sMprk kro:604-5184228 20 mwrc
lVkI dI loV knyfIAn pI Awr j`t is`K quMg pgVIDwrI vYjItyrIAn lVkw aumr 29 swl, k`d 6 Pu`t 1 ieM c , BCA (Bachelor of Computer Application) vwsqy knyfIAn pI Awr jW istIjn lVkI dI lo V hY [ stU f Y N t, vrk primt, ivjtr AweI lVkI vwly vI sM p rk kr skdy hn[luiDAwxw izlHy nUM pihl[sMprk kro:778-9986200
20 mwrc
lVkI dI loV knyfIAn jMmpl suhxw sun`Kw, Dentist Doctor & Master in Physiotherapy, j`t guris`K lVkw aumr 30 swl, k`d 5 Pu`t 10 ieMc leI knyfIAn jW AmrIkn istIjn/ ieMmIgrWt pVHI ilKI brwbr dI Xogqw r`KdI lVkI dI loV hY[Awpxw bwieEfYtw eImyl kro : jsvancouver76@gmail. com jW Pon kro 604-5053 ApRYl 0075 --------------------------
lVkI dI loV ieMfIAw rihMdw pgVIDwrI nSw rihq vYSno j`t is`K lVkw aumr 29 swl, k`d 6 Pu`t 2 ieM c , swPtvy A r mwrkitM g dw kors kIqw, Awpxw ibjns kr irhw, leI knyfIAn pI Awr jW istIjn lVkI dI loV hY[stUfNY t jW vrk primt vwlI lVkI qy vIcwr kIqw jw skdw hY[pirvwr jgrwEN luiDAwxw nwl sbMDq qy SihrI pRwprtI dw mwlk[skI BYx knyfw ivc p`kI qy vY~l sYYtlf, pUrI m`dd krngy [ sM p rk kro : 9530856620(ieMfIAw) jW 946463 ApRYl 83586 (ieMfIAw)
lVkI dI loV vrk primt qy knyfw AwieAw j` t is` K lVkw au m r 23 swl, k`d 5 Pu`t 11 ieMc, kMipaUtr ieMjInIAirMg ifgrI holfr vDIAw jOb kr irhw, leI knyfIAn istIjn jW pI Awr lVkI dI loV hY[pirvwr sMgrUr nwl sbMDq Aqy cMgI jmIn jwiedwd dw mwlk[jwqpwq dw koeI bMDn nhIN[sMprk kro:778-26910 ApRYl 2521
lVky dI loV knyfIAn pI Awr pMjwb dI jMmpl j`t is`K lVkI aumr 30 swl, k`d 5 Pu`t 4 ieMc, fI PwrmysI ifplomw holfr, vDIAw jO b kr rhI, leI Xog knyfIAn istIjn jW pI Awr lVky dI loV hY[stUfYNt jW vrk primt vwly Pon nw krn[lVkI dw swrw pirvwr kny f w ivc p` k w qy vY ~ l sYtlf[sMprk kro:778-7005544 jW 778-240-2831
lVky dI loV knyfIAn istIjn AMimRqsr dI jMmpl lVkI aumr 40 swl, k` d 5 Pu ` t 6 ieM c , ibjns ifplo m w ho l fr, Awpxw vDIAw ibjns kr rhI lVkI leI Xog knyfIAn lVky dI loV hY[lVkI vY~l sYtlf Aqy Awpxy Gr dI mwlk[vrk primt qy Awey lVky qy vIcwr kIqw jw skdw hY[lVkI dw swrw pirvwr knyfw ivc p`kw Aqy vY ~ l sY t lf[jwqpwq dw ko e I bM D n nhIN[sM p rk kro:778-268-3663 10 ApRYl
lVkI dI loV ---------------------------------knyfw ivc ivjtr AwieAw Groom Wanted pirvwrk j` t is` K lVkw Seeking alliance for beautiful aumr 36 swl, mwstr Jat Sikh Canadian citizen ifgrI, niSAW qoN rihq, leI girl, 30, 5’-6’’,very talented, kYnyfIAn/AmrIkn iemIgrwˆt well educated, working in jW istIzn pirvwrk lVkI reputed organization. Belongs dI lo V hY [ qlwkSu d w (b` c y to affluent & well-educated -------------------------vwlI) jW ivjtr lVkI qy vI fa m i l y. B oy s h o u l d b e ivcwr kIqw jw skdw hY[lVky lVkI dI loV dw skw Brw kYnyfw iv`c vY`l AmrIkw ivc rih irhw ADrmI qualified and from respectable family. Please Email photo sYtlf hY[Contact:778-7981. WebsitelVkw Designing aumr 32 swl, k`d 5 and details at: matrimon597@ 8391(whatsapp), 604-596Mobile friendly (Responsive), custom made (no templates, though if client wants can do but don't Pu ` t 11 ieM c , nSw rihq, tr` k gmail.com Whatsapp: 7788391 suggest) with a high emphasis on user experience and search engine optimizationor for delivering 27 mwrc Awnr Apry t r leI AmrIkn practical results. 10April 939-9393
-------------------------- 2. CMS (Wordpress) istIjn/pI Awr holfr lVkI
-------------------------in real time lVkIAW dI loV Self-managed website for clients who wants to manage and update their websites lo V [ lVky without anydI help from the hY technical team. dw nwnkw lVky dI loV jlM D r izlH y nwl sbM D q 3. Web Hosting & Domain registration knyfIAn pI Awr j`t guris` K pirvwr AmrIkw ivc p` k w ieMfIAw qoN ivztr vIzy qy We offer domain registration & website hosting services. Client's get their own control panel lVkw aumr 30 swl, k`daccess 5 to manage Aqy &vYcontrol ~l sYtheirtservices. lf pUrI m`dd AweI vrk primt holfr Pu`r 6 ieMc, vwsqy lVkI 4.dI Search Engine Optimization/Promotion krngy[pirvwr hu(SEO/SEM) iSAwrpur j`t is`K lVkI aumr 25 Self-managed website for clients who wants to manage and update their websites in real time loV hY[isrP auhI sMprk krn sbMtheDtechnical q[sMpteam. rk kro:425- swl, k`d 5 Pu`t 3 ieMc, BA, without anynwl help from jo ausdy ieMfIAw rihMdy cwcy dy B.ED., jOb kr rhI vwsqy 5. (WebApp) Software Development 226-4335 jW 206-571-0372 knyfIAn pI.Awr./istIzn pVHy ilKy guris`K lVky auCustom mr made website applications to solve problems and automate repetitive hectic manual tasks 3 ApRYland can be accessed from any platform 29 swl, k`d 5 Pu`t 8 ieMwith c,self-operating server applications. Easy management lVky dI loV hY[ sMprk kro -------------------------and any client with just a web browser. nUM knyfIAn lVkI dw irSqw : 778-245- 1344, 778lVkI dI loV 6. Logo Designing krvw skx[sMprk kro:604549-5445, 778- 861Logo designing, simple, minimalistic and unique branding so that your brands stands out from the ieMfIAw rih irhw nSw rihq 27 mwrc 276-2579
lVky dI loV knyfw ivjtr vIjy qy AweI lVkI aumr 22 swl, k`d 5 Pu`t 5 ieMc, BSC Computer Degree Holder leI Xog knyfIAn/AmrIkn pI Awr jW istIjn lVky dI lo V hY [ lVkI dw nwnkw/dwdkw pirvwr knyfw/AmrIkw ivc p`kw Aqy vY~l sYtlf[pirvwr kpUrQly nwl sbMDq[sMprk kro:604-612-7244 jW 559630-1465(XU AYs ey) -----------------------------------
27 mar
29 meI
17 ApRYl
lVkI dI loV knyfw ivc vrk primt qy AwieAw j`t is`K lVkw aumr 24 swl, k`d 5 P`ut 4 ieMc, vDIAw jOb kr irhw, vwsqy knyfIAn pI Awr jW istIjn lVkI dI loV hY[lVky dw v`fw Brw knyfw ivc p`kw qy vY~l sYtlf, pUrI qrHW m`dd krngy[pirvwr luiDAwxw izlHy nwl sbM D q[vrk primt, st`fI vIjy vwlI lVkI qy vIcwr kIqw jw skdw hY [ sM p rk kro : 604-7830132 24 AprYl
8 meI
bysmYNt ikrwey leI KwlI
srI ivc 142 strIt Aqy 68 AYvyinaU qy 2 bY~frUm dI bysmYNt ikrwey leI KwlI hY[lWfrI Aqy kybl smyq[ku`qwib`lI qy isgrtno S I dI mnwhI[sMprk kro:778-8893261
• vY~bsweIt ifjweIinMg • sI AYm AYs (vrfpRY~s) • vY~b hositMg AYNf fomyn rijstrySn • src ieMjn EptImIjySn/pRmoSn
SERVICES 1. Website Designing 2. CMS (Wordpress) 3. Web Hosting & Domain registration 4. Search Engine Optimization/ Promotion (SEO/SEM) 5. (WebApp) Software Development 6. Logo Designing 7. e Commerce
-------------------------- 7. eCommerce imhnqI j`t is`K ig`l lVkw, 10 ApRYl solutions etc) Bride Wanted Template based aumre-commerce 24 swl, k`d(Magento/Wordperss/Opencart 5 Pu`t 11 ----------------------------------Jat Sikh boy, 30yrs, 5’10” ieMc, cMgI jmIn jwiedwd dw Matrimonial height, Canadian Citizen, mwlk, BCA pws leI lVkI dI located in Vancouver, well loV hY[vrk primt jW stfI educated, working for a vIjy qy AweI lVkI qy vIcwr multinational firm. Well knitting family. Non drinker, kIqw jw skdw hY [ pirvwr non smoker. Grew up in luiDAwxw nwl sbMDq[lVky Canada. Seek girl between dI BUAw knyfw ivc vY~l sYtlf 26-30 years. Please email pU r I m` d d krngy [ sM p rk photograph amd biodata at kro:778-918-3519 knvt861@gmail.com
lVkI dI loV knyfIAn istIjn j`t is`K lVkw aumr 49 swl, k`d 5 Put` 9 ieMc, ibjns kr irhw, nSw rihq leI knyfIAn pI Awr jW istIjn j`t is`K lVkI dI loV hY[qlwkSudw (bgYr b`cy qoN) qy vIcwr kIqw jw skdw hY[vrk primt vwlI lVkI vI kwl kr skdI hY[lVky dw swrw pirvwr knyfw ivc p`kw qy vY~l sYtlf[sMprk kro:604-655-8883 jW eImyl kro:abbybasi@shaw.ca
• vY~b AYp swPtvyAr ifvYlpmYNt • logo ifjweIinMg • eIkmrs
Book Matrimonial Advertisement in the leading Punjabi Newspaper in Canada. You Can Place Ad in Punjabi or English. Punjab Guardian Weekly Newspaper Call: 604-590-5200
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A30 - The Punjab Guardian *Apr. 17 - Apr. 23, 2020
AmrIkI sdr dI cox Aqy sMswr isAwsq
brqwnIAw ivc icrW qoN coxW ho rhIAW hn Aqy Bwrq vwsI BwrI igxqI ivc votW pwauNdy hn pr jmhUrI coxW dI v~fI kvwied AmrIkI rwStrpqI dI cox vyly huMdI hY[ ieh Swied hux iksy iek mulk dw mwmlw nhIN irhw[ AmrIkw ikauNik dunIAW dw sB qoN AmIr qy qwkqvr mulk hY, ies kwrn aus dI AgvweI kOx kr irhw hY, ies dw Asr swrI dunIAW auqy pYNdw hY[ brqwnIAw dy pRDwn mMqrI boirs jOhnsn dIAW nIqIAW kwrn XUrop qoN bwhr Swied hI koeI ih~lju~l huMdI hovy[ BwrqI pRDwn mMqrI nirMdr modI dIAW nIqIAW dI vI d~KxI eySIAw qoN bwhr koeI AihmIAq nhIN pr AmrIkI sdr dy ku~J krn jW nw krn dw Asr swrI kwienwq ‘qy pY skdw hY[ jy AmrIkI sdr dIAW 2000 dIAW coxW jwrj vwkr buS dI QW Al gor ij~q jWdy qW bhuq sMBwvnw sI ik ierwk jMg nw huMdI Aqy aus sUrq ivc sMswr hux nwloN ikqy v~D mih&Uz huMdw[ AmrIkI rwStrpqI dIAW 2020 dIAW coxW vI dunIAW leI Aihm hoxIAW hI sn, hux kronw dy sMkt kwrn ieh hor Aihm ho geIAW hn[ sdr fonlf trMp dy Ahudy dw pihlw kwrjkwl AmrIkw leI cMgw irhw jW nhIN, ies bwry qW AmrIkI hI d~s skdy hn pr ieh kwrjkwl sMswr leI zrUr mwVw irhw, ies ivc koeI S~k nhIN hY[ aunHW v~loN pYirs iekrwrnwmy qoN ip~Cy htx kwrn vwqwvrn qbdIlI dw sMkt hor gMBIr ho igAw hY[ aunHW v~loN ierwn auqy nvIAW pwbMdIAW lwey jwx dI kwrvweI ny hmySw hI nwzuk hwlq ivc rihMdy m~D-pUrb ƒ hor AsiQr kr id~qw hY[ trMp dIAW nIqIAW kwrn SrnwrQIAW dw sMkt vD igAw hY[ aunHW v~loN eySIAweI qy A&rIkI lokW leI vrqI jWdI As~iBAk qy nslpRsq BwSw ny Aijhw vYr qy n&rq pYdw kr id~qI jo nw AmrIkw qy nw sMswr leI cMgI g~l hY[ sMswr A~j jnvrI 2017 dy mukwbly ikqy G~t sur~iKAq qy v~D AsMquSt hY[ XkInn ies hwlwq leI AnykW kwrn izMmyvwr hn pr trMp qy aunHW dIAW nIqIAW v~D izMmyvwr hn[ ieho kwrn hY ik Aijhy bhuq swry lok, ijhVy AmrIkI SihrI vI nhIN, bysbrI nwl AmrIkI rwStrpqI dI cox aufIk rhy hn[ jy trMp muV cox ij~q jWdy hn qW sMswr ƒ vDyry sur~iKAq Aqy sMquSt bxwaux dy Awswr, aunHW dy hwr jwx dy mukwbly Gt jwxgy[ PrvrI ivc mYN AmrIkw ivc sW Aqy rwStrpqI dy Ahudy leI fYmokrYt aumIdvwrI dy dwAvydwrW dIAW kuJ bihsW dyKIAW[ audoN mukwbly ivc vrmONt dy sYnytr brnI sYNfrz
sB qoN A~gy sn[ myry AmrIkI dosq (ijhVy trMp ƒ nwpsMd krdy hn) ies mu~dy ‘qy vMfy hoey sn[ kuJ dw i^Awl sI ik gory ikrqI vrg ivc chyqy hox kwrn sYNfrz zrUr ieMny ku fYmokrYt votrW ƒ iK~c lYxgy ik auh trMp ƒ hrw skx pr hornW dw i^Awl hY ik K~byp~KI soc vwly hox kwrn sYNfrz hwr skdy hn qy auh vI burI qrHW[ mwrc dy SurU ivc inaU Xwrk qoN priqAw qW audoN q~k mukwbly ivc joA ibfyn vI sYNfrz dy krIb Aw rhy sn[ CyqI hI aunHW sYNfrz ƒ pCwV id~qw Aqy hux ibfyn fYmokrYt aumIdvwr hn[ myry kuJ dosq socdy hn ik ibfyn ƒ AwpxI Srw&q qy idRVHqw sdkw zrUr gory votrW dy iek ih~sy dIAW votW iml jwxgIAW Aqy swbkw sdr brwk Ebwmw nwl nzdIkI sdkw A&rIkI-AmrIkI BweIcwrw v~fI igxqI ivc aunHW dI hmwieq ‘qy Awvygw[ hornW dw i^Awl hY ik ibfyn dI aumr, aUrjw dI kmI, aunHW dy pu~qr v~loN XUkryn nwl kwrobwr kIqy jwx Awid vrgy mu~dy fYmokrYtW v~loN trMp ƒ hrwaux dIAW aumIdW leI &Yslwkun swbq hoxgy[ kronwvwiers (koivf-19) dy auBwr Aqy ies dy AmrIkw ivc pswr ny nvyN svwl KVHy kr id~qy hn[ trMp dI ies pRqI pihlI pRqIikirAw Sy^I qy ienkwr vwlI sI; aunHW ies vwiers dy ^qry ƒ mMnx qoN hI nWh kr id~qI Aqy dwAvw (JUTw) kIqw ik aunHW dI srkwr ny bcwA leI loVINdy kdm cu~k ley hn pr jdoN mulk ivc kronw dy mwmilAW ivc Acwnk vwDw hoieAw qW kw&I pCV ky auh hrkq ivc Awey[ aunHW kWgrs qoN koivf rwhq pYkyj pws krvwieAw ijs nwl mu&q tYstW Aqy mulwzmW ƒ AYmrjYNsI ivc qn^whSudw Cu~tI dyx dw rwh sw& hoieAw; nwl hI aunHW sbMDq iDrW nwl bwkwiedw mIitMgW SurU kIqIAW[ nwl dI nwl aunHW ies mwmly ivc nslpRsq rwg AlwpidAW ies sMkt ƒ ‘cInI vwiers’ dw nW id~qw[ trMp ny Awpxy slwhkwrW dy dbwA kwrn ies mwmly ivc cInIAW ƒ Klnwiek bxw
ky pyS krnw bMd kIqw pr hux aunHW nvW blI dw b~krw l~B ilAw hY – sMswr ishq sMsQw (fbilaUAY~cE)[ aunHW dw dwAvw hY ik fbilaUAY~cE ny vwiers dy PYlx dI r&qwr ƒ Gtw ky dyiKAw Aqy is~ty vjoN AmrIkw ny ies muq~lk vyLy isr FukvIN kwrvweI nhIN kIqI pr do kwrnW kr ky ieh g~l pUrI qrHW shI nhIN mMnI jw skdI[ pihlw, trMp ny hmySw fbilaUAY~cE vrgy bhuiDrI AdwirAW pRqI AwpxI n&rq dw pRgtwvw kIqw hY; aunHW Aijhy AdwirAW ƒ AmrIkI srkwr qoN imlx vwly PMfW ivc ktOqI kIqI Aqy auh bIqy dOrwn ienHW v~loN id~qI geI slwh ƒ Axif~T kr cu~ky hn[ dUjw, jnvrI dOrwn hI trMp dy Awpxy vpwrk slwhkwr pItr nwvwro ny aunHW ƒ ^brdwr kIqw sI ik kronwvwiers dw sMkt AmrIkI ArQcwry ƒ qbwh kr skdw qy v~fI igxqI mOqW dw kwrn bx skdw hY[ nwvwro ny ikhw ik ikauNik ies ibmwrI dI rokQwm leI koeI tIkw nhIN hY, ‘ies kwrn sur~iKAw dI ieh AxhoNd kronwvwiers dy ivAwpk mhWmwrI bxn dy ^qry ƒ vDwauNdI hY, ijs nwl l~KW AmrIkIAW dI jwn ^qry ivc pY skdI hY’[ nwvwro dI ies icqwvnI dy hvwly nwl ‘inaU Xwrk tweImz’ ny iliKAw hY: ‘ieh icqwvnI 29 jnvrI ƒ aus mOky AweI jdoN trMp ies sMkt qoN AmrIkw ƒ drpyS ^qry ƒ nzrAMdwz kr rhy sn, qy bwAd ivc aunHW ikhw ik koeI vI ies dy Aijhy iBAwnk is~itAW dI pySIngoeI nhIN sI kr skdw[’ ies mOky ieh AwKxw AOKw hY ik koivf-19 ny trMp dy muV cox ij~qx dy Awswr vDwey hn jW Gtwey[ iek pwsy aunHW dI AsiQr S^sIAq sw& qOr qy ies izMmyvwrI auqy BwrI pY rhI hY; iesy qrHW mwihrwnw igAwn vI aunHW ƒ psMd nhIN[ ies hwlq ivc ho skdw hY ik votrW dw JukwA vDyry sur~iKAq qy siQr mMny jWdy ibfyn v~l ho jwvy pr dUjy pwsy ies vwiers ƒ ^qrnwk duSmx v~loN swizS qihq AmrIkw ivc PYlwey jwx dw pRcwr kr ky trMp pihlW
hI auho ijhIAW sihm BwvnwvW jgwaux dI koiSS kr rhy hn, ijnHW ny 2016 ivc aunHW dI cox ij~qx ivc mdd kIqI sI[ auh iek qrHW auho ijhw mwhOl isrj rhy sn, ijho ijhw swfy Awpxy pRDwn mMqrI ny 2019 ivc AwpxI dUjI cox ij~qx leI isrijAw sI[ ieh vI rwie hY ik v~fy kOmI sMktW dOrwn Aksr dyS vwsI mOky dy hwkm dy nwl hI KVHdy hn, auh BwvyN XUky dy boirs jOhnsn hox jW Bwrq dy nirMdr modI jW AmrIkw dy fonlf trMp[ jy 2016 ivc trMp dw cox ij~qxw sMswr leI mwVI ^br sI qW aunHW dw ies vwr cuxy jwxw hor vI iBAwnk hovygw[ ies nwl vwqwvrn qbdIlI v~loN ienswnIAq leI KVHw kIqw ^qrw hor v~fw ho skdw hY[ m~D-pUrb ivc ^wnwjMgI hor qyz ho skdI hY[ AmrIkw qy cIn dy irSqy vDyry ^rwb ho skdy hn, iesy qrHW AmrIkw qy XUrop dy irSqy vI[ bhuiDrI Adwry ijvyN fbilaUAY~cE Aqy sMXukq rwStr dy SrnwrQIAW bwry hweI kimSn ƒ hor hyTI dw swhmxw krnw pY skdw hY[ koivf-19 dy auBwr ny Asl ivc AmrIkw qoN bwhrly sMswr dI ieh loV hor vDw id~qI hY ik AmrIkI sdr dI cox fYmokrYt aumIdvwr hI ij~qy[ swrI dunIAW ƒ ies vwiers dI BwrI AwriQk, smwijk Aqy mwnisk kImq cukwauxI pvygI ijs dI qulnw isr& do sMswr jMgW nwl hI kIqI jw skdI hY[ ZOrqlb hY ik koivf-19 ƒ Aw^r T~lH pw ley jwx jW ies dy AwpxI pRikirAw pUrI kr lYx dy bwAd vI dunIAW ƒ lIh qy ilAwaux leI bhuq izAwdw qwkq, smJdwrI qy hmdrdI dI loV hovygI[ ies mksd leI zrUrI hovygw ik swry v~fy mulk pihlW nwloN ikqy izAwdw imlvrqx nwl kMm krn qW ik ies sbMDI nvW tIkw bx jwvy qy auh swirAW ƒ auplbD hov,y vpwr qy sMcwr Awm vWg bhwl ho sky qy nwl hI iv~qI FWcy ivc Brosw bhwl hovy[ jy dunIAW dy sB qoN qwkqvr mulk ivc trMp muV rwStrpqI cuxy jWdy hn, qW sw& hY ik aunHW dw AVIAl qy bymuhwrw kMmFMg dunIAW dy v~K v~K mulkW drimAwn koeI vI auswrU sihXog nhIN hox dyvygw ijs dI ies vyly sMswr ƒ BwrI loV hY[ AmrIkI sdr dI hr cox hI sMswr dI sB qoN Aihm jmhUrI kwrvweI huMdI hY[ ies ivc vot BwvyN AmrIkI SihrI hI pw skdy hn pr ies dw nqIjw aunHW kroVW lokW dy Biv~K ’qy vI AsrAMdwz ho skdw hY ijhVy AmrIkI nwgirk vI nhIN hn[ ies kwrn 2020 dI cox pihlIAW AijhIAW coxW nwloN ikqy v~D Aihm hovygI[ -rwmcMdr guhw
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*Apr.17 - Apr. 23, 2020 The Punjab Guardian - A31
koronw mhWmwrI smyN kOx dwnv qy kOx dwnI? ies vyly swry sMswr ivc koronw vwiers PYl geI hY[ ies kwrn hux qk kul dunIAW ivc krIb 20 l~K ivAkqI ibmwr hn qy iek l~K qoN v~D mr cu~ky hn[ ienHW ivcoN 6 l~K ivAkqI TIk vI ho gey hn[ Bwrq ivc vI krIb 10 hzwr ivAkqI pRBwvq hn qy 500 dI mOq ho cu~kI hY[ Bwrq qy ^ws qOr auqy pMjwb ivc srkwr qoN izAwdw smwj syvI sMsQwvW lokW dI mdd leI A~gy AweIAW hoeIAW ivKweI dy rhIAW hn[ srkwr dI mdd qW jdoN phuMcxI hY, audoN phuMcygI pr sMsQwvW keI idnW qoN lMgr qy su~kw rwSn ZrIb lokW dy GrW qk lY ky jw rhIAW hn[ ies mOky keI GtIAw lokW dw rw^SI ichrw vI dunIAW swhmxy Aw irhw hY[ auh koronw vrgI iBAwnk mhWmwrI qoN vI lwB auTwaux dI qwk ivc hn[ l~KW pRvwsI mzdUrW dw ruzgwr &YktrIAW bMd hox kwrn ^qm ho igAw hY[nsrmweydwr, jo ienHW mzdUrW dy isr auqy ArbW-^rbW rupey kmw cu~ky hn, ny ApxIAW &YktrIAW dy drvwzy bMd kr ky ienHW ƒ Bu~K nwl mrn leI bwhr D~k idqw hY[ aunHW ny iek vwr vI nhIN soicAw ik ieh mzlUm bygwny sUby ivc ik~Qy D~ky Kwxgy[ pYdl hI XU.pI., ibhwr vl jw rhy iek mzdUrW dy toly ny p~qrkwrW ƒ disAw ik luiDAwxy dy iek mkwn mwlk ny isr& ds idn ikrwieAw lyt ho jwx kwrn aunHW dw smwn sVk auqy su~t idqw[ ies qoN iGnOxI hrkq hor kI ho skdI hY ik aus ny do swl qoN kuAwtrW ivc rih rhy mzdUrW dI mdd qW kI krnI sI, Aijhy kihr dy smyN aunHW ƒ GroN by-Gr kr idqw[ iek pwsy smwj syvk mOq dI pRvwh nw krdy hoey lokW ƒ Kwxw vMf rhy hn, auQy dUjy pwsy keI mnu~K rUpI igrJW kwlw bzwrI kr ky rwSn blYk ivc vyc rhIAW hn[ kirAwny qoN lY ky dwl sbzIAW qk dy BwA vDw idqy gey hn[ Bwrq ivc ieh kdy nhIN hoieAw ik iksy dukwndwr ny jnqw dI BlweI ^wqr AijhI Aw&q smyN zrUrI vsqW dy ryt G~t kIqy hox[ jykr ikqy Aijhy duStW ƒ koronw ho igAw qW swry pYsy ieQy hI Dry rih jwxgy[ i&rozpur ivc ku~J lokW ny AijhI nIc hrkq kIqI ik sux ky hI iGx AwaudI hY[ ieQy Aijhy lok vI ny jo koronw dy mrIzW dIAW lwSW dw iksy vI SmSwn Gwt AMiqm sskwr nhIN hox dy rhy[ ieh lok qW dUr dI g~l ienHW mrIzW dy Apxy Gr vwly lwSW ƒ lYx qoN ienkwr kr rhy hn[ ienHW lwSW dw sskwr vI pRSwsn ƒ hI krnw pY irhw hY[
swfy swry muStMfy bwby vI koronw dy froN BoirAW AMdr jw vV ky lu~k gey hn[ iksy bwby ny nw qW lok BlweI leI duAwnI idqI hY qy nw hI bwby FfrIAW vwly vWg fyry AMdr koronw dy mrIz r~Kx leI iemwrqW dyx dI pySkS kIqI hY[ Dwrmk jQybMdIAW ivcoN hux qk isr& id~lI gurdvwrw kmytI ny hI ApxIAW srwvW ies kMm leI pyS kIqIAW hn[ bImwr idmwZW dy isr auqy ArbW-^rbW dw mwl kmwaux vwly Bwrq dy swry ^Un pIxy T~g (joqSI, qWqirk, pu~CW dyx vwly, iqRkwldrSI, bRhm igAwnI, is~D purS qy kwly ielm vwly) nhIN d~s rhy ik koronw iks qrIk ƒ ^qm hovygw qy nw hI ienHW ny pihlW ieh Biv~KbwxI kIqI sI ik AijhI koeI Aw&q pYx vwlI hY[ tYlI&on auqy hI duSmxW ƒ 24 GMty ivc ^qm krn dw dwAvw krn vwly luiDAwxy dy DUrq qWqirk koeI mMqr nhIN mwr rhy, nw inrml bwbw d~s irhw hY ik smosy ikhVI ctxI nwl Kwx auqy ikRpw AwauxI SurU hovygI, nw krwmwqW krn qy mINh pwaux dw dwAvw krn vwlw mYNtl bwbw koeI krwmwq ivKw irhw hY qy nw hI lokW ƒ gohw qy mUq ipAwaux vwlw qy sMjIvnI bUtI l~B lYx vwlw dw dwAvw krn vwlw bwbw rwmdyv koeI ielwj d~s irhw hY[ jyl ivc bMd iek bdclx bwby dy cyly ieh pRcwr kr rhy hn ik koronw bwbw jI dI kropI kwrn AwieAw hY[ jykr bwbw jI ƒ nw CifAw igAw qW hor vI kroVW lok mr skdy hn[ pCmI dySW dy AmIrW ny ies mOky Apxy ^zwny Awm jnqw dI BlweI qy koronw dy dvweI dI Koj leI KolH idqy hn[ &ysbuk dy mwlk mwrk zukrbrg ny 8 Arb rupey, AlIbwbw dy cyArmYn jYk mwA ny 2 Arb Aqy gUgl dy cyArmYn ib~l gyts 9.5 Arb rupey dwn idqy hn[ 10 kroV jW ies qoN v~D dyx vwilAW dw qW koeI ihswb hI nhIN[ pr Bwrq dy srmweydwr, ^rbpqI iKfwrI qy Adwkwr Ajy qk Apxy pYsy auqy s~p vWg kuMflI mwr ky bYTy hn[ twtw (1500 kroV rupey) qy AkSY kumwr (25 kroV rupey) qoN ielwvw hor iksy ny vI hux qk koeI ^ws vrnxXog rkm dwn nhIN kIqI qy nw hI ZrIbW dI iksy iksm dI koeI is~DI mdd hI kIqI hY[ supr stwr Aimqwb b~cn Ajy qk isr& qwlI qy QwlI KVkw ky Aqy dIvy jgw ky &otoAW iKcvwaux qk hI sImq hn[ AMfwnI, AMbwnI, ibrlw qy hor keI vpwrk Grwxy hr swl srkwr qoN ArbW ^rbW dIAW irAwieqW hwsl krdy hn pr kbUqr vWg A~KW mItI bYTy
hn[ pMjwb ivc Aijhy keI ^rbpqI hn ijnHW dy kwr^wny bxwaux leI srkwr ny ZrIb ikswnW dI sYNkVy eykV zmIn kOfIAW dy BwA D~ky nwl Koh ky idqI sI pr auh vI ie~CwDwrI nwg vWg mwieAw ƒ cMbVy pey hn[ Atl s~cweI ieh hY ik ZrIb bMdw AmIrW nwloN ikqy v~D dirAw idl huMdw hY[ XU.pI. ibhwr ƒ jw rhy swry hI mzdUr ArbpqIAW dIAW &YktrIAW dy mulwzm hn[ pr iek vI Aijhw mwmlw swhmxy nhIN AwieAw ik iksy pRvwsI mzdUr ƒ iksy ikswn ny kMm qoN htwieAw hovy[ pyNfU lok ZrIbW ƒ KulH ky rotI pwxI muheIAw krvw rhy hn[ iekw du~kw lIfr ƒ C~f ky swfy ArbpqI lIfr vI ies vkq injI qOr auqy ZrIbW dI BlweI leI ku~J nhIN kr rhy[ vot rwjnIqI hox kwrn lIfrW ƒ Apxy ielwky dy hr votr dw ihswb rKxw pYNdw hY[ ienHW ƒ hr loVvMd dw Gr zubwnI Xwd huMdw hY ijQy ielYkSn vyly jwiez nwjwiez mwl phuMcwieAw jWdw hY[ jykr ieh idloN cwhux qW hux vI Bu~K nwl mr rhy lokW ƒ ielY~kSn vWg GroN GrI rwSn phuMcw skdy hn[ keI nyqw srkwrI mIitMgW dIAW PotoAW pRYs ƒ Byjdy hn ik koronw kwrn AhiqAwq r~Kx leI mIitMg ivc lIfr iqMn-iqMn mItr dI dUrI auqy
bYTy hoey hn pr ienHW dIAW gwrdW qy gMnmYnW dI hwlq bhuq qrsXog huMdI hY[ CotI jhI AYskwrt ijpsI qy tYNt ivc 8-10 bMdy jwnvrW vWg quMny huMdy hn[ lIfrW ƒ Swied eynw igAwn hI nhIN ik AijhI pRdUiSq jgHw ivc rihx kwrn gMnmYnW ƒ vI koronw ho skdw hY[ ies vyly jdoN kri&aU kwrn swry mihkmy Gr bYTy Cu~tI mnw rhy hn, isr& puils, srkwrI fwktr qy ku~J hor mihkmy hI ApxI jwn auqy Kyf ky lokW dI syvw kr rhy hn[ pr swfy mUrK AMD BgqW ny koronw qoN TIk ho ky fwktrW dw Dnvwd krn dI bjwey iPr iksy bwby dy hI pYr c~txy hn ik swfI jwn qW quhwfI ikRpw nwl bcI hY[ isr pIV vwly mrIz dw vI 5 l~K ib~l bxw dyx vwly injI hspqwlW vwly ijMdry mwr ky B~j gey hn[ keIAW ny gytW auqy bySrmI Bry borf lgw idqy hn ik koronw dy mrIz srkwrI hspqwl ivc jwx[ ieh swry hspqwl srkwr ƒ koronw dy mrIzW dy ielwj vwsqy zbq kr lYxy cwhIdy hn ikauNik auQy srkwrI hspqwlW nwloN ikqy v~D shUlqW mOjUd hn[ Aijhy mOky swƒ s~B ƒ Apxy svwrQ C~f ky duiKAwirAW dI mdd leI A~gy Awauxw cwhIdw hY ikauNik srkwr iek~lI ku~J nhIN kr skdI[
sYNfrs hty, ibfyn dyxgy trMp ƒ cuxOqI
vwiSMgtn (pItIAweI) : sYnytr brnI sYNfrs AmrIkw dI fYmokRyitk pwrtI qoN rwStrpqI aumIdvwr bxn dI dOV qoN ht gey hn[ ies nwl swbkw aup rwStrpqI jo ibfyn dw ivroDI pwrtI qoN aumIdvwr bxnw qYA ho igAw hY[ aunHW dI aumIdvwrI dw rsmI AYlwn bwAd ivc hovygw pRMqU ieh sp~St ho igAw hY ik ies swl iqMn nvMbr ƒ hox vwlI rwStrpqI cox ivc auh irpbilkn aumIdvwr fonwlf trMp ƒ cuxOqI dyxgy[ 78 swlw sYNfrs ny bu~Dvwr ƒ ikhw ik mYN AwpxI muihMm bMd kr irhw hW pRMqU ies dy bwvjUd inAW leI sMGrS krdw rhWgw[ aup rwStrpqI ibfyn aumIdvwr hoxgy[ auh byh~d Bly ienswn hn[ Awpxy pRgqISIl ivcwrW ƒ A~gy vDwaux leI mYN aunHW nwl iml ky kMm krWgw[ pihly qoN hI mMinAw jw irhw sI ik rwStrpqI aumIdvwrI pwaux dI dOV 'c sYNfrs izAwdw A~gy nhIN jwxgy ikauNik fYmokRyitk pwrtI dy pRrwiemrI cox ivc auh ibfyn dy mukwbly lgwqwr p~CVdy jw rhy sn[ SurUAwqI dOr ivc fYmokRyitk pwrtI qoN aumIdvwr bxn dI dOV ivc BwrqI mUl dI AY~mpI kmlw hYirs Aqy qulsI gYbwrf smyq 20 qoN izAwdw dwAvydwr sn pRMqU rwjW dy pRrwiemrI cox ivc p~CVx 'qy iek-iek kr ky swry h~tdy gey Aqy bwAd 'c mukwblw isr& sYNfrs Aqy ibfyn ivckwr ismt igAw sI[ sYNfrs ny 2016 ivc vI fYmokRyitk pwrtI qoN aumIdvwrI pwaux leI AwpxI dwAvydwrI pyS kIqI sI pRMqU aus smyN aunHW ƒ swbkw ivdyS mMqrI ihlyrI kilMtn A~gy hwr mMnxI peI sI[ ibfyn dI aumIdvwrI dw AYlwn fYmokRyitk pwrtI ivc pRrwiemrI cox dI pRikirAw pUrI hox ip~CoN kIqw jwvygw[ aup rwStrpqI aumIdvwr bx skdI hY kmlw hYirs sYNfrs dy mukwbly qoN htx ip~CoN 77 swlw ibfyn ny bu~Dvwr ƒ BwrqvMSI AY~mpI kmlw hYirs sxy 52 lokW nwl mIitMg kIqI[ mMinAw jw irhw hY ik ibfyn aup rwStrpqI Ahudy leI kmlw hYirs ƒ aumIdvwr bxw skdy hn[ aunHW ny ipCly mhIny vwAdw vI kIqw sI ik jykr auh aumIdvwr bxn ivc sPl rhy qW aup rwStrpqI Ahudy leI iksy AOrq ƒ aumIdvwr bxwauxgy[
kMm vwsqy vrkrW dI loV
gIRn hwas U Aqy nrsrI leI vrkrW dI lV o h[ Y qnKwh qzrby Anuswr Aqy 2 hPqy bwAd id`qI jwvygI[ rwief dw pRbMD hovygw[ klws 4 dy frwievrW dI loV hY[
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778-859-7030, 604-723-2581
A32 - The Punjab Guardian *Apr. 17 - Apr. 23, 2020
kronw sMkt dOrwn soSL mIfIAw APvwhwˆ Aqy ielY`krOink mIfIAw iPrkU APvwhwˆ PYlwaux dw mwiDAm bx igAw hY[
Bwrq ies vyly kronw vwiers nwmk iBAwnk AwPq dI lpyt iv`c AwieAw hoieAw hY[ ies mOky keI bdmwS lok soSl mIfIAw dI vrqoˆ lokwˆ nUM jwgrUk krn dI bjwey APvwhwˆ PYlwaux iv`c ruJy hoey hn[ kuJ idn pihlwˆ Awpy bixAw ie`k rwjsQwnI hkIm puils ny pkiVAw hY jo au`lU dy tUxy rwhIˆ kronw dw ielwz krn dw dwAvw kr irhw sI[ ie`k hor Drm gurUu soSl mIfIAw ‘qy kuPr qol irhw sI ik ilAwau kronw dw mrIz, mYˆ aus nUM j`PI pwauˆdw hwˆ[ kronw nwm dI ibmwrI hY hI nhIˆ, ieh isrP srmweydwr dySwˆ v`loˆ Awpxw mwl vycx leI bxwieAw igAw FkvMj hY[ keI isAwxy gohw Kwx Aqy gwˆ dw mUqr pIx dI slwh dy rhy hn[ keIAwˆ ny qwˆ bySrmI dI h`d hI kr id`qI hY[ auhnwˆ ny soSL mIfIAw ‘qy ieh APvwh PYlw id`qI ik fwktr (jo AwpxI jwn ‘qy Kyf ky kronw dy iKlwP fty hoey hn), muslmwnwˆ nUM kronw dy tIky lgw ky ieslwm nUM bdnwm kr rhy hn[ ies APvwh kwrn keI Qwvwˆ ‘qy BVky hoey lokwˆ ny hY`lQ vrkrwˆ ‘qy hmly kIqy hn[ ie`k mUrK dwAvw kr irhw hY ik nsvwr suMGx nwl kronw TIk ho jwˆdw hY[ kuJ idn pihlwˆ sVk ‘qy GuMm rhy ie`k Syr dI Poto soSl mIfIAw ‘qy vwierl hoeI sI ik rUs dy rwStrpqI pUiqn ny lokwˆ nUM Grwˆ AMdr f`kx leI sVkwˆ ‘qy 1000 Syr C`f id`qy hn[ Asl iv`c ieh purwxI qsvIr d`KxI APrIkw dy Sihr jOhnzbrg dI hY ij`Qy ie`k Syr icVIAwGr qoˆ B`j igAw sI[ KwlI sVkwˆ vyK ky kuJ idn pihlwˆ cMgIgV• iv`c ie`k qyˆdUAw Aw igAw sI jo jMglwq ivBwg ny ausy vyly pkV ilAw hY[ pr hux SYqwn lok aus dIAwˆ purwxIAwˆ qsvIrwˆ soSL mIfIAw ‘qy pw ky kdy aus dI mOjUdgI 42 sYktr iv`c ivKw rhy hn qy kdy 47 iv`c[ ies kwrn keI frwkl lok Grwˆ nUM kuMfy mwr ky AMdr qVy hoey hn[ AijhIAwˆ JUTIAwˆ Aqy nYgyitv Kbrwˆ nUM imMto imMtI cwry kUtwˆ iv`c iKlwr id`qw jwˆdw hY[ soSL mIfIAw APvwhwˆ PYlwaux dw bhuq v`fw hiQAwr bx cu`kw hY[ ies nwl sYˆkVy kroV lok juVy hoey hn[ sB qoˆ v`D vrqIAwˆ jwx vwlIAwˆ AYps iv`coˆ Pysbu`k dI ies vyly krIb 25 kroV, v`tsAY`p 21 kroV, mYsyˆjr 19 kroV, ieMstwgrwm 40 kroV, itk twk 10 kroV, tiv`tr 32 kroV, snYpcYt 21 kroV Aqy XU itaUb dI krIb 52 kroV lok vrqoˆ kr rhy hn[ A`j lok svyry au`T ky r`b dw nwm lYx qoˆ pihlwˆ Pon cY`k krdy hn ik rwq koeI mYsyz qwˆ nhIˆ AwieAw[ kroVwˆ lok Aijhy hn jo soSl mIfIAw ‘qy Awey hoey iksy vI aUl jlUl sMdyS nUM s`c smJdy hn[ s`cIAwˆ Kbrwˆ isrP AKbwrwˆ iv`c CpdIAwˆ hn pr APsos nwl kihxw pYˆdw hY A`j dy Xu`g iv`c vI Bwrq dI A`Dy qoˆ v`D AbwdI AKbwrwˆ qoˆ dUr hY[
iksy jg•w AKbwr phuMcdI hI nhIˆ qy bhuqy lok AKbwr KrId ky pV•nw psMd nhIˆ krdy[ myrw ipMf AMimRqsr qoˆ isrP 16 ik.mI. dUr hY pr AKbwr auQy lMJy fMg hI phuMcdI hY qy auh vI 12 vjy qoˆ bwAd[ jy pMjwb dy ipMfwˆ dw ieh hwl hY qwˆ iPr ihmwcl- jMmU kSmIr dy dUr durwfy phwVI ipMfwˆ iv`c AKbwr ik`Qoˆ phuMcdI hoxI hY? jdoˆ dw kriPaU l`gw hY ipMfwˆ iv`c AKbwrwˆ iblkul vI nhIˆ phuMc rhIAwˆ, ijs kwrn lok soSl mIfIAw ‘qy GuMm rhIAwˆ APvwhwˆ dy c`kr iv`c Ps rhy hn[ cMgI iksmq nUM qrn qwrn ijl•y iv`c Ajy q`k kronw dw koeI mrIz swhmxy nhIˆ AwieAw pr AKbwrwˆ dI Axhoˆd kwrn ipMfwˆ iv`c APvwh PYlI hoeI hY ik ieQy 50-60 ivAkqI mr cu`ky hn qy hspqwlwˆ iv`c kronw kwrn ibmwr hoey mrIzwˆ nUM r`Kx leI jg•w nhIˆ bcI[ ies sMkt dI GVI iv`c ielY`ktrOink mIfIAw vI bhuq hI nkwrwqimk BUimkw inBw irhw hY[ ieh dyS vwsIAwˆ nUM kronw qoˆ bcx dI is`iKAw dyx dI bjwey ie`k ivSyS pwrtI dw Du`qU bx ky Bwrq iv`c iPrkU nPrq PYlwaux dI pUrI koiSS kr irhw hY[ auh qwˆ lok hI isAwxy hn nhIˆ iehnwˆ ny qwˆ hux q`k id`lI vrgy iPrkU dMgy dubwrw BVkw dyxy sn[ pihlwˆ SwhIn bwg Drny dy iKlwP mhInw Br Kbrwˆ c`lIAwˆ ik auh hI id`lI iv`c PYl rhy kronw dI nrsrI hY[ ies qoˆ bwAd ieh ielzwm BU`K dy mwry id`lI C`f ky Awpxy sUibAwˆ v`l ihzrq kr rhy l`Kwˆ prvwsI mzdUrwˆ dy isr ‘qy Qop id`qw igAw[ bjwey ik srkwr dI ies g`l qoˆ nukqwcInI krn dy ik aus ny iehnwˆ dy rihx qy Kwx pIx dw koeI pRbMD nhIˆ kIqw, auhnwˆ nUM kronw vwiers dw vwhk GoiSq kr id`qw igAw[ cYnlwˆ ‘qy pRvwsIAwˆ dIAwˆ BIVwˆ idKw ky lokwˆ dy mnwˆ iv`c auhnwˆ bwry nPrq Brn vwlIAwˆ Kbrwˆ nSr kIqIAwˆ geIAwˆ[ ies dw nqIjw ieh inkilAw ik pRvwsI Awpxy gRih sUibAwˆ iv`c hI durkwry jwx l`gy[ au`Qy phuMcx ‘qy auhnwˆ nUM jwnvrwˆ vwˆg skUlwˆ - kimaUintI sYˆtrwˆ iv`c bMd kr id`qw igAw[ AKIr jdoˆ auh Azwd ho ky Bu`K ipAws qoˆ inFwl Awpxy GrIˆ phuMcy qwˆ kiQ`q mohqbrwˆ ny keI keI idn auhnwˆ nUM ipMfwˆ iv`c nw vVn id`qw[ hux swry c`Ynl h`Q Do ky qblIgI zmwq dy ip`Cy pY gey hn[ iPrkU zihr nwl BrIAwˆ Kbrwˆ sux ky Awm lokwˆ nUM vI l`gx l`g ipAw hY ik Swied kronw cIn ny nhIˆ, sgoˆ qblIgI zmwq ny pYdw kIqw hY[ kuJ nwsmJ Dwrimk nyqwvwˆ dI mUrKqw kwrn ip`C l`g lok zmwq dy smwgm jwx dI glqI kr bYTy sn qy rOlw pYx ‘qy fr ky Grwˆ nUM iKsk gey[ pRSwSn dI koeI glqI k`Fx dI bjwey (ijs ny ieh smwgm hox id`qw), swry cYnl fwˆg lY ky qblIgIAwˆ dy ip`Cy pey hoey hn[
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ktvwaux jW jVHW putwaux leI drK~q dI sPweI krwaux leI cIipMg Aqy SrYifMg stMp irmUvl bgIcy dI sWB-sMBwl hnyrI jW quPwn qoN bwAd drKq CWgxy (prUinMg)
Located at Abbotsford BC
smwgm dy m`uK pRbMDk mOlwxw swd dIAwˆ qsvIrwˆ idn iv`c sYˆkVy vwr tI.vI. ‘qy ies qrwˆ ivKweIAwˆ jw rhIAwˆ hn ijvyˆ auh auswmw ibn lwdyn hovy[ ieh TIk hY ik qblIgIAwˆ kwrn sYˆkVy bygunwhwˆ nUM kronw dI lwg l`g geI hY[ pr ieh vI s`cweI hY ik bhuqy qblIgIAwˆ nUM l`B ky hspqwlwˆ iv`c dwKl krvw id`qw igAw hY qy mOlwnw swd ‘qy muk`dmw drz ho cu`kw hY[ ijs ny glqI kIqI sI, auh hux Bugq irhw hY[ ies g`l nUM hux C`f id`qw jwxw cwhIdw hY qy cYnlwˆ v`loˆ ieh mslw lgwqwr BVkweI r`Kxw iksy qrwˆ vI jwiez nhIˆ hY[ ieh kUV pRcwr sux ky hI mhwrwStr dy Plwp hoey rwj Twkry vrgy iPrkU lIfr ibAwn dy rhy hn ik qblIgIAwˆ dw ielwz krn dI bjwey auhnwˆ nUM mrn leI ‘k`lw C`f id`qw jwxw cwhIdw hY[ A`j dy ADuink Xu`g iv`c soSl Aqy ielY`ktroink mIfIAw ienswnI izMdgI dw ie`k At`ut AMg bx
igAw hY[ ihtlr dw pRwpygMfw mMqrI goblz ikhw krdw sI ik jy ie`k JUT nUM sO vwr duhrwieAw jwvy qwˆ auh s`c bx jwˆdw hY[ kriPaU kwrn ivhly bYTy lokwˆ kol swrw idn tI.vI. nUM cMbVy rihx qoˆ ielwvw hor koeI kMm nhIˆ hY[ auh tI.vI. Aqy soSL mIfIAw dI hryk Kbr qoˆ A`gy nwloˆ ikqy v`D pRBwivq ho rhy hn[ cYnlwˆ vwsqy isrP tI.Awr. pI. vDwaux, srkwrI srpRsqI hwsl krn Aqy v`D qoˆ v`D ieSiqhwr pRwpq kr ky mwl kmwaux dI hoV iv`c Aijhw iPrkU pRcwr kr ky lokwˆ dy idmwg iv`c zihr Brnw bhuq hI glq hY[ jnqw nUM vI cwhIdw hY AijhIAwˆ vwhXwq g`lwˆ ‘qy XkIn krn qoˆ pihlwˆ AKbwrwˆ jrUr pV• ilAw krn[ jy ipMfwˆ iv`c AKbwr nhIˆ phuMc rhI qwˆ mobwielwˆ ‘qy byisr pYr dIAwˆ postwˆ vyKx dI bjwey AKbwrwˆ dy AwnlweIn AYp fwaUnlof kr lYx[ -blrwj isMG is`DU AYs.pI.
is~K bu~DIjIvIAW ny inhMg isMG vwly hwdsy dI AwV ivc puils duAwrw kIqI jw rhI vDIkI dI inKydI kIqI
cMfIgV — 14 ApRYl (2020) is~K bu~DIjIvIAW ny pitAwlw sbjI ivc hoeI mMdBwgI Gtnw jo AYqvwr svyry puils Aqy lMgr vwsqy sbjI lYx gey inhMg isMGw ivcwly hoeI sI, aus dI AwV ivc pulIs vloN kIqIAW geIAW vDkIAW sK~q inMdw kIqI hY [ ies hwdsy ivc ie~k gu~sy iv~c Awey inhMg ny puils mulwzmW ƒ zKmI kr id~qw[ aus Gtnw qoN bicAw jw skdw sI jy puils krmIAW ƒ ibpqw vyly lokW nwl nrm ivvhwr krn dI isKlweI idqI huMdI[ ies inhMg hwdsy dI AwV ivc pMjwb puils ny Awpxy isrjy brqWq qoN vKrI ivcwrDwrw dy lok jo soSl mIfIAw 'qy Awpxy ivcwr pRgtwaudy hn auhnW iKlwP kwrvweI SurU kr id~qI hY [ is~K bu~DIjIvIAW ny iqMn is~K nOjvwnW prmpwl isMG, divMdr isMG Aqy ie~k mIfIAw ivAkqI huiSAwrpur qoN BuipMdr isMG s~jx dI igRPqwrI dI vI inMdw kIqI hY[ pulIs ny aunHW dIAW soSl mIfIAw ivc pweIAW postW ƒ “BVkw Aqy n&rq PYlwaux” vwlIAW krwr id~qw[ puils dI ieh kwrvweI nw isrP ‘pRgtwvy dI AwzwdI’ dI aulMGxw hY, blik smwj ivc is~KW pRqI n&rq Aqy burweI PYlwaux leI vriqAw jw irhw hY [ is~KW ƒ dUjy drjy dy SihrI hox Aihsws krvwieAw igAw hY[ ie~k sWJy ibAwn iv~c ikhw, “puils ƒ kwƒn Anuswr doSI inhMgW isMGW ƒ szw dyx dw pUrw AiDkwr hY pr ies hwdsy dy shwry AmwnvI durivvhwr Aqy drbwrI mIfIAw dI vrqoN krky is~KW dI ƒ ivrwsq ƒ bdnwm kIqw jw irhw hY [ puils dy AiDkwrI mIfIAw ieh pRcwr krn iv~c ru~Jy hoey hn ik igRPqwr kIqy inhMg ivdySI PMf pRwpq kr rhy sn[ ’ijs nwl Ais~Dy FMg nwl pRvwsI is~KW‘ qy doS lgwaux dy Xqn kIqy jw rhy hn[ jdoN hmlwvr inhMg isGW ƒ igRPqwr kr ilAw igAw, qW ies AiBAws rok lgxI cwhIdw hY[ is~K bu~DIjIvIAW ny puils ƒ igRPqwr kIqy inhMgW dI sQwnk pitAwlw dI Adwlq ivc pySI mOky nMgy isr dy vwlW ƒ KolHx jlqlq vwlI ikirAW dI inMdw kIqI hY[ aunHW ny pMjwb dy mu~K mMqrI kYptn ArimMdr isMG ƒ ApIl kIqI ik auh iBAwnk mhWmwrI ƒ rokx leI lwey gey qwlwbMdI dw nwjwiez Pwiedw auTwaux vwly puils AiDkwrIAW ƒ rokx [sWJy ibAwn dy dsqKq krn vwilAW iv~c bIbI prmjIq kOr KwlVw, gurqyj isMG AweI.ey.AY~s, sInIAr vkIl rwjivMdr isMG bYNs gurbcn isMG, sMpwdk dys pMjwb, sInIAr p~qrkwr jspwl isMG is~DU,pRoPYsr mnjIq isMG ,suKdyv isMG isDU Aqy krmjIq isMG Swml hn jwrI krqw: KuShwl isMG, jnrl sk~qr, kyNdrI sRI gurU isMG sBw
hoimEpYiQk klIink ilm.
Diamond Tree S Tree removal tree trimming stump grinding 6
inaUtn hoimEpYiQk qy hr qrHW dIAW ibmwrIAW dw ielwj kIqw jWdw hY[ jo pRwxI fr`g, ic`tw, Srwb, mYQwfon, krYk, BMg, APIm, fofy, Bu`kI, nSy dy tIky, golIAW jW hor vI iksy iksm dw nSw krdy hox, aunHW dw ielwj krdy hW[ mrdwnw kmzorI dw spYSl ielwj iek-do idnW ivc irzlt, ilvr dI KrwbI, mUMh 'qy CweIAW, ik`lH, tONsl, Alsr, bvwsIr, AlrjI, sweIns, hweI qy loA bl`f pRYSr, pyt gYs, CwqI 'c jln, AYgzImw, is`krI Awid dw ielwj krdy hW[ AsIN 25 swl q`k k`d vDw idMdy hW[ SUgr, motwpw, strY~s, ifprYSn, AYNgzwietI, mweIgryn, AwrQrweIts, klostron, Aqy hr iek ibmwrI dw ielwj krdy hW[ sorwiess dw vI ielwj krdy hW[ gdUdW-ipSwb bhuq hOlI-hOlI Awauxw[ ipSwb bhuq vwr jW qyz-qyz Awauxw rok nw skxw[ ANGINA swh cVnw, kUlYstrol, HEPATITIS hYpytweIts ey-bI-sI, sorweIss PSORIASIS isr ivc jW swry srIr 'qy, ASTHMA dmw Awid, mrdwnw kmzorI dw ielwj[ KwrS, poiln AYlrjI Aqy pIlIAw JAUNDICE, cyqw Bu`lxw DEMENTIA Aqy LEUKEMIA lIaukImIAw Awid dy ielwj leI imlo[
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Plz make 1/4 pa Takeeyother AsIN kYNsr Aqy fz info f dw ielwj vI krdy hW Add some ouc a hoimApYiQk f`ktr sMqoK isMG jMfU quhwfI hr iek g`l Aqy ibmwrI gupq r`KI jwvygI[
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6992-142 St., Surrey BC V3W 5N3
Services in all of Fraser Valley, 7 days a week, Free Estimates
Dr. Jandu is a homeopathic practitioner and is neither associated with, nor a registrant of, the College of Physicians and Surgeons of British Columbia
Licensed, Bonded & Insured
fw. jMfU iek hoimEpYiQk pRYktISnr hn Aqy nw hI auh bI.sI. dy iksy vI fwktr jW srjn dy kwlj nwl sbMDq hn qy nw hI bI.sI. ivc rijstr hn
f`ktr sMqoK isMG jMfU
*Apr.17 - Apr. 23, 2020 The Punjab Guardian - A33
fw. AMbydkr dy AxgOly ienklwbI Xqn Aqy AOrqW dy AiDkwrW dI vkwlq
AOrq dI dSw suDrx dy hwlwq Ajy suinhrI supny vrgy hn ,ikauNik hwl hI iv~c ivSv AwriQk Porm ny 2017 iv~c cyqwvnI id~qI hY ik ivSv iv~c mOjUdw ilMg Byd Kqm hox leI Ajy 168 swl hor aufIk krnI pvygI Bwv ilMg Byd dw ieh pwVw 2186 q~k pUry jwx dI sMBwvnw hY [ icMqw vwlI ijAwdw g~l ieh hY ik 2016 iv~c l~gdw sI ik ieh ilMg pwVw 83 swlW iv~c pUrw ho jwvygw pr mOjUdw cyqwvnI ies leI iBAwnk hY ik ilMg pwVw Aqy AOrqW dw Sosx Gtx dI bjwie vD irhw hY [ kuJ coxvIAW AOrqW ƒ vot dy AiDkwr nwl 100 swl pihlW cwhy AOrqW dI AwjwdI dI g~l c~lI sI lyikn hwly q~k ivSv dy iksy vI kony iv~c AOrq ƒ mrd dy brwbr ienswn mMnx dI soc hwly bdlI nhIN [ coxvIAW AOrqW qoN Bwv 10 PrvrI 1918 ƒ pIplj rIprjYNtySn AYkt rwhIN 30 swl qoN v~D aumr dIAW jwiedwd dy h~k vwlIAW hI AOrqW ƒ AmrIkw iv~c vot dw AiDkwr dyx qoN hY [ slwm krnw bxdw hY inaUXwrk Sihr dIAW 15000 AOrqW ƒ ijMnW ny 1908 iv~c AOrqW leI vot dy AiDkwr, brwbr vyqn Aqy kMm dy G~t GMitAW dI vkwlq leI mwrc k~F ky ie~k jutqw pRgt kIqI, nwl hI jrmnI dI klwrw jYtikn ƒ vDweI dyxI bxdI hY ijsny 1910 iv~c jrmnI iv~c Sosl fYmokRoitk pwrtI ƒ AOrqW dI AjwdI ƒ auqswhq krn leI JMfw cu~k ilAw sI[ Bwrq iv~c bRwhmxI rsmW irvwjW leI pRvwnq mMnU ismrqI dy kwƒn dy c~lidAW BwrqI AOrq dI durdSw qW smJx iv~c AwauNdI hY, pr ivSv dy ivksq dySW dw JMfw cu~kI iPrdy dySW iv~c AOrq dI hwlq ieMnI pqlI hovygI ieh smJ qoN pry dI g~l hY [ ivSv p~Dr qy AOrqW dy hwlwq ieMny bdqr hn ik AOrqW ƒ swl iv~c 51 idn ibnW qnKwh qoN kMm krnw pYNdw hY ikauNik AOrqW ƒ mrdW dy mukwbly G~t qnKwh Adw kIqI jWdI hY [ AOrqW ƒ is~iKAw Aqy ishq shUlqW qoN vWiJAW r~K ky sYks SoSx dI pRikirAw ivSv p~DrI hY [ BwrqI hwlwqW iv~c qW AOrqW dI AjwdI dw supnw lYxw vI pwp sI ikauNik ie~Qy bRwhmxI s~iBAwcwr dI kwƒnI ivcwrDwrw mMnU ismrqI vjoN lwgU sI [ kuJ mMnU ismrqI isDwq ijvyN ik “ For gvwr SUdr AOr nwrI ” , “ ieh sB qwVx ky AiDkwrI ” , AOrq – “ pYr dI ju~qI ”, dw ijkr kIqy ibnW Bwrq iv~c AOrqW dI AjwdI dy vrqwry ƒ smJxw AOKw hovygw [ ienW gYr mnu~KI rsmW Aqy irvwjW nwl pruMny smwijk FWcy iv~c iksy vI iesqrI jW purS v~loN AOrqW dI AjwdI dy bol k~Fxy Kqry qoN KwlI nhIN sn [ ijsdy krky ijMnW vI AwgUAW ny AOrqW dI AjwdI dI g~l qorI aunW dIAW koiSSW AsPl hI hoeIAW ikauNik BwrqI qMqr iv~c AOrqW dI qW kI iksy vI iksm dI AjwdI dI g~l krnw Gor pwp mMinAW jwdw sI [ sMivDwn inrmwqw bwbw swihb fw. BIm rwau AMbydkr dI jnm SqwbdI mnwauNidAW BwrqI AOrq dI dSw ƒ suDwrn iv~c dy aunW dy AxgOly XqnW dw ijkr kIqy ibnW BwrqI AOrq dI AjwdI dI khwxI bymwAnw jwpdI hY [ AOrq dI AjwdI leI bwbw swihb v~loN dyS dy pihly kwƒn mMqrI vjoN iqAwg p~qr dyx qoN v~fI koeI kurbwnI swhmxy nhIN AwauNdI[ audoN dy pRDwn mMqrI jvwhr lwl nihrU v~loN lok sBw ivc pws krn leI ilAWdy gey “ ihMdU kof ib~l ” rwhIN imlx vwlI BwrqI AOrq dI AjwdI ƒ r~dI vwlI tokrI iv~c pwaux dy ros vjoN fw.AMbydkr v~loN AsqIPw dy id~qw igAw [ AsqIPy dI Gtnw Aqy iesqoN pihlW ies ib~l ƒ dyS dI srvau~c sMsQw iv~c pyS krnw hI fw. AMbydkr dw kRWqIkwrI kdm sI [ ieh ib~l AOrqW dy AiDkwrW dw ienklwbI dsqwvyj sI, ikauNik ieh AOrqW ƒ mrdW dy brwbr AiDkwrW dI g~l dy nwl BwrqI AOrq ƒ snmwn jnk pihcwx duAwaux dw dm Brdw sI [ A~T BwgW iv~c vMifAw ieh ib~l AOrqW ƒ jwiedwd dI mlkIAq, KRIdo ProKq dy AiDkwr dy nwl nwl qlwk Aqy ivAwh SwdI dy AiDkwrW dI vkwlq krdw sI [ pihlw Bwg iesdy pRBwivq Gyry, dUjw ivAwh , qIjw god lYx, cOQw srpRsqI, pMjvW sMXukq pirvwrk jwiedwd, CyvW AOrqW dI jwiedwd iv~c ih~sydwrI, s~qvW Aqy A~TvW
auqrwAiDkwrI Aqy sWB sMBwl dIAW nIqIAW nwl sMbMDq sI [ pr APsos dyS dy qqkwlI pRDwn mMqrI jvwhr lwl nihrU dI AgvweI iv~c rwj kr rhI pwrtI dy k~tVvwdI ihMdU AwgUAW iSAwmw pRswd muKrjI Awid dy huMidAW ieh ib~l pws nW ho sikAw [ bySk bwbw swihb ieh ib~l pws nhIN krvw sky pr auh BwrqI AOrqW dI swry KyqrW iv~c brwbrI dI nINh r~Kx iv~c jrUr sPl hoey [ fw. AMbydkr duAwrw ies ivSys ibl dy pyS krn smyN Aqy ibl dy nW pws hox kwrn pyS kIqy ivcwrW dI AihmIAq aunW dI PrjW pRqI idlI gMBIrqw Aqy SKsIAq dw bw-KUbI ibAwn hn [“ ihMdU kof ibl ” 11 ApRYl 1947 ƒ pyS kridAW aunW ny bhuq BvpUrq SbdW nwl ikhw sI “ PrWsIsI ienklwb qy AwpxI mhwn ikqwb iv~c pRis~D rwjsI icMqk burky ny ikhw sI ik ijhVy kuJ sMBwlnw cwhuMdy hn auh murMmq leI vI iqAwr hoxy cwhIdy hn [ Aqy mYN smu~cy hwaUs ƒ kihMdw hW ik jy qusIN ihMdU ivvsQw, ihMdU siBAwcwr Aqy ihMdU soswietI ƒ sMBwlnw cwhuMdy ho qW ivvsQw iv~c ij~Qy murMmq dI loV hY aus murMmq qoN ihckcwht nW r~Ko [ ieh ibl ihMdU ivvsQw iv~c jrUrI murMmq qoN ibnW kuJ vI nhIN hY [ ” pUry ie~k swl bwAd 11 ApRYl 1948 ƒ ies ibl ƒ bihs leI pRvwn kIqw igAw Aqy cwr swl bihs iv~c irhw ieh ibl Awjwd Bwrq dI lok sBw dw sB qoN lMbI bihs vwlw ibl mMinAw jWdw hY [ 27 sqMbr 1951 ƒ ies ib~l dy pws nW hox kwrn bwbw swihb ny Awpxy AsqIPy iv~c sp~St ikhw sI “ mYN kYbint mMqrI dy Awhudy qoN AsqIPw dyNx leI bVy lMmy smyN qoN soc irhw sI lyikn pwrlImYNt dy mOjUdw smyN dOrwn ihMdU kof ibl dy pws ho jwx dI sMBwvnw dI aumId krky mYN Awpxy Awp ƒ roikAw hoieAw sI [ ieQoN q~k ik mYN ies ibl dy tukiVAW iv~c pws krn ƒ vI mYN mMn igAw sI ijhVy kyvl ihMdU SwdI Aqy qlwk dy kwƒn dI mwnqw leI sn [ lyikn ibl dy aus Bwg dw vI kql kr id~qw igAw, ies leI myrw hux kYbint mYNbr vjoN Awhudy qy bxy rihx dw koeI mksd nhIN rih jWdw ”[ ies ibl ƒ SwskW ny bwAd iv~c 04 v~Ko v~Kry iblW Bwv ihMdU mYirj AYkt-1955, ihMdU skSYsn AYkt-1956, ihMdU mweInOirtI AYNf gwrfnriSp AYk1956 Aqy ihMdU AfwpSn AYNf myNtInYNs AYkt-1956 dy rUp iv~c pws kIqw [ bRwhmxI qMqr dw FWcw ies kdr mjbUq hY ik AOrqW dy AiDkwrW dw JMfw brdwr mihlw sMsQwvW vI fw. AMbydkr dy Xogdwn dw ijkr krn qoN mUMh PyrI bYTIAW hn [ fw. AMbydkr AOrqW qy QopIAW rsmW sqI pRQw, bwl ivAwh Aqy ivDvw ivAwh Awid dw mu~K ivroDI sI ikauNik aunW dw mMnxw sI ik mMnU ismrqI dy kwƒnW nwl AOrqW dI durdSw Aqy Sosx dw vwDw hoieAw hY [ aunW dw mMnxw sI ik AOrq ƒ ihMdU kwƒnW ny is~iKAw Aqy jwiedwd dy AiDkwr qoN vWiJAW r~K ky kyvl mrd ƒ KuS r~Kx dI vsqU bxw id~qw hY[ ies leI fw. AMbydkr dw sMGrS pUrI ijMdgI dilqW Aqy AOrq dI gulwmI dw jUV v~Fx qy kyNdrq irhw [ hux q~k dy sB qoN v~fy BwrqI ienklwbI bdlwA vwsqy fw. AMbydkr KUb lVy ikauNik swlW b~DI ivSv dIAW AOrqW ijs brwbrI leI lVweI lV rhIAW sn, aunW ny ies AjwdI ƒ kwƒn iv~c Swml kr id~qw [ vwiesrwey kOsl iv~c 1942-46 q~k rihMidAW vI BwvyN fw. AMbydkr ny ilMg Byd Kqm kridAW AOrqW leI ie~k kMm ie~k vyqn dw inXm lwgU krvwieAw sI, pr BwrqI sMivDwn dIAW DwrwvW 14, 15, 15(3), iv~c ij~Qy bwbw swihb ny AOrqW leI vot dy AiDkwr, brwbr vyqn Aqy kMm dy G~t GMitAW dI vkwlq kridAW BwrqI hwlwqW iv~c iek~ilAW dunIAW ƒ AOrqW dI AjwdI dw pwT pVwieAw auQy aunW ny BwrqI sMivDwn dI Dwrw 39 fI iv~c AOrqW Aqy mrdW leI ie~k kMm ie~k vyqn dw AiDkwr dy ky ilMg Byd dI gujwieMS ƒ Kqm kr id~qw [ ies leI BwrqI kwƒn iv~c BwrqI AOrq ƒ mrd dy brwbr dy AiDkwr AOrq leI mu~K ienklwb sI, ijsdw ishrw fw. AMbydkr isr jWdw hY[ -fw. surjIq isMG BdOV * sMprk-9888488060
AYfvokyt ShId BweI kulvMq isMG jI ropV
bUcV sumyD sYxI swfw kwql hY kwql hY kwql hY........ .... .. . ieh swrI dwsqwn pVky ie~k vwrI qW mMn JMjoiVAw jWdw hY ik auhnW simAW iv~c pMjwb puils ikMnw inrdeI rUp Dwrn kr cu~kI sI ik aus ny svw svw swl dy bicAW ƒ vI nw bKiSAw qy ieh swrw ku~J krn vwly doSI bUcV puils APsr A~j vI Azwd GuMmdy ny ik~Qy hY kƒn ijhVw ik sB ƒ brwbrqw hox dI bwq pwauNdw hY, ieMtrnYSnl ihaUmn rweItz AwrgynweIjySn AweI AYc Awr a dI tIm ny aukq mwmly dI jWc Aqy pVqwl qoN bwAd ieh is~tw k~iFAw hY ik ropV c vkIl kulvMq isMG sYxI aunHW dI pqnI AmrjIq kOr Aqy svw swl dy b~cy krnbIr isMG dI puils ihrwsq iv~c mOq hoeI hY bIqy idnIN AweI AYc Awr a dI tIm AYfvokyt kulvMq isMG sYxI dy ipqw srdwr jgIr isMG sYxI ƒ imlI qy aukq swry mwmly sMbMDI srdwr jgIr isMG sYxI dy ibAwn irkwrf kIqy gey srdwr jgIr isMG sYxI ny AweI AYc Awr a dI tIm ƒ d~isAw kI auh 5PrvrI ƒ fI AweI jI sRI cMdr SyKr ƒ luiDAwxw ivKy kulvMq isMG sYxI qy pirvwr dw Qhu pqw krn leI jdoN imly sn qW fI AweI jI ny mMinAw sI ik kulvMq isMG sYxI auhdI pqnI qy b~cw puils ihrwsq iv~c TIk Twk ny, srdwr jgIr isMG sYxI Anuswr ipMf bu~Fw BOrw nyVy ropV dI bIbI mnjIq kOr qy auhdy lVky ƒ ropV puils ihrwsq ivcoN irhwA krwaux leI leI ipMf dI pMcwieq dy mYNbr 25jnvrI ƒ AYfvokyt kulvMq isMG sYxI Aqy ropV bwr AYsosIeySn dy pRDwn rwxw sRI ky pI isMG ƒ imly AYfvokyt kulvMq isMG sYxI ny fI AYs pI srdwr jspwl isMG ƒ 25PrvrI ƒ dupihr 3vjy tYlIPon krky bIbI mnjIq kOr dI irhweI bwry pu~iCAw Aqy ausy idn Swm ƒ iPr pRDwn rwxw sRI ky pI isMG ny istI Qwxy ropV Pon krky bIbI mnjIq kOr dI irhweI bwry glbwq kIqI Aqy bwAd iv~c rwq 9vjy AYfvokyt kulvMq isMG sYxI ny vI istI Qwxy ies bwry tYlIPon auqy glbwq kIqI, AgoN Qwxy istI vwilAW ny ikhw ik auh mnjIq kOr irhwA krn leI iqAwr ny qy AYfvokyt kulvMq isMG sYxI aunHW ƒ Qwxy Awky lYx jwx srdwr jgIr isMG sYxI dy d~sx Anuswr aukq g~lbwq mgroN AYfvokyt kulvMq isMG sYxI AwpxI pqnI bIbI AmrjIq kOr ƒ nwl lYky jdoN aunHW dy ipAwrw isMG klonI ropV siQq Gr qoN AwpxI kwr nMbr fI AweI ikaU 3804 iv~c 25jnvrI ƒ rwq svw nO vjy qurn l~gy qW aunW dw ieklOqw lVkw ieMdrjIq isMG nwl jwx dI ij~d krn l~gw AKIr auh nwl lY
gey Gr ds gey ik auh Qwxw bu~Fw BOrw ivKy bIbI mnjIq kOr ƒ lYx jw rhy ny dyr rwq aufIkx mgroN vI jdoN kulvMq isMG sYxI Gr vwps nw prqy qW srdwr jgIr isMG hurW ny Bwl SurU kr id~qI, puils Qwxy dy ierd igrd vsdy lokW qoN AYfvokyt kulvMq isMG sYxI bwry pu~C pVqwl kIqI srdwr jgIr isMG ny AweI AYc Awr a dI tIm disAw ik lokW muqwibk 25jnvrI ƒ AYfvokyt kulvMq isMG sYxI AwpxI kwr iv~c istI Qwxy dy bwhr rwq swFy nO vjy ApVy Aqy ijauN hI Qwxy dy gyt mUhry kwr qoN auqry iqau hI ku~J bMdy aunHW dI kwr AMdr jbrdsqI dwKl ho gey lokW muqwibk aus mOky puils vwilAW nwl BrIAW ijpsIAW vI Qwxy mUhry KVIAW sn 27jnvrI ƒ srdwr jgIr isMG sYxI ropV bwr AYsosIeySn dy pRDwn rwxw ky pI isMG ƒ nwl lYky AYs AYs pI ropV sRI sMjIv gupqw ƒ imly ies mOky Bwjpw AwgU sRI mdn mohx im~ql vI aunHW nwl sn vPd dI swrI g~lbwq sunx mgroN AYs AYs pI ny AYfvokyt kulvMq isMG sYxI pirvwr dy puils ihrwsq iv~c hox qoN swP ienkwr kr id~qw, S~k pYx qy srdwr jgIr isMG sYxI 29PrvrI ƒ AYs AYs pI KMnw ƒ vI AYfvokyt kulvMq isMG sYxI dI Bwl dy sMbMD iv~c imly pr auQoN vI koeI Qhu pqw nhIN imilAw ies qoN mgroN 2PrvrI ƒ srdwr jgIr isMG sYxI ny AYfvokyt kulvMq isMG sYxI dI Byd Bry hwlwqW iv~c hoeI guMmSudgI dy sMbMD iv~c ie~k ArzI AYs AYs pI ropV ƒ id~qI ijs qy ADwirq ie~k AYP AweI Awr ropV istI Qwxy c drj kIqI geI ies ArzI dIAW kwpIAW fI jI pI pMjwb mu~K mMqrI pMjwb Aqy fI AweI jI luiDAwxw ryNj ƒ vI ByjIAW geIAW ies ArzI iv~c drj hY ik AYfvokyt kulvMq isMG sYxI AwpxI pqnI qy b~cy smyq bIbI mnjIq kOr bu~Fw BOrw ƒ istI puils Qwxy 25jnvrI ƒ rwq smyN lYx igAw sI pr bwAd c auhnW dI koeI auG su~g nw inklI srdwr jgIr isMG sYxI muqwibk fI AweI jI sRI cMdr SyKr ny mMinAw ik AYfvokt y kulvMq isMG sYxI auhdI pqnI qy b~cw puils ihrwsq iv~c TIk Twk ny Aqy auc AiDkwrIAW nwl slwh krn mgroN hI ienHW ƒ C~fx jw nw C~fx dw PYslw hovygw[ - ggn dIp isMG (bwgI klm)
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A34 - The Punjab Guardian *Apr. 17 - Apr. 23, 2020
pwdrIpx dI swrQkqw ƒ kornw vwiers dw Korw jW ? eIsweI Drm igxqI p~KoN ivSv dw s~B qoN v~fw Drm hY Aqy iesdy s~B qoN Aihm ausqvW iv~coN gu~f PrweI-fyA Aqy eIstr ƒ ies lONg vIk AYNf dOrwn mnwieAw jw irhw hY[ koronw vwiers ny eIsweI Drm dy s~B qoN Aihm Aqy kyNdrI sQwn (vYtIkn) dw Gr hox dw ruqbw mwnx vwly ietlI mulk au~qy ijMnI mwr kIqI hY, auh s~B dy swhmxy hn[ 9 AprYl ƒ pop PrWiss ny gu~f PrweI fyA qoN pihlW ‘p~ivqr Su~krvwr’ (Holy Thursday) dIAW rsmW eIsweI Drm dy ieiqhws iv~c ie~k iksm nwl ie~kilAW hI inBweIAW[ sYNkVy swlW qoN ij~Qy ies idn vYtIkn iv~c pop dy ierd igrd l~KW lok ie~kqr huMdy sn, ies vwr msW ds ku lok sn, auh vI ie~k dUjy qoN dUrIAW bxw ky KVy sn[ vrnxXog hY ik pop PrWiss ƒ do vwr koronw-vwiers qoN pwijæitv pwieAw jw cu~kw hY[ivSv Br dy mMdr, gurduAwry, msijd Aqy igrjw Gr ie~k iksm nwl bMd hn[ ieh Swied pihlI vwr hoieAw hY ik Dwrimk sQwnW dy pRbMDkW v~loN Kud pYrokwrW ƒ Awaux qoN mnwhI kIqI jw rhI hY ikauNik Aijhw krnw hI mOq qoN bcx dw rwh rih igAw hY[ mOq au~qy ij~q pwaux dy ijs iKAwl dI buinAwd au~qy Drm dI swrQkqw KVI hY, koronwvwiers dy D~ky swhmxy auh iKAwl jrk ky rih igAw hY[ socx vwlI g~l hY ik kI koronwvwiers ny Drm dI swrQkqw ƒ D~kw mwirAw hY jW Dwrimkqw ƒ? Drm Aqy Dwrimkqw iv~c Prk bhuq sUKm pr v~fw Prk huMdw hY[ Drm mnu~K dw svY dI pRwpqI leI kIqw jwx vwlw in~jI krm Aqy
sMkpl huMdw hY jo ausny Awpxy rihbrW v~loN drswey gey AsUlW muqwbk cuixAw huMdw hY[ ies qoN ault Dwrimkqw (Reiligoisty) Drm dw bwhrI rMg ByK hY jo gurUAW, pIrW, pYgMbrW dy ies DrqI qoN cly jwx bwAd sQwipq ho jwx vwly pwdrIpx (Clergy) dy smyN nwl bxwey nymW Anuswr GiVAw jWdw hY[ mnu~K dy in~j dy ivkws ƒ prp~k krn dy isDWq au~qy itky Drm Aqy Dwrimkqw(Reiligoisty) dy vrqwry dI dI GoK krn vwly lok pwdrIpx (Clergy), mulwxypx, grMQIvwd, pMfqvwd Awid dy vrqwry iv~c koeI Prk nhIN smJdy[byS~k pMfqvwd ƒ pwdrIpx (Clergy) dw dwdw pVdwdw AwiKAw jw skdw hY pr ihMdU Drm dy ivkws krm iv~c bIq cu~ky lMby smyN kwrx pMfqvwd dy AwrMB kwl bwry g~l krnI AOKI hY[ iesdy ault eIsweI Drm iv~c pwdrIpx dy AwrMB hox bwry bwry ie~k idlcsp dMd kQw hY[ ies dMd kQw muqwbk jdoN pYgMbr eIsw msIh jI slIb au~qy cVn qoN bwAd qIjy idn muV DrqI au~qy prq Awey, ijs ƒ punr-auQwn (Resurreciton) AwiKAw jWdw hY, qW Awp jI pYdw hoey iBAwnk hwlwqW dw zwiejw lYx cu~p cupIqy pYdl Xwqrw au~qy inkl pey[ auh hwly ku~J dUr hI gey sn ik ie~k ipMf dy bwhrvwr ie~k ivAkqI lokW dy hjUm ƒ sMboDn krdy hoey pUrI idRVqw nwl smJw irhw sI ik eIsw msIh ny mnu~Kqw dy Bly vwsqy swƒ Awh krn dI hdwieq id~qI hY jW Awh inrdyS id~qy hn[ eIsw msIh ny mlkVy ijhw jw ky aus ivAkqI dy moFy au~qy h~Q r~K
cIn ‘qy Brosw nw kro : ibRitS pI.AYm.
- koronw vwiers dw Asr cIn dy kOmWqrI sbMDW ‘qy pYNdw nzr Aw irhw hY[ AmrIkw qW cIn ‘qy lgwqwr hmlwvr irhw hI hY hux ibRtyn ivc vI hlcl qyz ho geI hY[ drAsl ibRtyn dI KuPIAw eyjMsI dw mMnxw hY ik aunHW dy dyS ƒ cIn dy nwl sbMDW ‘qy dubwrw mulWkx krn dI loV hY[ auh cwhuMdy hn ik hweI-tY~k Aqy rxnIqk audXog ivc cInI invyS ‘qy kMtrol hoxw cwhIdw hY[ ibRitS rxnIqIkwr Aqy cIn ivc kMm kr cu~ky cwrls pwrtn dw kihxw hY ik lMfn-pyeIicMg dy irSiqAW ‘qy muV qoN ivcwr dI loV hY ikauNik cIn ies ƒ lMby smyN leI p~CmI dySW dy nwl pRqIXogqw dy rUp ivc dyKdw hY[ d~s deIey ik ibRtyn ivc koronw vwiers nwl 10 hzwr qoN izAwdw mOqW ho cu~kIAW hn[gwrjIAn dI irport muqwbk cIn ny dwAvw kIqw hY ik aus ny mhwmwrI nwl sPlqwpUrvk nij~iTAw hY Aqy hux auh AwpxI vn-pwrtI mwfl dy bcwA ivc auqrygw, auQy hI KuPIAw eyjMsIAW dw mMnxw hY ik boirs jwnsn Aqy hor mMqrIAW ƒ ijvyN dI iqvyN soc ApxwauxI hovygI Aqy aunHW ƒ ivcwr krnw hovygw ik ibRtyn hux cInI sbMD ‘qy iks qrHW nwl pRqIikirAw dyvy[ hux svwl ieh auTdw hY ik kI ibRtyn ifjItl kimaUnIkySn Aqy AwrtIiPSIAl ieMtYlIjYNs vrgy hweI-tY~k kMpnIAW ‘qy pwbMdI lgwauxw cwhuMdw hY Aqy jW iPr AwpxI v~K-v~K XUnIvristIz ivc cInI ividAwrQIAW dI CWtI krygw[ d~s deIey ik jwnsn Kud koronw vwiers nwl ienPYkitf hY Aqy kl hI hspqwl qoN aunHW ƒ Cu~tI imlI hY[ mMinAw jWdw hY ik ibRtyn dI Pwryn ieMtYlIjYNs srivs AYm.AweI6 ny mMqrIAW ƒ d~isAw hY ik cIn ny Awpxy ieQy koronw dy kys Aqy mOq dI igxqI G~t krky d~sI hY Aqy vHweIt hwaUs ivc vI AmrIkI KuPIAw eyjMsI sI.AweI. ny kuJ Aijhw hI ikhw sI[ KuPIAw eyjMsIAW ies g~l ‘qy zor dy rhI hY ik cInI gqIivDIAW ‘qy kuJ mhIny q~k nzr r~KI jwvygI[ auQy hI GrylU ieMtYlIjYNt AYm.AweI6 dy nvyN fwierYktr jnrl kyn mYkuklm mhIny dy AKIr ivc Ahudw sMBwlxgy Aqy auh ies vwAdy dy nwl ilAWdy jw rhy hn ik sMgTn Ajy cIn ‘qy Kws nzr r~Kygw[
UNITED SIKHS/BC TIGERS Emergency Response Team Surrey BC Canada
ky AwiKAw, ‘BweI swihb, mYN Aijhw kdy ku~J nhIN ikhw jo myry nwm au~qy qusIN iehnW Boly Bwly lokW ƒ qusIN d~s rhy ho’[ AwKdy hn ik aus AwdmI ny eIsw msIh dw h~Q moFy qoN hlUx ky pry krdy hoey ikhw, ‘myrI g~l suxo, qusIN hux mr cu~ky ho[ hux qoN bwAd lok quhwƒ slIb au~qy tMigAw vyK ky m~Qy tyikAw krngy Aqy myrIAW g~lW sux ky Drvws hwsl krngy byS~k mYN qyry nwm au~qy ku~J vI AwK idAW’[ AwKdy hn ik ies qrW eIsw jI dy slIb cVn qoN qIjy idn hI pwdrIpx pYdw ho igAw sI[ au~nI ie~kI dy Prk nwl swry DrmW dw iehI hwl hY[ ijhVw Drm purwxw hY qW aus iv~c pwdrIpx dw j~t j~Pw v~D qwkqvr hY Aqy jy Drm nvW qW ausdw pwdrIpx hwly Awpxy purwxy swQIAW dI brwbrI krn dI koisæS iv~c msrUP hY[ eIsweI Drm iv~c ieh Awm pRci~lq hY ik eIsw msIh jI ny ikhw sI ik ij~Qy ikqy do jW iqMn ivAkqI ie~kqr ho ky r~b dw nwm lYxgy, au~Qy mYN hwzr hovWgw[ ieh g~l is~K Drm iv~c pMc pRDwn dy isDWq vwgUM mnu~KW dy rl r~b dw nwm lYx dI swKI BrdI hY[ koronw vwiers kwrx sRI drbwr swihb AmRiqsr qoN lY ky vYtIkn qoN swaUdI ArbIAw iv~c m~ky q~k s~B ku~J bMd krn dy hukm dI mjbUrI ny muV
lokW ƒ l~KW qoN pMc pRDwn dy nukqy au~qy ilAw kyNdirq kIqw hY[ suAwl pYdw huMdw hY ik kI ieh vrqwrw AsQweI swbq ho v y g w jW hu x qo N bwAd lok Awpxy in~j Drm (Reiligous pihlosophy centered on the sipirtual growth of ani nidivdual’s self) au~qy kyNdirq ho jwxgy? kI sQwipq Drm dy v~fy KricAW Aqy v~fy AwfMbrW vwly vwly mMdrW, msijdW, gurduAwirAW Aqy igrjw GrW vwly srUp ƒ Korw l~gygw? jW Pyr pwdrIpx Awpxy pihlW vwly‘j~t j~Py’ vwly rUp iv~c prq Awvygw? ies pwdrIpx iv~c Drm dy nwm ‘bwbw klcr’ dy kwrj-krqw vI Swml hn jo hr Drm iv~c KUb igxqI iv~c pwey jWdy hn[ ie~k purwqn XUnwnI kQw muqwbk PIinks ie~k Aijhw pMCI huMdw hY jo pMj sO swl dw jIvn kwl Bog ky Awpxy AMq smyN Kud hI A~g pYdw krky Kud ƒ aus iv~c Bsm kr lYNdw hY[ jdoN ausdI icqw dI A~g TMfI ho jWdI hY qW PIinks ausy rwK iv~coN muV surjIq ho jWdw hY[ kI koronw vwiers v~loN mwirAw D~kw sQwipq pwdrIpx ƒ kmzor krn iv~c koeI rol Adw krygw jW pwdrIpx imiQhwsk PIinks pMCI vwgUM Pyr muV surjIq ho jwvygw?
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& Up
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pRoPYSnl syvwvW A
vYnkUvr loArmynlYNf ivc iksy vI gurUGr, mMdr, msijd Aqy crc qoN g`fI toA krvwauxI hovy, lOk l`g igAw hovy, gYs mu`k igAw hovy, PrI srivs leI Pon kro
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To Donate Non-Perishabe Food & Funds for These Lifesaving Services
mdd le
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*Apr.17 - Apr. 23, 2020 The Punjab Guardian - A35
Kwlsw swjnw idvs Aqy ivswKI dy Su`B idhwVy qy swry jgq nUM l`K-l`K vDweIAW
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A36 - The Punjab Guardian *Apr. 17 - Apr. 23, 2020
Vol. 27 Issue No. 13, Ending Date:Apr. 02, 2020 GUARDIAN REALTY Tel: 604-590-5200 Fax:604-596-5700 B.C
Sheena Goroya
Greater Vancouver, Fraser Valley, Victoria,Nanaimo Prince George, Kamloops, Kelowna, Oliver, Squamish
9316 152A Street, Surrey
Edmonton Calgary
Otttawa, Brampton Toronto
QUEBEC Montreal
Greater Seattle, Everett, Marysville Portland, Bellingham, Belivue, Lyndon, Lynwood
604-767-4590 Asking Price
Beautiful 2 story basement home for sale in Fleetwood. 7000+ sq ft lot. 5 Bedroom + Den and 3 full washroom is offered for sale. Easily accessible by Hwy 1, Fraser Hwy. Large master bedroom, lots of natural light. Updated washrooms. Lots of storage.2 car garage, lots of parking. Family oriented, quite neighborhood, walking distance to Elementary school and bus stop. 2 bedroom unauthorized suite. Den could be the part of rental suite. Close to all amenities like school, Guildford mall, Rec center, transit, Theater and much more! A must see house!
14948 Kew Dr, Surrey
Asking Price
Invest for future, live now build later! on 7500 sqft lot! Cozy 3 bedroom, Separate living and family room 1 bath home features laminate and hardwood floors. Enjoy your entertainment size west facing deck off the kitchen perfect for those summer BBQ's. Walk to Robin Park, 5 min drive to Guildford Mall, restaurants and easy access to Hwy #1.
pMjwb6098 175A st
gwrf #73 16488 64
sYP ieMtrnYSnl dy ies syvw-kwrj accura dw computer ih`sw bxo
Recently Sold Recently Sold Recently Sold 5 swl purwxI kYnyfIAn rijstr sMsQw
Call Harminder Sidh
is`KI AvyArnY¤s PwauNfySn kYnyfw, ij`Qy ‘mwns kI jwiq sBY eykY pihcwnbo’ Anuswr jwq-pwq, Drm, nsl, rMg BydBwv qoN au`pr au`T ky smu`cI mnu`Kqw dy Bly leI kwrjSIl hY, au¤Qy is`K smwj dI qr`kI Aqy KuShwlI nUM pRmu`Kqw idMdI hY[ isklIgr
m`D pRdyS
sMsQw v`loN kIqy jWdy kuJ kwrj: • pMjwb iv`c 9 muPq gurmiq sYNtr, Aqy ie`k gujrwq iv`c hY[
• 2014 qoN hux q`k 14 Gr loVvMdw nUM bxw ky dy cu`ky hn[
5 3 ivc iek b`cy $
• guslKwny ‘qy lYtrIn bxwaux • isklIgr is~KW leI - m`D pRdyS, gujrwq Aqy hYdrwbwd iv`c syvwvW
/ month
• 700 b`cyAW dI pVweI dw mhInwvwr Krc (igxqI 10-15 nwl hr mhIny vD dI hY)
• pwxI dy iPltr lwauxy[
#201 - 8381 128th Street, Surrey, BC, Canada V3W 4G1
*Apr.17 - Apr. 23, 2020 The Punjab Guardian - A37
3909 13495 CENTRAL AVE
6605 124 STREET
12381 80a Avenue
he Residences, Surrey's Flagship Residence at 3 Civic Plaza Development. This 39th FLOOR, 1248 square foot, 2 bedroom and den, 2 bath property features high-end finishing. Large 102 square foot balcony with unobstructed views. Steps to Skytrain, Central City Mall, SFU, KPU, Civic Plaza, City Hall & Hotel, coffee shops & library, & planned LRT system. TWO PARKING stalls and locker included. This premium condo has an open concept layout with floor-to-ceiling windows, exercise centre, elevator, in-suite laundry. You won't find a better location close to this many amenities.
3 LEVEL CORNER HOME! ONE OF A KIND! Absolute DREAM HOME to call yours! 8 Bed / 6 Bath luxurious family home, look no further! Detailing and design from top to bottom is undeniably perfect! 2 Master beds (1 on main) with 3 other bedrooms all including en suites. Fabulous chefs kitchen plus wok kitchen. Every aspect of this home has been done to perfection. 2 suites below (2+1)
Nice two-level family home in a convenient location in the Kennedy Trail area. Shopping, restaurants, banks & transit are close. There are six bedrooms and 5 baths in this home. This 6,448 sq. ft. lot is located on a cul-desac. The main floor features a living room, family room, kitchen, entertainment or games room space, two bedrooms, bathroom & powder room. Upstairs hosts four bedrooms with 3 ensuites & the laundry room.
6906 130 Street
$1,449,000 This seven-bedroom basement entry home welcomes you with a rounded staircase and beautiful chandelier. Pass through glass French doors as you enter the living room. The bright kitchen has new kitchen cabinets, new countertops & lots of counter space including a center island. The home has been fully renovated. Upper floor features 4 bedrooms & 3 baths as well as 3 bedrooms & 3 baths on the main floor including a rec room. New flooring, tiles, paint, lights. Fully fenced back yard. Close to both level schools, college, bus and shopping.
7309 123 Street
Location, location, location! Near Strawberry Hill Mall, movie theatres, restaurants, etc. Hard to find 3 level split in this West Newton neighbourhood. This home has an open and spacious floor plan with 3 bedrooms. The roof is only 11 years old and the home was renovated three years ago. 7,364 sq.ft. lot has a double garage & lots of parking. A quiet area and private lot. A must see.
This home is located in Ladner, a unique residential & fishing community with a historic village. The two-storey home is fully renovated. New paint, laminate floors, crown mouldings & tiles. Kitchen has been redone with lots of cupboard space, new stainless steel appliances & granite countertops. Laundry room below off the bright, clean kitchen. The home features 5 bedrooms including a 2 bedroom suite. Walking distance to parks, transit and schools. The fenced yard is private, new roof, furnace & hot water tank in approximately 2016. Move-in ready! Easy access to Tsawwassen Ferry Terminal, Point Roberts, Highway 17A, Ladner Trunk Road & Highway 99.
Panorama West Village is a very nice community of 200 townhomes. This 1,615 sq.f. unit has 4 bedrooms and 4 baths. Big, open concept kitchen features shaker soft-closing cabinets and quartz countertops and a mini beverage/wine fridge located in the island. It also features 2 decks, 1 on each end of the unit to get maximum sunlight. Close to schools, Sullivan Shopping Centre, transit, parks, Bell Centre & YMCA.
4999 60A Ladner
8030 Dominion Place #3107 9981 Whalley Blvd. 9303 177 Street
112 13898 64 Avenue
1509 NANAIMO ST. New Westminster
Beautiful home Located on the high side of the boulevard in highly sought after West End. This 3 bedroom 2 bath home is situated on a 7663 square feet meticulously manicured landscaped lot. Featuring a sun room, off of the country style kitchen, that looks out onto the private lush backsyard greenery. The spacious kitchen boasts stainless steel appliances and an over sized island. From the deck at the side of the home enjoy the scenic views of Mount Baker and the Fraser River.
13009 59 Avenue
Gorgeous Living on a 10,000+ SF lot with a Big 2,430 SF fully renovated home!! Queen Mary Park with 7 Bedrooms, 5 Bathrooms including 2 bedroom rental suite, RV Access and back lane access. Great Family Home with Downstairs Master Bedroom. Big and Open Kitchen with Family Area. Kitchen has SS appliances & quartz counters. Close to transportation, walking distance to Newton Elementary school, close to Gurdwara, Payal Business Center & all amenities.
Rising 36 floors from Central City, views from Infinity 2 are unmatched. 2 Bedroom unit. This concrete high-rise is the best value in the Lower Mainland by far. Located beside the King George Skytrain Station, destinations throughout Vancouver area are an easy commute. Whether it's for work or play the skytrain makes for car free living. Downtown is only 40 minutes away and since the King George Station is the first on the line, you will get a seat every time. An urban village with shops, services and cafes will be at your door step to provide you with daily conveniences.
Welcome to this beautiful one of a kind home on an ACREAGE! This home features 2 bedrooms on the main, with a beautiful living room that opens up to the pool and hot tub! A gorgeous custom bar that overlooks the pool, great for entertaining your loved ones! Parking for an RV or your BOAT! 3 spacious bedrooms above that are perfect for any family, this home has it all! A vineyard, a greenhouse perfect for growing your own vegetables and fruits and don't forget all that LAND! NCP calls for medium density (build townhouses in the future) perfect for an investment and also great HOLDING PROPERTY!
12589 68 Avenue
#102 12888 80 Ave
2 Lots for Sale
13138 68 Ave
2 Lots sale 2 Lots available in Fleetwood
Brand new 3 level home in the Parkview Homes.One of the most desirable areas of Surrey with awesome finishing. 3 Bedrooms with 2 full bath upstairs, living room and family room, dining r Two-bedroom unauthorized basement suite,. The top floor provides a Park / water view. Quality construction backed by 2-5-10 New Home Warranty.
19072 90 Avenue
Private 19,471 sq.ft. acre paradise in the heart of Port Kells with 150' frontage in area of estate homes. Build your dream home on this treed lot or continue to rent to tenants. Den is a 3rd bedroom. Home has hardwood floors, double windows & a 10'x12' rear deck. The 24'x22' detached double garage has 220 amp power & lot has plenty of room for extra parking. Great value! Easy commute to anywhere. Just minutes to Highway 1, 15 or 17, Fraser Highway or Golden Ears & Port Mann Bridges. Rented to Good Tenants at $1500 plus utilities on monthto-month basis. Possibility to build 3 Level Home.
3506 13495 Central Ave
Two level home with 6 bedrooms, 5 baths sitting on a 7,136 sq. ft. lot. This is a corner lot & the home features new stucco. This home features main floor with formal living/dining rooms with high ceilings. Elegant kitchen with big nook, big family rooms with 2 piece bath & goodsized laundry room. One bedroom unauthorized suite on the side. Upstairs features 5 large bedrooms with 3 full baths. Double garage, two driveways & lots of parking. Walking distance to KPU. Close to transit, both levels of schools, parks, major transit routes & many other amenities.
$859,900 York Business Centre. Fenced complex with lots of parking and Secured Entry. Next to Corner Unit of 80th Ave & 128th St. 1,083 Square Feet. Very Good for Office or Retail/Business. Centrally Air Conditioned. One of the most well managed, desirable commercial/office complex in the heart of City. Lots of parking. Get ready to move in unit... Office/Retail space located centrally. The Best Buy for Professionals. Any kind of Office, Mortgage Brokers, Lawyers, Accountants, Learning Centre. Presently rented around $3,000 per month. Measurements are approximate, Buyer to verify.
17038 79A 17030 79A Ranging from 60007300 Sqf starting from $764,999
7 bedrooms 8 washrooms gated driveway. This Beautiful Custom home on a 9985 Sq Ft Lot. with 1+1 Basement suites. High end finishings. Main floor features beautiful foyer, office, large living and dining room. Large kitchen with oversized island and huge spice kitchen with a walk in pantry. Covered patio and gated driveway in the back. Upstairs has 5 bedrooms all with washrooms and theatre room and huge sundeck.
Elegant and sophisticated high-rise condominiums, designed for Surrey's new metropolitan lifestyle. LUXURY LIVING awaits you at 3 CIVIC PLAZA: Premium world-class hotel & residences in the TALLEST tower at Surrey Central! Welcome home to your 2 bedroom and 2 bathroom unit on the 35th floor with GORGEOUS UNOBSTRUCTED PANORAMIC VIEWS and HIGH END finishes, Contemporary gourmet kitchen with quartz counters, Over height ceilings, large floor to ceiling windows, custom millwork, beautiful floors, outdoor balcony, in-suite laundry and much more. Enjoy the rooftop patio and all the amenities of a boutique hotel nearby, steps to restaurants, University, SkyTrain, Shopping, City center library and City Hall. Call today to take in the views and do not miss this OPPORTUNITY!!!
A38 - The Punjab Guardian *Apr. 17 - Apr. 23, 2020
Sutton WestCoast Realty #106 -7565 132 St., Surrey BC., V3W 1K5
604-572 3005 (F) 604-572-7970
7565 #106 132 St., Surrey BC., V3W 1K5
r3877 184 St - $4,995,000 r17616 Ford Detour Rd
36.94 Acres blueberry farm, planted with Duke, Blue-crop & Elliot Varieties. Blueberry is in full production, irrigation drip system is in place, perimeter driveway is in good shape - plants and driveway are good for machine pick. All the machinery, including harvester (Blueberry pick up machine) is included in the purchase price.With all the machinery included to run the farm operation, enjoy your blueberry income while building your dream home - very desirable area to build home - easy access to major routes to Hwy 1, USA border,Vancouver, Ferries - and Campbell Height Industrial area.Frontage of the property has enough elevation that it does not require preload of the site to build new house (double check with your engineer). Machinery storage shed's sizes are 30x30 & 20x20 feet.
32.86 Acres of Blueberry farm with 3 varieties of crop generating very good income - in couple years berry will be in full production. Drip system for irrigation -City water is available for irrigation and also has the access for getting irrigation water from nearby dyke. Property is very close to residential as well as industrial area and is next to Pitt Meadow Airport. Over 3300sf house was extensively renovated in 2008 - spacious Island Kitchen, SS appliances, loads of kitchen cabinets and very refreshing rock waterfall into the Foyer.
r5860 112 St - $5,800,000 r14837 48 Ave
Basement Entry House for sale Mega basement entry house near Kwantlen university with 4 bdrms upstairs & 2+2 bdrm basement suits. Double garage
7130-120 Street Satnam Plaza
1300 sq OFFICE SPACE FOR LEASE on Scott Road
107-8469 120 Street Accepted offer
Nice opportunity to buy 4 acres of land and build your house - very rare to find. Close to all amenities with easy access to all major Hwy routes -King George Blvd., 152 Street, Hwy 91, Hwy 99 and Hwy10.
Sukhi Gill
buttergill@gmail.com Specialist in Abbotsford and Aldergrove area
Listings Wanted
3030 Terthway Abbotsford
Clearbrook Village! Corner Rancher/Townhouse. This unit is located in one of the best locations in the complex. The unique features include: Great floor lay-out on main floor with 3 bedrooms, living room, dining area, spacious kitchen and laundry. EXTRA storage outside for kitchen items etc. Fully fenced private backyard offers space for kids to play. Updates include: New flooring throughout, paint, Kitchen. Book your appointment now.
Invest for future build new house its 3 bedroom rancher on huge corner lot. Home is close to all amenities school, shopping centre, bus stop, seller motivated to sell.
31098 Deer Trail Avenue, Abbotsford Great Family Home in desirable area of West Abbotsford. Very well kept and walking distance to all levels of school and parks. Minutes away from High Street Mall and HWY 1. Has 5 spacious bedrooms and 3 bathrooms with unauthorized suites in this house with a separate entrance.
Sutton Group-Westcoast Realty 7832-120 St. Surrey BC
House near Kwantlen University Near 124 st & 66 Ave 3.36 Acre Industrial
THE FARMING LIFE ESTABLISHED 38.66 ACRE BLUEBERRY FARM. RARE OPPORTUNITY & PRIME LOCATION IN DELTA! MATURE PLANTS! Currently growing Blue Crop/ 20 acres, Duke/ 10 acres & Elliot/ 6 acres. 2018 production year produced approximately 430 k lbs. Drip irrigation system with city water, 220 amp wired workshop & separate garage for your farm vehicle. Very quick access to Hwy 91 connector & Hwy 99. Close to all conveniences and amenities. Located on a quiet no thru road. Come build your DREAM home & live. Please call L/S for more information.
Want to know the price of your house... Call today for a Free Market Evaluation
2 story House for sale House Size: 3250 sq feet Lot Size: 50 x 148 ft ; bed/Bath : 5/3 Basement: 2 bdrm side suite Age: 24 yrs; Garage: Double car
66 12677 63 AVENUE
Beautiful 4 bedrooms 4 bathrooms townhouse with separate entrance to the suite, Master bedroom with walk-in closet, Bright living space and kitchen area - great view of the hockey fields across the street from living room sundeck and patio. Lots of updates: pot lights, bathrooms, kitchen etc. Private yard, close to all sorts of facilities-shopping, recreation, schools, public transit etc. Call or Text for your showings.
Residential zone allows a single family dwelling combined with industrial use. I2 - General Industrial zone. Property close to rail & highways.
34243 King Road $384,900
Very trendy, quality built, reversed basement entry, updated home with huge vaulted entrance including all the new colours of florring and walls. Very practical kitchen with all new beautiful S/S appliandces. 3 bedrooms up and 1 bedroom nanny suite or mortgage helper below. Separate laundaries up and down.Close to the University of the Fraser vAlley and every shopping need nearby.
11186-Farms Rd, Mission BC Near Sungod $1,749,888 Community Center North Delta
$899,000 Commercial Strata House for sale Unit For Sale66 x 120 feet large lot. 11500 Sq ft Call for more details You can built 3 story
Land for Sale
over 5000 sq ft house.
21 Acres Blueberry farm with 5 bedroom fully renovated 3000 sq ft house.About 10 acres in blueberry (duke) and another 10 acres Elliott blue crop. Very productive & level soil. Nice mountains view.
*Apr.17 - Apr. 23, 2020 The Punjab Guardian - A39
#25 8430 128 St, Surrey, BC V3W 4G3
www.gurjeetgill.com gill5@hotmail.ca
MY NEW LISTINGS ARE COMING IN April,May & June 2020 $485,000 3967 Brighton Pl $899,500 3501 Hill park pl. Abbotsford $1,225,500 3728 Nootka St 405 20826 72 AVE Langley $549,500 1003-11967 80 Av
Lattice 2 by Vesta homes -- 2 bedroom 2 full washrooms + flex room with oversized deck overlooking views of Mount Baker & Milner Valley. Well designed & spacious condo situated in prime area of Langley Willoughby Heights having open concept kitchen with quartz countertops, premium s/s appliances, island & ample storage. Oversized windows & elegant laminate/tile flooring. Close to Hwy no 1, schools, rec centre & shopping mall. Enjoy retail shops on the ground floor & shared rooftop amenity space with playing area. Do not miss chance to occupy this beauty before it has gone!
Delta's only luxury high rise buildings. Close to shops, restaurants, Skytrain, Super Store, restaurants, banks, Tim Horton's & schools. This unit has 2 bedrooms with full washroom plus spacious balcony for enjoying morning & evening time. Open concept kitchen with Kitchen Aid appliances having versatile island with quartz countertops with lighting arrangements. Floor to ceiling windows for getting maximum natural light inside of this unit. The amazing amenity space offers community garden, playground, BBQ, fitness centre & much more available in this building. Views to North Shore Mountains. This unit has been rented @$1650.00 per month plus all utilities. Do not miss chance to occupy this beauty. Must see before it has gone!
$585,000 11 5623 Teskey Way, Chilliwalk
Wow: well designed 2 storey house situated in prime area of west abbotsford having 5 bedroom plus 4 full washrooms with spacious living room, family room with large rec room & SOLD ABOVE LISTING PRICE open concept WITH multiple offers IN ONE WEEK k i t c h e n . L a r g e laundry room & full washroom downstairs. This property has legal suite of 2b edroom for mortage helping. Close to all levels of schools, recreation, shopping, transit & more. Please call for any private viewing. Do not miss chance to occupy this beauty before it has gone.
Hot Listing
$449,500 46376 YALE RD CHILLIWACK
Wow:well designed Hot Listing Investors/builders Hot Listing townhome situated in alert! Great promontory area of investment in prime chilliwack having 3 area of chilliwack bedroom plus 3 g e n e r a t e s washroom with spacious living room & $1500.00 per family room.large month. Do not miss windows for more chance to occupy natural loght.kitchen this property for future development. Please has maple shaker cabinetry,granite counters & check with city of chilliwack. Please call me island.9 1 ceilings on main floor with fire place.do not miss chance to occupy this beauty before it has gone! for private viewing any time.
Hot Listing
Commercial units for sale in prime area of Abbotsford 1785 Clearbrook rd
97 6299 144 Street, Surrey
$479,500 Investors/first time home buyers alert! Well oriented home of 4 bedroom with 2 washroom situated in prime area of chilliwack close to all schools, hyw no 1, shopping centre, transit & has been rented @$1600.00 per month plus all utilities. Tons of parking are available. Nice backyard for playing kids. Call today for your private viewing. Do not miss chance to occupy this beauty before it has gone!
Param Kooner 604-825-4160 paramkooner.com
paramkrealestate@gmail.com $729,000 7-12092 70 Ave
Lots available for sale in Maple Ridge area
13084 107 Ave This beautiful and spacious townhouse is in the center of Surrey. It has 3 bedrooms located on the upper floor with 2 half and 2 full washrooms. The master bedroom has a wonderful view of the outside with good natural lighting. There is a flex room located in the basement of the house. The open concept kitchen comes with an island made from quartz. There is a central built-in vacuum. The house has a large double car garage parking and also has a visitors parking near the unit. The property is very convenient as it is a walking distance from Scottsdale Mall, Guru Nanak Sikh Temple, Cougar Creek Elementry, several shops and a bus stop. The house is in excellent condition and is as good as new with wonderful natural light. Call today for your private showing.
10952 129a St
#5- 6678 152 st
DELTA: #303-7435 121 st, 415-7511 120st, 313-9015 120st, 607-11967 80 Ave
LANGLEY: Units 211,301 405-20826 72 Ave, 115-20829 77 a
We’re Professional Builders Contact for any type of Residential or Commercial Development
SURREY: 20-7518 138 st, 22-12738 66 ave, 17168-64a, 15058-68 a, 1-6533 121a CHILLIWACK: 9235 WINDSOR ST, 8743 CORNWALL CR 46376 YALE RD ABBOTSFORD: 33341-HAWTHORNE AVE, 33311-KETCH PL, 3728 NOOTKA ST
Change the price 12736 106A ave TWO STOREY + BASEMENT SUITE in WILLOUGHBY
Asking Price $1,090,000 $939,900
D L O S Asking Price $1,099,900
#02-1530 McCallum Rd Abbotsford 3967 BRIGHTON PL ABBOTSFORD 104-9015 120 ST DELTA
45461 Crescent Dr, Chilliwack
First time buyers/investors alert! Well maintained house situated in prime area of chilliwack having 3 bedroom plus 2 full washrooms close to park, schools, shopping centre, home depot, hospital, recreation centre & hyw no i. this property contains accommodation of one bedroom which is not authorized. tons of parkings & storages are available in this property. seller is fully motivated to sell. this property may be rented @ $2500.00 per month. Do not miss chance to occupy this beauty before it has gone!
10542-128 ST SURREY 12573 76 A Ave Surrey #72-13898 64 Ave Surrey #48-12730 66 Ave SURREY
First time buyers/investors alert! Well oriented & designed house which is situated in prime area of abbotsford (central) having 5 bedroom plus 3 full washrooms with spacious living room & open concept kitchen with branded appliances. This property contains accommodation of 2 bedrooms which is not authorized. Fully air conditioned, hot tub & large patio available for hosting, lovely back yard with garden shed. Close to parks, schools, transit & biking trails. Full house rented @ $2500/month with nice tenants. Do not miss chance to occupy this beauty before it has gone!!!
Fraser Heights Special
13316 89a Ave $1,529,000
12736 106A AVE
D L O S This spectacular home is located in an exceptional area with extraordinary views! There are 2 master bedrooms and 2 bedrooms with Jack-and Jill style bathrooms on the top level. On the main level, there is a master suite, an office, a living and dining area, a family room, a spacious kitchen with an additional spice kitchen, and a powder bathroom. The laundry is located on the main floor as well! This house has 2 rental suites with full bathrooms as a mortgage helper (unauthorized). The all-concrete background is perfect for entertaining guests and enjoying the views! This house is well-kept as good as new and is move-in ready. The location is convenient and the train station is within walking distance! Call for more information.
Hot Listing
Investors/developers alert--assignment of contract--ready to build 7 townhouses in most desirable area of chilliwack close to al levels of schools & downtown. All service agreements are ready to sign with city of chilliwack with the security deposit plus applicable fees. New plans/drawings with new bc building code are being submitted to city of chilliwack asap. Prime location of development in chilliwack. This site may be convereted into 30-25 condos (5 storey building) instead of 7 townhomes site. Please check this proposal with city of chilliwack bc before writing any offer.
$687,500 8729 Broadway Rd, Chilliwack
Welcome to the altura! Well designed & maintained townhome having 4 bedroom plus 3 washroom situated in prime location of sullivan station close to all levels of schools, transit & new shopping centre. Open concept kitchen with granite counter tops, stainless appliances with adjoining great family room & deck perfect for bbq plus spacious living room / dining room. Downstairs has large rec room may be used as 4th bedroom with washroom roughed in leading to your backyard & double car garage. This complex has luxurious club house with pool/hot tub, gym, movie theatre, party room & more. Do not miss chance to occupy this beauty before it is gone!
Hot Listing
Wow! Well designed & oriented 3 storey house having 8 bedroom with 6 washrooms situated in prime area of west abbotsford close to all levels of schools, high street mall, apollo athletic club, hwy no 1, gurudawara sahib & fruiticana. Open concept kitchen equipped with branded stainless steel appliances & granite countertops. Large family area with high ceiling with quality finishings throughout. This property contains accommodation which is not authorized. Walk out basements (2+1) rented @$2100.00 per month for mortgage helping. Private walk out back yard with huge sundeck for playing kids. Price includes gst, appliances and blinds. Do not miss chance to occupy this beauty before it has gone. Must see!
Asking Price $434,900 $374,900
This very well kept 7 Bedrooms, 12 yrs. old home is located in Willoughby. The basement is fully finished, featuring a 2 bedroom LEGAL suite. The home has a GREAT ROOM design, offers custom maple cabinetry, granite countertops in kitchen, powder and master bedroom. The home feature a rich mahogany color theme, hardwood floors & extensive mouldings. There are 6 bedrooms and 4 washrooms SUN 2 - 4and PMHot Water heat. Home comes with an appliances package, basement cabinets, 2" blinds. Great central location near new Willoughby recreation center, Secondary and elementary school.
FRASER HEIGHTS- This spacious and well-kept 5 bedrooms has 3 full bath and 2 Gas F/P, huge kitchen, main floor has 1 bedroom and full 4 pce. bath, 4 bedrooms upstairs and Master bedroom has 4 pce. Ensuite with Jacuzzi. Cozy family room with fireplace. 9839 sq. ft. lot with private enjoyable backyard has a Gazebo and Hot Tub. Nothing is missing in this 11124 N FULLER CR stunning home.
1324 Sq. feet 2 bedrooms condo on the main floor, fully renovated, new steel facing, Two balconies, front and the back. New light fixtures and lots of pot lights, Appliances, Quartz countertops, new tub and septate shower, for very Detached sale in spacious, new light fixtures, 2 washBC.New Thislaminate 1826 - 182 rooms, Gas fire place, feetlaundry, property floor, New blinds, in suite 45 plus feat gated community bedrooms, for security 3.0 and bathr underground parking.
e in only ntals
A40 - The Punjab Guardian *Apr. 17 - Apr. 23, 2020
G`t qoN G`t mOrtgyj ryt Aqy vDIAw slwh leI We Deal With Most of the Major Banks, Credit Unions and Many More Lenders
Email:villingran@hotmail.com “Experience Our service’’
Have Buyers Ready, Need More Listings 13328-104 Ave. Brand New Unit. Ready Soon. Asking Price is $449,000. For Unit 11-16357 15 Ave information call us. $699,000 Coming Soon #223-7837 120A St. Townhouse
3 Bedroom, 3 Bath unit for sale near 96 and King George Hughway South Surrey , 4bed
4bath new LOT brand FOR SALE townhome, 1751 READY TO BUILD SF , Close to beach Over an acre lot ready to build
9758 Princess Drive $$789,900
in Merritt. Asking only $188,888.
Kulwinder Singh Dheria 3 STORY HOUSE FOR SALE
Senior Mortgage Specialist
146 & 84 ave
• 5 Year Fixed (Special) 2.34% Ask for more information $2000 Special • 5 YearFor Fixed 2.69% Incentives • 5 Year Variable call 2.35% Ranjit @ 604-
Call For Our
1 year old home,4bed 5 Bed 1 Bath,new paint, new floor, new bath,3775 SF lot, 2200 SF appliances, Close to Strawberry Hill built area,double garage Mall, Bus loop, School.
House in Fleetwood
in W. Map 15177 7 plan. Clos
Specialized in: • Residential • Commercial • Farm Mortgage • Private Mortgage
156 Street & 82 Ave 9224 158 St
iksy pRkwr dI mOrgyj lYx qoN pihlW swfy nwl sMprk kro
$1,049,000 8900 sq. Ft. Lot 2 story house- 3 bdrm, 2 washroom and 2 bdrm
Sold 47 houses in 2016 Sold 50 plus homes in 2017 Medallion Member 2017, 2018, 2019
202-7445 120 St Asking $339K
6512 124 Street
604.217.7676 kulwinder@kulwinder.ca
sahotakulvir@gmail.com Asking
15-19789 5
825-8838 Best Rates
Listings Wanted
11826 87 Ave
MBA Finance
34-9088 Holt Rd Asking $529K
Townhouse corner of 90 Ave and Scott Rd. 3 bed 2 bath , renovated townhouse, new kitchen cabinet,updated washrooms, new floor in rooms.
26-12730 66 Av
Planet Group Realty Inc. #266 - 8128 128 Street Surrey, BC V3W 1R1 Tel: 604-572-1008
13285 71B Street Asking
23-12730 66 Ave Asking
3 bed 2 bath, 2 Parking, 3bed 3 bath, townhome, townhouse, close to schools close to both schools and
138-13898 64 Ave
bus service
317-6960 120 St.
24-16357 15 Ave
13330 67A Ave
604-488-9600 Email: Jagrup2@gmail.com
nvW 3800 Sqft. bRYNf inaU Gr smyq BMg dw ibzns Price $2.2M iclwvYk ivc ivkwaU 2 mMizlw bRYNf inaU 3800 Sqft. 5 bYfrUm Gr 5.5 eykV iv`c bxy 2,500 sq.ft. bwrn ivc cldy BMg dy ibzns, vDIAw ienkm, PYimlI ibzns Aqy AwnMdmeI kudrqI nzwry ivc rihx vwsqy auplbD hY[
East Newton
Beautiful home of East Newton very clean 5 bedroom & 4 wash room home 60x132=7959 sq. ft. (app.) lot with back lane access. 3 bedroom on top with 1.5 bath & huge 2 bedroom basement & 1.5 baths at Ground level. Sundeck with view. Live now and Build mega home later. pMjwb (Bwrq) ivc koeI vI pRwprtI vycx jW KrIdx leI spMrk kro[
98TH AVE *Apr.17 - Apr. 23, 2020 The15066 Punjab Guardian - A41
-$ 70 x 103 = 7208 SUKHI ATWAL Lot 3 Bed room & 2 bath o 604-726-0085 bedSt., room +D #105-7928-128 Surrey basement BC Free Market Evaluation / 24 Hr Market Exposure Livewww.sukhiatwal.ca now build Mega H email: realtorsukhiatwal@gmail.com Residential & Commercial Realtor
Coastal Realty Ltd. 3
22355 48 AVE Langley
Emergency Response Team Surrey BC Canada
11200 Kingfisher Dr. Richmond
Located in beautiful Murrayville neighbourhood, all on 2nd floor. 6 (1 bed) + 4 (2 beds) units with all U/G parking and MUCH MORE!
WESTWIND - 7,385 sq.ft. The house offers you very functional floor plan, 3 FULL bathrooms, double garage and much more
11318-78A Avenue
84 Oliver Street, Williams Lake
Very successful business in the heart of Prince George. Fullyoccupied rooming house and hostel. Hostel has large common area, kitchen, men's/women's bathrooms as well as office area.
4000 sq. ft. Retail space for lease. 2,200 sq. ft. Warehouse for lease in surrey. Call for more info
5 bedroom 3 bath family home located in the heart of North Delta. Main floor features, spacious living room, Family room and much more
Located downtown Williams Lake, renovated, well established for 7 years, cabaret business with land and building.
For Lease TRUCK SHOP & TRUCK P 2 Parcel, 2.5 Acre & 4
$909,000 #131 15299 68 AVE
7815-Swanson Dr.
Great 5 bedroom 3 bath family home located in the heart of North Delta. Main floor features, spacious living room, dinning room,3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. 2 BEDROOM Basement suite with separate entry. Huge sundecks.
High traffic location, main floor 700 Separate entrance, Tenants can have own improvements. Tenant o r Te n a n t ' s representative to verify all measurements.
High traffic location, second floor 1200 sf Mezzanine space only, with lots of windows and natural light BUSINESS CENTRE plaza.
4 bedrooms + (2 + 1) Basem Newton. Close to Khalsa Sc Subway in Edmonton for Sale in Motel for Sale Mosque for just $1.29 Millio very good location 11200 Kingfisher Dr. Richmond 12472 100 Ave, Surrey More than 25 rooms Motel,
36,000 SQFT Industrial Warehouse 250 seats Pub, Restaurant,SOLD for Sale in Red Deer Alberta.
Cafe, Bar and LIQUOR Prime Location.Commercial Building for sale in Surrey Farm inSTORE. Bellingham (USA) for Sale Kwlsw swjnw idvs Aqy ivswKI dIAW l`K l`K vDweIAW Reasonable price. Call for 3 Story more information.
8 bedroom sagguautoservice@gm Newton
unjab Guardi The P an
Centurian Producer
12643 66 Ave
INCREDIBLE VALUE.Most desirable area of Surrey. Centrally located across from Tamanawis Secondary School. Very Well kept two-story home with a full basement with one bedroom suite with separate entrance. 3 good sized bedrooms on top floor.The main floor features a spacious Living room , Dining room, and Kitchen. Hot water heat on all floors.Detached double garage with back lane. Fenced yard.Walking distance to Schools, Public transit and shopping. Don't miss this one.
6757 138 St
8970 162 ST
$2,009,999 7022-127a st.
FLEETWOOD TYNAHEAD.Custom built home on a big lot .The Home features an open concept main floor,goumet kitchen with quartz countertops,centre island and spice kitchen. Granite entry with decorated high ceiling with wooden panneles and mouldings.High end cabinets and stainless steal appliances.Huge family room with fireplace ,large sized bedroom with full bathroom. Upper floor features 5 large sized bedrooms with attached bathrooms. Nice view of mountains and valley from upper floor.Daylight walkout basement with two rental suites with separate laundry. Big home theatre with 2 piece bath and wet bar. Big sundeck and patio .Big east facing fenced yard with tool shed.Lots of parking with L shaped driway. Walking distance to schools,Park ,Public tansit and shopping.Call for more info.
Emergency $1,249,000
Central Location in Surrey. Walking distance to Kwantlen Polytechnic University. Both level of schools, shopping and public transit. Quality built home features 7 bedrooms, 6 baths, solid oak kitchen cabinets. Family room and huge sindeck. Radiant hot water heat on both floors. Fully furnished basement with 2 bedroom and one bedroom suites plus bedroom with bathroom for upstairs use. Double garage with garage door opener. Fenced & private backyard with tool shed. RV parking. Easy access to all major route. Don't miss this one.
$849,000 7463 16230 90TH AV $2,990,000 9009 135a St
143B ST
mdd leI hyTly Pon nMbrW ‘qy sMprk kro
For Urgent Assistance Please Call our Emergency Hotline
FULL HALF ACRE PRIVATE YARD 172'x127' BACKING ON TO GREENBELT NEXT TO NEW SUBDIVISION. Very clean and well maintained 6 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms house with 2 bedroom basement suite with its own laundary. Upstairs have 4 bedrooms and 2 full baths. Detached 24'x24' garage with 220 amps power . Upgraded electric work with 200 Amp service. Roof is only 4 years old. Property is 172' wide with double access from street. Sewer is at lot line. Lots of parking. Close to public transit, Schools and shopping
12057 82 Ave
Magnificent custom built home in prime area of FLEETWOOD TYNEHEAD on a 23000 Sqft lot in a quiet, prestigious neighbourhood. 8500 sqft luxurious home welcomes you with a breathtaking foyer & high ceiling. High end stainless steel appliances, granite counter tops. Spectacular gourmet kitchen w/large island,big family room,billiard room, den & a bedroom on main floor. Upper floor features 4 large sized bdrms w/full ensuites & a study room. Fully finished bsmt with Gym,Home theatre, sauna,steam room,big recroom,wet bar & nanny suite never rented. Total of 3 washrms in bsmt. Covered sundeck & patio with hot tub. This house has every thing for your luxurious life style. Two Triple garages.Lots of parking.Under ground sprinkler system.
8788 144 ST
Umeed- 1.855.878.6333 Please Call for Assistance
Ajinderpal Singh : 604.240.9742 (Surrey) Taranjit Singh: 604.306.5731 (Delta)
Vicky Dhanaula : 604.760.3506 (Surrey) Surinder Sahota : 604.808.5851 (Surrey)
To Donate Non-Perishabe Food & Funds for These Lifesaving Services
SCOTT 82 PLAZA. CLOSE TO SCOTT ROAD ON & 82 AVE. HIGH EXPOSURE. 3 ROAD FORNTAGE. Brand new building. Lots of parking. 2 units (205 & 206) 750 sq.ft. and 1150 sq.ft. are available on 2nd floor. Elevator and 2 stairs access for 2nd floor. Call for more info.
Available for sale in surrey, Delta & Langley Area
CENTRAL LOCATION. Very clean and well kept home steps away from Bus, Schools and Park. Very bright and open enterance welcomes you with open high ceiling and living room.7 bedrooms,7 baths, hot water radiant heat. Huge master bedroom with full ensite.Big kitchen with granite counter tops. Two bedrooms and one bedroom suites in basement with separate enterances.Fully fenced yard with metal rolling gate with remote opener.Don't miss this one.
Central Location .Very well kept home on big 7125 sqft lot .Renovated home features updated kitchen and roof in 2016. 3450 sqft of living space include 4 skylights, 2 fire place with marble mentle, 8 security cameras,2 separate alarm systems , hot water heat, 4 large sized bedrooms upstairs,2 basement suites rented to very nice tenants.Private fenced yard .Lots of parking spaces. Walking distance to Park, Public Transit, Schools,Hospital and Skytrain.Don't Miss this.Easy to show with appointment.
mdd le
#8-12775-63 Ave
For Urgent As
12525 96 Ave
SOLToDDonate Non-P
Ajinderpal Singh Taranjit Singh: 60
Development land for townhouses available for sale. Contact for more info
rh ho qW G`t qoN G`t ryt lYx vwsqy iek vwr swnUM Pon zrUr kro A42 - The Punjab Guardian *Apr. 17 - Apr. 23, 2020
HOMELAND MORTGAGE CORP. pihlI vwr Gr KrIdx vwly rYjIfYNSIAl mOrtgyj kMstrkSn mOrtgyj pRweIvyt mOrtgyj sYkMf Aqy Qrf mOrtgyj
jykr quhwnUM mOrtgyj lYx ivc koeI muSkl AwauNdI hY qW iek vwr swnUM jrUr imlo[ AsIN pRweIvyt mOrtgyj dw vI pRbMD G`t ryt qy krdy hW
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FIXEDhelp VARIABLE FIXED 3 YEARS We5 can you ....... Years 3.44% 2.85%dream RATE home buy your 3.54% . *
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Ph:604-593-6622 Fax:604-593-6615 204-7928, 128 St. (York Business Centre ) Surrey BC V3W4E8
Cell: 604-500-3920
KULDIP S PANESAR Senior Mortgage Advisor
Cell: 604-308-6839
Part time office assistant is required, please send resume
3699 Napier St, Vancouver
92-13880 74 Ave SURREY
Beautiful brand new luxury house w/rare lot size (51.6 x 101.2) This prestigious home includes 9 bedroom, 6 washroom, bedroom w/ en-suite, open concept layout with large kitchen and stainless steel appliances. House is designed with beautiful color schemes. Close to D/T Vancouver. Main floor has 4 bed and 3 bath. Basement has one legal suite.
Remodeled with new paint, expensive laminate flooring, tiles and more.Granite kitchen counter top and more.. Extra large master bedroom and generous size other bedrooms. Super family complex, walking distance to shopping, banks, doctors, schools bus etc. All sizes and ages are approx. only. The Buyer should not rely upon the listing information without the Buyer independently verifying the information.
#36-15840 84 AVE
Fleetwood Gables!! Welcome to your would be new home! Well kept, partially renovated townhouse in the very quiet neighborhood. This 1700 sqft home features very open and spacious layout. Main floor has bright nice kitchen with new counter tops, backsplash, sink, dishwasher and stove. Living area and family room on the main too with powder room. Above it has 3 bedrooms and 2 washrooms. The house has been updated with new paint, partial flooring on the main and all washrooms in just 2018. Double Car garage. Fully fenced backyard to enjoy your summer!Close to schools, shops, transit and recreation. Rentals are not allowed. 2 Pets are allowed , no vicious breeds.All sizes and ages are approx. only.The Buyer should not rely upon the listing information without the Buyer independently verifying
14328 89 Ave, Surrey
11468 74A Ave Delta
11594 75A Ave Delta
Beautiful split level home, located in quiet cul de sac, Bear Creek neighborhood . Bright and Spacious living and family room. Fully renovated in 2018, which includes marvelous open Kitchen with granite counter tops, gray and white new style kitchen cabinets, all three washrooms fully updated, new paint, tiles, laminated floors. Newer roof, blinds, furnace, HWT, appliances, security system with cameras and much more. Family oriented neighborhood and lots of space for children to play. Very private back yard with Creek on the back. Elementary School on Walking distance Book your appointment to have a tour of this beautiful single family home!! You would not be disappointed!
COTTSDALE DELTA!!! This is a great family house with 3 bedrooms, large living area and dining room upstairs. Two bedroom fully finished mortgage helper downstairs unauthorized. Vinyl windows and gleaming real hardwood floors. Corner lot with access to the rear yard. Close to school, shopping and transit. RM1 (Multiple family duplex), residential zoning.
Beautifully renovated house in the most desirable neighborhood. Large corner lot with the access from both front and side. This house features 3 bedrooms and 2 washrooms, living area and kitchen on the main. 2 bedrooms unauthorized basement suite us a good source for the mortgage help. Property has potential to have another 1 bedroom suite . Book your showing to view this property which can be your new home!
*Apr.17 - Apr. 23, 2020 The Punjab Guardian - A43
Contact The Brar Team for all your real estate property needs
KANWAR SINGH BRAR 778-881-4644
HARRY BRAR 778-891-1636
Coastal Realty Ltd.
iksy vI qrWH dI GrylU jW ivaupwrk jwiedwd KrIdx jW vycx vwsqy swfy nwl sMprk kro 778-881-4644 Market is Hot it's a great time to sell your property for top dollar ve
Same Day For $985,000 15030 69 Ave
Attention! Hot! Hot! Hot! 3 levels quality built house in central location of East Newton, Surrey-8 bdrms, 3 kitchens, 2 F/P, 6 baths, full basement. Purchaser to verify all measurements and details. Transit, Schools & Shopping Mall with grocery stores and temple/churches at 152nd & 68th Avenue, one block from this property.
9096 189 ST
1.8 Acre port kells NCP 8-10 Units per acre, 4 bed 2 bath livable home rented to good tenants for $1650 per month.
6041 171A ST
9144 146 St
Huge west exposed lot 7200 sqft on a corner for easy back yard access. 5 bedroom home has been remodelled in the latest style with a new kitchen and bathrooms. Lots of parking. Very good west side location. 2 Bedroom plus den basement suite with its own laundry.
Beautiful fully renovated home on large LUC lot. Centrally located with a beautiful private fenced backyard. The House has been fully renovated with new kitchens, bathrooms, flooring, heating furnace, paint, windows and all lighting/plumbing fixtures.
6962 SQFT
Lot for Sale
LT.2 14941 68 AVE Attention Builders and Investors; a great lot in central location, build your dream 3 level mega home amongst million dollar listings. Property has back lane access.
Good solid basement entry home in central Clearbrook Area. # bedrooms up. 2 Pc. en suite in Master bedroom. 2 full baths. Basement is partly finished . Needs kitchen. Huge 75 x120 lot with back lane access Driveway in front for car parking & a driveway from back lane. Can accommodate RV. Great tenants for 3 yrs. Pay $1400/mo.+ utilities. Would like to stay. Central location. Walk to schools, shopping, Church, Rotary stadium. Easy freeway access. Make your move now before it's sold !!
SOLD 8644 152St
INVESTORS ALERT!! BUILD YOUR DREAM HOME!! Come view this split entry Fleetwood home which is situated on a HUGE 10,082 sqft rectangular lot. This home comes equipped with a new roof with a fully transferrable 50 year warranty, newer clothes washer/dryer, fridge and stove. The main floor features 2 bedrooms, a full washroom, OPEN CONCEPT living room, dining room & kitchen. The basement features 2 bedrooms, a large rec room, bathroom with stand up shower, laundry & separate entrance. Close to transit, grocery stores, easy access to Bridges, Hwy 1 & Hwy 10, Guildford Mall, Surrey Central & much much more!
11917 92nd Ave
4268 SQFT Custom built house, 5444 sqft lot, Spacious backyard. Only 1 year old NO GST. Delta's finest, built by a reputed builder, superior workmanship and quality material used throughout, 2 Masters, Jacuzzi, double sink, large walk-in closet, den on the main floor, vaulted ceilings, spice kitchen, Media room with 2pc bath for upstairs use in the basement, 2 bedroom legal suite with its own Insuite Laundry, Quartz countertops, radiant floor heat.
Sub Dividable Into 3 Lots
14596 60A Ave
9115 Carver Crescent, Delta
#5 7198 179 St
All Lots Sold
SUB-DIVIDABLE PROPERTY. This lovely 3 bedroom + den, 3 bathroom home is situated in a quiet neighbourhood on a large 8400+SQFT lot. Perfect for a growing family or a Developer to build 2 homes. This property is close to shopping, schools, entertainment & more. With large front and backyard, this property is truly a gardeners paradise. The gardens are immaculately maintained with loads of room for outdoor activities as well. Relax in your fully fenced and private backyard oasis. This property has NO Easements or Right of Ways. Call for your private showing today.
9871 159A ST
Over 6,000 sq. ft of living space with over 7,500 sq.ft lot. Amazing 5 bedrooms upstairs with 4 full bathrooms, beautiful vaulted ceiling in master bedroom, ample space on main room for family gatherings on leaving room, family room, and theatre room. Enjoy the top of the line appliances in the spacious kitchen, breathtaking granite counter tops and additional wok kitchen. The legal basement suite features 3 bedrooms and two bathrooms, master bedroom with ensuite! Engineering hard wood floors on main floor and basement suite!
$56,000 Over Asking Price 6041 171A ST
Perfect split level basement entry home with second kitchen and washer and dryer. Huge west exposed lot 7200 sqft on a corner for easy back yard access. 5 bedroom home has been remodelled in the latest style with a new kitchen and bathrooms. Lots of parking. Very good west side location.
All Lots Sold
#91 170 St
Custom built quality home in Sunny Summerfield subdivision 2 level plus fully finished basement Very open floor layout with huge great room for entertaining family friends 4 Bedrooms 2 of which are master bedrooms upstairs with 3 full ensuite washrooms upstairs Basement consists of 2 bedroom legal suite with laundry and a theatre room for upstairs use Features include high efficiency furnace with RI heat pump and RI air conditioning Cover patio off from main kitchen All measurements are approx and from the plan Call for more i n f o r m a t i o n S e e m o r e a t : http://teamsodhi.ca/realty/feed/R2000690/91-170-streets u r r e y - b r i t i s h - c o l u m b i a - v 3 s 9 p 1 canada/#sthash.5wTh5VPZ.dpuf
11527 87A Ave
Well maintained spectacular home 3 bedrooms & 1.5 bathrooms upstairs. 2 bedroom legal Suite downstairs, hardwood floors upstairs. High demand area. Easy access to Alex Fraser & Hwy 17. Separate laundry downstairs. Garage has been convertedto a beauty parlour with 2pc bathroom. Great holding property to run a business for extra income or build your dream home now on a flat square lot.
• 14 View Lots South Surrey Size 5000 to 6200 SF
14454 60 AVE
1.19 acres surrounded by development. Exc subdivision potential. Creek on n/e corner of the property. Property is tenanted. Value is mainly in the land. All offers will be considered. No Door Knocking. !!! Do not enter the property without contacting the agent!!!
Welcome! To Walnut ridge town Homes. 26 spacious 3 & 4 bedrooms with serene mountains view in Surrey. Open and functional layouts that offer space and flexibility. Open Kitchen layout plan maximizes accessibility for convenient 3 bedroomunit with 2.5 baths situated on approx 1450 sqft with tandum garage for 2 car parking, 4 Bedrooms unit with 3.5 baths with double garage situated on 1900sqft to 2000sqft 9' feet ceiling, appliances, long driveways, deck, patio, storage and lots more. Designated green space and community garden. GST is included. Access from 68A Ave & 176th St or 182 St and Fraser Hwy.
• 17 Lots Boundary Park Size 3500 to 6700 SF, Price Start from $699,000
6234 128 ST
Large corner lot with tremendous development potential! The property which contains a well Sub-dividable 21,865 sqft 3 Levelbuilt family home situated on a 2.26 acre lot, is located close to schools, parks and transit in a Lot with back lane access. Primeneighbourhood full of new development. One of Sullivan Heights Area close tothe last remaining lots of its kind in the area, it Gurudwara , Transit , Shoppinghas flat land with road frontage on three sides. All future development requires City of Surrey and schools of all levels. approval. Please do not walk property without appointment.
1.4 Million Over Asking price
14941 68 AVE
SOLD Beautiful Home originally built by Marathon Homes of "Highlands" located on the corner "LOT" with wraparound front sundeck features 5 bedrooms, 4 baths, raised vaulted ceilings in living/dining, huge laundry on main floor, gorgeous brightfamily room with built-in entertainment unit, granite countertops with shaker maple cabinetry, stainless steel appliances, good size media room plus two bedroom basement suite with separate entry. Large concrete patio attached with family room on the main floor to host your summer outdoor BBQ parties, attached double side X side car garage. True gem located in most desirable location of Sullivan Station close to bus, shopping, major highways, parks and schools. Call now to book your showing.
14832 90B Ave
High End Quality House! Just like your Own Custom Built House. Fantastic Location, Close to Transit, Schools, Shopping, Major Routes, Very functional & Impressive plan, Awesome Design in & Out, Large Spacious house, 8 Bed, 6 Bath, Legal 2 Bedroom Basement Suite + 1 Bedroom Unauthorized suite for extra rental income, Bedroom/Den with washroom on main, Large Foyer, High Efficiency Forced Air heating & Air Conditioning Unit, 2-5-10 Year Warranty, Very Reputed & Knowledgeable Builder building with love & Passion. Showings BY APPOINTMENT ONLY.
12165 97 Ave
Immaculate & impressive Custom built BSMT entry 2 storey home on very private 9159 sqft lot with (motorized entry gate) Exceptional quality throughout boasting large maple kitchen loaded with cabinetry, granite countertop & SS appliances,doors off kitchen to large deck overlooking private backyard with detached wired workshop/shed, laminate flooring on stairs & majority on main, high ceilings, 4 bdrms up cosy cosy Lvgrm with gas F/p, hot water heating, extensive use of crown moldings and trim, main floor boasts 2 large 2 bdrms suites one Licensed the other unauthorized. rentals $800 and $785. Pristine condition inside wont disappoint good value here.
• 9 Lots Cloverdale Size 6000 SF
All Lots Sold
oms, 10 en, spice on main dry, huge ment suite f the line econdary oximate,
UNIT--145-12040--68 AVE-- SOLD A44 - The Punjab Guardian *Apr. 17 - Apr. 23, 2020
Fraser Valley Real Estate Board( Top 10 Realtors) Individual Award Winner 2012, 2014 & 2016 ( Sold Units) Fraser Valley Real Estate Board Top 1% Achiever in 2014 to 2017 Royal LePage Chairman’s Club & Diamond Award Winner 2015, 2016 & 2017
Global Force Realty
Medallion Member 2010 - 2018
Personal Real Estate Corporation
Email: baltony1@yahoo.ca Personal Real Estate Corporation
Tel: 604-596-1800 * Fax: 604-596-1885 #104 - 13049 - 76 Ave. Surrey BC
13339 60 ave
$1,399,879 17–6188 141 st
PANORAMA RIDGE - Very bright well kept, Renovated in 2016, 14 years old, 2 level home. 6 Bed, 5 Washroom 3645 Sq. Ft. Built home on Large 8622 Sq. Ft. Lot. Finished with stunning quality. Upstairs features 4 Bedrooms, 3 Bathrooms and a Theatre Room. Home was built with 25-10 Years Warranty now expired. Renovations include Paint and Flooring. Best neighbourhood, close to ALL levels of schools, Parks, bus Stop. Easy access to Richmond, Vancouver, Hwy 10 and US BORDER. Very good area for family and children. Lots of Parking. Children walk to school. Double garage. Granite large entry. Enjoy living in this private estate in the heart of Panorama Ridge. A suite for Mortgage Helper. A MUST SEE!
#309-14925-100 AVE $269,879
Welcome to Vantage, a thoughtful collection of 62 townhomes nestled in the peaceful neighborhood of Sullivan Heights. Heritage inspired exteriors with 3 Bedrooms & 4 Bathrooms home 1589 sqft. built w/mountain views. Engineered flooring & wall systems, gas cooking, energy efficient LED lighting throughout, 9 ft ceilings, real wood shaker cabinetry throughout & fireplace w/stone surround. Walking distance to great schools, shopping & public transit.
Renovated Top floor 1 bedroom & 1 Bathroom 640 Sq. Ft. unit. Looking down courtyard and on the quiet side of the building. NO RENTAL RESTRICTIONS. Renovations include New flooring and New paint. Located near the mall, recreation and a great opportunity for investment or for first time buyers.
Very Convenient Location! 7 Bedrooms & 6 bathrooms, 2 year old House, 4055 Sq ft Built area on 5119 Sq Ft Lot. Upstairs Features 4 Bedrooms & 3 Bathrooms, Main floor features Bedroom, Full Bathroom, Family Room, Dining, kitchen, Sundeck ,Double Garage & Work Kitchen. Basement features 2 bedrooms suite and a theater room with Bar. FULLY AIRCONDITIONED WITH UNIT.GORGEOUS North Delta home.
8088-138 ST 7087-140 ST 7905-127 ST 14530-81 AVE UNIT-25-7198--199A ST
6565-121A ST 16803-83A AVE 7098-144 ST UNIT-103-12160-80 AVE 11837-86A AVE
12152-96A AVE 14490-58 AVE 14771-86B AVE 14476-67B AVE 11427-86A AVE
Garage. Huge kitchen with gra large family room with cozy firepla
2 Bedroom Beautiful home in Sullivan Station,features Features : suite and 1 Full bathroom for upstairs Use. N Living room,dining room, family room, to shopping, walk trails, Eleme Transit and golfing also! OP kitchen,spice kitchen, powder room, huge JULY -200-400 P bedroom with full bathroom on SATURDAY--14 main floor.4 bedroom 3 bathrooms & laundry on top floor, huge rec room , 2 bedrooms & bathroom plus a huge theater room and 2 piece bath room for upstairs use.close to Elementary and Secondary Schools, YMCA, Bell Performing center, Sullivan Heights Park, Shopping, Restaurants, Recreational center Covered Patio.Must see.All sizes approximate, buyer or buyer's agent to verify.
27689 Fraser Hwy - $
Lots For Sale in Fleetwood- 4,5,6 16219 80 Ave
LOT-1-18053-58A AVE 13575-91 AVE UNIT-117-13670-62 AVE
Spacious home with fully finishe Bedrooms, 4 Bathrooms.,3,000 s on 4058 Sq Ft. Lot.Vaulted cei maple kitchen with granite counter Features 3 Bedrooms & 2 Bathroo Features 1 Bedroom or Office, H Living Room, Kitchen, Family room Sundeck. Basement feature Bedrooms & 2 Bathrooms Ren Mortgage Helper. Detached Doub Back Lane access. 2 covered Pa in Total. Don't miss this one. Will HOUSE SATURDAY-30---300--50
Lots For Sale in Fleetwood 78 Ave 155 Street
6574 sq. ft. building lot in prime location of fleetwood. Walking distance to Elementary/Second 6524 122a St $1,149,000 Location! Location! West Newton; 2 Level ary Schools and Basement entry 3100 sq ft Built on 7341 Sq. Ft. Built inbuild 1993 (24ayears old). Upstairs features park.Youlot.can 4 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, living room, family 3 level home with room, dining andinkitchen. Basement features 2 suites (2 & 1 Bedroom) with separate home, ground basement . Separate Laundry & Double Garage. This House
Recent Sales BY Tony Bal
7135 148a St $1,0
14210 62 Ave, Surrey
11542-80 AVE
Email: baltony1@
Tel: 604-596-1800 * Fax: bparmar@sutton.com
o g so
om os c
Sutton Group Alliance (R.E.S.) # 201-5550 152 St. Global Force R Surrey BC Medallion 604.961.9900 Member 2
#104 - 13049 - 76 Ave www.tonybalrealtor.com FIRST TIME BUYERS, INVESTORS and BUILDERS Alert!! 5 Bedroom, 3 bathroom basement entry home in ceder hills Surrey feature Living room , dining room 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms main floor and 2 bedroom basement suite with separate entrance as mortgage helper. Close to Khalsa school, bus stop, sky train station, city center shopping malls, library, ng city hall and SFU Surrey isti sizes and age of Well 6 BEDROOMS & 6 L campus.All thekepthouse e v house 3410 Sq Ft. house on a usi l Upstairs features approximate, buyer or the Buyer's agent to4 bedrooms & c Ex Main Floor features Living room, verify. Kitchen, den, Full Bathroom
10106 129 St, Surrey
Fraser Valley Real Estat Fraser Valley Real
12 ready to build 6400 plus sq. Ft RF zoning lots in Fleetwood area 14098-75 A AVE 155 street and A AVE 13227-66 78 ave8859-132 Surrey B ST
13227 62 B AVE
is very well Kept, Clean and shows owner's Pride.
Large 6 bedroom/4 bathroom basement entry home in great West Newton location. Property is zoned for secondary suite and sits on a quiet street on a 7,100 SF lot. Walk to schools including Kalsa and Kwantlen. With over 3,400 SF of living space, there's enough room for the whole family. Close to shopping, restaurants, Temple, Mosque and Church and easy access to transit and major routes. This will go fast!! NEW
rimMdr Bu`lr
Your Most Trusted Realtor
rIAl-iestyt iv`c 28 swl dw qzrbw rbhuller@gmail.com www.coldwellbanker.ca To get results in selling or buying, please call Raminder at 6048071699
5 to 20 acres Industrial land needed for client can make cash offer #607 -950 Cambie Street Vancouver Downtown
Your dream home in sought after Yaletown awaits. Spacious designer 2 Bed/2 Bath + Den residence has been professionally renovated with custom and high end finishes throughout and impeccable attention to detail. Open concept kitchen features S/S appliances, quartz counter-tops and herringbone marble backsplash. Spa like bathrooms feature rain showers, linear drains, heated floors, beautiful tiling and designer fixtures. Centrally located in Yaletown with the the Seawall, Rogers Arena, B.C. Place, restaurants and Robson St all at your door step. Amenities include a gym, pool, hot tub. 1 parking, 1 locker, rentals allowed.
3 Bedroom Fully Renovated Townhouse
More Listings are needed koeI vI pRwprtI vycxI jW KrIdxI cwhuMdy ho qW sMprk kro
14299 65 AVENUE
13881 56 AVENUE y
Renovated Home on a huge Lot located in one of the top neighbourhoods of Panorama Ridge. This Home has a park like setting with absolutely immaculate interior with 4 huge bedrooms with excellent layout. Some of the renovations and features include Central Air Conditioning, heated bathroom floors, beautifully renovated bathrooms, beautiful outdoor pool, hot tub, outdoor bar, tons of parking, Top of the line Stainless Steel Appliances, Kitchen is amazingly renovated with beautiful granite countertops, kohler faucets and much more. You will definitely fall in love with this beautiful home with a serene setting.
This gorgeous custom built home is located in one of the finest neighbourhoods of Surrey. This beautiful home features 5 good sized bedrooms and 5 bathrooms. Some of the features include granite countertops, stainless steel appliances, beautiful kitchen, open layout, double garage, lots of parking, quiet neighborhood, easy access to Vancouver, U.S. and much more. There is a 1 bedroom beautiful suite. Must see home to appreciate its beauty.
9607 156 STREET
6950 126A STREET y
Beautiful 6 bedroom and 5 bath custom built home located in one of the best neighbourhoods of Surrey. This home comes with a Gorgeous open Layout. Upstairs features 4 good sized bedrooms with 3 baths. Main floor features 2 bedroom side suite which can be a good mortgage helper. Close to all the amenities like Schools, Guildford Mall, Easy access to Vancouver, Burnaby, Transit, Theatres and much more. A must see home.
33913 PINE ST
b Ab
Great Investment Property, Renovate or build your new home on 7800 square feet lot. It has back lane excess as well. Possible to build for Coach Home or Duplex, cofirm with the city. Close to Downtown and easy access to Highway.
rr Su
re ur
9292 162A STREET 401-12739 72 AVENUE
SOLD $1,998,000
re ur
D L O S $439,000
re ur
*Apr.17 - Apr. 23, 2020 The Punjab Guardian - A45
Now Providing Professional Services For All Your Matters Related To
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Mandeep S. Grewal
Vaid & Associates Immigration
Bus: 604-599-4888
12825 62 Avenue, Surrey - $1,299,000 Brand new, custom built home in prestigious Panorama Ridge! open concept offers 4 spacious bedrooms, 3 full bathrooms plus laundry upstairs, bright, natural sunlight with 10 ft ceilings on the main floor, formal living area, spacious great room with entertainment wall leading to an amazing gourmet style kitchen with luxury arcrylic/veneer cabinets and high end appliances. Private rec room with wet bar plus spacious 2 bdrm legal suite with separate laundry downstairs. large covered patio with bbq hookup overlooking private backyard. Quartz countertops, crystal chandeliers, radiant heat, modern plumbing and lighting fixtures, quality craftsmanship throughout the home! Conveniently located within walking distance to elementary school, parks, trails and public transit.
(604) 596-1800 104-13049 76 Ave, Surrey, BC V3W 2V7
204-13316 71b Ave
If you are thinking of buying or selling real estate, please give me a call before you make any move. I have been providing professional real estate services in the Lower Mainland of Vancouver since 2003. I specialize in residential, commercial, land development and farms. Contact : (604) 825-1400 malkeetsinghsaran@gmail.com; http://www.malkeet.ca; Royal LePage Global Force Realty Ltd.
24382-16 Ave. Langley
Hidden Gem with the affordibility , in the heart of newton at Suncreek Estate. Fully renovated. Come and see yourself. You will love this place. Centrally located near all amenities viz., Costco, Super store, Save-on, Safeway, Bus loop, wave pool,Car Wash, etc..etc and so on. A bonus storage room at the roof top patio. A steal in this rare find market. Be the first one to grab it, will not last long. Two parking Spots #214 & 222. Maintenance fee includes property taxes. All measurements are approximate, buyer to verify if important. Lease expires in the year 2092.20% down payment required by RBC Bank to qualify .
$1,650,000 2067 sq.feet house 3 bedrooms 3 baths 4.91 acres
A46 - The Punjab Guardian *Apr. 17 - Apr. 23, 2020
FOREMAN OF ALL APPLIANCES Pir`j, stov, vwSr, frwier, ifSvwSr irpyAr krvwaux Aqy pwrts lYx leI hyT ilKy Pon nMbr ‘qy sMprk kro[
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frIm Ek PrnIcr AwpxI PYktrI ivc ipCly 19 swlW qoN soilf mypl Aqy soilf Ek dw PrnIcr bxwauNdy Aw rhy hn
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*Apr.17 - Apr. 23, 2020 The Punjab Guardian - A47
A48 - The Punjab Guardian *Apr. 17 - Apr. 23, 2020
Happy Vaisakhi & Khalsa Day
From Your Surrey and Delta MP’s
Hon. Carla Qualtrough, MP
Sukh Dhaliwal, MP
Ken Hardie, MP
Randeep Sarai, MP
Delta 778.593.4007
Fleetwood – Port Kells 604.501.5900
Surrey – Newton 604.598.2200
Surrey Centre 604.589.2441