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Is it woo-woo, or worth it? By Rebecca Babcock
At 43 years old, with over 20 years of professional success at global blue-chip brands including Vogue, GQ and Glamour magazines, eBay and impressive ad-tech startups, I was totally lost. I had the title, the apartment, the things—but none of it brought me joy. I had just survived ve back-to-back life-threatening surgeries to remove my entire colon and rebuild my digestive tract. I didn’t want to just survive; I wanted to thrive. But how?
For me, that meant stepping away from corporate America and using my life experiences in family and intimate relationships, health and recovery, and career transitions to develop The Babcock Method, a proven system to help people who are stuck, settling or lost to align their passion and purpose, nd career ful llment and live their best life, regardless of how “lifey” it gets.
How did I get there, to a place where I am able to do work that I’m most passionate about, and feel is my true calling and purpose in life? To where I have more con dence and joy, and my health is better than it has ever been? It certainly wasn’t an overnight sensation, but it all started with manifestation journaling, the simple act of aiding what is already yours into fruition. I took a combination of the most successful manifestation journaling styles I had used, included the best of my own visualization and af rmation exercises, and here it is:
THE BABCOCK METHOD DAILY MINDSET WORKSHEET Directions: Do these ve things, in order, every morning for a minimum of 30 days. 1. Fear Work Write out (or type/voice-record) your biggest fears and take them to the darkest places you can (feel something real). Always do this before gratitude! Getting all of your
Put pen to paper, with intention. self-defeating fears out allows space for positivity and innovation to ow. 2. Gratitude/Brag Book Jot down three things you are proud of/grateful for. Focusing on the good helps build neural pathways in your brain to create more good thoughts and feelings, and puts you into the ow. 3. Your Goal “(S)he who has a why to live for can bear almost any how.” —Friedrich Nietzsche Recite your goal aloud and be sure to feel the feelings of solving that pain. To ensure these shifts are sustainable, it is essential to stay connected to your why in the day-to-day tasks of working, parenting,etc. It is too easy to get caught up in the how. Set yourself up for lasting success by reconnecting to the outcomes you are
committed to serving. 4. Af rmation and Visualization Take a deep breath. Recite an af rmation using this language: “I am so happy and grateful to be...” Close your eyes and play the mental movie of having that accomplished. Repeat two to three times. Now that you are in a clear and grateful state, and know your true goal, you need to start taking some action. The words “I am” are the most powerful cues to your subconscious that you need to do something. Then your brain drops ideas into your conscious mind like “I need to reach out to X and discuss Y! That’s how I show my worth and get promoted!” 5. Complete One Thing Start with the high-leverage action that will knock down the other dominoes and set your day up for success. Focus on doing that one thing that will make the biggest impact. rebeccababcockcoaching.com
Rebecca Babcock is a certi ed career, executive leadership and transition coach, CPC, ELI-MP, CDLS, and founder of Rebecca Babcock Coaching.