easy ay. All of that ill come ith a price. Not only that, but there are health trends out there such as the hCG diet that can really scre up your body and your hormones. The ironic thing about diet trends is that they often ill make it harder for you to lose eight in the future because you are implementng unhealthy and difcult ays of maintaining your eight. If you ant to be skinny, don’t trust a pill on T to make you skinny. Start cutng out unhealthy sugary and processed foods and replace them ith healthy hole-grain heat and organic fruits and vegetables that ill not introduce chemicals into your body that ill make it even harder for you to lose eight and that ill ultmately mess up your body chemistry. It may seem temptng to be able to lose eight quickly and not have to sacrifce the negatve eatng habits that you have developed over your lifetme, but it is not healthy. You are hurtng yourself and priming your body for further health complicatons in the future if you are not careful about the ay you atempt to lose eight. Make sure that you are doing everything in your po er to make choices that you ould ant other people to make for themselves. Do research before you let yourself be s ayed by the snake oil salesman on T . Look into these things because you are orth doing things the right ay and you deserve a positve future and not one that is complicated by the side efects of a sales pitch that only ants your money and not your health.