Dealing With the Risk of Workplace Violence There are only three choices you have to deal with the risk of workplace violence:
To ignore the risk (in other words, you can throw the dice and believe that it won‟t happen in your organization) This approach is the most frequent approach that is taken to dealing with the risk of workplace violence. This belief, better known as the ostrich approach, is the number one obstacle to managers taking a proactive preventative approach to dealing with workplace violence. Generally, this approach is characterized by either a formal or intuitive assessment of the statistical risk of violence occurring in the workplace and because the odds are very small of being victimized not much is put into addressing the issue.
To transfer a portion of the risk via insurance. This approach is one in which the organization does what it legally required to do to address issues to minimize any legal liability, however, fundamentally they are trading the cost of taking preventative efforts for getting payment in the event that an incident does occur. They can rest easier knowing that the financial impact of a violent incident on the continuity of business has been mitigated. Unfortunately, this approach does not mitigate the actual impact on people that are actually injured or whose lives are damaged.
To reduce a substantial amount of the risk by reducing “at risk” behaviors (individual and organizational behaviors that tend to increase risk) This approach is the one taken by progressive organizations that actually operationalize their mission statement that people are their most important resource and genuinely focus on providing a safe workplace free of known hazards. These organizations focus on implementing a comprehensive strategy designed to prevent injuries before they occur and recognize the importance of assessing both individual and organization risk factors. Some organizations get defocused and put the sole focus on individual behaviors. Their approach is characterized by focusing on early warning signs; behavioral profiles and individual threat assessments for those identified as „being at risk.‟ The most progressive organizations focus on taking a 360degree focus by combining the individual threat assessment approach with one that also focuses on assessing the organization behaviors that are endemic to creating a hostile work environment. This approach recognizes that the environment that is ripe for „the perfect storm‟ is one in which there is a potentially violent or at risk individual, an organization that has a hostile work environment or one that is violence prone and when the „at risk‟ individual is exposed to a stressful event.
Dealing With the Risk of Workplace Violence
The Perfect Storm Violence Prone Individual
Violence Prone Organization Setting
Thus, the approach involves conducting facility risk assessments to determine a sound preventative physical security program and conducting an organizational assessment to identify the management behaviors, polices & practices, environment or organizational factors that are known to exist in organizations that have a higher propensity for workplace violence. An effective approach for dealing with “at risk” behaviors is to classify them and then develop appropriate actions that need to be taken at each of the commensurate levels of risk. One model, which borrows from the threat levels used for Homeland Security, can be used to guide your actions>
Severe Severe risk of workplace violence incident
High High risk of workplace violence incident
Elevated Significant risk of workplace violence incident
Guarded General risk of workplace violence incident
Low Low risk of workplace violence incident To successfully implement the actions necessary at each level an infrastructure for dealing with workplace violence must already exist. Typically this would include:
A Workplace Violence Prevention policy A No Weapons policy A Threat Assessment Team that has been trained in how to deal with crisis and emergency situations. Establishing a crisis communication plan An Employee Assistance Program or pre-identified resources to assist employees in dealing with stressful situations and personal problems.
Dealing With the Risk of Workplace Violence
Clearly defined and communicated employee problem resolution processes in place that are periodically assessed for perception of fairness and for their effectiveness in resolving issues. Frequent and regular communication about the organization, its direction, changes, performance, etc. Progressive human resource policies and practices that address issues such as sexual harassment, reference & background checking, safety, security, fair & respectful treatment of people, etc.
Low Identify what are the risks of violence that your specific organization, industry, or geographic location may be exposed to and develop a plan to mitigate any potential exposure. For example, if you operate a warehouse in an area where several robberies or rapes have occurred in other company parking lots you should increase your lighting, provide security escorts for employees, etc. in your parking lot. Train your supervisors and employees to recognize the „early warning signs‟ and how to report or intervene to effectively address them. Proactively communicating the value of the EAP to employees and train your supervisors in how to effectively influence employees to use the program. Guarded Conduct a Facility Risk Assessment to ascertain vulnerabilities and take actions to address these and improve perimeter security particularly access control. Establish a protocol with local law enforcement to expedite response to an incident. This includes familiarizing them with your facility and its physical layout. Elevated Conduct a desktop review or rehearsal of your workplace violence emergency response plan to test how the pieces work and learn where improvements are necessary. Review Factors Common to Organizations that have a higher propensity for incidents of workplace violence and identify the departments that have a lot of the factors. Conduct an organizational assessment in these departments and develop a positive employee relations plan to address the problems identified in the work environment. Conduct a Threat Assessment of individuals that are identified as “at risk.” This may include having security conduct a background check, having a professional conduct a threat assessment or conducting a „fitness for duty‟ evaluation and taking specific actions based on the information learned.
Dealing With the Risk of Workplace Violence
Using the input of your labor attorney, law enforcement, security management and workplace violence professional; determine appropriateness of obtaining an Workplace Restraining Order. Note that this should not be an automatic decision and should be well thought out because in many cases a restraining order can exasperate or escalate the situation.
High Involve law enforcement to take preventative actions and/or enlist private security to conduct surveillance of the „at risk‟ employee. If specific individuals have been identified as being potential targets, relocate their work location and/or provide security protection. Severe Close the facility. The bottom line message is that the most effective way to deal with the risk of workplace violence is to recognize the risk that it poses, identify what those risks are, develop mitigating strategies to reduce or eliminate the risks and have a comprehensive strategy that is focused on early identification and averting issues. With the value of hindsight, after an incident of workplace violence has occurred we are generally able to identify how the incident could have been prevented. So the simple trick is to anticipate incidents by conducting “what if” planning and then implement those preventative actions in real time which will save real lives or prevent real injuries. For example, in the recent New York Court house shooting had authorities simply required all personnel to go through the metal detectors the killing of the councilman would not have happen. The cold truth about workplace violence is that with serious „what if‟ planning and diligent application of proactive measures we have the capability of preventing most incidents.
Dealing With the Risk of Workplace Violence Brief Biographic statement W. Barry Nixon, SPHR, is the Executive Director, the National Institute for Prevention of Workplace Violence, Inc., a company focused on assisting organizations to effectively implement programs to prevent workplace violence. He is the author of „Background Screening and Investigations: Managing Risk in the Hiring Process,‟ „Zero Tolerance is Not Enough: How to Really Implement Workplace Violence Prevention‟ as well as numerous articles. He is also the creator of the Ultimate Workplace Violence Policymaker Software which makes it easy for companies to create a comprehensive workplace violence prevention policy in about an hour. He is an internationally recognized expert in workplace violence prevention and background screening and was recently recognized as being one of the Most Influential People in Security by Security Magazine. Mr. Nixon also teaches human resource management, organization development and management courses at several local universities. His Web Site is and he can be reached via email at