5 minute read
Various Countries Acceptances
by The Quill
Brad Busabok
national taiwan university of scienceand technology

Congratulations on National Taiwan University of Science and Technology! What helped you to choose this university and study Architecture? Choosing the university wasn’t easy since there are many different choices to choose from and it also depends on your likings of the environment of the school. What helped was just knowing what you prefer and like. I chose this major because I like it, and people should also choose to major in what they like.
Besides studying your major, what is another thing you’re excited to learn about in university? I’m excited about learning the language.
What things are you looking forward to in becoming a morE independent adult? Just the freedom in general. There are many restrictions when you are living with someone else at home, but there are many pros to go along with it. I would probably face many difficulties living by myself overseas but I’ll be looking forward to the freedom that I have.
Looking back on your college application process, what advice would you like to give to underclassmen? I really regretted not researching about the colleges that I applied to a lot. So my advice would be to research, and create a timeline, schedule, or deadline that can help you plan and know when to turn each thing in.
What should students focus on in high school? What do you regret you didn’t do? Have fun. I feel like everyone in school is being too serious about school and college like they wouldn’t succeed if they fail a test or something like that. I should have created a more stable relationship between my school work and having fun.
Ai Tulayathun

WAgeningen university: food technology

Which university/college are you planning to go to? What are you planning to study? I’m planning to study Food Technology at Wageningen University, which is in the Netherlands.
Why are you choosing to major in Food Technology and what made you apply to Wageningen University? I guess it all begins with my passion for food. It’s such a relevant topic but there are so many ways the whole food production system could improve, like reducing its impacts on the environment and making food more nutritious and accessible for people. And I love science a lot too, so that’s a plus. For the university, I did apply to a few, but Wageningen really stood out to me because the program involves a lot of research and the whole university is really focused on science and the environment, which I think fits me well.
What are things you are excited about? I’m really excited to meet people from diverse backgrounds who are passionate about the same things as me. Moving to a city I’ve never been to and biking a lot also sounds super exciting!
What was the application process like for you (challenges, things you learned)? My application process was actually really easy and chill. I just had to submit some scores and answer a quick “Matching” questionnaire, which apparently is required for all Dutch universities. One thing I learned is that it is so important to start searching for programs and requirements early. My program required very specific AP scores, and if I had not started looking and planning since my sophomore year, I wouldn’t have taken all the AP exams in time.
Advice for the underclassmen? Again, start searching early. It’s okay if you don’t know where you want to go, but having a general guideline for what classes to take is always helpful. Also, don’t feel like you have to take all the APs because there’s a good chance that you’re not gonna need all of them. The earlier you know what is required the more freedom you have in your high school schedule.
NAtional taiwan university: Finance

Congratulations on National Taiwan University! What helped you to choose this university and studying Finance? They have programs for overseas Taiwan students to apply, so I did. I chose finance as one of the majors I was interested in, and the uni said ‘ok, in you go.’ So I took it, haha.
Besides studying your major, what is another thing you’re excited to learn about in university? I’m excited to learn how disastrous it’ll be for me to live by myself. Also, I’m excited to join the clubs offered at my uni.
What things are you looking forward to in becoming a more independent adult? Definitely having more freedom with basically all aspects of my life and experimenting with a change of pace in my daily life.
Looking back on your college application process, what advice would you like to give to underclassmen? Start early. Procrastinating is so much more fun when there is no heavy stare from your college deadline constantly looming behind you.
What are you scared about going into college? Leaving everything I’m with familiar behind. My friends are dispersed throughout the world and my family will still be in Thailand. I’d feel kinda intimidated in such a new environment. I cant help it, I’m still a baby.

Anakin Krisanamis
waseda: mechanical engineering

Congratulations on Waseda! What helped you to choose this university and studying Mechanical Engineering? The location of the university is in Tokyo, and I’ve always wanted to be an engineer since I was a kid, so it was a perfect fit for me.
What things are you looking forward to in becoming a more independent adult? Living alone and managing my own money.
Looking back on your college application process, what advice would you like to give to underclassmen? I think it’s not all about grades and SAT scores, but your reference letters and personal statements.