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Dayaw boosts Capiz tourism

Local, int’l IP communities unite to celebrate heritage By PRINCESS NICOLE ALIVAR

To highlight the country’s unique traditional practices and rich cultural expressions, the province of Capiz hosted this year’s “Dayaw”, the Philippine International Indigenous Peoples’ Festival, Oct. 8-10. BESTOWED RITUALS. As a symbolic expression of the warmth of Capiznon’s hospitality, Gov. Antonio A. Del Rosario, assisted by provincial tourism and cultural affairs officer Alphonsos D. Tesoro, bequeaths the ‘halad’ or offering – composed of kakanin made by the locals and a cup of native coffee from local lndigenous Peoples community – to the select national and international dignitaries present on Oct. 8 during the inauguration of the Dayaw Village at Nagba in Cuartero town. (Photo by MARK ANTHONY BAJADA)

25 Aeta kids get early Christmas gifts By ARIES BANGCOYO

From ponkans to pencils. Geared to recognize the Indigenous Peoples at reach, October turned December for the pupils of Heracleo M. Benjamin Elementary School who became the beneficiaries of The Radiance’s early Christmas gifts. Launching its #TakladTagao initiative on Oct. 12, at least 20 student-writers collectively called as “Team Ponkans” painted smiles for some 25 pupils who are mostly members of the Aeta community residing at Mt. Tag-ao located at Tamulalod, Dumarao, Capiz. Publication adviser Philip


Barrio school slays Golden Pen


Jayson Falcis, said the project aims to provide school supplies particularly reading and writing materials to the Aeta community kids in celebration of the IP’s month which is observed every October. “We have chosen the school for it has many IP kids,” said Falcis adding that “we have prepared 25 sets of school supplies to make it more significant as Christmas is also celebrated on December 25.” Weeks before the outreach date, The Radiance made a campaign from students and teachers by placing a donation box at the school canteen.

AETA | 3


CRIES FOR RICE: Sounds of RP’s tummy


Chosen by the National Commission for Culture and Arts (NCCA), some 250 participants from 45 IP communities across the Philippines gathered at Roxas City and various towns in Capiz. In the inauguration of the Dayaw Village at Nagba, in Cuartero town, Capiz Governor Antonio A. Del Rosario welcomed national IP representatives, select ASEAN and Asian countries to the various attractions and fascinating array of activities including performances, rituals, traditional cuisine, traditional houses, arts and crafts exhibit and cultural exchanges. “I am happy that Capizeños join hands with our Indigenous People in safeguarding their diverse cultural expressions and these progresses take pride in their efforts to help preserve our IP’s cultural heritage,” said Del Rosario. With the efforts of the provincial government led by tourism and cultural affairs officer Alphonsos D. Teroso, Del Rosario further said Capizeños are working excellently in recognizing their rich cultural heritage and traditions as well as their talents and impressive music, arts, and crafts. “I am proud that the members of our cultural communities mingle freely with the members of our local communities and enjoy for what people to people exchanges”, the governor added. National and international dignitaries witnessed the opening of the village including Virgilio S. Almario, NCCA Chairman and National Artist for Literature; Alam Siam, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Embassy of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, Trinti Gunarti, Head of Cultural Affairs, Embassy of Indonesia to the Philippines, and; Ni Komang Sandini, Social and Cultural Affairs representative from Indonesia. As a responsive community-based publication, the Municipality of Dumarao tapped The Radiance as one of its local media partners to participate and cover the said event, particularly the opening of the Dayaw village on the first day. With the theme, “Celebrating Heritage of Creative Communities”, cultural communities of the Philippines gazed at the festivity including Panay Bukidnon, and the Aeta community in Mt. Tag-ao in Tamulalod representing the Dumarao town.


STICKS AND STONES: Stories of IP’s Houses



Gibato’s Nirvanic Treasure


THE RADIANCE | The Official Student Press Corps of Mayor Ramon A. Benjamin Sr. National High School | Beacon of Freedom & Flagship of Change

2 news Japanese OFW is first outstanding alumni awardee

VOL. 8. NO. 1




PERFORMING LEADER. In 2015, Palma is recipient of the Gawad Sulo ng Bayan for his promising performance in serving his fellow Filipinos in Japan. (Photo Credit: Josel Palma )

Taga-Ramon nabs 3rd rank in Brigada ‘18

Japan may be too far, but the heart of this alumnus seems very near. By initiating support and extending services to his alma mater, Josel Letrero Palma is hailed as the first ever outstanding alumni awardee of this institution. Palma received the recognition during the 3rd Grand Alumni Homecoming on Jan. 3 where he was also elected as the association president. “I got mixed emotions of joy and excitement. I also credit this award to all alumni who, in one way or another, have

enlightened me to do more for sake of our school,” said the batch 1982 alumnus of then Dacuton Barangay High School. Palma migrated at Yokohama City, Japan in August 1999 and then engaged himself in community and outreach services at Yoyogi Park and Arizugana Park back in 2013 and 2015, as well as distributed relief goods in Sibariwan, Dumarao, Capiz during the on-slaughter of Super Typhoon Yolanda. While out of the country, Palma devoted his life in supporting the activities and development projects of the

school, and even provided initiatives for his kababayans. In 2015, Palma was one of the awardees of Gawad Sulo ng Bayan as one of the Best Performing Leader of Charitable Organization in Japan. “We are looking forward that we could continue our advocacy in helping our kababayans”, added Palma. The awards committee of the school determined the awardee based on curricular and co-curricular achievement, competence and service to the school and the community.

Parents worried after Dengvaxia scare

40% of studes reject gov’t free vaccines By BEVERLY SHANE BIMBAO

RISK TAKER. Disregarding the Dengvaxia controversy, a Grade 7 student endures the pain and ignores the threat as she is vaccinated with MVL and Td vaccines here. (Photo by MARK ANTHONY BAJADA)

Dengvaxia controversy led 40 percent of the freshmen students denying the free vaccines provided by the Department of Health (DoH). During the school-based National Immunization Program on Aug. 13, only 58% of Grade 7 students agreed to be vaccinated with MVC and Td while 2% differed of taking the vaccine, data from Mary Amigos, school nutrition coordinator, confirmed. “Nahadlok ang mga ginikanan tungod sa sakit nga

basi makuha [sa immunization],” clarified Amigos. Moreover, in a press statement, DoH Undersecretary Enrique Domingo said only 50% to 60% of Filipino children are getting their scheduled vaccines resulting to the outbreaks of preventable diseases such as measles in early 2018. In February 2018, Domingo further stated that the DoH’s annual vaccination rate target is between 85 to 90%. A few months later, the health undersecretary said

anew that the targets were not reached because parents are still scared of government’s free vaccines and remained unwilling to have their children undergo immunization. The Dengvaxia issue started in November 2017 vaccine after its manufacturer Sanofi Pasteur released an advisory warning that its vaccine could cause a person to later develop severe dengue if he or she had not been infected by the virus prior to immunization. As of press time, DoH

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VOL. 8. NO. 1


Admin installs 9 CCTV units, solves theft cases By PRINCESS NICOLE ALIVAR and ARIES BANGCOYO

Beware – more eyes are now watching. Aiming to strengthen the security and tranquility of the institution’s internal operations, Mayor Ramon A. Benjamin Sr. National High School installed nine Closed-Circuit Television cameras in certain areas within its premises as a priority project for the first semester. The administration led by Jocilyn G. Gialogo said CCTVs are important to monitor the daily attendance and activities not only of the students but also the faculty and staff, adding that the installation also targets to correct their performance in the school, referring to their tardiness. “The CCTV can help to observe the activities around the school premises - yung palaging

nag-oover the fence at palaging nagrarambol. Kasi makikita mo yan lahat sa CCTV camera,”


It is the concerted alumni donations and stakeholder’s collaborative efforts that the Ramonians seized the 3rd spot for medium-sized school category during the Division Brigada Eskwela Contest, Principal Jocilyn Gialogo is certain. The 58-year old administrator said she is once again elated of this achievement from the shared support and active participation of those who joined the week-long program on May to prepare the school for the upcoming opening of classes. “Overabundance for me and for the school to gain again a trophy”, said Gialogo. “Pupils who are precise to finish their study is their inspiration”, she added. Irene Salgado, the brigada eskwela coordinator, noted a sum of Php. 864,597.50 monetary or in kind donations for school development earned during the Brigada period. The school climbed for two spots this year after gaining the fifth spot in the same category last year.

Beacon of Freedom & Flagship of Change | The Official Student Press Corps of Mayor Ramon A. Benjamin Sr. National High School | THE RADIANCE

Gialogo told The Radiance in an exclusive interview. Days after its installation, CCTV validated its purpose when an actual footage identified a student stealing a sum of Php. 1,480.00 from Senior High School students while the flag ceremony is going on. “Dahil sa CCTV, malelessen

yung pagkawala ng pera ng

“It was very heartwarming and great experience for us nga ma-meet and ma-recognize man ang mga IP sa aton lugar,” said Alivar adding that “Damo kami na-realize and na-gain nga knowledge about sa ila lifestyle nga nakainspire man sa amon

bilang isa ka y o u n g

mga kapwa nyo mag-aaral tsaka yung mga teachers aware na din kung anong nangyayari sa kanilang paligid,” said Gialogo

affirming that CCTV can solve theft cases which became a concern of some students. Serving as an eyewitness to what had happened, CCTV has solved anew another incident of stealing when a Grade 10 student lost its gadget, specifically its tablet, only to find out that it was also a student with the same grade. “Through the operation of the new CCTV cameras, the crimes inside of the campus was solved, giving a big help to students and teachers in getting justice and sound judgment of the chaos situation,” stated Irene Salgado. On July 9, eight CCTV units started its operation to monitor the school premises while one additional unit arrived on July 19 which are located at Junior High School upper building, school canteen, gate, SHS building and TechVoc building, and at the principal’s office. Amounting to 61,000 pesos, the expenses of the cameras came from the Maintenance and other Operating Expenses (MOOE) and other school funds. journalist sang aton country.” True to the publication’s goal to appreciate their role in the life of the nation’s culture, the said initiative is anchored by virtue of Proclamation No. 1906 signed on Oct. 5, 2009 which declared in the context of IP’s rights and preservation of indigenous cultural communities. Here in the Philippines, there are more than 130 ethnic groups comprising 10 percent of the country’s total population from which the kids of the Aeta community in Mt. Tag-ao belong to such society.

THE WRITE WAY. Prince Joshua Mistas, 5, is the youngest beneficiary of the pub’s initiative to recognize the Aeta community. (Photo by MARK ANTHONY BAJADA)

BOOKWORK BOY. Learning from a cluttered environment is a dilemma for freshman Jomari Faronal as he collects the textbooks left by his classmates adding mess to their classroomless class in a vast gymanasium. (Photo by MARK ANTHONY BAJADA)

Ongoing repairs vex students, teachers

Merging is temporary - Gialogo By PRINCESS NICOLE ALIVAR

With its goal to provide a more comprehensive education, seven classrooms of Mayor Ramon A. Benjamin Sr. National High School undergo repair resulting to the merging of some sections.

According to the school administration headed by Principal Jocilyn G. Gialogo, the merging is eyed to pave way for the on-going repair of the four-room Marcos type-building which made the students of Grade 7 and 10 fuse into two sections instead of four. Students from Grade 7, sections Daisy and Lily, were combined with the section Daffodils and Iris while the Grade 10 Jade was merged with sections Alexandrite and Ruby starting September. “The merging is necessary to address classroom shortage. However, it is temporary,” said Gialogo after considering the concerns of the students and teachers who flocked in the school gym for learning. Meanwhile, the Grade 7-Lily adviser Francis Gil P. Berana complained about the current situation of the students, mentioning the difficulties that he encountered. “Tama guid kabudlay kay gakaapektohan gid ang akon tingog. Kun kis-a, para mapilitan ka lang mahatag dulang activity para makuha ila attention kay kung puros na lang klase, maubos lang ang tingog mo kay ang iban inde nagid masigurado kun gapamati gid man ang tanan,” said Berana. The grade 7 adviser further said that it’s really harder for his part because students, who are being conjoined in a section, overlap his voice whenever he discusses, causing a non-conducive learning environment. On the other hand, Grade 10- Jade adviser Melchor G. Galban also gave his stand to the said circumstance. “Para sa akun, indi ko ini gusto kay indi ko gid matatapan ang tanan nga students especially ang akun mismo nga Jade whenever may mga discussion kinahanglan gid sang masinsinan nga pag tudlo,” said Galban. The adviser also noted that overcrowding and unsatisfactory setting in a classroom may contribute to the inferior learning status. However, to address this concerns, Gialogo secures the benefit of all the students after the said repair. “This will be for a short period of time. Once completed, there will be enough rooms for learning,” assures Gialogo.

THE RADIANCE | The Official Student Press Corps of Mayor Ramon A. Benjamin Sr. National High School | Beacon of Freedom & Flagship of Change

4 news

VOL. 8. NO. 1



Waving The Radiance banner on high

Barrio school slays Golden Pen; Alivar, Demo notch top prize By KIMBERLEEN MALONES

BARRIO SCHOOL SHINES. Publication writers from The Radiance were all smiles during the awarding ceremony of the Golden Pen after earning the top performing secondary school prize. (Photo by EISEEN JOYCE FINLAC )

After generating 130 points, the Western Visayas Cluster and Golden Pen Awards hailed Mayor Ramon A. Benjamin Sr. National High School as this year’s overall champion for the top performing secondary school in a workshop held at Robinsons Place Roxas, Aug. 4-5.

JOURNO CERTIFIED. Princess Nicole Alivar shares the limelight after being awarded with the Golden Pen with his adviser Philip Jayson Falcis (right) as her adviser and NSPC champion coach Jonell Gregorio (left).

Bagging 31 individual awards – five golds, three silvers, nine bronzes and 14 runners-up – all of the 13 student-writers from The Radiance carried the school’s banner and made history after dominating the conference with their respective distinctions. Top billed by their sterling writing performance, two of the publication’s lead editors Princess Nicole Alivar and Kimjun Demo swept back-toback recognition as Golden Pen Awardees while Sharyl Porras clutched the Most Promising Writer. “I prayed and asked [God] for a single award but He gave me more than I expect. I am very grateful,” said Alivar who shares the honor with Demo after gaining the confab’s top prize. The performance of the publication is now the fruit of their rigid training dubbed as “Ensayo: Ang Pagsasanay ng mga Bagani” held since June, school publication adviser Philip Jayson Falcis asserted. “Earning those awards is very significant for us being a barrio school. We came prepared

and we didn’t go home empty handed,” shared Falcis about the publication’s ‘impressive’ performance leaving topcompeting schools such as Capiz National High School (80 points) and Vicente Andaya Sr. National High School (70 points) to second and third places, respectively. Writing contests are divided into three clusters – Grades 7 and 8, 9 and 10, 11 and 12 – both in English and Filipino. For Senior High School, Demo took the lead among the five golds gained by the school winning 1st place both in Editorial and Sports Writing English while Filipino writer Margie Deita earned 3rd place in Editorial Writing and runner-up in News Writing. Alivar, for Grades 9-10, proved her English proficiency after clinching 1st place in Editorial Writing and 2nd place in News Writing; Aries Bangcoyo topped News Writing English winning 1st place and runnerup in Feature Writing Filipino; Benjie Hallarda scored 3rd place in Sports Writing Filipino; Claire Arsenal made her way to

garner 3rd place in Editorial and News Writing English as well as runner-up in Copyreading and Headline Writing. Furthermore, Joanna Grace Beringuel seized 3rd place in Sports Writing English and Photojournalism after banking runner-up in Feature Writing English; Mackev Tenegra claimed runner-ups in News Writing, Copyreading and Headline Writing Filipino, as well as Editorial Cartooning; Jodesa Sorolla listed runner-ups in Feature and Sports Writing English; and, Axel Paul Ataza showed Filipino propensity after gearing 3rd place in Copyreading and Headline Writing and runner-ups in Feature and Sports Writing. Meanwhile, for grades 7-8, Sharyl Porras dominated News Writing English and Feature Writing Filipino claiming 1st and 2nd places, respectively, as well as runner-up in Copyreading and Headline Writing; Lhem Sejade Aborde gathered 2nd place in News Writing and 3rd place in Editorial Writing, both in Filipino; and, Vanessa Mae Hallarda landed 3rd place in Sports Writing Filipino and runner-up in Feature Writing, Copyreading and Headline Writing Filipino. Revived after five years, the Regional Clusters Training is an annual journalistic event spearheaded by Dr. Jude Thaddeus Elidan, regional English supervisor as well president of the blah. “Golden Pen is the highest award. Primarily, it has to impress the judges through content, command of language and structure, basically the ‘goosebumps factor’,” said Jonell Gregorio, national winning coach in Editorial Writing and one of the confab’s resource persons.

Beacon of Freedom & Flagship of Change | The Official Student Press Corps of Mayor Ramon A. Benjamin Sr. National High School | THE RADIANCE

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VOL. 8. NO. 1


SMAW emerges top choice for SHS entrants By EDEN PUNSALAN

HANDS ON METAL. Safety gears worn by Grade 11-SMAW students help them avoid the hazards that they may encounter during their workshop sessions. (Photo by MARK ANTHONY BAJADA)

Enrolment data for this school year show that the sole Technical-Vocational Livelihood offering of the school gained the highest enrolment for Grade 11, Senior High School Coordinator Philip Jayson Falcis confirms. With 32 enrolled students for the first semester, Shielded Metal Arc Welding which provides opportunity for students to create metal craft works surpassed the enrolment of previous leading strands: General Academic Strand (GAS) with 42 in SY 2016-2017 and Humanities and Social Sciences with 32 in SY 2017-2018. “This [enrolment] shows that many of our Junior High School students have interest to become welders which is the practical way to earn a living after graduation,” said Falcis noting that SMAW graduates have better opportunities for employment after graduation. SHS Expo achievement One reason that the SHS Coordinator highlighted for the surge of SMAW enrolment is the recent achievement gained by the school during the Capiz Division SHS Expo held at Capiz Gym on March 19. With the collective efforts of the school’s participants, Mayor Ramon A. Benjamin Sr. National High School brought home the championship trophy for the Best Booth in TVL 1-A (Industrial Arts Category). Dubbed with the theme: "SHS: Trabaho, Negosyo at kolehiyo - A Celebration of Success", the said event aims to showcase the processes, performance, products, and services of SHS students, from the different schools all over Capiz division.

3 out of 4 SHS studes favor DepEd’s sex education drive By AXEL PAUL ATAZA

Three in every four Senior High School students of Mayor Ramon A. Benjamin Sr. National High School approve the mandate of the Department of Education to implement the Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) or the DepEd Order No. 31, series of 2018.

During the school’s Recognition Program on April, Jocilyn Gialogo cited the efforts of Elmer Venus, the school’s SMAW instructor, behind the success of the said victory for pushing the students to create metal works that are beneficial and can be source of living. "Aside from the collaborative effort of everyone who contributed to the outcome of our booth, one of the reasons behind our victory of our school is our sales during the Expo which reached Php. 17,000.00,” said Gialogo adding that the products are more attractive to the costumers. NC II Assessment Meanwhile, Gialogo targets to produce National Certificate II holders for this graduating batch of SMAW students. “Last year, wala naka-NC II ang aton mga SMAW graduates, because it is the decision of our school’s SMAW instructor [Venus] , and just like last year, this year I recommend to have our NC II,” said Gialogo adding that the final decision is still up for Venus. To equip the students with hands-on experiences, the Department of Education provided 11 equipment on May 30 which include safety shoes, welding helmet, welding leather apron – both for SMAW NC I and NC II. Furthermore, the school received five additional equipment on Aug. 22 composed of Arc welding machines AC/DC and Acc. For SMAW NC I and NC II and Automatic Gas Cutting Machine for SMAW NC II. “These equipment provided by the DepEd will be very helpful to our SMAW students in performing their daily activities as a welder,” confirmed Gialogo.

Education Secretary Leonor Briones said there is a need to introduce a comprehensive sexuality education policy to students to curb rising incidences of early pregnancy, sexual violence and Human-Immunodeficiency Virus among young Filipinos. “The need to promptly arrest the surge in these cases is increasingly becoming urgent. The young generation is really at risk,” Briones stated. In a survey conducted by a group of Grade 12 students in their research subject, out of the 136 chosen SHS respondents, 99 of them favored the conduct of the policy comprising 73 percent of the sample size while 37 others opposed. “Proper sex education can give awareness to students of the things they are curious about,” affirmed McKinley Cuyong, a Grade 12-ABM student, adding that sex education must be implemented especially these days where social media is very influential. The policy aims to enhance the “holistic wellness of the Filipino adolescents and effectively address their needs for health and protection.” According to Grade 12 adviser Ginalyn Huqueriza, it is high time to implement CSE to reduce the cases of teenage pregnancy in school. On the other hand, Maribel Alejandrino of Grade 12 – HUMSS stated that the policy will just lead some teenagers to explore using contraceptives when they will be taught on how to use them. “As a teenager, we are already aware on the harmful effects of this [sexual activity], we only need a deep understanding and discipline.” The planned integration of an age-appropriate and culturesensitive sex education in the basic elementary and high school curriculum will develop responsible Filipino youth who are aware of risks and issues involving reproductive health, according to the DepEd. The SHS respondents were randomly selected applying the Slovin’s formula at five percent margin error.

Are you in favor of the DepEd Order No. 31, series of 2018 or the Comprehensive Sexuality Education?



MORAL VIEWPOINT. Out of 136 randomly selected SHS respondents, 99 of them (73%) approved the implementation of DepEd Order No. 31, s. 2018 while 37 others opposed (27%).

THE RADIANCE | The Official Student Press Corps of Mayor Ramon A. Benjamin Sr. National High School | Beacon of Freedom & Flagship of Change

6 opinion

VOL. 8. NO. 1



Beacon of Freedom & Flagship of Change | The Official Student Press Corps of Mayor Ramon A. Benjamin Sr. National High School | THE RADIANCE

VOL. 8. NO. 1


Cries for Rice EDITORIAL

The Philippines is currently stormed by the issue of rice shortage. Retailers plead that they have little supply. Meanwhile, President Rodrigo Duterte, on his visit at Jerusalem’s Filipino community denied that there is no shortage but even claimed that there is an excess. The issue of rice shortage is not just a shocking scenario but also a crime against the hundred million Filipinos. Given how much rice we harvest and import, we strongly believe that the rice shortage is artificially created by rice hoarders causing high prices in the market. First off, the Philippines is the world’s eight largest producer with 13 million metric tons of rice expected to be harvested this 2018. According to IRRI’s Rice Almanac, on average of 123.3 kg of rice is consumed by one person per year. There about 103 million people on the Philippines and they can only consume about 12.6 million metric tons of rice annually. This means that the Philippines produces more than enough rice. To make sure that we will never be short of rice, the government on September 2018 will import for the third time this year 250,000 MT of rice. Including this, the total import of rice is 750,000 MT. Given this figure, this will flood the market with supply and rice shortage should not be happening. But why are there allegations of rice shortage? The answer is simple. Hoarding with NFA’s high standards in buying rice, farmers prefer to sell it to commercial traders, leaving the NFA with low stocks. These traders hoard the rice here creating this artificial shortage. This will be a huge profit for hoarders especially after the hikes on rice that they created. Therefore, even though the Philippines is abundant in rice, people still feel the unbalance economy created by these greedy criminals called rice hoarders. There are other factors that may cause rice shortage like, typhoons and rice wastage. However, this is not the main cause because due to different reasons, the Philippines is wasting approximately 300,000 tons of rice yearly, there should still be a large amount left. It means that hoarders are the number one cause of rice shortage. To expose the corruption and greed of hoarders and to assure that the people knows the truth is our role as campus journalist in this national issue. We can also serve as the farmer’s voice for them and ask for help and support because they are the ones who feed us. Let us be responsible journalist and play each of our parts. As for the government, it is essential that they give more support to farmers through improving equipment, research, and farm to market roads. If possible, the NFA should build buy and sell stations for rice in every town, and avoid making their standards in buying rice too high. In this way, farmers will not be forced to sell their precious products to corrupt rice hoarders. They are plagues to society and should be eradicated immediately. In this day and age where everything is costly, we should avoid wasting the staple food of our country. Working together we can ensure that the Philippines is a country where no more cries for rice.

BLASPHEME A case filed by


Obnoxious! How can a respectable leader of a Godfearing nation say such disgustful and abhorrent words to his fellow countrymen’s Lord? President Rodrigo Duterte has invoked so much repugnance and dismay from many steadfast and pious Filipino citizens after stating “Your God is not my God. Your God is stupid. My God is perfect and has a perfect common sense” during the oath-taking of Northern Mindanao barangay captains in Cagayan De Oro City. Majority of Filipinos PRINCESS NICOLE ALIVAR Editor-in-chief KIMJUN DEMO Associate Editor MACKEV TENEGRA Managing Editor BENJIE HALLARDA KIMBERLEEN MALONES Asst. Managing Editor KENN MARK EVANGELISTA Circulation Manager




The Radiance is the official student press corps of Mayor Ramon A. Benjamin Sr. National High School located at Dacuton, Dumarao, Capiz. It is published twice every school year which stands as a breed of scholastic campus writers center of campus journalism as the voice of the studentry waving the BEACON OF FREEDOM and FLAGSHIP OF CHANGE. Contributors, comments and suggestions may be sent to the editors. The opinions herein are the views of the authors and cannot be taken as the position of the school as such. No part of publication may be reproduced in any form without the written consent to the press corps. All rights reserved.

Malapropos! Changing the last line of our national anthem, Lupang Hinirang, is in a malapropos approach and at the same time, a disgrace not just to the citizens, netizens, and patriots of our country but also to our beloved heroes who fought for our freedom with their last blood, sweat, and tears. Senate President Vicente Sotto III wants the national anthem amended because he finds the certain lines “defeatist”. From the last line of “Ang mamatay ng dahil sa’yo” to a desired change of “Ang ipaglaban ang kalayaan mo”. It is not defeatist and never will be. Sotto might say it is because the last line says that instead of fighting, our heroes should die but it isn’t the way it happened. From my own perspective, the greatest pleasure and sacrifice that a Filipino hero can offer is the end of their lives, death precisely. And even if I wasn’t born yet when our heroes made history like Andres Bonifacio, Jose

opinion 7 God is greater than gold

consider President Rodrigo Duterte’s highly controversial joke about Davao City rape cases “vulgar”. Based on the results of a September 15 to 23 SWS poll of 1,500 adults, 83 percent of respondents qualified that Duterte’s disparaging remarks about God were “bastos.” President Duterte explained that his profane statement was really directed and made in relation to his criticism against

his critics and lawmakers for riding on the issue, criticizing and using his controversial statement against him. He also challenged them to prove that their God was perfect and offered to kneel down and ask for forgiveness if they were able to do so. He also stressed in his speech that nobody has the right to bind him to a certain belief and that he has the right to express his views about religion.

...“He had truly made a creation where nothing is perfect but still became the home of many devoted and impassioned human beings...” Australian missionary nun Patricia Fox who has spawned her ire for supposedly being anti-government and faced deportation proceedings for alleged involvement in partisan political activities. However, in a review of the transcript of the president’s speech, Duterte had made no mention of or any reference to Fox during his June 22 speech at a summit. The president had also smitten back and slammed

According to the president, he was not referring to his own god when he denominated God as stupid which prompted flak from many Filipino citizens. He continued to dispute and mock the Catholic teachings, including the creation, Last Supper, and veneration of saints, questioning anew why God would create a “world of perfection” with Adam and Eve only to exterminate it later with the depravity also committed by

them. Additionally, Duterte instead believes in a “universal being” who’s according to him “more supreme than the rest of the gods of men”. In his speech. He even insisted that not everything written in the bible is true. He also questioned the story behind the last supper, wherein Jesus Christ had his last supper with his apostles before his crucifixion. Born and raised as a Catholic citizen and was cultivated in two Catholic colleges, the blasphemous utterances and outrageous statements of our nation’s leader are still difficult and inconceivable to accept and vindicate especially in this highly religious country, which has more than 80 percent Roman Catholics. As what we have seen and heard about the president’s speech, it seems like he have finally discrete himself from the devotion and reverence he had learned from his youth, the devotion and reverence his mother had taught before which helped him gain great


Patriotism against Criticism Rizal, and Gregorio Del Pilar, I knew from the inner core of my existence that they fought and never gave up just for their love to our country and for our freedom. It will just be an insult for them after saving our country from chaos before. It is like seeing them giving their all and in the end, it goes to a waste and vanishes into thin air. Just like nothing happened and that

revised and speaks our culture, tradition, and historical heritage since the day it was composed in 1898 by Julian Felipe. It is actually written by Jose Palma in 1899. The words used in Lupang Hinirang utters the truth and rightful happenings. It is not something that’s replaceable and easy to be change. In addition to this, I can

...“the greatest pleasure and sacrifice that a Filipino hero can offer is the end of their lives, death precisely.” they didn’t exist at all. What bugs me more is why all of a sudden, they’ve wanted to change the last line of our anthem. Lupang Hinirang has never been part of our country’s countless dilemmas. It is already been settled for how many decades and has never been touched because people in a right state of mind will never view this as a problem. It is also very sacred to be

see that our government and Sotto to be exact, is just trying to manipulate or exploit our minds while distracting us from the real deal and hot issues here in our country. The national anthem isn’t something we should work on and give our attention because it is nothing compared to the high criminal rate we have here in our country, the TRAIN law, the inflation rate, corruption and more.

DISTORTION A case filed by


Now tell me tito Sotto, is it still worth changing? We aren’t as blind and dumb as what you expect. We see the truth as clear as glass that you are not rightful for your position because this is not a problem you should be fixing. This isn’t where you were supposed to lead us but instead, pick up yourself from your desk and start helping and contributing in solving the dilemmas and crises we face. And always remember that patriots will never guard down from those who always tend to criticize.

THE RADIANCE | The Official Student Press Corps of Mayor Ramon A. Benjamin Sr. National High School | Beacon of Freedom & Flagship of Change

8 feature

They are not the ones living in a fine mansion, but they live in a very traditional and old house that you can’t even imagine living there. They are not the ones who have the same lifestyle like us, but they have an odd and simple way of filling out their daily needs. And they are not the ones who are treated normally by the society, but go the other way around because of the common misconceptions. Freaked out. Strange. Weirded out. Odd. These are just some of the mood and feels in the air that somehow affect the people when they encounter Indigenous people. It is because of the misconceptions and misleading belief we had about them since then. But little did we know how colorful and interesting their tradition, rituals, belief, culture and habitat are. It can even cause goose bumps to some who decided to discover and dig deeper about them. According to United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, here in the Philippines, there are more than 130 ethnic groups comprising 10 percent of the country’s total population. It is estimated that there are more than 370 million indigenous peoples spread across 70 countries worldwide. They may be distinctive when it comes to their habitat, unique rituals and traditions, social status, cultural, economic and political characteristics and physical aspects and attributes, but they’re always willing to unite and interact with everyone despite the differences they have. The month of October is considered as the month for our indigenous brothers and sisters. It is but fitting that on October 8-10, the province of Capiz was chosen by the National Commission for Culture and the Arts to host Dayaw which is tagged as the biggest and the grandest gathering of Indigenous Peoples in the country. How amazing it

Beacon of Freedom & Flagship of Change | The Official Student Press Corps of Mayor Ramon A. Benjamin Sr. National High School | THE RADIANCE

VOL. 8. NO. 1 | OCTOBER 2018





Get the euphoric vibe of the enchanting Dayaw village By JOANNA GRACE BERINGUEL

is that this gathering of IPs is not only limited to our country and also features visitors from Asia-Pacific region to visit the pride of the Seafood Capital of the Philippines. From the heart of Capiz, Roxas City, it takes 45 kilometers to reach the Capiz Ecological Park in Nagba, Cuartero wherein the different houses in an indigenous village was showcased and displayed in an exhibit. And now, it is time to dive in the euphoric, enchanted, breathe-taking and eye-opening world of the indigenous people. Let us tour in the naturalistic vibes of their village, the Dayaw village. Pack up your bags intended for the information and knowledge you will know along the way. Ready your camera, which are your eyes, to picture out the site, houses and the whole village you will encounter. And prepare your water and snacks as you sit in. Relax and enjoy the whole scenery while reading this. SAPEW KE MEME OF ATI Dark-skinned. Curly hair. Captivating Smile. These are the most common quality of the Ati that are part of the indigenous community in Dumarao. It is also similar to their habitat. Their house, Sapew Ke Meme, is made of round timber, cogon grass for its roofing and its wall is made of binalantak nga bolo or small bamboos. The slats are used for flooring. It is similar to them in the way the colors and tone of the house, the frizzy and somehow curled roof, and its outward appearance that can really captivate the eyes and hearts of those who see it. Their home is a bungalow-style and very care-free. It is a nice place for resting as the cool breeze sways around your face and relaxation is real. PAYAG OF HILIGAYNON Simple. Soft and innocent voices. Lovely smile. These are the most seen quality

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of the Hiligaynon, or the people of Panay. It goes the same to their shelter too. The typical “ Payag ” is built 3 to 4 meters above the grounds, with 4 corners and only one, large, open, multi-purpose room for converging and dwelling called dayunan or hulot . It is like a single-room house. The walls are made of nipa and cogon leaves and the windows have tukod or legs that hold the swinging shades open during the day, and secure it back in place at night. The payag is similar to the Hiligaynon as the whole view of the house is very simple as they value simplicity more, just like theirselves. The house is also very native, as it is untouched and it’s the innocent one compared to its neighboring houses. And how lovely it is to live a fairytale-like life in this aesthetic house. BINANGI OF IGOROT Strong aura. Bare and bold. Tough smile. These are the admirable traits and qualities of the Igorot that are part of the indigenous people in Mountain Province. It goes along with their houses too. Their traditional “ Binangi ”, or bahay kubo, is all made from pine wood which is the abundant wood supply in their place. From the walls, to the flooring and even to their roofs and bunk beds — it is usually made from pine wood. Typically, the Binangi has 3 floors. The first floor for the receiving area, second floor for the bedrooms and third floor for the storage room or the attic. Their bedroom is usually made of bunk beds that are indestructible because of the hard pine woods. It is the same to the Igorot in the way of how strong and eye-catching the house is, getting all of our attentions just like how they did to us by their strong auras. The house is also out-and-out and daring which is the same to them being bare and bold. The toughness of the Binangi values the

toughness of their smile. LEPA-LEPA OF BAJAU Unique. Diverse appearance. Outstanding smile. These are the most distinctive quality of the Bajau , or the people of Tawi-Tawi . It is also the same to their shelter too. The LepaLepa traditional boat house is multi-utility. The boat serves as a fishing vessel and as means of transportation. It is also utilized for wedding venues and cultural performances. It is made out of ‘ ubor suluk ’ or red seraya wood — the only wood that can be used in making this boat. The distinctive design of LepaLepa is shaped to mimic the figure of a fish. It is the same to the Bajau in the term of the distinguishable outward aspect of the boat house that became an eye of attraction among all because of its uniqueness, just like them that made their difference very particular and noticeable. The entire boat house stands out among the others as it was paddled in the small pond showing off the outstanding smile of the Bajau, a smile that is full of great confidence that surely shines. OUR PRIDE These are just some of the houses in Dayaw village that is needed to be visited for it just doesn’t showcase the eye-widening visuals and the overflowing informations from the indigenous people but it also tell heartwarming stories of the houses, the people and their background. It is worth listening to them as they’ve captured our hearts and changed our perspective. Their talents, their works and their smile. It is a gift not just to us but to the whole world. They are our pride and they may not all be like us but it is the unity and love for humanity that matters the most. Dayaw may have ended successfully but the life-changing experience will definitely change us. In life, some of us may be sticks, some may be stones but neither will survive alone.

THE RADIANCE | The Official Student Press Corps of Mayor Ramon A. Benjamin Sr. National High School | Beacon of Freedom & Flagship of Change

10 opinion

VOL. 8. NO. 1



Not Hair, But Her!

VIOLATION A case filed by


One day, a girl enters the premises of the school. She wears her favorite attire. But what is wrong with her? SHE HAS COLORED HAIR! Hair color trends again. GUESS WHERE? This hair color addiction is trending inside the school campus. Do you know what kind I’m talking to? This is

This is remarkable! After undergoing a thorough rehabilitation, the face of Boracay was reilluminated on Oct. 26 after six months of closure. This remake is a great chance for wonderful things to happen to the famous tourist destination not just in the country, but in the whole world. As a student, I appreciate the intensive efforts of the government to focus in each aspect of rehabilitating the paradise’s problem that the local officials can’t solve. Through this remaking, thousands if not millions of tourists will come once again to have a glimpse of its exquisite beauty. It was opened for recovering for the problem, particularly in its physical aspect, was too much. Foreign and local tourists still complain about the polluted water and toxic sewages of the island. For some, the closure becomes a tragedy but for many of us it is a big remedy.

not black. But blue. But red. But yellow and green. Some of the students inside the school campus are coloring their hair even though it is strictly prohibited. It may have been our right to do what we want just to express our freedom. Though, it has limitations when other people are affected. In this case, students

“As long as they are breaking the rules, the more punishment will be given.” don’t mind other people’s sake. Although they are on the right age to know what is right and what is wrong. Hair dyeing can cause cancer. YES! CANCER. Too much

hand, it causes inflammation and severe discomfort. However, hair dyes can give effects to fertility. Lead acetate is a common ingredient used in permanent hair


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Missing piece of Paradise With Proclamation No. 475 placing Boracay under the state of calamity for six months, President Duterte intentionally gave the island more time to defunct the severe operations of business establishments in the island causing peril of impressions for the tourist. The government just hopes to save the island while it’s not too late. As the residents sought help

for the inhabitants living there, too. But with the island being re-opened, the residents and the business operations shall be regulated so as not to waste what has been saved. Alas! The waiting is finally over. As Boracay welcomes us once again, let’s not take this opportunity for granted. Being millennial, youths do not except us from doing our fair share in

...“For some, the closure becomes a tragedy but for many of us it is a big remedy.”

LOITERING A case filed by


from the Duterte administration for they were left jobless during the closure, it is high time then for Duterte to provide remediation not just for the island’s physical appearance but

saving the environment. The problem is not the island but we who became apathetic to keep it clean. With these alliances and coordination, the tag “cesspool

island” will no longer be applicable for Boracay anymore. Folks, there is no barrier for a solution to the problem that we Filipinos suffer today as youth and citizen. Through this, it will help to replenish the broken euphoria of the people. We knew that we are the missing piece of this paradise.

needs more development and growth is not as easy and simple as it seems. We need an appropriate father who can lead us to the right path where there’s no conflagration but peace, no contempt but respect, and no extreme grudges, but rather it is a nation where there’s hope for all and has more genuine act of amity with each other. As children of God and Filipino citizens who truly care for our country, I believe that we should not let our own president

to be the person we loathed the most. If Duterte and all the Filipinos have discordance until the end, how can you expect that the Philippines will become a progressive and prosperous nation? The creation story of the world may be absurd and stupid for the president, but for us who firmly believe in God’s virtuous words and has a strong faith in Him, He had truly made a creation where nothing is perfect but still became the

home of many devoted and impassioned human beings who always knew who and what they really need in their lives. And that is God. At this point, I believe that President Duterte needs more prayer rather than denunciation from many enraged religious people. He may turn into a faithless and impious being but with our prayers for him, it is not impossible to take his faith back and make him an effective father of the nation of believers.

from page 8 | STUPID accomplishments until the present days. As a prominent leader of our country, President Duterte should always have an open mind and an open heart to feel and understand that in this world full of different and various beliefs and perspectives in life, it’s really important that equality, respect, and love should always prevail even in the most horrendous times. Leading a nation which

exposure to hair dyes can cause cancer because some permanent hair dyes that were first introduced were carcinogenic (cancer causing). According to a research, hair dyes can also cause asthma. Hair dyes aggravate asthma because of the persulfates present in them. It can also cause conjunctivitis, when chemicals from hair dyes make contact with your eyes. On the other

dyes. Hair dyeing can cause allergic reaction, it contains paraphenylenediamine which is a common allergen. According to School Rules, Policies and Penalties no. 10, “Students are discouraged to dye or color their hair”, which means student are not allowed to dye their hairs. As a student, coloring your hair is not good. Yes! It may be pleasant to see when you look after fashion trends. But sometimes it also affect one’s health when taken without consideration. Thus, violators will be punished. As long as they are breaking the rules, the more punishment will be given. Teachers and other staff of the school will give the discipline to the students who were unable to follow the policy. Students with hair color are cute, but they didn’t know there is something wrong with her, but not with her hair.

VOL. 8. NO. 1

Mental illness is not a joke. To be healthy as a whole, mental wellness plays a role. Break the silence. Cure the scars. Let’s step up against the stigma.

Everybody’s life matters. A Statement by THE RADIANCE

Photography: Mark Anthony Bajada Concept & Text: Princess Nicole Alivar Model: Justin Dale Cogtas

THE RADIANCE | The Official Student Press Corps of Mayor Ramon A. Benjamin Sr. National High School | Beacon of Freedom & Flagship of Change

12 feature

VOL. 8. NO. 1


Gibato’s Nirvanic Treasure A journey to the golden recipe behind the sweet success of a dynamic local cooperative By PRINCESS NICOLE ALIVAR

A scoop of patience. A tablespoon of perseverance. A cup of hard work. A handful of passion.

These were just some of the main ingredients of Progressive Woman and Agrarian Reforms Cooperative in successfully racking up all their endeavors as a dynamic cooperative that steadfastly provides the needs of the members, rendering a satisfying and quality life in an augmenting community.

Taking their steps to the muddy road which impedes their smooth journey to greater accomplishments, PWARC has

impressively dominated and proved a lot after many years of their establishment as a small yet conducive institution. More trials and errors have driven innovation and creativity in their furtherance which showed that their ability to conquer failure made them more of a victor than the former. From the heart of Capiz, Roxas City, it takes some 80 kilometers to reach and locate Brgy. Gibato, Dumarao, Capiz where their main and only branch is found. Famously dubbed as the “Home of Golden Calamansi Juice”, Gibato is also a barangay not only known for their astounding local products but also for the recognizable hospitality and generosity of their people.

GOLDEN RECOGNITION. PWARC Chairperson Ma. Cecilia Ibabao attends the National Gawad Parangal to receive the citation as national finalist hailed by the Cooperative Development Authority on Oct. 26 this year. (Photo credit MA. CECILIA G. IBABAO | PWARC FILES)

Untwining Chronicle Barangay Health Workers this is what they were before. Back in year 1998, there were twent y women who started to create an autosavings group, namely: Myrna Villarosa, Emeresenciana Lauron, Adelfa Villacampa, Loida Sinoy, Jovelyn Barcimo, Nilda Malones, Delia Malones, Regina Suasin, Elena Castillo, Rosie Bataluna, Erna Sumagaysay, Denia Esguerra, Lourdes Gayagaya, Nelia Alivar, Rocille Malones, Mayf lor Alberto, Rosalie Ibabao, Vilma Erispe, Melinde Tupaz, and Sotera C. Ibabao who originally led and became the founding chairman of the pioneer group. They started to make profit out of their finished products such as banana chips and banana marbles and were also engaged in catering ser vices too. In the year 1999, Brg y. Gibato and Sgda. Familia became an Agrarian Reform Communit y.The ver y time when the Department of Agrarian Reform saw the will of these women to improve their way of life. So, then this Department in collaboration with the Department of Trade and Industr y (DTI) assisted

them to improve their products as well as to register their group as a Cooperative. The name then, was Progressive Women and Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Multi-Purpose Cooperative, based from those 20 women and the Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries who joined their group. As Mrs. Ibabao’s term of office has come to its end in March 2005, she was then succeeded by Mrs. Vilma Erispe who initially brought the first Calamansi Juice processing to transpire and develop as many bountiful years passed by. By May of 2011, a new set of officers were elected. They were then headed by their new chairperson, Mrs. Ma. Cecilia G. Ibabao, a neophyte leader and a public secondar y school teacher at the same time. Though a woman, she tried her best to adopt and be with in the new world she entered and responsibilities she accepted. “PWARC aims to be a shining star to light the paths of all the members and the communit y as well. It aims to inspire others to be optimistic and to become stronger in facing trials and failures they

may encounter in life,” Ibabao states, highlighting their goal to give a qualit y of life to ever y individual member. No bruises, No wonders. No goal was ever met without a little sweat. No one could make it to the other side of the road without bruises - scars of accomplishment. And to master the road, one has to show a lot of bruises for it. Just like ever y people unwantedly encounters in life, PWARC also experienced downfalls throughout their long journey as a cooperative, but it never stopped them to excel more and more. Even before their accomplishments went to the palm of their hands, this institution has its own derelictions which made them strive and develop further. As failures continue to come to their way, their motivation still remained down-the-line which brought significant attainments to them. One of the best and most wellknown products of Coop is the Golden Calamansi Juice which gave excellent recognitions to them. This product prevails to widely expand and evolve as time passes by. It became a satisfactor y product sold

Beacon of Freedom & Flagship of Change | The Official Student Press Corps of Mayor Ramon A. Benjamin Sr. National High School | THE RADIANCE

VOL. 8. NO. 1


ever y where in the Philippines, giving delight not just to the people of Gibato . Other businesses or ser vices that PWARC also offers are Micro-Finance, Regular Savings Deposit, Time Deposit, Kiddie Savings, Production Loan, Flat Bed and Solar Dr yer Rental, Tree planting, Feeding Programs, Scholarship Program, 4Ps Mutual Aid, Vermiculture, APCP Loan, Bloodletting, Death Aid, Insurance for Children, Adults, and Senior Citizen, Hospitalization, and Birthday Regalo for Senior Citizen. “Dream big and work for it. Take one step at a time, and be courageous in whatever endeavor you want to attain in life. Let failure be an inspiration to achieve more heights of success,” said Ibabao, mentioning that this always ser ves as an motivational quote for them. Because of their determination to reach greater heights, PWARC has continually received various local and national awards including Capiz Green Enterprise Award in the Province of Capiz for Small Enterprise, Best Cooperative in Capital Build-Up Generation, Best Performing Cooperative in Department of Agrarian Reform, Regional Winner Small Industr y Categor y in Regional Tripartite Wages and Productivit y Board VI(RTWPB), Gawad Parangal 2nd Runner-up 2017 in Cooperative Development Authority(CDA),Most Outstanding ARB Organization in Region VI, ARBO with

FDA License to Operate, and Most Outstanding ARB Organization in the Visayas Island Group. Ever yone is a failure and a victor at the same time. The difference between impossible and possible lies in a person’s determination. To achieve success in any venture, one need to take cognizance of some essentials that are pivotal in bagging any form of success if correctly applied. Boon Companion With 30 employees and 2838 members, PWARC continued to provide and hope for an excellent future to their members, not just by giving them what they need but by educating them how to make a sustainable living. Nelia Alivar, a 64-yearold Barangay Health Worker and a member of the said cooperative for 20 years, has received many benefits and life-long sustenance which made her continue to give honor and significance to the institution where ser ving others is a goal. She was one of the founding members of PWARC way back 1998 and remain as one until the present days. As a beneficiar y, she wasn’t just reached out and provided with all her necessities but instead, she was proficiently taught on how to give nourishment to their own lives. Through the cooperative, she experienced attending livelihood trainings such as on how to prepare and make banana marbles, banana chips, and pinasugbo which

feature 13 they can always apply and utilize as their way of living. Furthermore, whenever there are emergencies and financial problems, this institution is what you can also count on. As what people are usually problematic of, monetar y absence has also come to nanay Nelia’s way when one of his granddaughters was admitted because of a certain disease, but because of PWARC’s assistance through money loans, this problem has been answered and solved. “Dako gid ang bulig nga nahatag sang ini nga Cooperatiba sa akun pamilya inde lang sa pagbulig provide sang amun mga kinahanglanon, pro sa pagbulig man hatag sang kauswagan sa amun adlawadlaw nga pagpangabuhi,” Nay Nelia utters. On the other hand, PWARC’s members aren’t just the ones to take benefits from them, scholarship program, which helps carr y heavier load and makes it lighter for the students in paying heft y school bills, is what they also offer. 16-year-old Sweetlyn Panganiban is a Grade-10 student of Mayor Ramon A. Benjamin Sr. National High School and a PWARC scholar for some years. She’s the oldest among the 4 siblings and also a consistent honor elementar y, student since bringing constant joy to her family. As a t ypical student, school bills such as miscellaneous, PTA projects, and others are what her parents are always stressing of, especially that

she’s not the only one who goes to school ever y day, but because of PWARC’s scholarship program, Sweetlyn’s burden has now a lesser weight. Ever y examination day, she’ll just sit still, take her test, and worr y nothing because her miscellaneous fee was already paid by the cooperative. Ever y December, she also receives useful Christmas presents and gain friends with her fellow scholars from other barangays. During opening of classes, she doesn’t worr y about her school supplies because PWARC completely provides it for her. “Tungod sa mga bulig sang PWARC, napamag-an ang palas-anon sang amun ginikanan sa pagpaskwela sa amun, amu na nga nagahimakas gid kami sang mga utod ko nga makatapos sang amun pageskwela agud indi magkadto sa wala kapuslanan ang mga nabulig sang PWARC saamun,” she adds. Ser vice is not slaver y. Ser vice is the deliver y of value, just like how PWARC remains to deliver value and significance to its communit y members. They’re always ready to ser ve their gifts, products or whatever it is they have to offer to their target beneficiaries and do so with passion and excitement. They always strive to move from good to better and from the better to the ver y best. Failures may come their avenue to hinder them; however it is actually one of the main ingredients to success in any endeavor. By accepting failure as part of the natural process of achieving

“Just like every people unwantedly encounters in life, PWARC also experienced downfalls throughout their long journey as a cooperative, but it never stopped them to excel more and more.” BUILDING COMMUNITIES. The first photo shows Owen Jan Montano, a student from MRABSNHS, receiving a set of school supplies from a PWARC officer; the center photo shows community kids receiving Christmas presents from the cooperative personnel; while the last photo shows Hon. Vice Mayor Leslie Warren Benjamin cut the ribbon with Ma’am Ibabao during the inauguration of a washing facility donated for the cooperative members. (Photo credit MA. CECILIA G. IBABAO | PWARC FILES)

THE RADIANCE | The Official Student Press Corps of Mayor Ramon A. Benjamin Sr. National High School | Beacon of Freedom & Flagship of Change

14 local

VOL. 8. NO. 1



Beacon of Freedom & Flagship of Change | The Official Student Press Corps of Mayor Ramon A. Benjamin Sr. National High School | THE RADIANCE

local 15

VOL. 8. NO. 1


‘Kon bal an ko lang tani’ Capiznon kontra hiligaynon: Diin ang mas nauyonan mo? Ni VANESSA MAE HALLARDA

Padayon nga nagahimakas Ang istorya sang kabuhi sang mga kabataan kag sang ila pag-eskwela halin pa sa Mt. Tag-ao


Isa ka mayo nga buluhaton sa mata sang Makagagahum ang pag-bulig sa isig-kapareho. Gani ang staff sang The Radiance ang nagpanghatag sang temprano nga pamaskuwa sa mga Indigenous People sa Tamulalud, sa sini nga banwa. Handum sang sini nga publikasyon nga makapanghatag sang mga school supplies nga makabulig gid sang daku sapag lab-ot sang mga handum sang mga bata nga ati. Pag- umpisa sang pagpanglakaton Pagkatapos nga nahanda na ang amon nga dalal-on, nag biyahe kami sing halos biente minutos pakadto sa amo nga lugar. Amon gid nga nabatyagan ang mabugnaw nga dupoy-dupoy sang hangin samtang naga-biyahe kag nabayluhan ini sang mainit nga pag abiabi sa amon sang mga manunudlo sang Heracleo M. Benjamin Elementary School, nga amo nga gina eskwelahan sang mga nasambitan nga mga kabataan. Malipayon. Ini ang makita mo sa mga mata sang mga kabataan sang makita nila ang amon gina bitbit nga karton nga may unod nga school supplies kag mainit nga mga pamahaw. Naga yuhom kag excited ang kadam-an sa ila sang ginpanghatag na ini tanan kag nadugangan pa sang nagpahamtang kami sang mga hampang. Indi gid madula ang mga yuhom nila nga kaangay sang matam-is nila nga palaabuton. Indi matupungan Isa si Prince Joshua Mistas sa mga Indigenous People sang Dumarao. Sa edad nga lima ka tuig, natun- an na niya nga magpamadpad sang mais kag magpamanggas tungod sa madulom nga plastada sang ila nga pangabuhi. Duha sila ka mag- ulutod. Ang iya nanay yara lang sa sulod sang balay naga- ubra, kag ang iya tatay nagapamadpad man kag nagapamanggas sang mais. Sa kada pagyuhom sang adlaw, aga pa niya nga gina- subay ang batuhon nga dalan pakadto sa maayong buas- damlag sa eskuwelahan. Maayo man kung may piso siya nga balon, mayo man kung wala. Kulang man siya sa material nga butang kag masanag nga klase sang pangabuhi, padayun siya sa gihapon nga naga- bakas para labuton ang iya nga mga handum nga indi gid maupungan.

Magbakas lang Sa kada adlaw, daw ma- untat na tani sa iya pagtuon si Jelolyn Juntado, 11 anyos, tungod sa mga diskriminasyon sa ila eskuwelahan nga sobra pa sa sakit nga iya naagyan sa mainit kag mabudlay nga malaisan. Negra. Batuk. Ati. Ini ang mga tinaga nga masami niya mabatian sa iya mga klasmeyt. Bisan amo ini ang iya naagyan,padayun pa siya sa gihapon sa pag- eskuwela kag para sa iya, dapat nga magbakas lang. Disidido Sa pihak sang kapigaduhon, padayon sa gihapon ang pageskuwela ni Hansbell C. Valencia para nga abuton ang iya nga handum nga mangin isa sa maayo nga alagad sang kasugu-an. Ang iya nga tatay isa ka mangunguma kag nagbaka- baka para sa ila nga pito nga mag-ulutod. Samtang isa naman ka kabulig ang iya nanay sa balay. Para sa iya, makaka-on lang sang tatlo ka beses sa isa ka adlaw, mayo na. Wala man siya sang facebook account, makabalo naman siya gihapon maggamit sang computer kag cellphone. Kung kis-a nga nagadulom ang ila nga pangabuhi, ginabatuan niya ini para lang nga maabot ang iya mga handum sa kabuhi kag para may ipabugal man siya sa ulihing tubo. Maayong Ehemplo Sila ang mga bata nga biskan mabudlay ang pangabuhi, nagpadayun gihapon kag nagabakas. Amo ni sila ang maayo nga pagasundan kag maayo nga ehemplo sa mga kabataan sa subong nga tini-on. Makita sa ila nga bisan ano ang kabudlay kag problema sa kabuhi, paagi sang ila kapag-on sa pamilya kag ululupod nga gina atubang ang sitwasyon tubtob sa katapusan. Mahambal naton nga ulihi sila kon modernisasyon ang gina-istoryahan pero may abilidad kag kaalam nga pwede ipabugal sa tanan.

Nagpanghakruy si Joanna Grace Beringuel sanglit nabatian niya ang mga tinaga nga nagkawas sa baba sang iya abyan nga si Maylen Sumagpao. Para sa iya nga nagpuyo sa syudad sang Iloilo sa sulod sang 15 katuig, mabudlay intindihon ang mga madalum nga mga linggwahe dire sa Capiz. Sang Hunyo, subong nga tuig, nagsaylo si Joanna sa Mayor Ramon A. Benjamin Sr. National High School. Siya ara na sa ikasiyam nga halimtang sang iya pag-eskwela. Suno sa iya, sang una nabudlayan siya makipag-istorya sa iban nga mga tawo tungod pangayaw siya dire kag daw indi siya kasaho sang panghambal sang mga Dumaraonon. Indi lamang si Joanna ang may kasubong sini nga problema. Si Axel Paul Ataza nga nagdaku man sa Mindanao, naagyan man ang nasambit nga sitwasyon sang ang ila pamilya nagdesider nga magpuyo dire sang 10 anyos pa lang siya. Para kay Axel, may mga tinaga sang

from Page 16 | GYMNASTICS in Dumarao. Whenever there have special occasions, they would not miss any chance to reunite with them. All her triumphs as a gymnast were dedicated to her number one supporters who never failed to express their love and encouragement through her marvellous journey - her family. “Every contest ko ara gid si mama kag si papa nga nagapa-inspire sa akon,” she utters. “Nag-interesado ako sa gymnastic kay hilig ko man ang dancing kag ang akon category nga gina-intrahan is more on dancing,” Elgene says. Like any other athletes, Elgene also encountered a turning point in her athletic career. In 2016, she has to stop playing as she moved in high school. “Nag-stop na ko sa gymnastic kay wala nako sang trainer sa high school,” she explains. However, her drive and passion would always push her to magnify beyond the limits and continue dancing. Self-confidence. Gracefulness. Confidence. These are just some of the qualities which made her succeed during her journey in gymnastic. For Elgene, dancing to the rhythm of gymnastic is not merely a sports, it has become her life.

una nga mabudlay hangpun apang sa indi madugay matunan man nga mahangpan ang mga linggwahe dire sa Capiz. Ini nga problema nga naagyan nanday Joanna kag Axel waay nagapatuhoy sa problema sa gugma apang ginatawag ini nga “language barrier”. Ini

tungod kay nagkalain-lain ang mga tinaga sa kada lugar. Sa probinsya sang Capiz, mayara duwa nga masami ginagamit nga linggwahe - ang Hiligaynon kag ang Capiznon. Ang Capiznon isa ka linggwahe nga ginagamit sa kadam-an sa probinsya kalakip na dire ang norte nga bahin sang Iloilo, iban nga parti sang Aklan, Masbate kag Romblon. Ini nagatuhoy man sang mga pumuluyo nga nagatinir sa probinsya. Masami nasasal-an ang Capiznon sa ‘Ilonggo’ apang may lain nga buot silingon kag lain man nga tono kaysa iban nga mga tinaga kag linggwahe nga nagabug-os sa Western Visayas. Sa bulig sang skyscrapercity. com, ari ang pila lamang sa mga Capiznon kag Hiligaynon nga mga tinaga nga masami ginagamit sa Capiz. Kon pangayaw ka dire, ayhan mahangpan mo gid ang mga tinaga nga ini kag indi ka guid mabudlayan pa ‘kon bal-an mo lang tani’.

SPORTS FEED from Page 16| DUMSSAA known as Team Smashers prevailed still prevailed in badminton boys tournament. Charged with endurance and quick polished footworks, Mackev Tenegra for Singles A conquered the coronal using his strength and power verses French James Hapitan of Manuel F. Onato National High School in a touch match which reached a deciding set, 21-13. For Singles B, Axel Paul Ataza swiftly poured his unlimited attacks to burn out Estefania Montemayor National High School’s contender with his eye-opening moves with the scores 21-14 and 21-10, resulting to an unmatched set 2-0. Meanwhile, the tyrannical duo of Erjie Olmido and Kent Ryan Bayatan bushed the dyan from MFONHS with the scores 21-8 and 21-5 completing the sets of a galvanizing game. This is the third year for the team’s domination in the tournament with coach Philip Jayson Falcis. This year’s Dumarao Secondary Schools Athletic Association Meet is hosted by Mayor Ramon A. Benjamin Sr. National High School.

BOOMING SERVICE. With his powerful techniques in using rocket and shuttlecock, Mackev Tenegra obtained a victory against French James Hapitan, awarded on Aug. 18, during the DUMSSAA.


THE REAL CROWN. As the host principal, Jocilyn Gialogo welcomed at least 500 athletes and coaches coming from seven participating schools in town to the Dumarao Secondary Schools Athletic Association meet on Aug. 17-18. The Ramonian community captained the hosting of the event after five years. During her remarks, the principal cited that sportsmanship is the real crown of a healthy competition. The said activity is conducted to recognize and determine the student-athletes who will represent in the higher levels of competition.

Spikers struggle past to victory Ramonians hit record for first volleyball crown By JOANNA GRACE BERINGUEL

Homecourt is an advantage. Spikers of Mayor Ramon A. Benjamin Sr. National High School finally ended the longest drought of notching the top-coveted volleyball championship.

CONQUERING THE FINAL BATTLE. The most awaited volleyball game was played by the Ramonian’s spikers versus Bungsuan NHS, intense battle feels filled the MRABSNHS campus but then Ramonians won the final battle .

DUMSSAA ‘18 Highlights

Kickers drop WVRAA crown, settles 2nd; Smashers reassert 3-year supremacy By ARIES BANGCOYO, CLAIRE ARSENAL and LHEM SEJADE ABORDE

Fueled with their hunger to win, players from Bungsuan National High School slaughtered the three-year championship of Mayor Ramon A. Benjamin Sr. National High School in their earthshaking Sepak Takraw match with a blazing score, 2-1. Bungsuanons fired their thundering kicks and hammered their great defenses to snatch the heavenly victory since the first regu with the scores 21-10 and 21-15.

Second regu was secured by the Ramonians after earning two sets win pushing the match to end with a deciding game. “We did our best to win but we lack teamwork and confidence,” said Dennis Ledesma of Team Kickers. For the third regu, Bungsuanons released their strength and powerful kicks with a positive mind to cop the shining crown from Ramonians. Team Kickers represented Capiz in the Western Visayas Regional Athletic Association Meet on February this year at Iloilo City and hailed 2nd runner-up. “Most of the players of the team are first-timers,” cited coach Francis Gil Berana. “We will do our best to train them and get our crown back next year.” Landslide Victory For the past three years, Ramonian players collectively


The players from Bungsuan National High School were stunned with the winning block of Reymark Raymundo which signaled the historic victory for the Ramonians in a nerve-wrecking do or die championship game on Aug. 18 with a score of 15-12 in the last set. With Ramonians homecourt advantage, they were highly pressured and at the same time, hyped up and to fuel their first crown for Dacuton and for the school. The powerful attacks and tough blocks of BNHS took over in the first and third set while the MRABSNHS overpowered them in the second, fourth, and last set, more specifically with Raymundo’s sterling performance that led them into legends and sent home to rest the defending champions. “Sadya gid kami kay pila ka tuig ana ka Bungsuan nahawidan tapos subong lang namon nakuha. Nagdaog kami kay siyempre tanan kami nagbuligay gid sa sulod court mo ti kung isa lang ko, inde ko masarangan sanda,” said team captain Raymundo adding that the teamwork solidified their victory after winning the crown for the first time. Although BNHS went home empty-handed, but they still played a good game and showed true sportsmanship towards their opponent.

Dancing the gymnast’s rhythm By PRINCESS NICOLE ALIVAR and BENJIE HALLARDA

Glamorous rhythm filled the day’s ambiance – a leap… a bend… one more flex… a final twirl. Every day of her life, she would always proudly strut all the lissomness she holds and mirthfully carry her astounding confidence wherever she goes. 14-year-old Elgene Grace Calata gorgeously wears her make-up, and her hair is severely pulled back into a bun, perfectly flaunting her uniquely moulded features. She flashes a genuine smile hoping to make the judges absolutely attracted by her astonishing beauty and also perhaps, to hide the unwanted feeling she always wanted to conquer whenever she performs. Young Elgene Grace was a splendid gymnast from New Lucena, Iloilo who earned collective achievements since she started her career when she was still 6 years old. She successfully won two bronze and one silver during their Integrated Meet, while she bagged four bronze and one gold during the Regional Meet. But this young acrobat’s blood has roots from Libo-on family here


VICTORIOUS CADENCE. Elgene Grace’ graceful moves gained her collective awards; her limitless confidence and hardwork led her to the triumph that she achieved.

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