The Rainbow Times' May 2022 Issue

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Leaked SCOTUS draft opinion reveals the overturning of Roe v. Wade

All federal rights are up for grabs should this proceed; should sexually accused Justices vote on Roe?

Since the beginning of time, it’s conveniently been painted as the “woman’s fault.” It was Eve that ate the forbidden fruit. It was Mary Magdalene — who as history has revealed was one of the most trusted confidants of Christ and a teacher in her own right — that was painted as a prostitute to dismiss any type of relevance and influence she had in the early church. She was just a lost “sinner,” after all. It was Lot’s wife who was a “disobedient woman” who was turned into a pillar of salt for looking back to see the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah as she and her family were fleeing. There wasn’t even a mention as to what her name was. And throughout the Bible, men are continually exalted and represented with grandeur while women are dismissed, abused and thrown to the wayside other than to serve men or are painted as the “bad seed.” This archaic mentality is the same type of ideology ingrained in rape culture that casts the blame and subsequent physical consequences and psychological warfare of sexual assault on the survivor while the rapists or abusers hold little to no consequence at all. And still, those without a uterus are the ones that continually assault reproductive rights and have the political power to do so — predominantly coming from cisgender men.

Fast-forward to the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) leaked draft opinion.

When the leak of a draft opinion written by the majority Justices in the U.S. Supreme Court was sent to Politico early this month, it was clear that the upcoming opinion in a current case, Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization would effectively overturn Roe v. Wade by the nation’s highest court. Such an outcome is a politically motivated Conservative talking point and promise for the last 50 years since abortion became a federally protected right after a long and contentious legal battle in 1973. In short, the draft opinion is a Conservative gift horse, a dream that appears will be realized by the highest court — despite the Court’s 50 year legal precedent of the right to choose.

Since the leak, pro-choice advocates have come out in full force across every facet of communication — in protest, on social media, in print and digital media and more, rightfully so.

The Handmaid’s Tale

As critical as it is to have the right to choose and to preserve the right to autonomy over one’s own body upheld — as it has been countless times over the last 50 years — the seemingly inevitable outcome of SCOTUS’ final opinion would have dire consequences that threaten the entire integrity of the legal system, should the Justices pro-

ceed as written. For the first time in U.S. history, the Justices would play

ruling relating to social justice or marginalized struggles of any kind could

be determined by legal precedent. In this case, Roe v. Wade is one of the most critical legal precedents in the nation’s history. The court is charged to be apolitical, but with the appointment of three Justices by Trump, the court has become anything but that. Rather it is more akin to running amok like Senators Ted Cruz and Mitch McConnell and Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene. Democrat and Liberal politicians are outwardly decrying such an unethical act by the nation’s Highest Court and giving tangible real-life experiences of just how catastrophic this ruling would be. They are focused on how this unprecedented act and political stunt by the highest court could further deteriorate our country, yet Republicans in Congress are fixated on “finding out” what traitor of the court it was who leaked such classified information to the press. Professing to get to the bot-

Read the rest of this story at

personal politics over law, making themselves politicians rather than those that affirm and uphold the law. That action in and of itself would become a precedent. Essentially, it would pave the way for Justices, current and those yet to come, to no longer be required to apply and interpret the law, but rather rewrite it based on personal beliefs, not the wellbeing of those able to bear children. That makes it particularly dire since Justices are not elected by the people but rather are appointed by sitting presidents. In this case, three SCOTUS Justices were appointed by Trump in just 4 years. Not coincidentally, all three make up more than half of the 5 Conservative voices on the Court that would be responsible for its defeat of reproductive rights. As I’m typing this, flashes from multiple scenes of Hulu series The Handmaid’s Tale come to mind.

“A stench”

However, long before the court’s leak took place, Justice Sonia Sotomayor, appointed by then-President Obama, sounded the alarm on the catastrophic impact that overturning Roe v. Wade would have on the country and on public perception of the court. It was a late December 2021 warning turned into reality.

“Will this institution survive the stench that this creates in the public perception that the Constitution and its reading are just political acts? I don’t see how it is possible,” Sotomayor said according to a report published by NBC News (

Superficially, this case is about abortion rights. However, what is actually at stake is any and every ruling handed down by the Supreme Court throughout the court’s history — especially those that have afforded Americans equal protections under the law. Every

come under siege. Marriage equality, LGBTQIA+ rights, healthcare rights, the right to vote (as already seen taking place in many states), especially for women and the Black community, immigrant rights, interracial marriage rights, public school access for people of color — as determined in Brown v. the Board of Education — and countless others would be sitting ducks, set to be dismantled if this brazen and unethical application of the law by the majority justices is acted on and Roe v. Wade reversed in the coming weeks and months. And let’s not forget that two of the Conservative Justices voting against Roe were accused of sexual assault — the latter, Justice Kavanaugh, whose women are still coming forward about his alleged sexually abusive behavior. Regardless of where you stand on the reproductive rights picket line, if Roe is overturned and legal precedent is no longer the accepted method of enforcing and guiding justices to interpret the law, then virtually any law established by SCOTUS can invariably be overturned, even the 2nd Amendment. Whether progressive or conservative, any court opinion can be reversed and will impact any of us.

“I could name any other set of rights, including the Second Amendment by the way,” Sotomayor continued ( “There are many political people who believe the court erred in seeing this is a personal right as opposed to a militia right. If people actually believe that it's all political, how will we survive?

How will the court survive?"

It doesn’t.

Justices weaponizing the law

Although a leak from within the court is alarming for some, exponentially more alarming is a conservative court that is weaponizing its personal political views on cases that are supposed to

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The Rainbow Times is published monthly by The Rainbow Times, LLC. TRT is an award-winning publication that started printing in late 2006. The 1st print issue was published in Feb. 2007. The articles written by the writers, columnists, and correspondents solely express their opinion, and do not represent the endorsement or opinion of The Rainbow Times, LLC or its owners.

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2 • The Rainbow Times • May 12, 2022 - June 8, 2022
The Rainbow Times New England’s Largest LGBTQ+ Newspaper — Boston Based Phone: 617.444.9618

Russia playing political games with Brittney Griner:

Wrongfully detained

Black LGBTQ+ Civil Rights Group on the U.S. Reclassification of the WNBA Player

WASHINGTON—The United States government reclassified WNBA Brittney Griner as being “wrongfully detained” by Russia. After the new information hit the news waves, many of the WNBA players started to speak out. The WNBA star has been held in Russia since February 2022, shortly after Russia declared war on Ukraine.

The league’s fight began after two months of silence requested by the U.S. State Department and Griner’s wife, Cherelle, as the U.S. attempted to negotiate with Russia, reported MSNBC.

According to ESPN ( “the change in official designation means that the U.S. government will no longer wait for Griner's case to play out through the Russian legal system and will seek to negotiate her return. It also means that Griner's fellow WNBA players and supporters in Congress will be told they have the family's blessing to bring as much attention to her case as they wish.”

And, as such, fellow WNBA players are already fighting for Griner’s release. Contrary to the actions of the WNBA, the NBA has not advocated much for her release as of early May 2022, nor most of the sports media.

“But it looks like the men’s league and most sports media outlets cannot be bothered with what ought to be the biggest story in the sports world,” reported MSNBC ( And, sports media coverage isn’t a priority, as many claim it would have been if it were Tom Brady, for example.

Wife’s IG post to fans, others

In addition, Cherelle left an Instagram post on March 5 ( that read “Thank you to everyone who has reached out to me regarding my wife’s safe return from Russia. Your prayers and support are greatly appreciated. I love my wife wholeheartedly, so this message comes during one of the weakest moments of

my life. I understand that many of you have grown to love BG over the years and have concerns and want details. Please honor our privacy as we continue to work on getting my wife home safely. Thank you!”

Others react

In reaction to the announcement, the National Black Justice Coalition (NBJC), released a statement. The NBJC is a leading Black LGBTQ+/SGL civil rights organization.

"Brittney's status change is an important moment in the movement to bring her home safely and swiftly,” said Victoria Kirby York, deputy executive director at the NBJC ( “It means there is now a two pronged approach focused on both legal and political strategies.

“It has become clear that Brittney's legal team has acted in good faith to clear her name through Russia's legal system, and that the Russian government has been actively trying to leverage Brittney's detainment for political purposes tied to their war on Ukraine. This is unfortunate, especially because Griner’s status as a Black, lesbian, woman leaves her vulnerable to increased discrimination and abuse at the hands of the racist and homophobic Russian government.

“We urge the U.S. government to do all it can to bring her home before she is no longer able to maintain her safety in a nation at war."

NBJC invites the global community to join them in solidarity with Brittney and her family by joining their global call for prayer regarding her swift and safe return home.

“We love you babe! People say ‘stay busy.’ Yet, there’s not a task in this world that could keep any of us from worrying about you,” read another IG post from Cherelle. “My heart; our hearts, are all skipping beats everyday that goes by. I miss your voice. I miss your presence. You’re our person! There are no words to express this

4 • The Rainbow Times • May 12, 2022 - June 8, 2022
On Page 7
See Griner

Karine Jean-Pierre becomes new White House Press Secretary; makes history

Jean-Pierre Shatters Lavender Ceiling; Organizations React & Celebrate Her Appointment


Recently, President Biden announced Karine Jean-Pierre will be the next White House press secretary, starting on May 13, following the departure of Jen Psaki next week. Jean-Pierre will make history as the first Black and first openly LGBTQ+ person to serve in this position ever, according to the White House.

“I am proud to announce that Karine Jean-Pierre will serve as the next White House Press Secretary,” said the President via the WH release. “Karine not only brings the experience, talent and integrity needed for this difficult job, but she will continue to lead the way in communicating about the work of the Biden-Harris Administration on behalf of the American people. Jill and I have known and respected Karine a long time and she will be a strong voice speaking for me and this Administration.”

Organizations throughout the country immediately reacted to the news.

“The White House Press Secretary represents the voice of the President of the United States and the American people, and for the first time in our nation’s history, that voice will be the voice of a person who is both Black and openly same-gender loving,” said Dr. David J. Johns, executive director of the National Black Justice Coalition. “It’s about time — and we celebrate this moment. … “Make no mistake — at a time Black people, and members of the LGBTQ+ community are under attack — having a strong, openly Black same-gender loving woman as the voice of the White House and our nation sends a clear signal to all — that our nation is better when we embrace who we are. Thank you Karine.”

Likewise, the Victory Institute’s president had congratulatory words to say about Jean-Pierre.

“As White House press secretary, she will not only be able to use her podium to represent the Biden administration, but also the LGBTQ community during a time of unprecedented antiLGBTQ hate and attacks,” said Mayor Annise Parker, President & CEO of LGBTQ Victory Institute. “As the first out LGBTQ person and the first Black person to hold this office, her appointment will inspire countless young people looking for hope and motivation during a dark chapter in our nation’s history. Shattering this lavender ceiling is a testament to Karine’s grit, power and commitment to our country’s potential. We are confident she will continue to be a strong ally and partner as she works in the highest office of the land.”

Jean-Pierre’s accomplishments


celebrates, remembers Monica Roberts

WASHINGTON—Recently, the National Black Justice Coalition (NBJC) celebrates the life and accomplishments of Monica Roberts, a revered transgender journalist, activist, and founder of the award-winning publication TransGriot.

Born in Houston, Texas on May 4, 1962, Monica began her transition in the early 1990s while working as a flight attendant and writing an LGBTQ+ column in Louisville, Kentucky. Her writing expanded from a local column to an internationally awarded blog known as TransGriot ( focusing on representation of Black transgender women in the media and accountability in accurately covering their deaths. Her extensive and groundbreaking work for the transgender community cemented her status as a queer and transgender icon. Roberts was also a founding member of the National Transgender Advocacy Coalition, recipient of the coveted Human Rights Campaign John Walzel Equality Award, the Susan J. Hyde Award for Longevity in the Movement, the Virginia Price Pioneer Award and an active supporter of the National Black Justice Coalition.

civil rights organization, reflected on Roberts’ legacy saying:

“Monica Roberts was a force. Her work forced mainstream media to consider how limited and problematic their coverage of trans issues had been at a time when trans folx’s were not at the forefront of any cultural or political conversations or movements. Anyone who was blessed to share space with Monica knows how powerful she was. I smile remembering how she was always clear in communicating her point and demonstrating extreme compassion for the people she loved. I am thankful for the many ways that she shapes how I move through the world as a Black male feminist who has the privilege of leading liberation work. I miss her.”

She persevered in spite of the challenges of her work.

“Monica put herself out there and with extremely high risk so that trans children can grow up in a world that loves and supports them for being who they are in a world they did not ask to be invited into,” said Johns. “There is so much work to be done at present to push against targeted attacks against trans, non-binary, and gender non-conforming children and we have Monica

Jean-Pierre is currently the Principal Deputy Press Secretary and Deputy Assistant to the President. Karine is a long-time advisor to President Biden, having served in senior communication and political roles in the Biden Administration, the Biden campaign, and to then-Vice President Biden in the Obama Administration.

Before joining the White House, she served as chief of staff for vice presidential nominee Kamala Harris on the 2020 United States presidential campaign. In that capacity she was also the first out LGBTQ woman and first Black woman to hold that position, according to the Victory Institute.

Prior to her role on the campaign, she served as Chief Public Affairs Officer for and an NBC and MSNBC Political Analyst. Jean-Pierre served as Regional Political Director for the White House Office of Political Affairs during the Obama-Biden administration and as Deputy Battleground States Director for President Obama’s 2012 re-election campaign. She served as Southeast Regional Political Director for President Obama’s 2008 campaign, Deputy Campaign Manager for Martin O’Malley for President, Campaign Manager for the ACLU’s Reproductive Freedom Initiative, and Deputy Chief of Staff and Director of Legislative and Budget Affairs for two members in the New York City Council.

Previously, she worked at the Center for Community and Corporate Ethics, pushing major companies to change their business practices, and is a published author. Born in Martinique and

Dr. David J. Johns, executive director of the National Black Justice Coalition, a leading Black LGBTQ+/SGL • The Rainbow Times • 5 May 12, 2022 - June 8, 2022
Trans journalist & activist changed the media’s perception and coverage of transgender people
White House Principal Deputy Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre holds a press briefing on Thursday, July 29, 2021, in the James S. Brady Press Briefing Room of the White House.
Read the rest of this story at The Rainbow Times’ website
OFFICIAL WHITE HOUSE PHOTO BY CAMERON SMITH Read the rest of this story at The Rainbow Times’ website

AG’s Office: Danvers Public School District resolution responds to hate & bias incidents

BOSTON—Following an extensive investigation into serious incidents of discriminatory bullying, harassment, and other misconduct by players on the Danvers High School varsity hockey team, Attorney General Maura Healey recently announced a resolution with the Danvers Public School District (DPSD) in which the District has agreed to take significant steps to improve its ability to prevent, investigate, and address hate and bias incidents, particularly in its athletics program. According to the AG’s Office, DPSD failed to properly respond to several years of bullying and harassment in violation of the state’s Anti-Bullying Law, Student Antidiscrimination Act, and Fair Educational Practices Act. Players on the hockey team engaged in hazing rituals that involved racist, homophobic, and physically and sexually abusive behavior, which were part of a toxic team culture that developed and persisted because the varsity hockey coach failed to properly supervise the team.

“Racism, homophobia, and bigotry of any kind have no place in our locker rooms, rinks, or playing fields – we need to create a safe and supportive environment for our students to grow and learn,” said AG Healey. “With today’s resolution, the Danvers Public School

District has committed to making needed changes to improve the culture in its schools and athletics program, protect students’ rights, and ensure that incidents of hate and bias are never overlooked again.”

“This agreement places schools districts on notice that they have a responsibility to respond to bias incidents and take prompt action when hate infiltrates school programs, especially athletics,” said Robert Trestan, Anti-Defamation League New England Regional Director. “We welcome Danvers’ acceptance of responsibility and commitment to change which represents a path forward for the entire community.”

“We are grateful that the AG’s Office proactively investigated this case and negotiated an appropriate resolution,” said Natalie Bowers, President of the North Shore NAACP. “We now hope the entire town of Danvers – the school, police department, town hall and individual community members –all take to heart their individual responsibility within it. If we all do our part and sincerely engage in the work, we will ensure Danvers is a place where our youth can sow fond childhood memories instead of receiving scars from trauma. This alone is worth the work.”

According to the AG’s investigation, DPSD struggled to manage certain aspects of overlapping investigations into the hockey team, creating clear challenges with varying results. DPSD

did not appear to have initiated appropriate disciplinary proceedings for several students identified as having allegedly engaged in bias-related behavior or consider whether sexual and racist misconduct identified during its investigations may have created a hostile environment for some players.

The AG’s Office also expressed concern for DPSD’s response to the “virulently racist, homophobic, anti-Semitic, and misogynistic” comments and images posted to the hockey teams’ group texts. DPSD decided not to significantly discipline players who posted discriminatory and biased comments after concluding that the texts constituted private, off-campus speech.

According to the AG’s Office, however, schools have the authority –and frequently an obligation – to respond to even ostensibly private speech that involves, encourages, or fosters an environment that results in bullying or harassment, or otherwise interferes with students’ rights at school.

The AG’s Office also concluded that DPSD could have improved its communications with the school community concerning the incidents on the hockey team in order to build trust and maintain an open, supportive, and inclusive educational environment.

Separately, the AG’s Office made recommendations to the town of Danvers and the Danvers Police Department based on its investigation. Consistent with these recommenda-

tions, the Danvers Police Department has committed to reassign former Varsity Hockey Coach Steve Baldassare to a position in which he will no longer supervise or have any role in the Danvers School Resource Officer Program. DPSD has also already taken important steps in response to the incidents involving the hockey team, including disciplinary action against several students involved, and increased training for students, athletes, coaches, and administrators.

The AG’s Office recognizes that additional work can and must be done to prevent and address hate and bias. Under the terms of the AG’s resolution, DPSD voluntarily agrees to the following:

• Policies and procedures: DPSD will review its existing policies and procedures and make any amendments, or adopt any additional policies and procedures, necessary to effectively prohibit and address harassment, bullying, and biased misconduct consistent with the AG’s Guidance on Schools Legal Obligations to Prevent and Address Hate and Bias Incidents (

• Training: DPSD will provide administrators, teachers, coaches, and staff with sufficient training and support to permit them to effectively implement the policies approved by the AG’s Office.

Bookworm: “Queer Country” by Shana Goldin-Perschbacher — it’s not all about honky tonks


Rainbow PrideDoku — Enjoy!

To our readers, we hope you enjoy this puzzle before, during and after Pride Season 2022. Maybe it’ll help de-stress you too. Good luck! The solution is

Two steps.

This way, two more that way, tap your heels together, stepand-bow left, step-and-bow right, turn and again. Eventually, you'll get the hang of doing this and you won't bump into everybody on the dance floor. Also eventually, you'll see that country music has a place for you even when, as in the’new book "Queer Country” by Shana Goldin-Perschbacher, you never thought you had a place for it.

Usually, when one thinks about country music, rural living comes to mind: cowboys, pick-ups, Christian values, conservatism, heartbreak and honky tonks. Stereotypically, few of those things have seemed LGBTQ+-inclusive and listeners might have felt unwelcome, were it not for today's boundarybreakers and "queer country" which, says Goldin-Perschbacher, is becoming more of a music category with fans.

Goldin-Perschbacher is quick to say that "queer country" is not a genre on its own. Some out musicians might

closer identify themselves with Americana or folk music; k.d. lang's music is more countrypolitan, but with humor; and you can attend queer Bluegrass festivals, if you want. None of this defines the various artists: in many ways, gay, lesbian, and trans artists have really had no other options than to embrace all labels.

Then there's the issue of how to do queer country: Goldin-Perschbacher refers often to Patrick Haggerty, who was the first gay artist to officially record the album Lavender Country He recorded it in Seattle, shortly after Stonewall; at that time, Haggerty was especially determined that his album be honest and sincere in its reflection of gay life – things that continue to concern queer artists who use irony, drag, and camp in their work.

And there's that struggle to go mainstream. Goldin-Perschbacher writes about k.d. lang's career and how it progressed. You'll read about Chely Wright and Lil Nas X and how they used non-traditional ways to rise to stardom. And you'll read about many artists who do what seems best for them, and count LGBTQ+ listeners and cis audience members among their fans.

There really is no way "Queer Country" could ever be considered a "beach

BULLYING 6 • The Rainbow Times • May 12, 2022 - June 8, 2022
Read the rest of this story at The Rainbow Times’ website
See Bookworm On Page 7

Pride 2022: Talia Keys wants the world to know “We’re Here”

Her Pride anthem encourages Queer people to keep fighting and shake sh*t up

Talia Keys is celebrating Pride month with the release of a new music video that calls for today’s queer generation to be loud and proud in who they are.

“We’re Here” is a reggae inspired, feel good anthem, broken into three parts. The first verse is about the internal struggles many LGBTQ+ youth face when their outward appearance doesn’t quite fit the societal mold. The second verse challenges them to smash the patriarchy of society’s expectations around gender binaries; and the outro encourages all to own who they are because by simply existing, they are changing the world into a better place.

“We need to fight the status quo,” Keys insists. “Because like it or not, we’re Queer, we’re here and we aren’t going anywhere.”

Keys says she wrote and recorded the song because growing up in Mormon Utah as a closeted queer Catholic girl put a target on her. She was bullied for being a Tomboy and she became a bully in order to protect her secret. She didn’t come out until her midtwenties, and when she did, Talia, a successful musician, lost fans and gigs. She kept her drive, though, and today, she uses her music and performances to preach the good word of love and

Griner From Page 4

pain. I’m hurting; we’re hurting. We await the day to love on you as a family.”

Russia for Griner

Russia, Griner said in an ESPN interview in 2017, helped her mature and view the past in a different light. Seeing things differently, she was able to better handle the past, the bullying she went through as a child and youth, and even cope better with her reactions on and off the court.

“Being here in Russia has definitely changed my life, it made me grow up, it made me kind of learn how to be by myself,” she said to the Sports network then. “It made me grow on the court and off the court.”

In words that are timelier now than ever, Griner explained it all better during that same interview.

“When you’re broken and you’re down and you are at you are lowest moment, it sucks and you hate it, but you learn so much,” she said of living in Russia and what it did for her. “Every time I’ve been broken down I came back stronger. It’s like a phoenix coming out the ashes.”

To sign the petition to secure the star’s return, click here (

acceptance. “I see the stage as my platform to spread awareness.”

That message is

gone. As queer people, though, we learn to be strong willed and to perform with our entire heart, even if it

The video features several Queer, trans, enby artists and drag queens including Madazon CanCan, a gender non-binary drag king, burlesque dancer and clown.-

tivated by their ability to entertain,”-

bled an all-Queer crew tocluding the award-winning -

Talia Keys iscian who has

Bookworm From Page 4 read."

This isn't the relaxed, rangy kind of book you want to sunbathe with; instead, author Shana Goldin-Perschbacher speaks to the academic, rather than the casual listener, with language that seems to fit better in school, than in sand. The analyses border on the highbrow just a bit, with some amount of repetition to underscore various points.

Even so, this is an important work.

In writing about this almost-hidden branch of country music, Goldin-Perschbacher also tells of the efforts she's made to help some artists to gain a wider audience. This lends more of an insider feel; the intimately extensive interviews with artists, and excerpts from other works, let readers know that they should keep their eyes (and ears!) open...

Give yourself some room to absorb, if you tackle this book. It's not for everyone, but C&W listeners and "queer country" fans may find it necessary. Step one is to find somewhere comfortable to sit. Reading "Queer Country" is step two.

*The Bookworm is Terri Schlichenmeyer. Terri has been reading since she was 3 years old and she never goes anywhere without a book. She lives on a prairie in Wisconsin with two dogs, one patient man, and 17,000 books.

enjoyed a loyal following in Salt Lake City clubs for over a decade, and has made a name for herself on national tours and jam festivals from coast to coast.

Her trademark fire and brimstone stage presence is an amalgam of her journey, identity, and musical influences. While her physical appearance may scream LESBO, her music does not. It presents a modern twist on the rock n’ roll troubadour singing songs of struggle and ultimately, triumph.

Talia Keys’ “We’re Here” is available now on all digital platforms. Its music video is on YouTube. Visit Talia’s website and follow her on Instagram @ taliakeys. • The Rainbow Times • 7 May 12, 2022 - June 8, 2022
8 • The Rainbow Times • May 12, 2022 - June 8, 2022

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