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Two Democrats Running for Western Mass.' 1st Congressional Seat

Openly gay Mayor, Alex Morse, says he’s challenging “status quo” by running against Congressman Richard Neal

By:Mike Givens TRT Assistant Editor


HOLYOKE, Mass—Holyoke, Massachusetts Mayor Alex Morse has challenged incumbent Representative Richard Neal for the congressional seat representing western Massachusetts. Morse, citing his opinion that Neal has become ineffective in his current role, claims that the congressman’s tenure has been too focused on insider politics and power-grabbing in Washington D.C. rather than serving the constituents of western Massachusetts.

“When you listen to people talk about their daily struggles and challenges, it’s been very hard for people to make a connection between a powerful member of Congress and how that’s made a difference in their lives or in their neighborhoods or in the communities,” Morse said of Neal’s leadership. “I want to be a member of Congress that is less concerned about building seniority and years in office and being more concerned with whether I am making a difference on the ground in peoples’ lives.” In response to Morse’s attacks, Neal countered with his contention that his

tenure is what’s necessary to effectively move the nation forward. “Seniority, experience, and knowledge of the legislative process are all critical in order to deliver for [the] district,” Neal said in an e-mail interview with The Rainbow Times. “An experienced and knowledgeable legislator is crucial to craft, advocate, and pass policies that help people in this district and across the country. “For example, I helped write the Affordable Care Act. I’m authoring legislation that will save pensions for millions of our brothers and sisters in organized labor, lower prescription drug costs and so much more that will bring about economic relief for working and middle class families. It was because of my experience and knowledge that I was able to deliver millions of dollars to turn Springfield’s Union Station into a state-of-the-art regional transit hub, bring in $12 million in fire grants to make our communities safer, and secure over $40 million in the House budget for infrastructure updates at Westover Air Force Base.”

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