The Rambler, Vol. 92, No. 19

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October 21, 2009 Vol. 92 • No. 20


The Rambler The voice of Texas Wesleyan University students since 1917

Former detention officer finds calling in academics College Life, page 4

Music department fills up its October calendar A&E, page 5

Students gain unique perspective on world

Poly UMC pastor now university chaplain Eunice Nicholson

Students, faculty and staff can enjoy workshops, entertainment and foods from around the globe during International Week.

Wednesday, Oct. 21 Lunch at Dora’s Latin American Cuisine Arroz con Pollo verde (Rice with chicken & cilantro) Brazilian black beans Noon An International Reception hosted in Armstrong-Mabee School of Business Center Foyer 12:15 p.m.-1:15 p.m. International Studies presented by Dr. Jay Brown; Nenetta Burton Carter Building Room 112

Thursday, Oct. 22 Lunch at Dora’s Spanish Cuisine Paella (Rice with vegetables & chicken) Churros (fried pastry) Noon-1 p.m. International Fair (International foods, crafts and more); Louella Baker Martin Pavilion 7:30 p.m. Music of the Americas Concert featuring music department soloists; Martin Hall

Laura Rosser | Rambler Staff

Friday, October 23 Lunch at Dora’s Indian Cuisine Chicken Curry Bhutta (Roasted Corn) Makki (Indian bread) White rice ***These events are open to everyone. International students are encouraged to wear their native dress.

For Texas Wesleyan’s new chaplain, Dr. Robert Flowers, it was church that made him feel accepted and part of a community growing up. “It was church that accepted, nurtured and loved me when I was a kid,” he said. “I did not understand the theology, but I understood and liked the way it made me feel.” A sense of belonging was especially important to Flowers because, as part of a military family, he moved around a great deal. And because he is half Japanese, he is very much in tune with racial sensitivity. Eventually he would find both in the Methodist church. The experience of this kind of spiritual community has led Flowers to his role as pastor of Polytechnic United Methodist Church and his newest role of Wesleyan’s university chaplain. He wants to show the same kind of acceptance he received to the Wesleyan community, but he wants people to know that it does not matter what religion they are. “We are not trying to convert them,” he said. “Creating an interfaith ministry is the right thing to do. Showing hospitality, sensitivity and creating a sacred space for all students in my vision.” Flowers said he wants to provide a sacred space that is acceptable to Christians, to Muslims, to Buddhists and beyond. He said this includes providing the correct kinds of food and place for prayer. Currently, the Polytechnic Church and Flowers offer a Tuesday nondenominational chapel service and a Thursday Bible study among its of-

  CHAPLAIN, page 3

Female student fulfills childhood desires to box Jonathan Resendez

Not many girls at Texas Wesleyan can say they’ve brawled numerous times with men and women – but 23-year-old boxing sophomore Allana Huggins can. Majoring in business administration and chemistry, the Fort Worth native competes daily in the classroom as well as the ring. Her life is comparable to the hill sprints she runs along the Trinity River six days a week: the ups and downs are tiresome, yet rewarding. Born to a Mexican immigrant mother and white father, Huggins credits her boxing desires to childhood memories of frustration and bullying. “The other kids couldn’t stand seeing a light-complexioned girl who was mixed [race] and could speak fluent Spanish,” said Huggins, referring to her peers at All Saints Catholic School, a predominantly Hispanic private school in Fort Worth’s north

side. “They didn’t know a lick of Spanish, and they constantly gave me hell because I was over-weight,” she said. After watching her older brother get pummeled in his first boxing match, an experience that split his eye and led to an emergency room visit with their sobbing mother in tow, Huggins said she knew immediately she wanted to become a boxer. “I wasn’t that good at soccer or basketball, so I looked at boxing as a different way to get in shape,” she said. Unique exercise or not, her father was reluctant to support her at first because of her sensitivity to others. She was prone to crying after the constant ridicule of her classmates, she said, which was something her father saw as a major deterrent. “I didn’t really like it at first and didn’t want her to do it,” said Tim Huggins, Allana’s father. “Her mom said she was going to take her down [to the gym] anyways, and we figured after the first time she got hit

“I remember my eye being swollen and bleeding from my nose but feeling like, ‘Look Daddy, I’m not crying.’”

Allana Huggins


she’d want to stop.” After a couple of weeks of training, his daughter was excited about losing 8 pounds. She lost not only weight, but some blood too after sparring for her first time. “I remember my eye being swollen and bleeding from my nose but feeling like, ‘Look Daddy, I’m not crying,’” she said. The 12-year-old started to grow as a fighter, and her prowess in the ring eventually inspired her younger brother, Chap, to pick up the gloves. Their father said he remembers his daughter always beating up her younger brother in the boxing ring as they grew up. He remembers her natural strength making her a good, physical fighter.

“When she was about 14 she broke my nose,” said Chap Huggins, who has since become a Golden Gloves state champion. “When she fights she’s mean, strong, powerful and explosive.” At 18, the older sister went to Buenos Aires, Argentina, as one of two women boxers representing the United States in the Pan-American games. After defeating women fighters from Canada, Puerto Rico and Brazil, she faced her toughest match, both inside the ring and out. “The other team manager would flip us off and the crowd would spit on me from the balconies,” she said.

  BOXER, page 3

Renee Greer | Rambler Staff Allana Huggins is the only female Texan to win a gold medal in boxing.




October 21, 2009

Healthcare reform

Drink the water, not the soda John Liontos.

You’re given a choice as a kid: Coke or Pepsi? You mom was raised on Coke while your dad grew up on Pepsi. While you like both soft drinks, you prefer less soda and more water. Our healthcare system is more like soda than water. After drinking soda for years, you begin to realize you should have been drinking water. Why? Because it’s bad for your body and the sugar wreaks havoc on your teeth. Our healthcare system is dirty, in need of change, and it’s time for a complete makeover. Luckily, we have Obama the Dentist. He’s come to pull out the soda damaged teeth and give us more water so we can be healthy again. It makes me sick to my stomach thinking about how corrupt our healthcare system has become. Liberals and conservatives are working together on a new healthcare reform proposed by President Obama. While certain political parties will agree and disagree with some ideals, reform is taking way, and it will happen soon Everyday many Americans struggle to afford health insurance. The healthcare system has failed the people while insurance companies profit. The insurance companies deny people with preexisting conditions because they can. One woman lost her heathcare coverage in the process

The Rambler |


Commentators use Web to cowardly complain

Chuck Fain

“One of the biggest misconceptions is that healthcare is going to be given to everyone.” of chemotherapy because of one profit-hungry insurance company discovered she had gallstones, one of those pre-existing conditions. She had no idea this could be a problem when she applied for her policy. Precious time was wasted causing delay of her treatment, she died. I blame the media big time for a lot of the misconception going around. People will believe what they are told from TV and print. One of the biggest misconceptions is that healthcare is going to be given to everyone. Many radicals from left and right have spewed this kind of information all over the media. That is not going to happen. What Obama and the government are trying to do is offer an affordable form of healthcare plan to the middle class. How is this just giving away healthcare? You have to be dim-witted to believe one source. Get out there and hear every side. Listen to everyone, read everything, watch everything, and then form your own opinion. If we could take the time to become better informed, take more time to care, I know

we could come to a middle ground of understanding on certain ideals without jumping down each others’ throats. It’s useless when we fight and knock each other down without knowing the facts. Healthcare reform is a good thing. Despite our ignorance, the fact remains that change is necessary. We aren’t getting poor healthcare, what we are getting is more options with more benefits for out future. This means more money and medicine going directly to the elderly. This means having the chance to keep your healthcare plan no matter what happens to you. Your children and their children will have a better future because of this. My mom is a prime example of why we need stronger, better heathcare. She had a series of stokes nine years ago which left her with a disability. Her insurance companies provide less and less help each year while the price of medicine is sky rocketing. She has to pay out of pocket. Change is coming, whether you care or not. It’s time and we need this now more than ever.

Since the Internet’s conception into mainstream society, one facet of the invention has been grossly exploited. I’m not talking about those videos of young, misguided girls, I’m talking about talking back. One of the best things about the Internet is that it gives everyone a voice – which is also one of the worst things about the Internet. This country was founded on freedom of speech, and it continues to be one of our most highly regarded principles. However, stating one’s opinion has never been easier than it is today. With the abundance of chat rooms, the popularity of blog posts and a comment section after almost everything on the Web (including this article), people have a built-in audience for any opinion that may spout out of their mouths. And usually what spouts out is full of spite. People feel this sense of anonymity when using the Internet. Communicating with someone who is not in your physical proximity seems to prompt a certain level of cocky spitefulness. Just listen in on a party during a Call of Duty tour on Xbox LIVE and

you’ll see what I mean. Or go to any news or entertainment sites and take a look at their comment section. The conversations may start out coherent, but they quickly degrade into childish namecalling, petty complaints and spiteful arguments that have nothing to do with the issue at hand. Why do we change to such belligerent jerks on the Internet? Are we turning into inhuman creatures when we use such inhuman machines to communicate? Or is that not everyone is like this, and there are just a few spineless, cowardly people out there who would rather smart-off anonymously than contact a person personally, even though that person’s e-mail address is on the item the cowardly person is critiquing? The Internet and media outlets using the Web have made everyone a star. They ask for comments, opinion polls and radio and television shows accept e-mail live on the air. The problem with this is not everyone is equipped to deal with a public audience, nor are they equipped to deal with the consequences that go along with it. They give

bullhorns to those with nothing to say. Those who are so intellectually barren and without wit are given a public forum with which to express themselves, which usually turns out terrible. These lame individuals find themselves at a loss to provide any constructive or insightful feedback, thanks to their limited mental capacity, and resort to childish namecalling. Making anonymous posts with no contact information is cowardly. It is the equivalent of a sucker punch, talking trash from a moving vehicle or groping a girl at a crowded concert. If you’re going to be man enough to make the comment, at least be man enough to own up to it. My name is Chuck Fain, and I’m in the Rambler office Monday mornings and Friday afternoons, I can also be reached by e-mail, like it says in the byline, at cmfain@mail. Please come talk to me face to face, or shoot me an e-mail, if you have any concerns that you’d like to express.

Modern Media Mess Is the public or the media to blame for asinine coverage? Laurence J. Sheehan

If no one has noticed, the media has a tendency to over-hype things. Let’s take Balloon Boy for instance. It went from being a local media story to a front page hoopla in no time. So someone duped the media into covering a story and now they are upset? The family is now calling upon legal assistance to deal with the aftermath. For those that missed out, a small family in Fort Collins, Colo., “misplaced” one of their sons. A 6-year-old boy allegedly crawled into a silver balloon and flew across Colorado for two and half hours. The family “panicked” and notified authorities. The Colorado National Guard, local authorities and the

The Rambler Founded in 1917 as The Handout Publisher: Harold G. Jeffcoat

Jonathan Resendez, news editor Laurence Sheehan, opinion editor Conner Howell, college life editor Joakim Söderbaum, sports editor Chuck Fain, entertainment editor Laura Rosser, photo editor Rachel Horton, multimedia editor LaShawnda Mayhorn, social media director Daniel Bravo, advertising manager Kelli Lamers, faculty adviser Dr. Kay Colley, faculty liaison

Member of the Texas Intercollegiate Press Association, Associated Collegiate Press, Student Press Law Center, College Media Advisers and College Newspaper Business and Advertising Managers. Opinions expressed in The Rambler are those of the individual authors only and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Texas Wesleyan community as a whole.

R ambler Contribution

Please send all news briefs to twurambler@ Submissions due by noon Friday to see brief in the following week’s issue.

Letters to the editor: The Rambler, a weekly publication welcomes all letters. All submissions must have a full printed name, phone number and signature. While every consideration is made to publish letters, publication is limited by time and space. The editors reserve the right to edit all submissions for space, grammar, clarity and style. Letters to the editor may be subject to response from editors and students on the opinion page. “We are not afraid to follow the truth ... wherever it may lead.” — Thomas Jefferson

Federal Aviation Administration all became involved. So, to me, this could have been a local ordeal. It didn’t cross state lines or any borders. It’s a Colorado matter; one news story is good for me. The family now faces criminal charges for staging the whole incident. Surely they must regret their decision. But is the laugh not somewhat on the media? If this family did stage the hole incident (reportedly to appeal for a reality TV show deal), the media fell hook, line and sinker. Anytime a celebrity gets drunk and behind the wheel the media find this to be newsworthy. I really don’t care if Lindsey Lohan gets drunk gets in a wreck and goes to rehab. Or that an-

other cougar of hollywood is dating a young up and comer. Tell me hard hitting info that is pertinent, do a follow up and let’s call it a day. E and TMZ are already designed to be tabloid-style news programs. Let’s leave the garbage there. I think the media moguls of the news industry need some serious psych evaluations done, or maybe we do as consumers for not turning off the television. The old chicken and egg question comes to mind: Do we influence the media, or has the media influenced the public. The media will plow any story into the ground. Anyone else still want to hear about health care? Besides whether or not it has passed?

What is your favorite international food?

Emily Straiton, senior early education


Amanda Moten, sophomore history

“I like Mexican food because it is awesome.”

Rebecca Mandujano, junior biology

“I like authentic Mexican food.”

Address all correspondence to: Texas Wesleyan University

The Rambler

1201 Wesleyan St. Fort Worth, TX 76105 To contact T he R ambler (817) 531-7552 Advertising Inquiries: (817) 532-7582

Kimberly Saleh, sophomore mass comm

“I love enchiladas.”

Joyce Heredia, junior poltical science

“Italian. I love pastas.”

The Rambler |


October 21, 2009



Law school teacher travels, helps others Wendy Liddle

Everett Chambers’ favorite pastime as a child was reading classic novels by authors such as Jane Austen and Thomas Hardy. As a child, these timeless stories would take Chambers’ imagination to places around the world, which set the foundation for a life of education and service. “I already knew what Paris looked like when I went there for the first time,” he said. “The stories I read as a child painted a vivid picture of these amazing places, and I wanted to visit all of them.” Chambers is the director of academic support at the Texas Wesleyan School of Law. Law students might know him better as a teacher of a class that prepares them to take the bar exam. But before he landed at Wesleayn, Chambers traveled far. Chambers grew up in Manchester, Jamaica, in a poor family of seven children.


“As a child, my mother would make me read all the classic stories,” he said. “She believed that an educated man is a well-read man.” Chambers attended primary school at an English language boarding school and high school at Monroe College in Jamaica. He received his bachelor’s degree at the University of the West Indies where he majored in accounting and public management. After graduating college, Chambers began working at the IBM office in Manchester as an accountant. “I don’t tell many people that I used to be an accountant,” he said. “It really wasn’t for me.” It was after a trip to the United States to visit friends from boarding school that influenced Chambers to leave Jamaica and start a new chapter of his life. Chambers moved to Miami and enrolled at Florida International University where he planned on getting his master’s degree in public admin-

mons and participates in mission trips to teach people in I already knew what Paris looked like other countries how to effectively reach their community when I went there for the first time. The through preaching. Chambers has volunteered on more stories I read as a child painted a vivid than a dozen mission trips to picture of these amazing places, and I countries such as Indonesia, Romania, Poland, Ireland and wanted to visit all of them. South Africa. “Preaching and helping Everett Chambers others has always been a rewarding aspect of my life,” he Wesleyan Law School Director of Academic Support said. “I also love that I get to Office of Communications travel around the world.” Everett Chambers At the age of 40 he decided to fulfill a lifelong dream and probate law practice and as- mistake. istration. enrolled in law school at Tex- sists the elderly with their “He is an extremely dynamIt didn’t take long for Cham- as Wesleyan School of Law. wills and matters of guardian- ic public speaker,” Miller said. bers to realize his true passion Chambers graduated law ship. “He immediately grasps the did not reside with public ad- school in December 2003 and Chambers also hopes to add attention of everyone in the ministration but with preach- began practicing probate law “author” to his list of titles. room the moment he opens ing. He left Florida for Bed- in Fort Worth. “I would love to write his mouth.” ford, Texas, to begin studying In 2005, he accepted his reader-friendly books about Chambers lives his life by at the Brown Trails School of position with Texas Wesleyan preaching,” he said. “I would the credo that education, Preaching. School of Law. also like to set aside more knowledge and charitable ac“Preaching is something For Chambers it is a prior- spare time for mission work tions make a successful man. I’ve always been passionate ity to keep other’s needs close and traveling.” “My favorite quote from about,” he said. to his heart. He continues to Marta Miller, Chambers’ the Bible is, ‘Be all things to Chambers has been an ac- preach and take part in mis- friend and colleague, de- all men,’” Chambers said. “I tive member in his church sion trips around the world, scribes him as passionate, make it a point to demonsince graduating from preach- and he offers pro bono work generous and not afraid to tell strate this everyday.” ing school. He conducts ser- for people in need within his you when you are making a

In Brief...

continued from page 1

Karaoke On Oct. 26 is Open Mic Nite at the Coffee X Spot … and this time it includes karaoke. The event includes drinks, food and giveaways from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. The coffee shop is located at 3021 W. Rosedale in the Baker Building.

Allana Huggins has boxed since the age of 12.

“Their spit would go through the holes of my head-gear and get into my ears and on top of my head.” She said the crowd instilled fear not because of them personally, but because of their hatred for America. “I was scared and calling my dad,” Huggins said. Her father offered expletive-laden support, telling her to go in there and win, which she eventually did. After defeating a woman 12 years her senior, who was considerably more muscular, in four 12-minute rounds, Huggins said they had to be escorted out of the arena be-

cause their team feared for their safety. “I have to give her respect, she was a mean old lady,” she said. Huggins is the only female Texan to ever win a gold medal in boxing, which is something she hopes to use when vying for a spot in the 2012 Olympics in London. “I held my breath for 2004 and 2008,” she said, referring to past Olympic Games in which women’s boxing was not an event. She immediately resumed her training when she was notified that there was a chance in 2012. Huggins is back at school af-


continued from page 1

ferings. Both meetings are at 12:15 p.m. and include lunch. Lunch. Flowers believes food is an important part of getting to know people, as well as an important part of service. “A kitchen is a sacred space,” he said, heating a casserole in the oven of the church kitchen. “What happens, when people eat it let’s you know a lot about who they are, what they like, their culture, their pecking order and much more.” Food is part of what Flowers calls a “very strong social element” in the Methodist church. “We help the sick, the poor, and we feed the hungry,” he said. “The act of offering food is very Christian. It is one of the ways we show hospitality, which is an important and deep part of our faith.” Originally, Flowers’ experience was in the Baptist Church. But after earning a bachelor’s degree in 1984 from Troy University in Alabama, he was asked to serve as part of the campus ministry at the University of Seattle. Here he was involved, for the first time, with the Methodist

perspective. “I remember thinking [while in Seattle], these guys are not stuffy, and they joked around but they were serious about their work,” he said. “They were welcoming and accepting.” When his year was up in Seattle, he returned to Texas where he attended Southwest Baptist Seminary and earned a master’s in divinity. With no job prospects in site he applied for work where he could. Then one day he got a call from the minister of Benbrook United Methodist Church. He was offered the job of young director. He found a place where he was fulfilled. He returned to school, this time to Perkins School of Theology, at Southern

Renee Greer | Rambler Staff

ter a brief hiatus during which she worked for her father’s electric company, another male-dominated endeavor she has flourished in. She originally sought ought to be a pediatrician, which combined with her love of science, led her to seek a degree in chemistry at Texas Wesleyan. She plans to help her father expand his company with her business administration degree. “With everything I’ve accomplished as a boxer and with my dad at his job,” she said, “I just feel like finishing school would make everything complete.”

Methodist University. In 1994 Flowers earned another masters of divinity, this one from the Methodist perspective. He was ordained in 1996 and went on to serve as assistant pastor at several Methodist churches in Texas. In 2005 he earned a doctor of ministry degree. Flowers joined Polytechnic United Methodist Church last year and was announced university chaplain at the beginning of this school year. For more information about religious life, visit www. htm or contact Flowers at 817-534-0278 or rkflowers@

Blood Drive Carter Bloodcare will host a blood drive 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the parking lot of the Sid Richardson Building. Photo Identification required. For information contact Sarah DeLeon at 817-515-4443. Carving Contest New Student Programs

is hosting a pumpkin carving contest at noon Oct. 29 in front of the SUB. Individuals, organizations and departments are welcome to sign up and bring their already-carved pumpkin to enter. Judges are also needed. All onlookers can vote by putting money in corresponding cups. The pumpkin with the most cash wins, and proceeds will be donated to the Boys and Girls Clubs of Greater Fort Worth. Monster Bash Campus Activities Board hosts its annual Monster Bash Oct. 30 in the SUB. The event boasts free

food, raffles, live DJ, video games and costume contest. The party is from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Dallas Stars Student rush tickets are available for all Dallas Stars home games this year. Hockey fans can purchase tickets one hour before game time with their student ID. Tickets are $10 for upper level and $25 for lower level. In addition, the Chipotle Student Rush Stars Tickets will be available in advance for one or two games a month. Stay updated by texting RUSH to 78309 or by joining the Stars Facebook group.

$$Rams Stimulus $$ Package • Monday: Chick Fried Steak, Mashed Potatoes & Gravy • Tuesday: Two Enchiladas, Refried Beans & Rice • Wednesday: Hamburger, Fries & Small Drink • Thursday: Loaded Baked Potato • Friday: Grilled Chicken Club • Saturday Grilled Ham & Cheese, Small Salad

Only $3.99! Only @ the Sub: Located in the Brown-Lupton Student Center Hours of Operation Monday- Thursday: 7:30 a.m. - 7 p.m. Friday: 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Saturday: 10:00 a.m. - 2 p.m. Sunday: closed



College Life

October 21, 2009

The Rambler |

Dr. Greg Gullion

Professor creates awareness in students through his teaching John Liontos

Dr. Greg Gullion wants to make a difference at Texas Wesleyan. Gullion is the assistant professor of sociology and criminal justice at Texas Wesleyan and has been teaching for six years. Before becoming a professor, he worked in the criminal justice system as a detention officer. “I didn’t enjoy it at all,” Gullion said. “Unless you’re high up there in the federal ladder food chain, you’re not going to make much of a difference. “It boils down to two questions: Are you staying out of trouble or are you paying your restitution,” Gullion said. But Gullion said he later had a realization. “In the field I felt like a cog in the machine. I hated it,” Gullion said. “Then one day I thought to myself, ‘what am I doing here.” Not satisfied with working in the criminal justice field, Gullion ventured back to school to become a professor. He said working with students gave him hope. Before teaching at Texas Wesleyan, Gullion was an adjunct professor of sociology at Texas Woman’s University. “Working for Texas Woman’s was very bureaucratic,” he said. “They were always having financial problems.” In 2003 Gullion came to Wesleyan, and both students and faculty alike said they see the difference that Gullion makes.

Laura Rosser | Rambler Staff Dr. Gullion’s personal love of movies is reflected through his children’s names and his office surroundings.

Dr. Tanni Chaudhuri, assistant professor of sociology and criminal justice said Gullion helped her transition into Wesleyan. “I came to Texas Wesleyan about a year ago,” Chaudhuri said. “Greg was the first one to show me around campus. He

was very forthcoming, friendly and really funny.” Chaudhuri said working with Gullion makes working in the office a lot of fun, and there is hardly ever a dull moment. Amanda Moten, a sophomore pre-law major, agrees

with Chaudhuri. “He is an incredible asset to the university,” Moten said. “Those that know him speak very highly of him. “He has a way about him that can just naturally motivate the people around him,” Moten said. “As my faculty

adviser, he inspires me to be on top of things and to make sure that I am holding myself accountable.” Gullion may not have made the difference he wanted in the field of criminal justice, but he said that teaching gives him a feeling that he’s making an impact with those around him. “The criminal justice system is a monster. We are creating more criminals,” Gullion said. “There is no money going into rehabilitation. I feel teaching is a way for me to create awareness.” Help Darfur Now is another way Gullion raises awareness on serious issues. Last year he created an International Help Darfur Now chapter at Wesleyan. “Why do people have their backs turned against others,” he asked. “Why do people act at any certain given command without questioning things? These are the questions I’ve asked myself. “I want to show people how the genocide in Sudan is not just affecting them but how it’s also affecting us,” Gullion said. “I want people to know what’s going on and take a stand, get informed.” Gullion held a presentation Oct. 19 that included a screening of the documentary The Devil Came on Horseback, which is an account of what is happening in 2009 Darfur. Gullion said it was the chance he needed to bring awareness about genocide in Darfur. Apart from teaching and involvement in campus events,

Gullion enjoys spending time with his family. The Goonies is one of his family’s favorite movies to watch. Gullion said the film was impressionable to him as a child. “I remember watching The Goonies as a young boy and remember the magic it had on me,” Gullion said. “It gave me a sense of adventure. This is something my son, Ren, has discovered. “He’s out in the backyard burying his jar of pennies and asking me to help him on treasure hunts,” he said. The entertainment industry has made somewhat of an impact on Gullion’s family. Gullion’s favorite television show growing up was McGuyver. Ren, 7, was named after the famous title character in the series. “Yes, Ren’s middle name is McGuyver,” Gullion said. “If you think that’s funny, my daughter’s first name is Rory,” he said. “My wife and I named her Rory after the character from Gilmore Girls.” Aside from catching his favorite shows and teaching, Gullion is also an academic adviser, a teaching coach, a faculty representative for academic departments and leader of the International Help Darfur Chapter Now campaign. While he’s on campus, Gullion said, he enjoys what he does and doesn’t mind taking on a lot of responsibility. “The one thing that keeps me going is making a difference,” he said. “That’s what keeps me going no matter what.”

New EdD program furthers graduate student potential Andie Massingill

Wesleyan launched its second doctoral program this semester when the school of education began its classes for an EdD program. The program is designed for administrators and teachers in the field of education. “This is a natural progression of our current educational programs,” said Dr. Aileen Curtin, doctorate of education director. Curtin said most students are completing their doctorate to further their career in administrative leadership or academics for teaching. The seed for the program was planted three years ago when alumni began asking about continuing their education with Wesleyan. “This university offers an intimate setting with small student to teacher ratios on an established college campus,” Curtin said. “This is really what people enjoy about Wesleyan.” Curtin said although there are many similar degrees offered locally, it is the unique relationship that Wesleyan has with the Fort Worth Independent School District and transferring Tarrant County College students that creates a perfect niche for the new program. With an average age of 45, the students involved in the new doctoral program are focused on making their mark in the education field. “We are looking for people that are passionate about education,” Curtin said. A minimum of two years teaching is required of potential candidates. Along with three reference letters, curriculum vitae, a master’s de-

Andie Massingill | Rambler Staff Dr. Aileen Curtin recently authored her first textbook titled Practical Strategies for Teaching English Language Learners.

gree and GRE testing requirements, the screening process is particular. “Principals, superintendents, head masters and vice principals are some of the students in our doctoral program,” said Judy Baker, administrative assistant for the new program. “I am their personal cheerleader, helping each one along the way.” The first cohort group has 24 members, 10 of whom are Wesleyan alumni. Applicants for the program got final approval two weeks before classes began. The students said they have found a home in the program. “I came for the convenience of the location,” said Michael Wright, graduate student. Sharon Amaya, graduate student in the EdD program has a special perk by being in the program. Her grandfather graduated from Wesleyan in the ‘50s, “I only wish he was still alive today to see me seeking my EdD from his alma mater,” Amaya said. “This first group was carefully selected to meet the criteria of the program,” Curtin said. “Our biggest advantages are our proximity and tuition

rate. These make us a great choice for continuing education.” The core curriculum has 24 credit hours; there are also 21 credit hours in an area of concentration. “With nine hours of electives and nine hours for dissertation study, the 63 credithour curriculum will take a minimum of four years and up to 10 years for completion,” Curtin said. Through lectures, research projects and seminars, the courses are offered in the evenings and weekends. “The Wesleyan faculty is able to shine in their new positions teaching in the doctoral program,” Curtin said. In addition to Curtin, other faculty members involved in the program are Dr. Twyla Miranda, Dr. Bill Newton, Dr. Patsy Robles-Goodwin, Dr. Kim Tyler and Dr. Lorrie Webb. The potential graduates will walk the stage in 2013. “My role as director of this program is to encourage the students and unlock their potential,” Curtin said. “They must be realistic about this doctoral journey that they are embarking on. It is a challenging road.”

The Rambler |

Arts & Entertainment

October 21, 2009



Wesleyan fills fall with fun

Chuck Fain

Wesleyan explodes with activity this fall, and if you’re not careful, you’ll miss out. To make sure you stay in the loop, here’s a few helpful hints of some of the upcoming fall festivities Wesleyan has planned. First of all, Wesleyan has several ongoing avenues for entertainment to serve the student body. For instance, did you know that the first Thursday of every month, Student Life gives away free movie tickets? It’s true. All you have to do is claim them at the Student Life office. Don’t wait around, however. Once they’re gone, they’re gone for the month. “Tickets usually go pretty quick,” said Aaron Whaley, assistant dean of students. “I only have them for a couple of days.” Wesleyan Poker League and Club is also gearing up to deal out good times. Whaley said the league is planning on meeting in Stella on Monday nights. There are only seven to eight participants signed up now, but anyone can still join. “We’d really like to get the word out and have some more participants,” Whaley said. Players earn points to qualify for tournaments and a $200 cash prize. Student Life also sponsors the “Pig Skin Pick’em” where students pick the teams they favor to win for that week. The person with the most correct picks wins a $100 prize at the end of the season. The picks must turned into Whaley in the Student Life office by 3 p.m. Fridays. The season has already started, so get started on your picks ASAP. For more information about movie tickets, the poker league and “Pig Skin Pick’em,” contact Aaron Whaley at 817-531-4871. Student Life is also featuring its “Haunted Hallway” during the entire month of October. The hallway from the Student Life office is decorated for Halloween, putting people in the Halloween mood and scaring up some Wesleyan holiday spirit. Come get some candy and Wesleyan Jazz band performs for Halloween.

Photo courtesy of the International Program International students participate in the International Fair.

Photo courtesy of Wesleyan music department.

see how Wesleyan gets haunted. International Programs is hosting its annual International Week. The program “provides the admission and support of international students in their stay and study here. The office also assists American students and faculty in pursuit of their study and research abroad,” according to its Web site. International Week is a way to promote International Programs, to broaden students’ cultural horizons and to entertain us with food and fun. International Week is up and running, and if you’ve already missed the opening events, don’t worry, there’s still more culture to immerse yourself in. On Oct. 23, the international fair gets underway at noon in the Pavilion, allowing students from around the world to share their cultural experiences with Wesleyan. International students enlighten American students about their country’s customs, sights, tastes and sounds. Later that evening at 7:30 p.m. at Martian Hall, the Wesleyan music department presents Music of the Americas – a free event in conjunction with International Week featuring music department soloists. Contact Sonia De Ochoa at 817-531-4992 for more details. Hosts of International Week have also arranged to have authentic cultural cuisine served for lunch at Dora’s during International Week. Wednesday will be Latin American flavors with arroz con pollo verde (Rice with chicken & cilantro) and Brazilian black beans. Thursday will feature Spanish cooking with paella (rice with vegetables & chicken) and churros (fried pastry). Friday’s lunch will come to us from India with chicken curry, bhutta (roasted corn) makki (Indian bread) and white rice. Whether you want to play some poker, see a movie or listen to some great music, Wesleyan has you covered.

Join the Community: NBC’s new comedy is a hit John Liontos

The fall television season feels like Christmas to me. However, some of the new shows this season have been like getting socks from your Grandma at Christmas – leaving one feeling disappointed and bitter. I love sitcoms, especially ones that hook you in the storyline right in the first few minutes. Sitcoms are making a comeback on broadcast TV this season. A few new shows have the potential to be funny, but none of them even match up to NBC’s Community. NBC’s Community is exactly the perfect present you’ve been waiting for all year. The show does a fantastic job introducing its characters and the environment around them. I’m confident enough to say this series has the makings of a hit. NBC’s Community stars Joel Mchale, host of The Soup on E!, as Jeff Winger, a laidback lawyer who’s been coasting through most of his life up until now. The state bar association discovers that

he has lied about the legitimacy of his college degree. Always looking for the easy way out, Winger decides to sign up for classes at Greendale Community College thinking of it as another smooth sailing operation. He sees a chance to hit on the token “hot girl” named Britta, played by Gillian Jacobs (Choke) whom he meets in his Spanish class. He schemes up a fake study group to win alone time with her. She plays a hard game, but gives in after he convinces her that he’s a board-certified private tutor. Things start to work against Winger as his plan turns into an actual study group much thanks to Abed, played by Danny Pudi (Greek), an eccentric, pop culture quoting, awkward over-sharing character. Creating more damage in Winger’s eyes, Abed invites more would-be struggling Spanish students to the group. In that group we have Troy, played by Donald Glover (Derrick Comedy’s Bro Rape), a high school jock who’s unsure of himself; stress head Annie, played by Alison Brie (Mad Men); Pierce Hawthorne, played

by Chevy Chase (Saturday Night Live) a businessman who’s a bit full of himself, and divorced mother Shirley, played by Yvette Nicole Brown (The Ugly Truth). Dan Harmon, creator and executive producer, has created a show with a lot of heart and that’s sure of itself. In the first few minutes, you feel an instant connection with the characters. The characters are allowed equal time for at least one standout line or scene. The comedic wealth is shared with everyone leaving the cast to play off each other quite well. The series is a nice companion for NBC’s Thursday night comedies. It shares a similarly off-kilter view much reminiscent to that of The Office. I’ve watched the Community pilot, and it’s second episode at least a dozen times, which holds up just as well on repeat viewing as it did the first go around. I give the show a high recommendation to those out there who are still having Arrested Development withdrawals.

Music department makes noise with its upcoming fall concerts

Chuck Fain

Wesleyan’s music department has been hard at work producing and hosting concerts all this semester, including a variety of musical masterpieces in the upcoming weeks. At 7 p.m. Oct. 22, the Wesleyan music department will perform the “Music of the Americas” concert. The event takes place at Martin Hall and is open to the public. It’s free and features select soloists from the department applying their craft in honor of International Week. The Greater Fort Worth

Community Band, which has close ties to Wesleyan, will perform at 3 p.m. Oct 25 at Martin Hall. “Texas Wesleyan University and it’s band director, Dr. Bryan English, have been invaluable to the GFWC Band’s success,” reads the band’s Web site, Home concerts are always at Martin Hall, which are free of charge. The first American to win the International Chopin Competition, Garrick Ohlsson, brings his piano prowess to Fort Worth at 7:30 p.m. Oct. 27 at Bass Hall. The Van Cliburn Foundation and Texas Wesleyan University are both proud to present this ex-

citing event. The music department’s annual Halloween concert creeps our way 7:30 Oct. 29 at Martin Hall. Directed by Dr. Bryan English, this annual Halloween event is a hauntingly good time every year. Musicians dress in full Halloween garb during the concert, and “the audience is invited to dress up as well,” said Sonja De Ochoa, secretary for the music department. A reception will follow with prizes for best costume. Family and children are welcome to attend. The Halloween concert takes place 7:30 p.m. Oct. 29 in Martin Hall. Amission is free.

Photo courtesy of NBC The cast of Community aces the comedy test.

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October 21, 2009

Wesleyan Rebounder’s Club raises support, offers benefits

The Rambler |

Lady Rams raise funds in pink-out Joakim Soederbaum

In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness and Research Month, the lady rams volleyball team decided to do what they could to help raising funds. When hosting Southwestern Assemblies of God University Oct. 15, the team wore pink jerseys and auctioned off T-shirt jerseys during the game. According to Head Coach Christy Clawson, the team felt a responsibility to help increasing awareness of breast cancer. “I think all the girls, including myself, know someone who has had breast cancer or is a current fighter or survivor,” she said. “That they did this says a lot about their character.” The players old pink Tshirts, cupcakes, pink lemLaura Rosser | Rambler Staff

Players and supporters mingles at the Rebounders’ Club. Jacueline Wittman

The new Texas Wesleyan Rebounder’s Club is reaching for new heights under the guidance of Terry D. Waldrop, men’s head basketball coach. Together with supportive members, the club will grow in support for the Texas Wesleyan basketball program. Members of the Rebound-

er’s Club are able to join a team depending the amount of their donation. Membership consists of the practice ($100), home ($250), travel ($500) or championship ($1,000) team. Once a member, benefits are available with the Texas Wesleyan Basketball team. The perks of joining include tickets, T-shirts, a seat on the bench, locker room access and an autographed team

onade and candy in the SUB throughout the day. Assistant Coach Amanda Martin worked hard to coordinate the day. “We would never have been able to pull it off without her,” Clawson said. “She did a great job putting it all together.” All together, the girls managed to raise close to $400 in support of breast cancer research. Clawson said that she hopes to make the pink out a reoccurring event with the volleyball team. “I think it was quite successful for being a first time,” she said. “It is tough for the girls to put in all the hard work that they did during season. We learned a lot this time, and hopefully we can plan ahead and make it even better next year.” The pink lady rams beat Southwestern Assemblies of God, 3-2 (24-26, 25-18, 20-25, 25-21, 16-14).

picture. The club initially met Oct. 15 in the Louella Baker Martin Pavilion with refreshments provided by Euless Main Street BBQ. Athletic Director Kevin Millikan and Dean of Students Cary Poole were among the participants. The Rebounders Club will hold luncheons on periodic Thursdays from noon to 12:45 p.m. at Dora’s Residential Restaurant. Lunches

will feature scouting reports from the Texas Wesleyan Basketball coaches and a question and answer session. Meeting dates are Nov. 19, Jan. 14, Feb. 18 and March 11. For additional information, contact Waldrop at or Brennan Shingleton, assistant head coach, at

Rambler’s Guide to the Game: Table Tennis Jacqueline Wittman

Have you ever wondered what’s going on in the game or why that crazy fan is yelling at the referee? Worry no more. We have the insider’s guide to table tennis in order for you to learn the rules and lingo of the game. Now you will sound like a pro when you cheer and yell at the table tennis match. Get out there, join in the fun,

and cheer on your Rams! For the complete guide, visit sports. The Match • A match is won after the best of 5 or 7 games. • If the ball hits the net, goes over, and still bounces on the opponent’s half of the table, the point continues. • Each player is allowed to request one time-out period of up to 1 minute during

a match by making a T-sign with the hands. • Each player has two serves each. • The players change ends before the next game begins. • It is not allowed to move the table, touch the net assembly, or put the free hand on the playing surface while the ball is in play. • The winner is the player or pair who first scores 11 points, unless deuce. Then the first player or pair to gain a 2 point lead.

7-7 Flag Football Standings Name Pickles BOHICA TapOut

Wins 6 3 3

1 L's Twisters Pink Dragons

Loses TP Scored TP Against 0 153 18 3 35 21 3 67 97

3 1 1

3 5 5

Upcoming Sports



Table Tennis

Sid W. Rich.

Volleyball vs. Bacone College

11 a.m. Muskogee

Men’s Soccer vs. University of the Southwest

1 p.m. Hobbs

Volleyball vs. John Brown University

3 p.m. Siloam Springs

Women’s Soccer vs. University of the Southwest

3 p.m. Hobbs


Golf at Tangle Ridge Shootout

Tangle Ridge GC Grand Praire


Golf at Tangle Ridge Shootout

Tangle Ridge GC Grand Praire


68 7 21

Byes 0 0 0

103 47 48

0 0 0

The Weekly Sports Quote

“I asked a ref if he could give me a technical foul for thinking bad things about him. He said, of course not. I said, well, I think you stink. And he gave me a technical. You can’t trust ‘em.” Jim Valvano Former College-Basketball Coach

Table Tennis Lingo “Ping pong” The same game played for recreation and fun; table tennis is a sport. “Rally” The period during which the ball is in play. “Deuce” When both players or pairs (doubles) score 10 points.

Fantasy Football Pig Skin Pick'Em Leaderboard Name Pts. Jeremy Newton 58 Michael Greer 54 Rachel Loftin 54 Phillip Blockinger 54 Fabiola Duron 54 Cara Lumpkin 53 Jason Simpson 52 Oscar Lazarki 52 June Johnson 51 Terry Waldrop 51 Sandy Gonzalez 50 Ryan Amador 49 Trey Bomar 49 Michael Chaney 48 Barbara Kirby 48 Daniel Bravo 48 Kyle Morgan 48 Keith Wright 47 Randy Pistorious 47 Erik Hall 46 Ken Flowers 46 Julie Handley 38 Justin Payne 30 Thomas Vasquez 30 Carolyn Ikens 22

The pink Lady Rams.

Laura Rosser | Rambler Staff

Wesleyan Week-in-Sports • The Lady Rams Volleyball team (11-13, 5-4 RRAC) took a thrilling five-game win (24-26, 25-18, 20-25, 25-21, 16-14) against Southwestern Assemblies of God University on Oct. 15. The Lady Rams brought the score to 2-2 before winning the fifth game 16-14. • The Lady Rams Soccer team (10-5, 3-2 RRAC) lost 3-0 on the road against their rivals Northwood University in a rematch of last year’s Red River Athletic Conference championship game on Oct. 15. Hosting Southwestern Adventist University Oct. 17, the Lady Rams put themselves in hte record books, winning 20-0. The previous record of goals in a single game (14) was held by the 1993 squad. Alejandra Barrera led the Lady Rams with five goals and two assists. She was only one goals shy of tying the school record for goals in a single game. • The Rams Soccer team (9-6, 1-4 RRAC) suffered a 4-1 loss on the road to local rivals Northwood University on Oct. 15. Adis Druzanovic scored the Rams lone goal. The Rams beat Southwestern Adventist University 16-0 on Oct. 17. Kevin Rauch led the Rams with three goals and two assists. • The seventh-ranked Rams Golf team finished second at the NAIA Preview Invitational in Silvis, Ill., Oct 16. After scoring 292 in their first round, the Rams were holding a one-stroke lead going in to the second round. After day two, they had repeated their second-place finish at the site of last year’s national championship. Senior Drew Koonce led the Rams, finishing tied for fifth individually with a total score of 146, four over par. Also Armando Villarreal finished top-10, tying for 10th with a total score of 150.

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