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From being a teen mother to a college graduate

Elizabeth M. Nelson was a teen mother who survived abusive relationships and turned her life around. Though her journey was not traditional, she will graduate with a bachelor's in criminal justice and minor in sociology.

After becoming a teen mother at the age of 16, she went through a failed marriage two years later that resulted in her being a victim of domestic abuse. She realized she wanted more in life and decided to return to school. “I wrote an essay to get back into Tarrant County College, and let them know that I would not fail, failure was not an option for me.”


Over the years, Nelson remarried and now at the age of 32, she has seven children and eight grandchildren.

Since starting college, her journey has not been easy but despite her setbacks and loss of her mother she has made the dean’s list every semester and made it to three societies, including Phi Theta Kappa,

Alpha Phi Sigma and Pi Gamma Mu.

After suffering the loss of her mother during her college journey, Nelson said, “While she didn't get to see me graduate from either college, I know that I made her and my father proud. I have shown my husband, all my kids, biological and adopted, that mom made something of herself.”

Born and raised in Fort Worth, Texas Wesleyan was Nelson’s first choice. "My father graduated from Texas Wesleyan in 1979. I always told myself that I was going to follow in his footsteps. He graduated from Tarrant County college, so I did, he graduated from Texas Wesleyan, so I am. I always wanted to be great, just like him,” Nelson said.

Making changes in the world was something she knew she wanted to do. “Criminal justice has always been intriguing. I got my paralegal degree from Tarrant County College, and I decided that I wanted more. I loved the system and being able to potentially make a change,” Nelson said.

Nelson saw herself as someone other students could go to for help.

“At first, it was hard making friends, the longer I was at the campus, the easier it got for me. I learned to help my classmates who needed it. I was older than 95% of them so I became the mom who looked out for her babies. Now? I will help anyone who needs it, and it comes second nature to me.”

Sheis not exactly sure where life will take her after graduation.

“Right now, I'm unsure on what I want to do career wise, however, I've applied to positions with Child Protective Services. My dream career would be to go to law school and work in family law,” Nelson said. Ultimately, she wants to be an inspiration, "My goal in life was to inspire those who had no idea of how hard some of us had the journey,” she said.

Lights! Camera! Fashion!

Krizen Vega is a very motivated first-generation college graduate who has been a huge help around the Texas Wesleyan campus. Vega has a mindset that sets her apart from her counterparts, as she is very dedicated and solution

Her faith is a big part of her life as she is the social media coordinator for the Connect College Ministry group on campus. She is also a resident assistant and values the lessons learned that come with responsibility. Being an RA has taught her independence, how to appreciate differences and her role outside of her family.

To top it off, she is an English academic advisor in the Academic Success Center, which has contributed to some unexpected friendships. Vega believes the more involved with programs around the school she became, the more she started to enjoy herself.

Vega enjoys fashion and psychology, so she found a middle ground as a marketing major as it allows her to focus on the product as well as consumer behavior. She is currently an intern doing administrative work in consulting. “My dream industry to work in would be fashion, clothing or just entertainment. I keep telling people [to] let me know (about opportunities). I want to work behind the scenes of a movie, something in the entertainment industry has always been a goal of mine.”

She enjoys watching and sharing films with family and friends. Vega likes to express herself through her 90’s clothes as well as her backpack which features a lot of pins.

Throughout her years at Texas Wesleyan, she has enjoyed learning inside and outside of the classroom as well as about herself. Vega enjoys being her authentic self and values authenticity. After walking the stage, she will make her way to Korea just days after graduation to share the gospel and teach English with the Connect College Ministry.

After graduation she is open to a leadership role in the aspect of faith, but it is not a main goal for her right now. In ten years, she hopes to be living in her own space, building relationships with friends and family and at a job that she loves. Vega is a very passionate individual who gives full effort because she knows that she has an amazing support system.

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