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GSCNHS strives for reading fluency through feeding initiative
General Santos City National High school (GSCNHS), specifically the Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE), English, and Science Departments, in collaboration with the Interact Club of Rotary Dadiangas — GSCNHS Chapter led a school feeding initiative alongside its objective in launching the reading and feeding program with its 77 recipients — severely wasted and slow readers from the Grade 8 Curriculum on December 7th of 2022.
The program’s goal Is to combat the harsh circumstances that lead to a student’s poor academic performance because of health harming conditions, namely malnutrition.
A report by the Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease (2016) states that, “An estimated 200 million children worldwide fail to meet their development potential due to poor health.”
With the assistance of the program, it may decrease a student’s probability of diffi- culty of learning, especially in reading.
As stated by Options for Youth (OFY), “Research has shown that students can learn better when they’re well nourished. Eating healthy meals has been linked to higher grades, better memory, alertness, and faster information processing.” These advantages will make each student soar in the highs– not just with a full stomach, but with a healthier mind.
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