A forum of free voices serving San Antonio College since 1926
Vol. 84 Issue 11
Single copies free
Jan. 22, 2010
Voter registration 15 Haiti relief 4 Coming events 11
March for education
2 • Jan. 22, 2010
The Ranger Tyler K. Cleveland
Rennie Murrell
Best employee: Rosa Lucio, American Sign Language and interpreter training secretary, named district Employee of the Year, meets with ASL Chair Lauri Metcalf Wednesday in Moody. Tyler K. Cleveland
Art reception: Ceramics Lecturer Mark Hansen surveys art by adjunct faculty Wednesday in visual arts. Hansen crafted the sculpture titled “Comma Fiddlehead” out of clone 10 stoneware. The exhibit can be viewed along with the work of 11 other adjunct faculty from 7 a.m.-10 p.m. weekdays through March 12. Tyler K. Cleveland
Problem paychecks: Library secretary Yolanda Gonzalez waits for employee checks Jan. 15 at the bursar’s office in Fletcher. This was the first payroll generated by Banner software, which required a new and lengthy distribution process.
Math help:
Biology sophomore Robin Williams receives math tutoring from Brian Hons, math instructor and tutoring lab coordinator, in the math space lab Wednesday in Room 121 of McCreless. Math space is open 9 a.m-9 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Friday and Saturday. No appointments are necessary, and tutoring for online courses is available.
The Ranger • Vol. 84 • Issue 11
Jan. 22, 2010 • 3
The Ranger
A forum of free voices serving San Antonio College since 1926
2 People 4 Mortuary science, nursing faculty detail handling casualties
10 Former student plans to run for board By Vanessa M. Sanchez Photo by Tyler K. Cleveland
By Sharon Hensley
15 Voter project aims for 25,000 new registrations
Countdown to graduation
By Zahra Farah
Online @ Frustrated about registration? How was your experience? Comment on Students Speak Out and see what others have to say. Different topics posted online each week.
By Laura Garcia
5 $7 million more than a number for St. Philip’s By Regis L. Roberts Photo by Laura Garcia
6 Student activity fee money for spring up for grabs By Zahra Farah
7 Snyder chosen to replace McLaughlin By Vanessa M. Sanchez Photo by Tyler K. Cleveland
Board to vote on single versus joint accreditation By Vanessa M. Sanchez
8 Premiere
Marching to remember King’s dream By Zahra Farah Cover photo by Tyler K. Cleveland Photos by Jennifer Charo, Julysa Sosa and Alison Wadley
11 Calendar 12 Editorials
Cartoon Board should think before they meet; Late registrations a win-win scenario; Find a way to help Haiti 14 Blotter
People slideshow Slideshow of Wednesday’s basketball games Council discusses outside work, enrollment, motorcycle parking Dual crashes occur west of campus Start Two offers flexibility for students who register late When it rains, it pours inside
Go to for news and information.
The Ranger
4 • Jan. 22, 2010
Countdown to graduation
Mortuary science, nursing faculty detail handling of mass casualties
By Laura Garcia
By Sharon Hensley
Students completing requirements for degrees or one-year certificates from this college should mark their calendars for May 1. At 10 a.m. that day, hundreds of students will fill Municipal Auditorium downtown in cap and gown to walk the stage and receive an associate degree or certificate at commencement. The deadline to apply for graduation in the admissions and records office is just one month away, Feb. 26. The final deadline to apply in time to walk the stage is March 26. The spring ceremony is for students who graduated in December and spring and summer candidates within six hours of graduating. J. Martin Ortega, director of admissions and records, said students can walk the stage in May and take their last six hours in the summer. Commencement is free for graduates and includes a cap with tassel and gown that they are allowed to keep. Each participant is given from four to six tickets for family and friends. The number of tickets depends on the projected number of students participating in the ceremony. Last year, about 600 students participated. Municipal Auditorium seats 4,000. During a Jan. 11 interview, Dr. Jessica Howard, vice president of academic affairs, explained a new graduation push that involves a countdown clock theme for graduation deadlines. Howard said administrators plan to strategically place applications in every department on campus. Degree audits and advising are also available in department offices. She said the administration is planning an event closer to the deadline with student life featuring the cheerleaders and Code Red dance team. Also look for graduation photo collages around Loftin Student Center. Howard inquired about changing the traditional blue robes for associate degrees to “SAC red” considering Palo Alto College graduates don their college’s green color. Ortega said that detail has yet to be decided. Many of the promotional plans are still being made, but the message college administration is trying to get out is the same: Don’t just transfer — graduate. For more information, go to sac/csd/grad.
Professor Mary Mena said the 10 Disaster Mortuary Operational Response Teams would With the recent disaster in Haiti dominat- be activated to assist with the aftermath of any ing much of the news, some Americans might mass casualty situations in America. be wondering how a similar situation could be According to the Health and Human resolved at home. Services Web site, “DMORTS are composed Mortuary science Chair Felix Gonzales of private citizens, each with a particular field said, “There is a protocol in place. It’s very, of expertise, who are activated in the event of very structured.” a disaster.” While reassuring, recovery workers face a Victim identification and mortuary serbitter truth. vices are among the duties performed by “The problem with that is it’s never been DMORTS. The teams have assisted in mass tested,” Gonzales said. “You have a small casualty disasters such as the 1995 Oklahoma model and build City bombing and AP Photo/Ramon Espinosa projections on the Sept. 11, 2001, that.” attacks. Of even more Mena said in a concern may be DMORT case, temthe size of this porary morgues decade’s most devwould be set up astating scenarios, to prevent bodsuch as the terror ies from being left attacks of Sept. 11, in the streets as 2001; the flooding they have been in of New Orleans Haiti because of in the wake of the overwhelming Hurricane Katrina; number of deaths. the Indian Ocean She said the tsunami; earthattitude toward the quakes in Turkey dead body is differand Pakistan; ent here because and now Haiti, people want to see where 200,000 are their loved ones, estimated dead, and there are death 250,000 injured certificates and and 1.5 million Men carry a coffin next to bodies of hundreds of earthquake insurance needs. homeless. victims at the morgue in Port-au-Prince Jan. 14. “You have a “There is no plan, but you won’t immediate response for a scale that large,” know if it works until it happens,” Mena said. he said. Nursing Professor Kathleen Church said Gonzales said dealing with such a situathe bodies decomposing in the streets of Haiti tion would be limited by factors such as the could contaminate the water supply. number of caskets available, the number that “It’s a terrible problem,” she said. “That’s could be shipped in quickly and the number why we don’t bury bodies just anywhere.” of crematories in the vicinity of the disaster. Church said cremating the bodies would He said the gloom-and-doom people destroy the bacteria, but mass cremations would say it’s not a question of if there will be would pose an environmental problem as well a disaster with mass casualties but when, and because of all of the smoke from the burning. everyone needs to be better prepared. “There is no easy solution to it,” she said. “What about a contingency plan for our For more information on DMORT, visit college?” Gonzales said. “We’re a little For more information on the munity.” “It scares me that we don’t have mortuary science department, visit alamo. an updated action plan.” Mortuary science edu/sac/mortuary.
The Ranger
Jan. 22, 2010 • 5
$7 million more than just a number for St. Philip’s College Laura Garcia
By Regis L. Roberts People who hold St. Philip’s College close to their heart used the figure $7 million with great urgency and concern at the Jan. 12 special board meeting to discuss the findings of the Accreditation Review Committee. Behind that $7 million, which St. Philip’s could lose should the district adopt a single-accreditation model, according to the final report released in December by the committee, is Mary Castañeda, a Web developing sophomore at St. Philip’s College, speaks against an array of programs vital to the single accreditation at the Jan. 12 public forum. success of students there. Matari Jones-Gunter, director of communi- ogy facilities and equipment. tion, Jones-Gunter said. ty and public relations at St. Philip’s These instructional technology Jesus Adame, grants accountCollege, said Tuesday that the loss of services help keep students technoing manager for the district, said Title 3B grants the college receives as logically competitive with technology the allocation of Title 3 money can a Historically Black College would be services for special-needs students change based on priorities idendevastating. and helping students tified by the college, but JonesThe report states become more proficient Gunter said that instructional that if the district colin computers. The coltechnology, tutoring and develleges were to become lege also has the technolopmental education services are part of one institution, ogy and tutoring center consistently on the list of programs St. Philip’s would no on campus, which itself funded with that money. longer be considered requires about $2 million All told, that grant money a Historically Black of Title 3 money, and the employs about 160 people at the College and thus not eli- Go online for a full version grant money funds the college, Jones-Gunter said. of this story. gible for Title 3B grants. college’s Web site and the Alexander March, psychology The report does say there is college’s Web team. sophomore at this college, also told a possibility to appeal to keep its St. Philip’s has about 2,500 stuthe board at the Jan. 12 forum that funds, but it also says there is a prec- dent-used computers and more actions taken by them would have edent for denying such an appeal. than 100 computer labs that stu- a direct impact on people’s lives. While Jones-Gunter said the dents rely on, all thanks to Title He said in a Jan. 13 interview that college does not have a position 3, Jones-Gunter said. “This is how trends the district is adopting, such on the single accreditation issue deep (Title 3) reaches into our col- as “homogenization” and favoring — she said St. Philip’s President lege,” she said of the scope of prohiring adjunct faculty over full-time Adena Williams-Loston will stand grams funded by grant money. faculty, were early examples of bad by decisions made by the board and Beyond technology services, policies that have culminated in the Chancellor Bruce Leslie — JonesJones-Gunter said, the freshman cen- single-accreditation proposal, which Gunter said the facts in the report ter, which helps students get acclimat- Board Chair Denver McClendon “clearly speak for themselves.” ed to college life and is used as a reten- asked Leslie to examine, resulting “Our students would be tion program, uses about $384,000 of in the creation of the Accreditation adversely affected if we lost Title Title 3 money a year. While the wel- Review Committee. 3 funding,” Jones-Gunter said. St. come center itself was built with funds March said people used the “R Philip’s budget of $41.2 million for from the 2005 bond issue, she said the word” a lot during the board meet2009-10 does not include the grant. activities inside the center come from ing — racism, and in the case of A large portion of the Title 3 Title 3 money to the tune of about $1 Nettie Hinton, who addressed the money St. Philip’s receives goes to million each year. board first, rape — but “The D word fully fund instructional technology St. Philip’s Instructional Innovation is what I hang on — discrimination.” services, she said. About $2.2 mil- Center, which focuses on faculty and March said he has organizationlion goes to renovation and mainstaff development, receives about $2 al problems stemming from attentenance of instructional technolmillion a year from Title 3 for opera- tion deficit disorder, and without
the help of dedicated faculty and staff, among them English Instructor Jane Focht-Hansen; Counselor Steve Samet; Jeff Hunt, chair of the theater and speech communication department and co-chair of the Accreditation Review Committee; and others, he would not be able to be successful in school, and without school keeping him out of trouble, he would be dead. He told Leslie and board members that they are signing people’s death warrants should they go through with the idea of single accreditation. The loss of full-time faculty to adjuncts, who March said are not able to be as dedicated to their students as full-time faculty, and the potential loss of funding amounts to discrimination against a wide range of students, he said. “The ones that are going to be heaviest hit are the underprivileged (students),” March told The Ranger. While not wanting to cast a generalization of people on the East Side, March said the choices for underprivileged people who have opportunities like St. Philip’s closed to them are limited — and those students often are limited to criminal activity to live. Mary Castañeda, a Web developing sophomore at St. Philip’s, spoke of the opportunities of underprivileged students when she addressed the board. “These federal grants each year — if we don’t get them, you destroy lives,” she said. A recently divorced single mother, Castañeda said the recourses made available to her at St. Philip’s have made it possible for her to maintain a 3.5 grade-point average. Leslie will make a recommendation regarding accreditation to the board during the Jan. 26 regular board meeting, which the board will either vote to accept or reject. His recommendation will be in the packet that is released in advance of board meetings, he told The Ranger after the Jan. 12 special meeting.
The Ranger
6 • Jan. 22, 2010
Student activity fee money for spring up for grabs File photo
By Zahra Farah The budget for the Student Activity Fee Committee to disburse to clubs and organizations this semester is $23,245.85. The committee gave out $44,048.44 in the fall. The student activity fee fund comes from $1 per-credit-hour paid by each student attending this college, which is expected to generate $389,111 in 2009-10. In the fall, Cheshyre Cheese Club was awarded $5,000 to travel to England, Scotland and France; Public Administration Club was awarded $9,952 to travel to Canary Islands and Spain; Mexican-American Engineers and Scientists was awarded $7,425 to attend a MAES international symposium; and the Graphic Arts Club was allotted $5,370.67 to go to South by Southwest Competition in Austin. These were the recipients of the largest awards among the 12 organizations whose requests for funds were approved by the committee. The committee consists of five student members and four faculty or staff members. Thursday was the deadline for clubs and organizations to submit requests for the committee to consider at its next meeting at 4 p.m. Feb. 4 in the president’s large conference room in Fletcher Administration Center. The meeting is closed to the public. Each member of the Student Activity Fee Committee has two weeks to evaluate each application before the meeting, student life Director Jorge Posadas said. Clubs are notified immediately after the meeting whether they received money or not.
“We normally send an students, so if they decide to e-mail to the clubs who get go to an exhibit, they must fill awarded money, then put 56-60 seats on a bus, she said. the results on our Web site,” “It’s an obstacle to have Posadas said. all these students coming in Clubs that did not get (my) office who are not relaccepted receive a letter and evant to the group,” she said. are allowed to apply for an Dietz said to go to an appeal once, he said. exhibit, clubs have to apply “It’s special that SAC stusix to eight months in dents are giving clubs and advance. Students may not organizations money. It’s know what exhibit is going on not usually done,” Posadas or the Web site has not posted said. “Usually the money is Student clubs submit proposals to the that far out. for student activities or for Student Activity Fee Committee when “It would be better if there the student center.” applying for money. Part of the require- was a small and large budget,” Student activity fee ment is to show that they host activities Dietz said. application training is given such as the Cheshyre Cheese Club’s Open Dietz said most often the each semester before a club Mic Coffee Night. paper work falls on the faculty can apply for the applicato fill out, and they are already tion. The club must do a workshop every two busy. years to be allowed to apply for funds. “The application process is too laborious,” “It’s just so they are familiar with it,” Posadas Dietz said. “It’s not written for students. It said. “If they don’t make the meeting, they usu- makes the faculty in charge of the group rather ally can sit down with us and go through the than students. We are supposed to only advise.” form.” It is still a great thing this college is doing Posadas said the student life Web site has to get students out of their environment, Dietz information on ways to complete a successful said. “It gets them to see and experience new application. things away from their home environment,” Some clubs have had difficulty in the past she said. filling out the student activity fee application. The next application due dates are Feb. 17, Rebecca Dietz, fine arts photography March 22 and April 5. instructor, said the student activity fee appliApplications are due by 5 p.m. in the student cation is helpful for large groups staying over- life office in Loftin. night, but not successful for small groups who For more information, call 486-0125 or go want to go on a day trip. online to The Student Art Guild has a small group of html/safee.htm.
Jan. 22, 2010 • 7
The Ranger
Snyder chosen to replace McLaughlin By Vanessa M. Sanchez
receiving money in three different ways: as a student, an employee, Cutting next year’s district and reimbursed for a past expense. budget by 5 percent is the top This transformation is going task Diane Snyder will be facing to be taking people out of their this year as the district’s new vice comfort zones, she said, but it will chancellor for finance and adminaid employees by having a profile istration. She also plans a proacof each person that is accessed tive approach to other challenges, electronically. It also will ensure such as working toward everything that needs to a paperless system, she be paid is paid on time. said Wednesday in an In this fiscal year, interview. the district was in a James McLaughlin $7 million shortfall. In officially retired Dec. 31 2010-11, “the goverafter two years with the nor is expecting about district. The person tak$15 billion that they’re ing Snyder’s position will Diane Snyder going to have to cover be announced within somehow, and all of us two weeks. will have to share in that pain Snyder was associate vice chanthrough our state appropriations cellor for finance and fiscal services. potentially being hit,” she said. She has been with the district more “There are two things the board than a year and a half. Previously, could’ve done,” Snyder said. “We she worked at AT&T for 12 years in could’ve said our expenses are various positions including oversee$7.5 million higher than expected. ing 225 employees and managing a They could’ve said just go cut out $1 billion budget. $7.5 million out of the budget.” This is going to be a transition Instead, the board made up the year. Through the help of Banner, shortage from the fund balance. Snyder said, there will be more She also said where work is transparency and efficiency. done in five places today, there With today’s paper processes, needs to be a solution to complete she said, it is possible for somethat job in fewer places and apply one’s time sheet to get stuck on the money saved for instruction. someone else’s desk, and, there“We’re anticipating those fore, not make it to where it is supactions will allow us to bring our posed to be until it is too late. That expenses down in the coming employee will then be paid late. year, so that it helps cover that She said at the moment, the gap,” she said. system can have one person “We don’t want to put anyone’s
job at risk, and it’s not like we have extra money. We’re going have to take these actions in order to live within the funding we have, but we’re all working together.” Snyder said her office is asking for a staffing management plan to have more reporting on when a faculty or staff member moves to another college or position. “The salary expense of our budget is a huge portion,” she said, but the district can only give so much money to salaries depending on what is has. The chancellor forwarded a letter from Gov. Rick Perry to district employees and asked them to come up with ideas to meet a 5 percent cut in state appropriations. “That equates to about $3.5 million, so I’ll be working with the presidents and the district vice chancellors to identify looking at our existing budget, where could we cut, and how would we be able to balance it.” She said the first step is to make cuts fairly from all department budgets. “There are other challenges we expect to hit; we expect our tax base in San Antonio to feel the pressure.” Property taxes total 31.4 percent of the district’s revenues. “What we’ve been telling the board is the revenue side of our budget is expected to be tighter.” She said it is important to “find ways that don’t take as much labor
to accomplish the same services, and that’s the challenge.” Leslie asked employees to develop a road map for future employees and asked vice chancellors and presidents to review where cuts can be made. In the district administration, there are 15 vacancies, seven that need to be filled and eight that need to be closed, Snyder said. The names and titles of who is taking which job, however, have yet to be made public. “We really need to fill some critical vacancies within the accounts payable department,” Snyder said. The district will continue to hire temporary employees until the Banner transition is completed for finance and student services. “In light of that, because we’re transforming and training thousands of people to these new processes as we bring them up, we’ve consciously made the decision to hire temporary employees for the year instead of filling these fulltime so I can let them go when we complete Banner. “I think by the following year, with all the plans that are under way, we should be able to right size and get our expenses back closer to where our revenues are. If we do it right, it’s going to be a win-win situation. “We still have to do our dayto-day job while we prepare for the future.”
Board to vote on single versus joint accreditation By Vanessa M. Sanchez The regular monthly meeting of the district board of trustees, usually the third Tuesday of the month, was postponed until Tuesday in the district’s offices at 201 W. Sheridan St. Board liaison Phyllis Rodriguez-Williams said Wednesday she was working on the draft of that meeting’s agenda and said, at the moment, the
agenda states Chancellor Bruce Leslie is to give the board his final recommendation on whether the district should remain independent colleges or merge into a multicampus college. This was the topic that an overflow crowd addressed Jan. 12 in a public hearing. Speakers were unanimous in their support of leaving the district colleges individually accredited. The board will have the final say.
The agenda and meeting time will be finalized no later than today, Rodriguez-Williams said. Meeting notices and the agenda were not posted online by noon Thursday on the district’s Web site. Two board committees met Tuesday, the Policy and Long-Range Planning Committee and the Audit, Budget and Finance Committee. More on regular monthly meetings is at
8 • The Ranger
Darlene Williams waves to a crowd of onlookers from a bus during the Martin Luther King Jr. March as it begins Monday. She has been a participant since the parade began in 1986.
Alison Wadley
Ida Walker prays during celebrations following the march at PittmanSullivan Park Monday. Tyler K. Cleveland
Marchers sing “We Shall Overcome” as they begin the three-mile trek up Martin Luther King Drive Mon
Marching to rememb By Zahra Farah
ynda Richardson, 56, dressed in traditional yellow and red African garments, looked over the elderly and disabled individuals at Our Place Adult Day Care Center, 3455 Martin Luther King Drive, on Monday. She remembered a time growing up when the first local Martin Luther King Jr. marches were run by the Rev. R.A. Callies James, who helped start MLK marches in San Antonio. “I was able to take care of him in this day care,” she said. None of Richardson’s disabled clients have ever had a chance to march. Each year, she sets up lawn chairs and posters outside so each client, no matter if they are disabled or elderly, can still feel a part of the march. “I want to show them they are not invisible,” Richardson said. Even with low gray skies and light drizzle, nothing threatened the sea of thousands of marchers participating in the 23rd Martin Luther King Jr. Commemorative March on San Antonio’s East Side Monday. Catherine Torres–Stahl, 144th District Court
judge, has been going to the march for the last five Freedom Bridge. years with her 13- and 10-year-old children. She “I’m always proud of San Antonio for having said it means something if so many people showed the largest MLK March. It says something about up, even if the weather was a little bad. our city,” the mayor said. The theme of the 2010 “I’m proud of our city,” Julysa Sosa march was “Education — Joaquín Castro said. “It shows Marching in the Reality of the how strong and unified our comDream.” munity is.” Osvaldo Delgado, 31, so The mayor said he was glad strongly believed in King’s to spend time with his brother, dream that he woke up at a rarity because of their busy 4:30 a.m. and spent six hours schedules. building a plastic-wrap “We are the generation that sculpture of a life-sized man has benefited the most in purhooked to his shoulders. The suing the American dream,” he sculpture symbolized carsaid. rying and supporting each Mayor Castro led the group other in any way possible. of marchers arm-in-arm toward “I’m riding on equality downtown. Spectators watched and on that dream — everyfrom their porches, balconies or one requires respect,” he said. from the sidewalk as the diverse Mayor Julian Castro Osvaldo Delgado and Andrea Rodriguez crowd engulfed Martin Luther and his brother, state Rep. carry a plastic-wrap model that took six King Drive. Joaquín Castro, rejoiced hours to build to make a statement on One of the spectators waitwith the crowd before unity without discrimination. ing to join in the march was beginning the march at MLK Virgil Starkes, 61, math teacher
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Jan. 22, 2010 • 9 Tyler K. Cleveland
Julysa Sosa
Raymond Filoteo takes a photo for the Walker family in front of an enlarged photo of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X. This year marks the Walker family’s and Filoteo’s third MLK March.
Jennifer Charo
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at Northwest Vista College. He also is a retired member of San Antonio alumni chapter Kappa Alpha Psi. Starkes remembers wanting to apply to South Carolina University, but couldn’t because it was not integrated. He instead went to Benedict College and graduated in 1970. “I’m glad to be alive and to see my next birthday,” he said. “I’ve seen a lot of things come and go.” When asked how he felt when Barack Obama became the first African-American president, Starkes said he was elated. “I thought I would never see that in my time. I was shouting and Go online for an extended version of this story. going crazy,” he said. Incarnate Word University football players helped serve as bodyguards for dignitaries who were in the front row marching. They also had the desire to be a part of the march even if they could not be bodyguards. Michael Woods, 20, was one of the 75 football players participating in the march. He said he was
Barbara Ford (from left), Caroline Ross, Arla Johnson, Tiffany Johnson and Jozett Ruffin, members of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, applaud as the Martin Luther King Jr. March comes to an end at Pittman-Sullivan Park.
glad to see Obama survive a year in office. and not being able to eat at restaurant counters on “Him being in office has helped the black comCommerce Street because of the color of his skin. munity believe dreams can come true,” Woods He also was forced to sit in the back of the bus, he said. said. Julysa Sosa The crowd was “I feel it is a good filled with many day, probably withethnicities, but out him (King), we for some reason, wouldn’t be where we Louis Aponte, 58, are today,” he said. felt his country, As the weather Puerto Rico, was started to clear up, not well-repremore people left their sented. He sang homes to watch the to the crowd with Sam Houston High his guitar about School band play, his people from horses parade and Puerto Rico and people chant memothe need to help San Antonio College President Robert Zeigler, Vice President of rable quotes from Haiti. Academic Affairs Jessica Howard and friend Yolanda Jimeneza rep- King. “I always take resent this college during the Martin Luther King Jr. March Monday. Dr. Robert Zeigler, part, but I don’t president of San see much involveAntonio College; Dr. ment from Puerto Ricans,” he said. Jessica Howard, vice president of academic affairs; James Usser, 79, commander of American and their friend Yolanda Jimeneza carried a poster Legion Post 800, a program for retired veterans, which read, “Intelligence plus character — that is said he remembers growing up in San Antonio the goal of true education.”
10 • Jan. 22, 2010
The Ranger
Former student plans to run for board Tyler K. Cleveland
By Vanessa M. Sanchez Tyler Ingraham, political science junior at St. Mary’s University, has decided to run for the board of trustee’s District 1 position, currently held by Dr. Bernard Weiner. In a phone interview Jan. 12, Weiner said he would not be seeking re-election. A carpenter and former student here, Ingraham said he decided to run after his friend Robert Pohl, a former Ranger reporter who now writes for The Current, began working on an article concerning single accreditation and the district; single accreditation would mean having one college with multiple campuses instead of multiple colleges in a district. Pohl is now Ingraham’s co-campaign manager. Ingraham, a 22-year-old Canyon Lake native, decided to attend a board meeting to determine if tales of Weiner sleeping through board meetings were true. In a phone interview Thursday morning, Weiner said: “I’ve never fallen asleep in a board meeting. “It’s all on tape,” Weiner said. “All he has to do is look at them. “Any rumor to that effect is nonsense,” Weiner said. “If he was there and knew what was going on, he’d know that’s nonsense.” Ingraham said he has nothing against Weiner, but when a person is in charge of decision-making concerning public money and others’ education, then that person needs to be completely focused for the full duration of any meeting. “My grandpa brews a pot of coffee when he wants to stay awake after 6 p.m.,” Ingraham said. “Usually, when I see an issue in front of me, I don’t feel the need to fix it,” he said, “but there was something wrong here. “It was not a quick and easy decision to decide to run. It was a ‘wow, it’s worth it’ decision,” Ingraham said.
He talked about some of the issues facing the district and said about the consideration of single versus joint accreditation, “that’s just one issue, but it’s one of the biggest.” The Accreditation Review Committee’s report states that St. Philip’s College, the district’s oldest college and the nation’s only Historically Black College or University and Hispanic-Serving Institution, will stand to lose as much as $7 million annually. Ingraham said after speaking with Julianne Cantu, Student Government Association president who served on the committee, that during their research, the U.S. Department of Education stated if St. Philip’s merges, it would be agreeing to give up its status of HBCU and HSI, and would not be able to appeal to get back the grants. Ingraham questioned where and how the funds to replace that $7 million would come from if the district decides to merge the colleges. He said raising tuition would not be a solution and is a bad idea. There is only $30,000 in institution scholarships, he said, but in a college with more than 22,000 Tyler Ingraham, who plans to run for District 1 trustee, marches in the Martin Luther King students, the value of those scholJr. March Monday with his co-campaign manager Robert Pohl. arships averages to $1.36 per student. full-time faculty. He said there is no and accessibility at SAC, not just Ingraham said with Chancellor reason to hire new administrators having the largest community colBruce Leslie’s vote of no confi- until each department’s budget is lege in the nation.” dence by the faculty back to the way it was He said “teachers don’t have in combination with in 2007. control” of their curriculum anythe board’s response, “Unless adminis- more, and there is a need for more there needs to be bettrators are teaching faculty involvement in policy makter representation for students, why are ing. faculty. they hiring them?” The district’s goal of reduc“The most imporhe questioned. ing the ratio of full-time faculty tant thing for me is “Teachers educate, to adjunct faculty from 60-40 to Go online for an extended that students and not administrators.” 50-50 is “completely unacceptversion of the story. teachers know that He said he is also able,” Ingraham said. I’m running for them,” for bringing commu“The education is better when he said. nity participation back to commu- the professor doesn’t have to drive Ingraham is against the hiring nity colleges. around town to teach classes,” he of more vice chancellors instead of “I’m interested in the quality said.
The Ranger For coverage call 486-1773 or e-mail two weeks in advance.
Saturday SAC Event: “Archaeology and Ethnohistory Between Texas and Mexico,” and “An Analytical Study Between a Late Prehistoric Site and a Post-Contact Site in Texas,” sponsored by Southern Texas Archaeological Association 12:15 p.m.2:30 p.m. In Room 120 of visual arts. Registration 11 a.m.-noon. Adults and children 11 and older $5; children younger than 11 and students with ID $2. Visit Call 486-1043.
room of Loftin. Continues Tuesdays. Call 381-0991. SAC Transfer: Our Lady of the Lake University 4 p.m.-6 p.m. on the first floor of Chance. Call 486-0869. Wednesday SAC Deadline: Spring census date. Last day to drop without a recorded grade of W.
Jan. 22, 2010 • 11 Feb. 4
Feb. 24
SAC Performance: “Boys in the Band” 7:30 p.m. in McAllister. Free to ACCD faculty, staff and students with ID; $10 general admission; $8 all other students. Continues 7:30 p.m. Feb. 4-6 and Feb. 11-13 and 2:30 p.m. Feb. 7 and 14. Call 486-0494.
SAC Concert: Wind and brass ensemble 2 p.m. in the auditorium of McAllister. Call 486-0255. Feb. 25 SAC Concert: Jazz Ensemble 2 p.m. in the auditorium of McAllister. 486-0255.
Feb. 6 March 4
SAC Transfer: UTSA 9 a.m.-11 a.m. on the first floor of Chance. Call 486-0869. SAC Concert: Faculty Potpourri noon in the auditorium of McAllister. Call 4860255.
SAC Volunteers: At least 50 needed sponsored by service learning 9 a.m.-noon at the San Antonio Food Bank, 5200 Old Highway 90 W. Visit sacservice to register or 486-0761.
SAC Concert: Alumni Reunion Concert 7:30 p.m. in the auditorium of McAllister. Call 486- 0255. March 15
Feb. 9 SAC Event: Second annual Black and White Winter Ball sponsored by Gay and Lesbian Association and student life 8 p.m.-10 p.m. in Koehler. Free for students. Others $15, $20 at door. Call 486-0673. Monday SAC Transfer: Texas A&M-San Antonio 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. in the transfer center in Moody. Continues Tuesday 9 a.m.-4 p.m. on the first floor of Chance and 1:30 p.m.4:30 p.m. in the transfer center of Moody. Also Wednesday 3 p.m.-6:30 p.m. on the first floor of Chance and 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. in the transfer center of Moody. Also Jan. 29. 1:30 p.m.-4:30 p.m. in the transfer center of Moody. Call 486-0869. Event: San Antonio Independent School District trustees reception sponsored by Superintendent Robert J. Durón 5 p.m.-6 p.m. in the Burnet Learning Center, 406 Barrera. Call 554-2250. Tuesday SAC Transfer: Schreiner University 9 a.m.-noon on the first floor of Chance. Call 486-0869. SAC Meeting: Astronomy Club 12:30 p.m.-1:30 p.m. in Room 142 of Chance. Call 486-0063. . SAC Meeting: Campus Crusade for Christ 1:30 p.m.-2:30 p.m. in the craft
SAC Event: Communities in Schools information session sponsored by service learning 12:15 p.m. in Room 218A of nursing and allied health. Call 486-0760. SAC Workshop: “Standing on Shaky Ground” facilitators Suzanne Skinner and Paula Rodriguez 2 p.m.-3 p.m. in the auditorium of McAllister. Call 486-0494.
SPC Event: Open auditions for spring theater production “Dinah Was!” 7 p.m. in Room 103 of Watson. Continues through Feb. 10. Call 486-2704.
SAC Closing: College closed for Spring Break. Continues through March 21. Administrative offices closed March 18-21. March 22
Feb. 10
SAC Meeting: Faculty Senate special called meeting with District 7 Trustee Blakely Latham Complete calendar online. Fernandez and Board Feb. 2 Chair Denver McClendon 2:30-4:30 p.m. in Room 218 of NAHC. SAC Concert: Faculty Recital 7:30 p.m. in the auditorium of McAllister. Call Feb. 15 486-0255. SAC Concert: Instrumental Ensemble Feb. 3 7:30 p.m. in the auditorium of McAllister. Call 486-0255. SAC Workshop: “I Can’t Believe He Just Said That” Dr. Karin Wilking 2 p.m.-3 Feb. 19 p.m. in the auditorium of McAllister. Call 486-0494. SAC Deadline: Last day to withdraw for Flex 1. SAC Workshop: “How to Start a Feb. 23 Business” sponsored by Services for Women SAC Concert: Latin Jazz Combo 12:30 and Non-Traditional p.m. in McAllister. Call 486-0255. Students and the South Texas Women’s ACCD Meeting: Alamo Community Business Center 5:30 College District board 6 p.m. in Killen p.m.-7 p.m. in the Center, 201 W. Sheridan. Continues March empowerment center. 16, April 20. Call 485-0030. Continues Wednesdays through March 3. Visit to register or call SAC Concert: Faculty recital 7:30 p.m. 486-0455. in McAllister. Call 486-0255.
SAC Deadline: Flex 2 census date. Last day to drop without a recorded grade of W. April 2 SAC Closing: College closed for Easter. Continues through April 4. April 12 SAC Deadline: Last day to withdraw for spring. April 20 SAC Deadline: Last day to withdraw for Flex 2. April 23 SAC Closing: College closed for Fiesta. Weekend classes will meet.
Calendar Legend SAC: San Antonio College NVC: Northwest Vista College SPC: St. Philip’s College SWC: Southwest Campus PAC: Palo Alto College NLC: Northeast Lakeview College
12 • Jan. 22, 2010
The Ranger Laura Garcia
The Ranger
Editor Vanessa M. Sanchez Managing Editor Laura Garcia News Editor Zahra Farah Calendar Editor Sharon Hensley Photographer Tyler K. Cleveland Photo Team Jennifer Charo, Sarah Janes, Rennie Murrell, Brandy A. Santos, Julysa Sosa, Alison Wadley Illustrator Juan Carlos Campos Staff Writers Ximena Victoria Alvarez, Joshua Sanchez Guerrero, Mary Lerma, Melody Mendoza, Celeste J. Nentwig, Victoria G. Ortiz, Michelle Lee Ramirez, Alan Tolentino, Michelle L. Tymrak Web Editor Regis L. Roberts
©2010 by The Ranger staff, San Antonio College, 1300 San Pedro Ave., San Antonio, TX 78212-4299. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without permission.
The Ranger, the student newspaper at San Antonio College, is a laboratory project of the journalism classes in the Department of Media Communications, published Fridays except during summer, holidays and examinations. News contributions accepted by telephone (486-1773), by fax (486-1789), by e-mail ( or at the editorial office (Room 212 Loftin Student Center). Advertising rates available upon request (486-1765). The Ranger is a member of the Texas Intercollegiate Press Association, the Associated Collegiate Press, the Texas Community College Journalism Association and the Associated Press. Guest Viewpoints: Faculty, staff, students and community members are welcome to contribute guest viewpoints of up to 450 words. Writers should focus on campus or current events in a critical, persuasive or interpretative style. All viewpoints must be published with a photo portrait of the writer. Letters Policy: The Ranger invites readers to share views by writing letters
to the editor. Space limitations force the paper to limit letters to two doublespaced, typewritten pages. Letters will be edited for spelling, style, grammar, libel and length. Editors reserve the right to deny publication of any letter. Letters should be mailed to The Ranger, Department of Media Communications, San Antonio College, 1300 San Pedro Ave., San Antonio TX 78212-4299. Letters also may be brought to the newspaper office in Room 212 of Loftin Student Center, e-mailed to or faxed to 486-1789. Letters must be signed and must include the writer’s printed name, classification, major, Social Security number and telephone number. For more information, call 486-1773. Single Copy Policy: Because of high production costs, members of the Alamo Community College District community are permitted one free copy per issue. Where available, additional copies may be purchased with prior approval for 50 cents each by contacting The Ranger business office. Newspaper theft is a crime. Those who violate the single copy rule may be subject to civil and criminal prosecution and subject to college discipline.
The Ranger
Find a way to help Haitians Humanitarian efforts are in full swing after news of Haiti’s 7.0 magnitude earthquake Jan. 12. On Wednesday morning, another quake shook the Haitian capital, Portau-Prince, with a magnitude of 6.1 affecting 3 million people. In the first quake, an estimated 200,000 people were killed, 250,000 injured and 1.5 million people became homeless. Logistical difficulty in moving aid to people has one organization estimating 20,000 people are dying each day who could have been saved by rescue operations. Now is the time to pay attention to countries outside of our own and lend a hand. Haiti, the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere, already ravaged by four hurricanes in 2008, is experiencing a national trauma. Mass graves hold the dead. This horrific situation is far from over as more aftershocks are expected in
the coming weeks, bringing renewed terror. President and Mrs. Obama have donated $15,000 from their personal bank account. Actor George Clooney organized a benefit called “Hope for Haiti Now” to be broadcast globally tonight at 8 p.m. to raise money. This sort of celebrity involvement is expected, but recovery will take all of us. College President Robert Zeigler sent out an e-mail encouraging faculty and students to do what they can. The Methodist Student Center is accepting donations on campus and plans fundraising efforts for Haiti. The American Red Cross asks mobile phone donors to text “Haiti” to 90999 to make a $10 donation that will appear on their next cell phone bill. Numerous organizations are soliciting donations, but beware of scams and choose an established charity already on the ground in Haiti. No gift is too small.
Board should think of audience The board of trustees did a great job of having multiple dates for the open forums at each of the colleges in the fall. The forums were scheduled in venues large enough to accommodate the audiences. After a vote of no confidence in Chancellor Bruce Leslie from faculty districtwide, the trustees decided to appear in open forums to discuss the communication gap. So one might assume the public hearing, Jan. 12, for a public presentation of the Accreditation Review Committee’s findings after five months of work would have been scheduled for a room that seats more than 200 people. Instead, chairs to handle the overflow were placed in the lobby outside the board room at the district’s office on Sheridan Street. Board Chairmen Denver McClendon said the board expected many peo-
ple, but why then were community members, for whom the board works, forced to stand, blocking seated audience members’ view of the proceedings or in the lobby with no view whatsoever? In the board room, five screens project the proceedings. Why not move one or two monitors into the lobby for people who could not squeeze inside? Who didn’t think it was important enough for everyone to hear and see the results? The district does a good job of broadcasting the meetings noon to 2 p.m. Saturdays and 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Sundays on Channel 99 AT&T U-Verse channel, 98 on Time Warner Cable and 21 on Grande. Video recordings also are available on the district’s Web site at A little additional effort could make meetings more accessible.
Jan. 22, 2010 • 13
Late class start win-win scenario Start Two is a perfect example of what can happen when the ingenuity of a college is allowed to address a challenge. When the district decided to put an end to abusive use of late registration, this college was the only one to make sure students who showed up late would not miss the spring semester. The option of a few classes that start later than regular courses but much earlier than flex is a good compromise. Start Two will begin its 14-week semester with classes that run 10 minutes longer than regular courses. The Start Two semester ends with the regular 16-week semester. Of the 38 courses offered, 28 have enough students enrolled to make, and 14 classes are full. As of Wednesday, 816 students are enrolled in Start Two classes. To be fair to the other colleges, they did not have to take measures such as Start Two. It is not the fault of the colleges that many students wait until the last possible minute to register, hoping they can squeeze into a class with a last-minute vacancy. It is also not the fault of the colleges that the district decided to roll out this rule so late that those students would not be given much of a warning. What is significant in this case is the quick action this college took in ensuring that students were not completely out of luck when they decided to stroll in late to register. Furthermore, Start Two is a perfect example of how the colleges can come up with their own solutions to problems given the opportunity to do so. The district should recognize such dedication to student service when future policy decisions arise. The individual colleges are wellequipped to face challenges with creative solutions.
14 • Jan. 22, 2010 SAN ANTONIO COLLEGE Jan. 2 – An individual reported vehicle tires had been slashed with a sharp object. Jan. 4 – An individual in the academic instruction center reported receiving voicemails considered to be harassing. Jan. 5 – An individual reported theft of items from the faculty lounge in nursing and allied health. No suspects. Jan. 7 – An individual reported a suspicious person in the gym. Suspect located. Everything found to be OK.
An individual reported a disturbance in Lot 13. Everything found to be OK.
Jan. 11 – An individual reported damage to district property in Building 7990.
Jan. 13 – An individual reported an incident of criminal mischief in a parking lot.
Jan. 12 – An individual reported found property. Item placed in property locker.
An individual reported burglary of vehicle.
An individual reported found property. Item placed in property locker.
Jan. 8 – An individual reported a water pipe break in Palmetto. Facilities department advised.
An individual reported a suspicious person in a parking lot.
A faculty member in the Westside Workforce Education Training Center reported possible marijuana use by students.
Jan. 13 – An individual reported found property. Item placed in property locker.
Jan. 11 – An individual reported lost property.
An individual reported burglary of a vehicle.
Jan. 12 – An individual reported a vehicle parked in an invalid parking space.
An individual reported damage to a district vehicle.
Jan. 10 – An individual reported a robbery in a parking lot.
An individual reported a suspicious person in nursing and allied health. No one located.
Jan. 12 – An individual reported a suspicious person in the parking garage. Suspect located. Everything found to be OK.
Jan. 8 – An individual reported a vehicle being driven recklessly in a parking lot. Search of area resulted in no vehicle found.
An individual reported a suspicious person in Moody. No one located.
Jan. 8 – An officer reported EMS responded to an injury in Fletcher.
Individual reported a suspicious vehicle in the parking garage. No vehicle located.
Jan. 7 – An individual reported found property. Item placed in property locker.
An individual reported found property outdoors. Item placed in property locker.
A pregnant woman in Fletcher reported that her water broke. EMS declined. Husband reported to be on the way to pick up the individual.
An individual reported a minor vehicle accident in a parking lot.
An individual reported an injury or illness in Chance.
An individual reported found property in Fletcher. Item placed in property locker.
Jan. 11 – An individual reported a vehicle burglary occurred off campus. SAPD notified.
The Ranger
Jan. 19 – An individual reported robbery of wallet and vehicle at knifepoint at 11 p.m. in Lot 26. Vehicle recovered. No arrests.
An individual reported found property. Item placed in property locker. Jan. 13 – An individual reported missing district property.
An individual reported missing district property.
Jan. 4 – An individual reported a suspicious person. No one located.
Jan. 8 – Staff members reported being stuck in an elevator in the library. Facilities department advised. Staff members released.
Jan. 5 – An individual reported a suspicious person. No one located.
Jan. 11 – An individual reported being injured. EMS not needed. An individual reported an altercation with a boyfriend in Palomino. Everything found to be OK.
Jan. 5 – An individual reported a disturbance in the library. Everything found to be OK. Jan. 9 – An individual reported found property. Item placed in property locker. Jan. 10 – An individual reported found property. Item placed in property locker. Jan. 12 – An individual reported a suspicious person. Jan. 13 – An individual reported burglary of a vehicle in a parking lot.
An individual reporting missing district property.
An individual reported lost property in Longwith.
An individual reported found property. Item placed in property locker.
An individual reporting being injured in the natatorium. EMS not required.
An individual reported a suspicious person in Loftin. No one located.
Jan. 9 – An individual reported a water leak in the science building. Facilities department notified.
Jan. 6 – An individual reported a suspicious person. No one located.
CONTACT INFO Emergency 222-0911 General DPS 485-0099 Weather Line 485-0189
Jan. 22, 2010 • 15
The Ranger
Voter project aims for 25,000 new registrations By Zahra Farah
to find they did not qualify for good jobs. Ralph Velásquez said German William C. “Willie” Velásquez, prisoners of war who stayed in the founder of Southwest Voter U.S. were paid more than Hispanics. Registration Education Project, Their mother was a seamstress in opened an office in 1974 at a sweatshop and their father was a Guadalupe Avenue and Brazos butcher. Also a retired veteran, their Street with a folding chair, folding father established a veteran program table and telephone. That’s all he called the National Brotherhood of needed to register people to vote. Bucking Horses. Ralph Velásquez, his younger Ralph Velásquez said during brother and president World War II, millions of Go to www. and CEO of National Mexican-American cititheranger. Alliance of Craftsmen zens from Los Angeles and org for more Association, said, “It elsewhere were confused registration was very difficult, but he with illegal immigrants information. believed in it.” and deported to Mexico. Su Voto Es Su Voz — your vote In San Antonio, Nazi marches minis your voice — has been the motto gled with Fiesta. “There was a lot of of Southwest Voter Registration fervor still after the war,” he said. Education Project since 1974. The The brothers grew up south of group is a nonprofit organization Culebra Road where people were whose main objective is to empow- guilty until proven innocent, he er Latinos and other minorities by said. They compared their dirt increasing their participation in yards to the grassy yards across the American democratic process. Culebra. When it rained, the caliThe nonprofit’s new goal is to ché (mud) roads flooded their register 25,000 people by Feb. 1, neighborhood. A stench from pack with the help of clubs, classes, civic houses — for produce and meat — organizations and word of mouth. drifted through the West Side. The student chapter of the Ralph Velásquez said if you Society of Professional Journalists crossed Culebra, you would get is a campus sponsor. beaten up. “Before 1954, in the “If every individual got five Jefferson area, people were not people to vote, it would be huge,” allowed to sell to Mexicans or SVREP project coordinator Jerry Negros,” he said. “They were only Gonzalez said. used for labor, then after 6 p.m., Elizabeth Orduna, SVREP eduyou had to go.” cation project coordinator and There was only one television Gonzalez’s wife, said voting is a way in the neighborhood. On Friday for people to raise their voices, develnights, the kids would gather to op better opportunities in their comwatch “Leave it to Beaver.” “The munities and find better jobs. “We dad always had a briefcase; we want to empower communities.” thought he was always on the run,” William Velásquez’s vision was Ralph Velásquez said. to include Latinos and minorities The brothers thought it was in the U.S. democratic process. all a fantasy because when their “This country was built on ‘we the mom returned from work, she people’,” Ralph Velásquez said. “‘We was tired, sweaty and had muddy the people’ didn’t extend to all the shoes; their dad always had blood people.” He said it only extended on his clothes. to “we the people of means” rather In school, counselors did not than “we the people of hope.” encourage college. They would say After World War II, Hispanics “you can be a mechanic, but not a who fought in the war came home doctor,” Ralph Velásquez said. “It
irked Willie. At a young age, he said, ‘I’ve got to make a difference.’” So he went to St. Mary’s University where he discovered no one focused on registering people to vote. Registered voters could be called for jury duty. When laborers were brought to court, their peers did not judge them. “They were always proven guilty,” he said. William Velásquez registered people, then “when you went to court, you saw brown and black people in the jury box.” “Before Willie died, he got 4 million people registered to vote and over 3,900 people of color elected into office,” Ralph Velásquez said. “Every time someone registered to vote, they took a brick out of the wall of oppression.” In 1976, William Velásquez successfully led a challenge to San Antonio’s at-large elections in
which any resident could run for office. That meant all the candidates could be neighbors with no one representing other neighborhoods. Today’s 10 City Council districts are a benefit of his work. William Velásquez also won 72 of 75 voting cases before the Supreme Court. “The power of one young fellow thinking outside of the box did this because he didn’t want to be put in a box,” Ralph Velásquez said. His brother’s skills were sought worldwide. The White House sent him to Nicaragua to help set up a voting system. When he died in 1988, presidential candidate Michael Dukakis delivered the eulogy. The pioneer’s brother wants young people to know they control their destiny. “There is a lot of power students have. What is your generation going to be known as?”