THE RANGER A forum of free voices serving San Antonio College since 1926
Vol. 84 Issue 10
Single copies free
Nov. 20, 2009
FINALS 2 weeks away
The Ranger
2 • Nov. 20, 2009
Fall/Flex 2 Final Exam Schedule Monday, Dec. 7 (MWF or MW) Class 7 a.m. 10 a.m. 1 p.m. 3:50 p.m.
Time 7 a.m.- 9:30 a.m. 10 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. 1 p.m.- 3:30 p.m. 3:50 p.m.- 6:20 p.m.
Tuesday, Dec. 8 (TR) Class 8 a.m. 10:50 a.m. 1 p.m. 1:40 p.m.
Time 8 a.m.- 10:30 a.m. 10:50 a.m.- 1:20 p.m. 1:40 p.m.- 4:10 p.m. 1:40 p.m. - 4:10 p.m.
Wednesday, Dec. 9 (MWF or MW) Class 8 a.m. 11 a.m. 2 p.m. 2:25 p.m.
Time 8 a.m.- 10:30 a.m. 11 a.m.- 1:30 p.m. 2 p.m.- 4:30 p.m. 2:25 p.m.- 4:55 p.m.
Thursday, Dec. 10 (TR) Class 6:30 a.m. 9:25 a.m. 12:15 p.m. 3:05 p.m.
Time 6:30 a.m. - 9 a.m. 9:25 a.m. - 11:55 a.m. 12:15 p.m. - 2:45 p.m. 3:05 p.m. - 5:35 p.m.
Friday, Dec. 11 (MWF) Class 9 a.m. Noon
Time 9 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Noon - 2:30 p.m.
Note: Final exams for evening and weekend classes are given during class hours. Department chairs can schedule final exam dates that do not conform to this schedule.
The Ranger • Vol. 84 • Issue 10
Nov. 20, 2009 • 3
The Ranger
A forum of free voices serving San Antonio College since 1926
2 Final exam schedule 4 People 5 News
Vela answers questions about Banner, job duties By Vanessa M. Sanchez Photo by Priscilla Reyna-Ovalle
SGA officers elected By Zarah Farah
6 Courtesy patrol available on campus By Laura Garcia
10 Accreditation committee update By Regis L. Roberts
14 VIA’s future plans By Mario Anguiano
11 Calendar 12 Editorials
Cartoon All we want for Christmas Clubs deserve space Make student center student-centered
7 Board fills District 7 seat with lawyer
14 Blotter
By Vanessa M. Sanchez Photo by Leda Garcia
15 Pulse
8 District pushes curriculum changes
Lady Rangers volleyball defeats Tigers
By Jason B. Hogan
9 Board claims metrics key to district success By Jason B. Hogan Photo by Destiny Mata
Story and photos by Tyler K. Cleveland
Only online @ People slideshow Women’s basketball slideshow Chemistry-geology construction slideshow International Education Week slideshow Fashion show to feature ‘Candy Land’ theme Professor’s baseball prediction model gains national attention Editorial cartoon
16 Backpage Teddies for Tots gives to children’s hospital By Sharon Hensley Illustration by Juan Carlos Campos
This is the last print edition until January. Until then, go to for news and information.
4 • Nov. 20, 2009
The Ranger
People Priscilla Reyna-Ovalle
Morning jog: Students jog in San Pedro Springs Park in kinesiology Professor Brad Dudney’s jogging class Monday. The students jog about five to seven times around the park. Each lap equals about half a mile.
Jackson alive: Science freshman Raul Riojas dances to Michael Jackson’s “Billie Jean,” winning first place at the talent show Nov. 13 in the Fiesta Room of Loftin. Leda Garcia
Priscilla Reyna-Ovalle
Destiny Mata
Priscilla Reyna-Ovalle
Cultural understanding: Finance sophomore Celina Chen talks to art freshman Carlos Gloria and nursing freshman Cristina Rivera about a Chinese instrument called “guzheng” during International Education Week Tuesday in Loftin. Go online to see more. 15-year-service award: Child development specialists Ginger Lara and Lauren Broderick laugh with Mona Aldana-Ramirez, continuing education program coordinator, at the employee service awards Nov. 12 in the employee lounge of Loftin. Broderick was awarded for 15 years of service.
High heels: David Felix, South Texas Dry Wall employee, installs framing for air conditioning Wednesday in a lab in the chemistry-geology building. Go online to see a slide show of the progress.
The Ranger
Nov. 20, 2009 • 5
SGA elects new officers
Vela answers questions about Banner, job duties
By Zahra Farah
By Vanessa M. Sanchez
Student Government Association President Julianne Cantu was re-elected Nov. 16 to serve until January 2011. Unopposed, the political science sophomore received 120 of 132 votes cast from a student body of about 24,000 potential student voters. Cantu ran again because she said she still had a lot to give, and most of the officers are new representatives. “I didn’t want an inexperienced person with not a lot of Go online for an extended leadership version of the story. guidance disrupt the flow of things,” she said. Cantu plans to train the new vice president, psychology sophomore Tammy Kothe-Ramsey, in building a strong administration. Kothe-Ramsey previously served as SGA secretary. For vice president, Kothe-Ramsey won with 68 votes and beat political science freshman Andrew Floyd, who received 62 votes. For commissionerat-large, nursing sophomore JoAnna Hernandez received 93 votes and beat psychology sophomore Jena Olvera, who received 90 votes. Olvera was appointed secretary. Other officers who were unopposed included criminal justice sophomore Allison Newcomb for treasurer, 124 of 132 votes. Appointed commissionersat-large were Floyd, history sophomore Sam Huckleberry and political science sophomore John Ford. The association accomplished a lot in the past year, she said. SGA became respected among the Alamo Colleges because of its persistence, Cantu said. She and association members were successful in getting a student representative from each college in the district on the Accreditation Review Committee.
Learning to use the student services portion of the Banner system has required many employees to spend time off campus, Dr. Robert Vela, vice president of student affairs, told Staff Council Tuesday. After a question from council member Henry Castillo, an opti- Optical scanner Henry Castillo raises issues about Banner to Dr. Robert Vela, vice cal scanner in the admissions president of student affairs, at a Staff Council meeting Tuesday. and records office, Vela said Banner and other tasks required tion of records, which can hapin January, registration later in by Alamo Community College pen when multiple employees spring and the student module District officials are taking away create the same file, he said, in September 2010. from duties at this college. adding there have been about On another topic, Vela said “I need that to eventually 15,000 duplicate records. his division is responsible for slow down,” he said. “Everybody who works at admissions and records, student Castillo questioned Banner’s this college has access to every- life, disability support services, March date to go live in preparathing,” he said, but with Banner, the women’s center and finantion for full implementation for people will only have access to cial aid, and is to ensure all stufall 2010. The program’s first go their department depending on dents are provided for. live date was November 2004. their title “instead of tackling the “It’s a lot because student Vela said the district may monster.” issues are very important; we all have to run Banner parallel with After Vela left, Castillo remem- need to help students succeed.” the current system, Passport, bered another question: Many President-Elect Anthony before Banner is complete. people have multiple jobs to Perez questioned if Vela receives “We have people resistant to oversee, but which job descrip- many students with problems in change,” he said, “but there’s no tion will the administrators use financial aid. Vela said there are negotiation anymore.” when deciding how much access a lot of students who ignore the Castillo brought up the one receives on Banner? chain of command and directproblem that administrators In a Thursday phone inter- ly visit his office before seeing were the only employees of the view, Dr. Thomas Cleary, vice Tomás Campos, director of studistrict learning about Banner chancellor for planning, perfor- dent financial services. and because they are always in mance and information techVela said, “There’s a protocol meetings, it keeps other employ- nology systems, said Banner and we need to work with it.” ees from having the opportunity access is need-based and There will still be problems to learn the system. depends on the employee’s role occurring, he said. “We can’t avoid Vela said he is dedicated to and function. that with an institution this size.” ensuring faculty and staff will Employees in career services Nick Benedetto, Staff Council comprehend everything. “I can do not require Social Security reporter, said the faculty and honestly say that to you.” information, Cleary said, adding, staff need more positive feedTwo or three people on cam- “we want to tighten up security.” back from administration. pus called “super users” will He said, “The No. 1 concern Vela said, “We’re all in the be available in case a user gets is record security,” so the district business of student success stuck, almost like having the colneeds more stringent and inter- whether it’s a job or your calling.” lege’s personal support system, nal controls. Concluding his visit, Vela he said. A problem with the curCleary said the grants and said, “I don’t have a crystal ball, rent system is that everyone is finance modules are up and runbut I do have faith. We just have allowed to access everything. ning. The human resources and to hold our heads up high and One example is the duplica- payroll modules will be active be proud of where we work.”
Priscilla Reyna-Ovalle
The Ranger
6 • Nov. 20, 2009
Courtesy patrol available By Laura Garcia It happens to everyone and during the most inconvenient time. Remember the last time you accidentally locked the keys in your car? Or how you felt walking up to your car to find a flat tire. Well, if it happens on campus, have no fear because there is a free service available to all students, faculty and staff that will help unlock cars and fill flat tires. The service will not change tires or be able to fill the flat tire if the damage is too substantial. The district department of public safety has a contract with Danny’s Road Service Inc., which is required to respond to calls within 30 minutes. The district pays a flat fee of $40 per call. It works by calling the DPS nonemergency number at 485-0099. If for some reason phone service is unavailable,
stranded drivers are allowed to use the emergency phones in parking lots and around campus. Sgt. Ben Peña said to make sure to advise the dispatcher that it is not an emergency and the phone was used because there is no other means of contacting DPS available. The college has not had any issues with the company making it on time and used the same vendor last year. The open purchase order is for $10,000, which would amount to 250 calls, but Peña said if it exceeds this amount, the district would pay for the additional calls. Peña added that if students have a dead car battery, call DPS and the campus patrol has a battery booster available. With services like these, the average student could easily do without roadside assistance on an insurance plan. For more information on automotive services available, call DPS at 485-0099.
Steven L. Moya
Candy Land: Liberal arts freshman Jan Nguyen practices her catwalk Tuesday for the student fashion show at noon today in the Fiesta Room of Loftin. The theme is “Candy Land.” See story online.
The Ranger
Nov. 20, 2009 • 7
Board fills District 7 seat with lawyer
Leda Garcia
By Vanessa M. Sanchez
of the current trustees,” Fernandez said. District trustees appointShe said she heard about it ed attorney Blakely Latham in the news and said about the Fernandez to represent District 7 faculty’s vote, “I think it’s real(ly) after interviewing two applicants unfortunate; maybe there’s a comat a special meeting Monday. munication gap.” She replaces Charles Conner, To employees who voted no who resigned Oct. 28 after seven confidence, she said: “I hope over years on the board and has moved time that their feelings would to Corpus Christi. change.” Fernandez will fill the vacanShe said she has an open mind cy until the May board election. about the chancellor. Whoever wins the District 7 seat “I think you always start will serve out the term, which ends with confidence in somebody,” in 2012. Fernandez said, and, “I will say I The other two candidates were have confidence in the trustees; I Debra Nicholas and Dr. Samuel think it’s a really good group.” Houtkin. Houtkin, however, did As for the district’s $7 million not receive an interview because budget shortfall, she said, funding he resides in District 1. from state and federal entities is After holding interviews in tightening. executive session for about an “Federal funding is a real probhour, trustees voted 6-2 to appoint lem with all community colleges,” Fernandez. Anna Bustamante of and community colleges continue District 3 and District 1 trustee to grow at a rapid rate, she said. Bernard Weiner voted for Nicholas. She said she supports keeping Fernandez spoke tuition as low as poson district issues dursible. ing a phone interview “Educating lawTuesday morning. makers on what a Discussing single great investment is, is verses joint accreditareally critical, and is tion, she said, there important to keep the is a lot she needs to fees and tuition as low Go online for an extended learn before making as possible because it version of this article. an educated comis important to keep ment on it. She said education accesshe is interested in seeing the report sible.” from the districtwide Accreditation Still, she said, “it’s kind of an Review Committee when it comes ongoing struggle.” out. The Accreditation Review On the subject of low morale, Committee is a group from each of Fernandez said she is excited to see the district’s five colleges appointthat board members were taking ed by Chancellor Bruce Leslie the time to meet with employees at after the board charged him with the college level. reviewing the differences between She said about the open forums, single and joint accreditation. “It’s a good start and the best way Faculty Senates of four collegto address that.” The forums are es presented a vote of no confi- to help with the communication dence in the chancellor during the gap among the trustees and college September board meeting. administrators, faculty members Trustees countered with a vote and staff. of confidence. However, she said, she has “I have to stand by the opinion heard from students and parents
From left: James McLaughlin, vice chancellor for finance and administration, and Chancellor Bruce Leslie speak to Blakely Fernandez, new District 7 trustee, and finalist Debra Nicholas, after their interviews for the vacant District 7 position Monday at Killen. of the Alamo Colleges within her community “that there’s a lot of good programs.” “I think there’s a balance there.” Concerning renovations at this college, she said she needs more information before she can give a comment. She did say, however, though there were not enough funds to fix the library, it is a critical part of a college and it is the goal of anyone putting out a bond to give students and taxpayers what they voted for. As far as the district’s plan to one day build a sixth college, Fernandez said it is too “premature” to comment on it because it is a long-term decision that requires time to create an educated decision. The board floated the idea of building a sixth college in Northwest San Antonio during a board meeting April 28, 2005. A district newsletter from December 2006 reads: “Rapid regional growth requires development of a sixth college and necessitates expansion of our recent strategic planning process to determine the appropriate districtwide culture that, in an environment of
such change, will strengthen our focus on student success.” She expects her experience on various boards to be valuable. “I’ve got a lot of experience on different boards, and you learn on those boards how to approach problems creatively,” she said. She said she applied for the opening because she was sold on the idea that community colleges are the start of success. She said she has worked with the Alamo Colleges for five years on the legislative program through the Greater San Antonio Chamber of Commerce voluntarily on federal and state issues and helped promote community colleges in Austin to the Legislature and in Washington, D.C. “I stay in contact with some of the trustees so I was aware of Mr. Conner’s retirement, but I think the district did a great job in advertising it. “I know the Conners both. Obviously, they’ve … made a great contribution through the community.” Conner’s wife, Bonnie Conner, joined San Antonio City Council in 1999 and was re-elected in 2001.
8 • The Ranger
Curriculum change one-sided, faculty say By Jason B. Hogan Faculty Senate Chair Paul Martinez of Northwest Vista College told district officials that faculty have little inclusion in decision-making on curriculum changes and endorsement of district policies. Members of the board of trustees, Chancellor Bruce Leslie and his senior staff appeared for a town hall meeting at the college Monday. Martinez said the town halls will not be valuable without more faculty responsibility and a willingness of trustees and administrators to negotiate with the colleges’ faculty. There is no room for innovation, Martinez said. “Communication is not just passing information on, but an exchange.” Board Chair Denver McClendon said it is
not the board’s intention to stifle innovation but be appointed to district committees assigned to encourage it. reform curriculum, but they do not have much The board has claimed in the past that their involvement in the decision-making process. responsibilities lie with the district’s students, “Just because we are present does not mean Martinez said, but if that is the case, we are given responsibility,” he said. “What is the faculty here for?” McClendon said the board and He told McClendon that comdistrict administration can ensure ments he made at the last Super successful academic implementaSenate meeting alienated most of tion with the cooperation of college the faculty who were present. faculty better than the state govMcClendon told Martinez that ernment through imposed policies. the board and faculty are serving the Faculty Senate Chair George Go online for the extended same purpose. Johnson of St. Philip’s College said version of this story. McClendon said in recent state the curriculum consensus process Legislative sessions, Gov. Rick Perry has said he among all five colleges “is a roadblock. I’m not must eliminate courses in higher education that saying it’s the worst thing since sliced cheese. are failing students. It’s made things a little more unmanageable and Biology Professor Brian Stout said faculty may difficult to move forward.”
Nov. 20, 2009 • 8 Destiny Mata
Board Chairman Denver McClendon, accompanied by district officials and college presidents, facilitate a town hall meeting Tuesday at Northeast Lakeview College.
Northeast Lakeview discussion turns to metrics By Jason B. Hogan
is responsible for the district and areas under an umbrella of its emphasis, like Helotes, Floresville and Kerrville. Grace Langford, coordinator of student development at Northeast He said as the board chair in 2003, the district had trouble balancing Lakeview, asked trustees, Chancellor Bruce Leslie and senior its monthly budget alone. Now, the district is experiencing staff how they planned to reconcile an obvious disconnect rapid growth in enrollment that surpassed 60,000 students with the faculty and staff across the district after presenting a this semester and compelled trustees to consider the difmore than 90 percent vote of no confidence at the September ficult question of whether quantity or quality of education board meeting. is a better practice for the district, he said. At the fifth and final town hall meeting with the board of Zárate also reminded faculty and staff that the board trustees Tuesday in the performing arts center at Northeast worked to maintain employment and salaries across the disLakeview College, board Chair Denver McClendon, District 2, trict over the last year at the same time property appraisals, Go online for the extended said many people question the board’s and district administrataxes and state allocations have decreased. version of this story. tion’s operating procedures. “We are going to continue to do He said Leslie and his staff have done a masterful job and things the way we do it because we want what’s best for the students.” that is why the board passed its own resolution with a vote of confidence Roberto Zárate, District 5 trustee, said employees must understand in the chancellor. The chancellor has done a tremendous job to save jobs that they signed a contract with the district, not the colleges, and the board and been positive and proactive, Zárate said. Chancellor Bruce Leslie will meet with students 2 p.m.-3:30 p.m. Dec. 1 in Room 101 of Longwith. For information, call 486-0932. Student Government sponsors Chili with the Chairs at 12:15 p.m. Dec. 3 in the Fiesta Room of Loftin, For information, call 486-0667.
The Ranger
10 • Nov. 20, 2009
Accreditation committee to wrap up today By Regis L. Roberts The Accreditation Review Committee is scheduled to meet today to complete a final report on the question of whether to pursue single accreditation for the district, co-chair Jeff Hunt said Wednesday. The committee was charged with exploring whether the Alamo Community College District should become an accredited institution or retain the current structure of individual colleges under a governing district. The committee’s meetings are not open to the public. Hunt said the three subcommittees that explored different aspects of single accreditation — how might single accreditation affect grants to the colleges; the process of making the district an accredited institution; and the costs associated with pursuing such a plan — have gathered data that will make up the final report. Part of the committee’s charge, as outlined in a July 2 memorandum from Chancellor Bruce Leslie, is to answer 13 questions that would help weigh the pros and cons of single accredita-
tion, including the impact on grants, process and costs of becoming accredited, impact on the cultures of the colleges and other options to explore. Hunt said the committee’s goal is still to issue a final report to Leslie Dec. 1, but he added that the members are involved with many college and district activities and keeping the committee on track is difficult. Hunt said he did not have any comment at this time on whether the committee’s findings point to single accreditation being a good or bad decision for the district to consider. The committee’s charge, furthermore, is not to make recommendations on what the board should decide; rather it is to find and report data. Dr. Adriana Contreras, deputy to the chancellor and member of the committee’s support staff, said Leslie will meet with the committee to discuss the report the first week or two after the report is delivered to him. Board Chair Denver McClendon said Wednesday the board will conduct a meeting — or perhaps multiple meetings — to present the
committee’s findings to the public. He said the report will be made available to the public in advance of the meeting to let those interested in attending know what is being discussed. Contreras said there is not a schedule for the public meetings at this time. Northeast Lakeview College, which is seeking its own accreditation through the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, is awaiting word from SACS on its application for candidacy, the first step in a multi-year accreditation process, Sarah Dycus, administrative assistant to Northeast Lakeview President Eric Reno, said Wednesday. She said the college will meet with SACS in December on the college’s candidacy. Should SACS decide in Northeast Lakeview’s favor, according to a March 26 memo from Reno, the college will host SACS visiting committees from January through May of 2010, receive another decision from the executive committee, begin offering financial aid for fall 2010, begin the membership process and become a full member of SACS sometime in 2012.
The Ranger For coverage in Calendar, call 486-1773 or e-mail two weeks in advance.
Today SAC Volunteers: Judges, monitors and proctors needed for the Texas Academic Decathlon State Finals Feb. 26-27. Lunch and dinner provided. E-mail Rick Hopkins at or call 486-0550. SAC Event: Jack Leslie Thanksgiving dinner food drive sponsored by the English department and Cheshyre Cheese Club. Drop off nonperishable food and monetary donations in boxes on campus. Call 4860125.
Event: “Jorge Puron New Works” with refreshments, music and films by Adrian Corona “Spassky’s Nose” and “What is Gothic” 7 p.m.-9 p.m. in Museo Alameda, 101 S. Santa Rosa. Call 270-7324. Saturday
SAC Concert: Choir at 7:30 p.m. in the auditorium of McAllister. Call 486-0255.
in Methodist Student Center, 102 Belknap. Continues Mondays. Call 733-1441.
3 p.m. in Room 606 of Moody. Continues Wednesdays. Call 486-0125.
SAC Meeting: American Institute of Architecture Students 4 p.m.-5 p.m. in Room 251 of Chance. Call 486-0125.
SAC Meeting: Campus Crusade for Christ noon-1 p.m. in the craft room of Loftin. Continues Tuesdays. Call 486-1233.
SAC Event: KSYM 90.1 FM 12th annual Alternative to Hunger for SAC Hot Potato: Complete calendar online. St. PJ’s Children’s Home, United Methodist Student live music 7 p.m. until Movement Hot Potato 12:30 a.m at Casbeers, 1150 S. Alamo. 12:15 p.m. at Methodist Student Center, Admission is $5 or five cans of food. One 102 Belknap. Call 733-1441. frozen turkey admits five people. Call 486-1373. Wednesday Monday
SAC Event: Video games 1 p.m.-4 p.m. in the Cyber Cafe of Loftin. Continues Fridays. Call 486-0125.
Nov. 20, 2009 • 11
SAC Event: Blood drive 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. in Candler. Continues Tuesday. Call 486-0125. SAC Event: United Methodist Student Movement worship service 11 a.m.-noon
SAC Meeting: Gay and Lesbian Association 2:30 p.m.-3:30 p.m. in Rooms 612-613 of Moody. Call 486-0125. SAC Meeting: SACNAS 2:30 p.m.-3:30 p.m. in Room 144 of Chance. Call 486-0125. SAC Meeting: Psychology Club 2 p.m.-
Thursday SAC Closing: College closed for Thanksgiving. Continues through Sunday. Dec. 3 SAC Concert: Holiday benefit concert 7:30 p.m. in the auditorium of McAllister. Donations appreciated. Call 486-0255.
Calendar Legend SAC: San Antonio College NVC: Northwest Vista College SPC: St. Philip’s College SWC: Southwest Campus PAC: Palo Alto College NLC: Northeast Lakeview College
12 • Nov. 20, 2009
The Ranger Juan Carlos Campos
Door Decorating Contest entry
The Ranger Editor Jason B. Hogan Managing Editor Vanessa M. Sanchez Calendar Editor Henry A. Chavarria Photographers Andrea Branch Leda Garcia Destiny Mata Priscilla Reyna-Ovalle Production Manager Laura Garcia Newsroom Assistant Zahra Farah Illustrator Juan Carlos Campos Staff Writers Mario Anguiano, Tyler K. Cleveland, Zahra Farah, Sharon Hensley, Steven L. Moya Web Editor/Circulation Regis L. Roberts ©2009 by The Ranger staff, San Antonio College, 1300 San Pedro Ave., San Antonio, TX 78212-4299. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without permission.
The Ranger, the student newspaper at San Antonio College, is a laboratory project of the journalism classes in the Department of Media Communications, published Fridays except during summer, holidays and examinations. News contributions accepted by telephone (486-1773), by fax (486-1789), by e-mail ( or at the editorial office (Room 212 Loftin Student Center). Advertising rates available upon request (486-1765). The Ranger is a member of the Texas Intercollegiate Press Association, the Associated Collegiate Press, the Texas Community College Journalism Association and the Associated Press. Guest Viewpoints: Faculty, staff, students and community members are welcome to contribute guest viewpoints of up to 450 words. Writers should focus on campus or current events in a critical, persuasive or interpretative style. All viewpoints must be published with a photo portrait of the writer. Letters Policy: The Ranger invites readers to share views by writing letters
to the editor. Space limitations force the paper to limit letters to two doublespaced, typewritten pages. Letters will be edited for spelling, style, grammar, libel and length. Editors reserve the right to deny publication of any letter. Letters should be mailed to The Ranger, Department of Media Communications, San Antonio College, 1300 San Pedro Ave., San Antonio TX 78212-4299. Letters also may be brought to the newspaper office in Room 212 of Loftin Student Center, e-mailed to or faxed to 486-1789. Letters must be signed and must include the writer’s printed name, classification, major, Social Security number and telephone number. For more information, call 486-1773. Single Copy Policy: Because of high production costs, members of the Alamo Community College District community are permitted one free copy per issue. Where available, additional copies may be purchased with prior approval for 50 cents each by contacting The Ranger business office. Newspaper theft is a crime. Those who violate the single copy rule may be subject to civil and criminal prosecution and subject to college discipline.
The Ranger
All we want for Christmas … Dear Santa, The students of San Antonio College have been very good this semester in hopes of making your “‘nice’ list.” Perhaps for Christmas, you could bring us what our sister colleges already have: ample seating, space to study, a complete student center. We understand there is more than $45 million left for deferred projects. So this means San Antonio College, right? The presidents will turn in their lists of priority projects for the funds. President Robert Zeigler will have these items on the top of his list, for sure, but just to be safe, here are a few ideas to consider. Our library needs to be finished. Surely, that would go to the top of the list. And then, provide students updated and adequate learning materials. Go check out a CD player at the reserve desk, and you will receive an ’80s-style boom box with less than sanitary-looking headphones. And instead of restoring old broken bookshelves, maybe you could bring our overworked library staff new modern shelves like the ones at Northeast Lakeview College. A few sofas and café tables around campus couldn’t hurt. At Northwest Vista College, there is a lounge area
every which way you turn. Here students line up on retaining walls or stand about like lost kids on a street corner. Maybe we could finally complete Loftin Student Center so we could “use every square inch” and it could stop looking like a crime scene. Palo Alto College’s student center is equipped as a go-to spot for all students’ needs from the bursar and health center to the cafeteria with covered outdoor seating. Students at St. Philip’s College have a dedicated student center and the campus center, which houses the cafeteria, bookstore and meeting rooms. The 22,028 students who attend this college should have the same opportunities and quality of facilities that other colleges have. Hopefully, the largest college in the district — that has repeatedly helped out our younger siblings — will be allocated a larger piece of the pie to bring old and worn facilities up to par. It’s only fair. Thank you for taking the time in your busy holiday season to read our wish list. P.S. If there’s anything left over, maybe you could do something nice for our faculty and staff, too.
Make student center student-centered As advocates for student fairness throughout the district, The Ranger conducted a walkthrough of all campus student centers and found the amenities at the Loftin Student Center to be severely lacking. As this colleges’ most senior administrator, we think Dr. Robert Zeigler should have a discussion with Dr. Robert Vela, vice president of student affairs, and Jorge Posadas, director of student life, about finding out what we, as students, really need. Following are additions The Ranger staff feel the center should incorporate: • A student organization area
for groups such as the Student Government Association, the Art Guild and Phi Theta Kappa, with separate cubicles for representatives to work and a conference room. • Delay the closing time for Loftin to 8 p.m. to accommodate students who attend class at night and want to grab a bite. Remember, they probably came straight from a day job to class. • Change the on-campus events hours to 11 a.m.-2 p.m. when the bulk of our 22,000 students are here. Everyone is in class at 10 a.m. • And spend more money on the outdoor areas for increasing enjoyment of this campus beauty.
Nov. 20, 2009 • 13
Organizations need offices Organizations on this campus, whether discipline-related or service-oriented, cater to the varied interests of students but it can quickly become complicated for students to locate clubs. Other colleges and universities, such as Palo Alto College, have designated offices and work areas for student organizations; here, we have nothing. It’s difficult enough for new students to find the office of student life in its upstairs location in Loftin Student Center and no one but a work-study student on the ground floor. Students need to be able to find others with similar interests and peer representatives without having to hunt through fliers posted on hard-to-find bulletin boards. The Student Government Association, especially, needs to be high profile. We have more than 22,000 students. Is everyone really supposed to be available to attend their once weekly meeting? SGA should have an office in the student center and a phone line with voice mail. As the first floor bookstore annex never materialized, we would like to recommend installing SGA in that space. Let’s keep our space for our students to use — not outside vendors. The SGA could be so much more effective if students knew where to find it. But that is just a start. Northeast Lakeview College has a number of wired and equipped meeting spaces for use by student organizations. Our students are no less deserving. Involvement in student organizations is important, so show it by giving them a way to attract new members and have a mode of communication for interested students. Students need to know what is available. We need a centralized place to communicate about events each of these organizations plans.
14 • Nov. 20, 2009
VIA officials, students exchange service views By Mario Anguiano VIA Metropolitan Transit representatives solicited student input Tuesday at the last Hot Potato lecture of the semester at Methodist Student Center. Three VIA officials told lecture participants that rider input is key in the completion of the transit organization’s plans. After the VIA presentation, a student involvement workshop followed that addressed personal preferences on where commuters need more access to VIA, areas of the city that need more transit development and the types of funding that are best to enable VIA to reach its goals. VIA strategic planner Christina Castano-Perez said, “There were many resounding comments we’re going to take back with us. “If we’re thinking big on the future, we must also keep in mind current problems with transit service,” Castano-Perez said. By 2035, VIA officials said, the transit organization would like to see a combination of rubber-tire buses, high-occupancy vehicles, commuter rails, and more emphasis on pedestrians and bicycling. This “multimodal approach” would allow transit users to transfer more easily and conveniently between various forms of transportation, and could provide economic acceleration to areas of the city that need more development, VIA officials said. Education sophomore Andrew Cardenas said, “It’s nice to see what’s going on in the background.” Soliciting student input “is a good part to play,” Cardenas said. “Personally, I’m a believer in my vehicle,” Cardenas said. “After this, I’d definitely like to check it out, getting on a bus and just riding my way to school.” Many students mentioned problems they experience with transit operations. VIA strategic planner Arturo Herrera said, “There is never any bad input” after hearing complaints from student riders. “Maybe we’re not doing enough,” Herrera said. It always is a red flag if VIA representatives hear the same complaint from many people, he said, noting complaints eventually can serve to improve the transit situation. Music business sophomore Tone Guerrero suggested a pickup point at Longwith Radio, Television and Film Building for the VIA Trans service, which he said he rides because of his nightblindness disability. “Currently, one isn’t there, and they were very cooperative about the suggestion,” Guerrero said. The Rev. John Feagins, director of Methodist campus ministry, said, “We’re pleased to see VIA was willing to visit the Methodist Student Center, which is a gathering place for urban students.” It was beneficial for “students to see how transit affects their lives, to give feedback and see future plans,” he said.
The Ranger
San Antonio College
Nov. 12 – An individual was arrested for theft of books from Loftin.
Nov. 8 – An individual reported burglary of a vehicle. No suspects. Nov. 9 – An individual reported found property. Item placed in property locker. An individual reported a minor vehicle accident in Lot 2. An individual reported a disturbance in the visual arts center. Everything found to be OK. An individual reported theft of personal property. An individual reported damage to personal property. Nov. 10 – An individual reported two suspects involved in an assault. Suspects located and issued citations. An individual reported theft of district property.
An officer responded to a report of stolen books from the bookstore. An individual reported a suspicious person in Moody Learning Center. Suspect located. Everything found to be OK. An individual reported theft of a textbook. No further information. An individual reported found property. Item placed in property locker. An individual reported found property. Item placed in property locker. An individual reported a suspicious person. Suspect located. Everything found to be OK. No further action. An individual reported lost personal property. Complete blotter online.
Nov. 11 – An individual reported a stolen laptop. An individual staff member reported a disturbance in Fletcher. Everything found to be OK. An individual staff member reported a student upset and requesting to file a grievance. No further incident. An individual reported being harassed by another person off campus. Incident referred to the appropriate agency. An individual reported burglary of a vehicle. An individual reported the license plates removed from a vehicle. An individual reported burglary of a vehicle. No suspects.
An individual reported a suspicious person. No one located.
Nov. 13 – An individual reported a suspicious person. No one located. An individual reported a stolen laptop. No suspects. An individual reported lost property. No further action. An individual reported a broken window in Loftin. Maintenance advised of damage. An individual reported missing personal property.
Contact Info Emergency 222-0911 General DPS 485-0099 Weather Line 485-0189
The Ranger
Nov. 20, 2009 • 15
Tyler K. Cleveland
Lady Rangers undefeated By Tyler K. Cleveland In their sixth game of the regular season, the Lady Rangers kept their chances for an undefeated season alive after fending off the Trinity Tigers in three of four games Nov. 12 in Candler. With the Lady Rangers struggling with team cohesiveness in the beginning of the season, coach Marisa Martinez said her team “finally found it” in the two previous wins against Northwest Vista College Oct. 29 and Palo Alto College Nov. 5. “We shouldn’t have let them go to four games,” Martinez said. Martinez said she hoped the team could play its best during the game against Trinity. But the Tigers wouldn’t make it easy for the Lady Rangers. Neither team led by a great
margin in the first game, and both scored mostly off defensive returns. But the Lady Rangers managed to pull ahead on a 6-0 run in the final moments, winning 25-19. The Lady Rangers began the second game with an early lead, but Trinity picked up their play and went on a 10-0 run, leading 11-6 and never looking back, taking the set 25-13. “Trinity has improved a lot,” Martinez said during the break. The third game was a hardfought contest, with the Lady Rangers holding a lead halfway through before the Tigers took it back on a 12-4 run to lead 21-16. The Lady Rangers stepped up their offense while holding the Tigers to only 1 point before game-end. Nursing sophomore Isabel Rios made several kills in a rally to win the set 25-22. Led
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Biology freshman Faith Monsivias goes up for a kill during the Lady Rangers’ second set against the Trinity University Tigers Nov. 12 in Candler. by American Sign Language sophomore Stephanie Muñoz’s seven kills and communications sophomore Nicole Plata’s six, the fourth game was won in typical Lady Rangers style, Martinez said, with a 25-16 margin. “They always joke about
winning the last game,” she said. “Do we have to? Yeah.” For their last game of the season, the Lady Rangers will visit the St. Philip’s College Tigers at 7 p.m. Dec. 3 at the college, 1801 Martin Luther King Drive.
The Ranger
16 • Nov. 20, 2009
Bears comfort children hospitalized for holidays Warm and fuzzy Christmas donations accepted until Dec. 4. By Sharon Hensley Hospitals are not thought of as festive places for children anytime, but especially during the holidays. Members of the PEOPLE Club are working to bring joy to children who will call Christus Santa Rosa Children’s Hospital home this Christmas. PEOPLE is an acronym for People Enabling Other People to Live Equally. This is the fourth year the club has sponsored a Teddies for Tots drive. Michael Gomez, computer network administration sophomore and club president, said he participated in the past three drives. He said the best part of the drive is giving the bears out to the children and seeing how happy they are to get them. Gomez said about 100 bears were collected during the 2008 drive, and he is hoping for even more this year. Jennifer Manka, child life coordinator for the hospital, said being in a hospital can be scary for children, and the bears are a great way to help comfort them. Donated bears must be new and at least 12 inches in height. Bears can be dropped off through 5 p.m. Dec. 4 in Room 124 of Chance Academic Center.
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For more information, call 486-0020.
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