Fall 2024

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e f i L f o Wheel

EDITOR / PUBLISHER / SPECIAL EVENTS Jeanne Ruczhak-Eckman EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT / MYSTICAL THYMES Mary Soanes mysticalthymes@gmail.com CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Moon Eir |Dana Jefferson | Chuck Kruse | Mary Mannix IT & LOGISTICS Glenn Eckman CREATIVE DIRECTOR Alex Lucas of Oh The Raven Studio | alex@ohtheraven.com EDITORIAL SUBMISSIONS Article guidelines are available on our website: therapeuticthymes.com/submissions. ADVERTISING INFORMATION To request a media kit, please email info@therapeuticthymes.com or call 717-419-8796. Deadline for our Winter Issue (due out in December) is 15 October. DIGITAL INFORMATION: Therapeutic Thymes Magazine is available digitally at issuu.com/therapeuticthymes. or at etsy.com/shop/TherapeuticThymes OFFICE: Therapeutic Thymes, LLC PO Box 4731 | Lancaster, PA 17604 Phone: 717-419-8796 | info@therapeuticthymes.com © 2024 by Therapeutic Thymes, LLC. | All rights reserved. | ISSN 2474-8315


Founded in 2016 by former journalist and freelance writer Jeanne Ruczhak-Eckman, Therapeutic Thymes Magazine was originally an independently published quarterly print magazine with an emphasis on herbs and gardening. Today, we continue to honor and serve as a resource to both the herbal and the holistic (mind-body-spirit) community through our digital publications, our Mystical Thymes brand of intention-based products, and our hosted and sponsored events. MISSION

Therapeutic Thymes is dedicated to promoting a more natural, therapeutic, and sustainable way of life. We serve as a resource to the mind, body, and spirit community through our print and digital publications and our hosted and sponsored events. SUBSCRIPTIONS

Subscribe today and save! Subscriptions are available by sending your check for $20 (for 4 issues) or you can pay online using a credit card/PayPal. DIGITAL ISSUES:

Therapeutic Thymes is now available digitally thru Issuu. EXPLORE INDIVIDUAL ISSUES AT: issuu.com/therapeuticthymes SUBSCRIBE AT: issuu.com/store/publishers/therapeuticthymes/subscribe DISCLAIMER

Therapeutic Thymes, LLC does not necessarily endorse the opinions and statements expressed in the articles and advertisements. We are also not responsible for any products or services advertised. If you have a condition requiring medical attention, you should see your primary physician. © 2024, Therapeutic Thymes, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

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Fall 2024

CONTENTS 16 Materia Medica:

37 What is the Wheel

By Jeanne Ruczhak-Eckman

By Chuck Kruse

31 The Wheel of

43 Wheel of Fortune:

By Dana Jefferson, C.Ht., Ph.D., CAHA

By Mary Mannix, Tarot Is More Than Cards


Life in Various Traditions

of Life?

I Will Take My Chances


By Bigc Studioon Shutterstock

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48 Odd Coincidences or Timeline Alteration

By Dr. Moon Eir, CCH

Editor’s Note News & Tidbits

14 Garden Thyme 19 Recipe Thyme 57 Book Thyme 68 Contributors 72 Advertiser Index

AUTUMN 2024 | 5

Handmade intention-based essential oil blends kissed softly by the full moon.


Wholesale and retail available! 717-419-8796


Welcome to our Fall 2024 Issue. The theme of this issue is Wheel of Life. Wheel of Life … A rite is an established, structured, and ceremonial act. A ritual is the actions performed in a rite with a more symbolic meaning. September is National Suicide Prevention Month. In 2022, the suicide rate in the US reached a record high. In 2023, it rose even more. That year, 50,000 people in the US alone lost their lives to suicide. The warning signs are not always obvious. Often people with chronic depression learn to put on a face. Looking ahead – our Winter theme will be Dreams. The deadline for article submissions (guidelines are on our website) and advertisements is 15 November. The Fall issue is expected out the beginning of December. As always, whether you are new to the natural, holistic, and selfsustaining lifestyle, or an expert in a related field, I am so glad you joined us on this exciting journey. So please, grab a cup of your favorite tea and join us a spell.

Blessings! ~ Jeanne Ruczhak-Eckman Editor / Publisher

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NEWS & TIDBITS HANOVER MYSTICAL SHOP MOVING One of Hanover’s well known metaphysical shops will be moving. The Sacred Circle Moon Apothecary, a sanctuary for those seeking holistic healing, spiritual alignment, and metaphysical tools to enhance their journey, will close the doors at its Baltimore Street shop in the last week of September. Their new location, which is expected to open the first of October, will be at 285 N. Main Street, Spring Grove, PA. Both locations are in York County. Sacred Moon Circle Apothecary specializes in offering personalized healing services that cater to the mind, body, and spirit, including Integrative Bodywork, Intuitive Reiki, Shadow Healing, and

Spirit Communication. Their services are designed to help individuals release stress, heal from past traumas, and reconnect with their true selves. They also offer a curated selection of metaphysical gifts and supplies to support your spiritual and personal growth. From crystals and herbal remedies to ritual tools, each item is chosen to empower and guide you on your path. Whether you are looking to heal emotional wounds, deepen your spiritual practice, or find the perfect metaphysical tools, Sacred Moon Circle Apothecary is here to support you every step of the way. Sacred Moon Circle Apothecary has been in business since 2016. Follow them at sacredmooncircle.com. ❁

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EXPERIENCE THE HEALING CHOD The Monks from the Drepung Gomang Monastery will be visiting Central Pennsylvania this Fall. The Chod is an ancient Tibetan practice during which the monks will chants and sounds to help sever attachments and heal old traumas, anger, and fear. They will be at Om My Yoga, Wednesday, 18 September. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Chod begins at 7 p.m. and lasts approximately one hour. Reserve your space via email to magalidiskus777@gmail.com They will be in Halifax and Millersburg, PA on Monday, 16 September. Follow them on Facebook. On Sunday, 15 September, the monks will hold a Blessing of the Animals ceremony at the Brownstone Station Wellness Center in Hummelstown, PA. Doors open at 12:30 p.m. All pets should be well-behaved and either leashed or contained. A Healing Chod will be held that day there at 4 p.m.❁

HORN FARM CENTER HOSTS 20TH ANNUAL PAWAW FEST YORK, PA - TPawpaws (Asimina triloba) are a sweet yellowish fruit. Its flavor is similar to a banana/mango mix. They can be eaten raw or as a dessert and continue to grow in popularity.

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The Pawpaw Festival is Saturday, 28 September from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Festival At the festival, pawpaw fruit and trees will be available for purchase, alongside other pawpaw-themed merchandise, including t-shirts, crafts, artwork, and products. Visitors will also enjoy local and regional food trucks, artisans, plant nurseries, small businesses, and environmental organizations. The event offers free tours of the farm and pawpaw orchard led by Horn Farm Center staff and volunteers, including kid-friendly farm walks. ❁

NATIONAL GOOD VIBE DAY OSODESSA, FL - In honor of National Good Vibes Day, Good-Vibes. TV is excited to announce a free day-long online summit taking place on 30 October. This event will bring together a diverse group of esteemed speakers, each offering unique insights on how to cultivate positive energy, enhance well-being, and improve one’s quality of life through the power of good vibes. The summit will be livestreamed across eight different platforms, including YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. To register or learn more, visit NationalGoodVibesDay.com. ❁

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NEWS & TIDBITS hair types. While the pillowcase is machine washable and durable, the smooth material bolsters healthy hair and helps prevent breakage. For more information, visit SphereheadPillow.com. ❁

ODD-SHAPED SPHEREHEAD PILLOW PROVIDES SPINAL ALIGNMENT AND COMFORT WARWICK, RI - It is not a standard rectangular pillow. Alizah Josette, a Warwick, RI resident and paralegal, struggled to find an adequate pillow that would allow unrestricted movement but prevent harmful twists and strains of the head and neck muscles. Through her persistence, dedication, and numerous prototypes, she unlocked the secret to a soothing night's sleep a pillow that cradles and supports the head and neck, promotes alignment of the spine, and allows flexibility of sleeping positions. Round and scooped out, the patented Spherehead Pillow offers a unique physical shape and physical benefits. Within a week, most users adapt and blossom. The 100% Charmeuse pillowcase, which comes with the pillow, is beneficial for all

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Healthy Campus Expands Commitment to Mental Health Equity in California Schools LOS ANGELES, CA – With a focus on ensuring that every student receives the support they need, Healthy Campus launched an extensive campaign to bring comprehensive mental health resources to every county in the state. The cornerstone of Healthy Campus' offering is its robust, one-stop-shop, the Operations & Revenue Suite or ORS software. County Offices of Education are currently preparing schools for the upcoming multipayer fee schedule under California’s Children and Youth Behavioral Health Initiative (CYBHI). The Healthy Campus ORS is designed to streamline access to mental health resources and simplify operating the fee schedule at schools, making it easier for students to receive timely and effective support and unlocking sustainability for local educational agencies.

Healthy Campus is deeply committed to equity in mental health access. This means ensuring that students in every region, regardless of their background or location, have the same opportunities for mental health support. The visits by the Healthy Campus leadership team have been pivotal in understanding the unique needs of each county and fostering relationships with local educational leaders. To learn more about Healthy Campus and its services, please visit www.healthycampus.com. ❁

Business Lesson from Oprah Winfrey "What I know for sure is that if you want to have success, you can't make success your goal…the key is not to worry about being successful but to instead work toward being significant— and the success will naturally follow. How can you serve your way to greatness? When you shift your focus from success to service, your work as a teacher, clerk, doctor, or dot-comer will instantly have more meaning." (from the Small Business Expo)❁

Are you interesting in learning more abour your family history? Need help connecting to your ancestors? Jeanne Ruczhak-Eckman can help you connect to your ancestors and walk your Ancestral Passage. Learn More at ancestralpassages.com @AncestralPass


Contact Jeanne at jeanne.eckman@comcast.net or 717-419-8796 SCAN ME!

AUTUMN 2024 | 13


ive Directo ed speakers at Ph.D., Execut d, ol op Le n ong the featur Susa am is t, ec oj s Pr rence in e Sacred Seed hroom Confe Director of th Women’s Mus es ri te Rose ys M an m nia Bone d l Myceliu kers are Euge the 8th Annua ea Sp te no ey nc e Confere e, e other two K ial Leader. Th on September. Th em er C e 20-22 rrett will be th rence, will be Tursi. Ruth Ba Herbal Confe ’s en more om W t . idwes isconsin For part of the M in Almond, W an hm ac Br es mmysteri ❁ Camp Helen l.com/myceliu ba September at er sh en om visit: midwestw information,


workshops, plant walks, herbal educ drum circles, ation, and m or e at th e 6th Annua Women’s Her l Midsouth bal Conferen ce. Presente D. Light, Soir rs include P ee-Leone, an hyllis d Rose Benn will be 4-6 O et t. The Confe ctober at Cam rence p McDowell Alabama. Fo in Nauvoo, r more inform ation, visit: midsouthwom https://www ensherbalcon . ference.com /

14 | Therapeutic Thymes Magazine

BENEFITS OF ELDERBERRY * immune boos ting * antioxidant * antiviral * anti-inflamm

atory * high in Vitam in C * high in fiber * good for bloo d sugar contro l❁



* Seed or sod yard * Aerate your * Mulch

h those weeds * Keep up wit aves for mulch * Use dried le s, asters, pansie * Add color – ums! chrysanthem , ggies like kale * Plant fall ve e❁ e, and cabbag broccoli, lettuc


the Black through 7 October, in rran AHG will e Dr. Thomas Avery Ga Th . Mountains of NC gner in Track, ate will speak on “A Forei fic also offer a Certi ights and Ins : try un Co ing. n Ag Ow in s Hi Botanical Support lism after rba He on s ive ect rsp Pe , visit: d” at the 2024 For more information Two Decades Abroa ild.com/ Guild (AHG) americanherbalistsgu American Herbalists h-annualmposium will symposium/join-us-our-35t Symposium. The Sy symposium ❁ YMCA Blue be held at the Historic er tob Oc 4 Ridge Assembly from

SUMMER 2024 | 15


16 | Therapeutic Thymes Magazine

By Jeanne Ruczhak-Eckman

FAMILY: Parmeliaceae COMMON NAME(S): Beard lichen, old man’s beard, beard moss, and tree moss. NATIVE RANGE: Usnea is a lichen, found growing on conifers, oaks, and fruit trees in the northern hemisphere. They tend to thrive at the top, basking in their solitude. DESCRIPTION & CULTIVATION: As its name implies, it looks like an old man’s beard – long, gray-green threads. This shrublike fugus grows symbiotically with a host plant, in the woods or grouping of trees. PARTS USED: Entire plant. CULINARY USES: Usnea can be steeped in tea. There are no other reported culinary uses.

MEDICINAL USES: Usnea is antimicrobial and antifungal. It can be used to fight strep throat. It can also be used externally for infected wounds, or as a tincture. Purcell notes that, mixed with echinacea for a short period, it can boost one’s immune support. It fights viruses, including yeast infections. MAGIKAL USES: The red spots often seen on the lichen are believed, in Celtic Tradition, to be droplets of fairy blood. The fairies often battle at Samhain. A Native American legend is that the lichen are from the hair of the Coyote. CAUTION: Usnea should not be taken during pregnancy. It absorbs pollution, so when gathering be sure to collect it from areas free from pollution. ❁

Sources: Adamant, Ashley. “Foraging Usnea Lichen (Edible & Medicinal)” Practical Self Reliance. 20 April 2022. https:// practicalselfreliance.com/usnea-lichen/ Hopman, Ellen Evert. The Sacred Herbs of Samhain. Rochester, VT: Destiny Books, 2019. Pp. 37-38 Pursell, JJ. The Herbal Apothecary. Portland, OR: Timber Press, 2016. Pp. 171-172.

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Recipe Thyme AUTUMN 2024 | 19

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CRAN-ELDERBERRY SAUCE By Carmel Berry Servings 10 Prep Time 8 minutes Cook Time 40 Minutes

Ingredients: •

2 packages fresh cranberries (about 20-24oz in total)

1 3/4 cups sugar

4 TBSP Carmel Berry Co Elderberry Syrup (carmelberry.com/products/ elderberry-syrup)

3 tsp grated orange zest

18 cloves

1 cinnamon stick

1 1/2 cups orange juice

1 1/2 cups red wine (save the rest for the meal!)


1. Add all ingredients to a saucepan (Tip: corral the cloves and

cinnamon stick in a spice bag or loose tea ball/bag). Bring to a boil, then reduce to a simmer.

2. Stir frequently and simmer uncovered for about 15-20 minutes until desired thickness is attained. It will thicken more as it cools. 3. Remove bag of spices and put in fridge until ready to serve. Freezes well too!

EDITOR’S NOTE: Carmel Berry Company, a certified woman-owned business, makes fresh pressed elderberry goods from 100% American-grown elderberry and elderflowers sourced directly from our network of organic farmers. For more information, and more great recipes, visit: carmelberry.com

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ELDERBERRY ENERGY BALLS By Carmel Berry Servings 10 Cook Time 40 Minutes

Ingredients: •

1.5 cups oats

1/3 cup peanut butter

½ Elderberry Blueberry Preserves

¼ cup plant-based chocolate chips


1. Mix all together. 2. Let the bowl of dough chill in the fridge for 30 minutes, shape into balls and enjoy! 3. This recipe makes about 15 balls.

EDITOR’S NOTE: Carmel Berry Company, a certified woman-owned business, makes fresh pressed elderberry goods from 100% American-grown elderberry and elderflowers sourced directly from our network of organic farmers. For more information, and more great recipes, visit: carmelberry.com

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ELDERBERRY FIRE CIDER Submitted by Staff It is always a great idea to have some of this prepared in your own apothecary. It is an excellent source of immune support. You may want to play with the ingredients to make the recipe yours. For example, some recipes we’ve seen call for chili peppers. Ingredients: •

12 oz elderberry

3 fresh garlic cloves, peeled and chopped

1 large fresh onion, peeled and chopped

1 large fresh ginger rhizome, grated

32 fl. oz apple cider vinegar

Honey to taste (local honey is best)


1. Combine elderberries, garlic,

onions, and ginger into a clean, half gallon-sized glass jar.

2. Pour the apple cider vinegar over

5. Once it is to your taste preference, strain the liquid through a cheesecloth into a sanitized glass bottle. Be sure to label, including date. Month and year are sufficient.

the ingredients until they are covered.

6. Add local honey to taste for

paper before capping with a lid. Otherwise, the vinegar will corrode the metal. Seal the jar tightly and shake it well.


3. Cover the jar with parchment


Store the fire cider for up to six months in the fridge.

4. Let the mixture sit in a cool, dark place for 2-4 weeks, shaking it daily.

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GARLIC SCAPE PESTO By Julie Kingston | Reprinted from our Fall 2018 Ingredients: •

1 pound of fresh tender garlic scapes, cut in 2” pieces

1 ¼ cup of grated parmesan cheese

1 cup olive oil

½ cup seeds (pine nut, sunflower, cashew or your favorite type), optional

1 tablespoon of lemon juice

Salt and pepper to taste


1. Place all ingredients into a food processor and process until well blended and chopped. 2. Serve as a pasta topping, as a dip or bread spread. Leftovers (if any!) can be refrigerated for a couple of days, or frozen in an airtight container for a couple of months.

By Dana Jefferson, C.Ht., Ph.D., CAHA STORAGE: Store the fire cider for up to six months in the fridge.

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KOMBUCHA By Laura Shanahan, MSPT | Reprinted from our Fall 2018 Equipment: •

One gallon wide-mouth glass jar

Cheese cloth

Rubber band

Label for recording the date when brew started

Ingredients: •

3.5 quarts of filtered spring water

1 cup sugar

8 organic black tea bags

2 cups mother liquid (previously brewed Kombucha)

Kombucha SCOBY


1. Place all ingredients into a food processor and process until well blended and chopped. 2. Serve as a pasta topping, as a dip or bread spread. Leftovers (if any!) can be refrigerated for a couple of days, or frozen in an airtight container for a couple of months.

3. Let the mixture sit in a cool, dark place for 2-4 weeks, shaking it daily. 4. Once it is to your taste preference, strain the liquid through a

cheesecloth into a sanitized glass bottle. Be sure to label, including date. Month and year are sufficient.

5. Add local honey to taste for sweetness. STORAGE:

Store the fire cider for up to six months in the fridge.

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The Wheel of Life in Various Traditions By Dana Jefferson, C.Ht., Ph.D., CAHA

It's the circle of life, And it moves us all Through despair and hope, Through faith and love, 'Til we find our place On the path unwinding In the circle The circle of life – From The Lion King, Lyrics by Tim Rice

Whether you call it the circle of life or the wheel of life, many cultures were cognizant of and followed the progression of repeated cycles. Many of you are familiar with the Celtic Wheel which recognized the solstices and equinoxes along with the in-between times like Imbolc or Samhain. Another example is Sun Bear’s Medicine Wheel says we are born in the East, are teenagers and young adults in the South, are mature adults in the West, and elders in the North. We then die and are born once again in the East. In Sun Bear’s Medicine Wheel, which is a Wheel of Life, each of the four directions are not only associated

with life cycles (birth to death to rebirth), they are associated with animals, plants, stones, learnings, etc. This wheel actually includes 32 other spaces besides East, South, West, and North. It includes twelve places that are equivalent in time frames to traditional zodiac signs. For example, Aries is Red Hawk and Libra is Raven. Like other medicine wheels, the goal is to learn the teachings of each place of the wheel in order to return to oneness with Creator. Creator is the central place in Sun Bear’s Medicine Wheel. There are special learnings from the cardinal directions to get to the Creator. From the East, there are the learnings of Clarity, Wisdom, and Illumination while from the South, there are the learnings of Growth, Trust, and Love. From the West,

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there are the learnings of Experience, Introspection, and Strength. Finally, from the North, there are the learnings of Cleansing, Renewal, and Purity. These Medicine Wheel models are to assist us to be the best humans that we can be. Tibetan Buddhism is complex in that there is a Wheel of Time which is a daily calendar but is also at the center of a rigorous practice with the goal of achieving enlightenment in just one lifetime. There is also the Wheel of the Law which is inseparable from the concept of karma. Finally, there is the Wheel of Life with the figure of Lord Yama, the God of Death at the top of the wheel. While Lord Yama looks very scary, he is really very compassionate. The center of the wheel has a small circle with a snake, pig, and rooster that are biting each other’s tails. These animals represent hatred, ignorance or delusion, and greed respectively. These are poisons that keep us trapped in the wheel. The Tibetan Buddhist Wheel of Life includes six different realms in which we can be reborn. One realm is the world of hungry ghosts which is where you go if you are greedy and selfish. Hatred and anger will get you to the hell realm which is similar to the Christian version of hell.

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The third realm is the realm of animals for those who have led lives of weakness and ignorance (although I personally think much more highly of animals). The fourth realm is the world of humans where we face illness, old age, and death due to our passions and selfishness. Next is the world of the gods with its pleasure and happiness. This sounds like a great place, but it is a place where we risk our pride and vanity taking us back to one of the lower realms. Finally, there is the realm of the demi gods which is a world of constant struggle and fighting. Jealousy becomes the trap in this realm. In the six realms, there are Buddhas there that can assist

are the four cardinal points of North, South, East, and West. To reach any of these cardinal points from the Earth one must cross the rainbow bridge (a predecessor to the rainbow bridge that is discussed when a beloved pet dies). To cross this rainbow bridge, a human being must participate in an initiation called a Phowa which opens up the top chakra and allows the journey across the rainbow bridge.

you. As you can see there are learnings, although different from the learnings of the Sun Bear Medicine Wheel, that help us be our best and to obtain enlightenment. When learning Tibetan Shamanism from a Nepalese perspective, the Tibetan Buddhist Wheel of Life is intermingled with Hinduism and the local folk religion traditions, often referred to as Tamang. In this combined horizontal cosmology, which is shaped as a Wheel of Life, the center is the Earth. (The Creator sits atop their vertical cosmology which is nine steps above the Earth, while the Nag Raja lives 9 steps below the Earth. The Nag Raja is a divine half human, half serpent often in the form of a cobra). In the horizontal cosmology, around the Earth

Once you are able to cross the rainbow bridge in the Nepal tradition, you can travel to the four cardinal points. Traveling to these four cardinal points is their version of working the Wheel of Life as there are lessons associated with each direction. In the East is Indra Lok. This is the home of the earthly kings. There you can find a bejeweled palace with precious and semi-precious stones. There is a wondrous tree there that grows gems, and you can take what you want from the tree. This is a place where it is always light, and the sun never sets. Here there are no shadows or darkness. Folks here are happy with what they have, but they want more. They are also afraid that someone will take what they have. It is known as an unfortunate place to be born because you cannot find liberation here as there is no suffering which could lead to liberation. Here you are basically stuck in the material world. The gods that live here are narcissistic and inflated by their own existence. They have a large sense of entitlement and do not care that people in the other worlds (the other three cardinal points or the

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Earth center) do not have enough. They are self-interested and in pursuit of their own pleasure and happiness. They have no compassion for the pain of others. Here trust does not exist. Individuals are control freaks and protecting what they have leads to anxiety and paranoia. Like the Buddhist wheel, there is a Buddha here who can be reached by the power of a magical lyre. By playing the magical lyre, this Buddha can help you learn about being stuck in the material world and the other negative characteristics of Indra Lok so that you move on from this realm. The West or Raksas Lok is the home of the warrior demons. It holds the roots of the gemstone tree that grows in Indra Lok. The folks in the West are very upset that they only have the roots of the tree. They are always wanting and feeling as if they do not have enough. They believe they have nothing and are jealous of others. They are hungry ghosts (similar to the Buddhist wheel) that cannot be satisfied. They have frustrated cravings and are constantly wandering. They are anger personified and will take whatever you have. Everything here is a struggle and a competition. By finding a special moonsword, you can ask the Buddha here about how you can transcend the negative attributes of the individuals in this realm. Yama Lok, or the South, is where Yama judges the dead like Maat in Egyptian mythology. Yama uses white and black pebbles to weigh our karma. This is not necessarily about a physical death. It is a place of pain, suffering hopelessness, and helplessness. Anyone here feels punished and damned. There is a dungeon here

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and a feeling that you cannot escape. This place is a reminder of the Confucius saying, “The best way out is out the door. Why is it that so few take it?” People may decide to stay here because they are comfortable with the status quo, or they are just trapped. The jailers in this place are also prisoners. The jailers may have used black magic or sorcery to land themselves here. People here may be addicted to victimization. It is also a place of power, so some people get addicted to the power, control, and dominance that this place gives them. Folks here may be passive-aggressive or manipulative. Luckily, the Buddha here has a magic mirror that will help you awaken. Finally, in the North is Devi Lok, the world of the goddess with her red castle or temple. She helps with women who want to get pregnant as she can bring back the soul essence of the fetus. This goddess does not require a special power object like the magical lyre, mirror or moonsword. You just must kneel before you and ask her to retrieve your soul essence and have her put it into you. The Nepal culture discusses many souls. This is the pure soul; the wisdom that existed before birth and that will exist after our death. It is the memory of who we truly are. This is just a sampling of the wheels that can assist you on your personal spiritual journey. Find a tradition that resonates with you so that you continually learn rather than getting stuck. Nobody wants to be a hungry ghost! ❁

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What is the Wheel of Life? by Chuck Kruse The wheel of life is commonly depicted as a water wheel on the side of a mill, slowly turning as it is moved by a flowing stream. The stream is usually considered to be time. While this is possible, depending on your viewpoint, I think the wheel of life is better described as a pinwheel, set to spinning by your breath.

Think about it, your introduction into this life and the first turn of your own wheel of life is your first breath when you are born. You will exit this existence when you exhale your final breath. For all the time in between, your wheel of life will be made to turn by your breath. Given this, it seems like a good idea to consider practices that enhance your respiration. When I was learning about breathing, my Tai Chi master told me to concentrate on breathing as deep into my diaphragm as I could. "Look at babies" he would say, "They all breathe deeply into their lower

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abdomen. As they get older, the breath comes up higher and higher through the body until they are old and ready to die when the breath is only at the top of the lungs and very quick and shallow. Be like the baby and practice this". Wise words I do believe. The object of breathing practice is to train yourself to be mindful of your breathing first and foremost. There are many, many specific exercises to train your breath but in all of them, mindful, conscious breathing is the most important lesson to learn.

If the in for four, hold for two, out for four, hold for two cadence is hard for you, and if you never did this before letting me tell you it very well might be, you can cut it all in half, breathe in for two, hold for one, out for two, hold for one. Remember, mindful breathing is the point and you are not in competition, not even with yourself. Just practice a little every day and I believe you will be surprised at your progress.

"The object of breathing practice is to train yourself to be mindful of your breathing first and foremost. "

Let us begin with a practice that you can easily learn, and certainly develop for your whole life. Get yourself into a comfortable position, seated or standing. For now, don't lay down, just sit or stand. Close your eyes, and breathe in through the nose to the count of four. Then hold the breath for the count of two. Next exhale to the count of four, out through the mouth, and hold your empty breath for the count of two. That is one round, and you can do as many as you feel comfortable with. If you feel dizzy or any other adverse effect, please stop at once and just breathe normally. There is no need to force anything and breathing practice is no place for 'no pain no gain'.

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If you wish to develop this further, the next step would be to curl your tongue up to the roof of your mouth and hold it there as you breathe. This connects two major circuits of your chi, one that goes up your back and over your head, with one that goes down your front, under your body, and then up your back making a full circle. A little-known trick with this is that you can keep your tongue at the roof of your mouth and still open your mouth to exhale. No real need to keep the mouth closed, it's the tongue connection to the roof of the mouth that is important. What else can you do? Well, you can prolong your exhale. The exhale gets rid of waste products and toxins that may have

been in the air you are breathing so giving your exhale a little extra push can be very helpful. Just add 2 to your exhale count so it would be in for four, hold for two, exhale for six, hold for 2 at the bottom. Take your time with this and if you get dizzy, revert to normal breathing at once, take a break, and try again later. As always, take care of yourself which is the idea behind all these practices anyway! If you find value in breathing exercises and look into it, eventually you will come across the Breatharians. These are folks who believe you can obtain all you need to live from the air that you breathe and that you do not need food and water. The core of this belief lies in what I understand as a misapplication of quantum physics. Quantum theory tells us that when you take everything down to the quantum level, all you have is energy. Matter doesn't exist, just energy. So, in this theory, you should be able to live on the air that you breathe because it supplies energy. All well and good until you try it out and discover that in our plane of existence the rules are not the same as on the quantum plane and we do need a bit more than air to survive. Folks have died trying the breatharian plan and I heartily advise you not to try this one. In your search for higher spiritual enlightenment, please take a different path and respect the requirements of our current human existence. So now you have some practices to develop your ability to power your wheel of life. I wish you great progress and sound, sustainable development! ❁

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The Wheel of Fortune: I WILL TAKE MY CHANCES

by Mary K. Mannix of Tarot Is More Than Cards

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I recently encountered a Facebook meme that stated – “Biggest lesson in life: Don’t ever think it can’t happen to you.” This warning, for I took it as a warning, relates directly to Key 10 in the Tarot’s Major Arcana – The Wheel of Fortune. The Major Arcana is one of the two divisions of the Tarot, the other being the Minor Arcana. The Majors address life lessons, those things we have come to this life to learn, to do, to experience. The big stuff. And, no matter how we plan and study, no matter how conscientious we are, no matter how kind, no matter how careful, sometimes things happen in our life that we cannot control. Sometimes bad things, sometimes good things. As John Lennon, the late former Beatle, is famously quoted as saying “Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.” This the Wheel reminds us. The Wheel of Fortune, as all wheels do, moves. It goes up and it goes down. It goes round and round. Things can go from good to bad, bad to good. We cannot control this, but we can control how we respond to the changes brought by the Wheel’s movement. And that is one of the biggest lessons of the Wheel of Fortune and a strong “takeaway” whenever you pull Key 10.

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We can let the Wheel run us over or we can ride it as if it were a bucking machine in a cowboy bar. We can hold on tight. We can try to enjoy the ride, waving our hat in the air, so that at least onlookers think we are having a good time, even if we are really just praying, we don’t fall off and that it stops. The most important thing is simply not to end up as Wheel of Fortune roadkill. And, yes, at times the Wheel will leave us battered and bruised. Battered and buried physically, emotionally, and spiritually. The Wheel of Fortune in the iconic Rider-Waite-Smith (RWS) deck (who’s symbols can be found in some form in many of our modern cards) consists of three wheels in one. The

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wheels do not always necessarily move in tandem. Sometimes they work together, sometimes they do not. At the top of the Wheel is a sphinx. Sphinxes are known for being quiet and not sharing their secrets. Life is a mystery, and we do not always know why things happen. Also, in the RWS, the Egyptian god Anubis is found on the right side of the wheel. Anubis is a god of death and 46 | Therapeutic Thymes Magazine

reincarnation. Death, and beyond, is the destination of all our wheels. We cannot stop death any more than we can stop the Wheel. Anubis is a jackal, a type of canine. I cannot help but be reminded of the first card of the Major Arcana – the Fool. The RWS’s Fool is accompanied by a small, “Toto-like,” dog. The Fool’s dog goes with him off the cliff into life and the journey that is the major arcana. Anubis is with us on the wheel and into the afterlife.

How a tarot card is interpreted in a reading is based on many factors such as its position in a spread, the imagery in the deck being used, the question being asked, the experiences of the reader and the querent. A reverse Wheel of Fortune card can often be seen as the change for the worse while right side up it can often be seen as a change for the better. But do not forget the Wheel is always moving. For me, when reversed, it can also be seen as a stuck wheel, a flat tire. It is not working the way a wheel should. We might think it is great if the Wheel stops moving and we are trapped in good times, if life is always all sunshine and flowers, but life would stagnate. I am not saying that traveling the Wheel is always, if ever, a good time but there are lessons to be learned as we journey through the Major Arcana.

And the Wheel is only halfway through the deck. It can take nerve to watch the wheel spin and step back and see where it goes, but doing so allows us to be more interactive in our life. And, truthfully, we have little choice. Fate, karma, whatever word we relate to, we are at its mercy. Spin the wheel, take your chances, learn to work with what you get. Either way the wheel will turn again. And do not forget, sometimes the thing you never thought would happen to you is very, very good. ❁

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ODD COINCIDENCES OR TIMELINE ALTERATIONS? By Dr. Moon Eir, CCH Yes! History tends to repeat itself. Even 2024 has shown us that it can be a prime example of what timeline parallels look like when we compare 2020 to 2024. Some of these shifted similarities tend to present themselves in a freaky kind of way. Maybe even weird! If we take a look at 2020 in correlation to 2024, we first see the super bowl as our natural top winner with Kansas City Chiefs beating the San Francisco 49ers, thirty-one to twenty in 2024 and In 2020 we have 48 | Therapeutic Thymes Magazine

the same teams playing each other in the super bowl with the Chiefs once again beating the 49ers. History or rather the timeline repeating itself in 2024. But it does not stop there! Taylor Swift made history by winning the Grammies in 2020 and again in 2024 but what takes the cake, in our parallel comparisons, is the Presidential Candidates. 2020 brought us a soap opera drama debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden. We once again found ourselves back in the show down between these two candidates in 2024. The only difference this time is the candidate that was to win last time, will have a chance at winning this time. in some ways it will almost feel as if 2024 is righting some wrongs and revisiting events we may have gotten inaccurate in 2020. A sort of “do over.”

"...WE ARE TIMELINE SHIFTING, JUMPING, AND LOOPING. IT SOUNDS LIKE A GALACTICAL DANCE BUT TRUST ME WHEN I SAY… IT IS SO MUCH MORE. " When I took to TikTok and Facebook with these similarities, many contacted me with stories of their own. Timeline parallels of the personal kind! Weddings taking place in the same month and date of both years. Funerals, as well. Even break ups and dating similarities. The cosmic forces and watchers of this world were officially giving us a “do over” because the darker forces of this world took what did not belong to them and changed a timeline that was never meant to take place. You guessed it ladies and gents! We are timeline shifting, jumping, and looping. It sounds like a 50 | Therapeutic Thymes Magazine

galactical dance but trust me when I say… it is so much more. We have been slowly funneling through different timelines since 2018. I often get the question why when I talk about the funnel timeline analogy. The funnel timeline began to happen when a major event happened on earth that about 75% of the population cannot remember happening. But those of us who do remember, still feel very unsettled by it. The ones who do not remember this event have been suffering from side effects like high anxiety and dizzy spells, even a sense of loss or confusion over their life. When it

comes to these new constant changing timelines, these symptoms can only become worse if not dealt with on an energetic spiritual level. However, I am going to save that “event” for our next article. But for now, let us get into one of the most obvious timeline shifts we have experienced, so far. And many of you may resonate with this one. I call it the… “before COVID and after COVID experience.” Before COVID, things seemed ok, not great, but at least as normal as it could be. Some of our friends and relatives were nice and loving, even compassionate at times. However, after COVID, some of our friends and relatives were no longer acting the same. That kindness and compassion seemed to be gone and what replaced it, was not very pleasant to be around. Almost as if you were dealing with a different person. After COVID, we were placed into a new timeline and not everyone made it with us. So, the ones that do not “seem” like themselves, truly are not. They are still in the timeline we left behind. Sound familiar? Many could even compare this to the rapture, in a way. Many of the soul’s we have been used to in our lives suddenly are not the same. And yes, their soul has been left behind in the old timeline. Now, it is just a waiting game! Now, many of you fully understand what I am talking about because your mind resonated with this information and a person in your life immediately

came to your mind of who this may sound like. And to some of you this may not resonate, which makes you a very lucky person. To have all your loved ones full of mind, body, and spirit, after COVID, without change, is truly a blessing. Some of us do not have that luxury and must be patient for our loved ones to finally arrive to this current timeline reality. Once again, I took to social media with these spiritual messages that were being shown to me, about our timelines, where many reached out and confessed that someone in their life was no longer themselves, anymore. They also expressed to me how they long for that person to be how they used to be. I try to do my best in reassuring them that their loved one will eventually find their way back to them. Somehow… someway! But let us now throw in a dash of Mandela Effects into the mix with these timeline shifts, so you can better understand how these adjustments effect our world, even in the subtlest of ways. I tend to look at Mandela Effect as a mind game… brain twister. I joke, of course but it truly can mess with your mind. Mandela Effects are commonly known as a phenomenon where the collective humanity misremember the specific details of a place, person, situation, or thing as if it were a reality, when it was not. I know it can get quite confusing so let us get into where the Mandela Effect even AUTUMN 2024 | 51

surfaced from. Mandela Effect first originated when Flona Broome created a website that detailed her weird observations of this phenomenon. She was speaking at a conference and remembering the horrible event that took the life of South African President, Nelson Mandela in a South African prison. Many, like Broome, believed that Nelson Mandela had died in the 1980s when he actually died in 2013. Broome quickly realized she was not alone in these memories. Others who remember search their minds for the memory data of that day and they recall seeing news coverage of his death and a beautiful speech performed by his wife. Obviously, Broome was shocked that such a large amount of people could remember the same identical timeline event in such detail, as herself. However, this original collective memory is not the only one being discussed on many social media platforms. In the reigned popular Star Wars movie ‘The Empire Strikes Back’ many remember Darth Vader proclaiming the famous line, “Luke, I am your father” in this climactic scene of the film. Would you be surprised to learn that the line was actually, “No, I am your father.” I know you are sitting there in shock, just as I was when I learned of this surprising information. One line belongs in one timeline and the 52 | Therapeutic Thymes Magazine

"WOULD YOU BE SURPRISED TO LEARN THAT THE LINE WAS ACTUALLY, “NO, I AM YOUR FATHER.”" other in another timeline. Whichever line you remember being the truth to you, is the timeline you currently resonate in. And if all that took you by surprise, strap in because we have many more to review. Here is another Star Wars Mandela. The iconic droid, C-3PO is now being shown as having a silver right leg, instead of his world-renowned gold right leg that everyone in this timeline has been used to. There have been many arguments back and forth on who is right about this robot’s leg color. I would not blame you for becoming bewildered yourself since this new timeline would have us believe it has been a silver leg all along. How about the beloved Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs? You most likely remember the recognizable line, “Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all?” We now live in the timeline where this famous line is no longer the same. Instead, we are being forced to live with a halfhearted version of it… “Magic mirror on the wall.”

MY FAVORITE MANDELA EFFECT IS REMARKABLE BECAUSE IT SHOWS UNWAVERING PROOF AND EVIDENCE OF THESE UNSETTLING CHANGES TO OUR TIMELINES. I noticed this Mandela years ago and I am still in shock over its inconsistency of each timeline reality it lingers in. The iconic superstar, Britney Spears, sports a headset microphone for her dolled-up costume for her music video ‘Opps! I Did It Again.” You remember the headset, right? Many, many, many of us do, too! If you revisit this video on YouTube, you will witness that the microphone has magically disappeared from her frame of face. At one point in the video, she even gestures to be holding the little mic piece by her mouth but it is invisible now. I tend to laugh each time I see this gesture to hold it like she always did in the original making of this video. So, if we did shift timelines and this is now our new reality, “they” did not do a very good job of removing that part of the video. These are just a few “in your face” examples to show you. The Mandela Effect seems to change minor “not so

noticeable” changes to the collective memory. Like Curious George had a tail, or the famous brand of hot dogs, Oscar Mayer is actually now spelled Meyer. How about the famous children’s book series “Berenstain Bears,” which is not immune to the Mandela Effect is now being noted as Berenstein Bears. Spelling the branding with an “e” instead of the original “a” we are all used to. Looney Tunes is another great recall with its change to Looney Toons. And there is no such thing as Jiffy Peanut Butter since it has been whipped up and swirled through the timeline shift with its sudden change to Jif. There are many more examples like these. One of the most well-known examples of our time, however, is the collective memory of the popular movie “Shazaam” with the funny comic Sinbad as it is host in the early 1990s. Would it be surprising to you to discover this movie never existed, even though there was another children’s movie called Kazaam with Shaquille O’Neal. This discovery could also explain why this movie seems to create itself, within the psyche, over and over again. And also, why it remains in the collective database of some many people’s memories. That is the thing about timeline shifting and alterating. The database belongs to the soul and it is hard wired to collect its surroundings and the environment, no matter the timeline, AUTUMN 2024 | 53

that it’s being affected by. You cannot just simply remove collected data from the mind’s hard drive. Which is why so many, as a collective, remember so many of these inconsistencies.

THE MANDELA EFFECT IS THE SIDE EFFECT TO THE CONSTANT CHANGING TIMELINES. ANOTHER GREAT QUESTION THAT MOST OF MY CLIENTS, CUSTOMERS, AND FOLLOWERS ASK… IS WHY WE HAVE MANDELA EFFECTS. Timelines are part of our reality of learning. As a collective, we tend to adjust or change what we learn. This world has a matrix of codes that create the timelines in which we are placed. There is a good side to this but also a bad one, as well. Our galactic helpers aka the Galactic Federation of Planets keep us safe from timelines that only seek to destroy humanity. These pivotal moments in our timelines need constant adjusting and manually altered by the GFL. They have the capability and technology to re-adjust or place us in timelines that better suit our learning needs. And then you have the not so good influences here on earth that push humanity onto timelines that are less beneficial for us but better for them. So, we tend to suffer at their “hands.”

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If we, as a collective, are learning from a very important moment in history, we then determine where that timeline will eventually go. We make choices in our daily, individual lives that place us on our own creative timeline of learning. But as a collective, we tend to affect everyone, on a much larger scale, by the bigger agreements we make together as an energetic network of choices being developed. With that said, we have these darker forces using media to create narratives that keep us on their agreeable timelines. I call this misdirection of media correspondences. Media misdirection is one way to get a collective to make a choice to listen to a narrative they have created and now reporting on. Each individual that decides to listen and watch, will believe the narrative being told. This will then place us on a collective decision of following that narrative, whether it is positive and uplifting or negative and fearful. This simple distraction could sway a timeline like a flick of a light switch. And these narratives are being pushed so that darker forces can keep controlling the people of the world to their needs and wants. If the people start waking up, stop watching the narratives, and being distracted, these dark beings no longer have control over the people. The control goes back to the people and what they decide to do with the narrative, which then places the people on a much better timeline. So, if the narrative is there to distract

and people continue to follow that distraction, the dark forces can keep the timeline in their favor. Let me give you an example of how this actually works.

favorable outcome. It does not matter if the public is being harmed or mislead by these narratives, as long as they get what they want out of it.

There was a rushed narrative being pushed out to the masses that surrounded Brett Favre praising the former President, Donald Trump, for having our country in a better place by comparing it to our current situation as a society. It was an agreeable conversation that kept things positive in light of what we are going through with the recession.

Timelines can easily shift like a feather blowing in the wind. Which is why it is very important to keep informed and be discerning when bringing energy into your life that can alter your own personal timeline and ultimately affect the collective’s timeline.

The headlines popped with a distraction that kept the population from discovering the real story hidden underneath. The real story, however, made its way to the public within 24 hours. Brett Favre had his lawyers file to remove him from a massive welfare fraud suit in Mississippi. That filing became public information and was on the fast track to attracting attention whenever users popped keywords into their phones that eventually flagged this notable public figure’s misdoings. However, this is just a small example of how the media with use misleading stories in a way that misdirects the collective’s attention away from the much bigger, more influential story going on behind the scenes. They create these “distractions” so the timeline can now be bent towards their narrative which gives them a

Keeping positive and bringing good things into your sacred space and environment of learning will find its way to the collective and help benefit us all on a much grander timeline of experience.

SO, IF YOU EVER FIND YOURSELF BORED WITH YOUR TV SHOWS, MOVIES, OR BOOKS, I ENCOURAGE YOU TO GO DOWN THE MANDELA EFFECT RABBIT HOLE AND SEE WHAT CHANGES YOU NOTICE TO YOUR OWN PERSONAL TIMELINE. I promise you will not regret it! It is a fascinating world to be in and the many changes that take place will only bring humanity to an awareness and “new world” participation we have never known before. It is a great time to be alive! Don’t you agree? ❁

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A Guide to the Ancient Wisdom of the Ogham Symbols Emanating from the spiritual traditions of Celtic antiquity, Ogham is best known as a “tree alphabet.” It is a symbolic system that encapsulates the archaic skills and wisdom of ancient Ireland and Britain and is important in contemporary Druidry. Studying the Oghams enables us to engage with ancient ways of thinking and gain access to the elemental powers that speak to the inner nature of our being, the wildwood in our hearts. Presenting a wide-ranging exploration of the Ogham tree alphabet, Nigel Pennick explores the traditional lore of the Celtic trees and their relationship to ancient, mythic beings from whom their understanding was legendarily derived. Each Ogham character is a meditative symbol in its own right, embodying a creative power available to all. Pennick provides a full explanation for each of the Ogham letters along with correspondences from historic Irish sources and considers their use in ciphers, spiritual invocation, divination, and symbolic art. He also discusses ceremonies that assist in reconnecting us with nature and the wilderness, including “Maying” and greenwood marriages and the use of colors and magical binding-knots in the Celtic tradition. Also included is a chapter on the little-known Coelbren

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y Beirdd, a cryptic system devised for the use of Bards and Druids. This handbook for learning Ogham and Coelbren offers a comprehensive understanding of the ancient Celtic worldview, allowing you to apply their wisdom in modern life. About the Author: Nigel Pennick is an authority on ancient belief systems, traditions, runes, and geomancy and has traveled and lectured extensively in Europe and the United States. He is the author and illustrator of more than 60 books, including The Pagan Book of Days, and is an accomplished traditional musician and craftsman. He lives near Cambridge, England.

BOOK THYME About the Book: Celtic Tree Alphabets ISBN: 9781644117484 Published August 2024 Also available as an ebook Paperback: $18.99, 192 pages Imprint: Destiny Books ❁


Gerontologist Reveals Realities of Dementia Care COLUMBIA, S.C. s —Nearly sevenmillion Americans are living with Alzheimer’s dementia, according to the Alzheimer’s Association, and that number is expected to rise — a statistic that has gerontologist Dr. Macie Smith concerned about the ability of the medical community to provide comprehensive support for patients and their caregivers.

comprehensive resource designed to address common questions and offer valuable insights throughout the caregiving journey. Smith takes readers through the logical progression of a dementia care experience, beginning with how to recognize potential symptoms before the diagnosis and what questions to ask the individual’s primary care physician. She then describes what to expect after a dementia diagnosis, answers common questions and details a range of care options available to dementia patients. About the Author Dr. Macie P. Smith has over 20 years of expertise as a licensed social worker and gerontologist, dedicated

After caring for her grandmother, who had dementia, it was important for Dr. Smith to share what she learned with other families to spare them from the struggle to find basic information on optimal care. “African American caregivers are the least likely to have access to information, education and resources that will help guide their dementia caregiving journey,” she noted. Her new book, A Dementia Caregiver Called to Action: The Journey, is a concise yet

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to serving aging and vulnerable populations alongside their family caregivers. Her multifaceted role encompasses conducting research, crafting programs, evaluating their efficacy and facilitating professional development training in the pivotal areas of healthcare management, family caregiving, Alzheimer’s, dementia and cognitive impairment. At the helm of Diversified Training Consultants Group, Smith spearheads a dynamic Geriatric Care Management company committed to enhancing education and training standards for both healthcare professionals and family caregivers. She is an HBCU alum, attaining her bachelor’s and master’s from South Carolina State University. She now serves as vice chair of the Board of Trustees at her alma mater. Smith earned her Doctor of Education degree from Nova Southeastern University. About the Book: A Dementia Caregiver Called to Action: The Journey Publisher: Independently published. Release Date: February 2024 ISBN-13: ‎979-8879607659

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A Guide to Deepen your Relationship with Earth and Spirit to Meet the Challenges Facing us Today ROCHESTER, VT— Revealing how

our personal transformation serves the collective healing of our planet, author Carlos Philip Glover takes you

BOOK THYME on a journey of self-empowerment around the Medicine Wheel of Earth Wisdom to ignite your spirit fire, awaken new levels of consciousness, and inspire you to meet the challenges facing our modern world through deep inner work. Based on teachings from the Maya, Toltec, and Olmec, each of the eight directions of the Medicine Wheel journey opens different aspects of your innate inner Earth Wisdom, including heart-knowing and your creative, sensory, emotional, and intuitive intelligences, allowing you to grow and deepen your relationship with the Earth and all life on it. The author explores practices such as deep listening, healing with the four elements, and making death an ally. Sharing stories from ancient traditions around the world, he

describes how to uncover and transform your limiting beliefs, discover your animal teacher and its medicine, and access inner wisdom. Explaining how consciousness has “field effects,” just as a magnet has a field around it, the author shows how, as each person awakens expanded states of consciousness in themselves, they influence the fields of consciousness around them, drawing other people into expanded states. In this way, the transformation of our collective human consciousness and the healing of Earth is achievable, one individual awakening at a time. A portion of the royalties for this book will support Survival International and Ehama Institute, New Mexico. About the Author Carlos Philip Glover has trained

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with teachers from different traditions for more than 40 years, among them Ehama Institute of New Mexico. He is co-leader with WindEagle of the Evocative Leadership Mastery in Spain and for more than 20 years has served as the Dance Chief for the UK Drum Dance. He is the founder of Earth Wisdom Teachings, offering coaching, mentoring, ceremonial work, vision quests, and drum dances. Carlos lives with his wife in Devon, UK. https:// www.carlosphilipglover.com/ About the Book: Earth Wisdom Teachings Publisher: Findhorn Press. Release Date: October 2024 ISBN-13: ‎979-8888501634 ❁


Renowned Herbalist Looks at the Cultural Reawakening of Modern Herbalism Providing a comprehensive guide to the dynamic new landscape of modern herbalism, renowned medical herbalist David Hoffmann explores how ancient healing modalities are once again becoming prominent 62 | Therapeutic Thymes Magazine

— just when the planet most needs them. Acknowledging the ecologically unsustainable course we are on as a species, Hoffmann reveals herbalism as a way to reconnect with the land and ourselves, a powerful way to participate in the earth-centered green transformation underway in our culture. Exploring herbalism through the modern scientific lens, Hoffmann reveals the exponential growth in recent research and peer-reviewed literature on phytotherapy and herbs. He describes the problems inherent in herbalism’s integration into the global marketplace, emphasizing that herbalism must stay rooted in the health of the people to

BOOK THYME avoid becoming commodified. He also offers a range of herbal approaches to support personal and cultural resilience during the crises humanity is facing.


About the Author: David Hoffmann, FNIMH, RH (AHG), has been a clinical medical herbalist since 1979. A fellow of Britain’s National Institute of Medical Herbalists, he is one of the founding members of the American Herbalists Guild and the author of many books, including Medical Herbal Intelligence Plant Teachers and the Return of Viriditas David Hoffmann, FNIMH, RH About the Book: Herbal Intelligence ISBN: 9781620556146, August 2024 Also available as an ebook Paperback: $21.99, 256 pages, 6 x 9 Imprint: Healing Arts Press ❁

The Realized Light of the Twelve Dimensions Humanity is undergoing a cosmic rebirth. Profound cosmic shifts have precipitated this awakening, stimulating our DNA and Kundalini energies while also bringing us into chaotic challenges, all pushing us toward an eventual future of unimagined harmony. We must learn to maximize our role in this new aeon to embrace our potential and achieve enlightenment for all sentient beings. Sharing channeled wisdom, Joshua Reichmann explains how light, vibration, form, formlessness, and mind all swirl in concert to create the cosmos. He presents channeled

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knowledge on the evolving state of humanity, the 12 spectral dimensions of experience, the Akashic records, as well as the cosmic mechanics of our physical and metaphysical reality. He examines the Mind Stream, which includes the perceptual entanglement of our consciousness with reality. He explains how life force energy is super animated at this time, activating and enhancing our multitude of senses, including our extrasensory capacities. He shows how to move through the darker saturnal realms of Satan, the samsaric force, where we must neutralize evil to be free. He details how the highest dimensions we access come through the Heart Beam, which expresses itself through the Chakra system and the auric layers of the rainbow body and connects us to the Cosmic Heart. Revealing what we can do during this precious time of rapid energetic change, the author presents advanced methods to develop your psychic abilities and channeling capacities, as well as techniques for reading the Akashic records, safely traversing the etheric realms, lucid dreaming, and recognizing the unseen beings— angels, Buddhas, and Cosmic Christ—within and around us. Presenting a Pleiadian guide to cosmic, planetary, and consciousness upgrades, this book reveals how the cosmic rebirth is occurring, where we

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are headed, and how to navigate it all. About the Author: Joshua Reichmann is an Akashic reader, Pleiadian channel, contemplative therapist, and multidisciplinary artist. He is the director of the film Tenzin (2021), which addresses the struggles of Tibetans. He has practiced and taught traditional Tibetan Buddhism, holographic recapitulation, psychic integration, and healing at temples, spiritual centers, and group retreats for more than 10 years. He lives in Canada. The Realized Light of the Twelve Dimensions ISBN: 9781591434900 Published August 2024 Also available as an ebook Paperback: $24.00, 336 pages Imprint: Bear & Company ❁



Baba Yaga’s Book of Witchcraft By Madame Pamita Reviewed by Jeanne Ruczhak-Eckman I am mesmerized by Baba Yaga and Madame Pamita has helped guide me to a closer relationship with her, a kinship almost. Mme. Pamita not only taught me about Baba Yaga but also I learned so much about my Ukrainian / Slavic heritage. I wish I listened to my Baba more growing up but now I have the chance to listen and learn from Baba Yaga. So many things I never understood the reason behind are now explained! ISBN: 978-0738767895 Publisher: Llewellyn Pub Date: February 2024 Page count: 320


Ethereal Crystal Healing By Marie Delanote Reviewed by Jeanne Ruczhak-Eckman Mother Earth has provided us with ethereal crystals and Marie Delmonte offers instruction on raising our vibrations using those ethereal crystals. I personally loved that she calls the Aquarius Era, “the time when humans take control

of their destiny by expanding their consciousness.” Being Aquarius though, I may be biased! Truly, a must-read for anyone interested in understanding their own vibrations and how we can enhance them and allow ourselves to grow. ISBN: 978-888850016 Publisher: Findhorn Press Pub Date: 2024 Page count: 179


Getting Healthy in Toxic Times By Dr, Jenny Goodman Reviewed by Jeanne Ruczhak-Eckman Dr. Goodman is trained in ecological medicine. She delves into not just the dangerous pollutants that bombard us every day, but also what we can do to combat pollution and contamination. The health of the planet and our health, she explains, is related. She communicates in layman’s terms, making this book a great resource for everyone. Simple suggestions, like a water filter, are offered throughout the book. A great read for anyone interested in getting healthy, despite the government’s “help”. ISBN: 978-1915294333 Publisher: Chelsea Green Publishing Pub Date: July 2024 Page count: 272

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CONTRIBUTORS DR. MOON EIR, CHH Moon Eir is known to thousands as the spiritual galactic walk-in communicator who arrived from Heaven in a car accident with messages for humanity. She is also known as a “world renowned” modern day Prophet, Shaman, and Healer who uses a specific sensitive, healing approach to delivering these messages from the other side. In the years she's been doing this work/ mission, she finds that many who are of 'walk in' energy have been brought to her for help in understanding what has happened to them and why. She feels blessed to be able to help these lightworkers and galactic workers get back on course!

Her clients are family to her and if you ask any one of them, they will admit to this method. Moon recently is an Executive Producer for Creative Laughter Productions and not only has her own TV show in the works, but this path had allowed her to broaden her search in helping children who need mentoring with their gift(s). Over six years ago, she created the "Mystic Healer School,” a global training academy that mentors and teaches gifted kids to take hold of their missions by exploring their gifts fully. She is deemed by thousands as a modern-day prophet who is committed to aiding humanity to do better and adjust their paths to the greater good of man. This mission is fueled by love, grace, and a desire to make sure that the messages she returned to Earth with in 2009 are heard by thousands.

Moon is a Crystal and Sound Therapist. This path has led her to opening the first Metaphysical Spa in Johnstown, PA. Going LIVE on Facebook with her readings (with permission from the client of course) and teaching LIVE on Facebook, she allows thousands to witness how spirit connects and how to properly see what you are meant to learn from this world.

Many seek her assistance, especially law enforcement, with homicide cases, cold cases, missing person cases, lost/stolen animal cases where she consults with law enforcement and families in the search for answers. She is what the spirit world calls a "tracker." This simply means she is able to track the last steps a soul took before going missing. She

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is the ONLY Spirit Communicator in the world known to communicate with ICU coma patients, since her gift consists of communicating with the living and the dead. She prides herself on integrity, honor, truth, and love which shine through when she connects to a Soul’s Spirit. As the receiver of the messages given, she is able to authentically bring you into conversation with your loved one once again and also be able to describe what they are doing now on their soul journey since their passing since she was able to retain all the images and experiences upon her arrival back from crossing over from our true home to this world we are now learning from. DANA JEFFERSON, C.HT., PH.D., SPHR Dana Jefferson has a private practice at the Natural Connection Wellness Center in Huntingdon, PA where she is President of the Huntingdon Health and Wellness Association. She is a certified hypnotherapist and honors graduate of the Hypnosis Motivation Institute. Dana is a member of the American Hypnosis Association and Hypnotherapy Union Local 472. Dana is retired from her work at the University of Massachusetts Boston and as the Director of Human Resource (HR) Management for the state of Delaware. She has a

Ph.D. in Psychology, is certified in conflict resolution, and is a Covey Principle-Centered Leadership Facilitator. Dana has taught psychology and HR management at the University of Delaware. Dana has had the opportunity to train with many gifted spiritual leaders including: Michael Harner, Ph.D., Sandra Harner, Ph.D., Larry Peters, Ph.D., Tom Cowan, Serge King, Ed “Two Moons” Rothwell, Jane Ely, Kay Cordell Whitaker, John Perkins, Sandra Ingerman, Geo Cameron, Doña Bernadette Vigil, Nicki Scully, and Angaangaq Angakkorsuaq. Dana is an ordained interfaith minister. Dana is a Reiki Master in two traditions and graduate level Feng Shui practitioner. She is a graduate of the Foundation for Shamanic Studies Three-Year Program of Advanced Initiations in Shamanism and Shamanic Healing and a three-year apprenticeship with the Buffalo Trace Society (including a vision quest). She has completed coursework in Harner Method Shamanic Counseling and advanced studies in Celtic, Toltec, and Tibetan Shamanism including studies in foreign countries. Dana worked with women’s groups for over 20 years including conducting weekend retreats and Croning ceremonies. She is a member of Red Tents in Every Neighborhood Global Network and has trained in Purple Tents. Additional advanced hypnotherapy certifications AUTUMN 2024 | 69

CONTRIBUTORS incudling Smoking Cessation, Weight Loss, Pain Management, and Past Live Regression provide a comprehensive toolkit of services to Dana’s clients.

CHUCK KRUSE Chuck Kruse has lived in the woods in Alaska, worked as a deckhand on a freighter, done logging in the Pacific Northwest and North Pennsylvania, owned a residential tree service, and programmed computers for major hospitals. Through it all he has studied and practiced herbalism which he finds fascinating. He can be contacted at woodsman98@gmail.com.

MARY K. MANNIX Mary K. Mannix, of Tarot Is More Than Cards, has been a professional tarot card reader and educator since 2013. A librarian and historian in her other life, Mary strives to not only interpret the cards during a reading, but to also help folks understand the history and symbolism of the cards they are dealt. Mary loves the cards and wants other people to experience that love, too. She can be found via her website at tarotismorethancards.com and heard at https://youtu.be/XKCt9KezxUo.

JEANNE RUCZHAKECKMAN Jeanne is the heart, soul, and Publishing Editor of Therapeutic Thymes Magazine, bringing together people and resources in a therapeutic and natural manner. As publisher, she leads the editorial direction and manages the business operations. She has her degree in Mass Communication / Journalism from Lock Haven University as well as a Print Certificate in the Pennsylvania College of Art & Design’s Digital Design program. Jeanne is also a genealogist, seeking Ancestors, hers, and yours. She has authored various articles pertaining to genealogy and maintains AncestralPassages.com.



70 | Therapeutic Thymes Magazine


I spent my life helping other Veterans I spent my life but not helping other always myself Veterans

but not always myself

As a Veteran, when someone raises their hand for help, you’re often one of the first ones to respond. But it’s also okay to get help for yourself. Maybe you want

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Find resources at VA.GOV/REACH

time than right now to ask for it. Don’t wait. Reach out.

Find resources at VA.GOV/REACH

AUTUMN 2024 | 71


Mystical Thymes


Alternatives For Healing (AFH)


Ancestral Passages


Moon Eir


Illuminate Festivals


Tarot Is More Than Just Card


The Feisty Woman – in Book Thyme Section


Holistic Chamber of Commerce


Oh the Raven

Inside Front


Oh The Raven Studio & Shop graphic design + art direction



shop nerdy creativeness and designer creations at etsy . com / shop / ohtheraven use code ‘ thymes 25 off ’ for 25% off !

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