cooperative and collaborative learning What are the benefits ?
Benefits from small-group learning in a collaborative environment include
Students learn to work with all types of people. –
they they find find many many opportunities opportunities to to reflect reflect upon upon and and reply reply to to the the diverse diverse responses responses fellow fellow learners learners bring bring to to the the questions raised questions raised
allow allow students students to to add add their their perspectives perspectives to to an an issue issue based based on on their their cultural cultural differences differences –
helps helps students students to to better better understand understand other other cultures cultures and and points points of of view. view.
Celebration Celebration of of diversity diversity
Acknowledgment Acknowledgment of of individual individual differences differences
Benefits from small-group learning in a collaborative environment
When When questions questions are are raised, raised, different students will different students will have have aa variety variety of of responses responses
Each Each of of these these can can help help the the group create a product group create a product that that reflects reflects aa wide wide range range of of perspectives perspectives and and is is thus thus more more complete complete and and comprehensive. comprehensive.
Students Students learn learn to to relate relate to to their peers and other learners their peers and other learners as as they they work work together together in in group group enterprises enterprises
Interpersonal Interpersonal development development
helpful helpful for for students students who who have have difficulty difficulty with with social social skills skills
benefit benefit from from structured structured interactions interactions with with others. others.
Actively Actively involving involving students students in in learning learning
Each Each member member has has opportunities opportunities to to contribute contribute in in small small groups groups
Benefits from small-group learning in a collaborative environment
when they work as a team
Students are apt to take more ownership of their material and to think critically about related issues
More More opportunities opportunities for for personal personal feedback feedback
students students receive receive more more personal personal feedback feedback about about their their ideas ideas and responses
Because Because there there are are more more exchanges exchanges among among students students in in small small groups
Benefits from small-group learning in a collaborative environment
Beneficial, cooperative-learning situations are not easy to set up.
In many many situations, situations, particularly particularly those in which people people must must work work together together on on aa problem, problem, conflicts conflicts prevent prevent learning. learning.
This This feedback feedback is is often often not not possible possible in in large-group large-group instruction, instruction, in in which one or two students exchange ideas and the rest of the class listens
http:// edonline edonline/concept2class/ /concept2class/ coopcollab coopcollab//index.html index.html
Made by:Teresa Rafael Ppel/Mpel09 – Ua- November 2009