Music producer los angeles

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The RattleRoom Welcome to The Rattle Room, a private professional recording studio located in Burbank, CA. Home to music producer & sound engineer Jaron Luksa, this studio was designed to serve the most demanding recording professionals and audio production in the music industry. Better still, we kept The Rattle Room rates accessible to bedroom producers and independent artists looking to step up their sound quality.

The Rattle Room is wired using only Mogami gold series studio cabling. We have an impressive collection of microphones for tracking any instrumentation you can throw at us. Our updated Protools 10/11 HD system, combined with some of our favorite plug-ins, ensure you have all the digital tools you need to get the job done. Our top shelf ATC scm25A and additional mini Avantone monitoring systems ensures your ears are working in an accurate environment.

We wanted to create a space that could allow musicians to work their craft and magic, without them having to leverage their car to the bank. Artists are on their own minimal budgets now, but shouldn’t have to suffer recording “in the box” and miss out on professional recording studio quality. There’s something special about the interaction between musicians playing in a room that you can’t duplicate using a laptop, virtual instruments and a couple of mic pre’s. The only problem is, it’s hard to find a recording studio that most of us can afford. It’s this dilemma that inspired us to conceptualized The Rattle Room. Jaron Luksa was looking for a room and recording studio to satisfy his music production approach and style. He believes in using Protools, plug-ins and virtual instruments as digital tools to assist, not to dominate the creative process. Because artists can be limited to the same palette of digital tools, too many records created today sound sonically identical. Technologic advancements are really cool until they start sucking the art out of making music.

Services We provide a multitude of audio engineering services under one roof to simplify the creative process. This includes tracking, programming, editing, mixing, audio engineering, mastering and even voiceover production. We also administrate production for artists with producer services to guide the songwriting, musician selection, rehearsal, tracking, mixing, and mastering processes. Our vast network of music industry professionals and perfect collection of studio equipment give us the ability to provide such a complete array of recording studio services. Our professional and private recording studio is located in Burbank, just outside of Hollywood, Los Angeles. Managed by music producer and sound engineer Jaron Luksa, The Rattle Room was designed to serve the most demanding recording studio needs, with accessible rates and killer sounds.

Services are: • • • • • • • • •

Producing / Audio Production Recording Mixing / Audio Engineering Audio Mastering Songwriting Voiceover Session Players Musician Marketing Online Mixing and Mastering

Producing Over the history of recorded music production, the role and function of producers has changed quite a bit and continues to morph today. In the earlier years, a producer was more of a suit and tie type, mulling about the recording studios. They would typically be in charge of booking studio time, worrying about record label budgets and union pay sheets; acting more like an accountant or administrator of sorts. As time went on, we started to see producers become more involved in the creation process on a musical level, which included writing songs, charting arrangements, critiquing performances and even playing on the records.

Recording Audio recording can be one of the most rewarding yet critically important phases of audio production. To ensure we capture your best performance with a critical ear and artistic sensitivity, we utilize some of the best microphones, industry proven and boutique outboard gear and the most modern SSL console to date.

Audio Mastering We use the best compressors and EQ there is to adjust the analog signal appropriately. Some of our favorite gear to use is our SSL Master Buss Compressor, Sontec 250 EQ and the incredibly transparent Inward Connections TL4-NOS Tube Limiter. The Rattle Room also employs a huge collection of digital processing software to achieve the best digital audio mastering results possible.

Songwriting Our teams can help write material with a varied approach to style and purpose. These are individuals with industry experience in writing for bands, labels, tv and other commercial uses. Whether you need to create a pop hit, some instrumental tracks or you just want to advance the integrity of your unique sound, we would be honored to assist you.

Session Musicians We have spent over a decade working in the studio and touring with musicians from a varied mix of background and styles. This has created a vast personal network of session musicians we can call on to perform parts or act as your backing band if needed. All our players are not only proficient musicians, but are excellent communicators and collaborators.

Contact Us 712 N Keystone Street Burbank, Los Angeles, CA 91506 818.561.4147

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