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step 1: Log into the iZigg Mobile Platform at the following site beta.izigg.com. Username (Mobile #) Password (Provided in Agent Backoffice)

step 2: Click on the Manage tab on the top control panel.

step 3: Click Keywords on the left navigation and then select the group which you would like to create the keyword for. You will then see the below screen which will allow you to create a new keyword.

The Keyword is the word that people will text to 90210 in order to subscribe. Keywords must be one word, but may combine two words. Ex. KellysSalon

The Note field describes your keyword by stating its purpose or overall message. This field is for the company’s reference only; it will not be viewed by customers. Ex. Personal Branding

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step 4: Create the Response to be sent when people Opt-In.

The Response field is the text that the person’s phone will receive after texting the keyword. Leaving this field blank will cause the customer to receive nothing. Ex. Welcome! Thank you for subscribing to Kelly’s Salon. Stay tuned for updates!

step 5: Check the Auto Subscribe Box in order to automatically subscribe those who opt-in. Checking this box will also open the Already Subscribed Response Field. The Already Subscribed Response Field specifies the response sent to users that previously subscribed to this Keyword. Ex. Thanks for checking back in. You are already subscribed to Kelly’s Salon, but stay tuned for updates.

step 6: finish & save Once you have created your Keyword, Response and Already Subscribed Response, you can choose to Notify an admin each time a user subscribes to this Keyword. The Callback URL field is used for custom programming. If you have questions about custom programming contact support@izigg.com. Once you are satisfied, click Save.

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