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Take time to turn off social media and the news. It is criti
from County Record 042920
by The Record
From The Creaux’s Nest


It seems like it’s been many moons ago since President Trump said about the Coronavirus, “We have fifteen
cases now, in a couple of days it will be down to zero.”
Then he added, “It will miraculously disappear.” A few days later my family put me in lockdown. I sit here looking at numbers on TV showing that we are approaching 60,000 deaths and one million people who have contacted the virus. Many have recovered but there are many others who have suffered strokes and other life altering illness that will be with them through life. The virus attacks most of the vital organs. It’s not an illness to not fear, it will be with us until a vaccine is found which could be far away or maybe never. Scientist have yet to find a vaccine for the common cold. We can only pray one is on the way. The pandemic is most fatal to the elderly who will have to remain very cautious. But also many young people because of the virus causing blood clots or people suffering strokes. This is not your common flu like Rush and Hannity claimed. I agree that slowly our economy has to start opening. I feel for our friends in business. Independent business people work so hard to establish and build their businesses just to see it knocked to its knees. A sum
mery shows that 50 percent of local newspapers will
have to fold. With the help of our friends and local businesses we will work like hell to not be one of the longtime papers that have to shut down. For 60 years we have offered a service to small businesses and have kept our citizens informed and entertained. Monday Texas Governor Greg Abbott and our County Judge John Gothia announced that some businesses will be allowed to carefully reopen this Friday, restaurants must follow a new set of rules. Starting on Friday, May 1, all retail stores, restaurants, movie theaters and malls in Texas would be allowed to open as long as they maintain only 25% occupancy and follow social distancing guidelines. “If a business owner feels unsafe opening at this time ... there is no requirement to do so,” Abbott said, adding that his executive order will supersede local orders. Masks are encouraged for all Texans but are not mandated. Dentists and other licensed health care professionals can resume services on Friday. Libraries and museums may also be able to open as long as they don’t have interactive, hands-on exhibits, Abbott said, adding that state museums would plan to reopen
Friday. Abbott also said churches could expand occu
pancy, and that sports like tennis or golf can resume as long as there are not more than four people playing together. Abbott said that vulnerable populations, including the elderly and people with compromised health, should continue to limit interaction with others during this time.
“Now more than ever, Texans must remain committed
to safe distancing practices that reduce the spread of COVID-19, and we must continue to rely on doctors and data to provide us with the safest strategies to restore Texans’ livelihoods,” Abbott said. As businesses reopen under these new guidelines, the state has established a more robust testing and tracing procedure to help “box in” any rise in infections. The state is in the process of adding 1,000 contact tracers to help with this process, he said. As for me, I couldn’t go to work now anyway. I’m on my second round of medicine for the Shingles and don’t seem to be making much progress. The pain prevents me from concentrating and it causes other discomforts. I’ll play this hand dealt me and continue to pray I can dodge the virus that could be fatal to this old body. Oh well, in the words of Merle, “If we can make it through December we’ll be fine.” A fresh new start and maybe a vaccine will be discovered.*****Come along, I promise it won’t do you
no harm.
One of history’s worst oil spills pours tens of thousands of gallons of oil into the Gulf of Mexico. Communities brace for crushing environmental and economic damage along the southeast Louisiana coast. An apparent blowout April 20, caused the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig to burn. Eleven workers are missing. If this Gulf rupture is not capped it could release many more millions of gallons. President Obama toured the area Sunday and promised the federal government will do everything possible, not only during this disaster but also after, every life affected will be cared for. I don’t know how much more that great part of the world can take. So many lives depend on the Gulf and the basins. The oil giant BP, which leased the rig and is responsible for it’s clean up, will be charged for every federal dollar spent. The flow is from three leaks. The immediate attention and quick response by our government, no holds barred, even bringing in the military, may in the end avert the disaster it might have been.***** Brett Favre’s grandmother passed away Monday. Services will be at 1 p.m. Thursday, May 6, in Our Lady of the Gulf in Bay St. Louis, Miss. Lou Garriga of Bridge City will participate in his aunt’s service.*****Our buddy Sprad had a successful hip replacement last week. However, during testing for the procedure it was discovered that Spradling has prostate cancer and that will be the next undertaking.*****DPS Sgt. Brad Frey, soon to be major with the Bridge City Police Department, was a hero Friday night at the Bridge City/Orangefield game. A foul ball was coming down right on top of educator Gina Mannino’s head. At the last second Frey caught the ball and saved one heck of a lump. Don Shockley says it was a lucky catch, that Frey isn’t that coordinated. Gina is just thankful.*****Congrats to Rebecca Patterson, attorney Chris Smith and Andrew Culpepper, who won the Greater Orange Area Literacy Service annual spelling bee Friday at Lamar Orange.*****The master at Churchhill Downs, the Cajun boy Calvin Borel, rode Super Saver on the rail to win the 136th. Kentucky Derby. That’s his third time in four years to win the Run for the Roses. Another Cajun jockey, Kent Desormeaux came in third on Paddy O’Prado. He was nosed out of second at the wire or Cajun boys would have ended up one and two. Baltimore is next stop for the South Louisiana boys. The 135th running of the Preakness. For Calvin, it’s the second leg of the Triple Crown. He predicted Super Saver could break a long drought for the Triple Crown.*****Floyd Mayweather survived a shaky second round to shut out Sean Mosley, over the last 10 rounds, to win a unanimous decision. Mayweather is now 41-0. Next could be Manny Pacquiao, the Filipino superstar.*****We got a new recipe for Corn Maquechoux (pronounced “mack shoe”) from our friend Karen Fuselier at Cajun Corner. Not only did she tell me the recipe but made us a mess of it.***** Soon to be judge, David Peck and Ms. Patsy, were combining a business trip and vacation in California over a five-day period. They traveled the Golden Coast and even visited the base where David did his basic training 40 years ago. David reports that California is totally a different world from what we live in.***** Happy birthday to some of our special folks. Joe Chenella, “Mr. Bridge City School” and a great friend celebrates this week.***Longtime friend Mayor Essie Bellfield, Debbie Gregg, Connie Angelle and Sharon Wooley all celebrate next week.***** Congrats to Matt Hicks, of Bridge City and Jacob Felts, Orangefield, named to the Texas Coaches All-Star Team. They will play in the AllStar game after the state championships.
Frances Leone Snapp Duke, 82, of Orange, passed away Tuesday, April 27. Funeral services were held Friday, April 30. She had lived in Orange 44 years. Frances worked for Orange Savings Bank until her retirement. She is survived by her daughter, Edna Wilkerson; grandsons, Wayne Jay Wilkerso and Chad David Wilkerson.*****Darrell Lee McCarver, 70, passed away April 26. A graveside service was held on Saturday. Darrell was a native and life long resident of Orange. He served his country between Korean conflict and the Vietnam War in the Army. He worked in construction and retired as boilermaker after 10 years with Local #485. His is survived by his wife, Edith (Haley) McCarver; daughter, Dianne McCarver; son, Randall McCarver; and four grandchildren.
40 Years Ago-1980
W.T. Oliver announces that he has finalized plans for the big “Bum Phillips Golf Tournament and Roast.” Bob Hope, Roger Staubach will join 60 other stars. Oliver, president of the Hughen School, says all monies will benefit the school.*****Lawrence F. Powell is a candidate for Constable, Pct. 1. Charles L. Griffith, Paul Risinger, Jack Jones and Jack Thompson are also candidates for the office.***Bill Dickerson and Joe Don Hubbard are running in Pct. 2.***John Ford is asking for re-election in Pct. 3. Hubert Marshall is opposing him.*****Three former Bridge City students, now at Lamar, are initiated into the National Honor Society. They are Mark Ayo, George Durling and Martha Kibbe.*****Congrats to BCHS students who were UIL winners in the Regional Literary contest in Huntsville. They are Sharon Gregory, Teresa Hearn, Emily Bourgeois, Lori Ledoux and Lisa Flowers. (Editor’s note: They were not only smart, but very good looking also.)*****Tee Bruce is back on the air with his “Cajun Jamboree” 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Saturday on KPAC. Since leaving KOGT, Tee Bruce has been off the air for four years.*****Heritage Center apartments hold ground-breaking. Glenn Oliver and Maurice Biggs shovel the first dirt. Others in attendance were Beverly Matsoukas, Esse McDonald, Rev. Clarence Breaux and Rev. Preston Barnett. Speakers are State Rep. Wayne Peveto,
Mayor Major Inman, Jim Graves and Rev. David
Berkheimer. Also in attendance: 95-year-old Uncle Jim McKay. (Editor’s note: Uncle Jim was one of the first residents of the apartments. He lived to be 101.)*****Kerrie Lewis, from the Boston area, visited Texas for the first time, visiting her friend Kristine Errico, formerly from Boston. The girls dined at the home of the Roy Dunns. Kerrie said her favorite food was Ms. Phyl’s crab and shrimp gumbo. (Editor’s note: Kerrie ended up marrying the Dunn’s son Mark, and they became parents of two girls, Amber and Jenna Dunn.)*****Tommy Gunn, attorney, was named Boss of the Year and Pam Boehme, Secretary of the Year by legal secretaries.
We were sorry to hear that last week our friend Gerald LeLeux suffered a massive heart attack. Fortunately Penny called 911 when Gerald woke her up and said something bad was going on. He was still having the attack when he got to St. E. They did five bypasses. Gerald, on his own, had been delivering ThePenny Record to special locations not on our usual delivery route. We will try to fill in for him. He enjoyed doing it and the recipients appreciated it.*****I was surprised to learn some of the details in the new bill to help citizens get by during the virus shutdown. Seventy Billion will go to real estate developers for depreciation they might have suffered. All the recipients earn over $1 million a year.*****Texas Sen. John Cornyn has spent over $10 million on his reelection campaign and he doesn’t even know who he’s running against. Republican senators and congressmen are afraid Trump will take them down with him.*****Happenings and celebrations during the coming week. April 29: Willie Nelson, the Indian boy from Abbott, Texas, songwriter, poet, singer, turns 87-years-old today. With over a 65 year career Willie’s bus is still on the road as he continues to entertain. His voice and breathing is a far cry from yesteryear but he’s still a joy to listen to. Every song tells a story. His pal and drummer Paul English passed away last year but his Mickey Raphael, on harmonica, has been with him 40 years. Happy birthday Willie, thanks for all the great songs.***Gone but not forgotten are two great guys, Wilson “King” Dunn, 93, died on this day in 2012. I had a special bond with this good man. Also passing away on this day former commissioner Donald Cole, 91, who died in 2014.*****April 30: A beautiful lady, Bridge City grad and former BCISD board president, who is kin to half of Pct. 3, Dr. Nina Leifeste, celebrates today. Also celebrating a birthday is Harold Haymon.*****May 1: On this day, McDonald Baptist Church celebrates its 89 th anniversary.***The Louisiana boy, son of former major league pitching great Doug McGraw, married to pretty and talented Faith Hill, Tim McGraw celebrates a birthday today.***Also having birthdays are Cindy Landrum and Frank Carpenter. ***** May 3: On this day three years ago a great friend Corky Harmon died in 2017. I’ll never forget him.*****May 4: A great talent who blew it all on booze, Randy Travis turns 61. A few years ago he suffered a stroke. I never heard one of his songs I didn’t like. I often quote “Picking up Bones.”***Happy Birthday today to Julia Hoke and Laurie Miller.*****May 5: Today is Cinco de Mayo, celebrated in every Mexican community in the country. I enjoyed some great ones in the Rio Grande Valley.***Longtime friend, one of Buzzie and Dayle’s beautiful daughters, Bridget Gunn Toohey, celebrates today.***Also Happy Birthday to Amanda Dumesnil. Please see complete birthday list.*****A USA Today poll, out Monday, shows that 64% of our citizens find Trump to be dishonest and not trustworthy. They all found, in a national poll, Biden leads Trump 50% to 40%. This does not mean Trump still can’t win the Electoral College. Trump lost the popular vote to Hillary by 3 million votes. He could lose this election by 6 to 8 million votes but he will bring Republican candidates down ballot down also with the popular vote lost. None are defending Trump’s outlandish remarks about shooting up detergents. Calls to crisis centers have spiked due to thousands of people shooting up Lysol, Clorox, etc. Candidates are now blaming China for all of our problems.*****We now understand that J.B. Arrington is planning to reopen JB’s Barbecue next week. That’s a good thing, always great Bar-B-Que.
Folks celebrating birthdays in the coming week. April 29: Kelsea Burns, Judy DeCuir, Tommy Bourgeois and Jimmie Simmons.*****April 30: Harold Haymon, Jenni Barrow, Katie Smith, Kim Izer, Mary Grimes and Samantha Ziller.*****May 1: Cindy Landrum, Flo Arnold, Karolyn Doiron, Jason Mayfiels and Christina Johnston.*****May 2: Jonette Brown, Mary Stewart, Megan Cornwell and Glenda Dailey.*****May 3: Nicole
Gibbs, Stacie Hollier, Kay Boudreaux, Brandon
Applebach.*****May 4: Laurie Miller, MacAlan Trammell, Jenna Dismukes.*****May 5: Butch Myers, Lindsey Dardeau, Susan Spencer and Amanda Dumesnil.
April 29: Comedian Jerry Seinfield, 66; Country singer Willie Nelson turns 87; Actress Michelle Pfeiffer, 62.*****April 30: Actors Kirsten Dunst, 38; Cloris Leachman, 84 and former baseball player Asiah Thomas, 59.*****May 1: Actors Jamie Dorman, 38 and Joanna Lumley, 74.*****May 2: Soccer player David Beckham turns 45; Race car driver Kyle Bush, 35 and Actor Dwayne Johnson, 48.*****May 3: Country singer Eric Church, 43, Pop singer Frankie Valli, 86 and Actress Christina Hendricks, 45.*****May 4: Sportscaster Erin Andrews, 42; Country singer RaeLynn, 24 and Pop singer Lance Bass, 41.*****May 5: Pop singers Adele 32 and Chris Brown, 31, Actors Brooke Hogan, 32 and Henry Cavill, 37.*****
In Sou’h Lewsiana, Alcid Badeaux, wat live near Henry, in da country, a few miles from Erath, got his house messed up from da water dat stand dair for four or tree days after Hurricane Rita. After da water it recede, some young mens from Abbeville showed up to help dem old people wit dair houses.
Wen dey finish clean up da place, one dem young mens axe, “Mr. Badeaux, would you like for us to put some paint inside da house hanh?”
Badeaux him say, “Mais hell yeah, dat be good.”
Another one of dem young mens say, “Mr. Badeaux, we could paint it white, dat make da little house look bigger, wat you tink?”
Badeaux answer real quick him, “You know dats a good
idea yeah, me I could use more room.”
Alabama was the first place to have 911 in 1969. Who said they are backwards?***Arizona is the only state in the continental U.S. that doesn’t follow daylight savings time.***Colorado, in 1976, became the only state to turn down the Olympics.***The Frisbee was invented at Yale University in Connecticut.***Delaware has more scientists and engineers than any other state.***In Hawaii people live, on average, five years longer than in other states.***Maine is so large it covers as many square miles as the other five New England states combined.***New Hampshire is the birthplace of Tupperware, invented in 1938 by Earl Tupper.***New York is home to the nation’s oldest cattle ranch, started in 1747 in Montauk..***Oregon has the most ghost towns in the country. “Don’t tell Penny, she will want to move there.”***Virginia is home to the world’s largest building, the Pentagon. ***Washington, D.C., was the first planned capitol in the world.***Vermont has the only state capital without a MacDonald’s in town.***Seattle, Wash., has twice as many college graduates as any other state. “Why is that you recon?”***President Teddy Roosevelt refused to shoot a bear in Mississippi. That’s how the Teddy Bear got its name.*****Well, my time is up, thanks for yours. I’ve made one more and look forward to being back with you next week. Thanks to our family of advertisers. Be careful, stay safe and God bless.